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    Estimados alumnos, Bienvenidos a Intermedio I Como tutora a cargo de este nivel quiero decirles que es un placer poder acompaarlos a transitar este camino de aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa en este momento de sus carreras. Su contacto conmigo ser va e-campus y durar el bimestre que corresponda a la materia. Para recibir mis comunicaciones y realizar las suyas deber entrar al e-campus y dirigirse a RESPUESTAS DEL TUTOR. En esta gua encontrarn la informacin que necesitan para poder organizarse en su estudio y comprender cmo prepararse para alcanzar los objetivos de la materia. La gua incluye: 1. el programa de la materia 2. una descripcin de cmo sern evaluados, 3. una gua de Writing Skills donde les brindamos la descripcin y ejemplificacin del tipo de redaccin que deben producir en este nivel, 4. cuestiones bsicas sobre el manejo de la plataforma MyELT, y 5. la KEY o respuestas de las actividades del libro de texto para que puedan autocorregirse. Con estos elementos de apoyo, la bibliografa de la materia (World Link 3 A, Workbook for World Link 3 A, y Grammar Caf for World Link 3 A), y su dedicacin y ejercitacin podrn alcanzar los objetivos planteados. Espero que esta gua les sea til y que alcancen los objetivos satisfactoriamente. Su tutora

    1. PROGRAMA INTERMEDIO 1 Objetivos Generales: Que el alumno logre adquirir las herramientas bsicas de comunicacin en el idioma ingls a travs del desarrollo de habilidades lingsticas de recepcin y produccin a un nivel intermedio bajo. Sern objetivos especficos de la asignatura:

    Sugerir cambios para mejorar el confort del hogar

    Expresar prohibiciones

    Hablar sobre planes, expectativas o posibilidades del futuro

    Expresar opiniones y discutir sobre los medios de comunicacin

    Describir distintos momentos y etapas de la vida

    Hablar de citas romnticas, y describir perfiles masculinos o femeninos

    Establecer preferencias en el trabajo

    Describir distintas diferencias culturales en el mundo

    Hablar de temas de negocios y publicidad

    Organizar informacin en formato de prrafos de opinin

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    UNIT 1: INDOORS AND OUTDOORS (Unit 1 from the book: Lessons A & B) 1.1 Use of Language 1.1.1 Making informal suggestions (with base verb forms and verb + -ing) 1.1.2 Participles used as adjectives 1.1.3 Expressing prohibition (be allowed to /supposed to, cant, musnt, ingforms) 1.2 Vocabulary

    1.2.1 Vocabulary from Unit 1: lessons A and B 1.3 Reading

    1.3.1 Texts from the unit. 1.3.2 Texts related to the unit.

    UNIT 2: LIFES CHANGES (Unit 2 from the book: Lessons A & B) 2.1 Use of Language 1.1.1 Progressive tense to talk about plans and intentions 1.1.2 Revision of Future forms (will / going to)

    1.1.3 Modals of future possibility (may/might/could) 2.2 Vocabulary

    1.2.1 Vocabulary from Unit 2: lessons A and B 2.3 Reading

    1.3.1 Texts from the unit. 1.3.2 Texts related to the unit.

    UNIT 3: COMMUNICATION (Unit 3 from the book: Lessons A & B ) 3.1 Use of Language 3.1.1 Participial (-ing) and prepositional phrases

    3.1.2 Review of present perfect tense 3.1.3 Expressions to interrupt someone politely (May/Could I.....?)

    3.2 Vocabulary

    3.2.1 Vocabulary from Unit 3: lessons A and B

    3.3 Reading 3.3.1 Texts from the unit. 3.3.2 Texts related to the unit.

    UNIT 4: MEN AND WOMEN (Unit 4 from the book: Lessons A & B) 4.1 Use of Language

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    4.1.1 Present perfect with just, already, never, still and yet 4.1.2 Language for disagreeing politely 4.1.3 Separable and inseparable phrasal verbs

    4.2 Vocabulary

    4.2.1 Vocabulary from Unit 4: lessons A and B

    4.3 Reading

    4.3.1 Texts from the unit. 4.3.2 Texts related to the unit.

    UNIT 5: BEING DIFFERENT (Unit 5 from the book: Lessons A & B) 5.1 Use of Language 5.1.1 Gerunds as subjects 5.1.2 it + be + adjective + to infinitive structure

    5.1.3 Future time clauses 5.2 Vocabulary

    5.2.1 Vocabulary from Unit 5: lessons A and B 5.3. Reading

    5.3.1 Texts from the unit. 5.3.2 Texts related to the unit.

    UNIT 6: BUSINESS (Unit 6 from the book: Lessons A & B) 6.1 Use of Language 1.1.1 The simple present and past passive 1.1.2 Connecting words: because, so, although and even though

    1.1.3 Language for emphasizing important points

    6.2 Vocabulary 6.2.1 Vocabulary from Unit 6: lessons A and B

    6.3 Reading 6.3.1 Texts from the unit. 6.3.2 Texts related to the unit.

    Metodologa: La materia ser abordada desde un enfoque comunicativo orientado al desarrollo de las cuatro macro habilidades (lectura, escritura, audicin y produccin oral) teniendo como meta la comunicacin inteligible, precisa y efectiva en el idioma ingls. Dados los objetivos de la materia, el alumno deber cumplir un rol de participacin activa para que el proceso de internalizacin de la lengua se produzca en forma gradual y efectiva.

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    Bibliografa Bsica:

    Stempleski, Susan (2011) World Link 3 Part A (Units 1-6). Second Edition. (Students book, Workbook and audio CD) Boston: Heinle

    Thomson ELT (2008) Grammar Caf for World Link 3 Part A. (opera dentro de la plataforma MyELT: Boston: Heinle.

    ACLARACIN: Tanto el libro como el workbook se pueden conseguir en formato impreso o electrnico. El tercer componente (Grammar Caf) solo viene en formato electrnico. La versin electrnica del libro (e-book) incluye el audio y los guiones (scripts) del mismo.

    2. FORMAS DE EVALUACIN SEGN MODALIDAD DE CURSADO Alumnos DISTANCIA (MTD) Los alumnos de modalidad distancia sern evaluados durante el transcurso de todas las materias de idioma con un examen final de 50 preguntas de opcin mltiple. En estas instancias no hay evaluacin de produccin escrita ni oral pero es fundamental que vayan desarrollando estas dos habilidades durante el cursado de los diferentes niveles. Recuerden que al llegar al EFIP 1 debern rendir junto con el mdulo de carrera un modulo de idioma. En esta instancia se le pedir una produccin escrita y oral que convenientemente ser comunicada en e-campus. Es importante saber que en las evaluaciones por opcin mltiple, las reas evaluadas son las de Gramtica, Vocabulario y Lectocomprensin. Para ejercitar estas reas (descriptas en el programa) deber contar con el material bibliogrfico bsico: WORLD LINK 3 A - Segunda edicin (Students book & Workbook) y Grammar Caf for World Link 3 (que funciona en la plataforma MyELT). La habilidad de comprensin auditiva tambin se puede desarrollar tanto con los audios del libro electrnico como con los de Grammar Caf. Alumnos SENIOR Los alumnos de la modalidad Senior tambin cursan la materia en forma virtual pero su evaluacin final consta de preguntas multiple opcin, un prrafo escrito y una evaluacin oral. En esta modalidad el examen final es de 26 preguntas de opcin mltiple y una seccin de produccin escrita de acuerdo al nivel. Una vez aprobado el escrito se pasa a un oral donde se evalan los contenidos temticos y gramaticales del nivel. Es importante saber que en las evaluaciones por opcin mltiple, las reas evaluadas son las de Gramtica, Vocabulario y Lectocomprensin. Para ejercitar estas reas (descriptas en el programa) deber contar con el material bibliogrfico bsico: WORLD LINK 3 A - Segunda edicin (Students book & Workbook) y Grammar Caf for World Link 3 (que funciona en la plataforma MyELT). La habilidad de comprensin auditiva tambin se puede desarrollar tanto con los audios del libro electrnico como con los de Grammar Caf.
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    El rea de produccin escrita est desarrollada en el siguiente punto bajo el nombre de Guide to Writing Skills. Recuerde que en la seccin de evaluacin de produccin escrita el formato de la redaccin ser el de prrafo de opinin, acorde a los lineamientos que aqu figuran y los temas posibles siempre estarn relacionados con el contenido del libro. Sobre la evaluacin oral tambin le decimos que los temas son netamente extrados del libro de texto. Son preguntas donde se evala no slo el manejo de la estructura de la lengua sino tambin el contenido temtico de cada unidad. Se le puede pedir concepto, opinin, narracin de una lectura del libro, etc. Los temas que se pueden evaluar son por ejemplo: Unidad 1: Temas relacionados con las mejoras y arreglos que se pueden hacer en una casa, o habitacin. Descripcin de la proteccin de lugares histricos y naturales. Unidad 2: Distintas etapas en la vida y los cambios que eso implica (niez, adolescencia, adultez) situaciones causantes de stress, predicciones para el futuro. Unidad 3: Las distintas fuentes de noticias, referirse a alguna noticia sencilla de ndole nacional o internacional. Unidad 4: Describir la apariencia fsica de una persona, sus intereses y estilo de vestimenta. Maneras de conocer a otra persona con fines sentimentales (blind date, online dating, etc.) Unidad 5: Los buenos modales y reglas que se deben respetar en lugares pblicos. Cmo adaptarse a culturas diferentes. Unidad 6: Historias de personas que triunfaron el la vida o en los negocios, caractersticas y descripciones de las publicidades y comerciales.

    3. GUIDE TO WRITING SKILLS FOR INTERMEDIATE 1 The type of writing required for Intermediate 1 is an OPINION paragraph of 150 /200 words. - OPINION PARAGRAPH STRUCTURE What is an opinion paragraph? A paragraph consists of several sentences that are grouped together. This group of sentences discusses one main topic expressed as a PERSONAL OPINION in the first sentence. Following this sentence, you should introduce and develop REASONS to support your opinion. - ORGANIZATION OF IDEAS Organization ensures a clear and effective paragraph. An OPINION paragraph consists of three parts:

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    an INTRODUCTION in which you state your OPINION in one sentence (this sentence is given to you in the final exam),

    a MAIN BODY which consists of THREE REASONS that back up your opinion. Each reason should be appropriately explained and illustrated with examples. The transitions from one reason to the other should be signaled with appropriate connectors,

    a CONCLUDING SENTENCE which leaves a final thought about the topic discussed Examine the model paragraph below: - USEFUL LANGUAGE These are useful expressions you can use in your paragraph: Giving opinion: In my opinion, Personally, I think that... I believe that... I feel very strongly that... I completely agree / disagree that It seems to me that...

    Giving facts It is a fact that... It is widely known that... It is true that.... Referring to other peoples ideas Many /Some people say that.... Many people believe that.....


    HOMEWORK I believe that homework is an important part of the learning process in school. One reason is that homework gives students additional practice of skills covered in class. Classes are usually too short to teach a new concept and practice it sufficiently for students to master. Students need both guided practice in class and independent practice at home. Another reason for homework is that it provides time to complete longer assignments. For example, the ideal composition process allows time for students to think and to reflect on their ideas, as well as to revise and check their writing. Finally, the most important reason for homework is that it ensures review. New material and old material are practiced in daily assignments. Students who do their homework daily are prepared for tests and make better grades. In conclusion, students who do their daily homework learn more and get better grades at school.

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    Connectors are used to express relationships between ideas and to combine sentences. There are different types of connectors depending on the idea we want to express. Reason and Result This is due to..... This is because... As a result, Therefore, Addition Whats more, In addition, Furthermore, Moreover, Contrast However, Nevertheless,

    Enumeration First, / Firstly, Second, / Then Third, / Next, Last, / Finally One reason is that Another reason is that On the one hand, / On the other hand, Concluding To sum up, In conclusion, To conclude, All in all, In short,

    In contrast, - GRAMMAR Make good use of grammar: use proper verb tenses, word order, and sentence structure. - TOPIC SENTENCES RELATED TO THE COURSE Here are some topic sentences typically evaluated in exams for you to practice paragraph writing:



    (1) New dating methods, such as blind dates or internet dating, are quite different from traditional methods. (2) We should cope with life stressors in constructive, healthy ways. (3) Word-of-mouth advertising can be more convenient than media advertising. (4) When travelling abroad, we should be prepared to cope with cross-cultural differences. (5) Childhood /Adolescence / Adulthood is the happiest stage in a persons life. (6) There is no better form of communication than face-to-face.

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    Si trabajan con la bibliografa en formato electrnico, van a acceder a ella a travs de la cuenta que creen en la pgina de MyELT. Para esto, les sugiero consultar el instructivo INFORMACIN SOBRE MATERIAL DE ESTUDIO disponible en el e-campus.

    Al ingresar a MyELT y cliquear sobre el curso, se visualizan los tres elementos que componen la bibliografa: el libro (llamado en este caso E-BOOK), el Workbook y el Grammar Caf. El eje de los contenidos del programa es el libro de texto o e-book. Los otros dos elementos aportan ejercitacin y, en el caso del Grammar Caf, explicaciones complementarias al libro.

    En sntesis, el material electrnico incluye los tres elementos que componen la bibliografa bsica de la materia:

    (1) E-BOOK

    Presenta las unidades incluidas en el programa del nivel. Presionando un icono permite escuchar los audios y seguir los dilogos a travs de la lectura si es necesario. Tambin incluye la posibilidad de imprimir sus pginas. Cuenta con funciones de marcado, anotaciones y marcapginas para facilitar el estudio.

    (2) E-WORKBOOK

    Funciona como material suplementario del libro de texto o e-book. Cuenta con ejercicios especficos para cada una de las reas de aprendizaje cubiertas en el libro y la posibilidad de monitorear nuestro aprendizaje con la funcin de autocorreccin. Permite realizar cada ejercicio ms de una vez.


    Acompaa al libro y al workbook en cada una de las unidades del programa. Introduce conceptos y explicaciones gramaticales clave y las ilustra por medio de dilogos contextualizados, audiciones, y cuadros sinpticos. Luego, las acompaa con ejercicios interactivos y evaluaciones finales de correccin automtica que refuerzan los temas presentados desarrollando las habilidades de lectura, escritura, y audicin.

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    Al abordar el estudio de la materia, comenzamos siempre por el libro o E-book. Para ello, consultamos el programa, que nos va a referir a las unidades del libro que debemos trabajar.

    Dentro de cada unidad del libro, tenemos conos especficos de audicin para escuchar el audio de las actividades de LISTENING. Es muy importante trabajar estas actividades para desarrollar esta habilidad, y poder reconocer y aprender la pronunciacin de las palabras.

    Tambin podemos ayudarnos a comprender el audio, leyendo el texto correspondiente desde el cono de texto que figura debajo del cono de audio (archivo DOC).

    Si necesitamos remarcar alguna frase o palabra que queremos identificar rpidamente, podemos recurrir al marcador que figura en la barra de arriba, y a los colores disponibles (celeste, rosa, amarillo).

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    Tambin podemos hacer anotaciones en el e-book utilizando el cono de NOTES en la barra de arriba.

    El vocabulario clave de cada unidad est resaltado en AZUL. Dicho vocabulario se evala en los exmenes de opcin mltiple.

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    En el exmen de opcin mltiple, tambin se incluyen ejercicios de Gramtica. Por eso es importante comprender acabadamente los temas gramaticales desarrollados en el libro en los apartados denominados LANGUAGE LINK. Estos temas se pueden reforzar en la unidad del Grammar Caf correspondiente. En la actividad titulada PRESENTATION del Grammar Caf, encontraremos la explicacin contextualizada del tema gramatical en cuestin. Seguido de esto, se encuentran los ejercicios de prctica con autocorreccin.

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    Cada una de las actividades del libro, tienen su correlacin y prctica en el Workbook. All podemos realizar la ejercitacin y luego presionar SUBMIT para autoevaluarnos accediendo a las respuestas correctas. Esta ejercitacin se puede repetir hasta 10 veces para reforzar el estudio.

    Finalmente, el examen de opcin mltiple incluye ejercicios de Lectocomprensin, que evalan la capacidad del alumno de interpretar correctamente la informacin de un texto. Para desarrollar esta habilidad, es importante trabajar especficamente las actividades denominadas READING tanto en el libro como en el Workbook. Recordemos que las respuestas correctas del workbook se pueden obtener automticamente tras presionar SUBMIT, mientras que las respuestas correctas del libro estn includas en la presente GUA.

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    5. RESPUESTAS DEL LIBRO DE TEXTO UNIT 1: Indoors and Outdoors (page 3) LISTENING B (1) combine (2) web page (3) yellow (4) blue (5) mix (6) other colors (7) red (8) energy (9) toward (10) purple (11) calm (12) away (page 5) B 1 is cracked 2 are burned 3 is flooded 4 is jammed 5 is clogged 6 are bent C 1. are cracked / is stained 2. is flooded 3. jam / break 4. broke / is still broken 5. threw / is clogged (page 7) C 1. a public figure 2. the general public 3. (do something) in public 4. your private life (page 8) A 1. B 2. C 3. A B Conversation 1: e Conversation 2: a Conversation 3: c READING A a B 1. lines 4-5 2. line 8 3. line 12

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    4. lines 15-16 5. lines 23-24 6. line 31 C 1. beautiful (adjective) 4. natural (adjective) 2. accessible (adjective) 5. develop (verb) 3. product (noun) 6. littering (present participle) (page 10) LANGUAGE LINK A 1. c (on the street) 3. f (driving regulation) 2. e (in an art gallery or museum) 4. b (in a train station) 3. d (in a bank) 5. a (at school) (page 12) B the elderly / the young the rich / the poor the unemployed / employed C GROWN UPS: adulthood, adult, start a family, young adults CHILDREN AND TEENAGERS: childhood, adolescence, the youth, teens (page 13) LISTENING B d C 1. a 2. b 3. c (page 15) B 1. m flying

    2. leaves 3. am going to visit 4. ll take 5. will need 6. is going to be (page 17) A 1. got married 2. had two children 3. get divorced 4. was born

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    (page 18) LISTENING B c C Mark / leaving home / freedom to do what he wants Lindsay / getting married / romantic Dad / retiring / works too hard READING C c D Tina Vega / She moved to a new town. / last year / lonely / smile Frederick Cho / He lost his job. / three weeks ago / upset / exercise, job hunting Hazel Greene / Her husband died. / 5 years ago / depressed / staying active and positive,

    reading, doing voluntary work (page 20) C (answers depend on personal opinion) (page 22) C 1. discussion 2. argument 3. talk 4. conversation 5. chat (page 23) LISTENING B c C (1) help (2) online (3) question (4) email (5) sends (6) friends (7) five (page 25) B 1. Do you know the woman talking to the bus driver? 2. Do you know the girl listening to music? 3. Do you know the girl with the skateboard and backpack? 4. Do you know the girls in school uniforms? 5. Do you know the guy talking on the phone?

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    (page 26) B 3. Do you prefer to be happy or to be well-paid? 4. Do you prefer a quiet, predictable schedule or a busy, unpredictable one? 5. Can you chat / write in English? 6. Do you like to work indoors / outdoors? 7. Are you good at striking up a conversation with a stranger or giving a presentation to a small

    group? (page 28) LISTENING A reliable - unreliable accurate - inaccurate B c C Pie chart: A = 40% B = 20 % C = 15 % Bar chart: C B A READING C 1. g 2. b 3. h 4. C 5. a 6. d 7. f D 2. These are the two water sports Vanuatu is famous for. 3. This is the location of the underwater post office. 4. This is what you can do in the post office. (page 30) LANGUAGE LINK A 1. has taken 6. called 2. happened 7. has just attacked 3. jumped 8. have never heard 4. brushed 9. advised 5. jumped 10. has stopped B 1. My family has lived in the same place since 2002. 2. Ive always loved to sing. 3. I have wanted to visit Paris for a long time. 4. My friend has just passed a big exam. 5. I have studied English for a year. (page 32) REVIEW

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    1 - Excuse me. Im looking for the manager. Is he the man with a client? - No, hes the man on the phone. -Excuse me. I have a problem. - Yeah? - I bought a new mirror here this morning, but its cracked. - Can I get my money back? - Im sorry. We arent allowed to give refunds. But I can give you a new mirror. - Sounds good to me. 2 Helga might become a photographer. Silvio is going to get married. Daisuke may live in a houseboat in the future. Henri is looking forward to going to Ford School. Maria is going to work for a big company. Carla wants to be a painter. 3 GET divorced / married / into an argument / the news HAVE children / a friendly chat / a happy childhood 4 Olivia: mother Joseph: father Randy: uncle Tom: brother Tina: sister Joseph and Olivia are divorced now. Olivia lives in Toronto. Joseph is retired in Florida. Randy has just had his first child. Tom has just bought a house. Tina is graduating from high school. 5 Running near the pool is not permitted. You cant drink in the pool. It is not allowed to listen to loud music. Dogs are not allowed in the pool. You must show your ID card to enter the pool. (page 36) VOCABULARY LINK A 1. wear / wear / wear 2. got / got / got / getting B brush your teeth / hair chip your nails

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    color your hair / nails straighten your hair / teeth

    wash your hair / face (page 37) LISTENING B b C 1. colors / patterns 2. your face 3. makeup / too much 4. your teeth 5. Stand up 6. Smile (page 39) LANGUAGE LINK B 1. Just and already 2. still and yet 3. already D 1. b 3. b 5. a 2. a 4. a 6. B (page 41) A a. 4 e. 8 i. 7 b. 1 f. 3 j. 10 c. 2 g. 9 d. 6 h. 5 (page 42) LISTENING A 1. friends 2. teammates 3. Classmates B 2. She turned him down because she was nervous. 3. Now Karen wants to go out with Gabe. 4. At soccer practice, Alex will call Karen. 5. Karen will show up at soccer practice. 6. Karen will pretend to run into Alex and Gabe. 7. Karen will talk to Gabe (page 43)

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    READING B Manesh NM Nina YES Kaleo NO Fumiko YES (page 44) LANGUAGE LINK A 1c 2c B SEPARABLE: call back / pick up / turn on / figure out INSEPARABLE: get over / go out / break up PHRASAL VERB WITHOUT AN OBJECT: break down / work out (page 46) VOCABULARY LINK A a. impolite e. responsible b. inconsiderate f. inappropriate c. honest g. kind d. unpleasant h. respectful B appropriate inappropriate considerate inconsiderate honest dishonest respectful disrespectful responsible irresponsible preasant unpleasant polite impolite kind unkind (page 47) LISTENING A 1. Visitors to the city zoo 2. City Zoo B Dont climb over any fences or walls. Do ask a lot of questions. C 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. b

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    (page 49) LANGUAGE LINK A 1. Its typical to have bread with your meal in France. 2. Asking someones age in North America is impolite. 3. Its inappropriate to hold hands in public in Myanmar. 4. Shaking hands when you meet someone is customary in Kenya. 5. Being 15 minutes late for an appointment is irresponsible in Switzerland. 6. It is unnecessary to tip taxi drivers in Finland. (page 51) VOCABULARY LINK A 1. language barrier 2. jet lag 3. eating habits 4. facial expressions 5. small talk 6. eye contact 7. personal space 8. body language B 1. eating habits 2. jet lag 3. language barrier 4. small talk 5. personal space 6. body language 7. eye contact 8. facial expression (page 52) LISTENING A Lecture # 1: small talk Lecture # 2: body language Lecture # 3: eye contact B Lecture # 1:

    I. unimportant II. 1- weather 2-TV and movies 3- shared experiences Lecture # 2: I. looking at II. a- 7% b- 93% / bodies move Lecture # 3: I. impression II. stare / uncomfortable

    (page 54) C 1. Before he says goodbye to his friends, hell pack his suitcase. 2. Hell start his winter break as soon as he finishes his final exams. 3. Hell start school four days after he arrives in L.A. 4. When he get accepted to USC, hell move to L.A. 5. Once he finishes his classes, hell take his final exams.

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    (page 56) VOCABULARY LINK B 1. consume 2. purchases 3. employs 4. manage STARBUCKS 5. produces 6. advertise 7. shipped NIKE 8. developed 9. promote 10. invested GOOGLE (page 57) LISTENING B 1. b 2. d C Arturo: 1 Lian: 1 and 2 (page 59) LANGUAGE LINK C 2. The company sells 400 brands of 3. In 1924, a man mass marketed soap 4. Today Unilever sells in over 80 countries. 5. The company employs 174,000 people. 6. purchases a Unilever product. D 1. Is produced 2. is purchased 3. buys 4. make / lose 5. is controlled 6. are known 7. predict (page 61) B ADJECTIVES: gradual, steady / dramatic, sharp ADVERBS: slightly / dramatically VERBS / NOUNS: rise, increase, recover / decrease, decline, get worse D 1. gradual decrease / up 2. a slump / rose slightly

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    3. up / down / increase (page 62) LISTENING B 1. airline 2. camera 3. drink 4. car C 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c (page 63) READING C 1. atypical 4. positive 2. complex 5. unconvincing 3. insincere D WORD OF MOUTH

    1. a friend or family member 2. believable 3. cost / free 4. a plan PAID MEDIA ADVERTISING 1. Its on the media. 2. Sounds more impersonal, scientific. 3. Its costly. 4. You need a plan or strategy. (page 64) LANGUAGE LINK C 1. because 2. so 3. although / even though D 1. so 2. because 3. although 4. so 5. Because

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