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    Mechanisms of Disease: pre-eclampsiaMarina Noris*, Norberto Perico and Giuseppe Remuzzi

    This article offers the opportunity to earn oneCategory 1 credit towards the AMA Physician’sRecognition Award.


    Pre-eclampsia is a syndrome that is usuallydefined as the onset of hypertension andproteinuria after 20 weeks of gestation in previ-ously normotensive non-proteinuric preg-

    nant women.


      If left untreated, pre-eclampsiacan progress to a convulsive state known aseclampsia.2


    Pre-eclampsia is a leading cause ofmaternal and fetal morbidity and mortality.3,4 In the Western world, it affects between 2 and7% of all pregnancies, but the incidence in othergeographic areas with different ethnic or socialcharacteristics can be up to three times greater.5,6 A worldwide incidence of 8,370,000 cases per

     year has been estimated.5,6 In developing coun-tries, such as Colombia, 42% of maternal deathsare attributed to this disorder, which is also themajor reason for premature delivery.7 The inci-dence of eclampsia is also high in developingcountries (1.6 and 12 per 1,000 live births,respectively, in Colombia and India).8


    Pre-eclampsia is primarily regarded as a diseaseof first pregnancy, although the protective effectof multiparity is said to be lost with change ofpartner.9 This supports the hypothesis that riskis reduced with repeated exposures to specificantigens from the same partner; however, recentevidence from the Medical Birth Registry of

    Norway indicates that the protective effectof previous pregnancy with the same partner isconfounded by the time interval between births.10 These data, obtained from >1.8 million births over31 years, showed that when the birth interval was>10 years, a multiparous woman had the samerisk of developing pre-eclampsia as a primiparouswoman. It has, however, been suggested that this‘birth-interval hypothesis’ is not well founded.11

    A systematic review of >1,000 controlledstudies published from 1966 to 2002 found that

    Pre-eclampsia, a syndrome of pregnant women, is one of the leading causesof maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Despite active research, theetiology of this disorder remains an enigma. Recent work has, however,provided promising explanations for the causation of the disorderand some of its phenotypes. Evidence indicates that the symptoms ofhypertension and proteinuria, upon which the diagnosis of pre-eclampsiais based, have several underlying causes. Nevertheless, the treatment ofpre-eclampsia has not changed significantly in over 50 years. This review

    describes the most recent insights into the pathophysiology of pre-eclampsia from both basic and clinical research, and attempts to providea unifying hypothesis to reconcile the abnormalities at the feto–placentallevel and the clinical features of the maternal syndrome. The novel findingsoutlined in this review provide a rationale for potential future prophylacticand therapeutic interventions for pre-eclampsia.

    KEYWORDS nitric oxide, oxygen radicals, pathophysiology, pre-eclampsia,vascular endothelial growth factor

    M Noris is Head of the Laboratory of Immunology and Genetics ofTransplantation and Rare Diseases, N Perico is Head of the Laboratory ofAdvanced Development of Drugs at the Clinical Research Center for RareDiseases and G Remuzzi is Director of the Clinical Research Center for RareDiseases, at Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, Bergamo, Italy.

    Correspondence*Transplant Research Center “Chiara Cucchi De Alessandri & Gilberto Crespi”, Mario Negri

    Institute for Pharmacological Research, Via Camozzi 3, 24020 Ranica, Bergamo, Italy

    [email protected]

    Received 27 April 2005  Accepted 25 August 2005


    REVIEW CRITERIA We searched PubMed for articles published between 1970 and 2005. Thekeywords used were “pre-eclampsia”, “gestational hypertension”, “clinical features”,“pathophysiology” and “treatment”. We also searched the bibliographies of the

    articles retrieved for further relevant references. Because of the large numberof articles identified, the decision on which to include was based on personal judgment. Moreover, as the diagnostic criteria for pre-eclampsia were refined in2000 by the National High Blood Pressure Education Program Working Group,1 

    this review focuses on studies published during the past 5 years.




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    a previous history of pre-eclampsia, multiplepregnancy, nulliparity, pre-existing diabetes,high BMI before pregnancy, maternal age≥40 years, renal disease, hypertension, ≥10 yearssince previous pregnancy and presence of anti-phospholipid antibodies all increased a woman’s

    risk of developing pre-eclampsia.12

      Increasesin risk of more than ninefold, sevenfold andthreefold, respectively, were documented forantiphospholipid antibodies, previous historyof pre-eclampsia and diabetes. Based onthis evidence, guidelines for risk assessment ofpre-eclampsia have recently been issued.13

    Other risk factors for pre-eclampsia areinsulin resistance in concert with obesity 14,15 and thrombophilia.16  In developing countries,protein-calorie undernutrition has been identifiedas an important risk factor;17 however, a negative

    correlation between calcium intake and incidenceof pre-eclampsia has recently been detected inGuatemala, Colombia and India.7 This finding issupported by the observation that calcium supple-mentation is beneficial to women at high risk ofgestational hypertension, and in communitieswith low dietary calcium intake.18–20

    Genetic factors

    The precise role of genetic factors in the develop-ment of pre-eclampsia is unclear, and no specificcontributory gene has been identified. The inheri-tance pattern of the disease has been describedas Mendelian (autosomal recessive and auto-somal dominant with incomplete ),polygenic/multifactorial and mitochondrial.Small studies21–24 have indicated an associationbetween pre-eclampsia and polymorphisms ofgenes that control blood pressure, coagulationor oxygen-free-radical metabolism—suchas renin, angiotensinogen, endothelial nitricoxide synthase (eNOS), ,  or lipoproteinlipase—but this has not been confirmed.25 Linkage analysis has identified three potential loci

    linked to susceptibility to pre-eclampsia: 2p13,2p25 and 9p13.26,27 Notably, these loci accountfor only a small percentage of cases (other studiesfailed to confirm the associations).28,29 A fourthlocus for pre-eclampsia was subsequently identi-fied on 10q22. Maximal allele sharing betweenpre-eclamptic sisters at this locus was observedfor maternal-derived but not paternal-derivedalleles,30 indicating matrilineal inheritance.

    The STOX1 gene in the 10q22 locus containsfive different missense mutations. STOX1 is

    identical in affected sisters, co-segregates withthe pre-eclamptic phenotype and is inheritedmatrilineally.31  A role has been proposed forthe gene product (a DNA-binding protein) incontrolling polyploidization of extravilloustrophoblasts, although its precise biological

    function has not been clarified.31

     In a large study by the British Genetics of Pre-eclampsia Consortium, 657 women affected bypre-eclampsia and their families were genotyped atsites of 28 -  in several genes, including those involved inangiotensin activity (angiotensinogen andangiotensin II type 1 receptor [AT1]) and oxida-tive stress (methylene tetrahydrofolate reduc-tase).32 None of the genetic variants tested werefound to confer a high risk of disease develop-ment, indicating that alterations of angiotensin

    activity and oxidative stress are not prime causesof pre-eclampsia.


    The cardinal features of pre-eclampsia arehypertension and proteinuria. In the past, hyper-tension indicative of pre-eclampsia was definedas an elevation of >30 mmHg systolic pressure or>15 mmHg diastolic pressure above the patient’sbaseline blood pressure. This definition provedto be a poor indicator of outcome33 and, in 2000,the criteria were refined by the National HighBlood Pressure Education Program (NHBPEP) Working Group.1  Since then, there has beenconsiderable agreement between internationalworking groups.34  The criteria define hyper-tension as a systolic blood pressure ≥140 mmHgor a diastolic level (Korotkoff 5) ≥90 mmHg ontwo or more occasions at least 4–6 h (but notmore than 7 days) apart after 20 weeks of gesta-tion in a woman with previously normal bloodpressure. Nevertheless, the NHBPEP workinggroup report1 also stated the collective opinionthat 30 mmHg systolic and 15 mmHg diastolicincreases, even at values

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    correlation between random protein concentra-tion or urinary dipstick measurements and 24 hprotein excretion in women with gestational

    hypertension,35–37  it is best to base diagnosisof proteinuria on quantitative measurement of24 h urine samples.

    The diagnostic criteria outlined above donot apply to women who have hypertension orproteinuria before 20 weeks of gestation.38,39 Thus, pre-eclampsia can also occur in womenwith pre-existing chronic hypertension, acondition that is often worsened by gestation(Box 1).1 More stringent diagnostic criteria arenecessary, including a sudden exacerbation of

    hypertension, new onset or sudden exacerba-tion of proteinuria, thrombocytopenia andelevated levels of liver enzymes.1

    Pre-eclampsia is regarded as severe if oneor more of the criteria in Box 2 are fulfilled. 40

    As well as hypertension and proteinuria, pre-eclampsia can be associated with edema, visualdisturbances, headache, and epigastric or rightupper-quadrant pain with nausea and vomiting(Box 3). Hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes andthrombocytopenia are characteristic laboratory

    features of a severe variant of pre-eclampsia,the , which occurs in 5–8%of pre-eclamptic women.40 This multisystem,pregnancy-specific condition illustrates thatpre-eclampsia can affect every maternal organ,predominantly the vascular, renal, hepatic, cere-bral and coagulation systems (Box 3). Kidneyfunction, with its reliance on adequate glomer-ular blood flow and selective permeability ofglomerular capillaries, is particularly susceptibleto the endothelial changes in pre-eclampsia that

    Box 1 Classification of hypertensive disorders

    other than pre-eclampsia in pregnancy.1

    ■ Chronic hypertension: hypertension present

    before pregnancy, either primary (essential) or

    secondary (i.e. pre-existing renal diseases)

    ■ Gestational hypertension: hypertension

    first diagnosed after 20 weeks of gestation not

    accompanied by proteinuria; can be transient

    (resolves by 12 weeks postpartum) or chronic

    (does not resolve by 12 weeks postpartum)

    ■ Pre-eclampsia superimposed on chronic

    hypertension: a sudden increase in blood pressure,

    new onset or acutely worsening proteinuria,

    thrombocytopenia or elevated liver enzymes after

    20 weeks of gestation in women with pre-existing


    Box 2 Ominous signs of pre-eclampsia.1 

    ■ Supine blood pressure ≥160 mmHg systolic

    or ≥110 mmHg diastolic on two occasions at least

    6 h apart

    ■ Proteinuria ≥5 g in a 24 h urine specimen or

    ≥3+ on two random urine samples collected at

    least 4 h apart

    ■ Oliguria of 90 mmHg1

    ■ Proteinuria: urinary protein excretion

    >300 mg/day; preservation of podocyte foot

    processes in the presence of substantial


    ■ Decreased plasma volume: contracted by

    30–40% compared with normal pregnancy138

    ■ Edema: interstitial fluid retention;

    multifactorial138 (observed in >50% of normal


    ■ Decreased renal blood flow: renal perfusion

    less than in normal pregnant women101

    ■ Increased plasma uric acid: secondary to

    reduced uric acid renal clearance139

    ■ Increased aminotransferases and lactate

    dehydrogenase: hepatocellular necrosis with

    leakage of liver enzymes into maternal blood140

    ■ Cerebral edema: due to hypertension and

    vascular autoregulatory dysfunction141

    ■ Thrombocytopenia: platelet count

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    manifest functionally as vascular constriction,decline in renal blood flow and glomerular filtra-tion rate, and clinically significant proteinuria.41 Oliguria or anuria can occur in patients withsevere pre-eclampsia as a result of low cardiacoutput and high systemic vascular resistance,42 

    but acute renal failure is unusual.41

    Pre-eclampsia can rapidly progress to aconvulsive phase termed eclampsia, especiallyif untreated.2  The onset of eclampsia can bepreceded by severe persistent headache andvisual changes. The seizures and mental statuschanges of eclampsia are often, although notalways, related to hypertensive encephalopathy.Maternal death is more likely in the presence ofsevere hypertension and eclampsia. Notably, therisk of cardiovascular complications later in life isincreased in women who develop pre-eclampsia.

    This could be a function of the numerous riskfactors and pathophysiological abnormalitiesthat are shared by pre-eclampsia and coronaryartery disease.43 Impaired uteroplacental bloodflow or placental infarction in pre-eclampsiacan affect the fetal–placental unit, causingintrauterine growth restriction, intrauterinefetal demise, oligohydramnios, or placentalabruption. Generally, maternal and perinataloutcomes are better in mild pre-eclampsia thatdevelops after 36 weeks of gestation than in casesthat are symptomatic before 33 weeks of gesta-tion.1,6,44,45 Maternal and perinatal morbidityand mortality are increased in women withpre-existing medical disorders36,39,46

     and in

    developing countries.1,47

    Screening of pregnant women for pre-eclampsia based on functional or biochemicaltests, such as evaluation of placental perfusionand vascular resistance by Doppler scan,or measurement of markers of endothelialand oxidative stress, has been proposed.48 Unfortunately, the search for clinically usefulscreening tests has been disappointing, asshown in a recent analysis of 87 studies in

    211,369 women.48 Other researchers assert thatbiochemical and/or hemodynamic markers arereliable predictive tools for pre-eclampsia.49 Uterine artery Doppler waveform analysis is usedextensively in academic centers to identify womenat risk of pre-eclampsia. Studies of Dopplerwaveform analysis as a screening test for adversepregnancy outcomes have, however, gener-ated conflicting results, probably due to differ-ences in gestational age at time of examinationand the lack of standardized analysis.50



    Efforts to unravel the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia have been hampered by the lack ofclear diagnostic criteria for the disease and itssubtypes. Consequently, several studies have

    included a variety of other conditions that donot necessarily reflect an adverse pregnancyoutcome. More importantly, the definition ofpre-eclampsia proposed in 2000 was designedfor clinical use, to maximize sensitivity atthe detriment of specificity (the risk of notdetecting pre-eclampsia far outweighs the risksof overdiagnosis and overtreatment). In addi-tion, most pathogenetic studies use specimensfrom patients with established pre-eclampsiarather than those obtained before clinical onset.This makes it difficult to define a clear relation-

    ship between specific mediators, mechanismsand clinical manifestations. Animal models havefailed to provide definitive insights into the patho-genesis of pre-eclampsia because of their limitedapplicability to the human form of the disease.Despite these limitations, several theoreticalmechanisms have been proposed that reconcilefeto–placental abnormalities and clinical featuresof the maternal syndrome.

    The feto–placental level

    For pregnancy to proceed normally, the earlyblastocyst must adhere to and invade the uterineendometrium so that maternal blood can effec-tively bathe the .51 During this process,  extravillous - cells proliferate from the tips ofanchoring chorionic villi to form a ‘shell’ liningthe uterine cavity. Two populations of invasiveextravillous trophoblasts have been identified.Interstitial trophoblasts invade the decidualstroma and reach the myometrium. At the end oftheir invasion path, these cells fuse to form multi-nuclear giant cells.52  Interstitial trophoblastsmight release vasodilators (e.g. NO and carbon

    monoxide) that act on the  beforedestruction by endovascular trophoblasts.52 Endovascular cytotrophoblasts invade the lumenof the uterine spiral arterioles, anchor to thevessel wall, and promote arteriole dilation. Thus,by the second trimester, the endometrial andsuperficial myometrial segments of spiral arteriesare lined by cells of cytotrophoblastic origin,which changes them from small resistance vesselsto flaccid, high-caliber capacitance vessels. Thisremodeling, which transforms the endometrium




    The 10–15 portions into

    which the placenta is

    divided by intervillous septi


    Specialized (fetal) epithelial

    stem cells of the placentathat differentiate and invade

    the uterine wall, where they

    also breach maternal blood



    Maternal uterine vessels

    that, during placenta

    development, are

    remodeled into low-

    resistance vessels that

    cannot constrict

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    into a yet more developed tissue (the deciduas) isinstrumental in ensuring adequate perfusion ofthe feto–placental unit.

    Endovascular invasion does not proceedbeyond the superficial portions of the uterinespiral arterioles, which retain their endothelial

    lining and muscular wall, and functionally remainrelatively narrow-bore, high-resistance vessels.53 The net result is that blood flow into the inter-villous space is dramatically reduced. Thus, it wasthought that the principal defect in pre-eclampsiarelates to endovascular trophoblast invasion andthat interstitial trophoblast invasion is normal.54 Recent quantitative studies, however, of inter-stitial trophoblast invasion in uterine tissues takenfrom hysterectomies following cesarean sectionin women with pre-eclampsia, have revealed thatboth the invasive depth and numerical density

    of interstitial trophoblasts are significantlyreduced.55 Failure of vascular invasion could,therefore, be preceded by impaired interstitialtrophoblast invasion. Some patients with pre-eclampsia at term do not show severe growthrestriction. Their placental histomorphometryis similar to that of normotensive gestationalage-matched controls. Usually, however, pre-term placentas of women with pre-eclampsia arecharacterized by vascular and occlusive lesionsthat have been classified according to particularpathophysiological processes.56,57

    Factors involved in abnormal placentation Basic research and clinical data indicate that themaladaptation and inadequate invasion of utero-placental arteries characteristic of pre-eclampsiaresult from intrinsic factors (abnormal biologyof extravillous trophoblasts) acting in concertwith extrinsic maternal uterine factors. Theseextrinsic factors, operating around the utero-placental arteries, comprise impaired decidualremodeling, impaired function of uterine naturalkiller (NK) cells and maternal endothelial failureto express adhesion molecules. These factors

    might interact in a cascade-like fashion.NK cells are the predominant population of

    decidual lymphoid cells. During early preg-nancy they accumulate as a dense infiltratearound the invading cytotrophoblast cells.They cooperate with extravillous trophoblasts toremodel spiral arteries by producing cytokinesthat are involved in angiogenesis and vascularstability, such as vascular endothelial growthfactor (VEGF), placental growth factor (PlGF)and .58 Although the villous

    trophoblast cells exposed to maternal bloodlack MHC class I and class II molecules, theinvading cytotrophoblast expresses an unusualcombination of the former: HLA-C, HLA-E andHLA-G. These molecules interact with recep-tors on the surface of NK cells, such as killer-

    cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) and94. The ligand–receptor pairs might controlthe interaction of extravillous trophoblast cellsand decidual NK cells. The human KIR locusconsists of 7–15 closely packed genes on chromo-some 19q, which encode both inhibitory andactivating KIRs. These genes form numeroushaplotypes that differ in both gene content andallele combinations.

    Both HLA-C  and KIR  genes are polymorphic inhumans, so every pregnancy has different combi-nations of paternally derived fetal HLA-C on

    trophoblasts and maternal KIRs on NK cells.


     Pre-eclampsia is more prevalent in women whoare homozygous for group A KIR haplotypes(which contain mainly genes encoding inhibi-tory KIRs) than in women who are homozygousfor group B haplotypes (which contain genesfor activating KIRs) or those who are hetero-zygous.60  Moreover, it is the combination offetal HLA-C2  genotype—the product of whichbinds more tightly to its cognate KIR than C1product—and maternal AA KIR  genotype thatmost frequently leads to pre-eclampsia.60 Thiscombination is predicted to deliver the strongestinhibitory signals from extravillous trophoblaststo NK cells. It has therefore been proposed thatinhibition of uterine NK cells has a role in defec-tive trophoblast remodeling of maternal bloodvessels; however, only a minority of pregnancieswith C2 fetuses and AA mothers result in pre-eclampsia. This finding, along with the observa-tion that not all pre-eclamptic pregnancies havethe C2–AA  genotype combination, indicates thatadditional factors are involved.

    In normal pregnancy, as they invade theuterine wall, cytotrophoblasts lose the ability

    to divide and upregulate expression of matrixmetalloproteinases, thereby promoting trans-formation of epithelial tissue to endothelium.61


    Zhou et al .61 have shown that invasive cyto-trophoblasts downregulate


    epithelial-like recep-tors such as endothelial (E)-cadherin and α6β4,which are replaced by endothelial adhesionmolecules, such as platelet–endothelial cell-adhesion molecule (PECAM), vascular endo-thelial (VE)-cadherin, vascular cell-adhesionmolecule 1 (VCAM1), andα4 and αv β3 integrins.





    ligand that modulates

    angiogenesis and vascular



    Inhibitory and activating

    C-type lectin-like naturalkiller receptors that primarily

    recognize HLA-E molecules

    and HLA-G/C leader-

    sequence peptide

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    In pre-eclampsia, this transformation is impaired,and cytotrophoblasts do not invade and differ-entiate. Immunohistochemical staining of pre-eclamptic placental bed biopsies shows very lowlevels of VE-cadherin, VCAM1 and αv β3  inte-grin,53 indicating that the cells fail to acquire an

    endothelial phenotype.One hypothesis attributes this impaired trans-formation to insufficient local concentrations ofangiogenic factors, including VEGF and PlGF,which are expressed at high levels during normalplacentation.62  VEGF induces endothelial cellexpression of αv β3 integrin, a molecule associ-ated with angiogenesis and cytotrophoblastinvasion.61 Furthermore, cytotrophoblasts


    haveVEGF receptors, including the Fms-like tyrosinekinase 1 (Flt1) receptor (also known as VEGFreceptor-1).63 As high levels of Flt1 are found

    in invasive cytotrophoblasts as early as 6 weekspostfertilization,63  interaction of the receptorwith VEGF and PlGF has been considered crucialfor invasion and -.This possibility is supported by the fewer cell-to-cell interconnections and decreased expres-sion of integrin α1. These accurate indices ofdefective cells’ invasive capacity are observedin human cytotrophoblasts in vitro   when anFlt1–Fc fusion protein that blocks binding ofVEGF and PlGF to the Flt1 receptor is added tothe culture medium.63 Pre-eclamptic placentashave decreased levels of VEGF messenger RNA,64 supporting the hypothesis that VEGF is involvedin abnormal, shallow placentation.

    Cytotrophoblast immunostaining for VEGFAand Flt163 is reduced in pre-eclampsia comparedwith normal pregnancy. Most Flt1 produced inthe human placenta during later stages of gesta-tion is a soluble form (sFlt1) generated by alterna-tive splicing. sFlt1 lacks the transmembrane andcytoplasmic domains of Flt1, and is released inlarge amounts into the blood,65 where it reduceslevels of free VEGF via soluble antagonism ofboth factors.65  Cytotrophoblasts isolated from

    pre-eclamptic placentas released more sFlt1 thanthose from normal placentas,63 and upregulationof sFlt1 messenger RNA has been detected in pre-eclamptic placentas.66 So, by preventing bindingof VEGF to Flt1 receptors on cytotrophoblastcells, excessive production of sFlt1 in placentaltrophoblasts could be responsible for the defec-tive cytotrophoblast differentiation and abnormalplacentation of pre-eclampsia. However, chimericplacentas from tetraploid aggregates—comprisingtrophoblasts homozygous for a null allele of

    Flt1 and the normal Flt1+/+ maternal and fetalcomponents—showed no defective formationof placental circulation or endovascular tropho-blast invasion of maternal spiral arteries.67 The chimeric placentas supported normal fetalgrowth67 indicating that, in mice, expression of

    Flt1 in trophoblasts is not essential to normalplacentation. Whether this observation is appli-cable to humans is not known; mouse placentadoes not undergo the same degree of placentalvascular remodeling and invasion as humanplacenta.

    As insightful as these findings are, they donot answer the question of whether alteredVEGF–Flt1 signaling has a role in the impairedplacental vasculogenesis and maternal spiraluterine-artery remodeling of pre-eclampsia.


    Interestingly, the VEGF–Flt1 interaction

    induces release of  



     a potent vasodilatorsynthesized from the amino acid -arginine(-Arg) by the NOS family of isoenzymes69 (Figure 1). Human placenta does not forminducible or neuronal NOS,70  but eNOS isfound in the endothelium of the umbilicalcord, in the chorionic plate, and in villous cyto-trophoblasts.70 Several reports have describedintense eNOS expression in extravillous tropho-blast cells.71–74 This finding could not, however,be confirmed by others.75 In trophoblast cells,NO upregulates expression and activity of thematrix-degrading proteases MMP2 and MMP9,which are required for invasion during embryoimplantation.76 MMP2 also has a pivotal rolein the relaxin–gelatinase pathways that areupregulated during pregnancy and contrib-utes to reduced myogenic reactivity of smallarteries through activation of the endothelialendothelin B receptor–NO pathways.77

    NO release has been shown to mediate angio-poietin-induced growth and migration of extra-villous trophoblast cell lines in vitro .78 NO iscoupled through Flt1 signaling to cytotrophoblastinvasion and motility induced by VEGF.79  It


    also mediates VEGF-induced upregulation ofVE-cadherin in endovascular trophoblasts,80 allprocesses necessary for placental development.By virtue of these unique vasodilatory and angio-genic/vasculogenic properties, locally generatedNO seems to be instrumental in promotingcytotrophoblast endovascular invasion duringnormal placentation.61 Thus, it is possible thatthe placental changes of pre-eclampsia reflecta reduced capacity of cytotrophoblast cells toform NO.




    Term describing

    transformation of the


    phenotype of invading

    cytotrophoblasts into one

    resembling the endothelial

    cells that they replace

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    The diminished NO activity of pre-eclampticplacenta cannot be the consequence of a defectin NO-forming enzyme, because placentasof pre-eclamptic women express normal levelsof eNOS and form normal amounts of NO.70,81 Instead, it results from reduced activity or half-

    life of NO. This translates into lower concentra-tions of cyclic GMP (the NO intracellularsecond messenger) in the placental circulationcompared with normal pregnancy.70 A plausibleexplanation for reduced NO activity is that, inpre-eclamptic placenta, NO is rapidly degradedto peroxynitrite (ONOO–), a potent cytotoxicanion devoid of angiogenic properties.82 Thisexplanation is supported by intense immuno-staining for nitrotyrosine (a marker of ONOO– formation in vivo ) observed in fetal bloodvessels of floating villi, syncytiotrophoblasts

    and invasive cytotrophoblasts.


     Data indicatethat NO interacts with reactive oxygen species(ROS), including superoxide anion (O2

    –),which are abundant in pre-eclamptic placentacompared with normal placenta.83 

    A biochemical explanation for excessiveROS production in pre-eclampsia has beenproposed. In addition to synthesizing NO,NOS

     facilitates production of superoxide anion

    (O2–).84 The relative amounts of NO and O2

    – formed are tightly regulated by intracellularlevels of -Arg.85,86 In the presence of sufficient-Arg, NOS in cultured mouse macrophagesand human kidney cells85,87  generated onlyNO. Depletion of -Arg led to production ofboth NO and O2

    –, and subsequent formationof ONOO–. It is reasonable to propose that asimilar biochemical aberration in NOS func-tion might occur in pre-eclamptic placenta,as -Arg levels are lower than normal in pre-eclamptic villous tissue88 as a consequence of-Arg consumption by arginase II. This enzyme,which degrades -Arg to ornithine and urea,89 is markedly expressed in pre-eclamptic, but notnormal, trophoblast cells.88 The mechanism of

    arginase II upregulation in pre-eclampsia isunknown, but testosterone—which stimulatesarginase II activity in female mice and rats90 and is present at higher levels in pre-eclampsiathan in normal pregnancy 90,91—is a potentialmediator (Figure 1).

    The role of subnormal -Arg/NO activityin sustaining deficient spiral artery invasionin pre-eclampsia is underscored by the recentfinding that long-term -Arg supplementation inwomen at risk of placentation disorders reduces

    uterine artery resistance, allows delivery at termand improves perinatal outcome.92 Conversely,chronic administration of the -Arg antago-nist nitro--Arg-methyl-ester to pregnant ratsinduces a pre-eclampsia-like syndrome character-ized by sustained hypertension, proteinuria

    and intrauterine growth retardation.93

      It alsoincreases levels of blood and tissue markersof oxidative stress, further supporting the linkbetween -Arg deficiency and oxidative stressof pre-eclampsia. In this model, treatment withthe antioxidants glutathione and quercetinenormalized plasma levels of peroxidation prod-ucts, and reduced proteinuria and the pupmortality rate.94

    Defective NO-mediated vasodilatationconceivably translates into the relative vaso-constriction of feto–placental vessels and

    inadequate perfusion that characterize severepre-eclampsia. The direct consequence ofabnormal cytotrophoblast differentiation isplacental hypoperfusion and ischemia, whichtrigger production of factors that might driveboth the fetal and maternal syndromes. Hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF1α), a subunit of HIF1,is overexpressed in trophoblast cells of pre-eclamptic placenta.52,95,96 HIF1 mediates cellularadaptations to low-oxygen conditions by acti-vating transcription of several genes. In humanvillous explants under low-oxygen tension, HIF1upregulates expression of transforming growthfactor-β3 (TGF-β3),97  a potent inhibitor ofearly trophoblast differentiation.98  TGF-β3 isoverexpressed in pre-eclamptic placenta.95  Itsinhibition by antisense oligonucleotides in pre-eclamptic villous explant cultures restores theinvasive capabilities of trophoblast cells,98 indi-cating that HIF1-mediated TGF-β3 expressioncould have a role in trophoblast dysfunctionin pre-eclampsia.

    In addition, placenta hypoperfusion and,particularly, intermittent perfusion, create acondition of hypoxia–reoxygenation that favors

    oxidative damage.99 Hypoxia increases activityof xanthine oxidase (XO),100 a member of theholoenzyme xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH)/XOfamily that generates ROS. XDH/XO expressionand XO activity are increased in invasive cyto-trophoblasts of pre-eclamptic women.83 Thesechanges, together with the above-mentionedincreased production of ONOO–, result in releaseof ROS from the placenta into the maternalcirculation. These ROS eventually contribute towidespread maternal endothelial dysfunction.

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    The maternal level

    The placental abnormalities described abovehave several maternal consequences (Figure 2).Although peripheral vascular resistance and

    blood pressure are substantially decreased innormal pregnancy,101  increased peripheralvascular resistance is universally present inpre-eclampsia as a result of generalized vaso-constriction. Angiotensin II (Ang II) infusion canelicit an increased pressor response comparedwith normal pregnancy,102 although this is nota universal finding.103 Plasma renin activity andAng II levels are low,104 and platelet AT1 densityis comparable to normal pregnancy, discountingthe possibility that increased pressor response to

    Ang II in pre-eclampsia depends on increasedreceptor expression.

    Most vasoactive substances have been inves-tigated with respect to their involvement in the

    maternal syndrome of pre-eclampsia. The rele-vance of endothelin-1, a potent vasoconstrictor,remains unclear, as most studies (with someexceptions81) have detected increased levels inthe plasma of pre-eclamptic women. The vaso-constrictor thromboxane A2 (TxA2), normallygenerated by activated platelets, macrophagesand the kidney, is synthesized in excessiveamounts in severe pre-eclampsia.105 Increasedurinary excretion of TxA2 metabolites has beenreported in some studies of pre-eclampsia but

    Normal placental








    Normal placenta

    Cytotrophoblast CytotrophoblastPlacental ischemiaOxidative damage











    Pre-eclamptic placenta


    ? Flt1receptor

    Figure 1 L-Arginine depletion in pre-eclampsia promotes poor placental perfusion and microvascular

    damage. Binding of vascular endothelial growth factor and placental growth factor to the Fms-like

    tyrosine kinase 1 receptor on cytotrophoblasts stimulates production of nitric oxide by endothelial nitric

    oxide synthase. Interaction of vascular endothelial growth factor and placental growth factor with the

    Fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 receptor is inhibited by soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase 1. Normal placenta

    with sufficient tissue L-arginine sustains adequate generation of nitric oxide by endothelial nitric oxide

    synthase (left panel). By contrast, in pre-eclampsia, increased levels of soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase

    1 inhibit activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase by the Fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 receptor. At the

    same time, excessive arginase II expression reduces the placental L-arginine concentration, causing

    endothelial nitric oxide synthase to preferentially facilitate superoxide anion production. Superoxide anionreacts with nitric oxide to form peroxynitrite, thus reducing the half-life of nitric oxide (right panel). This

    promotes abnormal placental perfusion and microvascular oxidative damage. eNOS, endothelial nitric

    oxide synthase; Flt1, Fms-like tyrosine kinase 1; L-Arg, L-arginine; NO, nitric oxide; O2–, superoxide

    anion; ONOO–, peroxynitrite; PlGF, placental growth factor; sFlt1, soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase 1;

     VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.

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    not in others.81  According to most reports,synthesis of vasodilatory mediators, such asprostacyclin (PGI2) and NO, is reduced in pre-eclampsia.81,106,107  Other authors have docu-mented normal or even increased synthesis ofNO.70 In most studies, NO synthesis was evalu-ated indirectly by measuring plasma and urinarylevels of its metabolites (nitrites and nitrates),which are also present in food and water.70 So,variability in time, method of fluid samplingand dietary intake could explain discrepanciesin the results of different studies. On the otherhand, NO activity, measured as flow-mediated

    NO-dependent vasodilatation in resistance-sized, subcutaneous vessels, is severely reducedin pre-eclampsia compared with normal preg-nancy.70  Increased plasma concentrations ofthe endogenous NO inhibitor asymmetricdimethylarginine have also been found in pre-eclampsia,108 although this was not confirmed.109 Perhaps all of the changes in levels of vasoactivesubstances in pre-eclampsia reflect a general-ized inflammatory response that activates theendothelium and circulating leukocytes.

    Two new findings have shed light on thepathophysiology of the maternal syndromeof pre-eclampsia. First, a correlation betweenreduced uteroplacental blood flow in earlyor mid-pregnancy and the subsequent onsetof pre-eclampsia.110   Second, plasma and

    urinary levels of sFlt1 are higher than normalin patients with established pre-eclampsia, andbegin to rise as early as 5 weeks before clinicalonset.65,111  In a pilot cohort study, plasmalevels of sFlt1 in women at 20 weeks of gesta-tion with abnormal uterine perfusion weresignificant predictors of either pre-eclampsia orintrauterine growth retardation.112 Concurrentmeasurement of uterine perfusion and sFlt1levels could therefore be an early screening testfor severe complications of pregnancy, althoughlacking specificity for pre-eclampsia. Repeated

    evaluation during the first two pregnancies of93 women showed that sFlt1 serum levels werehigher in the first than in the second pregnancy,indicating that enhanced sFlt1 secretion mightaccount for the increased risk of pre-eclampsiaamong nulliparous women.113

    The way in which placental dysfunctionrelates to placental sFlt1 production remainsunknown. Because hypoxia upregulates produc-tion of Flt1 in placental trophoblasts,114,115 restricted placental blood flow might increaseplacental production of sFlt1 to pathologicallevels, thus initiating the maternal syndrome.In normal primiparous women, plasma sFlt1tends to increase during the last month of preg-nancy,65 despite normal uteroplacental bloodflow. Therefore, what could differentiate pre-eclampsia from normal pregnancy is abnormal,early placental production and eventual highcirculating concentrations of sFlt1, possiblysecondary to placental vasculature constric-tion and hypoperfusion. Consistent with thescavenger effects of sFlt1, concentrations ofunbound plasma VEGF and PlGF, and urinaryPlGF, are decreased in pre-eclampsia.65,66,116,117 

    Evidence is emerging that lower than normalurinary PlGF levels mid-gestation might helppredict development of pre-eclampsia.117

    So, circulating sFlt1 deprives the vasculatureof the kidney, liver, brain and other organs ofessential survival and maintenance signals,ultimately triggering the maternal vasculardysfunction of pre-eclampsia (Figure 3). There isevidence that, in addition to angiogenesis, VEGFinduces vasodilation by enhancing endothelialsynthesis of NO68 and PGI2. As a consequence,

    Defective placental implantationStage 1

    Stage 2

    Placental ischemia

    Endothelial dysfunction

    Reduced perfusion of affected organs

    Clinical manifestation of pre-eclampsia

    Placental factors Systemic hemodynamic adaptation

    Figure 2 Pathophysiology of pre-eclampsia: the facts.  Abnormal placentation

    (stage 1), particularly lack of dilatation of the uterine spiral arterioles, is the

    common starting point in the genesis of pre-eclampsia, which compromises

    blood flow to the maternal–fetal interface. Reduced placental perfusion

    activates placental factors and induces systemic hemodynamic changes.

    The maternal syndrome (stage 2) is a function of the circulatory disturbance

    caused by systemic maternal endothelial cell dysfunction resulting in vascular

    reactivity, activation of coagulation cascade and loss of vascular integrity.

    Pre-eclampsia has effects on most maternal organ systems, but predominantly

    on the vasculature of the kidneys, liver and brain.

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    low circulating VEGF levels will increase vasculartone and cause hypertension, a hallmark of thematernal syndrome. The organs most affectedby pre-eclampsia have fenestrated vascularendothelium, which is needed for physio-logical diffusion of water and solutes. Animal

    models have shown that VEGF is importantin maintaining the health of fenestrated endo-thelium.118 This implies that organs with fenes-trated endothelium could be prone to damage bysFlt1-mediated VEGF blockade.

    Pregnant and non-pregnant rats receivingsFlt1 via adenoviral transfection


    developedhypertension, proteinuria and endothelial abnor-malities66 reminiscent of those in pre-eclampticwomen. Observed glomerular enlargement withocclusion of capillary loops by swelling andhypertrophy of endocapillary cells66  mimics

    lesions of human pre-eclampsia. In the rat model,administration of VEGF reverses hypertensionand proteinuria and ameliorates glomerularchanges.144 Administration of sFlt1 or VEGF-neutralizing antibodies to normal mice causedsevere proteinuria via glomerular endothelial celldetachment and damage, and downregulationof nephrin (a key protein of the glomerularfiltration apparatus).119  Similarly, neutral-izing antibodies and VEGF-receptor inhibitorsadministered to cancer patients as antiangiogenictherapy can cause hypertension, proteinuriaand coagulopathy.120  Moreover, podocyte-specific heterozygous deletion of the VegfA  genein mice caused a renal disease characterized byendotheliosis and proteinuria, the renal lesionsof pre-eclampsia.121  Together, these observa-tions indicate that increased production of sFlt1in pre-eclampsia contributes to the maternalsymptoms. The gene encoding Flt1 in humansis on chromosome 13. Patients with trisomy 13are at increased risk of developing pre-eclampsiacompared with those with other trisomies andnormal pregnant women.122,123 

    The contribution of the renin–angiotensin

    system to the maternal syndrome of pre-eclampsia is intriguing. As mentioned earlier,responsiveness to Ang II is enhanced in pre-eclampsia, but not as a result of increased AT1levels. In omental vessels and platelets from pre-eclamptic women, there is a significant increasein heterodimerization between the AT1 and theB2 receptor of the vasodepressor bradykinin.124 This does not occur in normal pregnancy. Afourfold to fivefold increase in B2 receptorprotein levels was also documented, correlated

    with the increase in receptor heterodimerization.Expression of AT1–B2 heterodimer increasedresponsiveness to Ang II and conferred resistanceon AT1 to inactivation by oxidative stress of pre-eclampsia. The mechanism by which the AT1–B2heterodimer forms is speculative. It has been

    proposed that inflammation and ischemia—features of pre-eclampsia—increase expression ofB2 receptors, which promotes heterodimerizationwith the normally expressed AT1. This observa-tion provides a plausible but not conclu-sive explanation for the enhanced vascularAng-II-responsiveness of pre-eclampsia.  Theplasma of pre-eclamptic women also containsagonistic antibodies that target vascular smoothmuscle AT177,125  and disappear after preg-nancy; however, the origin of these antibodiesand whether their disappearance is consistent

    with the time course of the resolution of pre-eclampsia is unknown. An intriguing possibilityis that the AT1–B2 receptor heterodimer acts asa neoantigen, eventually activating an immuneresponse to generate the above-mentionedagonistic autoantibodies.

    In addition to enhancing vascular tone, activa-tion of AT1 (by Ang II or agonistic antibodies)and AT1–B2 receptor heterodimers generatesROS through long-term stimulation of endo-thelial and vascular smooth muscle /.77  AT1-agonistic antibodies can alsotarget vascular smooth muscle angiotensin recep-tors to activate tissue factor,125 and mesangialcells to release interleukin-6 and plasminogen-activator-inhibitor-1.126  These findings mightaccount for activation of coagulation and initia-tion of renal inflammation, other prominentfeatures of the maternal disease. Furthermore,AT1-agonistic antibodies caused stimulation ofplasminogen-activator-inhibitor-1 in humantrophoblasts in vitro   and perturbed tropho-blast invasiveness, indicating that the antibodiesmight also have a role in impaired trophoblastinvasion.127 The importance of AT1–B2 hetero-

    dimerization and agonistic AT1 antibodies forthe pathogenesis of the maternal syndromedepends to some extent on whether these factorsare specific for pre-eclampsia or operate in otherhypertensive and vascular disorders.

    It has been postulated that oxidative stressresulting from placental ischemia is the funda-mental abnormality leading to endothelialdamage in pre-eclampsia. Formation of oxidizedLDLs is thought to initiate endothelial damagein atherosclerosis. In pre-eclampsia, fibrinoid



    Multicomponent enzyme

    that catalyzes the one-

    electron reduction of

    molecular oxygen to


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    necrosis of vessel walls, with accumulation oflipid-laden foam cells, is the hallmark of oxidizedLDL.128  Moreover, increased concentrationsof IgG antibodies directed against oxidizedLDL have been documented in pre-eclampsia,although not by all investigators. The possibilitythat oxidative stress has a role in determining

    endothelial dysfunction of pre-eclampticmaternal syndrome has sound biochemicalunderpinnings. ROS alter endothelial metabolismby blocking mitochondrial electron transport,oxidizing proteins and initiating lipid peroxi-dation.82 Lipid peroxides and ONOO– activatecyclooxygenase-1 and cyclooxygenase-2,129 thus increasing TxA2 synthesis. As mentionedearlier, levels of this vasoconstrictive prostanoidare elevated in pre-eclampsia. At the same time,lipid peroxides and ONOO– inhibit endothelial

    PGI2 synthase,129 thereby ultimately contributing

    to the TxA2–PGI2 imbalance that precedes theonset of clinical symptoms of pre-eclampsia.

    Unifying hypothesis

    Although our understanding of the patho-physiology of pre-eclampsia is still incomplete,

    the recently published studies reviewed aboveprovide elements for a unifying hypothesis(Figure 4). We propose that pre-eclampsiamight be a disease of placentation triggered byreduced activity or half-life of NO, secondaryto a low tissue -Arg concentration that is aconsequence of excessive arginase expression. In response to the hypoxia that results fromabnormal placentation and placental hypo-perfusion, the placenta releases several factorsinto the maternal circulation, including sFlt1

    Placenta Uterus

    Maintenance levels of free VEGF and PlGF

    Normal endothelial function of maternal vessels

    Normal pregnancy








    Normal pregnancy 

    Placenta Uterus

    Free VEGF and PlGF

    Endothelial dysfunction of maternal vessels

    Maternal syndrome

    No vessel









    Figure 3 Role of the soluble form of Fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 in the maternal syndrome of pre-

    eclampsia. Most of the Fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 produced by human placenta is a soluble form

    generated by alternative splicing. Soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 is released in large amounts into the

    blood. Soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 binds both vascular endothelial growth factor and placental

    growth factor, reducing their free levels in the blood by working as a soluble antagonist of both factors,

    and maintaining normal endothelial function of maternal vasculature (left panel). Pre-eclamptic placenta

    releases higher amounts of soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 than normal placenta (right panel),

    depriving the vasculature of kidney, liver, brain and other organs of essential maintenance signals,thereby triggering the maternal vascular dysfunction of pre-eclampsia. PlGF, placental growth factor;

    sFlt1, soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase 1; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.

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    and ROS, which initiate endothelial dysfunctionand subsequent multisystem organ defects.


    Novel findings on the pathophysiology of theplacental and maternal abnormalities of pre-eclampsia provide a rationale for potential

    prophylactic or therapeutic intervention. -Argor antioxidant supplementation,130  aimed atproviding more substrate to eNOS and loweringthe rate of NO degradation to ONOO–, respec-tively, could help correct placental and systemicvascular dysfunction. Administration of -Argcould theoretically counterbalance the excessive




    L-Arg eNOS


    Placenta Maternal circulation/organs



    B2 receptor

     AT1–B2 receptor


     Agonistic AT1 Abs

     Ang II

    sFlt1 Free VEGF




    Permeability of




    On endothelial cells




     Arginase II



    TxA 2











    Signals to increase

    perfusion Abnormalcytotrophoblast





    NO activity/ 




    Figure 4 Unifying hypothesis of pre-eclampsia pathophysiology. We propose that pre-eclampsia is a

    disease of placentation triggered by reduced activity or half-life of nitric oxide secondary to low placental

    L-arginine concentration, which is in turn related to excessive arginase II expression. Low L-arginine levels

    stimulate endothelial nitric oxide synthase to generate reactive oxygen species (e.g. peroxynitrite and

    hydroxyl radical) and locally exacerbate oxidative stress. Reduced flow through the placental L-arginine–

    nitric oxide pathway is also consistent with the higher resistance and hypoperfusion of the fetal–placental

    circulation. In response to the restricted placental blood flow and consequent hypoxia, the placenta

    releases into the maternal circulation a number of factors including soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 and

    reactive oxygen species, which initiate the vascular dysfunction characteristic of the maternal syndrome.

    Soluble Fms-like tyrosine kinase 1 is present at high concentrations in the blood of pre-eclamptic women,

    and administration of soluble Fms-l ike tyrosine kinase 1 to animals produces a maternal syndrome

    resembling that of pre-eclampsia. In a further attempt to ameliorate perfusion of the placenta as well

    as of the maternal organs involved in pre-eclampsia, upregulation of the B2 receptor for the vasodilator

    bradykinin occurs. The B2 receptors heterodimerize with the angiotensin II type 1 receptor, thereby

    increasing vascular and inflammatory responsiveness to angiotensin II, paradoxically reducing systemic

    organ perfusion and promoting generation of reactive oxygen species. Concomitant production of agonist

    angiotensin II type 1 receptor autoantibodies also contributes to oxidative stress. A positive-feedback loop

    is initiated that eventually results in the full-blown clinical syndrome of pre-eclampsia. Abs, antibodies;

     Ang II, angiotensin II; AT1, angiotensin II type 1 receptor; eNOS, endothelial nitric oxide synthase;

    L-Arg, L-arginine; MMP2, matrix metalloproteinase 2; MMP9, matrix metalloproteinase 9; NO, nitric oxide;


    –, superoxide anion; OH•, hydroxyl radical; PGI2

    , prostacyclin; sFlt1, soluble Fms-l ike tyrosine kinase 1;

    TxA 2, thromboxane A 2; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.

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    degradation of this amino acid in the placenta byarginase II, and stimulate eNOS to release moreNO and less superoxide anion. Preliminary datafrom a recent trial in 17 pre-eclamptic womenshowed that intravenous infusion of -Arg wasassociated with a significant reduction of blood


      In a larger placebo-controlledstudy, 3 weeks of -Arg supplementation in pre-eclamptic women increased NO synthesis andlowered blood pressure compared with thosegiven placebo.132 In a preliminary study in womenat high risk of placentation disorders (assessed as   and high uterine arteryresistance) chronic oral -Arg supplementa-tion from 10 weeks of gestation decreased meanarterial pressure and uterine artery resistance,improved endothelium-mediated vasodilatationand ameliorated perinatal outcome.92

    A combination of the antioxidant vitaminsC and E given to pregnant women at highrisk of pre-eclampsia reduced circulatinglevels of plasminogen-activator-inhibitor-1(a marker of endothelial activation), loweredindices of oxidative stress and decreased thefrequency of pre-eclampsia compared withplacebo.130,133  These results indicate thatoxidative stress might be a target for preven-tion of pre-eclampsia. Larger trials have begunin the US, Canada, Mexico, England and severaldeveloping nations.134  The NIH has fundedtwo antioxidant trials; the first is under wayin Brazil and the second is being carried outin nulliparous women in the National Instituteof Child Health and Human DevelopmentMaternal-Fetal Medicine Units Network.135 These trials are expected to elucidate theeffectiveness of antioxidants in preventionof pre-eclampsia.

    Strategies to normalize circulating levels offree VEGF and PlGF by reducing the plasmaconcentration of sFlt1 or blocking its effectsmight be expected to ameliorate the systemicvascular and inflammatory response of the

    maternal syndrome. In mutant mice, Flt1 is notrequired for establishment of the maternal–fetalinterface in the placenta, indicating that suppres-sion or binding of sFlt1 to cure the maternalsyndrome might not have adverse effects onthe placenta. Clinical trials with VEGF are alsobeing planned.144


    The lack of a specific animal model of pre-eclampsia hinders experimental evaluation of

    pathogenetic mechanisms and effectiveness ofpotential new therapeutic approaches to thisdisorder. The model obtained by administeringan -Arg inhibitor to pregnant rats is the mostcommonly used. It might be a suitable back-ground in which to test the effect of arginine

    deprivation on placental development, and toevaluate strategies to overcome such a defectwith compounds that either prevent ONOO– formation (such as arginase inhibitors and anti-oxidants) or block sFlt1 release from the placenta.The pre-eclampsia-like rat model induced byadenoviral-mediated administration of sFlt166 could also be used to test potential therapeutics.

    Ongoing clinical studies are assessing thepotential beneficial effect of -Arg in womenwith pre-eclampsia; in particular, whetherincreasing -Arg bioavailability might restore

    physiological NO production and inhibitONOO– formation in pre-eclamptic placenta.This takes the form of a case–control pilot studyof women given oral -Arg supplementationfrom the time of diagnosis of pre-eclampsia todelivery, compared with placebo-treated pre-eclamptic women. Results could form the basisof a large, multicenter trial aimed at exploringwhether prophylactic -Arg supplementa-tion reduces the incidence of pre-eclampsiain women at high risk of this disease, which isone of the leading causes of maternal and fetalmorbidity and mortality.



    Bilateral alterations in the

    flow-velocity waveforms

    of uterine arteries

    characterized by post-

    systolic notches on Doppler



    ■  Pre-eclampsia results from placental

    hypoperfusion secondary to impaired establishment

    of uteroplacental vasculature

    ■  Abnormal biology of extravillous trophoblasts,

    decidua, uterine natural killer cells and maternal

    endothelium have pathogenic roles

    ■  Hypothesis: placental overexpression of

    arginase decreases L-arginine, reducing activity of

    the vasodilator nitric oxide

    ■  Hypothesis: hypoxia secondary to placental

    hypoperfusion induces release of soluble Fms-like

    tyrosine kinase 1 and reactive oxygen species

    into the maternal circulation, initiating endothelial


    ■  The hypertension and proteinuria

    characteristic of pre-eclampsia might be

    ameliorated by supplementation with L-arginine

    or antioxidants, or by blocking Fms-like tyrosine

    kinase 1

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     AcknowledgmentsWe are indebted to

    Professor Franklin H Epstein

    (Senior Physician, Renal

    Division, Department of

    Medicine, Beth Israel

    Deaconess Medical Center,

    Boston) and William

     Applebaum (Professor

    of Medicine, Harvard

    Medical School, Boston)

    for their critical reading

    of the manuscript and

    insightful discussion. We

    also thank Dr Prudence Hill

    (Department of Anatomical

    Pathology, St Vincent’s

    Hospital, Melbourne) for her

    critical reading.

    Competing interestsThe authors declared

    they have no competing

