Page 1: Izalah-e-Auhaam (Dispelling of Illusions) A Presentation on the Book of the Promised Messiah a.s. by: Dr. Saleem Rahman @ National Ta’lim ul Qur’an Class

Izalah-e-Auhaam(Dispelling of Illusions)

A Presentation on

the Book of the Promised Messiah a.s.


Dr. Saleem Rahman@ National Ta’lim ul Qur’an Class –

22 September, 2012 (Toronto)

Page 2: Izalah-e-Auhaam (Dispelling of Illusions) A Presentation on the Book of the Promised Messiah a.s. by: Dr. Saleem Rahman @ National Ta’lim ul Qur’an Class

Izaalah-e-Au’haam – Volumes -1 & 2

Dispelling of Illusions

Year of Publication:

1308 Hijra; 1891 A.D.

Copies published: 700

Price per volume: Rs. ½

نے ہم ُااتارا اور کے لوہا انسانوں اور سامان کا لڑائی سخت میں جسہیں فوائد سے بہت لئے

… and We sent down iron, wherein is (material for) active warfare

and (many) benefits for mankind (57:26 )


Page 3: Izalah-e-Auhaam (Dispelling of Illusions) A Presentation on the Book of the Promised Messiah a.s. by: Dr. Saleem Rahman @ National Ta’lim ul Qur’an Class

O Doubters!

Seek Divine Decree (in relation to me)

• Read both volumes of my book, which has guidance and divine light. And don’t be hasty in rejecting my claims

• If you still have doubts, after this, I challenge you to compete with me in seeking Divine Signs to demonstrate who is established upon the truth, and is supported by God Almighty.

•God has revealed to me that, if you try to compete with me, He will expose your weaknesses and decisively humiliate you.


Page 4: Izalah-e-Auhaam (Dispelling of Illusions) A Presentation on the Book of the Promised Messiah a.s. by: Dr. Saleem Rahman @ National Ta’lim ul Qur’an Class

Q: You claim to be in the image of the Messiah “Son of Mary”.

He miraculously:

(1) brought the dead to life

(2) gave sight to the blind, and

(3) restored the hearing of the deaf.

Which of these miracles have

you shown (being in his image,

or as his reflection) ?


Page 5: Izalah-e-Auhaam (Dispelling of Illusions) A Presentation on the Book of the Promised Messiah a.s. by: Dr. Saleem Rahman @ National Ta’lim ul Qur’an Class

My Detractors

1) You have used harsh words about your adversaries (in other religions) … causing them to retaliate by using harsh words about Allah and the Holy Prophet s.a.s.

Distinguish between:

• Use of “Abusive language” to hurt someone, and which is not supported by facts, and

• A “Statement of (unpleasant) Facts” that may hurt, but which is intended as exposition of the truth, and pointing out falsehood.


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• The Holy Qur’an’s tough talk about those who disbelieve and oppose the truth.

• The Holy Prophet s.a.s was accused by the Chiefs of Mecca that, “He abuses our idols …”. He even smashed the to pieces (at Fall of Mecca)

• Jesus Christ’s harsh words about his opponents (see Bible)

God has explicitly forbade us to adopt a stance of deceptive politeness, leading people of rival faiths to think that we are uncritical of their beliefs etc. But, God has not prohibited us, anywhere, to abstain from disseminating the truth – for fear that it may appear ‘harsh’ and unpleasant to others. 6

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2) You are either depressed or mentally ill. That is the reason why you have claimed to be the Promised Messiah.


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Page 9: Izalah-e-Auhaam (Dispelling of Illusions) A Presentation on the Book of the Promised Messiah a.s. by: Dr. Saleem Rahman @ National Ta’lim ul Qur’an Class

• The Holy Qur’an does not make any reference to the Second Coming of the self-same Jesus Christ. Rather, it proclaims the death of Jesus.

• Some Ahadith (which are full of metaphors) do mention his “Second Coming”. But, the metaphoric narrations mean that:

– in an age that will resemble that of the Jews (at the time of Jesus), a Prophet will arise among Muslims, who will reform and revive the true meaning of the Holy Qur’an and its teachings which the Muslims will have forgotten.

– He will do it in a manner similar to the manner in which Jesus revived the teachings of Moses and revive the true meaning and spirit of the Torah, which the Jews of that age had forgotten.

• That is why the Latter-Day Prophet in Islam, is metaphorically given the name of “Jesus son of Mary” --- due to the remarkable similarity between the circumstances and the missions of the two.

• God has now revealed to me that: I am, indeed, that Promised Messiah.


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• Descent of Jesus son of Mary on the eastern minaret in Damascus, in his “Second Coming”

• He will “break the Cross and kill the swine”.

• None of this is mentioned in Sahih Bokhari and Sahih Muslim.

•In fact, Bokhari has 2 Ahadith to the contrary.


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The Minaret of Jesus, Umayyad Mosque, Damascus, Syria

Many Muslims have been under the impression that Jesus Christ, in his “Second Coming” will physically descend on (or near) this “white minaret” in Damascus.


Page 12: Izalah-e-Auhaam (Dispelling of Illusions) A Presentation on the Book of the Promised Messiah a.s. by: Dr. Saleem Rahman @ National Ta’lim ul Qur’an Class

Two Ahadith from

Sahih al-Bokhari

1- “Son of Mary” will be “your Imam from among yourselves”

2- Israelite Messiah – (a) Fair complexion, and (b) Curly hair

-- Muhammadan Messiah (a) Wheatish complexion, and (b) Straight hair


Page 13: Izalah-e-Auhaam (Dispelling of Illusions) A Presentation on the Book of the Promised Messiah a.s. by: Dr. Saleem Rahman @ National Ta’lim ul Qur’an Class

1- The Holy Qur’an doesn’t refer (even once) to the physical ascension of Jesus.

2- The Holy Qur’an, in many different verses, refers to the death of Jesus (his body was buried and only his soul went to heaven – like everyone else’s)

3- Jesus himself refers to his death (5:118) 13

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Page 15: Izalah-e-Auhaam (Dispelling of Illusions) A Presentation on the Book of the Promised Messiah a.s. by: Dr. Saleem Rahman @ National Ta’lim ul Qur’an Class


Matthew (24: 27-39) is presented 2 slides later.

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Metaphorical narrative:

1- No light from the Sun =

The Holy Qur’an will not remain a source of light for the people (due to their ignorance)

2- No light from the Moon = The Saints, too, will not be of benefit to the people.

3- Stars will fall = The true religious scholars will have become extinct.

4- Powers of Heaven will be shaken = people will not rise spiritually, but will be attracted to earthy desires. (i.e. Nafs-e-Ammarah)


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27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.

29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. 32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:

33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. 34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. 35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Naoh entered into the ark,

39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Matthew (24: 27-39).

See contradiction in (A) and (B)17

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Divine Mandate of the Promised Messiah

1- Exposition of the Truth of Islam, for all the nations of the world.

2- Purge Islam of the later additions, and errors of interpretation, and present Islam in its pristine purity.

3- Impart divine-light to all nations of the world, and render the true-believers distinctly identifiable from the hypocrites.


Page 19: Izalah-e-Auhaam (Dispelling of Illusions) A Presentation on the Book of the Promised Messiah a.s. by: Dr. Saleem Rahman @ National Ta’lim ul Qur’an Class

More on the Descent of Jesus “Son of Mary” in Damascus:

1- Damascus is used as a metaphor, here.

2- Damascus was the headquarters of Yazid, who cruelly killed Imam Hussain (r.a.) and other Ahl-e-Bait.

3-Qadian has many “Yazid-like” residents. A Revelation also pointed out this resemblance.


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4- Damascus (as a metaphor) refers to another town that has the characteristics of Damascus – i.e. Qadian.

5- A doctor visits the sick; so the Messiah needs to arise among the spiritually ailing.

6- Yazid’s followers were “like the Jews” at the time of Jesus – not actual Jews.

Similarly, the Messiah who will be arise, will also be only “like Jesus son of Mary” – not the same as the Israelite Jesus. 20

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Damascus is a metaphor Just as (a) Yazidi people are “like Jews of Jesus era” – but “not the same Jews” – similarly, the (b) awaited Messiah will also be “like the Messiah (Jesus) sent for the Jews” – but “not the same old Messiah (Jesus)”

-- Hadith (Abu Da’ood) regarding “Haaris”, to come from the other side of Euphrates River …

(1) Reform the internal conditions of the Muslims (2) Break the Cross/ Kill swine/ Kill the One-eyed Dajjaal, etc.


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Hadith about: Haris ibn Harraas

A man will arise from the lands on the other side of the (Jayhoun i.e. Amu) River, who will be called a “Land-owner son of a Significant Land-owner”.

At the front of his army will be a man who will be called “Mansoor”.

He will strengthen the progeny/ followers of Hazrat Muhammad s.a.s. just as those among the tribe of Quresh (who believed) had strengthened him.

It will be incumbent upon every true-believer (momin) to help and support him, and affirm believe in him.

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Page 24: Izalah-e-Auhaam (Dispelling of Illusions) A Presentation on the Book of the Promised Messiah a.s. by: Dr. Saleem Rahman @ National Ta’lim ul Qur’an Class

5 Qualities of “Haaris”

1- He will not use force, but will use his (a) Faith, (b) Perceptive Knowledge, and (c) Eloquent Expression

2- He will hail from “the other side of Euphrates River” (i.e. Samarqand/ Bukhara area)

3- He will be from a distinguished land-owning (farming) family

4- He will arise at a time when the true Muslims will be in dire need of his help

5- He will not be a man of material means and wealth, i.e. he will need his people’s assistance in carrying out his great task.


History of Khorasan (or Khurasan):

Greater Khorasan was a historic region, the majority of which now lies in modern day northeastern Iran, parts of Afghanistan and parts of the modern Central Asian states of Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. It was historically a Persian province… Before 1991, Uzbekistan was part of the Soviet Union. Once part of the Persian, Samanid, and later Timurid empires, the region was conquered in the early 16th century by nomads who spoke an Eastern Turkic language.

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Page 26: Izalah-e-Auhaam (Dispelling of Illusions) A Presentation on the Book of the Promised Messiah a.s. by: Dr. Saleem Rahman @ National Ta’lim ul Qur’an Class


The Oxus River of the Greeks has been known to historical record for literally thousands of years. Its present-day name is the Amu Darya (or Amu river) and its course can be traced in any atlas. Turn to the map of Western Asia and find it.

The river springs up in the Pamir mountains, runs west through what was once Baluchistan, and forms part of the border of what is now Afghanistan; here, along its banks, were once lapis-lazuli mines famous throughout the ancient world. It runs, gradually curving northward, between a desert marked Kizil Kum (or, the Red Sands) and another desert marked Kara Kum (or, the Black Sands).

Along the way, it supplies irrigation-water for the ancient oasis kingdoms of Khiva and Khwarism.

Eventually it empties itself into the southern tip of the Aral Sea.

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The Amu Darya, also called Oxus and Amu River, is a major river in Central Asia. It is formed by the junction of the Vakhsh  and Panj rivers. In ancient times, the river was regarded as the boundary between Iran and Turan.

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Page 29: Izalah-e-Auhaam (Dispelling of Illusions) A Presentation on the Book of the Promised Messiah a.s. by: Dr. Saleem Rahman @ National Ta’lim ul Qur’an Class

29Map of the Amu Darya watershed


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Ma Wara an-Nah’r region – on the right side of Oxus River (or Jayhoun River)

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Ma Wara an-Nah’r region – on the right side of Oxus River (or Jayhoun River)

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Ma Wara an-Nah’r region – on the right side of Oxus River (or Jayhoun River)

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Page 34: Izalah-e-Auhaam (Dispelling of Illusions) A Presentation on the Book of the Promised Messiah a.s. by: Dr. Saleem Rahman @ National Ta’lim ul Qur’an Class

Laila-tul-Qad’r and the Era of the Promised Messiah a.s.

1- Every Prophet of God is granted a Laila-tu-Qad’r; the greatest one was granted to the Holy Prophet s.a.s

2- The descent of Angels in support of a Prophet (during the Laila-tul-Qad’r) the “stirrings” in the hearts of the people (i.e. inspiration, “brain waves” etc.), according to their good, or, bad inclinations.

3- Hidden talents and capacities are stimulated and remarkable degree of spiritual and material progress occurs industrial development and innovations. 34

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Surah Al-Zizaal and the Divinely provided stimulus to human development, proliferation of ideas

1- A sudden, and extraordinary, spurt of growth in science and industry, and ideas of all kinds, should make you think and search – it may be that a Divine Reformer is born somewhere.

2- The remarkable sharpness of vision among all branches of human knowledge is the result of the motivational inspiration being spread by the Supporting Angels in the service of a Prophet or reformer.


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(1) An Era of Peace and Tranquillity &

(2) A Period of remarkable Growth in Ideas, Scientific Inventions and Industrial Innovation

These two features are mutually supportive.

Jesus described his Second Advent (in the Bible) at such a time.

He was referring to the Advent of the Promised Messiah – and that is exactly the situation right now!

Industrial Revolution

(I &II), 1800 – 1914 A.D. 36

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The Timeframe of the

Industrial Revolution

By 1850 most Englishmen were laboring in industrial towns and Great Britain had become the workshop of the world. From Britain the Industrial Revolution spread gradually throughout Europe and to the United States. The age of electricity began in 1882 when Thomas A. Edison introduced a system of electric lighting in New York City. Electricity was later applied to driving all kinds of machinery as well as powering locomotives and streetcars. Electric lighting quickly spread across the United States and was soon adopted in Europe. The electrical industry was dominated by large companies that developed new products and then manufactured and marketed them.


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My Beliefs

•Kalimah (La ila-ha Ill-Allah, Muhammad ar-Rasool-Allah)

•The Holy Prophet is “Khaatam an-Nabiyyeen”

• Ikmaal-e-Deen• Itmaam-e-Ne’mat


•In addition to my Islamic beliefs, I am supported by (a) numerous arguments – rational … , religious (b) Divine Revelation, and Spiritual Visions


Page 39: Izalah-e-Auhaam (Dispelling of Illusions) A Presentation on the Book of the Promised Messiah a.s. by: Dr. Saleem Rahman @ National Ta’lim ul Qur’an Class

Q: Who claimed to be the Mujaddid (Reformer) at the beginning of the 14th Century hijra?

Q: Who else made such a claim with – with Divine Revelations supporting his claims?

•If I am in error, then you should pray to God to send Jesus – physically descending from heaven •Right now, I am the claimant and I am present – but the one you are waiting for, is not present here. •My claim can be falsified only if you can, somehow, cause him to descend from heaven!


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Warning (after narrating a Parable) 40

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Pages: 192 - 224

• Arguments regarding: Wafaat-e-Massih – i.e. Death of Jesus Christ -- (pp. 232 – 263);

• the issue of a “Maseel” – i.e. a “reflection”, or “image” of someone (pp. 229--232);

• Wafaat-e-Massih (revisited) … additional aspects/ arguments

• 30 Verses of the Holy Qur’an – supporting Wafaat-e-Massih (pp. 268 – 269);

• The main theme of Wafaat-e-Massih also continues in much of the Q & A (pp.264 – 322) to the end of Vol-1.

Pages: 264 – 322(12 Q & A)


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Concluding Thoughts (for Vol-1)

The debate regarding whether my claim to being the Promised Messiah (i.e. a “Reflection of the Role of the Messiah –Jesus, for the Jews of his era”) had two pillars:

(1)The Old Jesus will physically descend in the world (in the Latter Days). Since you have not physically dropped from heaven, therefore your claim is false.The Holy Qur’an and some Ahadith nullify this pillar;

(2) The Dajjaal will appear in the Latter Days – and it will coincide with the coming of the Messiah. So, since there is no Dajjaal in sight, therefore your claim is false. Ahadith specify the meaning of Dajjaal and his historical placement

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Page 45: Izalah-e-Auhaam (Dispelling of Illusions) A Presentation on the Book of the Promised Messiah a.s. by: Dr. Saleem Rahman @ National Ta’lim ul Qur’an Class

Hazrat Abu Huraira (r.a.) relates: We were sitting with the Holy Prophet s.a.s. when Surah Al-Jumah was revealed. When he recited:

“He is the One who raised among unlettered people a Prophet from among themselves … And among others, from among them, who have not yet joined them. He is Mighty, Wise.”

A man asked: Who are these people?

After this question was repeated three times, the Holy Prophet said – placing his hand on Hazrat Salman the Persian – “If faith were to be lifted up as high as Sorayya (the Pleiades) a man (or men) from among these people [i.e. people of Persian origin] will still find it from there [and re-establish it]

(Source: Bukhari; Muslim)

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Page 48: Izalah-e-Auhaam (Dispelling of Illusions) A Presentation on the Book of the Promised Messiah a.s. by: Dr. Saleem Rahman @ National Ta’lim ul Qur’an Class

The “Persian Man” who will bring back the Holy Qur’an from the Pleiades is, indeed, the same person as the “Promised Messiah” [resembling Jesus].

Otherwise, one will have to admit that The “Persian Man” is superior to the “Promised Messiah”, in terms of service to Islam --- because the Messiah’s task of “killing swine” amounts to only “repelling the evil”, whereas the mandate of the “Persian Man” is make perfect believers, which amounts to “providing benefits”, which is superior to merely “repelling the evil”.

Thus, it demonstrates that the “Persian Man” is indeed, the same person as the “Promised Messiah” .
