Page 1: Mădălina Diaconu Urban drifting as a work methode of the creative class ESA Conference 2010 Udine

Mădălina Diaconu

Urban driftingas a work methode of the creative class

ESA Conference 2010 Udine

Page 2: Mădălina Diaconu Urban drifting as a work methode of the creative class ESA Conference 2010 Udine

Mădălina Diaconu – Urban drifting

ESA Conference 2010 Udine

“Les fleuves m’ont laissé descendre où je voulais.” (Rimbaud)

“Allez-vous faire influencer.” (Gil J Wolman)

Page 3: Mădălina Diaconu Urban drifting as a work methode of the creative class ESA Conference 2010 Udine

Mădălina Diaconu – Urban drifting

ESA Conference 2010 Udine

What is drifting?

Dérive (Debord):1.drain off water (12th century)2.leave the shore (rive) (14th century)3.(nautic) to drift (16th century)

Drifting as: • physical locomotion (strolling)• work method of the creative class • way of life

Paradoxical project of steering casualness

Page 4: Mădălina Diaconu Urban drifting as a work methode of the creative class ESA Conference 2010 Udine

Mădălina Diaconu – Urban drifting

ESA Conference 2010 Udine

The flâneur: empathy at distance(Walter Benjamin)

Conversion of historic knowledge into emotional knowledge

Emotional intensity and reflexive distance

Ivresse (Baudelaire, Benjamin) & Blasiertheit (Simmel)

Otium and negotium: the flâneur‘s productive „idleness“; trendscouter and agent on the market of ideas.

Page 5: Mădălina Diaconu Urban drifting as a work methode of the creative class ESA Conference 2010 Udine

Mădălina Diaconu – Urban drifting

ESA Conference 2010 Udine

The social reporter: hostage of impressions (Siegfried Kracauer)

Primacy of emotions → loss of self-control → no methodical drifting

I wanted to cross speedily the short distance which was separating me from the thoroughfare. But it suddenly happened: No sooner had I detached myself from the white, exaggerated high theatre wall than I felt it hard to go further, as if invisible nets would have held me back. The street where I was did not let me free.

Ethical flâneur: city of poverty, violence,indifference

Page 6: Mădălina Diaconu Urban drifting as a work methode of the creative class ESA Conference 2010 Udine

Mădălina Diaconu – Urban drifting

ESA Conference 2010 Udine

Constructing situations(Situationism)

Guy Debord, Gil J Wolman, Isidore Isou, Asger Jorn etc.

New means of action – programme of social change

Reaction to the crisis of modern culture, functionalism and consumerism

Creation of playful environments

Techniques of conditioning moods

Dérive: „a technique of rapid passage through varied ambiances“, „the practice of a passional journey out of the ordinary through a rapid changing of ambiances”

Page 7: Mădălina Diaconu Urban drifting as a work methode of the creative class ESA Conference 2010 Udine

Mădălina Diaconu – Urban drifting

ESA Conference 2010 Udine

Page 8: Mădălina Diaconu Urban drifting as a work methode of the creative class ESA Conference 2010 Udine

Mădălina Diaconu – Urban drifting

ESA Conference 2010 Udine

Constructing situations(Situationism)

Alternative to Kevin Lynch’s “image of the city” (legibility, orientation, identification)

Object of psychogeography:

„[…] exact laws and specific effects of geographical environments, whether consciously organized or not, on the emotions and behavior of individuals“

Ephemeral situations: passages

Page 9: Mădălina Diaconu Urban drifting as a work methode of the creative class ESA Conference 2010 Udine

Mădălina Diaconu – Urban drifting

ESA Conference 2010 Udine

The stroller’s freedom

Contemporary commodification of feelings

(Post)modern aestheticism and the flâneur‘s ethics

Social and economic conditions of the flânerie

The fitness of the consumer‘s body (Bauman)

Page 10: Mădălina Diaconu Urban drifting as a work methode of the creative class ESA Conference 2010 Udine

Mădălina Diaconu – Urban drifting

ESA Conference 2010 Udine

Hobo and urban research(Robert E. Park)

The urban sociologist asa „tramper through cities“

The Hobo‘s Mind (1915):• existential homelessness• artistic temperament: hobo poets

„[…] for the hobo is the bohemian in the rank of common labor.“

Page 11: Mădălina Diaconu Urban drifting as a work methode of the creative class ESA Conference 2010 Udine

Mădălina Diaconu – Urban drifting

ESA Conference 2010 Udine

The Tramp’s improvisations(Charlie Chaplin)

From existential drifting to creative improvisation as a way of life

Parody of the flâneur and dandy

Social mimicry

Passion for individual freedom vs. solidarity

Drifting as narrative technique

The situationists‘ critique: „swindler of feelings and suffering“

The Circus (1928)

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Mădălina Diaconu – Urban drifting

ESA Conference 2010 Udine

Univ.-Doz. DDr. Mădălina DiaconuInstitut für Philosophie der Universität [email protected]://