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    "Your medically-base

    on magnetic field

    - William Pawluk,

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    Before getting in-depth on the applications of

    magnetic fields you want to take notice of the

    following 27 principles.

    The infprovidintendeducatpurposdoes nplacediagnotreatmfrom ahealthpractitiBecaumagnecan haeffects


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    Principle 1: Magnetic fields go through the body as if it wasnt even there even thebones are essentially transparent.

    Principle 2: The shape of the magnetic fields produced by a given device dependson the coil design. Understand your devices coil design to know where and how toposition the applicator(s) or the device.


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    field th(MFTs



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    Principle 3: The strength of the magnetic fields drops off with distance from thesurface of the device. This is much more important with static magnets than pulsedelectromagnetic fields (PEMFs). It is not known what the lower therapy limits are forPEMFs in terms of field strength. More is not always better.

    Principle 4: The amount of time magnetic fields (MFs) are to be used clinicallydepends on the level and extent of the problem. Lower intensity fields are expectedto be able to be used for longer periods throughout a day than higher intensity.

    Likewise, often lower strength fields may take longer to work than higher strength.

    Principle 5: Higher strength fields or use of many other weaker for extended timesare more likely to cause aggravations.

    Principle 6: Let the body tell you what it needs. Every body is different. Every

    treatment session is like starting over again because the body will have changed atleast a little from one session to the next whether because of the treatment orbecause of external factors. If the body is readily accepting the treatments keepthem at the same duration, intensity and/or frequency or increase to the next step. Ifit is not accepting the MF well at any particular step, decrease the duration, intensityand/or frequency of treatments.

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  • 7/27/2019 Magneto Tera Pia 1


    Principle 7: For static magnets to be kept comfortably and easily on the body isoften the biggest challenge in getting acceptance for their use, especially in people

    who have limited patience or lack enough understanding of their potential value.

    Principle 8: Exposure to PEMFs is a bit like throwing stones in a pond. The ripplescarry on for long periods of time after the exposure.

    Principle 9: All PEMFs will produce harmonics with frequencies beyond the

    frequency/ies of the device used. It takes time for these harmonics to playthemselves out. Spread daily treatments out to allow these harmonics to developwith preferably a 6-8 hour gap between treatments.

    Principle 10: The use of single frequencies for long periods may lead to tolerance,with resulting escape from or loss of a benefit previously experienced. An exampleis that the scent of a rose in room is no longer perceived after some time is spent inthe same room even though the rose is still there.

    Principle 11: Mixing and matching energy devices or treatments with differentfrequencies may result in enhancement or may result in cancellation. There is littleresearch to guide combining technologies. Matching static magnets along withPEMFs can usually be complementary.


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    Principle 12: It is hard to heal depleted tissues. Nutrition needs to be sound and

    supplements may be very helpful. Since many MF effects are mediated throughions, especially calcium, sodium, and potassium, these ions and electrolytes needto be at normal levels in the body.

    Principle 13: Its easier and quicker to move an ion than to rebuild a tissue.

    Principle 14: MFs affect charge at the cell membrane and open membranechannels of all cells. This helps to rebalance and restore cell function. Restoreenough cells and tissues will function better.

    Principle 15: Circulation is improved by a large variety of MFs. This helps withhealing at a fundamental level.

    Principle 16: Muscle energy is improved with MFs, through myosin phosphorylation,among other processes.

    Principle 17: MFs may protect cells against injury by being used prophylactically


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    and post-injury, for example, before or after surgery.

    Principle 18: Treatment courses should be more intense, for example, daily, initially,until improvement is seen and then spread out to several times a week, then weeklyand then monthly. To do this is difficult from a time and cost basis unless a homesystem is being used, in which case daily treatments may be used until the issue isresolved.

    Principle 19: MFs used daily in the home may be considered a prevention or healthmaintenance program. Stress reduction is useful to almost everyone daily. MFshave many stress-reducing effects.

    Principle 20: There are major differences among different MF devices. Thesedifferences may be very important in what is being treated. There are distinctdifferences in the effects of devices at various frequency ranges from ELFs(extremely low frequencies), to VLFs (very low frequencies), to microwave level

    frequencies, radiofrequencies, infrared, ultraviolet range, etc. Know your devicescharacteristics to know what its best for and how best to use it. Find an expert toguide you in its best use.

    Principle 21: Just because a device is not FDA approved does not mean itsineffective or unsafe. FDA approval does give you more assurance that the device


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    will perform according to the claims made in the marketing literature supplied by themanufacturer, because the manufacturer has agreement from the FDA that the

    manufacturer has supplied satisfactory evidence to support the claims being made.It typically takes very large sums of money to get a device approved by the FDA.Only the biggest companies can afford to get these approvals.

    Principle 22: MF sensitivity happens in about 1-5% of individuals. Use of MFsshould be done with caution and proceed slowly with the amount of time of daily useand use of low field intensities, with only very gradual increases.

    Principle 23: Most people will feel some kind of sensation with a MF exposure different from person-to-person, depending on sensitivity.

    Principle 24: MF therapies are usually complementary to other therapies. Rarely areMFs the only modality that should be used to treat a given condition.

    Principle 25: MFs act in basic and fundamental ways in tissues and so they can behelpful across a vast array of health conditions.


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    Principle 26: MFs are useful for health maintenance not just for treatment.

    Principle 27: If a MF system is not working, consider first whether it is being usedproperly before deciding that MFs dont work. Remember the layering concept ofillness.

    Magnetic Field Basics

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    [email protected] 2005-2009 William Pawluk, M.D., M.Sc.

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  • 7/27/2019 Magneto Tera Pia 1


    The information provided on this web site is intended for educational purposes only.It does not take the place of proper diagnosis and/or treatment advice from a

    licensed healthcare practitioner

    Application Basics

    Even though I describe problems as being layered, the layers may happenindividually, several simultaneously or even all together. This makes it difficult toknow for certain which layers may be involved in a given problem or person.Almost always, pathologic level problems will have the other levels present to

    varying degrees, especially the pathophysiologic level. Once treatment is begun,the body will reveal its layering.

    Magnetoterapiade: Alina Popa | in: Terapii Naturiste | 12 December 2007 | 5 Comentarii

    Utilizarea de magneti pentru scopuri terapeutice sau magnetoterapia exista inca din antichitate. Omul

    atribuia puteri de vindecare pietrelor natural magnetice si medicii greci fabricau bari de metal

    magnetizat pentru a usura durerile provocate de artrita.

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    In evul mediu, magnetoterapia era recomandata pentru dezinfectarea plagilor si tratarea

    tulburarilor de sanatate, printre care artrita, otravirea si chelirea. Alchimistul Philippus Von Hohenheim, cunoscut sub

    numele de Paracelsius, credea ca magnetii erau capabili sa extraga raul din organism.

    In Statele Unite, dupa razboiul civil, vindecatorii, care strabateau tara, afirmau ca boala era cauzata de un dezechilibru al

    campurilor electromagnetice prezente in corp. Aplicarile de magneziu, sustineau ei, permiteau restaurarea functiilor

    organelor afectate si combaterea a numeroase rele: astm, paralizie etc.

    Astazi magnetii sunt inca folositi pentru a trata o mare varietate de probleme de sanatate, chiar daca probele stiintifice

    privind eficacitatea lor sunt inca relative putine. Se folosesc mai ales pentru a usura durerea asociata cu bolile cornice,

    cum ar fi artrita, neuropatiile diabetice si bolile de spate si pentru a favoriza cicatrizarea unei rani.

    Magnetii sunt deasemenea prezenti ca un mijloc in lupta impotriva simptomelor stresului, precum migrenele si insomnia.

    In medicina clasica, se apeleaza deseori la magneti pentru a trata fracturile care intarzie sa se vindece, mai ales in cazul

    oaselor lungi ca tibia.

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    Magnetii se gasesc intr-o mare varietate de forme, greutati si preturi. Sunt compusi din fier, otel sau aliaj de metale. Se

    poarta precum bijuteriile, bratarile, inelele sau cerceii. Se introduce si in interiorul talpii pantofului. Se fac bandaje sau

    pansamente pe care le punem sau le infasam in jurul locului dureros. Pot lua chiar si forma unei perne sau saltea.

    Cand magnetii sunt purtati pe corp, ii plasam direct pe regiunea dureroasa sau pe un punct folosit de acupunctura.

    Puterea campului lor electromagnetic este in general de 400-800 gauss. Cu cat distanta dintre corp si magneziu este mai

    mare, cu atat mai puternic trebuie sa fie magnetul. Intr-o saltea, puterea sa ar putea atinge 4000 de gauss si chiar mai


    Exista doua tipuri de categorii de magneti: magneti statici sau permanenti, al caror camp electromagnetic este stabil, si

    magneti pulsari al caror camp magnetic variaza si trebuie sa fie legati la o sursa electrica.

    Majoritatea magnetilor ce se gasesc pe piata apartin primei categorii. Sunt magneti cu o intensitate slaba de care ne putem

    servi de o maniera autonoma si individuala. Magnetii pulsari sunt vanduti sub forma de micute aparate portative sau sunt

    folositi in cabinet sub supraveghere medicala.

    De asemenea, exista o noua tehnica numita stimulare magnetic transcraniana care este mai ales folosita pentru tratarea


    Cum functioneaza magnetoterapia?

    Modul de actiune a magnetoterapiei ramane un mister. Nu stim cum campurile magnetice influenteaza mecanismele

    biologice. Mai multe ipoteze au fost emise, dar nici una nu a fost dovedita pana acum. Conform celei mai raspandite

    ipoteze, campurile electromagnetice actioneaza stimuland functionarea celulelor.


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    Altele sustin ca aceste campuri activeaza circulatia sanguina, ceea ce favorizeaza aportul de oxigen si nutrimente sau ca

    fierul continut in sange ar juca un rol de conductor de energie magnetic. Exista posibilitatea ca aceste campuri

    electromagnetice sa intrerupa transmiterea durerii intre celulele unui organ si creier.

    Aplicatii terapeutice

    Magnetii pulsari

    Stimuleaza vindecarea fracturilor care intarzie sa se refaca. Magnetii pulsari sunt folositi in mod frecvent in medicina

    clasica atunci cand fracturile, in special cele ale oaselor lungi cum e tibia, intarzie sa se vindece sau nu s-au vindecat


    Numeroase studii, 4 sinteze ale studiilor si o meta-analiza, raporteaza beneficii foarte bune in aceste cazuri. Aceasta

    tehnica este sigura si prezinta un nivel inalt de eficacitate. In plus, acest tratament nu necesita nici o spitalizare. Pe langa

    aceasta, ei contribuie la diminuarea riscurilor asociate interventiilor chirurgicale.

    Contribuie la usurarea simptomelor artrozei. Contribuie la usurarea anumitor simptome ale sclerozei in placi, avand un efect antispasmotic, reducand oboseala

    si ameliorand controlul functiilor cognitive, mobilitatii, vederii si a calitatii vietii. Contribuie la tratarea incontinentei urinare Contribuie la usurarea migrenelor Ajuta in durerile asociate poliartritei reumatice Trateaza insomnia Trateaza ulceratiile pielii

    Magnetii permanenti


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    Reduc durerea, de exemplu din regiunea gatului, umerilor, genunchilor, picioarelor Contribuie la usurarea simptomelor asociate fibromialgiei Trateaza tendinitele, osteoporoza, cicatricele post-operatorii, astmul etc.


    Putine efecte secundare au fost raportate. Cu toate acestea se mai intampla sa apara iritatii, o roseata si hematoame mici

    ce dispar rapid. Exista insa importante contraindicatii pentru anumite categorii de persoane:

    Femei insarcinate Purtatori de stimulator cardiac Persoane care au tulburari de circulatie

    >Persoane ce sufera de hipotensiune


    n cercurile tiinifice, magnetoterapia este considerat una dintre cele mai sigure i eficiente metodenaturale de nsntoire, i este adeseori denumit metoda terapeutic a secolului 20.

    Magnetoterapia este o modalitate terapeutic de vindecare cu ajutorul cmpului magnetic, fr a se utilizamedicamente. Magnetoterapia este un procedeu natural, simplu, ieftin, total nedureros, i fr reacii

    adverse, singurul instrument folosit n cadrul acestei terapii fiind magnetul sau un aparat de generare aunui cmp magnetic pulsatoriu.

    Civilizaiile strvechi cunoteau puterea magic a magnetului, acesta fiind purtat sub form de amuletecare se presupunea c ndepreaz durerile. Descoperirea magnetului a fost accidental, iar utilizarea sapentru proprietile curative a fost realizat empiric, sub impresia proprietilor sale magice. Nu secunotea nimic despre forele magnetice din natur.


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    Cea mai timpurie meniune referitoare la magnei ca ageni terapeutici apare n Atharvaveda una dincele patru scrieri strvechi ale Indiei. In aceast lucrare este precizat utilizarea magneilor pentru oprirea

    sngerrii (sutra 17, capitolul 1, partea I) i pentru tratarea anumitor probleme ale organismului feminin(sutra 35, capitolul 7, partea III).

    Abia n secolul 16 magnetul a devenit obiectul unei cercetri medicale, cnd alchimistul i medicul P.A.Paracelsus a realizat aceasta, aducnd la lumin calitile curative ale magnetului. Paracelsus a fcutobservaia revoluionar c magnetul poate vindeca toate inflamaiile, ulceraiile i multe boli aleintestinului i uterului, i c ar fi util att n boli interne ct i externe. El a afirmat c orice zon / partebolnav a organismului, dac va fi expus forei magnetice, se va vindeca mai bine i mai repede dect cuorice alt tratament.

    Printele Hall, profesor austriac de astronomie din secolul 18, a luat n considerare afirmaiile luiParacelsus i a tratat brbai i femei care sufereau de boli nervoase, prin aplicarea de magnei pe corpulacestora. Tratamentul aplicat de Hall a fost ndeaproape urmrit de Mesmer (1734-1815), care a fostprofund impresionat i a nceput i el s aplice tratamente utiliznd magnei. A rezolvat astfel un numrmare de boli serioase i complicate. Unul din cazurile vindecate de Mesmer trebuie menionat: o doamnpe nume Franze Oesterline, n vrst de 29 de ani, care avea dureri de cap severe periodice urmate dedelir i vom, asociate cu atacuri paroxistice de mnie. Mesmer a aplicat trei magnei pe corpul ei: cteunul la fiecare picior, iar al treilea pe zona corespunztoare stomacului. Rezultatul a fost extraordinar:doamna a fost complet vindecat dup cteva edine de tratament.

    Munca lui Hall i Mesmer a fost descris de contemporanul lor - Dr. Samuel Hahneman (1755-1843),printele homeopatiei. Acesta a fost pe deplin convins de puterile magneilor, spunnd: o baghetmagnetic poate s vindece rapid i pentru totdeauna cea mai sever boal, dac este adus napropierea corpului.

    Diferite experimente au artat c plantele inute n cmp magnetic cresc, nfloresc i dau fructe mai


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    repede dect cele crescute n condiii normale. n Rusia s-a artat c anumite plante irigate cu apmagnetizat creteau cu mult mai repede dect celelalte. Chiar plantele aproape moarte au putut firevitalizate dup aplicarea unui cmp magnetic sau dup ce au fost udate cu ap magnetizat. Aadar

    utilizarea magneilor ajut creterea i fertilitatea plantelor. esuturile lor sunt rentinerite i pot fiprotejate de nghe i de alte pericole. Experimente care au constat n implantarea de celule canceroase laoarecii de laborator, au artat c prin aplicarea unor magnei se stopa procesul tumoral. De asemenea,tumora cerebral a unui cine a fost complet topit cu ajutorul unui mic magnet. Dr. E. K. Maclean dinNew York a tratat cu succes cazuri de cancer avansat cu un Activator Electromagnetic, un aparat caregenera cmpuri magnetice pulsatorii. El a menionat c aceast maladie, cancerul, nu poate exista ntr-uncmp magnetic puternic. S-a mai artat c utilizarea magneilor a refcut pigmentarea prului la unnumr de persoane. La o clinic din Leningrad, pacienilor cu pietre la rinichi i / sau la bil li seadministreaz ap magnetizat pentru a ajuta eliminarea acestor formaiuni. Dr. Maclean a reuit sndeprteze durerile de orice fel prin utilizarea magneilor. El a artat c aplicarea regulat a magneiloreste de un mare ajutor n meninerea strii generale de sntate, vigoare i tineree.

    De-a lungul timpului de la folosirea decorativ a magneilor s-a trecut la cea terapeutic empiric,ajungndu-se la cercetri amnunite legate de proprietile curative ale magneilor. Pn la un anumitmoment, aceast terapie s-a fcut prin aezarea de magnei pe corpul pacientului, deci cu utilizarea decmpuri magnetice statice. n ultimele decenii s-a trecut la utilizarea cmpurilor magnetice pulsatorii(CMP) produse cu ajutorul unor aparate speciale. Cmpurile magnetice pulsatorii sunt micari rapideoscilatorii, expansiune contracie, ale cmpului magnetic, care n scop terapeutic sunt folosite lafrecvena de 0,5 Hz (0,5 pulsaie/secund).

    Totui, cum funcioneaz terapia cu cmpuri magnetice pulsatorii, i de ce se poate aplica la att de multeafeciuni? Prin plasarea CMP n apropierea corpului apar microcureni benefici n tot corpul. De asemeneaCMP crete concentraia de oxigen cu 200% n snge, determinnd creterea vitezei de regenerare aesuturilor inflamate sau deteriorate, i mbuntete utilizarea oxigenului de ctre esuturi, facilitndastfel nviorarea i vindecarea acestora. S-a artat c pulsaiile corecte ale cmpurilor magnetice potproduce o cretere de 20 de ori a numrului limfocitelor B i T, mbuntind astfel starea sistemului imun.


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    De asemenea s-a observat c magnetoterapia are un efect benefic asupra sistemului nervos.

    Din experiena celor care au aplicat aceast terapie se tie c utilizarea cmpurilor magnetice pulsatorii

    reduce senzaia dureroas aproape imediat. De asemenea, tratamentul magnetic ajut, grbind,vindecarea rnilor i fracturilor, dizolv cheagurile de snge, elimin pietrele de la rinichi i vezica biliar,i vindec boli precum artrita, astmul, eczemele, inflamaiile, paralizia, poliomielita, hernia de disc,spondilita, nepeneala, etc. Aplicarea acestei terapii n neurologie a ajutat muli pacieni bolnavi deepilepsie, boal Parkinson, scleroz multipl, sindromul neuronului motor, i alte situaii similare, s iamelioreze considerabil starea.

    Nu exist contraindicaii pentru utilizarea magnetoterapiei, exceptnd sarcina i pacienii care austimulator cardiac. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) a recunoscut n 1978 beneficiile utilizrii energieimagnetice n vindecarea fracturilor de tibie.

    n SUA, a existat pe pia un numr considerabil de aparate care generau cmpuri magnetice pulsatorii. nciuda numrului mare de rapoarte clinice extrem de favorabile n vederea utilizrii acestei terapii, lipsa defonduri necesare costurilor exorbitante i anii de evaluare pentru a corespunde criteriilor FDA, au ntrziati ntrzie considerabil utilizarea acestora. Mai mult, industria farmaceutic, cu miliarde de dolari beneficiu,s-a opus cu vehemen acreditrii acestei terapii, blocnd cu succes multe tentative de a se obinefondurile necesare cercetrilor clinice cerute pentru aprobarea acestei terapii fr pilule, ieftin ieficient!Not: La ora actual n SUA magnetoterapia NU este acceptat de FDA pentru utilizarea pe fiine umane.

    Am gasit articolul pe www.yogaesoteric.netde asemenea e bine sa vedeti si articolul,

    Energetic level

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    The analogy I use is that of a common cold. When a cold is first beginning, many people feel a vague sense of disease,

    or uncomfortableness, without any specific sense of where or what the problem is. This is the energetic level.

    Physiologic level

    Once a cold begins to produce a sore throat, a slight temperature, a runny nose, sneezing, etc., the infection has movedto the physiologic level.

    Pathophysiologic level

    If the infection continues in the body and progresses, it may begin to produce bronchitis, rhinitis, a significant cough,mental fogginess, with a green or yellow sputum, etc. This is the pathophysiologic level. In this level there are elements ofa physiologic response to an infection and elements of cellular destruction with color changes to the sputum indicating

    infection of the nose, sinuses or bronchial passages. Once the infection descends further into the body, acute sinusitis orpneumonia is possible. Most chronic problems are in the pathophysiologic range.

    Pathologic level

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    With significant cellular or organ damage, this level is considered pathologic. A substantial amount of tissue death canoccur before an organ or the body as a whole will fail. At a minimum, a number of cells have died. At the extreme, there iseither complete or partial organ failure or death of the person.

    Responses to treatment at each level

    Treatments directed at a problem that is at the energetic level are much more dramatic and likely to produce responsesvery rapidly, even in minutes. For physiologic level problems, treatments are more likely to produce responses in hours toseveral days. Once there is some level of pathology, that is, at a pathophysiologic level, the effects of treatment usually

    take longer, and can take days to weeks. The pathophysiologic level in these cases can be surprisingly affected bymagnetic fields, with often dramatic results. At the pathologic level, treatments have very unpredictable results and maytake months to years to produce results, if ever. True and complete organ death is unlikely to be reversible with magneticfields. Magnetic fields do not create the "Lazarus effect".

    Once one knows what the probable level of damage to the organism is, it's easier to predict how long it may take for thesetherapies to produce results. Miracles, that is, much better than expected results, are always possible, however.Treatment may be directed at a particular problem of interest but improvement may first be seen for a different issue,

    based on which layers are involved. Since more superficial layers will be more likely to respond quickly, these problemswill respond regardless of where the MFs may be directed first. This is akin to peeling an onion; more superficial issueswill be peeled away first, deeper next, etc. and deepest will be last. This is why holistic treatment may take months toyears to clear all the layers.


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    As a physician, I always attempt to determine the level of damage thats present in the person I am asked to help. Once Ihave a sense of the level I have a much better idea of how long it will take to achieve significant relief or improvement orcure. The level and extent of the problem seems to be more important than the strength of the magnetic fields applied, or

    the frequencies used or how much time is devoted to each day. Optimizing these variables should shorten the process.

    Beyond this, all bodies are different and all illnesses or diseases need to be well understood, along with some sense ofthe mind, body and spiritual states of the individual looking for treatment. All of these will determine how long treatmentswill take to produce expected or desired results. Without this sense of layers, both the individual seeking treatment andthe therapist can experience unnecessary frustration. The body has its own wisdom and will respond in the layers andlevels that make more sense to it than to our expectations or fantasies. We need to respect these layers of healingtimelines and processes and work positively with them. What gets healed initially and in what order after that is mostly up

    to the body, not our expectations. The order of healing will follow the bodys own wisdom of what level/tissue should becleared first, second, etc. Patience and acceptance of this natural order will aid the healing process.

    Go to General Rules for application of magnetic fields.

    Biological Actions

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    Western clinical thinking is usually focused on a disease specific model. Each diseasehas specific physiologic and pathologic components, comprising various testingmethods - for example, x-rays, MRI, chemistry, microscopic, microbiology,

    immunology, neurological testing, etc. The results of tests are assembled into patternsthat then allow a "label" or diagnosis to be applied to them. These labels, whichassume specific physiologic and pathologic changes, allow doctors and scientists tobe able to communicate with each other about these commonly understood "patterns",that is, diagnoses or disease labels.


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    Clearly, any given individual with functional or physiologic abnormalities, despite having been diagnosed with thefunctional or physiologic abnormalities associated with a specific disease, will also usually have functional or physiologicabnormalities that fall "outside" the disease label used or applied. Therefore, the disease label is a "shorthand" convention

    only and doesn't encompass the whole person's functioning.

    By considering functional, physiologic or pathologic changes or impairments, a function specific treatment plan can bedeveloped. Physicians use complex decision making processes to determine treatment plans. Ideally, the treatmentshould remove the underlying reason for the problems that are present. When this is not possible, treatment is directed atphysiologic changes that produce signs or symptoms. For example, a fractured bone will have accompanying swellingand pain. Treatment plan will include managing the fracture itself through immobilization and protection with a cast, iceand elevation for the swelling and medication for the pain. When the fracture has reached a certain point of healing

    rehabilitation of the weakened muscles and stiffened joints will begin. Magnetic fields have been found two reduce theswelling, accelerated healing of the fracture and reduce pain. Fractures can also be complicated by tearing of othertissues near the fracture, infection in the area of trauma and blood clots in the lower legs resulting from immobilization.Magnetic fields also help with these problems when they happen and may in fact prevent them, by stimulating the tissuesat deeper levels without the need to invade the tissues.

    Understanding the basic physiologic effects of magnetic fields allows someone todevelop a treatment approach that is targeted to the specific functional abnormalities

    present. When a disease diagnosis is established, some of the specific functionalabnormalities are assumed and understood. Diagnostic and functional tests help thetherapist to know the extent of the abnormalities. This not only helps to guide the therapybut also allows the clinician to know objectively how much progress is being made. Sincevery little medical therapy cures diseases, most therapies are oriented towards reducingthe abnormalities and signs or symptoms present and improving function. Magnetic fieldsare therefore often not only the best treatment available as the sole treatment but also inmost cases can be used in a complementary fashion.


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    We are not able to list all the possible biologic effects of magnetic fields described in the research literature because of

    space limitations. Many of the biologic effects found to be produced by EMFs are frequency and/or field strengthdependent. Most are specific to pulsed magnetic fields, some overlap between pulsed and static fields and rarely onlyapplied to static fields. However, the ones that I believe are the most relevant to clinical practice, especially those found tobe produced or affected by ELF's, are listed here:

    vasodilationedema reductionplatelet adhesion reductionfibrinolysis

    acceleration of enzyme reactionscalcium ion movement and enhancementcalmodulin transport enhancementnitric oxide production stimulationsodium-potassium exchange enhancementmembrane function enhancementimproved cellular energyimmunity changesamino acid changesmuscle relaxation

    nerve cell firing reductionrepair of soft tissuefree radical actionsanti-oxidant stimulation

    brain functioninghormone changesstress reductionlearning changesscar modification

    metabolism enhancementwater modificationelectrolyte changesbone healing accelerationosteogenesisautonomic nervous system actionsoxygenation enhancementinflammation reductionsleep improvementmedication metabolism changes

    liver function changeswound healing enhancementinfertility improvementreceptor binding


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    Many of the benefits are effects of magnetic fields listed above are due to very basic mechanisms of action: stimulation ofcharge in the tissues and the movement of ions, especially calcium and the electrolytes sodium and potassium. Calcium

    ions are found in all cells and tissues and is involved in nerve conduction, muscle function, cellular respiration, vascular,wound healing, hematologic functions and immunity, to name a few. Just by affecting calcium ions alone, a large numberof EMF actions are accounted for. This is why EMFs affect so many basic functions in the body and are so useful.

    Basic Principles

    Why Magnetic Therapy? What is it? Is there any value in it? What is the evidence?

    Magnetic therapy is becoming recognized throughout the world as a legitimate medicaldiscipline. The roots of this bioscience come from the studies done in biomagnetics, thestudy of the bodys own magnetic fields (MFs). The bodys fields are detectable only withsuppression of the earths fields. The physical body is germinated, develops as an embryoand grows into the human adult totally immersed within the earths magnetic fields. Allhuman activity is conditioned by the earths magnetic environments. Once the connection is

    made between the magnetic aspects of the biophysical chemistry of the human bio-organism,in fact, all planetary biology, then it becomes easier to conceive of the body as abioelectric/magnetic organism, subject to all the physical laws of magnetism.


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    Why is it important to study Biomagnetism?

    Besides the need to understand the potential impact internal and environmental magnetismhas on human functioning, we need to know how they can be applied or directedtherapeutically. In many areas of medicine, human and veterinary, effective therapies arelacking, are inadequate, cost too much, are invasive or cause harm. Magnetic therapiesoffer the potential to create new approaches in understanding the body and caring forpeople.

    New magnetic therapy uses are largely based on known principles. The basic principles ofmagnetism have been known and identified by Maxwell before the turn of the 20 th century.Healers have seen some of the effects of magnetic fields even in the 2nd century BC inChina, but only recently have we had a scientific basis to explain their observations that magnetic fields can be used inhealing. Their observations were not systematically studied. Only in the past 30-40 years has there been moresystematic, concerted use, primarily in the former Soviet Union, other parts of Europe and Asia. Experience in theEnglish-speaking west to date, has been anecdotal and unverified. The information already available from other countrieswould be extremely helpful so that the West wouldn't have to reinvent the wheel." A substantial untranslated, non-English medical literature is available. The non-medical scientific literature on the biologic effects of magnetic fields isalready vast.


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    I have co-authored a book, with Dr. Jiri Jerabek Magnetic Therapy in EasternEurope : a review of 30 Years of Research. What this book does is to provide inEnglish a review of the EXPERIENCE, not just theory and individual case histories or

    testimonials, in the use of magnetics in the former Soviet Union, that is, EasternEurope . A significant amount of research has also been performed in other parts ofEurope and Japan that supports much of the Eastern European experience. Afterreviewing all this knowledge became very clear to me that magnetic fields haveimportant benefits in healing and health-care and that they are not only effective but,used properly, are also safe.


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    There are many observed actions or effects on biologic processes, including chemical reactions, ion movement, changesin charges and electrical potentials, effects on lipids, starches and proteins, hormones and the large molecules andfundamental cellular processes, among others. However, there is no accepted concept in physics yet of how MFs affect

    these biologic activities. There are many theories, but no single theory that explains all the phenomena that have beenobserved. It is possible that no single theory or model can. Names for these various theories include: cyclotron resonance,parametric resonance, quantum mechanical, Larmor precession, ion oscillation, solid-state, biologic closed electric circuitsand association-induction.

    Despite this lack of it will accepted theory of action, magnetic field effects have definitely been observed and positiveclinical actions experienced. As in many other areas of science theories often lag behind observed uses. Lack of a theoryshould not prevent magnetic field from being used to help meet people's health care needs. Magnetic field therapy can be

    effective in a wide range of conditions.

    Before magnetic fields can be used in therapies, there is a need to have some basic understanding of some of thephysical characteristics of magnetic fields, and some of their actions on the body. To do this, we will cover some of theterms used, basic characteristics of therapeutic fields, the body's own fields and environmental fields. We will alsoprovide information on other aspects important to consider in magnetic therapy, such as effects on water and animals.

    History of magnetism

    Much of the history of magnetism is well covered on these websites:


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    For our purposes here, it should be remembered that magnetic therapy, even electric therapy had been discoveredand used to some extent going back to 2000-3000 BCE. The Chinese have even written protocols for using lodestones onacupuncture points dating this far back. Even ancient people and healers learned the practical value of using magnets for

    healing. Our understanding today of how and why EMFs work on biology is certainly much farther along, especially in the20th century. Clearly, there is much more to learn and study.

    The magnetic field, physical characteristics

    In the space around moving electrical particles exist forces which can affect other moving particles. These forces are

    named magnetic fields. The source of these forces can be electrons in wires where electric current flows, ions inelectrolyte solutions, electrons in cathode ray tubes (television monitors), etc. The staticmagnetic field around permanentmagnets is based on the same principle. In the permanent magnet, motion of electrons (spin and orbital motion moment)is arranged such that magnetic field forces are detectable outside the magnet.

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    Magnetic fields have intensity, space, time and duration aspects. Intensity applies to the strength of the field(s). Spacerefers to the 3-dimensional shape of the field(s). Time refers to whether the field(s) are fixed (static, DC or permanent) orturned on or off or changed in intensity and/or frequency over the period of use. Duration applies to the length of time the

    MF is applied.

    Some facts about magnets(from the book 'Driving Force' by James D. Livingston)

    1. North poles point north, south poles point south.2. Like poles repel, unlike poles attract.3. Magnetic forces attract only magnetic materials.

    4. Magnetic forces act at a distance.5. While magnetized, temporary magnets act like permanent magnets.6. A coil of wire with an electric current flowing through it becomes a magnet.7. Putting iron inside a current-carrying coil increases the strength of the electromagnet.8. A changing magnetic field induces an electric current in a conductor.9. A charged particle experiences no magnetic force when moving parallel to a magnetic field, but when it is movingperpendicular to the field it experiences a force perpendicular to both the field and the direction of motion.10. A current-carrying wire in a perpendicular magnetic field experiences a force in a direction perpendicular to both thewire and the field.

    Space Orientationxe "space orientation"

    Regarding space orientation, magnetic fields can be uniform or non-uniform. Uniform fieldsare those where in every pointof the field area of interest the same value (strengthand sign) and direction is found. Uniform fields are rarely practical in

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    treating humans and are usually found in unique experimental situations. Not even the Earths magnetic field is uniform. Innon-uniform fields,orientation can vary but more commonly the intensity varies and almost always decreases withdistance from the surface. The degree of non-uniformity can be defined by mathematical calculations or by measurement

    using magnetometers. Non-uniform fields are almost always the rule in magnetic therapy and medical applications.

    This diagram shows how the field density or strengthdecreases (the field lines widen) with the distance from thesurface of the magnetic system. Also, because of the fact thatfield lines close their loops, may change "their direction " orpolarity. This means, they tend to bend around and join withthe field lines coming out the opposite side of the magnetic

    material. This gives the magnetic field a three-dimensionalstructure around the material. The body or body part wouldtypically be enclosed by the three-dimensional field.

    Static magnetic fields are similar to time-varied fields, in thatthey have a 3-dimensional shape and decrease with distancefrom the surface of the material. The only difference is thatthey are stationary or static, and do not come and go in afrequency pattern.


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    When different types of static magnetic fields are combined into one device or applicator, the three-dimensional field canbecome very complicated and may determine the impact on the biologic organism it contains (Holcomb Fields, picturebelow).

    Fields around coils: While static magnetic fields can be made with some complexity, by alternating their pole designs, timevaried fields produced by electrical coils can be much more complicated. Nevertheless, intensity, shape, frequencies andthe duration of use will determine the biological effects.


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    Other field configurations can be seen at these sites:

    Single bar magnetTwo bar magnets end to end, N to S, with a gap between themTwo bar magnets end to end, N to N, with a gap between themTwo bar magnets end to end, S to S, with no gap between themTwo bar magnets side by side, N by N, with a gap between themTwo bar magnets side by side, N by S, with a gap between themDC electromagnet with an air core

    DC electromagnet with a soft iron coreDC electromagnet with a soft iron core, with a small permanent magnet below itSingle donut magnetGroup of six donut magnets, three stuck together, three levitated aboveLevitating train platform above its magnetic tracksTwo disk magnets, stuck together, about to be slid apart (sometimes this is the only way to pull two NIB magnets apart)Two hemispherical magnets, with a gap between themA spherical magnet, like the earth's core

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    Time variationxe "time variation"

    Regarding time distribution, magnetic fields can be staticand/or time varying. A static magnetic field is one in which nochange of magnetic flux density or intensity can be found over the time interval of use. In time varying magnetic fields,magnetic flux density or intensity changes at specified frequencies, usually greater than one cycle per second andtypically up to the gigahertz level. In other words, the time variation/frequency factor can be theoretically or practically bethe breadth of the electromagnetic spectrum.

    Static magnetic fields are found around permanent magnets or electromagnets fedby direct (DC) current. Time varying magnetic fields result from electromagnets fedwith non-constant currents, e.g. alternating (AC) currents. The most common,everyday time varying fields are found around electrical wires conducting AC current,e.g. to electrical appliances. AC current is typically used to generate other types oftime- varied fields. Current (AC), the input current, is brought into a box where thesignal is modified to the specifications of the manufacturer and then the outputcurrent is directed onto the coil(s) or applicator used for the MF therapy. Theoutput current can be designed with various frequencies, wave forms, fieldorientations and intensities.

    Intensity "intensity" (H) and Magnetic Flux Density "magnetic flux density" (B)


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    Magnetic fields are characterized by intensity (H) and magnetic flux density (B). The intensity of a magnetic field isdirectly proportional to the current flowing through a wire and indirectly proportional to the distance from the wire: H =I/2pr where I = current intensity in amperes, r = distance from the wire in meters. The unit of H is ampere/meter

    (A/m) that is defined as the intensity of magnetic field in a distance

    r = 1/2p from the wire where a current of 1 A is flowing. Older terminology for H is in Oersteds where 1 Oersted(Oe) =79.6 A/m.

    Science measures magnetic flux density mostly in units of Tesla(T). This unit is defined as follows: if a force acting on awire 1 meter long, where 1 A is flowing in a uniform magnetic field, is 1 N (newton), this field has the magnetic flux densityof 1 T. Popular, terminology uses gauss(G), where 1 G = 10-4 T (0.0001 T), 1 T = 104 G or 100 mT (100 x 0.001T) =1000G.

    The relation between B and H is given by following equation: B = mH, where m is the environment

    permeability. Relation = r . 0 is valid, where r is relative permeabilityand 0 is permeability of a vacuum.

    Permeability of human tissues is effectively close to air and therefore B ~= H in biologic systems. Relativepermeability is very limited with many metals, e.g. aluminum, steel and coil systems designed to block externalMFs, ie, SQUIDS Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices.


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    Since magnetic fields typically decrease rapidly with distance,this field intensity decline creates a field gradient, or slope. Thegradient is given in units of strength over distance (T/m or

    mT/cm, etc). The greater the number the higher the gradient.It can be seen that the field drops drastically at the edges of astatic magnet. Some static field designs affect the strength of thefields produced and how quickly the fields drop off in strength.Strong individual static magnets incorporated into a magneticproduct will generally produce stronger fields, even if they placedin alternating arrays.

    The field patterns of alternating pole designs are very complex.However, alternating pole designs may increase the fieldstrength of flat flexible materials. While flat flexible materials mayinherently have lower field strengths than individual neodymiummagnets, they offer the advantage of ease of application.


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    Measuring field strength

    Magnetic fields, static or time-varied, are measured using magnetometers or gauss meters. Differentmeters may be necessary to measure AC fields in the home vs permanent magnets. There are 3 basicapproaches to measurement devices using the Hall effect, Faradays law or nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR). Meters are available based on these designs. Hall meters are the most common and varysignificantly in price from simple home use devices to engineering and scientific level systems.

    This site has good descriptions of magnetic fields and metering.

    Gaussmeters are available from this site.

    Gaussmeters at

    This site allows you to convert units from cgs (gauss) to SI (Tesla) and vice versa.

    Actual versus Advertised Field Strengths

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    Measuring actual magnetic field strengths is important to knowing how much magnetic energy is actually being deliveredto the body. Many advertised magnetic field strength numbers are really theoretical and not actual. For permanentmagnets, the field strengths can be a third to half of the advertised strength. Few manufacturers or retailers give theactual field strength at the surface of the magnet. Since most people do not have magnetometers or know how toproperly use them, for permanent magnets . you'll usually need to subtract 50%, to be somewhere close to the real value.Often, if a magnets is not working quickly for a problem, especially pain, it is usually because the field strength is too lowto have a rapid benefit. Lower field strengths do not mean a lack of benefit, benefits are just more likely to come moreslowly.

    Magnetic field measurements around a magnet, even over the main surface of the magnet, can vary tremendouslydepending on the quality of the material and other factors related to the magnetizing magnet. Most block or round,magnets have higher field strengths at or over the edge than over the middle. Because of this variability of measuring thefield strength, this is why the theoretical strengths are typically given. Using a magnetometer one can determine the likelymaximum field strength at the surface of the magnet. With larger magnets, this may be important in terms of determiningwhich part of the surface of the magnet should actually be placed to treat the underlying problem.

    Interaction mechanisms

    There are three established physical mechanisms through which staticand time-varying magnetic fields interact with livingmatter.


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    [1] Magnetic induction- relevant to both staticand time varying magnetic fieldsand originates through the followinginteractions:

    a. electrodynamic interactions with moving electrolytes are based on Lorentz forceson moving ionic chargecarriers, induce electric fields and currents in the tissue or medium. This type of interaction is the basis ofmagnetically induced blood flowelectrical charges or potentials that have been studied with both staticand timevarying magnetic fields.

    b. Faradaycurrents - relevant to time varying magnetic fields only. Most scientists consider this interaction as thekey mechanism of magnetic therapy with time varying magnetic fields.

    [2] Magnetomechanical effects- relevant mainly to staticmagnetic fields:

    a. in uniform magnetic fields, both diamagnetic (magnetically non-susceptible) and paramagnetic (magneticallysusceptible) molecules experience torque, which tends to orientate them in a configuration that minimizes their freeenergy within the field. When the fields used for magnetic therapy are relatively weak (10 to 100 mT 100 to 1000G), a magnetomechanical action may not be practically significant for the effects found from magnetic therapy.

    b. magnetomechanical action can be found in high gradient staticmagnetic fields that leads to the motion of eitherparamagnetic or ferromagnetic particles. High gradient fields decrease steeply with distance. Here again, thisaction may not be a significant cause of the effects of magnetic therapy. Some scientists believe that the slope ofthis gradient may be important across tissues or cells, since as a field crosses a tissue, each cell will experience adifferent field strength and therefore this may contribute to charge differentials across the tissue.

    [3] Electronic interactions.


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    Some chemical reactions are based on an action on free and non-free radicals where staticmagnetic fields exhibitan effect on electronic spin states. It is possible that, although the lifetimes of the intermediatescaused by thisinteraction are short, they can still be a sufficiently strong influence on biological matter via changed kinetics ofdynamic chemical reactions to create actions in tissue.

    Faradayxe "Faraday"s Law and current density

    Time varying magnetic fields, versus static fields, have been used most often for therapy since it is most commonlybelieved that if the key mechanism of action is induction of tiny electrical currents in tissue, time varied fields do this moreeffectively than static magnetic fields. The better approach to inducing currents is to use time varying magnetic field

    Electromagnetic Spectrum


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    Time-varied magnetic fields, whether produced by the body itself, by therapeutic orman-made sources or on or around the planet itself, have a spectrum of frequencieswithin which they can occur. These are called the EM spectrum. The body produces avariety of frequencies of its own, through its own natural processes. These are usuallymeasured in the low end of the EM spectrum, and are called ELF, or extremely lowfrequencies. Therapeutic or man-made sources can span a very broad range, includingmuch of the EM spectrum. The Earth has its own frequencies and additional sources ofboth ionizing and nonionizing radiation come to us from outside the planet. Ionizingradiation is typically harmful to the body. However, ionizing radiation is used inmedicine for diagnosis and treatment, including x-rays, isotope scanning and radiationtherapy. Most of the magnetic fields used for therapy are the non-ionizing form.Basically then, humans are continually exposed to a broad array of electromagneticfrequencies, spanning the EM spectrum.


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