Page 1: Film poster and film magazine research By Dan Bellers

Film poster and film magazine research

By Dan Bellers

Page 2: Film poster and film magazine research By Dan Bellers

Film Poster research Children of men poster analysis

This is the children of men film poster. They spell out the narrative of the movie in a bold and striking way as they have short sentences with striking and sinister information for impact. For example it says “ In 20 years “ , “ Women are infertile” , “no Children” , “no future”, “no hope”. Then it says a clever play on word and a strong hint at possible resolution as it says “ But all that can change in a heart beat”. This is hinting at the possibility of a baby being born saving humanity, hence the “heartbeat”. The text trails down and makes you look at the baby after reading the text making you link the text with the baby, illustrating the content and the Title “Children of men” tops this explanation off.The image conveys a sense of isolation as there is a small foetus of a baby on its own in a large plain black background which also conveys the image of a woman's womb with a baby growing. Thus addressing the narrative of conception. The image of the baby is glowing almost to represent that its special and that it is the centre of attention and main focus of the film. The plain black colour background represents an absence of life and the glowing baby shows a small but significant burst of life.

By Dan Bellers

Page 3: Film poster and film magazine research By Dan Bellers

28 days later poster analysisThe poster uses similar conventions to the children of men poster as it uses short sentences at the top leading down to the title for impact also the writing has stages explaining the narrative like the “Children Of Men” film poster. The text explains the stages of the dystopian narrative in days, as it explains the problem escalating. The title 28 days later in placed on a toxic waste sign which represent danger and represents apocalyptic features like the final destruction of the world, which is very dystopian.The bright red back ground which is 75% of the poster, represents blood, anger and danger. This is insinuating the danger, violence and anger of the zombies. The white font on the text is rugged and rough, representing that the film will be edgy and not quite the norm, this is very dystopian. Also the black illustrations around the poster have the same simular broken feel and one on them is showing a man on his own with a image of london

By Dan Bellers

Page 4: Film poster and film magazine research By Dan Bellers

The island film poster analysis • The film poster for the island is very illustrative as

it tells you a lot about the film. For example it has the words “Plan your escape “ at the top of the poster next to flying helicopters, then it has two people in matching uniforms looking distressed and running away. This suggests that they are running away from the helicopters as they are breaking the rules that the authorities have set them and the authorities are chasing them. This is a very dystopian characteristic as it shows a world that is unbalanced and imperfect as it shows that people are stuck on an “Island” and help captive and controlled, due to the title.

• The poster is segmented into 2 main shades/colours, there are dark shades and colours for the top and bottom of the poster with images of the “island” and the authorities. Then there is a faded out burst of bright colours and light shades for the 2 characters shown running away. This contrast shows that they have escaped the island and what it stands for. The subtle lines laid across this image shows speed and travel emphasising that they are running and escaping at a fast pace.

By Dan Bellers

Page 5: Film poster and film magazine research By Dan Bellers

The island film poster analysis (Continued)

• The positions of the characters gives us quite a bit of information of what is happening. For example the man (Ewan McGregor) is facing forward and it concentrating on something, suggesting that he really did “plan his escape” as said above on the poster. The Woman ( Scarlett Johansson) is looking at the viewer of the poster, with a scared concerned facial expression almost as if she is pleading for help from the viewer. Also it is representing the paradigm of the island narrative of always being watched by a higher more authoritive power.

By Dan Bellers

Page 6: Film poster and film magazine research By Dan Bellers

Film magazine research (“TotalFilm magazine”) • The main purpose of this magazine cover is to get you to

go and see the film that is promoting and to buy the magazine as the front cover is engaging and interesting. For example there is a massive bold title being “Total Film”, used to establish their name and to make their brand bold to stand out against other film magazines.

• The full spread picture of the film (Terminator Salvation) is very bold also, making the film look exiting and full of action and also very dystopic as there are robots, ( one on the floor and another one in the background creeping up on the main characters in the centre of the spread. Also the main characters have guns and the environment and setting of the cover is very dystopic as there are flames , sparks , hot mist and clouds making it look very warlike , showing a lost and ruined world due to the robot uprising. This is realise and common and talked about fear every day because of the increase of speed of evolution of technology.

• The title “Terminator salvation” is Bold and is red to represent violence, danger, anger blood and war. It makes the title more striking . It then says “ The summers darkest blockbuster”, this is very dystopic as it is showing that the film is very “Dark” meaning that the film is very socially and metaphorically extreme and horrific.

By Dan Bellers

Page 7: Film poster and film magazine research By Dan Bellers

Film magazine research (“TotalFilm magazine”) (CONTINUED)

The sell line at the top “ 3D special: The future starts now” is red also, representing blood and danger etc. This is dystopic as it is using a double meaning as it says “3D special” meaning that the other phrase “ The future starts now” means the future of cinema as the futuristic technology of viewing a film in 3D and it is also referencing the futuristic narrative and conventions in “Terminator Salvation”. The Whole layout of the magazine cover has a hot colour scheme, ranging from bright reds to a orange hue warm glow in the action scene.

The contrasting colour scheme is very minor but effective as all the little details about the film are in a white font, including the title, linking them all together. For example the little font round the image illustrate the films narrative and gives you deeper insight into the film like the actors in it like Christian Bale and Sam Worthington, who are famous actors that are widely known and liked, this encourages people to go and see the film and it encourages people to buy the magazine as they like the actors. Also it says “The interview the worlds been waiting for” under Christian Bales name , hyping it up and offering exclusive content about the main actor in the film, thus encouraging you to buy the magazine enticing you in.

By Dan Bellers

Page 8: Film poster and film magazine research By Dan Bellers

Film magazine research (“EMPIRE”) The main purpose of this magazine cover is to get you to go and see the film that is promoting and to buy the magazine as the front cover is engaging and interesting. The film being “TRON legacy” a sci – fi dystopian set in the far future.

The mast head (EMPIRE) is very powerful and bold used to immediately attract the public attention, it is placed at the front of all the image layers to increase its visibility. Also it says “Magazine of the year” at the bottom of empire in small font making empire look superior in a modest way, to attract customers. I will use this technique in my magazine cover for our film “Conspiracy”.

The slogan at the top “the 3D event of the year” is used to big up the film and to make the story inside the magazine sound un- missable, making people want to by the magazine to find out more. The text is displayed in a relevant font to the film title and the nature of the film as it is futuristic and sci – fi.

By Dan Bellers

Page 9: Film poster and film magazine research By Dan Bellers

Film magazine research (“EMPIRE”)CONTINUED)

The film title “TRON” is displayed in a relevant font to the nature of the film as it is a futuristic and sci – fi dystopian action. This is done to attract possible fans of the “TRON” franchise.

The statement under the Film title is used to enforce the impact of the title and it is implying that it is better than another film magazines as it has the key word “Ultimate” emphasised in red font to also match up with the EMPIRE title, thus enforcing the idea that EMPIRE is Ultimate and superior.

There are other interesting stories displayed clearly on the side, including famous and well known celebrities to make you want to buy the magazine to find out more.

By Dan Bellers

Page 10: Film poster and film magazine research By Dan Bellers

Film magazine research (“EMPIRE”)CONTINUED part 2 )


Here they other reasons to buy the magazine, including collectable value for the magazine and the TRON franchise, attracting fans of both or either of these 2 things. It is placed in the corner as it is the least important thing put it is bright yellow to attract the viewers eye and it is also placed in the corner as it the usually the first place you place your finger when you turn the page, so it is almost un - missable.

There is a massive image of one of the main characters in the film, used to encourage fans of the “TRON” franchise to buy the magazine and to make it clear that the magazine and cover is about TRON so it will stand out in stores and on line.Also the colour scheme is cold and futuristic to fit with the sci – fi feel which makes it very dystopian. Also the background of the magazine is the image of the TRON world the film is based it, attracting fans of the film and making it clear the magazine subject.

By Dan Bellers

Page 11: Film poster and film magazine research By Dan Bellers

Film magazine research ( Total Film) (Inception)

The main purpose of this magazine cover is to get you to go and see the film that is promoting and to buy the magazine. The film being “Inception”, for example they place leonardo Dicaprio ( The main character of the INCEPTION film) and make him fill the majority of the cover space in the centre, as he is the main focus of the cover and film and he is an A-List actor who is famous worldwide and has millions of fans which will encourage people to go and see him in this film and buy the magazine to find out more. He is so well known that his name is not even included on the cover.

By Dan Bellers

Page 12: Film poster and film magazine research By Dan Bellers

Film magazine research (Empire) (Inception CONTINUED 1)

The film title "Inception" is placed in the centre of the image and is big and bold compared to all the text on the cover except the title, becasue EMPIRE want to make sure they are more significant than the film that they are promoting to make sure their brand stands out so it doesnt get confusing of what the magazines called. The writing is in red font to stand out and to link with the title and to also represent danger , which indicates what genre the film could be.

The gun shown in Leonardo De Caprios hand suggests that the film will be a thriller or action genre. Also the facial expression is serious and angry supporting this statement. His body stance and appearance combined with his facial expression that he is a strong, smart, violent character.

By Dan Bellers

Page 13: Film poster and film magazine research By Dan Bellers

Film magazine research (Empire) (Inception CONTINUED 2 )

They a successful batman film title above the magazine title and magazine to promote the film INCEPTION as they use the dark knights success to give inception and empire credibility.

They put the directors name above the INCEPTION text who also directed the dark knight to promote INCEPTION and to encourage people to go an see it.

They place Leonardo de Caprios head over some of the EMPIRE text because EMPIRE is so well known people will still know what magazine it is .

They place an offer saying “dream access” making it seem that its so good that you could only dream about it. This bigs up the film and promotes it by making sound more exciting. They do this with a different colour to all the coulour scheme to make it stand out and make it seem more significant.

By Dan Bellers

Page 14: Film poster and film magazine research By Dan Bellers

Film magazine research (Empire) (Inception CONTINUED 3 )

There is a tagline placed under the title to create hype and big up the film, as the two films mentioned “the Matrix” and “007 on steroids” meaning the James bond franchise but more exiting and both of these film are highly rated action/thriller films suggesting that the film will be amazing. Also it clues the reader in of what genre the film is going to be, being thriller/action.

The magazine uses other films on the side that are being released or have been released recently with high anticipitation and that are popular and well known to appeal to other people that might not buy it for inception, but if they are then they are even more likely to buy the magazine to find out more.

By Dan Bellers

Page 15: Film poster and film magazine research By Dan Bellers

Film magazine research (Empire) (Inception CONTINUED 4)

The background represents time going by which suggests the nature of the narrative. It looks futuristic and un normal hinting at the dystopian genre.

The colour scheme is kept to a minimum with only reds, whites and blacks giving the poster a dark, tense and sinister look thus hinting the film is in the genre of thriller and action.

They link in the colour scheme of the red with the title and Film name to link it with a offer to make it stand out and sound more significant compared to the other side stories on the magazine.

Also it says “Magazine of the year” at the bottom of empire in small font making empire look superior in a modest way, to attract customers.

By Dan Bellers
