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Ekafood – Lampung, Indonesia Hot line : 0812.794.8910 Draft By : Tim Ekafood

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Page 2: Khasiat Mengkudu



1. Mengenal Buah Mengkudu

2. Khasiat dan Kandungan Mengkudu

3. Penggunaan Tradisional Mengkudu

4. ELNONI, Jus dan Kapsul Mengkudu


Mengkudu Menurunkan Hipertensi

Mengkudu, Bau Busuk Yang Berkhasiat

Mengkudu, Warisan dari Masa Silam

Si Magic Plant Dipatenkan Jepang dan Amerika

Menyiasati Bau Tajam Si Buruk Rupa

Terapi Alam, Tanaman Anti Kanker

Mengkudu dan SARS

English Version

Dr. Solomon Paper about Noni Juice and Its benefits

Information About Noni

Fighting Cancer With Noni

Health Challanges Reported to Have Been Helped by Noni

The Pharmacologically Active Ingredient of Noni

Native Plants Can Heal Your Wounds

Page 3: Khasiat Mengkudu

3"Buah Mengkudu, Buah 1001 Manfaat" Siapa yang tidak kenal mengkudu ? Jenis buah ini umumnya dihindari banyak orang karena memiliki bau yang kurang sedap. Namun dibalik itu, mengkudu memiliki khasiat kesehatan. Mengkudu juga dikenal dengan nama Pace, Lengkudu, Noni, Bangkudu, Cangkudu, dan Magic Plant. Buah mengkudu yang telah matang berwarna putih dan lunak. Tanaman mengkudu termasuk tumbuhan dari keluarga kopi-kopian (Rubiceae) merupakan tanaman daerah yang memiliki banyak khasiat untuk kesehatan tubuh. Salah satu khasiat buah mengkudu yang sampai sekarang masih dimanfaatkan orang sebagai jamu tradisional ialah mengobati radang tenggorokan yang menimbulkan demam dan tekanan darah tinggi. Juga radang usus yang menimbulkan efek yang sama dapat diturunkan dengan buah ini. Mengkudu (Morinda tinctoria; Morinda citrifolia) boleh dijadikan jus untuk diminum. Buah mengkudu dikenali dengan pelbagai nama mengikut negara. Contohnya "Noni" (Hawaii, Polynesia); "Nono" (Tahiti); "Lada" (Guam); "Indian Mulberry" (India); "Painkiller tree" (Kepulauan Caribbean); "Nhau" (Sebahagian di Asia Tenggara); "Cheesefruit" (Australia); "Bumbo" (Afrika) dan ""Kura" (Fiji). Ilmu pengetahuan menyebutnya sebagai Morinda citrifolia. Buah mengkudu yang telah dewasa dapat mencapai ketinggian 20 kaki (sekitar 6 meter). Mengkudu sering dikonsumsi sebagai makanan, hampir semua bagian tanaman mengkudu dapat digunakan untuk jamu juamuan selama ribuan tahun yang lalu mulai dari kepulaun Polinesia dan berbagai wilayah tropis dan sub tropis lainnya. Para "tabib" Bangsa tradisional Polynesian telah menggunakan mengkudu selama ratusan tahun untuk menolong penyembuhan banyak penyakit seperti diabetes, tekanan darah tinggi, arthritis/penyakit tulang, penyakit karena pencernaan, bruises,sprains, skin afflictions, kram menstruasi, kondisi aging, dan banyak lagi. Diyakini buah mengkudu sebagai pembersih darah dari bakteri yang berbahaya. Berikut ini deskripsi buah mengkudu = Pokok Mengkudu ialah pokok malar hijau dengan silara berbentuk kun,

tumbuh setinggi 7 m. Daun Daun tersusun dalam pasangan yang bertentangan, dan

berbentuk bujur-tirus. Daun berwarma hijau tua berkilat, licin dan hujungnya runcing. Rata rata ukuran daun ialah 30-35 cm panjang dan 13-15 cm lebar. Di setiap pangkal tangkai daun terdapat ketumbuhan berbentuk seperti lidah berwarna hijau

Page 4: Khasiat Mengkudu

4berukuran lebih kurang 1.5 cm panjang.

Batang Kulit batang pokok berwarna kelabu dan mempunyai dahan empat segi.

Bunga Bentuk bunga tumbuh pada batang yang bentuknya menyerupai ketuat. Bunga adalah bisexual dan berbau wangi.

Buah Buahnya berisi, jenis biji yang sangat banyak dan berbentuk bujur. Apabila masak buahnya berubah warna menjadi krim keputih-putihan.

Bagian yang digunakan

Buah, daun dan akar

Page 5: Khasiat Mengkudu

5"Khasiat dan Kandungan Mengkudu"

Untuk saat ini penelitian ilmiah yang terbilang paling monumental terhadap tanaman "mengkudu" adalah yang dilakukan Prof. Neil Solomon, MD., Phd dari John Hopkins Medical Institution, Amerika di tahun 1997-1998. Penelitian ini melibatkan 40 dokter dan 8000 pasien pengguna sari buah mengkudu. Kesimpulannya, 78% dari pengguna sari buah mengkudu telah merasakan manfaatnya untuk mengatasi penyakit yang dideritanya. Yaitu : Kanker, Kolesterol Tinggi, Jantung, Gangguan pencernaan, Diabetes Mellitus, Tekanan Darah Tinggi dan Untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh. Tabel 1. Kandungan Bioaktif dalam Jus Mengkudu

Kandungan Bioaktif

Manfaat Bagi Tubuh

Metil asetil ester Mematikan kuman Moridon Melancarkan buang air besar Soranjidiol Melancarkan keluarnya air seni Analgesik Pereda rasa sakit Sedatif Penenang saraf

Damnakantal Menumpas sel kanker & meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh

Anthraquinone & Scopoletin

Mengatasi radang & alergi

Terpenes Meremajakan sel-sel tubuh

Xeronine Mengaktifkan kelenjar tiroid & timus (fungsi kekebalan tubuh)

Proxeronine Menyelaraskan kerja sel dalam tubuh Hipokolestemik Menurunkan kadar kolesterol darah


Kondisi Yg Menggunakan Mengkudu (orang)

% Tertolong

Kanker 874 67 % Sakit Jantung 1.054 80 % Stroke 983 58 % Diabetes, Tipe 1 & 2 2.434 83 % Lesu 7.931 91 % Peningkatan Daya Seksual

1.545 88 %

Page 6: Khasiat Mengkudu

6Pembinaan Otot 709 71 % Kegemukan (Obesitas) 2638 72 % Tekanan Darah Tinggi 721 87 % Arthritis 673 80 % Nyeri 3.785 87 % Depresi 781 77 % Alergi 851 85 % Gangguan Pencernaan 1.509 89 % Gangguan Pernafasan 2.727 78 % Sulit Tidur (Insomnia) 1.148 72 % Lemah Konsentrasi 301 89 % Peningkatan Kesehatan

3.716 79 %

Peningkatan Kecerdasan

2.538 73 %

Gangguan Ginjal 2.127 66 % Stress 3.273 71 %

Sumber: (NONI: The Tropical Fruit with 101 Medicinal Uses). Keterangan: 1. Tabel diatas adalah tabel persentase orang yang mendapatkan hasil

peningkatan kesehatan secara objektif atau subjektif setelah meminum Jus Mengkudu . Mayoritas pengguna tidak mendapatkan hasil optimum karena mereka menggunakan jus mengkudu tidak sesuai dengan dosis yang dianjurkan atau tidak teratur mengkonsumsi Noni.

2. Pengguna Noni dapat bersamaan dengan pengobatan lain karena tidak ditemukannya interaksi negatif.

3. Noni dilaporkan juga aman bagi ibu hamil dan menyusui

Page 7: Khasiat Mengkudu

7"Penggunaan Tradisional Buah Mengkudu" Secara tradisonal, pemanfaatan buah mengkudu sangat beragam. Oleh karena itulah, kenapa pohon ini banyak tumbuh liar di pekarangan pekarangan rumah. Selain mudah tumbuh ternyata banyak manfaatnya. Berikut ini pemanfaatan mengkudu secara tradisonal = Merangsang haid Buah yang masak dimakan Meningkatkan pengaliran haid Air rebusan akar diminum Kencing manis Jus buah segar di minum Pencuci rambut Pulpa buah disapukan pada rambut


Nama : Jus Mengkudu ELNONI Kemasan : Plastik 1 L Volume : 1 Liter Kategori : Minuman Jus Mengkudu

Deskripsi = Jus Mengkudu ELNONI 1 L, Apa yang membuatnya istimewa ? Jika anda membandingkan dengan produk sejenis, anda tidak akan mendapatkannya; dengan harga yang ditawarkan dengan kualitas yang sama. Pembuatan jus Mengkudu ELNONI tidak menambahkan air saat proses produksinya. Prosesnya pun dilakukan secara higienis. Komposisi = Jus Mengkudu, essence caramel, asam sitrat, gula, madu. Karena mengandung ketiga bahan inilah, maka jus rasa dan aroma EL’NONI dapat juga dinikmati oleh mereka yang tidak menyenangi bau busuk alami jus mengkudu. Penambahan ini tidak berpengaruh khasiat jus mengkudu karena jumlahnya yang sangat kecil (kurang dari 5 %). Petunjuk Penggunaan = Minumlah Jus Mengkudu ELNONI 2 kali sehari masing masing 3-4 sendok makan. Lakukan secara teratur sebaiknya 1/2 jam sebelum makan (perut dalam keadaan kosong). Harga : Rp. 50.000,- per paket Jumlah Per Paket : 1 kemasan Jus 1 L Minimal Order : 1 paket

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8Ongkos Kirim: Bebas Bea Kirim (JAWA, SUMATERA)

Nama : Kapsul Mengkudu ELNONI Kemasan : BOTOL Jumlah : 45 Kapsul per botol Berat per kapsul : 250 mg

Kategori : Kapsul Mengkudu Deskripsi Produk : Kapsul mengkudu ELNONI diperoleh dari 100 % ekstrak buah mengkudu (TANPA TAMBAHAN BAHAN LAIN) yang dikeringkan pada suhu yang terkontrol baik. Kapsul Mengkudu ELNONI dibuat sebagai pilihan bagi konsumen yang kurang menyukai bau asli mengkudu pada jus mengkudu selain karena lebih praktis dan ekonomis. Didalamnya terdapat 100 % serbuk atau ekstrak mengkudu asli.Masa kadaluarsa produk 1.5 tahun Petunjuk Penggunaan = Minumlah kapsul mengkudu ELNONI 2 kali sehari masing masing 2 buah kapsul. Lakukan secara teratur sebaiknya 1/2 jam sebelum makan (perut dalam keadaan kosong). Perlu ditekankan disini bahwa mengkudu bukanlah OBAT, tetapi mengkudu adalah Jamu dan tergolong suplemen kesehatan. JANGAN HENTIKAN pengobatan dan tindakan medis dari dokter tanpa persetujuan dokter yang bersangkutan. Harga : Rp. 50.000,- per paket

Jumlah Per Paket : 3 Botol @ 45 kapsul Mengkudu ELNONI

Minimal Order : 1 paket (Total 135 kapsul) Ongkos Kirim: Bebas Bea Kirim (JAWA, SUMATERA) Pemesanan: Dapat dilakukan dengan menghubungi Hotline : 0812.794.8910 (wahyu) atau klik lewat form pemesanan, atau emailke [email protected]. Keterangan pemesanan lebih lanjut silahkan klik di sini

Page 9: Khasiat Mengkudu

9"Buah Mengkudu Penurun Tekanan Darah"

TEKANAN darah tinggi yang dapat menyebabkan stroke sekarang ini cenderung meningkat. Kebiasaan menyantap makanan yang tidak

memenuhi standar kesehatan sampai ke keadaan yang menyebabkan stres serta kurangnya olahraga dapat memicu tekanan darah sehingga meninggi.

Sumber = Harian Suara Merdeka, EDISI : Senin, 22 Oktober 2001

Berbagai jenis obat mulai dari obat paten sampai lternatif dicari orang untuk mengobati dan mencegah penyakit akibat tekanan darah tinggi. Salah satu di antaranya ialah obat alternatif berbahan baku buah mengkudu atau juga disebut buah pace. Mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia L) merupakan tanaman tropis, termasuk dalam familia Rubiaceae. Penyebaran tanaman ini selain daerah tropis Asia, juga ditemukan di Afrika, Australia dan kepulauan Polinesia. Di Indonesia, mengkudu tumbuh di hampir seluruh wilayah, ditanam di pekarangan rumah atau tumbuh liar di kebun dan di hutan. Tinggi tanaman mengkudu antara empat sampai enam meter, berdaun hijau lebar dan berbuah sepanjang tahun. Biasanya mengkudu diperbanyak melalui biji dan mudah pemeliharaannya. Tanaman mulai berproduksi sekitar delapan bulan sejak ditanam dan berproduksi terus sampai 20 tahunan. Produksi buah bervariasi, tergantung pada lingkungan tumbuh, demikian pula dengan ukuran dan berat buah, dalam pertumbuhan optimal berat buah dapat mencapai 300 gram/buah. Di Indonesia, mengkudu dikenal dengan berbagai nama. Hampir setiap orang mengenal buah ini karena khasiatnya dan juga karena baunya yang tajam menyengat. Pada masa lalu, warna merah tua pada kain tenun batik dan tikar pandan berasal dari kulit akar mengkudu. Warna merah tersebut diperoleh dari senyawa morindon dan senyawa morindin yang diperoleh dari kulit batang dan akar mengkudu. Sedangkan buahnya yang telah tua dan matang digunakan sebagai obat batuk dan asma yang manjur. Selain dimanfaatkan sebagai campuran jamu yang berkhasiat sebagai penghilang rasa sakit atau penambah stamina tubuh. Penelitian ilmiah terhadap tanaman mengkudu terutama buahnya yang diketahui berkhasiat dalam bidang pengobatan tradisional baru dilakukan pda tahun 1980-an dan sampai sekarang masih terus dilakukan. Heinicke (1985), dalam penelitiannya memperlihatkan bahwa ekstra buah mengkudu mengandung xeronin dan proxeronin yang berfungsi menormalkan fungsi sel yang rusak dalam tubuh manusia, sehingga daya tahan tubuh dapat ditingkatkan.

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10Pada tahun 1993, para peneliti Jepang yaitu Hiramatsu, Imoto, Koyano & Umezawa berhasil mengisolasi senyawa Damnacanthal dari buah mengkudu yang berfungsi sebagai anti kanker. Sedangkan Solomon (1998) menuliskan, mengkudu mengandung scopoletin yang mampu mengikat serotonin, yaitu senyawa kimia yang menjadi penyebab terjadinya penyempitan pembuluh darah sehingga tekanan darah meningkat. Adanya senyawa scopoletin dalam buah mengkudu menjadikan buah mengkudu dapat dijdikan obat alternatif untuk penyakit tekanan darah tinggi atau hipertensi. Sejak lama diketahui pula tanaman mengkudu dapat digunakan sebagai bahan anti bakteri. Hasil pengujian Levand (1963) memperlihatkan buah mengkudu mengandung antraquinan yang mampu melawan mikroorganisme Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus morganii, Salmonella typhosa, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli. Selain sebagai senyawa kimia yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan kita, tanaman mengkudu terutama buahnya juga mengandung berbagai vitamin seperti vitamin C dalam konsentrasi yang tinggi, berbagai asam amino, protein, enzim garam-garam mineral dan sebagainya (Solomon, 1998). Kandungan berbagai macam zat dan senyawa kimia yang penting bagi tubuh manusia menjadikan buah mengkudu terutama yang matang dapat meningkatkan pertahanan tubuh terhadap berbagai penyakit. Mulai Menyimpang Pola makan masyarakat sekarang ini pada umumnya telah jauh menyimpang dibandingkan dengan sekitar satu dekade sebelumnya. Adanya kedai-kedai makan yang menyediakan aneka makanan berbahan baku daging terutama daging berlemak dengan berbagai bumbu dan cita rasa sangat merangsang selera. Tetapi kita harus waspada dan ingat kesehatan, jangan sampai kesehatan terganggu karena kebiasaan menyantap makanan yang tidak mengikuti aturan kesehatan. Beberapa buah makanan yang berasal dari tumbuhan maupun hewan mengandung serotonin, yaitu senyawa kimia yang dapat menghambat kerja otot polos dan syaraf. Bahan makanan tersebut misalnya daging terutama yang berlemak, hewan laut (udang, rajungan/kepiting dan kerang) dan buah-buahan seperti nenas, pisang, prem serta berbagai buah berkulit keras seperti kelapa dan kemiri. Seretonim juga terdapat pada sengatan lebah dan kalajengking. Bila kita sering menyantap makanan yang kandungan serotoninnya tinggi seperti tertulis di atas dalam jumlah banyak, maka akibat yang pertama kali terlihat ialah pernafasan yang terganggu (terasa berat) karena terjadi bronkokonstriksi (penyempitan bronkus paru-paru).

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11Selain itu dapat juga terjadi vasokonstriksi (penyempitan pembuluh darah), baik pembuluh darah jantung maupun pembuluh darah selaput otak dan pembuluh darah paru-paru. Hal ini yang menjadikan alirah darah terhambat dan jantung harus bekerja lebih berat untuk memompa darah ke seluruh tubuh sehingga menyebabkan tekanan darah meningkat. Akibat yang lebih parah lagi ialah terjadi stroke, karena aliran darah tidak lancar maka suplai oksigen yang dibawa oleh sel-sel darah merah (haemoglobin) menjadi terlambat, sehingga otak kekurangan oksigen dan mengakibatkan kelumpuhan pada bagian tubuh yang kerjanya dipengaruhi oleh bagian otak yang mengalami vasokonstriksi. Diketahui, buah mengkudu mengandung senyawa scopoletin sebagai senyawa kimia yang dapat mengikat serotonin dalam jumlah berlebih dalam tubuh. Kadar normal serotonin dalam darah adalah 0,1-0,3 mikrogram/ml dan dalam tubuh orang dewasa mengandung kira-kira 5-10 mg serotonin. Serotonin dalam kadar normal di dalam tubuh tidak mempunyai peran yang spesifik, tetapi terlibat dalam hampir semua proses metabolisme. Uji preklinis terhadap hewan uji tikus putih dan ujiklinis terhadap manusia yang telah dilakukan peneliti Direktorat Teknologi Farmasi dan Medika, Deputi TAB-BPP Teknologi memperlihatkan bahwa ekstrak buah mengkudu ternyata dapat menurunkan tekanan darah. Hasil pengujian tersebut memperlihatkan ekstrak buah mengkudu ternyata dapat menurunkan tekanan darah yang meninggi sampai relatif normal kembali. Hasil pengujian ekstrak buah mengkudu terhadap manusia tetulis dalam Tabel 1 berikut ini: Dari tabel di atas terlihat bahwa pengujian pada manusia memperlihatkan hasil yang positif, pada akhir masa pengujian tekanan darah yagn semula 170/110 mmHg turun menjadi 115/80 mmHg setelah 12 minggu masa pengujian. Takaran atau jumlah ekstrak buah mengkudu yang diberikan dalam masa pengujian berpengaruh terhadap hasil yang diperoleh. Secara normal takaran yang diberikan pada manusia adalah sebanyak 15ml/50 kg berat badan diberikan 2 kali sehari pada pagi dan malam hari kira-kira setengah jam sebelum makan nasi atau 2 jam sesudah makan nasi, agar penyerapan/absorbsi bahan aktif dalam ekstrak buah mengkudu tersebut berjalan sempurna. Bila tekanan darah ideal yang diinginkan telah tercapai, pemberian ekstrak buah mengkudu dapat dikurangi, cukup sekali sehari dengan takaran darah ideal tersebut tetap menjaga tekanan darah ideal tersebut sebaiknya kebiasaan menyantap makanan yang berisiko meningkatkan tekanan darah juga dikurangi atau dihentikan sama sekali. Berolahraga secara teratur dan benar juga menunjang

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12upaya mempertahankan tekanan darah ideal, karena dapat melancarkan aliarn darah serta menggiatkan kerja jantung sehingga kita menjadi lebih sehat. Prospek Sudah sejak lama kita mengkonsumsi buah mengkudu, baik sebagai obat tradisional misalnya obat batuk, obat asma, penghilang rasa sakit kepala, lelah maupun sebagai campuran makanan (urap, rujak). Pada saat itu kita belum mengetahui secara pasti senyawa apa yang terkandung dalam buah mengkudu tersebut. Kemajuan teknologi masa kini sangat pesat dan dengan peralatan analisis yang canggih, apa yang terkandung dalam buah mengkudu dapat diketahui. Pengujian secara preklinis dan klinis lebih mengungkapkan khasiat buah mengkudu dan bagian lain dari tanaman tersebut. Pada saat ini buah mengkudu melimpah, karena mudahnya tanaman itu tumbuh, dimana saja dan kapan saja. Pemanfaatan secara langsung misalnya dengan mengkonsumsi buah mengkudu muda atau yang matang mengkal sebagai buah rujak atau dibuat ekstrak/sari buah dengan bahan baku buah matang yang diparut lalu diperas diambil airnya. Tampaknya obat alternatif dengan bahan baku buah mengkudu ini banyak peminatnya, karena sekarang kita sudah mulai melangkah ke segala sesuatu yang berbau alami. (Pertamawati Kartakusumah dan Sriningsih/Ant-18) Sumber =

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13 "Mengkudu, Bau Busuk yang Berkasiat"

TAHUN 1949, jurnal Pacific Science terbitan Hawaii mengulas pohon pendatang dari Indonesia yang hidup secara liar sejak kawasan pantai sampai ketinggian 500 meter dpl (di atas permukaan laut) yang disebut noni (Morinda Citrifolia). Pohon ini termasuk keluarga Rubiaceae, sama seperti kopi, soka, kaca piring. Noni umum disebut sebagai magic plant atau pain killer tree karena memiliki manfaat dan khasiat yang banyak untuk beberapa jenis penyakit berbahaya. Sejak kulit akarnya yang digunakan sebagai pewarna untuk menyamak kain, daun muda/pucuk batang untuk sayuran dan obat, dan terutama buah tuanya yang sudah masak sebagai bahan baku pembuatan jus/sari buah, dengan manfaat obat yang sangat luas dan mujarab. Dari segi penelitian ilmiah, khasiat buah mengkudu bukan "placebo" atau bohong-bohongan. Serangkaian penelitian yang dilakukan oleh banyak laboratoria dan lembaga perguruan tinggi terkenal di Amerika Serikat, membuktikan keampuhan komponen berkhasiat yang terdapat di dalam jus buah yang masak.

Dipelopori oleh Hawaii dan Malaysia, bisnis jus buah mengkudu kini berjalan di beberapa negara lain, termasuk Indonesia. Sudah lama masyarakat Indonesia di pedesaan mengenal pohon mengkudu dalam bentuk daun muda/pucuk, untuk sayuran dan lalab, juga untuk bahan obat, serta buah tua untuk bahan pembuat rujak (di Jabar dikenal dengan nama "rujak bebek" karena pembuatannya harus di tumbuk hancur). Sejak awal tahun 1990-an, jus/sari buah yang masak dimanfaatkan untuk banyak jenis penyakit, di antaranya tekanan darah tinggi, asam urat tinggi, amandel, rheumatik, diare, dan sebagainya. Pohon mengkudu dikenal sejak kawasan Aceh menyebar ke Sumatera Utara, Riau, Jambi, Palembang, Lampung, Sumbawa, Pulau Jawa, Kalimantan, Sulawesi sampai Sumba, Sumbawa, Flores, dan Irian. Tanaman ini dikenal dengan nama setempat seperti cangkudu, wengkudu, pace, lengkudu, bangkudu, bakudu, pamarai, manakudu, bakulu, labanau, baja, kudu, neteu, tibah, ai kombo, atau eodo.

Walau saat ini buah mengkudu sudah memiliki nilai bisnis tinggi dengan pangsa pasar yang luas, upaya mengebunkannya baru dimulai di beberapa tempat. Secara umum buah mengkudu yang diolah oleh beberapa pabrik penghasil sari/jus buahnya (seperti Indononi, Javanoni, Balinoni, dan sebagainya) dikumpulkan dari pohon ke pohon dari kampung ke kampung atau dari tempat ke tempat lainnya, tergantung kepada tempat tumbuhnya yang masih liar. Jangan heran kalau pada awal-awalnya harga buah mengkudu tua/masak sekitar Rp 500,- per kg, sekarang melonjak antara Rp 1.500,- sampai Rp 2.000,- per kg, begitupun jumlah dan kelangsungan pasokannya terus tersendat.

Page 14: Khasiat Mengkudu

14Beberapa jenis senyawa berkhasiat obat yang diketahui berada di

dalam sari/jus buah mengkudu, antara lain anthraquinone (sebagai anti bakteri/anti jamur), terpenten (sebagai peremaja sel), dammacanthel (sebagai pencegah perkembangan sel kanker), xeronine, dan sebagainya sampai ke antioksidan (penetral radikal bebas). Yang menjadi masalah bagi yang baru mengenal buah mengkudu masak, adalah baunya yang tidak sedap. Kalau hasil jus buah masak langsung diminum tanpa pengolahan terlebih dahulu, bau busuk yang keluar dari jus tersebut akan dapat menjadi penyebab muntah. Masalahnya adalah, bahwa di dalam buah mengkudu masak, selain terkandung senyawa bermanfaat obat, juga sejumlah asam seperti antara lain asam askorbat, asam kaproat, dan asam kaprik, yang menghasilkan bau busuk tersebut.

Pabrik penghasil jus buah mengkudu menghilangkan bau tersebut dengan beberapa cara. Cara sederhana: mencampurkan secara rata gula merah atau madu ke dalam larutan jus, menempatkannya di dalam gelas atau botol, dan menyimpannya antara 2-4 hari, sehingga terjadi proses fermentasi. Selama fermentasi komponen asam penghasil bau akan terurai, hingga baunya menjadi hilang. Di pabrik yang sudah maju, bau dihilangkan secara fisik, kimia, dan biologis. Ada pabrik jus buah mengkudu yang menggunakan buah tua namun belum berwarna kuning coklat tetapi baru kuning muda. Ketika dikupas bau busuk tidak tercium. Ternyata konsumen mengeluh karena jus tersebut tidak memiliki khasiat seperti sebelumnya. Ini terkait dengan faktor penentunya, bahwa kehadiran asam penghasil bau tersebut erat kaitannya dengan kehadiran senyawa berkhasiat di dalamnya. Kalau asam penyebab bau tidak ada, maka senyawa berkhasiatpun besar kemungkinan tidak ada pula.

Berikut beberapa cara penggunaan buah dan daun mengkudu berdasarkan resep tradisi, yang sudah dibukukan sejak tahun 1934 dalam bahasa Belanda (beberapa sudah diterjemahkan kedalam bahasa Indonesia), ataupun buku-buku lainnya terbitan Malaysia dan Hawaii (dalam bahasa Inggris): (1). Untuk pengobatan penyakit radang usus, tekanan darah tinggi, amandel, dan sebagainya, yaitu: 2 buah mengkudu masak dihilangkan bijinya, kemudian daging buahnya dihancurkan, diperas dan airnya dikumpulkan. Kemudian tambah 20 ml madu asli, diaduk, saring kembali, serta air saringannya ditambah air masak sampai 100 ml. Maka larutan inilah yang kemudian diminum sebagai obat. Ternyata ramuan tersebut dapat juga digunakan untuk obat batuk, infeksi mulut, radang tenggorokan, sakit perut, sakit jantung.

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15(2). Untuk pengobatan penyakit kencing manis, diare, encok, melancarkan air seni serta menguatkan ingatan/fikiran: 4-6 lembar daun mengkudu muda dimakan langsung mentah atau dijadikan urab/sayuran sebelum dimakan. Masih banyak lagi formula ramuan obat tersebut dari buah dan daun mengkudu yang sudah diuji kemujarabannya. (Oleh H Unus Suriawiria), Kompas, EDISI Minggu, 24 Juni 2001 Sumber =

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16"Mengkudu, Warisan Dari Masa Silam" MENGKUDU yang dalam bahasa Latinnya Morinda citrifolia adalah tumbuhan untuk obat-obatan yang tumbuh di Kepulauan Maluku dan sekitarnya, di Indonesia. Sejak sekitar 6000 tahun yang lalu, buah dan daunnya dipakai sebagai makanan atau sayuran dan obat-obatan. Batang dan akarnya digunakan sebagai bahan pewarna celupan. Ada 80 jenis tanaman mengkudu. Menurut HB Guppy, ilmuwan asal Inggris yang mempelajari mengkudu di awal tahun 1990, sekitar 50 jenis tanaman mengkudu tersebar di berbagai pulau besar dan kecil di sekitar Indonesia dan Malaysia, serta Samudera Hindia dan Pasifik. Saat ini, hanya 20 jenis mengkudu yang telah dikenal mempunyai nilai ekonomi, di antaranya yang terkenal adalah mengkudu tanah merah, mengkudu tanah putih atau mengkudu Maluku, yang berasal dari Pulau Butung dan mengkudu Bogor, yang dikenal sebagai “ratu”nya Morinda, karena kemampuannya menyebar ke seluruh penjuru dunia melalui bijinya, tanpa perlu bantuan manusia. Padat Gizi Mengkudu yang sudah matang berwarna kuning keputih-putihan, banyak mengandung sari buah dan lembek. Sari/jus buah ini mengandung gizi. Kandungannya seimbang dan terdiri dari protein, karbohidrat (berbagai jenis gula, serat nabati larut air), berbagai jenis vitamin dan mineral. Multi Vitamin Vitamin C yang terkandung dalam buah ini, yaitu sekitar empat sampai lima kali lipat dari yang terkandung dalam jeruk tropis. l Protein: semua jenis asam amino l Lipida: asam lemak caproic, caprilic, lauryl, myristic, palmitic, stearic,acid dan oleic acid l Vitamin: B1,B2,B6, Niacin, C, E, dan K l Mineral: Kalsium, Fosfor, Kalium, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, dan Mangan 140 Komponen Pada jus Mengkudu atau Noni atau Pace ditemukan 140 macam komponen termasuk bahan nutrisi. Komponen yang efektif dan memiliki fungsi tinggi pada jus noni adalah senyawa coumarin, anthraquinone, asam lemak, terpenoid.(MB) Khasiat Sang Noni Terapi Bagian tanaman Cara konsumsi anti bakteri buah matang jus dan minuman anti biotik buah matang jus dan minuman asterioskerosis buah mentah jus dan minuman artritis buah mentah jus dan minuman sakit punggung buah jus dan minuman

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17beri-beri buah jus dan minuman tekanan drh tinggi buah jus dan minuman luka bakar buah mentah dioleskan patah tulang buah muda dioleskan kanker buah matang jus dan minuman ekstrak akar jus dan minuman kanker payudara daun minuman ekstrak minuman flu buah matang jus dan minuman batuk daun mengkudu ditempelkan di dada buah jus dan minuman batang seduh dan minum depresi buah mentah jus dan minuman kulit akar seduh dan minum diabetes buah matang jus dan minuman diare biji mengkudu minum pencernaan buah mentah jus dan minuman

bunga mengkudu makan selama 5 hari kecanduan obat bius buah mentah jus dan minuman demam daun mengkudu tempel dengan minyak gusi buah matang kumur-kumur penyakit hati buah matang jus dan minuman kejang saat haid buah mentah jus dan minuman infeksi mulut buah mentah jus dan minuman radang tenggorokan buah jus dan kumur-kumur sakit perut batang/daun minuman seduhan buah jus

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18"Si Magic Plant Dipatenkan Jepang dan Amerika" Berita IPTEK Mengkudu, si buah ajaib yang berfungsi multi khasiat, tumbuh subur di Indonesia. Namun kita kalah cepat dalam kajian dan penelitiannya sehingga Jepang dan Amerika yang tak ada mengkudu bahkan telah mempatenkan penemuannya. Di Indonesia, tanaman ini betah tumbuh di mana-mana walau tidak sengaja di tanam bahkan tanpa di pupuk. Buahnya yang lebat kadang berjatuhan, namun tak dilirik karena baunya menyengat tak sedap. Mengkudu juga dikenal dengan nama Pace, Lengkudu, Noni, Bangkudu, dan Magic Plant. Siapa nyana buah yang dikenal untuk berbagai macam obat di tanah air ini telah dipatenkan di Jepang dan Amerika, yang notabene tanaman “ajaib” tersebut tak tumbuh di sana. Jepang, yang telah melakukan penelitian terhadap buah mengkudu ini, tahun 1985, mempatenkan penemuannya terhadap ekstrak buah mengkudu sebagai obat hepatitis oleh EISAI CO.Ltd/Mr. Ogata Yoshitake. Kemudian tahun 1995, Jepang juga mematenkan ekstrak akar mengkudu sebagai anti bakteri (Helicovbacter pylory) oleh TERUMO CORP../Mr. Hasegawa Hirokazu dan Mr. Koyano Takashi. Sementara, Amerika, pada 22 Februari 1994 telah mempatenkan produk-produk farmasi dari mengkudu beserta teknologi pengolahannya yang mereka daftarkan di United State dengan Paten No.5, 288, 491. Tahun 1993, jurnal Cancer Letter melaporkan bahwa beberapa peneliti dari Keio University dan The Institute of Biomedical Sciences di Jepang melakukan riset terhadap 500 jenis tanaman. Dan mereka mengklaim telah menemukan zat –zat anti kanker (damnacanthal) yang terkandung dalam buah mengkudu. Mereka juga menyimpulkan bahwa zat anti kanker pada mengkudu paling efektif melawan sel-sel abnormal. Untuk saat ini penelitian ilmiah yang terbilang paling monumental terhadap tanaman “mengkudu” adalah yang dilakukan Prof. Neil Solomon, MD., Phd dari John Hopkins Medical Institution, Amerika di tahun 1997-1998. Penelitian ini melibatkan 40 dokter dan 8000 pasien pengguna sari buah mengkudu. Kesimpulannya, 78% dari pengguna sari buah mengkudu telah merasakan manfaatnya untuk mengatasi penyakit yang dideritanya. Yaitu : Kanker, Kolesterol Tinggi, Jantung, Gangguan pencernaan, Diabetes Mellitus, Tekanan Darah Tinggi dan Untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh.

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19 Bagaimana di Indonesia?. Di Indonesia yang memiliki 940 jenis tanaman obat, sampai saat ini belum ada satu pun yang dipatenkan. Untuk mengkudu sendiri, secara lembaga baru BPPT, dan itu pun baru-baru ini dilakukan penelitiannya yang bekerjasama dengan MSF yang memproduksi sari buah mengkudu. Jadi, memang perlu rangsangan menarik, dan “reward” yang sesuai agar peneliti-peneliti kita tertarik untuk meneliti dan mempatenkan penemuannya. (isa) Sumber = 1993162001isa.shtml

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20"Kesehatan: Menyiasati Bau Tajam Si Buruk Rupa" GloriaNet - Saat ini buah paling laris untuk pengobatan adalah buah mengkudu. Konon, mengkudu memiliki khasiat untuk menyembuhkan bermacam-macam penyakit, di antaranya adalah penyakit darah rendah, darah tinggi, arthritis, alergi, kanker, diabetes, stroke, jantung koroner, dan lain-lain. Buah ini biasa bertekstur padat dan keras, berwarna putih kekuningan saat masih mentah, dan akan berubah menjadi kekuningan saat sudah mulai tua. Semakin tua, buah ini akan menimbulkan aroma tidak sedap yang tajam yang disebabkan oleh campuran antara bau asam kaproat dan bau asam kaprik. Karena itulah banyak orang merasa enggan untuk mengkonsumsinya karena baunya yang tidak enak. Untuk mengurangi bau yang tidak enak saat dibuat jus, pilihlah buah mengkudu yang sudah masak tetapi masih berwarna hijau. Buah mengkudu yang seperti itu memiliki kandungan bioaktif yang paling tinggi, namun baunya yang tidak enak berada dalam kadar yang terendah. Saat membuat jus, Anda dapat mencampurnya dengan buah-buahan yang lain seperti anggur atau apel sehingga aromanya yang tidak sedap ini dapat berkurang. Yang perlu diingat adalah jangan mengkonsumsi jus mengkudu bersama dengan air kopi, teh, atau minuman berakohol. Selain itu Anda perlu juga menghindari merokok. Khasiat jus mengkudu akan mulai tampak setelah Anda mengkonsumsinya selama beberapa hari Sumber =

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21TERAPI ALAM Tanaman Pelawan Kanker Dari Kunyit Putih hingga Benalu JAKARTA – Tumbuh-tumbuhan di Indonesia terbukti mampu mencegah maupun mengobati kanker. Meski perlu penelitian dan pengembangan lebih lanjut, sejumlah tanaman seperti kunyit putih, tapak dara, daun dewa hingga benalu telah digunakan penderita kanker sebagai ikhtiar mengobati penyakitnya. Banyak yang berhasil sembuh sehingga pengobatan tradisional pun menjadi tumpuan harapan baru bagi para penderita kanker. Kunyit putih diyakini memiliki khasiat antikanker. Meski demikian cuma kunyit putih jenis mangga (Curcuma mangga) yang tumbuh terbatas di tempat yang bersuhu dingin di Indonesia, yang dapat mencegah atau mengobati kanker. Kunyit putih ini mempunyai ciri tertentu, antara lain bintik umbinya seperti umbi jahe dan berwarna kuning muda (krem). Dalam keadaan segar baunya seperti buah mangga kweni dan bila telah diekstrak atau dijadikan bubuk, warnanya tetap kuning muda (krem). Sementara tapak dara (Catharanthus roseus) telah teruji sebagai bahan pencegah dan penumpas sel kanker. Tanaman yang masih termasuk keluarga Apocynaceae atau kamboja-kambojaan ini mengandung dua senyawa golongan alkaloid vinka yakni vinkristin dan vinblastin yang berkhasiat menghambat perbanyakan dan penyebaran sel kanker. Vinkristin digunakan sebagai bahan pengobatan kanker bronkial, tumor ganas pada ginjal, kanker payudara, dan berbagai jenis tumor ganas yang awalnya menyerang urat saraf maupun otot. Tanaman yang di Sumatera disebut rumput jalang itu juga mengandung alkaloid cabtharanthin yang diperkirakan dapat mendesak dan melarutkan inti sel kanker. Sebagai obat kanker payudara, rebus 22 lembar daun tapak dara dan buah adas (Foeniculum vulgare) serta kulit kayu pulasari (Alyxia reinwardti) dengan tiga gelas air. Bubuhi gula merah secukupnya. Setelah mendidih sampai tinggal setengahnya, saring. Ramuan diminum tiga kali sehari masing-masing setengah gelas. Pengobatan dilakukan paling tidak selama sebulan. Keladi tikus (Typhonium Flagelliforme/Rodent Tuber) juga telah diteliti sebagai tanaman obat yang dapat menghentikan dan mengobati berbagai penyakit kanker. Untuk menghambat pertumbuhan sel kanker, tiga batang keladi tikus lengkap dengan daunnya (kurang lebih 50 gram) direndam selama 30 menit, tumbuk halus dan peras. Air perasan ini disaring lalu diminum. Di Malaysia, sudah ada uji ilmiah khasiat keladi tikus. Bahkan ekstrak keladi tikus dalam bentuk pil dan teh bubuk yang dikombinasikan dengan tanaman lainnya dalam dosis tertentu, sudah dipasarkan di negeri jiran tersebut. Air perasan temu lawak (Curcuma Zedoaria) juga mujarab sebagai obat kanker. Menurut Andrew Chevallier Mnimh, herbalis asal London, dalam

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22temulawak terkandung curcumol dan curdione yang berkhasiat antikanker dan antitumor. Di Cina, temulawak telah lama digunakan sebagai obat kanker leher rahim. Tanaman ini bisa meningkatkan efek mematikan sel kanker ketika dilakukan radioterapi dan kemoterapi. Mengkudu juga tengah populer sebagai tanaman obat-obatan yang manjur. Daging buah mengkudu atau pace (Morinda citrifolia L.) mengandung dammacanthel, zat antikanker yang mampu melawan pertumbuhan sel abnormal pada stadium prakanker dan dapat mencegah perkembangan sel kanker. Sari dari perasan dua atau tiga buah mengkudu dapat dibubuhi madu agar rasanya lebih nikmat. Sebaiknya pilihlah mengkudu yang tidak terlalu masak karena alkohol yang terbentuk akibat proses fermentasi pada mengkudu yang terlalu masak merusak zat-zat penting yang terkandung di dalamnya. Daun dewa (Gynura divaricata) juga merupakan tanaman yang telah dikenal sebagai tanaman antikanker. Ramuan 30 gram daun dewa segar, 20 gram temu putih, 30 gram jombang yang direbus dengan 600 cc air hingga tersisa 300 cc, lalu disaring dan diminum airnya dapat digunakan dalam pengobatan penyakit kanker. Dapat pula menggunakan bahan lain seperti 30 gram daun dewa segar, 30 gram tapak dara segar, 30 gram rumput mutiara, 30 gram rumput lidah ular direbus dengan 1.000 cc air hingga tersisa 500 cc. Airnya disaring lalu tambahkan madu secukupnya, aduk kemudian diminum selagi hangat. Daun ceremai (Phyllanthus acidus) juga dapat dapat digunakan sebagai obat antikanker. Segenggam daun ceremai muda, sejumput daun belimbing, bidara upas sejari, gadung cina sejari dan gula aren direbus dengan tiga gelas air hingga tinggal segelas. Ramuan ini diminum tiga kali sehari masing-masing satu gelas. Sementara senyawa dalam benalu telah lama diperkirakan bekerja sebagai penghambat keganasan kanker. Benalu yang direbus menjadi teh terbukti dapat dipakai sebagai obat penunjang selama menjalani kemoterapi (terapi dengan mengonsumsi obat antikanker). Bagi Anda yang belum terkena kanker, tumisan brokoli, sawi, kembang kol, wortel, tomat dan daging ikan dengan bumbu sedikit garam dan bawang putih, mampu menjadi masakan yang kaya akan zat antikanker. Penelitian Universitas Harvard terhadap 48.000 orang pada tahun 1995 menunjukkan risiko terkena kanker prostat bagi mereka yang memakan 10 kali hidangan yang mengandung tomat per minggu turun sampai hampir separuhnya. (nat)

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23Mengkudu dan SARS Dunia dilanda kepanikan luar biasa akibat wabah SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) merebak sejak bulan November 2002 di Guangdong, Cina. Penyakit pernapasan akut yang disebabkan sejenis virus influenza ini tidak mempan diobati dengan antibiotika biasa. Namun, virus ini bisa ditangkal dengan cukup istirahat dan olahraga serta mengonsumsi beberapa tanaman obat berikut ini. Sepasang suami istri di Hong Kong diberitakan terkena penyakit flu ganas ini. Sang suami menularkan virus ini kepada istrinya karena selama dia sakit, istrinya tetap menemani di sampingnya. Meski sama-sama kena SARS, si istri cepat pulih, sedangkan suaminya masih bergulat dengan penyakit yang telah merenggut sekitar seratusan nyawa ini. “Si Istri cepat pulih karena ia memiliki kekebalan tubuh yang baik,” kata Dr. Amin Soebandrio, PhD, Cm, Microbiologist, Asisten Deputi Menteri Ristek untuk llrnu Kedokteran dan Kesehatan. Kekebalan tubuh yang baik, diakuinya, memang bisa jadi cara pencegahan dini menghadapi penyakit ini. Tentu di samping menghindari kontak fisik dengan orang yang sudah kena penyakit ini. Menurutnya, meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh itu tidak susah. Caranya dengan cukup istirahat, berolahraga teratur, dan mengonsumsi makanan dengan gizi berimbang, khususnya jenis peningkat kekebalan tubuh. Dr. Amin menyarankan untuk tidak lupa mengonsumsi makanan yang kaya vitamin C dan antioksidan. Selain makanan tersebut, ada juga tanaman obat yang beberapa di antaranya telah diuji secara klinis mampu meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh: 1. Meniran Tanaman ini secara tradisional dipercaya bisa menyembuhkan penyakit antara lain radang dan batu ginjal, susah buang air kecil, disentri, sakit ayan, hepatitis, serta rematik. Zat kimia tanaman mi yang sudah diketahul antara lain filantin, hipofilantin, kalium, damar, dan tannin. Penelitian terbaru tentang meniran mengungkapkan bahwa tanaman ini bisa membantu mencegah berbagai macam infeksi virus dan bakteri serta mendorong sistem kekebalan tubuh. Tanaman ini sudah diteliti dan diproduksi menjadi tablet peningkat daya tahan tubuh. Produknya telah diuji preklinis dan kilnis selama tiga tahun. Dr. Zakiudin Munasir, Sp.AK, ahil pediatrik imunologi dari Bagian Anak RS Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta, telah melakukan penelitian dan membuktikan bahwa ekstrak meniran membantu meningkatkan kecepatan penurunan demam pada pasien anak penderita infeksi saluran pernapasan atas. Cara pemanfaatan: Cara ini disarankan oleh Dr. Suprapto Ma’at dari Universitas Airlangga yang juga ikut menguji ekstrak tanaman meniran dalam upaya meningkatkan

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24daya tahan tubuh. Ambil satu genggam daun meniran yang terdiri dari akar, batang, dan daun. Tumbuk sampai halus. Kemudian rebus bersama dua gelas air bersih. Tunggu sampai menjadi setengah gelas. Minum sekali setiap hari. 2. Jinten Hitam Selain meniran, jinten hitam juga bisa dipakai sebagai cara alami untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh. "Orang Arab sudah secara turun-temurun memanfaatkan jinten hitam untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh," kata Dr. Suprapto. Berbeda dengan meniran, tanaman ini belum teruji secara klinis. Cara pemanfaatan: Siapkan satu sendok makan munjung jintan hitam. Gerus sampai kulitnya menjadi pecah. Setelah itu rebus dengan dua gelas air. Tunggu sampai air rebusan tersebut tersisa menjadi setengah gelas. Minum setiap hari agar daya tahan tubuh meningkat. 3. Mengkudu Buah yang juga dikenal dengan nama pace atau noni ini telah lama dikenal sebagai obat untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh. Hingga kini, penelitian terhadap buah buruk rupa ini terus dilakukan secara intensif. Penelitian oleh Dr. Paul Heinike pada awal abad 20 mengungkapkan bahwa tanaman ini mengandung enzim proxeronase dan alkaloid proxeronine. Kedua zat ini akan membentuk zat aktif bernama xeronine di dalam tubuh. Zat ini akan dibawa aliran darah menuju sel-sel tubuh. Hasilnya, sel-sel itu akan lebih aktif, sehat, dan terjadi perbaikan-perbaikan struktur maupun fungsi. Cara pemanfaatan: Endah Lasmadiwati, ahli tanaman obat dari Taman Sringanis, Bogor, menganjurkan resep berikut untuk menikmati buah mengkudu. Siapkan dua buah mengkudu yang sudah tua. Cuci bersih kemudian simpan selama dua hari sampat benyek. Setelah itu remas-remas dalam dua gelas air. Saring dan sisihkan. Sementara itu, siapkan satu jari kunyit dan dua jari jahe. Bakar dan memarkan. Ambil satu jari kayu manis dan sereh serta tujuh buab kapulaga dan cengkeh. Bahan-bahan tersebut direbus dalam dua gelas air. Tunggu sampal mendidih dan berbau harum. Campurkan air rebusan bahan tersebut dengan buah rnengkudu yang telah disaring. Tambahkan sedikit garam dan gula jawa secukupnya. 4. Lidah Buaya Dr. Suprapto menyarankan konsumsi lidah buaya supaya tubuh lebih fit dan segar. Tanaman ini juga bermanfaat untuk menjaga stamina orang yang sudab tua dan mudah sakit. Endah juga mengungkapkan bahwa lidah buaya bermanfaat untuk meringankan penyakit batuk dan bronkitis. Cara pemantaatan:

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25Siapkan setengah telapak tangan lidah buaya. Cuci bersih dan dikupas. Tambahkan tigaperempat gelas air. Blender air bersama gel lidah buaya tersebut. Tambahkan madu secukupnya. 5. Apel Buah ini mengandung vitamin C yang merupakan antioksidan dan berfungsi meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh. Konowalchuck J. pada tahun 1978 mempublikasikan artikel berjudul “Antiviral Effect of Apple Beverages”. Ia menyebutkan bahwa sari buah apel sangat baik diminum untuk melawan berbagai serangan infeksi virus. Menurut buku “Natural Remedies”, dosis apel yang bisa melindungi tubuh dari virus adalah tiga kali sehari satu buah atau segelas jus apel. 6. Pepaya Buah tropis ini merupakan sumber betakaroten yang baik, sehingga mampu mencegah kerusakan sel yang disebabkan oleh zat radikal bebas. Setengah buah pepaya ukuran sedang sehari mampu memenuhi kebutuhan vitamin C harian seorang manusia dewasa. Tidak hanya itu, pepaya juga mengandung sedikit kalsium dan besi. Buah ini amat dianjurkan untuk orang sakit dan lanjut usia karena dagingnya mudah dikunyah dan ditelan. 7. Stroberi Buah ini mengandung vitamin C paling tinggi di antara semua beri dan kebanyakan buah. Secara tradisional, stroberi dipakai untuk membersihkan sistem pencernaan makanan. Buah ini juga berguna membantu penyerapan zat besi dari sayur mayur yang dikonsumsi. 8. Jambu Batu Buah jambu batu seberat 90 gram, menurut buku “Foods that Harm Foods that Heal”, ternyata mengandung vitamin C lima kali lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan jeruk. Buah jambu biji seberat itu bila dikonsumsi setiap hari mampu memenuhi kebutuhan vitamin harian orang dewasa, sehingga bisa menjaga kesehatan dan kebugaran. 9. Jeruk Vitamin C sering diidentikkan dengan buah jeruk. Buah ini memang mengandung vitamin C yang bermanfaat untuk menjaga pertahanan tubuh dari infeksi bakteri dan virus. Kandungan antioksidan dalam jeruk mampu mencegah kerusakan karena zat radikal bebas. Antioksidan ini terdapat dalam membran di antara segmen daging buahnya. Untuk memperoleh manfaat optimum dari buah ini, sebaiknya makan buah segar daripada minum jusnya. Kompas, 11 April 2003 Sumber =

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26Recent Scientific Studies on Morinda Citrifolia (Noni) ............ Simple research shows scientifically that Noni (Morinda citrifolia) is a natural combination of amazingly beneficial compounds to heal the body as a whole, and to maintain health. The most recent studies are based on the following research by Dr. Neil Solomon, MD, PhD: Dr. Solomon*, a recognized leader in medical nutrition and nutraceuticals writes the following in his book »» Noni Juice: How Much, How Often, For What:

"Since my retirement from the clinical practice of medicine, I have become more involved with natural healing. This has brought to my attention the ambiguity and confusion that exists when it comes to how much of a certain nutritional substance could or should be used in order to augment one's health. Suggested use of many nutritional supplements is many times based on trial and error, which over time and use somewhat regulates itself.

I decided to find a plant with a proven track record of successes and with unique health benefits worthy of study. I was interested in finding out how much of it people took to help different conditions. This led me to the fruit of the Morinda citrifolia plant (noni)."

In his ongoing research with Noni since 1997, Dr. Solomon has organized a study which has grown to include 75 health professionals and over 15,000 patients. In his study, doctors and/or patients are to drink Noni Juice for a 7-month period, with a loading serving of 4 oz. the 1st month, a therapeutic serving of 3 oz. for the following 5 months, and a maintenance/prevention serving of 2 oz. the 7th month (half these amounts for children). In the final analysis, the overall average of those who either objectively or subjectively experienced benefit was an unheard of 75%. Dr. Solomon goes on to say that "the majority of Noni users who did not get optimal results failed to do so because they took a lesser dose and/or took it a lesser amount of time than recommended." Dr. Solomon also notes that "My survey did show that 95% of those who reported that Noni helped them in some way experienced those results within three months of starting Noni." Noni has been scientifically documented to benefit in the fight against these

ailments: Abdominal pains/swelling

Inhibits early chronic fatigue syndrome

Diabetes Type II Diarrhea

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27Abscesses Antibiotic and Antimicrobial Backache Burns Dark spots on skin Depression Diaphragmatic hernia Dry or cracked skin Heart disease Infection of mouth and gums

Regulates thymus Sore throat with cough Tonic after childbirth Tuberculosis Virus problems Anticancer activity Arthritis Balanced nutrition Chest infections Deficient Macrophages/Lymphocytes

Eye complaints High Blood Pressure Inflamed, sore gums Intestinal worms Sick People Syndrome Stroke Toothaches Urinary tract ailments Wounds, fractures and boils

There are virtually no negative interactions. In some situations, Noni can allow other medications to act more efficiently. NOTE: Noni can be taken

together with all other medications - there are almost no negative interactions. In some situations, noni can allow other medications to act

more efficiently. You should tell your health professional that you are taking Noni, as your physician might want to decrease the dose of the medication prescribed. This often reduces the side effects from the original medication. Reported side effects were minimal. Less than 5 percent experienced minor belching, loose stools, allergy, or developed a mild rash. The belching disappeared when the dose was decreased. The rash and loose stools cleared within 72 hours after stopping treatment. Noni has been reported safe for pregnant and/or nursing mothers. *Dr. Neil Solomon is a world renowned research expert in the fields of Medicine, Nutrition, Obesity and Smoking cessation. He held several faculty appointments and Professorships at some of the most prestigious Universities in America including the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

For 18 years Dr. Solomon wrote an internationally syndicated health advise column for the Los Angeles Times Syndicate. In total, he has appeared in over 200,000 published articles and br columns in global newspapers and magazines. Dr. Solomon has appeared on numerous national television and radio talk shows such as the Tonight Show, Donahue, Good Morning America, Today Show, Oprah Winfrey Dick Cavett, Dinah Shore, and gave daily medical commentaries on CNN. Dr. Solomon is also a best selling author having written several “how to” books about health and wellness. He has Who’s Who in the East since 1977. In addition, he has been included in American Men and Women of Science, Who’s Who in Frontiers of Science and Technology (1985), Men of Achievement (7th edition), Personalities of America (1981), and International Who’s Who of Intellectuals (1981).

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28 MORE SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION NONI and NITRIC OXIDE Dr. Jonathan S. Stamler, a professor of medicine at Duke University, put it quite well when he said, ‘It [Nitric Oxide] does everything, everywhere. You cannot name a major cellular response or physiological effect in which it is not implicated today. It’s involved in complex behavioral changes in the brain, airway relaxation, beating of the heart, dilation of blood vessels, regulation of intestinal movement, function of blood cells, the immune system, even how digits and arms move Dr. Neil Solomon, M.D., Ph. D., notes, "now research has shown that noni, the ‘miracle’ tropical plant, can stimulate the body to produce more Nitric Oxide, thereby preventing and helping to control various disorders." -- from his book THE NONI PHENOMENON. The Chemical Components of Morinda citrifolia Defined Proxeronine, Proxeronase, and Xeronine Proxeronase is an enzyme and Proxeronine is the molecule that is cleaved by the Proxeronase (along with other enzymes) to form the alkaloid called Xeronine. Xeronine is an essential component of the protein in our cell wall membranes. Each and every cell in our bodies have a cell wall membrane that consists of a protein layer. This cell wall membrane is in a large part responsible for the health of our cells. The protein layer is made up of building blocks called peptides. These peptides need to be held together by bonds. The bonds would be very weak bonds without the presence of the alkaloid Xeronine which strengthens these bonds. As soon as Xeronine is made it is incorporated into our cell wall. Xeronine is not stored in our bodies, and it needs to be replenished. It also is used up more rapidly by the body in times of stress and with exposure to toxins. It naturally decreases in our bodies as we age. Xeronine needs to be supplied regularly to maintain a healthy body. The Noni plant is the only food source that contains an appreciable amount of Proxeronine and Proxeronase which produces Xeronine in our bodies. Damnacanthal This is a chemical constituent that has received much attention in literature for its cancer fighting abilities. It has been shown in laboratory animals to inhibit both pre-cancerous cells and Lewis Lung Carcinoma. This activity is due to the ability of Damnacanthol to stimulate activity of T cells or "killer cells" which fight off these types of infections in our bodies. Many times diseases such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, and AIDS attack an individual who has a weakened immune system. This weakened immune system may be genetic or can be caused by exposure to toxic chemicals, stress, or improper diet. This increased T cell activity is beneficial as both a preventative approach and a treatment, by taking different amounts of Noni

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29juice. A person who has been diagnosed with cancer would take a much higher dosage of Noni juice initially, and more frequently throughout the day to rebuild his damaged immune system and actively fight the ravages of the cancer and chemotherapy or radiation. Scopoletin This is a little talked about component of the Noni juice, but is very critical in its effectiveness. It has been shown in laboratory testing to have analgesic (pain relief) properties. This is obviously important in treating a number of different conditions. You can reduce the pain of a condition and then help heal it with the Xeronine at the same time. This natural product has none of the side effects that are normally found with analgesics and can be taken by anyone. Another very important property of Scopoletin is that it binds to serotonin, keeping our serotonin levels elevated. Serotonin is a very important hormone in the function of our bodies. It is our "feel good hormone", and helps to fight anxiety and depression. It is also critical to temperature regulation, hunger, and sexual behavior. It is a precursor to the sleep hormone melatonin. Scopoletin has also shown antihypertensive activity along with anti-inflammotory and antihistamine activities. Simple research shows scientifically that Noni is a natural combination of amazingly beneficial compounds to heal the body as a whole, and to maintain health. Noni juice has been studied by researchers throughout the world. More information is available here. Bio: Dr. Neil Solomon, MD, PhD * MD, Case-Western Reserve University Medical School * PhD, Physiology. University of Maryland School of Medicine * Residency at Johns Hopkins Medical School * Professor at Johns Hopkins Medical School * Received the coveted Schwentkner Award for Excellence in Research * Professor at University of Maryland School of Medicine * Research at National Institute of Health * Research at the National Heart Institute * State of Maryland's first Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene for 10 years * Consultant to the World Health Organization and United Nations * Syndicated Columnist, Los Angeles Times for 18 years * New York Times best-selling author * CNN-TV Health Commentator Neil Solomon, MD, PhD, »» Noni Juice: How Much, How Often, For What, and Nature's Amazing Healer NONI, and THE NONI PHENOMENON are available from Direct Source Publishing. WHAT IS IN THE NONI FRUIT?

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30Modern researchers are still trying to explain how Noni Juice is helping so many people with such a wide variety of conditions. The Xeronine component is certainly a major part of the reason. But look what else is in the Noni fruit and what benefits these components have:

Key Components & Their Benefits

Proxeronine & Proxeroninase

The building blocks our bodies use to manufacture Xeronine. With nutrient-depleted foods, where these building blocks are not available, our proteins can become reliant on inadequate substitutes such as sugar, caffeine, cocaine, or nicotine to do their work. In returning Xeronine to the body, Noni Juice has been found to help break addictions to these substances. By promoting optimal protein functioning, Noni Juice promotes massive cellular regeneration and hormonal balance.


Has anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, lowers blood pressure, and binds to serotonin to help regulate sleep, hunger and temperature.

Anthraquinone Controls infectious bacteria such as Staphylococcus Aureus, E. Coli & Salmonella.

Damnacanthal Inhibits growth of pre-cancerous cells.

Terpene Helps with cell rejuvenation, thus increasing nutrient-toxin exchange.

Phytonutrients & Selenium

Provide powerful anti-oxidant protection against free radicals.

Rich in soluble and insoluble fiber

Soluble fiber helps cleanse the blood, decrease choloesterol, binds to fats and balances blood sugar levels. Insoluble fiber ("bulk") is important for colon health.

Rich in amino acids

Amino acids are the buildings blocks for proteins, important for most body functions. The "essential" amino acids are the ones our bodies cannot make and we therefore must get from our diet. Noni Juice contains 17 of the 20 known amino acids, including all 9 essential amino acids.

Rich in essential fatty acids

Fatty acids are the building blocks of fats and oils. The "essential" fatty acids in Noni Juice are the important poly-unsaturated fats that we must get from our diet. They maintain healthy skin, nerve cells, heart tissue and blood vessels and help

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31balance mood. They keep cell membranes working properly and efficiently, improving the nutrient-toxin exchange.

Important Overall Characteristics


An adaptogen is a substance that has a global balancing effect on all body systems. There are only 12 known adaptogens; of these 12, Noni Juice is said to be the "premiere" adaptogen.


Tissues degrade and disease thrives in an acidic environment. Noni Juice promotes an alkaline body chemistry, the optimal state for good health.


Anti-oxidants, such as green tea, pycnogenol, and vitamin C, among others, are important in neutralizing "free radicals", or particles that cause DNA damage that can lead to cancer. Noni Juice has recently been found to be the most effective of all known anti-oxidants.

Low Glycemic Index

A 3:1 ratio of carbohydates to fiber in Noni Juice helps balance blood sugar levels.

Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory and Selective Cox II


Unlike typical pain relievers and anti-inflammatories, Noni Juice decreases pain and inflammation while protecting stomach, kidney, and liver cells.

Humectant As a humectant, Noni Juice helps tissues retain moisture.


Noni Juice intelligently supports the immune system, not just by boosting it, but by regulating it to suppress the allergic and auto-allergic responses.

References: A.K. Olsen w/ Dr. Ralph Heinicke, Understanding the Miracle: An Introduction to the Science of Noni, available from Direct Source Publishing. The information on this page represents a summary of findings collected from lectures and research by Dr. Ralph Heineke, Dr. Scott Gerson, Dr. Hirazumi Kim, Dr. Mian-Ying Wang, Dr. Neil Solomon, Dr. Mona Harrison, Dr. William Mcphilamy, Dr. Gary Tran and others. TRADITIONAL USES OF NONI Ancient healing manuscripts handed down from generation to generation, cite the Noni fruit as the primary ingredient in their natural health preparations. Traditional healers would pick the fruit before it was fully ripe and place it in direct sunlight. When fully ripe, the fruit was mashed into a puree and the juice extracted through a cloth. The juice was now ready for

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32use. As a general tonic, the juice was taken during times of rest. In addition to the fruit, every other part of the Noni plant was valued and used.

Below is a representative list of the traditional uses of Noni.


• Diarrhea • Diabetes • Eye infections

• Intestinal Parasites • High Blood Pressure • Inflammed, sore gums

• Indigestion • Headache • Sore throat with cough

• Stomach Ulcers • Kidney and Bladder • Gingivitis BONES & JOINTS • Tumors • Toothache

• Arthritis • Fevers CHEST • Broken Bones GENDER-SPECIFIC • Cough

• Sprains • Childbirth and Pregnancy • Tuberculosis

SKIN • Menstrual Cramps • Asthma • Abscesses, Boils,

Blemishes • Regulate

Menstruation • Respiratory


• Wounds, Infections • Prostate Complaints TONIC TO SLOW AGING

The pristine island group known as Tahiti is considered to be the source of the finest and most nutrient-rich Noni available, with an ideal climate and

soil conditions. Thanks to the interest in Noni, the Tahitian Ministry of Agriculture reports that Noni is now Tahiti's #1 export, surpassing its famous

black pearls. Sumber =

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33 Information About the "Noni" Fruit MORINDA CITRIFOLIA In French Polynesia grows the very special fruit with powerful health supporting properties that is called Morinda Citrifolia. M. Citrifolia has been studied by researchers all over the world and the people in French Polynesia have been using this fruit for over 2,000 years to maintain health and to be healthy. It became a central part in their civilization. Both the researchers and the Polynesians have found out that it works on several of the body's systems and that it works at the cellular level. The tree can be up to 30 feet tall and can harvest up to 500 pounds of fruit per month. Everbearing, it bears fruit all year around. Once one fruit is picked, a new one will be there after only three months. The fruit is as big as a potato with pale greenish-yellow color. The whole plant is used, such as the leaves, flowers, bark, seeds, roots and the fruit itself to treat health problems.

Dr Ralph Heinicke, a noted American biochemist, had a potentially ground-breaking revelation while studying pineapple enzymes. He found something called proxeronine. When proxeronine meets up with an enzyme called proxeronase in the large intestine, an alkaloid, that Dr. Heinicke named xeronine, is formed. He realized that xeronine may play a key role in encouraging proper

cell function and growth in the human body. Dr.Heinicke realized that proxeronine and proxeronase exist in abundance in the Morinda Citrifolia fruit. There has been more than 20 years of research of the M.Citrifolia plant verifying its powerful benefits. A large portion of health related compounds have been isolated from M. Citrifolia. These are listed below: Terpenes - A terpene is an isometric hydrocarbon also found in essential oils. It aids in the body's organic synthesis and cell rejuvenation, and it is

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34used by herbalists to promote general health. Alkaloids - Important bitter organic bases which are essential to maintaining life. Xeronine • is made in the large intestine by proxeronine and the enzyme proxeronase • is vital to all cells • is only made in the amount the body needs.

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Cancer Survival Guide: "Fighting Cancer" Cancer issues, cancer facts, new thoughts, new information. For cancer resources, information about cancer treatment options and cancer patient support.. Cancer patients seeking links to cancer resources, information and support will find this site provides a general orientation designed to help you make your own choices and decisions concerning alternative cancer treatments or orthodox cancer treatments

• Why does Noni Juice work? • How should you take noni juice? • How Safe is Noni? • How long does it take to experience the benefits of noni juice? • How much noni juice should you take? • What specific medical benefits are claimed for noni? • Others • Testimonials from doctors and patients

Noni is the Hawaiian name for a fruit that goes by the scientific name of Morinda citrifolia. Its healing qualities have been known for as long as 2,000 years but largely ignored until recently. It is also known as nono fruit (Tahiti), nonu fruit (Samoa), och fruit (India) and nhau fruit (SE Asia). Dr Neil Solomon MD PhD says this: "Noni has taken its place at the forefront of alternative medicine because of its successful adjunctive treatment of ailments that vary from cancer to arthritis to high blood pressure, and from weight control to skin and hair disorders." (Neil Solomon, "Noni: Nature's Amazing Healer, 1998) Solomon quotes a veterinarian, Dr Gary Tran: "I have found that noni is the most wonderful substance which a doctor can use...In all my 35 years of practising traditional and holistic veterinary medicine, I haven't seen any other product that is as versatile as noni. If I were banished to a remote island and could bring only one health product, it would definitely be noni." Here is what another doctor said after using noni juice for two years in his medical practice: "Noni juice is known to contain many different kinds of phytonutrients....I have been working in the field of conventional, nutritional and alternative medicine for twelve years and I have not seen another natural substance as interesting and widely effective as noni fruit juice...The concept of noni juice is simple. It is just a fruit juice and it is as safe for you as orange juice or apple juice. So how could it have so many powerful therapeutic benefits? After all, in our pharmacological culture, don't powerful therapies belong in the domain of physicians and aren't they known to have powerful side-effects? Can't people hurt themselves with a powerful therapy if they don't know what they are doing?

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36Generally, yes, but think about it this way. If you were severely deficient in vitamin C you would have a condition called scurvy. Vitamin C, among other things, helps with the production of collagen, the main ingredient of our connective tissue. So scurvy is a condition where your body is literally falling apart. If you had scurvy, a glass of orange juice would have powerful therapeutic benefits. A glass or two of orange juice per day would prevent it altogether and you would have to drink a tremendous amount of orange juice to hurt yourself. The analogy applies to noni in that many of us are severely xeronine deficient. Nutrient-depleted soils, environmental pollution, the stress of everyday life, ageing, diseases and certain food additives all work together to deplete our xeronine. noni juice supplies the necessary nutrients so that our bodies can make more xeronine." Stephen M. Hall (quoted from the foreword to `53 Ways to Use Noni', Isabelle Navarre-Brown, 1998) All of this supports what the Hawaiian kahunas (healers) have been saying all along. Here is a list of conditions they are reported to have improved using noni fruit: abscesses, allergies, arthritis, chest pains, indigestion, chronic fatigue syndrome, coughs and sore throats, digestive ailments, drug addiction, fevers and vomiting, sore gums, high blood pressure, infections of the mouth and gums, lung and breathing problems, precancerous conditions, dark spots on skin, swellings in abdomen and ankles, wounds and fractures, boils and ulcers, alcoholism, loss of appetite, asthma, childbirth pains, smoking, depression, eczema, heart disease, kidney and bladder problems, pain, psoriasis, stress, urinary tract infections. (source Neil Solomon, `Noni: Nature's Amazing Healer' 1998) Back to menu Why does Noni Juice work? Noni fruit contains a very high concentration of a substance called proxeronine. When taken into the body this is converted into xeronine. Xeronine is a fundamental substance. It has a wide range of activities due to the fact that proteins need to combine with it before they can do their jobs - and proteins provide most of the structure of the body right down to the cellular level. Proteins also enable nutrients to pass through cell membranes. They also act as hormones necessary for the co-ordination of bodily processes. They act as antibodies for the immune system and they act as enzymes. So we can see that proteins are essential for the health of the body at the cellular level. Many of these proteins can not perform any duties without the presence of xeronine - and, guess what, our own production of xeronine declines with age! Dr Ralph Heinicke, who studied noni extensively while at the Pineapple Research Institute in Hawaii says: "Xeronine is so basic to the functioning of

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37proteins, we would die without it. Its absence can cause many kinds of illness. Conversely, increasing the production of xeronine in our bodies can help cure various manifestations of disease such as cancer, senility, arthritis, high blood pressure and low blood pressure. If a problem is caused by a failure in the production of xeronine, flooding the body with a proxeronine will solve the problem." Noni fruit also contains another 140 plus neutraceutical compounds. Many of these work together synergistically. As Dr Solomon says: "Mother Nature is by far the most effective and efficient pharmacist and medicine-maker in the world. God's design is truly godly." Dr Neil Solomon decided to look at 8,000 patients who had taken noni juice under medical supervision for a wide variety of medical problems and came to the conclusion that 78% had been `helped'. He also made the point that: "The majority of people who did not see optimal results after taking noni did not take noni long enough or in high enough doses." (See below for the specific medical benefits claimed for noni) Back to menu How should you take noni juice? 1. Just drink it straight down on an empty stomach (ie immediately on waking, half an hour before dinner.) 2. Sip slowly making sure the noni juice mixes with the saliva under the tongue and also against the roof of the mouth - this is particularly good for people with addictions, mood problems (ie depression, hormone imbalances, stress, trauma etc) and for pain relief. 3. Rub it on the skin to alleviate fungal or other skin conditions 4. Rubbing it on the skin round the belly button and the feet may be another way of introducing noni internally. 5. As a compress. Soak gauze pads in half an ounce (a tablespoon) of noni juice: place pulpy side against skin and keep in place with kitchen plastic wrap. 6. As a poultice: soak equal amounts of noni juice and warm purified water into a poultice pad and place against the area where you want to obtain internal benefits. 7. For feet problems: pour noni juice (1-2 tablespoons into a plastic bag (one bag for each foot) - place bare feet in the bags and massage feet and toes with the liquid. 8. Noni juice can be rubbed into the scalp for improved hair and scalp health - keep on for several hours before rinsing. 9. As a douche or syringe for all vaginal, cervical or uterine problems. Back to menu How Safe is Noni?

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38It is reported to be very safe. According to doctors Solomon and Hall, you can give it to children and even babies, it can be taken by pregnant and lactating mothers and it can be applied to the eyes with a compress. It can also usefully be applied to open, bleeding wounds and also to burns. Are there any negative side effects? Yes. noni juice can produce negative side-effects as it has a detoxifying effect. These can include: - bad breath - spots, boils, pimples - cough - diarrhoea or loose stools - foul smelling urine - headaches - heavy periods - gas - joint pain - rashes and itchiness - fatigue While it is possible these may be allergic reactions (which can be lessened by reducing the dose), they are more likely to be cleansing reactions. Make sure you drink 8 glasses of water a day to help flush toxins out. Cleansing reactions should not last very long. Back to menu How long does it take to experience the benefits of noni juice? - Some people experience benefits immediately. - others take a few days - some a few weeks - a few need up to 3 months Back to menu How much noni juice should you take? i. If you are young and healthy, then one ounce (30 ml) a day should be adequate. ii. As you grow older, then two ounces a day (2 x 30mls), morning and late afternoon, will probably be appropriate. iii. If you have just started noni juice therapy then for the first month you should consider taking 4 ounces a day (2 x 60mls) iv. If you have a sudden traumatic incident or are about to face one (ie surgery) then 6-8 ounces would be appropriate taken at regular intervals during the day (3 or 4 x 60mls)

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39v. For serious chronic conditions,( cancer, diabetes etc) it may be better to take the same amount (6-8 ounces) in smaller doses more frequently (8 x 30mls) vi. In life threatening conditions take up to 16-20 ounces a day, divided into hourly doses. If it is hard to take in this amount then someone could drop the juice in slowly with an eye-dropper Back to menu What specific medical benefits are claimed for noni? While noni juice has had a wide range of clearly demonstrated beneficial effects, noni juice corrects rather than cures. The original problem may very well return if the patient stops taking noni juice. Back to menu Addictions Xeronine is an alkaloid - so are nicotine, caffeine and morphine. The idea is that there are receptors in the body hungry for xeronine that get attached to and ultimately addicted to these other alkaloids. By flooding the system with proxeronine, more xeronine is produced and gradually it is able to wean these receptors away from the addictive substances AIDS T-cell counts have been shown to improve dramatically with noni so improving resistance to the AIDS virus. Some doctors have claimed that noni juice has helped some AIDS patients' symptoms to stabilise. Allergies Noni contains antihistaminic agents and helps rid patients of allergic symptoms. Animals Veterinarian, Dr Gary Tran tried noni on his family and when it proved helpful in a case of AIDS, chronic fatigue, depression and migraine, he tried it on his clients. 9 out of 10 of his animal patients responded very positively: he says: "noni is not only wonderful for alleviating pain, it's also anti-histaminic, anthelmintic (rids animals of worms), anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and anti-carcinogenic." (quoted in Neil Solomon, `Noni: Nature's Amazing Healer', 1998) Arthritis (see pain) Auto-immune Diseases These are diseases that occur when the normal defense mechanisms of the body start to attack the body itself. Examples are rheumatoid arthritis, eczema, some thyroid problems. Some of these may be related to leaky gut syndrome. Most reportedly respond well to noni. Bacterial and viral Infections

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40Noni appears to have the ability to protect and fight against a large number of bacterial and viral infections. In Hong Kong we have been inundated with encephalitis, avian flu and a number of other life threatening bacterial and viral diseases. Noni may be useful in providing a degree of protection. Blood cleaning and Liver The liver's job is to detoxify the body. Sometimes it gets overloaded and cannot properly clean the blood passing through it. Noni helps it to do this, but needs to be supplemented by the consumption of a wide variety of good foods to be effective in the long term. Bone healing There is some anecdotal evidence that fractures heal faster with noni juice Cancer Mice studies have shown that mice with cancer given noni juice live more than twice as long as those who aren't given the noni. Dr Ralph Heinicke, a pioneering researcher on noni fruit, believes that while noni does not cure cancer it slows down the rate of cell division and improves the body's anti-cancer defences. There are several cases of tumours reducing in size or even disappearing after taking noni juice. Intriguing early experiments with bromelain and proxeronine showed it to be very effective in obtaining quick regression of cancer tumours. noni fruit has the highest concentration of proxeronine of any known plant. For further details see Central Nervous system Noni has a demonstrable connection with serotonin and there is a great deal of anecdotal evidence to show that it helps with mood and sleep disorders. Children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder have also benefited. Noni appears to help with nerve regeneration and with depression. Diabetes Particularly adult onset, non-insulin dependent diabetes - one study showed 83% of such diabetic patients have benefitted from taking noni juice. It lowers blood sugar and heals secondary sores. Energy Most people taking noni report increased energy and endurance. It has helped many people suffering chronic fatigue syndrome. Fungal problems These can be treated by rubbing noni on the affected area. It is claimed that noni is effective against yeasts and other parasites - even head lice. Heart Noni has been shown to help normalise the heart beat and angina pains alleviated. Cholesterol levels are also helped. High Blood Pressure

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41Noni contains scopoletin which dilates blood vessels and so normalises blood pressure. In a pure form, scopoletin can reduce blood pressure to abnormally low levels but in noni juice this doesn't happen because of the synergistic effects of other neutraceuticals (`neutraceuticals' is a new word coined to describe those foods that have clear medicinal effects). There is also evidence that it can help people with low blood pressure. Inflammation and Swellings Doctors have found that noni works quickly to reduce inflammations and swellings. Pain Everyone who has studied noni juice accepts that it has powerful pain relieving qualities. Some believe that this is because it acts directly against the pain sensors in the brain, others that it helps to heal the causes of pain, still others who believe that both are true. noni contains a family of chemicals known as turpenes which aid in cell rejuvenation. French researchers say it is 75% as effective as morphine without being addictive. It is estimated that 80% of arthritis patients have found very quick relief with noni. People suffering from back pain similarly find quick relief. PMS Many women find that pre-menstrual tension and painful periods disappear with noni. Some have gone so far as to say noni is `magic' for women. Poisons Like vitamin C and Ti-tree oil, noni seems to have a pronounced anti-toxin effect. Sexual vitality Almost 90% of all people taking noni juice mention the increased sexual energy they feel as a result. Skin It is claimed that noni can help all forms of skin ailment from eczema and dry skin to acne and rashes - even ring worm - and ulcers or open sores while also making the skin physiologically younger. The skin, after the liver, is a great storehouse of proxeronine. Stress People who work under high stress or who have to meet tight deadlines have improved responses in terms of coping with the emotional demands and focusing more clearly on the job. noni appears to work by supporting the adrenal gland Varicose Veins At least one person has found dramatic improvement in varicose veins after taking noni juice. This is the person who alerted Dr Mona Harrison to its possible benefit as a healing substance. Dr Harrison then sent it to a number of her patients, some with terminal cancer and the result was clear alleviation of symptoms in a wide range of ailments.

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42Weight Loss In Solomon's study of 8,000 people who had used NONI Juice, 72 percent said they had lost some weight. Summation It seems reasonable to say, as some doctors do, that whatever the problem is, it is likely that noni juice will be of some help. Contra-indications One problem associated with noni juice appears to be that it makes at least some other medications more effective. With dose sensitive medications this could be a big problem. Dr Steven Hall says people taking Coumadin - a blood thinning agent which is taken by some patients with atrial fibrillation - should, in particular, be cautious of noni. The problem is that noni tends to make the Coumadin more effective, so making their dosage levels possibly too high. People on Coumadin may be able to cut dosage levels by half. Such an effect may also be felt with other medications. Back to menu Testimonials from doctors and patients "Noni juice works fantastically for many conditions throughout the body because it works with the glands, starting with the pineal gland located at the base of the brain. Then it controls all the other glands below it starting from the thymus and thyroid all the way down to the reproductive glands. The way a gland works is that if you don’t use it, you lose it. By using noni juice however, the glands get gradually rejuvenated and are able to function better. In essence, noni helps the body repair itself by making the glands work at their utmost capacity…At the clinic we’ve used noni juice to help patients with diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, asthma and colitis…I’ve worked with a variety of natural products and I’ve seen them work for some patients and not work for others. But with noni juice, everybody seems to have a positive result." Maria Odegbaro MD, Brooklyn, New York "I used to be unable to sleep on my stomach because of back pain. Noni not only took care of that, it relieved the pain in my left shoulder. Noni has also increased my energy level. Since then I have used noni juice on about seventy of my patients… One diabetic patient with chronic back pain found that for the first time in fifteen years he could bend over and pick up balls on the tennis court…the other day he told me he’d had a case of Bell’s palsy. His family physician had told him he’d be laid up for six weeks with a patch on his swollen eye, but he doubled the amount of noni juice he was taking and in three days all of his symptoms were gone." Bryant Bloss MD, Evansville, Indiana

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43"The most amazing situation I know of is a woman with AIDS, Since she has been drinking noni, her T-cell count has gone from 169 to 400 and her symptoms have stabilised. I also have a relative with lung cancer whose tumours have decreased in size since he’s been taking noni." Delton Hatton DC, chiropracter "One of my patients was suffering from kidney cancer with metastases, the movement of malignant cells, to her lung and brain. She had been given only two weeks to live. Within that two week period she took noni juice and it cleared up her lung lesions…Another patient had liver cancer and a swelling of fluid in the abdominal area. After seven days on noni juice this ascitic fluid cleared up completely. She and the first case I mentioned were terminally ill cancer patients who no-one anticipated would make it, but they are alive today because of noni." Mona Harrison MD, Washington DC "Last year I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had six rounds of chemotherapy and was in bed for a week after each treatment. Each time I started to get better, it was time for another round of chemotherapy. I was scheduled to have breast surgery a month after my last treatment. My body was so weak I didn’t feel strong enough to even survive the surgery. Then I heard about noni and started taking it a week after my last treatment. I wanted to boost my immune system to get my body ready for surgery. It worked – when I went in for surgery, I had plenty of energy…I came through it great and I was home by the third day!…My stepdaughter’s friend was diagnosed with cancer of the lungs and throat and given twelve weeks to live. I gave her a case of noni juice and a month later the doctor couldn’t find any trace of the cancer." Bobbye Patterson, cancer patient "Noni has generated more calls from clients about its benefits than any other product I have ever recommended. On a daily basis I see people who have benefitted from it amazingly. From the experiences people have shared, I feel noni has universal applications. Noni juice should be included as a part of everybody’s daily nutrition because it helps us absorb essential nutrients from our diets and supplements. Noni is the missing piece of the health puzzle." Allan Bailey, naturopathic pharmacist (Note: These testimonials are abstracted from statements published in Health News, a publication of Triple R Publishing Inc, Clackamas, Oregon 97015) References Hall, Steven; Noni Through Your Body, Booklet Navarre-Brown, Isabelle; 53 Ways to Use Noni, USA, 1998 Solomon, Neil; Noni: Nature's Amazing Healer, USA, 1998 This information is a summary of the information presented in these books.

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44 "Health Challenges Reported to Have Been Helped by Noni"

Please keep in mind that this list is neither exhaustive nor a guarantee that you will receive the same results. We cannot diagnose or claim to cure any of these illnesses, but many, many people have noticed remarkable health results from using Noni for many different types of illnesses. Because Noni

acts largely to boost your immune system, it is your own body, and it's supreme intelligence, which ultimately heals.

Addictions AIDS

Allergies Arthritis Asthma

Atherosclerosis Athlete's foot

Autoimmune system dysfunction Blood vessel problems

Brain Breast cancer Broken bones

Cancers Cataracts

CFS Chemical sensitivity

Chronic fatigue syndrome Colitis Comas Colds

Constipation Coughing Cramps

Chronic pains Croup Cyst

Degenerative arthritis Depression Diabetes

Diaper rash

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Double vision Drug addiction Dry skin spots

Eczema Energy Fevers

Gastric ulcers Gout

Headache Heart disease Herniated disk

High blood pressure

Hyperkertoses Injuries

Infections Insomnia

Irregular heartbeat Kidney cancer

Knee pain Liver cancer

Macular degeneration Menstrual cramps Mental depression

Migraine MS

Multiple sclerosis Murmur

Muscle pain Nervous system damage

Neurological disorder Osteoarthritis

Pain PMS

Poor digestion Premenstrual syndrome

Prostate cancer Psoriasis

Rheumatoid arthritis RSDS

Senility Sinus

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Spinal cord problems Sprains Stroke

Sunburn T-cell count

Tumor Twitches Ulceration

Ulcers Varicose veins

Yeast rash

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47"The Pharmacologically Active Ingredient of Noni" By Dr. R.M. Heinicke University of Hawaii In The Bulletin, April 1972, Maria Stewart described how the Hawaiians solved many of their medical problems by drinking infusions of the fruit of the Noni tree (Morinda citrifolia). The missionaries, who frequently had to minister to the body as well as the soul, were impressed with the efficacy of these options. Yet identifying the pharmacologically active ingredient of Noni has been difficult - for an understandably good reason. The active ingredient is not present in the plant or fruit! Only after the potion has been drunk does the active ingredient form. Sometimes! My search for the active ingredient in Noni began with a series of studies on the pineapple plant. Since about 1972 I had been attempting to identify the unknown ingredient in "bromelain", which gives crude preparations of this enzyme their potent pharmacological properties. (Sometimes!) After many discouraging years of research I eventually identified this ingredient as a new alkaloid to which I gave the name "xeronine". Noticing that the clinical claims of efficacy for bromelain and Noni were practically identical, I tried the same techniques on Noni fruit, a technique which I had developed for isolating xeronine from the pineapple plant. The technique worked! Not only was I able to isolate the same compound from Noni fruit, but the yields were excellent. Today Noni is one of the best raw materials to use for the isolation of xeronine. Xeronine is a relatively small alkaloid that is physiologically active in the picogram range. (Editorial note: a picogram is one trillionth of a gram.) It occurs in practically all healthy cells of plants, animals and microorganisms. However, the amount of free alkaloid is minute, and is well below the limits of normal chemical analytical techniques. Even though Noni fruits have a negligible amount of free xeronine, they contain appreciable amounts of the precursor of xeronine. This precursor, which I have named "proxeronine", is a strange molecule. The molecular weight is relatively large, namely about 16,000. In contrast to most plant colloids, this colloid contains neither sugars, nor amino acids, nor nucleic acids. Thus most biochemists have overlooked this relatively abundant molecule which occurs in most tissues. Noni fruits also contain the inactive form of the enzyme that releases xeronine from proxeronine. Unless this pro-enzyme becomes properly activated, however, Noni juice will cause few pharmacological reactions. Fortunately, if Noni juice is taken on an empty stomach, the critical pro-enzyme escapes digestion in the stomach and enters the intestines. Here the chances are high that it may become activated.

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48Many years of research are still required to demonstrate convincingly how xeronine functions at the molecular level in a cell. In the meantime I can suggest certain hypotheses which can act as a guide in planning experiments. I am basing these hypotheses both on clinical results with bromelain pills as well as on a limited number of laboratory and animal experiments carried out with pure xeronine. I am proposing that the primary function of xeronine is to regulate the rigidity and shape of specific proteins. Since these proteins have different functions, we have the usual clinical situation where administering one simple drug causes an unbelievably wide range of physiological responses. The action which xeronine has on a person depends upon which of his tissues has a suboptimal level of xeronine. Thus xeronine can alleviate certain subsets of almost any known disease. For no disease, however, will xeronine be a panacea. A physiological disease, for example senility, may be caused by a deficiency or imbalance of a number of different biochemicals as well as by malfunctioning blood vessels, hormone systems, or immune bodies. Only if the disease is specifically caused by a lack of xeronine will xeronine alleviate the symptoms of the problem. I believe that each tissue has cells which contain proteins, which in turn have receptor sites for the absorption of xeronine. Certain of these proteins are the inert forms of enzymes which require absorbed xeronine to become active. Thus xeronine, by converting the body's procollagenase system into a specific protease, quickly and safely removes the dead tissue from burns. It is for this reason that aloes, bromelain and Noni are such effective treatments for burns. Other proteins become potential receptor sites for hormones after they react with xeronine. Thus the action of ginseng, bromelain and Noni in making a person feel well is probably caused by xeronine converting certain brain receptor proteins into active sites for the absorption of the endorphin, the well being hormones. Other proteins form pores through membranes in the intestines, the blood vessels, and other body organs. Absorbing xeronine on these proteins changes the shape of the pores and thus affects the passage of molecules through the memanes. Thus the action of bromelain, Noni, and ginseng in improving digestion may be ascribable to this action. These are just a few of the many exciting actions of this newly discovered alkaloid. Since Noni is a potential source of this alkaloid, Noni juice can be a valuable herbal remedy. There are some practical problems, however, in using Noni juice as a medicine or tonic. If one is dying and all other remedies have failed, then and only then will the average person drink Noni juice. The flavor of juice made from ripe Hawaiian Noni is terrible. None of my colleagues would touch the untreated juice. Even after I had removed most of the disagreeable flavor (several organic acids) from the juice, my colleagues still found it unfit to drink. For a price, the odoriferous chemicals can be removed from the

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49Hawaiian variety. However, other varieties grown in other Pacific Islands are milder in flavor. Another critical problem in using Noni juice as a medicine or health tonic is timing. If the juice is drunk on a full stomach, it will have very little beneficial action. The pepsin and acid in the stomach will destroy the enzyme that liberates xeronine. For a seriously sick person, taking the juice on an empty stomach rarely poses a problem because the patient is too sick to want to eat anything. However, for the average person who wants to drink Noni juice as a health tonic, timing is critical. I would recommend taking 100 ml of Noni juice a half-hour before breakfast. At this time the juice will pass rapidly through the stomach and into the intestines, where it may be converted into the active enzyme. At any other time of the day, especially at meal times, the primary effects of drinking Noni juice will be psychological and caloric. Because of the strong flavor, the psychological effect might not necessarily be positive! To obtain the maximum effect of the active ingredient in Noni, I would recommend also that Noni juice not be taken with coffee, tobacco or alcohol. At times the combination of these materials and Noni can give some unexpected side effects. At other times the combination merely lowers the potentially beneficial effect of xeronine. Although the Hawaiians recommended both green fruit and ripe fruit for treating various ailments, my personal recommendation would be to use only the green fruit. The green fruit has more of the potentially valuable components and less of the undesirable flavor. In light of the new information on the action of xeronine, what are some of the possible applications of Noni juice? First I should make the caveat that for all of the possible applications which I am listing, one must always add the phrase "some types but not other types." Some of the problems which drinking Noni juice might favorable affect are: high blood pressure, menstrual cramps, arthritis, gastric ulcers, sprains, injuries, mental depression, senility, poor digestion, atherosclerosis, blood vessel problems, addiction, relief for pain and many others. Although this list looks like a page torn out of traveling medicine man's manual, it is probably conservative. The old Hawaiian people were truly fortunate to have herbal medical doctors who recognized a valuable natural product and who knew how to administer this medicine with the proper psychological persuasion. ( Sumber =

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50Native Plants Can Heal Your Wounds February 9, 1992 Honolulu Sunday Star-Bulletin & Advertiser By Jan TenBruggencate Advertiser Environmental Writer Much information about native Hawaiian medicinal plants is lost, but several important medicinal herbs are still in regular use in the Islands. One of them is Noni, which has reputed value for a wide range of ills. "People are crazy about this plant. They use it for diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer," and many other illnesses, said Isabella Abbott, G.P. Wilder Professor of Botany at the University of Hawaii. Abbott said she doesn't hand out medical advice, but gets plenty of calls from people who are looking for medicinal herbs and can't locate them. Her interest in ethnobotany, the native uses of plants, has given her the reputation of one who knows where to find useful plants. And normally she does know, she said. The plant about which she gets the most calls, perhaps 10 a week, is Noni, known to science as Morinda citrifolia. Noni is one of the plants believed to have been brought to Hawaii by early Polynesian immigrants. It is an attractive shrub with large, shiny green leaves, but has one characteristic that limits its value to those who would consider growing it in their yards or gardens. The fruit stinks. "It smells like something the dog dragged in," Abbott said. "It's a beautiful tree. It is. What I would do is pick off the fruit before they're ripe. Medicinally, fortunately, the half-ripe fruit is as good or better than the ripe, or few people would even consider it. Former University of Hawaii researcher Dr. Ralph M. Heinicke, writing in a 1985 issue of the Bulletin of the National Tropical Botanical Garden, said the fruit contains a natural alkaloid, xeronine, as well as a chemical that is converted to xeronine in the digestive tract. Xeronine may have some beneficial medicinal effects in diseases related to a lack of the chemical, he wrote. Heinicke, while making no guarantees, lists ailments which in some cases might be eased by the use of Noni: high blood pressure, menstrual cramps, arthritis, gastric ulcers, sprains, injuries, mental depression, senility, poor digestion, atherosclerosis, blood vessel problems, drug addiction and others. It may even help relieve pain, Heinicke wrote.

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51Abbott said she is careful not to promote the use of specific herbs for specific diseases. "When I talk about ethnobotanical plants, I use all kinds of disclaimers," she said. But she may also add personal experiences. Her mother, Abbott said, used the ripe fruit juice on cuts and scrapes, to prevent infection. She assumes that such products as Noni juice or aloe sap simply create a barrier to the entry of germs. One upcoming source of plenty of information on the subject is "Polynesian Herbal Medicine," by ethnobotanist W. Arthur Whistler, to be published later this year by the National Tropical Botanical Garden. Sumber =

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52Noni: The Hawaiian Magic Fruit Noni is referred to by many as the "Hawaiian Miracle Medicine." But because of its foul smell and unpleasant flavor, people drinking the juice or taking the pulp find it hard to tolerate. For this reason, Hawaiian Noni has developed a freeze-dried Noni, encapsulated it (and all the valuable enzymes) in veggie capsules. This results in ease of usage, longer shelf life, and no foul taste. Local and native Hawaiians have always known about the amazing benefits of Noni. In ancient Hawaiian folk medicine. Noni was used in the treatment of diabetes, ulcers, heart disease, high blood pressure as well as kidney and bladder disorders. Research has shown that prolonged exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays suppresses the immune system. Considering increased UV exposure due to loss of ozone, Noni may be valuable against intensifying danger of skin cancer. Noni not only appears to stimulate the immune system, it also contains selenium which significantly reduces the risk for developing skin cancer. In the Honolulu Star Bulletin, Dr. Abbott was quoted as saying, "People are crazy about this plant. They use it for diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer and many other illnesses." Former University of Hawaii researcher Dr. Ralph M. Heinicke believes that other ailments possibly helped by Noni are menstrual cramps, arthritis, sprains, injuries, mental depression, senility, poor digestion, arteriosclerosis, blood pressure problems, drug addiction, and pain. A report from Cancer Letters claims that Noni turned cancer cells back intonormal cells! Please remember, we do not claim that Hawaiian Island Noni can cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent disease. Sumber =