
General background:Name: Kiera MaddenAge: 16, almost 17Ethnicity: White BritishBorn/Lives: Solihull, EnglandEducation: Goes to college

Music in her everyday life:She is a great fan of Pop music and has attended many concerts such as JLS for example. She has music on her phone and is also downloading the latest songs and listens to them on the go.

Interests:Likes listening to music and going out with friends. She likes animals and keeping up with the latest celebrity news.

Music magazines:She used to buy them when she was at secondary school occasionally but now she does not bother with them as they are quite expensive and she does not like all pop celebrities so thinks that some of them are unappealing.

Why she likes pop music:She thinks that pop music is upbeat and it keeps her happy. She likes to keep up with all of trendy songs which is mainly pop as this is what mainly appears in the charts.

Spare time:She works at mcdonalds and volunteers with hedgehogs and goes out with friends.