  • In Gear R O T A R Y C L U B O F B E A U M A R I S W E E K L Y B U L L E T I N Number 37, 14 April 2015

    Next Meetings

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    100 Y !" ANZAC

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    Serving the Community since 1985

    Presidents Report Another great meeting with almost a full house. We in-ducted a new member and had a great speaker, more potential members, a PHF presentation, excellent feed-back from events and happy faces all round. For the second week in a row I had the pleasure to wel-come a new Beaumaris Rotary member, Jason Tonks. He is a local, working at Century 21Real Estate and has been along to a number of events to date. He was sup-ported by his partner, Kelly Centoza, during the induc-tion process. It was with great pleasure, I was able to present Richard

    Jones with a Paul Harris Fellow (1 Sapphire). Richard is already a PHF due to his work with Beaumaris, but due to his level of contributions to Foundation he was eligible for the next level PHF (see photo next page). Max Derby (almost our next new member), Tim Dark (first visit) and Maureen Ashcroft (Penny Culshaws Mum) and our nine partners, all enjoyed our evening. This was due to Richards continued excellence in find-ing great speakers. We all enjoyed the informative and entertaining talk by Craig Hassed on Stress and Mind-fullness. We will all remember those dangly bits that decay called Telomeres and the hints to help turn our active brains off at night so we can sleep. Twelve brave Rotarians and partners ventured down to Treybit Reserve to help Hampton Rotary break the


    1 Presidents Report 2 Notices 3 Solar Panels on Sabu 3,8 This Weeks Speaker 9 100 Year ANZAC Anniversary Function 10 RCOB; An Evening with Max Walker 11 RCOBN; Gala Trivia Night 12 Club Structure / Picture of Week

    Unless stated otherwise venue is Victoria Golf Club 6.30 for 7.00

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    Guinness World Record for the number of glow sticks lit at once, plus celebrate Rotary and our en-gagement with our local Bayside community. All the feedback so far is we were successful, and apart from catching our tent as the wind lifted it from the beach, we avoided the rain and marshalled over a 1000 people into place on the beach.

    Above; Waiting for the crowds, The crowds ar-riving, The big moment !! At present we have around ninety people attending

    our 100th ANZAC celebration next week. As this may be the last event at the RSL, it may be tinged with a little sadness, but this wont stop Beaumaris members like Peter and Maureen, along with the Cluster Clubs who are supporting us make it an event to remember.


    Hocking Stuart Sandringham 62-64 Station Street

    Telephone: 03 9521 9800

    Note; As part of our arrangement with Hocking Stuart discounts on agents fees are available to RCOB members.

    An Evening with Max Walker

    Saturday 30 May

    For Details see Page 10

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    Q ; D. CR H .

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    Dr Craig Hassed is a General Practitioner and Sen-ior Lecturer in the Monash University Department of General Practice where he has been teaching at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels since 1989. He has been instrumental in introducing a variety of innovations into medical education and practice with an emphasis on the application of ho-listic, integrative and mind-body medicine in medical practice and reconnecting different knowledge sys-tems e.g. medical science and philosophy, in a way which is grounded, balanced, scientifically valid and clinically effective. He is a regular speaker in Aus-tralia and internationally on these topics and is reg-ularly invited to contribute to a variety of community and professional groups. Craigs work has a particular focus on incorporating mindfulness-based strategies into health, profes-sional and educational environments. Part of Craigs role at Monash is as a mindfulness consult-ant incorporating mindfulness programs for staff and students around the university. Craig has also published seven books including Know Thyself, The Essence of Health, General Practice: the integrative approach, Mindfulness for Life, and Mindful Learn-ing. Craig proved to be one of the best speakers we have had in a long time and his topic possibly one of the most interesting and beneficial for Club mem-bers. Accordingly rather than just prepare a sum-mary which would risk missing out on some of the key points I have included an article by Craig which covers largely the same ground (plus a little more) in a coherent manner. The article starts on Page 4.

    Solar Panels on Sabu

    Attached photos show the solar panels of our first major solar project; in situ on the school roof at Mehona, Sabu. The rest of the installation and test-ing should be complete over the next few days. Photo below is of school children at Mehona, Sabu. Congrats to all for their support. Geoff Stockdale

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    Shining Through

    Photograph by Ernie Vater, National Geographic Your Shot The setting sun shines through the ice on the shore of a frozen Lake Su-perior, Part of the beauty of this place is the silence of it, he writes of the ice caves at the Apostle Is-lands National Lakeshore near Bayfield, Wisconsin. You hear nothing except the occasional creaking of the ice (which can make you jump if it's right under you). There were a few times when I just stopped and enjoyed the quiet. In this spot the only sounds were the water drops splashing.

    CLUB STRUCTURE 2014 - 2015 UPDATED 20/04/2015


    President Ken Mirams Director Trish Smyth

    PE, VP Trish Smyth Auditor Tony Phillips

    Secretary Roy Seager Program Richard Jones

    Treasurer James Glenwright Meeting Attendance Trish Smyth

    Foundation Mike Hede Communications David Lea

    Branding & PR Malcolm Sawle Fellowship Megan Glenwright

    International John Beaty Photographers John Beaty, Greg Every

    New Generations Kerrie Geard Almoner Geoff Stringer

    Community Chris D'Arcy Chair /Host /Cashiers /AV Roster

    Fundraising Adrian Culshaw Youth Protection Officer Malcolm Parks

    On to Conference Robert McArthur^*


    International Community New Generations Fundraising

    Fred Hofmann Geoff Abbott David Rushworth Harry Wolfe

    John Sime Rob Fenton Mary Sealy Heather Chisholm

    David Langworthy Richard Shermon Tony McKenna * Roger Frewen

    Geoff Stockdale Tony Phillips Geoff Stringer

    Ross Phillips David Greenall LOA David Hone

    Malcolm Parks Lynda Doutch Chris Martin Judi Hall

    John Manks Jason Tonks Royal Melbourne Golf Charmaine Jansz

    David Greenall Jim O'Brien Antony Nixon

    Concourse Festival Branding & PR Harry Wolfe Peter Flude

    Kerrie Geard Peter Flude^ David Hone# Mike Hede

    Masters Golf Parking David Lea MUNA / NYSF

    James Glenwright Martin Fothergill Heather Chisolm

    ^ Farmers Market # Indigenous Project * District