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Moro,any of severalMuslim peoplesof Mindanao, Palawan, the Sulu Archipelago, and other southern islands of the Philippines. Constituting about 5 percent of the Philippine population, they can be classified linguistically

Negrito referring to their small stature, and was coined by early European explorers.Occasionally, some Negritos are referred to asNegrillos(pygmies), bundling them with peoples of similar physical stature in Central Africa, and likewise, the term Negrito was previously occasionally used to refer to African Pygmies

TheTabon Manrefers to a particular set of human remains, specifically of the speciesHomo sapiens sapiens the intelligent or modern man believed to be the first man in thePhilippines.

Java man was characterized by a cranial capacity averaging 900 cubic cm (smaller than those of later specimens ofH. erectus), a skull flat in profile with little forehead, a crest along the top of the head for attachment of powerful jaw muscles, very thick skull bones, heavy browridges, and a massive jaw with no chin. The teeth are essentially human though with some apelike features, such as large, partly overlapping canines.

Peking man was identified as a member of the human lineage. Peking man had a skull that was flat in profile, with a small forehead, a keel along the top of the head for attachment of powerful jaw muscles, very thick skull bones, heavy browridges, an occipital torus, a large palate, and a large, chinless jaw. The teeth are essentially modern, though the canines and molars are quite large, and the enamel of the molars is often wrinkled. The limb bones are indistinguishable from those of modern humans.

