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Die Tipps der Sprache

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If If you'reyou're aa firstfirst--timetime languagelanguage learner,learner, youyou know know thatthat emotionalemotional comescomes upupandand down,down, right?right?

 When When youyou understandunderstand aa conceptconcept oror beginbegin toto comprehendcomprehend thethe language,language,youyou may may experienceexperience feelingsfeelings of of exhilarationexhilaration..

However,However, thesethese areare oftenoften followedfollowed by by momentsmoments of of frustrationfrustration andand

discouragement,discouragement, during during which which youyou mightmight feelfeel asas if if youyou will  will nevernever mastermaster thetheconceptsconcepts andand attainattain thethe ability ability toto understandunderstand andand communicatecommunicate effectively effectively..

HereHere areare somesome timetime--tested,tested, researchresearch--verified  verified approachesapproaches oror we  we cancan say say somesome tipstips thatthat will will helphelp mitigatemitigate potentialpotential frustrationfrustration andand will will increaseincrease youryour ability ability toto succeedsucceed inin languagelanguage learning learning..

ButBut firstfirst of of all,all, will  will shownshown toto youyou somesome of of behaviorbehavior which which havehave being being donedone by by soso many many peoplepeople inin learning learning aa foreignforeign languagelanguage.. ButBut allall of of themthem areare wrong, wrong, useless,useless, andand ineffectiveineffective.. So,So, DON·TDON·T DODO IT!IT!

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1)1) I·llI·ll li enli en oo he

he languagelanguage ca e eca e e while while II worked worked aroundaround y y hou ehou e..

ItIt soundssounds soso greatgreat andand wonderful,  wonderful, butbut ItIt won·t won·t work   work effectively effectively.. You Youcan·tcan·t only only turnturn thethe tapetape recorderrecorder onon andand letlet thethe targettarget languagelanguage glideglide throughthroughyouryour mindmind..

 You You havehave toto learnlearn allall of of thethe materialmaterial insideinside thethe cassette,cassette, catchcatch allall of of thethe words, words, learnlearn it,it, repeatrepeat it,it, mastermaster it,it, andand thenthen testtest yourself yourself towardstowards every every words wordsandand exerciseexercise insideinside..

Learning Learning aa foreignforeign languagelanguage isn·tisn·t asas easy easy asas youyou imagineimagine.. You You havehave toto try try asas hardhard asas youyou cancan toto mastermaster what what targettarget languagelanguage youyou want want..

Don¶t Do It

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2)2) Ti e Ti e i n·ti n·t i portanti portant..

 Wow, Wow, thatthat was  was very   very destroying destroying imaginationimagination.. Time  Time isn·tisn·t importantimportant.. I·llI·lltaketake my my time,time, passpass day day afterafter day,day, andand thethe languagelanguage will will stay stay therethere when when II camecameback back..

DoDo notnot letlet thatthat imaginationimagination glideglide throughthrough youryour mindmind only only forfor aa secondsecond.. An An appleapple which  which isis bittenbitten andand leftleft away away will will bebe brownbrown.. The The conditioncondition isis asassamesame asas youryour ability ability inin foreignforeign languagelanguage.. If If youyou don·tdon·t practicepractice againagain andand again,again,you·llyou·ll looseloose youryour ability,ability, you·llyou·ll looseloose youryour memory memory towardstowards thethe vocabulary, vocabulary,youyou can·tcan·t rememberremember thethe conjugationconjugation form,form, youyou can·tcan·t pronouncepronounce thethe sentencesentencefluently fluently..

 Time Time isis aa swordsword.. There There soso many many thingsthings disappeardisappear if if youyou letlet thethe timetime cutcutyouyou off off..

Don¶t Do It

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3)3) The The chapterchapter II learnlearn ii oo difficult,difficult, I·llI·ll pa  pa itit andand back back againagain laterlater..

 That That was was aa superbsuperb killerkiller.. SubjunctiveSubjunctive inin Romanian,Romanian, tensestenses inin English,English,numbernumber interpretationinterpretation inin Russian,Russian, doubledouble infinitiveinfinitive inin German,German, casecase ininFinnish,Finnish, gendergender inin Hebrew,Hebrew, rootroot word word inin Arabic, Arabic, gutturalguttural inin Dutch,Dutch, nasalnasal inin

French,French, tonaltonal soundsound inin MandarinMandarin.. Almost Almost allall of of languagelanguage havehave aa highhigh mountainmountain.. ClimbClimb itit up!up! Don·tDon·t taketake aa

long long way  way roundround.. Take Take oneone stepstep inin severalseveral time,time, maybemaybe oneone stepstep--oneone day,day, bebecarefulcareful andand don·tdon·t givegive upup inin eacheach stepstep youyou takentaken..

MaybeMaybe itit soundssounds hurt,hurt, butbut that·sthat·s thethe truetrue..

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4)4) II won·t won·t learnlearn thethe rightright accentaccent..

IndeedIndeed we we areare notnot nativenative speaker,speaker, butbut it·sit·s notnot wrong  wrong if if we we learnlearn thethe rightrightaccentaccent.. We  We will  will look look thethe realreal nativenative speakerspeaker³  ³althoughalthough we·re  we·re notnot nativenativespeakerspeaker³  ³if if we we cancan show show thethe rightright accentaccent..

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1)1) SetSet reali ticreali tic expectationexpectation

ItIt isis naturalnatural toto feelfeel uncomfortableuncomfortable inin aa languagelanguage classclass.. You·re  You·re usedused totobeing being inin classesclasses where  where thethe modemode of of communicationcommunication³  ³thethe languagelanguage of of instructioninstruction³  ³isis aa givengiven.. InIn aa languagelanguage course,course, however,however, itit isis thethe modemode of of 

communicationcommunication itself itself thatthat isis thethe focusfocus of of instructioninstruction.. ForFor thisthis reason,reason, aalanguagelanguage coursecourse isis differentdifferent thanthan mostmost otherother coursescourses youyou will will everever taketake.. NotNotunder tandingunder tanding andand akingaking i takei take areare aa very  very naturalnatural partpart of of thethe languagelanguagelearning learning processprocess.. Accept Accept thethe factfact thatthat youyou will will notnot understandunderstand everything everything.. InInfact,fact, atat thethe very  very beginning,beginning, youyou will will notnot understandunderstand muchmuch atat allall..

RememberRemember thatthat during during thethe initialinitial periodperiod of of adaptationadaptation youryour earear andand youryourmindmind areare adjusting adjusting toto thethe soundssounds andand thethe rhythmrhythm of of thethe languagelanguage.. Though Though youyou

 will  will notnot understandunderstand allall of of what  what isis being being said,said, youyou will  will bebe amazedamazed atat youryourincreasing increasing ability ability toto makemake sensesense of of thethe languagelanguage.. RememberRemember thatthat thethe only only way  way toto learnlearn thethe languagelanguage isis throughthrough practice,practice, practice,practice, andand moremore practicepractice.. And And ininthethe coursecourse of of practicing practicing youyou will will makemake many many errorserrors «« andand youyou will will learnlearn fromfromthemthem..

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2)2) Break Break  tudytudy ti eti e intointo alleraller chunk chunk 

ResearchResearch showsshows thatthat languagelanguage studentsstudents learnlearn moremore effectively effectively andand getgetmoremore when when they they study study frequently frequently andand forfor shortershorter periodsperiods of of timetime thanthan if if they they study study infrequently infrequently forfor extendedextended periodsperiods of of timetime.. Try  Try toto study study eacheach day,day, andand

 whenever whenever possible,possible, severalseveral timestimes aa day day.. This This means,means, forfor instance,instance, doing doing aa few few homework homework exercisesexercises eacheach day day ratherrather thanthan doing doing allall homework homework assignmentsassignmentsthethe nightnight beforebefore they they areare duedue..

InIn addition,addition, therethere areare many many otherwiseotherwise mentally mentally ´idleµ´idleµ momentsmoments during during thethe day day when when youyou cancan work  work inin somesome studying studying.. ForFor example,example, youyou cancan review review  vocabulary  vocabulary while while eating eating breakfast,breakfast, reciterecite thethe alphabetalphabet while while showering,showering, countcountyouryour stepssteps asas youyou walk  walk betweenbetween classes,classes, namename asas many many objectobject asas youyou cancan inin thethe

targettarget languagelanguage onon youryour way  way toto college,college, taketake youryour vocabulary  vocabulary flashflash cardscards with withyouyou onon aa roadroad trip,trip, etcetc..

 There There areare many many momentsmoments during during thethe day day when when youyou cancan squeezesqueeze inin aa few few minutesminutes of of practicepractice timetime.. Through Through thethe repetitionrepetition of of material,material, itit will will bebe comecomeincreasingly increasingly familiar,familiar, untiluntil itit eventually eventually becomesbecomes anan automaticautomatic partpart of of youryourlanguagelanguage repertoirerepertoire..

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3)3) LearnLearn vocabulary vocabulary effectivelyeffectively

 V ocabulary  V ocabulary isis thethe mostmost essentialessential elementelement of of communicationcommunication.. The The moremore words words youyou know,know, thethe moremore youyou cancan say say andand understandunderstand..

 The  The bestbest way  way toto learnlearn vocabulary   vocabulary isis throughthrough thethe useuse of of flashflash cardscards that that   you     you make make yourself     yourself  .. MakeMake aa setset of of cardscards andand ensureensure itit isn·tisn·t tootoo big big oror tootoo smallsmall.. This  This makesmakes themthem easy easy toto carry carry everywhereeverywhere.. Write Write aa vocabulary  vocabulary word word onon thethefrontfront andand itsits IndonesianIndonesian definitiondefinition onon thethe back back.. You You cancan addadd thethe informationinformationaboutabout eacheach word, word, likelike pluralplural formsforms of of nounsnouns..

 There There areare many many ways ways youyou cancan useuse flashflash cardscards asas aa learning learning tooltool.. To To helphelpyouyou learnlearn andand rememberremember nounnoun genders,genders, forfor example,example, youyou cancan colorcolor codecode thethenounsnouns by by gender,gender, eithereither by by using using coloredcolored cardscards oror coloredcolored ink ink.. When When studying,studying,organizeorganize words  words inin meaningfulmeaningful groupsgroups (e(e..g g..,, by by nounnoun gender,gender, inin thematicthematiccategories,categories, etc)etc).. ShuffleShuffle thethe cardscards oror groups,groups, soso thatthat youyou useuse thethe stack stack (s)(s) inin aadifferentdifferent orderorder eacheach timetime.. UseUse thethe cardscards inin bothboth directionsdirections:: firstfirst look look atat thetheforeignforeign languagelanguage words  words andand try try toto recallrecall thethe IndonesianIndonesian definitiondefinition.. Then Thenshuffleshuffle andand look look atat thethe IndonesianIndonesian definitionsdefinitions andand attemptattempt toto rememberremember thetheforeignforeign languagelanguage words words.. FlashFlash cardscards offeroffer many many possibilitiespossibilities.. Take Take advantage!advantage!

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4)4) PracticePractice languagelanguage activelyactively

 Whenever  Whenever possible,possible, speak speak thethe languagelanguage aloudaloud ratherrather thanthan reciting reciting ititsilently silently toto yourself yourself.. Say Say vocabulary  vocabulary words words outout loud,loud, readread passagespassages inin thethe texttextaloud,aloud, dodo pronunciationpronunciation activitiesactivities orally orally andand notnot justjust mentally mentally.. Write Write downdown thethe

answersanswers toto activitiesactivities ratherrather thanthan gliding gliding throughthrough themthem inin youryour mindmind.. ReadReadaloudaloud entireentire sentencessentences inin anan activity activity ratherrather thanthan justjust reading reading aa fillfill--inin responseresponse..

 Transferring   Transferring languagelanguage fromfrom youryour mindmind toto youryour mouthmouth isis aa skillskill thatthatrequiresrequires aa greatgreat dealdeal of of practicepractice..

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5)5) DoDo ho ework ho ework con cientiou lycon cientiou ly

InIn thethe coursecourse of of aa conversation,conversation, itit isis notnot practicalpractical toto look look upup nounnoungendersgenders oror fretfret overover verb  verb tensestenses.. ButBut homework homework offersoffers youyou aa goldengoldenopportunity opportunity toto practicepractice youryour languagelanguage skillsskills inin aa deliberatedeliberate mannermanner..

 When  When doing doing youryour homework,homework, youyou havehave thethe luxury luxury of of timetime.. Look Look upup words  words andand gendersgenders youyou don·tdon·t know know.. ReferRefer toto chartscharts andand otherother resourcesresourcesavailableavailable toto youyou.. This This will will reinforcereinforce thethe materialmaterial andand eventually eventually itit will will becomebecomeautomaticautomatic.. If If youyou nevernever look look thingsthings upup oror simply simply guess,guess, youyou will will bebe strongly strongly reinforcing reinforcing errorserrors andand youyou will  will nevernever learnlearn properproper formsforms andand words words.. ReadReadinstructorinstructor feedback feedback onon homework homework andand ask ask clarifying clarifying questionsquestions when whennecessary necessary.. MaximizeMaximize thethe utility utility of of youryour homework homework toto youryour learning learning..

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6)6) ForFor tudytudy groupgroup

MeetMeet regularly regularly with  with classmatesclassmates toto work   work togethertogether onon homework homework assignments,assignments, toto learnlearn vocabulary,  vocabulary, toto study study forfor tests,tests, oror justjust toto practicepracticespeaking speaking thethe languagelanguage.. EveryoneEveryone hashas strengthsstrengths andand weaknesses weaknesses when when itit comescomes

toto languagelanguage learning learning.. Learning Learning with with othersothers helpshelps decreasedecrease knowledgeknowledge gapsgaps andandgivesgives youyou opportunitiesopportunities toto actively actively discussdiscuss conceptsconcepts andand materialmaterial coveredcovered ininclass,class, thereby thereby increasing increasing thethe chanceschances thatthat youyou will  will rememberremember itit.. You  You will willbenefitbenefit fromfrom thethe knowledgeknowledge andand abilitiesabilities of of youryour classmates,classmates, asas they they will will fromfromyoursyours..

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7)7) IdentifyIdentify your your learninglearning t ylet yle

EachEach personperson hashas his/herhis/her ownown learning learning stylestyle andand everyoneeveryone learnslearns atat aadifferentdifferent pacepace.. Try  Try notnot toto getget frustratedfrustrated if if someonesomeone elseelse inin classclass seemsseems toto bebeprogressing progressing moremore quickly quickly thanthan youyou.. You You mightmight findfind thatthat youyou havehave aa knack knack forfor

grammargrammar butbut havehave difficulty difficulty with  with speaking speaking.. OrOr youyou may may findfind thatthat youyouunderstandunderstand thingsthings perfectly perfectly inin class,class, butbut when  when itit comescomes toto thethe homework homework assignments,assignments, youyou feelfeel lostlost..

StriveStrive toto identify identify youryour ownown personalpersonal strengthsstrengths andand letlet thesethese helphelp youyou ininyouryour learning learning processprocess.. If If youyou areare aa visual  visual learner,learner, forfor example,example, write write thingsthingsdowndown andand try try toto associateassociate words  words with with imagesimages.. At  At thethe samesame time,time, strivestrive totoidentify identify youryour ownown personalpersonal learning learning barriersbarriers andand makemake effortsefforts toto overcomeovercome

themthem.. ForFor example,example, if if youyou tendtend toto bebe quietquiet inin classesclasses andand oftenoften refrainrefrain fromfromparticipating,participating, forceforce yourself yourself toto sitsit atat thethe frontfront of of thethe classroomclassroom..

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8)8) Maxi izeMaxi ize your your languagelanguage expo ureexpo ure

If If youryour ultimateultimate goalgoal isis languagelanguage fluency,fluency, asas itit isis forfor many many studentsstudentslearning learning aa language,language, thenthen itit isis importantimportant toto know know thatthat youyou will will becomebecome moremorefluentfluent moremore quickly quickly if if youyou increaseincrease thethe amountamount of of contactcontact youyou havehave with with thethe

languagelanguage.. You  You cancan startstart by by simply simply practicing practicing thethe languagelanguage with with aa classmateclassmateoutsideoutside of of classclass.. You  You cancan befriendbefriend nativenative speakersspeakers inin youryour community community ororattendattend aa locallocal foreignforeign languagelanguage conversationconversation hour,hour, if if oneone existsexists.. RentRent aa moviemovieinin thethe targettarget language,language, oror listenlisten toto authenticauthentic audioaudio oror video video onlineonline..

RememberRemember thatthat youyou won·t  won·t bebe ableable toto understandunderstand everything,everything, andand youyoumightmight notnot understandunderstand muchmuch atat allall atat firstfirst.. Nonetheless,Nonetheless, thesethese experiencesexperiences will willmakemake youyou increasingly increasingly familiarfamiliar with with thethe sounds,sounds, rhythm,rhythm, andand intonationintonation of of thethe

languagelanguage.. IncreasedIncreased exposureexposure toto andand activeactive practicepractice with with thethe languagelanguage will willhelphelp youyou developdevelop skillsskills moremore quickly quickly..

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9)9) Mne onic,Mne onic, brilliantbrilliant ideaidea frofro HarryHarry LorayneLorayne

Harry Harry LorayneLorayne hashas taughttaught usus anan associationassociation system,system, namednamed mnemonic mnemonic ,, thatthatcancan keepkeep aa new new word  word fromfrom foreignforeign languagelanguage inin ourour mindmind.. The  The way   way isis by by associating associating thethe word word (s)(s) tightly tightly with with ourour nativenative languagelanguage..

MaybeMaybe thatthat was was soso confusing,confusing, letlet taketake anan exampleexample.. Word  Word ´bersamaµ´bersamaµ inin GermanGerman isis ´zusammenµ´zusammenµ thatthat pronouncedpronounced

/tsuzamm/tsuzammn/n/.. ImagineImagine³  ³thethe associationassociation isis givengiven inin IndonesianIndonesian³  ³BuBu TSU TSUnaminami ber a aber a a Pak Pak  Z MZ Mronironi memeMENMENangkanangkan perhargaanperhargaan pasanganpasangansuamisuami--istriistri terromantisterromantis..

StillStill confused?confused? OK,OK, oneone moremore exampleexample..

 Word Word ´kukuµ´kukuµ inin GermanGerman isis ´Nagelµ´Nagelµ thatthat pronouncedpronounced /na/na::g g l/l/.. ImagineImagineNN nana mengecatmengecat kukukukunyanya dengandengan warna warna GELGELapap..

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9)9) Mne onic,Mne onic, brilliantbrilliant ideaidea frofro HarryHarry LorayneLorayne

NotNot allall of of thethe words words cancan putput toto thisthis methodmethod easily easily.. There There areare automatic,automatic,resemble,resemble, hard,hard, andand impossibleimpossible word word.. If If you·veyou·ve triedtried hardhard toto putput thethe word word totothisthis methodmethod andand seemsseems impossible,impossible, don·tdon·t waste waste youryour preciousprecious timetime.. You You cancan

rememberremember itit conventionally conventionally..NotNot only only word, word, butbut alsoalso gendergender alsoalso cancan putput inin thisthis methodmethod..ForFor example,example, word  word ´officeµ´officeµ inin GermanGerman isis ´Büroµ´Büroµ.. ImagineImagine thethe officeoffice

 which which only only malemale peoplepeople thatthat work  work therethere.. ´Der´Der BüroµBüroµ;; masculinemasculine..StillStill confused?confused? OK,OK, oneone moremore exampleexample.. Word Word ´houseµ´houseµ inin GermanGerman isis ´Hausµ´Hausµ.. ImagineImagine thethe househouse which which isis very  very 

disgusting disgusting thatthat almostalmost every every peoplepeople inin thatthat city city don·tdon·t want  want livelive therethere.. ´Das´DasHausµHausµ;; neutralneutral..

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10)10)Co unicateCo unicate with with your your in tructorin tructor

 Take Take responsibility responsibility forfor youryour learning learning.. CommunicateCommunicate with with youryour instructorinstructorany any problemsproblems thatthat may may bebe interfering interfering with  with youryour learning learning oror any any specificspecificdifficultiesdifficulties thatthat youyou areare having having with with thethe materialmaterial.. Seek Seek helphelp immediately immediately when when

youyou needneed itit.. You  You mightmight bebe surprisedsurprised how how easily easily suchsuch difficultiesdifficulties cancan beberesolvedresolved.. Also,  Also, bebe proactiveproactive aboutabout making making upup missedmissed work  work.. NotNot only only youryourgrade,grade, butbut alsoalso youryour successsuccess atat learning learning dependdepend onon itit..

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