  • 8/3/2019 Doracaku - Verzioni i Fundit Ne Te Tri Gjuhet



    Republika e KosovsRepublika Kosova-Republic of Kosovo

    Qeveria - Vlada - Government



    Doracak - etika dhe transparencan administratn publike

    Prishtin, 2010

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    AutorHabit Hajredini

    dhe Trndelin Dreshaj

    Ky doracak sht kontribut i z. Habit Hajredini - Drejtor i Zyrs pr Qeverisje t Mir/

    Zyrs s Kryeministrit dhe Koordinator pr t Drejtat e Njeriut i Qeveris s Republiks

    s Kosovs dhe stafit t Zyrs pr Qeverisje t Mir pran Zyrs s Kryeministrit

    Publikimi i doracakut sht realizuar n kuadr dhe me prkrahjene Zyrs s Kryeministrit t Republiks s Kosovs

    Publikuar nga Zyra pr Qeverisje t Mir, t Drejtat e Njeriut,

    Mundsi t Barabarta dhe shtje Gjinore


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    Zyra e Kryeministrit t Republiks s Kosovs/ Zyra pr Qeverisje t Mir shpreh

    mirnjohje t thell dhe falnderim t veant pr stafin dhe kolegt e Zyrs s

    Kryeministrit/Zyrs pr Qeverisje t Mir si dhe bashkpunimin e ngusht, ndihmn

    shum cilsore dhe kontributin e mueshm t ofruar nga institucione, agjenci

    ndrkombtare dhe organizata joqeveritare vendore dhe ndrkombtare n Kosov, t

    cilat mundsuan q ky doracak t jet m i plot dhe m prmbajts. Mirnjohje dhe

    falnderime t veanta Zyra pr Qeverisje t Mir shpreh edhe pr z.Profesor Dr.

    Wolfgang Drechsler, Shef i Katedres, Departamenti pr Administrat Publike/Fakulteti i

    Shkencave Shoqrore/Universiteti pr Teknologji i Talinit n Estoni si dhe z.Bryane

    Michael, Shkolla pr Ekonomi e Stokholmit, t cilt dhan kontribut t

    pazvendsueshm n prmbledhjen e ktij doracaku.

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    Misioni dhe vizioni i Zyrs pr Qeverisje t Mir / Zyrs s Kryeministrit........................5


    Qllimi i publikimit t doracakut................................................................................................6



    Reforma e Administrats Publike n Republikn e Kosovs..................................................9

    Baza ligjore e doracakut..............................................................................................................10

    Konventa e Kombeve t Bashkuara Kundr Korrupsionit....................................................10

    Kodi ndrkombtar i sjelljes pr shrbyesit civil.....................................................................12

    Kushtetuta e Republiks s Kosovs.........................................................................................16

    Ligji pr shrbyesit civil..............................................................................................................17

    Kodi i mirsjelljes pr npunsit civil n shrbim t Kosovs nr.01/2006..18

    Ligji pr qasje n dokumentet publike......................................................................................19

    Ligji pr prokurimin publik........................................................................................................ 20

    Rregullore komunale mbi transparencn.................................................................................21

    Objektivat e Zyrs s Kryeministrit /Zyrs pr Qeverisjes s Mir pr etik

    dhe transparenc n administratn publike.............................................................................21

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    Misioni dhe vizioni i Zyrs s Kryeministrit/ Zyrs pr Qeverisje t Mir

    Zyra e Kryeministrit /Zyra pr Qeverisje t Mir, ka mision t mbroj dhe t promovoj

    t drejtat dhe lirit themelore t njeriut, demokracin, qeverisjen e mir dhe sundimin e

    ligjit dhe n t njjtn koh t arrij standardet ndrkombtare pr t drejtat e njeriut dhe

    qeverisjen e mir duke krijuar dhe prmirsuar mekanizmat ekzistues pr kto parime.

    Zyra Kshilldhnse pr Qeverisje t Mir, t Drejtat e Njeriut, Mundsi t Barabarta

    dhe shtje Gjinore (ZQM) u krijua me Rregulloren Nr. 2001/19 mbi Degn e


    Mandati dhe funksionet e saj prshkruhen, ndrmjet t tjerash me:

    ZQM mbikqyr dhe kshillon ministrat n sferat e qeverisjes s mir, t drejtavet njeriut dhe mundsive t barabarta.

    ZQM ndihmon n zhvillimin dhe zbatimin e fushatave t informimit publik dhet projekteve tjera prkrahse pr t nxitur vetdijesimin e popullats mbi

    standardet ndrkombtare pr t drejtat e njeriut, dhe parimet tjera baz pr

    transparencn dhe qeverisjen demokratike.

    ZQM inkurajon pjesmarrjen e qytetarve n vendimmarrje.

    Mandati unik ia ka mundsuar ZQM t inicioj, themeloj, koordinoj dhe drejtoi

    punimet e Grupeve Punuese Ndrministrore, produkti i t cilave ka qen hartimi i

    Strategjive pr Kosovn, Planeve t Veprimit, Raporteve pr mekanizmat ndrkombtar,

    Ligjeve si dhe komenteve t ofruara pr projekt-ligjet nga pikpamja e t Drejtave t


    1 Rregullorja Nr. 2001/19 mbi Degn e Ekzekutivit

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    Qeveria e Republiks s Kosovs sht duke u angazhuar maksimalisht q Republika e

    Kosovs, si shteti m i ri n bot, t bashkohet n familjen e madhe botrore t shteteve

    demokratike e n veanti t prafrohet me sistemin e administrats publike t shteteve tBashkimit Evropian. Kjo krkon prmirsimin e funksionimit t sektorit publik si nj

    kusht pr t arritur zotimet e bra nga udhheqsit botror n Deklaratn e Mijvjearit

    n Samitin Botror t vitit 2005 dhe n shum konferenca tjera globale dhe rajonale.

    Si shenj e prkushtimit t saj n synimin e prmirsimit t qeverisjes si dhe t

    administrats publike Qeveria e Republiks s Kosovs, Zyra e Kryeministrit/Zyra pr

    Qeverisje t Mir ka prgatitur kt Doracak pr Etikn dhe Transparencn n

    Administratn Publike.

    Qllimi i publikimit t doracakut

    Qllimi i publikimit t ktij doracaku sht q t ofroj nj prmbledhje t shkurtr t

    asaj se ka sht etika dhe transparenca n administratn publike si dhe t dokumenteve

    ndrkombtare e kombtare n t cilat prfshihen apo prcaktohen t drejtat dhe

    detyrimet e administrats publike gjegjsisht, shrbyesve civil.

    Si e till, kjo prmbledhje e shkurtr do t ofroj nj mjet t rndsishm i cili do t nxisorganizatat e ndryshme qeveritare dhe joqeveritare pr t propozuar dhe krijuar

    praktika sa m t mira t puns n administratn publike. Njherit, ky doracak do t

    shrbej edhe si nj udhzues pr qytetart e thjesht rreth detyrave dhe obligimeve q

    administrata publike ka n ofrimin e shrbimeve ndaj tyre prkatsisht, pr cilsin e

    ktyre shrbimeve si pjes e etiks s nj administrate publike profesionale dhe t

    paanshme. Po ashtu, ky doracak ofron edhe nj pasqyr t shkurtr rreth t drejtave t

    qytetarve pr qasje n dokumentet publike si nj nga t drejtat themelore n sigurimin

    e funksionimit t shtetit ligjor ku, qeveria dhe administrata japin llogari para qytetarit,

    ndaj t cilit kan prgjegjsi, prgjegjsi kjo e cila buron nga vet vota e lir e qytetarit.


    Sikurse n t gjitha vendet n tranzicion edhe n Republikn e Kosovs ekziston nj

    nevoj dhe domosdoshmri pr ndrgjegjsimin dhe edukimin e vet institucioneve pr

    etikn dhe transparencn n administratn publike. Ky doracak ka si synim

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    prmirsimin e politikave t qeveris sa i prket etiks dhe transparencs si dhe t rris

    ndrgjegjsimin e qytetarve n zgjedhjet e rndsishme publike.

    Ky doracak do t ofroj nj pasqyr pr nj Administrat Publike t depolitizuar dhe

    profesionale, t zhvilluar duke u bazuar n politikat dhe n praktikat m t mira

    ndrkombtare t menaxhimit t burimeve njerzore. Vetm nj qasje e till do tsiguroj krijimin dhe zhvillimin e nj administrate publike t pa korruptuar dhe t

    pavarur nga ndikimi politik, e cila baz themelore t funksionimit t saj ka ligjin dhe si e

    till sht n shrbim t t gjith shoqris.

    Parandalimi dhe luftimi i korrupsionit n administratn publike duhet t jet rrnjsor

    dhe t gjitha institucionet kosovare duhet t punojn n bashkpunim t ngusht me

    njra tjetrn. Duhet t kthehet besimi i publikut dhe duhet t rritet rezistenca kundr

    sjelljes dhe praktikave t korruptuara. Mungesa e transparencs n marrdhniet midis

    politikanve, shrbyesve civil, udhheqsve publik, familjeve dhe bizneseve t tyrekrijon nj ambient t mbyllur ku ka mundsi dhe ku presioni i korrupsionit sht i lart.


    Etika q nga filozoft e lasht grek e deri m sot etika sht prkufizuar dhe ndar n

    aspekte t ndryshme si pjes e filozofis. Gjithsesi prmbledhur shkurt dhe thjesht mund

    t thuhet se etika sht nj sistem i parimeve morale apo nj kod i sjelljes s grupeve

    shoqrore, fetare apo civile i cili qartson t mirn nga e keqja dhe zgjedhjen e individit

    pr t br at q sht e mir.2

    Transparenca si prdoret n shkencat shoqrore dhe n kontekstin shoqror

    prgjithsisht nnkupton t qent i hapur, komunikimin dhe dhnien e prgjegjsis. N

    fakt sht nj prdorim metaforik i kuptimit objekt transparent q do t thot i

    tejdukshm. S ktejmi procedurat transparente nnkuptojn mbledhjet e hapura,

    publikimin e gjendjes financiare, legjislacionit pr lirin e informimit, rishikimet

    buxhetore, auditimet etj.3

    Qasja n dokumentet publike nnkupton t drejtn q do qytetar n fardo kohe,

    gjat orarit t rregullt t puns, ka t drejtn t krkoj dhe t qaset n t gjithdokumentet publike q kan t bjn me pronn, legjislacionin, vendimet e qeveris,

    vendimet e gjykatave etj. Si e till qasja n dokumentet publike shihet si nj gur themeli

    kryesor i vendosjes dhe funksionimit t demokracis pasi siguron mundsin q vet


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    qytetari t hulumtoj dhe t vej para prgjegjsis organet e ndryshme t qeverisjes duke

    filluar nga niveli m i lart i qeveris e deri n nivelin e zyrave lokale.4

    Administrata publike - sht prgjegjse pr zbatimin e politikave qeveritare si dhe nj

    disiplin akademike e cila studion kt zbatim dhe q prgatit shrbyesit civil pr kt

    lloj pune. Disa prej prkufizimeve m t thjeshta dhe m shpesh t ofruara pr terminadministrat publike jan: drejtimi i programeve publike si dhe prkthimi i

    politikave n realitetin q qytetart e shohin do dit.5

    Shrbim civil- sht nj term i cili ka dy kuptime t veanta:

    1. Nj deg e shrbimit qeveritar n t ciln individt jan t punsuar n bazt meritave profesionale t dshmuara n provimet garuese.

    2. Grupi i punonjsve n fardo agjencie qeveritare prpos atyre ushtarake.6Shrbyesi civil- sht nj punonjs n sektorin publik civil i cili punon pr nj

    departament apo agjenci qeveritare. Ky term gjithmon prjashton shrbimet ushtarake,

    ndonse ka zyrtar civil t cilt punojn n Ministrin e Mbrojtjes. Duhet theksuar se

    termi shrbyes civil nuk prdoret njlloj n t gjitha shtetet. Prandaj varsisht nga

    praktika e nj shteti n tjetrin ky term n disa raste prdoret pr t emruar punonjsit e

    nj shteti sovran vetm n nivel shtetror apo rajonal kurse n disa shtete tjera ky term

    prfshin edhe punonjsit komunal si sht rasti edhe n Republikn e Kosovs.7

    Korrupsioni politik- n kuptimin e gjer sht keqprdorimi i zyrs publike pr

    prfitim personal. N praktik t gjitha llojet e qeveris jan t ndjeshme ndaj

    korrupsionit politik. Shkalla e korrupsionit dallon shum, nga prdorimet e pakta t

    ndikimit dhe pozits pr t dhn apo pranuar ndere, e deri te mit dhnia e

    institucionalizuar e m shum.

    Pika prfundimtare e korrupsionit politik sht kleptokracia, q n kuptimin e plot t

    fjals do t thot sundimi nga vjedhsit, kur hiqet dor edhe nga shtirja publike e t qenit

    t ndershm. Korrupsioni lind si n zyrat politike ashtu edhe n ato t shrbyesve civil

    dhe mund t ket shkall t ult apo t lart, t jet i organizuar apo i paorganizuar.

    Ndonse korrupsioni shpesh lehtson aktivitetet kriminale si trafikimin e drogs,

    4 Ligji pr qasje n dokumentet publike nr.03/L-215, sht aprovuar nga Kuvendi me 07.10.2010, dhe shtdekretuar nga presidenti i Republiks s Kosovs me DL-063-2010,5 Ligji pr shrbyesit civil, nr. 03/L-149, i cili sht aprovuar nga Kuvendi i Republiks s Kosovs me dat13.05.2010; http://en.wikipedia.org7 Ligji pr shrbyesit civil, nr. 03/L-149, i cili sht aprovuar nga Kuvendi i Republiks s Kosovs me dat13.05.2010 ;

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    pastrimin e parave dhe prostitucionin, nuk sht e thn se ai kufizohet n vetm kto

    forma t krimit.8

    Mit - sht ofrimi, dhnia, marrja apo krkimi i nj gjje t vlefshme me qllim t

    ndikimit t veprimeve t nj zyrtari n kundrshtim me detyrat e tij publike ose ligjore.

    Mit mund t jet pagesa e menjhershme me para apo ndere personale, premtimi prpages t mvonshme, apo ka do qoft tjetr q marrsi e mon si t vlefshme.9

    Reforma e Administrats Publike n Republikn e Kosovs

    N vitet e fundit shohim se Republika e Kosovs ka shprehur gjithnj e m shum

    vullnetin politik pr t prmbushur kriteret e krkuara nga institucionet ndrkombtare

    n lidhje me demokracin, qeverisjen e mir, shtetin ligjor, transparencn,

    llogaridhnien dhe t drejtat e njeriut.

    Parimet kryesore t Shrbimit Civil jan pavarsia, integriteti dhe qndrimi asnjans

    ndaj ndikimit partiak. Jan pikrisht etika dhe transparenca dy parimet baz pr nj

    qeverisje t mir t cilat pasojn me nj shtet ligjor me integritet si dhe me demokraci t

    konsoliduar. Kuvendi i Republiks s Kosovs pikrisht pr ti mnjanuar dhe

    parandaluar problemet n administratn publike dhe pr t vendosur bazat e nj

    administrate profesionale dhe t depolitizuar ka aprovuar Ligjin pr Shrbyesit Civil.

    Mund t thuhet se sa i prket kuadrit ligjor me t cilin rregullohet Shrbimi Civil,

    Republika e Kosovs i afrohet standardeve evropiane dhe ndrkombtare. Por, ajo q

    mbetet sfid e jona edhe n t ardhmen sht pikrisht vullneti pr zbatimin e ktyreligjeve dhe konventave ndrkombtare. Ky vullnet mund t ndrtohet duke e pasur t

    qart vizionin pr vlerat q ngrthejn n vete shtetet m t zhvilluara. Padyshim se

    depolitizimi i administrats publike sht nj nga shtjet kye dhe m sfiduese. Qeveria

    e Republiks s Kosovs sht zotuar se do t bj m shum n kt drejtim dhe

    pikrisht reformat n administratn publike, krijimi i nj administrate profesionale, t

    depolitizuar dhe n shrbim t qytetarit jan treguesit m t mir t prpjekjeve t

    vazhdueshme pr t prmbushur kt zotim.

    Mirpo t gjith e dim se jo vetm n Republikn e Kosovs por edhe n vendet m t

    zhvilluara duhet koh q administrata publike t shndrrohet n nj administratmoderne, jo politike, funksionale dhe n shrbim t qytetarit. Qeveria e Republiks s

    Kosovs po ndrton nj sistem t riorganizuar dhe ngritje t kapaciteteve n institucione

    pr planifikim, zhvillim dhe diskutim t politikave publike n mnyr transparente,


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    prfshir edhe politikat pr integrim n BE. sht br ngritja e cilsis s shrbimeve

    administrative q ofrohen nga institucionet e Qeveris pr qytetart, bizneset dhe pr

    vetveten, duke racionalizuar proceset administrative. Mirpo, prap se prap pr vet

    institucionet por, edhe pr qytetart reformat nuk jan t lehta.

    Reforma n Administratn Publike n Republikn e Kosovs udhhiqet nga nj vizionrealist. Ky vizion i Qeveris s Republiks s Kosovs sht prmbledhur n tri zotime.

    Qeveria e Republiks s Kosovs po angazhohet q deri n fund t vitit 2013

    Administrata Publike do t jet m shum:

    1. Efektive n ofrimin e shrbimeve administrative pr t gjith qytetart e saj dhebizneset, si u vrtetua me rritje t konsiderueshme n vlersimet e prgjithshme t

    klientve t knaqur n baz t anketave t rregullta vjetore;

    2. Efikase nga pikpamja e kostos, si u vrtetua me zbritjen e konsiderueshme tshpenzimeve t prgjithshme n raport me vlern e transferuar te konsumatort

    prmes shrbimeve t integruara n buxhetet vjetore;

    3. Evropiane n metodat e saj t organizimit dhe puns, me prmirsimet e shnuaran cilsin e prgjithshme administrative t vrtetuara n raportet e Komisionit

    Evropian mbi prparimin ton drejt qllimit pr integrim evropian.10

    Baza ligjore e doracakut:

    Baza ligjore pr hartimin dhe botimin e ktij doracaku buron nga disa dokumente

    njhersh: Konventa e Kombeve t Bashkuara Kundr Korrupsionit, Kodi ndrkombtar i sjelljespr shrbyesit civil, Kushtetuta e Republiks s Kosovs, Kodi i mirsjelljes pr npunsit civil,

    Ligji pr shrbyesit civil, Ligji pr qasje n dokumentet publike, Ligji pr prokurimin publik,

    Rregullore komunale mbi transparencn.

    Konventa e Kombeve t Bashkuara Kundr Korrupsionit11

    Duke par prhapjen e vazhdueshme t korrupsionit n nivel kombtar dhe

    ndrkombtar si dhe format e ndryshme t shfaqjes s ksaj dukurie, e cila paraqet njkrcnim t vazhdueshm ndaj zhvillimit dhe prparimit t shtetit ligjor, Kombet e

    Bashkuara kan miratuar Konventn Ndrkombtare Kundr Korrupsion.

    10 Strategjia pr reformn e administrats publike 2010-2013, miratuar nga qeveria e Republiks s Kosovsn shtator 201011 Kjo Konvent sht miratuar me rezolutn 58/4 t Asambles s Prgjithshme t Kombeve t Bashkuaram 31 tetor 2003, dhe sipas nenit 68 (1) t ksaj rezolute Konventa ka hyr n fuqi m 14 dhjetor 2005.

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    Me an t ksaj konvente synohet q t vendosen disa rregulla baz si dhe obligime q

    do shtet nnshkrues i merr prsipr detyrimet n luftn kundr korrupsionit si n nivel

    kombtar ashtu edhe n at ndrkombtar. Njherit, n kt konvent veohen edhe

    bazat e politikave t cilat do t ndihmojn n zhvillimin e ligjeve dhe praktikave q do t

    mundsojn krijimin e nj administrate publike profesionale dhe t liruar nga do forme keqprdorimit. N kt rast bie n sy se etika dhe transparenca jan dy prej parimeve

    kryesore q krijojn bazn n luftimin e suksesshm t korrupsionit. N veanti, etika

    dhe transparenca prmenden n nenet 7, 9, 10, 12 dhe 13 t kapitullit pr masat

    parandaluese, t ksaj konvente ku mes tjerash shprehimisht thuhet:

    do shtet pal, n prputhje me parimet themelore t sistemeve t tyre ligjore, do t

    zhvilloj dhe zbatoj apo mbaj politika efikase dhe t bashkrenduara kundr

    korrupsion t cilat, prkrahin pjesmarrjen e shoqris dhe do t pasqyrojn parimet e

    sundimit t ligjit, drejtimin e duhur t marrdhnieve publike dhe prons publike,integritetin, transparencn dhe llogaridhnien.12

    Gjithashtu te Sektori Publik n kt konvent sht prcaktuar q:

    1. do shtet pal kur kjo sht e pranueshme dhe n prputhje me parimetthemelore t sistemeve t tyre ligjore, do t filloj t prshtat, mbaj dhe forcoj

    sistemet rekrutuese, punsuese, ruajtse, ngritjes n detyr dhe pensionimit t

    shrbyesve civil dhe aty ku sht e prshtatshme, zyrtarve tjer q nuk


    a) Bazuar n parimet e efikasitetit, transparencs dhe kritereve objektive si janmerita, barazia dhe zotsia.

    b) Q t prkrahin tabelat prkatse t pagave sipas shprblimit dhe barazis, duke

    pasur parasysh nivelin e zhvillimit ekonomik t Shtetit Pal;

    c) Q prkrahin trajnimet edukuese dhe trajnuese t cilat iu mundsojn q t

    prmbushin krkesat pr funksionimin korrekt, t ndershm dhe t duhur t

    funksioneve publike dhe q iu ofron atyre trajnime prkatse dhe t

    specializuara pr t prmirsuar vetdijesimin e tyre rreth rrezikut tkorrupsionit n lidhje me fushn e funksioneve t tyre. Programet e tilla mund t

    lidhen me kodet apo standardet e sjelljes n fushat e tyre t zbatimit.14

    12 Konventa e Kombeve t Bashkuara Kundr Korrupsionit13 Neni 7. Sektori Publik, Konventa e Kombeve t Bashkuara Kundr Korrupsionit14 Neni 7. Sektori Publik, Konventa e Kombeve t Bashkuara Kundr Korrupsionit

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    d) do shtet pal gjithashtu do t marr parasysh miratimin e masave prkatse

    ligjore dhe administrative n pajtim me objektivat e ksaj Konvente dhe n

    prputhje me parimet themelore t ligjit t tyre kombtar, pr t prshkruar

    kriteret n lidhje me kandidimin dhe zgjedhjen pr zyra publike.

    e) do shtet pal gjithashtu do t marr parasysh miratimin e masave prkatse

    ligjore dhe administrative n prputhje me kt Konvent si dhe n pajtim me

    parimet themelore t ligjit t tyre kombtar, pr t prmirsuar transparencn n

    financimin e kandidatve pr zyrat publike t zgjedhura dhe aty ku sht e

    zbatueshme financimin e partive politike.

    f) do shtet pal, n prputhje me parimet themelore t ligjit t tyre kombtar, do

    t nis t miratoj, mbaj dhe forcoj sistemet t cilat prkrahin transparencn dhe

    q parandalojn konfliktin e interesave.

    Kodi ndrkombtar i sjelljes pr shrbyesit civil15

    Njherit, krahas Konvents Ndrkombtare Kundr Korrupsion, Kombet e

    Bashkuara kan hartuar edhe Kodin Ndrkombtar t Sjelljes pr Shrbyesit Civil, i

    cili sht bashkngjitur si shtojc e rezoluts 51/59 t Asambles s Prgjithshme,

    miratuar n vitin 1996 dhe i cili i rekomandohet shteteve antare si nj mjet pr

    drejtimin e prpjekjeve t tyre kundr t gjitha formave t keqprdorimit.

    1. N mnyr q t luftohet korrupsioni, do shtet pal do t prkrah, n mestjerash, integritetin, ndershmrin dhe prgjegjsin n mesin e shrbyesve t

    tyre publik, n prputhje me parimet themelore t sistemeve t tyre ligjore.

    2. Veanrisht, do shtet pal do t filloj t zbatoj, n kuadr t sistemeve t tyreinstitucionale dhe ligjore, kodet ose standardet e sjelljes pr funksionimin

    korrekt, t ndershm dhe si duhet t funksioneve t tyre publike.

    3. Me qllim t zbatimit t dispozitave t parapara n kt nen, do shtet pal, atyku sht n prputhje dhe n pajtim me parimet themelore t sistemeve t tyreligjore, do t prcjell iniciativat prkatse t organizatave rajonale, ndr rajonale

    dhe shumpalshe, si sht Kodi Ndrkombtar i Sjelljes pr Shrbyesit Civil, i

    cili sht i prfshir n aneksin e Rezoluts s Asambles s Prgjithshme 51/59

    t 12 dhjetorit t vitit 1996.

    15 Miratuar nga Asambleja e Prgjithshme e Kombeve t Bashkuara n dhjetor t vitit 1996, prmes rezoluts51/59.

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    4. do shtet pal gjithashtu do t merr parasysh, n prputhje me parimetthemelore t ligjit t tyre kombtar, krijimin e masave dhe sistemeve pr t

    mundsuar raportimin tek autoritetet prkatse nga ana e shrbyesve publik pr

    aktet e korrupsionit, kur aktet e tilla u bien atyre n sy gjat zbatimit t

    funksioneve t tyre.

    5. do shtet pal, kur kjo sht n prputhje dhe n pajtim me parimet themelore tligjit t tyre kombtar, do t nis vendosjen e masave dhe sistemeve q u krkojn

    shrbyesve publik q t dorzojn deklarata tek autoritetet prkatse n lidhje

    me, mes tjerash, aktivitetet e tyre t jashtme, punsimin, investimet, pasurit dhe

    dhuratat e konsiderueshme apo prfitimet nga t cilat mund t krijohet nj

    konflikt interesash n lidhje me pozitat e tyre si zyrtar publik.


    do shtet pal do t marr parasysh, n prputhje me parimet themelore tligjeve t tyre kombtare, marrjen e masave disiplinore kundr shrbyesve

    publik t cilt shkelin kodet apo standardet e vna n prputhje me kt nen.16

    Duke pasur parasysh nevojn pr t luftuar korrupsionin, do shtet pal, n prputhje

    me parimet themelore t ligjeve t tyre kombtare, do t marr masa t tilla q jan t

    nevojshme pr t forcuar transparencn n administratn e tyre publike, prfshir ktu

    edhe vmendjen ndaj organizimit, funksionimit dhe proceseve vendimmarrse t saj,

    kur kjo sht e nevojshme. Masat e tilla, n mes tjerash, mund t prfshijn: 17

    a) Miratimin e procedurave dhe rregulloreve q i lejojn publikut t prgjithshm qt sigurojn, aty ku sht e nevojshme, informacion rreth organizimit, funksionimit

    dhe proceseve vendimmarrse t administrats publike dhe me kujdesin e duhur

    pr mbrojtjen e t dhnave personale dhe private, pr vendimet dhe aktet ligjore q

    kan t bjn me pjestart e publikut:

    b) Thjeshtsimin e procedurave publike, ku sht e nevojshme, n mnyr q tndihmojn qasjen publike tek autoritetet kompetente vendimmarrse; dhe

    c) Publikimin e informacionit, i cili mund t prfshij raportet periodike mbi rrezikune korrupsionit n administratn e tyre publike.

    16 Neni 8. Kodi i sjelljes pr shrbyesit publik, Kodi ndrkombtar i sjelljes pr zyrtart publik.17 Neni 10. Raportimi publik, Kodi ndrkombtar i sjelljes pr zyrtart publik.

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    do shtet pal do t marr masat prkatse, prbrenda mundsive t tyre dhe n pajtim

    me parimet themelore t ligjit t tyre kombtar, pr t prkrahur pjesmarrjen aktive t

    individve dhe grupeve jasht sektorit publik, si shoqria civile, organizatat joqeveritare

    dhe organizatat t bazuara n bashksi, n parandalimin dhe luftn kundr korrupsionit

    dhe pr t ngritur vetdijen e publikut n lidhje me ekzistimin, pasojat dhe seriozitetin si

    dhe krcnimin q paraqet korrupsioni. Kjo pjesmarrje duhet prforcuar me masa ttilla si:18

    a) Prmirsimi i transparencs dhe prkrahja e ndihmess nga publiku n procesetvendimmarrse;

    b) T sigurimit se publiku ka qasje efikase n informata;c) Ndrmarrjen e aktiviteteve pr informimin e publikut t cilat ndihmojn mos

    tolerimin e korrupsionit ashtu si edhe programet pr edukimin e publikut,prfshir plan programet n shkolla dhe universitete;

    i) Pr respektimin e t drejtave dhe namit t t tjerve;ii) Pr t mbrojtur sigurin kombtare apo rendin publik apo t shndetit ose

    moralit publik.

    Te Kodi Ndrkombtar i Sjelljes pr Zyrtart Publik, te Parimet e Prgjithshme

    shprehimisht thuhet se:

    1. Nj zyr publike, sipas prcaktimit nga ligji kombtar, sht nj pozit e besimit, qnnkupton detyrn pr t vepruar sipas interesit t publikut. Prandaj, besnikria

    kryesore e shrbyesve publik do t jet ndaj interesave t publikut t shtetit t tyre t

    shprehura prmes institucioneve demokratike t qeverisjes.

    2. Zyrtart publik do t sigurohen q t zbatojn detyrat dhe funksionet e tyre meefikasitet dhe me pacenueshmri, n prputhje me politikat ligjore ose

    administrative. N do koh ata do t krkojn q t sigurojn q burimet publike

    pr t cilat ata jan prgjegjs t administrohen n mnyr m efikase.

    3. Zyrtart publik do t jen t vmendshm, t drejt dhe t paanshm n zbatimin efunksioneve t tyre dhe n veanti n raportet e tyre me publikun. Ata kurr nuk do

    t lejojn trajtim t padrejt dhe t ndryshm pr ndonj grup ose individ,

    18 Neni 13. Pjesmarrja e shoqris civile, Kodi Ndrkombtar i Sjelljes pr Zyrtart Publik

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    padrejtsisht t diskriminojn ndonj grup ose individ ose n ndonj mnyr tjetr

    t keqprdorin pushtetin dhe autoritetin q iu sht dhn. 19

    Konflikti i interesit dhe prjashtimi prcaktohet te kapitulli i II ku mes tjerash thuhet se:

    Zyrtart publik nuk do t prdorin autoritetin e tyre zyrtar pr prparim t padrejtpersonal apo t interesave financiare familjare ose personale. Ata nuk do t prfshihen

    n asnj shkmbim, t marrin ndonj pozit ose funksion apo t ken ndonj interes

    financiar, komercial apo interes t ngjashm i cili nuk sht n prputhje m zyrn,

    funksionin apo detyrat e tyre.

    Zyrtart publik, pr aq sa u krkohet nga pozita e tyre, n prputhje me politikat ligjore

    ose administrative, do t njoftojn biznesin, interesat financiare ose komerciale apo

    aktivitetet e ndrmarra pr prfitime financiare t cilat mund t krijojn nj konflikt t

    mundshm interesi. N situatat ku mund t ket apo krijohet konflikti i interesit mesdetyrave dhe interesave private t zyrtarve publik, ata do tiu nnshtrohen masave t

    krijuara pr t zvogluar apo eliminuar konfliktet e ktilla t interesave.

    Zyrtart publik kurr nuk do t prdorin, padrejtsisht paran, pronn, shrbimet apo

    informacionet publike t cilat msohen gjat zbatimit, ose si rezultat i detyrave t tyre

    zyrtare pr aktivitete q nuk jan t lidhura me punn e tyre zyrtare.

    Zyrtart publik do tiu nnshtrohen masave t vendosura me ligj apo me politika

    administrative n mnyr q pas largimit t tyre nga pozita zyrtare ata nuk do t

    prfitojn n mnyr t padrejt nga zyra paraprake.20

    Zyrtart publik, n prputhje me pozitn e tyre dhe ashtu si sht lejuar apo krkohet

    me ligj apo politika administrative, do tiu nnshtrohen krkesave pr t njoftuar apo

    shpallur mjetet personale dhe pasurin, ashtu si edhe, nse sht e mundur, ato t

    bashkshortve apo t pjestarve t familjeve.21

    Zyrtart publik nuk do t krkojn apo pranojn drejtprdrejt apo trthorazi dhurata

    apo ndonj nder tjetr q mund t ndikojn n ushtrimin e funksionit, zbatimin e

    detyrave apo gjykimin e tyre.22

    19 Kodi Ndrkombtar i Sjelljes pr Zyrtart PublikI. Parimet e prgjithshme

    20 II konflikti i interesit dhe prjashtimi (diskualifikimi), Kodi Ndrkombtar i Sjelljes pr Zyrtart Publik21 III. Njoftimi i t mirave, Kodi Ndrkombtar i Sjelljes pr Zyrtart Publik22 IV. Pranimi i dhuratave dhe ndereve 9 , Kodi Ndrkombtar i Sjelljes pr Zyrtart Publik

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    shtjet e natyrs s besueshme n pronsi t zyrtarit publik do t mbahen t fshehta

    prpos nse legjislacioni kombtar, zbatimi i detyrs apo nevojat e drejtsis nuk e

    krkojn drejtprdrejt t veprohet ndryshe. Kufizimet e tilla gjithashtu do t vlejn edhe

    pas largimit nga shrbimi. 23

    Aktiviteti politik apo i fardo natyre tjetr i zyrtarit publik jasht fushs s veprimit tzyrs s tyre, n prputhje me ligjet dhe politikat administrative, nuk do t jet i till q

    t pengoj besimin e publikut n zbatimin e paanshm t funksioneve dhe detyrave t


    Kushtetuta e Republiks s Kosovs 25

    Ndonse Republika e Kosovs ende nuk sht antare e Kombeve t Bashkuara dhe pr

    kt arsye nuk e ka mundsin e ratifikimit t dokumenteve ndrkombtare prap s

    prap, Kushtetuta e Republiks s Kosovs, si akti m i lart juridik i shtetit, thekson se

    konventat dhe dokumentet ndrkombtare kan prparsi nga ligjet e Republiks s

    Kosovs dhe jan t aplikueshme n Kosov. Pr t qen m afr realizimit t

    prmbushjes s obligimeve t prcaktuara nga bashksia ndrkombtare, Republika e

    Kosovs sht duke br harmonizimin e legjislacionit vendor me at ndrkombtar.

    Kushtetuta e Kosovs shum qart e garanton t drejtn pr qasjen n dokumentet

    zyrtare dhe n nenin 41 shprehimisht thekson se:

    1. Secili person ka t drejtn e qasjes n dokumentet publike, dhe2.

    Se dokumentet q mbajn institucionet publike dhe organet e pushtetit shtetror, jan publike me prjashtim t informacioneve q jan t kufizuara me ligj, pr

    shkak t privatsis, t sekreteve afariste ose t informacioneve t klasifikuara t


    Ligji pr shrbyesit civil nr.03/L-14927

    Ky ligj prcakton rregullat pr menaxhimin dhe organizimin e prgjithshm t nj

    shrbimi civil t paanshm politikisht, rregullat pr pranim n t, kushtet e puns, t

    drejtat dhe detyrimet, sjelljen personale, avancimin n karrier si dhe zhvilliminprofesional t npunsve civil.

    23 V. Informacioni n besim,10, Kodi Ndrkombtar i Sjelljes pr Zyrtart Publik24 VI. Aktiviteti politik, , Kodi Ndrkombtar i Sjelljes pr Zyrtart Publik25 Kushtetuta e Republiks s Kosovs hyn n fuqi 15 qershor 200826 Kushtetuta e Republiks s Kosovs, neni 4127 Ligji pr shrbyesit civil, nr. 03/L-149, sht aprovuar nga Kuvendi i Republiks s Kosovs me dat13.05.2010

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    Te neni 2 prcaktohet se npunsit civil ushtrojn detyrn n baz t parimeve n vijim:

    ligjshmria, jo-diskriminimi, gatishmria dhe efikasiteti, prgjegjsia, paansia dhe

    pavarsia profesionale, transparenca si dhe shmangja e konfliktit t interesit.

    Neni 17 kriteret baz pr pranim n shrbim civil mbshteten n parimet e merits, meshpallje publike t pozitave t lira, me transparenc t procesit, me objektivitet dhe

    paansi t komisionit testues, mos-diskriminimin e kandidatve dhe t drejtn pr tu

    ankuar n fund t procedurs.

    Neni 49 npunsit civil i ushtrojn detyrat e tyre n baz t kushteve t prcaktuara me

    ligj dhe n prshkrim t detyrave t puns n mnyr t sakt, t ndrgjegjshme, t

    rregullt, n koh dhe pa interes vetjak, n prputhje me interesin publik dhe n

    prputhje me sistemin juridik t Republiks s Kosovs. Npunsit civil t cilt tregojn

    pakujdesi n respektimin dhe zbatimin e ligjit dhe t akteve nnligjore t ShrbimitCivil, do tu nnshtrohen masave disiplinore.28

    Neni 50 n ushtrimin e funksioneve t tyre, npunsit civil duhet t prkushtohen n

    zbatimin e ligjshmris dhe mbrojtjen e interesit publik dhe jo n realizimin e fitimeve

    personale, individ apo pr organizata t tjera.

    Neni 53 npunsit civil duhet ti sigurojn publikut, palve t interesuara dhe

    institucioneve publike, t gjitha informatat dhe udhzimet e nevojshme pr

    prmbushjen n koh, t rregullt, efikase dhe efektive, t procedurave administrative.

    Neni 54 npunsit civil jan t detyruar q ti mbajn sekret fshehtsit e shrbimit dhe

    t mos i zbulojn para publikut informatat sekrete ose informatat e dedikuara pr

    prdorim t brendshm, t cilat u jan br t ditura gjat ushtrimit t detyrs.

    Npunsit civil jan t detyruar t ruajn fshehtsin e informacionit, q kan n

    zotrim, por pa cenuar zbatimin e detyrimeve q dalin nga Ligji pr qasje n

    dokumentet zyrtare.

    Neni 55 npunsit civil jan t detyruar t sigurojn prfundimin e shpejt, n mnyr

    efektive, efikase dhe ekonomike t proceduarve t administrats publike pr qytetart.

    Neni 57 npunsit civil jan t detyruar t jen t pranishm n vendin e puns n baz

    t kushteve t emrimit t tyre dhe gjat orarit t prcaktuar pr funksionimin e

    28 VI - Parimet dhe kushtet e sjelljes profesionale t npunsve civil, Ligji pr Shrbyesit Civil.

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    institucionit pundhns. Npunsi civil jan t detyruar t respektojn orarin e puns

    dhe ta shfrytzojn at pr kryerjen e detyrave t caktuara.29

    Kodi i mirsjelljes pr npunsit civil n shrbim t Kosovs nr.01/2006

    Pjes e procesit t reformimit t administrates publike n Kosov sht edhe hartimi dhe

    miratimi i Kodit t mirsjlljes pr npunsit civil, i cili sht aprovuar nga Qeveria e

    Kosovs. Kodi i mirsjelljes pr npunsit civil sht trsia e parimeve dhe normave mbi

    bazn e t cilave do t veprojn t gjith npunsit civil. Kodi i mirsjelljes pr npunsit

    civil synon vendosjen e rregullave t sjelljes pr npunsit civil, mbrojtjen e statusit t

    tyre si dhe rregullimin e t drejtave dhe detyrave t npunsve civil n raport me

    institucionet dhe qytetart n prputhje me legjislacionin n fuqi.

    Qllimi i kodit t mirsjelljes sht q t nxis cilsin e shrbimeve publike pr

    qytetart, etikn n pun dhe interesin publik, duke u karakterizuar nga integriteti,

    ndershmria, objektiviteti dhe paanshmria n prmbushjen e detyrave.

    Sipas kodit t mirsjlljes pr npunsit civil, npunsit civil duhet ti prmbushin detyrat

    e tyre n pajtim me kto parime:

    Parimin e ligjshmris Parimin e trajtimit t barabart dhe mosdiskriminimit Parimin e neutralitetit politik Parimin e paansis dhe pavarsis profesionale Parimin e sinqeritetit Parimin e ndershmris procedurale Parimin e respektimit Parimin e prdorimit racional t mjeteve finaciare publike Parimin e shmangjes s konfliktiti t interesit dhe Parimin e transparencs.

    Ky kod i mirsjelljes jo vetm q ka pr qllim prcaktimin e rregullave t mirsjlljes pr

    npunsit civil, por njhersh merret edhe me mbrojtjen e statusit t tyre dhe t

    rregullimit t drejtave dhe obligimeve t tyre n raport me instiucionet dhe qytetart.Ve ksaj Kodi bazohet n parimet n t cilat sht e organizuar puna e npunsve civil

    n mbar botn: ligjshmrin, mosdiskriminimin, neutralitetin politik, paanshmrin

    dhe transparencn n prmbushjen e detyrave t tyre.

    29 Ligji pr shrbyesit civil ,

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    Te neni 5 pr masat mbrojtse thuhet se nse npunsi civil konsideron se nga ai

    krkohet t veproj n kundrshtim me ligjin, etikn n pun apo t sillen n mnyr t

    pahijshme q rezulton n shkeljen e rregullave t kodit t mirsjelljes, ather shkeljet e

    tilla duhet t paraqiten tek organi kompetent n pajtim me proceduart dhe rregullat e

    kodit t mirsjelljes.30

    Ligji pr qasje n dokumentet publike nr.03/L-215 31

    Fokusi i Qeveris s Republiks s Kosovs sht i orientuar n hartimin dhe zbatimi i

    legjislacionit dhe politikave kundr-diskriminuese, t cilat garantojn qasje dhe trajtim

    t barabart, t drejta dhe mundsi t barabarta pr t gjith qytetart e saj n t gjitha

    fushat e jets.

    Zyra e Kryeministrit duke e ditur rndsin e pjesmarrjes s shoqris civile n jetn

    politike dhe n vendimmarrje, ofron qasje dhe pjesmarrje t shoqris civile jo vetm n

    hartimin e politikave dhe strategjive qeveritare por, ofron edhe mundsi qasje n do

    dokument zyrtar. Kjo sht mundsuar me miratimin e ligjit pr qasje n dokumentet

    publike, ku ndr t tjera ky ligj garanton t drejtn e secilit person , pa diskriminim n

    fardo baze, pr t pasur qasje, pas krkess, n dokumentet e mbajtura, hartuara apo

    pranuara nga autoritetet publike.

    do krkues i dokumentit, ka t drejt n qasje t dokumenteve t institucioneve

    publike, duke iu prmbajtur parimeve, kushteve dhe kufizimeve t prcaktuara me


    Dokumentet jan t hapura pr publikun n baz t krkess s drejtprdrejt, n baz t

    krkess s br me shkrim ose n form elektronike,me prjashtim t informacioneve t

    kufizuara me ligj.

    Krkesat e krkuesit pr qasje n dokumente publike, t parashtruara n cilndo form

    t lejuar me dispozitat e paragrafit paraprak t ktij neni, nga institucioni publik t cilit i

    drejtohet krkuesi, trajtohen t barabarta dhe zyrtare.

    Dokumentet publike t pranuara nga krkuesi nuk mund t prdoren pr qllime

    denigrimi, propagandistike dhe komerciale.33

    30 Kodi i mirsjelljes pr npunsit civil n shrbim t Kosovs nr.01/200631 Ligji pr qasje n dokumentet publike nr.03/L-215, sht aprovuar nga Kuvendi me 07.10.2010, dhe shtdekretuar nga presidenti i Rpubliks s Kosovs me DL-063-201032 Ligji pr qasje n dokumentet publike,33 Ligji pr qasje n dokumentet publike ,

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    Ligji pr prokurimin publik nr.03/L-24134

    Pr zbatimin e parimeve t qeverisjes s mir dhe transparencs Qeveria e Republiks s

    Kosovs kan argumentuar se me t vrtet jan duke u angazhuar pr transparenc n

    t gjitha fushat e qeverisjes. Aprovimi i ligjit pr prokurimin publik e dshmon kt m

    s miri, pasi q prokurimi publik sht nj ndr fushat ku korrupsioni mund t jet mprezent.

    Qllimi i ktij ligji sht t siguroj mnyrn m efikase, m transparente dhe m t drejt

    t shfrytzimit t fondeve publike, burimeve publike si dhe t gjitha fondeve dhe

    burimeve t tjera t autoriteteve kontraktuese n Kosov duke prcaktuar kushtet dhe

    rregullat q do t zbatohen, procedurat q do t ndiqen, t drejtat q do t respektohen

    dhe detyrimet q do t prmbushen nga personat, operatort ekonomik, ndrmarrjet,

    autoritetet kontraktuese dhe organet publike q zhvillojn, prfshihen, marrin pjes ose

    interesohen, n aktivitetet e prokurimit ose q prfshihen ose kan t bjn me fondet

    dhe/ose burimet e tilla.

    Ky ligj gjithashtu ka pr qllim t siguroi integritetin dhe prgjegjsin e zyrtarve

    publik, npunsve civil dhe personave t tjer q kryejn ose jan t prfshir n nj

    aktivitet t prokurimit duke krkuar q, vendimet e individve t till dhe baza ligjore e

    faktike pr vendimet e tilla, t mos ndikohen nga interesat personale, t karakterizohet

    me jo-diskriminim dhe me nj shkall t lart t transparencs dhe, t jen n prputhje

    me krkesat procedurale dhe qensore t ktij ligji.

    Ligji pr Prokurimin Publik ka pr qllim t nxis krijimin e nj kulture institucionaleprofesionale t pandikuar nga interesat materiale, t paanshme, etike, n mesin e

    personave zyrtar q kryejn ose jan t prfshir n nj aktivitet t prokurimit, duke

    krkuar nga personat e till q t sillen duke ndjekur parimin e shfrytzimit sa m

    efikas, me kosto ekonomike, transparent dhe t drejt t fondeve dhe burimeve publike

    ndrkaq duke iu prmbajtur rreptsisht procedurave dhe kushteve qensore t ktij


    Rregullore komunale mbi transparencn

    Q shteti ligjor dhe demokratik t shtrij fushveprimin e tij jo vetm n nivelin qendror

    por edhe at lokal, t gjitha Komunat e Republik s Kosovs kan aprovuar rregullore

    komunale mbi transparencn ku n nenin 1 shprehimisht prcaktohet qllimi i ksaj

    rregullore i cili sht:

    34 Ligji pr prokurimin publik nr.03/L-241, sht aprovuar me 30.09.2010, dhe sht dekrtuar nga presidentii Republiks s Kosovs me DL-057- 2010

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    Forcimi i transparencs s organeve t administrats komunale, rritjen epjesmarrjes s publikut n vendimmarrje n nivelin lokal,

    T krijoi rregullat q mundsojn ushtrimin sa m t leht t mundshm t ksajt drejte dhe

    T nxis praktika t mira administrative pr qasje n dokumente.N nenin 2, fushveprimi i ksaj rregulloreje rregullon pjesmarrjen e publikut n

    mbledhjet e Kuvendit t Komuns dhe komiteteve t tij, konsultimi i akteve komunale

    dhe pjesmarrjen e publikut n vendimmarrje si dhe qasjen n dokumentet zyrtare t

    komuns. 35

    Objektivat e Zyrs s Kryeministrit /Zyrs pr Qeverisje t Mir pr etik dhetransparenc n administratn publike:

    Pr t realizuar n mnyrn m t mir t mundshme si dhe pr t promovuar dhe

    zbatuar etikn dhe transparencn n administratn publike ZKM/ZQM me rastin e

    prditsimit t dy planeve atij pr Reformn n Administratn Publike si dhe atij

    Kundr Korrupsionit ka marr detyra dhe obligim shtes. Puna pr realizimin e ktyre

    objektivave do t koordinohet, monitorohet dhe realizohet nga ZKM/ZQM, dhe tashm

    jan prcaktuar edhe veprimet, afati kohor pr tu realizuar, institucionet prgjegjse por

    edhe buxheti q do t shpenzohet pr kto objektiva.

    Strategjia pr Reformn n Administratn Publike 2010-2013 - e rishikuar Plani i Veprimit Kundr Korrupsionit 2009-2011 - i rishikuar

    Strategjia e Reforms s Administrats Publike e Rishikuar - n kt strategji e cila

    sht rishikuar n shtator 2010 sht parapar objektiv i veant (objektivi 3) pr etikn

    dhe transparencn:

    35Rregullore komunale mbi transparencn

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    Etika dhe Transparenca

    Ky objektiv ka pr qllim arritjen e standardeve ndrkombtare pr nj administrat

    publike, etike, transparente, e prgjegjshme, t pa korruptuar, jo-diskriminuese dhe me

    mundsi t barabarta.

    Nn objektivat e ktij objektivi jan :

    prforcimi i llogaridhnies n administrate publike duke marr pr baz Ligjinpr Shrbimin Civil dhe aktet normative q burojn nga ky ligj

    promovimi i instrumenteve legale pr luftimin e korrupsionit n administratnpublike, de-politizimin e shrbyesve civil dhe shmangien e konfliktit t


    hartimi i akteve normative dhe hulumtimi periodik i opinionit lidhur me etikndhe transparencn n administrat publike.

    Plani i Veprimit Kundr Korrupsionit - edhe te ky plan, i cili sht rishikuar, si

    objektiv i veant nga Qeveria e Republiks s Kosovs sht parapar edhe

    Transparenca dhe llogaridhnia:

    Sigurimi i transparencs n procesin e hartimit t akteve n Qeveri t cilat kan tbjn m luftimin dhe parandalimin e korrupsionit

    Prfshirja e shoqris civile dhe grupeve tjera t interesit gjat hartimit tProjektligjeve n Qeveri.

    Zyra pr Qeverisje t Mir duke iu prmbajtur prioriteteve t Qeveris s

    Republiks s Kosovs pr qeverisje t mir dhe transparenc ka shprehur gatishmrin

    pr nismn pr realizimin e objektivave dhe aktiviteteve t parapara n Planin e

    Reforms s Administrats Publike si dhe Planin e Veprimit Kundr Korrupsionit pr

    Zyrn e Kryeministrit.

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    Republika e KosovsRepublika Kosova-Republic of Kosovo

    Qeveria - Vlada - Government



    Manual Ethics and Transparencyin Public Administration

    Pristina, 2010

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    This manual is a contribution of Mr. Habit Hajredini Director of Prime

    Ministers Office/Office for Good Governance and Human Rights Coordinator of

    the Government of Republic of Kosovo and staff of the Prime MinistersOffice/Office for Good Governance

    The publication of the Manual is realized within the framework and the support of the

    Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo

    Published by the Office on Good Governance, Human Rights,

    Equal Opportunities and Gender Issues


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    Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo/Office for Good Governance

    expresses deep gratitude and special thanks to the staff and colleagues of the Office for

    Good Governance as well as the close cooperation, qualitative assistance and valuable

    contribution that was offered by institutions, international agencies and local and

    international NGOs in Kosovo, which enabled this manual to be more complete andsubstantial. Special acknowledgment and thanks Office for Good Governance expresses

    also for Mr. Professor Dr. Wolfgang Drechsler, Chair of Governance, Department ofPublic Administration/Faculty of Social Sciences/Estonia, Tallinn University of

    Technology and z. Bryane Michael, Stockholm School of Economics, which have given

    tremendous contribution in compiling this manual.

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    Content ..................................................................................................................................... 26

    Mission and Vision of the Office on Good Governance / Office of the Prime Minister 27

    Introduction .................................................................................................................... ..........28

    Aim of publication of the manual ......................................................................................... 28

    Goal ............................................................................................................................................ 28

    Definitions ................................................................................................................................ 29

    Public Administration Reform in the Republic of Kosovo................................................31

    Legal base of the manual ........................................................................................................ 32

    Convention of the United Nations against Corruption .................................................... .32

    International Code of Conduct for Civil Servants ............................................................ ..34

    Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo ............................................................................... 38

    Law on Civil Servants ........................................................................................................... ..38

    Code of conduct for civil officers of Kosovo no.01/2006...39

    Law on Access to Public Documents .................................................................................. ..40

    Law on Public Procurement................................................................................................... 41

    Municipal Regulation on Transparency ............................................................................... 42

    Objectives of the Office of the Prime Minister / Office on Good Governance for Ethics

    and Transparency in Public Administration .................................................................... ...42

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    Mission and Vision of the Office on Good Governance / Office of the Prime Minister

    The Office on Good Governance/ Office of the Prime Minister have a mission to protect

    and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms, democracy, good governance

    and the rule of law, and at the same time reach International Standards for Human

    Rights and Good Governance by creating and improving the existing mechanisms on

    these principles.

    The Advisory Office on Good Governance, Human Rights, Equal Opportunities and

    Gender Issues was created with the Regulation Nr. 2001/19 on the Executive Branch.

    Its mandate and functions are described, among others with:

    OGG observes and advises ministers on the scope of Good Governance, HumanRights and Equal Opportunities.

    OGG assists in developing and implementing the public information campaignsand other supporting projects to incite awareness of the population on

    International Standards for Human Rights, and other basic principles for

    transparency and democratic governance.

    OGG encourages citizens to participate in decision making.

    The unique mandate has enabled OGG to initiate, establish, coordinate and lead the

    works of the Inter-Ministerial Working Groups, a product of whom was the drafting of

    Strategies for Kosovo, Action Plans, and Reports for International Mechanisms, Laws

    and provided comments on draft laws from the perspective of Human Rights.36

    36 Regulation Nr. 2001/19 on the Executive Branch

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    The Government of the Republic of Kosovo is maximally engaged that the Republic of

    Kosovo, as the youngest state of the world, joins the great world family of democratic

    states and that in particular it is associated with the public administration system ofEuropean Union states. This requires the improvement of the public sector functioning

    as a precondition to achieve the commitments made by world leaders in the Declaration

    of the Millennium in the World Summit of 2005 and in many other global and regional


    As a sign of its commitment in improving the governance and also the Public

    Administration, the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, Office of the Prime

    Minister/ Office on Good Governance has prepared this manual for ethics and

    transparency in public administration.

    The aim of the publication of this manual

    The purpose of publication of this manual is to provide a brief summary of what is

    ethics and transparency in public administration, and of international and national

    documents in which include or define the rights and obligations of public

    administration that is civil servants.

    As such this brief summary will offer an important instrument which will incitedifferent governmental and non-governmental organizations to propose and create the

    best possible practices in public administration. At the same time this manual will serve

    as a guide for ordinary citizens regarding the duties and obligations that public

    administration has in providing services to them, in other words the quality of these

    services as a part of ethics of a professional and impartial public administration. Also

    this manual provides a brief overview about the rights of the citizens to access on public

    documents as one of the fundamental rights in ensuring the functioning of the legal state

    where the government and administration are accountable to citizens, this responsibility

    which stems from the free vote of citizens.


    Like in all transitional countries the Republic of Kosovo has a necessity for awareness

    and education of its institutions for ethics and transparency in public administration.

    This manual intends to improve policies of the government regarding ethics and

    transparency and to increase awareness of citizens in important public elections.

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    This manual will provide an overview of a depoliticized public administration and

    professional, developed based on the best international policies and practices oh human

    resource management. This approach is the only way to ensure the creation and

    development of a public administration free of corruption and independent of political

    influence, the core of its functioning being the law and as such serving the whole society.

    Preventing and combating corruption should be radical and all Kosovo Institutions

    should work in close cooperation with each other. The public trust must be regained and

    the resistance against corrupted attitude and practices should be increased. Lack of

    transparency in the relations among politicians, civil servants, public leaders, families

    and their businesses creates a closed environment where the possibilities for misuse and

    the pressure of corruption is high.


    Ethics from the ancient Greek philosophers until today ethics has been defined and

    separated in different aspects as a part of philosophy. However to mesmerize it can be

    said that ethics in public administration is a system of more principles or a Code of

    Conduct of Civil Servants and also social, religious and civil groups which clarifies the

    good from the bad and the choice of the individual to do the right thing.37

    Transparency as it is used in social sciences and in social context in general impliesopenness, communication and accountability. In fact it is a metaphorical use of the term

    transparent which means see through. Hence transparent procedures imply open

    meetings, publication of the financial state, legislation for the freedom of information,

    budget reviews and auditions etc.38

    Access to public documents implies the right that every citizen at any time during the

    working hours has the right to request and to access to all public documents regarding

    property, legislation, government decisions, court decisions etc. As such access to public

    documents is regarded as a foundation of the establishment and functioning of

    democracy since it ensures the opportunity for the citizen himself to investigate andmeet different governmental bodies with their responsibilities, starting from the highest

    level of the government to the local offices level.39

    37 Law on access to Public documents nr.03/L-215, approved by the Kosovo Parliament on 07.10.2010, anddecreed by the President of the Republic of Kosovo with DL-063-2010,

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    Public Administration is responsible to apply governmental policies and it is an

    academic discipline which studies this application and prepares the civil servants for

    this kind of job. Most simple and most often offered definitions for the term public

    administration are: managing of public programs and translation of policies in the

    reality the citizens see every day.40

    Civil service this is a term that has two meanings:

    1. A branch of governmental service in which the individuals are hired based onprofessional merits proven on competitive tests.

    2. The group of workers in any governmental agency except military.41Civil servant is an employee of the public sector that works for a department or

    governmental agency. This term always excludes the military services, although there

    are civil servants employed at the Defence Ministry. It must be emphasised that the

    term civil servant is not used alike in all countries. Therefore depending on the practices

    of individual states this term in some cases is used to name the employees of a sovereign

    state only at state or regional level and in other cases it also includes the municipal

    employees as is the case in the Republic of Kosovo.42

    Political corruption in the broad sense is the abuse of public office for personal gain.

    In practice all types of government are vulnerable to political corruption. The level of

    corruption varies, from low use of position and influence to give or accept favours, up to

    bribe and institutionalised giving and more. The final point of political corruption iskleptocracy which in the broad term of the word means rule of thieves, when even the

    public pretending of being honest ceases.

    In recent years we see that the Republic of Kosovo has expressed more and more the

    political will to fulfil the required criteria from international institutions regarding

    democracy, good governance, legal state, transparency, accountability and human

    rights. Corruption begins in political offices as well as in those of civil servants and can

    be of a low or high level, organised or non organised. Although corruption usually

    facilitates criminal activities such as drug trafficking, money laundry and prostitution, it

    is not said that it will be confined only at these types of crime.43

    40 Law on civil servants, nr. 03/L-149, approved by the Parliament of the Republic of Kosovo on 13.05.201042 Law on civil servants, nr. 03/L-149, approved by the Parliament of the Republic of Kosovo on 13.05.201043

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    Bribe - is offering, giving, taking or asking a valuable thing with the purpose of

    influencing the actions of an official contrary to his public or legal obligations. Bribe can

    be the immediate payment of cash or personal favours, the promise for latter payment,

    or whatever else that the receiver considers as valuable.44

    Public Administration Reform in the Republic of Kosovo

    In recent years we notice that the Republic of Kosovo has increasingly expressed the

    political will to meet the required criteria from international institutions regarding the

    democracy, good governance, rule of law, transparency, accountability and human


    The main principles of civil service are: independence, integrity and neutral attitude

    towards the influence of party. It is exactly ethics and transparency which are two basic

    principles for good governance which correspond with a legal state with integrity and

    with the consolidated democracy. The Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo in order to

    avoid and prevent problems in the public administration and to establish a basis for a

    professional and depoliticized administration has approved the Law on Civil Servants.

    It can be said that regarding the legal frame by which the civil service is regulated, the

    republic of Kosovo closer to European and International Standards. But what remains a

    challenge for us in the future is exactly the will to implement these laws and

    international conventions. This can be build on by having a clear vision for the values

    which incorporate the most developed countries. Undoubtedly depoliticising of thePublic Administration is one of the key and most challenging issues. The Government of

    the Republic of Kosovo is committed to do more in this direction and it is the reform of

    public administration, creation of a professional administration, depoliticised and in the

    service to the citizens are the best indicators for the continuous efforts to fulfil this


    But we all know that not only in the Republic of Kosovo but also in the most developed

    places it takes time for the public administration to become modern, non political,

    functional and in services to the citizens. The Government of the Republic of Kosovo is

    building a reorganized system and increase of capacities in planning institutions,development and discussion of public policies in a transparent way, including policies

    of integration in EU. There has been an increase of quality in the administrative services

    which are offered by the institutions of the Government for the citizens, businesses and


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    for the institutions themselves, by rationalizing the administrative processes. But

    nevertheless the reforms are not easy for the citizens and institutions.

    Public Administration Reform in the Republic of Kosovo is lead by a realistic vision.

    This vision of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo is summarized in three

    pledges. The Government of the Republic of Kosovo is committed that the publicadministration until the end of 2013 will be more:

    1. Effective in providing administrative services to all its citizens and businesses, asit is proven with a considerable increase in overall ratings of satisfied clients

    based on regular annual surveys;

    2. Coast effective, as it was proven with the considerable decrease of totalexpenditures in relation to the transfer value to costumers through integrated

    services in the annual budgets;

    3. European in its methods of organization and work, with marked improvementsin overall quality of administrative, verified in the European Commission report

    s on our progress towards the goal for European integration.45

    Legal base of the manual

    The legal base of this manual stems from various documents such as: United NationsConvention against Corruption, Civil Servants International Code of Conduct,

    Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, Civil Servant Code of Conduct, Law on CivilServants, Law on Access to public Documents, Law on Public Procurement, Municipal

    Regulation on Transparency.

    United Nation Convention against Corruption46

    Seeing the continues spread of corruption at national and international level as well as

    various forms of occurrence of this phenomenon which poses a continuous threat to the

    development and the progress of a legal state, United Nations have approved an

    International Convention Against Corruption.

    Through this convention it is aimed to set some basic rules and obligations that every

    signing state takes over the obligations in the fighting against corruption both at

    45 Strategy for the Reform of Public Administration46 This convention was ratified with resolution 58/4 of the United Nations General Assembly on 31 October2003, and according to article 68 (1) of this resolution this convention entered to force on 14 December 2005.

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    national and international level. In the mean time this convention distinguishes political

    bases that will help the development of laws and practices that will enable the creation

    of professional public administration free from any form of misuse. In this case we

    notice that ethics and transparency are two main principles which create a basis for a

    successful combat against corruption. In particular ethics and transparency are

    mentioned in articles 7, 9, 10, 12 and 13 of the chapter for preventing measures of thisconvention where among others it is said:

    Every State Party in accordance with the basic principles with their legal systems will

    develop and implement or maintain efficient policies coordinated against corruption

    which supports the participation of society and present principles of the rule of law,

    proper management relations public and public property, integrity, transparency and


    Also in the Public Sector of this Convention stipulates that:

    1. Every state party when it is acceptable and in accordance with the basicprinciples of their legal systems will start to adjust maintains and enforcing the

    recruiting, employing, protecting, promoting and retirement of civil servants and

    where it is appropriate, other than elected officials.48

    a) Based on the efficient, transparency principles and other objective criterias such

    as merit, equity, and ability.

    c) To support the relevant tables of salaries according to bonuses and equality,

    given the level of economical development of the State Party;

    d) That support training programmes which enable to fulfil the requests for correct,honest and proper functioning of public functions and which offers them

    relevant and specialized trainings to raise awareness for the hazardous of

    corruption in relation to the scope of their functions. Such programmes can relate

    to the codes or standards of conduct in their implementation scope.49

    e) Every state party also should consider the approval of relevant legal andadministrative measures in accordance with the objectives of this Convention

    and in compliance with basic principles of their national laws, to describe thecriteria regarding the candidature and election for public offices.

    47 United Nations Charter against Corruption48 Article 7, Public Sector, United Nations Charter against Corruption49 Article 7, Public Sector, United Nations Charter against Corruption

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    f) Every state party should also consider the approval of relevant measures legaland administrative measures in accordance with this Convention and in

    consistency with the basic principles of their national laws, to improve

    transparency in financing the candidates for public offices and where it is

    applicable financing the political parties.

    g) Every state party, in accordance with basic principles of their national laws, will

    start approving, maintaining and enforcing systems which support transparency

    and prevent conflicts of interest.

    Civil Servants International Code of Conduct50

    Besides the Convention, the United Nations have drafted the International Code of

    Conduct on Civil Servants which is attached as an annex of the Resolution 51/59 of

    the General Assembly approved in 1996 and which is recommended to member

    states as an instrument for leading their attempts against all forms of misuse.

    1. In order to fight corruption every state party will support, along others, theintegrity, honesty and responsibility along their civil servants, in accordance

    with the basic principles of their legal systems.


    Particularly, every state party will start implementing, within their institutionallegal systems, the codes or standards of conduct for honest, correct and proper

    functioning of their public functions.

    3. With the aim of implementing provisions provided in this article, every StateParty, where it is in accordance with the basic principles of their legal systems,

    will observe relevant initiations of regional, inter-regional and multilateral

    organizations, such as the International Code of Conduct on Civil Servants which

    is included in the annex of the Resolution of the General Assembly 51/59 of 12

    December 1996.

    4. Every state party also considers, in accordance with the basic principles of theirnational laws, the establishment t of measures and systems to enable reporting of

    50 Ratified by the United Nations General Assembly in December 1996, through resolution 51/59

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    civil servants to relevant authorities for the acts of corruption, where such acts

    have been noticed while performing their functions.

    5. Every state party, where it is in accordance with the basic principles of theirnational laws will start imposing measures and systems which require on civilservants to submit statements to relevant authorities regarding, among others,

    their external activities employment, investments, property and expensive gifts

    or benefits from which conflict of interest might be created regarding their

    positions as public offices.

    6. Every state party will take into consideration, in accordance with the basicprinciples of their national laws, taking disciplinary measures against public

    servants who violate codes or standards set in accordance with this article.

    Considering the need to fight corruption each state party in accordance with the basic

    principles of their national laws will take such measures which are necessary to enforce

    transparency in their public administrations including the attention towards the

    organization, functioning and its decision making process when it is needed. Such

    measures, among others, shall include: 51

    a) Approval of procedures and regulations which enable the general public tosuggest, where it is necessary, information about the organization, functioning

    and decision making processes of the public administration and with proper carefor protecting private and personal data, for decisions and legal acts that deal

    with members of the public;

    b) Simplify the public procedures, where it is necessary, in order to facilitate publicaccess to the competent decision making authorities; and

    c) Publication of information which may include the juridical periodical reports onhazardous of corruption in their public administration.

    Every State Party will take appropriate measures in their power and in accordance withthe basic principles of their national law to support the active participation of

    individuals and groups outside the public sector, civil society, non-governmental

    organizations and organizations based on communities, in preventing and fighting

    against corruption and to raise awareness of the public regarding the existence and

    51 Article 10. Public report, International Code of Conduct for Public Officials

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    consequences and seriousness as well as the threat which corruption presents. This

    participation should be enforced with measures such as: 52

    a) Improvement of transparency and the support for public assistance in decisionmaking processes;

    b) Insurance that the public has efficient access to information;c) Undertaking of public information activities which help non tolerating

    corruption as well as public education programmes, including curricula in

    schools and universities;

    To respect the rights and reputation of others; To protect national security, public order, health or public moral.

    In the International Code of Conduct for public officers, respectively in the general

    principles is says:

    1. A Public Office as defined by national law, is a position of trust, which impliesthe duty to act according to public interest, Therefore, the full loyalty of public

    servants will be towards the interests of the public of their state expressed to

    democratic institutions of governance.

    2. Public Officials will make sure to implement their duties and functions withefficiency and invulnerability, in accordance with legal or administrativepolicies. At any time they will seek to ensure that public resources for which they

    are responsible to be administered in an efficient manner.

    3. Public Officials will cautious just and unbiased in implementing their functionsand especially in their relations with the public. They will never allow unjust and

    different treatment for any group or individual, unjustly discriminate any group

    or individual or in any other way to misuse the power and authority given to

    them. 53

    Conflict of interest and exclusion is determined in chapter II where among others it issaid that: Public Officers will not use their official authority to advance personally in an

    unjust way or to improve their family financial personal interests. They will not be

    52 Article 13, Participation of Civil Society, International Code of Conduct for Public Officials53 International Code of Conduct for Public OfficialsI. General principles

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    included in any swap, to obtain any position or function, or to have any financial

    interest, commercial or similar interest which is incompatible with their Office function

    or duties.

    Public Officials, for what is required from their position in accordance with legal or

    administrative policies, will present businesses financial and commercial interests oractivities undertaken for any financial benefits which would create a possible conflict of

    interests between duties and private interests of public officers, they will be subjected to

    measures created for minimizing or eliminating such comforts of interests.

    Public Officials will never use unjustly the money, property, services or public

    information that they learned during the implementation or as a result of their official

    duties for activities that are not connected with their official work.

    Public Officials will be subjected to measures provided by law or administrative policiesin a way that after they leave their official positions they will not benefit unjustly from

    the above mentioned office.54

    Public Officials, in accordance with their positions and as permitted or required by law

    or administrative policy, shall be subject to requirements to notify or announce personal

    assets and wealth, if possible, those spouses or family members.55

    Public Officials will not require or accept directly or indirectly gifts or favours of any

    kind which might affect in performing their functions, duties or their judgement. 56

    Confidential cases owned by the public officers will be held secret unless if national

    legislation, or the performance of duties or the need for justice does not directly require

    to act differently. Such limitations also apply after leaving the service. 57

    Political activity of any other nature of the public officer outside the scope action of their

    office, in accordance with laws and administrative policies, will not prevent public trust

    in implementing their duties and functions in a neutral way. 58

    54 II Conflict of Interest and exclusion (disqualification), International Code of Conduct for Public Officials55 III. Notification of goods, International Code of Conduct for Public Officials56 IV. Received of gifts and favors 9 , International Code of Conduct for Public Officials57 V. Information in confidence,10, International Code of Conduct for Public Officials58 VI. Political activity, International Code of Conduct for Public Officials

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    Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo59

    Considering the fact that the Republic of Kosovo is not a member of the United Nations,

    and therefore has no possibility of ratification of international documents, the

    Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo as the highest legal act of the state emphasisesthat international conventions and documents have priority by the laws of the Republic

    of Kosovo and are applicable in Kosovo. To be closer to fulfilling its obligations defined

    by international community, the Republic of Kosovo is doing the harmonization of

    legislation with international.

    Kosovos Constitution clearly guarantees the right to access to official documents and in

    article 41 states that:

    1. Each person has the right of access to public documents, and2. That documents of public institutions and governmental state bodies, are public

    except information that are limited by law, due to privacy, business secrets or

    classified information security.60

    Law on Civil Servants nr.03/L-14961

    This law determines regulations for the general management and organization of a

    politically impartial civil service, regulations for admission, terms of reference, rights

    and obligations, personal behaviour, carrier advancement and professional development

    of civil servants.

    In the article 2 it is defined that civil servants exercise duties based on the following

    principles: legitimacy, non-discrimination, availability and efficiency, accountability,

    impartiality and professional independence, transparency and avoidance of conflict of


    Article 17 basic criteria for admission in civil service are based on merit principles, by

    public announcement vacancies, with the process transparency, objectivity and

    impartiality of the testing committee, non- discrimination candidates and the right to

    object at the end of the procedure.

    59 The Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo entered to force on 15 June 2008

    60 Constitution of the Republic of Kosovo, Article 4161 Law on Civil Servants, nr. 03/L-149, approved by the Parliament of the Republic of Kosovo on 13.05.2010

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    Civil Servants shall perform their duties under the terms established by law and in the

    description of duties in an accurate, honest and regular way in time and without

    personal interest, in accordance with the public interest and judicial system of the

    Republic of Kosovo. Civil Servants who show negligence in respecting and

    implementing the law and sublegal acts of the civil service will face disciplinary


    Article 50 in exercising their functions the civil servants will be committed to the

    implementation of legitimacy and the protection of public interest and not the

    attainment of personal income, or for any other individual organization.

    Article 53 civil servants must provide the public, interested stakeholders and public

    institutions with all informations and instructions needed to fulfil in time, properly, and

    efficiency the administrative procedures.

    Article 54 civil servants are obliged to hold the secrets of the service and not divulge to

    the public secret information dedicated for internal use, which have been communicated

    to them during the performing of their duties.

    Civil Servants are obliged to hold the secrecy of information, that they posses, but

    without censuring the implementation of duties that come under this law for access to

    official documents.

    Article 55 civil servants are obliged to perform the public administration procedures

    for citizens in an effective and economical way.

    Article 57 civil servants are obliged to be present in their working place based on terms

    of their appointment and the schedule set for the functioning of the employing

    institution. Civil Servants are obliged to respect the working hours and use them to

    perform their duties.63

    Code of conduct for civil officers of Kosovo no.01/2006,

    A part of reformation of the public administration in Kosovo is the drafting and

    approval of the code of conduct for civil officers which is approved by the Governmentof Kosovo. The code of conduct for civil officers is the overall principles and rules based

    on which act the civil officers. The code of conduct aims to establish rules of behavior for

    civil officers protect their status and regulate their rights and duties regarding the

    institutions and citizens in accordance with the legislation in force.

    62 VI Principles of Conduct of civil Servants, Article 4963 Law on Civil Servant ,

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    The purpose of the code of conduct is to increase the quality of public services for

    citizens, ethics in work and public interest, characterized by integrity, honesty,

    objectivity and impartiality in fulfilling duties.

    According to the code of conduct for civil officers, civil officers should fulfill their duties

    in accordance with the following principles:

    Principle of legality Principle of equal treatment and non-discrimination Principle of political neutrality Principle of impartiality and professional independence Principle of sincerity Principle of procedural honesty Principle of respect Principle of rational use of public funds Principle of avoiding conflict of interest and Principle of transparency.

    This code of conduct not only aims to set the rules of conduct for civil officers, but also

    protects their status and regulates their rights and obligations in relation to institutions

    and citizens.

    Apart from this the code is based on principles that organize the work of civil officers all

    over the world: legality, non-discrimination, political neutrality, impartiality and

    transparency in fulfilling their duties.

    The article 5 on protecting measures states that if a civil officer considers that he/she has

    been required to act against the law, ethics of work or behave in an improper mannerwhich would result in braking the rules of the code of conduct, he/she should report

    such violations to the competent body in accordance with the rules and procedures of

    the code of conduct.

    Law on Access to public Documents nr.03/L-215 64

    The focus of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo is oriented on drafting and

    implementing the legislation and antidiscrimination, which guarantee equal access and

    treatment, equal rights and opportunities for all its citizens in all fields of life.

    Knowing the importance that the participation of civil society has in politics and

    decision making, the Office of the Prime Minister offers access and participation to the

    civil society not only in drafting policies and governmental strategies but also offers the

    64 Law on Access to Public Documents nr.03/L-215, approved by the Parliament of the Republic of Kosovoon 07.10.2010, and decreed by the President of the Republic of Kosovo with DL-063-2010

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    opportunity for access in every official document. This is done following the approval of

    the Law on Access to Public Documents where among others this Law guarantees the

    right of every person, without any discrimination what so ever, to have access, with the

    request, on documents held drafted or admitted by public authorities.

    Anyone requesting a document has the right to access documents of public institutions,based on principles, conditions and limitations provided by law.65

    Documents are open for the public, based on the direct written request, or electronically

    request form, excluding information limited by law.

    Applicant requests for access to public documents, submitted in any form allowed by

    the provisions of the previous paragraph of this article, from the public institution that is

    addressed by the applicant are treated equally and officially.

    Public documents received by the applicant cannot be used for denigration, propagandaor commercial purposes. 66

    Law on Public Procurement nr.03/L-24167

    To implement the principles of good governance and transparency the Government of

    the Republic of Kosovo has argued that they are truly committed to transparency in all

    fields of governance. The approval of the Law on Public Procurement testify this in the

    best possible manner, since public procurement is one of the fields where corruption

    may be present.

    The aim of this law is to ensure an efficient transparent and right way of using public

    funds, public sources and all other funds and sources of contracting authorities in

    Kosovo by setting conditions and rules that will be implemented, procedures to be

    followed, rights to be respected and obligations to be fulfilled by persons, economic

    operators, enterprises, contracted authorities and public bodies that develop, include,

    participate or show interest towards procurement activities or those included that deal

    with funds or such resources.

    This law also aims to ensure the integrity and responsibility of public officers, civil

    servants and other persons who commit or are involved in procurement activities by

    requiring that the decisions of such individuals and legal factual basis for such

    65 Law on Access to Public Documents,66 Law on Access to public Documents,67 Law on Public Procurement nr.03/L-241, approved on 30.09.2010, and decreed by the President of theRepublic of Kosovo with DL-057- 2010

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    decisions, not to be affected by personal interests, and to be characterized by non-

    discrimination and a high scale of transparency, to be in accordance with the

    procedural and essential requests of this law.

    Law on Public Procurement aims to incite the creation of a professional institutional

    culture unaffected from material interests, impartial, ethical, among official personsthat perform or included in procurement activities, by asking from them to behave by

    following the efficient principles with economical costs, transparent and fair use of

    public funds where as by following strictly the procedures and essential conditions of

    this law.

    Municipal Regulation on Transparency

    In order for the legal and democratic state to extend its scope not only in the central but

    also in the local level all municipalities of the Republic of Kosovo have approved a

    municipal Regulation on Transparency where in article 1 the aim of this Regulation isdefined, which is:

    Enforcement of transparency of municipal administration bodies, the i9ncrease ofparticipation of the public in decision making on the local level,

    The creation of rules which enable the practice of this right in the easiest mannerpossible

    To incite good administrative practices for access to documents

    In article 2, the scope of this Regu