
Its All Too Much


Indissociabilidade entre ensino pesquisa e extenso.Relao dialgica entre universidade e sociedade (Crtica ao modelo difusionista e ao modelo assistencialista de extenso universitria).Programa.Projeto. Vinculao da proposta a ao projeto pedaggico de curso e ao PDI Play the slide show for this presentation to listen to the audio commentary by Peter Walsh and view slide timings. Or, click the sound icon on a slide for controls that you can use to hear the audio at your own pace.

A little organization will go a long way to enhancing your PowerPoint presentation. Your title slide should be catching and relevant to your audience offer something in the title that your audience wants. Keep some basic principles in mind:Your slides should complement what you have to say, not say it for you. Keep slides direct and to the point - less is more!Choose a background color or design that enhances and complements your presentation rather than competes with it. Dont get too fancy - a simple font, elegant color scheme and clear message is more important than lots of information (clutter!) on the slide.Keep it simple! The purpose of the PowerPoint slide is to keep the mind of your audience focused fewer words are better.

Note: You understand that Microsoft does not endorse or control the content provided in the following presentation.


PROJETO: 12 meses at 100 milPROGRAMA: 18 a 24 meses at 300 milInterdisciplinaridadeInterinstitucionalidadeInterprofissionalidadeCREDITAO

Play the slide show for this presentation to listen to the audio commentary by Peter Walsh and view slide timings. Or, click the sound icon on a slide for controls that you can use to hear the audio at your own pace.

A little organization will go a long way to enhancing your PowerPoint presentation. Your title slide should be catching and relevant to your audience offer something in the title that your audience wants. Keep some basic principles in mind:Your slides should complement what you have to say, not say it for you. Keep slides direct and to the point - less is more!Choose a background color or design that enhances and complements your presentation rather than competes with it. Dont get too fancy - a simple font, elegant color scheme and clear message is more important than lots of information (clutter!) on the slide.Keep it simple! The purpose of the PowerPoint slide is to keep the mind of your audience focused fewer words are better.

Note: You understand that Microsoft does not endorse or control the content provided in the following presentation.


PREVISO NO PROJETO PEDAGGICO DO CURSONATUREZA ACADMICARELAO COM A SOCIEDADECONTEXTO E JUSTIFICATIVA DA PROPOSTACLAREZA DOS OBJETIVOS E METASPlay the slide show for this presentation to listen to the audio commentary by Peter Walsh and view slide timings. Or, click the sound icon on a slide for controls that you can use to hear the audio at your own pace.

A little organization will go a long way to enhancing your PowerPoint presentation. Your title slide should be catching and relevant to your audience offer something in the title that your audience wants. Keep some basic principles in mind:Your slides should complement what you have to say, not say it for you. Keep slides direct and to the point - less is more!Choose a background color or design that enhances and complements your presentation rather than competes with it. Dont get too fancy - a simple font, elegant color scheme and clear message is more important than lots of information (clutter!) on the slide.Keep it simple! The purpose of the PowerPoint slide is to keep the mind of your audience focused fewer words are better.

Note: You understand that Microsoft does not endorse or control the content provided in the following presentation.


Atendimento ao temaAdequao OramentriaDeclaraes de concordncia do municpio, rgo ou comunidade atendidaPlay the slide show for this presentation to listen to the audio commentary by Peter Walsh and view slide timings. Or, click the sound icon on a slide for controls that you can use to hear the audio at your own pace.

A little organization will go a long way to enhancing your PowerPoint presentation. Your title slide should be catching and relevant to your audience offer something in the title that your audience wants. Keep some basic principles in mind:Your slides should complement what you have to say, not say it for you. Keep slides direct and to the point - less is more!Choose a background color or design that enhances and complements your presentation rather than competes with it. Dont get too fancy - a simple font, elegant color scheme and clear message is more important than lots of information (clutter!) on the slide.Keep it simple! The purpose of the PowerPoint slide is to keep the mind of your audience focused fewer words are better.

Note: You understand that Microsoft does not endorse or control the content provided in the following presentation.


Previso da Extenso no Projeto Pedaggico do CursoNatureza AcadmicaRelao com a sociedade Play the slide show for this presentation to listen to the audio commentary by Peter Walsh and view slide timings. Or, click the sound icon on a slide for controls that you can use to hear the audio at your own pace.

A little organization will go a long way to enhancing your PowerPoint presentation. Your title slide should be catching and relevant to your audience offer something in the title that your audience wants. Keep some basic principles in mind:Your slides should complement what you have to say, not say it for you. Keep slides direct and to the point - less is more!Choose a background color or design that enhances and complements your presentation rather than competes with it. Dont get too fancy - a simple font, elegant color scheme and clear message is more important than lots of information (clutter!) on the slide.Keep it simple! The purpose of the PowerPoint slide is to keep the mind of your audience focused fewer words are better.

Note: You understand that Microsoft does not endorse or control the content provided in the following presentation.


Caracterizao e Justificativa da PropostaClareza dos Objetivos e MetasAdequao e Qualidade da Metodologia Play the slide show for this presentation to listen to the audio commentary by Peter Walsh and view slide timings. Or, click the sound icon on a slide for controls that you can use to hear the audio at your own pace.

A little organization will go a long way to enhancing your PowerPoint presentation. Your title slide should be catching and relevant to your audience offer something in the title that your audience wants. Keep some basic principles in mind:Your slides should complement what you have to say, not say it for you. Keep slides direct and to the point - less is more!Choose a background color or design that enhances and complements your presentation rather than competes with it. Dont get too fancy - a simple font, elegant color scheme and clear message is more important than lots of information (clutter!) on the slide.Keep it simple! The purpose of the PowerPoint slide is to keep the mind of your audience focused fewer words are better.

Note: You understand that Microsoft does not endorse or control the content provided in the following presentation.


Caracterizao do Pblico AlvoViabilidade do Cronograma de ExecuoAcompanhamento e AvaliaoPlay the slide show for this presentation to listen to the audio commentary by Peter Walsh and view slide timings. Or, click the sound icon on a slide for controls that you can use to hear the audio at your own pace.

A little organization will go a long way to enhancing your PowerPoint presentation. Your title slide should be catching and relevant to your audience offer something in the title that your audience wants. Keep some basic principles in mind:Your slides should complement what you have to say, not say it for you. Keep slides direct and to the point - less is more!Choose a background color or design that enhances and complements your presentation rather than competes with it. Dont get too fancy - a simple font, elegant color scheme and clear message is more important than lots of information (clutter!) on the slide.Keep it simple! The purpose of the PowerPoint slide is to keep the mind of your audience focused fewer words are better.

Note: You understand that Microsoft does not endorse or control the content provided in the following presentation.


Qualificao da Equipe ExecutoraAdequao da InfraestruturaPlay the slide show for this presentation to listen to the audio commentary by Peter Walsh and view slide timings. Or, click the sound icon on a slide for controls that you can use to hear the audio at your own pace.

A little organization will go a long way to enhancing your PowerPoint presentation. Your title slide should be catching and relevant to your audience offer something in the title that your audience wants. Keep some basic principles in mind:Your slides should complement what you have to say, not say it for you. Keep slides direct and to the point - less is more!Choose a background color or design that enhances and complements your presentation rather than competes with it. Dont get too fancy - a simple font, elegant color scheme and clear message is more important than lots of information (clutter!) on the slide.Keep it simple! The purpose of the PowerPoint slide is to keep the mind of your audience focused fewer words are better.

Note: You understand that Microsoft does not endorse or control the content provided in the following presentation.


Parte I Identificao; Ttulo; Tipo da Proposta (Programa ou Projeto); Coordenador; E-mail; Fone contato.1. Introduo1.1. Identificao da ao. Ttulo; Coordenador; Tipo de ao (Programa Projeto); Aes vinculadas; Edital; Faixa de valor; Instituio; Incio previsto; Trmino previsto; Possui recurso financeiro; Gestor; rgo financeiro. Play the slide show for this presentation to listen to the audio commentary by Peter Walsh and view slide timings. Or, click the sound icon on a slide for controls that you can use to hear the audio at your own pace.

A little organization will go a long way to enhancing your PowerPoint presentation. Your title slide should be catching and relevant to your audience offer something in the title that your audience wants. Keep some basic principles in mind:Your slides should complement what you have to say, not say it for you. Keep slides direct and to the point - less is more!Choose a background color or design that enhances and complements your presentation rather than competes with it. Dont get too fancy - a simple font, elegant color scheme and clear message is more important than lots of information (clutter!) on the slide.Keep it simple! The purpose of the PowerPoint slide is to keep the mind of your audience focused fewer words are better.

Note: You understand that Microsoft does not endorse or control the content provided in the following presentation.


1.2. Detalhes da proposta; Carga horria total da ao; Justificativa da carga horria; Periodicidade; A ao curricular? Abrangncia (local, municipal, regional); Municpio abrangido; Tem limite de vagas? Nmero de vagas; Local de realizao; Perodo de realizao; Tem inscrio?1.3. Pblico-Alvo.Tipo/ Descrio do Pblico-Alvo; Discriminar Pblico-Alvo; Nmero estimado de Pblico; Discriminar Pblico-Alvo.Play the slide show for this presentation to listen to the audio commentary by Peter Walsh and view slide timings. Or, click the sound icon on a slide for controls that you can use to hear the audio at your own pace.

A little organization will go a long way to enhancing your PowerPoint presentation. Your title slide should be catching and relevant to your audience offer something in the title that your audience wants. Keep some basic principles in mind:Your slides should complement what you have to say, not say it for you. Keep slides direct and to the point - less is more!Choose a background color or design that enhances and complements your presentation rather than competes with it. Dont get too fancy - a simple font, elegant color scheme and clear message is more important than lots of information (clutter!) on the slide.Keep it simple! The purpose of the PowerPoint slide is to keep the mind of your audience focused fewer words are better.

Note: You understand that Microsoft does not endorse or control the content provided in the following presentation.


1.4. Parcerias (Nome, sigla, parceria, tipo de instituio, participao).

1.5. Caracterizao da ao. rea do conhecimento; Linha temtica; Subtema.

Play the slide show for this presentation to listen to the audio commentary by Peter Walsh and view slide timings. Or, click the sound icon on a slide for controls that you can use to hear the audio at your own pace.

A little organization will go a long way to enhancing your PowerPoint presentation. Your title slide should be catching and relevant to your audience offer something in the title that your audience wants. Keep some basic principles in mind:Your slides should complement what you have to say, not say it for you. Keep slides direct and to the point - less is more!Choose a background color or design that enhances and complements your presentation rather than competes with it. Dont get too fancy - a simple font, elegant color scheme and clear message is more important than lots of information (clutter!) on the slide.Keep it simple! The purpose of the PowerPoint slide is to keep the mind of your audience focused fewer words are better.

Note: You understand that Microsoft does not endorse or control the content provided in the following presentation.


1.6. Descrio da ao. Resumo; Palavras-Chave; Informaes relevantes para avaliao; Justificativa; Fundamentao Terica; Objetivos (gerais e especficos); Metodologia; Especificao das aes (apresentao detalhada das aes); Pblico Alvo (Tipo/ Descrio do Pblico-Alvo; Nmero Estimado de Pblico; Discriminar Pblico-Alvo). Play the slide show for this presentation to listen to the audio commentary by Peter Walsh and view slide timings. Or, click the sound icon on a slide for controls that you can use to hear the audio at your own pace.

A little organization will go a long way to enhancing your PowerPoint presentation. Your title slide should be catching and relevant to your audience offer something in the title that your audience wants. Keep some basic principles in mind:Your slides should complement what you have to say, not say it for you. Keep slides direct and to the point - less is more!Choose a background color or design that enhances and complements your presentation rather than competes with it. Dont get too fancy - a simple font, elegant color scheme and clear message is more important than lots of information (clutter!) on the slide.Keep it simple! The purpose of the PowerPoint slide is to keep the mind of your audience focused fewer words are better.

Note: You understand that Microsoft does not endorse or control the content provided in the following presentation.


1.6. Descrio da ao.

Parcerias; Relao entre Ensino, Pesquisa e Extenso; Avaliao (Avaliao pela equipe; Avaliao pelo Pblico); Produtos Esperados e Produtos Gerados; Equipe de Execuo / Membros da Atividade (Descrio das atividades; atribuio de tarefas e carga horria);

Play the slide show for this presentation to listen to the audio commentary by Peter Walsh and view slide timings. Or, click the sound icon on a slide for controls that you can use to hear the audio at your own pace.

A little organization will go a long way to enhancing your PowerPoint presentation. Your title slide should be catching and relevant to your audience offer something in the title that your audience wants. Keep some basic principles in mind:Your slides should complement what you have to say, not say it for you. Keep slides direct and to the point - less is more!Choose a background color or design that enhances and complements your presentation rather than competes with it. Dont get too fancy - a simple font, elegant color scheme and clear message is more important than lots of information (clutter!) on the slide.Keep it simple! The purpose of the PowerPoint slide is to keep the mind of your audience focused fewer words are better.

Note: You understand that Microsoft does not endorse or control the content provided in the following presentation.


1.6. Descrio da ao.

Coordenador (Nome; CPF; E-mail; Categoria; Fone). Orientador. (Nome; CPF; E-mail; Categoria; Fone). Gestor. (Nome; SIAPE; CPF; E-mail; Categoria; Fone).

Play the slide show for this presentation to listen to the audio commentary by Peter Walsh and view slide timings. Or, click the sound icon on a slide for controls that you can use to hear the audio at your own pace.

A little organization will go a long way to enhancing your PowerPoint presentation. Your title slide should be catching and relevant to your audience offer something in the title that your audience wants. Keep some basic principles in mind:Your slides should complement what you have to say, not say it for you. Keep slides direct and to the point - less is more!Choose a background color or design that enhances and complements your presentation rather than competes with it. Dont get too fancy - a simple font, elegant color scheme and clear message is more important than lots of information (clutter!) on the slide.Keep it simple! The purpose of the PowerPoint slide is to keep the mind of your audience focused fewer words are better.

Note: You understand that Microsoft does not endorse or control the content provided in the following presentation.


1.6. Descrio da ao.

Cronograma de Atividades (Ttulo da Atividade; Incio; Durao; Somatrio da Carga Horria dos Membros; Responsvel; Membros Vinculados). Cronograma de Atividade (Responsvel; Atividade; Durao em meses). Oramento. Bibliografia.

Play the slide show for this presentation to listen to the audio commentary by Peter Walsh and view slide timings. Or, click the sound icon on a slide for controls that you can use to hear the audio at your own pace.

A little organization will go a long way to enhancing your PowerPoint presentation. Your title slide should be catching and relevant to your audience offer something in the title that your audience wants. Keep some basic principles in mind:Your slides should complement what you have to say, not say it for you. Keep slides direct and to the point - less is more!Choose a background color or design that enhances and complements your presentation rather than competes with it. Dont get too fancy - a simple font, elegant color scheme and clear message is more important than lots of information (clutter!) on the slide.Keep it simple! The purpose of the PowerPoint slide is to keep the mind of your audience focused fewer words are better.

Note: You understand that Microsoft does not endorse or control the content provided in the following presentation.