  • Noun head Adjectival head ntrebarea nr. 121 Generative Grammars are synthetic. Adevrat Fals ntrebarea nr. 122 Sentences used by speakers to express feelings are called _______ sentences. ntrebarea nr. 123 N, V, A, Av, P are _______ categories. ntrebarea nr. 124 Causative verbs are always transitive. Adevrat Fals ntrebarea nr. 125 Arrange the following constituents so as to form a correct sentence. - 1. 2. 3. 4. moved - 1. 2. 3. 4. along - 1. 2. 3. 4. The police - 1. 2. 3. 4. the spectators ntrebarea nr. 126 In the sentence This teacher is in need of money the underlined constituent is: Predicative AP Predicative PP Predicative NP PO

    KATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATATypewritten TextexclamatoryKATAHighlightKATATypewritten TextlexicalKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlight
  • ntrebarea nr. 127 The verb cut has the following set of thematic roles co-related with its Subject and Object, respectively: agent V - patient experiencer- V - theme theme- V - benefactive theme- V experiencer ntrebarea nr. 128 Universal Grammar works with: a system of principles a set of parameters a list of syntactic functions a set of parts of speech ntrebarea nr. 129 Match the underlined constituents on the left with their syntactic function on the right: - A. B. C. D. He is Secretary of State. - A. B. C. D. There must be a mistake. - A. B. C. D. Sheila married Jim last summer. - A. B. C. D. She was born a poet. A. Predicative B. Subject C. DO D. Predicative Adjunct ntrebarea nr. 130 Inflection assigns ________ case to the Subject in Specifier position. ntrebarea nr. 131 Choose the correct list specifying the type of BE in the sequence of sentences: She was envious of my blouse./This is first-rate./ She is cooking. /She is deserving of a good mark. /The conference is tomorrow.

    KATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATATypewritten TextpredicativeKATATypewritten TextsubjectKATATypewritten TextDOKATATypewritten Textpredicative adjunctKATAHighlightKATATypewritten TextnominativeKATAHighlight
  • Copula/copula/auxiliary/copula/existential Copula/existential/auxiliary/auxiliary/copula Copula/copula/copula/auxiliary/existential Existential/copula/auxiliary/copula/existential ntrebarea nr. 132 Which category below forms an open class: N Inflection V Av ntrebarea nr. 133 Arrange the following constituents so as to form a correct sentence. - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. lectures - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. on Greek philosophy - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. every Tuesday - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. to the second year students - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Professor Smith ntrebarea nr. 134 Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: He offered the lady a bunch of roses. Cognate Direct Object Prepositional Object Indirect Object Direct Object ntrebarea nr. 135 What is true about the head of a phrase: it is the obligatory element it determines the properties of the phrase it determines the distribution of the phrase it cannot take a complement

  • ntrebarea nr. 136 Which is the head of the phrase beyond repair: Adverbial head Prepositional head Adjectival head Verb head ntrebarea nr. 137 Determiners, Inflection, Complementizers are _________ categories. ntrebarea nr. 138 Choose the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: After his wifes death he lives a miserable life. Direct Object Indirect Object Predicative Adjunct to the Subject / Subject Complement Cognate Object ntrebarea nr. 139 In the sentence He was born a looser the underlined constituent is: Predicative AP DO Predicative Adjunct to the subject / Subject Complement Predicative Adjunct to the Object / Object Complement ntrebarea nr. 140 In the sentence He fell a victim to his new boss the syntactic function of the underlined constituent is: Predicative Predicative Adjunct to the Subject Adverbial Modifier of Manner Direct Object

    KATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATATypewritten TextfunctionalKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlight
  • ntrebarea nr. 141 The verb irritate has the following set of thematic roles co-related with its Subject and Object, respectively: agent V - patient experiencer- V - theme theme- V - benefactive theme- V experiencer ntrebarea nr. 142 Universal Grammar views language as an ______ faculty. ntrebarea nr. 143 Verbs subcategorize as to their Complements and Adjuncts. Adevrat Fals ntrebarea nr. 144 Arrange the following constituents so as to form a correct sentence (with empasis on the prepositional object). - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. our private arrangement - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. has been let - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. someone - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. in - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. On ntrebarea nr. 145 The verb love has the following set of thematic roles co-related with its Subject and Object, respectively: agent V - patient experiencer- V - patient theme- V - benefactive theme- V experiencer ntrebarea nr. 146 Specify the thematic role of the italicized constituent in the sentence: Cain killed Abel. experiencer

    KATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATATypewritten TextinnateKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlight
  • agent theme / patient goal ntrebarea nr. 147 The Inflection Phrase represents the constituent structure of the sentence. Adevrat Fals ntrebarea nr. 148 Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: It was snowing. Subject expressed by demonstrative IT Subject expressed by impersonal IT Subject expressed by anticipatory IT Subject expressed by emphatic IT ntrebarea nr. 149 In the sentence Students love syntax the thematic role of the underlined constituent is: theme / patient goal experiencer none ntrebarea nr. 150 Match the underlined constituents on the left with their syntactic function on the right: - A. B. C. D. He gave Mary a bunch of roses. - A. B. C. D. She carved the chicken. - A. B. C. D. The young man carved this statue. - A. B. C. D. He was appointed director. A. Predicative Adjunct to the Subject / Subject Complement B. Effected DO C. Affected DO D. IO ntrebarea nr. 151 In the sentence They are to arrive at 6 p.m BE is:

    KATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATATypewritten Textpredicative adjunctKATATypewritten Texteffected DOKATATypewritten Textaffected DOKATATypewritten TextKATATypewritten TextIOKATAHighlight
  • copula auxiliary modal substitute main verb ntrebarea nr. 152 Transitivity is defined according to a semantic criterion. Adevrat Fals ntrebarea nr. 153 All Indirect Objects in English are taken by ditransitive verbs. Adevrat Fals ntrebarea nr. 154 Syntactic categories refer to Phrases (Sentences included). Adevrat Fals ntrebarea nr. 155 Arrange the following constituents so as to form a correct sentence. - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. to a different way of thinking - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. We - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. brought - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. around - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. them ntrebarea nr. 156 Finite Verb forms are obligatorily marked by: Tense Modality Tense and Agreement Aspect

  • ntrebarea nr. 157 Match the underlined constituents on the left with their syntactic function on the right: - A. B. C. D. He is at table with this domain - A. B. C. D. There are many mistakes in this paper. - A. B. C. D. The bus collided with the van. - A. B. C. D. She lives a miserable life. A. Cognate Object B. PO C. Subject D. Predicative ntrebarea nr. 158 The verb belong has the following set of thematic roles co-related with its Subject and Object, respectively: agent V - patient experiencer- V - theme theme- V - benefactive theme- V experiencer ntrebarea nr. 159 Copulative predicates are made up of: an auxiliary BE and a Noun Phrase a copula-like verb and an Object a transitive verb and a Predicative a copular verb and a Predicative ntrebarea nr. 160 Unergatives assign the theta-role of _______ to their single argument. ntrebarea nr. 161 In the sentence Her hair is of a copper shade the Predicative is: PP AP NP CP ntrebarea nr. 162 Which subclasses below enter the class of simple intransitives:

    KATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATATypewritten TextpredicativeKATATypewritten TextsubjectKATATypewritten TextPOKATATypewritten Textcognate subjectKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATATypewritten TextAgent/agentKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlight
  • unergatives unaccusatives ergatives passivals ntrebarea nr. 163 The verb belong has the following set of thematic roles co-related with its Subject and Object, respectively: agent V - patient experiencer- V - theme theme- V - benefactive theme- V experiencer ntrebarea nr. 164 Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: She decorated the house in vintage fashion. Non-contrastive Direct Object affected Direct Object effected Direct Object Indirect Object ntrebarea nr. 165 Match the underlined constituents on the left with their syntactic function on the right: - A. B. C. D. The girl bowed to the audience. - A. B. C. D. He lectures to the students on drama. - A. B. C. D. He was arguing with his wife about money. - A. B. C. D. The dress costs 200$. A. Quantifying Adverbial B. PO PO C. IO PO D. IO ntrebarea nr. 166 Specify the Phrase functioning as Predicative in the sentence: She is interested in chemistry. CP (clause) PP AP NP

    KATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATATypewritten Textquantifying adverbialKATATypewritten TextPO POKATATypewritten TextIO POKATATypewritten TextIOKATAHighlightKATAHighlight
  • ntrebarea nr. 167 Select the subcategory of the underlined verb in the sentence: The book sold like hot cakes. causative ergative unergative middle ntrebarea nr. 168 Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: She closed the door with fury. Reciprocal Indirect Object Direct Object Adverbial of Manner Prepositional Object ntrebarea nr. 169 Choose the thematic role of the italicized constituent in the sentence: Each month the budget gets worse. experiencer agent theme / patient goal ntrebarea nr. 170 Choose the thematic role of the italicized constituent in the sentence: Cain killed Abel. experiencer goal theme / patient agent ntrebarea nr. 171 Choose the answer which best fits the set of subcategorization features of the verb to become: [ _ Pred NP], [ _AP], [ _PP] [ _ AP}, [ _PP] [ _AP], [ _ toInf] [ _ AP]

  • ntrebarea nr. 172 In the sentence Her hair is like honey the Predicative has the logico-semantic function of: equative predicative attributive (class-membership) predicative attributive (class-inclusion) predicative attributive (reciprocal) predicative ntrebarea nr. 173 Copulative predicates are made up of: a copular verb and a Predicative AP a copular verb and a Predicative NP a copular verb and a Predicative PP all of the above ntrebarea nr. 174 Select the subcategory of the underlined verb in the sentence: The two peasants were toiling hard. causative ergative unergative middle ntrebarea nr. 175 In the sentence The letter is being written BE is: copula auxiliary modal substitute main verb ntrebarea nr. 176 In the sentence He is to come at 6 p.m BE is: copula auxiliary modal substitute main verb

  • ntrebarea nr. 177 Transformations do not alter the meaning of syntactic constructions. Adevrat Fals ntrebarea nr. 178 Which sentence is correct: The fierce animal was being looked straight at. Disrepute has been fallen into. The inferior clerks were frequently got at by the boss. Grips werer got with the deficiency in ten minutes by them. ntrebarea nr. 179 Syntactic categories designate: words phrases relations functions ntrebarea nr. 180 Find the correspondence between the bold items in the sentences and the subtypes of BE - A. B. C. D. The letter is being written. - A. B. C. D. There are two books on the table. - A. B. C. D. They are to arrive at 9 p.m. - A. B. C. D. Seeing is believing. A. copula B. auxiliary C. modal substitute D. main verb ntrebarea nr. 181 The Phonological Level provides information relevant to the _________ system. ntrebarea nr. 182 Consider the following words as used with their primary meaning: table, likely, hardly, go. Co-relate them with the lexical category they belong to.

    KATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATATypewritten TextauxiliaryKATATypewritten Textmain verbKATATypewritten Textmodal substituteKATATypewritten Textmain verbKATAHighlightKATATypewritten TextarticulatoryKATAHighlight
  • - A. B. C. D. table - A. B. C. D. hardly - A. B. C. D. go - A. B. C. D. likely A. Adjective B. Noun C. Verb D. Adverb ntrebarea nr. 183 Deep Structure is the level of the basic syntactic configuration upon which meaning is determined. Adevrat Fals ntrebarea nr. 184 In the sentence Cats are mammals the Predicative has the logico-semantic function of: equative predicative attributive (class-membership) predicative attributive (class-inclusion) predicative attributive (reciprocal) predicative ntrebarea nr. 185 Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Our people will never surrender to foreign invaders. Adverbial of Place Prepositional Object Indirect Object Direct Object ntrebarea nr. 186 Unaccusatives assign the theta role of _______ to their single argument. ntrebarea nr. 187 Inflection, determiners, and degree adverbs are lexical categories. Adevrat

    KATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATATypewritten TextnounKATATypewritten TextadverbKATATypewritten TextverbKATATypewritten TextadverbKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATATypewritten TextthemeKATAHighlight
  • Fals ntrebarea nr. 188 In the sentence The government is dealing with many economic problems the underlined item is: exclusively predicative adjective exclusively modifying adjective both predicative and modifying adverb ntrebarea nr. 189 Match the underlined constituents on the left with their syntactic function on the right: - A. B. C. D. The captain marched the soldiers up the hill. - A. B. C. D. There are many students in this group. - A. B. C. D. He has separated from his wife. - A. B. C. D. She lives a wonderful life. A. Cognate Object B. PO C. Subject D. DO ntrebarea nr. 190 In the sentence You may rest assured that our journey will be a success the syntactic function of the underlined constituent is: Predicative Predicative Adjunct to the Subject Adverbial Modifier of Manner Direct Object ntrebarea nr. 191 The verb believe has the following set of thematic roles co-related with its Subject and Object, respectively: agent V - patient experiencer- V - theme theme- V - benefactive theme- V experiencer ntrebarea nr. 192 Specify the thematic role of the italicized constituent in the sentence: I handed the pen to Bob.

    KATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATATypewritten TextDOKATATypewritten TextsubjectKATATypewritten TextPO KATATypewritten TextPOKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATATypewritten TextsauKATAHighlightKATAHighlightKATAHighlight
  • experiencer instrument theme / patient goal ntrebarea nr. 193 Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Discourse overlaps with cognitive psychology. Prepositional Object Reciprocal Prepositional Object Indirect Object Direct Object ntrebarea nr. 194 In the sentence My mother carved the chicken the underlined constituent is: Cognate Object Indirect Object Effected Object Affected Object ntrebarea nr. 195 Specify the syntactic function of the underlined constituent in the sentence: Joan is weaving a carpet on the porch. 'effected' Direct Object 'affected' Direct Object Indirect Object Predicative ntrebarea nr. 196 In the sentence Jenny carved the chicken the thematic role of the underlined constituent is: agent experiencer theme / patient benefactive ntrebarea nr. 197 Arrange the following constituents so as to form a correct sentence. - 1. 2. 3. 4. take - 1. 2. 3. 4. Many households

  • - 1. 2. 3. 4. lodgers - 1. 2. 3. 4. in ntrebarea nr. 198 Which is the correct answer regarding the syntactic analysis of the following sentence: Nothing could prevent him from climbing that dangerous peak. Subject, Predicate, Direct Object, Prepositional Object, Direct Object Subject, Predicate, Indirect Object, Prepositional Object, Direct Object Subject, Predicate, Indirect Object, Prepositional Object Clause, Direct Object Subject, Predicate, Direct Object, Prepositional Object Clause ntrebarea nr. 199 The correct theoretical statement is: Both traditional and generative grammars are prescriptive grammars. Structuralism uses notional definitions for the grammatical concepts. Traditional grammar analyses data objectively. Structuralism supplies a holistic conception of language, whereas traditional grammars supply an atomistic approach. ntrebarea nr. 200 In the sentence He was born a poet the syntactic function of the underlined constituent is: Predicative AP DO Predicative Adjunct to the Subject / Subject Complement Predicative Adjunct to the Object / Object Complemet
