



The brunt of immune complex deposition in IgA nephropathy is borne by the glomerular mesangium. Glomerular capillary wall deposits of varying extent and severity do occur, however, and these may account for symptoms such as hematuria and morphologic lesions such as acute glomerular necrosis, inflammation, and crescent formation. These seem unlikely, on the other hand, to account for the progressive decline in renal function, development of hypertension, increasing mesangial expansion, and glomerular sclerosis that typify the patient with progressive disease. These features are most likely to be a result of persisting mesangial deposition. Several glomerular diseases leading to chronic renal failure are characterized by similar changes although, in IgA nephropathy, the mesangial pathology clearly is related to deposi­tion of immune material. Others include diabetic glomerulosclerosis, focal glomerulosclerosis, and hereditary glomerulonephritis. It seems, therefore, that alteration in mesangial function as well as structure plays an important role in progressive reduction in glomerular filtration rate in several diseases. In this chapter, their relevance to IgA nephropathy is discussed.


Classic electron-microscopic studies have defined the features of the glomerular mesangium and its relationship to surrounding structures.

119 A. R. Clarkson (ed.), IgA Nephropathy© Martinus Nijhoff Publishing, Boston 1987

120 9. The glomerular mesa ngium

Figure 9-1. Electron micrograph of normal glomerulus. The mesangium occupies the lower portion of the micrograph and consists predominantly of mesangial cell cytoplasm surrounding the indented nucleus. Mesangial matrix is seen between digitations of mesangial cell cytoplasm and is similar in appearance to the glomerular capillary basement membrane. The basement membrane is a continuous structure surrounding glomerular capillaries, save for the area of the capillary adjacent to the mesangium, and is reflected round the mesangium to the next capillary. The mesangium is separated from capillary lumens by the fenestrated endothelial cell cytoplasm.

Mesangial cells (stalk cells, intercapillary cells) and matrix together form the mesangium which forms a support structure upon which the glomerular capillaries are hung or attached. Glomerular capillaries are separated from the mesangium by fenestrated endothelial cells and the glomerular capillary basement membrane (GBM) is in direct continuity with the basement membrane surrounding the mesangium. Through the matrix run channels that are thought to connect the capillary lumen with the region of the juxtaglomerular apparatus (JGA). The mesangium is a continuous structure extending from the region of the JGA, where it is relatively wider at the infundibulum of the glomerulus, to the periphery of the stalk, where it is comparatively narrow. Mesangial cells contain numerous micro filaments both in the perinuclear cytoplasm and extended cell processes. In addition to ribosomes and other cellular microtubules, these microfilaments are thought to contain actomyosin [1-3]. There is a well-developed Golgi apparatus, but few lysosomes. On occasions, cellular processes or pseudopodia may extend to the capillary lumen. The mesangial cell nuclei are slightly notched, a


feature thought to indicate activation. In the rat, there normally exists a subpopulation of mesangial cells bearing Ia determinants, resembling mono­nuclear phagocytes [4]. These cells grown in culture take up antigen and stimulate lymphocytes, both syngeneic and allogeneic.

Mesangial matrix fills the rest of the mesangial area. It is an amorphous substance similar in density to the basement membrane and is in continuity with the lamina rara intern a of the basement membrane. Collagen is usually absent and, if present in any quantity, indicates disease. Recently, analysis of mesangial matrix using immunohistochemical and monclonal antibody probes has provided further knowledge of its structure. Collagen types IV and V, fibronectin, and laminin are found in matrix and lamina rara interna [5], but the roles of these components in health and disease have not, as yet, been determined. Information from several laboratories also indicates that the mesangial matrix contains charge sites of heparan and chondroitin sulfates. On the basis of cell culture studies, it is thought that matrix is produced by the mesangial cells [3].

Of considerable importance to the understanding of mesangial function is the close anatomic relationship of the mesangium in the hilum of the glomerulus to the lacis cells of the JGA which, in turn, merge with the epithelioid granular cells of the afferent arteriole and macula densa. This close anatomic juxtaposition indicates a close functional integration and in par­ticular a dependence of glomerular filtration rate on mesangial function.


Like the trunk of a tree, the mesangium is more than a support structure for its peripheral foliage, the glomerular capillaries. Studies using different macromolecular probes have confirmed the mesangium as a zone of plas­matic flow and transit. Inorganic suspensions, polysaccharides [34], pro­teins, aggregated proteins, and immune complexes have been administered intravenously to animals and their transit determined using immunohis­tochemical, electron-microscopic, and immune electron-microscopic tech­niques, and by kinetic studies [6]. Macromolecular tracers gain access to the mesangium via endothelial fenestrae although entry into the lamina rara interna at the periphery and migration into the mesangium may occur.

Transit through the mesangium occurs via the intercellular channels to the region of the lacis cells, their fate thereafter being a matter of debate. They may enter lymphatics and venules or be excreted via renal tubules. Evidence in support of the latter is found after ureteric ligation in rats in which the kinetics of administered aggregated human immunoglobulin are markedly altered [7]. In addition, exit via the overlying epithelium into the urinary space may occur, thereby contributing to glomerular filtration. This route of exit may explain why large concentrations of tracers (and immune proteins)

122 9. The glomerular mesangiul11

are found beneath the basement membrane in paramesangial areas [8]. Kinetic studies have reinforced the ultrastructural and immunohistochemical analyses suggesting that passage of inorganic suspensions differs from that of polysac­charides and proteins. Accumulation of aggregated proteins and immune complexes within the mesangium occurs within 4 h of administration and they subsequently disappear over 24-72 h. Their accumulation is dependent on the concentration achieved within the circulation and therefore on the disappearance rate from the blood [9]. Activity of the systemic mononuclear phagocytic system is the predominant determinant of blood clearance. Molecular size [10], type, charge, and the biologic properties of the macro­molecules [11] also determine rate of accumulation and clearance. Con­siderable controversy exists as to the part played by phagocytosis in the clearance of macromolecules by resident mesangial cells. While clearly this occurs with some tracers and immune complexes [12, 13], its contribution to total clearance is probably small. Movement into and out of the mesangium may arbitrarily be separated into afferent and efferent limbs [6]. Its study and the factors that influence such movement are of important relevance to IgA nephropathy and its progression.

Factors affecting mesangial uptake (afferent limb) mentioned above include blood levels, which are related to the state of the reticuloendothelial system, size, type, and digestibility of the molecules, glomerular capillary charac­teristics such as permeability, and hemodynamic factors. In addition, corti­costeroid administration [14], endotoxin [15], and systemic infections [16] may lead to increased uptake in experimental animals. Factors affecting the efferent limb or egress from the mesangium include phagocytosis, transport via intercellular channels to the stalk, regurgitation into glomerular capillaries, passage into the urinary space, and the pressure and flow relation­ships induced by glomerular and arteriolar hemodynamic changes. Lastly, ureteric obstruction is followed by increased mesangial accumulation of macromolecules [7).


Mesangial cells have characteristics similar to smooth muscle cells and their surface contains receptors that bind a variety of vasoactive substances, par­ticularly angiotension II [17]. Contraction of the glomerular mesangium alters the size of mesangial channels, thereby influencing movement of plasma and macromolecules. Mesangial contraction may also change glomerular filtration by altering glomerular capillary surface area. As well as angiotensin II, vasopressin and thromboxane A2 cause mesangial contraction while prostaglandin E2, prostacyclin, and a-1-adrenergic antagonists cause mesangial relaxation [18]. These authors have demonstrated that angiotensin II increases the mesangial uptake and delays mesangial clearance of infused


IgG in rats and postulate that angiotension II may trigger release of other vasoactive substances capable of influencing movement of macromolecules through the mesangium [19]. Renal vasodilators such as diazoxide also increase mesangial uptake of macromolecules while causing systemic blood pressure to fall. This action may be explained by virtue of angiotension II stimulation. Infusion of angiotension II into man increases urinary PGE2

excretion and PGE release [20, 21] from the kidney. Studies using angio­tensin blockade with saralasin and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor drugs suggest that prostaglandin release by the kidney is mediated directly by angiotensin II [22]. There is no evidence that saralasin and ACE inhibitors work in a manner similar to indomethacin, which inhibits pro­staglandin synthesis directly. Mesangial cells in culture produce PGE2 and prostacyclin [23].


The glomerular mesangium contains at least two and possibly more cell subpopulations. The predominant mesangial cell is of renal origin and resembles smooth muscle [33], is contractile, and bears angiotensin II receptors. It is probably nonphagocytic. Bone-marrow-derived monocytes may also enter the mesangium and 50-60% of these cells bear the la antigen [4, 24]. The role of these cells in cellular immune reactions within the glomerulus is unclear although striking T-cell accumulation and subsequent macrophage-induced injury may occur in experimental anti-GBM glomerulo­nephritis in rats [25]. These phagocytes also bear Fc receptors.

The theta or Thy-1.1 antigen recently has been localized to mesangial cells in the rat [2] where it is also present on thymocytes, nucleated bone marrow cells including the pluripotential stem cell, and some of its lymphoid (both T and B) and nonlymphoid descendants. Relatively large amounts ofThy-1 are also present in dog and human kidneys [26-28]. In the rat, the majority of mesangial cells, including the native contractile cell, possess the Thy-1.1 antigen, but any role in antigen processing and initiation of cellular responses is as yet unclear. Evidence is available, however, that mouse mesangial cells (bearing micro filaments) produce a factor that stimulates lymphocyte pro­liferation with macrophages acting as intermediaries [29]. This factor may be interleukin 1, which is known to be produced by mesangial cells [30], although prostaglandins and free oxygen radicals may also be immuno­regulatory. The interaction between monocytes/phagocytes and mesangial cells is, however, probably bidirectional. Mononuclear cell products exert an effect on mesangial cell proliferation, on the one hand, while the mesangial cells in turn regulate the function of the infiltrating monocytes. Thus the la-bearing cells act to present antigen while the contractile cell provides an amplification signal for further monocyte accumulation. These observations

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may be of considerable importance in the development of mesangial proli­feration due to immunologic stimuli.


The glomerular mesangium seems to be directly or indirectly involved with the evolution of several renal diseases, both immunologic and nonimmuno­logic. Of the latter, perhaps diabetes mellitus, focal glomerulosclerosis, and hereditary glomerulonephritis are prime examples. Mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis, lupus nephritis, and IgA nephropathy are examples of immunologically mediated diseases while, in preeclampsia, the nature of the mesangial injury is unknown.

Abnormal mesangial function and structure is widely recognized in experimental animals with diabetes and in puromycin-induced nephrosis which is similar to focal glomerulosclerosis in man [19]. In mice with nephritis induced by lymphocytic choriomeningitis' virus infection [16] and in rats where nephritis was produced by intraperitoneal administration of ferritin [31], mesangial localization of immune complexes is associated with abnormal mesangial function. In the ferritin-treated animals, decrease occurred in glomerular filtration rate (GFR), single nephron GFR, single nephron plasma flow, and glomerular capillary pressure. It was concluded that the functional alterations induced by immunologically induced mesangial injury resulted from increased afferent and efferent arteriolar resistance.

In human IgA nephropathy, immune proteins appear to gain access to the mesangium from the capillary lumen via endothelial fenestrae or channels between endothelial cells. The contractility of the mesangial cells may account for movement of deposits to the hilus for possible removal. Partial dissolution of deposits occurs within mesangial matrix, but little evidence exists for any significant intracellular phagocytosis or digestion. The mesangial deposits appear directly or indirectly to stimulate cellular hyper­trophy and hyperplasia and increased deposition of mesangial matrix. This is accompanied by formation of collagen fibrils within the thickened matrix, atrophy of mesangial cells, and sclerosis of glomeruli [32].

IgA nephropathy shares with the diseases mentioned above the potential for disease progression, development of hypertension and renal impairment associated with increasing mesangial expansion, focal glomerular sclerosis, global sclerosis, vascular changes of hypertension, and tubulointerstitial scarring.

Evidence is accumulating rapidly pointing to chronic mesangial injury as the common denominator of this pathophysiologic sequence.


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