
Capps Ministries

produCt Catalog


Alique suntem quos dolorpo ribearum noneces asperi del ipite estis aut o� cit, simolupta cullestios volorib usapidem unt, atqui rem nes debitatum quatia di dolupta temque ex et remporum cus, omnisitat.Et et, optis alibus aliqui consedit odissi re latur? Boreraepra viduci-endit, o� ciu meturi dolorro qui ressi dolorer eicilli quodiaecaest et elestem faci odiatiam aliti quundeliqui qui ipsapiendeni tet lab ider-fere et optati accus eum quas eaquia nobis sitatem enducid quist ullicata vent apidebit expliqui blantis eum voloribus et dis poruptas dolendis dolorum aspicimo eatur?Udam fugit arciis expliqui bea quatur ant omnia poreium re labore del modia dolupta tquibus cus.Im re cores molorem exeruptatur santem sunt, qui aliquunt prae intion rem estius, ut aut iurepelendis mod modis imaxim expedi occusam usapit illuptis dolorib erestium rehenda ndaerat urion-secto to blab int, aliande venemquisimo con est rerum expedisti venihilis alitatiorum fugit inctististem audaeptae. Nam essi dolupiet pro blam rem quidunt remolorrum is et ut di dessint aut quament, omnimusame quas ipsam que doluptatem qui remporem aut ex exerferios de quo essitem et iur sedipsaerum et eum quiae rercidel eumquis aut qui consendit peribus volorio molupta soluptae cum con posae mo volescienis eost, consed ut rero ipis dolestrunt vitio. Enima dolore voloris ciminist qui quae doluptur sectur? Aximusa metur?

138 Avenues of Faith— Single CD – Planting A Seed for What You Need! Charles teaches on many aspects of faith, and understanding how to apply it to your life.

7033 Authority in � ree Worlds— If you don’t understand authority, you are never go-ing to operate in the God kind of faith. � is in-depth teaching, which is a “Charles Capps Classic”, will revo-lutionize your life as you understand the authority that God has given us in this earth, in the heavens, and over demonic spirits.

137 Holy Spirit Baptism— Recently converted to CD! Charles teaches on the Holy Spirit, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the power given to us a� er we are baptized. Charles touches on areas that have caused confusion and disagreements in the understanding of the validity of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

303 Keys of the Kingdom—A teaching on our access to the kingdom of God through faith. How to tap the resources of that king-dom which abides in you. � is CD Series of Charles

Capps is an enlightening message that is just as ap-plicable today as it was in 1979 when it was recorded. Sound recording has come a long way, but the Word of God is still the same.

218 God’s Will for Success—� e Lord WANTS you to be successful! Charles and Peggy Capps take you on a scriptural journey revealing

God’s will for His children to prosper and have life more abundantly on the earth today. 2 CD’s. by Charles and Peggy Capps

topic: CONFESSION topic: CONFESSION526 God’s Creative Power Gi� Collection—� is special leatherbound boxed edition contains the three best sellers:• God’s Creative Power• God’s Creative Power for Healing• God’s Creative Power for Finances� e blueprints for your future are designed by your words. � ose words set the cornerstones of your life, and you live within the con� nes of their boundaries. Learn to speak and declare God's Word and watch it create abundance in your life!

136 Words and Sound Waves—Single CD by Charles Capps. All matter consists of sound waves, and that everything that exists started with words. In the beginning was the Word…, and the world was formed with the words God spoke. We respond more readily to the sound of our own voice. So, when we speak God’s Word aloud, it gets into our heart more quickly.

409 � e Life and Power of Words—• Did you know words live on a� er you die?• Did you know scientists say that every word

ever spoken is still out there somewhere? (� ey never cease to exist)

• Are you aware that there is life in every word of God?

Giving voice to the words of the enemy looses fear.Creative Power is loosed by giving voice to God’s Word.


509 Faith and Confession $16.00524 God’s Creative Power© for Finances $ 2.00 -by Charles and Annette Capps569 God’s Creative Power© for Grandparents -by Beverly Capps $10.00519 God’s Creative Power© for Healing $ 2.00526 God’s Creative Power© - Gi� Collection $16.00501 God’s Creative Power© Will Work for You $ 2.00

Single CD

158 Endless Confessions on Healing $ 8.00156 God’s Creative Power© for Finances Audio Book $ 8.00155 God’s Creative Power© for Healing Audio Book $ 8.00154 God’s Creative Power© Will Work for You Audio Book $ 8.00136 Words and Sound Waves $ 8.00

2 CD’s

215 Calling � ings � at Are Not $15.00210 God’s Creative Power© $15.00251 Words, Faith and � ings $15.00

3 CD’s

315 Faith and Confession $22.00356 God’s Creative Power© Gi� Edition Audio Book $22.00312 Speaking the Word of Faith $22.00

4 CD’s

409 � e Life and Power of Words $29.00401 � e Power of Confessing the Word $29.00413 Why Confession Works $29.00

6 CD’s

609 Faith and Confession $48.00


1856 Calling � ings � at Are Not DVD $20.001654 Changing the Course of Your Life #1 $20.00 -by Annette Capps1655 Changing the Course of Your Life #2 $20.00

-by Annette Capps

* Unless otherwise noted, all products are by Charles Capps

topic: AUTHORITY topic: AUTHORITY507 How You Can Avoid Tragedy—You can absolutely change the direction of your life by exposing your heart to the Word of God!How o� en have you heard the question: “� ey were such good Christians! Why did this hap-

pen to them?” Many believers’ lives have been overwhelmed needlessly by defeat and tragedy.Satan’s greatest weapon has been deception—getting you to believe some-thing contrary to God’s Word. Wrong speaking, wrong praying, and wrong believing will destroy your faith. Praying “If it be � y will,” has opened doors for the devil’s opportunity when God’s will is already revealed in His Word.Learn to use the ability you have to avoid tragedy!� is book was written to free you and to help you avoid tragedy in your life. Once you taste victory, you will never again have a desire to experi-ence defeat. You can learn to apply the principles of God’s wisdom to your

life and defeat the devil.

510 Triumph Over the Enemy—Book by Charles Capps (previously titled “� e Messenger of Satan”.In Second Corinthians 12:7, Paul writes about “a thorn in the � esh, the messenger of Satan” who had been sent to harass him. � is “messenger” was sent to create problems and stir up the people against Paul every-where he preached. But Paul knew the key to overcoming this obstacle - he learned to exercise his God-given authority here on the earth!In this powerful and eye-opening book, Charles Capps writes about the true nature of Paul’s “thorn in the � esh, the messenger of Satan”. He shows you how to walk in God’s grace and triumph over this enemy sent to harass and keep you from God’s greater blessings in your life.You can be delivered from the messenger of Satan assigned to you! You will learn:

-� e reason Paul was sent a messenger of Satan-� e key to walking with the believer’s full authority in your life-� e actions you must take to defeat Satan’s messenger-God’s plan for delivering His people in all things-� e true depth and su� ciency of God’s grace.

135 Exercising Your Dominion in the Earth—Exercising Your Dominion in the Earth single CD by Charles Capps. � is powerful message was recorded in 1987 and never has been released before. With a special introduction by T.L.

Osborn, Charles ministers on dominion and our God-given authority in the earth.


507 How You Can Avoid Tragedy and Live a Better Life $ 8.00510 Triumph Over the Enemy $ 8.00504 Your Spiritual Authority $11.00

Single CD

108 Authority, Faith, and the Anointing $ 8.00135 Exercising Your Dominion in the Earth $ 8.00128 � e Authority of Words $ 8.00

2 CD’s

237 � e Dominion Principle $15.00 3 CD’s311 Authority and the Anointing $22.00303 Keys of the Kingdom $22.00

4 CD’s

7033 Authority in � ree Worlds $29.00406 Authority of Man and Jesus $29.00411 Authority Series $29.00


1877 Authority and the Anointing $20.001887 Authority of Man and Jesus $20.001879 Taking the Shield of Faith $20.00

topic: HEALING134 Your Faith Will Make You Whole—Incredibly insightful teaching by Charles Capps on authority over our bodies. He goes into detail about Jesus’ authority and abilities he had on this earth in a physical body. God has given human beings authority over this earth and we have more power than most people have ever realized. � is message will spark your faith and the power you have over sickness and disease.

1878 Making A Demand on God’s Provision for Healing—Your healing an perfect health has already been settled by Jesus’ sacri� ce. By His stripes we have been healed. Past tense. Healing is like a bank account. Until you make a demand (write a check) on the provision, you will never receive what rightfully belongs to you.


519 God’s Creative Power for Healing $ 2.00

Single CD

120 A Merry Heart Doeth Good $ 8.00158 Endless Confessions on Healing155 God’s Creative Power for Healing- Audio Book $ 8.00117 � e Laying on of Hands $ 8.00124 Making A Demand on God’s Provision for Healing $ 8.00118 Spiritual Power in the Physical Body $ 8.00110 Understanding What We Know About Healing $ 8.00134 Your Faith Will Make You Whole $ 8.00


219 God’s Will For Your Health $15.00202 How To Release Your Faith $15.00299 � e Mind-Body Connection - Annette Capps $15.00


376 � e Holy Spirit Key to Miracles - Annette Capps $22.00


1878 Making A Demand on God’s Provision for Healing $20.001795 Reverse the Curse in Your Body and Emotions $20.00

- Annette Capps

520 When Jesus Prays � rough You—Book by Charles Capps.God's amazing plan for the salvation of humanity includes authority - spiritual au-thority to change your life right now, right where you are. In Your Spiritual Authority, renowned Bi-ble teacher for more than 35 years, Charles Capps shares a penetrating message on the believer's legal right to exercise authority in the earth today. � is delegated authority was given to every Christian so that the sick can be healed, � nances can be loosed and

those bound by Satan may be free. You have authority in Christ. Discover these powerful principles in your own life: -Dominion through your words -Your body gives you authority on earth -Being born of the Spirit gives you the ability to use Jesus' name -� e power of binding the forces of hell and loosing the blessings of God -Your authority in three realms - earth, heaven and hell -And more! Jesus paid the price for you to live in victory in the earth today. Discover your spiri-tual authority and start changing your life.

topic: PRAYER


503 Releasing the Ability of God � rough Prayer $ 11.00520 When Jesus Prays � rough You $ 11.00

Single CD

115 How to Pray Scripturally $ 8.00

2 CD’s

216 Jesus, Our Intercessor $15.00 250 Releasing the Ability of God � rough Prayer $15.00

4 CD’s

407 � e Prayer � at Changes � ings $29.00


290 Agents of Two Kingdoms—2 CD Teaching Series by Annette Capps. A timely teaching on how to break demonic assignments, the di� erence between fallen angels and demons, and how special angelic agents work."

109 Looking at the Unseen—� e answer to all problems lies in the what you cannot see.� is teaching by Charles Capps will give you insight into how to look at your answer and your manifestation in the unseen realm until it IS seen.

topic: THE HOLY SPIRIT308 � e Gi� s of the Spirit—3 CD Series by Charles Capps. A teaching based on I Cor. 12:13,14 concerning the nine gi� s of the Spirit or nine manifestations of the Spirit. � ese are available to us in our everyday lives to help us to be victorious in life.


511 Angels -by Charles and Annette Capps $ 8.00

Single CD

183 How to Keep from Being Devoured -by Annette Capps $ 8.00109 Looking at the Unseen $ 8.00100 Seducing Spirits and Winds of Doctrine $ 8.00125 � e Endtime Ministry of Angels $ 8.00

2 CD’s

290 Agents of Two Kingdoms -by Annette Capps $15.00211 How to Keep Yourself from the Wicked One -by Annette Capps $15.00248 How to Win Battles and In� uence Angels $15.00271 Spiritual Deception, How to Know the Truth $15.00 -by Annette Capps292 Spiritual Wickedness, Overcoming Satanic Attack $15.00 - by Annette Capps229 Understanding the Human Spirit $15.00241 What Are Doctrines of Devils $15.00

Single CD’s

137 Holy Spirit Baptism $8.00

2 CD’s

235 Manifestations of the Spirit $15.00275 � e Prophet’s Ministry -by Annette Capps $15.00226 Supernatural Tongues $15.00

3 CD’s

308 Gi� s of the Spirit $22.00319 � e Holy Spirit Seminar $22.00376 � e Holy Spirit Series, � e Key to Miracles $22.00

-by Annette Capps

4 CD’s

414 � e Holy Spirit Series $20.00

3 CD’s

306 � e Ministry of Angels $22.00384 More About Angels -by Annette Capps $22.00393 � e Parallel Plane of the Spirit World - by Annette Capps $22.00

4 CD’s

404 Where Satan Gets His Power $29.00


1886 Angels $20.001803 Angels -Charles and Annette TV broadcast $20.001722 Spiritual Wickedness #1 Confrontation with the Devil $20.00 -by Annette Capps1728 Spiritual Wickedness #2 Overcoming Satanic Attack $20.00

-by Annette Capps


113 Faith As A Seed—Single CD teaching by Charles Capps. How Bible faith is referred to in the Scriptures as a seed and what to do with the seed.

402 Cornerstones of Faith—Your faith sets the cornerstones of

your life and determines how successful you will be in life. Learn how to set the cornerstones and draw blueprints of a blessed life.

236 Reciprocal Truths—2 CD Teaching Series by Charles Capps. Every truth has

a reciprocal or opposite. Just like a reciprocating saw cuts in both directions, our words impact our lives for the positive or the negative. Understanding the reciprocal gives you insight to the real truth.



505 Faith � at Will Not Change $ 7.00514 Seedtime and Harvest $ 2.00518 � e Substance of � ings $ 7.00

Single CD

126 Applying the Law of Faith $ 8.00113 Faith As A Seed $ 8.00127 How to Doubt Your Doubts $ 8.00104 Redeemed from the Curse of the Law $ 8.00133 Seedtime and Harvest $ 8.00112 Tapping the Tree of Life $ 8.00102 � e Good Fight of Faith $ 8.00107 Understanding Faith’s Components $ 8.00

2 CD’s

233 � e Cure for Doubt and Unbelief $15.00247 Developing the Attitudes of Jesus $15.00228 Faith’s Corresponding Action $15.00231 Fighting the Good Fight of Faith $15.00230 � e Gospel of the Kingdom $15.00 238 His Word is Seed, Water, and Light $15.00204 How to Plant a Seed for a Miracle $15.00242 � e Power of Positive Faith $15.00236 Reciprocal Truths $15.00244 Understanding What You Know About Faith $15.00

3 CD’s

316 Faith, � e Law of the New Covenant $22.00

4 CD’s

402 Cornerstones of Faith $22.00403 Doing the Sayings of Jesus $29.00

6 CD’s

610 Faith Seminar $48.00607 Keys to Understanding the Bible $48.00


1875 Applying the Law of Faith $20.001858 � e Cure for Doubt and Unbelief $20.001873 � e Law of Faith and Corresponding Action $20.001855 � e Substance of � ings $20.001882 Understanding What You Know About Faith $20.001859 Will and Principles of the Kingdom $20.001871 Working Knowledge of the Word of God #1 $20.001872 Working Knowledge of the Word of God #2 $20.00


123 What About Job?—Single CD teaching by Charles Capps. � is is a revealing teaching concerning the problems that came upon Job, what caused them, and how he got rid of them. More Christians have stumbled over the story of Job than any other misconception in the Bible. � e knowledge of this truth will set you free.

225 � e World � at Was— Contrary to what most people believe, the earth is much older than 6000 years.

However, it did have a face li� at that time. Biblical, scrip-tural evidence that the world that was is not the world that now is. Charles reveals what the Bible says about Creation and the beginning of the earth. � is is not the Darwin theory or the Creation Science theory, but what the Bible says about Earth. � e Bible teaches the earth could be millions or bil-

lions of years old. Discover the scriptural references that support this teaching.

512 Kicking Over Sacred Cows—Book by Charles Capps.

God's Word was given to ful� ll the needs in our life, but preconceived, religious ideas about scriptures hold people in bondage. Certain scriptures become "Sacred Cows" that Christians accept as holy rather than search for the real meaning. � is book will shed light on some of the most mis-understood scriptures in the Bible.-Does God cause sickness for His glory?-Do all things work together for good?-What about Job?-Are trials a test from God?-How does God chasten Christians?� e answers to these and more questions can be found by

rightly dividing the Word of God.



512 Kicking Over Sacred Cows $ 8.00510 Triumph Over the Enemy $ 8.00559 Understanding Persecution -by Annette Capps $ 2.00

Single CD

106 Jesus, � e Word Made Flesh $ 8.00121 � e Chastening of � e Lord $ 8.00101 � e Unpardonable Sin $ 8.00123 What About Job? $ 8.00

2 CD’s

249 A Scriptural Balance to Hard Sayings $15.00203 Kicking Over Sacred Cows $15.00209 Missing Links in the Faith Connection $15.00217 Others of Hebrews Eleven $15.00212 Paul’s � orn in the Flesh $15.00294 � e Faith Connection -by Annette Capps $15.00243 � e Intent of � e Word $15.00225 � e World � at Was $15.00

3 CD’s

394 Why Bad & Good � ings Happen -by Annette Capps $22.00301 Why Tragedy Happens to Christians $22.00


1885 Paul’s � orn in the Flesh $20.001881 Scriptural Balance to Hard Sayings $20.001884 � e Intent of � e Word $20.00


132 How to Succeed When Others Fail—Did you know that it’s possible to be successful in the circumstances of life even if others fail? � is teaching by Charles Capps will free you from the thought, “oppression is allowed to teach you something.” God has given us the steps to keep from failing in life. A study of Luke 6; and learning to do the sayings of Jesus will build your foundation so strong that a storm CANNOT SHAKE YOU.

105 � e Prosperity � at God Loves—Single CD teaching by Charles Capps. What is God's at-titude toward your prosperity? What spiritual laws govern prosperity?Does God want everyone to prosper?� e answers to these questions need to be settled in your mind and heart before you can walk in true prosperity.

213 � e Hundred Fold Return—2 CD Teaching Series by Charles Capps. � is series includes several scriptural references where people in the Bible received a hundredfold return for their giving. Some received it before the sun went down on the same day they gave.

309 Seeking the Kingdom—3 CD Series by Charles Capps. You will � nd out where the kingdom abides, and how to apply the principles of that kingdom that is within. How to reap the bene� ts of what God has made available through the kingdom in this life.



524 God’s Creative Power for Finances $ 2.00 -by Charles Capps & Annette Capps508 Success Motivation � rough � e Word $11.00

Single CD

122 Faith for God’s Provisions $ 8.00156 God’s Creative Power for Finances Audio Book $ 8.00

-by Charles Capps & Annette Capps - Narrated by Charles Capps132 How to Succeed When Others Fail $ 8.00105 � e Prosperity � at God Loves $ 8.00

2 CD’s

245 Faith for Kingdom Provisions $15.00218 God’s Will for Success $15.00 -by Charles & Peggy Capps255 How to Succeed When Others Fail $15.00213 � e Hundred Fold Return $15.00222 Procrastination, A � ief of Blessing $15.00240 � e Substance of � ings $15.00239 A Working Knowledge of God’s Word $15.00

3 CD’s

313 Faith for God’s Provisions $22.00310 � e Law of Giving and Receiving $22.00309 Seeking � e Kingdom $22.00

4 CD’s

412 Success Motivation � rough � e Word $29.00


1880 How to Succeed When Others Fail $20.001863 Prosperity Series #1 $20.001864 Prosperity Series #2 $20.00


114 Unforgiveness A � ief of Blessing—Single CD teaching by Charles Capps. How un-forgive-ness can steal your faith and ultimately steal your life.

3311 Co-Dependency and Rebuilding Package3 CD Series by Annette Capps. Learn (1) Religious distor-tions that feed codependent behavior (2) how to bring

moderation into your life and emotions (3) recovery skills for freedom from guilt, fear, and the need for approval (4) how to replace walls with healthy boundaries.ANNETTE CAPPS PACKAGE INCLUDES:#389 3 CD SERIES CO-DEPENDENCY ISSUES AND THE CHRISTIAN LIFESTYLE#296 2 CD SERIES REBUILDING YOUR WALLS AND SETTING NEW BOUNDARIES Symptoms of Co-Dependency are: Letting others direct & control your life. Directing & controlling other peoples’ lives Living your life to please others. Can’t say no.

Scheduling your days & priorities according to guilt. Valuing others opinions more than your own.Annette Capps’ teachings will help you to recognize unhealthy co-dependent behavior, and teach you how to recover from guilt and replace walls with healthy boundaries.


170 Dealing With Anger -by Annette Capps $ 8.00 167 Identifying Abusive Families & Churches $ 8.00

-by Annette Capps166 Identifying Abusive Religious Systems $ 8.00

-by Annette Capps3106 Resolving Con� ict in Relationships $ 8.00

-by Annette Capps161 � e Cost of Con� ict -by Annette Capps $ 8.00114 Unforgiveness A � ief of Faith $ 8.00

2 CD’s

270 How to Say No When Giving Too Much $15.00-by Annette Capps

293 Letting Go of Hurts- � e Freedom of Forgiveness $15.00-by Annette Capps

285 Protecting Your Heart -by Annette Capps $15.00296 Rebuilding Your Walls and Setting New Boundaries $15.00

-by Annette Capps

3 CD’s

389 Co-Dependency Issues and the Christian Lifestyle $22.00-by Annette Capps

383 Finding Godly Friendships -by Annette Capps $22.00

6 CD’s

618 Recovery for Co-Dependency and Religious Addictions $22.00-by Annette Capps


1665 Rebuilding Your Walls #1 Repairing Emotional Damage $20.00-by Annette Capps

1666 Rebuilding Your Walls #2 Setting New Boundaries $20.00-by Annette Capps


3311 Co-Dependency and Rebuilding Package -by Annette Capps $20.00 (includes 296 and 389)

topic: HOPE, GUIDANCE, AND EMOTIONAL HEALING515 � e � ermostat of Hope—PREVIOUSLY “HOPE A PARTNER TO FAITH” � e heart is true to the demands placed on it. Surely no one would be foolish enough in natural things to argue with you when you turn the thermostat to 70 degrees, but they will when you set your goal on God’s promises.Hope, like a thermostat, is simply a goal-setter with no substance. Faith, which comes from the heart, is the substance of what you desire.

� e heart (spirit) of man is like the heart of the heating-cooling unit. Designed by God to produce the very thing you plant in it. You plant it or set the goal by speaking it!

287 Are You Trying Too Hard?—2 CD'S by Annette Capps - ARE YOU TRYING TOO HARD? Jesus’ key and your command to work miracles will show you how to develop the attitude of believing and release

yourself from unfruitful works – bargaining with God – the struggle with the law.



515 � e � ermostat of Hope $ 2.00560 Reverse the Curse -by Annette Capps $ 7.00

Single CD

184 Bringing Anxiety Captive -by Annette Capps $ 8.00168 God’s Timeline for Your Life -by Annette Capps $ 8.00182 Tapping Your Hidden Resources -by Annette Capps $ 8.00119 Wisdom and Guidance $ 8.00

2 CD’s

287 Are You Trying Too Hard -by Annette Capps $15.00297 Burnout or Balance -by Annette Capps $15.00268 Do You Know Who You Are? -by Annette Capps $15.00227 Grace � rough Faith $15.00281 How to Harness the Power of Your � oughts $15.00 -by Annette Capps291 How to Know God’s Timing For Your Life -by Annette Capps $15.00298 � e Road to Emotional Healing -by Annette Capps $15.00

3 CD’s

385 Breaking the Patterns in Your Life -by Annette Capps $22.00395 Dreams and Visions -by Annette Capps $22.00396 Freedom From Religious Systems -by Annette Capps $22.00314 God’s Idea of Good News $22.00392 Guidance of � e Holy Spirit -by Annette Capps $22.00386 How to Develop Spiritual Discernment -by Annette Capps $22.00374 How to Hear God’s Voice -by Annette Capps $22.00382 Reverse the Curse in your Body and Emotions $22.00 -by Annette Capps390 Rx for Recovery -by Annette Capps $22.00

topic: COMMON SENSE AND STRAIGHT TALK159 Don’t Go Whole Hog When Half Ready—Single CD teaching by Charles Capps.Charles Capps puts a new light on the faith message, he will teach you how to build your faith and use it wisely. One of the reasons the faith message sometimes gets put in a bad light is because there are those people who act out of presumption instead of faith. You shouldn't step out further than you have faith. You can't give what you don't have and you cannot release faith when you don't be-lieve what you are speaking. When the spirit man is full there is plenty to give and plenty of faith to move those mountains.

Single CD

159 Don’t Go Whole Hog When Half Ready $ 8.003105 Reality Christianity -by Beverly Capps $ 8.00

2 CD’s

239 A Working Knowledge of God’s Word $15.00

506 Changing the Seen and Shaping the Unseen—In this book Charles Capps shows you how to look at things which are not seen with

the eyes of your spirit and change the world around you. Your words create images inside you. When you speak forth these words in faith, you will see circumstances change in the natural realm. Faith-� lled words framed this world. � e Word of God will frame your world if you speak it.

185 Quantum Faith Audio Book—Annette Capps' Mini-Book Quantum Faith is now an Audio Book. � is CD is nar-rated by Dr Richard Keller.

How does quantum physics relate to the Bible?Can words move mountains?How did Jesus supersede the laws of physics? � ere are amazing similarities between the teachings of Jesus and the discoveries of the new physics, quan-tum theory. � e concept of speaking to mountains and trees may not be religious metaphor, but laws of a new physics that have not been fully understood. Jesus taught that our words are powerful enough to move physical matter. Quantum physics has discov-

ered that subatomic particles respond to the observer. In this book, you will discover that your words and your faith (beliefs) are unseen forces that a� ect everything in your world. You are the one giving substance to your world through words!



506 Changing the Seen and Shaping the Unseen $ 7.00525 Quantum Faith -by Annette Capps $ 2.00502 � e Tongue A Creative Force $ 8.00527 � e Tongue A Creative Force Gi� Edition $ 15.00

Single CD

169 Quantum Faith -by Annette Capps $ 8.00185 Quantum Faith Audio Book -by Annette Capps $ 8.00 Narrated by Dr Richard Keller

2 CD’s

295 Changing the Course of Your Life -by Annette Capps $15.00208 � e Miraculous Conception $15.00246 � e Law of Faith $15.00256 � e Power of Faith $15.00

3 CD’s

350 � e Tongue A Creative Force Audio Book $22.00


1883 Power of Positive Faith $20.001802 Quantum Faith -by Charles Capps & Annette Capps $20.001874 � e Law of Faith $20.001891 � e Power of Faith $20.001860 Words, Faith and � ings #1 $20.001861 Words, Faith and � ings #2 $20.00


5169 Quantum Faith Package CD Teaching and Minibook $ 8.00-by Annette Capps

514-2 Siembra Y Cosecha- Libro en espanol—En este librete de bolsillo, en español, Charles Capps enseña que hay algo que usted puede hacer para producir una cosecha en su vida. Jesús dijo que usted es el que planta el germen. La palabra del dios es germen incorruptible, y las promesas del dios son gérmenes para la cosecha. Como usted lee, usted aprenderá que como usted habla las promesas del dios fuera de su boca como germen, entra su corazón crecer y producir una cosecha de la bendición. (� e Spanish Version of the pocket booklet, 'Seedtime and Harvest', Charles Capps teaches that there is something you can do to produce a harvest in your life. Jesus said that you are the one planting the seed. God's Word is incorruptible seed, and God's promises are seeds for harvest. As you read, you will learn that as you speak God's promises out of your mouth as a seed, it goes into your heart to grow and produce a harvest of blessing. 32 page so� cover booklet.)

topic: SPANISH


501-2 El Poder Creativo de Dios $ 2.00 (God’s Creative Power Will Work for You)526-2 El Poder Creativo de Dios Coleccion de re Regalo $14.00 (God’s Creative Power Gi� Collection)519-2 El Poder Para Sanar $ 2.00 (God’s Creative Power for Healing)515-2 La Esperanza, Companera de la Fe $ 2.00 (Hope A Partner of Faith)514-2 Siembra y Cosecha $ 2.00 (Seedtime and Harvest)549 Chicken Little Conquers Fear $ 8.00 (Chicken Little Conquers Fear)

topic: END TIMES

116 Journey to the End of the Age—Single CD teaching by Charles Capps. In this message Charles Capps goes in depth and highlights points in the Bible that lead to the Rapture of � e Church and gives un-derstanding to scriptures regarding the coming of Christ in the last days.

254 � e Solomon Concepts (UPDATE!)—2 CD Teaching Series by Charles Capps about the prophet-ic timeline revealed through the Solomon Concept and the End Times.


522 End Time Events $16.00

Single CD

174 Anointing for Endtime Authority $ 8.00-by Annette Capps

116 Journey to the End of the Age $ 8.00157 Tribulation or Rapture $ 8.00

2 CD’s

252 Forshadowing of the Coming Kingdom $15.00201 Signs on the Road to Eternity $15.00254 Solomon Concept Update $15.00

3 CD’s

300 End Time Events $22.00

6 CD’s

608 Prophetic Time Line $48.00602 Sequence of End Time Events $48.00


1854 Journey to the End of the Age $20.00

Feature here--Our books are available in E-Book format also

Our CD’s are also available in MP3 format

194 Tell-A-Vision or Television?—Are you getting your vision from God or from Television? Are you walking in God's Image of You? Create the image God desires for you to have.



216 Jesus Our Intercessor—2 CD Series by Charles Capps. A study into the interces-sory ministry of Jesus Christ as He is seated at the right hand of the Father today. How He can legally make intercession for us through other individuals and pray the way God would pray if He prayed for us.

A classic but powerful message from when Charles Capps spoke in a church in Alvin, TX in 1983. Gain insight of the Holy Spirit, praying in tongues, and how Christ can legally make intercession for us through other individuals and pray the way God would pray if He prayed for us.

257 Citizens of Another World—2-CD teaching series by Charles Capps on citizens of another world. You are a new creation that has never existed before! You were born again in to a kingdom that is not of this world. In this 2 CD series Charles shares the practical application of New Creation Realities which is a fundamental principle in the Word. You must understand who you are and how to operate in that world through the Word. � e explosive nature of God’s revealed word to you reborn human spirit is akin to trying to drink water from

a gushing � re hydrant! � en as Charles has said on occasion, “if this won’t build a � re in you, your wood is wet!”



516 Faith � at Will Work For You $ 7.00513 God’s Image of You $ 7.00517 � e Light of Life in the Spirit of Man $ 7.00

Single CD

160 Goalsetting Setting Your Course for Ful� llment $ 8.00- by Annette Capps

130 God Will Light Your Candle $ 8.00131 Jesus the Seed of Righteousness $ 8.00180 Overcoming Inferiority -by Annette Capps $ 8.00111 � e Righteousness Which is of Faith $ 8.00129 � e Simplicity of Faith $ 8.00194 Tell-A-Vision or Television $ 8.00

2 CD’s

257 Citizens of Another World $15.00221 God’s Image of You $15.00269 How to Create Your Own Reality -by Annette Capps $15.00232 Identi� cation Series $15.00

3 CD’s

391 � e Power of Decision -by Annette Capps $22.00


1857 � e Gospel of the Kingdom $20.00

topic: FOR KIDS topic: FOR KIDS

557 Jack and the Beanstalk—Beverly Capps spins this childhood story into an enjoyable picture of “faith as a seed". Let a child experience the excitement of Jack's ride on the beanstalk. � is book will teach children to change life's circumstances simply by correctly choosing what they say and believe.

563 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego—Children's Book by Beverly Capps. � is book's pleasant rhyme will grab a child's attention so you can impart the heroic truth of this Bible story. � e courage of three young men of God shows children that God rewards unyielding faith in Him. Let this book help develop a child's courage to do right, even when everyone else is doing wrong!

Faith-Tales Books

549 Chicken Little Conquers Fear -by Beverly Capps $ 8.00551 � e � ree Bears in the Ministry -by Beverly Capps $ 8.00 552 � e � ree Little Pigs -by Beverly Capps $ 8.00553 Little Red Ridinghood -by Beverly Capps $ 8.00554 � e Little Red Hen -by Beverly Capps $ 8.00557 Jack and the Beanstalk -by Beverly Capps $ 8.00

Books for Building A Relationship with God

546 Prayers for Preschoolers -by Beverly Capps $ 8.00547 Seedtime Stories -by Beverly Capps $ 8.00 548 How Can I Please You God? -by Beverly Capps $ 8.00 550 God is Never Too Busy to Listen -by Beverly Capps $ 5.00555 God Are You Really Real? -by Beverly Capps $ 5.00556 Is Easter Just for Bunnies? -by Beverly Capps $ 5.00558 God is My Best Friend -by Beverly Capps $ 5.00561 God Loves My Teddy Bear Too! -by Beverly Capps $ 5.00562 God Has All the Answers -by Beverly Capps $ 5.00

Men of Faith Books

544 Daniel and the Lions Den -by Beverly Capps $ 8.00563 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego -by Beverly Capps $ 8.00


3101 Set of 17 Children’s Books -by Beverly Capps $99.00 (includes the 17 books listed above)

God’s Creative Power Books

566 God’s Creative Power for Babies and Toddlers $10.00-by Beverly Capps

567 God’s Creative Power for Preschoolers -by Beverly Capps $10.00568 God’s Creative Power for Kids -by Beverly Capps $10.00

topic: TEACHING MATERIAL FOR KIDS6003 Friends with God with Gladly Bear—Curriculum for Preschoolers Ages 2-5 17 weeks of lessonsOrganized and easy to use—even for the � rst-time teacher!Having a relationship with God is important for children. � is planned-and-organized curriculum is part of a series of teachings that will help children learn how to have a close trust in Him. It is provided to help teachers train preschoolers to know that God is their best friend and that He always will listen to them. In fact, He looks forward to it! Nothing else to buy! You can start anytime during the year.

THIS SET INCLUDES:• 17 Week Master Lesson Book • Teacher’s Instruction CD • No-Mess Creative Wikki-Stix (two packages) • “Gladly the Bear” Puppet • Two Sheets Flannel Graph Characters • Reproducible Coloring Sheets (Master Copies)• Th ree books:• God Is Never Too Busy To Listen• Th e Th ree Bears in the Ministry• Little Red Ridinghood (faith tale)


r for


PreschoolCurriculum for Ages 2-5

$169.00 Samples available! See order form.

Friends With GodPreschoolers Ages 2-5

17 weeks of lessons

Organized and easy to use—even for the fi rst-time teacher!

Having a relationship with God is important for children. This planned-and-organized curriculum is part of a series of teachings that will help children learn how to have a close trust in Him. It is provided to help teachers train preschoolers to know that God is their best friend and that He always will listen to them. In fact, He looks forward to it! Nothing else to buy! You can start anytime during the year.


• 17 Week Master Lesson Book• Teacher’s Instruction CD• No-Mess Creative Wikki-Stix (two packages)• “Gladly the Bear” Puppet • Two Sheets Flannel Graph Characters• Reproducible Coloring Sheets/Master Copies• Three books: God Is Never Too Busy To Listen The Three Bears in the Ministry Little Red Ridinghood (retold as a faith tale)

to o rde r by phone ca l l 1-877-396-9400

2 CD’s

224 Child Training -by Charles and Peggy Capps $15.003107 How to Minister to Preschoolers -by Beverly Capps $15.00


6001 Jesus Loves Me! for Babies 0 - 12 months old $20.00-by Beverly Capps

6002 Jesus Loves Me Too! $20.00 for Babies & Toddlers 12 - 24 months old -by Beverly Capps6003 Friends with God with Gladly Bear $20.00 for Preschoolers 2 - 5 years old -by Beverly Capps6004 God’s Word is Truth with Dandy Duck $20.00 for Preschoolers 2 - 5 years old -by Beverly Capps6005 Obedience and Forgiveness with Benji Bunny $20.00 for Preschoolers 2-5 years old -by Beverly Capps6006 Mighty � rough God for kids 6 - 12 years old $20.00 -by Beverly Capps


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