Download pdf - Jaycee Herald 201510





a) Foreword

b) President’s Message

c) From the shelves of JCI Trichur Library -JCI Sen. Ranjith Kollannur

d) )Company Secretary Writes–Jc CS. Ramachandran T.M.

e) MY ODYSSEY - A travelogue on Great Himalayan Odyssey 2015 -Jc

HGF Sajith Paul

f) Non Banking Finance Company – Jc. Sarika Ramachandran

g) Down The Memory Lane – JCI. Sen. Sudhir Achuthan

h) Kids Corner

i) Creative Corner

j) Achievements Corner

k) Photographs

l) Birthdays & Anniversaries in November


It has been a marvellous year for me as Editor of your Jaycee Herald. It was both a learning and enjoyable experience for me. It was the first time, I got an opportunity to be an Editor of a magazine and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a wonderful feeling to see the creativity of our members unfolding and also it was a great feeling to get awards for our small initiative. I am extremely thankful to all of you for the wonderful support and trust given to me throughout this year.

Thank you very much once again and happy reading.

JC Ajay Kumar



We are proud to have our anniversary issue of

revamped Jaycee Herald. Jaycee herald is

providing a platform for all of us to put in our

creative efforts. Request you to keep

contributing so that this small effort can

become a platform for all budding talents. Time flies really fast

and it is with an overwhelming gratitude I start to pen my last

president’s message through this bulletin. When we thought of

coming up again with the bulletin, we never thought that our

small initiative would be appreciated by all of you and the

support given to us would be so overwhelming. Here I would

like to mention the names of two persons who have

contributed in all the 12 issues of our Jaycee Herald. I thank

and salute JC. CS.Ramachandran and JCI. Sen. Ranjith

Kollanur for their great support. Our editor Jc. Ajay Kumar has

done a wonderful job delivering us the bulletin on time, for the

last 12 months and was the pillar of the editorial board. I also

thank Jc. CA. Swapna Manoj for her creative ideas and in

bringing this bulletin in style and on time.

Through the month….

October month was a time of recognitions for us. The Mega

event of JCI Zone xx, Rhythm 2015 was held in Irinjalakuda on

October 9th, 10th and 11th. We participated in the event in good

numbers and around 40 members from JCI Trichur attended

the mega event. We had a sense of fulfillment when we

received 9 awards – Three Winner awards and Six Runner up

awards - from the Zone President Jc. Sudhin Ashok in a

glittering gala event.

When I started the Journey as your President 2015, My first

priority was to continue the spirit which Jc. Jojo, our IPP has

created. I never dreamt of awards and recognitions, but by

passage of time, our bonding got stronger and along with came

recognitions and rewards. We had worked hard and the awards

we received reflect that our vision was correct and we were

able to achieve results in our mission. It was a great team

effort by all of you and I salute each one of you for the great


JCs of JCI Trichur had wonderful outstation GB at Valparai. It

was a great trip and 19 of our members participated in this

trip. The trip was wonderfully organized by Jc. Engr. Sanoj

Alappat who was ably assisted by Jc. Joby, Jc. Sajith, Jc.

Antony and Jc. Benjamin. Kudos for the wonderful team effort.

During this month we conducted three Prathibha Puraskar

awards at different schools. First one was conducted at

Bharathiya Vidya Bhavan, Poochatty and the award was

presented to Vaishnavi Kishore. In Harisri Vidya Nidhi School

we presented the Prathibha Puraskar award to Adit Vishnu for

his all round abilities. Third award was presented to Rahul A of

St. John’s Bethany School.

The election for the office Bearers 2016 as usual went

smoothly. Jci. Sen. Ranjith Kollanur was elected as the 49th

President of JCI Trichur and Jc. Engr. Sanoj Alappat was

elected as the Secretary and Jc. CA. Ajith Kaimal was elected

as the Treasurer. We are sure that the Team 2016 will take our

chapter to more heights in the coming year. I wish Ranjith and

team all success.

Another cause of celebration for JCI Trichur is that we have

two representations in the Zone Governing Board of Zone XX.

It was a really proud moment when it was declared that Jc.

Sajith Paul is the Zone Coordinator for Blood and Organ

Donation and Jc. Vinitha Sajith is the Zone Director, Jaycerette

wing. We are really proud of these two jaycees and

congratulate them in their achievement and wish them both all


Our celebration continued with JJ Night, a dream we had,

where, our children performed to their potential. It was a

dream come to true to all of us, as around 35 of our children

performed beautifully in that mega show. It was a great

evening of music, dance and other cultural activities. It was a

great team effort and we understand the efforts taken by all of

you and I salute you for your efforts. I would like to specially

thank Jaycerette Chairperson. Jc. CA. Swapna Manoj, Program

Director Lakhsmi Ajay Kumar and Jcrt Secretary Jc. Vinitha

Sajith for the efforts they have taken. Also, JC Sudhir Achuthan

and Jc. Ajay Kumar contributed a lot to the success of this

event. It was a culmination of more than 3 months effort and I

thank all the JJ’s, Jcrts and Jc’s who were behind this show.

You really made us proud…

As I Bid Adieu, I feel overwhelmed by your love…..

As I sign off as the President of JCI Trichur, I feel overwhelmed

by the love and affection showered on me and the confidence

reposed in me by all of you. My tenure as President has been

full of special moments, which I would cherish for all times to

come. I would particularly remember the great warmth

demonstrated by the members whenever I made a request

from you for any help.

During this journey, I had some never-before experiences like

having a very little sleep, travelling through forests, speaking

in front of 3000 students, getting awards, getting recognitions

and getting stranded in the middle of nowhere, without even a

mobile in my hand.

To honour the image of the President of JCI Trichur, I did try to

project myself as best as I could, because unless a man

inspired himself to greater achievements how can he inspire

the world around him.

My term as President has been truly a learning experience

during which I have tried to transform my tenure as a worth-

reading chapter in the history of JCI Trichur.

While leaving the office, I feel happy and contended since I

have had your love and faith throughout my tenure and hope

our relation will continue forever.

I would like to thank PZP Jc. John Paul, PP Jc. CA. Sanjo

Nambadan, PP Jc. Dr. K.J. Varghese for the confidence they

placed on me, for the post of President of JCI Trichur.

My sincere thanks to my team 2015 - Secretary Jc.Sajith Paul

and Treasurer Jc Ranjith Boban, for their great support and

hard work. I also thank all my Programme Directors who were

the pillars of different projects of this year. This communication

wouldn’t be complete, if I do not thank my advisors, CGB

Members and GB Members.

I would also like to thank my better half Jc. Swapna Manoj for

being such a great pillar of support for me and our children

Gayathri and Pranav who missed out many of my evenings

because of JCI work.

I offer the incoming President JCI. Sen. Ranjith Kollanur my

best compliments for his journey. I am sure that he will take

the chapter to further heights under his leadership.

Thanking you,

Yours truly

Jc HGF CA Manoj Kumar.M


From the shelves of JCI Trichur Library

V for Vendetta by Alan Moore and David Lloyd

Publisher – Vertigo; Year of Publication – 2005; Pages – 296

The recent years have seen a heightened demand for Guy Fawkes

masks. Amazon at one time reported it to be the highest selling

mask on their website. I am sure you have seen it too, while

browsing the internet – the face of a man with rosy cheeks, a

pointy beard and a painted smile. The mask owed its sudden rise

in popularity due to its adoption by the #Occupy Wall Street

Movement and their ilk and the Anonymous hacktivist group.

Although their activity has been largely limited to the western

world, we had seen Anonymous turning their head towards India,

after some rulings by the Government of India and the Indian

judicial system on internet.

Guy Fawkes was a Catholic terrorist in England who attempted to

blow up the British Parliament on 5th November 1605.

Unfortunately for him, he was outed, ironically enough, by an

anonymous letter. He was captured on 4th November and

eventually died in 1606. If you are wondering how such an

irrelevant event in English history can hold significance four

centuries later, you are not alone.

The reason for that is V for Vendetta.

V for Vendetta is a series of comic books written by Alan Moore in

the 1980s and later compiled into a single book. It was about a

British terrorist set out to raise anarchy in a fascist Great Britain.

The Guy Fawkes mask that has become so popular is actually a

creation of the illustrator, David Lloyd.

Set in a dystopian world where fascism thrives and freedom is a

rare commodity, V for Vendetta is the story of the resilience of


The novel starts off with a girl being threatened with rape for

soliciting policemen (unintentionally, of course). Out comes a guy

from the shadows to get rid of the shadowy cops. Grateful for her

safety, she is aghast by the realization that she is to now bear

witness to the first act of terrorism that V performs – blowing up

the Parliament; the act that Guy Fawkes failed. But this is just

the start. More is set to follow as V prepares to bring anarchy to

England. Oddly, the girl agrees.

For a while, the book devolves into a personal vendetta of a

person wronged by many, as V goes on a killing spree. While it

provides a setting to understand the ambiguous morality of V, it

hints at a larger storyline at play. The other characters in the

story, the machinery of the fascist state, are introduced. As the

story unfolds, we see how V dismantles the state one department

at a time, to bring forth a leaderless society; an anarchy.

There are stories within the story. The main one is about Eric

Finch, the regime’s top detective, who was also a former lover of

one of V’s victims. Troubled by the nature of his regime, he frees

himself from its clutches to become a true anarchist. The

development of Finch into an anarchist provides the better writing

in the story. But as a renegade with a different viewpoint from V,

he throws a monkey wrench into V’s plan. Almost.

Since it is a graphic novel it is a quick read. But it is not

recommended for kids because of mature situations. But by the

end it will leave you with an idea; the same idea that inspires

groups like #Occupy and Anonymous. And as the protagonist

eloquently puts after being mortally wounded –

Ideas are bulletproof.

JCI Sen. Ranjith Kollannur

[For more information on JCI Trichur Library, log on to -> Individual Development -> Library]

SEBI cuts IPO paperwork; notifies 5-sheet abridged prospectus

T.M. Ramachandran. BBS, LLB, MBA, FCS

Company Secretary in Practice





Mobile:- +91 98460 93998

E mail: [email protected]

In a game changing move Markets Regulator SEBI has notified a five-

sheet abridged prospectus that companies need to file for public offers

– a step aimed at making it easier for investors to understand key points.

Under the new norms that will come into effect from December 1, the

abridged prospectus including the application form can't exceed five

sheets that would be printed on both sides, a maximum of 10 pages.

Currently, the full prospectus that companies file for their public offers

including IPOs runs into 400-500 pages and it has often been felt that the

investors find it difficult to get the key information from such bulky


The move would help in reducing the cost for companies.

Sebi said that the "information as is material and appropriate to enable

the investors to make an informed decision shall be disclosed in the

abridged prospectus".

Also, the companies would need to make these disclosures as per the

format specified by Sebi from time to time.

The information which is of generic nature and not specific to the issuer

would need to be brought out in the form of a General Information

Document (GID) as specified by Sebi.

The Abridged Prospectus would need to be printed in a booklet form of A4

size paper, while the font size cannot be "visually smaller than Times New

Roman size 11 (or equivalent)" with single-line spacing.

Information required to be given in Tabular Format would not appear in

running text format.

"The order in which items appear in the abridged prospectus shall be as

specified by Sebi. The application form shall be so positioned that on the

tearing-off of the application form, no part of the information given in the

abridged prospectus is mutilated," the Securities and Exchange Board of

India (Sebi) said in a notification dated October 27.


A travelogue of Great Himalayan Odyssey 2015

-Jc HGF Sajith Paul

Secretary, JCI Trichur 2015

Once one of my friends at Berger was in a casual talk about going to the

Himalayas on a bullet. That time a small dream started growing inside me. It got

its full growth on a lazy rainy June evening, when I saw the advertisement about

ROYAL ENFIELD HIMALYAN ODYSSEY 2015 and I made up my mind to go for it.

After facing many hurdles, I finally started for Delhi by flight. In Delhi, I

reached around midnight and it was my first time at the national capital. I took a

taxi and proceeded for the hotel at Asoka road - a four star one, where I should

stay after joining the odyssey team. My first set back was that there were no rooms

available in that hotel. Then I took an auto and the auto driver took me to a local

hotel somewhere at the suburban areas of Delhi. It was a frightening night at a

hotel where I was a total stranger.

Next day started with 5 Km run and 50 pushups to check the physical health

condition and we all completed it successfully. Then we relaxed for the day,

meeting new peoples from different parts of the country in our group. There was a

briefing of what to expect, how to ride, what to eat & drink, what to wear etc. The

next day we started for the flag off of Himalayan Odyssey at India Gate and it was

done by MD of Royal Enfield. Before the flag off, there was a small prayer by the

Lamas from Tibet and they blessed us giving a white scarf which stands for peace.

We started after the flag off. Nature started showering us good luck in the form of

rain, but the rain lasted for three days. We crossed Chandigarh in Punjab and

reached our first halting point Parvanoo - a small village in HP.

Next day morning, after a small briefing of the day ahead, we started for our

next halting point Narkanda - again a small village in HP. It was nice scenic beauty

all around, but we were told, if we admire the mother nature while riding, it may

lead to our end! So we kept our hands on the handle and our boots on the foot peg

and reached our next halting point. It was all raining and we had to divert our route

a bit due to landslides. At Narkanda, we started seeing snow covered mountains.

There we saw Kailash Peak - the famous pilgrimage place. Next morning after

briefing we started for Kalpa. There we saw the famous Sutlej river. We reached

Kalpa by Nightfall.

From Kalpa, after the briefing for the day, we started for Kaza - the head

quarters of Spiti valley, a religious place for the Buddhists. It was the toughest ride

of the event. We rode across very dangerous landscapes beside Sutlej river. It was

all going fine until in the evening just before 40 Kms from Kaza, we faced our first

land slide. The road was blocked because of slush and mud till the knee, due to the

landslide and rain. We had to turn back and ride 10 km, around 7 Pm to a small

village called Tabo. We spent our night at a monastery in that small village, which

had a population of hardly 70 people.

Next day morning we took a tour of the 200 year old monastery. From there

we started our ride after the day’s briefing, towards Kaza, which is roughly 40 Km

far. We reached Kaza around noon, had lunch and went to see a local festival in a

monastery nearby. After that we got some time to surf internet, upload pictures in

whatsapp and also to call our loved ones.

Again after morning brief at the hotel, we started riding to our next halting

point Jispa. While riding , we came across the first water crossing and it continued

till we reached Jispa. There we celebrated two birthdays of our co riders. Some of

the fellow riders started feeling the heat of the ride.

From Jispa after the briefing for the day ahead, we started our ride to

Sarchu. There were small and medium water crossings on the way but a major

setback we faced was a huge water crossing on the way to Sarchu and it took

almost 15 Minutes for each rider to cross it. It was around 5 Pm when we all

crossed the water crossing but our back up vehicle could not make it to the other

side of the stream. So the coordinators of the ride decided not to proceed to

Sarchu. We halted for the night at a rest place near a daba. With all wet riding gear

due to water crossing and only dry cloths we had in our back packs, it was a

memorable night stay at the daba. Next day Border Road Organization officials

came and cleared the way for our back up vehicles to pass the water crossing, this

is where we see the role of BRO - a subsidiary of the Indian army who makes and

maintains the border roads in any adverse conditions.

Next day we started from the daba to Rumtse. Due to lack of time we

decided not to stay at Sarchu and to proceed to Rumtse. On the way there was

medium to large water crossings. This happens due to melting of snow at the

mountain top. Now we could see snow on the road sides we were passing. It was

definitely a pleasant treat for our eyes, but as we are going up the altitude, some of

us started feeling the lack of oxygen in our breath. At last we entered Jammu &

Kashmir - the paradise of India. Just 30 Kms from Rumtse, at around 5pm,

another bad luck hit us in the form of a heavy rain. Due to cold, rain and the

uncertainty of the way ahead, we decided to stay again in a small daba beside the

road. In the daba, myself and a Bangalore settled Malayali in our team prepared

egg roast for the group and every one appreciated our spicy egg roast. It was again

a tough night to pass as we were 12000 ft above sea level.

Next day morning the nature was pleasant and we started after the briefing

to Rumtse. We couldn’t avoid Rumtse as it was the place where we should stay and

get accustomed to the high altitudes before heading to Leh through highest

mountain passes in the world. We reached Rumtse by 12 noon and had lunch. It

was a good Sunday afternoon at Rumtse. So me and my friend thought of making

calls to our homes. We went another 10 Kms to find a satellite phone booth in an

army camp. As we almost completed making calls, the climate changed

dramatically. It suddenly started to rain mildly in the beginning and it got heavy as

time passed by. Suddenly the rain water started getting in to some local houses

and we could hear cries from there, but we were helpless. The army people went

with JCBs and made temporary arrangements for the water getting in to the

houses. At around 5pm the rain softened a bit. So my friend and myself decided to

go to our camp which is almost 10 Kms from there. While we came to make the

calls, it only took 10 Mins to reach. But on our journey back, it took around 30 to

40 minutes due to rain water and mud on the road. I cannot forget the night we

spent at Rumtse. It was a temporary tent accommodation. We had to sleep on the

bed which laid on the ground itself and all night it was raining. So you could

imagine the cold inside the tents. I almost felt like I may get ill and would not be

able to ride to Leh on my bike. I was feeling so unhealthy, I even had to skip the

dinner and stay all time in the tent.

Again a good sunny morning. No signs of rain. We started after the day’s

briefing for the final destination - Leh. All of us became so excited that we forgot all

the hardships we faced during our ride. We crossed More Plains and reached

Taglang La - the second highest motorable road in the world. That place was full of

snow capped mountains and there was also one temple. We again continued our

ride and reached Leh around noon. The next day we proceeded to Khardung la, the

purpose of our trip, the highest motorable road in the world and of course every

bikers dream land. It was roughly 30Kms, but hell of a ride. We came across all the

obstacles we faced till now in that 30 Km stretch.

After all those hardships when I think about the Himalayas, I feel like going

again next time of course with my darling and my daughter, at any course of my

life. I thank the almighty, my family especially my better half, my little one and all

my dear ones who helped me one way or the other to fulfill my dream.

Non Banking Financial Company (NBFC)


A Non Banking Financial Company (NBFC) is a company registered under the

Companies Act, 1956 of India, engaged in the business of loans and advances,

acquisition of shares, stock, bonds hire-purchase, insurance business, or chit

business: but does not include any institution whose principal business is that

includes agriculture or industrial activity; or the sale, purchase or construction of

immovable property.

NBFCs registered with the Reserve Bank of India may take part in the insurance

agency business on a fee basis and without risk participation or the need to seek

the bank's approval. In a notification issued, the RBI said such NBFCs should obtain

permission from the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority and comply

with IRDA regulations for acting as a "composite corporate agent" with insurance


Difference between NBFCS & Banks

NBFCs perform functions similar to that of banks; however there are a few

differences in that an NBFC cannot accept demand deposits; an NBFC is not a part

of the payment and settlement system and as such, an NBFC cannot issue cheques

drawn on itself; and deposit insurance facility of the Deposit Insurance and Credit

Guarantee Corporation is not available for NBFC depositors, unlike banks. An

Increasing number of microfinance institutions (MFIs) are seeking non-banking

finance company (NBFC) status from RBI to get wide access to funding, including

bank finance

NBFC’s are mainly categorized into deposit taking NBFC’s and non-deposit taking

NBFC’s. Deposit taking NBFC’s and non-deposit taking NBFC’s are further classified

based on their size. Within this broad categorization, there are again many types

of NBFC’s like Asset Finance Company, Investment Company, Loan Company,

Infrastructure Finance Company, Systemically Important Core Investment

Company, Infrastructure Debt Fund, Micro Finance Institution and Factors.

If any unincorporated entity (Proprietorship / Partnership) or an NBFC without

authorization to take deposit is found accepting public deposits, it is liable for

criminal action. Also, if NBFCs associate themselves with proprietorship/partnership

firms accepting deposits in contravention of RBI Act, they are also liable to be

prosecuted under criminal law or under the Protection of Interest of Depositors (in

Financial Establishments) Act, if passed by the State Governments.


JCI Sen. Sudhir Achuthan

1982.. Sri Neelam Sanjiva Reddy was our President till 25th July 1982,

followed by Giani Zail Singh who was elected as the 7th President of India.

Smt. Indira Gandhi was our Prime Minister and Kerala was lead by Chief

Minister K. Karunakaran. All sports lovers would never forget 1982 because

it was for the first time Asian games were conducted by India. Though

telecast through TV was started in Delhi in 1959, National telecast were

introduced in 1982. Colour TV was introduced to India with the Live Telecast

of Independence Day speech by then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi on 15th

August 1982 followed by the Asian games held in Delhi.

1982 was so special and an ever memorable year for me. Not because of

any of the above reasons

Like any other child my sister Mini chechi and myself were excited when

summer vacation arrived. My Achan was working with VSSC (ISRO) and we

all were staying in Ambalamukku, Trivandrum. Ours was a residential

colony consisting of 5 residents. All were colleagues of my Achan. Out of 5

families three belonged to Thrissur. During all summer vacations we would

go to Thrissur, but that year was special because we were to travel to

Bombay on April 18. And that was our first trip outside Kerala.

I had heard a lot about Bombay - the commercial capital of India with huge

buildings, offices, and known as the city of Dons - from my two ammamen

especially the elder ammamen, we call him “Kuttapa mamen “ . Whenever

Kuttapa mamen comes I would sit and listen to him like an obedient child.

I loved to hear his stories about Bombay (he always exaggerated things

which I came to know only later). In between he would tell how hard

working he was and how he built his own flat and a house at Ammadam,

Thrissur. I became fan of my Ammamen (which benefited me later). So I

was excited to go to Bombay. 36 hours of journey in Jayanthi Janatha

express was tiresome but since it was our first time we enjoyed it a lot. We

spent 20 days in Bombay. Ammamen has got two daughters elder one

Sangeeta and younger one Sunita. I had met them even before, but only

the memories from 1982 trip and thereafter were in my mind, May be

because of the photos which we took while in Bombay.

I still remember the places we visited Nariman Point, Elephanta Caves,

Humpty Dumpty, Juhu Beach, Marine Drive, VT Station, Gate way of India,

Vikrant the war ship….etc etc. First time in my life I tasted the North Indian

Thali….I started loving Bombay. Somewhere in my mind I decided to settle

in Bombay……my dream city. Sangeeta said I was a naughty boy, stubborn.

Actually I was stubborn. (Hope Anu and Meenu will not read this , they will

say even now I am stubborn). I saw two films of Amitabh Bachchan “Desh

Premi” and “Namak Halaal”. From then onwards I never missed any of

Amitji’s movie. I became a fan of Big B.


That New Year was special to me because I got a New Year greeting card.

That was my first New Year card. Even if I have got other New Year cards

earlier, I don’t remember, after all, who bothers. But that was a special one

because I got that from Sangeeta. One day I saw that card lying in our

compound with other wastes. Even though I don’t know who put it there, I

shouted at my chechi and amma for doing this. I kept that card with me and

I read the lines many times. Actually that card was addressed to me and my

chechi. Many a times I thought she could have written only my name. I don’t

know why but I always thought that. After 33 year I still have that New

Year greeting card.

I don’t know whether I am boring you all... I stop for the time being.

Sangeeta, Manoj and Swapna motivated me to write some article in Herald.

I didn’t have the confidence to write; but I didn’t want to miss this

opportunity too. I thank Sangeeta (my “Kanchana”), and also our President

and Jcrt Chairperson for your encouragement and motivation.

I may continue……..

Oommen Chandy & V T Balaram

-Aruna Sudhir


Sand Art

Lian Sajith


- Aarabhi Ajay Kumar

Aarabhi Ajaykumar during her Carnatic Music performance

in Manalarkavu Temple






Jc. Betty Ranjith

JC. HGF Sajith Paul has been appointed as the Zone Coordinator Organ and Blood Donation of Zone XX of JCI India

JC. Vinitha Sajith has been appointed as the Zone Director Jaycerette wing of Zone XX of JCI India

JCI. Sen. Ranjith Kolannur has been elected as the President of JCI















JC. CA. Shajan T T November 14

JC. Martin Thomas November 19



JC. Murali Mohan & Smitha Murali November 7

JC. Joshy Thottan & Sinu Joshy November 7

JC. Dr. K. J. Varghese & Jain


November 21

JC. Martin Thomas & Sandhya Martin November 23

We Know the above names are not complete, please

provide your family members’ date of birth and

anniversary date to [email protected], so

that a complete list can be provided.

Get ready with your ideas for the

DECEMBER Edition of Jaycee Herald.

We would also like to receive your suggestions

and comments for the improvement of our E-


Send in your feedback to

[email protected]
