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How To Secure an Apartment Door?

When renting an apartment that you are unfamiliar with, you should pay close attention

to both the building’s security and the security of your flat.

The most protective buildings have interior passageways, keypad entry only, or gated

parking areas. You can do a few things as a renter to ensure that your flat is safe from

break-ins and robbery. If you are thinking about how to secure an apartment door,

then continue reading the article. You can see below some of the simplest things you can

take to lock your apartment doors successfully.

Different Tips on How to Secure Apartment Door

Mount Sturdy Locks

To avoid break-ins, use the most sturdy apartment door lock. A variety of deadbolt locks

are available, making it considerably more difficult for criminals to gain access to your

rental home. Except for sliding doors, you can fit most types of outside doors with

deadbolt locks. It will help you to secure the apartment door.

The deadbolt locks that are the most secure are made of solid metal and have no visible

screws. If your apartment door already has a mediocre deadbolt, you can ask for a change

or fix it yourself with their approval.

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Doors with deadlocks are even more safe and secure. This kind of door lock does not have

a key from the outside, making it highly impossible to access a building without exerting

excessive force or destroying the lock. You can call DVS Locksmith if you’re still facing


Grade 1 Deadbolt Lock for Door

Locks are the most prominent aspect to check and upgrade when it comes to door

security. Intruders are quickly drawn to a cheap and unreliable deadbolt. Moreover, a

decent quality lock can prevent burglars and act as a deterrent.

If you want some extra security and install another lock, then make sure to choose a grade

one deadbolt lock. There is a slight difference between grade one and grade two locks so,

try to select grade one lock.

Working of a Strike Box

A strike box strengthens your entrance and deters invaders by replacing the current strike

plates with a structure that includes a metal pocket, oversized plates, and a solid

connection into the wall stud behind the doorjamb with 3-inch screws.

Because you’ll need to extend both the hole in the jamb and the cover plate recess to make

this addition, you’ll need your homeowner’s approval.

Steel Door For Extra Security

In terms of durability, strength, and security, steel exceeds both kinds of wood.

Professionals highly advise you to replace your old front door with a steel front door If you

want to improve the safety of your property. Even with a crowbar, sledgehammer, disc

grinder, or other equipment, steel security doors are extremely tough to break into. You

can find a Lock Installation in Chicago for help.

Door Cameras for Security

Peepholes are installed in almost all apartment buildings. However, they are only

functional if someone is at home.

Digital peephole viewers, on the other hand, now feature not just a keyhole but also a door

camera, doorbell, inside viewer, and intercom. Depending on your budget, this is an even

better alternative.

You can use your smartphone to see who’s at the front entrance of your apartment. So,

you don’t have to get up and approach the door to find out who wants to come in. You can

program the phone to record activity, which is crucial in criminal investigations.

Lights in Your Apartment

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If any of your entryways are publicly accessible, motion lights or just appropriate lighting

at all of your entry doors is highly advised. Apartment management nearly generally

includes lighting at the front door, but people infrequently overlook the patio doors.

Your job will be to maintain those lamps changed and to make proper use of the lights. If

your apartment owner refuses to provide the illumination, you believe you need to stay

safe, assuming you have access to electricity, invest in your lighting.

Secure Windows by Strengthening the Glass

Breaking a window or glass near the door is a relatively typical means of avoiding even the

most incredible way to secure an apartment door.

You can secure the door all around the window glass with the required locks. But you can

also secure the window itself. The most common method is to use metal bars that are tight

enough to limit arm access. It prevents the glass from being smashed to the point where a

thief may reach inside the house and unlock the door.

Protection bars on windows are not always helpful and people do not usually prefer them

owing to their look. However, window safety film is the most effective approach to secure

a door by strengthening windows.

You can apply this material like a tinted windshield that prevents the glass from

shattering. It protects the door from both outside and inside.

Securing the Sliding Door

According to residential glass specialists, sliding glass doors require additional security

measures beyond the often supplied fragile lock. Sliding glass doors are a significant

target for burglars. A pipe or a vital piece of wood placed on the bottom track is the

cheapest thing to do.

Affordable and straightforward lock mechanisms that work as a latch and slide down into

place at eye level or above the door are also available in many door stores and hardware

stores. If you secure one thing in your flat, you should use one or two of these different

locking systems on your sliders.