  • Measuring social dynamics in a massive multiplayer online game

    Shintaro TAKEMURA


  • Michael Szell Sec@on for Science of Complex Systems Research Assistant Medical University of Vienna, Austria Michael Szell is PhD candidate in physics at University of Vienna, Austria, and research assistant at the Sec@on for Science of Complex Systems, Medical University of Vienna, since 2008. He graduated at Vienna University of Technology in 2007, in technical mathema@cs with focus on computer science. Besides pursuing his studies, Szell has co-developed the Massive Mul@player Online Game 'Pardus' ( since 2004. The universe of the game features a rich socio-economic system with a worldwide user-base of more than 350,000 players. For commercially handling Pardus he co-founded an enterprise in 2006 of which he is manager. The main part of his scien@c work involves the analysis of socio-economic behavior and dynamic social networks of players from his online game. His research interests cover the analysis and modeling of complex socio-economic systems and social dynamics, social network analysis and network theory, sta@s@cal physics, as well as behavioral economics and evolu@onary game theory. The hobbies of Michael Szell include playing Badminton, Tennis, Squash, and the piano, programming, reading, and enjoying life in and around Vienna. Szell is uent in German, English, as well as Hungarian due to his Hungarian ancestry.


  • Pardus

  • Friend network, Enemy network Private Message (PM)


    Social Network

  • Enemiesinout


  • Triads

  • Transition
