Page 1: GS1GTIN_MilestoneFoodProcessors

8/19/2019 GS1GTIN_MilestoneFoodProcessors 1/1

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Topper )!re Compan*, In#.


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United States

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Sear#h b* GTIN

 4s the name implies, the GTIN helps a!tomate the tradin pro#ess

; basi#all* b!*in and sellin. GTINs are therefore assined to an* item (prod!#t or

servi#e that ma* be pri#ed, or ordered, or invoi#ed at an* point in an* s!ppl* #hain.

The GTIN is then !sed to to retrieve pre3defined information abo!t the item.

6ore Information on GTIN. (http://www.s1.or/bar#odes/te#hni#al/id<e*s/tin

)o#ate enterprise b* information appearin in the bar#ode pla#ed on trade item or

#ons!mer !nit:

Global Trade Item N!mber: $%&'%$-%$1-'

Trade Item +wnership

Trade Item Info


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riva#* poli#* (http://www.s1.or/priva#*

=ebsite feedba#< (mailto:s!pport>epirs!pport.or

Conta#t lo#al GS1 offi#e (http://www.s1.or/#onta#t

rch by barcode | GEPIR | Services | GS1 - The global language of b...

1 11/9/2015 10:45 AM