Page 1: · Web viewPOST 2: Prior to starting my Shaklee business, I was a Stay at home Mom. I was 26 and had 3 kids ages 4, 2, and a baby. I wasn’t looking for a job or a business. I wanted

Host: Bonnie Donahue

Title: FebYOUary - LOVE your LIFE/BUSINESS


Welcome to my FebYOUary online event series. There will be different events all month long with different themes. 



Tonight I will be focusing on the Shaklee's BUSINESS! Learn how can earn a part/full time income doing what you LOVE! ❤

❤ From 8:30-9:30pm, I will be posting all the info you need to learn about these incredible products that have changed so many people's lives. There will be amazing incentives & participation prizes!! You'll also have the chance to read about testimonies and get great tips on how to make a lifestyle change that will make YOU LOVE YOUR LIFE/BUSINESS! ❤

❤ There will be amazing incentives, specials, flash sales and giveaways.

Let's get this party started!!! Tonight is all about the business!!!! Yay!!! I love talking about this!!!

Page 2: · Web viewPOST 2: Prior to starting my Shaklee business, I was a Stay at home Mom. I was 26 and had 3 kids ages 4, 2, and a baby. I wasn’t looking for a job or a business. I wanted

First off, roll call!! Who's here and WHAT do you want to learn about Shaklee's business opportunity tonight?

POST 1: Welcome and thank you!

I appreciate the chance to introduce you to something I’m very passionate about. 

Shaklee Corporation is the Number 1 Natural Nutrition Company in the U.S. and one of America’s most trusted brands. 

I’m Bonnie Donahue and I’m excited to be able to introduce you to Shaklee and the effect it has had on me and millions of other people’s lives, for nearly 60 years. 

Shaklee is about offering better health for everyone and a better life for anyone. And for the next few minutes we’re going to talk together about how Shaklee might help you achieve what you want for your health or for an even better quality of life.

Page 3: · Web viewPOST 2: Prior to starting my Shaklee business, I was a Stay at home Mom. I was 26 and had 3 kids ages 4, 2, and a baby. I wasn’t looking for a job or a business. I wanted

POST 2: Prior to starting my Shaklee business, I was a Stay at home Mom. I was 26 and had 3 kids ages 4, 2, and a baby. I wasn’t looking for a job or a business. I wanted and needed to do something for myself. I always wanted to be a stay at home mom and I didn’t want to leave my kids BUT something was missing. I got married young and started my family right away. I felt like I needed to do something for myself. I needed to do something that I believed was right, something that I cared about, something that would impact others and make a difference, something that I can invest in now and it would continue to pay me even when I not there. I loved the idea for getting rewarded for the work you do. That Tiffany Box and on stage recognition was only a dream for me then.

What I found was that Shaklee fit all my criteria and more. I love that this business is built on the golden rule and helping others get healthier or wealthier.

Our experience of The Shaklee Effect has been more than I could believe! I have built a full-time income, earned free car bonuses, 7 free vacations, and I have helped over 1,000 families improve their health.

Shaklee has also helped my believe in me and to help inspire others which has been rewarding.

Page 4: · Web viewPOST 2: Prior to starting my Shaklee business, I was a Stay at home Mom. I was 26 and had 3 kids ages 4, 2, and a baby. I wasn’t looking for a job or a business. I wanted

POST 3: Here are a few photos of my Shaklee story so far!

POST 4: Now I’d like to find out about you.

Are you where you want to be in your life?

What would you like your life to be like in a year, or five years, or even 10 years from now?

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POST 5: How do you feel about your health or fitness level? 

Are you sick and tired of feeling not your best? 

Wishing you had more energy to get done everything that has to be done in your busy day? 

Maybe there’s a change you’ve wanted to make in your overall well-being, but you just didn’t know how to approach it.

POST 6: Are work and family in balance? 

Do you have the time you want to spend with your friends or your family? 

These days we all feel really lucky sometimes to even have a job, but how would it be to have an income

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that came from doing something you loved? 

That was flexible enough that you could fit it into your life, instead of having to mold your life around a demanding work schedule?

POST 7: Do you have the lifestyle you’ve always wanted?

Do you wish you could spend more time doing the things that really give you pleasure?

Are you able to travel when and where you want to?

Or are you living from paycheck to paycheck - maybe wondering how to get out from under an uncomfortable amount of debt?

Most of us have been in that same boat.

POST 8: Here's a post of our last trip to Mexico!…/our-trip-to-playa-del-carmen…

POST 9: Here is a post from our NYC trip!…/donahues-go-to-new-york-to-s…

Page 7: · Web viewPOST 2: Prior to starting my Shaklee business, I was a Stay at home Mom. I was 26 and had 3 kids ages 4, 2, and a baby. I wasn’t looking for a job or a business. I wanted

POST 10: Here is a post about our first trip to Mexico! Shaklee paid for our whole family to go!!!…/free-trip-to-mexico-yes-plea…

POST 11: What if?

You could lay the foundation for a lifetime of good health?

You could define a better balance between work and family?

You could live a life completely designed by you?

Or all of these?

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POST 12: For nearly 60 years, Shaklee has been helping people to attain these kinds of dreams for themselves and their families.

Lots of times, people don’t think it’s possible to make this kind of change in their lives, because it just seems overwhelming.

But we believe that by taking small, positive steps each day, transformation becomes possible. That’s what we call The Shaklee Effect.

POST 13: Chapter 1: The Shaklee OpportunityAn introduction to Shaklee's products, philosophy, and the opportunity it offers to everyone.

Please take a minute to watch this short video and post one thing you liked from it!

POST 14: There are a lot of reasons that people get involved with Shaklee.

You can use the Products and experience the change in your health that they can help bring about.

You can share the products and your life-changing results with the community of people around you, so that you can earn discounts, a little extra spending money, or enough to cover a second car payment.

You can increase your Shaklee Effect by building a team of like-minded people with the potential to earn a significant income - that can be further enhanced with the FastTRACK program - and you can do this in your spare time, part-time or full-time.

Whatever that need is that you have, if your life doesn’t exactly reflect everything you really want for yourself, or your family, just know that you’re not alone.

Most of us want a change.

People want to look better and feel great at every stage of their lives

People want a better work/life balance

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People want a way to earn money that is consistent with their values

People are concerned about being ready for retirement

People are finding it tough to enter or re-enter the traditional job market

People want live in homes that are free of toxins

People want to do their part to help the environment

Shaklee has solutions for each of these very common needs and desires.

POST 15: What is also powerful and exciting about Shaklee is that when you look at trends of critical needs and markets that are expanding in response to them, 

Shaklee is at the intersection of five massive global growth trends predicted to continue to grow to $3 trillion. 

Shaklee’s product families within these trends are in growth categories, and that’s good for us today and into the future as these trends continue to explode.

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Shaklee has always been a different kind of company – founded on principles. Dr. Shaklee taught that you should do all you can to be In Harmony with Nature® and to operate by The Golden Rule – treat people the way you yourself would want to be treated and success will come to you.

Our founder was an innovator and a philosopher who in 1915 created one of the first multivitamin supplements in the world. He believed that nature holds the answers to a long and healthy life, and he believed that science could unlock those secrets. His focus was on wellness–keeping people healthy.

In 1956, he decided that the best way to get his products into people’s hands on a larger scale was by word of mouth – people sharing the best health and earth-friendly products with other people. How many large corporations these days operate on principles that include being responsible for the environment and putting people first?

Nearly 60 years later, Shaklee today is the #1 Natural Nutrition Company in the U.S. and one of America’s most trusted brands. 10 years ago, we were purchased by Roger Barnett. Roger is a leader with vision. He believes that, one person at a time, Shaklee has the ability to make a difference in the health and well-being of people on a global basis, and to help ensure the future health of our planet. Our mission is to provide a healthier life for everyone and a better life for anyone.

Keeping promises, valuing safety and quality over what’s easy to do and putting the well-being of people and the planet first – that’s our DNA. And we’ve been at it for a long time.

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Shaklee products are different. They are Always Safe, they Always Work and they are Always Green.

Shaklee uses science to unlock the secrets of nature: not based on hype or fads

Average length of time our customers use our products: 18.5 years

Backed by 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Investment of over $250 million in Research and Development.

Over 100,000 quality tests annually

First company in the world to be certified Climate Neutral® in 2000

121 medals earned by athletes fueled by Shaklee

Over 100 scientific papers, 90 of which are in peer reviewed publications

And through the 2007 Landmark Study

POST 18: Chapter 2: The Shaklee DifferenceThe basis of Shaklee is our solutions to people's health concerns. Our range and variety of reliable, quality products address everything from a healthy nutritional foundation to non-toxic home cleaning choices.

Watch this short video and post one thing you learned!

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Changing brands really can change your life.

Shaklee proved this in 2007 when a groundbreaking study conducted in collaboration with researchers from the University of California Berkeley School of Public Health was published in Nutrition Journal.

Long-term Shaklee nutrition users clearly demonstrated lower levels of the most important heart-health biomarkers recognized by the American Heart Association as compared to non-supplement users.

Triglyceride levels - These are fats that can deposit on blood vessels. Lower levels of triglycerides have been shown to help improve heart health.

Homocysteine levels - Homocysteine is an amino acid produced naturally in the body. Lower levels of homocysteine in the blood helps support optimal heart health.

Total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol ratio HDL cholesterol helps remove ‘bad’ cholesterol from the blood. A lower total cholesterol to HDL ratio helps improve heart health

C-reactive protein level - C-reactive protein (CRP) is found in the blood and measures the body’s response to biological stress. Lower levels of C-reactive protein helps improve heart health.

There are health benefits to using Shaklee products.

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POST 20: Shaklee products are life-changing.

By combining the best products with regimens that work for you, you can start with nutrients to improve how you feel every day.

Then add the solutions for your most important health priorities and concerns.

Start with those small steps, and you can expect long lasting results, as well as a positive impact on your life and in the lives of those around you.


With 90% of Americans lacking key nutrients in their diet, the Foundations Regimen provides the nutritional foundation your body needs.

Page 14: · Web viewPOST 2: Prior to starting my Shaklee business, I was a Stay at home Mom. I was 26 and had 3 kids ages 4, 2, and a baby. I wasn’t looking for a job or a business. I wanted

POST 22: I love Shaklee’s vitalizer and protein and have been taking them daily for years. I can’t remember the last time I was sick and I can keep up with all my kiddos all day long.


Shaklee’s range of solutions for the most important areas of health designed to help you live a longer and better life.

Page 15: · Web viewPOST 2: Prior to starting my Shaklee business, I was a Stay at home Mom. I was 26 and had 3 kids ages 4, 2, and a baby. I wasn’t looking for a job or a business. I wanted

POST 24: Here is my sister's transformation!! You can watch her story here!


Our safe, scientifically formulated weight management program is designed to help you lose the weight and teach you how to keep it off.

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Our nourishing and clinically proven skin and hair care products are infused with natural herbs, essential vitamins and, antioxidants.

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POST 26: HEALTHY HOME {2 pics}

Our super-concentrated cleaning formulas are natural, nontoxic, and always work.

I love knowing that I am cleaning the mess without harming my children. PLUS, the products actually work! AND my husband loves that I am saving him money!

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Once you experience the transformation in your health that Shaklee products can help you create, it’s the simplest most natural thing in the world to share them.

And when you do, your life can be transformed in a whole new way.

It’s incredibly rewarding.

And not just financially, though that’s a big part of it.


One of my favorite things about this business is that I get to spend time with my 4 kiddos!! I LOVE how I can work AROUND MY FAMILY!! I only work PART TIME so I can see them! Sure, I can work more, but that's not my goal! I am not going to say that this is easy but it's worth it to me!!

Here is a quick peek into my life (during the summer)

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You can fit your business wherever you like in your super busy life.

It can also be a primary pursuit and the reason you're so passionate about your life.

The ability to decide how, where and when to work seems like a luxury – it’s hard to imagine having that much control and balance.

But with Shaklee, it can be a reality.


I love being able to work around my kids’ busy schedule. I drive my kids to and from school each day and we have after school activities almost daily. The flexibility that Shaklee provides is one of my favorite parts about my business.

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POST 31: INCOMEShaklee allows you to determine your own level of success.Each rank advancement provides greater opportunity and increased recognition for your achievements – greater income potential, higher car bonuses, higher FastTRACK bonuses for those who advance quickly.There truly is no limit to your income opportunities.


Read this post and come back and tell me if you think you can do this business!!…/13-ways-to-be-successful-in-…

POST 33: Chapter 3: 3 Ways To ParticipateYou can choose to simply use our products, but you may be compelled to share them with the people you care about. From there, it's a very small step to building a great business of your own.


POST 34: At the May 2014 Shaklee Chicago Regional Conference, I was asked to speak in front of about 700 people to share my story. I was so honored and blessed to be able to inspire others. Here’s a video of my speech.…/…

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In nearly 60 years of continuous operation, Shaklee has paid over $7 billion in commissions to its Distributors without missing a month.

$2.2 billion of that has been paid out in just the past 10 years, representing over 30% of commissions paid in the entire 58-year history of Shaklee

Over the past 10 years, Shaklee has doubled in size and is rapidly approaching $1 billion in global sales for the first time in its history.

This is so important because so many companies out there are popping up and then disappearing from the scene. Shaklee is not only here to stay, we’re growing.


Page 22: · Web viewPOST 2: Prior to starting my Shaklee business, I was a Stay at home Mom. I was 26 and had 3 kids ages 4, 2, and a baby. I wasn’t looking for a job or a business. I wanted

Imagine the future you want. Then use the simple system we’ll teach you for creating it. But it will always be you and your uniquely personal style of helping others that defines it.


Did I mention that you get free car bonuses!!! YUP!!!! I know a lot of people that are earning free car payments including many girls on our team like Erin Branscom, Jaima Schutt, Claire Leighton and myself!!

I gave my car to my hubby!

What kind of car would YOU get?

POST 38: Chapter 4: Flexible & RewardingWhat are you looking for? More time? More freedom? More rewarding work? Take a look at what Shaklee has to offer.


POST 39: Chapter 5: By the NumbersWho we are, where we've been and where we're going: Here are the statistics to back up the idea that Shaklee is a very good choice for both health and income.

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I saved the best for last because I can't say enough about our AMAZING TEAM!!!!! Our team is filled with the sweetest, warmest, talented, and driven team EVER!!!!! We are on FIRE!!! In fact, we just had 3 NEW GOLD DISTRIBUTORS join us TODAY!!!! We are setting the pace in Shaklee and it feels amazing! They are earning paychecks, bonuses, trips, cars, paying off debt, getting healthy, learning new skills, and having FUN!

Meet some of our team here:

POST 42: Chapter 6: CommunityNot just products, not just a business: Shaklee is a community of people who care and express it by being involved in the world around them.

POST 42: Chapter 7: The Shaklee EffectWhat is the Shaklee Effect? It's a million small steps, taken every day, that change the world, one person at a time.



If you could take a moment to dream, and imagine your ideal life, what would be most important to you?


achieve their dreams and live a better life


to work wherever you like in your super busy life


to focus on your interests and make the future you want


that include product discounts, financial benefits, trips, bonuses, and cars


of peers and friends working together

At Shaklee, we followed that dream and designed an opportunity (with ALL of the above) for you. Living the life you only imagined can now be your reality. It’s that simple.

Page 24: · Web viewPOST 2: Prior to starting my Shaklee business, I was a Stay at home Mom. I was 26 and had 3 kids ages 4, 2, and a baby. I wasn’t looking for a job or a business. I wanted

Read my personal Story here.

How to Earn Money in Shaklee: 7 Ways to Earn + Cars & Trips>>>>>>>>>…/how-to-earn-money-in-shaklee…

POST 44: JOIN US!!!!!!

Since, starting my own business, I have been able to earn: a full-time income, car payments, vacations to California and Mexico, an iPad, Tiffany jewelry and crystals, lots of free health products and other bonuses. I have also been recognized with our product partner on stage in Washington D.C., California, Las Vegas, and Mexico in front of thousands of people. I have been in the company’s media, website, training Dream Calls, etc., and have one of the fastest growing businesses in the industry.

More than all those amazing benefits, I have grown as a person and have made lifelong friends. I have learned the skills that it takes to succeed and I am blessed to share them with our amazing team. This team is highly motivated and serious to impact their lives and everyone they touch.

Shaklee & Project Dream Intl. has changed my life and I will be forever grateful!

JOIN US by going to here and investing in your own GOLD KIT!!!! WELCOME TO THE TEAM!!!!! After you join, I will introduce you to our team via our facebook group and we will set up a time to chat about your goals and plans!!…

POST 45: WOW that hour went by FAST!!!!! Did I miss anything? DO you have any questions for me?

I'm going to be posting some testimonials now! 


This is my friend Ashley Nichole McDonald's Shaklee Story!


This is my friend Jeanine Massimini Mihalak's story!!

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POST 48: Matt & Dianna's Shaklee Effect

POST 49: This is my friend Harper Guerra's story!

POST 50: This is my friend Corrie Beth's story!

POST 51: Michelle's Story

POST 52: Shaklee JUST announced the trips for next year!! Join us!! It is absolutely possible for you to be on these trips - ask me how?!
