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Page 1: Buzztimes September 2012

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Connecting all kids who inspire, imagine and inquire!

Buzztimes is the sole initiative of Stones2milestones

Stones2milestones is an organization which designs programs for children to identify and nurture their inherent potential; a space where they develop their skills, attitudes and perceptions. Our programs empower children with a deeper understanding of the process of learning and thinking. These programs are based on international research and indigenous best practices.

Our flagship programs for children from 6-12 years are:

• Wings of Words is a unique research based reading program which aims to give children “Reading Advantage” - children emerge as independent readers who choose to read - for purpose and for pleasure. The three levels of the programs are for children in grades 1 to 3.

• I-minds is an inquiry based program which builds communication and thinking skills. It stimulates curiosity and gives the children an opportunity to explore and experience the world around them through research, projects and experiment. The program moves along with the expanding cognitive and affective world of the growing child over a period of three years from grades 4 to 6.

• Udaan, about to start, will focus on helping every woman get in touch with self, with her own femininity, discover her power, her strengths and thereby unlock hidden potentials leading to accomplishment of her dreams. The essence is “rediscovery” not teaching or learning.

This program aims at enabling women to: • laugh, play, share and enjoy – celebrating life, self and each other • be emotionally intelligent in order to nourish and give back to self, family and society.

For sending articles, poems, stories or any queriesContact us at [email protected]

Or call us at 9810221518 or

Issue 2 - September 2012

Page 2: Buzztimes September 2012

buzzing Contributors

Tushar Kaistha is a grade 8 student of G D Goenka World School, Gurgaon. He has been an avid reader since the age of 5. He has read over 500 books till date. His other interests include playing the guitar and astronomy.

Ayush Dagar is 11 years old and studies in Pathways World School. He likes playing golf and cricket. He likes reading non-fiction books. His favourite movie series are Harry Potter.

Rhythm Gupta studies in grade 4 in The Heritage School. She is a quiet, well-behaved child, with a natural intelligence that is amazing. She likes help her mother and play with her friends.

Smriti Vohra is in grade 5 in DPS Sector 45. She is a confident girl who is always eager to learn new words and phrases. She loves reading, playing with friends and cooking with her grandmother.

Nandini Kapoor is studying in class 4 in Shikshantar. She is a loving, helpful child who wants to be another Saina Nehwal. Her passion is drawing and writing poems.

B.Tejaswi is a student of class 6 in DPS Sector 45. He is a focussed, confident child with a great sense of humour. His aim in life is to be a great cricketer.

Shaurya Babbar studies in grade 4 in Shalom Hills International School. He loves outdoors and is curious and creative. He loves to collect and play with car miniatures and it’s his dream to design world class cars one day!

Special correspondent Ansh Singhal is a Grade 5 student of The Heritage School. He loves reading and is the author of a book at such a young age. He hopes to encourage other children to enjoy reading and writing about what's on their mind.

Editor Anita Jaswal

Sub Editor Nisha Ghai

Designed by Ami Gandhi



Page 3: Buzztimes September 2012

Hi, It gives me immense pleasure to inform all you wonderful young people that BuzzTimes is a big hit! It was also such fun for me to read the many emails and messages. Thank you all dearly for the precious words of encouragements.To all you brilliant correspondents thank you so much for sharing your experiences and thoughts. This is a valuable step for you because you get to build relationships with other writers and get to be a part of this literary community at such a young age.Our theme for the next issue is Inspiration. Ponder on the question – What or who is it that inspires me the most? And Think: Is it hearing a bird’s twitter or viewing a beautiful sunrise and sunset or seeing someone smile? Is it my Mother, my grandfather or my teacher or my pet?So get inspired, churn up your thoughts and mail them to me! Also add your photos and tell your friends. Enjoy yourself,Well friends, it’s been a delightful and exciting experience with great support, encouragement, participation and new friendships. We know the best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart! And since this month’s theme is Feelings, let’s turn the pages and feel and read!Have fun, Anita Jaswal

PS: A Word For YouDo take time out of your busy day to stop and marvel at God's creation do thank God for all He has given you and tell your mom and dad that you love them on a regular basis. Recognize and feel the joy that surrounds us every day, through the grace and gifts given to us by God. Express your Feelings!

Dear Buzz,

I'm 11 years old. I am incredibly shy that I can't be myself around people.I find it really difficult to make friends. I barely have any friends and I have just one close friend who understands me. I wish I was bold and talkative.I go red if I have to speak in class. I really feel like my shyness holds me back a lot and I dread my future. Am I an introvert?

I hope you can help me somehow deal with my shyness.


Hi Annie

I can see from your message that you are going through a very difficult time.

Remember being shy isn't a bad thing in itself — but if shyness is keeping you from fully enjoying and appreciating the joys that go along with being young, you have to work on it. I'd like to say being an introvert isn't something you should worry about. The world is made up of outgoing (extrovert) and not-so outgoing (introvert) people, and that's how it works best. If the world was made up of only extrovert people, imagine how noisy it would get! This planet needs shy, gentle and quiet people like you, to keep it balanced! So as a starting point, would it help to take some of the pressure off yourself by accepting you are what you are - a shy person? Don’t try to be what you are not.

You mentioned hardly having any friends, and that made me wonder if you've ever thought about friendships in terms of quality instead of quantity? If not, you might discover, with time, that it's much better to have one really great friend with whom you have deep, meaningful bonds, than to have many people in your life with connections that are shallow and meaningless.

Then have you thought about talking to your mom? If you speak with her she would go through the reasons for your shyness and help you come up with strategies that will help you overcome it on a day-to-day basis. You might also want to talk about this with your school counsellor.

Take care, and well done for finding the courage to take the first huge step of writing to us.

Parent’s roleWhile this may seem difficult for your daughter, it is up to you to make this situation not so important to her. Encourage her to be the best student she can be. Enrol her in other activities such as music or dance classes or sports outside of school. There are many ways for you to help her to make and have friends. Don't take this so personally and she won't either. And please never ever compare her with other children. Instead encourage her to do her best in whatever she wants to do or be. Encouraging children boosts their

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Buzz Advice Column


Page 4: Buzztimes September 2012

Hi friends,

Given the opportunity to showcase a buzzing talent, I want to introduce a very special boy, who dreams of becoming a football star. Aryan Suri studies in Class 5th at The Shri Ram School. He has a unique understanding of the offensive and defensive positions on the field of play and is the fiercest when it comes to soccer.

Till date not only has he won medals and trophies but his good ball control and passing abilities and simple side-foot passing has won him many laurels.

He has participated in many leagues and has won the title Top Scorer in few tournaments. He loves this sport a lot and dedicates his credits to Bikram, his soccer coach, who has guided him through the passion that he pursues deeply. A line he remembers from Bikram Sir’s coaching is, “When you have the ball with you, just see the goal and the ball assuming everything else is blank. So you need to dribble it carefully and shoot hard as soon as one gets the chance.”

Even as a toddler, Aryan showed a definite bias towards soccer. He recalls that every time he went to the sports section of a mall, he would grab a soccer ball and play with it.

He has been following soccer for almost nine years now and is on the right trail to becoming a soccer star. He says, “I have to work on my stamina - should be able to run fast and for a long period of time, know how to control the ball without looking down, know how to kick the ball, be in condition, pass, communicate, and focus! I want to put India on the soccer map and do my parents, friends and coach proud.”

But he is not self centred. When he grows up and has earned enough, he wants to donate money to poor people as he says, “We are fortunate to sit at home under air conditioners and watch television when there are millions of people under the bare hot sun and looking for food.”

I am sure he will keep on pursuing his dreams and will very soon achieve them. I wish him all the best!

Ansh Singhal

A Milestone in My LifeSir Thomas Brown says” Life is a pure flame and we live by an invisible sun within us”,

As Sir Brown has rightly pointed, I had the burning desire to do something for the children as they are my weakness….I was at a stage in my life where I could not leave my home for a longer period as my priorities were different. At this juncture I happened to see an adver-tisement in a local daily regarding the requirement of a facilitator, which suited my predicament!!I had come to a new city and everything was new to me and it was a great casual meeting, which culminated in me embarking my journey at Stones2milestones.

Well as the name suggests it was a milestone in my life too as I joined work after a gap of couple of years here I was engaged in building a happier and healthier abode for my family…

Stones2milestones – the organisation believes in giving space to an individual in the realm of this world.The same philosophy is emanated to the children who come to the centre. The children have the absolute freedom to express themselves in whichever way they want to and are encouraged and appreciated to bring the best out of them.

Children who are the future citizens of this beautiful and bountiful country have to be nurtured properly so that they create a better society. We at Stones2milestones have taken the onus upon us to give them the opportunity and a platform to nurture and empower them. We have some wonderful thought provoking programmes for children of different age groups where they get the opportunity to discover themselves. As mentors we also have the flexibility to conduct the sessions in the manner in which we want!! This gives us the freedom to incorporate our ideas to enhance the quality of the sessions and rediscover our childhood with the young ones!!!!!

We have got something very interesting in our platter of activities where culmination of ideas and creation is done by the children for the children and get to showcase their liter-ary talent by way of buzz times….Buzz times is creating a buzz amidst our fraternity of educators ,parents and children….

Here I would like to sum up with Voltaire’s quote :”Work spares us from three evils : boredom, vice and need…”I thank sincerely Stones2milestones to have given me the opportunity to keep 3 evils under control and has also helped me grow into a better and fulfilling individual who strives to do better and excel always!

Gayathri Sriram

Gayathri has been a facilitator of the WOW classes since the past two+ years. She is an exemplary facilitator with the perfect patience, flexibility, passion, energy, assertiveness and understanding the demographics of her students.




buzz from s2m !

Page 5: Buzztimes September 2012

Letters to The Editor

Hi Buzz!

I saw a copy of the recent edition of Buzztimes at Anita’s place & was overwhelmed to see the effort of Buzztimes to nurture & cultivate the skill sets of children.

Smita Sondhi

Dear Editor,

I want to begin by congratulating Stones2milestones for starting the journal called Buzztimes.

You have given the young minds such a good platform, where they can express their minds freely thus exploring their creativity.

It is motivating for the children to see their articles published in Buzztimes.


Tripti Singh


Just read the recently published "Buzz Times" Journal.

WOW! What an amazing collection of stories, poems & letters written by children. Good to see that our Children (of all ages) have inherent skills of Expression, Concern about the Environment & Peace.

I have no doubt in saying that this is a unique collection & one of the best Journals that is getting published in Gurgaon.

Appreciation for the Editor, for making it such a good reading!!

Best regards


The Entrance to the World of MagykMy feelings about the series of books by Angie Sage

The entrance to the world of Magyk is a dangerous thing – but the journey is sensational, fantastic and totally worth going through!There are a few things first to know about, before going on this perilous and wonderful journey. The first is – always remember this - that everything has an opposite. This, with Magyk, is no different. The other side of Magyk, or the reverse side, is known as Darke.Darke is supposed to be absolutely in balance with Magyk. But sometimes it breaks the bonds and overpowers Magyk. The people who keep Darke from overpowering Magyk are wizards. Though in absolute truth, Darke wizards are the ones to push Darke to break its bonds in the first place. So now that I’ve told you about the basics, I’m ready to tell you about the rest, more complicated stuff. This series has six books, which in order, are: 1. Magyk, 2. Flyte, 3. Physik, 4. Queste,, 5. Syren, 6. DarkeI was drawn into the world of Magyk because of the unique way it was written. I felt thrilled when I lived the epic battle between the good ExtraOrdinary Wizard and the evil ExtraOrdinary Wizard.Flyte, the second book, is about an ancient charm that allows you to fly. It, of course, takes a lot of time to master. The charm is lost and the ExtraOrdinary Wizard’s apprentice is fighting with his own brother! I felt that it was ironic since he hadn’t seen his family for ten years and yet has to fight his own brother the moment he sees his family.In Physik, the third book, I cringed in terror to see the princess’ great, great, great times hundred grand aunt do horrible things to the land. She is cunning and evil, wanting the throne for herself even though she is dead. She unleashes a horrible sickness in the land, though nobody knows that she did it. The sickness is named ‘Sicknesse’. And to pile worry on worry, the ExtraOrdinary Wizard’s apprentice disappears!! In Queste, the fourth book, I recoiled when I read about the ExtraOrdinary Wizard’s apprentice being sent out to a quest from which no one has ever come back alive……Syren, the fifth book, is a continuation of Queste. In this, the princess, the ExtraOrdinary Wizard’s apprentice and his best friend are in grave trouble, struck down on an island far, far away from home. This book made me feel Lilliputian!Finally Darke, the sixth book… What can I possibly say? This book, along with the others, left me enchanted! It’s about a huge out – of – control “Darke Domaine”. No, I will not tell you what a Darke Domaine is. Read to find out….Personally, I love the flow of this series. It keeps you enthralled right from the start to the very end. If I was to recommend an age group, I would say from about 10 to 13 years.


About A Book


Page 6: Buzztimes September 2012

Book Review


My Many Colored Days Dr. SeussWe have specially chosen this title, because by using a spectrum of vibrant colours and a menagerie of animals - a bright red horse kicking its heels, a cool and quiet green fish, a sad and lonely purple dinosaur, and an angrily howling black wolf- this unique book is perfect for teaching children about colours, animals, and feelings.

Published posthumously, this Dr. Seuss book is illustrated with whimsical drawings, bursting off the pages; and Dr. Seuss's vision is brought to life. This rare and beautiful book is bound to appeal to both the innocent young and the most sophisticated seniors.

The Story

There really isn't a particular storyline but instead each page covers different emotions that a small child might be feeling. Some days are yellow. Some days are blue. On different days I'm different too.

And the page "On purple days I'm sad. I groan. I drag my tail. I walk alone" is illustrated with a purple dinosaur dragging his tail and hanging his head low.

Seuss touches on sadness, happiness, excitement, anger, confusion, and other feelings. His knack for using rhymes to discuss these emotions makes this a must have book for any parent.

A Word for Parents

This book will open the door for communications about feelings and emotions. I can't think of a better way to initiate conversation with a young child about the feelings they might be having on a particular day than with this book. Maybe they are having a purple dinosaur day or a happy red horse day or even a busy little bee day.

The young reader will get a better understanding of how they are feeling and also get the message that it is okay to express those feelings.

Because in the end all is going to be wellBut! it all turns out all right, you see. And I go back to being . . . me.

Whatever kind of day a reader is having, you can bet that it is covered by Dr. Seuss and for sure each day is not the same: "I change on different coloured days."


Buzzing Mothers: A Full time Job

Mother of an only child

The best gift I have ever got from God is my son Ishaan. He is my biggest strength. Bringing him up was a big challenge for me, as I am a working woman and

managing both work and home, at times really got tough.

But in spite all this, I enjoyed each and every moment of bringing him up. I learnt so much out of handling difficult situations and taking tough decisions in life, which helped me in both my personal and professional life. Even today, when I reach home, the sight of him refreshes me and makes me ready for the next activity. Being the only child, I have been a parent as well as a sibling to him. At times, he feels left out, but I try speaking to him regularly like a friend and get to understand what is bothering him, and it is wonderful when he shows trust and confidence in me.

Somebody observed that he has got a special innocence in his eyes, which is rare in children today. And I completely agree with this statement. I want him to grow with kindness, compassion and values!

To see your own child growing up is an amazing feeling. Along with all the trials and tribulations it’s a blessing. This reminds me of my childhood. My son is exactly the replica of me, in habits, behaviour and mannerisms. His ability to see the transparency in certain situations, makes me learn from him, so it is not always that the child has to learn from elders, it can be the other way round.

As parents, we have so many concerns and worries for our child and definitely try to tell them from time to time, what is good/ bad for them. The same stage even we all have gone through as kids, but never used to take things seriously. I guess the learning’s, maturity and understanding comes with the time and age.

I hope to see him grow up as a good and genuine human being. He should maintain the same innocence from heart and rest I believe everything will fall in place for him.

Rupali Puri

Rupali, a graduate from Delhi University, has been working for the last 16 years, in the Hospitality and Insurance Sector.

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HAPPINESS TO ME Happiness is something everyone wants to have.

You can be successful and have a lot of money

but without happiness it is meaningless.

Money can't buy intelligence, health, love and happiness.

Happiness is when you get a new puppy.

Happiness is being proud of who you are.

Happiness is having fun

Happiness is when you smile all day.

feelings !


Rhythm Gupta

Not Human WIthout Feelings !I would like to start with a quote by Anne Frank:

“But feelings can't be ignored, no matter how unjust or ungrateful they seem.” Anne Frank

Feelings are something that everyone has. It is something without, which one cannot be called a human. It is a way of interacting, expressing and responding to each other.

Feelings can be conveyed by one’s emotions and behaviour. For example you cry when you feel sad, you smile when you feel happy, you bite your nails when you feel nervous.

And sometimes, to calm your mind you share your feelings with others. Feeling is an emotional field that holds humanity together. So I would like to end by saying never hurt anyone’s feelings and always stay happy.

Ayush Dagar

Acrostic Feelings!Follow your dreams

Enjoy the cream and

Eat the cake!

Let’s all play

I am always happy!

Naughty though we are, but

Girls are smart and

Stones2milesones I love!!!

Nandini Kapoor

Shared feelings !


What makes me angry!I get angry when get too much homework and Mom won’t let me go to my friend's house to play. - Garima

I get angry with Dad because he won't let me buy chewing gum at the store. - Shiv

I lose my temper when my little sister plays with my toys without my permission and tries to imitate me in whatever I’m doing! - Tanisha

I was furious when my friend borrowed my favourite video game and then broke it. - Farhan

I get so angry when kids tease me and call me names because I’m dark...but mama says I’m beautiful inside. - Ananya

Whew! How angry can you get! Its okay to give vent to your anger but don’t hold onto it! Try to breathe calm in, and exhale the poison of anger!

Excitement through a child’s eyesI’m super excited on the day before my birthday. Just thinking of what I’ll get, the party and the cake puts me in a state of thrill and happiness! - Garima

Going on picnics and movies fills me with excitement. - Shiv

Excitement for me is holidays when i go to Nani’s house. No one to tell me don’t do this, don’t do that! - Tanisha

I am excited to go with my older cousin on his brand new Yamaha YZF. Wow it can go real fast and it’s really sleek! - Farhan

When Papa says let’s go for kulfi after dinner, my sister and I get yippee-yippee excited. - Ananya

Wow! Really a child’s world is fresh and new and beautiful, full of wonder and excitement! It’s that wonderful look of joy and excitement of the eyes of children that enriches our souls!

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India For Me India for me is dream a come true as it has developed so much after it gained freedom in 1947. From caste system being abolished to electronics and software revolution, really I can say – India has developed so much. Everything is there in India. Today Indian people live without any fear of discrimination as it has become a secular country.

India is a wonderful country with great traditions and amazing diversity which no other country in this world can boast off. It is a country of mixed cultures, multi-religion traditions, languages and this is what gives uniqueness to this fascinating country.

If I could change anything it would only be sports facilities for preparing for big events such as the Olympics, Asian games, ICC cricket world cup, etc.

India is a country not always appreciated. Actually almost 95% people in our country are educated. If all Indians have the freedom to design, innovate, create and build their futures together INDIA would undoubtedly become the BEST country in the world.


Smriti Vohra

Twin feelings I have a twin sister, her name is Shruti. She is cute, sweet, smart and naughty too. She makes me sad, she makes me happy and sometimes she makes me angry and also exited .She makes me sad when she fights with me and then sulks and won’t talk to me for hours. She makes me happy when she helps me and plays with me and we are one against the world. She makes me angry when she ignores me or takes my things.

She makes me excited when she gives me surprises and gifts. She also makes me proud when she gets first prize in a competition. I and my sister have lots of fights but we both love each other a lot. Though we are not identical twins, there is a spe-cial bond between us that is extraordinary and magically won-derful. I know if I need my sister, and if she ever needs me we’re always there for each other.

Gratitude For MeAll human beings have feelings. They are happy, sad mad, angry, surprised and stunned. I am full of the feeling of being grateful.

I am grateful to God that He has given me a life! A life which is full of magic. A life which has my parents in it. A life which has a little naughty sister in it. I am grateful to all those people who have showered their love and blessings on me.

I am grateful to my little dog that shows his love in his adoring eyes and in his wagging tail.

Have you ever done something for the poor? Have you ever given clothes or food to a beggar? Have you ever helped anybody in need?

We should be grateful to god that he has given us so much that we don’t need to beg or ask anyone for anything.

We should always be thankful for the good things and count our blessings in life! Shaurya Babbar

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India For Me India for me is dream a come true as it has developed so much after it gained freedom in 1947. From caste system being abolished to electronics and software revolution, really I can say – India has developed so much. Everything is there in India. Today Indian people live without any fear of discrimination as it has become a secular country.

India is a wonderful country with great traditions and amazing diversity which no other country in this world can boast off. It is a country of mixed cultures, multi-religion traditions, languages and this is what gives uniqueness to this fascinating country.

If I could change anything it would only be sports facilities for preparing for big events such as the Olympics, Asian games, ICC cricket world cup, etc.

India is a country not always appreciated. Actually almost 95% people in our country are educated. If all Indians have the freedom to design, innovate, create and build their futures together INDIA would undoubtedly become the BEST country in the world.


Smriti Vohra

Twin feelings I have a twin sister, her name is Shruti. She is cute, sweet, smart and naughty too. She makes me sad, she makes me happy and sometimes she makes me angry and also exited .She makes me sad when she fights with me and then sulks and won’t talk to me for hours. She makes me happy when she helps me and plays with me and we are one against the world. She makes me angry when she ignores me or takes my things.

She makes me excited when she gives me surprises and gifts. She also makes me proud when she gets first prize in a competition. I and my sister have lots of fights but we both love each other a lot. Though we are not identical twins, there is a spe-cial bond between us that is extraordinary and magically won-derful. I know if I need my sister, and if she ever needs me we’re always there for each other.

Gratitude For MeAll human beings have feelings. They are happy, sad mad, angry, surprised and stunned. I am full of the feeling of being grateful.

I am grateful to God that He has given me a life! A life which is full of magic. A life which has my parents in it. A life which has a little naughty sister in it. I am grateful to all those people who have showered their love and blessings on me.

I am grateful to my little dog that shows his love in his adoring eyes and in his wagging tail.

Have you ever done something for the poor? Have you ever given clothes or food to a beggar? Have you ever helped anybody in need?

We should be grateful to god that he has given us so much that we don’t need to beg or ask anyone for anything.

We should always be thankful for the good things and count our blessings in life! Shaurya Babbar

Page 10: Buzztimes September 2012

HAPPINESS TO ME Happiness is something everyone wants to have.

You can be successful and have a lot of money

but without happiness it is meaningless.

Money can't buy intelligence, health, love and happiness.

Happiness is when you get a new puppy.

Happiness is being proud of who you are.

Happiness is having fun

Happiness is when you smile all day.

feelings !


Rhythm Gupta

Not Human WIthout Feelings !I would like to start with a quote by Anne Frank:

“But feelings can't be ignored, no matter how unjust or ungrateful they seem.” Anne Frank

Feelings are something that everyone has. It is something without, which one cannot be called a human. It is a way of interacting, expressing and responding to each other.

Feelings can be conveyed by one’s emotions and behaviour. For example you cry when you feel sad, you smile when you feel happy, you bite your nails when you feel nervous.

And sometimes, to calm your mind you share your feelings with others. Feeling is an emotional field that holds humanity together. So I would like to end by saying never hurt anyone’s feelings and always stay happy.

Ayush Dagar

Acrostic Feelings!Follow your dreams

Enjoy the cream and

Eat the cake!

Let’s all play

I am always happy!

Naughty though we are, but

Girls are smart and

Stones2milesones I love!!!

Nandini Kapoor

Shared feelings !


What makes me angry!I get angry when get too much homework and Mom won’t let me go to my friend's house to play. - Garima

I get angry with Dad because he won't let me buy chewing gum at the store. - Shiv

I lose my temper when my little sister plays with my toys without my permission and tries to imitate me in whatever I’m doing! - Tanisha

I was furious when my friend borrowed my favourite video game and then broke it. - Farhan

I get so angry when kids tease me and call me names because I’m dark...but mama says I’m beautiful inside. - Ananya

Whew! How angry can you get! Its okay to give vent to your anger but don’t hold onto it! Try to breathe calm in, and exhale the poison of anger!

Excitement through a child’s eyesI’m super excited on the day before my birthday. Just thinking of what I’ll get, the party and the cake puts me in a state of thrill and happiness! - Garima

Going on picnics and movies fills me with excitement. - Shiv

Excitement for me is holidays when i go to Nani’s house. No one to tell me don’t do this, don’t do that! - Tanisha

I am excited to go with my older cousin on his brand new Yamaha YZF. Wow it can go real fast and it’s really sleek! - Farhan

When Papa says let’s go for kulfi after dinner, my sister and I get yippee-yippee excited. - Ananya

Wow! Really a child’s world is fresh and new and beautiful, full of wonder and excitement! It’s that wonderful look of joy and excitement of the eyes of children that enriches our souls!

Page 11: Buzztimes September 2012

Book Review


My Many Colored Days Dr. SeussWe have specially chosen this title, because by using a spectrum of vibrant colours and a menagerie of animals - a bright red horse kicking its heels, a cool and quiet green fish, a sad and lonely purple dinosaur, and an angrily howling black wolf- this unique book is perfect for teaching children about colours, animals, and feelings.

Published posthumously, this Dr. Seuss book is illustrated with whimsical drawings, bursting off the pages; and Dr. Seuss's vision is brought to life. This rare and beautiful book is bound to appeal to both the innocent young and the most sophisticated seniors.

The Story

There really isn't a particular storyline but instead each page covers different emotions that a small child might be feeling. Some days are yellow. Some days are blue. On different days I'm different too.

And the page "On purple days I'm sad. I groan. I drag my tail. I walk alone" is illustrated with a purple dinosaur dragging his tail and hanging his head low.

Seuss touches on sadness, happiness, excitement, anger, confusion, and other feelings. His knack for using rhymes to discuss these emotions makes this a must have book for any parent.

A Word for Parents

This book will open the door for communications about feelings and emotions. I can't think of a better way to initiate conversation with a young child about the feelings they might be having on a particular day than with this book. Maybe they are having a purple dinosaur day or a happy red horse day or even a busy little bee day.

The young reader will get a better understanding of how they are feeling and also get the message that it is okay to express those feelings.

Because in the end all is going to be wellBut! it all turns out all right, you see. And I go back to being . . . me.

Whatever kind of day a reader is having, you can bet that it is covered by Dr. Seuss and for sure each day is not the same: "I change on different coloured days."


Buzzing Mothers: A Full time Job

Mother of an only child

The best gift I have ever got from God is my son Ishaan. He is my biggest strength. Bringing him up was a big challenge for me, as I am a working woman and

managing both work and home, at times really got tough.

But in spite all this, I enjoyed each and every moment of bringing him up. I learnt so much out of handling difficult situations and taking tough decisions in life, which helped me in both my personal and professional life. Even today, when I reach home, the sight of him refreshes me and makes me ready for the next activity. Being the only child, I have been a parent as well as a sibling to him. At times, he feels left out, but I try speaking to him regularly like a friend and get to understand what is bothering him, and it is wonderful when he shows trust and confidence in me.

Somebody observed that he has got a special innocence in his eyes, which is rare in children today. And I completely agree with this statement. I want him to grow with kindness, compassion and values!

To see your own child growing up is an amazing feeling. Along with all the trials and tribulations it’s a blessing. This reminds me of my childhood. My son is exactly the replica of me, in habits, behaviour and mannerisms. His ability to see the transparency in certain situations, makes me learn from him, so it is not always that the child has to learn from elders, it can be the other way round.

As parents, we have so many concerns and worries for our child and definitely try to tell them from time to time, what is good/ bad for them. The same stage even we all have gone through as kids, but never used to take things seriously. I guess the learning’s, maturity and understanding comes with the time and age.

I hope to see him grow up as a good and genuine human being. He should maintain the same innocence from heart and rest I believe everything will fall in place for him.

Rupali Puri

Rupali, a graduate from Delhi University, has been working for the last 16 years, in the Hospitality and Insurance Sector.

Page 12: Buzztimes September 2012

Letters to The Editor

Hi Buzz!

I saw a copy of the recent edition of Buzztimes at Anita’s place & was overwhelmed to see the effort of Buzztimes to nurture & cultivate the skill sets of children.

Smita Sondhi

Dear Editor,

I want to begin by congratulating Stones2milestones for starting the journal called Buzztimes.

You have given the young minds such a good platform, where they can express their minds freely thus exploring their creativity.

It is motivating for the children to see their articles published in Buzztimes.


Tripti Singh


Just read the recently published "Buzz Times" Journal.

WOW! What an amazing collection of stories, poems & letters written by children. Good to see that our Children (of all ages) have inherent skills of Expression, Concern about the Environment & Peace.

I have no doubt in saying that this is a unique collection & one of the best Journals that is getting published in Gurgaon.

Appreciation for the Editor, for making it such a good reading!!

Best regards


The Entrance to the World of MagykMy feelings about the series of books by Angie Sage

The entrance to the world of Magyk is a dangerous thing – but the journey is sensational, fantastic and totally worth going through!There are a few things first to know about, before going on this perilous and wonderful journey. The first is – always remember this - that everything has an opposite. This, with Magyk, is no different. The other side of Magyk, or the reverse side, is known as Darke.Darke is supposed to be absolutely in balance with Magyk. But sometimes it breaks the bonds and overpowers Magyk. The people who keep Darke from overpowering Magyk are wizards. Though in absolute truth, Darke wizards are the ones to push Darke to break its bonds in the first place. So now that I’ve told you about the basics, I’m ready to tell you about the rest, more complicated stuff. This series has six books, which in order, are: 1. Magyk, 2. Flyte, 3. Physik, 4. Queste,, 5. Syren, 6. DarkeI was drawn into the world of Magyk because of the unique way it was written. I felt thrilled when I lived the epic battle between the good ExtraOrdinary Wizard and the evil ExtraOrdinary Wizard.Flyte, the second book, is about an ancient charm that allows you to fly. It, of course, takes a lot of time to master. The charm is lost and the ExtraOrdinary Wizard’s apprentice is fighting with his own brother! I felt that it was ironic since he hadn’t seen his family for ten years and yet has to fight his own brother the moment he sees his family.In Physik, the third book, I cringed in terror to see the princess’ great, great, great times hundred grand aunt do horrible things to the land. She is cunning and evil, wanting the throne for herself even though she is dead. She unleashes a horrible sickness in the land, though nobody knows that she did it. The sickness is named ‘Sicknesse’. And to pile worry on worry, the ExtraOrdinary Wizard’s apprentice disappears!! In Queste, the fourth book, I recoiled when I read about the ExtraOrdinary Wizard’s apprentice being sent out to a quest from which no one has ever come back alive……Syren, the fifth book, is a continuation of Queste. In this, the princess, the ExtraOrdinary Wizard’s apprentice and his best friend are in grave trouble, struck down on an island far, far away from home. This book made me feel Lilliputian!Finally Darke, the sixth book… What can I possibly say? This book, along with the others, left me enchanted! It’s about a huge out – of – control “Darke Domaine”. No, I will not tell you what a Darke Domaine is. Read to find out….Personally, I love the flow of this series. It keeps you enthralled right from the start to the very end. If I was to recommend an age group, I would say from about 10 to 13 years.


About A Book


Page 13: Buzztimes September 2012

Hi friends,

Given the opportunity to showcase a buzzing talent, I want to introduce a very special boy, who dreams of becoming a football star. Aryan Suri studies in Class 5th at The Shri Ram School. He has a unique understanding of the offensive and defensive positions on the field of play and is the fiercest when it comes to soccer.

Till date not only has he won medals and trophies but his good ball control and passing abilities and simple side-foot passing has won him many laurels.

He has participated in many leagues and has won the title Top Scorer in few tournaments. He loves this sport a lot and dedicates his credits to Bikram, his soccer coach, who has guided him through the passion that he pursues deeply. A line he remembers from Bikram Sir’s coaching is, “When you have the ball with you, just see the goal and the ball assuming everything else is blank. So you need to dribble it carefully and shoot hard as soon as one gets the chance.”

Even as a toddler, Aryan showed a definite bias towards soccer. He recalls that every time he went to the sports section of a mall, he would grab a soccer ball and play with it.

He has been following soccer for almost nine years now and is on the right trail to becoming a soccer star. He says, “I have to work on my stamina - should be able to run fast and for a long period of time, know how to control the ball without looking down, know how to kick the ball, be in condition, pass, communicate, and focus! I want to put India on the soccer map and do my parents, friends and coach proud.”

But he is not self centred. When he grows up and has earned enough, he wants to donate money to poor people as he says, “We are fortunate to sit at home under air conditioners and watch television when there are millions of people under the bare hot sun and looking for food.”

I am sure he will keep on pursuing his dreams and will very soon achieve them. I wish him all the best!

Ansh Singhal

A Milestone in My LifeSir Thomas Brown says” Life is a pure flame and we live by an invisible sun within us”,

As Sir Brown has rightly pointed, I had the burning desire to do something for the children as they are my weakness….I was at a stage in my life where I could not leave my home for a longer period as my priorities were different. At this juncture I happened to see an adver-tisement in a local daily regarding the requirement of a facilitator, which suited my predicament!!I had come to a new city and everything was new to me and it was a great casual meeting, which culminated in me embarking my journey at Stones2milestones.

Well as the name suggests it was a milestone in my life too as I joined work after a gap of couple of years here I was engaged in building a happier and healthier abode for my family…

Stones2milestones – the organisation believes in giving space to an individual in the realm of this world.The same philosophy is emanated to the children who come to the centre. The children have the absolute freedom to express themselves in whichever way they want to and are encouraged and appreciated to bring the best out of them.

Children who are the future citizens of this beautiful and bountiful country have to be nurtured properly so that they create a better society. We at Stones2milestones have taken the onus upon us to give them the opportunity and a platform to nurture and empower them. We have some wonderful thought provoking programmes for children of different age groups where they get the opportunity to discover themselves. As mentors we also have the flexibility to conduct the sessions in the manner in which we want!! This gives us the freedom to incorporate our ideas to enhance the quality of the sessions and rediscover our childhood with the young ones!!!!!

We have got something very interesting in our platter of activities where culmination of ideas and creation is done by the children for the children and get to showcase their liter-ary talent by way of buzz times….Buzz times is creating a buzz amidst our fraternity of educators ,parents and children….

Here I would like to sum up with Voltaire’s quote :”Work spares us from three evils : boredom, vice and need…”I thank sincerely Stones2milestones to have given me the opportunity to keep 3 evils under control and has also helped me grow into a better and fulfilling individual who strives to do better and excel always!

Gayathri Sriram

Gayathri has been a facilitator of the WOW classes since the past two+ years. She is an exemplary facilitator with the perfect patience, flexibility, passion, energy, assertiveness and understanding the demographics of her students.




buzz from s2m !

Page 14: Buzztimes September 2012

Hi, It gives me immense pleasure to inform all you wonderful young people that BuzzTimes is a big hit! It was also such fun for me to read the many emails and messages. Thank you all dearly for the precious words of encouragements.To all you brilliant correspondents thank you so much for sharing your experiences and thoughts. This is a valuable step for you because you get to build relationships with other writers and get to be a part of this literary community at such a young age.Our theme for the next issue is Inspiration. Ponder on the question – What or who is it that inspires me the most? And Think: Is it hearing a bird’s twitter or viewing a beautiful sunrise and sunset or seeing someone smile? Is it my Mother, my grandfather or my teacher or my pet?So get inspired, churn up your thoughts and mail them to me! Also add your photos and tell your friends. Enjoy yourself,Well friends, it’s been a delightful and exciting experience with great support, encouragement, participation and new friendships. We know the best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart! And since this month’s theme is Feelings, let’s turn the pages and feel and read!Have fun, Anita Jaswal

PS: A Word For YouDo take time out of your busy day to stop and marvel at God's creation do thank God for all He has given you and tell your mom and dad that you love them on a regular basis. Recognize and feel the joy that surrounds us every day, through the grace and gifts given to us by God. Express your Feelings!

Dear Buzz,

I'm 11 years old. I am incredibly shy that I can't be myself around people.I find it really difficult to make friends. I barely have any friends and I have just one close friend who understands me. I wish I was bold and talkative.I go red if I have to speak in class. I really feel like my shyness holds me back a lot and I dread my future. Am I an introvert?

I hope you can help me somehow deal with my shyness.


Hi Annie

I can see from your message that you are going through a very difficult time.

Remember being shy isn't a bad thing in itself — but if shyness is keeping you from fully enjoying and appreciating the joys that go along with being young, you have to work on it. I'd like to say being an introvert isn't something you should worry about. The world is made up of outgoing (extrovert) and not-so outgoing (introvert) people, and that's how it works best. If the world was made up of only extrovert people, imagine how noisy it would get! This planet needs shy, gentle and quiet people like you, to keep it balanced! So as a starting point, would it help to take some of the pressure off yourself by accepting you are what you are - a shy person? Don’t try to be what you are not.

You mentioned hardly having any friends, and that made me wonder if you've ever thought about friendships in terms of quality instead of quantity? If not, you might discover, with time, that it's much better to have one really great friend with whom you have deep, meaningful bonds, than to have many people in your life with connections that are shallow and meaningless.

Then have you thought about talking to your mom? If you speak with her she would go through the reasons for your shyness and help you come up with strategies that will help you overcome it on a day-to-day basis. You might also want to talk about this with your school counsellor.

Take care, and well done for finding the courage to take the first huge step of writing to us.

Parent’s roleWhile this may seem difficult for your daughter, it is up to you to make this situation not so important to her. Encourage her to be the best student she can be. Enrol her in other activities such as music or dance classes or sports outside of school. There are many ways for you to help her to make and have friends. Don't take this so personally and she won't either. And please never ever compare her with other children. Instead encourage her to do her best in whatever she wants to do or be. Encouraging children boosts their

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Buzz Advice Column


Page 15: Buzztimes September 2012

buzzing Contributors

Tushar Kaistha is a grade 8 student of G D Goenka World School, Gurgaon. He has been an avid reader since the age of 5. He has read over 500 books till date. His other interests include playing the guitar and astronomy.

Ayush Dagar is 11 years old and studies in Pathways World School. He likes playing golf and cricket. He likes reading non-fiction books. His favourite movie series are Harry Potter.

Rhythm Gupta studies in grade 4 in The Heritage School. She is a quiet, well-behaved child, with a natural intelligence that is amazing. She likes help her mother and play with her friends.

Smriti Vohra is in grade 5 in DPS Sector 45. She is a confident girl who is always eager to learn new words and phrases. She loves reading, playing with friends and cooking with her grandmother.

Nandini Kapoor is studying in class 4 in Shikshantar. She is a loving, helpful child who wants to be another Saina Nehwal. Her passion is drawing and writing poems.

B.Tejaswi is a student of class 6 in DPS Sector 45. He is a focussed, confident child with a great sense of humour. His aim in life is to be a great cricketer.

Shaurya Babbar studies in grade 4 in Shalom Hills International School. He loves outdoors and is curious and creative. He loves to collect and play with car miniatures and it’s his dream to design world class cars one day!

Special correspondent Ansh Singhal is a Grade 5 student of The Heritage School. He loves reading and is the author of a book at such a young age. He hopes to encourage other children to enjoy reading and writing about what's on their mind.

Editor Anita Jaswal

Sub Editor Nisha Ghai

Designed by Ami Gandhi



Page 16: Buzztimes September 2012

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Connecting all kids who inspire, imagine and inquire!

Buzztimes is the sole initiative of Stones2milestones

Stones2milestones is an organization which designs programs for children to identify and nurture their inherent potential; a space where they develop their skills, attitudes and perceptions. Our programs empower children with a deeper understanding of the process of learning and thinking. These programs are based on international research and indigenous best practices.

Our flagship programs for children from 6-12 years are:

• Wings of Words is a unique research based reading program which aims to give children “Reading Advantage” - children emerge as independent readers who choose to read - for purpose and for pleasure. The three levels of the programs are for children in grades 1 to 3.

• I-minds is an inquiry based program which builds communication and thinking skills. It stimulates curiosity and gives the children an opportunity to explore and experience the world around them through research, projects and experiment. The program moves along with the expanding cognitive and affective world of the growing child over a period of three years from grades 4 to 6.

• Udaan, about to start, will focus on helping every woman get in touch with self, with her own femininity, discover her power, her strengths and thereby unlock hidden potentials leading to accomplishment of her dreams. The essence is “rediscovery” not teaching or learning.

This program aims at enabling women to: • laugh, play, share and enjoy – celebrating life, self and each other • be emotionally intelligent in order to nourish and give back to self, family and society.

For sending articles, poems, stories or any queriesContact us at [email protected]

Or call us at 9810221518 or

Issue 2 - September 2012