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Physics study untill now become a difficult lesson for most student to obtain good

learning achievement in the class.The law of student’s learning achievement is caused by

various factor,one of them is because student’s are less interested in physics’most students in

class X claimed that they followed lessons of physics only as an obligation.Although there

are some students who are able to understand formulas in physics ,but it is still difficult for

them to implement these formulas in daily life,so they think that physics is not needed to

solve various problems in daily life.It can be concluded that most students are not motivated

in learning physics.Teacher who teach are usually using conventional model, where students

in the compulsory to understand formulas without explaining to studends of physics concepts

contained therein and its relationship with other subject matter taught in classroom.In

addition,use of media in learning is also very minimal,so students become very limited


Education holds the important role to produce Indonesian human

resources,like as individu or as society.Entering the 21st century,the Indonesia human

resources condition was uncompetitive.According to the Human Development Report 2003

version UNDP,the rank of HDI (Human Development Index)] or the quality of human

resources in Indonesia is in the rank of 112,than Filipina is in the rank of 85,Thailand in the

rank 74,Malaysia in the rank of 58,Brunei in the rank of 31,South Korea inthe rank of 30 and

Singapore was ranked 28. Given this reality means that there must be addressed within the

Indonesian human resource.One affects of the low human resource factor is education.The

education system in Indonesia is considered not capable of producing human resources ready

to compete with universe.So there should be reforms in education.

Physics is the branch of Natural Science with studies natural phenomena and

interaction therein.Physics subjects not only features the ability to memorize the formulas

given,but also creatives in actualisation to solve the physics prolem in daily life.It is

emphasized to improve the competence of students to think critically and systematically in

understanding physics concepts,so students gain a true understanding of the physics.But the

factof the author’s experience when implementing PPLT at SMA Negeri 2

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Lintongnihuta,physics subject considered difficult and boring subject because many

calculations intertwined among subjects with each other so that it resulted in less interest in

studying physics and student learning outcomes lower.

Based on the observation was done in SMA Negeri 2 Lintongnihuta known that the

student’s physics achievement at class X unsatisfactory.From the data known that the daily

examination results at SMA Negeri 2 Lintongnihuta scoring just average of 6.50 for science

subjects,this value is below the KKM(Minimum mastery criteria ) was set at 7.00 ( Source:

List Daily test scores SMA Negeri 2 Lintongnihuta).

Factors that affecting low student learning achievementsare teachers rarely use fun

methods or models of learning and less variety.Teacher just explain in front of class and

students only listening and take a notes, learning just focuses to physics equations and

calculations than explain the basic concepts,the relationship of physics with daily life,and the

physics problem in daily life,so that student consider that physics is the hardest lesson and so

difficult to understand.

Problem –based learning model is one of the innovative learning model that can

provide an active learning conditions for students.Problem-based learning is a learning model

that engages students to solve a problem through the stages of scientific methods so that

students can learn knowledge related to these problems and also have the skills to solve

problems.Prolem-based learning model is also a learning model based on problems that

require authentic investigations that need the real solution from the real problem.

Some research relating to the use of Problem Based Instruction method has already been

done,among others;by Festiyed 1,Ermawati(2008),where their research showed that by using

PBL in learning can provide and increase in activity and student’s learning achievement,this

thing can seen from average value of student learning achievement which have increased

from 5.7 in cycle I to 6.09 in cycle II.There is also an increase in value of the lowest in cycle

I was 4,in cycle II,the lowest value obtained 5.Most student’s scores have increase,initially

they received score of 5 and 6 in cycle I,to 6 and 7 in cycle II.Research conducted by them is

class room action research using cycle model.They also suggested that experiment of this

study is more extensive, so as to ascertain how far this PBL method can increaseactivity and

student learning outcomes.

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The result of this research were obtained by using the method of quasi-experimental

(Quasi Experiment ). Advice given by him in his research are as follows : (1) setting the table

on the PBL model should be quite comportable to use a group of five to six people and do not

hinder the mobility of teachers,(2) the number of groups is not to much,(3) required further

research concernig the application of the PBL model,so as to obtain more consistent result.

In a previous study the step of problem based learning model has been done well

suitable with the model,but researchs still have obstacles that can make less then the

maximum results.These constraints are limited number of researchers in allocating time when

students submit their discussion that not all groups can present the result of their

discussion.Less experience of researcher in managing class so that the noisy conditions of

students causing research to be less efficient.

Based on description above,will be conducted research with title “Comparison of

Student Learning Outcomes Using Problem Based Learning Model and Conventional

Method in Topic Dynamic Electricity of class X SMA Negeri 2 Lintongnihuta

Academic Year 2015/2016”.

1.2.Problems Identification

Based on description of background above,problem can be identified as follows:

1.Learning model that is often used is Conventional

2.Lack of students involvement in teaching and learning activitis

3.The low of student learning outcomes in Physics

4.Students not actively in learning process

1.3.Problems Limitation

Problem that developed in this paper should be limited to provide a clear description

of the problems that will be reviewed .In accordance by problem identification,problems

limitation of this paper as follows:

1.The model applied in this research is Problem Base Learning model

2.Subject matter is Heat and Temperature

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3.Students that observe are high school students grade X in SMA Negeri 2 Lintongnihuta

Academic year 2015/2016

1.4.Problem Formulation

Based on the problems limitation which describe above,hence the problems

formulation in this research are;

1.How the student learning achievement after applied Problem Base Learning model?

2.How the student learning achievement after applied Conventional Learning?

3.Is the students learning outcomes by using Problem Base Learning model greater than

Conventional learning?

1.5.Research Objectives

The goals of this research is:

1.To know the student learning achievement after applied Problem Base Learning.

2.To know the student learning achievement after applied Conventional Learning model.

3.To know if there are differences in student learning achievement using Problem Base

Learnig model with Conventional Learning model.

1.6.Research Benefits

The expected benefits of this research are:

1.Adding the experience of researchs in improving students learning outcomes based Problem

Base Learning model that can be used in the future.

2.Opening teacher thinking conception in developing teaching and learning model on using

Problem Base Learning.



2.1. Theoritical Framework

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2.1.1. Learning Defenition

Learning is an activity of the process, and an element that is fundamental to every level of

education. In the whole process of education, learning is an activity that most basic and

important in the overall educational process.

Learning is the process or the work done for each individual to obtain a change in behavior in

the form of knowledge, skills and attitudes and values as a positive experience to get some

impression of the material that has been studied. The learning activities be done at school, at

home, and in other places such as in a museum, in the laboratory, in the jungle and anywhere.

Learn the actions and behavior of the student complex. As the action then learn only

experienced by the students themselves and will determine the occurrence or non-occurrence

of the learning process.

According to Vernon S. Gerlach & Donald P. Ely in his book teaching and the Media-A

Systematic Approach (1971) in Arsyad (2011: 3) suggests that "learning is a change in

behavior, while the behavior is an action that can be observed. In other words, the behavior is

an action that can be observed or outcomes resulting from action or some actions that can be

observed ".

Meanwhile, According to Gagne in Whandi (2007) learning is defined as "a process by which

an organism changes its behavior as a result of an experience". Slameto (2003: 5) states study

is "a process attempts person to obtain a new behavior changes as a whole, as a result of his

own experience in the interaction with the environment".

Further Abdillah (2002) in Aunurrahman (2010: 35) concluded that "learning is a

conscious effort made by individuals in a change in behavior through training and experience

concerning aspects of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor to obtain certain goals" ,

It can be concluded Learning is a change in behavior in individuals who learn.

Change is not only related to the addition of science, but also in the form of skills, skills,

attitudes, understanding, self-esteem, interest, character, self-adjustment. Thus, it can be said

that learning is a series of events that lead to the development of body and soul of the human

person completely.

2.1.2. Learning Activity

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In learning much needed existence of the activity, due to the absence of activity

learning process may not be going well. In the process of learning activities should involve

all aspects of learners, both physical and spiritual so that changes in behavior can be changed

quickly,accurately, easily and correctly,both related to cognitive affective and psychomotor 

(Nana Hanafi, 2010: 23).

Learning activity is an activity that is both physically and mentally. In the process of studying

both activity must be related. Furthermore Piaget explained in the book of Sardiman that if a

child is thinking without doing anything, it means that the child does not think (Sardiman,

2011: 100)

School is one of the learning centers.Thus the school is to develop the activity

arena.Many types of activities that can be done at school.Student activity is not enough to just

listen and record as prevalentin traditional schools.Paul B. Diedrich cited( in Nanang

Hanafiah and Cucu suhana 2010:24) states, learning activities are divided into eight groups,as 


1.Visual activities,which includes,for example reading, viewing pictures, experiments, demon

strations, exhibits, observe others work or play.

2. Oral activities, which suggests a fact or principle, linking an occurrence, ask questions,

give advice, 3. Listening activities, such as listening to the presentation of the material, listen

to a conversation or a discussion group, or listening to the radio.

4. Writing activities, ie write stories, write reports, check out the essay, materials copy, create

an outline or summary, and do tests and completed questionnaires.

5. Drawing activities, ie drawing, create graphs, charts, maps and patterns.

6. Motor activities, ie conduct experiments, choose tools, carrying out exhibitions, model

making, organizing games, as well as dancing and gardening.

7. Mental activities, ie contemplate, remember, solve problems, analyze the factors, see

connections, and make decisions.

8. Emotional activities, ie interest, differentiate, brave, calm, feeling tired and nervous.

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2.1.3. Learning Achievement

Learning is an activity that process, and is an element that is very fundamental in any 

organization of the type and level of education. Mean that the success or failure of achieving t

he goal of education was highly dependent the learning process experienced by students, both

when he was in school and in the home or family environment itself.

Winkel (1996: 162) says that "learning achievement is a proof learning success or abil

ity students inactivities learning according to the quality achieved".

       Learning achievement can be measured by the assessment. Assessment or evaluation

at essentially the consideration or price or value based certain criteria (Nana Sudjana, 2009:


Based on the above opinion can be concluded that the learning achievement is the lear

ning outcomes that have been achieved through the measurement and assessment of the mast

ery of knowledge and skills obtained by the students through the process learning expressed i

n symbols,numbers, letters or codes.

To determine the learning achievement can be measured by the assessment. With

such assessment is a process of give or determine the value of the certain objects based on a

certain criteria (Nana Sudjana, 2010: 3)

Benjamin Bloom (Nana Sudjana, 2010: 22) describes the learning achievement

achieved by students can be grouped into three areas / aspects, ie:

1) cognitive sphere with respect to the results of intellectual learning that consists of

six aspects, namely the knowledge or memory, comprehension, application, analysis,

synthesis and evaluation.

2) affective sphere with regard to the attitude which consists of five aspects, namely

acceptance, response or reaction, assessment, organization and internalization.

3) psychomotor sphere with respect to the results of learning skills and ability to act. There

are six aspects of the psychomotor domains, namely (a) reflex, (b) the basic movement skills,

(c) perceptual abilities, (d) the harmony or accuracy, (e) the movement of complex skills and

(f) the expressive movement.

2.1.4. Learning Model

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The learning model is a plan or a pattern that is used as a guide in planning for

learning in the classroom. Learning model refers to the learning approach that will be used,

including the purposes of teaching, the stages in the learning activities, learning environment

and classroom management (Arends in Trianto, 2010: 51). Meanwhile, according to Joyce &

Weil (1971) in Mulyani Sumantri, et al (1999: 42) learning model is a conceptual framework

that describes a systematic procedure in organizing learning experiences to achieve learning

goals specific, and has a function as a guideline for the designers of learning and teachers in

planning and implementing learning activities.

Based on the two opinions above, it can be concluded that the learning model is a conceptual

framework that describes a systematic procedure for organizing a learning experience to

achieve specific learning objectives, and functions as a guide for instructional planner and

teachers in designing and implementing the learning process.

According Trianto (2010: 53) function of learning model as a guide for planner educators and

teachers in implementing the learning. To choose this model is strongly influenced by the

properties of the material to be taught, and also influenced by the objectives to be achieved in

the teaching as well as the level of ability of learners. In addition to that, each learning model

also has stages (syntax) do students with the guidance of teachers. Between one syntax with

the other syntax also have differences. These differences, including the opening and closing

of learning different between one another. Therefore, teachers need to master and can apply

various teaching skills, to be able to achieve the learning objectives and diverse learning

environment that characterizes today's school. According Kardi and Nur in Trianto (2011:

142) term learning model has a broader meaning than the strategies, methods, or procedures.

The learning model has four special characteristics that are not owned by the strategy,

methods, or procedures. Special traits learning model are: (1) Rational logical theoretical

prepared by the creators or developers, (2) Rationale of what and how students learn

(learning objectives to be achieved), (3) The behavior of teaching necessary so that the model

can be implemented successfully, (4) The learning environment necessary for learning

objectives that can be achieved.

The following is an example of the learning model : (1) Examples Non Examples,(2) Picture

And Picture,(3) Numbered Heads Together,(4) Cooperative Script,(5) Jigsaw,(6) Problem

Based Introduction

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2.2. Problem Based Learning Model

2.2.1. Defenition and Characteristic of Problem Based Learning Model

Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a learning model that can help students to improve skills

needed in the global era. Problem Based Learning (PBL) was developed for the first time by

Prof. Howard Barrows around 1970 in study medical science at McMaster University in

Canada (Amir, 2009). This learning model presents a real problem for students as early

learning later resolved through investigation and applied

use a problem-solving approach.

Some definitions of Problem Based Learning (PBL):

1. According to Duch (1995), Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a learning model that

challenges students to "learn how to learn", work in groups to find solutions to real-

world problems. This problem used to bind the students curiosity in learning the


2. According to Arends (Trianto, 2007), Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a learning

approach where students are exposed to authentic problems (real) so hopefully they

can construct his own knowledge, to develop high-level skills and inquiry, the

student's independence, and improving confidence

3. According to Glazer (2001), suggests Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a teaching

strategy where students actively confronted with complex problems in real situations.

From the explanation of the meaning of Problem Based Learning (PBL) can

be concluded that PBL is a learning model that exposes students to real-world

problems to start learning and is one of the innovative learning model that can provide

active learning conditions for students. Problem Based Learning (PBL) is the

development of the curriculum and the learning process.

In the curriculum, designed problems requires students gain important

knowledge, making them adept in solving the problem, and it has its own learning

strategies and skills to participate in the team. The learning process uses a systemic

approach to solving problems or challenges are needed in everyday life.

Model Problem Based Learning (PBL) is characterized by the use of real-life

problems as something that must be learned. With the model PBL students are

expected to gain more skills than knowledge memorized. Starting from the problem-

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solving skills, critical thinking skills, ability to work in groups, interpersonal and

communication skills, as well as search and information processing skills. Savery,

Duffy, and Thomas (1995) suggested two things that should be used as guidelines in

presenting problems. First, the problem must be in accordance with the concepts and

principles that will be studied. Secondly, the problem presented is the real problem,

which means that the real problem exists in the daily life of students.

PBL learning more priority in the learning process, in which the duty of

teachers should focus on helping students achieve self-directed skills. Teachers in this

model act as renderer problems, questioner, hold dialogue, to help find the problem,

and providers of learning facilities. In addition, teachers provide support that can

enhance the inquiry and intellectual growth of students. This model can only happen

if the teacher can create a classroom environment that is open and guiding the

exchange of ideas.

The most important characteristic of PBL learning model that emerged at the

beginning of his problems pembelajarannya.Menurut Arends, various teaching

development based problems have given the teaching model has the following


a. Submission of question or problem

1. Authentic, the problem must be rooted in real-life world of students rather than

rooted in the principles of a particular discipline.

2. Obviously, the problem formulated clearly, in the sense of not causing new

problems for students at last complicate the completion of the student.

3. Easy to understand, that the given problem should be easy to understand and

adapted to students' level of development of students.

4. Comprehensive and appropriate learning objectives. Comprehensive means that the

problem must include the entire subject matter to be taught in accordance with the

time, space, and resources available.

5. Helpful, that is the matter useful for students as problem solvers and teachers as a

problem maker.

b. Focusing on linkages between disciplines

Asked problems should involve various disciplines.

c. The investigation authentic (real)

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In an investigation of the student to analyze and formulate problems, develop and

predicting hypotheses, collect and analyze information, conduct experiments, make

conclusions, and represent the final outcome.

d. Produce products and show it off

Students are tasked preparing the learning outcomes in the form of work and

showcase their work.

e. collaborative

On this model, learning tasks such as problems are resolved jointly by the student.

As for some of the characteristics of PBL according to Tan (Amir, 2009) include:

a.Problem used as beginning of learning.

b. Usually, problems that used a real-world problems presented by hold

c. Problems usually requires a plural perspective. The solution requires students to use

and get the concept of some science that had previously been taught or cross science

to other fields.

d. Problems keep students challenged to get learning in the realm of new learning.

e. Is prioritizing self directed learning.

f. Utilizing a varied source of knowledge, not from one source only.

g. Learning collaborative, communicative and cooperative. Students work in groups,

interacting, teaching each other (peer teaching), and make a presentation.

2.2.2. Problem Based Learning Goals

Every learning activity will be end with learning achievement.Learning

achievement is the abilities of students after receiving their learning experience

(Sudjana,2009).Learning achievement is an overview of learning in following the

learning process at a level that attended.

Formulation of educational purpose in national education system,both

curricural purpose and intructional purpose,using the classification of Benjamin

Bloom’s learning outcomes are devided into three domains namely

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cognitive,affective,and psychomotor domains.Cognitive domain relating with

thinking skills,affective domain relating with feelings ability,attitude and

personality,while the physchomotor domain relating with motor skills issues that are

controlled by psychological maturity.

2.2.3. Syntax Problem Based Learning Model

The steps of problem based learning is following:

Table 2.1: Table of the syntax of PBL model


Phase 1

Orient students to the problem

Teachers explain the purpose of learning, explaining the

necessary logistics,

filed a phenomenon or a demonstration or a story to

reproduce the problem, motivating students to engage in

problem solving activities.

Phase 2

Organize students to study

The teacher divides the students into groups, helping

students define and organize learning tasks-related


Phase 3

Guiding individual and group


Teachers encourage learners to collect the required

information, carrying out experiments and investigations

to get an explanation and problem solving.

Phase 4

Develop and present the results

Teachers help students in planning and preparing the

report, documentation, or model, and help them share the

task with other

Phase 5

Analyze and evaluate the

process and results of problem


Teachers help students for reflection or evaluate the

process and results of the investigation they were doing.

2.2.4. Advantages and Disadventages of Problem Based Learning Model

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Teaching based a problem is not designed to help teachers provide as much

information to the students. Teaching based problem developed to help students develop

thinking skills, problem solving, and intellectual skills; learn different adult roles through

their inclusion in a real experience or stimulation; and become autonomous and independent

learners(Ibrahim and Nur,2000:7; Trianto 2009:96)

In addition to the benefits, the teaching model based on the problems which have

advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of PBL as a learning model are: (1) Realistic to

student life; (2) The concept according to the needs of students; (3) Nurture nature of inqury

students; (4) Retention of concept so powerful; and (5) Nurture problem solving ability. In

addition to these advantages PBL also has some disadvantages, among others: (1) Preparation

of learning (tool, problem, concept) complex; (2) Difficulty in finding relevant problems; (3)

Often miss-conception; and (4) Consumption of Time, where these models need sufficient

time in the investigation process. So sometimes much time is consumed for the process.

2.3. Conventional Learning

According Djamarah (1996), conventional teaching methods are traditional learning

methods or also called lecture method, because this method has always been used as a means

of verbal communication between teachers and students in the learning process and learning.

In the teaching history of conventional method is marked with lectures, accompanied by an

explanation as well as the division of tasks and exercises.

Learning in the conventional method, the learners more listening to the teacher at the

front of the class and performing the task if the teacher provides practice questions to

students. Which is often used in conventional learning methods include lectures, question and

answer method, discussion method, a method of assignment.

Other methods are often used in conventional methods, among others, is expository.

This expository methods such as lectures, where learning activities centered on the teacher as

a conduit of information (teaching materials). He spoke at the beginning of the lesson,

describe the material and sample questions with questions and answers. Learners do not just

listen and take notes. Teachers joint learners practice completing exercises and the students

ask if not understand. Teachers can check out the work of the students individually, explain

again to students individually or classical.

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2.4. Learning Achievement

One of the indicators is reached or not a learning process is to look at learning

outcomes achieved by students. Learning outcomes is a reflection of the level of success or

achievement of the objectives of the learning process has been implemented that at its peak

ends with an evaluation. Defined learning outcomes as a the final outcomes decision-making

about the intensity of the students during the learning process, learning is successful if the

level of students' knowledge increased from the previous results (Djamarah, 2000: 25).

Learning outcomes is A level of mastery achieved by students in the learning

program, in accordance with the objectives set. According Dimyati and Mudjiono (2006: 3)

learning outcomes is the result of an interaction learning acts and teaching acts.

Sukmadinata (2007: 102) said the learning outcomes are realized or expansion of the

skills potential or capacity of a person. While thelearning outcomes, according Arikunto

(2001: 63) as a result has achieved after undergoing a process of learning by firstly conduct

an evaluation of the learning process is done.

Learning outcomes can be said to be complete if it has met the minimum

completeness criteria set by each subject teacher. Learning outcomes are often used in a very

broad sense that for various rules contained what has been achieved by the students, for

example daily tests, homework assignments, oral tests conducted during the lesson, the final

test quarterly and so on.

Many factors can affect learning outcomes. There are factors that can be changed

(such as teaching, the quality of the design, evaluation model, etc.), those factors must be

taken as it is (such as student background, salary, school environment, etc.) Suhardjono in

Arikunto (2006: 55).

2.5. Learning Material

2.5.1.Definition of Electric Current

Electric current is defined as the flow of electric charge through a conductor. These

currents move from high potential to low potential, from the positive pole to the negative

pole, from the anode to the cathode. This electric current direction opposite to the flow of

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electrons. Electric charge can be transferred in case of potential difference. The potential

difference produced by a power source such as a battery or accumulator. Every power source

always has two poles, the positive pole (+) and negative pole (-).

Electric current is the amount of electrical charge which flows from a point of high

potential to the low potential point within one second. Events flow of electric current due to

the electrons move. Electric current can also be interpreted as the magnitude of the voltage

divided by the magnitude of the resistance.

Strong electric current is the flow velocity of electric charge. Thus, what is meant by a strong

electric current is the amount of electric charge through a conductor section of each unit of

time. When the amount of charge q through a conductor section in time t, then I strong

currents mathematically can be written as follows.


I: strong electric current (A)

q: electric charge (C)

t: time (s)

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Based on these equations, it can be concluded that one coulomb is an electrical charge

through a point within a conductor with a fixed electric current one ampere flowing for one


2.5.2. Measurement of Electric Current and Voltage

How to know the amount of electric current? Tools that can be used to determine the strong

electric current is ammeters. At the measurement of electric current, ammeters in series in an

electrical circuit so that a strong current flowing through the same ammeters with a strong

current flowing in the conductor.

How to set ammeters on the electrical circuit is as follows.

a.Ammeters positive terminal is connected to the positive pole voltage source


b.Ammeters negative terminal connected to the negative pole voltage source (battery).

If the switch on the circuit is connected, then the incandescent lamps turns on and the

ammeter needle deviate from zero. Large deviation needle on the ammeter shows a strong

large current flows.

If the switch is opened, then incandescent lamp is off and the needle on ammeters

back to zeros. This means that there is no electric current flow in the circuit. Thus, it can be

concluded that an electrical current flows only in a closed circuit.

Measuring using a voltmeter different from using ammeters, if using a voltmeter,

installation is passed in parallel at both ends of the voltage difference to be searched. If you

will measure the voltage difference between the ends of the lamp you just set the limit

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measure on tools and directly connect the two wires of a voltmeter to the ends of the lamp as

shown below:

2.5.3. Ohm's Law and Electric Barriers

In the beginning was explained that the cause of the presence of electrical current because the

electric potential difference. George Simon Ohm, who first discovered the relationship strong

electrical current flowing through a conductor that had barriers fixed to the potential

difference of the ends of the conductor. According to George Simon Ohm stated "The amount

of electric potential difference ends of the conductor that had barriers fixed proportional with

the strong electric current flowing through the conductor for the conductor temperature


From further investigation using the conductive that had resistance R, was obtained:

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2.6.Conceptual Framework

Physics is the branch of Natural Science which is a science that studies the

phenomena and natural phenomena in, empirical, logical, systematic and rational involving

the processing and scientific attitude.

The nature of learning physics is the process of changing the behavior of the students

in understanding the physics, thus leaving an impact on the improvement of cognitive ability,

affective, and psychomotor. With a true understanding of the concepts and principles of

physics and linking concepts of physics, it is expected that the student is able to solve many

problems of everyday life. Thus, students can discover, prove, realize and apply the concept

in everyday life. Therefore, in learning physics are emphasized not only the result, but the

process to get the results also preferred.

One of the weakness of the study undertaken by the teachers is the lack of effort to

develop students' ability to think. During this time learning model commonly applied is

focused teacher as resources in large numbers. So we need a model of learning so that

students have the ability to think and able to solve problems on their own, independent

learners and performing in real life.

In learning activities in the classroom, the learning method problem-based learning

can be used as a tool to approach the students with the surrounding environment because in

this learning method students are trained to look for problems that exist in the form of

working groups and they have to present the results of group discussion in the form of a


On learning based on problem students are required to solve the problems presented

by digging as much information, then analyze and find solutions to existing problems.

Learning based problems orient students to the matter, multidisciplinary, requiring the

cooperation, and produce work.


The hypothesis is a temporary answer to be tested through research. Based on the

formulation of the problem that has been presented, it can be arranged several hypotheses

related to the research problem, which is as follows:

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Ho : There is no difference of student learning achievement using problem based learning

model with conventional model on topic Dynamic electricity for class X SMA Negeri

2 Lintongnihuta.

Ha : There is difference of student learning achievement using problem based learning

model with conventional model on topic Dynamic electricity for class X SMA Negeri

2 Lintongnihuta.



3.1.Research Location and Research Time

3.1.1. Research Location

The research conducted in SMA N.2 Lintongnihuta grade X Semester II that were

active in the Academic Year 2015/2016.

3.1.1 Researh Time

The time of this research is adjusted suitable with the schedule allocated in teh senior

high school when the target materials of heat and temperature are being taught and at the

same time,the research is conducted without interfere the students and the teachers activity in

the selected school.

3.2.Research Population and Research Sample

3.2.1. Research Population

The populations on this reseach are all students in grade X of science program in

SMA Negeri 2 Lintongnihuta,that consist of 3 classes.

3.2.2. Research Sample

Sampling technique in this research use cluster random sampling.This technique

provide teh same chance for every part of population to be selected into sample.Randomly

selected sample and obtained two classes that used as experiment and control class. From the

result of ramdom selection,so X1 class choosed as experiment class and X3 as control class.

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3.3 Research Variables

Research variabel is the point of concern of a research.The variabel in this research

are independent variable and dependent variable,namely:

Independent variable in this research is learning model of problem based learning (PBL) and

conventional model.

Dependent variables in this research is students learning achievement.

3.4 Method and Research Design

3.4.1 Method

The method use in this research is quqasi experiment.This experiment method use to

see the figure of achievement level.Experiment research method is teh most productive

experiment research because if the research applied well,so it can answer the main hypothesis

that link to causal relationship.

3.4.2 Research Design

This research will conducted two classes who give the different teratment to know the

students achievement used test for both of classes before and after give the treatment.The

design of research is follow:

Table 3.1 Reseach Design


T1 : Pre-Test

T2 : Post-Test

X1 : Problem Based Learning Model

X2 : Conventional Model

3.5 Research Procedure

Sample Pre-Test Treatment Post-Test

Experiment T1 X1 T2

Control T1 X2 T2

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The steps of this Research procedures follows:

Consult with Headmaster of SMA Negeri 2 Lintongnihuta to ask permission for

conducting research

Determine sample from population

Give Pre-Test for experiment and control class to know the student learning

achievement before give the treatment

Give Pre-Test data analysis called normality test,homogenity test,and test for

experiment and control class

Give treatment using problem based learning for experiment class and giving

treatment using conventional model for control class

Give Post-Test to know the student final ability for experiment and control class

Analize Post-Test data called normality test,homogenity test,test for experiment class

and control class.From hypothesis test knowed the comparasion of student learning

achievement by using problem based learning model and conventional model

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Scheme of research design is shown as figure below:




Control classExperiment class

Experiment class

Normality and Homogeneity


Control class

Problem Based Learning Conventional Learning


Data Tabulation

Data Analysis



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Figure 3.1.Scheme of Research Design

3.6.Research Instrument

3.6.1.Instrument of Student’s Learning Outcomes of Cognitive Domain

The insturment used in this study are evaluation test in the form of objective test (pre-

test and post-test).The evaluation test are arranged based on the topics being taught,in the

study have 15 question in multiple choice form with five obtions.The physics topic on

Dynamic electricity are including the ohm's law, electric current, voltage and power.The

question raised for each topic are distributed based on the grade,category,and difficulty level

of the subjects.

Before the instrument is used,the instrument is tested firstly.The data that will be

analyzed from the test result are difficulty level of questions items,the different index of

items, the validity of the items, and reliability of the instrument.

Table 3.2. The specification learning outcomes test (cognitive domain)

No Material Cognitive Amount



C2 C3 C4 C5 C6

1 Electric current 1 1 1 1 1 4

2 Voltage 1 2 1 4

3 Ohm’s Law 1 1 1 3

4 Power 1 1 1 1 4

Total 2 4 5 2 2 1 15


C1 :Remembering C2 :Understanding C3 :Applying

C4 :Analyzing C5 :Evaluating C6 :Creating

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Assesment criteria for each question answered correctly with a score of 1,and each

question answered wrong with a score of 0.Furthermore,the total score of each student is

converted into a form value using the following formula:

Value = score that got

maximum score x 100


3.6.2.Instrument of Student’s Learning Outcomes at Affective Domain

The instrument use in thi study are observation by observer.The observation

instrument can see at the table

Table 3.3.Rubric of affective assessment

No Indicator Descriptor Scoring

1 Receiving 1.Listening to the teacher in focus

2.Follow the lesson goodly

3.Obey the teacher instruction

1.descriptor shown

2. descriptor shown

3. descriptor shown

2 Responding 1.Answering related to the question

2.Give/present the opinion or idea

3.Report the discussion

/observation/experiment result

1. descriptor shown

2. descriptor shown

3. descriptor shown

3 Valuing 1.Complete an answer by giving the reason

2.Clarify something wrong

1. descriptor shown

2. descriptor shown

4 Organization 1.Follow the group discussion actively

2.Working together with group’s member

3.Collaborate with group’s member

1. descriptor shown

2. descriptor shown

3 descriptor shown

5 Characterization 1.Say something brief and confidently 1. descriptor shown

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2.Responsibility toward task that given

3.Respect the other people

4.Show the good and polite attitude

2. descriptor shown

3. descriptor shown

4. descriptor shown

Assesment criteria for each description 1.Furthermore,the total score of each student

is converted into a form value using the following  formula:

Value = score that got

maximum score x 100


To determine the criteria of student’s affective domain assessment,so use the

following criteria:

Table 3.4.Criteria Assessment of Student’s affective domain

Value in number Explanation

90-100 Excellent

70-89 Good

60-69 Enough

50-59 Less

0-49 Poor

3.6.3.Instrument of Students’s Learning Outcomes at Psychomotor Domain

The instrument used in this study are observation by observer.The observation

instrument can see at the table

Table 3.5 Rubric of psychomotor assessment

No Indicator Descriptor Scoring

1 Imitation 1.observe the teacher action 1.descriptor shown

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2.follow the teacher action

3.imitate the teacher action

2. descriptor shown

3. descriptor shown

2 Manipulation the assigment from the teacher based on

the intruction something product that had been

done about the lesson by follow the instruction

1.descriptor shown

2. descriptor shown

3 Precision 1.demonstrate their work without teacher’s help their work result in front of class

without teacher’s help

1.descriptor shown

2. descriptor shown

4 Articulation 1.solve the problem by doing an experiment 1.descriptor shown

5 Naturalizatio


1.setting an simple and eficient experiment 1.descriptor shown

Assessment criteria for each description is 1.Furthermore,the total score of each

student is converted into a form value using the following formula:

Value = score that got

maximum score x 100


To determine the criteria of student’s affe psychomotor domain assessment,so use the

following criteria:

Table 3.6.Criteria Assessment of Student’s psychomotor domain

Value in number Explanation

90-100 Excellent

70-89 Good

60-69 Enough

50-59 Less

0-49 Poor

3.6.4.Insturment of Student’s Learning Activity

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Student’s learning activity is aimed to observe all the student’s activity as long as

follow the teaching and learning process.

Table 3.7 Rubric of student’s learning activity assessment

No Assessment aspect Descriptor Scoring

1 Orient the problem 1.Show the problem not seriously

2.Show the un exactly problem

3.Show the right problem seriously

2 Formula the hypothesis 1.Formulate the hypothesis unseriously

2.Formulate the hypothesis

3.Formulate the hypothesis completely

3 Identify the problem 1.Identify the problem unseriously

2.Identify the problem

3.Identify the problem completely

4 Analyzed the problem 1.Analyzed the problem unseriously

2.Analyzed the problem but not complet


3.Analyzed the problem completely

5 Solve the problem 1.Solve the problem but wrong

2.Solve the problem

3.Solve the problem completely

6 Present the artifact 1.Present the result but wrong

2.Present the result

3.Present the complete/correct result

Assessment criteria for each description is 1.Furthermore,the total score of each

student is converted into a form value using the following formula:

Value = score that got

maximum score x 100


To determine the criteria of student’s learning activity assessment,so use the

following criteria:

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Table 3.8.Criteria Assessment of Student’s learning activity

Value in number Explanation

80-100 Very active

60-79 Active

40-59 Active enough

0-40 Less

3.6.5.Validity Test

To determine the validity of the instruments used in the validity content.Content

validity of an instrument is show the suitability of the content to measure the topic that

had been taught.Content Validity is generally determined through expert judgment


3.7.Data Analysis Techques

The steps in the data analysis techniques are:

3.7.1.Determine Average Value

To determine the average of value of each sample group used the formula

X = ∑ Xin


Description : X = Mean of value

∑ Xi = Amount of the value

n = Amount of sample(student)

3.7.2.Determine The Deviation Standard

To perform the standard deviation or standard deviation formula used is:

S2 = n∑ X 2−¿¿¿ (3.6)


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S2 = Standard deviation

∑X = The number of the students

∑X2 = Sum of squares of each number

n = Number of test participants

3.7.3.Determine the Homogenity Test

To test the homogenity of the used formula (Sudjana,2005) :

F = S1





S12 = Variance data biggest

S22 = Smallest variance of data

The test criteria are received Ho: the data come from a homogeneous population cuont if

F<F table,where the Ftable obtained from the distribution list F with α = 0.01.Here α is a real

level for testing.

3.7.4.Normality Test

Testing for normality by using the method Liliefors normality.The measures used in

the test are as follows(Sudjana,2005) :

From learning outcomes X1,X2,X3....Xn be a row number Z1,Z2,Z3,....Zn

Formula : Zi = X i−X


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With X = ∑ Xn and S = n ∑ fi xi−¿¿ (3.9)

For each raw number calculated odds F (Zi) = P(Z ≤ Zi) using normal distribution .

Then calculated proportion Z1,Z2,Z3,....Zn that are less then or equal to Zi.If the

proportion is expressed by S (Zi),

= amount Z1 , Z2 , Z3 , .... Z nwhich≤ Z i



Then S (Zi)

Calculate the difference F(Zi)- S(Zi) taken absolute price

Taking the absolute value of the difference between the greatest and called Lo

Normality hypothesis accepted if the price Lo < Ltabel for Liliefors test the real level α

= 0,05 and otherwise will be rejected.

3.7.5.Hypothesis Test

Hipothesis test calculate with 2 kinds are t : ability Test (two tail test)

T test is used to determine the similar ability student in both of groups sample.The

form of hypothesis will be test is :

Ho : µ1 = µ2 : Experiment class and control class have same similarity of ability

Ha : µ1 ≠ µ2 : Experiment class and control class have not same similar ability

µ1 = the average value of the experimental class

µ2 = The average value of the control class

If research data have normal distribution and homogeny so to test of hypothesis use

different test with formula

t =


S√ 1n1

+ 1n2


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With S is combination of deviation standard can calculate with the formula according

to Sudjana (2005):

S2 = (n1−1 ) S1




Where :

X1 = The average value of learning outcomes in the experiment class

X2 = The average value of learning outcomes in the control class

n1 = Total experiment class sample

n2 = Total control class sample

S2 = Varians two of class

T = value of t

With the criteria is:

H0 accept if –t1-1/2α < t< t1-1/2α where t1-1/2α we get from t list with dk = n1 + n2-2 and

probability (1-12 α ) . To another value of t H0 rejected .

Value of tcalculate compare with ttable get from t table list to α = 0,05.If –t1-1/2α < t< t1-1/2α on the

level α 0.05 and independent degree dk = n1 + n2 -2 ,so have the same initial ability of


Ha accept if tcalculate > ttable (ttable get from distribution t list for α = 0,05),it is mean have

not same initial ability of student. Ability Test

T –test two parts used to knowing the influence of problem based learning model on

student’s achievement.

The form of hypothesis will be test is:

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H0 : µ1≤ µ2 : Learning outcomes using problem based learning model less than conventional


Ha : µ1> µ2 : Learning outcomes using problem based learning model greater than

conventional learning.

If distribution normal data have the variance homogeny so the hypothesis in the

research use t test with the formula is : (Sudjana,2009)

t =


S√ 1n1

+ 1n2


With :

S2 = (n1−1 ) S1




With test criteria is :

H0 accept if tcalculate < t(1-α) where t (1-α) get from distribution table t with independent

degree (dk) = n1 + n2 -2 and the probability (1-α) with α = 0,05 for another value of t H0 not

accept,so learning outcomes using problem based learning model greater than conventional
