

rf    I ii-

Iff    l   rTitE   QEE   1r4RLIN6TON   KY   7   <



rThese   symptoms mean   torpid   liver and  a  clogged   condition   in

the  bowels   They also   mean   the  general health   is   below

par and  disease  is  seeking  to  obtain   control


Quickly   removes   these  Symptoms   Strengthens   the Stomach

Cleanses   the   Liver   and Bowels   and   Promotes Func ¬

tional   Activity  in   the Kidneys   A few   doses

will restores   Health  and Energy

k    in Body  and  Brain


Trice   100 Per   BottleS

11   St   Bernard   Drugstore   Special   Agents   I


Only Eight   of  the   Early Travelers From

Kentucky   to   California


Pearled   and   Retold   Their   Experiences   at

iMadisonvillc   Tuesday

Thfe   Kentucky   1ioiieer   Assor   elation   held its   spring   iimeting   tit

Madisonville   Tnesdfiy   TIm  meeting   was   nt the   Lucilo   Hotelwhere   the   old   brainy   brawnypioneers   o f t he   early   fiftieswarmed   up   their   old   love   for

f   each   other   rehabilitated   their   j

ofttold   experiences   of   the   earlypleasures   and took    comfort tothe   inner   man   in   a   feast   of  good

l   thinStOnly  eight   of the   old   pioneerswere   present   nt the   reunion

MontL  j

Ileelectcll111esidentoITH   Ashby

1Hnnson   J   A   Jackson

HBunl   Oweiifiboro   OntonIQillj   Providence i  Jno   W lt1U1d  JW   Cox   Neho   W   II

1 Hardm   Beech   Grove   Three   of tho married   children   of   J   IIAshby   were  present   atilt   helped

sloth  the   celebration

Messrs   Montgomery   Ashbyand   Bone went   to   Californiaacross the plains in   7 52   MessrsJackson   and Xuim   went  the   samoyear   hut   by   water   MessrsHardin   Cox   and   Gill went   in

J   Mr   Cox   going   Uy   water  millplainsdMr   had   never   before   peeny

present at  a   meeting   of the   Asso  ¬

ciation ahd   his   experience   wasV   therefore   new   His   story   was

spicy  and   proved   the most  inter ¬

esting   feature   of    the   meetingJ   L   Townsend   and   wife   Madisonville   n   W   Ashby   and   wife

r   Hanson   and   Mrs   HuiMphroy


rThis  >

Association   is   tho onlyone  in   Kentucky   ami  one  of  onlya  few  in  the   Tnitod  States   Therewere   formerly   some   HJors   inthis   Association   but   death   hasvisited   the  sturdy  pioneers   TheAssQciation   adjourned   in   thehope   of    meeting   again   in   the


coning   autumn


SNAKEIandIIJim   Fawcett   thought   ho   hadtho   only   new   snake story   and hastold   itwellmore   than   onceHe   sand   it  was   nOW   audit wasnta  hit   bad   But  Frank    Arnold   isresponsible   for the   only   sensaional   fresh   spring   snake   storywith   truly   local   coloring   that   hasbeen   reported   in   Western   Kentuck 

Frank   had   his   wife   and   boyOut   driving   Sunday   afternoonOn   the   St   Charles   road   at   the-

summitI   of   the hill   hack  of    tholake he sIn  a   very   large   black snake   crossing  t ho   road   Frank was   possessed  at   once   with   a   de¬

sire  to   kill   the   reptile  and   get ¬

ting   out   holeft   Mrs   Arnold   tohull   the   horse   while   lie  gathereda   stick   and  started   to  the   execu ¬

tion   When   ho   saw   himself chased   his  snakeship   turned  badefront   tho  fence   he  wasabout   topass   through   into   the   field   andstarted   for   tho   buggy   Hearing



under   the   feet   of its   occupantsThe   boy   jumped   out   tad   thosnake   followed   hilt  doubled   back under   the   buggy   after   whichthere   was   a   snake   funeral

Mrs   Arnold   and   son   were  consitlllnhl   frigh tenet   Frank   isaccused   of   going   to   extremesdriving   a   snake   up   into   his  own

buggyjn   order  to   make   a   good

story   but  ho   has knocked   Fawcett   out

SuccessWorth   Knowing

Forty years   success In   the   Southproves   Hughes   Tonic a  great   reme ¬

dy for  Willis and  nil  Malarial   FovorsHotter   than   Calomel   anti   QuinineContains   no   Arsenic   Guaranteedtry  it   At Druggists   Me   and   100bottles


llns   Decided   to   Take   the Place  Wit  II

the   arlington   Bank 

theIMaterials   tire   being   put  on

ground   for the   new   Earlington   Bank    building   to  he   erecfedon   the lot   next to  Tin   BBK   opine

TIlt   work   will   be   pushed   Its  rap  j

idltf   as possible   Mr   Tinder   wasihere yesterday seeing  prospecitvecustomers   and taking their order-for bank   books  with which tpcarrtheir   accounts   when   the   bank opens   Stationery   and   suppliesam being  ordered

Jesse   Phillips   has   decided   to

injthemethods   before   the   EarlingtoaBank   is  ready   to  begin   businessHe   will   also   visit   Evansville   togot   the   savings   batik    features >

which   will   play   a   very   import  ¬

ant  part  in  the  Karlington   insti-


The   stockholders   are   tobe  congratulated   on   securing   sovaluable   a man   as   Mr Phillips

OUND advice   to   these   who   havekidney   and   bladder   troubles is   toFotoys¬

tits the  Kidneys   John  X   Taylor


More   Coal   Produced   Last   April   Than

Any April   In   Hopkins   County

The   monthly   output   of   coal   InHopkins   County   continues to   showgains   over tho   same   months   in  proyears   All  mines  are  running stead  ¬

fly and   with   full  force   As an   thus ¬

tration   the   St Bernard   group   of mines   produced   In   the   month   of April   just past   20UO   more   tons   of coal   than  during   April   1000   Themouth   of   April   1000   was   tho   mostproductive   of   any   previous April   inthe history   of the   mines




Annual   Footwashlng

The   Primitive   Baptists   will   liltserve   the   rites communion   old   footwashing   at Flat   Creek church   on  thefourth   Sunday   in   May   Itev1   NWillie   is  pastor

expensfor othrice   our Poultry  Mixture   and  insectDestroyer hi   the   country   AddressKXdKiston   FOOD  Co   Parsons   Kan

n   Stewart   Miller   of   Uweusborowas   In  the   city   one   day   last   week told   called  KJU   THE   Bun

How Are Your  8ldaerl-Dr   nerlflA   Sara

pie tree   AddloerImoniteatcdyCuebI agourN

Subscribe for THK  Bun

1c   vIChoIIIS ladt tf ISGroves



I   The   formula   is   plainly   printed   on   every   bottle   hence youHI know   just   what   you   arc   taking   when   you   take   Groves Imiaru   1

tdo   not   advertise their   formula   knowingthat   you   would11t1

their   medicine   if    you   knew   what   it   contained   Groves   containsIron   and   Quinine   in   correct   proportions   andsis   in   a Tastelessy

i r   form   The   Iron   acts   as   a   tonic   while   the   Quinine

malaria   out   ofthe   system   Any   reliable   druggist   will   tell   you   thatt Groves   Ji   the   Original   and   that   all   other socalled   Tasteless

Chili   Tonics   arc   imitations   An   analysis   of  other   chill   tonics   showstI that   Groves   is   superior   to   all   otters in   every   respect   You   r iI°   I arc not   experimenting   when   you   take   Groves   its superiorityf 


and   excellence   having long   j benrestabhshcd   j   Groves   jsl  thf  TI  lon   Chill   Cure   sold   throughout   the   entire   malarial   sections   of 

ifthe1United   States   AlitlureaNo   +NajiPciccrac   u   atilaaea   IttM1Nf1




r   This is the  Smallest   1I ICICLE   5

Ilyfade also

larger   sizes



= =McKinleys   Highest Honor

A  great  many things  are   beingsaid   about   President   McKinleythese   days   Not   all   of them arepleasant   but   for the most   partthey   are  commendatory   in all  degrces   from   simple   to  superlativeBut  of  all   these   columns   utteredthere   has not   been been   paid  thefirst   gentleman   of   the UnitedStates   higher compliment   thanthis   sweet   tribute   by   the   firstlady  of the land

1110  appreciate  h11117said   Mrs

McKinley   one   riiust   know  himas   I  do   And  I  am   not speakingnow   of  Major   McKialey   as   thePresident   I  nm   speaking   of  himas my   husband   If  anyone   couldknow what   it  is   to   have a sick  wife   complaining always   an in ¬

valid  for  twenyfive years   seldom

a  day   well   and  yet  never   a  wordof unkindness has ever passed   hislips   he is   justthe   sumo   tenderthoughtful   kind   gentleman   Iknew   when   first   he   cause   andsought   my   yard   I   know   himbemuse   I   am his wife and   it   is

my  proudest   pleasure to  say thisnot   because   he   is  the Presidentbut   because  he   is  my   husband

I   wish  that   1  could   have   seen

him  yesterday   I  love  to  see  him

among the   people   whom  he seeksto   serve   so   faithfully   But   I

his   speeches   this   morning

I   read   all   His   speeches   I   only

wish   that  I   could   help hun   as   I

should   He   is  so  kind   so   good

so  patient   He   gives   me all the

time   he   can   he   never forgets

me   no   matter   how   busy   he is

But I will   be   glad   when   he is  outof   public   life   I   did

him to   run   a   second   timeIthought he   had   done enough   for

tho   country   and   now   I   know

that   he has   dote   enough   andwhen   this   term   expires   he   will

come   home   and we   will   settlebelongYto

meAmany   eulogiums   have

been pronounced   on   Major   Mc

Kinloy   a  great   number   will   yetbe  added   to the   list  in  the futurebut   nothing   higher   nothing bet ¬

ter   nothing   that   cat  crown   hismanhood   with   a   wreath  of    hon-



best  attained   has   ever been

will   ever   be   said of   him   thanthis   nor  anything  that   will   fallwith   exhilaration  of  sweeter   in ¬

cense on   his soul Cincinnati


Nebo   Items

Mrs   Jriioruslwry and   daughterand the  Messrs   Wliltledge   of Hen¬

derson   are   visiting   the   family   of George   Sights   this  week 

Miss   Hello Story   closed  her  springterm of   school hero last Friday

James   and   Herbert   Morgan   of 

HIIIollllgJohn   Wjnstead   anti   It   S   Hill

went   to   Mortons   tap  Saturday  tend  1



IIIItIIlrltlll   IHl   homo Monday

On   lust   Friday   evening   n   selectof  Nebo   girls   thinking   perhaps

thojr   neighbors were   nntM  > oine   dictded  to   give   them   a   treat   lit   theAVJiy   of   voial   eiitllig   Meni

lve   tai  fOiifVuinil   plfw of   hUll  1



slier   they  proceeded   to   produce suchstrains   as   were   calculated   to   pro-

duce  wonder   In   time   minds   of   theirheaters   Some   passersby pausingto  listen saw  n  stray  dog   and hurleda  stone   which   flew   wide   of  Its   mark and  passed   near   tho   girls   They   In

ttantly   decided   to evacuate   and  thespeed at  which   they  moved   was   as ¬

tonishing   The  boy who   threw thestone  is  all   apologies-

Dr   Jackson   Is   here   with   his   freeshow   White   black    big   little   oldarid young   come  out  to  hear and  seeHe  offers  a  prize   to  any  one  who  canattend   two nights   without laughingand also an elegant   diamond   ring  tothe  most   popular   young   lady j   D   Parrlsh ami  wife of  the  1ond

river   country   visited   the   family   of B   W Venzy Sunday

Several   of  the   young   people   fromhero  attended the   foot   washing   atBurn   Mill   Sunday   They camehome  tlrad  and   sleepy   but not  sorrythey went

Mrs   W   J   Lamb will   go t o   herfathers   this   week    where   she   will

leturulfromJ   W   Bone   who has   been   visiting

his   daughter   Mrs   Cox   returnedhome   this

JOhnISOlidays   among   friends   toad   relativeshere   last  week 

Dan   Byram   of   Karlington   spoutSunday   with  his   mother

Quite   a   number   attended thotheater at  Madlsonvlllo   May 1st   Allseem well   pleased   with their   tripand   report   the play   as   being   excel ¬


Miss   Allle Campbell   returnedhome   from   Earl ington   Mondayevening   JtrsTicrs


The   5   Minute   Breakfast   foodI



Red   Hill   Notes

The   fanners   of   this   vicinity   arealMutdoneplnntingvorn   Sonic whoplanted   early  planted   over this week 

Preaching at Colbs   Chappel   nexSunday   hy   Jlev   Sttemniol-

Mr   Lmifio   Williams   and Miss Blllla Blades   were   quietly   married   atthe  home  of the brides  mother a  fewlays   since


selIIeFkldio   Goldsworthy   tho   etllcieiityoung  clerk    formerly   with   the   Kmplro Coal  Co   has   accepted   a   posi-


as  clerk   in   the  grocery   of  n   A

If   your   dearer

does   not   hive

tficm write   to

the   nearest

agency   of 


Wilbertnt Maiinlugtons j

Charles   Jraco   and wife   made   a   J

trip to  Madisoiiville   last  week    MrsGrace   hits   been  on   tho sick   list   for


some   months   and   went   to   consultDr   floss

Farmers   say   the   wheat   crop   Iiithis   vicinity   Is   very   promising   atpresent while  hogs   aro scarcer   thanthey   have   been for   years

W   C   Lyell   and   family  visited  hisbrother  near  Crofton   Sunday

Francis  Crick   had   the   misfortune   VJv

to   lose a   very   valuable   niar   withLots   last  week  l

There has been a   forest lire ragbag   tr J

near here  for   time   last   few   days   do-   ijSiIng considerable   damage   to   tree   andburning some  fences rIThere is talk   of organizing   a   tele-



company at   this   place   to   runa  lino  from hero  to  Crofton   and   alsoto  White   Plains This   hits   long heartneeded

Time  prospects   for a   good   fruit  craphere are  better   than   lopinany  yearspeaches   especially

Wo   are  told   that   a   certain   youngman   the  day  before his   wedding   of ¬

fered to   leave  the   country   and   givebls   intended   up   to   another   forthsum   of    2X   in   Band   WV   ontknow whether  ha   was hard   up for   alittle   moneyor   whether   girls   aregetting   cheap   If   the   littler   HeroCash   says   ho  has   live   dollars   to   In

vestSMr   Eula   Foard   one  of   the   fastidi  ¬

ous   young   men   of    Mauningtonboarded   the  evening train  a  few  daysago for  Hopkinsvillo and before he

got there   his   big   gun   needed   firingotf   as  ho  supposed   and   lie shot iv fewtinges   just   for   fun   of   course   butwhen   he   arrived   In   Hopklnsvllle

 j there  was  a gentleman   at   the   depotto  meet him   wearing   a nice  blue   uni-



and  ho  escorted   Mr   Eula   downto  a  house  In  town and   detained  himuntil   Mr   Mclntosh   came   up   andwent   on   his   bond   but   fearing   tostand his trial  ho   loft fur   parts   iiii

known   v   <

Last   Sunday evening   at   4  oclock Miss  Belle  Wright   and Mr   WilliamHawkins   were united   at   the   resi-

dence  of   time   brides   fathom   by  lle >vW   F   Crick  of the   Christian churchThere   was a   large   crowd of friendspresent   and after   time  ceremony   theytill   retired   to the   dining   room   wheretho   table  groaned   under   a   bountifulrepast   prepared   f   r   thin   comfort of the   timer   man   Mr   Hawkins   is  aprosperous   young   farmer   of Hopkins   f1county   and   Miss   Wright   ono   ofj

loveabletour   congrat  ¬   >

ulations   May   their   path   throughlife  be  strewn   so  thick   with the rosesof  contentment that   tho   thorns willbo  tow   und far  between   is   tho   wishof    T  No   Hoot

Money to  patent   Idea   inav  b

Address1ruuPAT11ZRCntm   i

poorfOLRich   McKinloy



p  r   I

TurnKey Job tModern   Up   to Date t   1

1BusinessMaMcUortl t

ontractor and   Bullder   K f years experienc-eBARLiNGTONI   1KENTUCKY irSpee1ffeatfousy   llaron   orJ   and   materials   ebeerAtlly


t1c4Ai t   Q   8   gI   eli   Corresponlhnco   solielted   J

IptlTITrJP   rr   T   Tt   1t71