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• What does “MOOC” stand for?

• What is meant by “MOOC”?

• Types of “MOOC”.

• History of “MOOC”.

• Field of my interest of study.

• Topic I will like to pursue in my future mooc experience.

What is “MOOC” stand for?

• M-massive.

• O-open.

• O- online.

• C- course.

What is meant by “MOOC”?

• A course of study made available over the Internet without charge to a very large number of people.

• A MOOC may be patterned on a college or university course or may be less structured. Although MOOCs don't always offer academic credits, they provide education that may enable certification, employment or further studies.

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Types of “MOOC”


Appear to have developed out of the idea of Open Courseware and Open Educational Resources. The "X" in X-

MOOC doesn't stand for anything specifically. 

The term C-MOOC refers to a MOOC designed to emphasize

connecting learners.

But X-MOOCs are typically offered by a university in

partnership with a for profit organization. C-MOOCs are built upon the idea and platform originally

envisioned  "X" standing for "Expert" because most of these MOOCs are taught by relying on recorded experts at well known universities

C-MOOC stands for Connectives MOOC.

History of “MOOC”.

• The term MOOC was coined in 2008 by Dave Cormier at the University of Prince Edward Island and Bryan Alexander of the National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education in response to an open online course designed and led by George Siemens at Athabasca University and Stephen Downes  at The National Research Council (Canada).

• The 2008 course was called "Connectivism and Connective Knowledge" and was presented to 25 tuition fee-paying students in Extended Education at the University of Manitoba in addition to 2,300 other students from the general public who took the online class free of charge.

Field of my interest of study.

• Language (Sepedi)

I am interested on hearing the voice of learners being heard in public. As for “mooc” learners can use is without any charge, I will use different types of mooc for my leaners to participate in. For example :

• Grammar

• Poetry

• Literacy

Topic I will like to pursue in my future mooc experience

• Literature

Evaluate the theme of the story.

• Grammar

How are the words written.

• Poetry

Give the main massage of the poem.

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