Page 1: Integrating R, knitr, and LaTeX via RStudio

Department of!Psychology!

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor!

Integrating R, knitr, and LaTeX via


Aaron R. Baggett!February15, 2013!

Page 2: Integrating R, knitr, and LaTeX via RStudio


•  R is a free, open-source statistical and data visualization software application

•  Open source = large community of developers •  Increasing in popularity

(Muenchen, 2012)

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•  Programming language •  Can interface with many other programs •  Object oriented language

a <- 15 b <- 15 a + b [1] 30

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Page 4: Integrating R, knitr, and LaTeX via RStudio

> Response <- c("Not too happy", "Pretty happy", "Very happy")> lt20k <- c(17.2, 60.5, 22.2)> lt49k <- c(13, 56.8, 30.2)> lt89k <- c(7.7, 50.3, 41.9)> gt90k <- c(5.3, 51.8, 42.9)> > (happy <- data.frame(Response, lt20k, lt49k, lt89k, gt90k)) Response lt20k lt49k lt89k gt90k1 Not too happy 17.2 13.0 7.7 5.32 Pretty happy 60.5 56.8 50.3 51.83 Very happy 22.2 30.2 41.9 42.9> happy$Response <- NULL> happy lt20k lt49k lt89k gt90k1 17.2 13.0 7.7 5.32 60.5 56.8 50.3 51.83 22.2 30.2 41.9 42.9> > (test <- chisq.test(happy))

Pearson's Chi-squared testdata: happyX-squared = 17.73, df = 6, p-value = 0.00694> test$expected lt20k lt49k lt89k gt90k[1,] 10.79 10.81 10.79 10.81[2,] 54.82 54.88 54.82 54.88[3,] 34.28 34.32 34.28 34.32

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•  Flexible and versatile •  4,336 user contributed packages

o  Statistics and data analysis o  Psychometrics o  Graphics o  Economics and finance

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•  Free graphical user interface (GUI) for R o


•  Still requires use of syntax o  e.g., <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, data = df)

•  Not limited by point and click interface

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•  Consolidated work environment o  Four window panes

1.  R Console

2.  Script

3.  Workspace 4.  Utility tabs

a.  Files

b.  Plots

c.  Packages

d.  R Help

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Advantages of RStudio!

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•  Templates for document preparation o  knitr: o  Sweave: o  R Markdown:

•  LaTeX integration o  knitr works best for me

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Advantages of RStudio!

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Document Preparation!

•  Pronounced “Lah-Tek” •  Document preparation system •  Sections, cross-references, bibliographies •  Equation/math typesetting •  Stability •  Like R, large, active community

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\documentclass[11pt, oneside]{article}\usepackage{geometry}\geometry{letterpaper}\usepackage[parfill]{parskip}\usepackage{graphicx}\title{Brief Article}\author{The Author}\date{\today}\begin{document}\maketitle%\section{}%\subsection{}\end{document}

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Standard Preamble!

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Brief Article

The Author February 15, 2013


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Document Preparation!

•  Comprehensive package for generating “Elegant, flexible and fast, dynamic report generation with R.”

•  Easily handles embedding R code directly in LaTeX documents

•  Tutorial video from knitr developers:

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•  All inline R code begins with: <<>>=•  And ends with: @

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knitr Code!

<<tidy = TRUE>>=library(ggplot2)names(diamonds) #Returns variable nameshead(diamonds) #Returns first six rows of datasetwith(diamonds, summary(carat)) #Summarize 'carat' variablewith(diamonds, cor(carat, price)) #Correlate 'carat' and 'price’. @

<<fig.width = 6, fig.height = 6, tidy = FALSE>>=qplot(carat, data = diamonds, fill = color, geom = ‘histogram’,

binwidth = 0.4, xlim = c(0,3),main = ‘Stacked Histogram of Diamond Carat Weight by Color’,xlab = ‘Carat Weight’, ylab = ‘Count’)


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knitr Code!

<<box, fig.width=5.5, fig.height=5.5, fig.align='center', tidy=FALSE>>=plot(Sex, Extrov, main =

"Box-Whisker Plot of Variance\n(Extroversion by Sex)”,col = "dodgerblue3", ylab = "Extroversion")


\newpage\setlength\parindent{0pt}\textbf{\large{5). Test to see if there is a mean difference in Extroversion between males and females (make sure you test the assumption of homogeneity of variance and set up your t-test appropriately)}}


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knitr efficiency!

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•  Efficient document markup •  Dynamic and attractive reports •  Stability •  Open source •  Free

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Aaron [email protected]

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