Page 1: ELERI/CELE Journal Articles 1993-1998

ELERI/CELE  Journal  Articles  1993-1998

From  ELERI  Journal  No.1

What  Generic  Form  the  Teacher  Actually

Uses  With  His/Her/Their/lts  C!ass

Brendan  Ahern,1

Breaking  the  Textろ00んH∂ わ猷English

Conversation  Through  Social  Situations

llouglas  E. horster,16

First  Language  Influence  in the  Japanese

ESL/EFL  CIassroom

Kristin  E. Hathhorn,24

ASociolinguistic  Analysis  ofJamaican


Patrick  Henry,39

Writingfor  International  Business:An


Richard  Karn,54

Aspects(ゾ ノapanese  Culture  That  Inhibit

Communicative  Competence  in English

Terre  Passero,69

Observations  from  a Positive  Experience

in  Team  Teaching

Yaul  Hilderbrandt,78

ASummary  ofthe  Results  ofStudent  and

Teacher  Evaluations  ofNew  Perspectives

Sarah  Billing,82

AReport  on  the Asia  University  Freshman

English  Language  Placement  Test

Allen  Sellers,95

Freshman  English  Questionnaire

Asia  University,106

ELERI  Journal  No.2

Freshman  English  Writing  Survey

Sandra  Eggers,1

Estab!ishing  and  M伽taining  Classroo〃2

Rapport  with  Asia  University's  Junior

Col!ege  Students

James  Y. Middleton,--

Content-based  Curriculum  and  the Asia

University  America  Program:How  did  we

get  here?What  have


Tom  Nicholas  and  Bill Pech,18

International  Roommates:AChallenge

for  A UAP  Students

Carolyn  Obara,32

Teacher  Evaluation:It  Doesn't  Have  to


Sarah  Billing,49

History  and  Methods  of Language

Leaning  and  Teaching

Larry  7. Sinnott,64

The  Results  qル 望σE71'93  a〃 ゴ ノーTOFF乙 ⑧


Professor  Hirohisa  Kawaguchi,76

ELERI  Journal  No.3

論 酪 肋 α卿3(ゾ/漉 朋ediate  Freshman

English  Students:Methodology,  Results

and  Imp!ications

Lesley  Bailey  and  Rebecca  Pulst,1

AIDS  Project  Summary

Marnie  Ewing  and  Sandra  Eggers,16


Page 2: ELERI/CELE Journal Articles 1993-1998

オReport  OηAcん αη(red乃'eshman  Eng!ish

Douglas  E. Forster,27

Computers  and  Language


Patrick  Henry,43

Advanced  EFL  Concepts:Teaching

Doub!e  Entendre  and  Euphemism

Through  Fi!m

Richard  Kam,49

Amae  and  the EFL  CIassroom  in Japan

Michael  Kearney,65

Helping  Students  with  vocabulary

through  Progressive  Study  ofSuffixes

Kristy  King,79

Attitudes  and  Motivation  of Japanese

Students  Stuめ ノガηg oごAsia  Universめ ノ

Sandra  Lanara,95

Achievement  Testing  in the  EFL


Larry  J. Sinnott,108

The  Results  ofthe/993/94  AUET  andl-


Professor  Hiroshisa  Kawaguchi,122

ELERI  Journal  No.4

Pre-A  UAP  Communication  Syllabus


Donna  Anderson  and  Cynthia  Wright


Student-Generated  Oral  Presentation


An  EFL  Content-Based  Integrated-Skil!s

Course  Sy!labus

Mamie  Ewing,]6


ELERI  CIassroom  Observations:  An


Douglas  E. Forster,30

Today  is"TomorYOw"and"Next

Thursday"is"A  Week  From  Today":

Malting  Sense  of the  Language  of  Time

Richard  Karn,41

τセα0ん ガη9POθ かツ ガo Beginning一 乙eve!EFL


Michael  Kearney,53

Impli(rations  qプthe佐)caろu!ayアLevelsρ プ

Asia  Universめ2  Freshman  Eng〃sh


Krisry  King,66

The  History  ofEFL  From  the  Tokugawa

Period  Until/945

Sandra  Lanara,80

Managing  Mutimedia  Madness:

Eva!uating  Mass  Market,  Educational,

and  E8乙 ∠EFL&>frivareノ わr Co即uter


Language  Learning  in Japan

LisaA.  Larson,91

CO〃amunity  Language五yarning.'  7「he

Learners'Needs  and

the  Learner-Centered  Approach

Ken  Matsuta,106

Sociocu!tura!and  Linguistic  Components

隣 酌 加the/apanese  Sごudenご 一7セα('her


Christina  Maxwell,123

Teaching  Intercultural  Commuizication  to

Japanese  University  Students

Mary  Meares  and  MarnieEwing,133

Page 3: ELERI/CELE Journal Articles 1993-1998

Me!ting  Down  Stereotypes  Using  the


Torch  Song  Tri!ogy

Tcrre  Passcrq  146

Student-to-Student  Dialogue  Journals:

♂晩 α痂gful/nteraction  in  the  ES乙and


Dawn  Paullin,153

Whaズs  Behind  the  Proposal/b1々 伽 八セw

ELERI  Freshman  English  Placement


Larry  J. S imiott,169

Western-Style  Discussionルlini-Course

Rebecca  Pulst  Tanaka  and  Jim  Middleton,


The  Results(ゾthe/994/95・A  UET  and  I一


Professor  Tasuku  Miyama,186

ELERI  Journal  No.5

Stand  By  Me  Revisited:Group

Presentations  Through  Character  Studies

Douglas  E. Forster,4

P励lem  Solving  and  CNitical職 脈 加9加

the EFG  CIassroom

Christina  Maxwell  and  Jennifer  Altman,14

On  the Nature  ofGrammar  Rules  Used  in

EFL/ESL  Teaching

Shelley  Krieger,26

Learning  Strategies:An  Overview

Sandra  Lanara,40

Expert  and  Novice  Language  Teacher


David  Malatesta,54


Connected  Speech  Phenomena--

A∬ 〃nilation,  Elision,乙 加 ん加9,  and

〃'eakening.'・4  Stuめ ノ(ゾ ノapknese五2


Christina  Maxwell,66

The  Influence  of Cultural  and  Social

Variables  on  Second  Language


Sandra  Lanara  and  Dimitri  Lanaras,78

The/mportance(ゾ7セ ασん加9・lntercultura!

Communication  in  the  Eng!ish  Language


Mary  Meares,90

The/anglicization  qプ ノreland-一 ・4 Model/SOY

the  Linguistic  Imperialist?

Paul  Murphy,100

Getting  Students  to Speak  in Class:

Thirteen  Rulesfor  Maximum  Classroom


Lisa  Larson,116

Student  Learning  Objectives  for  the  Asia

University  Freshman  English  Program

Danielle  Morrison  and  Dawn  Paullin,130

Writing  the Freshman  Eng!ish  Placement


Douglas  Forster  and  Michael  Kearney,144

Considerations  in Classroom  Testing

Rebecca  Tanaka  and  Jim  Middleton,158

Results  of the/996  A UET  and  1995//996

1-TOEFLO  Test

Ken  Matsuta  and  Joseph  Gondar,170

CELE  Journal  No.6

The  Role  ofPsycho!ogy  and  Cu!ture  in


Christina  Maxwell,1

Page 4: ELERI/CELE Journal Articles 1993-1998

Intercu!tura!Cofanections:  Teaching

/nterて ナτ4〃ura!CO1フzrna〃?ication  ガη the

Eng!ish  Language  ClassYOOm

Mary  Meares,9

Teaching  Criticalηz加 ん加9

Sally  Reid,17

Hari°iet  Tubman  and  the  Underground

Raibroad:ATwelve-Day  EFL  History  Unit

Sarah  Lawrence,23

Student  Weather  Reports  in an  EFL  CIass

Joseph  Gondar,33

App!ications 、ゆr  Usingノ 望祝漉 ε雇 た

Materials  in  the  Second  Language


Ken  Matsuta,41

Promoting  Creative  Thinking,  Speaking,

and  Writing  in the  AFL  CIassroom

Through  the  Use  of/nstrumenta!Music

William  Tyree,45

Educationa!翫(change∫)rogra〃is  at/18ガ α

σ濡vε γ3の ノ

Fumio  Takemae,49

Resu!ts  of the  1996//997/-TOEFLO  Test

Joe  Gondar,  Ken  Matsuta,  Rebecca


Reflecting  on  Freshman  English:Ten

Strategies/OY  Suc('e∬

Jennifer  Altman,71

Like  in  Conversational  DiscouYSe‐A

Ttaluab!e  Device

David  Malatesta,75