  • 1. /rule (BCS, Job, Medical, University etc. exam) - - [email protected] - pdf Reader Menu bar View Auto/Automatically Scroll Ctrl+Shift+H Auto scroll active Up Arrow Down Arrow Want More Books go to
  • 2. Preposition Preposition To- Rule-1: to She is going to college. Rule-2: to Want More Books go to
  • 3. Her hair fell to her waist. Rule-3: to The vegetables were cooked to perfection. Rule-4: to We work from Monday to Friday. Rule-5: to How long is it to lunch. Rule-6: to He gave it to his younger brother. Rule-7: to He is devoted to his family. Rule-8: , to Attach this rope to the front of the car. Rule-9: to It was a threat to the world peace. Rule-10: to I prefer reading to writing. Rule-11: to There are 2.54 centimetres to an inch. Rule-12: to This is the monument to the soldiers who died in the war. At- Rule-1: / at :He lives at Mohammadpur in Dhaka. Want More Books go to
  • 4. Rule-2: - , at :Hira is at the bank now. Rule-3: , at He left the college at 2 p.m. with others. Rule-4: at : He left school at the age of 16. Rule-5: , / at She pointed a gun at the bird. Rule-6: at : It held at arms length. Rule-7: / , at : The country is now at war. Rule-8: , at : He was driving at 60 miles per hour. Rule-9: , at : She was helpless at managing people. Rule-10: Adjective- at :She was delighted at the situation. About- Rule-1: about :This is the book about human mind. Rule-2: about :Films are all about making money these days. Want More Books go to
  • 5. Rule-3: about : Everywhere people were going about their daily business. Rule-4: about We wandered about the town for an hour. Above- Rule-1: / / above : The water came above our knees. Rule-2: / above : We can not accept children above the age of 10. Rule-3: above He is above suspicion. Against- Rule-1: / against We were swimming against the current. Rule-2: / against The evidence is against him. Rule-3: / , against Put the Piano against the wall. Rule-4: against They took precautions against fire. Want More Books go to
  • 6. Rule-5: against You must weigh the benefit against the cost. Before- Rule-1: before The doctor had died before the patient came. Rule-2: before Leave your keys at the reception before departure. Rule-3: before She appeared before the judge. Rule-4: before : Your name is before my name in the list. After- Rule-1: - after : We shall leave after lunch. Rule-2: after :The warmth is increasing day after day. Rule-3: , after :Shut the door after you. Rule-4: after : He is the talent after Einstein. Rule-5: after :I shall never Want More Books go to
  • 7. forget him after what he said. Rule-6: after :The police are hankering after the thief. Rule-7: after :We named the baby Talha after his grandfather. In- Rule-1: in : This is the country in Africa. Rule-2: in : He is in the drawing room. Rule-3: in :Nazrul was born in 1899 and died in 1976. Rule-4: in : She was lying in bed. Rule-5: in : She came here in disguise. Rule-6: in : We went out in the rain. Rule-7: in : He took part in the function. Rule-8: , , in : They sat in rows. Rule-9: , in : Say it in English. Want More Books go to
  • 8. Rule-10: in : This is the country rich in minerals. Along- Rule-1: along :They were walking slowly along the road. Rule-2: along : Houses were built along both sides of the river. Among- Rule-1: among :The chief guest distributed the prizes among the winners. Rule-2: among :There was a house among the trees. Rule-3: among : A British woman was among them. Between- Rule-1: between :Divide the mangoes between Hira and Rupa. Rule-2: between :I sat down Want More Books go to
  • 9. between Hira and Akash. Rule-3: between : Dont eat between meals. Rule-4: between : There is a link between unemployment and crime. From- Rule-1: , from :The man came from abroad. Rule-2: from :This is the letter from my elder brother. Rule-3: from :The quotations are from Shakespeare. Rule-4: , from : Steel is made from iron. Rule-5: from : From a financial point of view the project was a disaster. Rule-6: from :The temperature varies from 30 degrees to minus 20. Rule-7: from :She was separated from her family. Rule-8: from We prevented her from going there. Rule-9: from : Want More Books go to
  • 10. You can tell a lot about a person from his handwriting? Rule-10: from :Is Portuguese different from Spanish? For- Rule-1: for :There is a letter for you. Rule-2: for : What can I do for you? Rule-3: for : They are anxious for their safety. Rule-4: for :They voted for independence of the nation. Rule-5: for : Are you learning English for pleasure? Rule-6: for :Once Dhaka was famous for Muslin Cloth. Rule-7: for : For more information, call this number. Rule-8: for : Copies are available for two dollars each. Rule-9: , for : Is this the bus for North Bengal? Rule-10: for :I am going away for a few days. Want More Books go to
  • 11. Rule-11: , for :You have to face an appointment for May 12. Of- Rule-1: of :The love of a mother is never exhausted. Rule-2: of : We are the people of North Bengal. Rule-3: , , , - of :That was the city of Egypt. Rule-4: , , of :He is a boy of 12. Rule-5: Adjective- Preposition of :We are proud of our independence. Off- Rule-1: off :I called him but he ran off. Rule-2: off :Take your shoes off. Rule-3: off :The switch of the fan has been made off. Rule-4: off :I have got three days off next week. Want More Books go to
  • 12. Around- Rule-1: around :He arrived around five oclock. Rule-2: / around : I heard laughter all around. Rule-3: around : There were papers lying around all over the floor. Rule-4: around : There was more money around in those days. Behind- Rule-1: behind :Who is the girl standing behind Hira? Rule-2: behind :He is behind the rest of the class in reading. Rule-3: behind :What is behind that happy smile? Beyond- Rule-1: beyond : Want More Books go to
  • 13. She has got nothing beyond her state pension. Rule-2: beyond :The situation is beyond our control. Below- Rule-1: below : Please do not write below this line. Rule-2: below : The temperature remained below freezing all day. By- Rule-1: By :Come and sit by me. Rule-2: Passive verb- by : The work has been done by her. Rule-3: , by :The house is heated by gas. Rule-4: the noun- by :They met by chance. Rule-5: by : Can you finish the work by five oclock? Rule-6: by :He walked by me speaking. Rule-7: by : The bullet missed him by two inches. Want More Books go to
  • 14. Rule-8: by : I took him by the hand. Rule-9: , by : They are improving day by day. Across- Rule-1: across : He walked across the field. Rule-2: across : He hit him across the face. Rule-3: across : Her family is scattered all across the country. Into- Rule-1: into :She dived into water. Rule-2: into : Speak clearly into the microphone. Rule-3: into : She carried on working late into night. Rule-4: into : Water turns into ice. On- Want More Books go to
  • 15. Rule-1: on :There is an attractive picture on the wall. Rule-2: on :She was standing on one foot. Rule-3: on :He was on the plane for New York. Rule-4: on :On arriving home I found that they had gone away. Rule-5: on :They came on Sunday. Rule-6: on :This is the book on the language movement. Rule-7: on :They are on the committee. Rule-8: on :He turned his back on us. Rule-9: on :On their advice I applied for the job. Rule-10: on :They live on this pension. Rule-11: on :They came here on business purpose. Through- Rule-1: through :The burglar got in through the window. Want More Books go to
  • 16. Rule-2: , through :He will not live through the night. Rule-3: , through : Go through this gate, and you will see the house on your left. Rule-4: through : You can only achieve success through hard work. Towards- Rule-1: towards They were heading towards the German border. Rule-2: towards :This is a first step towards political union. Rule-3: towards Their attitude towards death is objectionable. With- Rule-1: with :She lives with her parents. Rule-2: with :They are both in bed with flue. Rule-3: , with : Cut it with a knife. Rule-4: with :I had an argument with my boss. Want More Books go to
  • 17. Rule-5: with :Are you pleased with the result? Rule-6: with :The meal with wine came to Tk. 800/- Rule-7: , with :She sleeps with the window open. Rule-8: with :His fingers were numb with cold. Rule-9: with :I am appointed in a bank with HSBC. Rule-10: with I could never part with this ring. Rule-11: with :With all their falsehood we forgave them. Within- Rule-1: within :You should receive a reply within seven days. Rule-2: within :We are now within range of enemy fire. Rule-3: within :There is discontent within the farming industry. Out- Want More Books go to
  • 18. Rule-1: out :She ran out into the corridor. Rule-2: out :Try and stay out of trouble. Rule-3: , out :It was an awful job and I am glad to be out of it. Rule-4: out :I asked her out of curiosity. Rule-5: out :He was out for more than an hour and came round in the hospital. Rule-6: out :Hear me out before you say something. Rule-7: out :The boy dashed out into the road. Rule-8: out :The Titanic sank ten miles out of Stockholm. Rule-9: , , out :He got thrown out of the restaurant. Rule-10: , out :I paid for the damage out of my savings. Article {a, an, the, X} Want More Books go to
  • 19. Rule-1: The The Khans of India are dominating the Indian film industry. Rule-2: Adjective Superlative degree The Pinky was the best student in the class. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Rule-3: Adjective comparative degree The - Comparative degree The Pinky is more beautiful than Tina. Janntaul Ferdous was more intelligent than Sadia Nasreen. The more you read, the more you learn. The sooner, the better. Rule-4: Noun The He joined the army last year. Rule-5: Common Noun Superlative a /an The Shakira is the singer of the day. Rule-6: Adjective The Want More Books go to
  • 20. We should not look down upon the poor are happy. The rich are not always happy. The pious are blessed. Rule-7: Adjective The He entered into the thick of the forest. Rule-8: Common noun Abstract The Everybody loves the brave of the country. Rule-9: Proper Noun Epithet Epithet Noun The Alexander the great was a famous warrior. Rule-10: Material noun the material noun the The water of this glass is not pure. The gold of South Africa is precious. The perfume of France is praise worthy. Rule-11: Choir, orchestra pop group the Nowadays the Miles is a very popular band in Bangladesh. Rule-12: collective noun plural the Want More Books go to
  • 21. The elite enjoy the privilege of the State. The audience applauded the singer. Rule-13: Musical instrument the Mainul can play the piano sonorously. Rule-14: word unit the He sells mangoes by the hundred / by hundreds [not by the hundreds, dozens, scores] Rule-15: Adjective proper noun noun + preposition + proper noun noun the The National Zoo at Mirpur is visited everyday by thousands of people. The fort of Lalbagh is a place of historical interest in Bangladesh. Rule-16: The +16th December Article the Rule-17: go +to+ the+ school/college/hospital/market/mosque/jail Ex: Junayed went to the school to meet the Headmaster. Rule-18: The +North/South/East/West { } Article the Ex: The sun rises in the east. Rule-19: The+ Padma/Meghna/Jamuna/Tames/Buriganga/Bay of Bengal/Pacific/North Atlantic Ex: Want More Books go to
  • 22. The Padma is the biggest river. The Pacific is the deepest ocean. Rule-20: The +Quaran/Bible/Gita/Tripitak { } Article the Ex: The Quran is a religious book. Rule-21: The+ summer/rainy season/autumn/late autumn/winter/spring { } Article the Ex: It rains in the rainy season. Rule-22: The +sun/moon/sky/earth/world { } Ex: The sun rises in the east. Rule-1: Consonant (b,c,d..z) Article a I have a pen. Rule-2: Vowel (a,e,i,o,u) Article an : The game has come to an end. Rule-3: To be verb Article a/ an Tumpa is a student. It is an umbrella. Rule-4: Proper noun Common noun Article a/ an Want More Books go to
  • 23. You are a Shakespeare, I see. You will be a Fazlul Haque, I think. Joy will be able to become an Imran khan. Rule-5: Word- Consonant h Article a : a+hand/horse/hobby/hare/handicraft/hall/herd/hammer/hotel/historian i. It is a hall of resident. ii. It is a herd of cattle/sheep/elephants. Rule-6: Word- Consonant h // Article an : an+ honest/honors/honorable/honorary/hour/heir.{N} i. Arman is an honest person. Rule-7: a+ hundred/thousand/million + N(pl). He wants to live for a hundred year. It will cost about a hundred pounds. I have saved a thousand pounds. Rule-8: Word- Vowel O Article a : a + one-eyed/one-legged/one-taka/once famous/one-act + Noun Rule-10: Word- Vowel e/Eu/u Article a : a+united/university/utensil/unit/useful/union/unique/ewe/European/usurer+N Rule-11: a/an + adj + N {Adjective Singular noun Adjective Want More Books go to
  • 24. Article a/an } He is a good boy. Mumu is an intelligent girl. Rule-12: a/an + student/idiot. { passage- } Rachana is a student. There was an idiot. Rule-13: phrase- Article a/an a lot of/a number of/an amount of/a great deal of/after a while/a group of/a leaf of/a cup of/ a basket of/a glass of Mr. Shamim has a lot of money. Rule-14: so/too adj. noun Article a/an He is so brilliant a student. It is too interesting a matter. It is so fine an umbrella. Rule-15: such/rather/quite/many + a/an + N. Such a boy does well in the exam. She is rather a darling. It is quite a nuisance to write to everyone. Many a person is present in the public meeting. Want More Books go to
  • 25. Rule-16: {breakfast/luncheon/dinner/supper} Adjective Article a/an : They have a good breakfast. We had an ordinary lunch. Rule-17: Abbreviation { } Consonant Article a : a+ B.A/B.Sc/B.B.A/B.Com/C.A/D.C/D.Lit/D.G/Ph.D/P.G (Post Graduate)/P.C (Police Constable)/P.S (Police Station) Rule-18: Abbreviation { } Vowel Article an : an+SSC/I.A/I.Sc/I.Com/M.A/M.Sc/M.Com/F.R.C.S/LL.B/L.M.F/A.D.C/M.D/M.P/M.B.B.S/S.B /S.P. Rule-19: Article a/an Proverb : One swallow does not make a summer. Rule-1: X+ Uncountable/Abstract Noun. X water has no colour. X kindness is a great virtue. X water is made of hydrogen and oxygen. Rule-2: Countable Noun plural Article x Want More Books go to
  • 26. X cows are useful animals. X students are the future hope of a nation. X ants are industrial animals. Rule-3: Adj. Noun Article x He is a good x boy. Joy was a noble x person. Rule-4: {meals} (breakfast/luncheon/dinner/supper) Article x We have x supper at 10pm. Usually I take x Breakfast at 8am. Rule-5: Road Article x I drove through x park street and x Bangabandhu Avenue. Rule-6: x+ music/poetry/art. Hira loves x music. Rule-7: x +television/radio. : Whats on x TV tonight. Rule-8: x+cold/fever/diarrhea/malaria/cholera/toothache/back-ache/stomach-ache { } X tooth-ache is horrible. He is suffering from x cold. Many people suffer from x diarrhea. She has got x toothache. Want More Books go to
  • 27. Rule-9: at +x +morning/noon/afternoon/evening/midnight/dead night. : He comes back at x evening. Rule-10: Noun Article x : The Headmaster and x secretary is a sincere person. Rule-11: Article x : X man is mortal. X women is fond of flowers. Rule-12: , Article x X Srilanka is an island. X Mount Everest is the highest peak in the world. X Caspian is the largest lake in the world. Rule-13: Article , Language The : X Bangla is our mother tongue. X English is an international language. The Bangla language is now familiar all over the world. He speaks English like the English. Rule-14: Article x : He saw me on x Monday. Rule-15: All/Both +x +N(pl). : All x eight students in the class passed the exam. Rule-16: Cross(x) article is used in positions. Want More Books go to
  • 28. : Elizabeth x Queen of England is known to all. They elected George x chairmen. Henry was made x captain of them. He was elected x president for the third time. Mr. Fuad was appointed x chief clerk in 2011. Rule-17: part & parcel +of+ N(pl). : Keeping the accounts is x part and parcel of my job. Rule-18: Proper noun Article X Mr. Mainul lived in x Khagrachhary. Rule-19: Article Noun Parts of speech Noun Sakib Al Hasan is a great all rounder in the arena of world cricket. He is x honest. He is a good student. Rule-20: Noun Possessive adjective (his, her, my, our, their, your, its, Hira's, Anjan's, Kumar's) Article This is a book. The book is x his. This is his x book. Rule-21: Demonstrative pronoun [this, that, these, those, such] article article Give me that x pen, please. Want More Books go to
  • 29. Give me your x pen. Rule-22: Noun Adjective Article Adjective Adjective Noun Article He is an honest man. He has x amiable x character. Rule-23: Uncountable Noun Abstract Noun Article Sentence - Noun The We drink water to quench our x thirst. The water of the Padma is still pure. There was a little water in the jar but the water was at bottom of the jar. Rule-24: Article We play x football. X Cricket is my favourite game. ( ) ( ) Want More Books go to
  • 30. Want More Books go to