Page 1: Membuat Karya Seni Dari Barang Bekas



Barang bekas adalah sampah, biasanya benda tersebut langsung dibuang. Plastik bekas, kaleng bekas, kain perca banyak kita jumpai dimana-mana. Benda-bendatersebut dapat kita manfaatkan menjadi sebuah karya yang mempunyai nilai artistik dan secara ekonomi dapat meningkatkan nilai jual yang tinggi.

Tujuan dari proyek ini adalah:1. Mengenalkan barang bekas (organik dan anorganik) 2. Pemanfaatan barang bekas menjadi sebuah karya seni3. Memberikan nilai tambah terhadap barang bekas menjadi barang yang punyai nilai estetika seni.

Project Stages


Gelas plastik seperti pada contoh banyak kita jumpai. Selanjutnya bagaimana memanfaatkan dan mengkreasikan gelas tersebut menjadi sebuah karya seseuai dengan konsep dasar yang akan kita buat

contoh bungkus permen yang juga dapat manfaatkan sebagai hiasan rumbai

Page 2: Membuat Karya Seni Dari Barang Bekas

PEMANFAATAN BARANG BEKAS1. Datang dan carilah home industri yang mengolah barang bekas menjadi karya seni2. Tampilkan dengan video dan gambar

Contoh kreasi cinderamata sederhana dari plastik bekas

Contoh hiasan untuk kegiatan acara tujuh belasan

NILAI TAMBAH BARANG BEKAS MENJADI BARANG YANG BERNILAI ESTETIKA1. berkunjung dan mewawancarai wirausahawan yang mengolah barang bekas menjadi barang seni2. Tuliskan langkah-langkah dalam membuat barang bekas menjadi barang seni3. Upload ke webpage saya


1. Wikipedia Bahas Indonesia2. http://bp.blokspot.com3.

Page 4: Membuat Karya Seni Dari Barang Bekas

Easy recycled paper. It's just a little diy project for your kids/students. You can add food colors or small flowers in order to make original paper for love letters, greetings, etc. (you can also store the remaining mixture for future paper-making).

Watch the video or follow that Instructable

320x240 : FM3UHJ6F6S98FFO (0)


Page 5: Membuat Karya Seni Dari Barang Bekas

step 1 You'll need... - mortar+pestle - water - a frame - tacks - sieve (with holes of about 0.04") - plastic sheets (cutted to the right side of the inner frame) - a container (large enou…

step 2 prepare the celulose fiber suspension with the mortar & pestle, crush a little bit of paper at a time (adding water), until you get an homogeneous paste. THEN put that mixture into the container (with more wate…

step 3 prepare the special frame Cut the sieve of the same size of the frame, then fix it using the tacks. The "special frame" is ready :)

step 4 cellulose fibers suspension into new paper - Dip the frame in the watery suspension (the sieve should be facing down) - Slowly remove the frame from the suspension keeping it steadily horizontal - Apply the pl…

step 5 let the sheet(s) of paper dry let the sheet(s) of paper dry. (You can speed up the process using an hairdryer)

step 6 here's the result: ..recycled paper! You can add food colors or small flowers in order to make original paper for love letters, greetings, etc. (you can also store the remaining mixture for future paper-making…

Page 6: Membuat Karya Seni Dari Barang Bekas

How to Make a Baby Romper from a T Shirt

If you're tired of the ho-hum pastels and puppies for your baby's clothes, you can easily make your own rockin' duds for your little stud from vintage tees or band shirts. Here are instructions on how to make a romper (also known as a onesie.)

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[edit] Steps


T-shirt and romper.

Get a youth-sized t-shirt and a pre-made romper (aka a "onesie").

Page 7: Membuat Karya Seni Dari Barang Bekas


Trace the romper onto the t-shirt; click to enlarge image.

Turn your t-shirt inside out. Fold both the t-shirt and the romper in half and lay the romper on top of the shirt, lining them up at the fold. Trace.

See how the crotch on the romper puffs up because it's in a shorts shape? Ignore that. You'll have to fudge a bit for the bottom part. Use the image as a guide.

You should narrow the sleeves (or take them off altogether, up to you). So basically you're cutting a chunk out of the armpit and then letting it widen for the legs.


Sew where the orange line is; click to enlarge image.

Sew on the armpit line only. Don't close the leg area.


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cut on the outside of the line you just sewed.

Unfold and cut just outside of the line you just sewed. Go ahead and cut your bottom line too, just make sure you leave enough to hem or you'll get an underwear shape.


Trace onto the other side.

Fold it over and trace what you've just cut onto the other side. Don't let your cat help, he doesn't have thumbs.


It's starting to look rompery, isn't it?

Sew the armpit line on that side and cut.


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Both parts facing up for proper closure.

Attach your closure. If you use snaps, reinforce your fabric with something that doesn't stretch so they hold up better. Make sure your closures are so that the flaps point toward each other when you go to close it. So both sides should be facing up when laid flat.


Cut a diagonal slit, fold the edges to the inside and sew.

Stop here if you don't mind a homemade appearance. Otherwise, you'll want to hem. Cut that little diagonal slit between the crotch flap and the rest of the leg so your corners don't bunch.


Way to go!

Turn the finished romper right side out .

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The end.

Dress your child.

[edit] Tips

Using a youth t-shirt will minimize bulk in the shoulder area. If you want to use a larger shirt, you will need to make the neck smaller. A seam in the back will do this for you.

For a larger shirt, it's better to avoid using sleeves unless you're willing to do a major overhaul.

If you don't use sleeves, you can hem the armholes for a more finished look.

[edit] Things You'll Need

Youth t-shirt Sewing machine or needle and thread Pen Scissors Closure (snaps, snap tape, hook&loop tape)

Page 11: Membuat Karya Seni Dari Barang Bekas

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memanfaatkan barang bekas untuk keperluan sehari-hari

Jul 23, '07 2:28 AMfor everyone

bumi kita sudah penuh dengan berbagai tumpukan barang. pernahkah kita membayangkan betapa banyaknya barang yang dilansir di pasaran, sementara kebutuhan kita sendiri sudah terpenuhi?

semakin berat beban bumi ini untuk memenuhi keinginan manusia yang terus bertambah, tiada henti. belum lagi banyak efek dari benda-benda yang diciptakan itu bisa merusak atmosfer bumi. contoh paling

Page 12: Membuat Karya Seni Dari Barang Bekas

gampang adalah plastik. betapa plastik yang tidak bisa diurai lagi sudah membuat atmosfer bumi tercemari. ah..kalau mau dipilah satu-satu banyak deh.

mungkin yang lebih baik adalah memanfaatkan benda-benda yang sudah ada di sekitar kita dan tak terpakai lagi. untuk mengembangakan lagi potensi barang itu dan menempati fungsi yang berbeda. sehingga, selain menghemat pembelian barang, kita juga ikut menyelamatkan bumi dari tumpukan benda-benda yang menambah beban.

saya baru saja membaca sebuah buku kecil yang bermanfaat sehubungan topik di atas. di sini saya sarikan, semoga bisa memberi guna...

1. ALKOHOLFungsi utama alkohol adalah untuk mensterilkan. selain, sebagai pembersih luka, alkohol juga bisa dimanfaatkan untuk pembersih krom, kristal dan porselen.  2. ALUMINIUM FOILFungsinya sebagai reflektor panas bisa digunakan juga sebagai pelapis tembok yang di depannya ada radiator, sehingga mampu "menangkap" panas yang keluar. selain itu aluminium foil bisa juga dimanfaatkan sebagai umpan pancing.  3. BANTAL DAN SARUNGDua benda ini bisa jadi teman mencuci yang baik. jika anda punya pakaian yang mudah rusak dan ingin tetap menggunakan mesin cuci, masukkan pakaian tersebut ke dalam sarung bantal, lalu ikat dengan benang agar tidak keluar. dengan begitu, pakaian tidak akan bercampur dengan yang lain dan tidak mudah rusak. 4.BENANGseutas benang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk kran yang bocor. terutama untuk meredam bunyi tetesan airnya. ikatkan seutas benang pada mulut kran, lalu biarkan ujung satunya menjulur ke baskom. tetesan air akan merambat melalui benang dan anda bisa tidur nyaman tanpa terganggu bunyi tetesan air. 5. BONEKA

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 boneka yang tidak terpakai bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai tempat menyimpan barang berharga. keluarkan isi boneka, dan simpanlah benda berharga di dalamnya. selain itu boneka bisa dijadikan sandaran buku. untuk ini, anda butuh pemberat pada boneka itu agar tidak bergeser, atau mengelem bagian bawah boneka agar tidak bergeser. 6. CELENGANcelengan bisa digunakan pula sebagai pemberat kertas agar tidak terbang kemana-mana. atau bisa dijadikan pula sebagai tempat benang. tempatkan gulungan benang di dalam celengan, lalu julurkan ujungnya di celah tempat uang biasa dimasukkan. 7. GELASgelas yang retak jangan buru-buru dibuang. masih bisa dimanfaatkan untuk wadah alat tulis atau alat-alat lainnya. sikat gigi adalah salah satu contohnya.  8. CELANA JEANSmungkin banyak yang punya celana jeans sudah tidak muat lagi, ketimbang jadi onggokan di lemari, bisa diubah bentuknya menjadi tas. 9. KALENDER BEKASbisa dimanfaatkan sebagai alas laci meja. bisa juga ditempelkan di papan lalu dipotong-potong menjadi puzzle. gambar favorit di kalender bekas juga bisa dimanfaatkan sebagai kolase atau ilustrasi kartu ucapan ulang tahun sahabat. 10. KALENG BEKASbisa dijadikan lampion. caranya, buang label kaleng, lalu lubangi sesuai pola yang diinginkan. setelah itu tempatkan lilin di tengah kaleng. nah, bisa dimanfaatkan untuk acara-acara di luar ruangan, misalnya pesta kebun. 11. KAPASbisa digunakan untuk pengharum ruangan. oleskan wewangian favorit pada sekepal kapas, masukkan ke dalam plastik yang tertutup rapat dan simpan di tempat yang dingin (kulkas). anda bisa menggunakan sesuai waktu yang anda inginkan. 12. KOPIbisa juga digunakan sebagai campuran pupuk kebun. selain itu kopi juga bisa mengecat pakaian. caranya, rendamlah pakaian yang ingin terlihat gelap dengan larutan bubuk kopi. tapi kopi yang dimaksud di sini adalah kopi murni bukan kopi three in one (instant). 13. LILIN

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mengapa tidak kembali ke jaman abad pertengahan? gunakan lelehan lilin (lilin berwarna) untuk menyegel surat. ini akan menimbulkan kesan antik.  14. PAKUsebatang paku bisa bermanfaat untuk pemanggang kentang. tusukkan paku yang cukup besar ke tengah-tengah kentang yang akan dipanggang. panas dari pangganan akan lebih cepat mencapai pusat kentang dengan adanya paku itu. eits..jangan lupa mencabut pakunya dulu sebelum dihidangkan.  15. SABUK KULITternyata bukan hanya monopoli pinggang. bisa juga digunakan sebagai pengikat koper jika terlalu penuh atau membawa setumpukan buku-buku jika merasa bosan menggunakan tas.  sumber: The House Book, Hemat dan Murah

Membuat Puppet dari barang bekas

Banyak sekali barang-barang bekas yang kita buang ketempat sampah, padahal sebagian masih dapat kita manfaatkan. Bisa berhemat sekaligus turut menjaga lingkungan. Mari kita sedikit berkreasi dengan memanfaatkan barang bekas.

Mainan bisa dibuat dengan benda benda bekas seperti kardus, kaleng, koran, dan plastik. Ada banyak juga mainan yang bisa dibuat dengan barang bekas. Beberapa contohnya adalah telpon telponan dari kaleng, kapal kapalan dari botol aqua bekas, dan puppet dari kaus kaki bekas. Sekarang aku akan mengajarkan cara untuk membuat puppet dari kaus kaki bekas. Kamu bisa membentuknya menjadi bermacam macam model seperti pingguin, zebra, dan singa

Bahan bahan yang diperlukan adalah :- kaus kaki bekas- Lem UHU, dll ( harus bisa mengelem kain )- Karton

Caranya adalah ….

Page 15: Membuat Karya Seni Dari Barang Bekas

1. Gunting karton membentuk mulut puppet. Buatlah dua kerangka mulut puppet.2. Lem karton yang membentuk kerangka mulut ( ada 2 bagian ) dengan lem.3. Buatlah mata dengan manik manik berbentuk mata atau membuatnya dengan kreasimu sendiri.4. Hiaslah puppet yang kau buat menjadi beberapa model dan bentuk

Ini adalah sebuah contoh puppet yang sudah jadi :

Posted by Katherine Philip  

Page 16: Membuat Karya Seni Dari Barang Bekas

How to Make a Corduroy Pants Purse

Have you got a comfy pair of corduroy pants that are in awesome shape but you just never wear them? Instead of leaving them languishing in the bottom of a closet, try turning them into a useful and funky purse. If you're feeling inclined to make your own, here we go!

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Page 17: Membuat Karya Seni Dari Barang Bekas

[edit] Steps


Assemble the Things You'll Need. See below.


Decide how big you want the purse to be. Perhaps a bag big enough to toss in your usual purse items, wallet, phone, Gerber multi-tool as well as things for work, like your lunch, occasional Glad containers of coffee, etc. For this pattern, a 10" x 10" (25 x 25 cm) square has been chosen.


Double it. Once you've decided how big a purse you want, double that size and add two inches (5 cm). So, the 10 inches (25 cm) becomes 22 inches (55 cm). The way the purse is put together, there will be 3 pieces sewn together, not including the strap. The front, bottom, and back will be one U-shaped piece, hence the

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doubling of the size and adding an inch to allow for the bottom of the bag and an inch for hemming.


Mark where you'll cut. Start below the seam that connects the leg of the pants to the waistband and go down 22 inches (55 cm). The goal is to have the back pocket in the center of the purse front. This turns out to be awesome for days that you wear pants without pockets! For the width of the purse, take the 10 inches (25 cm) and add an extra inch (2.5 cm) for hemming.


Cut the fabric. This illustration shows the cut piece, with the back of the purse facing up. Put a book inside to make the shape a little more apparent. At this point, flip about a half of an inch over on the top of the front and back and pin those in place. You'll want to sew in a hem around the top, as most fabrics will start shredding like crazy otherwise. You can sew it by hand, but it's easier to run it through the sewing machine.


Page 19: Membuat Karya Seni Dari Barang Bekas

Cut the sides of the purse. Each side is a 10.5 inch (26.5 cm) tall, 3 inch (7.5 cm) wide strip of corduroy. Cut so that the lines run parallel to the rest of those on the purse. 3 inches may sound small, but it's not a deep purse, because of its fairly saggy nature. You can adapt it to whatever you put in it.

7. Hem the top of each side piece by folding about 1/4 inch (6 mm) of the good side over and sewing it up. That way, the fabric won't decide to unravel on you.


Pin the sides into place. Typically, you'll sew an item inside out, so that knots and seams are hidden inside of the finished project. Line up one side piece with the front (or back) of the main piece such that the long sides are next to each other. Make sure that the tops of the side and the main piece are lined up and pin them in place. Work your way around the side piece, so that the front, bottom, and back of the bag are pinned to the side. Then do the same on the other side. Check the picture for more direction.

9. Stitch up. After all the pinning is done, run this through the sewing machine, one side at a time. It's not a bad idea to run it back through on a back stitch setting, to reinforce the stitches.


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Turn your creation inside out, and voilà, you have a nearly complete purse! Next, add the zipper.

11. Use a 7 inch (17.5 cm) long zipper that is typically used for pants or skirts. Before you buy one, check the zipper that is already on the pants to see if it'll be long enough to allow you reasonable access into your bag. If so, use a seam ripper to carefully remove the zipper and its permanent backing from the pants.

12. Pin the zipper into place, leaving it zipped shut, with one side attached to the front and one side attached to the back of the purse. There should be about an inch gap on each end between the zipper and the side of the purse. This will enable the purse to have holes small enough to drop a pen or keys into the purse without having to unzip the whole thing.


Run each side of the zipper through the sewing machine, or sew up each edge by hand, being sure to reinforce with a back-stitch.

14. Add the strap. Decide how long a strap you want to have on your purse by judging with your measuring tape. For this pattern, there is a 48 inch (1.25 m) strap so that the purse can hang right about hip level. Use the front of the pant leg to cut two segments for this piece that you have sewn together. Go with a 3 inch (7.5 cm) width on the piece, so that you have a nice, thick strap.

15. Hem the two long edges by folding over 1/4 inch (6 mm) and sewing up each one. Then sew the two hems together for strength and a nice squishy shred resistant strap.


Sew the strap to the inside of the sides of the purse.

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[edit] Tips

Make sure to double-stitch the seams and the spots where the strap attaches for reinforcement.

[edit] Things You'll Need

Sharp scissors Needle and thread 7" (17.5 cm) zipper. You may be able to reuse the one from the pants, but if it's

like most girl pants, that zipper will be too short. A pair of pants. Corduroy is great for beginners to work with, because it makes

lining up the pieces simple and hides any unevenness in the seams really well! Measuring tape A sewing machine is incredibly helpful as well. Stitching by hand is more effort,

unless it's for embroidery or cross-stitch.

Page 22: Membuat Karya Seni Dari Barang Bekas

How to Make a Tote Bag

Do you need a tote bag, or know someone who'd love it as a gift? Are you bored with the selections in the stores? Or perhaps just too frugal to pay twenty bucks for something you could make yourself? Find some fabric for sale (or any abandoned fabric in your closet will work, too!) and put that sewing machine to work!

Natural Bags & TotesChoose your Fabric- Made to Order Wholesale Pricing. No Min.

Hand Paper BagOEM/ODM Manufacturer Paper Bag ,Perfect Quality & Good Service!

Industrial Sewing Parts+ needles, machines, scissors, oil, irons, pattern name

EdHardy On SaleGenuine EdHardy HandBags Discounted. Great

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[edit] Steps

Page 23: Membuat Karya Seni Dari Barang Bekas


Old jean legs cut in rectangles - You can use just about ANY medium to heavy weight cloth.

Cut two rectangles of heavy fabric the size you want your tote bag to be.

• 12 x 14 inches for a very small tote

• 14 x 16 inches for a medium tote

• Any larger size you choose (beach totes are often 24 inches by 20 inches)

2. Fold your rectangles in thirds lengthwise and mark the two creases in the INSIDE or "wrong" side of the material.


Sew the sides and bottom. With the jean legs, you can use the ankle hems for the "top" hem of the tote.

Unfold and sew the two rectangles together on the two long sides and across one short haai danny(sides and bottom of tote)

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Miter and sew the corners perpendicular to the bottom seam.

Sewing the Miter

Miter the corners to the inside to make them sit flat on a surface. Take care to make your miters even and perpendicular to the side and bottom seams.


Line up the seams for a perfect corner miter.

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Note: Line up the bottom and side seams at the corner to get a perfect corner for your miter.

5. Hem the top edge.6. Cut two 2 inch wide strips of fabric the length you want your handles to be.

o Sew the long edges of your handle strip together.o Turn it right side out and press smooth with an iron.o Top stitch the handles to keep them flat during use. In the example, the

raw edges were folded to the middle and zig-zag stitched in place to avoid the hassle of turning and top stitching. Use whichever method you like best.


Pin and sew the handles.

Fold the ends of your handles under and place the ends of your handles over the 1/3rd marks made in the previous step. Place the ends approximately 1.5 inches below the edge of your bag opening, and pin or baste in place.


Top Stitch the handles in place.

Top stitch the handles to the bag along their edges.

[edit] Tips

Page 26: Membuat Karya Seni Dari Barang Bekas

You can make a tote out of any material you like, but heavier materials work best. Using denim or similar very heavy fabrics will require a larger, thicker needle on

your sewing machine. Work slowly, don't press the pedal all the way down, and be careful.

You can recycle old jeans for use as a tote by first cutting off a the jean legs and opening the "inner" seam so that the denim lies flat along the outer seam. Cut your rectangles and proceed as with any other fabric. See How to Make a Denim Purse.

To line your tote, simply make another rectangle 1/2 inch smaller in both dimensions, sew it as above, and place it inside your tote with seams facing the seams of your tote before you sew the top opening hem. Place your two top hems even with each other and roll them together to cover raw edges before sewing.

[edit] Warnings

Needles and scissors are sharp; be careful when handling these things.

Page 27: Membuat Karya Seni Dari Barang Bekas

How to Make a Sock Doll

You'll never know what happened to that missing sock, but now you know what to do with its other half. A few "orphan" socks from your laundry room can be made into a soft, huggable new doll.

A Voodoo DollLuck, Love, Money & More. Ask for the Doll That Will Fill Your Needs!

Marie Osmond DollsFull Line, Great Selection, Check Our Sale Items, $100+ Ships Free!

Loc - Line Modular HoseBuy Loc - Line hose online. Every part and in different

A. Voss - dolls & moreHimstedt,Plusczok,artistsdolls Excl. dolls clothes,plush

Page 29: Membuat Karya Seni Dari Barang Bekas

Inside out foot and toe section which will become the legs.

3. Mark the vertical center line to designate legs (with slightly rounded "toes" as shown).

Drawing the legs.

4. Sew approximately a quarter inch from the center line on each side. Go up one side and down the other, rounding the toes. Leave about 1 inch (2.5 cm) towards the top.

Sewing around the vertical line. Take care NOT to go ALL the way up to the opening with your stitching.

5. Turn this right side out, stuff and stitch the top closed. These are your doll's legs.

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Legs before stuffing.

6. Sew together the hems (closed openings) of the two socks. As you sew, make sure that the legs and the rear end are at natural angles.

Sewing legs to body

Legs and body from the front after sewing.

7. Make the arms from the remaining sock.

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Sew a quarter inch from the center line.


Cut the two arms apart.

Cut apart as shown.

8. Turn the arms right side out, and then stuff and stitch them to the body.

Stuff the arms and sew them to the body on either side.

9. With a sturdy thread, sew 1/4 inch stitches around the neck and cinch them slightly to form the head.

o You can also tie a ribbon (the doll's scarf) around to make the neck and give the doll a unique style.

10. Use buttons, beads, googly eyes, yarn and markers to make the doll's face.

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A sample face.

11. Add yarn hair.

o Wrap 30 or so strands of yarn around something sturdy that is approximately a foot wide.

Wrapping yarn around a sturdy object.

o Place a strip of felt under the yarn, perpendicular to the wrap direction.

Place strip of felt under yarn.

o Hand baste the yarn strands to the felt strip.

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Baste the yarn to the felt.

o Turn the object over and cut the yarn in the center of the side opposite the basted felt strip.

Cut opposite the felt.

o Machine sew the yarn strands to the felt strip.

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Machine sew the yarn strands to the felt strip.

o Trim the felt strip ends.o Center the felt strip on the doll's head and sew it on.

Centering the hair on the head.

Sewing the hair to the head along the line of felt.

o You may leave the hair smooth or braid it, as you prefer.

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Smooth/straight hair.

12. Cut scraps of cloth to make clothes. Sew these on to the doll. Or, you could make the clothes so that they can be taken on and off easily.

13. Add whatever extra twists you like and your doll is done!

[edit] Tips

If you use other (colored) socks to make the dolls' wardrobe, keep in mind that the hems at the sock openings make great hems for sleeves, skirts, pants, etc. You don't have to turn them under to stitch them or bind them. Doing this saves a LOT of work.

Felt makes a good doll clothing material because it does not require hemming. Make a family of dolls of different sizes or start a collection. This can encourage

imagination to create 'housing' and writing to write about their 'lives'.

[edit] Warnings

If you plan to give your doll to a small child, consider using only embroidered facial features, as glued on or sewn on buttons can come loose and become a choking hazard.

Be careful using needles and scissors. Supervise children under the age of 4 while they play with the doll to minimize

the risk of choking.

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Have adult supervision while sewing.

[edit] Things You'll Need

Three ankle socks, preferably of one color Scraps of cloth Cotton for stuffing Sewing equipment- needles, thread, scissors. Beads, buttons, markers, googly eyes,and/or yarn

Everything you'll need to assemble your sock doll

Page 38: Membuat Karya Seni Dari Barang Bekas

How to Make a Sock Sack

This is a great project for colorful, lonely socks - ones where the partner got lost or got a hole in it, and it's particularly good for giving old baby socks a new life. You can also do this project with gloves or mittens. It's a unique way to store your money, make-up, or mobile phone.

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[edit] Steps

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Cut two notches in the top hem of the sock. Make sure the notches are directly across from each other. Don't cut further than the hem. On most socks, the hem is about a half inch (1.25 cm) tall.

2. Cut the shoelace or ribbon to about a foot (30.5 cm) long. Cut the straw to 2" (5 cm) long.


Slip one piece of the shoelace or ribbon through the straw. Pull it back down against the outside of the straw.


Slide the straw and the shoelace through one of the notched openings in the sock. Continue to thread the shoelace through the opening on the other side of the sock. Remove the straw from the shoelace. Your shoelace should create a loop around the inside of the hem of your sock.

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Tie the ends of the shoelace in a double knot.


Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the second piece of your shoelace, but start on the opposite side of the hem.


Pull the knotted piece of shoelace on opposite sides of the sock and the top of the sock will close.

[edit] Tips

If your sock's hem does not have double layers, you can fold and sew the hem to create a tunnel for the shoelace.

You can use a sock sack as a gift bag, too. Just choose a design or color suited to the occasion or to your recipient.

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[edit] Warnings

Be careful with sharp scissors.

[edit] Things You'll Need

A sock Scissors Ribbon or shoelace One straw Sewing needle (optional)

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How to Save a Tight Sweater (Jumper)

Here's to hoping it hasn't shrunk this much!

One of the most disappointing feelings in the world is taking a beloved sweater out of the washing machine (ruing the decision to put it in there) and finding that it has shrunk. When your favourite sweater is now a sweater that would fit someone a size smaller than you, there is one fix that can rescue it for you if you're handy with a needle - turn it into a cardigan.

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[edit] Steps

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Try it on. This will help to give you a feel for how small the sweater has become and whether transforming it into a cardigan is a viable option. If it's too small to fit even as a cardigan, you may want to consider donating or trading it instead.


Lay the sweater out flat. Smooth it out as much as you can.

3. Measure for stitching. Use a tape measure to find the exact centre-line down the front of the sweater.

4. Stitch down each side of the centre. Once you have marked the centre, stitch down each side of the centre join using an appropriate stitch. Choose a strong stitch, such as zigzag or serging stitch. Leave a very small gap between each line of stitching, to enable you to cut the cardigan opening.

5. Cut the middle join. Using sharp sewing scissors suitable for fabric, cut the sweater in the tiny gap between the two lines of stitching, straight up (or down) the centre. The stitching from the last step will prevent any unravelling of the sweater.

6. Decorate. Cover over the stitching with ribbon that matches or complements the colour of the cardigan. Stitch with small, invisible stitches to attach the ribbon. If preferred, simply finish off with good, invisible stitching rather than adding ribbon. It depends on your skill and the final look that you are seeking for the cardigan.

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7. Add a closing mechanism. The closing mechanism depends on how much smaller your sweater has become. Even a brooch will suffice but here is a list of other possibilities:


In many cases, it might be best to just leave this as an "open" cardigan, to display pretty blouses or clean shirts underneath.


An eye and hook or a button at the top of the cardigan can be useful for keeping it together in one place. Alternatively, leave some ribbon at the top from the ribbon edging, enough to tie in a bow.


Consider inserting a ribbon or leather cord through the middle of the cardigan as a belt or sash.

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Cardigan pins are fashionable also. These consist of little wooden pins (wren pins) that slide through the fabric. This might work for your new cardigan.


If there is a little give and the cardigan isn't at risk of puckering or stretching too much (not flattering to the chest area), you might like to consider buttons and buttonholes.

o If there is plenty of give still, inserting a zip might be possible also. You will need to use your own judgment on this option as to what will serve your particular situation best.

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Resort to another use for your old sweater. If you can't make a cardigan out of it, you might be interested in making your sweater into a purse, or a cat bed.

[edit] Tips

Read the label next time; many sweaters are best handwashed and laid flat to dry. If in doubt, get professional advice.

Before cutting your sweater, try this: Soak in water with shampoo with conditioner, or just conditioner & water. Let drain. Gently pull it to size & let dry on a flat surface.

[edit] Warnings

Don't force a tight sweater to fit you and don't force the cardigan version to fit either - this simply creates a very unflattering look and does your figure great disservice. If the sweater is so badly shrunken that it looks best for a child, give it to a child or a local charity clothing service. Sometimes we just have to move on.

[edit] Things You'll Need

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Shrunken sweater Tape measure Needle Thread to match the sweater Sewing scissors Ribbon that matches the cardigan; velvet, grosgrain, satin etc. - anything strong

enough to withstand wear and tear Closing elements: e.g., buttons, zip, hook and eye, cord etc. Decorative elements as desired

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