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Medicine Through Time


• Religion• Trepanning• Herbal Remedies• Charms• Evil Spirits• Medicine Men• Not much known• Family treated each other• They could only treat what they could



• Religion• Trade• Herbal Remedies• Charms• Simple Surgery• Communication (Hieroglyphics) • Mummification and Embalming

(Anatomy)• Channels get blocked like the Nile• Family treated each other• Thought heart controlled the body• Doctors for the rich


• Individual Genius - Hippocrates:

• Observation• Hippocratic Oath• Hippocratic Collection• 4 Humours• Religion• Communication• Herbal Remedies• Charms• Trained Doctors• Asclepions


• Individual Genius – Galen:• Theory of opposites• Proved brain controls body• Live Dissections• Made Mistakes• Science and Technology• Religion, Government• Communication, War• Hospitals for army• Good Hygiene and public health• Baths, Aqueducts and Drainage

The Middle Ages• Religion• Regression• Barber Surgeons• Monasteries:• Hospitals and health care• Trained doctors• 1348 – The Black Death:• Lots of weird cures• The Catholic Church used Galen• No one wanted to pay for public health• Galen had an influence for 1400 years

The Renaissance

• Government• Communication• Church had less control• Roman + Greek ideas• 1450 - Printing Press • 1590 - Microscope• Galen proved wrong• Individual Genius – • Vesalius: Anatomy (dissections)• Harvey: Heart + Circulation• Pare: Ointment + Ligatures

Industrial Revolution

• Science + Technology• Government, Chance• Miasma Still Believed• Spontaneous Generation• Individual Genius:• Germs - Louis Pasteur, Robert Koch• Anaesthetics - James Simpson, John Snow• Antiseptics - Joseph Lister, Ignaz Semmelweis• Vaccinations – Edward Jenner, Louis Pasteur• Nursing – Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole• Public Health – Bazalgette, Edwin Chadwick • Antibiotics – Paul Ehrlich, Gerhard Domagk

20th Century

• War• Chance• Government• Team Work• 1948 – NHS• Science + Technology• Individual Genius:• Fleming, Florey + chain – Penicillin• William Beveridge + Aneurin Bevan – NHS• Francis Crick + James Watson - DNA
