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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 20101

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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 2010

Esteja na direção

“A melhor maneira de prever o futuro

É cria-lo”

Peter Drucker


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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 2010

O Token: De Esquecido a Reverenciado- Ou: A conexão das coisas


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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 2010

Exemplo 1: Q Card


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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 2010

Exemplo 2: Paypal's Bumper Payment


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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 2010

Exemplo 3: Monitorando o Bijlmer Euro


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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 2010

The provision of context information as

a competitive advantage,

or the story of the ’Twitter Poster Boy’

(NYT) Curtis Kimball.

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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 2010

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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 2010

Acompanhando uma parte-


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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 2010

Twitter – Monitoramento de Processos como um Serviço


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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 2010

Modelo de Monitoramento de Processos via Twitter


Traumatology @ PAHospital3.2.4 Emergency Room | Brisbane, AustraliaNew role assigned to patient triage

Security Check @ Brisbane AirportBAC 1.3.4 Security Check | Brisbane, AustraliaAverage Throughput time for all activities updated

Adhoc Legal

S uppor tcom plet ed

At var i ous stages other than t he

expl ici tl y show n events/ int erf acesLegal Suppor t m ight j um p back to that

pr ocess.

Legal Suppor t

(post C C)com plet ed

Legal Suppor t

recei ved (postj udgm ent)

Det erm ine typeof legal suppor t

R efer cl aim to

Legal Ser vi ce s

Legal S upportrequi r ed

Fi le r efer red t oLegal Suppor t

( post C C)

LegalAssist ant

Re cor d date of

r ef err alcompl eti on

Legal base

Legal Ad vi ce

f rom ext er nalpr ovider

Cour t Or der

Cour t Or der

Legal Advi cefr om exter nal

provi der

St andar d 03l ett er

Legal Br ief

( CD07)

iD ocs

Cour t

appli cat i on

CC Review

Receipt fi le

Legal base

C ategor ise fi le

i Docs

Legal Br ief

(C D07)

Standar d 03l et ter

CC Review

Fil e i s Legal

Ref er ral

Fi le is al locat ed

Pr ovide wr i tt en

adviceLegal S ervi ces


Ret urn f il e t ocl aim s handl er

Al locat e f il e t o

Legal Panel

Gener ate let ter of

i nstr uct ion

Send let t er toLegal Panel

i Docs

Recor d l it igat i ondr iver s

Let ter of

I nstr uct ion

A ll f uncti ons i n t his process are car ri edout by a Soli cit or i f not shown othe rw ise.

D eter mi ne i f

r esear ch isr equir ed

Research i sr equir ed

Under take legalr esear ch

Ext ernalAssi st ance is

r equir ed

Engage Ext er nal

Pr ovider

Recei ve l egaladvice fr om

exter nal provi der

C ourt at tend ance

not requi r ed

Li ase w it hcl ai mant /agent

C onfi rm outcom e

in wr it ing

G enerat e l et ter t ocl ai mant /agent

i Docs

Standar d 03l et ter

Att end court

Recei ve cour t

deci sion

Al locat e f il e

Li asi on w it hCl aim ant / Agent

not r equir ed

Com plet ecom pulsor y

confer encingr eview

CC Re vi ew


MS RCom pul sor y

Conf er enceProcedur e

Cont act

clai man t/ agent

Resolut ionwi thout cour t

appli cat i onpossi ble

Gener ate let terconfi rm ing

agreem ent

R eceive court

appl i cat i on f romcl ai mant

At tend cour t

Re co rd

com pul soryconfer ence

dr i vers

Send fi le and

let ter t o LegalPanel

Receive CCr evi ew f r om

Legal Pa nel

Check qual it y o fl egal advice

Q uali ty is

appropr iat e

R ecord r etur n off il e

Telephone LegalPr ovider t o

di scuss

Q uali ty ofLegal advi ce

50% n o.. .

All ocate fi le

Legal base

Gener ate

Al locat ion For mAl l ocat i onFor m


MS Out look

Revi ew fi le

Legal Servi ces

Fil e Revi ew

Ad dit ional

I nfor m ati on notr equir ed

Gat herInf or mat ion

Com plet e SETT

Acti on PlanSE TT Act ion


Legal base

Per for m oth er

acti ons i fr equir ed

Legal S upport

Fi le is Lit igat ion

Resear ch i s notr equir ed

Ext ernalA ssi stance i s not

r equir ed

Court att endance

r equir ed

Li asi on wit hCl aim ant / Agent

requi red

Resolut ion

r equi res court

appl icat ion

R eceive courtdecisi on

Qual it y i s not

appropr iat e

A ddit ional

Inf or mat ionr equir ed

Legal base

Engage Ext ernalProvi der

Receive legaladvi ce f r om

ext ernal pr ovider

Legal base

Exter nal

Assista nce i srequi r ed


Exter nal

Assi st ance is notrequi red



A ll ocate fi le to

Legal Pa nel

Gener at e l ett er of

in st r ucti on

i Docs

Lett er of

Inst r ucti on

Legal base

Legal base

Legal base

A gree to meet i ngdetai ls wi th

i nter nalpart ici pant s

I nvest i gate inj uryInvest igat e

l iabi li ty

I nvesti gate inj ur y Invest igat e l iabi li ty

Fi le is Lim it ati on

Revi ew

Fil e i sCo mpul sory

Confer enceRevi ew

Fil e i s SETT

St andard 03

let t er

Ag ree on SE TTActi on P lan in

m eeti ng

La st ch ange: 2004- 05-13 17:06: 13

R efer ralFil es t o

LegalSer vices

Pr ocedure is rel evant

for the whol e pr ocess

Com es back to wher e it w as i nit iat ed


Assi st ant

LegalAssist ant

LegalAssist ant

LegalAssist ant

LegalAssi stant

LegalAssi sta nt

LegalAssi sta nt


Assist ant


Assist ant


Assist ant

Legal Suppor t

(Li abil it y)com plet ed

Legal Suppor t

(I njur y)com plet ed

Legal Support i s a servi ce p rocess t hat canbe t ri ggered by mor e t han one ot her pr ocess.

W hen j umpi ng t o Legal S upport keep in mi nd wher eyou cam e fr om. A ft er you w ent t hroug h

Legal Suppor t you have t o j um p back to that process.

CTP Cla im sSuper vi sor

Cl ai ms Handler

Seni or


CTP Cla im sTeam Leader

La wyer

Pr ovide ver baladvi ce t o C lai ms

Handl er

Legal Access

requi r ed

D iscuss i ssue

I ssue does notr equir e l egal

r efer r al

Legal Refer ralrequi r ed

Recor d

consult at ion

Legal base

Legal AccessR ecord

Legal Access

compl eted

Cl aim s Handl er

LegalAssist ant

Adhoc Legal

Suppor t r equir ed

At var ious st ages ot her t hanthe expli cit ly shown

events/ int erf aces Legal S upport

mi ght be r equi red.

Legal Suppor t

( post Lit iga ti on)com plet ed

Legal Suppor t is a ser vice process that can

be t r igger ed by mor e than one ot her pr ocess.W hen j umpi ng to Legal Support ke ep i n m ind wher e

you came fr om . Aft er you went t hr oughLegal S upport you have t o jum p back to t hat pr ocess.

Go back to Cl aim s Manage ment

Fi l e r efer r ed t oLegal Suppor t

( post ju dgement )

Clai m not sett le d/ Li ti gati on

com m enced

Comi ng f r om Clai ms Managem ent

Qual it y of legal

advi ce f r omt he Pane. ..

Fi l e r efer r ed t oLegal Suppor t

pr ior t o CC

Legal Suppor t

pr ior to CCcom plet ed

Payment Claims @ QUTQUT 2.4.6 Business Rule | Brisbane, AustraliaNew Policy for hospitality claims from 6 August 2009

You follow 3 processes

Processes / Name

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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 2010

Por quanto tempo?


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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 2010

Aplicativos de Iphone/ Ipad: Tempo de espera da DL


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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 2010

Monitoramento de Processos pela Multidão


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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 2010

Monitoramento de Processos pela Multidão


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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 2010

Como isso poderia ter sido evitado?


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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 2010

235,147 Aplicativos…e nenhum processo


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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 2010

A Cadeia de Valor do Natal


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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 2010

A Cadeia de Valor de uma Viagem


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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 2010

Processos Suportados por Aplicativos

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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 2010

Comprando uma CasaCoreografia do Processo como um Serviço


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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 2010

Modelagem Colaborativa


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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 2010

Exemplos- Oryx, Gravity, Lombardi


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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 2010

MS Surface – O que ele pode fazer por você?


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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 2010

O que você está trazendo para a minha mesa?


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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 2010

Saiba mais: BPMVE.ORG


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© ELO Group BPM Seminar – October 2010

Mais ideias- Siftables: Componentes de Processos


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Prof. Michael Rosemann, PhD

BPM Research Group

Information Systems Discipline

Faculty of Science and Technology

Queensland University of Technology

E-mail: [email protected]


