Download pdf - Draft 5 Yasmin (2)




Name of First WriterFARRUKH DHONDY


Address: [email protected] Number


A group of drama students are rehearsing a play. They include FELAH, XYRA and PREETI. Miss Delhi, the drama teacher turns to check the time on the wall clock before resuming the play. The classroom door knob faintly creeks and opens. YASMIN SAHIB strides in.

YASMINSorry I’m late Miss Delhi. The bus arrived late in the area.

MISS DELHIYasmin you can’t make this a habit, find another way here, punctuality is key. Your group are replying on your lead and direction for the rehearsal.

Yasmin slips off her school bag from behind her back, places it beside her desk and proceeds towards the direction of the small stage.

FELAH plays an Asian man and XYRA the daughter. In the scene they are discussing her boyfriend going to serve in the army.

FALAH(In character) I know he is courageous but he hasn’t fully thought of the effects of war. Soldiers loose their life in vain.

XYRAPlease don’t say those kinds of words. There is power in the tongue. I can’t stand the thought of losing him. What should I do?

FALAHBe still my daughter, If he truly loves you he would do what right and stay with you.

MISS DELHI: Well done everyone, I saw the passion and energy you all put in. This is what professional staged acting is based about.


MISS DELHIYasmin, since you didn’t make it here on time I gave your role to Xyra. I know you would have done expectably too. You were just as important directing the casts offset.

YASMINIn all honesty Miss, I didn’t enjoy directing the play. My talent lies in front of the camera where the action happens. I know this is only rehearsals but I know I have what it takes.

MISS DELHII admire your charisma but acting also involves observing the strengths and weaknesses of the casts. In order to get the scholar it is crucial that you become fully rounded and equipped in all areas of the filming industry.

(Yasmin smiles)

YASMINYou know how much this means to me, you know im trying my best right?.

MISS DELHIYes I am aware of your abilities and commitment but I am concerned with one thing.

Yasmin’s eyes drop. A cold vibrational wind tinkles down her neck to her spinal bone. Time and everything around her seems to pause. The earth stops rotating.

YASMINWhat is it Miss Delhi?

MISS DELHIThe principle would like to speak with you after class. Please go to his office.

Yasmin face cringes.


MR SAJEED is sitting at his table with a stack of report files next to him. A knock on the office door

MR SAJEEDHello Yasmin, my name is Mr. Sajeed. How are you today?

YASMINI’m doing well. I just finished a class with Miss Delhi at the drama room.


MR SAJEEDWell it’s important. Please sit. Unfortunately you can’t attend classes until your term fees are paid.

YASMINI beg your pardon Sir. You can’t remove me from class. There must be a terrible mistake.

MR SAJEEDPlease inform your mother about this. I’m afraid you won’t be allowed in class until further notice.

YASMINI can’t leave now. This means the world to me.

Yasmin suddenly bursts into tears. Speechless and overwhelmed, she makes her way out of the office. Her face peels away.


A rural village in India called Mumbai. Yasmin approaches her house. Two large men in black leather Jackets are at her door. Talking to what seems to be her mother, MISS SAHIB.

They to leave heading Yasmins way. They barge right past her, nearly banging into her.


The room has no furniture or dinner table. A statue of the Hindu Lord Ganesh Ganesha Elephant God is stood centring the shrine. Candles are lit and directed all around the room.

Miss Sahib Stands facing the corner, crying.

YASMINMumma, who were they? (no response) mumma?

Miss Sahib turns, and on her cheek lays a massive bruise.

YASMIN (CONT’D)What happened? What did they do?

MISS SAHIBThey were after their bloody money, bloody loan sharks scum. We need protection from them arseholes.


Yasmin takes her mother by the arm and takes her over to sit.

YASMINLet me clear this up for you, come come.

MISS SAHIBThey say if there isn’t any money on next visit they take everything I have. EVERYTHING!

Yasmins tries to keep it together, trying to keep the composUrE in being the stronger one out of the two.

MISS SAHIB (CONT’D).. sweetness?... I cant pay schooling right now. Only until this will pass,

YASMINWill it pass though mother? We can do something about this!

MISS SAHIBCan we?! it has to just pass.

YASMINIf I get this scholarship things will get better mum. I will be able to support you.

MISS SAHIBYour auntie Priscilla got married at your age. Its time to plan ahead.


MISS SAHIBMy happiness and joy would be for you to get married and live better than I did.

(Yasmin laughs)

YASMINMum you can’t be serious. I’m nineteen.

MISS SAHIBWhat man in his right mind would refuse you. Women your age go to the dating agency in town.

YASMINIf am in India how will I go to England?


MISS SAHIBThe men they match women with are Englishmen, so you might just get your bloody dream after all. youmarry someone away from india and we have a new life, with your dream too.

We sense a form of regret from MISS SAHIB. Almost not wanting to say what she said, but stands her ground.

Yasmin looks her in the eye. Defeated by her mothers stubbornness, she leaves the room.


People are standing around queuing towards the reception desk. Miss Sahib holds Yasmin’s hand firmly and steps in que. Her palm sweating from nervousness. A female receptionist in uniform approaches with a clip board.

RECEPTIONISTHello, I hope your journey was good. Could you please fill out this form and I’ll be with you shortly.

Yasmin reaches for the clip board and walks to an empty seat.

RECEPTIONIST (CONT’D)OK. Thank you. Would you please follow me.


This is RICHARD SULLIVAN 45 years old. An unkempt man in a casual shirt and denim jeans. He waits patiently in the spacious room next to a vending machine. The air conditioner is switched on. Yasmin peaks in from outside the corridor.

RECEPTIONISTWe found someone who is interested in meeting you. His name is Richard and he lives in England.

She freezes for a moment, then approaches him.

RECEPTIONIST (CONT’D)Don’t worry you’ll be fine. Just be yourself.


Yasmin is sat with an dating agent, her mother and a richard


RICHARDYou must be Yasmin. Its very nice to meet you.

YASMINAnd you... sir.

RICHARDYou must have a millions of questions to ask. I came to India to learn its culture and spiritually but ended up searching for love, because that’s where its at.

YASMINEngland is a long way away from home. Why travel this far?

RICHARDI run a successful business but money can’t buy happiness.

Richard leans over and touches Yasmins hand. Yasmin reluctantly keeps it there.

RICHARD (CONT’D)Am I right? I find you very beautiful. If you had one place you would go where would it be?

Richard awkwardly pulls away, sensing Yasmins dicomfort.

YASMINMy dream is to go to England, the land of opportunity. (enthused) I want to study at the Royal Academy of Dramatic art.... but I can’t afford it.

RICHARDRADA? Well, I can tell you are self driven, Exactly the kind of woman I need (laughs)...but, you can cook right?.

YASMINYes,.. Well.

Richard interrupts.

RICHARDGood! Then I will take care of you. I’ll recommend you to RADA, the voice of a highly respected individual such as myself will see the job gets done.


YASMINWell. Not sure. We’ve only just met.... Does that mean I go back with you to England?

RICHARDOf course. We will settle there? Don’t worry about bringing luggage or anything I’ll pay for everything?

YASMINI don’t know what to say?

RICHARDI’m leaving India in 2 weeks. I would be glad if you can come. youand your family.... wait, how many f you are there?

MISS SAHIBJust me and my daughter.

Richard looks at her and smiles

RICHARDWell i’m sure we can come to some form of arrangement.

Yasmin, still reluctant.

YASMINI need to think on this.

RICHARDOfcourse, ofcourse. but remember I leave in 2 weeks. I aim to have a fiance by then. There are 2 otheresjust like you ive quite fancied.

Miss sahib steps in


RICHARDIts fine miss sahib, I can wait on an answer for another day or 2. especially for this one.

Richard gives off a creepy grin.


Miss Sahib and Yasmin are eating rice whilst sitting on the floor. There is slight tension in the room.


YASMINI dont love him mother, its not right,

MISS SAHIBWhos to love, i never loved your father. He never loved me, we faught everyday til the day he died. But we worked at it for nothing. For nothing. Atleast with this we get to be a bit more better, away from these good for nothing types, these evil doers.

YASMINMother, i cant do it

YASMIN looks over at one of the few photographs hanging up. it is of her and her parents when she was a baby.

Miss sahib tries to hold back the emotions. But outbursts.


She throws her plate of rice across the room. Yasmin darts out the room afraid.

Yasmin heads into her room.


Yasmin paces round her room in an anxious manner. she lays down on her beaten bed. She starts to cry.


We hear the sounds of morning from outside her window. The sounds of the slums and children playing.

Off screen: a loud knock is heard coming from her front door. Again, getting louder in a more aggressive manner.

Yasmin leaves to answer.


As yasmins approaches the door, the knocks become forceful. SUDDENLY! The door comes flying open, hitting Yasmin down. THE TWO MEN, wearing leather jackets enter the house, the same men to of attacked Miss Sahib.

MAN 1Look at the pile of shit home, there’s nothing here.


Miss sahib enters the room. Man 2 grabs hold of her and strikes her down.

MAN 2Where is our money! Sahib, where is the money?? You have nothing here to take.

He strikes her again, again and again. Painful screams coming from Miss Sahib after each strike.

Man 1 has noticed Yasmin trying to get up. This being the first time they’ve noticed her.

MAN 1Oh, I see something.

The man grabs yasmin by her face.

MAN 1 (CONT’D)Shes a pretty one is she not?? I know exactly what she can be of use for.

Miss sahib, for the first time shows protection toward her daughter and throws the Ganesh at her their attackers. She does this but unsuccesfully, leaving Man 2 no choice but to knock her out.

Yasmin is now alone in the room with the 2 men. Man 1 approaches her slowly, with an overpowering sense harm intended.

People are heard gathering outside, as the front door is still open just. The 2 Men are on to this and realize they have been spotted.

MAN 2(to man 1) No, they’ll be good for it next time.

They leave but not without kicking Yasmin before they do. Yasmin screeches in pain.

It takes a while for Yasmin to get back up. As she does she heads to her mother, bringing her round and helping her to a sitting position. They hug and cry together.

MISS SAHIBI’m sorry sweetness. So, so sorry.


Richard is waiting in the reception. Yasmin or Miss Sahib is to be seen.

Times ticks by, still nothing.


As more time moves on, Richard is tired of waiting.

RICHARD(to receptionist) Erm, well i’mkind of tired of waiting now, which other girls are available to see me today.

As the receptionist scrolls through a list, Yasmin and Miss Sahib turn up.

Richard and Yasmin look at teach other, no confidence coming from Yasmin, hesitantly making eye contact.

Richard moves in and looks at the bruise on her face, almost scanning it for permanent damage.

RICHARD (CONT’D)You came back. (referring to bruise, after seeing miss sahibstoo) what on earth happened?

MISS SAHIBIts no problem, please, it’s no problem.

Yasmin looks up, making brave eye contact with someone shes reluctant to share a life with.

YASMINYou say, you can take care of us? please do.

Richard, this time hesitant, almost acting of a change of mind after seeing the bruising on the pair.

Richard creepily responds.

RICHARDWell, aslong as you behave then your wishes will be granted.

Yasmin agreeingly nods her head.


