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  • 7/27/2019 H12 Meenam2


    H12 Meenam (Pisces)

    Guru (Jupiter)



    H1 Mesh (Aries)

    Mangal (Mars)



    H2 Edav(Vrishab


    Shukra (Venus)




    H3 Miduna(Gemini)

    Budh (Mercury)

    H11 Kumb(Aquarius)

    Shani (Saturn)

    H4 Karkidakam


    Chandra (Moon)



    H10 MakarCapricorn)

    Shani (Saturn)



    H5 Chingam (Leo)

    Surya (Sun)

    H9 Danu(Sagittarius)

    Guru (Jupiter)

    H8 Vrichik(Scorpio)

    Mangal (Mars)




    H7 Tulam (Libra)

    Shukra (Venus)



    H6 Kanni (Virgo)

    Budh (Mercury)



    (M) Maraka , (Ka) Karaka

    Legends Mangal: Ruler of Sign :Neutral Ketu : Exaltedin Sign

    Sun (ravi)(M)Venus (shukran)Mercury(bhudhan)Saturn (Sani)

    Venus (shukran)Mercury(bhudhan)(M)Saturn (Sani)


    Jupiter(vyazham)Venus (shukran)

    Sun (ravi)Mars (kuja)(M) Jupiter(vyazham)



    n (ravi)iter


    on: u


    a: Sun,turn,










    (bhudhan)Saturn (Sani)Venus (shukran)

    Ka:SU & JU


    (bhudhan)Saturn (Sani)Ka:Saturn

    (M)Mars (Kujan)

    Sun (Ravi-Surya)


    Moon Mars

    (kuja)Jupiter (Guru)Ka: Ma &Sat



    Moola Trikona


    Communications &Sibiligs &Braveryinitiation

    Home & Moter &


    Creativity & Education& Love & Luck & Ability

    HealthWork and job.Self Im rovement

    Marriage & Partnership(M)Mercury

    Shared resources.Self-Mastery.Life/Death attitude

    Taking Power.Career.Outer World.Contributing tosociety.attitude

    Religion. Law.Travel &Quests.JourneysPublishing.Higher learning.Foreigncountries.

    Hopes & wishes.Teams. Clubs.Organizations.


    Transcendence.Spiritual Life.Solitude.

  • 7/27/2019 H12 Meenam2


    Mercury: Malefic : Duststhana Rahu:Debiliated Dristi


    A planet or house in the 2nd, 4th and 11th houses from a planet or house causes primary argala

    on the latter. Argala by a benefic planet is called a subhaargala (benefic intervention) and

    argala by a malefic planet is called a paapaargala (malefic intervention)

    Ardha lagna

    (1) Count signs from the house of interest to the sign containing its lord. Counting is in the

    zodiacal direction always. For example, if the house we are interested in is in Gemini and its lord

    Mercury is in Aquarius, we count signs from Gemini to Aquarius and get 9.

    (1) Count the same number of signs from the sign containing the lord and find the ending sign. In

    the above example, we count 9 signs from Aquarius and we end up in Libra.(1) Exception: If the sign found thus in step (4) is in the 1st or 7th from the original sign in step

    (1), then we take the 10th sign from the sign found in step (4). Otherwise we dont make anychange.

    (1) The resulting sign contains the arudha pada of the house of interest.(Ardha lagna)

    Naisargika karakas:a. Ve: Marriage

    b. Ju: children

    c. Su: Powerd. Me: General karakafor career (Me showsaccounting,


    e. Sa: Hard work

    f. Ra, Ke: terrorists

    g. Mo: Minister, bureaucrats

    h. Ma: Soldiers, Police, initiative, drive in career

    Marriage 7 th house plant impact

    1. Sun - Body will be emaciated, gives two spouses. The nature of the spouse will be bad.

    2. Moon - Peaceful and beautiful spouse.

    3. Mars - Two spouses. Wife may get sick.4. Mercury - Good and beautiful spouse.

    5. Jupiter - Good partner, good wife and a good vehicle.

    6. Venus - Wealth. May lose spouse.

    7. Saturn - An ugly and older spouse.

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    8. Rahu - Marital problems on the cards.

    9. Ketu - Bad sexual habits.


    Jupiter is karaka of education. It is desired to be placed in 5th/with 5th lord / 9th / Kendra.Mercury shows basic intelligence and level of intellect; it should be in Kendra / own house /

    exalted for good educational achievements

    The important Yogas for good educational achievement are

    (1) Buddhaditya yoga Conjunction of Sun and Mercury gives intelligence, wisdom and sharp


    (2) Shankha yoga 5th and 6th lord in mutual Kendras gives good educational career.(3) Sarawasti Yoga If Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are in lagna /4th / 7th / 9th / 10th or

    together; ones educational achievements are good.

    (4) Buddha Yoga Jupiter in lagna, Moon in Kendra, Rahu in 2nd from Moon; Sun and Mars in

    3rd from Rahu gives knowledge of many sciences.

    (1) SUN Political Science, statistics, Mathematics and Physics

    (2) MOON Music, Fine art, chemistry, para medical

    (3) MARS Logic, mechanic, engineer, doctor and surgeon(4) MERCURY Accountancy, astrology and economics

    (5) JUPITER Vedanta, Literature, History, Management

    (6) VENUS Music, Dance, Art, Painting, Hotel Management, Tourism and Computer

    animation(7) SATURN Labour law, Geology

    (8) RAHU research, Foreign language, Pilot

    (9) KETU Language, Magic, Criminal logy, Forensic Science

    Personal, Social, and Universal Astrology House Definitions Keywords

    Personal Houses

    1 2 3 4

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  • 7/27/2019 H12 Meenam2


    Cardinal signs aspects Fixed signs except the onesplaced adjacent to them.

    Aries aspects Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.Cancer aspects Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius.Libra aspects Taurus, Leo and Aquarius.Capricorn aspects Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio.

    Fixed signs aspects the Cardinal signs except theones next to them.

    Taurus aspects Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.Leo aspects Aries, Libra and Capricorn.Scorpio aspects Aries, Cancer and Capricorn.Aquarius Aspects Aries, Libra and Cancer.

    Mutable signs aspect the other mutable signs.

    Gemini aspects Virgo, Sagittarius and PiscesVirgo aspects Gemini, Pisces and SagittariusSagittarius aspects Pisces, Gemini and VirgoPisces aspect Sagittarius, Virgo and Gemin

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  • 7/27/2019 H12 Meenam2






    Kanni Tulam




    Medum Meenu

    m Kumbam

  • 7/27/2019 H12 Meenam2


    Goal Individual Self Other People World / Universalized

    Dharma - Right


    1st house - Body,

    personality, Identity

    5th house - romance,

    education, children

    9th house - Spirituality,

    Gods Grace, Guru

    Artha - Resources 2nd house - Security,

    Wealth, Food

    6th house - hard work,

    debts, enemies

    10th house - highest

    worldly action

    Kama - Desires 3rd house - Interests,

    curiosity, courage

    7th house - partners,

    business associates

    11th house - highest

    worldly ambition

    Moksha -


    4th house - Home,

    inner peace, Mother

    8th house - death, sex,



    12th house - ultimate

    liberation from body

    Easy Reference for DivisionalChart Users

  • 7/27/2019 H12 Meenam2



    Significator Houses

    Elder Siblings D-3 Jupiter 11th, 9th, 7th..

    Younger Siblings D-3 Mars 3rd, 5th, 7th

    House & Real Assets D-4 Mars 4th

    Foreign Residence D-4 Rahu 9th, 12th

    Credit & Loans D-4 Mercury, Mars 6th

    Enemies D-6

    Mars, Saturn 6th

    Litigation D-6 Mars 6th

    Health Rasi, D-6 Sun, Mars 6th

    Children D-7 Jupiter 5th, 7th, 9th

    Longevity D-11 Saturn 8th

    Troubles D-8 Mars, Saturn 6th, 8th

    Wife D-9 Venus 7th

    Illicit Relationships D-9 Rahu 7th

    Pleasures in Bed D-9, D-16 Venus 12th

    Career D-10 Sun 10th

    Reputation in Career D-10 Sun, Saturn 5th

    Mother D-12 Moon 4th

    Father D-12 Sun 9th

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    Vehicles (e.g. car) D-16 Venus 4th

    Material Luxuries D-16 Venus 4th, 5th, 9th, 11

    Religious Deeds D-20 Jupiter, Ketu 9th, 12th

    Moksha/Emancipation D-20 Ketu 12th

    Learning & Education D-24 Jupiter 4th, 5th

    Sins D-30 Saturn, Rahu 6th, 8th

    Karma D-30 Rahu 9th

    * These charts were not prescribed by Parasara.

    Nitya (Permanent) bhavakarakas :The permanent significators for the twelve houses are fixed for all charts. Hence the nameNitya

    indicating 'permanent'. These are:

    1 st house: Sun2 nd : Jupiter

    3 rd : Mars

    4 th : Moon, Mercury5 th : Jupiter

    6 th : Mars, Saturn

    7 th : Venus8 th : Saturn9 th : Sun, Jupiter

    10 th : Sun, Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter

    11 th : Jupiter12 th : Saturn

    Seven karakas in order of decreasing longitude:Starting from the highest degree down to the lowest degree

    Atma (Soul)

    Amatya (Intellect/Mind)Bhratri (Siblings)

    Matri (Mother)

    Putra (Children)Gnati (Collateral relatives)

    Dara (Spouse)

  • 7/27/2019 H12 Meenam2


    Arudha Charts Enunciated from Symbol used Lagna Arudha or Lagna Pada 1 st house A1 Dhana Arudha(Pada) 2 nd house A2

    Vikrama / Bhatru Pada 3 rd house A3

    Matru / Sukha Pada 4 th house A4

    Mantra / Putra Pada 5 th house A5 Roga /Satru Pada 6 th house A6

    Dara / Kalatra Pada 7 th house A7

    Mrutyu / Marana Pada 8 th house A8 Pitru /Bhagya Pada 9 th house A9

    Karma /Rajya Pada 10 th house A10

    Labha Pada 11 th house A11 Vyaya /Upa Pada 12 th house Up

    Amsas in D60

    Each rasi is divided into 60 parts of 30 minutes each.

    below all the amsa rulers in order , starting from 0 deg to 30 min and so on.

    1. ghora- terrible ***

    2. rakshasa- demon ***

    3. deva- one who is full of light4. kubera- god of wealth

    5. yaksha- divine singer ***

    6.kinnara- deformed man ( i am not sure )

    7. bhrsta- fallen ***8. kulagna- person will ruin family ***

    9. garala- poison ***

    10.vahni- fire ***11. maya- deceit ***

    12. pureeshaka- dirty ***

    13.apampati- rain god( varuna) ***

    14.marut- wind god15.kaala- time ***

    16.sarpa- snake, very vicious ***17.amirta- nectar

    18.indu- moon

    19.mrdu- soft

    20.komala- tender21.heramba- vinayaka

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  • 7/27/2019 H12 Meenam2


    Marana karaka sthanas: These are the marana karaka sthana

    for various planets

    a. Sun: 12th house

    b. Mo: 8c. Ve: 6

    d. Ma, Me: 7

    e. Ju: 3

    f. Sa: 1

    g. Ra: 9

    Marana karaka sthanas. Mo 8th house, Su 12th

    house, Maand Me 7th, Ju 3rd, Ve 6th, Sa 1st and Ra 9th. If

    there are

    planets in marana karaka sthanas, the houses owned by


    are destroyed Ex. Ve lord of 2nd and 7th is in 6H, the

    2nd and 7th

    housess significations are destroyed.17. 8th and 12th are houses of longevity. 2nd and 7th are

    killer houses.

    Ex 7th lord Mo in 8th means the native has a greater

    chance of

    death in Mo dasa.

    Naisargika karakas:a. Ve: Marriage

    b. Ju: children

    c. Su: Power

    d. Me: General karaka for career (Me shows accounting,


    e. Sa: Hard work

    f. Ra, Ke: terrorists

    g. Mo: Minister, bureaucrats

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    h. Ma: Soldiers, Police, initiative, drive in career

    Belowis the table of functionalmalefic planetsfor the ascendants.

    ARIES- Mercury, Rahu, Ketu

    TAURUS- Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Rahu, Ketu

    GEMINI- Rahu, KetuCANCER- Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu

    LEO- Moon, Rahu, Ketu

    VIRGO- Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu

    LIBRA- Mercury, Rahu, Ketu

    SCORPIO- Mars, Venus, Rahu, Ketu

    SAGITTARIUS- Moon, Rahu, Ketu

    CAPRICORN- Sun, Jupiter, Rahu, Ketu

    AQUARIUS- Moon, Mercury, Rahu, Ketu

    PISCES- Sun, Venus, Rahu, Ketu


    ARIES- Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn

    TAURUS- Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn

    GEMINI- Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus

    CANCER- Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus

    LEO- Sun, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn

    VIRGO- Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus

    LIBRA- Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn

    SCORPIO- Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn

    SAGITTARIUS- Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, SaturnCAPRICORN- Mercury, Moon, Mars, Venus, Saturn

    AQUARIUS- Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus

    PISCES- Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter.

    i give below all the amsa rulers in order , starting from 0 deg to 30 min andso on.

    1. ghora- terrible2. rakshasa- demon3. deva- one who is full of light4. kubera- god of wealth5. yaksha- divine singer6.kinnara- deformed man ( i am not sure )7. bhrsta- fallen8. kulagna- person will ruin family

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    9. garala- poison10.vahni- fire11. maya- deciet12. pureeshaka- dirty13.apampati- rain god( varuna)

    14.marut- wind god15.kaala- time16.sarpa- snake, very vicious17.amirta- nectar18.indu- moon19.mrdu- soft20.komala- tender21.heramba- vinayaka22.brahma- universal father23.vishnu- one of the hindu trinity24.maheswara- another deity of hindu trinity

    25.deva- enjoyment26.ardra- moist27.kalinasa destruction of strife28.kshiteesa- ruler of earth29.kamalakara- pond full of lotus30.gulika- saturn's son31.mrtyu- death32.kala- time god33.daavagni- forest fire34.ghora- terrible35. yama- death personified

    36.kantaka- thorn37.sudha- nector38.amirta- nector39.poornachandra- full of effulgence40.visha dagdha- venom consuming41.kulanaasa- ruins the family42.vamsakshya- descendants not growing43.utpaata- calamity44.kaala- time god45.soumya- pleasing46.komala- tender

    47.seetala- cold48.karaladhamstra- hard and ferocious look49.chandramukhi- moon faced50.praveena- well versed51.kaala pavaka- destructive fire at the end of the world52.dhandayutha- the staff held by the ascetic53.nirmala- spotless54.soumya- pleasing

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    55.kroora- cruel56.atiseetala- too cold57.amrita- nector58.payodhi- ocean59.brahmna- wanderer

    60.chandrarekha- streaks of the moon
