
Indonesia International Institute for Life Science



Laboratory Procotol Developer and Supervisor(s) Information

Protocol Developer: Leonny Y. Hartiadi, Agnes Anania Triavika

Email: [email protected]

Supervisor(s) E-mail:

[email protected] [email protected]


Dear students! Welcome to pharmaceutical science and technology laboratory at i3L. In this lab, you

will learn the basic compounding, dosage calculation and how to read prescription correctly. This skill is

very basic skill needed for pharmacist in the clinical area, as well as the very basic knowledge for drug

development process. Therefore, you need to understand the theory behind compounding and find the way

to apply the knowledge into practical session. It is worth noting that pharmacist in the clinical area is the

front liner profession, and therefore, we need to avoid even small mistakes during the drug preparation and

compounding. Please take this lab seriously and calculate the dose needed for each materials.

In each session, you will get three prescriptions based on the dosage form you learned. You need to

finish the compounding of those prescriptions during the time given. In preparation, we want you to know

some of materials you need to bring to lab:

1. 3 day before you enter the lab, each student should submit hand written paper about the calculation

(including weight calculation / penimbangan and dose calculation, if any). Student which has not submit

will not allow to enter the session lab.

2. Absence is not allowed (excuse for those who are sick on that day, should submit medical record to AO

and the lab supervisor). Late is allowed in only the first 5 minutes. If you have face some trouble,

you need to contact the lab supervisor soon. Even we will count how many times you late.

3. After finishing all procedure, please clean up your desk and make sure that you put all materials and

equipment back to their place.

4. 1 weeks after the session, each student should submit 1 report (hand written report) about that session.

The format will be explained below and during the introduction session.

5. During the lab, lab assistants will score your activity and performance.

6. You will have lab exam on session 14. The exam will be about compounding the prescription which

you have learned during 12 sessions. However, in the exam, you are not allowed to see the procedure

and you need to fill out the exam paper (such as calculation and procedure) on the spot.

Your grade will be calculated using this formula:

Calculation (hand written paper) 10%

Performance in lab 15%

Lab report (hand written) 50%

Lab exam 25%

The format of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology report will follow this content:

1. Prescription (just re-write the prescription)

2. Completeness of prescription (please check whether there is/are any incompleteness of prescription)

3. Preformulation (means the description of each material, solubility (if relevant), therapeutic

effect/function of each material. Please use Farmakope Indonesia or HOPE as your reference)

4. Dosage calculation (including maximum dosage for one-time and one-day, if any)

5. Weight calculation (of each material)

6. Method

7. Packaging

8. Etiket and other instruction.

Here is the schedule for this lab:

Session 1 Introduction to Pharmaceutical Science and Technology lab

Session 2 Solid Dosage Form (Pulveres)

Session 3 Solid Dosage Form (Pulvis)

Session 4 Solid Dosage Form (Capsules)

Session 5 Liquid Dosage Form (Syrup)

Session 6 Liquid Dosage Form (Tinctura, Gargle)

Session 7 Liquid Dosage Form (Guttae)

Session 8 Liquid Dosage Form (Suspension)

Session 9 Liquid Dosage Form (Emulsion)

Session 10 Semi-solid Dosage Form (Unguenta)

Session 11 Semi-solid Dosage Form (Cream)

Session 12 Semi-solid Dosage Form (Pasta, Gel)

Session 13 Semi-solid Dosage Form (Balsam, liniment)

Session 14 Lab exam

Last, we hope that you will gain a lot of knowledge regarding pharmaceutical science and technology

which will be useful for your future career. Good luck!

Approved by Acknowledged by

Sanjaya Waani Leonny Y. Hartiadi

Head of Laboratory Program Manager of Pharmacy

Session 1. Introduction to Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Lab

During the introduction session you will receive an explanation about how you will work and prepare your

lab session. On each session you will be given 3 prescriptions. Sometimes the components of the

prescription are incomplete/missing/incorrect dosage. You will need to figure out what is missing or

incorrect from each prescription. You will also need to know how to read the prescription and this include

memorizing acronym commonly used in prescriptions.

A complete prescription should have following components:

1. Name of doctor

2. Address of doctor

3. SIP number

4. Prescription number

5. Dates of the prescription

6. Name and amount of the drugs

7. How to make or what dosage form that you are being asked to made

8. Frequency of medicines usage

9. Doctor signature

10. Name of the patient

11. Age and weight of the patient

12. Address of the patient

The container of the dosage will be provided in the lab, however you will need to make an etiket (label) for

each of your prescription. Please prepare your etiket before the lab session and stick your etiket in your

products and also in your report.

An etiket should have following components:

- Name of the pharmacy

- Address of the pharmacy

- Pharmacist and SIK

- Prescription number

- Date

- Patient name

- Frequency of medicines usage

There are also additional information that needs to be added to an etiket (depending of what is being


- Shake well before use

- For antibiotics: Finish the antibiotic

- For topical dosage forms, the etiket needs to be printed on a blue paper while oral dosage forms,

the etiket needs to be printed on a white paper.

Please bring 2 dustcloth and prepare a handmade spatula to the lab.

Session 2. Solid Dosage Form (Pulveres)

dr. Adi

SIP: 123/I/DU/2016

Jl. Pulomas Barat Kav 88, Jakarta Timur

No resep: 28

Jakarta, 5 January 2018

R/ CTM tablet XV

Elaeosaccharum anisi 5 g

m.f.l.a.pulv. No XV

S.tdd. pulv I p.c.

Pro: Raymond, 17 th

Jalan Elang Raya no 1, Jakarta Timur

dr. Adi

SIP: 123/I/DU/2016

Jl. Pulomas Barat Kav 88, Jakarta Timur

No resep: 29

Jakarta, 5 January 2018

R/ Rifampisin 300 mg

Paracetamol 300 mg

m.f.l.a.pulv. dtd. No XV

S.tdd. pulv I a.c.

Pro: Andre, 18 th

Jalan Kebayoran no 1, Jakarta Timur



Jl. Pulomas Barat Kav 88, Jakarta Timur, 13210

APA: Leonny Yulita, Ph.D., Apt.

SIPA: 321/APA/XII/2016


No : 01 Tanggal : 5 Januari 2018

Dari dokter : Adi Tanggal R/ : 5 Januari 2018

Untuk : Andre (18 th), Jalan Kebayoran no 1, Jakarta Timur

No. R/ : 29

R/ Rifampisin 300 mg

Paracetamol 300 mg

m.f.l.a.pulv. dtd. No XV

S.tdd. pulv I a.c.

---------------------------------------det orig ---------------------------------------



Leonny Yulita, Ph.D., Apt.

dr. Adi

SIP: 123/I/DU/2016

Jl. Pulomas Barat Kav 88, Jakarta Timur

No resep: 30

Jakarta, 5 January 2018

R/ Natrium bikarbonat 8 g

Asam tartrat 4.6 g

Asam sitrat 3 g

Lactose 3.6 g

m.f.l.a.pulv. dtd. No XX

S.tdd. pulv I ad aq. 100 ml

Pro: Bastian, 18 th

Jalan Mawar no 1, Jakarta Timur

Session 3. Solid Dosage Form (Pulvis)

dr. Adi

SIP: 123/I/DU/2016

Jl. Pulomas Barat Kav 88, Jakarta Timur

No resep: 31

Jakarta, 6 January 2018

R/ Camphora 0.05 g

Zinc oxide

Amylum aa 1 g

Acid salicyl. 0.1 g

Talc. Ad 20 g

m.f.l.a.pulv. adsp


Pro: Hillary, 19 th

Jalan Matahari no 1, Jakarta Timur

dr. Adi

SIP: 123/I/DU/2016

Jl. Pulomas Barat Kav 88, Jakarta Timur

No resep: 32

Jakarta, 6 January 2018

R/ Acid salicyl. 0.5 g

Menthol 0.1 g

Adeps lanae 2 g

Magnesium oxide 2.5 g

Zinc oxide 3 g

Talcum ad 30 g

m.f.l.a.pulv. adsp

S.u.c.o.v. bedak purol

Pro: Beatrice, 18 th

Jalan Boulevard no 1, Jakarta Timur

dr. Adi

SIP: 123/I/DU/2016

Jl. Pulomas Barat Kav 88, Jakarta Timur

No resep: 33

Jakarta, 6 January 2018

R/ Iodine 1%

Salicyl talk 20 g

m.f.l.a.pulv. adsp


Pro: Shania, 17 th

Jalan Gunung Agung no 1, Jakarta Timur

Session 4. Solid Dosage Form (Capsules)

dr. Adi

SIP: 123/I/DU/2016

Jl. Pulomas Barat Kav 88, Jakarta Timur

No resep: 34

Jakarta, 7 January 2018

R/ Paracetamol tab I

Vitamin C 0.5 mg

m.f.l.a.caps. dtd. No. XV

S.tdd. caps. I. p.c

Pro: Raymond, 17 th

Jalan Elang Raya no 1, Jakarta Timur

dr. Adi

SIP: 123/I/DU/2016

Jl. Pulomas Barat Kav 88, Jakarta Timur

No resep: 35

Jakarta, 7 January 2018

R/ Aspirin tablet ½ tablet

Ampicillin 200 mg

m.f.l.a.caps. dtd. No. X

S.bdd. caps. I. v. p.c.

Pro: Andre, 5 th

Jalan Pegangsaan no 1, Jakarta Timur


Jl. Pulomas Barat Kav 88, Jakarta Timur, 13210

APA: Leonny Yulita, Ph.D., Apt.

SIPA: 321/APA/XII/2016


No : 50 Tanggal : 5 Desember 2017

Dari dokter : Adi Tanggal R/ : 1 November 2017

Untuk : Bastian (7 th), Jalan Angkasa no 1, Jakarta Timur

No. R/ : 36

R/ CTM 3 mg

Asetosal 300 mg

m.f.l.a.caps. dtd. No. XV

S.prn. caps. I.

---------------------------------------det orig ---------------------------------------


Leonny Yulita, Ph.D., Apt.

Session 5. Liquid Dosage Form (Syrup)

dr. Retno Putri

Jalan Majalaya no.25, Jakarta

SIP. 501/2015

Resep no: 1 Jakarta, 1 February, 2018

R/ Pot nigr c. tuss 60 ml

S 5 dd 1 c

Pro: Tn. Romeo

Age: 20 y.o

dr. Anugrah

Jalan Merdeka no.25, Jakarta

Resep no: 2 Jakarta, 1 February, 2018

R/ CTM 0.04

Elixir paracetamol 60 ml

v cth 1

Pro: Francis

Age: (6 y.o, 17,5 kg)

Jalan Kartika no.1

dr. Petra

Jalan Kemuning no.00

Resep no: 3

R/ Potassium Permanganate Solution 0.05 g

Aqua dest. 100 ml


S. obat cuci muka

Rina (21 y.o)

Jalan Kalimas 5

Session 6. Liquid Dosage Form (Tinctura, Gargle)

dr. Manu

SIP: 25/2010

Jalan Kemuning no.00

No.4 Jakarta, 5/2/2018

R/ Gargarisma Zinc chloride

SF da 100 ml

S. 2-3 dd dikumur-kumur

Rina (21 y.o)

Jalan Kalimas 5

dr. Manu

SIP: 25/2010

Jalan Kemuning no.00

No.5 Jakarta, 5/2/2018

R/ Sodium Chloride Compound Mouthwash BP

SF da 100 ml

S. 1 dd dikumur-kumur

Pro: Annim

Kings street no.290

dr. Manu

SIP: 25/2010

Jalan Kemuning no.00

No: 6 Jakarta, 5/2/2018

R/ Ipecac tincture 10 %

Syrupus simplex 30%

Oleum menthae q.s

SF da 60 ml

S. 3 dd 1 cth

Pro: James (8 y.o)

Jalan Malaka no.4

Session 7. Liquid Dosage Form (Guttae)

dr. Petra

SIP: 25/2010

Jalan Kamboja no.11

No.7 Jakarta, 5/2/2018

R/ Guttae Aurie Natrie Carb 10 ml

S 3 dd 1 gtt aurie

Pro: Albert (20 y.o)

Jalan Campos 5

dr. Petra

SIP: 25/2010

Jalan Kamboja no.11

No.8 Jakarta, 5/2/2018

R/ H2O2 3% 15 ml

S u e

Pro: Caca (30 y.o)

Jalan PCI 5

dr. Petra

SIP: 25/2010

Jalan Kamboja no.11


R/ Paracetamol 0,1

Propilenglikol ad 11 ml

m.f. gutt oris 15 ml

s.t.d.d gtt 10

Pro: Jenny (6 months)

Jalan Campos 5

Session 8. Liquid Dosage Form (Suspension)

dr. Fitri

SIP: 25/2010

Jalan Sunda no.15

No.10 Jakarta, 12-3-2018

R/Lotio kummerfeldi 60 ml


Pro: Venus (7 y.o)

Jl. Paledang 17

dr. Fitri

SIP: 25/2010

Jalan Sunda no.15


R/ Bismuth subnitrate 2

Tragacanth 0.65

Alcohol 4

Sod. citrate 0.01

Aqua ad 100 ml

Pro: Jane

dr. Fitri

SIP: 25/2010

Jalan Sunda no.15

No.12 Jakarta, 12-3-2018

R/ Chloramphenicol 125 mg/5 ml

Syrupus simplex 30 %

CMC-Na 1%

Oleum peppermint 1 gtt

Aquadest ad 60 ml

m.f.l.a suspension

S.b.d.d. Cth 1

Pro: Jane (8 y.o)

Jalan Jimbaran no.10

Session 9. Liquid Dosage Form (Emulsion)

dr. Haryati

SIP: 32/2008

Jalan Jawa no.19


R/ Paraffin emulsion 60 ml

Mf. Emulsum

S.1 dd c 1

Pro: Juni (17 y.o)

Jalan Kalimantan no.15

dr. Haryati

SIP: 32/2008

Jalan Jawa no.19

No.14 Jakarta, 5/3/2017

R/ Oleum Ricini 30

PGA 10

Sach. Alb 15

Orange essence 2 gtt

Pewarna kuning qs

Aqua ad 250

m.f emulsion 60 ml

Pro: Juni (17 y.o)

Jalan Papua no.15

dr. Haryati

SIP: 32/2008

Jalan Jawa no.19

No.15 Jakarta, 5/3/2017

R/ Arachis oil 40 % (v/v)

m.f emulsion 100 ml

Pro: Melly (19 y.o)

Jalan Manado no.2

Session 10. Semi-solid Dosage Form (Unguentum/ Ointment)

dr. Adi

SIP: 123/I/DU/2016

Jl. Pulomas Barat Kav 88, Jakarta Timur

No resep: 16

Jakarta, 1 January 2018

R/ Unguentum 2-4 10 g


Camphora 0.5 g



Pro: Raymond, 17 th

Jalan Elang Raya no 1, Jakarta Timur

dr. Adi

SIP: 123/I/DU/2016

Jl. Pulomas Barat Kav 88, Jakarta Timur

No resep: 17

Jakarta, 1 January 2018

R/ Benzalkonium chloride (12%) 5 ml

Aqua dest. 20 ml

Adeps lanae 25 g

Vaselin album 50 g

m.f.ungt. da pars quarta


Pro: Andre, 18 th

Jalan Kebayoran no 1, Jakarta Timur

dr. Adi

SIP: 123/I/DU/2016

Jl. Pulomas Barat Kav 88, Jakarta Timur

No resep: 18

Jakarta, 1 January 2018

R/ Kalium iodide 3

Iodium 2

Aqua dest. 5

Ungt. Simplex 90

m.f.ungt. da 20 g


Pro: Bastian, 18 th

Jalan Mawar no 1, Jakarta Timur

Session 11. Semi-solid Dosage Form (Cream)

dr. Adi

SIP: 123/I/DU/2016

Jl. Pulomas Barat Kav 88, Jakarta Timur

No resep: 19

Jakarta, 2 January 2018

R/ Paraffin liq. 12.75

Cera alba 0.625

Cetaceum 1.625

Acid stearicum 1.6

TEA 0.2

Natr. Tetraborat 0.2

Glycerin 0.25

Rose oil q.s

Aqua ad 25

m.f.cold cream


Pro: Hillary, 19 th

Jalan Matahari no 1, Jakarta Timur

dr. Adi

SIP: 123/I/DU/2016

Jl. Pulomas Barat Kav 88, Jakarta Timur

No resep: 20

Jakarta, 2 January 2018

R/ Acid stearic 4.75

Glycerin 3.5

Natrium tetraborat 0.1

TEA 0.5

Aqua dest ad 25

m.f. cream


Pro: Beatrice, 18 th

Jalan Boulevard no 1, Jakarta Timur

dr. Adi

SIP: 123/I/DU/2016

Jl. Pulomas Barat Kav 88, Jakarta Timur

No resep: 21

Jakarta, 2 January 2018

R/ Hydrocortison acetate 1%

Chloramphenicol 2%

Propylene glycol 1%

Emulgid cream 20

m.f. cream


Pro: Shania, 17 th

Jalan Gunung Agung no 1, Jakarta Timur

Session 12. Semi-solid Dosage Form (Pasta, Gel)

dr. Adi

SIP: 123/I/DU/2016

Jl. Pulomas Barat Kav 88, Jakarta Timur

No resep: 22

Jakarta, 3 January 2018

R/ Pasta Lassari 20 g


Pro: Raymond, 17 th

Jalan Elang Raya no 1, Jakarta Timur

dr. Adi

SIP: 123/I/DU/2016

Jl. Pulomas Barat Kav 88, Jakarta Timur

No resep: 23

Jakarta, 3 January 2018

R/ Ampicillin Na 1.2%


Aqua dest ad 15 g

m.f.gel l.a.


Pro: Andre, 18 th

Jalan Kebayoran no 1, Jakarta Timur

dr. Adi

SIP: 123/I/DU/2016

Jl. Pulomas Barat Kav 88, Jakarta Timur

No resep: 24

Jakarta, 3 January 2018

R/ Bentonit 1

Sulfur precipitatum 2

Zinc oxide 10

Talcum 10

Ichtamol 0.5


Aqua dest. aa 5

m.f.pasta l.a.

Pro: Bastian, 18 th

Jalan Mawar no 1, Jakarta Timur

Session 13. Semi-solid Dosage Form (Balsam, Linimentum)

dr. Adi

SIP: 123/I/DU/2016

Jl. Pulomas Barat Kav 88, Jakarta Timur

No resep: 25

Jakarta, 4 January 2018

R/ Lc. Baume bengue 15g


Champora 1%



Pro: Hillary, 19 th

Jalan Matahari no 1, Jakarta Timur

dr. Adi

SIP: 123/I/DU/2016

Jl. Pulomas Barat Kav 88, Jakarta Timur

No resep: 26

Jakarta, 4 January 2018

R/ Menthol 10 g

Camphora 10 g

Stearic acid 10 g

Ol. Menthae pip. 5 ml

Vaselin album 100 g

Methyl salicylate 10 g

m.f.liniment da 15 g


Pro: Beatrice, 18 th

Jalan Boulevard no 1, Jakarta Timur

dr. Adi

SIP: 123/I/DU/2016

Jl. Pulomas Barat Kav 88, Jakarta Timur

No resep: 27

Jakarta, 4 January 2018

R/ Ammonia 20 ml

Acid. Oleinic. 10 ml

Oleum sesame 70 ml

m.f.liniment da 15 ml


Pro: Shania, 17 th

Jalan Gunung Agung no 1, Jakarta Timur
