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Anuradha - Maitra 

 Anusham - Anizham - Mitrabha - Maitra-

 nakshatra - Vaban - La-Tsem (Tibetan) 

The Seventeenth Nakshatra

03:20 - 16:40 Vrischika (Scorpio) 

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Vajra-sattva Mandala 

"Diamond Thunderbolt Energy Balances the World" 

Tibetan Thangka 

 Anuradha Location = Graffias or Acrab, & Isidis: beta, delta & pi


-- The Circle of Stars 

"Additional Delight" - "After Radha"


•  a constellation described as a line of oblations

•  causing welfare, happiness


•  Nakshatra Anuradha, presided over by Mitra "god of the oath"  


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•  friendship , friendliness, benevolence, good will

•  close contact or union, alliance, promise, contract


•  a friendly constellation; Mitra's Nakshatra i.e. Anuradha


•  a friend , companion , associate

•  name of an Aditya (generally invoked together with Varuna and

often associated with Aryaman

•  Mitra is extolled alone in RV, and there described as calling mento activity , sustaining earth and sky and beholding allcreatures with unwinking eye

•  (in later times he is considered as) the deity of the constellation


•  friendship; a friend , companion; a friend connected by blood-


•  name of the god Mitra (enumerated among the 10 fires)

~~ Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionary 

•  following Radha; causing welfare, happiness

•  second half of the nakshatra pair, Radha-Anuradha 

•  the Zoroastrian deity Mizra = "god of the oath". Mizra represents "contract" and

therefore alliance, truthfulness, fairness, justice, honesty, light and Sun.

"Mitra desired, "May I be regarded as a friend in all the worlds." One who makes theappropriate offering to Mitra, to Anuradha, becomes regarded as a friend in all these


Those born under Anuradha want to be friends with everyone. They are emotionally

sensitive to others and place the welfare of others over their own."

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~~ David Frawley, Fruits of Worshipping Each Nakshatra 

Anuradha, for females: 

"A gay and fun-loving type, clever and witty. She will always besurrounded by an admiring circle of friends and her popularity will

cause envy and malice among those who are not included in this


Her married and domestic life will be very happy. She will be devotedto her family and faithful to her husband, unless the Seventh House of 

the Life Chart is badly afflicted. In which case, although she loves her

husband, some misunderstanding will result in a divorce."

~~ Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 98.

Anuradha, for males:

"Usually robust and healthy, yet the native of Anuradha gets verylittle enjoyment out of life. Probably because he consciously strives

after happiness but with continual discontent and bitterness in his


He has a deep secretive nature and because of his attitude and outlook on life he is somewhat unscrupulous. "A sweet tongue but poison in

the heart" aptly characterizes him."

~~ Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 85.

Male Chandra in Anuradha: M. Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran

 Barbara's viewpoint on Anuradha: 

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Anu-radha's purpose is to restore order, after there has been a shock or a threat.  Anuradha is the nourishing, quieting rain which follow the thunder & lightening of a big

atmospheric storm. Anuradha natives are welcomed as agents of peace & makers of 


Under the auspices of Mithra, Anuradha is known for "friendliness". But "friendliness" isoften just a presenting attitude, adopted to ease the approach into a difficult discussion.

Anuradha's mind is not friendly in the cheerful, light-hearted sense. Rather Anuradha is

friendly in the serious, goal-oriented sense of being committed to a business relationship.

Mithra's goal is to achieve an alliance; reaching this goal may require bitter compromise

(Shani). Varuna rules the dark half of the sky; ruling "dark skies" Varuna is also a god of Rain. On Varuna's side, there is darkness - a dark churning ocean, a dark threatening sky.

During the discussion itself, there are many fears to articulate, many grievances to air.

Will the parties to the agreement be tricked in the dark, and a new threat arise? Will therain become a catastrophic deluge?

Despite Anuradha's reputation for amiability & loyalty, the native is not always Mr./Ms.Nice Guy. Mithra needs to "hammer out an agreement" and Anuradha will try every

possible method to achieve the goal. Naturally, his process may be frustrating andexhausting - at rare moments, indeed, impossible.

Anuradha can be a glorious deal-maker, often found in diplomacy, law, international

finance & trade. In public life, Anuradha is guided by Shani's cold realism, and Kuja's

competitive thrust. Material, political results of Anuradha's world-class negotiating skill

are often excellent.

In private life, Anuradha's compulsion to "reach agreement" and "craft a treaty" can leadto chronic, restless negotiating which reveals an underlying lack of trust in the motives of 

the Other. Anuradha is skillful at balancing conflicting goals, but ever suspicious. Loyaltyis achieved through contractual obligation - not love.

General Description of  Anuradha


-- from Das /Behari 

General   General results of being born in Anuradha Nakshatra1. Physical features: You will have a beautiful face with

bright eyes.

2. Character & general events: You are liable to face

several obstacles in your life. Even then you will possess

a special aptitude to handle the most difficult situation in

a systematic way. However, a peculiar frustrated face 

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can be noticed, this may be due to numerous obstacles.

There may be limited peace of mind in your life. Curb

 your tendency towards revenge. 

You will be very hardworking & ever ready to complete

the task before you. Your motto of life will to march ondespite obstacles. After several reversals you will

ultimately achieve the desired result, & remain optimistic

throughout. You are a firm believer in God.

Although you wish to spend your life with someone, youmay find yourself leading an independent life.

3. Education, sources of earning/profession: You can be

successful in the business field. You will get along well

with your superiors. You will begin working at about 17or 18 years of age. Life between the period of 17 years to

48 years of age may have trials. Occasional benefits &favorable results will be definitely noticed. The life after

age 48 will be extremely good. It is in this period you cansettle down in your life to the desired way & become free

from most of the miseries of the life.

4. Family life: There may be strained relations with your

siblings & parents. Normally, you settle down away fromthe place of your birth. You will enjoy a good married life

& have a good spouse. You may find yourself trying to

give your children a better life than you had, this resultsin proper care of your children & at any cost you like to

provide all necessities of life as far as possible with love

& affection. As a result your children will be very


5. Health: Your health will generally be good. You willbe prone to normal diseases of the human body, coughs,

colds etc.

Description of the Padaa (quarters) of  Anuradha 

-- from Das /Behari 


You are expert in speech, patient, honorable, famous and




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You may travel extensively. As a result of this you may

have a unhappy married life or remain independent.

Description of the Four Padaa (quarters) of  Anuradha 

*for the Male only* 

 from: Shil-Ponde. (1939). Hindu Astrology Joytisha-Shastra . p 110

 Padaa 1  Is very passionate; fond of family life and loves his wifeardently. Enjoys music and singing, and likes to go to

parties. Identified with society, clubs etc. Must havefemale society particularly.

Is a heavy eater. Has a penchant for doing and saying the 

wrong thing. Should never speculate, as he has no luck 

in gambling. Will have few, if any, children.

While not a mathematician himself, he has great respect

for mathematics. Likes string and reed instruments.

 Padaa 2  same as pada-1

 Padaa 3  same as pada-1

 Padaa 4  same as pada-1




17. Anu-raadha - (Maitranakshatra) 

03:20 - 16:40 Vrischika 

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 Ruler:  Shani 

 Body part:  Stomach of Kalapurushaa 



Marriage, Brahmin receiving sacred thread, travel,construction of temples or other religious buildings

or installing holy objects therein, laying foundation

stones, braking ground. [BPHS]


Mitra-Varuna, the twin god

Mitra -Maitreya- Maitra (the Divine Friend)

Varuna = supreme keeper of order and god of the


Symbol:  Umbrella

Gana/Caste: Heavenly / Deva

Tibetan deity


•   Lha-tsam - lakpa, the Hand;

•  Dzawo  Lha, the Friendly God 


•  Asvini 

•  Bharani 

•  Krittika 

•  Rohini 

•  Mrigashira 

•  Ardra 

•  Punarvasu 

•  Pushya 

•  Magha 

•  Purvaphalguni 

•  Uttaraphalguni 

•  Hasta 

•  Chitra 

•  Swati 

•  Vishakha/Radha 

•  Anuradha 

•  Mula 

•  Purvashadha 

•  Uttarashadha 

•  Shravana 

•  Dhanishtha 

•  Shatabishaj / 


•  Purvabhadrapada 

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•  Ashlesha  •  Jyestha  •  Uttarabhadrapada 

•  Revati 

intercalary nakshatra = Abhijit 

•  Chandra



•  Chandra



•  Chandra


Krittika •  Chandra

in Rohini 

•  Chandra




•  Chandra

in Ardra 

•  Chandrain


•  Chandra



•  Chandra



•  Chandra in


•  Chandra in


•  Chandra in


•  Chandra in


•  Chandra in


•  Chandra in


•  Chandra in

Vishakha / 


•  Chandra inAnuradha 

•  Chandra in


•  Chandra in Mula 

•  Chandra in


•  Chandra in


•  Chandra in


•  Chandra inDhanishtha / 


•  Chandra in

Shatabishaj / 


•  Chandra in



•  Chandra inUttarabhadrapa


•  Chandra in Revati 

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