  • Analisis & Perancangan SistemAmer Sharif S.Si, [email protected] 965 1492Penilaian:Tugas, Quiz, Kehadiran:40%UTS, UAS: 60%Toleransi kehadiran: 10 menit setelah kuliah mulaiNO Gadgets selama kuliah!

  • Introduction to System Analysis and DevelopmentThe Value of Analysis and DesignComponents of ISEthical Issues

    Bahan dari:Dr Manolya KavakliSenior Lecturer Department of Computer ScienceMacquarie University

    Read: Ch 1 [Shelly]

  • Chapter Objectives Discuss the impact of information technology on business strategy and successDefine an information system and describe its componentsIdentify various types of information systems and explain who uses them

  • Chapter ObjectivesExplain modeling, prototyping, and CASE toolsDistinguish between structured analysis and object-oriented analysisCompare the systems development life cycle waterfall model to adaptive modelsDiscuss the role of the information technology department and the systems analysts who work thereDiscuss Ethical Issues

  • IntroductionMengapa perusahaan menggunakan informasi?Perusahaan menggunakan informasi sbg senjata dalam perang utk:meningkatkan produktifitasmenyediakan produk dan layanan bermutumenjaga kesetiaan pelanggan, danmembuat keputusan bijakTeknologi Informasi dapat menjadi pembeda antara sukses dan gagal

  • Definition of Information TechnologyWhat is IT?Information Technology Kombinasi produk hardware dan software dan layanan yang digunakan perusahaanUntuk apa teknologi informasi bagi perusahaan?manage, access, communicate, and share information.Sebagai aset vital yang harus digunakan:Secara efektifTerus di-updateDijaga baik

  • The Impact of ITWho uses Internet most in the world?a)Asia b)America c)Australia d)Europe e)AfricaInternet Usage (% of population)Asia: 9.9% and Middle East: 9.6%North America: 68.6%Australia: 52.6%Europe: 36.1%Africa: 2.6%The Future of ITIT sector mencapai hampir 30% pertumbuhan ekonomi Amerika, dan selisih upah pekerja TI dgn bidang lain akan terus melebarPopulasi online global meningkat tajam antara 2000 and 2007

  • The Impact of ITApakah Peranan Systems Analysis and Design?Systems Analysis and Design:Proses tahap-demi-tahap untuk membangun sistem informasi berkualitas-tinggiApa yang dikombinasikan Sistem Informasi?IT,People, andData utk mendukung kebutuhan bisnis.Siapa yang akan membangun Sistem Informasi?Systems Analyst:Plan, develop, and maintain information systems.

  • The Impact of ITApa saja metode utk membangun Sistem Informasi?Perush. dpt membangun sendiri SI dgnIn-house applicationsSoftware packages from outside vendorsInternet-based application services OutsourcingCustom solutions from IT consultantsEnterprise-wide software strategies

    Meluncurkan SI sendiri beresikoBagaimana versus ApaRumuskan Apa yg harus dilakukan sistemSebelum Bagaimana sistem akan dibuat

  • Introduction to Information System ComponentsA system:Himpunan komponen yg berkaitan dan mengeluarkan hasil tertentuSistem mission-critical:Sistem yg vital bg operasi perush.Data: Fakta daar yg menjadi bahan mentah sistemInformation:Data yg telah diolah menjadi berharga bagi user

  • Hardware Consists of everything in the physical layer of ISE.g., servers, workstations, networks, telecomm. equipment, scanners.SoftwareRefers to the programs that control the hardware and produce the desired information or results.Types of Software: System software manages hardware components Operating system, security software, device drivers, etc. Application software supports day to day business functionsorder processing systems, payroll systems, company communications networksspreadsheets, word processors, database systems

    Information System Components

  • Types of Application softwareEnterprise applications (company wide applications such as order processing systems, payroll systems, company communications networks)(on a smaller scale, spreadsheets, word processors, database systems)Horizontal systems (inventory or payroll application) that can be adapted for use in many different types of companies) Vertical systems designed to meet the unique requirements of a specific businessLegacy systemsnew systems to interface with older systems

  • Information System Components

    Data TablesLinking

  • Information System ComponentsProcesses Define the tasks and business functions that users, managers, and IT staff members perform to achieve specific resultsPeopleUsers, or end users, are the people who interact with an information system, both inside and outside the company

  • Understanding The BusinessBusiness Process ModelingMenggambarkan operasi dan kebutuhan informasi perusahaanBusiness ProfileMenggambarkan keseluruhan fungsi, proses, produk, layanan perusahaanBusiness ModelsGambaran grafis proses bisnisAirline reservation, selling a ticketUntuk menyederhanakan operasionaldigunakanBusiness process reengineering (BPR)

  • Understanding The Business Kinds of CompaniesProduct-orientedService-orientedInternet-dependentDot-com (.com) companies such as Google, Yahoo, e-BayBrick-and-mortar companies such as K-Mart, Target, etc.

  • Impact of the InternetE-Commerce or I-CommerceInternet based commerceIncludes two main sectors:B2C (Business-to-Consumer)Consumers go online and purchase products and using a traditional auction conceptB2B (Business-to-Business)Important to reduce costs Allows smaller suppliers to contact large customersStarted with EDI Electronic Data Interchange (company to company data sharing arrangements)Extensible markup language (XML) enabled company to company traffic using Web based communication.Supplier relationship management (SRM) is a form of interaction to submit specifications for business transactions.

  • Bagaimana Bisnis Memanfaatkan Sistem InformasiDulu, manajer TI membagi sistem berdasarkan kelompok user yang dilayani sistemOffice systems (for admin staff)Operational systems (for operational personnel)Decision support systems (for middle managers)Executive information systems (for top managers)

  • Bagaimana Bisnis Memanfaatkan Sistem InformasiSekarang, lebih masuk akal mengenali sistem berdasarkan fungsinya, daripada usernyaEnterprise computing systemsTransaction processing systemsBusiness support systemsKnowledge management systemsUser productivity systems

  • Bagaimana Bisnis Memanfaatkan Sistem InformasiEnterprise computing systemsMendukung kebutuhan data operasional dan manajemen seluruh perusahaanK-Marts inventory control systemSingapore Airlines reservation systemTransaction processing systemsEfisien karena mengolah sejumlah perintah yang terkait-transaksi sebagai satu kesatuan daripada satu persatuCustomer order processingWarranty claim processing

  • Bagaimana Bisnis Memanfaatkan Sistem InformasiBusiness support systemsMenyediakan informasi sesuai-pekerjaan semua user di perusahaanManagement information systems (MIS)Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) untuk melacak barang memakai tag

  • Bagaimana Bisnis Memanfaatkan Sistem InformasiKnowledge management systemsDisebut Expert SystemsMenirukan penalaran manusia dengan mengkombinasikan knowledge base and inference rulesBanyak memakai fuzzy logic User productivity systemsTechnology yg meningkatkan productivityEmail, voice mail, fax, video conferencing, internet.Groupware enables users to share data, collaborate, and work in teams.

  • Bagaimana Bisnis Memanfaatkan Sistem InformasiIntegrasi sistem informasiKebanyakan perusahaan besar butuh sistem yang dapat menggabungkan transaction processing, business support, knowledge management, dan fitur user productivity.Warranty claim menjadi suatu transaction processing system, meng-updates suatu knowledge management system untuk melacak masalah product, dansebuah quality control system dengan kemampuan decision support.

  • Pengguna Sistem Informasi dan KebutuhannyaTop managersStrategic plansMiddle Managers and Knowledge WorkersDirection, resources, performance feedbackSupervisors and Team Leaders Operational and day-to day functionsOperational EmployeesUse TP systems and perform jobs

  • Tools & Teknik Pengembangan SistemPemodelanMenghasilkan representasi grafis konsep atau proses yg dapat dianalisis, diuji, dan diubah oleh pengembang sistem Business model / model Requirements (Kebutuhan) Menggambarkan informasi yg harus disediakan sistemData modelMenggambarkan struktur dan rancangan dataObject modelMenggambarkan objek, yang menggabungkan data dan prosesNetwork modelMenggambarkan rancangan dan protokol sambungan telekomunikasiProcess modelMenggambarkan logika yang digunakan programmer utk menulis kode modul-modul

  • Tools & Teknik Pengembangan SistemMenguji konsep sistem dengan PrototypingPrototype:Versi awal sistem informasi yg sudah dpt berjalanManfaat: sangat mempercepat proses pengembanganKelemahan: keputusan penting dapat dibuat terlalu dini, sebelum masalah-masalah bisnis dan TI sepenuhnya dipahamiDapat menjadi alat bantu yg sangat berharga

  • Tools & Teknik Pengembangan SistemAlat bantu Computer-Aided Systems Engineering (CASE)Disebut juga computer-aided software engineeringTeknik yg memanfaatkan software yg disebut CASE tools utk membantu system analyst mengembangkan dan mengelola SIMicrosoft ProjectMicrosoft Visio

  • Metode Pengembangan SistemAnalisis TerstrukturMenggunakan serangkaian fase yg disebut Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)Utk merencanakan, menganalisis, merancang, mengimplementasi, dan mengelola SIPendekatan yg prediktifMenggunakan sejumlah model proses utk menggambarkan sistem secara grafisTeknik yg menekankan pd proses

  • Metode Pengembangan SistemAnalisis Berorientasi-ObjekAnalisis OO (Object-Oriented) menggabungkan data & proses menjadi objekObjek (mis. mahasiswa/dosen/pelanggan/order) adalah anggota suatu class (mis. orang)Objek memiliki sifat (properties) (mis. alamat/status)Method mengubah properties objekSebuah pesan (message) meminta suatu perilaku atau informasi tertentu dari sebuah objek lainVisual Basic, Java, C++

  • Perencanaan dan Pemodelan Proyek Pengembangan SistemMetode OO (model interaktif) cenderung kurang sekuensial/berurutan dan lebih interaktif dibanding SDLC (model waterfall) yg lebih prediktif.Ada juga pendekatan adaptif/iterative (menggunakan model spiral)Selain menentukan metode pengembangan, pengembang sistem harus membuat rencana atau model bagi berbagai pekerjaan yg akan dibutuhkanBiasanya tim pengembangan menggunakan tool manajemen proyek utk memperoleh hasil akhirnya

  • Pendekatan adaptif menggunakan model spiralSejumlah prototype yg berkembang menjadi produk akhirPerencanaan dan Pemodelan Proyek Pengembangan Sistem

  • Perencanaan dan Pemodelan Proyek Pengembangan SistemAnalisis Terstruktur menggunakan SDLC (Model Waterfall)Hasil setiap fase disebut deliverable atau produk akhir yg mengalir secara berurutanKelemahan: model waterfall kurang menekankan interaktifitas di antara fase-fase tsbKritik ini bisa benar jika fase SDLC dijalankan secara kakuMeskipun demikian, fase yg berurutan biasanya berinteraksi

  • Perencanaan dan Pemodelan Proyek Pengembangan SistemModel Waterfall SDLCBiasanya terdiri atas lima tahapSystems planningSystems analysisSystems designSystems implementationSystems operation, support, and security

  • Perencanaan dan Pemodelan Proyek Pengembangan SistemSystems planningPermintaan/request thd sistemTujuan fase ini adalah penelitian awal yg bagian utamanya adalah studi kelayakanSystems AnalysisTahap pertama adalah pemodelan kebutuhan/ requirementsProduk akhirnya adalah dokumen Kebutuhan Sistem

  • Perencanaan dan Pemodelan Proyek Pengembangan SistemSystems DesignIdentifikasi semua input, proses, dan outputProduk akhirnya adalah spesifikasi rancangan sistemSystems ImplementationSistem baru dibangunUser, manager, staf IT dilatih utk menggunakan dan men-support sistemDilakukan evaluasi thd sistem

  • Perencanaan dan Pemodelan Proyek Pengembangan SistemSystems Operation, Support, and SecuritySistem yg dirancang dgn baik harus aman, andal, dpt dipelihara, dan dpt berkembang (scalable)Setelah operasional selama beberapa tahun, biasanya sistem akan butuh perubahan besarSDLC berakhir dgn penggantian sistem

  • Perencanaan dan Pemodelan Proyek Pengembangan SistemMetode dan Model AdaptiveBerusaha membangun sistem secara incremental (sedikit demi sedikit), dgn membangun sejumlah prototype dan terus menyesuaikannya dgn kebutuhan userExtreme Programming (XP)Proses interaktif antara pengembang dan userAnalyst harus dapat melihat kelebihan dan kekurangan cara pendekatan seperti ini

  • Perencanaan dan Pemodelan Proyek Pengembangan SistemMetode dan Model Joint Application Development dan Rapid Application DevelopmentJoint Application Development (JAD)Fase pencari-fakta berbasis-timRapid Application Development (RAD)Pendekatan berbasis-tim thd seluruh proses pengembangan sistemMetode dan model Pengembangan lainRational Unified Process (RUP)Proses iterative utk mengelola proyek pengembangan softwareMicrosoft Solutions Framework (MSF)Mirip dgn SDLC tapi mendokumentasikan pengalaman tim pengembangan software-nya sendiriSoftware Engineering - Microsoft Visual Studio Team System.mp4

  • Perencanaan dan Pemodelan Proyek Pengembangan SistemPentingnya Manajemen ProyekTerlepas dari strategi pengembangan yg dipilih, orang, pekerjaan, jadwal, dan biaya harus dikelola dgn efektifProyek besar dpt melibatkan lusinan orang, ratusan pekerjaan, dan ratusan juta rupiah

  • Pedoman Pengembangan SistemTetap ikuti rencanaLibatkan user sepanjang proses pengembanganMenyimak sangatlah pentingGunakan tool manajemen proyek utk mengidentifikasi pekerjaan dan milestoneTetap fleksibelSusunlah informasi cost and benefit yang akurat

  • Information Technology DepartmentDepartemen Information Technology (IT) biasanya yg membangun dan memelihara sistem informasi di perusahaan

  • Information Technology DepartmentApplication DevelopmentTeam may include users, managers and IT Staff membersSystems Support and SecurityDeployment teamUser SupportHelp desk or information center (IC)

  • Information Technology DepartmentDatabase AdministrationDatabase design, management, security, backup, and user accessNetwork AdministrationIncludes hardware and software maintenance, support, and securityWeb SupportWebmasters

  • Information Technology DepartmentQuality Assurance (QA)Me-review dan menguji semua aplikasi dan perubahan sistem utk verifikasi thd spesifikasi dan standar mutu softwareMerupakan unit terpisah yg melapor langsung ke manajemen IT

  • The Systems AnalystMeneliti, menganalisis, merancang, membangun, meng-install, mengevaluasi, dan memelihara sistem informasi perusahaanPada proyek-proyek besar, analyst bekerja sbg anggota tim departemen ITPerusahaan kecil umumnya menggunakan konsultan utk melakukan pekerjaan ini

  • The Systems Analyst PositionTanggung jawabMenerjemahkan kebutuhan bisnis menjadi proyek TIKeterampilan dan Latar Belakang yang DiperlukanKemampuan komunikasi dan analisis yg kuatWho is a Systems Analyst.mp4A Day in the Life - Computer Systems Analyst.mp4

  • The Systems Analyst PositionCertificationCisco, Microsoft, ITILCareer OpportunitiesJob titlesCompany organizationCompany sizeCorporate cultureSalary, location, and future growth

  • EthicsEthical behaviour could be viewed as decent, fair, good, honest or moral behaviourEthical standards:framed by the society in which you choose to workProfessional bodies usually have a code of ethics and will expel members who fail to uphold it.The pressures on many businesses can result in legal but not ethical behaviour however the advantage gained is usually short-livedGood ethics usually means good business.

  • The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics1. Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people. 2. Thou shalt not interfere with other peoples computer work. 3. Thou shalt not snoop around in other peoples computer files. 4. Thou shalt not use a computer to steal.5. Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false witness. 6. Thou shalt not copy or use proprietary software for which you have not paid.

  • The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics7.Thou shalt not use other peoples computer resources without authorization or proper compensation. 8. Thou shalt not appropriate other peoples intellectual output. 9. Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the program you are writing or the system you are designing. 10. Thou shalt always use a computer in ways that insure consideration and respect for your fellow human

  • Computer EthicsMenurut ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)? Jelaskan!

  • The British Computer Society Code Of Conduct The BCS Code of Conduct is used here as an example:Members shall carry out work with due care and diligence in accordance with the requirements of the employer or clientand shall, if their professional judgment is overruled, indicate the likely consequences.Members shall endeavour to complete work undertaken on time and to budget and shall advise their employer or client as soon as practicable if any overrun is foreseen.

  • Code Of ConductMembers shall not offer or provide, or receive in return, inducement for the introduction of business from a client unless there is full prior disclosure of the facts to the client.Members shall not disclose or authorise, to be disclosed, or use for personal gain or to benefit a third party, confidential information acquired in the course of professional practice, except with prior written permission of the employer or client, or at the direction of a court of law.Members shall not purport to exercise independent judgment on behalf of a client on any product or service in which they knowingly have any interest, financial or otherwise.

  • Ethical Behaviour?You have bought a CD for home use, your car has a tape deck. Is it ok to make a copy of the CD for use in the car?You are an IS manager, you think that one of your staff is about to leave and this will have an adverse effect on a major project. Is it ok to check over their desk when they are not there? What about their email and telephone logs?Under what circumstances would you recommend a hardware company with which you had a relationship with?Is it OK to use a company computer to play single user video games during the lunch break? Would your view be different if you were a manager?

  • Week SummaryIT is a combination of hardware, software, and telecommunications systems that support businessThe essential components of an information system are hardware, software, data, processes, and peopleCompanies are production oriented, service oriented, or a combination of the twoOrganization structure usually includes levels

  • Week SummarySystems analyst use modeling, prototyping, and CASE toolsVarious development methodologies existRegardless of the development model, it is important to use project management tools necessary to manage people, tasks, timetables, and expensesAn IT department develops, maintains and operates a companys information systems

  • Week SummarySystems analysts need a combination of technical and business knowledge, analytical ability, and communication

    Week 1 complete
