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Global Perspective | Jazzy Liarchitecture and graphic design portfolio

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“Architecture is ‘frozen music’… Really there is something in this; the tone of mind produced by architecture approaches the effect of music.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


约翰 •沃尔夫冈 •冯 •歌德

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Born in 1989, Yueqi ‘Jazzy’ Li spent the first 13 years of his life in a small city in Central

China (Baoji, Shaanxi Province.) An only-child, he was however never spoiled by his parents. In fact, it was during this period when Li developed his outgoing personality and hardworking spirit, which have benefited him ever since then. In early 2003, his family moved to Beijing, the capital of China, thanks to a promotion Li’s father received. Originally reluctant to leave his home-town, the then 7th grader soon discovered the unparalleled resources and opportunities a capi-tal city undergoing massive development and globalization could offer. Before long, Li became a frequent visitor to bookstores, museums, and international exhibits and listed the city as his ultimate favorite.However, the real change in his life didn’t arrive until Li got into the most prestigious high school in China in 2005 - Beijing No. 4 High School.Selected as class president for the freshman year, Li constantly motivated himself to nurture his leadership skills by continuing to serve as


是在这个时期在父母的影响下形成了让他至今受益的开朗性格和努力向上的品德。2003年,当时上初一的李樾祺因为父亲的工作调动而随父母移居首都北京。本很不情愿离开故乡的他,很快意识到这个高速发展中的国际化城市里蕴藏着的难以比拟的资源和机会。他爱上了北京,爱上了首都的书城,英语角,博物馆,以及各种各样的国际演出与展览。2005年的夏天,李樾祺以优异成绩考入全国最负盛名的北京四中。一入高中,他便被选为班长,在接下来的学期里,积极进取的他又同时兼任了学生会文艺部长和模拟联合国社团副主席等职务,领导能力得到了极大的锻炼和成长。李樾祺因这些表现而被选拔和校长一起去新西兰基督城的姊妹学校访问。他这第一次不过半个月的出国经历,却深深的影响了他对学习和未来的思考。回国后不久,他下定决心:去美国读大学。2008年夏天,他飞到大洋彼岸的美国,以全奖生的身份来到位于新奥尔良的杜兰大学(Tulane� Uni-versity)学习建筑。仅仅经过一年的学习,他便做出了一部高质量的作品集,并因这作品集成功地找到了在上海的中瑞合办EXH� Design印西诃设计有限公司的暑期实习机会。目前作为五年建筑系大二的李樾祺,又完成了这本最新的作品集,希望能通过它好寻到2010年夏天的实习机会,并期望通过努力为实习公司的发展和建设做出贡献。�����

About Me 关于

Beijing, China

Shanghai, China

Baoji, China

Minister of Art and Culture of the Student Gov-ernment as well as Vice President of the Model UN organization. Li was selected to travel with the school principal on a trip to a sister school in Christchurch, New Zealand in early 2006. Li’s very first abroad experience opened up a brand new horizon of his future and had a huge influ-ence on the big decision he was determined to make after he returned home: to go to college in the US. In 2008, Li traveled across the Pacific to study architecture at Tulane University, where he re-ceived the distinctive Dean’s Honor Scholarship. After only one year of study, Li produced a high quality portfolio, which helped him land a sum-mer internship with the Swiss Chinese firm EXH Design in Shanghai, China in 2009. A current 2nd-year student, Jazzy Li is looking for a summer internship with this new portfolio of his best work. Capable and Passionate for ar-chitecture, Li will do his best to add great value and dynamics to your office.


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complex rendering3d Modeller: 3D Max, Sketchup, and RhinoRenderer: V-Ray

complex rendering3d Modeller: 3D Max, Sketchup, and RhinoRenderer: V-Ray

New Orleans, LA

Contents 目录

Canal Street Fire Station 卡纳尔街消防站new orleans, la 美国新奥尔良

page 18

Xujiahui�Facade�Design�徐家汇高层立面设计shanghai, china 中国上海

page 4

Nanxiang�Urban�Villa�南翔城市别墅shanghai, china 中国上海

page 8

Turtle Cove Research Pavilion 乌龟湾科研亭manchac, la 美国曼查克

page 14

17th Street Canal Viewing Platform 十七街运河观景台new orleans, la 美国新奥尔良

page 22

Freret Street Micro-Dorm 福莱特街微型宿舍new orleans, la 美国新奥尔良

page 26

Bi-Mix Housing 双混住宅new orleans, la 美国新奥尔良

page 30

Freelance Graphic Design 平面设计location varies 位置不定�

page 34


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Xujiahui Facade Design, Shanghai, China © EXH DESIGN

Summer Internship With EXH Design

Located in one of the city centers of Shanghai, China, this project of 3 residential and 2 of-fice towers was originally designed by a large state-owned corporate firm. However, the client came to EXH after the plans had been halfway through government approval, seeking an ‘at-tractive and modern’ look for this complex. The challenge for EXH lies in the little leeway in changing the existing plans and how to create an aesthetically pleasing and practically func-tional building envelope. Taking a geometric cutting approach, the new facade aims to cre-ate a dynamic effect that will become a strong architectural icon for its immediate

Credit:Conceptual design2D draftingPhysical and digital site model and process models3D modelling





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original rendering site model 1:400

office tower II rendering

modified site plan 5

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process models 1:200

office tower I rendering

office tower I modified floor plan 1:500 6

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residential towers I and II rendering

residential tower I modified floor plan 1:500ventilation detail (perforated copper panels) 7

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Nanxiang Urban Villa, Shanghai, China © EXH DESIGN

Summer Internship With EXH DesignThis housing project located in Nanxiang, a suburban area 25 kilometers (15 miles) west to downtown Shanghai, maximizes the value of the landscape by creating open and green spaces that address the lack of quality contemporary liv-ing in Shanghai.Sandwiched between a river to the south and an industrial area in the north, the 370m x 60m (1200’ x 200’) linear site provides both oppor-tunities and challenges. In an effort to block the exhaust and noise from the north, a two-lane road access and parking lots for both cars and bikes are arranged along the northern edge as a buffer. Apartment buildings of two main types (high-rises and low-rise villas) are laid out with the goal of framing views to the river in mind. As individual as they seem to be, an entrance plaza and a playground in the back linked by a con-tinuous promenade through the covered ground floors of the highrises and the villas begin to pull the buildings together and form an intimate community for the

Credit:2D draftingPhysical and digital modelsSun and shadow studiesFacade exploration

这是一个位于上海西边南翔的住宅项目。基地呈狭长带状(370m�x�60m);其南面沿河,北面与工业区相连。为最大化的利用景观和朝向,所有的停车位和一条双车道的公路都被安排在了北边,而公共步道则沿河布置。步道起始于入口广场,贯穿每个建筑物后终结于尾端的活动场地。住宅为高层和底层结合以满足容积率的要求。为了使‘在绿色中居住’成为可能,所有建筑都被经过景观设计的植物环绕,让交通和噪音都消失在建筑物后面。居住体验上,设计的理念是让建筑物反映出有时代精神的生活方式——拥有开放透明的空间和充足的阳光和新鲜空气。为了能达到这个目标,在具体的户型设计上‘内阳台’被广泛使用。� 内阳台在空间上既是私密和公共的分割,也是室内空间向外的延伸。在好的天气里打开滑动门,所有房间贯穿为一体,居住着便能体会到在上海少有的空间深度。



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south facade perspective

site plan 1: 400

vegetation plan 1: 400

pedestrian traffic plan 1:400


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small highrise ground floor plan 1:400 small highrise floor plan type A 1:400

small highrise floor plan type B 1:400 small highrise floor plan type C 1:400


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facade study for the small highrise

highrise rendering






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large villa ground floor plan 1:400 arge villa second floor plan 1:400

large villa third floor plan 1:400 large villa roof plan 1:400

large villa southwest elevation 1:400 large villa northwest elevation 1:400 12

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large villa rendering

covered public space rendering


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Turtle Cove Research Pavilion, Manchac, LASecond-year Studio ProjectThe Turtle Cove Environmental Research Sta-tion is a field research and educational facil-ity of Southeastern Louisiana University and is located in the Lake Pontchartrain estuarine ecosystem. Set deep in the marsh, this pavilion is an addition to the main station, which is con-nected by 2 miles of boardwalkThe deisgn intends to marks the juncture be-tween the man-made boardwalk and the or-ganic landscape below. Serving as a classroom and viewing platform, the enclosure seeks to blur the transition between indoor, outdoor, man-made and organic spaces. The walls and roof planes are discretely segmented, allowing their perceived unity to change with the vary-ing infiltration of natural factors such as sun, shadow and wind through their gaps. Derived from a cypress tree root, the screen system fur-ther blurs these boundaries while shielding the structure from western sun.The building is designed to be self sustainable. Power is provided by the solar panels installed on the roof, and water is collected in a cistern with a purification system at the bottom of the sloped roof.



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floor plan 1/32”=1’-0” roof plan 1/32”=1’-0”

southeast perspective 15

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section 1/32”=1’-0”

basswood model 1/16”=1’-0” 16

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solar panels

exploded axonometric


metal screen

screen pattern development

form tracing 2D to 3D flatten



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Canal Street Fire Station, New Orleans, LASecond-year Studio ProjectA thorough site research was conducted before the schematic design process for this project. It was discovered that this 330’ x 200’ city block bears an elongated rectangular shape and the block stretches several miles towards both directions, forming a strip of linear rectangles among typical square blocks in mid-city New Orleans. Surrounded by traditional shotgun residential development, the site calls for a functional, modern, and sustainable design that retains its compatibility to the neighborhood. The scheme utilizes 13 volumes whose scale relates to the site and corresponds to a typical shotgun. Every single element is set up to fol-low a 4’ grid, with the exception of the shifted center piece: the apparatus bay and the recre-ation room on the second floor.With the building only occupying about 30% of the site, landscaping becomes vitally important to the overall quality of the design.


The same grid and module is used to create an homogeneous relationship between the archi-tecture and the landscape. Mostly covered by greenery, the site becomes a urban plaza with ponds, trees, and parking spaces to fully engage the neighborhood with this public project.

这个位于新奥尔良市主干道之一卡纳尔街上的消防站坐落在一个100m� x� 60m的城市地块上。基地被四条道路相夹,南面为主干道卡纳尔街。通过深度的基地分析可发现,虽为一个整体的城市地块(city� block),但此块呈狭长长方形的地块与美国城市最常见的100m� x� 100m地块在几何形体上有明显区别。相反,它在平面上却与美国南部的典型shotgun民居原型极为相似。更为特殊的是,这个狭长地块在新奥尔良城中区向北向南各延伸数公里,这种城市尺度的延续性不应被忽略。虽然是一座能容纳三辆全尺寸消防车的大型公共建筑,但与基地的尺度相比,这个消防站却无法占有所有的面积。于是,如何在剩余的土地上进行景观设计并使其有机地与建筑物本身结合为一体便成了设计的主要理念之一。

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covered area

covered area

balcony concept diagram

circulation diagram

public staircase

private staircase

egress staircase

program diagram

apparatus / maintenance




site diagram showing block coninuity and rendered site plan

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ground floor plan 1/64”=1’-0” second floor plan 1/64”=1’-0”

canal street elevation1/64”=1’-0” longitudinal section 1/64”=1’-0”

sleeping cell interior day room / recreation room interior

process diagrams

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roof and landscape plan 1/64”=1’-0”

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17th Street Canal Viewing Platform, New Orleans, LAFirst-year Studio ProjectDuring Hurricane Katrina, a portion of the 17th Street Canal flood wall was breached and water surged into the low land, flooding many areas of the city. Due to the increasing demand of vis-itors to view the fatal failures, the New Orleans city government decides to provide a public observation platform along the breach site. Designed for the purpose of viewing, reflect-ing, meditating, praying, and observing the breached wall, the project seeks to explore the possibility of static wood pieces creating dy-namic forms of motion. Four ramps that meet A.D.A. Specifications ascend up to 12’ off the ground and comprise the primary structure. The undulating effect along the side, evocative of the water and the disaster, was created by 2” x 4” x 8’ wood sticks bolted to two layers of de-liberately designed brackets which are in turn connected to the ramp railings. As one starts walking on the ramp, the undulating effect of the wood sticks and their shadows become even more dynamic. Four viewing platforms of increasing heights are provided, with the last one at the end being the highest and crossing over the flood wall.

在2005年新奥尔良卡特里娜飓风中,十七街运河的大坝因施工缺陷无法抵住高涨的河水而崩塌,导致城市很大一部分被淹,因而臭名昭著。飓风后大坝很快被修复并加固,而当年决堤的地点也成为了游客在后卡特里娜时代在新奥尔良必须参观的重要地点。新奥尔良政府因而希望能在此处建造一个无障碍和方便拆卸转移的观景台。这个设计采用轻制木结构,与传统多由直角和直线组成的木结构建筑不同,这个设计力求在采用最基本的材料和技术下创造出非传统的曲线形体与动感。整个观光台由四个基本的斜坡组成,而波浪状的效果则是由许多2英寸� x� 4英寸� x� 8英尺(5cm� x� 10� cm� x� 800cm)的木条以精心设计并计算的间距连接在斜坡的扶手结构上形成的。游客沿着斜坡缓缓上升,这木条本身形成的和其阴影投射出的双重波浪效果变得更为动感,折射出当时飓风掀起的滔天巨浪。整个建筑提供了四个高度逐渐上升的观景平台,位于坡道最后的一个最高,超过并部分跨国了防洪墙,以提供最好的视野。


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aerial view of the site during hurricane katrina

perspective: on the first viewing platform

perspective: on the main ramp


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plan 1/32”=1’-0” basswood model 1/16”=1’-0” 24

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basswood structural mockup 1/2”=1’-0”

basswood model 1/16”=1’-0” 25

rendered elevation

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Freret Street Micro Dorm, New Orleans, LASecond-year Studio ProjectThis scheme of the 30-person off-campus dormi-tory for Tulane University centers around a grand porch and a double-height lounge, aiming to create a friendly and intimate connection between residents of the building. Located on the first floor is a storefront space dedi-cated to Tulane City Center required by the program, which is separated from the rest of the dormitory.Communal spaces of varying sizes, both indoor and outdoor, are located on every floor. Instead of stack-ing them on top of each other, bridging, overlapping and cantilevering strategies were used to visually and psychologically connect them, pulling residents to-gether and away from an increasingly isolated world. The giant porch serves as an outdoor communal space and an extension to the grand lounge on the second floor. Likewise, balconies above become ex-tensions to the communal space on each floor and connections between each of these outdoor spaces including the private courtyard on the ground natu-rally occur to encourage cross-floor interactions. This scheme also utilizes inclined surfaces to create useful transitional in-between spaces and to evoke the feeling of a traditional pitched roof home. Sus-tainability wise, ample sunshade for the fully glazed west facade is provided through the metal screen at-tached at a slant to the main structure. The sloped roof also provides ideal spaces for solar panels and a water collection system for the rooftop pool.



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tulane university

monroe hall: tallest building in the nieghborhood freret street


st. charles street

st claiborne avenue

freret marke


napolean avenue

jefferson avenue

soniat street

downtown new orleans mississippi river

5-minute walking radius

10-minute walking radius

15-minute walking radius

floor plans one thourgh fifth floor 1/32”=1’-0”

longitudinal section

distance code (distance between an interior wall to the section cut)2 feet10 feet20 feet24 feet

comprehensive site analysis diagram


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freret street elevation 1/16”=1’-0”

grand lounge rendering

1/8”=1’-0” bas relief model (12 sections)

1/8”=1’-0” model (view on freret street approaching the dorm )


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soniat street elevation 1/16”=1’-0”

sectional perspective


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8° 0° -5°

Primitive Modernity - Vacation Rental Housing, Big Bend National Park, TXSecond-year Studio ProjectLocated in the heart of the Big Bend National Park, TX, this vacation rental housing project aims to provide its tenants the best lodging experience while maintaining a healthy contact to the sur-rounding natural senary. It was designed with the principle in mind that architecture on such a remote but stunningly beautiful site should begin to engage the nature as opposed to competing for the primary existence. To ensure the ‘viewing democracy‘ within the cluster, all the units are arranged on an arch whose radii all point to the monumental rock scene in the middle of the River de Grande. Enclosed by a porous wall assembly using primitive on-site materials - straw and shale - the interior becomes a micro-climate that enjoys a dappled light effect and also the freedom to uti-lize glass ceiling and sliding doors to maximize spatial transparency and flexibility.



interior rendering

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site plan 1”=400’



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down at the bottom


sectional perspective showing ventilationg and shading strategy

entrance on the sky deck

The section developed for this project took into ac-count the hot and arid climate and makes use of a number of passive environmental strategies.As seen in the sectional perspective on the left, each unit is broken into two levels: one above the ground and cantilevering off of the cliff (the living); the other below the ground and embedded in earth (the sleep-ing). Shading for the ground level is provided through the micro-climate (see interior rendering) created by the porous exterior enclosure. The embedded level on the other hand, is set back six feet and utilizes the cantilever to provide shading for the bedrooms. In the winter when the sun position is low, both levels are able to get solar heat and day lighting.The fact that the site is located on an extremely hot and arid desert requires the buildings to not only have ample shading but also an effective cooling system. Taking advantage of the spring source and the prevail-ing southeastern winds in the summer, natural cooling begin to take shape. Openings in line with the corridor between the two glass units are cut out on the exterior enclosure to facilitate south-north ventilation. Together with the flexible voids formed by the sliding doors, staggering and high-ribbon openings on two other sides of the enclosure are designed to facilitate east-west ventila-tion. Water from the spring also circulates thorough and around the units to further cool down the breezes, maintaining a high comfort level in the interior.

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1/16” detail plan _ ground level


1/128” organization plan

1/16” detail plan _ underground level

under the walkway behind the community pool end of walkway by one of the ‘viewing walls‘

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Riverside Bi-Mix Residence, New Orleans, LASecond-year Studio ProjectLocated adjacent to Mississippi River levee in Up-town New Orleans, this residence for a musician and a writer is built on the site of an existing one-floor warehouse. Although it was allowed to modify or even tear down the existing building, the final design leaves the warehouse with a sloped roof completely in-tact to preserve the rough style of this neighbor-hood along the industrial part of the river. The new two-floor structure is lifted up and separated from the ground floor by a series of columns. The bot-tom floor of the new addition was articulated in the way that it follows the existing roof profile and creates a consistent 3’ gap, allowing the building to ‘float’ above the warehouse like a ship in the river.By adding a rectangle to a triangle, a trapezoid is formed. The challenges brought by the triangular shape of the site is solved in the exactly same way. The organizational strategy in both plan and elevation utilizes this trapezoidal element and an orthogonal grid to relate the two reciprocal compartments of the building, both of which has panarama views towards the river.



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guest entrance


space for rent

guest bedroom




living room

existing roof



writer’s bedroom



existing roof

working area

small living


balcony below

shared balcony

small living

working area


ground floor plan 1/32”=1’-0”

second floor plan 1/32”=1’-0”

third floor plan 1/32”=1’-0” 31

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1/16”basswood model

1/16”basswood model


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porch writer’s bedroom


balcony living room

working areaworking area small living


guest bedroomentrancekitchendiningliving room

working area small living bedroom

space for rent

cross section 1/32”=1’-0

longitudinal section 1/32”=1’-0


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Graphic Design WorkLocation VariesEarly in high school, Jazzy Li developed an interest in graphic design by taking elective courses on 3D Studio Max and Adobe Photoshop. He was fascinated by how art can be creatively expressed in a digital fashion and how with the new technology a brand new field of design can be explored. With great curiosity and passion, Li soon equipped himself with the ability to do basic graphic design by learning other design programs such as Illustrator and InDesign. He started trying out different things: T-shirt design, logo design, book/book covers, flyers, and posters.Months before Li moved to America for college, he officially became a graphic desinger for an Ameri-can who ran two Tex-Mex style restaurants in Beijing.

李樾祺对平面设计的兴趣是在高中时期通过上3D� Max和Adobe� Photoshop的选修课培养起来的。艺术的数码表达和电脑技术的应用给平明设计带来的新空间让他对更是对这一领域充满好奇,决心要探索一番。通过自学,李樾祺又掌握了Illustrator和InDe-sign,并很快就开始了基本的平面设计。他尝试性地做了T恤设计,logo设计,书籍和专辑封面设计,以及海报设计等等。在他赴美留学的几个月前,李樾祺真正成为了一名专业平面设计从业者。他为一个美国人在北京开的两家德州墨西哥餐馆完成了各种各样的设计,包括菜单,活动海报,杂志广告以及食品摄影等等。除此之外,其他商业人士也联系过他做logo设计。截至目前,他分别为一个国际翻译服务公司和一个SNS网站的两个logo设计已被正式使用。

logo design | client: hytes group limited high school commencement t-shirt design logo design | client: tianxiawen social group


In this capacity, Li completed a wide range of graphic projects, including menus, event posters, magazine advertisement as well as food photograpy.Jazzy Li have also been approached by other busi-ness owners to design company logos. As of now, two logos by Li have been selected and registered, respectively for a global translation service group and a social networking web site.

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special event poster | client: tim’s texas roadhouse

special event poster | client: tim’s texas roadhouse


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OOBJECTIVE I am looking for a full-time internship. Capable and passionate for architecture, I am confident that my architectural skills,

diverse background, and hardworking spirit will add great value and dynamics to the design team and the office.


TTulane School of Architecture, Tulane University NNeew Orleans,, USAA Currently 3rd-year student | M.Arch Candidate | Expected graduation date 2013 August ‘08 – Present GPA: 3.76/4.00

Professional Experience

SSolid Objectives –– IIdenburg LLiu ((SSO--IIL)) BBrooklyn, New Yorkk Project Leader | carrying out a pavilion project from concept design through construction phase.

May ‘10 – September ‘10EEXH DESIGN SShanghai, Chinaa Architectural Intern | Concept design, 3D/physical modeling, and 2D drafting June ‘09 – August ‘09TTim’s Roadhouse Restaurantss BBeijing, Chinaa Graphic Designer March ‘08 – September ‘08

Proficiency in English and Mandarin/Chinese + Basic Spanish Related Skills

Proficiency with AutoCAD, Rhino+Grasshopper, V-Ray, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and Google SketchUp, Microsoft Office and all both Mac and PC platforms; proficient operation on HP plotters, Universal Laser Cutter, and PROJECT 3D printer.



HHousing and Residence Life, Tulane University NNew Orleans,, USAA Resident Advisor (RA) and past Desk Services Coordinator (DSC) September ‘08 – PresentDDigital Ouutput Lab, Tulane School of Architecture NNew Orleans,, USAA Laser Cutting and Plotting Services Provider September ‘08 – Present AAmmerican IInnstitute of AArrchitecture SSttudents TTulane Chapter NNew Orleans,, USAA Director of Programming March ‘09 – PresentUUtop LLanguage Academy BBeijing, Chinaa Small Class Chinese Language Instructor April ‘08 – August ‘08

Additional Experience

BBeijing No.4 High School BBeijing, Chinaa Class President September ‘05 – July ‘07President of the Art and Culture Department, Student Government Vice President of the Model UN Organization

Honors & Awards

AAt Tulane University Awarded First Prize at the first annual school-wide competition (September 2010) Tulane Dean’s Honors Scholar Three-semester Tulane Dean’s List Tulane Dean’s Grants Recipient AAt Beijing No.4 High School Received numerous student awards including “Model Student”, “Ten Best Citizens”, “Excellent Student Leader”, “Best Delegate” of 2006 Model UN conference and “Best Work” of the Municipal Computer Design Competition 2006

Related Travel

AAtlanta, GA | AIAS South Quad Conference 2009 Spring SSavannah, GA | AIAS South Quad Conference 2009 Fall MMinneapolis, MN | AIAS Forum National Conference 2010 New Year SSan Francisco, CA + Shanghai + New York, NY | DIY Architectural Trip throughout 2009

References FFlorian Ideenburg, director of SO-IL [email protected] XXi Zhang, principal of EXH Design [email protected] TThaddeus Zarse,,, adjunt professor at Tulane School of Architecture [email protected]

#5360 Tulane University, 31 McAlister Drive, New Orleans, LA 70118|504.701.7861|[email protected]|[email protected]


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