  1. 1. EPIC WIN (not fail)
  2. 2. What is an EPIC Win on Social media? Best and worst social media campaigns for ideas and inspiration in your online marketing
  3. 3. Is it clever photography?
  4. 4. Or a viral internet meme like Nyan cat?
  5. 5. Or this BBC show? Most Interesting
  6. 6. Its great ideas that encourage discussion, sharing or contribution on social media Such as this
  7. 7. #MakeMyPersona
  8. 8. HubSpot - marketing software - provide tools and info Narrow target audience - Marketers LI message links through to
  9. 9. Buyer Personas landing page. Personas are a way of looking at your audience as manageable identities. Can be hard - Hubspot created tool to make it easy
  10. 10. I answered questions and received bespoke persona profile. Follow-up call from Brian in sales a few days later
  11. 11. Asked Hubspot to tell me more
  12. 12. Surpassed goal to generate leads within first week - Sales had more meaningful conversations than if the lead had requested a software demo. Channel breakdown: Email: 23%, Direct: 20%, Blog: 18%, Linkedin: 13%, Referral: 6%, Twitter: 3.5%
  13. 13. #TheDress
  14. 14. What colour is #TheDress
  15. 15. Image posted on Tumblr first. Buzzfeed picked up story 3 hours later
  16. 16. When Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber get involved - You know its a hit Graph from
  17. 17. Lego gets involved
  18. 18. Salvation army responds quickly changing theme to domestic abuse
  19. 19. The article set the internet alight, and has now been viewed more than 24 million times. Amazing traffic!
  20. 20. Settle argument its Black and Blue.
  21. 21. How to be more deaf Aware Gloucestershire Deaf Association (GDA). Help deaf and hard of hearing people to live independently and without fear
  22. 22. I found the video funny, compelled to share @GlosDeaf 1400 followers
  23. 23. Series of 5 videos: 1st: 3,840 views, 2nd: 1000+, 3rd-5th: 400 Dave the Signer was the most popular
  24. 24. Reg James Asked Gemma, GDAs Social Media manager about campaign - Reg, profoundly deaf - James is a BSL interpreter - Video funded through Lloyds TSB grant - Promoted via Twitter, 700 RT, 200 mentions - Website users up 25% - Side effect was they were invited to present at deaf awareness groups
  25. 25. Astute Graphics Survey
  26. 26. AG make a series of amazing plugins for Illustrator They use friendly language and have a creative but very professional audience Social media, great initial response but Immediate tail off
  27. 27. Clever update 2 days later. Not begging again but showing how others have already filled out the survey
  28. 28. Brilliant email as survey emails often dull Email blast to audience of 40,000 with slower tail off that social media 865 total responses in a week, a 2% conversion rate which is great!
  29. 29. 805 Million Names Campaign from World Food Program Features Zlatan Ibrahimovich, footballer
  30. 30. he has tatoos of people fighting hunger daily A captivating and important message
  31. 31. Sharp ramp up with long tail and some bumps. This shows some longevity in the campaign
  32. 32. Loctite POSITIVE FEELINGS 12 DANCE MIX In contrast to 805 Million names video is this
  33. 33. Mixed feelings - It grabs attention but not emotion Do you like it?
  34. 34. Mixed feelings - It grabs attention but not emotion Do you like it?
  35. 35. EPIC FAIL
  36. 36. #McDstories Tag positive stories about McDonalds Realise that not everybody will follow the script
  37. 37. Dressing up Fail Oops, how did that get on there?
  38. 38. 2013 - Horseman scandal Posted to 47,000 followers - viral on Twitter Apparently scheduled before scandal news broke - Oops
  39. 39. Sam Smith - Popular artist
  40. 40. Posted after his concert in Nashville
  41. 41. 4 Hours later he posted this message to Instagram and Twitter Fans not impressed
  42. 42. . Speaking of epic fails - Lets have our own caption competition ;)
  43. 43. Be Sociable 3 things I recommend for an EPIC Win
  44. 44. Help others first Get noticed by helping other people or organisations with similar audience to you
  45. 45. Be yourself Be honest, open and true to your business values
  46. 46. Create and share interesting stuff Create content people want to share
  47. 47. Follow me on Twitter for marketing ideas and inspiration @BenKinnaird Visit my company or download this amazing book :)