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Flourishing in Ministry: Humanity Fully Alive

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신실한 센트럴의 친구 여러분,

센트럴에 관심을 가져주셔서 고맙습니다. 만일 이 편지를 읽고 있다면 아마도 여러분은 신학생, 교회 생활, 그리고 하나님의 글로벌 선교에 관심을 가지고 있을 것입니다. 하나님의 형통한 삶으로의 부르심을 살아내는 여러 이야기가 담긴 이번 호 Voice에서 여러분이 관심을 갖는 주제들을 만날 수 있을것입니다.

각 신자의 삶은 하나님께 드리는 제물이며 그 결과 “범사에 하나님이 영광을 받으십니다” (벧전 4:11). 성경은 하나님이 당신의 일에 동참할 방법들을 찾는 신실한 사람들을 기뻐하신다고 우리에게 가르치십니다. 3세기 신학자 성 이레네우스는 이 가르침을 통찰력있는 말로 표현했습니다. “하나님의 영광은 온전히 살아있는 인간이다.” 온전히 살아 있는 사람들은 하나님의 경제안에서 자신들의 위치를 알고 창의적이고 생산적이고 변혁적인 방식으로 자신들의 사역을 감당합니다.

센트럴은 각 학생의 번창함뿐만 아니라 각 졸업생이 섬기게 될 사역지에 대해 깊은 관심을 갖고 있습니다. 우리의 교육과정을 통해 리더들은 교회와 지역사회에서 적절한 영향을 미칠 수 있도록 준비됩니다. 사려깊은 교수진과 직원들은 학생들의 성공을 보장하기 위해 일하고 있으며 그 결과 각 학생은 하나님의 부르심에 온전히 반응할 수 있습니다.

번창함은 포괄적이며, 이런 이야기들은 사역의 재정적이고 영적이고 학문적이고 관계적인 측면들을 가리킵니다. 센트럴은 후원, 기도, 학생들 추천, 영향력을 미칠 수 있는 곳에서 센트럴의 관대한 대사가 되는 것과 같은 여러분의 참여로 인해 번창할 수 있습니다. 우리는 여러분이 하는 모든 일에서 온전히 살아있는 것의 기쁨을 알 수 있기를 기도하며,

하나님께서 센트럴을 통해 영광받으시기를 기도합니다.

말리 마샬 총장

Molly T. Marshall

총장 겸 신학 & 영성 개발 교수

Dear Faithful Friend of Central,Thank you for your interest in Central! If you are reading this, you probably care about seminary students, the life of the church, and God’s global mission. You will find something about each of these in this issue of the Voice, as we share stories of the many ways we are living into God’s call to flourish.

The life of each believer is an offering to God, so that “in all things God is glorified” (1 Peter 4:11). Scripture teaches us that God rejoices over faithful humans who are finding ways to participate with God. The third century theologian, St. Irenaeus, echoes this teaching with his perceptive statement, “the glory of God is the human person fully alive.” Fully alive persons know their place in God’s economy, and they offer their ministry in creative, generative, and transformative ways.

Central cares deeply about the flourishing of each student, as well as the place where as a graduate he or she will serve. Our curriculum prepares leaders for relevant impact in their churches and communities. Thoughtful faculty and staff work to ensure student success so that each might fully respond to God’s beckoning.

Flourishing is comprehensive, and these narratives point to the financial, spiritual, academic, and relational aspects of ministry. Central flourishes because of your participation in our mission—giving, praying, recommending students, and being a generous ambassador in your circle of influence. We pray that you will know the joy of being fully alive in all that you do.

May God be glorified through Central,

Molly T. Marshall President and Professor of Theology and Spiritual Formation

From the President

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EDITOR: Robin Sandbothe Director of Seminary Relations

Cover photo by Baim Hanie on Unsplash

Central Baptist Theological Seminary6601 Monticello RoadShawnee, KS 66226-3513p) 913.667.5700 or 1.800.677.2287f )



Letter from the President . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Formed for Flourishing . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Financial Flourishing

Central’s Money & Ministry Program . . . . . 6

Central’s Sustainability Campaign . . . . . . . 8

Central’s Revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Academic Flourishing

WLI and DMin Students Go on Cuban Pilgrimage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Central Receives 10-year Accreditation . 14

God Has Drawn Central Korean Students from a Variety of Places! . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Spiritual Flourishing

Central Leadership Series Event . . . . . . . 18

Buttry Center Peace Training Bears Fruit 20

Relational Flourishing

Students Flourish Through Relationships 22

An Evening of Global Learning . . . . . . . 24

Gifts to Central . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

“The glory of God is the human person fully alive.” —Irenaeus of Lyons

To be fully alive is to flourish. At flourish is defined as follows:

Flourish [flur-ish, fluhr-ish]verb (used without object) 1. to be in a vigorous state; thrive 2. to be in its or in one's prime; be at the height of fame, excellence, influence, etc.

Surely, the Christian leader and the Christian community desire such flourishing and aliveness for the sake of glorifying God. But, what constitutes “a vigorous state and thriving” for today’s ministers? How do Christian leaders attain their prime and maintain high levels of excellence and influence? What essential ingredients and practices nourish and cultivate wellbeing?

Matt Bloom, Ph.D., a researcher at the University of Notre Dame, leads the Flourishing in Ministry project ( Dr. Bloom has been asking such questions for more than a decade, and his research produced data that point to numerous factors that influence clergy wellbeing, including but not limited to engagement, authenticity, and relationships. The degree to which faith leaders can engage their best gifts, bring their authentic selves, and connect with others in meaningful relations are all powerful determinants of flourishing, especially at work.

At Central we aim to prepare women and men for living wholly and fully alive as they seek God, shape church, and serve humanity. Our courses and professors form and equip learners who can thus engage the range of their giftedness and bring their unique and authentic selves to the classroom and the ministry context. Our student success and services staff nurture connection from the application process to enrollment and through matriculation. In addition, we’ve been engaging students in coaching toward financial thriving for the last three years. Cultivating spiritual formation and wellbeing are woven into the fabric of our programming.

And yet, we recognize that theological education is not completed in the classroom but continues to be influenced by one’s ministry context. As a $1M grant recipient of Lilly Endowment’s Thriving in Ministry initiative, Central launched a new program in 2019 – Formed for Flourishing – that will connect experienced ministers to journey for two years with new/transitioning ministers as they live into new calls and new contexts. Recognizing the critical nature of ministry’s early years for not only growing into one’s pastoral identity but also cultivating the capacity for facing and addressing significant challenges, the program will make use of both group and one-to-one mentoring as opportunity for engagement, authenticity, and deepening relationships. Each year of the grant cycle, we will launch multiple mentoring cohorts (see Formed for Flourishing timeline graphic on the next page).

We are currently seeking partners in the work of forming “fully alive” Christian leaders. If you are in the first 3 years of a call and would like a mentor or if you are a minister with 5+ years of experience and would like to be a mentor or if you are a network/denominational leader who works with congregational leaders, contact our program director, Angela Barker Jackson, at [email protected].

Formed for Flourishing Angela Barker Jackson, Grant Officer and Money & Ministry Program Director

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Formed for Flourishing (Continued from previous page)

“하나님의 영광은 온전히 살아있는 인간이다.” – 리옹의 이레네우스

온전히 살아있다는 것은 번창한다는 것입니다. dictionary.com은 “flourish" (번창하다)”라는 단어를 다음과 같이 정의하고 있습니다.

Flourish: 동사 (목적어 없이 사용됨) 1. 활기찬 상태에 있는 것; 번성하다 2. 최고의 상태에 있는 것; 명예, 탁월함, 영향력 등이 최고조인

기독교 지도자들과 공동체들이 하나님께 영광을 돌리기 위해 이와 같은 번창함과 생명력을 갈구하는 것은 분명합니다. 하지만 오늘날의 사역자들에게 “활기찬 상태와 번성하는 것”은 어떤 모습일까요? 기독교 지도자들은 어떻게 그들의 최고의 상태를 이루고 높은 수준의 탁월함과 영향력을 유지할 수 있을까요? 어떤 근본적인 요소와 관행을 통해 복지를 증진시킬 수 있을까요?

노트르담 대학의 연구원인 매트 블룸 박사는 사역의 번창함에 대한 연구 프로젝트를 진행하고 있습니다. ( 블룸 박사는 십 년 이상 이러한 질문을 해왔으며, 그의 연구는 성직자들의 안녕에 영향을 미치는 재능 활용도, 진정성, 인간관계 등과 같은 요소들을 가리키는 자료를 생산해냈습니다

믿음의 지도자들이 얼마만큼 그들의 최고의 재능을 활용하고, 그들 자신의 진정한 모습을 나타내며, 다른 사람들과 의미 있는 관계를 맺고 있는지는 모두 번창함을 결정하는 강력한 요소들이며, 특히 사역의 현장에서 더더욱 그렇습니다.

센트럴 신학교는 여성들과 남성들이 하나님을 찾고 교회를 만들어가며 인류를 섬길 때에 그들을 온전히 그리고 풍성히 살도록 준비시키는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 센트럴의 수업 과정과 교수들은 학생들이 자신들의 재능을 활용하고, 특별하고 진정한 자아를 수업과 사역의 현장에 가져올 수 있도록 학생들을 훈련시키고 준비시킵니다. 저희 학생 성공팀과 서비스 직원들은 입학 지원 과정부터 등록 그리고 모든 과정을 마칠 때까지 학생들을 지원합니다. 또한 저희는 지난 삼 년 동안 코칭을 통해 학생들의 재정이 변영할 수 있도록 지도해 왔습니다. 영적 훈련과 복지를 위한 노력이 학위 프로그램 전반에 잘 반영되어 있습니다.

그렇지만 저희는 신학 교육이 학교 안에서 완성되는 것이 아니라 사역 현장의 영향을 계속 받는다는 것을 알고 있습니다. 릴리 기부의 사역의 번창함 이니셔티브 백만 달러 보조금의 수혜자로서 센트럴은 2019년에 “Formed for Flourishing 번성함을 위한 훈련”이라는 새 프로그램을 시작하게 되었습니다. 이 프로그램을 통해 새로운 부르심을 받고 사역지로 향하는 사역 초보생들과 과도기에 있는 사역자들은 경험이 풍부한 사역자들과 연결되고 2년 동안 여정을 함께 합니다. 우리는 목회자로서의 정체성의 성장 뿐만 아니라 중요한 도전을 마주하고 해결하는 힘을 기르는 초기 사역의 중요성에 대해 잘 알고 있습니다. 그렇기에 이 프로그램은 그룹과 일대일 양육을 통해 연합하고 진정성 있게 나아가고 관계를 더욱 깊게 하는 기회를 제공할 것입니다. 매 해 보조금 주기에 따라 여러 멘토링 집단이 시작될 것입니다. (Formed for Flourishing 타임라인 그래픽을 보라)

저희는 지금 “온전히 살아있는” 기독교 지도자들을 만들어 갈 동역자를 찾고 있습니다. 본인이 1) 부르심을 받은 지 3년이 지나지 않았고 멘토를 원할 경우 2) 5년 이상 사역 경험이 있는 목회자로 멘토가 되기를 원할 경우 3) 목회자들과 일하는 교단 또는 네트워크의 지도자일 경우 이 프로그램의 담당자인 안젤라 베이커 잭슨 (이메일 주소 [email protected])에게 연락 주시기 바랍니다.






Mentoring Toward Effectiveand Healthy Leadership

Peer to Peer Learning

Group Mentoring

One-to-One Mentoring Group Mentoring

One-to-One Mentoring Group Mentoring

One-to-One Mentoring




















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Photo by SwapnIl Dwivedi on Unsplash “Just like the clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand…” Jeremiah 18:6

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Scan here for more about the continuing outcomes of the Money & Ministry Program

Seminarians recognize the necessity of being prepared for the financial realms of their ministries . Some are focused on personal preparation like debt reduction and household budgeting . Others are interested in learning to lead stewardship campaigns and preach faithful sermons about money . Still are others are thinking about what it means to live simply, to spend justly, and to save wisely . All are excellent topics for reflecting with a financial coach .

Central’s Money & Ministry Program, developed over the last two years by Angela Barker Jackson, who also served as the financial coach for the project, was funded by a grant from the Lilly Endowment . See the overall impact in the graphic below and scan the code for more about how the project normalized conversation and reflection about personal and organizational finances with Central students .

Financial Flourishing • Central’s Money & Ministry

Money & Ministry Program

Financial Coaching


Removing Stigma from

Financial Challenges

Normalizing Money


ReducingStress Relatedto Finances

Cultivating Courage

Developing Competence

and Confidence

246+ Sessions

40 Anglo-Euro American12 African American11 Asian51 Female12 Male

63+ Students

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The Money & Ministry Program at Central focuses on the relational aspects of learning to flourish financially

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

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In the fall of 2017, Central’s board approved the launch of the Personal . Global . Horizonal . Sustainability Campaign to help secure Central’s future . Central retained the service of veteran fundraiser Dr . H . Layton “Bud” Cooper of Hartsook Companies, Inc . to assist .

Central is flourishing in many areas: innovative programs, enrollment, fine facilities, committed faculty and staff, and global partnerships, but we know that gaining financial strength is paramount for a sustainable trajectory . The campaign will support the following initiatives:

• Personal—Students and Scholarships• Global—Ministry with Underserved Populations• Horizonal—Scholars and Leaders for Continued Program Innovation

The campaign goal is $12 million, and we are making steady progress . At this point, we have approximately $6,630,300 in cash pledges and estate gifts, which will be coming in over the next three years .

Scan the code below to make a gift towards the campaign or contact Bud Cooper, bcooper@cbts .edu, to make a pledge . By doing so, you will have a significant part in crafting Central’s future .

We are grateful for your interest and participation .

Financial Flourishing • Central’s Sustainability

Scan here to have a significant part in crafting Central's future .

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Graduates gathered outside the Baugh-Marshall Chapel before the Commencement service on May 12 , 2018, reflect the personal, global, and horizonal focus of the seminary.

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1M 2M 3M 4M






Financial Flourishing • Central’s 2018 Revenue

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Students Taylor Qualls and Tin Sang share their stories on the first night of class. It is the stories of our students behind the numbers depicted in the statistics that clearly define the impact of Central’s mission.

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For more of Timothy’s reflections from his trip, scan the code .

“We left Cuba with more questions than when we arrived . It mystified

me – not only the warm hospitality, but moreover the love the people

in the Cuban churches had for God, for each other and for their

community . It was their faithful commitment to God that had resulted

in amazing church growth .”

--Timothy J. Bonner, DMin student

Timothy traveled to Cuba with his DMin cohort in 2018 . A second

group of DMin students will travel there the first week of March, while

a group of students from the Women’s Leadership Initiative will go the

second week of June .

Academic Flourishing • WLI and DMin Students Go on Cuban Pilgrimage

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A typical street scene in Cuba

Academic Flourishing • WLI and DMin Students Go on Cuban Pilgrimage

Photo by Persnickety Prints on Unsplash

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Academic Flourishing • Central Receives 10-year Accreditation

Central Receives 10-year Accreditation from Higher Learning Commission

“The team was impressed with the relevance of our seminary, our

educational programs, our facilities, delivery system, faculty, and

staff . HLC representatives observed the unity and ownership of all

parties, including the board, and reflected on our capacity to hold

diverse theological perspectives, global constituents, and differing

educational levels together .”

--Robert E. Johnson, Provost

Scan the code to read more about the report from the visiting accreditation team

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Central faculty were one of several groups who met with the visiting Higher Learning Commission team during the accreditation visit in September.

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Los Angeles




Shawnee St Louis



“예수님이 온 세상을 함께 불러 모으시는대로, 센트럴 한국부도 세상 각처에서부터 학생들을 불러 모으고 있습니다.”

“As Jesus draws the whole world together, so too Central’s Korean

programs draw students from all over the world .”

--Samuel Park, Director of Korean Programs

Scan the code to read more of Dr . Park’s reflection .

박사무엘 교수의 글을 계속 읽으려면, 코드를 스캔하세요.

Academic Flourishing • God Has Drawn Central Korean Students from a Variety of Places!

각 처에서 센트럴의 한국부 학생들을 불러 모으신 하나님

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Committed students of the Dallas site • 달라스분교의 헌신된 학생들

각 처에서 센트럴의 한국부 학생들을 불러 모으신 하나님

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Make plans now to participate in this day of discovery and renewal . Scan the code to register .

Event Title Rooted: Experiencing the Strength of Contemplative Leadership

When Saturday, April 27, 2019, 9:00 a .m . – 3:00 p .m . (Lunch provided)

Who Should Come Congregational leaders, both professional and volunteer; those involved in ministries with adults, youth, and children; seminarians; anyone interested in the contemplative life and/or spiritual direction

Pre-Registration Fee $30/person; $20/person for groups of 3 or more; $10 for Central students . Deadline April 22 .

Keynote "Learn to Rest, Take a Journey, Find a Guide" Dr . Doug Hardy, Professor of Spirituality, Nazarene Theological Seminary, Kansas City, MO

Breakouts • Creating a Contemplative Congregational Culture • Self-Care and the Contemplative Life • The Contemplative Life and Social Justice • Contemplative Youth Ministry

Spiritual Flourishing • Central Leadership Series Event

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There is a way, deeply rooted in the life of God, that feeds vitality rather than exhaustion and fruitfulness rather than frustration. We can unlearn patterns that hamstring us and cultivate practices that facilitate God’s flourishing in our personal lives, our congregations, and the cultures to which we are called.

April 27

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“I have never loved conflict . I have never been one to seek it out, and

I definitely have never been one to welcome conflict with open arms .

That is, until I attended Sharon and Dan Buttry’s Training for Conflict

Transformation Trainers (TCTT) in August 2018 .

I still may not ‘love’ conflict, but I no longer feel the dreaded red-alert

urgency that I did when I encounter conflict . For me, conflict is now

an opportunity to engage the skills I learned under my intrepid leaders

and through the engagement of my authentic cohort .”

-- Elizabeth Buckner, (MDiv 2017) Peace Training Participant, Pastor, Dearborn Christian Church, Dearborn, MO

Scan the code to read more of Elizabeth’s reflection

Spiritual Flourishing • Buttry Center Peace Training Bears Fruit

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TCCT participants engaged in numerous activities this summer as leaders Dan (pictured here) and Sharon Buttry and others equipped them with tools for teaching conflict transformation.

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To ensure that our students are flourishing is an important goal for

Central . So much so that there is a student success team dedicated

to that goal . At its heart is the development of relationships –

between students and faculty, administration, staff, and other

students, as well as to the community in which they live . Some of

these connections happen organically . Others require intentionality .

Our international student population leads the way on exhibiting

both of these ways to connect .

Read more about how connections are happening at Central by scanning this code .

Relational Flourishing • Students Flourish Through Relationships

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Central International students support and encourage one another as they navigate classroom and cultural settings. From left to right: Tluang Za Thang, Yonga “Joy” Choi, Thang Za Lian, Naw Awn Pawm, Lal Awi, Sau Nam.

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On October 2, 2018, the second annual Evening of Global Learning was held on Central’s Shawnee campus . Doctor of ministry students from four different cohorts - from Myanmar, from the Korean program, and two English-speaking Shawnee cohorts – gathered for an evening of learning from one another and from Dr . Leonard Sweet, E . Stanley Jones Professor of Evangelism at Drew University . This year’s event will be held again in October when the Myanmar Institute of Theology students are on campus, along with Korean and English cohorts .

Dr . Park expressed his hopes for these events:

First, I’d like the students to have a sense of unity in Christ through the fellowship and intercession for one another. Second, I want the groups to have a truly cross-cultural experience. Third, I’d like the students to develop a sense of being a part of the Central community; so that, when they return to their respective ministry settings after their seminars, they will continue to live the vision and spirit of Central Seminary.

For a reflection on the 2018 Evening of Global Learning from Sung Joon Lee, a DMin student in the Korean program, scan this code .

Relational Flourishing • An Evening of Global Learning

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The group of Myanmar, Korean, and Shawnee Doctor of Ministry students who gathered for an Evening of Global Learning in October.

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Central Seminary wishes to thank all of those who have given and continue to give to sustain our commitment to prepare women and men for seeking God, shaping church and serving humanity . Generous donors gave the following Tribute/Scholarship Gifts to Central for the 2018 calendar year .

In Honor of the 2014 Women in Leadership Graduates

Rev. Dr. Ircel C. and Mrs. Rita F. Harrison

In Honor of Faculty and Staff

Rev. Dr. Molly T. Marshall

In Honor of Refugee Women

Ms. Rakmi Shaiza

In Honor of the First Cohort of Women in Leadership

Rev. Dr. Eileen Campbell-Reed

In Memory of Mr. Jerry L. Barnes

Ms. Joni Barnes Hawkins

In Honor of Rev. Dr. Daniel and Mrs. Sharon Buttry

Mr. Robert and Mrs. Judith Doll

Ms. Gail Katz

In Memory of Rev. Harriet A. Buttry

Rev. Dr. & Mrs. James N. Kent

Ms. Ashton M. Wells

In Memory of Miae Chong

Dr. Samuel Park and Mrs. Seewha Lee

In Memory of Marshall and Leslie Copeland, and Glenn and Leona Jones

Rev. Richard and Mrs. Mary Etta Copeland

In Honor of Rev. Rosemary Peek and Rev. Pattie Curtis

Dr. Jeffrey and Rev. Tonya Vickery

In Memory of Rev. Dr. E.A. Freeman

Ms. Della M. R. Hockett

In Memory of Mr. Paul Guillory, Jr

Rev. Angela Lowe

In Memory of Ms. Peaches Hallman

Ms. Dawn Hallman

In Honor of Rev. Dr. Ircel Harrison

Mr. Jeffrey O. and Mrs. Judy C. Fryer

In Memory of Dr. Karen Hatcher

Grace Presbyterian Church

In Memory of Marion and Jackie Hayes

Ms. Jeannine Carmichael

In Memory of Rev. Ernest Clark and Rev. Darrell Heidner

Drs. John E. and Ruth H. Clark

In Memory of Mrs. Frances Lorene Holcomb

Dr. Carol Ann Holcomb

In Memory of Bill, Betty, and Barbara Joiner


In Memory of Saboi Jum

Mr. Richard Thompson

In Memory of Ms. Stella Kissee

Rev. Nicole Finkelstein-Blair and Lt. J. Scott Blair

In Memory of Ms. Elaine Guillory Lowe

Rev. Angela Lowe

In Honor of Dr. Molly T. Marshall

Ms. Donna Carrier

Ms. Therese M. Horvat

Dr. Nora Lozano

Mrs. Marilyn Mueller

Dr. Judy I. Orosz

Dr. Paul and Mrs. Susan Richardson

Rev. Glenda R. Watts

In Honor of Dr. David May

Rev. Dr. Ircel C. and Mrs. Rita F. Harrison

Rev. Dr. Molly T. Marshall

Rev. George W "Dub" and Mrs. Joy Steincross

In Honor of Rev. Dr. Amy Mears

Ms. Jennifer Hundley Batts Thomas

In Memory of Gene Montgomery

Ms. Mona Stivers

In Memory of Mr. William Thomas "Billy" Moreland

Rev. Dr. Eileen Campbell-Reed

In Honor of Chaplain Lee Rader

Rev. Dr. Heather Entrekin and Mr. Peter M. Stover

In Memory of Ms. B. Eleanor Risinger-Flores

Rev. Dr. Eileen Campbell-Reed

In Honor of Mr. Nehemiah Rosell

Dr. Tarris D. Rosell and Dr. Ruth Lofgren Rosell

In Honor of Pat Rowley

Ms. Catherine Maher

In Memory of Mrs. Jeannie Volker

Rev. Timothy J. Schwartz

In Memory of Rev. Llewellen Scott Walker

Mr. David and Mrs. Mary Atwood

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Doctor of Ministry student Thazin Aye leads chapel for students, faculty, and staff during the fall DMin seminars.

Mr. Jim Bender

Mr. Benjamin Broghammer

Ms. Loreen Burton

D’Amore Revocable Trust

Rev. George E. and Mrs. Elizabeth Daniels

Mr. T. A. Galfano

Mr. Donald Hiemstra

Mr. Jon and Mrs. Debbie Hochkammer

Ms. Stephanie Klett

Mr. Gordon Lang

Mr. James Lombardo

Mr. John H and Mrs. Alice Ann Lumkes

Mr. Roger Miller

Mr. Milton and Mrs. Nancy Neshek

Ms. Linda Remsen

Mr. Robert Schmidt

Mr Eric Schutt

Mr. G. Thomas Seely

Ms. Catherine Steinhafel

In Honor of Ms. Peggy Ward

Rev. Nathan Huguley and Ms. Julia Wenzel-Huguley

In Memory of Mr. Hank Watts

Rev. Glenda R. Watts

The Alice Fleetwood Bartee Scholarship

Dr. Wayne C. Bartee

Cloud Scholarship

Ms. Julie Baugh Cloud

Helen Moore-Montgomery Scholarship

Ms. Gail Ashby

Rev. Dr. Kent Berghuis

Ms. Billye Cappo

Ms. Cynde Collins-Clark

Ms. Carolyn Corbin

Ms. Sharon DePriest

Dr. Jerry and Mrs. Deniese M. Dillon

Ms. Jane T. Fickle

Ms. Patty Harrington

Ms. Cheryl Johnson

Rev. Wanda Kidd

Ms. Bonnie M. Lynn

Ms. Kathryn MacKenzie

Rev. Dr. Molly T. Marshall

Ms. Kelly Moore

Ms. Suzii Paynter

Ms. Sharon Pope

Ms. Ashley Robinson

Ms. Ann Snyder

Ms. Donna Wiles

Ms. Isabel Wiles

Rev. Dr. Tom and Mrs. Linda Wiles

Rev. Max and Rev. Leland Angell Scholarship

Mrs. Shirley Angell

Richard P. Olson Scholarship

Mr. Don and Mrs. Pricilla Hamilton-Van Veldhuizen

Dr. Richard P. and Mary Ann Olson

Rev. Tezenlo Thong

Rural Pastor Scholarship

Mr. Ralph M. Sloman

Steward M. and Marjorie M. McDaniel Scholarship

Mr. Clarence D. and Mrs. Glenna Brown

Ms. Donna Carrier

Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Patricia Cox

Ms. Mary Doyle

Ms. Susan Hunter

Ms. Barbara Kimball

Mr. Michael P. and Mrs. Margaret Martinie

Rev. Dr. Wayne and Mrs. Julia Paulsen

Yuko Indo International Women Scholarship


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Tolla Feyissa, MA (Theological Studies) student from Ethiopia, searches for online resources in the Shumaker Library on the Shawnee campus. Student worker, Joy Choi, stands by to assist.

We are grateful to all of our partners who give to sustain our mission . Please let us know if you do not see your name or your category seems to be incorrect . We want to be sure our records are correct and want you to know how grateful we are for your commitment to Central .

Providential Partners / $75,000 and up

Eula Mae and John Baugh Foundation

Greater Kansas City Community Foundation

Mr. R. Milton and Mrs. Neva Huffaker

Lilly Endowment, Inc.

Mr. Jim and Mrs. Jeanne O'Dell

Ms. Dianne C. Shumaker and Dr. Robert A. Southard

The Henry Luce Foundation

Presidential Partners / $20,000 - 74,999

American Baptist Churches of the Central Region

Ms. Patricia Shield Ayres

Mr. Donald Bloomgren †

Mr. Lonny and Mrs. Laura Bruce


Dr. Carol Ann Holcomb

Dr. Richard Kahoe

Mr. Daniel Emory Kahoe

Mr. Gregory Clark Kahoe

Mr. Philip R. and Mrs. Patricia B. Love

Rev. Dr. Molly T. Marshall

Rev. Norman J. and Mrs. Joyce L. Orr

Ms. F. Mauriece Smith

The Pillsbury Foundation

Thiel Charitable Trust

Rev. Lester B. and Mrs. Louise Vier

Decanal Partners / $10,000 - 19,999

Mr. Roger M. and Mrs. Anna M. K. Driskill

Go, Inc.

Mr. Robert M. Honeyfield

In Trust Center for Theological Schools

Rev. Angela Lowe

Dr. William G. and Rev. Mary Beth Mankin

Mr. Richard McCall

Ms. Beverly S. Odell

Mrs. Margene and Mr. Robert Phares

Mr. Ralph M. Sloman

Visionary Partners / $5,000 - 9,999

Ms. Rita C. Adams

Mr. KeunHo Choi

Covenant Association of the United Church of Christ

Florence M. Stout Estate

Rev. Dr. Gregory and Mrs. Priscilla Hunt

International Ministries

Dr. Wayne and Rev. Peggy Moore

Mr. Howard and Mrs. Linda J. Roos

Mr. Merle C. and Mrs. Dolores Schmidt

Mr. George N. and Mrs. Karen L. Townsend

Leadership Partners / $2,500 - 4,999

American Baptist Churches of the Great Rivers Region

American Baptist Foundation

Ann Arbor First Baptist Church

Ms. Gail Ashby

CBF Heartland

Rev. Dr. H. Layton and Mrs. Judith A. Cooper

Rev. Dr. F. Sue Fitzgerald

Mr. Arthur and Dr. Marlene Francis

Rev. Dr. John Gravley

Holmeswood Baptist Church

Kansas Baptist Convention Foundation

Ms. Mi Sook Kim

Missouri Baptist Foundation

Rev. Bruce W. and Mrs. Nancy S. Morgan

North Shore Baptist Church

Northminster Baptist Church

Mr. Cecil P. and Mrs. Katy Vandygriff, Jr.

Sowers / $1,000 - 2,499

American Baptist Home Mission Society


Rev. Dr. Lee W. and Mrs. Carolyn J. Carlson

Rev. Frances Cary

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Trainees in the August Buttry Center Training for Conflict Transformation Trainers came to Shawnee from both local and international locations, some of which are represented by the flags pictured with the group here.


Ms. Julie Baugh Cloud

Columbia First Baptist Church

Rev. Richard and Mrs. Mary Etta Copeland

Rev. Dr. Heather Entrekin and Mr. Peter M. Stover

Ms. Jane T. Fickle

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Mr. Carl J. and Mrs. D. Louise Gangwish, Jr.

Dr. Susan E. Gillies

Dr. Patricia I. Gillis

Grace Presbyterian Church

Dr. Patricia Griffen

Ms. Janine Griss

Rev. Cheri B. Grizzard

Rev. Dr. Ircel C. and Mrs. Rita F. Harrison

Drs. Amy and Wallace Hartsfield, II

Rev. Darrell E. Heidner †

Dr. Robert E. and Dr. Rebecca Johnson

Karen Baptist Churches in the USA

Rev. Dr. Stephen Hre Kio

Mrs. Esther A. Klaassen

Liberty Second Baptist Church

Rev. James and Mrs. Dorothy McCrossen

Mid-American Baptist Churches

Mr. Samuel Lau Kwok Ming

Dr. Gwendolyn S. O'Neal

Paola First Baptist Church

Dr. John and Mrs. Sumi Park

Rev. Dr. Wayne and Mrs. Julia Paulsen

Pine Street Church

Prairie Baptist Church

Dr. Tarris D. Rosell and Dr. Ruth Lofgren Rosell

Mr. James F. and Mrs. Martha A. Schaer

Mr. Harris F. and Mrs. Kathryn J. Seidel

Mr. Sang Pil Sim

Rev. Sanford and Mrs. Patricia Smith

Rev. Linda and Mr. Douglas Sutton

University Heights Baptist Church

Mr. Gary L. and Mrs. Shirley A. Wall

Ms. Donna Wiles

Mr. J. David and Mrs. Sarah Ann Wilson

Sustainers / $500 - 999

American Baptist Churches of the Dakotas

American Baptist Churches of the USA

Mr. Seung W. Ahn

Ms. Wai Austin

Dr. Wayne C. Bartee

Berkeley2 Academy, LLC

Mr. Duane and Mrs. Marcia Binkley

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Ms. Kerry J. Campbell

Mr. Charles C. and Mrs. Sachiko M. Cantrell

Cooperative Baptist Fellowship of Arkansas

Mr. Ross K. and Mrs. Maxine M. Cook

Rev. Joseph P. and Mrs. Linda R. Cunningham

Rev. Roger C. and Mrs. Kathryn P. Dahlen

Mr. Robert and Mrs. Judith Doll

Mrs. Gloria Fiedler

First Baptist Church of Colorado Springs

Grace Baptist Church of Kansas City

Grandview Baptist Church of Kansas City

Rev. Dr. Gary L. and Mrs. Janice L. Grogan

Mr. H. E. Hathaway

Mr. Jon and Mrs. Debbie Hochkammer

Ms. Therese M. Horvat

Rev. Walter L. Howard

Rev. Roger and Rev. Dr. Angela Jackson

Mr. Gun Hee Kim

Kirkwood Baptist Church

Lincoln Second Baptist Church

Ms. Bonnie M. Lynn

Ms. Edwina W. Mann

Dr. Sandra Mills

Mrs. Marilyn Mueller

Mr. Jimmy and Mrs. Kaye Nickell

Dr. Richard P. and Mary Ann Olson

Dr. Judy I. Orosz

Ottawa First Baptist Church

Mr. John C. and Ms. Susan Pauls

Rev. Trudy and Mr. Ed Pettibone

Dr. Margaret L. Prine †

Mr. Robert W. and Mrs. Paula J. Radford

Rev. Dr. Wayne and Mrs. Irene Shireman

Rev. Donald D. and Mrs. JoAnne Shoemaker

Ms. Ann Snyder

Rev. Dennis Strawn

Sukitee Inc.

Dr. Robert L. and Mrs. Barbara J. Sweat

The Darla Dee Turlington Charitable Foundation

Rev. Jennifer and Mr. Vance Thomas

Vanguard Charitable

Mrs. Margaret B. Wheat

Rev. Dr. Tom and Mrs. Linda Wiles

Ms. Laura Willis

Mr. Jay P. Young

Sponsors / $250 - 499

American Baptist Churches of the Dakotas

Atlantic First Baptist Church

Austin Korean Presbyterian Church

Bismark First Baptist Church

Boone First Baptist Church

Rev. Dr. Daniel and Mrs. Sharon Buttry

Rev. Dr. Eileen Campbell-Reed

Charm Korean BBQ LLC

Keum Hwa Chun

Rev. Charles E. and Mrs. Myrtle M. Clinkenbeard, Jr.

Englewood Baptist Church

Dr. Robert W. and Mrs. Loretta L. Fairchild

Mrs. Vernette Fulop

Drs. Neita and Charles Geilker

Rev. Lamar and Mrs. Sylvia Helms

Highland First Baptist Church

Highland Park Baptist Church

Dr. Dan Hobbs

Mr. Philip and Mrs. Jan Hockensmith

Immanuel Baptist Church Minot

Mr. Loren and Mrs. Sidney Janzen

Ms. Mina Joen

Ms. Beverly Juno

Ms. Barbara Kimball

Mrs. Joanna E. Knapp

Dr. Nora Lozano

Mrs. Noël MacClymont

North Platte First Baptist Church

Mr. Robert F. Quisenberry

Rev. Timothy R. and Mrs. Rebecca J. Ricketts

Mr. Hyung-Jin Rim

Rev. Robin Sandbothe

Selma Baptist ChurchStudents from the Korean Program listen intently during class on the Shawnee campus.

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Women students from the Women’s Leadership Initiative met at Glendale Baptist Church in Nashville, Tennessee, to celebrate with the first group to graduate from the program.

Dr. Robert E. and Mrs. Marilyn Shaw

Rev. Aline Silva

Mr. Hee J. Song

Rev. George J. and Mrs. Ruth L. Spencer

Mr. Don and Mrs. Pricilla Hamilton-Van Veldhuizen

Virden First Baptist Church

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ward

Waterloo First Baptist Church

Rev. Dr. John and Rev. Connie Williams

Supporters / Up to $249

American Baptist Churches of Nebraska

Ms. Geneva Abel


Rev. Donald F. and Mrs. Jane Allen

Alliance First Baptist Church

Mr. William J. and Mrs. Helen J. Ambrose, Jr.

American Baptist Churches of Nebraska

Mrs. Shirley Angell

Mr. David and Mrs. Mary Atwood

Mr. Neale K. and Mrs. Elaine Bartee

Dr. Heidi L. and Rev. Loren J. Baxter

Mr. Jim Bender

Mr. William J. and Mrs. Roberta J. Bennett

Rev. Dr. Kent Berghuis

Rev. Mangkheng BiakCeu

Bisang Inc

Ms. Phyllis Bourgois

Dr. Robert A. and Mrs. Linda L. Box

Dr. Kenneth T. and Mrs. Patricia A. Boyd

Dr. Virginia H. Boyd

Ms. Mary Alice Brake

Mr. Benjamin Broghammer

Mr. Clarence D. and Mrs. Glenna Brown

Ms. Loreen Burton

Dr. Wayne E. and Mrs. Joan M. Caldwell

Ms. Billye Cappo

Ms. Jan Carey

Ms. Jeannine Carmichael

Mr. Kenneth and Ms. Donna Carrier

Mr. Bokhyun Cho

Mr. Byung Jin Choi

Ms. Mi Jin Choi

Mr. Lawrence Chow

Mr. James and Mrs. June Clark

Drs. John E. and Ruth H. Clark

Rev. Dr. Ronald and Mrs. Kathleen Cobb

Colby First Baptist Church

Mr. Darrel W. and Mrs. Kay Coleman

Ms. Cynde Collins-Clark

Mr. David L. and Mrs. Ingrid M. Cook

Ms. Carolyn Corbin

Dr. Louise Sherry Cormier

Mr. Paul J. and Mrs. Nancy L. Costello

Rev. Thomas E. and Mrs. Suanna Counts

Rev. Bill and Mrs. Carole Cowell

Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Patricia Cox

Mr. and Mrs. Jim and Susan Crumpler

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José Martinez, DMin graduate, reads scripture during the May 2018 Commencement service.

Daisy Josiah Estate

D'Amore Revocable Trust

Rev. George E. and Mrs. Elizabeth Daniels

Ms. Sukanya Dare

Rev. Jaime E. and Mrs. Ann Davila

Ms. Heather Davis

Dr. Richard L. and Mrs. Janet Dayringer

Mr. S. Lucky and Mrs. Pamela A. DeFries

Dr. Stanley L. and Mrs. Alice Jo DeFries

Ms. Sharon DePriest

Dr. Jerry and Mrs. Deniese M. Dillon

Mr. Jim Downing

Ms. Mary Doyle

Mr. Leonard A. and Mrs. Edith M. Dunaway

Ms. Loulla Efstathiou

Elliott Avenue Baptist Church

Mrs. June Enget

Ms. Judith B. Ewalt

Mr. Woody and Ms. Barb Falkena

Rev. Nicole Finkelstein-Blair and Lt. J. Scott Blair

First Baptist Church Chapman

First Baptist Church of Decatur, IL

First Baptist Church of Guide Rock

Mr. John D. and Mrs. Margie Flanagin

Rev. Brian and Holly Ford

Rev. Randall S. and Mrs. Elaine Fredrikson

Rev. Joy and Mr. Collin Freeman

Mr. Jeffrey O. and Mrs. Judy C. Fryer

Mr. T. A. Galfano

Glenburn First Baptist Church

Rev. Oscar N. and Mrs. Betty Golden

Rev. M. Barbara Graham

Dr. John W. and Mrs. Sylvia L. Grisham

Mr. Paul and Mrs. Jeanne Grizzle

Rev. Dolph H. Grolock, Jr.

Rev. John E. and Mrs. Dee Anne Grummon

Dr. Earl and Mrs. Shirley Hackett

Ms. Dawn Hallman

Ms. Patty Harrington

Dr. Wallace S. Hartsfield

Haru Asian Cuisine Inc.

Ms. Joni Barnes Hawkins

Rev. Sandra W. and Mr. Robert Heacock

Mr. Donald Hiemstra

Rev. Robert L. and Mrs. Priscilla Hill

Ms. Della M. R. Hockett

Dr. Sally Holt

Mr. Kee Doh Htoo

Ms. Sabrina Huffaker

Rev. Nathan Huguley and Ms. Julia Wenzel-Huguley

Mr. William and Mrs. Marguerite Humenczuk

Ms. Susan Hunter

Mr. Joseph and Mrs. Dinah Huse

Indianola First Baptist Church

Rev. Dr. Shinchan Jeong

Rev. Mark and Mrs. Shirley Jervis

Jewish Community Relations Bureau

Mr. David and Rev. Stephanie Johanpeter

Ms. Cheryl Johnson

Mr. Don Johnston

Dr. John A. Jones, IV

Mr. Han-Soo Jung

Ms. Mar Jury

Mr. Sung W. Kang

Ms. Gail Katz

Mr. Brian Kaylor

Rev. Dr. and Mrs. James N. Kent

Rev. Wanda Kidd

Dr. Charles W. and Mrs. Patricia Kiker

Mr. Ha C. Kim

Mr. Mi Song Kim

Ms. Grace Kim

Ms. Hyegyoung Kim

Mr. JinGyu Kim

Ms. Stephanie Klett

Mr. Ja Myung Koo

Mr. David A. and Mrs. Mavis Kruger

Ms. Judith K. Landers

Mr. Gordon Lang

Dr. John N. and Mrs. Sandra B. Langfitt

Mr. Byeongho Lee

Ms. Seewha Lee

Rev. Dr. Seungtae Lee

Ms. Gyounghee Lee


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Faculty, staff, and students gather for Fall Convocation in the Baugh-Marshall Chapel.

Mr. David A. and Mrs. Janice E. Lee

Rev. William and Mrs. Inez LeRoy

Rev. Ronald P. and Mrs. Eunice D. Liesmann

Rev. Henry J. and Mrs. Sherry A. Lippert

Mr. Francisco and Mrs. Tania Litardo

Mr. James Lombardo

Chap. Col. William L. and Mrs. Mona L. Luce

Mr. John H and Mrs. Alice Ann Lumkes

Ms. Kathryn MacKenzie

Mr. Phil and Mrs. Pearl Madson

Ms. Catherine Maher

Manna Korean Restaurant

Ms. Carolyn Maples

Ms. Ann Martin

Mr. Michael P. and Mrs. Margaret Martinie

Mr. Earl E. and Mrs. Ethlyn O. McCleave

Mr. Roger and Mrs. Sandi McKee

Mrs. Harma McKenzie

Ms. Olivia McLaughlin

Mr. Chris Miller

Mr. Roger Miller

Rev. Robert C. and Mrs. Marcie Molby

Mrs. Helen Moore Montgomery

Mrs. L. Rogene Moody

Ms. Kelly Moore

Ms. Kelly E. Moreland Jones

Mount Vernon First Baptist Church

Mr. James E. and Ms. Donna L. Muiller

Mrs. Carolyn B. Muncy

Mr. Mordecai Murray

Dr. Roy and Mrs. Betty Nabors

Ms. Mu Nah

Ms. Ma Naparat

Mr. Milton and Mrs. Nancy Neshek

Ms. Firmly New

New Providence Baptist Church

Rev. Ronald W. and Mrs. Marilyn Newsom

Mr. Jim Niedzinski

Mr. Van Nixon

Rev. V. Clay and Mrs. Peggy J. Noah, Jr.

Mrs. Virginia L. Norfleet

Rev. Dr. Michael K. and Mrs. Nan Olmsted

Mr. Kyu Park

Dr. Samuel Park and Mrs. Seewha Lee

Mr. Lue Paul

Rev. Dr. Suzii Paynter

Mr. Kenneth E. and Mrs. Genevieve E. Peterson

Rev. Richard A. and Mrs. Janis M. Peterson

Rev. Dixie Lea Petrey

Dr. Robert M. and Mrs. Opal K. Phillips

Mr. Bay Lay Poe

Dr. Thomas W. and Rev. LeDayne M. Polaski

Ms. Sharon Pope

Ms. Mary S. Price

Mr. Todd R. and Mrs. Carolyn D. Pridemore

Mr. Jack A. and Mrs. Elaine E. Pugsley

Mrs. Dorothy L. Rathbun

Ms. Constance Record

Rev. Dr. Arlo R. Reichter

Mrs. Janie Rempel

Ms. Linda Remsen

Mr. V. James and Mrs. Verna A. Rhodes

Dr. Paul and Mrs. Susan Richardson

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Ms. Ashley Robinson

Rev. Larry D. and Mrs. Nancy Sayre

Mr. Robert Schmidt

Mr. Eric Schutt

Rev. Timothy J. Schwartz

Mr. G. Thomas Seely

Dr. Gam S. Shae

Ms. Rakmi Shaiza

Mr. Thomas R. and Mrs. Sandy Sharp

Mr. Jack and Mrs. A. Faye Shaw

Mr. Woo Chan Shim

Rev. Jan L. and Mr. Ronald E. Smith

Mrs. D. Eileen Smith

Ms. Ji Young Sohn

Mr. Jeffrey Staley

Rev. Robert D. and Mrs. Aileen Stanford

Rev. George W "Dub" and Mrs. Joy Steincross

Ms. Catherine Steinhafel

Mr. R. L. Sterns

Rev. R. Dean and Mrs. Gail Stewart

Ms. Mona Stivers

Ms. Maxine Stone

Ms. Frances Stone

Ms. Bok Sun Suh

Ms. Jinwon Sung

Super Teachers Corp.

Mr. Marvin Szneler

Rev. P. Tyler and Ms. Jessica Tankersley

Dr. J. E. and Mrs. Carole Tanner

Third Baptist Church of St. Louis, MO

Ms. Jennifer Hundley Batts Thomas

Mr. Richard Thompson

Rev. Tezenlo Thong

Ms. Nancy S. Tracy

Mr. Richard K. and Mrs. Jane H. Tuten

United Churches of Hot Springs

Rev. Sonja G. Van Dusseldorp

Dr. Jeffrey and Mrs. Tonya Vickery

Mrs. Pamela Viets

Dr. Ruth M. W. Warren

Rev. John B. and Mrs. Katherine Walker

Rev. Percy M. Walley, Jr.

Ms. Jo Ann Phillips Walters

Rev. Glenda R. Watts

Ms. Ashton M. Wells

Dr. David L. and Mrs. Carol Wheeler

Wicksville Community Church

Ms. Isabel Wiles

Rev. Alexander I. and Mrs. Penelope A. Wilkie, Jr.

Rev. Jessica and Mr. Justin Williams

Winchester First Baptist Church

Dr. R. Bruce and Mrs. Janice E. Woods

Ms. Susan Wooten

Mr. Larry and Mrs. Carole E. Zahnd

For more information on giving visit www .cbts .edu or contact Francisco Litardo, VP of Community Engagement: flitardo@cbts .edu

At the closing session of the Training for Conflict Transformation Trainers in August, participants tossed a ball of yarn and offered affirmations to one another – a visual demonstration of their newfound connectedness and support. In the foreground are Dan and Sharon Buttry who led this training experience.

Students participate in person in one of the Shawnee campus classrooms optimized for that purpose with cameras, microphones, and large screens or by Zoom from their own computers in locations across the US and the globe.

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Dr. Ruth Lofgren Rosell, Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology – Pastoral Care & Counseling, leads chapel for the Central community during the summer peace training. Dr. Rosell also participated in the training.

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6601 Monticello RoadShawnee, KS 66226-3513


Walter B . and Kay W . Shurden Lectures on

Religious Liberty and Separation of

Church and State

Right-sizing Religious Liberty and Why It Matters

March 26 - 7:30 p.m.

William JewellCollege

Liberty, Missouri

Race, Resistance, Religion and Rage

March 27 - 7:30 p.m.

Central Baptist Theological Seminary

Shawnee, Kansas





Free and open to the public

BJConline .org/ShurdenLectures


Rev. Dr. Aidsand Wright-Riggins

Preacher • Teacher • Politician • Advocate