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Vert 42 Leaf Col 01.3

Buburuz - Coccinella septempunctataDe la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liber


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C. septempunctata

Nume binomial

Coccinella septempunctata(Linnaeus,1758)


Buburuza, numit immrusaugrgri, (familia coccinellidae) este oinsectce triete pe toate continentele unde existafidecu care se hrnete. Att adulii ct i larvele sunt prdtori vorace de afide, i din aceast cauz buburuza a fost populat artificial nAmerica de Nordca un agent de control biologic i n scopul reducerii efectivului de afide.



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Buburuza adult poate atinge o lungime de 0,76 i 1,0 cm.Elitrelesunt roii cu apte puncte negre. Coloraia reprezint un mijloc de descurajare a speciilor inamice. Pentru a se proteja, buburuza se preface moart sau secret un lichid, la nivelul articulaiilor de la picioare, care le d un gust neplcut[1].

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Attracting Ladybugs in the GardenApart from aphids, ladybugs also require a source of pollen for food and are attracted to specific types of plants. The most popular ones have umbrella shaped flowers such as fennel, dill, cilantro, caraway, angelica, tansy, wild carrot & yarrow. Other plants that also attract ladybugs include cosmos (especially the white ones), coreopsis, and scented geraniums, dandelions.

Apart from planting attractive plants in the garden, you can also promote ladybug populations by elimination of spraying insecticides. Not only are ladybugs sensitive to most synthetic insecticides, but if the majority of their food source is gone, they won't lay their eggs in your garden. As difficult as it may be, allowing aphids to live on certain plants is necessary to ensure that there is enough food for ladybugs. In addition, resist the urge to squish bugs & eggs in the garden, unless you're certain that they are not beneficial.

Predatory ladybugs are used for biological control of plant pests. In some cases, ladybugs can provide strong control of pest populations, especially in combination with other predators or parasites of pests. Ladybugs can be purchased for consumer use, but keep in mind that released ladybugs may not establish in your gardenif they do not like the conditions, they will simply fly away. A good way to increase ladybug and other beneficial organisms is to encourage the growth of populations that are already present. Make conditions as favorable as possible and avoid spraying chemicals that will harm them. Gardeners sometimes mistake ladybug larvae and pupae for pests and kill them. Make sure you are familiar with what the different lifecycle stages of ladybugs look like so you can help them find a happy home in your landscape.

Grow plants that attract ladybugs, praying mantises and other predatory insects. Attractive plants include angelica, cosmos, yarrow, marigold, and raspberry canes. Beneficial insects also enjoy culinary herbs, such as dill, caraway and fennel.Fill shallow dishes with a layer of small rocks or pebbles. Add water to cover the bottom half of the rocks. Place the dishes on the ground around your garden. Beneficial insects will visit to have a drink of water.Provide beneficial insects with ground cover for protection. During the day, insects need protection from predators, particularly birds and larger insects. Grow a low-growing plant, such as thyme or oregano, to give insects the cover they need. Alternatively, cover the soil with a layer of straw mulch or cut leaves.Spray your plants with an artificial insect attractant. The attractants are often organic and will not harm plants. Alternatively, make your own attractant by mixing 10 parts water with one part sugar and one part brewer's yeast or whey yeast.First off, see if you can attract these polka-dotted pals to your garden naturally. You can do this by having tulips and lilies and other cup-shaped flowers around. The ladybugs love this bloom shape due to the fact that these blooms capture water and keep things inside them somewhat cool. Thus, ladybugs like to make their homes in them. If this doesn't bring in the ladybugs, at least you should be able to enjoy some nice butterflies! Additional plants that can attract ladybugs due to their shape and pollen include dill, fennel, white cosmos, and geraniums.

The next avenue to explore for attracting ladybugs is actually to just go get some. You could call around to nurseries or you could even order some ladybugs online. They are cheap and easy to introduce to the garden. Plan on setting them out there on a cool night, in fact you can refrigerate the bugs for a couple hours to slow them down before setting them out. Keep the plants wet for a few days after introducing the polka-dotted pretties, in order to stop them from migrating and to encourage them to make their home in your garden.

Now, you know that you have succeeded in establishing ladybug colonies in your garden if you can find their unique eggs. These are quite small and perfectly round. They are a pale yellow and you can find them in groups of up to thirty or more on the underside of leaves. Remember that ladybugs like it cool, so check on leaves lower down on the plants. They can be hard to find, but once you find them, you will know what they are.

The wonderful thing about ladybugs is that they are lovely and do no harm whatsoever in your garden. Each ladybug can eat up to fifty aphids a day! What is more, in a year, you could have up to three generations of ladybugs inhabiting your garden. So get to it and whet your ladybug whistle!

Flowers for Beneficial Insects

by Diane Linsley should vegetable gardens be unattractive and boring? There's simply no excuse for it when there are so many beautiful flowers and herbs available. For those of us who tend to feel guilty if we plant anything "impractical" in the vegetable garden, here are two reasons why we should plant flowers:

1. Many flowers attractbeneficial insects.

2. Some flowers areedible-- a very practical reason!

Beneficial insects are unbeatable for controlling bad bugs. A few years of reading Organic Gardening magazine convinced me to avoid pesticides and seek out safer alternatives. Not only are beneficial insects good for your garden, but they're also nice to have around when teaching children about nature.

If you have small children, consider planting only edible flowers in the vegetable garden, so they don't get confused about what's safe to eat. Other flowers can be planted in a border outside the vegetable garden. Be cautious and well-informed before eating any plant or flower. Some people have allergic reactions to certain flowers.

It's usually best to stick with annual flowers inside the vegetable garden, since you'll be rotating your crops every year. It's nice to have a special section for perennial flowers, maybe as part of the herb garden. Some herbs are perennials or biennials, so they need a permanent spot where they won't be disturbed by digging or rototilling.

Annual Flowers and HerbsAlyssum(Lobularia maritima) -- Attracts hoverflies and parasitic mini-wasps.

Basil-- The flowers attract bees and other beneficial insects. The aromatic foliage may repel aphids and tomato hornworms.

Calendula-- Edible flower petals. Attracts hoverflies, bees and butterflies.

Cornflower(Centaurea sp.) -- Attracts lacewings, hoverflies, parasitic wasps, ladybugs, bees and butterflies.

Cosmos-- Attracts lacewings, hoverflies and parasitic wasps.

Dill-- A favorite food of the Eastern black swallowtail butterfly. Can be used as a trap crop for aphids. The umbel flowers attract lacewings, ladybugs, hoverflies, and parasitic mini-wasps.

Fennel-- A preferred host plant for swallowtail butterflies. Also attracts bees, hoverflies, lacewings, ladybugs, and syrphid flies.

Love-in-a-Mist(Nigella damascena) -- This self-sowing annual has beautiful, blue flowers in early summer, followed by ornamental seed pods. The seeds are edible and can be used in fruit salads and baked goods.Nigella sativa(Black Cumin) has spicy, pepper-flavored seeds.

Marigold -- Attracts butterflies and hoverflies, and the roots produce a secretion that kills root-eating nematodes in the soil. The flower petals are edible.

Zinnia-- Great for attracting hummingbirds, hoverflies, parasitic wasps & flies, ladybugs, bees and butterflies.

Perennial Flowers and HerbsAnise Hyssop(Agastache foeniculum) -- Edible, licorice-flavored leaves for tea. Spikes of blue flowers attract bees, butterflies and other beneficial insects. Blooms the first year from seed.

Basket of Gold(Alyssum saxatile) -- The bright yellow flowers bloom in May, providing an early food source for ladybugs and hoverflies.

Black-Eyed Susan(Rudbeckia hirta) -- Attracts lacewings, bees and butterflies.

Bronze Fennel(Foeniculum vulgare) -- The handsome bronze foliage feeds swallowtail butterfly larvae. The flowers attract lacewings, ladybugs, hoverflies, parasitic wasps and butterflies. Ground fennel seeds are great for sausage and spagghetti sauce, and the leaves are used in fish dishes.

Chives(Allium schoenoprasum) -- Leaves and flower buds are used in recipes. Makes a nice edging. Deadhead to prevent excessive self-sowing. Attracts bees and butterflies like crazy.

Garlic Chives(Allium tuberosum) -- The flowers attract bees and beneficial insects. The leaves have a nice, strong garlic flavor. Chives and garlic chives make good companion plants for roses because they repel aphids.

Goldenrod(Solidago sp.) -- Attracts praying mantis, lacewings, beneficial wasps, beetles, bees and butterflies.

Hesperis(Dame's Rocket) -- The young leaves are edible. Pretty purple or white flowers attract bees and butterflies.

Lavender(Lavandula angustifolia) -- The flowers attract hoverflies and bees. The fragrant foliage is used in potpourri.

Lemon Balm(Melissa officinalis) -- The lemon-flavored leaves make a good tea. The tiny flowers attract hoverflies, tachinid flies and parasitic mini-wasps.

Parsley-- A favorite food of Eastern black swallowtail butterfly larvae. The umbel flowers attract hoverflies, tachinid flies, and parasitic wasps.

Purple Coneflower(Echinacea purpurea) -- This perennial wildflower is sometimes listed as an herb because the roots are used in herbal medicine as an immune stimulant. The flowers attract praying mantis, beneficial wasps and flies, bees and butterflies. The ripening seeds attract birds.

Rocky Mountain Penstemon(Penstemon strictus) -- Lovely spikes of blue flowers attract ladybugs, hoverflies, bees and hummingbirds.

Salvia-- Attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.

Viola-- I let these self-sow wherever they like. They don't disturb the vegetables, and the edible flowers make nice cake decorations. Attracts a variety of small beneficial insects.

Yarrow (Achillia sp.) -- Attracts ladybugs, hoverflies and parasitic mini-wasps.

Four Plants that Attract Ladybugs to Your Garden

Jeanne Rose,Yahoo Contributor NetworkApr 26, 2010 "Share your voice on Yahoo websites.Start Here."

Ladybugs are a very good insect to have in your garden because they eat aphids and many other harmful insects. Ladybugs are used in gardens as a great natural insecticide because they feed on the bugs and mites that are harmful to your garden. There are many different ways you can get ladybugs into your garden including having their favorite plants around. If you want to get ladybugs into your garden naturally, you should try adding some of these plants that attract ladybugs.

Queen Anne's laceis a plant that you should add into your garden to attract ladybugs. Queen Anne's lace is one of the best plants to use if you are trying to attract ladybugs because of the many insects this plant attracts. The ladybugs like this plant because it feeds on the aphids and other insects known to inhabit this plant. This plant is known for having flowers on it which resembles lace in appearance and is a relative of the carrot. Queen Anne's lace is known to be a wild carrot and it has many herbal properties in it. The red part of the flower which is on the inside is where the insects and ladybugs love to hang out at.Daucus carota(common namesincludewild carrot, (UK)bird's nest,bishop's lace, andQueen Anne's lace(North America)) is aflowering plantin the familyApiaceae, native totemperateregions of Europe, southwest Asia andnaturalisedto North America and Australia. Domesticatedcarrotsarecultivarsof a subspecies,Daucus carotasubsp.sativus.Fennelis another plant you should think about adding if you want to attract ladybugs to your garden. Fennel is an herbal plant that has medicinal properties and aromatherapy properties and it often grows in wild fields. Fennel is a perennial herb that is native to the Mediterranean areas but has been growing all over the world for many years. The fennel seeds have a very aromatic smell to them and are often used as ingredients in roasts and stews because of their flavor which is similar to onion. The fennel seeds and flowers help attract the ladybugs because of their sweet aroma and taste. A lot of other insects also enjoy the smell and taste of the plant and those insects also help attract the ladybugs.

Fennel(Foeniculum vulgare) is aplantspeciesin thegenusFoeniculum(treated as thesole speciesin the genus by mostbotanists). It is a member of thefamilyApiaceae(formerly the Umbelliferae). It is a hardy,perennial,umbelliferousherb, with yellowflowersand featheryleaves. It is indigenous to the shores of theMediterraneanbut has become widely naturalized in many parts of the world, especially on dry soils near the sea-coast and on riverbanks.

Tansyis also another great plant you can add to your garden if you want to attract ladybugs. Tansy is an herbaceous perennial and was first discovered in Europe and Asia. Tansy plants are golden and have flat-topped flowers on them which grow together in a cluster formation. Tansy is a known toxic plant and grows very invasive but around North America the plant has decreased toxicity throughout the years. If you want to add Tansy to your garden to help attract ladybugs you should look for the non-toxic versions of Tansy plants which can be found at many flower stores around North America. Although these plants might not be as toxic as they once were, they are often times very invasive and can take over your yard if you are not careful. Tansy is a great plant to have as a ladybug attractor if you already have this plant in your yard. The ladybugs are attracted to the cluster formations of golden flowers and the sweet scent it gives off.Tansy(Tanacetum vulgare) is aperennial,herbaceousflowering plantof theasterfamily, native totemperateEuropeandAsia. It has been introduced to other parts of the world and in some areas has becomeinvasive. It is also known asCommon Tansy,Bitter Buttons,Cow Bitter,Mugwort, orGolden Buttons.Dandelionis also a plant you should think about planting if you are trying to attract ladybugs to your garden. The dandelion is a plant that has a lot of medicinal properties and is often used to treat high blood pressure. The dandelion plant has a golden flower on the top of it which is where the ladybugs like to feed. The ladybugs are attracted to the dandelion plant because of the sweet smell and taste of the flower. Also a lot of different insects like to feed off of the dandelion and some of them are food for the ladybug. Although the dandelion is a perennial weed and can be very aggressive at reproducing, it is a very sustainable plant that helps attract ladybugs to your garden.

Recipes for Attracting Beneficial Insects to Your Garden

Aphids, mites, thrips, and other insect pests can do some serious damage to plants in your garden. But don't worry, you don't need to reach for the pesticides to combat these tiny bugs. Try these recipes forattracting beneficial insectsto your garden.Ladybugs, lacewings, and other good bugs will arrive for the free meal, and stay to munch on the bad bugs.

Homemade Wheast:

Wheast, a combination of whey and yeast, is used by commercial insectaries to feed ladybugs, lacewings, and other insects. You can buy this bug food from organic gardening suppliers, or you can make a homemade version, minus the whey.Ingredients: 1 part sugar

1 part yeast

Directions:Add water to the sugar and yeast, mixing until it becomes the consistency of a paste.

Application:Apply the Wheast paste to small wooden stakes, and place them in the soil around your plants. Or, dilute the Wheast in water and apply it directly to your plants using a spray bottle.

Sugar Spray:

A sugar-water solution applied to plants can dramatically increase your ladybug population in just a few days.

Ingredients: 10 tablespoons sugar

1 quart of warm water

Directions:Dissolve sugar in water.

Application:Use a spray bottle to apply solution directly to plants infested with aphids or other soft-bodied insects.

Beneficial Bug Food:

This recipe uses a little honey (made by bees!) to attract good bugs to your garden. You'll need to store it in your refrigerator, and don't keep it longer than a week.

Ingredients: 1/2 cup sugar

2 tsp. honey

4 tbsp. brewer's yeast

2/3 cup of warm water

Directions:Mix all ingredients together well.

Application:Dilute two spoonfuls of the mixture in a quart of warm water. Use a spray bottle to apply the solution to your plants.

What You Can Plant to Attract Ladybugs & Lacewings

Here is a short list of herbs and veggies that you can eat and use to attract these good guys:





Lady bugs will also be attracted to Marigolds

There are billion other flowers that can be planted to attract these and other beneficial insects, but want to help you really maximize yoursmall space.


When you're planting your vegetable garden in the spring, plant annuals nearby or plant a garden border to attract ladybugs. Marigolds, prairie sunflower, hairy vetch, alyssum, scented geranium and Queen Anne's lace all attract the beetle, and some, like the marigold, are vegetable companion plants, too.


Plant baskets of gold, golden marguerite, butterfly weed, tansy, hesperis and viola in your perennial garden to attract ladybugs and keep pests away. This natural form of insect control is a way to eliminate chemical pesticides from your garden.


Among the herbs that attract ladybugs are dill, Queen Anne's lace, yarrow, fennel, catnip, lemon balm, bee balm and coriander. Strong scents and umbrella-shaped flowers lure the beetles, and because many herbs are perennials, they'll keep attracting them.

How can you attract native ladybugs?

Rather than importing these aggressive invasive species, gardeners can employ some alternative methods to attract native ladybugs naturally.

Planting flowers among your crops will attract a variety of beneficial insects, from bees that will aid in pollination, to predatory wasps that will eat cabbage worms, and even the beloved ladybugs. Since lady beetles supplement their insect diet with pollen and nectar from flower, plants that are heavy pollen-producers will lure them to your garden. Composite flowers, or flower-clusters, provide a place for the ladybugs to nestle when they are not hunting.

Some great companion plants that attract ladybugs are:

Sunflowers and other aster-family flowers, such as marigolds, coneflowers, calendula, and cosmos.

Herbs like cilantro, dill, a chamomile.

Composite flowers including yarrow, Queen Annes Lace, and sweet alyssum.

Offer your ladybugs a water source, in the form of a muddy puddling spot, a shallow bird-bath with corks or stones as resting places.

Above all, do not use pesticides in your garden or yard if you want to employ ladybugs! Even organic pesticides will impact their populations, leaving you ladybug-less and with aphids aplenty.

Are ladybugs worth the trouble?Absolutely! They are definitely one type of insect you want in your garden; butbuyinglady beetles is not the best way to get them there, whats moreits ecologically irresponsible. Instead, creating an inviting habitat is a solution that will not only attract your ladybugs, but other beneficial insects as welland that benefits your garden along with your local ecosystem.

Anthriscus silvestris - Hasmauchi Hasmauchi

De la Wikipedia, enciclopedia liber


Hasmauchi(asmauchi,asmui,hamaciuc;Anthriscus silvestris) este oplant erbacee, plcut mirositoare, cu flori albe, uneori glbui, dispuse n umbele mici. Este o plant bianual i face parte din familiaApiaceae, fiind nrudit cuptrunjeluli cumorcovul.Hasmauchi are nsuirea de a diminuaviscozitateasngelui.[necesitcitare]Este folosit n anumite zone dinMoldovala unele preparate culinare, att n stare proaspt (la salate) precum i uscat (ciorbe etc.), avnd un gust acrior-amrui specific.n Ardeal se numetecherval[necesitcitare]; frunzele ei proaspete servesc la asezonarea ciorbelor.

Universitatea Regal din Groningen i Hanzehogeschool i-au propus s produc un medicament contra cancerului bazat pe podofilotoxin, o substan din rdcina de hasmauchi.[1]Acestea vor livra substana respectiv unor companii farmaceutice, care vor scoate medicamentul pe pia.[1]Note[modificare|modificare surs]

1. ^ab i[modificare|modificare surs]

Nume alternative romneti de plante Anthriscus cerefolium, n englezChervilLegturi externe[modificare|modificare surs]

Wikimedia Commonsconine materiale multimedia legate deHasmauchi Ce proprietati are hasmatuchi? ( Anthriscus sylvestris(

Cultivare Hasmatuchi este inrudit indeaproape cu patrunjelul. Atinge cca. 50 cm inaltime si se lateste pe cca. 20 cm. Are frunze plate, de culoare verde deschis, cu o aroma slaba de anason, iar la maturitate isi schimba culoarea in maro-roscata. Infloreste in mijlocul verii si da flori mici, albe.Hasmatuchi creste usor prin seminte plantate primavara, sau toamna tarziu. Planta rezista bine si la transplantari, astfel ca poate fi insamantata direct in gradina, intr-o locatie umeda si umbroasa. Nu rezista prea bine in verile fierbinti, dar se adapteaza foarte repede in ghivece si gradene.De Cumparat pe. Tipuri de insecte care ataca culturi
