  • 상변선생의 적중 듄변형 2탄

    � 인터넷수능, N제 B형 �


  • Part 1.

    인터넷 수능편

  • ●●●● 오르비 클래스 시리즈 - 2014학년도 ●●●●14


    11p 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? 01

    Imagine you are standing in a Kansas field of ripened corn, staring up into a blue summer sky. Imagine the

    acre around you extending upward, in a transparent air-filled tunnel soaring all the way to space. That long

    tunnel holds carbon in the form of carbon dioxide ─ widely implicated in global climate change. But the corn

    standing all around you holds four hundred times as much carbon as there is in the man-made carbon

    dioxide in the entire column. Yearly, we manage, through agriculture, far more carbon than is causing our

    greenhouse dilemma. Take advantage of that. The leftover corn from our fields can be gathered up, floated

    down the Mississippi, and dropped into the ocean, sequestering its contained carbon. It’s not a permanent

    solution, but it would buy us and our descendants time to find better answers. And it is inexpensive; cost


    *sequester 격리시키다

    ① a crop plant most efficient at absorbing carbon

    ② a provisional solution to the greenhouse problem

    ③ the global climate change caused by carbon dioxide

    ④ a number of uses and benefits of corn in agriculture

    ⑤ the role of an air-filled tunnel in the greenhouse effect

  • ●●●● 상변선생의 적중 듄 변형 2탄 - 인터넷수능, N제 B형 ●●●● 15


    13p 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? 02

    When a client seeks information regarding the direction he or she should take (what choice to make, what

    approach to use, etc.), there is ever ① present a strong temptation on the counselor’s part to tell him or her

    what to do, ② particularly if the counselor feels that she or he knows the best answer to the client’s

    problems. This should generally be avoided, however, as the client will gain strength if ③ allowed to make

    his or her own judgments. Certainly, one of the most important goals of counseling is to enable clients to

    make better decisions, and part of this process may require that the counselor ④ become an active agent in

    the decision-making process. But to answer a client’s decision-oriented question with a specific,

    closed-ended answer diminishes significantly the possibility ⑤ of the client will grow enough to make


  • ●●●● 오르비 클래스 시리즈 - 2014학년도 ●●●●16


    15p 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? 03

    Read something frightening, sad, joyful, suspenseful, horrible, or provocative. The experience ① affects

    your sensory system, and your mind reacts with an emotional response. When your emotions are

    ② engaged, the brain codes the content you’re reading by triggering the release of chemicals that single out

    and mark the experience as important and meaningful. A ③ mild emotion may give meaning to something

    without your having any understanding of it. Your brain can also give meaning to something you hate. It’s

    simply an ④ automatic chemical process ─ you experience emotions, and they will become meaningful. In

    reading, you can take advantage of this phenomenon. The stronger you feel about something you read, the

    more ⑤ unlikely you are to remember it and make sense out of it.

  • ●●●● 상변선생의 적중 듄 변형 2탄 - 인터넷수능, N제 B형 ●●●● 17


    19p 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? 04

    Considering the fact that climate change brings with it a whole host of unforeseen problems, it

    shouldn’t be a surprise that one byproduct of polar ice melt is the release of microbes that have been

    frozen for more than 750,000 years.

    (A) Scientists estimate that the entire biomass held within the ice sheet could amount to more than 1,000

    times that of the humans on earth. The amount of carbon dioxide and methane emitted by the

    decomposing microbes would constitute a major source of greenhouse gases that climate researchers

    haven’t considered.

    (B) The concerns compound when scientists start thinking about how these microbes might impact the

    delicate chemistry of the ocean and what will happen when they interact with existing microbial


    (C) Nonetheless, the real surprise is that the microbes are still alive and capable of being reanimated once

    thawed. As reported by Daily Climate, scientists aren’t too worried about a sudden spread of ancient

    diseases, but rather the hard-to-predict impact of an enormous amount of organic matter that will begin

    decomposing once thawed.

    ① (A) - (C) - (B) ② (B) - (A) - (C)

    ③ (B) - (C) - (A) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)

    ⑤ (C) - (B) - (A)

  • ●●●● 오르비 클래스 시리즈 - 2014학년도 ●●●●18


    22p 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은? 05

    On the other hand, in cultures with a high-context communication style, most of the meaning of a

    message is found in the context, not in the words.

    In most Western cultures, messages usually concern ideas presented in a logical, linear sequence. ( ① )

    The speaker tries to say what is meant through precise wording, and the content of the language is more

    objective than personal along the continuum of personal and objective messages. ( ② ) This communication

    style is termed low-context because the actual words are more important than who is receiving the

    message, how the words are said, or the nonverbal actions that accompany them. ( ③ ) In fact, the wording

    used may be vague or incomplete. ( ④ ) The content of the language is more personal than objective,

    dependent on the relationship between speaker and listener. ( ⑤ ) Attitudes and feelings are more

    important in the conversation than thoughts.

  • ●●●● 상변선생의 적중 듄 변형 2탄 - 인터넷수능, N제 B형 ●●●● 19


    23p 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 06

    How reliable a guide is conscience? People often say, “Follow your conscience” or “You should never go

    against your conscience.” Such advice is not very helpful, however. Indeed, it can sometimes be bad advice.

    First, when we are genuinely perplexed about what we ought to do, we are trying to figure out what our

    conscience ought to be saying to us. When it is not possible to do both, should we keep our promise to a

    colleague or come to the aid of an old friend? To be told that we should follow our conscience is no help at

    all. Second, it may not always be good for us to follow our conscience. It all depends on what our conscience

    says. On the one hand, sometimes people’s consciences do not bother them when they should ─ perhaps

    because people didn’t think through the implications of what they were doing or perhaps because they failed

    to internalize strongly enough the appropriate moral principles. On the other hand, a person’s conscience

    might disturb about something that is perfectly all right.

    Sometimes, following our conscience is (A) because our conscience can't or doesn't work when

    it should but it only (B) us when it should not.

    (A) (B) (A) (B)

    ① desirable pleases ② desirable bothers

    ③ helpful silences ④ useless interrupts

    ⑤ useless encourages

  • ●●●● 오르비 클래스 시리즈 - 2014학년도 ●●●●20


    24p 다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은? 07

    Think about the things you think you need. You decide what you think you need. When you constantly need

    things, you create dissatisfaction and unhappiness in your life. I’m not referring to food or water or to basic

    needs that need to be met, but to those “needs” that are really “wants”: the constant craving for bigger and

    better things. If you are unable to get what you want, you become unhappy with unfulfilled desire. Even if you

    get what you thought you needed, you get only a brief sense of satisfaction. When your satisfaction passes,

    you are left dissatisfied, longing for the next “dose” to satisfy yourself. The initial feeling of satisfaction

    passes because you cannot stop time. You cannot take a picture of the feeling and savor it forever.

    ① 부단한 갈망은 불만족으로 이어진다.

    ② 기본적 필요는 충족시킬 필요가 없다.

    ③ 원하는 것을 얻으면 만족감이 생긴다.

    ④ 감정을 사진 촬영하는 것은 불가능하다.

    ⑤ 필요와 갈망은 서로 다른 특징을 보인다.

  • ●●●● 상변선생의 적중 듄 변형 2탄 - 인터넷수능, N제 B형 ●●●● 21


    26p 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? 08

    Overwhelming evidence points to the health benefits available from diets rich in fruits and vegetables

    because of their various chemical compounds as well as their vitamins and minerals. Consume many

    differently colored fruits and vegetables. Select at least three differently colored fruits and vegetables a day.

    The red pigment in tomatoes has different bioactive properties than the orange pigments in carrots, sweet

    potatoes, melon, or winter squash. Add dark-green leafy vegetables such as kale, mustard greens, and

    spinach, along with broccoli. Fruits are a vital powerhouse of the antioxidant nutrients that act to suppress

    cell-damaging molecules in the body. Blueberries top the list for being one of the highest in antioxidants. Be

    sure to include citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruit regularly, as they contain many compounds that

    have antioxidants and other vital health benefits.

    ① 자신의 체질과 맞는 과일을 선별하라.

    ② 색상에 따른 효과의 차이를 인식하라.

    ③ 다양한 색상의 과일과 채소를 먹어라.

    ④ 과일과 채소가 이로운 증거를 찾아라.

    ⑤ 색상차이를 일으키는 성분에 주목하라.

  • ●●●● 오르비 클래스 시리즈 - 2014학년도 ●●●●22


    30p 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 09

    The directions and turns the world will take are embedded in the past and in the present. We often

    recognize them retrospectively, but our purpose is to anticipate what lies ahead. To do that successfully, we

    need to keep a distance and a clear eye. Newspapers help us have such an eye. They are not only the first

    draft of history but the first to give us a glimpse of the future, because what we are doing will determine the

    future. Newspapers provide stories and facts about politics, culture, social events, and trends. But they also

    carry personal opinions and irrelevant details that are not likely to be signals about the future. While it is

    crucial to be well instructed, what is also important is not the amount of information we collect but how

    consciously we receive it. In a verifying and selective process, we can find the components that bring

    together the pictures of the future.

    To (A) what is to come, newspapers can be a good reference if we consciously (B) information

    in it.

    (A) (B) (A) (B)

    ① remember use ② avoid select

    ③ utilize abandon ④ predict accept

    ⑤ induce sell

  • ●●●● 상변선생의 적중 듄 변형 2탄 - 인터넷수능, N제 B형 ●●●● 23


    32p 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? 10

    The value of water as a resource that underpins economic activities is ① evident in all economies, but it is

    much less evident in economic statistics. Its value and that of related ecosystem services are poorly

    understood and rarely ② explicitly factored into tradeoffs and decision making. Prices virtually never reflect

    water’s full value, so water users do not see its full value or the need for conservation. These ③ flawless

    “market signals” guide everyday economic decisions. If water users do not recognize the value of water,

    then neither will the economy. The value of water for consumption or as an input into production is also

    universally ④ undervalued by using the price actually paid for its use. Unlike other inputs that are sold in

    competitive markets, this price is generally far less than water’s real economic value and often even less

    than the ⑤ cost of supplying it.

  • ●●●● 오르비 클래스 시리즈 - 2014학년도 ●●●●24


    35p 다음 글의 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 11

    Anyone can buy a wide variety of “off the shelf ” pesticide products to control weeds, unwanted insects,

    and other pests. No special training is required to use these pesticides. (A) many of the products can

    be hazardous to people, especially when stored, handled, applied, or disposed of improperly. The results

    achieved by using chemical pesticides are generally temporary, and repeated treatments may be required.

    Over time, some pests become pesticide-resistant, meaning they adapt to the chemical and are no longer

    harmed by it. This forces you to choose another product or method. If used incorrectly, home-use pesticide

    products can be poisonous to humans. (B) , it is extremely important for you to take responsibility for

    making sure that these products are used properly.

    (A) (B)

    ① Similarly Besides

    ② Thus Instead

    ③ Thus However

    ④ Yet Conversely

    ⑤ Yet As a result

  • ●●●● 상변선생의 적중 듄 변형 2탄 - 인터넷수능, N제 B형 ●●●● 25


    43p 다음 글의 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 12

    Animals that develop a competitive advantage against other species through (A) survive much better

    if they are constantly within sight of one another. Baboons, for instance, who need help from peers to

    protect themselves against the leopards and hyenas, have a slim chance of reaching maturity if they leave

    their troop. The same conditions must have selected for sticking together as a positive survival trait among

    our ancestors. Of course, as human adaptation began to rely increasingly on culture, additional reasons for

    togetherness became important. For instance, the more people grew to depend for survival on knowledge

    instead of instinct, the more they benefited from sharing their learning mutually. A(n) (B) individual

    under such conditions became an idiot, which in Greek originally meant a “private person” ─ someone who

    is unable to learn from others.

    (A) (B)

    ① cooperation lazy

    ② cooperation solitary

    ③ knowledge dependent

    ④ evolution independent

    ⑤ evolution unintelligent

  • ●●●● 오르비 클래스 시리즈 - 2014학년도 ●●●●26


    47p Picasso에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? 13

    Picasso had recently painted Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, with its savagely distorted female figures whose

    eyes stare the viewer down. When he showed it to Braque, he is supposed to have said, “Listen, in spite of

    your explanations, your painting looks as if you wanted to make us drink gasoline and spit fire.”

    Nevertheless, the work gave Braque a shock that sent him hurtling down a new road in art, with Picasso at

    his side. During the summer of 1908, Braque painted Houses at L’Estaque, with strangely distorted

    perspective. At the end of the summer he showed it to Picasso. Now it was his turn to be shocked and

    inspired. For the next six years, the two men saw each other almost every day. Picasso would go to Braque’s

    studio to see what he had done, and Braque visited Picasso’s. Together, they brought about a revolution, not

    just in painting but in seeing. Critics called the new style of art cubism.

    ① 그림을 감상하는 사람을 노려보는 여성들이 주인공인 작품을 그렸다.

    ② 그의 Les Demoiselles d’Avignon는 Braque에게 큰 영향을 미쳤다.

    ③ Braque의 Houses at L’Estaque을 보고 충격과 영감을 받았다.

    ④ Braque가 혁명적인 그림을 배우기 위해 거의 매일 그를 찾아왔다.

    ⑤ Braque와 함께 입체파라 불리는 새로운 미술 양식을 만들었다.

  • ●●●● 상변선생의 적중 듄 변형 2탄 - 인터넷수능, N제 B형 ●●●● 27


    60p 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은? 14

    Tuataras are the sole survivors of the beak-heads, a group of ancient reptiles that flourished from 225 to

    120 million years ago, ① when dinosaurs roamed the earth. Around 60 million years ago they became

    extinct everywhere ② except in New Zealand. Outwardly, tuataras look like medium-sized lizards, but

    internally there are major differences. They grow to a length of about 2 feet, the male ③ being larger than

    the female. They have a large head, with teeth set along the edges of the jaws and a pair of enlarged upper

    front teeth. Like many lizards, tuataras are able to regenerate their tails, but they do not do so as ④ effective

    as their modern counterparts. The body is peppered with small cream or yellow spots. These can be quite

    bright in juveniles and adults that have just shed their skin, but ⑤ tend to fade with age.

  • ●●●● 오르비 클래스 시리즈 - 2014학년도 ●●●●28


    62p 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? 15

    One of the most important world maps available to Europeans at the end of the fifteenth century was that

    of Ptolemy, an astronomer of the second century A.D. Printed editions of Ptolemy’s Geography, which

    contained his world map, became available in Europe in 1477. Scholars in Europe quickly accepted it as the

    most accurate map of its time. Ptolemy’s map showed the world as spherical with three major landmasses

    ─ Europe, Asia, and Africa ─ and only two oceans. In addition to showing the oceans as considerably

    smaller than the landmasses, Ptolemy also dramatically underestimated the circumference of the earth.

    This led Columbus and other adventurers to believe that it would be possible to sail west from Europe to


    ① a faulty map which caused expeditions to the west

    ② the most accurate world map made in Europe in 1477

    ③ fifteenth century European people's views on the world

    ④ the excellence of Ptolemy’s fifteenth century world map

    ⑤ the equipment that made possible the voyages to the west

  • ●●●● 상변선생의 적중 듄 변형 2탄 - 인터넷수능, N제 B형 ●●●● 29


    64p 다음 글의 빈칸 와에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 16

    Motivation experts Frederick Herzberg, Bernard Mausner, and Barbara Bloch Snyderman long ago

    discovered that satisfied workers are not necessarily motivated workers. (A) , satisfied customers may

    not be motivated to be repeat customers. A zone of indifference exists between the satisfied and the

    motivated. Things are okay, but there is little to tie the customer to the company in the long run. Herzberg

    argues that satisfaction and motivation are on two different continua. The factors that motivate people are

    different from the factors that simply prevent dissatisfaction. (B) , customers who are satisfied may be

    inert, not motivated. Their satisfaction simply means the absence of dissatisfaction, not the motivation to

    become a repeat customer. A zone of indifference lies between the dissatisfied and the motivated.

    *continua 연속체 **inert 무기력한

    (A) (B)

    ① Instead Besides

    ② Conversely Similarly

    ③ Conversely As a result

    ④ Likewise Actually

    ⑤ Likewise Otherwise

  • ●●●● 오르비 클래스 시리즈 - 2014학년도 ●●●●30


    67p 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 17

    Demotion can be part of an effective human resources strategy that combines employment security with

    the uncertainty of position security. With this strategy, employees who perform inadequately are demoted

    rather than dismissed from the organization. The possibility of demotion motivates employees to pursue

    excellence, while employment security gives a sense of stability needed to take appropriate business risks.

    In contrast, if the organization fires employees for failure, employees will avoid risky decisions. Similarly, if

    failure has no adverse impact on the individual’s career (the person is neither fired nor demoted),

    employees may take inappropriate risks. A policy of demotions with employment security can discourage

    both risk avoidance and excessive risk taking.

    *demotion 강등[좌천]

    Demotion is a(n) (A) management skill in that it can solve any problems caused by firing or not

    firing employees who are (B) .

    (A) (B) (A) (B)

    ① efficient creative ② inapplicable excellent

    ③ inadequate failures ④ productive unsuccessful

    ⑤ progressive experts

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    68p 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? 18

    Most experts consider allergies to be abnormal immune reactions to harmless substances such as pollen

    or peanuts. A handful of researchers, however, now propose a fundamentally different theory of allergies. In

    a paper published in Nature, Medzhitov and his colleagues argue that allergies came about to protect us

    from potentially toxic substances in the environment or in food. In other words, they have evolved for a

    reason. “How do you defend against something you inhale that you don’t want? You make mucus. You get a

    runny nose, you sneeze, or you cough. Or if it’s on your skin, by inducing itching, you avoid it or you try to

    remove it by scratching it,” Medzhitov explains. Likewise, if you ingest something allergenic, your body

    might react with vomiting.

    ① Traditional Theory of Allergies : Still Dominant

    ② Abnormal Immune Reactions to Harmless Substances

    ③ What Cause the Most Common Symptoms of Allergies?

    ④ Mucus : The Front Line against the Allergens in the Air

    ⑤ Allergies : Our Body's Shield against Harmful Substances

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    69p 다음 글의 빈칸 (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 19

    The insurance industry spends fistfuls of money each year on well-placed “news” stories to create the

    impression that most people who file personal injury claims are trying to cheat defenseless insurance

    companies. These stories often depict people grossly exaggerating their injuries or fraudulently staging

    fake accidents. (A) , many people are too embarrassed to file legitimate claims, or they accept far less

    than they are entitled to when an insurance adjuster takes a high-and-mighty tone. The insurance industry

    collects vast sums of money in premiums to provide protection for every aspect of our daily lives: car, home,

    and business. And that money ─ minus the industry’s huge profits ─ is specifically intended to compensate

    people injured in accidents. Injured people are not being greedy when they make insurance claims, and

    insurance companies are not being kind or generous when they pay them. (B) , injury compensation is

    exactly what we have all been paying for month after month, year after year. So, if you have the misfortune of

    being injured in an accident, don’t hesitate to pursue your claim vigorously.

    (A) (B)

    ① As a result Similarly

    ② In other words However

    ③ As a result Instead

    ④ In other words Besides

    ⑤ For instance Conversely

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    73p 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 틀린 것은? 20

    Every normal person wants to feel good about him- or herself. It is easy to accept compliments on our

    successes and to have self-confidence because of our strengths. But feeling too secure ① because one’s

    strengths and superiorities can prove disastrous. It is a dangerous half-truth that we are made ② great by

    our superior abilities and destroyed by our inferior ones. History is rich in examples of persons who have

    been spoiled by the same strengths that earlier led to their successes and achievements. When ③ relied

    upon too heavily, the strength a person skillfully uses to win acclaim in one realm can easily lead to their

    ruin in another. The intellect a leader uses, for example, ④ to outwit an adversary is frequently found to be

    the source of an unbearable attitude of superiority that colleagues and immediate subordinates cannot

    ⑤ abide.

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