

,..,. I ..-nMw r.w trb lt*>

(.RAHD PK0ME1ADE COKC£RT. T h e C a p i t o l C n n r d w l w r i t n L o v e l i n e * *

tvnd B A M Vio l* . . 1 I

V U l t l l . I . I \ > T N l < < ' K K N .

A l l a a j a y Ezp«M>t«>d E v e r y M a n Te> De> H i s D n t y A n d H e D i d I t .

Tit* gram* rnxnrKade c o n c e r t g i v e n b y (

*bc riiiicrnw <f A litany to the G o v e r n o r , 1

Catholic Church Affairs-Bishop Mc-| Ctaaid'scwm not satisfactory to

the An bom People.

Cliaafe of Location.

mm** J. B. Coourr& Co.—HaU, car*and furnishing goods— may be found in Blake's block— north store. Addition to bi. Mock of gooda will be made at ooee.

!yci*la'r.rF. Mftultera rn:i'.ri am!

of the took

of Aubnrn are wsrmry attached. Tbc people organized a meeting and unan­

imously condemned the Bishop's action, and refused to permit bim or his appointee. Rev. Mr. Karanagh, to nay Maes, a Urge number poshing their way to the altar, and taking the latter by the arm, leading bim out id tbc chnrch.

V iolence was prevented by tbe interfer­ence of Faibcr OTlaljf rty.

The Bishop and Failier Kavanagh then left the chnrch.

At 11 o'clock abonf l.OOf) persons «mm-Wed sixain aod paused resolution*, declar-it K tljeir determination to stand by tlieir old pastor and to no longer submit to the abuses of what they termed "one man pow-«-r" in the United State*, bat to appeal at oj:ee to (he ecclesiastical aatlioiitiea of the country, and if necessary, to Pope Tins the 9th. Several addresses were made by in­fluenzal Catholics sustaining tbe resolutions, which were adopted without a dissenting voice. Farther trouble is anticipated as the people are determined not to allow tbe new priest to occupy the parsonage.

English Journals on tbe Ecjection of Uw Treaty..

TIic cable reports the following onm-mct'tsof leading London journals on tlie news that the American Senate have reject* cd tbe Alabama, treaty:

fFrem tbc Standard, Conservative.]

Hie Morning Standard regrets tbe rejec­tion of tbe Convention after tbe protracted and laborious negotiations. Tbe advances for a new treaty most come from the United Stater. England is now unfettered from concessions, and will only treat hereafter GO terms of absoiote equality.

rTram the Time*.]

Tbe present treaty baa testifies the amity of England. Its failure does not endanger the friendly relations between tbe two conn-trie*, but will rather serve an warning in ar­ranging the points of a new conrentton.

[From tbe r o d , Conaarrati-e] We regret the rejection of tbe treaty only

on account of tbe delay it will oocasion in the restoration of friendly remtiou between Great Britain and the United States.

# 9 * A s there has Leen so mnefc said by tbe press generally, concerning the folly of Congress granting Hrr. A. Lmeoln a pen­sion, on the grounds that her bnsband was killed in battle, we pabliab tbe foil text of the petition presented to that body in her own name: To the Honor (Me Tiee Pretidad of the

United Stale* : SIR :—I herewith respectfully present to

the honorable Senate of the United 8tates, an application for a pension, f am tbe wid­ow of a President of tbe United States, whose life was sacrificed in his country a service.

s.teo the neatest dr.-ssed lady in tbe party;, Tbat sad calamity hss greatly impaired my neat bat not tend, costly hot sot dereonstrr.- [ health, and by tbe advice oi my i>uy»ician

Arm-»x, CATIV.A Co.. X. T.. Feb. 21.—A rmmbf-r ot Catholics assembled at ri^ht o'clock this morning to resist the action «f liiahop McVnaid in removing their ohl i>a.«-1 •»»«.«- T> .. tor. the Very Revd. Thomas O'Flaherty, who i m r ** "• «««»—watches, jewelry,ete.— has labored among ibrm f..r 23 years, atid ' 8 weatcd temporarily, in the west end of to whom a Urge majority of the Catholics Clinton block, Clioton-et.—in Breed's store.

Stores! Stores!

f-*»?p f>ffirer«

."- -ial S C H - P C t'or:v«-n:i>.n a m ! o t h e r s . ; .rr HI (he A w n . t i ' y <*ii*.mb<r last eve-

T h e n*i-n »•«« c leared ol d e s k s . »_'«, c l v i k * . l.AliTiBi^ atid ail«-r k i n d

;mh< r. an.) c o n v e r t e d into i.tie of the t • L.okin^ ItHll-riHifi)* i ' tbe S i a t r .

'f». A n n i u M •?:.—The altM d a n c e w a s ! .•_• s. me J.".'(Hi gct'tli-nirn ni.d l a d i e s l ie-• ." F rt sent . T h e del . S a ! e « of t h e S o c i a l

.- f o n v . - i . t t o n w e r e mit in full fore", . » r a-e ! t« *ny. r v c e i v e d marked

..' is t.«-n lititu the CuiuatitU'C of A r t a i ' g e -n> r.t*.

l-.-.K ilxBiTTIVK pKrAKTVIEST.— OwJDJ lO ,r !!lnes« of Gov. Uoffnan, the Executive 'riartm.nt was rcpres< :it«d hv Mrs. Iloft

T--i-. Surc<i»n tietieral Mosbcr, and Col. «' w-k. o! New Yf.rk-. - TI:K I.F.;if.T..»TTBE.—The I>egislatare was ;t:!!y represented, a <i«orum trotn both Ffwis <« being pr»«ent. and rtady to proceed to »'iu*ine*» as aoovi as tbe music got in line with its do'y.

'Tern STATS H.UJ — Ttie State Hall was represented ly li.sitranre Superintciiicnt IWnes. School Sn]>eriijteDdin[ Weaver ar.d Anditor I5ell.

THB C'rrr ]JAUT_—The Citr nalMe.Vcafes consisted of Recorder KoteuJaie and AlJcr-Tacn Smisb end Craff.

I>CDIXV OBSERVATORT.—Tbe Dudley Ob­servatory bad for its representative, Prof. Hough, one of the youngest and moat profi­cient astronomers in the country.

Ueoi-ocr—The geology of tbe State bad for its representative, Prof- Hall, tvbo has not bis superior in ibe world, in the depart-mei t which be makes a speciality.

Tint Crrr.—The city was represented by judges, merchants, bankers, e'ergymen, matmfactorera, editors, physicians, lawyers, artists, inventors, and now and then a bore or two.

C'oRjmx UsTTxasm was represented by 1'resident A. D. White, Gold win Smith, and others.

I*. S. COTESXVEKT represented by Post­master Davis and CoBeetor of tbe Csstoms Csrroichaei.

TIIK INDIES.—The ladies were oat in Fiich vast brigades, that Baily woald insist that Cupid had ordered op "• fall dress pa­rade" and this was the parade. The presence of tbe ladies gave a golden finish to the re­ception, which added wonderfully to its poetie completeness. The "unities" were duly observed, and mask properly blended with loveliness. Many » cheek present seemed to be made of peach bloom, while more then one mouth appeared to be "a rose leaf torn."

TOT; Sf ASsiED LADISS.—We have seldom seen a finer display el handsome married wo­men. Among those who commar.ded very general admiration, on the part of the Social Mcience Convention, were Sirs. Uovcrnor Hoffman, Mrs. Joseph Packard, Mrs. Chas. Watkins (formerly Miss Ada Gray,) and Mrs. Bancroft Davie. Mrs. Hoffman was

lie will be in his new quarters in a weeks.


| aWTS. P. BAtLKr baa re-opened in the store lately occupied by Cooley and W. Reed —two doors west of his old stand. Fresh goods bare been ordered.

••»** P. A 8. Mow ASH—dry goods, Xo. 1, Bailey's block—bare re-opencd in tbe same place.

•est* J. G. MCDKXMOTT, District Attorney, is in tbe Grand Jary room in the Court noose, where he may be found for the pres­ent.

Manafactorers of

Cook, Par lor


t—wotb. cj> Iahertwac*.'


C. HAMKT, Insurance Agent, may be found in bis old office, in Baileys block.

•ti** We hare frequently heard if remark­ed why or how is it that the Great Shosbon -ees Remedy dots indeed make snch won-derfol cures. We would reply, it is because it not only acts npon the organs affected, but also M lk» U e o i , <» tbe digestive or­gans, and more particularly on tt« * niiiial . Teasels, tbws n«t on^pwrttaDy, or for the time being, but permanently pnrifytng the Blood, it clears the system of disease, fob.

SUCCESSFUL BECAUSE OF SU­PERIOR MEMT. Mrs. 8 . A. AllenV Improved (new style) Dsir restorer or Dress, ing. (in one bottle) Every Druggist sells it. Price One Dollar. * feb

• A . For every description of Job Print inc. from a wax>le-abeet poster to the finest visitmc; csrd,send your orders to A . N . MercbsAt,Josiri«al Oft**, Cbssapleiis N. A'. 33ni3.


•ss**B. K. ArertHi Jr., wenld sjnwenee Mmssll ss a eandidate tor the offeo of Col­lector, before the Desjocratic Caacos thk day.

la thw Tntaga, Fab. n , 1888, a Mm. FABIEN LAPODJTK.


five, rich and yet entirely in keeping with correct taste. SUor.ld other ladies imitate .Mrs. Hoffman in these peculiarities, they conld not fail to increase the praise which admiration always bestows npon those who stady tbe harmony of colors, and tbe proper blending of buavity with diamoud stomachers and point lace cotitinnatioi>s.

COSTLA A.VD MACXIKI EXT.—Some of the ladies preset.t, List evening, cwept round the adorned with magnificent dresses —comets tiails at once vast and be­wildering. SoaM of tbe iadit«bor«« wealth of «vlv«t, jewrlo, acd (ace, sufficient *«» i-tart a bank with. The richest dressed I i'Iy in tlie room was Mrs. Trainor, wile of l'cter Trainor, Member ot Assemldy. Uer trailed dress o.' black velvet, surmounted by u b'ne satin tonic trimmed with W e and pearls, secured the attention,—if not the < nvy.—of nearly every lady in the room. Mrs. T. is a large, queenly looking woman, and while doing tbc promenade, floated past you like an empress driftit g in a iourna. incut

Tns CcuJa o? TOT PAETJ.—In tbe way <>f handson_e young ladic*, ibe Capitol was never more boontifnlly supplied- than fast evening. Among those selected us the I'cllcs of the party were Miss Grace Hilton. "fa:r as a star, when only one is shining in the sky," and Miss Pease, wboee golden locks remind yon of

'-Arers, fait *rj?litrr nt the dairn ^printtint vltto roffj light the dowry lawn."

. tVwrjmtirs oP LADIES.—At 11 }£ the la-•Vies ap|>omted a committee of fifteen to se­lect the best locking man present. After n. deal of. caucussing, a ballot was taken Hith the following result: nearer. State 5oj*riot*n4eut of common schools,

*D~1 t.-na^rlf MmliCTuf A.aMBt>lf Iroai OneJda <o. S *-*«& M. W**4, «»-St«uWr of AamM; Troa, l'latta-

r-.ri- »n <J«n*T»i Mo»h« 3 of all

toMr. aad

laSootb PIaHi«argh,oath«S3diiKrt,,bTBaT.J. K. Cb«annan, Mr. THOMAS A. BBACIC, of Patttabarth aodWaaAUJKBaUXn.arikamnaMakii '

InEawx,Fab.21,18S>, by Bar. C. N. Wilder, HENRY S. WRISLCT, ol Chaatarftcld, aad Him ' K. GREEN, of Earn.

la Keenr, Fab. IS , 1SS», at tba wairawsaof tbv artde'a fatkar, WUlard Bdl, E«i . .bj Rav. K. SaVih. Mr. 06-WAXn E. MILLER,aad Miat M A T H E Li WU-


I have come over to Germany to fry miner­al waters, and daring the winter to go to Italy; but my financial means do not per­mit me »© take advantage of the urgent ad­vice given me. nor can I live in the style be­coming the widow of the Chief Magistrate of a great nation, although I live as econom­ically as I can. In consideration of the great services my deeply lamented husband has rendered to tbe United Statcs,and of tbe fearful loss I have sustained by his untimely death—his martyrdom, I may say—I re-

hoping that syearrjr pension may be grant­ed me, so tbat I may have less* pecuniary cares. 1 remain most respectfully,

(Signed) M n . A. LwCoijr, Fraidtfort. Germ^uv.

A F iuu . Pox Axt> PZAKXT Fxrex BEX-KDT.—The K'oartng prescription for the euro of email pox sad scarlet fever is given with s a sir of sseh sutbortty, tbat aware led to pablatb it a* the hope that some one of our physicians may be induced to try it. A^orrespondentsends it to the Stocktoa (Cat.) Herald, in which city the sanff pax is raging «ith terrible, effect:

"I hereby append a recipe which has been nsed to my knowledge in hundreds ot cases. It will prevent or ermtbe small pox tbeogh the pittings are filling. When Jenner dis­covered cow pox in England, the world of science hurled an avalanche of fame npon bis bead, bat when the most scientific school of medicine in tbe world—that of P a r i s -published this recipe as a panacea t\,r small pox, it passed unheeded. It is 'jt unfailing ss fate, and conqners in *v£y instance. It ia harraU>£3 iten tak.n by a well person. It r't'.l also enre scarlet fever. Here is the

1 recipe as I nave used it, and cured my ehib Mr. Weaver having a majority of all t!io i dren of scarlet fever; here it Is *» I have vacs cast, Mrs. Poubiauu moved to make it j VaeA it to cure tbe small pox; when learr-\iiiaiiimour. Agreed to. The decision,'. cd pbysiciai s said the patient must die, it done in rose scented paper, will be sent to j cured: Sqlphate of zinc, one grain; fox-Weaver to-morrow. i glove (digitalis,) one grain; half ateaspoon-

TUE Jk-sir, was excellent, and was turn- fn| 0{ 8 0gar; mix with twotrblespoonfuls of

ished by E.isiman's College Baud, of Poogb-1 water. When thoroughly mixed, add four kei-psie. i

TUB COU-ATIOS, was most abundant, ar.d consisted of all the delicacies of the season,; ilanked with an unbounded supply of "liquid', velvet, covered with foam beads." Vul- ! garians call it •'cbamF'agne.'* Unt npon the gotbs! Tbe "liquid velvet department" was engineered by Strong and Row-udule. They , did entire justice to the office. The colU-1 tion was furnished by B- Briare, and was j fcufficient for 3,000, j

THE MASAGKBS-—Tbe managers of the Tt-tf ption, caniiQt be too much praised for tLt glorious su^cfcss which attended the lar- i g-st psirty ev<-r given in AMmmy. There were i.? "•hitches" or "balks" about it.— Things moved along like clotk work, tbe rigbtmsa being in the tight phwo *-eveiy time." "

€?ASSIDT JKD Kn.Bonw.—Col. Michsel Cassidy and James Ktlbourn deserve thanks for the unremitting attention which they paid to the comfort of the guests. Castidy w :i» ,;all over" at once, and only stopped to wink, once during the whole evening.

I'oi.n-e I>icrAKTJ«yr.—The Police Itepart-rr-.-nt was in charge of Detectives Hsle and I'ra-ir. They also deserve a complimentary r.- i . I i i t ior .

Tiir BBKAK Ur.—The party commenced atb:30P. M.. and finrhed up at 11:45; «vervbody "retiring in good order" and in tbe best possible humor with 'all mankind nr.'i the rest of the human family ;** as Sis­ter Anthony would say, in enler to show tbat she never forgets "the fec.ale woman,"

TJow men MAS* ?—A cierk in a dry-goods store retired ore night, having for bis bed ieH'.w an aequaiotance dating back to school days. Our informant slept in the next room adjoining, the door of whicb was partly open. In the middle ot the night be says be was awakened fr>>tx. bleep by hear­ing the clerk in a loud tone of voice, ex­claim -.

"How many yards did yon say you want­ed iriirtu ? Three yards enough ?"'

The next thing was a tearing t oW, and tbe 1 ] tallow of tbe clerk shouted out:

"What are you doing—you have tommy Shirt from bottom to top V

Tse poor dreamer imagined himself in h a store, waiting on a lady customer who wants*! three yards of calieo. TW shouts of menlaieut which the event created, can --" U atasginitri . 19- The *S>asW» flotsV Mostrral,-impr /ved is nisasssafstias aed stx«s of ^fimsh and , n r B i t a 5 f / b r s ^ ^ l s s ^ J o r

tae*TtS-M"aS»y»?P, "••* ^^^ ? '"

Phaamoiiia, Hon. DAVIS J. RICH, a nambrr of tbc. Sraataof that State, and fonnerljr a resident of Cham Plata, aged a boat 38 jrearm.

In Benkmantown. Feb. 24,1SSS, Mr. rHILAKDEB B. GALE, aged 46 rears.

Foneral nerrieaa at the Presbrtertan Cbnrch, ia Beek-ntantown on Sunday, at 11 A. a.


N O T A R Y P U B L I C , Ko. 6 4 W a l l Street, Xmw T e r k .

T O I . E T , be J fSfraeVlatneTfllage of,

tenn« *e.7i>leaw app»f to"Se nndef «faaeil oa tbaariaa m i w . CATH.UU.Ve aWJi«5 .

riartaburgb 7 e 0 . »4> i g o j , . 37 .4

Have on hand a Tariety of Stores


New Stewart Base Burner,

ft* Stores sad Halls.

Doable Beaten,

BefertiUe Fine, SaV Feeder, with oren.




Stow aiaiPsjJor Bestera,

a aew Stow, Rerertilde Flos, eelMeeder.

for Coal and Wood.


Cnavli IMvtdcnda in A d v a n c e ! !

No Notes Taken on which tea Uarared amirt par lateraat,


to be deducted fraai tbe aBMaat at

T H E P Q U C Y A T B E A T B ,

Alt PolidM ha»e a Cash Surrender Vatoe.


The Stock flan, br wbieb the fotl eaah eBVet of the Premium ia rendered

BaCCtrSDC A K D C B H t T A I S ,

ia Ilea or a dividend which if

Distant Cowttncewt oaal Vawartnlm.


attar doe notice and proof of death I


Yankee Theatre! PLATTOnrRGlf, X. V.

rr.orr.trroK *>o ¥*VAc;r.x,

Nichols, Lynde

Plattsburgh, JX. Y

to #he e<ti r » . nl litaad THK aVaarer aa« fbe tmser t<» annnanpe

»en« of lialtwbunBh and Ttcin-tr. a ..r* at '.!.»

TiNKEE BOOT a SHOE STORE Bridx* St.. by bi« «.lehm!»^ «t~»« rmnpaa*



charged by tbe

T J B I T E R S A L area* bnraa theaetaal aaaetienee or maorad Ilia bi

thlaeonntre win jaatify. andoa tke ordtnarj Uaj aad Tea rear Noa-FnrMtaie Pol-

ieieaare aaaila

0 9 » T B arHin ,p lAyvrBxwt tawataoaeelwrcedbytaeraajorityet MataalCoa.

m m w m. "TheeWaaeat latsaaf erenuaae saaalataat wiUi per

feet aaiaty to tWlaaarad, beat amawrea the pabae In-terart and operate to ntend tbebeaeflt of tboaabeaia-eent Inntttatieaa. It ie aoedleea aad aspaaaiee to par oar BUM; or note, to a Life fanainirii'f*-irf-|-T tor tha paraoae only ot havhw taa aaaw wtaraaj"—J*»a. Wm. Baraet Report. WkSfeet aHIIST; Sejent,

' - * •' " Clinton Block, SStt nattabnigb,N.r .


P H O O B A M M K - I ' n r t ITinat. 1. CRANPOVKtmRF

(From tbe Opera of >tw» !»«« Annte ) 2. Shoe-Horn Sola Mum. ami MiOf f H « » . 3 Claderilia. or. KM Slipper* to Sell rhm,tm, 4 Reeit%tiTe—The I'edenIriaoV laaient

How loac. how lone, uliall I eor>i|»i»io. Like «na whoeeeka for Baata in i i n .

J. Cbom« Ompmmt, Not lone, not lo?m. frn* j^m will fiml Tbat Sbvrmaa aeenn tnetn—p~«ar M W .

l * t » v t H e e o n d . 1. Ant! Panteboard Ooel, i ' : i rVanan.

(Sole leather C^ooteni.) 2. Varr-a Rip rt»!k»—i uwtt a m*4e Cnmjtanp. S. Tru>—Swinging 'rrnind the ^ITl«,... /Van?.

(Arctii-a for cold feet.) 4. rarodj. .<9rnn$fr.

Father, tl ar father, eome home w*tl. me utja, Mr «hoe» ar» *tl out at the t.>e.

V T o o 7 o n ^ f n V ^ t n h e f e * t S ' t W " ' ' (•rand Entr* of gliorleu llri^de.. /%wf Jtforrk tw .Soul Ketamorphoidxiin'l Tal»l«iu,..

Wboleaale a n i Reta i l

\ 0 1 i 0 1 1 •A4i%Viiig,j

^ * < « " *mw I ' w t r t *•»•»•, t

Drc*.«i a.oodtt

Reep Constantly on head all Clean** of

1 i*-Bda««»«..<«:«•, r«r'!"«. !••-«•. " I'a^a «'r«ee.'. ««^««"-. •)«•»•*»•,-«

C»w»H.-<Hi. I J I W W . •*****•<•* a 1 ^ . -

r* i t e« TtieT h a » . %>*•* J*»'-. '

J I » . . . W . . | . » « . S « m » « - » . im.- •n-

l.«aw, ti«.i'» Tw'l i . a-*w# • • ->

W i l l . 1 r»f for afc.w'* l -

1 ~ ! „ ^ . i , » j

Oolong.8o»ebosg, Jep%a.eelor«d asd sw-eolored. Green, Hrawa. Vowag Rvaen. twfMW-f%l. Twankey and Onnpowder. All tbeafcove Teas are nf the beet chop*, and being bought from f rat hsads e«r customer* save to thee* aelvea the pereestageccaiBiealy paid to !f*w York City Brokers

s. «.

(In which the Brigade appwirs happr and emnfnrtahle fn ArctkOrer.hoe«, Coorw and Fine'Bnota, Ilalmoralit. GaacreaaCaiten. Ar nf home and Kastern Hnnulactura ) 7. Reeeptioa ofCwenb»ii«, Emtirc t-ampmt.

To ronelnde with the highlr pleasing and SOLEaatin-f ring Farce of

PERFECT FITS! Thin piece ha* been played by thia fjnmpanr fur orer

1.000 eoeneeutive nighta, and ha» never been played unt.


Cntl.fnrther notice, door* open at 7 a . m . tloa*atSp.m

SPECIAL NOTICE. jMiitaJeiletll ptrh tf tie kenFm

• i rFreat Saata Reatrred far tins Barefooted.

DONT FORGBT THE PLACE. HaWBsmt Street, Pkttsbnrgb, N. T.

Tbehrgeat and beat aaaortmeat of BOOTS, SBQaB GATTEBS aad Sabbcr Gooda of erwry d**cripUwa> •> be bMBdiabnrn. Al>e aeoaaplete atoek of

Leather and Shoe Findings Albany ntieaa. Mattabergh, >>7 U t h , IsSS. R. H. SBXKaUV, 4Stf - . . - -

TIE Farm known aa tbe Tr er Farm, In the town of Schuyler Fall., within half an bonr'a ride of tbe vil­

lage of llatUburgh. pleaaantly aitnated, aad under a good tate of enttiration. with aoBtelent tanbm for fencing-and fuel, aadKDod dwelliag, beraa, abada, aw.


furtaer D. TRACT, ea the rrcmtaer, o f

Wm. BREXNAN, Plattabargh

r p H E aabacrlberoBwrafer am* bar. J . Straet, teeatod batweea the r~ Boberta and Adams, knewnaa the taadeaiiable hag aerom from cowherd, wttb abwdw^treeetW thrifty grape Tinea. For parUeakua, 'taqaue of the w b a e r i b « T Mr*. K HOOCT.

I lattaborrh, Eeb. 1M0. SSwS

TnTOTlCE ia hereby giien that the naderiigned nave J.V formed a Co-partnenbip andertbeSrm ol Horpiek k Pierce, aa Manufacturer* and Dealer* ta Furniture, UphoUtry Good*. Doom, Saab, Blind*, ke . , to take etcet fromJanuary l«t, 1809.

All account* doe 1o and from the late Sim of Boroick k Bailey, will be aef.lod by G. W. Bemick at their form er piece of bnaiaam. SSwS ' FWtabnrgb,r*a. U , 11*9. 0 f » . W. B9RXI0X.



For Wtmd and Coal, with hot

water Tank and warming



Isecrporsted ia 181ft. ChsTterPerpetsal.

Cash Capital, --$1,500,000. InsuraeceaKainst tiossand Damaseby Fire,

on Termsadaptedto the Itasard. aad eon-sisteat with Iaawsof Compensation.

ZEPH. C. PLATT, Asent Far Plattabarh aad Vicinity.

flartfordPlrrf nsuraa»e,of Hartibrd Conn..CapiUl .S500.000

Dome Insurance Co., of Hew Vork. Capital $1,000,000

Phoenix Insurance, of Hartford, Ceaa..Capital

these well knowa aad repstable <


OF Fine Bourbon & Bye Whiskies


S O U rsOPRtETOrS OF THK FOLUOWIPU BRSXIS —Giuam," On naman. • "Caoacai Mm*," "0»V*ii«v,""Kac»aB," . "JoaxBiu."

We would be aleeeed to call the attention of taw trade

r n B E otidrrsIgBed save a large and Superior »toek of

Furtiitiire, coaatatmg of


O E N T E R T A B L E S . W H A T N O T S ,




CedUas. stock of

of every description, snd a full

Goods. Undertakers Call and Examine, at


Crashed. Orannlated. Towdered, Hew Orleans,Tortoricoand Park.

"9 Tellow

Golden, Extra Golden, Sugar Uonte. & Stewart's Suf»r House Drip*.

M O L A S S E S , I'irtorico. New Orleans, Trinidad and

Ockerhst *n's.

T O B A C C O , Pars Virginia Leaf in ]0.«. aad I lb Pines

fine Cot Chewing- of different brands; Hocwy Dew Star. Empire and abort Cut Chewing:, aad also i s Foil of all sites, and 4 aad i Gross Boxes of Foie suited to the trade.

Skaatskitasr.—Extra, No. l .Ui ldaad dif­ferent braais of KiUickinick-

C O F F E E , Old GovcTWiwent Jaws, Maraeaino. Bin and

St. Uomiauro. Grotuid Coffces tn bait, papess foil aad Brooms, Path Wooden and Wit-

Una Ware! BROOMS,

Tbekai .Carpet. Street aad Eatra bio. 1.

PAn*. Cadnr, TarnUhed,and Sand


W1SRTT/B8, rwintedaaS nnpalnted. WASHBOAROB







cxoTHXSPnra, WTLLOWWAMK, M<arSnCES,<aotl>eaBa«ket*, aUrketBaa keta.eorared and opened, Traaeiii^g. Fruit, and var-ioaaotawrkinda.

• lavtlonraafeal .

S P I C E S , fironadand unground,Pepper, Allspice. Muetarn, Cln

ger. Mace, Xutmega, CluTee, Cinnamoa, fa—ie Bada, Cayenne tepuer.

Orangea,and 1#mon< in their aeaaoe Turtiisb Prane*, Uatea Eal»in». Zante Currant*, Figa.,

Nuts, Bnun, F0l>eit *, Engll^lt Walnutx, AUMrods. Feuitita »n


Cider Vinegar, Pure eider Vinegar "f our make, from Grand I«l* Cl-

-- e» . t» .»fc l ia>ia»eni ini . i» ia»aH«n •* • erais Inrtted.

Albas? Mess Port. J Constanlyon hand,

F ah, Mackerel. In tarrel* halre*. quarter* and eijrhth*.

Georgia Bank Cod, Bake, Salmon, Siuokediialibut aiai Herring.

rntTJndrrabe.ed nave a "nlenaid lot of Machinery aad every facility lor the aianufaetnre of

onncee of water. Take a spoonful every hour. Either disease will disappear in 12 hours. For a child, smaller doses, accord­ing to age. It counties would compel tbeir physicians to use this, there would be no need of pestbouses. If you value advice and experience, use this for tbat terrible aisease."

IMPORTANT TO TOBACCOIOSTS.—On Tuesday of last week a new law tor the regulation of tbe sale of tobacco went into operation. AD persons having fine cot chewing and smok­ing; tobacco and snuff, at present on band, cannot legally sell the same unless it is pack­ed in packages in form and manner required by the Revenue law, and have in addition lbetsxpaid*tta«pstfixedtoit. Tiw0tis> misioner of Internal Revenue esys:

Ilereafter all such tobacco, before being sold or offered for sale, most be pat ap in the packages prescribed by law and stamped. Severe penalties are forced in violation of tbe law in this regard. Persons having in their possession snch tobacco incur no lia­bility for keeping it unstamped so rong as they do not sell it or offer it for sale.''


TotAeTraVtvOsr. Who e'er ha* trareled lite'* dell round Baa not often xigbed to bare found, Among bi» friend* and next of km, Bi* warmeat welcome at an tea.

He who amme walka from tbe ear. With aa beggar* to pledge tta? fare. Reorireaasooibea-lrom mine boat, Treated artranger,aotagaeat.

dat taue! payaayeagot abroad,a

OF A S U P E R I O R Q U A L I T Y . and are preparedta fill order* prompthr.


"I t WmekmM3»m

- A N D -


for Wood and Coal,

frnteelE 4»f WhialiJrfl_ a^riBVewW>Sw&. wjegf, v^a^Sm^SUQWAWA^aWei awa; eompriaingtneabotnraTOritebraada. YeeaBtaeeapee ial attention of the Jobber, and alee the. rfraggbit'a at­tention to the OM Valley aad rabioat Whiakim of 1961. There are none fmer offered ia the market. They are the only reliable and cafe brand* la the market for med­icinal purpoaea. Oar huge ahipment* daily, to all parte of tbe Country, i* a mttefaetory proof that our whiakie* are a fneorite with the trade. Von will aleo bear in mind that oar Whiakie* are uniform, not one lot fine and tbe next interior, bat erery day, month and year the mnje. and which ta* vary e^eat advantage to the pur­chaser. If vonwiltaleaaeaddreaaua, we win aend yon price* current and sample*. When ia Sew York please cellaadeaea*.

We woald bo nieeaed to call the attention of tbe trade in fail eectkm to oar atock of One whiakie*, purchased of the well known bonae ot Woodrow t George, who are known to distil the nwaat in market, Eanecml atteation. of our customer* is mvited to tbe

TIE aubaeriber offera for aale a groat ranety of Nnrs-ery atock eomprirng

Siaawe T r e e s , in great rariety, of ordinary and em traaiae.

Standard and Dwarf, superior tree* of choice and r.ardy rarletie*.

a good Tariety. a great variety, all tbe be«t, hard!

e>% earSeat. mited to Uii* climate, ot eae, two and three year*—extra vine* of bearing aiae.

C a m a l t , a rail atock of tbe beat kind*. WaasSjtrslea. do do do do mmammwawwSee, WOaon'aearly and Kettatinay, Mis­

souri Xammotb. the three beat. ntewasamiswi a, all tbe most valuable Hod*.

Giant, plant* of one and two year*. Linnaeus and Victoria.


Renne'i Pain-KilHng Magic Oil cure* Headache! Renne'* Pain-Killing Magic Oil care* Toothache I Reane'a Paih-KilUag Magi<! Oil coaea Neuralteja t Renne** Pain-KnUng Magic Oil cares Cholera Morbus i. Renne'* Psia-KiiUng Magic Oil core* Bbenmatfam t Renne'* Pain KilHng Mag c Oilenma I amiaam 1 Reane'a Pam-KllmgMagteUUea»awemWDiaaaaea I Some folk, seem to be proud of toning bow "lame their

•boulder* are"—of '^rerteklnta»eack"—or, "1 have got the Sciatica"—and deught In bragging tbat "noth­ing can enre me!"—but wnen we^taneb"awful Mka"

fol tbfal1y"Mwot o&^cSttB^^SmSrmFi&mS away tbeir pain*, but weaetaaUy take aU that kind of tbem!''aAdtaeyfnaUyovmap,aad;"ItwaaSatme a ckwrmt"

Hold by* anld by Hi W,

-mx, H A R T W E L L A M Y E R S .

Plattsburgh, Oct. 31st, 1868. SOU


Make friend* abroad, and net a fee, Ynor mbnt at eaaeand yowat kajor*. Your roots wB boonee/ajnApleaaaat.

Buriingtoa, Tt, ti»TWW»»fJP

Pra-iciotaLT MxwcniAL.—This is the noi-vrml verdict p«oaa4i»«e<'i#a Plantation Bliiers by all who have' -Wett .tfan*. The w»U known l.ealthi rOAWOtint: ingreejienls fr«m which Uieyara.se3s|b is^ able merits a s s resJi^r|^m»ilw»ew ard and all its cor^rvineiit aflm«wa>t imd tbe prs-ventive qualities ^ ~~~" ~" """"" from climatic cnanf^as, and hnperfeet * known aad so trust no one will their ase.

Asssetts 1 « ; VaUOBT

C^KBnTP OF W W TOBX, " •f *

SSHTH M. WEED, Assat, Ma^abajrgb. If Y. Dated 0 » t a * ^ S , l t e L "• , "

danaued by. Woodrow It George, aad other favorite brand* of their diatilaUoa, which we oner to our patron* at very small advance Irom New York price*.

P. %. DtLAKEY t CO. riattebnrgb, Oct. 21,1868. lSmfi


Sew* OfJce on tbe North side of the Park, P L A T T S B U R G H , N . Y .

G. M. BatawllS. R. M. BBCKWITH.

H e d f l t e f l a n l w Bn kthorn and honey Loenet K v e r g r r e e n Trtsesar-Norway Spruoa, aad

Aaaericau Abor Vitas. F l o w e r i n g S h r n b a , a targe variety-C U n a b i o e E*tamtav-Hooey Suekle, Ivy, Vlr

ginia Creeper, ke. G a r d e n R o s e s — n i m b e r s , hto*», Hybrid ebi-

£a ,ax . Oteesi Hsxtaw Pfaats .

A splendid aswortment at lowes price*. s n . Send for catalogue. JOHN W 9AUSX.

In S, 10, JO and lb. rel*.

Sack* ; abo.eoa e*jaad* bar

F l o u r y constantly on hand.

Bmttajx Cnareae*, Esjasa and all other kindaof Farm Produce, bought and *old.

r r e s t i B*x«esaef«|e C'cratcmt, enoptaD4 :y on tta nd. Agents! for

B0f COS IBIA EPFEIR EPLTIK0. a. L. snntnLS. j . » Lrsn*,

Piatt wrgbXoT. 1.186S t f

0. v. askaca, 1. a. BkX*».

SEED POTATX>£S I B n r l v R o s s , Uie beat of all early Potato**,

sent by mail, fl per pound. EsUf ly O o o a t r i c p , * «ne early sort, jield* targe

crup. Jic prck . S'J per bushel : SS per bbl tX^w^m^* ttM!U early and very ftoo 76c per peck;

S2^ertoJ%»p«»*P GleaaOIL. next for late crop 50e per peck, *', 5'J

per bu ; S4 per bbl a*!»H^». best for late crop SOe per peck ; SI SO per ^ T u T * 4 p e r b b l JOHN rt BAI1JCY Plattsburgh February 30,1869 tiny

SW« rraaa 'm T —i a»'wga art-i '- r

Ve»K <>»r»

C »"a r*.



p a n e . .

PmKr. f '

•r*>1i'«'*s " . ,

TsMe ' ioen*. I'--'»

t '.tt*n», IJn*n U . S .

IJaealUa-lk.^' ••'• : - - -

rnltarvjindf'.it. r>,,..».ltn« n

S rawtbrle Edrlw*-. *«•' Tn«er«w*w«. K^,!

Ctaoy.Smrrna.Fr..-!«!i Tt""e^*; Va*»i> . f

aea Riteior and tn.wrilon«. H-«p!*]|>rf*. Italn- ••

*}!<ktrt*, Xn-t riwWwarwiert*. tt •!••> * '.'«.. Trlmmiasja and Notion* ft alt sort*, dual 11 nil andre 'e K i d f * l a v « a . FtaoaHaof *» »•»•«•. «**!»*< IVnt. and IVatlRM. sept in .K.-H e m I'lli'w a»aa% i ' •»• taPry (iaodsfHsm. Ptea»» rait and s— fnr r»'»*«]"•

NORTOWftWINa, Optioaite tbo Post eaffcw.

F a l l S& W i a t o r

Wm. Cane tt Son, AS rtes t ly awvivsi from Now V«*s. Waedd eatl attwatton U tbeir


Of Fall and Winter OsesV. which they have taken great emits to select

Thanking; the public end our cu*t«B>«rn in general for their kind patronage. w« oruuld ttolicit the same for the future. Our



t I

Cloth Dep-sr tment

Consists of

Doeskins. B r o t v 4 O r o t h a ,

Tricots, l*cqnotK,

Vcsttngs, Beavers,

Chinchillas, in alt shades, sad sfutt lias of

i ^ al* aw J*



Ptaim Fsssacr C sUnw>ew«s

in all prices. Our

> M

PAfa«|ElL, WfiiSO A HDUC9MB (Successor* to Weed k Dfckinaon.)


Office in Norton'* Bloek, Bast aide of the River. X>lattt*>bvar|gh, N e w Y o r k .

aaurfl a. *r*m>, rsTEa a. raunm, a

S S ;ka**w*Baa mis a a t , Mewr Tsnrbu

Importer sad l>ealer 1

at every isssrljitina. far Iatattas wsrfe.

sad all tbiaas nqsJsUs

Oeseds. Confectionary and Toys,

with s |

r r^tsbsr t*0«ebwrl ( ) , lW^

e V c . S A . All gooda Warrantsi aa lepieneuted, and aold at

theTavay kawewtprieaa. Jan.S, 18o». tt

M E R R I T T H O W E ,

^ t V M H I o r e a t e ehoie* *ed for bora**—(oero and '•»»•:) Batted core meal for family use ; freah bock it Sour; aad cow feed constantly oa hand. Wheat

aBdaUki*^oftvatet^wandtourdrr. All •••^oa*''at these mill* sold at the knrest rata*:

aad delivered ia Pmtuburgh village, if desired. Nov IS. ISSS. S3tt

l > s l . 8 . V U O W A K O , 81TRGICAL and 1IEC0AK1CAL SENT1S1

e door south ol Witheril. '* Hotel. 8* An-WORK W A S S A B T C S . ^

RafarenceDr. W.H.Elliott.

KaT.T.TTaTERY! Those wishing to purchase Millinery

W I L L S A . A T E M O N K Y By calling'on

M r s . W m . C A G A N , where can be found the best amnrtment ol kfillinerv Goods in l'lattaburgh. and at tbe lowest prices ivr curb, to wit : lOO Hets , 5 0 ota. each. W B " W " " tOO ** THmwawtd.tlitarb BONNETS. FEATHERS, FLOWERS. RIB­

BONS, LACES, VELVETS, SILKS. &c , in proportion. Do not forget to raltaod *av* your nmn rj br purchasing of Mrs. Wm. ragan. W 9 - " r r r N u " bauiu k DasH's alore, nearly nppoxile t l* Cumoerlami House, Margaret Street, Pittsburgh, N Y. 25 wo

T a t t l e ' s B o o k * J o b Print i»K Office. K*rt4sbl ia>b«d i n lM-gaan,^


tm Usisaeriv's Wew Opposite B. Young'* Margaret St.



LEAVITT'S Celebrated Chap


EVERT Department ia literally running „v«rr Willi NEW uud H1«J113

Pall Goods.


is in charge of Mr. O. FRAJKT>EP. flats cut­ter in New Vork.) whaoe in *t>a» art ia enough to solicit a call. A good style Garment tiuaranteed.

Besetv Made


Of ew* own manufacture consieta «f

Mei^ lit

G> tin

< ' f l - . - - i i


A D I R O W D A C V O T E C ,

KEESEVILLE. N. Y M . J. S T E V U N S . P M p n e t o r .

Youth'« an<l Our st'.-ck «.!

Furnishing G'»"'/. c'lnsits of

White Dress Shirts,

and Flaiin.-l *<hi-K .t

and Urawi-r-. l':t|" i

Liiii-ii Ctillar.s, ;til

j.ty|i->-. X c k

Ti«.*? : i u d S ; a ; is ait

«iU»rn,tilove« ic S>cks,

Liucu Ui'iimifd U'l\\

^Os. pe l t tic r:*, I labrclia.-.

Ladies you*cnn s a v e from ^J t« g i b y b n y -! i n g yot 'r S H A W L S a t L E A V 1 T T 3 .

j You can b u y l a r g e r rinn'llea of D r y Qooda for i ' l - ir money at LEA V l T l ' S t h a n a n y o th­e r s tore i n tbe U n i t e d Su-tes .

H A T 8 A H D C A P S O F T H X L A T E S T S T Y L E .

Trunks, Valicsc$^ct<\t .v .

Please give us a call before

N i l T r o u b l e to MUo


i'l work eieented in the best «t leand at tbe low<*t city rites. A full aaeurtmeot uf Law Ulanlui constAntO on nana. 9

W l l X i A M W£LDOM A «-<>-, Importers of

•vipitiUss Gins, Winesv *ic* Also Dealers ia

B o n r l u n . "Rye. & W h e a l A V I i i - k i f Ko. 184 FULTON 8TKEET.

Near froadway. New York. W I L D O X , T . O I . C X A . F . E . C S A I Q .

J O U N S3. B V T L E K dk C O . ~~ Importers of

Brmndiew. "Wlneti, Otrw. "%»JTrfadxtea>

$430 R E W A R D ! Jue» received ,;a new x' .cl ibe justly eel


rou rmrchas'-:

< • OiMlas.

St KwXMl I ' M t *

n«Hii*. WM. CANE & ZQh,

Opivoet'e the Cumberland ii ..•..---

Oct IT. 1HS«

l'latbbif"li Marble Blanuiaftar).


, *&

•KaF* Bepubnean Ci efficeatie'docx,