Page 1: ön söz - · çıktığı, ÖSYM İngilizce yeterlilik düzeyini ölçen sınavlarda, adayların paragraf sorularıyla ilgili problemlerini mini- mum düzeye
Page 2: ön söz - · çıktığı, ÖSYM İngilizce yeterlilik düzeyini ölçen sınavlarda, adayların paragraf sorularıyla ilgili problemlerini mini- mum düzeye

ön sözKıymetli öğrencilerim ve sevgili meslektaşlarım,

Hepimizin hayatında dönüm noktaları vardır. Ülkemizde, bu dönüm noktalarından bir kısmını gerek istedi-ğimiz eğitimi almak için gerekse kendimize uygun ve gelecek hayatımızı geçirebileceğimiz bir işe girebilmek için girdiğimiz sınavlar oluşturur. Bu sınavların birçoğu henüz hayatımızı ve kendimizi çok iyi analiz etmeden, belirli dallarda yeterliliğimizi ispatlamak üzerine tasarlanmıştır. Bu nedenle, pek çok aday sınavın özelliklerini, etkilerini ve doğurabileceği sonuçları içselleştiremeden, sınav sürecini tamamlamaktadır.

Kitabım YDS, LYS-5 ve KPSS gibi “reading comprehension” (okuduğunu anlama) bölümünün ön plana çıktığı, ÖSYM İngilizce yeterlilik düzeyini ölçen sınavlarda, adayların paragraf sorularıyla ilgili problemlerini mini-mum düzeye çekmek için hazırlanmıştır. Bu tür sınavlarda, her soru belirli bir süreyle sınırlanmaktadır ve adayın algısı, hem bilgi hem çıkarım kabiliyeti, hem de süre konusunda ölçülmektedir. Her üç sınavda da soru tipleri incelendiğinde, okuduğunu anlama bölümünün, sınavın büyük bir kısmını oluşturduğu görülmektedir.

Yirmi yıllık sınav hazırlığı çalışmalarımda, YDS/LYS-5 adaylarının azımsanamayacak bir kısmının gerekli alt yapı bilgisine sahip olsalar bile “paragraph” (paragraf), “paragraph completion” (paragraf tamamlama) ve “finding the irrelevant sentence” (anlam akışını bozan cümleyi bulma) bölümlerinde, soru çözüm teknikleri ve stratejilerine hâkim olmadıkları için sınavda süreyi yetiştiremediklerini ve istedikleri neticeyi alamadıklarını gör-düm. Bu kitap, düzenli çalışan bir adayın bu bölümlerde hem eksiksiz bir biçimde alt yapı bilgilerini pekiştirmesini sağlayacaktır; hem de sınav stratejileriyle onun sıfır hataya gitme olasılığını arttıracaktır. Ayrıca, kitabım sözcük bilgisi çok iyi düzeyde olmayan adayların, öncelikle anlama girmeden, soru çözüm teknikleriyle rahatlıkla bazı seçenekleri eleyip, doğru yanıtı içeren seçeneğe yönelmelerini sağlayacaktır.

ÖSYM›nin uyguladığı YDS ve LYS–5 gibi çoktan seçmeli İngilizce yeterlilik sınavları, adayların usage (dili kullanım kabiliyetleri: speaking, listening, writing, reading) yeterliliklerini sorgulamaktan ziyade know-ledge (bilgi: grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension) bilgilerini ölçen sınavlardır. Ve bu tarz sınav-larda başarının anahtarı; çok iyi bir sözcük bilgisine sahip olunmasa da iyi bir dil bilgisi ve paragraf teknikleri bilgisinin yanı sıra zaman kazandırıcı soru çözüm taktiklerine hâkim olmaktır. Soru sayısı olarak okuduğunu anlama ve dil bilgisi bölümlerinin ağırlıklı olduğu bu sınavlara hazırlık sürecinde, kitap okumanın önemi küçüm-senemez. Adayların bu dönemde okudukları kitapların olay ağırlıklı türler olduğunu (roman-hikâye) görüyorum, ancak ÖSYM sınavlarında metinler genellikle bilim dallarından (sağlık, fen, sosyal bilimler) alınmaktadır ve bu nedenle reading (paragraf tamamlama, ilgisiz cümleyi bulma, paragraf) bölümlerinde yer alan metinlerin belirli bir organizasyonu vardır. Adaylar, paragraf organizasyonu ve soru çözüm stratejilerine hâkim olurlarsa ve ayrıca bol miktarda nitelikli soru çözerlerse sınav esnasında yaşadıkları en temel sorunlardan biri olan süreyi yetiştirememek problemini de ortadan kaldırabilirler. Metinlerin çeşitli bilim dallarından alınmış olması, aynı konularda fazla sayıca soru çözen bir adayın sıfır hataya gitmesini kolaylaştıracaktır. Burada kabaca bir ifadeyle “sorular uzaydan gelmiyor” benzetmesi yerinde olacaktır.

Dilin kendi sabit kurallarını da hesaba katarsak, 80 soruluk bir sistemde soruların büyük bir kısmının çözümünde; ilk planda strateji, ipuçlarını bilmenin ve zamanı iyi kullanmanın, biçim olarak soru köküyle örtüş-meyen seçenekleri tespit edebilmek açısından önemli olduğunu görüyoruz. Fast Track in Paragraph kitabımda adaylara taban bilgisi teşkil edecek olan ve çoktan seçmeli sınavlarda “olmazsa olmaz” şeklinde tabir ettiğimiz

Page 3: ön söz - · çıktığı, ÖSYM İngilizce yeterlilik düzeyini ölçen sınavlarda, adayların paragraf sorularıyla ilgili problemlerini mini- mum düzeye

klişeleşmiş kalıpların yanı sıra gelecek sınavlarda çıkması muhtemel anlama dayalı ve tamamen özgün sorulara da yer verdim. Yıllardır sınıflarda gözlemlediğim, adayları hata yapmaya teşvik eden unsurları, çalı-şırken sıralamada yaptıkları hata ve eksikleri, süreyi iyi kullanamama, akılda fazla sayıda sözcük tutamama, çalışmaya nereden ve nasıl başlayacağını bilememe gibi faktörleri göz önünde bulundurarak yukarıda da söz ettiğim gibi etkin bir YDS hazırlık çalışmasının en önemli kısımlarından biri olan “reading” bölümü için bu kitapta onlara bilgi ve hız kazandıracak bir sistem geliştirdim. Kitabım, defalarca aynı (çıkmış) soruları çözmek zorunda kalan adaylara dönük özgün ve 2014 YDS itibariyle çıkan soru tiplerini de içermesi nedeniyle emsal-lerinden farklı bir nitelik taşımaktadır.

Paragraf sorularında en güzel antrenman süre tutularak yapılandır. Hız sorularının mantığı budur. Soruların süre sınırlaması altında ve zorluk derecesine göre çözülmesi, adaylara hız kazandıracaktır.

YDS ve LYS-5 sınavlarında reading comprehension (okuduğunu anlama) bölümü üç kısımdan olu-şur: paragraph (paragraf), paragraph completion (paragraf tamamlama), finding the irrelevant sentence (anlam akışını bozan cümleyi bulma). Paragraf organizasyonunu bilen ve süreyi iyi kullanan bir aday her üç bölümde de başarılı olacaktır. Ancak paragraf tamamlama ve anlam akışını bozan cümleyi bulma bölümlerinde kullanmamız gereken ek teknikler ve soru çözüm stratejileri mevcuttur. Bu nedenle bu üç bölüm kitabımda ayrı ayrı ele alınacaktır.

Fast Track in Paragraph kitabı, adayın sınavda ihtiyaç duyabileceği paragraf bilgisi ve soru çözüm tekniklerine ulaşmasını mümkün kılmaktadır. Kitabın içinde yer alan stratejiler 2013 YDS ile birleşen iki sına-

vın (KPDS/ÜDS) mantığına uygun, yeni, güncel ve soru çözümüne dair bilgilerinizi güçlendirecek niteliktedir.

YDS soru dağılım tablosu Tavsiye Edilen Süre

1. - 6. Sorular (6 soru) Vocabulary (sözcük) 8’

7. - 16. Sorular (10 soru) Grammar & Preposition (dil bilgisi / edat) 15’17. - 26. Sorular (10 soru) Cloze Test 14’27. - 36. Sorular (10 soru) Sentence Completion (cümle tamamlama) 15’37. - 42. Sorular (6 soru) Translation (çeviri) 6’43. - 62. Sorular (20 soru) Paragraph (okuma parçaları) 60’63. - 67. Sorular (5 soru) Dialogue Completion (diyalog tamamlama) 8’68. - 71. Sorular (4 soru) Restatement (anlamca en yakın cümleyi bulma) 8’72. - 75. Sorular (4 soru) Paragraph Completion (paragraf tamamlama) 8’

76. - 80. Sorular (5 soru) Finding the Irrelevant Sentence (ilgisiz cümleyi bulma) 8’

80 Soru 150’

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YDS’de her biri dört soru içeren beş paragraf, dört sorudan oluşan paragraf tamamlama ve beş sorudan oluşan anlam akışını bozan cümleyi bulma bölümleri bulunmaktadır. Bu bölümler, toplamda sınavda önemli bir yer kaplamaktadırlar. Özellikle 2014 YDS sınavı itibariyle okuduğunu anlama bölümlerinde soru köklerinde ve tarzların-

da bir takım değişiklikler yapılmıştır. Fast Track in Paragraph kitabı, bu yeni soru köklerini ve açıklamalarını içermektedir. Kitabımda yer alan testlerde, zorluk derecesi sırasıyla dört farklı seviyeyi temsil eden dört renk kul-lanılmıştır. Sarı renkteki testler ısınma turlarını, kırmızı renkteki testler adayın alıştığı ve soru çözüm tekniklerini benimsemeye başladığı aşamayı, yeşil renkteki testler paragraf kabiliyetlerinin geliştiği ve adayların hız kazandığı seviyeyi ve mor renkteki testler ise adayın artık klişeleşmiş kalıpların dışındaki soruları süreyi de iyi kullanarak çöze-bilme kabiliyetlerini ölçer. Bu nedenle sınavın zorluk derecesiyle birebir örtüşen ya da daha zor soruları içeren mor testlerin çözümleri Paragrafta Hız kitabına dâhil edilmiştir. Her testin başında, adayın o bölümü ne kadar sürede çözmesi gerektiğine dair bir kısım yerleştirilmiştir. Testlerin bitiminde adayların kendilerini süre ve doğru/yanlış sayısı olarak değerlendirebilecekleri bir kutucuk eklenmiştir.

Paragrafta Hız kitabından en iyi biçimde faydalanabilmeniz için:1. Başlangıçta verilen soru çözüm stratejilerini dikkatli okumanız,2. Stratejilerden sonra verilen örnekleri çözmeniz,3. Hız testlerinde, soruları ön görülen sürede çözmeye dikkat etmeniz,4. Kitabın sonunda verilen sözlüğü (günde ortalama 12 sözcüğü çalışarak -3 aylık çalışma süresi göz önüne

alınarak) çalışmanız gerekmektedir.

Bu kitabın hazırlanma sürecinde desteğini esirgemeyen ve sabreden sevgili oğlum Algın BOYACIOĞLU’na,

Tüm enerjisiyle benimle birlikte olan, her aşamada yardımcı olan ve en zor anlarda bile yanımda olan Bülent YÜKSEL’e,

Bana hem bir meslektaş hem de dost olarak güvenen Yaşar TATLITÜRK’e,

Ve kitabımın fikir olarak çıkış noktasını sağlayan Göksu ÇETİN’e teşekkürü bir borç bilirim.


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YDS / LYS - 5 Paragraph (Paragraf) Bölümü Soru Çözüm Stratejileri 7

YDS / LYS - 5 Paragraph Completion (Paragraf Tamamlama)

Bölümü Soru Çözüm Stratejileri ........................................................ 24

YDS / LYS - 5 Finding The Irrelevant Sentence

(Anlam Akışını Bozan Cümleyi Bulma) Bölümü Soru Çözüm

Stratejileri............................................................................................ 31

Hız Testleri ......................................................................................... 37

Mor Hız Test Çözümleri ...................................................................... 109

Cevap Anahtarları .............................................................................. 133

YDS / LYS - 5’te En Çok Çıkan Kelimeler .......................................... 134

YDS / LYS - 5’te En Çok Çıkan Öbeksi Fiiller .................................... 157

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İdeal bir paragrafın ana fikri, parçanın giriş bölümü olan ilk cümlede verilir. Yazar, bu bölümde, paragrafın ilerleyen bölümlerinde savunacağı, üzerinde duracağı, destekleyeceği ya da nadiren de olsa çürüteceği fikri ortaya atar.

Paragraf, çoğunlukla genelden özele giden bir düşünce zincirine dayalıdır (kronolojik parag-raflar, biyografiler ve hikâyeler dışında). Bu durumda, parçanın ilk cümlesinin genel bir yargı niteliği taşıması ve diğer cümlelerde bu yargıyı (iddiayı) destekleyen, daha “specific” (özel) cümlelerin yer alması gerekir.

Bir metinin ilk cümlesinde, gönderme ifadeleri (this, that, it, those, she, the former, another vb.) ve bazı bağlaçların (because, therefore, however, but vb.) cümle başlatması dil kuralla-rına uygun değildir.

Paragraf sorularında, okuma esnasında, her seçenek soru köküyle birleştirilerek okunmalı-dır çünkü çoğu durumda, herhangi bir seçenek tek başına doğru ancak soru köküyle birleşti-rildiğinde yanlış bir anlam ifade edebilir. Parça okunurken, gerçek hayatta da yer alma ihtimali daha sınırlı olan “all, none, never, every, ext-remely, only, superlative, comparative vb.” gibi anlam daraltan ve genişleten keskin (radi-kal) ifadelerin yer aldığı seçeneklere öncelikle yoğunlaşılmamalıdır. Ancak, tersten, okuma esnasında parçada geçen bu tür ifadelerin altı çizilmelidir çünkü yazarlar, genellikle, bu tür alışılmadık ifadelerin geçtiği cümleler ile ilgili soru sorarlar.

Paragraf sorularını yanıtlarken, dikkat etmemiz gereken en önemli noktalardan biri, kendimize ait yorum yapmamamızdır. Sorular yanıtlanır-ken, verilen parçaya bağlı kalınmalıdır. Her soru tipinin kendine ait bir mantığı vardır ve soru çözerken kendi mantığımıza göre değil sorunun mantığına ve parçada verilen bilgiye göre hareket etmemiz gerekir. Bu durumda, soru kökünün iyi okunup anlaşılması ve par-çada soruya uygun yanıtın aranması zaman kazandıracaktır. Aynı zamanda bu şekilde, hatalı okuma alışkanlıklarına (soru kökünde verilen olumsuz bir ifadeyi olumlu olarak oku-mak gibi) da engel olunabilir.

Paragraf sorularına ilk olarak, birinci soruyu okuyarak başlanmalıdır. Dört soruyu okuyup da parça okuma esnasında hepsini akılda tutmak zordur. Bu nedenle, ilk soru okunarak, özellikle ana fikir sorusu soruluyorsa parçanın ilk iki cümlesine ağırlık verilebilir.

Paragraf soruları diğer soru tiplerinden daha kolaydır çünkü diğer soru tiplerinin aksine parça incelemeye dayalı sorularda, üst düzey bir dil bilgisi (grammar) ya da sözcük bilgisi (vocabulary) gerekmez. Parçayla ilgili soruların paragrafın bütünlüğünde yer aldığı bu tip soru-larda, paragraf organizasyonunu bilen ve süreli test çözen adaylar bu sorularda daha yüksek başarı sağlayabilirler.

Parça okunurken, hız kazanmak için (soru kökünden parçada istenen bilgiye hızlı dönüş yapmak için) paragrafta önemli olan bilgi-lerin altı çizilmelidir. Okuma esnasında ilk cümlenin (konu cümlesi), anlam daraltan ya da genişleten ifadelerin, comparative/superla-tive (kıyaslama) ifadelerinin, dönüş (however, nevertheless vb.) ifadelerinin, vurgu zarfı (in fact, indeed, actually vb.) içeren ifadelerin ve sonuç cümlesinin altı çizilmelidir. Bu şekilde, aday, seçenekler arasında çelişkiye düştüğün-de altı çizili ifadeleri okuyarak doğru seçeneğe ulaşabilir.

Parçaları okurken nesnel (tarafsız) bir tavırla okumamız gerekir çünkü aşağıda verilecek soruların parçada yer alan bilgilere göre yanıt-lanması gerekmektedir. Kendi düşüncelerimiz, bizi genel olarak ya da kendimizce doğru ama parçada iletilmek istenen mesaja göre yanlış seçeneklere yönlendirebilir.

Paragraf sorularında yetkin olabilmek için en azından son on yılın çıkmış YDS ve LYS-5 soruları titizlikle, sabırla, dikkatlice ve yanlış-lar detaylıca incelenerek çözülmelidir. Düzenli olarak yapacağınız günlük paragraf çözme egzersizleri anlama, yorumlama, sebep-sonuç ve karşılaştırma yeteneğinizi geliştirerek oku-duğunu anlama bölümünde başarılı olmanızı sağlayacaktır.

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YDS’de her biri dört soru içeren beş paragraf bulun-maktadır. Paragraf bölümü, YDS’de adayları en çok tedir-gin eden ve onların en fazla hata yaptıkları bölümlerden biridir. Yapılan hataların özellikle parça okuma bölümün-den gelmesinin bazı nedenleri vardır:

1) İngilizce kitap okuma deneyiminin olmaması.

2) Adaylar tarafından sınav süresinin iyi kullanıla-maması.

3) Kelime bilgisinin yeterli olmaması (özellikle par-çalarda büyük önem taşıyan synonym/eş anlamlı sözcük bilgisinin yetersiz olması).

4) Soru kökleri bilinmediği için soruda tam olarak neistendiğinin anlaşılamaması.

5) Parçada nereden başlayacağını, önce nereyebakacağını bilememek.

6) Geçmişten gelen okuma alışkanlığı yoksa dikkatlive hızla okuma kabiliyetinin gelişmemiş olması.

7) YDS’ye dönük grammar (dil bilgisi) konusundayeterli bilgiye sahip olmamak. Farklı yapıları biçimsel ve anlamsal olarak birbirlerine dönüştürememek ya da anlamca yakın ifadeleri (restatements) tanıyamamak.

8) Parçada ana fikri tespit edememek. Ana fikir(main idea) paragrafta okuyucuya iletilmek istenen en temel mesajdır. Soru köklerinde direkt ana fikir sorulma-sa bile bu bilgi tüm soru tiplerinin çözümünde gerekli bir unsurdur.

9) Fazla heyecan, stres, ya da buna benzer duy-guların sınav hazırlık süresince adayların motivasyon ve odaklanmalarını düşürmesi.

10) Bol miktarda ve nitelikli soru çözmemiş olmak.Yeterli sayıda soru çözülse bile soruların düşük kalitede sınava yönelik olmayan, hatalı ya da sınavın zorluk düze-yinin çok altında veya üstünde olması.

11) Çok soru çözülse bile çözülen sorularda yapılanhataların ayrıntılı bir biçimde incelenmemesi ve bu neden-le aynı yanlışları tekrar tekrar yapmak.

12) Çıkarım sorularında ima edilen bilginin bulunma-sında zorluk yaşamak.

Bu sebepler adayların ders çalışma alışkanlıkları ya da sınav hazırlığına ayıracakları süre gibi bireysel özellikleri ve İngilizce’ye olan yatkınlıklarına göre farklılık

gösterebilir. Strateji bölümünde sınava hazırlık sürecinde adaylara engel teşkil eden bu sorunları ortadan kaldıracak ya da en azından minimum düzeye çekebilecek bir takım soru çözüm teknikleri bulunmaktadır.



Adaylarda bir takım okuma kabiliyetleri ve etkili okumaya dönük bir altyapı olsa da olmasa da en azından temel düzeyde paragraf organizasyonunu bilmeleri gere-kir. Çünkü YDS paragraflarında parçada geçen tüm söz-cüklerin anlamını bilmek ya da parçayı birebir Türkçe’ye çevirmek yeterli değildir. Böylelikle adaylar soru köklerin-de istenen bilgiyi nerede arayıp bulacaklarını bilebilirler. Özellikle uzun paragraflarda paragraf organizasyonuna hâkim olmayan adaylar paragrafın içinde kaybolarak hem süreyi yetiştirememektedirler hem de psikolojik olarak kendilerini stres altında hissederek sınavdan hedefledik-leri ve kolaylıkla alabilecekleri puanları alamamaktadırlar.

YDS paragrafları genellikle bilim dallarını içeren makalelerden ve diğer yazı türlerinden alınmış parçalar-dır. Bilim dallarıyla ilgili konular içerdiklerinden paragraflar için serbest yazılardır diyemeyiz. Bu nedenle, akademik unsurlar taşıyan bu paragrafların belirli bir organizasyon-ları vardır. Tabi ki kurala uymayan serbest yazılarla (anı, deneme, biyografi, vb.) da karşılaşabiliriz. Bu tür metin-lerde de bol miktarda soru çözülerek başarı sağlanabilir. Aşağıda sözünü edeceğimiz paragraf organizasyonu, bilim dalı paragrafları temel alınarak hazırlanmıştır.

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YDS ve LYS-5’te paragrafların çoğu bir “allegation” (iddia, sav, tez) cümlesi ile başlar. Nasıl ki derse başlarken bir öğretmen o gün hangi konuyu ele alacağını bildiriyorsa benzer bir şekilde yazar da paragrafta açıklanacak konuyu ilk cümlede verir. Bu durumun istisnası genelde kronolojik ya da biyografi paragraflarıdır. Ancak tüm metinler göz önüne alındığında bu tarz paragrafların sayısı azınlıktadır. Tipik bir paragraf üç kısımdan oluşur: “introduction (giriş), body (gelişme), conclusion (sonuç).” İddianın ortaya atıldığı ilk cümle çoğunlukla paragrafın en genel cümlesidir.

Bu bölüm adaylar için çok büyük bir önem taşımak-tadır çünkü “topic” (konu)’i ve “main idea” (ana fikir)’yı içeren “topic sentence” (konu cümlesi) bu bölümde verilir. Birçok paragraf tek bir konuyu ve o konunun tek bir yönünü ele alır. Ve bu bilgi özellikle paragraf tamamlama ve ilgisiz cümleyi bulma bölümlerinde soruyu çözme nok-tasında çok önemlidir. Yazar, ilk cümlede verdiği konuyu “controlling idea” (sınırlayıcı fikir) ve “keywords” (anahtar kelimeler) kullanarak tek bir yönde sınırlar (one specific aspect of the topic). Bunun amacı metinin çok genel ve çok uzun olmasını engellemektir. Ayrıca, ilk cümlede göreceğimiz “keywords” (ki bunlar genelde sıfatlar ve zarflardır) bize paragrafın gidişatı hakkında da ön bilgi verir. Yani paragraf eğer olumsuz anlam taşıyan ifadelerle başlıyorsa çoğunlukla konuya bakış açısı o şekilde gider. Aynı biçimde olumlu bir başlangıç varsa yine okuyucu olarak beklentimiz olumlu devam etmesidir. Bu bilginin faydası, seçenekleri okurken aksi yöndeki ifadelere ilk evvela yoğunlaşmayarak zaman kazanmaktır.

Pek çok paragrafın bir “generalization” (genelleme) ile başladığı ve “main idea” (ana fikir) ‘nın da bu bölümde yer aldığını ifade etmiştik. Yazar genelden özele doğru giderken “supporting ideas” (destekleyici fikirler) ile en başta verdiği konuyu destekler. “Supporting ideas”, önem ve genellik sırasına göre “major” ve “minor” olabilir. Paragraf ilk cümlede verilen iddiayı (anafikri) destekleyen ve toparlayan ya da tekrar eden bir sonuç cümlesi (resta-tement) ile bitebilir.


Without a library, educational facilities would die in a short time.

Keyword (-) Topic Specific aspect of the topic (main idea)

Major Support A Major Support B Major Support C

First, the library is essential to students who

find the materials they need for

writing reports, term papers,

and for outside reading.

Second, the library is the center for teachers.

Third, it is generally open to public even if it belongs to an

educational institute.

Minor Support

Minor Support

Minor Support

They also find it the most

appropriate place to study.

They must not only prepare their class materials but must also

keep up with new developments in their fields.

In this way, it makes a wide

variety of reading available to people and

increases the literacy level of the community.

The Concluding Sentence

Therefore, library is a factor which should be regarded as being the true center of a campus.

Without a library, educational facilities would die in a short time. First, the library is essential to students who find the materials they need for writing reports, term papers, and for outside reading. First, the library is essential to students who find the materials they need for writing reports, term papers, and for outside reading. They also find it the most appropriate place to study. Free of noise and having plenty of academic resources, it serves a peaceful atmosphere for the students. Second, the library is the center for teachers. They must not only prepare their class materials but must also keep up with new developments in their fields. Third, it is generally open to public even if it belongs to an educational institute. In this way, it makes a wide variety of reading available to people and increases the literacy level of the community. Therefore, library is a factor which should be regarded as being the true center of a campus..

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My most frightening experience happened when I was 10 years old. I went swimming with my friends during a summer vacation. The beach we went was full of big and sharp stones and the water was very deep. We were swimming near the beach at first but we soon moved deeper and deeper. Then, one of my friends challenged me to race with him but there was a great distance between the two points. I was scared still I agreed to race with him. We started swimming and I got tired in the middle of the race. I found a stone, climbed on it, and sat there for a while. He was rather ahead of me. When he was about to win the race, I jumped into the water and started swimming really fast. The water got deeper and I got even more tired but I won the race in the end. During the next four days, I got cramps and I wasn’t able to walk.



YDS ve LYS-5 paragraflarında birkaç yıl öncesine kadar ana fikir soruları çok yaygındı. Ancak son yıllar-da eskisi kadar sık sorulmamaktaydı. 2014 sınavlarıyla birlikte bu soru tipi tekrar gündeme geldi. Bu nedenle, paragrafta ana fikri bulmak yeniden daha büyük bir önem kazandı. Ayrıca soru kökünde anafikir istenmese bile diğer soru tiplerini yanıtlayabilmemiz için de paragrafın temel konusunu bilmemiz gerekir. Böylece farklı soru tiplerinde de konu dışı olan seçenekler kolaylıkla elene-bilir. Yazarlar yanlış olan seçeneklerde konu dışı ifadeleri sıklıkla kullanırlar. Paragrafın ana konusu ya da yazarın metinde okuyucuya iletmek istediği temel mesaj aday tarafından net bir biçimde anlaşılırsa bazı sorularda üç seçenek birden konu dışı olduğu için kolaylıkla elenecek-tir. Bu bilginin ışığında paragrafın ana fikrini tespit etmek daha büyük önem kazanır.

PARAGRAFTA ANA FİKİR NEREDE YER ALIRYDS gibi sınavlarda paragrafın ana fikri başta, ortada

ya da sonda yer alır diye kesin bir yargıda bulunamayız. Hatta bazı paragraflarda ana fikir, tüm metinden çıkarım yapılarak bulunur. Ancak özellikle bilim dallarından alınan paragraflar iyi organize olmuş metinlerdir. Bu tür metinler genellikle ana fikri ilk cümlelerde verirler. Bilim dalı paragrafları çoğunlukla giriş bölümünde bir “allegation” (sav, tez) ortaya atarlar ve paragrafın geri kalan kısmında ilk bölümde ortaya atılan iddia desteklenir ya da çürütülür. Fakat, serbest metinlerde (deneme, biyografi… vb.) aynı paragraf organizasyonuyla karşılaşmak zordur. Çünkü bu tür paragraflar herhangi bir mesaj iletme kaygısı taşımazlar. YDS paragrafları daha çok bilim dallarından alınmış metinlerdir ve bu da paragraf organizasyonunu bilen adaylar için bir şanstır.

ANA FİKRİN YAPISIDaha önce de belirttiğimiz gibi özellikle bilim dalla-

rından alınmış ya da akademik paragraflar daha organize bir yapıya sahiptirler. Bu tür metinler genelde bir iddianın ortaya atıldığı bir “topic sentence” (konu cümlesi) ile baş-larlar ve ana fikir de bu konu cümlesinin içinde yer alır. Bu yüzden adaylar için metnin ilk cümlesini hatta ilk iki cümle-sini (ikinci cümle bazen ilk cümledeki iddiayı desteklemek yerine farklı ifadelerle pekiştirir) çok iyi anlamak önemlidir. 80 sorudan oluşan ve 150 dakika (2,5 saat) süre verilen YDS’de paragraf için ayırmamız gereken ortalama süre 60 dakikadır (1 saat). Paragrafı anlamaya dört dakika ayırdıysak bu sürenin en az bir dakikasını ilk iki cümleye ayırmalıyız. Ana fikir yani paragrafa hâkim düşünce ya da düşünceler net anlaşılırsa paragrafı da tam olarak anlama şansımız büyük oranda artar. Çünkü diğer cümleler ilk iki cümlede sunulan ana düşünceyi destekleyici niteliktedir ve sorulardaki seçenekler de bu bağlamda karşımıza çıkacaktır.


Genel olarak; iyi organize olmuş pek çok paragraf tek bir konuyu (one topic) ve o konunun tek bir yönünü (one specific aspect of the topic) ele alır. Bu nedenle ilk cümle okunduğunda sorulması gereken iki soru vardır: ‘konu ne?, nesi?’ (konunun hangi yönü ele alınmış?). Ele alınan bu yön paragrafın anafikrini (main idea) oluşturur. Aday paragraf soruların başarılı olabilmek için ‘konu ne?, nesi?’ sorularını tüm metinlerin ilk cümlesine sormalıdır. Özneler ve nesneler konuyu ve anafikri tespit etmemizde önemli rol oynarlar. İlk cümlede daha genel olan ifade konuyu, özel olan da anafikri belirler.

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Climate has changed enormously throughout the world in the last few years.

Bu cümlenin bir paragrafın ilk cümlesi olduğunu varsayarsak sormamız gereken ilk soru “konu ne?”dir. Cümlede yer alan en genel ifade olan “the world” paragrafın konusudur. Ancak konu geneldir. Anafikir ise daha “specific” (özel) ifadede verilir. Paragrafın açıklayacağı kısım ve aday için en önemli kısım anafikirdir. Bunun için ilk cümleye ikinci soru sorulmalıdır: “dünyanın nesi?”. Cevap “climate” (iklim) ifadesidir. İlk cümlede konuya bakış açısı genelde sıfat ve zarfların verildiği ifadelerde yer alır. Bu cümlede bakış açısı “changed enormously” (büyük oranda değişti) ifadesinde yer almaktadır.

Konu ne: the world

Nesi: climate

Bakış açısı: change enormously

Konuyu tek bir yönde sınırlamanın nedeni, “too general” (çok genel) bilgiden kaçınarak paragrafı tek bir yönde sınırlamak ve paragrafı genelden özele doğru taşıyarak “unity” (metinsel bütünlüğü) sağlamaktır. Hemen hemen her paragraf genelden özele doğru gider, ancak özelden genele giden, ya da her iki kurala da uymayan kronolojik parçalarla da karşılaşmak mümkündür. Bol miktarda, nitelikli soru çözerek bu tarz paragraflarda da başarı sağlayabiliriz.


Building a dam for hydraulic power is a process that involves many complex steps and expertism. After the need for such a construction has been determined, the kind of region and the prospects for population growth must be examined. Besides, a hydrology research should be conducted as to the precipitation, soil constituents, and river measurements in the construction area. After all these complex stages, the dam is ready to be built.

Topic (konu ne?): Building a dam

One specific aspect (nesi?): complexity of building a dam

Örnekte de gördüğümüz gibi paragrafta konu olarak baraj inşaatından söz edilmiştir. Paragraflarda ilk cümleler genelde konuyu verirler ve cümle içerisinde daha genel olan ifade (özne ya da nesne) parçanın konusudur. Daha özel olan ifade ise ana fikirdir. Bu parça, bir YDS paragrafı olsaydı, muhtemelen ana fikir sorusunda seçeneklerin çoğu baraj inşaatının herhangi bir yönünden (maliyeti, çevresel koşullar, işçilerin durumu vs.) söz edecekti. Oysa ki hem ilk cümleden hem de paragraf boyunca sürekli tekrar eden ya da anlamca birbirine benzeyen yapı ve kelimelerden de yola çıkarak konu ve konunun hangi yönünün ele alındığı kolaylıkla bulunacaktır ve konu dışı seçenekler elenebilecektir.


Over the past two decades, Qatar has experienced enormous changes in almost every area. First of all, communications have been developed; in the past, there were no telecommunications systems at all but now the country has a modern system connected to other countries in the world by satellite. The industrial sector has also grown tremendously by the construction of plenty of factories including cement, petrochemicals and food canning. Moreover, the transportation system has been modernized totally. Now, it has a network spreading to even the most remote parts of the country. All these factors make Qatar appealing to both the natives and to visitors.

Topic (konu ne?): Qatar

One specific aspect (nesi?): Enormous changes Qatar has experienced


The physical universe has often offered hazards to explorers throughout human history. For instance, the primitive people risked their lives while they were abandoning their homes in search of food and water because there was almost always the possibility to encounter a predator. They were actually risking their lives. Afterwards, people sailed the seas in quest of new settlements or for earning money, but most of them died in terrible storms. Likewise, mankind went to space and even walked in the space which is home to unknown dangers for explorers.

Topic (konu ne?): the physical universe

One specific aspect (nesi?): hazards (dangers) of exploration

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Advertisements are one of the most boring parts of watching television. They are not only waste of time with about fifteen minutes of useless breaks but also interrupting us from what we watch. Because of advertisements, we often forget the situation of a show or a film and so we may lose our feelings related. Even worse, advertisements show many products more appealing than they really are and make us buy unnecessary products. As a result, we should be aware and careful about the advertisements on television in order to resist their attraction.

Topic: Advertisements

One specific aspect: negative effects of advertisements



The main economies of Karabük are iron, steel topic(konu)

industries and wheat growing.

Bu cümlenin bir paragrafın ilk cümlesi olduğunu varsayarsak konu daha genel ifade olan Karabük, konunun ele alınan yönü (anafikir) ise Karabük’ün temel endüstrileri olan demir çelik ve buğday yetiştiriciliğidir. Okuyucu olarak beklentimiz artık paragrafta hem demir çelik endüstrisinden hem de buğday yetiştiriciliğinden söz edilmesidir.


Pollution and the over-exploitation of resources are having a tremendous impact on environment.

topic (konu)

Örneğimizde konu çevre, ele alınan yön ise kirliliğin ve kaynakların aşırı tüketiminin çevre üzerinde yarattığı büyük etkidir.


Italy and Greece have warm climates. topic (konu)

Bu örneğimizde ise iki konu ve konunun tek bir yönü (anafikir) verilmiştir. Konu İtalya ve Yunanistan, ele alınan yönü yani paragrafta açıklanacak olan kısım ise bu ülkelerin ılıman iklimlere sahip olmasıdır.



Although book prices have only risen by 30 percent in the last two years, those of magazines, during the last ten years, have gone up more than 130 percent.

Main clause (temel cümle)

Yukarıda verdiğimiz cümlede yazarın iletmek istediği temel mesaj (ana fikir), temel cümlede yani bağlacın bulunmadığı kısımda yer almaktadır. Bu nedenle, cümle bir parçanın giriş cümlesi olsaydı, okuyucu olarak beklentimiz paragrafın geri kalanında temel cümlede ortaya atılan iddianın açıklanması yönünde olmalıydı.


Highlights of the Great Wisconsin Festival where sculptors transform 18 kg blocks of cheddar cheese into objects of beauty include cheese-carving and cheesecake contests.Main clause (temel cümle)

Cümlede ana fikir bağlacın olmadığı kısımda verilmiştir.

“Noun clause” (isim cümleciği) yapısında ana fikir temel cümlede değil yan cümlede yer alır.


Scientists suggest that huge amounts of greenhouse gases will be released into the atmosphere if rising temperatures cause the Arctic ice to melt.

Noun clause (isim cümleciği)

Yukarıdaki örnekte de gördüğümüz gibi verilmek istenen temel mesaj (ana fikir) “that huge amounts of greenhouse gases will be released into the atmosphere if rising temperatures cause the Arctic ice to melt” cümleciğinde ifade edilmiştir.

“But, yet, however, nevertheless ve on the other hand” gibi geçiş sözcüklerini içeren cümlelerde önemli bilgiler bu ifadelerin yer aldığı kısımdadır.


Sunbathing is beneficial, but it may be harmful as well.

Verilen cümlede güneşlenmenin yararlı olduğu şeklinde bir giriş yapılmıştır fakat asıl verilmek istenen mesaj (ana fikir) ve paragraf boyunca da ele alınacak olan iddia “but” bağlacının verildiği kısımda yer alan güneşlenmenin zararlı olabileceği ifadesidir.

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The cheetah is believed to be an efficient hunter, yet in fact only about half of its endeavours to catch prey are successful. The most common cause of its failure is early notice by the prey. Cheetahs do not take wind direction into consideration when running, and unlike hyenas, cheetahs do not attempt to single out handicapped or sick animals.

Yukarıdaki metin çitaların ne kadar etkin avcılar olduğu ifadesiyle başlamaktadır ancak “yet” kullanımıyla konu, avlanmakta yarı yarıya başarılı olduklarına ve bunun nedenlerine geçiş yapmıştır.


ii. Find the most general statement.

1. a) participating in classesb) studying regularlyc) listening to lectures carefullyd) being successful at schoole) doing the assignments on time

2. a) being healthyb) eating less but frequentlyc) watching your weight controld) doing sportse) preferring healthy foods

3. a) telling your situation to your acquintancesb) being aware of your capabilitiesc) determining your objectives and goalsd) applying to an employment agencye) getting a job appropriate for you

4. a) being friends with your colleaguesb) getting paid satisfactory amounts of wagesc) overcoming the work stressd) giving breaks to relax yourselfe) concentrating on your job

5. a) having limited numbers of scholarshipsb) having a complex curriculumc) finding experienced and qualified professorsd) difficulties of attending a collegee) paying tuition and dormitory fees

Yanıtlar: 1-D, 2-A, 3-E, 4-C, 5-D

ii. Put the sentences in the best order to makea meaningful paragraph and mark the topicsentence.

1. a) Firstly, they work in boring or dirty or unpleasant jobs without complaining.

b) In addition, robots on the assembly line are quitecost effective.

c) Lastly, they are accurate; their rejection rate iszero.

d) Secondly, they work in jobs too dangerous over along period of time for man.

e) Robots are good workers especially on assemblylines.

The order __________

The topic sentence ___________

2. a) However, spending time in an over-chlorinatedpool is associated with certain health hazards.

b) Keep in mind while swimming in the ocean tostay on the lookout of sea creatures such asjellyfish.

c) Swimming is an excellent way to get in shape.d) Drowning is also a real risk regardless of where

you swim.e) Moreover, the risk of cramps shouldn’t be


The order __________

The topic sentence ___________

3. a) The factor of being in adolescence period cannotbe changed, but you can take precautions to avoid spots and pimples.

b) It can emerge anywhere on the body butespecially on the face.

c) It usually affects teenagers in a negative way.d) Keep away from fatty foods and avoid stress

which are mainly responsible for this condition.e) Having spots and pimples is a common

occurence during the adolescence.

The order __________

The topic sentence ___________

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4. a) Over time, it can also cause strokes and otherserious health problems.

b) Worst of all, it can give permanent damage to thebrain.

c) High blood pressure and heart-related diseasesare the secondary side effects of alcohol.

d) Depending on how much is taken and thephysical condition of the individual alcohol cancause headaches.

e) Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can leadto some health problems.

The order : _______

The topic sentence:___________

5. a) Then, I need to be able to find specific informationon different subjects that I am interested in.

b) First, I need to find out which books I want toread.

c) There are a lot things I should learn aboutreading.

d) Finally, I must find a quiet place to read efficientlywhat I have found.

e) Second, I should find the places where they aresold or lent.

The order :______

The topic sentence:__________


1. e, a, d, b, c

2. c, a, b, d, e

3. e, b, c, a, d

4. e, d, c, a, b

5. c, b, e, a, d

1. Robots are good workers especially on assemblylines. Firstly, they work in boring or dirty or unpleasantjobs without complaining. Secondly, they work injobs too dangerous over a long period of time forman. In addition, robots on the assembly line arequite cost effective. Lastly, they are accurate; theirrejection rate is zero.

2. Swimming is an excellent way to get in shape.However, spending time in an over-chlorinatedpool is associated with certain health hazards.Keep in mind while swimming in the ocean to stayon the lookout for sea creatures such as jellyfish.Drowning is also a real risk regardless of where youswim. Moreover, the risk of cramps shouldn’t beunderestimated.

3. Having spots and pimples is a common occurenceduring the adolescence. It can emerge anywhere onthe body but especially on the face. It usually affectsteenagers in a negative way. The factor of being inadolescence period cannot be changed, but you cantake precautions to avoid spots and pimples. Keepaway from fatty foods and avoid stress which aremainly responsible for this condition.

4. Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol can lead tosome health problems. Depending on how muchis taken and the physical condition of the individualalcohol can cause headaches. High blood pressureand heart-related diseases are the secondary sideeffects of alcohol. Over time, it can also causestrokes and other serious health problems. Worst ofall, it can give permanent damage to the brain.

5. There are a lot things I should learn about reading.First, I need to find out which books I want to read.Second, I should find the places where they aresold or lent. Then, I need to be able to find specificinformation on different subjects that I am interestedin. Finally, I must find a quiet place to read efficientlywhat I have found.

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In Britain, the Queen has constitutional duties that have developed over one thousand years. She is a constitutional monarch. She has inward duties such as opening the parliament, ordering in council, signing the acts of parliament and holding meetings with the Prime Minister. She has also outward duties. This is when she represents Britain in the world. In law, the queen is the head of the judiciary, commander of the armed forces, administrator of the executive and temporary head of the Church of England. However, in practice, she does not rule the country. The Prime Minister and ministers rule England and the Queen purely reigns. She carries out important ceremonial and formal roles concerning the government. Still, she plays a significant symbolic role as the Head of England and Head of the Commonwealth.

The main concern of the passage is ----.A) why the Queen’s power is so weak in ruling the

countryB) the difference between monarchy and republic

as models of rulingC) the authority the Queen has and the role she

plays in governing EnglandD) the control the Queen uses over the armed

forcesE) the Queen’s strict control of the administration

using her executive powers


Soru kökünde “the main concern of the passage” yani anafikir istenmiştir. “In Britain, the queen has constitutional duties that have developed over one thousand years” ifadesi parçanın konu cümlesidir. Bu cümle anafikri de içermektedir. Konu “the Queen” (kraliçe), konunun ele alınan yönü (main idea: anafikir) ise bu cümleden de anlaşılabileceği gibi kraliçenin anayasal görevleridir. Parçanın ilerleyen kısımlarında “however, in practice, she does not rule the country” ifadesiyle her ne kadar başka bir düşünceye geçiş yapılmış olsa da son cümlede kraliçenin üstlendiği rolden söz edilerek anafikir desteklenmiştir. A seçeneğinde verilen “weak” sıfatı konuya olumsuz bir bakış açısı getirmiştir, B seçeneğinde “monarchy” ve cumhuriyet arasında bir kıyaslama yapılmıştır (parçada yönetim biçimleri arasında bir karşılaştırma yer almamaktadır), D seçeneğinde anafikir “the armed forces” ifadesiyle “specific” (özel)’e indirgenmiştir ve E seçeneğinde “strict control” ifadesi keskin bir yargıdır. Bu nedenle gerek seçenekler arasında en genel ifadeyi içeren gerekse ilk cümlede verilen ve ilerleyen cümlelerde desteklenen fikre en yakın düşünceyi veren C seçeneği doğru yanıttır.

Cevap C



Paragraf türleri hakkında bilgi sahibi olmak YDS adayları için önemlidir. Paragraf türünü bilen adaylar, paragrafın geneline hâkim olurlar ve verilen fikirler arasındaki geçişlerde bağlantıyı daha kolay kurarak parçayı daha çabuk kavrarlar.


European football (soccer) and American football reveal some differences though European football is the ancestor of the American version. European football is played in more than 80 countries, making it the most commonly played sport in the world. American football, on the other hand, is popular only in the United States and Canada. One of the most important differences between soccer and football is the contact between players. While, in soccer, players don’t need to contact much, in football, they should have full body contact in order to block the running ball carrier of the opposite team.

(Comparison paragraph)

Private automobile is a messy and uneconomical way of travel. It pollutes the air, undermines the safety and ruins the sociability of the street. It causes the devastation of the forests and the nature as it emits CO2 to the air. As a result, it spoils the relations between people and make them more inhumanly. It also ruins the cities and destroys the environment.

(Cause and effect paragraph)

We can separate men under three headings while they are dating women according to the way they treat them. The first kind is a social addict. It can be defined as the type of men who are always late and things work on his schedule. They are especially selfish and self- absorbed. The second type is called a content lover. This type comes and goes whenever he pleases. He hardly ever opens up his feelings and thoughts. He seems as if he were with you but actually he is not involved with the relationship. Lastly, there is the keeper who always plans beforehand and takes you into account while planning. The keeper is usually eager to talk about your common future and plans. He is almost always in contact with you and gives high priority to your feelings and thoughts. These are the kinds of men dating and it depends on your mood whichever one you prefer.

(Classification paragraph)

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The benefits of humor and laughter on the ill people have been stated by the researchers for ages. Voltaire alleged, for instance, “The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease.” William Fry, a psychiatrist from California, also pointed out to the effect of laughter on our bodies. He made his patients watch comedy films and he observed their condition. He concluded that laughter regulates and improves the body functions while quickening breathing.

(Exemplification paragraph)


Soru kökünde boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirile-bilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

----. First, the most important difference is the word order. Whereas question word is at the beginning in English, in Chinese, it is used at the end of the sentence in questions forms. For example, in English, a greeting is “How are you?” but in Chinese “You are how?” is correct. Next, in Chinese, the words of English don’t have past equivalents; instead an adverb of time is used. In English, however, time is determined by tense. These are the basic differences between Chinese and English.

A) There are a few similarities between Chinese andEnglish.

B) Chinese differs from English in several ways.C) Chinese does not distinguish between “he” and

“she.”D) Chinese is more easily learned than English.E) Chinese and English are alike in a few ways.(Comparison paragraph)


Parçanın ikinci cümlesinde verilen “the most important difference” (en önemli farklılık) ifadesi parçanın bir kıyaslama paragrafı (comparison paragraph)olduğunu göstermektedir. Parçanın üçüncü cümlesinde verilen “whereas” direct contrast (taban tabana zıtlık) bağlacından da anlaşılabileceği gibi parçada Çince ile İngilizce arasındaki farklılıklardan söz edilmektedir. İki dil arasındaki farklılığı vurgulayan ifade B seçeneğinde verilmiştir. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt B seçeneğidir.

Cevap B



Paragrafta bir düşünceden başka bir düşünceye geçiş sağlayan ve zıtlık bildiren yapılara (transitions) dikkat edilmelidir. “However, nevertheless, on the other hand, nonetheless, notwithstanding, all the same, even so, but, yet” gibi bağlaç ve geçiş sözcükleri paragrafta başlatılan temel düşünceyi değiştirirler ve sıklıkla geçiş yapılan yeni düşünceye yönelik soru sorulur. Paragrafta bu geçişlerin yapıldığı bölümler daha dikkatli okunmalı ve geçiş yapılan düşünce tespit edilmelidir.


Amsterdam is one of the popular tourist destinations in Europe with its charming channels and unique architecture. It reflects its rich cultural background through a wide range of historical apartments and residences. However, there is a major problem in Amsterdam; the cost of housing mainly resulting from the increasing numbers in population. Also, expatriates who come and live in the city temporarily or permanently are generally in better financial condition than the locals and they are generally not aware of the prices in the city. This situation is also contributing to the rise in housing prices.

Yukarıdaki metinde görüldüğü gibi ilk iki cümlede konu Amsterdam ve Amsterdam’ın cazip özellikleridir. Fakat üçüncü cümlede “however” (ancak) geçiş sözcüğü ile konu Amsterdam’da barınmanın pahalı olduğu noktasına geçiş yapmıştır. Parçalarda özellikle “but, yet” bağlaçlarıyla ve “however, nevertheless, nonetheless, even so” (ancak, bununla birlikte, yine de) gibi geçiş sözcükleriyle yapılan olumlu/olumsuz dönüşlerine dikkat edilmelidir. Bu ifadelerle bir konuyla ilgili olumsuz yargılardan olumlu yargılara da dönüş yapılabilir.

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Soruyu aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

----. Facial piercings are quite fashionable among teenagers nowadays. These piercings are usually fairly easy to heal, but this is not the exact situation always. Though they frequently heal in most cases, there is always the possibility for them to migrate or reject. You cannot always know how your body will respond to such kind of outside intervension until you give it a try. There are also other complications occurring especially during the application of the piercing. Because piercings can be misreplaced if you don’t have an experienced body piercer or they can leave scars unless properly cared for. Therefore, make sure you always do your proper after care and wear the suitable jewellery so that you can avoid the migration and other complications.

The passage is generally about ----.

A) the easy healing characteristic of facial piercings

B) human body’s reaction towards an outsidematerial

C) the high popularity of facial piercings

D) complications and side effects of facial piercingsduring or after application

E) solutions for avoiding the complications ofpiercings


… quite fashionable … + … fairly easy to heal … + … but … - … not the exact situation … - … possibility of complications … -

Konu cümlesinde (ilk cümlede) “facial piercing” olgusuna bakış açısı olumlu iken “but” bağlacıyla bu konuya dönük olumsuz anlam taşıyan yargılara geçiş yapılmıştır. A, B ve C seçenekleri konuya dönük olumlu anlam taşıyan ifadeler içermektedirler. E seçeneği ise parçada ele alınan “facial piercings” konusu yerine “piercings’”den söz ederek daha genel bir anlam içermektedir. Hem olumsuz anlam bildiren hem de parçada but bağlacından sonra konunun yöneldiği düşünceleri doğru bir şekilde veren D seçeneği doğru yanıttır.

Cevap D



Seçeneklerde yer alan “only, merely, just, solely, the most… the longest (superlatives), all, no, none, never, every, always, impossible, any, very, completely, absolutely, quite (completely anlamında), chiefly, mainly, significantly, extremely, first, second ve more … than, longer … than (comparatives)” gibi anlam daraltan ya da genişleten ifadelerin ve bunların eşanlamlılarının ayrıca karşılaştırma / en üstünlük derecesi bildiren yapıların -paragrafta geçmedikçe- doğru yanıt olma ihtimalleri diğer seçeneklere göre çok daha zayıftır. Bu bilgiye hakim olan bir aday seçenekler arasında bu tür keskin ifadeler içeren yargıları öncelikle eleyecek ve hız kazanacaktır. Ancak bu tür radikal (keskin) ifadeler paragrafta geçiyorsa büyük olasılıkla bu yapıların paragrafta geçtiği kısımla ilgili soru gelecektir. Bu nedenle; bu şekilde keskin ifadeler içeren cümlelerin parça okunurken altlarının çizilmesi adaylara seçenekler arasında eleme yapılırken zaman kazandıracaktır.


Soruyu aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

In a survey carried out in the USA, most of the students have stated that they find it difficult to cope with math. According to them, understanding and acquiring math formulas is troublesome and challenging. As a mathematician, I believe learning math is similar to learning a foreign language. It is possible to say that both math and language have similar acquisition ways when examined closely. In order to understand each of them, one should know the rules, symbols and formulas used in these fields (e.g. vowels and consonants in languages, and symbols in math). A learner should also be able to comprehend the logical meaning behind the combination of those symbols, rules, formulas or equations. Without having such knowledge, one may have difficulty in grasping math or learning a language.

It can be inferred from the passage that ----.A) learning a language is more difficult than learning


B) if a person is good at math, he is definitely goodat languages

C) the reason for students to find math difficult istheir laziness

D) math and language are the most difficultbranches to learn for students

E) acquiring the knowledge of math and a foreignlanguage are alike

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Soru kökünde parçadan bir çıkarım yapmamız istenmektedir. Parçada “comparative” ya da “superlative” ifadeler yer almamaktadır. Zaten yer alsaydı strateji gereği altını çizmemiz gerekirdi. Bu nedenle bu tarz kıyaslama ya da en üstünlük derecesi içeren A ve D seçeneklerini elemeliyiz. Benzer bir biçimde “definitely” (kesinlikle) keskin ifadesini içeren B seçeneği de elenmelidir. Çünkü parçada böyle keskin ifade yer alsaydı, altını çizer ve seçenekleri okurken daha dikkatli davranırdık. C seçeneği ise “laziness” (tembellik) ifadesi yüzünden paragrafta yer almayan farklı bir konu içermektedir (bkz. Strateji 2 – Anafikir stratejisi). Matematik ve yabancı dil öğrenmenin benzer olduğu mesajını veren ve parçayla anlamca örtüşen E seçeneği doğru yanıttır.

Cevap E


Soruyu aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

The Tulip flower originated from Central Asia as early as 1000 AD and was first cultivated by Turkish people. Carolus Clusius, a famous biologist and director of the oldest botanical garden of Europe, brought the flower into Western Europe and the Netherlands in 1600s. He had come across with the beautiful flower, Tulip, in the Ottoman palace gardens in İstanbul and planted it in the Netherlands. In those times, the Tulip was used as a garden decoration as well as for medicinal purposes. Soon, it gained value as a trading item especially in Holland due to the huge interest for the flower. There happened actually a “Tulipmania” across the country particularly after the botanists improved the flower into a more decorative form and the traders earned quite a lot of money from this trade. In the twentieth century, it was discovered that the flames that gave the flower its astounding look indeed were symptoms of infection and the healthy flower was to be smooth and monotone. These infected kinds are not sold anymore but you can buy hybrids genetically stable that look like the diseased ones. However, Tulip still keeps its charm coming from the past generations across the Netherlands and Europe.

According to the passage, Tulip ----.A) was spread by Turks throughout Europe

B) is the only flower preserving its charm forgenerations

C) was more expensive than any other flower in the17th century

D) was raised by Turkish people at its start

E) is not sold anymore as it became extinct


Parçada, stratejide verdiğimiz, keskinlik bildiren ya da “comparative / superlative” yapılar içeren üç cümle yer almaktadır: “was first cultivated,” “the oldest botanical garden,” “are not sold anymore.” Paragraflarda bu tarz genelin dışında daha keskin anlam içeren ifadelerin geçtiği cümlelerle ilgili sıklıkla soru sorulur. Bu nedenle parça okunurken bu yapıların altı çizilmelidir ki seçeneklerden parçaya dönüş yapıldığında yerleri hızla tespit edilebilsin. Soruda B seçeneği içerdiği anlam daraltan “only” (sadece) zarfı yüzünden öncelikle elenir. “Only, merely, just, solely” gibi zarflar doğru yanıtı içeren bir cümlede kullanıldıklarında cümlenin anlamını daralttıkları için seçeneğin elenmesine neden olurlar. B seçeneğinde verilen “is the only flower preserving its charm for generations” ifadesi “is the flower preserving its charm for generations” şeklinde verilmiş olsaydı doğru yanıt olabilirdi. Parçada “comparative” (karşılaştırma) cümlesi yer almadığı için kıyaslama ifadesi içeren C seçeneği de elenir. A seçeneğinde verilen “was spread by Turks throughout Europe” ifadesi ilk cümlede yer alan keskin anlam içeren “first” sözcüğünün geçtiği “The Tulip flower originated from Central Asia as early as 1000 AD and was first cultivated by Turkish people” cümlesine atıfta bulunmaktadır. Ancak “spread” yayılmak anlamına gelir. Oysa ki parçada lalenin ilk kez Türkler tarafından yayıldığından değil üretildiğinden söz edilmektedir. Parçada “These infected kinds are not sold anymore” ifadesiyle enfekte olmuş lalelerin artık satılmadığından söz edilmiştir oysa ki E seçeneği soru kökü ile birleştirildiğinde genel olarak lale çiçeğinin satılmadığı çünkü neslinin tükendiği sonucu çıkmaktadır. Bu yüzden E seçeneği de doğru yanıt olamaz. D seçeneğinde verilen “raise” parçanın ilk cümlesinde geçen “cultivate” sözcüğünü “at its start” zarfı ise yine aynı cümlede geçen “first” sözcüğünü karşılamaktadır. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt D seçeneğidir.

Cevap D

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Paragraflarda sıklıkla “passive” (edilgen) yapılar genel-geçer düşünceleri bildirirken, “modal” (kiplik), “ad-jective-adverb” (sıfat-zarf) yapılar yazarın kendi kişisel görüşlerini iletmesini sağlar. “Modal” yardımcı fiilleri zo-runluluk, eleştiri, gereklilik, öneri, pişmanlık gibi anlamlar vererek paragrafa yorum getirmekte katkıda bulunurlar. Bu yapılar yazarın konuya olan olumlu-olumsuz bakış açısını anlamamızda yardımcı olurlar. Böylece seçenek-ler arasında olumlu-olumsuz anlam stratejisine göre ele-me yaparak hız kazanabiliriz. Ayrıca paragrafta ‘modal’ kullanımıyla bir ihtimalden bahsedilirken aynı olay seçe-neklerde kesin bir yargı olarak karşımıza çıktığında, o se-çenekten kaçınmamız gerekir. Benzer bir biçimde, parag-rafta kesin ve net bir ifade verilmişse seçeneklerde olasılık bildiren ifadelerden kaçınmamız gerekir.


Soruyu aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Television is the most prevailing and most available national medium in many countries throughout the world. Some 99 per cent of American homes have at least one television set which might be watched for approximately four hours a day. Surveys suggest that television is the most significant source of news for Americans and it may be potentially capable of forming opinions and influential in consumer choi-ces. In the early days of its invention, it was gene-rally used as a tool for spreading information but as the circumstances changed and people became more affluent, its role as an entertainment means came to the fore. Moreover, television is one of the most important means of communication because it brings our homes live visual and audial information from all around the world. Since its appearance, television has brought us a wide variety of advanta-ges and nowadays, many people around the world spend most of their leisure time watching television.

It is stated in the passage that ----.A) in the USA, people generally watch television

almost four hours a day

B) television’s role as an entertainment method out-weighed its usage as a means of communication

C) thanks to television, people can have access tothe information at once from all around the world

D) television is the most controversial issue nowa-days because it undermines people’s activities intheir daily routines

E) ever since people became richer, television haslost its popularity as a news spreading means


Parçada konuya bakış açısının olumlu mu yoksa olumsuz mu olduğunu hızlı tespit edebilmek için okuma esnasında sıfat, zarf ve modal yapıların altının çizilmesi gerekir. Böylelikle ters anlam içeren seçenekler ilk bakışta elenebilir. Genel gidişatın olumlu olduğu ve iki cümlede net ifadeler yerine “may/might” (possibility) olasılık kipliklerinin verildiği görülmektedir. D seçeneğinde yer alan “it under-mines people’s activities in their daily routines” (insanların günlük aktivetelerini engeller) ve E seçe-neğinde verilen “television has lost its popularity as a news spreading means” (televizyon bir haber yayma yolu olarak popülaritesini kaybetti) yargıla-rı olumsuz anlam taşımaktadırlar. Bu seçenekler elenir. A seçeneğinde verilen “in the USA, people generally watch television almost four hours a day” ifadesi kesin bir yargı bildirmektedir oysa ki par-çadaki benzer ifade bir olasılık kipliği olan “might” ile yer almaktadır: “one television set which might be watched for approximately four hours a day.” Bu sınav paragraflarında sıklıkla karşılaştığımız bir durumdur. B seçeneğinde verilen “outweigh” fiili ağır basmak, üstün gelmek anlamlarına gelir. Parça bir unsurun diğerine üstün geldiği şeklinde bir yargı içermemektedir. Parçada okurken altını çizdiğimiz, “superlative” ifade içeren “moreover, television is one of the most important means of communication because it brings our homes live visual and audial information from all around the world” cümlesi C seçeneğinde verilen “thanks to television, people can have access to the information at once from all around the world” ifadesiyle anlamca örtüşmektedir. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt C seçeneğidir.

Cevap C

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Paragraf bölümünde soruları doğru yanıtlayabilme-miz için gereken bir diğer önemli unsur da soru kökünde ne istendiğinin net anlaşılmasıdır. Bu yüzden soru kökleri-nin incelenmesi gerekir.

YDS paragraflarında üç tip soru kökü vardır:

1. Parçanın konusunu (topic) ya da ana fikrini (mainidea) bulmaya yönelik soru kökleri

a) The passage is mostly about …b) The passage is mainly concerned with …c) The main idea of the passage is … (gerund or

noun) / is that … (subject + verb)d) The main subject of the passage is … / is that …e) The passage describes …f) The main point of the passage is … / is that …g) The main argument of the passage is … / is that …h) The passage emphasizes …i) The passage concentrates on …j) The passage largely deals with …k) The passage gives a general account of …l) The main focus of the passage is .../ is that ...

2. Parçada açıkça belirtilen ifadeleri (explicitly statedidea) bulmaya yönelik soru kökleri:

a) According to the passage, …b) It is stated (As is stated / as stated) in the passa-

ge that …c) The point made in the passage is that …d) As asserted in the passage, …e) It is argued in the passage that …f) It is clearly stated in the passage that …g) It is pointed out in the passage that …h) As it is pointed out in the passage, …i) As (is) mentioned in the passage, …j) The author points out that …k) The writer argues that …l) The author explains that …m) It is suggested in the passage that …n) It is clear from the passage is that …o) As can be seen from the passage that ...p) The author seems to suggest that …q) As clearly stressed in the passage , ...r) According to the author, ...s) It is claimed in the passage that …t) It is asserted in the passage that ...Paragrafta açıkça belirtilen yargıları bulmaya dönük

sorularda, pek çok aday başarılı olmaktadır. Çünkü bu tip soru kökleri adaydan paragrafta açıkça verilen bir ifadeyi bulmasını ister ve bu da üst düzey bir yorumlama ya da sonuç çıkarma süreci gerektirmemektedir. Ancak sağlam bir gramer ve sözcük alt yapısı bu bölümdeki sorularda fire vermemek açısından çok önemlidir. Yazar paragrafta verdiği “active” (etken) bir cümlenin seçeneklerde “passi-

ve” (edilgen) halini isteyebilir. Benzer bir şekilde, metinde “real” (gerçek) bir cümle seçeneklerde karşımıza “unreal” bir ifade olarak çıkabilir. Veya metinde kullanılan herhangi bir sözcüğün seçenekte “synonym” haliyle karşılaşabiliriz (parçada “sufficient”, seçenekte “adequate” gibi). Bu bö-lümde anlamca ve dilbilgisi olarak birbirine yakın anlamlı ifadeleri tanımak çok önemlidir. Bu nedenle aşağıda bu tarz paragraf sorularında adaylara yardımcı olabilecek ve artık sınavlarda klişe haline gelmiş yakın anlamlı cümle kalıpları verilmiştir.


1. This book about politics is more complicated thanthe other books in the library.

• The other books are not so / as complicated as thisone.

• This book is the most complicated of all in thelibrary.

2. This is the worst film I have watched so far.• Until now, I haven’t watched a film as bad as this

one.• I haven’t watched such a bad film as this one so far.

3. No other students in our class can play the pianoas well as Bülent.

• Bülent can play the piano better than all the otherstudents in our class.

• Of all the students in our class, Bülent can play thepiano the best.

• There aren’t any students in our class who can playthe piano better than (as well as) Bülent.

4. No matter who you are, come and join us.• Whoever you are, come and join us.• Regardless of who you are, come and join us.

5. The company hadn’t predicted that so manypeople would apply for the position.

•The number of applicants went beyond thecompany’s predictions.

• The position drew the attention of more people thanpredicted.

6. Julia said she was sorry she came late.• Julia apologized for coming late.

7. I couldn’t have finished this assignment if youhadn’t helped out me.

• I was able to finish this assignment because youhelped out me.

• I could have had difficulty finishing this assignmentwithout your help.

8. However hard I tried, I couldn’t open the door.• No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t open the door.

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9. It’s likely that the weather will get better in a fewdays.

• The weather may/might get better in a few days.• It’s possible/probable that the weather will get better.• Maybe/perhaps, the weather will get better.

10. This is the second time the management hasstarted a construction in this area this week.

• The management has already been in this area andstarted a construction once this week.

11. I regret attending the lecture so late.• I wish I hadn’t attended the lecture so late.• I wish I had attended the lecture earlier.

12. The only part in which Sue failed in thecompetition was the last one.

• Sue was successful in every part of the competitionexcept for the last one.

• Sue was successful in every part of the competitionbut the last one.

13. That was the first time I had seen Alison soembarassed.

• I hadn’t seen Alison so embarassed before.• I had never witnessed Alison being so embarassed

until then.

14. I last went to Sdyney a year ago.• It’s been a year since I last went to Sdyney.• I haven’t been to Sdyney for a year.

15. These two groups are different from each other.• There is a difference between two groups.

16. He won the race unexpectedly.• His winning the race was unexpected.

17. Tom never stays in a five-star hotel unless thereis a discount.

• Tom only stays in a five-star hotel when there is adiscount.

• Only when there is a discount, does Tom stay in afive-star hotel.

18. He couldn’t leave the office before he finishedthe documents.

• He had to stay in the office until he finished thedocuments.

19. Only those who are qualified enough in the fieldcan appreciate her latest book.

• People who lack the necessary quality fail tocomprehend her latest book.

• Those without the necessary quality can’tappreciate her latest book.

20. It was unnecessary for you to study so much forthe exam. After all, it was called off.

• You needn’t have studied so much for the exam.

21. Having no other relatives to talk to, I had to callher.

• As / Because / Since I had no relatives to talk to, Ihad to call her.

22. It’s a pity that you can’t stay longer.• I’d rather you could stay longer.• I wish you would stay longer.

23. The tour agency wanted to organize a trip tothe island, but then had to give up because of the stormy weather.

• The tour agency would have made a trip to theisland if the stormy weather had not prevented them from doing so.

24. My travel to Prag was unlike anything that I hadexperienced till then.

• What I saw in Prag was unique; I had never seensuch things before that time.

25. If it hadn’t been for his research, I couldn’t havewritten the article.

• It was his research that helped me write the article.

26. There is no point in buying this car if you are notgoing to get a rise in your salary.

• Unless you are likely to get a rise in your salary, itwill be a waste of money to buy this car.

27. What worries me most is that the term work willnot be due by the deadline.

• The term work doesn’t seem to finish on time, whichis of considerable concern for me.

28. Of all the problems faced in the countrynowadays, none appears to be as widespread as bribery.

• When compared to all other problems, bribery isprobably the most common crime in today’s world.

29. This successful student owes his success to hisnever-ending hard work as well as his worship of books.

• It is due to both his everlasting hard work andworship of books that this student has become a successful one.

30. If the coffee hadn’t been so hot, I would havedrunk it.

• I couldn’t drink the coffee because it was too hot.• The coffee was too hot so I couldn’t drink it.• The coffee was too hot for me to drink.

31. Kemal has produced hundreds of works in hiscareer; that’s why, people believe that he is one of the most prolific writers in the country.

• Having produced hundreds of works in his career,Kemal is believed to be one of the most prolific writers in the country.

32. The condition of the patient has been deterioratingin the last four days.

• The patient’s condition has been getting worse overthe past four days.

33. No matter how hard John works, there is noimprovement in his prospects.

• There is no improvements in John’s prospectsdespite his hard work.

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34. Amanda was requested to resign due to her poorperformance, but she insisted on not doing so.

• They told Amanda it was best to resign as she waspoorly qualified, but she didn’t listen to them.

35. By the time Clara entered the lecture hall, theProfessor had already finished her speech.

• The Professor’s speech was over before Claraentered the lecture hall.

36. Without your help, going abroad would havebeen nothing, but a dream.

• I could not have gone abroad if it hadn’t been foryour help.

37. Few businessmen regret not attending to college.• As far as businessmen are concerned, college can

be a waste of time.

38. It is highly likely people abandoned this areaowing to harsh weather conditions and shortage of water.

• People must have left this area due to harshweather conditions and shortage of water.

39. The new facility in the campus attracts hardly anystudent, so it will be closed down soon.

• The new facility in the campus will be closed downsoon because it attracts almost no student.

40. Christopher Columbus discovered America.• America was discovered by Christopher Columbus.

3. Parçada ima edilen bilgi, yargı ya da düşüncelerleilgili sonuç çıkarma, bir hükme varmaya yönelik sorukökleri:

a) The passage implies that …

b) We can infer from the passage that …

c) We can understand from the passage that …

d) It can be inferred from the passage that …

e) It is implied in the passage that …

f) From the passage we learn that …

g) One can / may infer from the passage that …

h) The author concludes that …

i) As (it) can be understood from the passage …

j) One can / may conclude from the passage that …

k) We can understand from the passage that …

Yazarlar her zaman okuyucunun anlaması gereken

her şeyi yazmayabilirler. Bazen belirli mesajları “indi-rectly” (dolaylı yoldan) iletirler ve iyi bir okuyucu yazarın

dolaylı ifadelerinden ya da “implications” (imalarından)

doğru bir sonuç çıkarabilmelidir. Çıkarım (inference), bir

sonuçtur. Çıkarım yapabilmek için yazarın bize açıkça

verdiği ipuçlarını değerlendirip bunlardan bir hükme var-

mamız yani bir sonuç çıkarmamız gerekir.


Soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayı-nız.

Although there are a wide variety of thoughts regarding the emergence of gold, it has actually been in use for centuries. Especially, in Bronze Age, gold was in common use by the early artists with a view to making jewelry. If one looks at the history of gold, gold had an important place in the cultures of many ancient civilizations including Egypt, Greece, Rome and Africa. People of these civilizations benefited from gold in their artifacts, home decorations and adornments. Especially in Egypt, there was so much gold discovered that the ancient king Tushratta of Mitanni argued there was much more gold than dirt in the streets and this utterance maybe led to the modern phrase “streets paved with gold.” Although there is not any scientific evidence as for the abundance of gold alleged by Tushratta of Mitanni in Egypt at the time, some recent archeological findings show that the claim of the king can be true. During the excavations in the area, researchers have found the earliest known map (Turin Papyrus Map) which laid out an early gold mining construction and thus adding credibility to the claim.

1. The main concern of the passage is ----.A) the fame of the ancient king Tushratta of Mitanni

B) early history of gold especially in Egypt

C) the use of gold in various civilizations

D) abundance of gold in Egypt

E) archeological efforts to find the first gold reserves


Soru kökünde parçanın ne hakkında olduğu (konu-su) sorulmuştur. Bu tür konu/ana fikir sorularında ilk cümleye konu ne, nesi soruları sorulmalıdır ve sınav paragraflarının büyük bir çoğunluğu ilk cüm-lede yer alan iddiada parçanın konusunu da verir. Bu paragrafta da parçanın giriş kısmında bulunan “emergence of gold,” “Bronze Age,” “history of gold” ifadeleriyle okuyucuya metnin ne hakkın-da olduğuna (konusuna) dair bir fikir verilmiştir. Parçanın devamında Mısır medeniyetinden bir örnek verilerek altının tarihiyle ilgili yeni bilgiler sunul-muştur. Konu / anafikir sorularında ilk cümlelerden de yola çıkılabileceği gibi bazı parçalarda kendini tekrar eden ifadelerin toplamına bakılarak anafikir paragrafın tümünden çıkarım yapılarak bulunabilir. Bir paragrafın konusu o paragrafın en genel yönüyle ve de tek cümleyle ifade edilebilmesidir. Bu nedenle seçenekler arasında kararsız kalındığında en genel olanına yönelmekte fayda vardır. Tüm bu kıstasları göz önüne aldığımızda “early history of gold espe-cially in Egypt” ifadesini içeren B seçeneği doğru yanıttır.

Cevap B

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2. According to the passage, gold ----.

A) was utilized for the purpose of making jewelleryby people as far back as the Bronze Age

B) is still found abundantly in civilizations includingEgypt, Greece, Rome and Africa

C) is a benchmark for the measurement of the prog-ress of ancient civilizations

D) was merely used in making adornments in earlytimes

E) was the most preferred bartering item at the time


Soru kökünde özne (gold) verilmiştir bu nedenle her seçenek okunurken hataya düşmemek için soru köküyle birleştirilmelidir. D seçeneği içerdiği anlam daraltan “merely” ifadesi yüzünden öncelikle ince-lenmemelidir çünkü daha önce de belirttiğimiz gibi parça okunurken bu tarz ifadelerin altı aşağıda soru gelebileceği düşüncesiyle çizilir ve parçada anlam daraltan bu ifade yer almamaktadır. C ve E seçenek-leri parçada sözü edilmeyen (konu dışı) ifadeler içer-dikleri için elenirler (measurement of the progress of ancient civilizations; bartering item). Parçanın tamamı altınla ilgili geçmişte olmuş eylemlerden söz etmektedir. Present tense ile günümüze dair bir yargı veren B seçeneği de elenir. Paragraflarda burada strateji olarak ele almadığımız vurgu zarf-larıyla ilgili bir ipucu vardır. İngilizcede “in fact, actually, indeed, as a matter of fact, in actual” zarfları, vurgu zarfları (adverbs of emphasis) olarak adlandırılırlar ve bir önceki cümleye vurgu yaparlar. Paragraflarda bu zarfların geçtiği kısımların altı çizil-melidir çünkü genellikle bu kısımlardan önemli bilgi içerdikleri için soru gelir. Parçanın giriş bölümünde yer alan “Although there are a great variety of thoughts regarding the emergence of gold, it has actually been in use for centuries” ve “In those times, gold was in common use by the early artists with a view to making jewelry” ifadeleri A seçeneğinde verilen “was utilized for the purpose of making jewellery by people as far back as the Bronze Age” ifadesi ile anlamca örtüşmektedir. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt A seçeneğidir.

Cevap A

3. It can be understood from the passage that ----.A) gold was discovered during the Bronze Age

B) there is no earlier known map other than TurinPapyrus Map outlining an early gold mine

C) the ancient king Tushratta of Mitanni favoureddirt rather than gold in the streets

D) Egypt is a civilization that benefits from mainlygold in art

E) abundance of gold claimed by Tushratta ofMitanni in Egypt has been totally proved


Soru kökünde parçadan bir çıkarım yapılması isten-miştir. Çıkarım sorularının yanıtı parçada açıkça geçmez, bunun yerine ima edilir. Keskin ifadele-rin (superlative, all, no, none, never, every…) ve “comparative” (karşılaştırma) ifadelerin yer aldığı cümleler çıkarım soruları için daha uygun kısımlar-dır. A seçeneğinde altının Bronz çağında bulunduğu şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir ancak ilk cümleyi ince-lediğimizde; “Although there are a great variety of thoughts regarding the emergence of gold, it has actually been in use for centuries” (altının ortaya çıkışına dair çeşitli fikirler olmasına rağmen yüzyıllardır kullanılmaktadır) şeklinde A seçeneği ile anlamca örtüşmeyen bir cümle ile karşılaşmak-tayız. C seçeneğinde Tushratta of Mitanni’nin altın-dan ziyade kirden hoşlandığı şeklinde parçadakiyle örtüşmeyen bir iddia verilmiştir. D ve E seçenekleri ise içerdikleri sırasıyla “mainly” (temelde), “totally” (tamamiyle) anlam daraltan ve genişleten ifadeler nedeniyle öncelikle incelenmezler çünkü parçada bu tarz ifadelerin okunurken altı çizilir. Eğer parça-da keskin ifadeler geçmiyorsa seçeneklerde de bu tür ifadelerden kaçınılır. Paragraf sorularında sık karşılaşılan bir durum da parçada “superlative” bir ifadenin karşılığının “comparative” ile verilmesi ya da tam tersidir. B seçeneğinde verilen “there is no earlier known map other than Turin Papyrus Map outlining an early gold mine” (bir altın madenini gösteren Turin Papyrus haritasından daha eski bili-nen bir harita mevcut değildir) “comparative” cüm-lesi parçada yer alan “researchers have found the earliest known map which laid out an early gold mining construction” (araştırmacılar eski bir altın madenini gösteren bilinen en eski haritayı buldular) ile anlamca örtüşmektedir. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt B seçeneğidir.

Cevap B

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Paragrafta en önemli unsurlardan biri de, öncelikle metni dikkatli bir biçimde okumaktır. Bu süreçte parçadaki önemli bilginin, örneğin tarihlerin, kişi ve yer adlarının, ra-kamsal ifadelerin altı çizilmelidir. Özellikle miktar bildiren ifadelerin, sayıların ve yüzdelerin altı çizilir çünkü kaba bir benzetmeyle “sayarsa sorar!” Soru kökünde ya da seçe-neklerde bu bilgilere gönderme yapıldığında parçada aynı noktaya dönüş hızlı olacaktır. Ayrıca bazı adaylar, önce soruları okuyup sonra metine dönmektedirler. Oysa ki dört sorunun da akılda kalması ve aynı zamanda paragrafın sağlıklı bir biçimde okunması çok zordur. Bunun yerine, belki ilk soru okunabilir ve daha sonra paragraf tek seferde dikkatli bir biçimde okunmalıdır. Burada paragrafın soru çözmek maksadıyla değil, ilgiyle ve gerçekten anlamak

için okunmasında fayda vardır..


Soruyu aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevaplayınız.

Most of the countries in the world are facing the problems of astoundingly increasing population and the shortage of food. In 1950s, the world’s popula-tion was approximately 2.5 billion people, today it is nearly 7.5 billion and it is estimated that by the year 2050, the population will have risen to about 10 billi-on. The future numbers are alarming for the countri-es. Governments are striving to find solutions to the problem but none of the solutions is easy. One of the possible solutions is preventing people from having large families. Secondly, new and modernised agri-cultural machinery and farming methods can be put into practice through the aid of developed countries in the world. Thirdly, if countries with a food shortage exported their iron or wood or other raw materials, they could import at least a percentage of the food they require from other countries. All of these pos-sible solutions, though difficult to implement, can simplify the population problem.

It may be inferred from the passage that ----.

A) it is impossible to solve the population problem inthe world

B) food shortage stems from the wrong export poli-cies of countries

C) governments are the most eager ones to createpermanent solutions for the problem

D) the world’s population has almost tripled in thelast 65 years

E) developed countries will be lucky when the foodshortage comes to an end


“Sayarsa sorar!” stratejisinden yola çıkarak parag-rafı okurken rakamsal ifadelerin altını çizmiştik. Soru kökünde bizden bir çıkarım istenmektedir. “Impossible to solve the population problem” keskin yargısını içeren A seçeneği ve “the most eager ones” ifadesinin yer aldığı C seçeneği vakit kazanmak açısından öncelikle incelenmemelidir. E seçeneğinde gelişmiş ilkelerle ilgili getirilen “lucky” (şanslı) yorumu paragrafla anlamca örtüşmemekte-dir. B seçeneğinde “food shortage stems from the wrong export policies of countries” (yiyecek kıtlığı ülkelerin yanlış ihracat politikalarından kaynaklanır) şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir ancak yiyecek kıtlığının tek sebebi ülkelerin ihracat politikaları değildir. Bu durum ilk cümleden de anlaşılabileceği gibi nüfus artışı ya da başka faktörlerden de kaynaklanabilir. Bu seçenekte yer alan yargı eksik bilgi içermektedir. Dolayısıyla, B seçeneğinde verilen ifade çeldiricidir. Duruma “specific” (özel) bakıldığında doğru yanıt gibi görünse de çoktan seçmeli testlerde mantık her zaman beş seçenek arasında en doğru seçeneği tespit etmek olmalıdır. D seçeneği okunduğunda parçada net bir biçimde yer alan rakamsal bir ifade-nin çıkarımının verildiği görülmektedir. 2015 yılında olduğumuzu göz önünde bulundurduğumuzda D seçeneğinde yer alan dünya nüfusu son 65 yılda neredeyse üç katına çıkmıştır ifadesi yerinde bir yar-gıdır bu nedenle doğru yanıt D seçeneğidir.

Cevap D

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Paragraf tamamlama bölümü, parçada boş bırakılan yeri seçenekler arasında anlamca en uygun tamamlayan ifadenin bulunmasının istendiği bölümdür. YDS’de 4 adet paragraf tamamlama sorusu bulunmaktadır. Bu bölümde-ki soru köklerinin tamamı paragraf şeklindedir. Ancak, her soru kökünde özgün paragrafta yer alan bir cümle çıkarı-larak bir boşluk oluşturulmuştur. Soru kökünde meydana gelen boşluk başta, ortada ya da sonda olabilir.

Paragraf Tamamlama ile İlgili Stratejiler ve Ör-nekler



Paragrafların “Unity” (metinsel bütünlük) özelliğini bilmek bu bölüm için önem taşımaktadır. İngilizcede paragraflar, belli bir konu bütünlüğüne sahiptirler. Pek çok paragraf, özellikle bilimsel (akademik) paragraflar o paragrafta ele alınan konunun belirtildiği ve sınırlandığı bir konu cümlesi (topic sentence) ile başlar. Yazar konuyu bize sunarken genelde bir “allegation” (iddia) ile başlar ve paragrafın geri kalanında bu iddia “supporting sen-tences” (destekleyici cümleler) yardımıyla desteklenir. Genel olarak YDS paragraflarının yapısı bu şekildedir. İlk cümleye sorulacak “konu ne, nesi” soruları ile paragrafın anafikrini tespit etmek özellikle paragraf tamamlama ve anlam akışını bozan cümleyi bulma bölümlerinde çok önemlidir. Bu bölümler okuma parçalarına göre daha kısa metinlerden oluştukları için büyük çoğunluğu tek bir konuyu ve o konunun tek bir yönünü ele alır. Ancak paragraf stratejileri bölümünde de incelendiği gibi bazı paragraflar serbest metinler olabilir ya da ilk cümlede başlatılan düşünce paragrafın ortalarında geçiş sözcükleri vasıtasıyla çürütülebilir.


Topic Sentence(Konu/ Ana Fikir)

Major SupportingSentence 1

Major SupportingSentence 2

Major SupportingSentence 3

Minor SupportingSentence 1

Minor SupportingSentence 2

Minor SupportingSentence 3

ConcludingSentence (Optional)

Life in the rural area is preferable to life in the city.

The rural area is calm and quiet

with no problems of noise or air


Unlike the crowded streets and the noise of

the traffic in cities, life in the

rural area is refreshed and


Life in the city is fast-paced and regulated

by others.

Besides, you can walk from house to house and talk to friends since

the distances are close to each


You can relax yourself for

most of the day in a quiet


Compared to rural life, it is

isolated and full of dangers by


For these reasons, I prefer to live in a rural region.

Life in the rural area is preferable to life in the city.

The rural area is calm and quiet with no problems of noise

or air pollution. Besides, you can walk from house to

house and talk to friends since the distances are close

to each other. Unlike the crowded streets and the noise

of the traffic in cities, life in the rural area is refreshed

and peaceful. You can relax yourself for most of the day

in a quiet atmosphere. Life in the city is fast-paced and

regulated by others. Compared to rural life, it is isolated

and full of dangers by strangers. For these reasons, I

prefer to live in a rural region.

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Paragraf tamamlama bölümünde öncelikle dikkat

edilmesi gereken nokta; boşluğa yerleştirilecek cümle-

nin ilk cümlede verilen ana fikirle ve paragrafın kalanıyla

örtüşmesi zorunluluğudur. Bu durumda boşluğa gelecek

cümle özellikle kendinden önceki ya da sonraki cümleyle

de ilişki için olacaktır.

Sınav metinlerinde paragrafın konusunun ilk cümle-

de verilmesi yaygındır. Bu nedenle ilk cümleyi konunun

belirtildiği cümle olarak saptayabilirsiniz. Bunu yaptıktan

sonra tüm parçayı okuyarak önceki ve sonraki cümlelerin

konuyla ilişkili olup olmadığını belirleyin. Konuyla ilgili ol-

mayan seçenekleri hemen eleyerek doğru seçeneğe ula-



Boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlü-ğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

Minerals are necessary for our body along with other foods, especially during the period of growth. ----. Some minerals are even used to make hormones or maintain a normal heartbeat. They enter into the structure of all body tissues, such as muscle cells, nerve cells, blood cells, etc. They are inorganic in structure, and we have to get enough of each of these minerals.

A) The body benefits from minerals to performmany different functions from building strongbones to transmitting nerve impulses

B) Calcium which is one of the essential minerals isnecessary for the structure of bones and teeth

C) There are two kinds of minerals: macro mineralsand trace minerals

D) The best way to get the minerals your bodyneeds can be achieved by eating a wide varietyof foods

E) Minerals are not essentially required for the bodywhen there are other supplementaries


İlk cümlede konu “minerals” (mineraller) ve konunun ele alınan yönü ise “necessary for our body” (vücu-dumuz için gerekli) ifadesiyle minerallerin önemi şeklinde belirtilmiştir. Okuyucu olarak beklentimiz mineraller konusu ile ilgili verilen bu olumlu yargının paragraf boyunca devam ettirilmesidir. Boşluğun

sağ tarafı incelendiğinde “minerals” (mineraller) konusunun genel olarak ele alınmaya devam edildiği görülmektedir. Bu bilgiler ışığında minerallerle ilgili olumsuz bir yargı içeren E seçeneği ile “calcium” gibi daha “specific” (özel) bir yargı içeren (parag-rafın genelinde alt başlıklara inilmeden mineraller konusu ele alınmıştır) B seçeneği elenir. C seçe-neğinde giriş yapılan “macro minerals” ve “trace minerals” konusundan parçanın geri kalanında hiç söz edilmemiştir. D seçeneğinde parçanın bütünün-de anlatılandan farklı olarak bir çözüm üretilmiştir oysa ki özellikle üçüncü cümlede yer alan “some minerals are even used to make hormones or main-tain a normal heartbeat” (hatta bazı mineraller hor-mon üretmek ya da normal kalp atışını sürdürmek için kullanılırlar) ifadesinden de anlaşılabileceği gibi boşlukta ve paragrafın genelinde minerallerin vücut-taki fonksiyonlarından (kullanım yerlerinden) söz edildiği görülmektedir. Bu nedenle A seçeneğinde verilen “The body benefits from minerals to perform many different functions from building strong bones to transmitting nerve impulses” (vücut minerallerden güçlü kemikler yapmaktan sinirsel tepkileri iletmeye kadar birçok farklı görevlerde faydalanır) ifadesi doğru yanıttır.

Cevap A



Paragraf tamamlama bölümünde ilk cümlesi boş bırakılan sorular da sorulmaktadır. Bu sorularda konu cümlesi (topic sentence) bizden istenmektedir. Boşluktan sonra verilen tüm cümlelerin desteklediği bu konu cümlesi bir genelleme şeklinde olabilir. Bu yüzden, birbirini izleyen cümlelerde konu ilişkisini saptayarak seçeneklerde daha çok genelleme yapan bir cümle üzerinde durmamız ge-rekebilir. Ayrıca sınav metinleri bilim dallarından alınmış, organizasyonu olan metinlerdir. İlk cümlede ortaya atılan iddia paragrafların çoğunda desteklenir ya da zıtlık grubu geçiş sözcükleri (however, nevertheless, …) yardımıyla paragrafın ilerleyen kısımlarında çürütülür. Bu durumda tipik bir YDS paragrafında ilk cümle boş bırakıldığında yapmamız gereken diğer cümleleri okuyarak (özellikle ikinci cümle) paragrafta anlatılan fikirlerin çıkış noktasını düşünmemiz gerekir. Kaba bir benzetmeyle ilk cümlede paragrafa şemsiye olabilecek bir sav, tez, iddia ortaya atıl-malıdır. İkinci cümle bu anlamda en önemli ipucudur çün-kü ikinci cümlede birinci cümleye atıfta bulunan ve soruyu çözmemizi kolaylaştıracak göndermeler (they, such, the, he, these, …) yer alabilir. Bir paragrafın ilk cümlesinde bu tarz gönderme ifadeleri yer alamaz çünkü bunlar kendile-rinden önce gelen bir ifadeye atıfta bulunabilirler.

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Boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlü-ğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

----. Corporate taxes and excise duties are a relatively small part of total federal receipts. Taxes are imposed on net income of individuals and corporations by the federal, most state, and some local governments in the USA. Income subject to tax is determined under tax accounting rules, not financial accounting principles, and includes almost all income from whatever source.

A) Americans pay more national income tax thantheir counterparts in other western countries

B) US government’s most of the income comesfrom the tax paid by individuals and socialsecurity contributions

C) The United States has one of the mostprogressive tax systems in the industrializedworld

D) Taxes also collected by federal, state andmunicipal governments amount to nearly 30% inthe total income of the USA

E) Property taxes are imposed by most governmentssuch as Mexico, China and Russia throughoutthe world


Paragrafın tamamını hızlıca okuduğumuzda tüm cümlelerde yer alan “tax” (vergi) sözcüğünden ve “the USA” ifadesinden parçanın konusunun ABD’deki vergi sistemi olduğunu görüyoruz. Bu durumda seçenekleri incelerken ilk yaklaşımımız özellikle vergi ve ABD ifadelerinin yer aldığı seçe-neklere yoğunlaşmak olmalıdır. E seçeneğinde farklı ülkelerden söz edilmiş ve parçanın kalanında bu ülkelere bir daha değinilmemiştir bu nedenle E seçeneği incelemede öncelikli olamaz. D seçeneği her ne kadar Amerikan vergi sistemiyle ilgili bir ifade içeriyor olsa da “also” (-de, -da) zarfı nedeniyle bu seçenek elenir çünkü “also” zarfı kendisinden önce bir cümleye daha ihtiyaç duyar. Örnek: Kemal likes salmon fish. Deniz also likes salmon fish. A seçeneğinde yine benzer bir şekilde “other western countries” denilmiş ancak parçanın kalanında ABD ve diğer batılı ülkeler arasında bir kıyaslama devam ettirilmemiştir. Paragraflar ilk cümlede verilen iddia doğrultusunda ilerlerler. Bu nedenle A seçeneği de elenir. C seçeneğinde Amerika’nın endüstrileşmiş

dünyadaki en ileri vergi sistemlerinden birine sahip olduğu şeklinde güçlü bir iddia ortaya atılmış ancak parçanın ilerleyen kısımlarında bu güçlü iddiayı destekleyebilecek Amerika’daki vergi sistemini öven yargılar yer almamaktadır. İkinci cümlede yer alan “a relatively small part of total federal receipts” (tüm milli gelirlerin nispeten daha küçük bir parçası) ifadesi ilk cümlede gelirlerin bir bölümünden hatta daha büyük bir bölümünden söz edilmesi gerektiğini göstermektedir. B seçeneğinde verilen “most of the income comes from the tax …” ifadesi bu durumu karşılamaktadır. Sorunun çözümünde hem ana fikir (main idea) hem ikinci cümle göndermesi (referen-ce) hem de seçenek eleme stratejileri kullanılmıştır. Doğru yanıt B seçeneğidir.

Cevap B



Paragraflardaki “tense agreement” (zaman uyumu) kuralına dikkat edilmelidir. Paragraftaki ve seçeneklerdeki “Past”, “Present” ve “Future” yapılarına dikkat etmemiz, bizi kısa sürede doğru yanıta götürebilir. Örneğin, paragrafın konusu genel olarak geçmiş zamanda açıklanmışsa, konu akışına uygun olarak büyük olasılıkla takip edecek olan cümleler de geçmiş zaman yapısında verilmiş olan ifadeler olacaktır. Ya da bilimsel bir genelleme yapılıyorsa zaman akışının “present” özellikle “simple present” akışında ilerlemesi yaygındır. Örneğin, parçanın tamamı “present” akışta olup tek bir cümle “past form” ile verilmişse dikkatimizi çekmelidir. Parçalarda bir konunun tarihçesiyle (V2) başlayıp devamında günümüz (present forms) ile devam edilebilir ya da tersten bir duruma olan modern (present forms) yaklaşımları verilip aynı konuya ilişkin geçmişteki bakış açısı (past forms) verilebilir. Bu tür zaman geçişleri parçalarda genellikle “but now, however today, etc.” şeklinde zıtlık grubu bağlaçları ve geçiş sözcükleriyle sağlanır. Ancak “present” başlayan bir parçada “past” anlatıma geçip daha sonra tekrar “present” anlatıma geçmek özellikle paragraf tamamlama ve anlam akışını bozan cümleyi bulma bölümlerinde parçalar zaten kısa olduğu için paragrafın anlam bütünlüğünü bozabilir.

***Bu durumda adaylar paragraf tamamlama ve anlam akışını bozan cümleyi bulma bölümlerinde “skimming” (hızlı / dikey okuma) yöntemiyle öncelikle “parçadaki zaman uyumu” ve “gönderme” ifadelerini kontrol edip daha sonra ilk cümleye “konu ne, nesi” sorularını sorarak hız kazanabilirler.

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Boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlü-ğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

Women today undergo unequal treatment in significant ways still all around the globe. In most parts of the world, equality seems to be an illusion for women. They are given prescribed roles in society and do not work in the most prestigious occupations, earn as much money as usually as do men. ----. Many women still work in poorly paid service jobs. They work outside the home like men but they make about approximately 76 cents to a man’s dollar.

A) Until the twentieth century, most of the womenacross the world had no right to own property orsign contracts

B) The prescribed roles of women in society havehelped women to gain higher status in thesociety in the last few years

C) Common attitudes continue to keep women intheir traditional place

D) In 1900s, feminism started with the idea thathuman rights should be given to women andhighlighted the inequality

E) The general opinion in the world maintains theidea that both genders have equal opportunitiesin business and social life


Parçanın konusu “women” (kadınlar) ele alınan yönü ise “unequal treatment” (eşitsizlik) şeklinde ilk cümlede verilmiştir. Özne takibi ve konuya olan olumsuz bakış açısı parça boyunca devam ettirilmiş-tir. Ayrıca boşluğun hem sol hem de sağ tarafında “present” bir zaman akışı mevcuttur. Bu bilgilerin ışığında “past” yargılar içeren A ve D seçenekleri elenir. B seçeneğinde verilen “gain higher status in the society” (toplumda daha yüksek mevki kazan-mak) ifadesi konuya olumlu bir bakış açısı getirmiştir oysa ki boşluğun sağ tarafında kadınların durumuna dair olumsuz yargılar devam etmektedir. B seçeneği elenir. Benzer bir biçimde E seçeneğinde de “both genders have equal opportunities in business and social life” (her iki cinsiyet de iş hayatı ve toplumsal hayatta eşit fırsatlara sahiptir) olumlu yargısı yer almaktadır. E seçeneği de elenir. Hem “present form” hem de kadınların durumuna ilişkin paragraftaki olumsuz gidişatı destekleyen “common

attitudes continue to keep women in their tra-ditional place” (yaygın tavır, kadınları geleneksel konumlarında tutmaya devam etmek yönündedir) ifadesinin verildiği C seçeneği doğru yanıttır.

Cevap C



Paragrafın bir cümlesinde kullanılan herhangi bir sözcüğün paragraf içinde tekrarı gerekiyorsa o sözcük yerine sözcüğe uygun zamir kullanılır ki sürekli tekra-ra düşülerek paragraftaki anlam akışı bozulmasın. O halde zamirler, yerine kullanıldıkları sözcüklere gön-derme yaparlar. Soru kökünde ve seçeneklerde zamir gördüğümüz zaman daha önce geçen sözcüklere bakıp zamirin hangi sözcüğe gönderme yaptığını belirleyebiliriz. Paragrafta, boşluktan sonra gelen cümle zamir içeriyorsa gönderme yaptığı sözcük boşluğa gelecek olan doğru seçenekte mevcuttur. Zamirler dışında başka yapılar da gönderme maksadıyla kullanılabilirler. Gönderme ifadeleri hem boşluğun sağ tarafında hem de seçeneklerde yer alabilir. Seçenekte verilen gönderme ifadesi için seçenek-te gönderme stratejisi uygulanır.

Örnek: A category ----------------this category

Some people ------------others

A symptom ------------- the symptom

At the restaurant ------ there

Students------------------such students

John and Mary----------they

Pencils--------------------these pencils


Bülent and Arda are friends-------------the former (bi-rincisi) lives in Ankara but the latter (ikincisi) lives in İs-tanbul

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Boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlü-ğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

The cortex includes plenty of tiny excretory units called the nephrons. Each nephron is made up of two parts. Many arterioles coming from an artery to aorta form the outer portion of the nephrons. ----. This capsule contains a group of specialized sense. The blood enters this and is filtered there. Then, it enters the tubule. Finally, it leaves the kidneys and goes back to general circulation.

A) Only %1 of the fluid filtered by the capsulesremains as urine in the kidney

B) The majority of nephrons are cortical and theyhave a shorter loop compared to others

C) The other part is called the Bowman’s capsule

D) Each nephron is composed of an initial filteringcomponent and a tubule aids the secretionprocess

E) The outer region of the kidney is named ascortex which is about one-third of the kidneytissue


Paragrafımız ÜDS sağlık bilimleri sınavlarında eski-den sıklıkla karşılaştığımız bir bilim dalı metnidir. 2013 yılında ÜDS ve KPDS sınavları birleşip YDS halini aldıktan sonra sınavda bu tür teknik metinlerle hâlâ karşılaşma olasılığımız vardır. Hakkında bilgi sahibi değilsek böyle bir metin ilk etapta karışık ve çok zor görünebilir. Ancak bu tür metinler soru çözüm teknikleri uygulanarak rahatlıkla çözülebilir. Boşluğun sağ tarafında verilen “this capsule” (bu kapsül) gönderme ifadesi sorunun çözümünde kilit noktadadır. “This capsule” (bu kapsül) denilebilmesi için önceki cümlede “capsule” (kapsül)’den söz edil-miş olması gerekmektedir. A ve C seçeneklerinde bu durum mevcuttur. Ancak A seçeneğinde ifade “capsules” (kapsüller) şeklinde çoğul kullanılmıştır ve bu sağ tarafındaki cümlede “these” ya da “those” gibi çoğul bir gönderme gerektirir. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt C seçeneğidir.

Cevap C



Anlam bütünlüğünü korumak ve akıcılığı sağlamak adına cümlelerde “conjunctions” (bağlaçlar) ve “transiti-ons” (geçiş sözcükleri) kullanılır. Buna ek olarak kronolojik sıralamalarda (tarihsel olay ya da örgüler) zaman ifadeleri kullanılır. Bu ifadeler de tarihsel zaman akışı örgüsü içeri-sinde bir bütünlük sağladıkları için paragrafın genel akışı açısından önemlidirler.

Conjunctions Transition Words

AdditionAnd,Not only --- but also,Both --- and

Furthermore, In addition,Moreover, Besides, First, Second, Finally

Cause & Effect

So, For, Because of the fact that,When, Since, Because, If, Now that, Seeing that

Therefore, Hence, Thus,As a result, Consequently, For this reason, Subsequently

Contrast and Com-parison

But, Yet, Although, Even though, Despite the fact that,in spite of the fact that, Whereas, Whilst, While

Even so, However, Instead, Likewise, Otherwise, Nevertheless, Notwithstanding, On the contrary,On the other hand

EmphasisIndeed, Above all, In fact, Particularly


In other words, Namely,That is, In brief

ExampleFor instance, Specifically, For example, To illustrate


After, Before, Since, Until, By the time, Not until --- that,When, While, Just as, No sooner --- than …,Hardly --- when …

Initially, Afterwards, Then, First of all, At the same time, Next, Meanwhile, Beforehand

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Boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlü-ğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

Aging, family history, obesity, physical inactivity and smoking can increase the risk of heart disease. ----. Recent research has found that poor hygiene and experience of surrounding pollution can lead to an elevated risk of heart failures. Not regularly washing your hands and not laying other habits that can help stop the viral or bacterial infections down may put one at risk of heart infections. Particularly, if they have a heart condition history, poor dental health may also cause heart disease.

A) Stress and uncontrolled high blood pressure canalso trigger diabetes

B) These factors can be eliminated if you avoid fat,salt, sugar and cholesterol in your diet

C) However, there are other causes that canactivate heart problems more immediately

D) The recorded risks show that people who drinksocially are less prone to heart diseases

E) In order to protect public health, governmentsshould give higher priority to environmentalpollution problem.


Paragrafın konusu “kalp hastalıklarına yol açan etmenler”dir. Giriş cümlesinde “aging, family history, obesity, physical inactivity and smoking can increase the risk of heart disease” olarak bu etmenler sıralanmıştır. Ancak boşluktan sonra “poor hygiene and experience of surrounding pollution” şeklinde kalp hastalıklarına yol açan yeni etmenlerden söz edilmiştir. Boşlukta bu faktörlere geçiş sağlayabilecek bir yapı kullanılması gerekir. C seçeneğinde “another cause” ifadesiyle yeni bir etmenin varlığından söz edilmiştir. “However” bağlacıyla da paragrafın anlam bütünlüğünü sağlayan uygun bir geçiş yapılmıştır. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt C seçeneğidir.

Cevap C



“Topic sentence” (konu cümlesi) ve “supporting sentences” (destekleyici cümleler) boyunca yani paragra-fın genel gidişatındaki anlamın olumlu mu yoksa olumsuz bir seyir mi izlediği önemlidir. Tüm paragraf konuya pozitif bir yaklaşım sergilerken bir cümlenin aynı konuya negatif bir bakış açısı taşıması anlam akışını tersine çevirecektir. Ya da tam tersi; paragrafın genelinde konuya karşı negatif bir bakış açısı varken, bir cümlede pozitif yargı kullanılma-sı anlam akışını bozabilir.


Boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlü-ğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz.

Today, nuclear power is one of the most controversial issues in the world. Nuclear power, in short, is used to generate a large amount of energy in a very cost-efficient way and it supports the policies to avoid air pollution. The main substance used to generate nuclear energy is uranium and it is less expensive than other sources such as oil. In this sense, nuclear power is a green energy. ----. The catastrophe claimed almost 30,000 lives and more than 2 million people in Ukraine suffered from serious health problems.

A) Therefore, it not only represents a significantsave on raw materials but also in transport,handling and extraction of nuclear fuel

B) It’s also an alternative to fossil fuels, so theconsumption of fuels such as coal or oil isreduced

C) But, it fears people because of the previousaccidents regarding nuclear energy such asChernobyl

D) To save the future generations from the disastrouseffects of nuclear power, governments shouldtake action for banning the usage of nuclearpower in military purposes

E) Nuclear power does not depend on naturalaspects, that is, it’s a solution for the maindisadvantage of renewable energy

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Parçada boşluğa kadar olan giriş kısmında verilen “generate a large amount of energy in a very cost-efficient way,” “supports the policies to avoid air pollution,” “less expensive than other sources,” ve “nuclear power is a green energy” ifadelerinden de anlaşılabileceği gibi paragrafta nükleer güce bakış açısı olumludur. Ancak boşluğun sağ tarafında yer alan sonuç cümlesi “The catastrophe” ve “suffered from serious health problems” ifadeleriyle konuya olumsuz bir bakış açısı içermektedir. Ayrıca “the” artikeli cümlelerde daha önce sözü edilen ya da bilinen bir ismin tanımlığı olarak görev yapar. Dolayısıyla, boşluğa gelebilecek uygun ifade aranırken hem bir felaketten söz eden hem de parçanın gidişatını olumsuz yöne çekebilecek yargıyı içeren seçeneğe yönelmeliyiz. C seçeneği içerdiği “But, it fears people because of the previous accidents regarding nuclear energy such as Chernobyl” ifadesi nedeniyle parçanın geri kalanıyla anlamca örtüşmektedir. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt C seçeneğidir.

Cevap C

Her ne kadar zamanla yarışıyor olsak da doğru seçeneği işaretlediğimizden emin olmak adına

işaretlediğimiz seçenekte verilen ifadeyi paragraf içerisindeki boşluğa yerleştirmeli ve

tüm paragrafı hızlıca bir kez okumalıyız. Böylelikle anlam bütünlüğünü kontrol edip

sağlama yapmış oluruz. Çok fazla vakit yoksa en azından doğru olduğu düşünülen seçenek

boşluktan önceki ve sonraki cümlelerle birlikte okunmalıdır.


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“Irrelevant sentence” (ilgisiz cümle) nedir? “Irrele-vant sentence” yeri geldiğinde en büyük dostumuz, gö-zümüzden kaçtığında da en büyük düşmanımızdır. “Irrele-vant sentence”, paragrafta anlam bütünlüğünü ve akışını bozan cümledir. YDS’de 5 adet ilgisiz cümleyi bulma so-rusu bulunmaktadır.

Paragraf Bütünlüğü Nedir?Paragraf bütünlüğü, bir paragrafın giriş cümlesinden

(topic sentence) itibaren gelişme, örnekleme, kurgulama ve destekleme aşamalarının bir bütün halinde yer alması; amacı doğrultusunda bir sonuç ya da çıkarıma ulaşması-dır. Şu halde dikkat etmemiz gereken cümle bütünlüğü ile beraber bir düşünce ya da fikir bütünlüğünün de sağlana-bilmesidir. İngilizce paragraf bütünlüğü ancak bu şekilde sağlanabilir.

Belirli bir merkez ya da fikir üzerine kurgulanan pa-ragraf, bu merkez ve doğrusal gelişim yönünde ilerler. Dolayısıyla, bu yönün ya da konunun dışına çıkılacaksa farklı bir paragrafa geçilmelidir. Şu halde, adayın yapması gereken ilk şey, paragrafın ana fikrini anlamaktır. Parag-raflar genellikle belli bir konu ve o konunun özel bir yönü üzerinde yoğunlaşırlar ve anlamsal açıdan bir bütünlük arz ederler. Paragraftaki bu konu bütünlüğüne “UNITY” denir. İlgisiz cümle ise paragraftaki konu bütünlüğünü bo-zan cümledir.

Aşağıda ilgisiz cümleyi bulma bölümünde adayla-ra yardımcı olacak ve onlara hız kazandıracak bir takım stratejiler verilecektir. Ancak sınavda bazen bu stratejile-rin birkaçını veya hepsini aynı soru üzerinde uygulamamız gerekebilir.



Paragraf içindeki cümlelerin sıralamasına dikkat edilmelidir. Bu sıra içerisinde cümlede önceki ya da sonraki örneklemelerin konu bütünlüğüne bakılmalı. Eğer paragraf içinde paragrafın genelinde anlatılan konunun farklı bir boyutuna geçiliyorsa ya da paragraf farklı bir boyut hakkında yargı içeriyorsa, bu yargıyı içeren cümle anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümledir. Burada birinci ve ikinci cümleler büyük önem taşımaktadır. Paragraf bölümünde de ele aldığımız haliyle genel olarak YDS paragrafları belli bir iddia (sav) öne sürerek paragrafa hâkim olacak konuyu başlatırlar. Ve geri kalan cümleler de başlatılan konuyu desteklerler, bazen de ilk cümlede ortaya atılan iddia “however, nevertheless, nonetheless…” gibi bir

zıtlık geçiş sözcüğü vasıtasıyla çürütülebilir. Bu durumda aday öncelikle ortaya atılan iddiayı tespit etmelidir. Kalan cümlelerde ortaya atılan iddiayı desteklemeyen ya da çürütüp yeni iddia doğrultusunda ilerlemeyen ifade büyük olasılıkla ilgisiz olandır.


(I) Romantic Movement in English literature showsmore variety in themes, contents or styles than anyother movement in 18th and 19th centuries. (II) Inthis sense, romanticism can best be defined as ameeting point of philosophies, agendas and pointsof interest. (III) Its leading means of expression isin poetry in England though most of the novelistsadopted the same theme. (IV) In contrast to itsEnglish equivalent, American romantics give priorityto the novel genre rather than poem. (V) Melancholyand individual imagination are especially thebuzzwords for the English Romantic poets.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.


İlk cümlede konu İngiliz edebiyatında romantik akım olarak verilmiştir. Parçada diğer cümlelerde de aynı konu bütünlüğü devam ettirilmiştir. Ancak dördüncü cümlede “American romantics” denilerek konunun farklı bir yönüne geçilmiştir. Birinci, ikinci, üçüncü ve beşinci cümleler İngiliz romantizmini ele alırken dördüncü cümle Amerika’da romantizm şeklinde yeni bir başlık açmıştır. Bu neden doğru yanıt D seçeneğidir.

Cevap D

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Bazı paragraflarda birinci cümle anlam akışına ters düşebilir. Bu da adayların yanıt vermekte en çok zorlandıkları soru türüdür. Burada yapılması gereken öncelikle birinci ve ikinci cümleleri dikkatli okumaktır. Çünkü paragrafın desteklemesi gereken iddia (sav) bu cümlelerden birinde yer alır. Eğer ilk iki cümlede iki farklı iddia göze çarpıyorsa geri kalan cümlelere bakarak ilk cümledeki düşünce mi yoksa ikinci cümledeki düşünce mi paragrafın geri kalanında destekleniyor belirlenmelidir. Paragrafın kalanı ikinci cümledeki iddiayı destekliyorsa birinci cümle ilgisizdir.

İlk cümlede olmayacak yapılar: “reference (gön-derme) ifadeleri, another, also, comparative, vurgu yapıları, geçiş sözcükleri…”


(I) Antalya enjoys an average of more than 250 daysof sunshine every year, which makes it quite charmingto visitors. (II) One of Turkey’s most modern cities,Antalya was established in the most prosperousregion of Anatolia on the intersection point of ancientLykia and Pamphylia. (III) Many people say it wasonly after Hadrianus the Roman Emperor built theHadrian gate that the city’s popularity as a saferresting area increased for visitors. (IV) Since then,Antalya’s growth has centered around its image asthe world’s one of busiest tourist destinations. (V)More than 2 million people come to Antalya eachyear, lured by its attractions such as the beautifulnature and hospitable locals.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.


İlk cümleye “konu ne, nesi” sorularını sorduğumuzda konunun Antalya, ele alınan yönünün ise her yıl ne kadar gün ışığı aldığı olduğunu görüyoruz. Okuyucu olarak beklentimiz paragrafın geri kalanında “Antalya” konusundan ve konunun ele alınan yönü olan “sunshine” ifadesinden söz edilmesidir. Ancak ikinci cümlede aynı zamanda bir zaman değişikliği de yapılarak “Antalya’nın tarihi” ile ilgili yeni bir iddia ortaya atılmıştır. İlk iki cümlede iki farklı ana fikir verilmiştir. Bu durumda üçüncü cümle düğümü çözecektir. Üçüncü cümle yine “past” yapıda “Antalya’nın tarihi” ile ilgili bir ifade içermektedir. Dördüncü ve beşinci cümlelerde de ilk cümlede verilen ifade desteklenmemektedir. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt A seçeneğidir.

Cevap A



Zamirler, bir paragrafta isimlerin yerine kullanılan ve cümlelerde anlam bütünlüğüne katkıda bulunan dil birimleridir. Paragraf içerisinde bir kez kullanılan sözcükten sonra, devamında gelen cümlede o sözcük yerine uygun zamir kullanılır. (örn. they, them, their, he, him etc..)

Zamirler daha önce geçen sözcüklere gönderme yaparlar. Dolayısıyla, adayın sözcük-zamir uyumu olup olmadığına dikkat etmesi büyük önem arz eder. Geçmiş senelerde çıkan YDS sorularında zamir uyumu ile çözülebilen çok sayıda soruya rastlanmaktadır. Ayrıca diğer bazı yapılar da kendilerinden önceki cümleye ya da cümle içindeki herhangi bir yapıya gönderme yapmak suretiyle konu bütünlüğüne katkıda bulunurlar. (the, a / an, some … others, another, … so, this, these, such, the former…the latter …vb.)


(I) The skin is the largest organ in the body and itcontains hundreds of sweat glands, metres of bloodvessels and thousands of cells. (II) It is thicker inregions that are continuously exposed to frictionsuch as the palms of the hands. (III) The thickness ofthe skin is developed mainly from birth. (IV) Becauseof the constant replacement of worn-out, damagedcells, the epidermis serves to protect the activetissues beneath. (V) This thickness ranges from1/10mm to 4 millimetres in most parts.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.


Birinci, ikinci, üçüncü ve beşinci cümlelerde konu “skin” (deri) ve onun özellikleri iken dördüncü cümlede verilen “the epidermis” ifadesi paragrafın anlam akışını bozmaktadır. Beşinci cümlede verilen “this thickness” ifadesi üçüncü cümledeki “the thickness of the skin” ifadesine gönderme yapmaktadır. Bu nedenle “the epidermis” ifadesiyle dördüncü cümle paragrafın anlamsal bütünlüğünü bozduğu için doğru yanıt D seçeneğidir.

Cevap D

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Cümlelerde kullanılan zaman akışı oldukça önemlidir. YDS’de kullanılan paragraflar genellikle bilimsel alanda yayımlanan makalelerden alınmış olduklarından “tense” kullanımına dikkat etmek adayların yararına olacaktır. Genel dilbilgisi kuralları çerçevesinde; paragrafta, bir olay örgüsü “present” ile aktarılırken, sonrasındaki cümlede “past” kullanıp aynı açıklama ya da olay örgüsü üzerinden gidilmesi anlam bozukluğuna yol açar. Bir paragraf bazı durumlarda “present” yapıda başlayıp daha sonra açıkladığı olayın tarihçesinden “past” yapıda söz etmeye devam edebilir. Ya da bir şeyin önce tarihçesi aktarılıp paragrafın ilerleyen kısımlarında günümüzdeki durumundan söz edilebilir (present past / past present). Ancak “present past present” gibi üçlü geçişler paragrafın anlam akışını bozacaktır. Bu açıdan cümleler arasında anlamlı bir “tense agreement” (zaman uyumu) olması önemlidir.


(I) Abraham Lincoln is one of the most notablepresidents in American history who preservedthe Union during the American Civil War. (II) Hecontinues to have an unprecedented charm forhis fellow citizens and for people of foreign lands.(III) His most eminent contribution to humanityis perhaps the emancipation of the slaves. (IV)Among the prominent politicians of his time, he mostadmired Henry Clay and Daniel Webster. (IV) Thus,“Now he belongs to the ages,” one is supposed tohave said as Lincoln took his last breath.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.


İlk cümlede Abraham Lincoln ile ilgili “present” zamanda olumlu bir yargı verilmiştir. Iki, üç ve beşinci cümlelerde eski Amerikan başkanıyla ilgili olumlu yargılar yine “present” çekimde devam ettirilmiştir. Ancak dördüncü cümlede konu yine Abraham Lincoln olmasına ragmen “past form”da ve parçada bir kez daha sözü edilmesi gereken iki yeni kişiyi içeren bir ifade verilmiştir. Ders anlatımlarımızda buna “sahnede yeni oyuncu!” diyoruz. Dördüncü cümle anlam akışını bozmaktadır. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt D seçeneğidir.

Cevap D



“Conjunctions” (bağlaçlar) ve “transitions” (Geçiş sözcükleri), cümleler arasındaki anlam bütünlüğünü, dolayısıyla paragrafın bütünlüğünü sağlarlar. Bağlaçlarla ilgili daha geniş açıklama, “paragraf tamamlama stratejileri” bölümünde verilmekle beraber dikkat edilmesi gereken en önemli nokta özellikle positive (olumlu) / negative (olumsuz) / örnekleme / destekleme / karşılaştırma içeriği bulunan bağlaçların metinsel anlam bütünlüğünü bozmayacak şekilde kullanılmasıdır. Şu halde bizim dikkat etmemiz gereken nokta, bu anlam bütünlüğünü (coherence) bozan / destekleyen bağlaçları ya da geçiş sözcüklerini (transitions) içeren cümleyi tespit etmektir.


(I) In Greece, banking actions are more wide-ranging and advanced than in any other society.(II) Financial transactions can be made throughprivate entrepreneurs, as well as temples and publicbodies. (III) They exchange money, take deposits,test the coins for their weight and purity. (IV) Athensimplements and regulates the banking practices ofGreece. (V) Moreover, they make loans or evenengage in book transactions.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.


Parçada konu Yunanistan, ele alınan yönü ise ülkedeki finansal faaliyetlerdir. Dördüncü cümlede ise Atina’nın bankacılık uygulamalarındaki rolünden söz edilmiştir. Oysa ki “moreover” (ayrıca, üstelik) geçiş sözcüğüyle başlayan beşinci cümle gerek özne takibi yaptığı için gerekse parçanın geri kalanıyla anlamca örtüştüğü için dördüncü cümlenin verildiği D seçeneği parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozmaktadır. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt D seçeneğidir.

Cevap D

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“Emphasis adverbs” (vurgu zarfları) ile başlayan cümlelere dikkat edilmelidir. Çünkü pek çok cümlede bu ifadeler önceki cümleye gerçekten vurgu yapmayabilirler.

Examples to emphasis adverbs: “in fact, actually, indeed, as a matter of fact, in actual…”


(I) The term Middle Ages was invented by scholarsin 1400s in order to determine the interval betweenthe end of Classical world and its rediscovery atthe beginning of the same century. (II) Indeed, aconcept of a long period of cultural darkness hadbeen expressed by Petrarch in early times. (III)The Middle Ages was marked by difficulties andcalamities including famine, black death, and war.(IV) These troubles diminished the population ofWestern Europe during the age. (V) Furthermore,heresy and schism in the Church paralleled theinterstate conflict and peasant revolts that occurredin the kingdoms.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.


Parçanın konusu Orta Çağ (Middle Ages)’dır ve bu konu parça boyunca devam ettirilmiştir. İkinci cümlede “indeed” (aslında, açıkçası) vurgu zarfı kullanımıyla okuyucuya konunun devam ettirildiği hissi verilmek istenmiştir. Ancak cümlede “Petrarch’”dan ve daha eski dönemlerden söz edilmektedir. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt B seçeneğidir.

Cevap B



“Topic sentence” ve “supporting sentences” bo-yunca yani paragrafın genel gidişatındaki anlamın olumlu mu yoksa olumsuz bir seyir mi izlediği önemlidir. Tüm pa-ragraf konuya pozitif bir yaklaşım sergilerken bir cümlenin aynı konuya negatif bir bakış açısı taşıması anlam bütün-lüğünü bozacaktır. Ya da tam tersi; paragrafın genelinde konuya karşı negatif bir bakış açısı varken, bir cümlede pozitif yargı kullanılması anlam akışını bozabilir.


(I) To unify the whole country as one, North Vietnamtook the communist regime as a model and defeatedold colonial administration. (II) With the intention ofrealizing the new regime, Vietnam fought with theUS army and many people from different countriesdied. (III) However, the USA and North Vietnamcontinued to have formal relations after 1995 andthe relation between them got better in time. (IV)The effects of the war were devastating for Vietnamin every field ranging from industry to the groundsources and spread even to Southern Asia. (V) Asfor the United States, the military got demoralizedand the public protested both the war and the defeatcoming from it.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.


Parçada konu olarak kuzey Vietnam ve Amerikan savaşı ele alınmıştır. Birinci, ikinci, dördüncü ve beşinci cümlelerde bu savaştan ve savaşın her iki ülke üzerinde yarattığı olumsuz etkilerden söz edilmiştir. Ancak üçüncü cümlede iki ülkenin gittikçe iyileşen resmi düzeyde bir ilişkileri olduğu belirtilmiştir. Üçüncü cümle duruma ilişkin hem olumlu bir yargı içererek parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozmaktadır hem de savaş sonrası ya da öncesi olabilecek bir durumdan söz etmektedir. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt C seçeneğidir.

Cevap C

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“Tüm paragraf bir konuyu “general” (genel) olarak ele alıp bir cümlede “specific” bir yaklaşım varsa ya da konu ilk cümledeki iddia itibariyle “specific” boyutta ele alınıp bir cümlede genelleme yapılıyorsa paragrafta anlam akışı bozulacaktır. Örneğin tüm paragraf “botanik bilimi’”nden genel olarak bahsederken bir cümlede özele inip “kaktüs bitkisi” hakkında bilgi verilirse paragrafın konu bütünlüğünde bir bozulma gerçekleşir.


Research in the area of oceanography has always been one of the primary issues of man. (II) Crabs are found in all of the world’s oceans particularly in tropical regions. (III) They vary in size from the pea crab, a few millimetres wide, to the Japanese spider crab. (IV) Feeding habit of crabs may range from algae to any other food including worms, fungi and bacteria. (V) But, for many crabs, a mixed diet of plant and animal leads to a faster growth and greater fitness.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.


İlk cümlede konu insanoğlu ve konunun ele alınan yönü ise onun okyanus bilimine duyduğu ilgi olarak verilmiştir. Oysa ki diğer cümlelerde daha “specific” (özel) bir konu olan yengeç ve onun özelliklerinden söz edilmektedir. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt A seçeneğidir.

Cevap A



Sıralama bildiren ifadeler paragraf içinde anlam bü-tünlüğünü bozmayacak şekilde kullanılmalıdırlar. (first, se-cond, third, next, then, after that, later, finally, eventually, at last, in the end, vb.)


(I) As society industrialized around the turn of the20th century, increased milk consumption resultedin outbreaks of milk borne diseases. (II) In 1938,of all food illnesses that could be found in theirsources, milk products formed a fraction of 25%. (III)Boiling milk for health benefits has been carried outsince the early 1800s around the world. (IV) Theseillnesses have now been almost wiped out withthe implementation of pasteurization and routinecontrols on the daily farms. (V) Now, they makeup far less than 1% of all food illnesses thanks topasteurization process.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.


Konu süt ürünlerini pastörize etmenin geçmişten bugüne hastalıkların önlenmesindeki faydasıdır. Ancak üçüncü cümle parçanın kronolojik ve anlam-sal akışını bozmaktadır. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt C seçeneğidir.

Cevap C

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1Bu testin çözüm süresi 25 dakikadır. Soruları verilen sürede çözmeye çalışınız.

1. – 4. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

The purpose of Claude Allègre’s book is to make the earnings of the science –even the most difficult ones- readily available to everybody. His book is neither a technical work nor a course book, on the contrary, it is a book of general knowledge aimed at the ordinary people. He has dealt with the hardest scientific subjects such as physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, and geodynamics in his latest book “the Climate Imposture” in the most simplified and clarified way so that everybody can understand. In general, he’s given priority to the historical humanitarian and living aspects of science in his all works. Because he thinks, science is not something aloof from man. It is the output of the great life adventure of man with its accelerations, hesitations, enlightened and dark sides. But while doing this he definitely asserts the fact that he does not sacrifice the core quality and accuracy of science in his books.

1. The most suitable title for this passage would be----.

A) understandability and clearness of Allègre’sscientific works

B) Claude Allègre’s adventures into the scienceC) how to deal with chemistry and physicsD) the purpose of a scientific workE) definition of science

2. The main idea of the passage is ----.

A) scientific subjects like physics, chemistry,biology, astronomy and geodynamics in variousbooks

B) ignorance of the basic foundations of scienceC) Allègre’s conveying scientific knowledge in

a simple and understandable way even forcommon people

D) the earnings of science in real lifeE) “the Climate Imposture” as the best book written

by Allègre

3. It is stated in the passage that “the ClimateImposture” ----.

A) is not something that ordinary men canunderstand

B) treats even the most difficult scientific topics inan easy and purified way

C) does not take the quality and accuracy ofscience into account

D) is Claude Allègre’s only book on a scientificsubject

E) is a book that has all the technical values forscientists

4. It may be inferred from the passage that Allègre----.

A) has been inspired from various scientists whilewriting “the Climate Imposture”

B) drifted apart from the true identity of science inhis books

C) influenced his contemporaries with his purifiedlanguage

D) primarily dealt with the historical humanitarianand living aspects of science in his works

E) ignored the knowledge of science during hiscarrier


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5.- 8. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebi-lecek cümleyi bulunuz.

5. Federal government in Australia separated legalclaims of aborigines under two headings in 1973:comprehensive (modern treaties) and specific(arguments depending on previous treaties) claims.Comprehensive claims’ main engagement is theAboriginal rights. Their basic foundation is theconventional use of the land by first nations –TheMetis and Inuit who did not sign treaties. ----. Thistype of claims also includes the insufficient allocationof reserve land, the disappointment upon not beingable to protect reserve land from illegal dispositionor tenancy and government employees’ unethicalactions.

A) For at least 40,000 years before the first Britishsettlement in the late 18th century, Australia wasinhabited by indigenous Australians

B) On the other hand, specific claims suggestthat government of Canada carried out neitherhistoric treaties nor the Indian act

C) Since Federation, Australia has preserved astable liberal democratic political system thatfunctions as a federal parliamentary democracy

D) Human habitation of the Australian continent isestimated to have begun approximately 40,000years ago, probably with the migration of peoplefrom South-East Asia

E) Aboriginal Australians are officially described aspeople who are members of the Aboriginal raceof Australia

6. All people have a worldview. Whether religious ornon-religious, wealthy or poor, literate or illiterate,everybody has an opinion. And these opinions makeyou who you exactly are. ----. Who am I? What isthe meaning of the world? What is my purpose inlife? The answers you give to such fundamentalquestions make up your reality. In a sense, youmake an inference out of all data of life and theworld.

A) In the last century, new ideas and discoverieshave challenged people’s traditional views

B) Therefore, there happened a cultural war amongpeople

C) These basic beliefs come from the followingquestions

D) Most of the people couldn’t answer the questionsE) Though one may question his existence for his

whole life, he may not find an answer

7. Henry Ford industrialized and produced anautomobile which many of the middle classAmericans could afford. Actually, he didn’t inventthe automobile. His introduction of the ModelT automobile modernized the transportation inAmerican industry. ---- .This was executing afranchise system which put dealers across NorthAmerica and in the foremost cities throughout theworld. As a result, he became one of the wealthiestand notable people in the world through the massproduction of inexpensive goods.

A) When Model T was introduced in 1908, it madea revolution as its steering wheel was on the left

B) Henry Ford can be regarded as a pioneer of“welfare capitalism” since he hired and kept thebest workers for the sake of efficiency

C) A majority of American drivers learnt to driveon the Model T immediately after it was on themarket.

D) Besides, he made one of the biggest innovationswhich resulted in a systematic and cheapermass selling system

E) Ford moved into the aviation business as welllike most of the other automobile companiesduring World War I

8. Dolphins travel in speeds which astound scientists.They have a flawless move of water around theirbodies resulting from the structure of their skins.The skin of a dolphin is made of three layers. Theoutside layer is thin and very flexible. And it has aninner thicker one which has the appearance of abrush with plastic hair. ----. The third of the layersconsists of a spongy material. In this way, a dolphinswimming at the top speed can protect itself fromthe heavy pressure.

A) Therefore, dolphins are used in show businessand for educational purposes

B) And the last one is coated with pressure repellentcells

C) Dolphins have always been the center ofattention for people throughout the ages

D) They have chemicals combined with tiny bumpson their skins

E) This layer also has a flexible structure

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9. -12. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okundu-ğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

9. (I) Love in fact takes place in our brains thoughmany of us think that it happens around our hearts.(II) For ages, poets, film industries and musicproducers have symbolized the love as if it occurredin the heart. (III) Yet, it’s our brains that producechemical signals to make people comprehend love.(IV) There are various ways of making peopleunderstand your love through your brain. (V) Loveis a rather confusing but special feeling that ischallenging to understand.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

10. (I) While children grow, their fears also get bigger.(II) The fears in childhood may range from monstersto thunderstorms. (III) That is why your childrenneed your care for this serious condition, anxiety.(IV) Then, those fears expand to issues like beingkidnapped, school failure and social phobia. (V)They eventually evolve into anxiety in the later yearsof their lives.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

11. (I) Population is one the fundamental concepts inecology. (II) It is the term given to individuals of acertain species living in a specific area. (III) On thewhole, there are not definite boundaries separatingpopulation from community in an ecosystem. (IV)Evolutional incidences can occur only in populations.(V) Therefore, individual can in his own life learn anddevelop but evolving in it is inarguably impossible.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

12. (I) In the last few years, the cause of the obesity hasbeen one of the most popular topics for the clinicians.(II) Some of them believe that carbohydrates are theculprits. (III) One of the biggest mistakes madein obesity studies is the misunderstanding of thereasons behind it. (IV) Others think that the majorproblem is fat. (V) But more recently, a group ofphysicians have brought up another hypothesiscalled food reward theory for obesity.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.









ÇÖZÜLEN SÜRE ...........

Page 40: ön söz - · çıktığı, ÖSYM İngilizce yeterlilik düzeyini ölçen sınavlarda, adayların paragraf sorularıyla ilgili problemlerini mini- mum düzeye


Bu testin çözüm süresi 25 dakikadır. Soruları verilen sürede çözmeye çalışınız.2

1. – 4. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

“The Little Prince” is the most famous novel of French aristocrat, writer, poet and leading aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and has been winning the hearts of people since it was first published in 1943. Many people understand our little hero’s experiences, get upset when his heart is broken and justify the sayings of him. While reading his story, they look back on their lives again and realize how much older and more mature they have got in finding a meaning in life. As the Little Prince said “Adults always need to have things explained.” Although Little Prince features a lot of fantastical and unrealistic elements, most of the people, especially, youngsters who have read the book believe it’s really a great book and it actually makes one think because of the deep lessons it gives.

1. The attitude of the author for Exupéry’s the LittlePrince is ----.

A) sarcastic

B) pessimistic

C) favoring

D) critical

E) neutral

2. The author of the passage mainly aims toexplain ----.

A) how French literature influences our lives

B) why children books sell more than their adultequivalents

C) childhood traumas of a well-known protagonist

D) the popularity of “the Little Prince” amongst thereaders

E) what we should expect from a book

3. According to the passage, ----.

A) the Little Prince was the first book published inFrance

B) Exupéry’s language is so complicated thatpeople have difficulty grasping his book

C) the Little Prince is actually a mature character

D) most of the readers sympathize themselves withthe story of the Little Prince

E) the Little Prince appeals only to youngsters

4. With “Adults always need to have thingsexplained”, the Little Prince may be referring to----.

A) adults who are not smart enough

B) the catastrophic effects adults can leave on theyoung people

C) the generation gap between adults andyoungsters

D) his experiences’ being more precious than hisparents’

E) the difficulties of life


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5.- 8. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebi-lecek cümleyi bulunuz.

5. The excretory system is the name given to variousstructures that serve together to excrete bodywastes. ----. We all know that undigested food,containing both minerals and water are discardedas feces from the anus. Some of the water is alsoanimated during the respiratory process.

A) These wastes include undigested food, water,carbon dioxide, many minerals and nitrogenouswastes

B) In addition to the organs and systems forexcretion, the skin also plays a significant role inthe elimination of water

C) However, kidneys have the function to cleansethe blood from chemical wastes and harmfulsubstances

D) The chemical composition of urine is veryimportant and changes in any abnormalcondition

E) Then, it is rearranged and used in the cellsforming the tissues

6. ----. The first version was published in the 17th

century and it included ten books with a set of overten thousand lines of verse. The second editionfollowed almost immediately but this time, it wasseparated into twelve books with minor revisionson the work. It was evaluated by most critics to beMilton’s most important work. As a result, it helpedstrengthen his fame as one of the greatest Englishpoets of all times.

A) It has long been suspected whether Marlowe orShakespeare was the actual poet of “ParadiseLost”

B) Milton’s aim in his work was to justify theapproaches of God to Man

C) 17th century English literature emerged as aperiod introducing most prolific and talentedpoets

D) The poem concerns the biblical story of Adamand Eve and the Fall of Man

E) “Paradise Lost” is an epic poem which wascomposed in blank verse style by the Englishpoet John Milton

7. Tone in writing is an expository manner peculiaronly to the authors themselves. ----. But rather, itis a product of a culture or opinion stemming fromthe historical background of a specific country.Historical tone can be expressed as the reflection ofa previous period to a written work that a society haspassed through.

A) There are various factors influential on the toneof a work

B) It is not a spontaneous or immediate elementoccurring coincidentally

C) Tone is the outcome of a combination oftechnological and cultural impacts

D) It is not easy to find and read original worksnowadays

E) Tone of a written piece of work results from agood content

8. It does not matter whichever heart disease oneis suffering from; the patient needs to start a dietimmediately in order to prevent the fatigue ofthe heart while the body is trying to absorb thenutritional elements from the foods. ----. Theymust also keep away from the foods that have thepotential to create gas in the stomach or intestines.Because the difficulty of digestion puts pressure onthe heart. That’s why after a heavy meal, during therest, patients have respiratory problems.

A) Patients should quit smoking soon after thediagnosis

B) The term “heart disease” is often usedinterchangeably with the term “cardiovasculardisease”

C) Firstly, the foods cardiac patients consumeshouldn’t contain salt and should be easilydigested

D) People who have excess body fat are morelikely to develop heart diseases and stroke

E) After a heavy dinner, it is better for patients tohave a long rest

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9. -12. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okundu-ğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

9. (I) Stephen Hawking, the famous theoreticalphysicist suffers from a rare slow-progressing formof ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. (II)The disorder has gradually paralysed him over thedecades. (III) He lost the ability to speak thirty yearsago because of it. (IV) But, a computerized voicegenerated by a sensor allowed him to communicate.(V) Hawking has made major contributions tophysics and received numerous awards.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

10. (I) Much of the brain’s physiological task involvesreceiving information from the rest of the body. (II)It interprets that information and guides the body’sresponse to it. (III) The brain is divided into foursections. (IV) It also helps perform crucial functionssuch as breathing and maintaining blood pressure.(V) Furthermore, it coordinates the ability to move,touch, smell, hear and see.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

11. (I) The French Revolution influenced other countriesin Europe in several ways. (II) First of all, ittransformed the political and diplomatic landscapeof Europe suddenly. (III) The industrial revolutionwas so sudden that it emerged new sourcesof energy and more workers. (IV) Secondly, itstarted social and cultural changes resulting inrevolutionary consequences for Europeans. (V) Ofthese changes, perhaps the most important onewas that it triggered similar liberal independencemovements in Europe.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

12. (I) Women are more prone to depression than men.(II) Besides, the causes of female depression areoften different from theirs. (III) Many factors add tothis situation of depression in women. (IV) Thesefactors range from reproductive hormones to socialpressures on females. (V) In fact, according to areport, about one in every ten women will developdepression at some point during their lifetimes.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.









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Bu testin çözüm süresi 25 dakikadır. Soruları verilen sürede çözmeye çalışınız. 3

1. – 4. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

According to researches, the way young children think and behave is closely related to the violence they see on television. First six years is a very critical period for the development of brain in children. And it is also known that the way young children learn depends mostly on social learning and role modeling. While they interact with their environment, at the same time, they copy, imitate, and learn afterwards. The problem is that it’s not easy to distinguish between what is real and what is not for children. So, they might believe things work in real life as they see them on television. In addition, according to a recent survey, there are other negative effects of television on young children such as becoming afraid of the outside world, desensitizing towards the violence they see on television and subsequently presenting more violent behaviors to people around them. As a result, children under the age of six, who are frequently exposed to violence on television are more likely to have unhealthier minds compared to the ones who aren’t.

1. The main focus of the passage is on ----.

A) latest researches as to children’s psychology

B) the negative influence of violence on televisionover young children

C) the factors which affect violence

D) effects of television on children

E) the break-up of children from their parentsbecause of television

2. According to the passage, young children learnmore ----.

A) in unsafe environments

B) through the addiction of watching television

C) by differentiating between what is real and whatis not

D) from the negative effects of television

E) in society by role modeling

3. Children show behaviors of violence towardspeople around them because ----.

A) they are not cognitively developed enough

B) they become less sensitive to violent actionsthey watch on television

C) first six years is the period of agressive mannersfor them

D) they think it prevents their fear coming from theoutside world

E) parents bring up them in a violent atmosphere

4. The attitude of the author for violence ontelevision is ----.

A) manipulative

B) disapproving

C) shocking

D) questioning

E) sarcastic


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5.- 8. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebi-lecek cümleyi bulunuz.

5. Mongols were a group of nomadic people inhabitingthe steps of central Asia. Like many nomadicpeoples in history, they were highly successfulcavalry soldiers who constantly raided the sedentarypeoples to their south. They battled against themost powerful armies and warriors in Eurasia. Thebeating of the kettle and smoke signals were signsfor the start of battle. One battle formation that theyused included five squadrons or units. The typicalsquadrons were divided by ranks. The first two rankswere the ones located in the front rows. ----. Theykept a space from the enemy and killed them withthese heavy arms including arrow fires. The backthree ranks broke out between the front ranks andaided the attacks.

A) These warriors had the heaviest armour andweapons

B) The remainder ranks were in charge of protectingthe front rows

C) One of the most famous warriors of the Mongolswas Genghis Khan

D) Mongols lived as minorities in some regions ofChina, as well as in Russia

E) The Chinese built the famous ‘Great Wall’ as aresult of these violent raids of Mongols

6. The process of changing a liquid into a solidby cooling below a certain temperature is calledfreezing. The freezing point is the temperatureat which the liquid and solid forms of a substanceare in equilibrium. Freezing points are governedlargely by the nature of the substances themselves,but may be changed with the addition of othersubstances and pressure. ----. Ethyl alcohol, forexample, freezes at -179 F. (-117 C.) and becauseof this, it is used in thermometers in colder regions.

A) Freezing does not significantly diminish thenutritional value of the substances

B) Therefore, instead of freezing, drying thesubstances is still commonly preferred

C) The freezing point of a substance oftendetermines how it can be used

D) From 1744 until 1954, 0 °C was defined as thefreezing point of water

E) Most substances contract and become denserafter freezing

7. Brazilian novelist Paulo Coelho is regarded as atravel writer by many people because since hisfirst novel ‘the Pilgrimage’, he’s used the imagetravelling in a most powerful way. ----. It is a storyabout a young shepherd who follows his spiritualjourney to the Egyptian pyramids in pursuit of atreasure. He values his freedom very highly, whichis why he becomes a shepherd and why he resistsinvolvement in things that threaten his freedom.Finally, he realizes that playing it safe is often morethreatening to his freedom than taking a risk.

A) Because travelling is an experimental quest thatone has to accomplish to find himself

B) His works include the Valkyries, the FifthMountain, and the Alchemist

C) Paulo Coelho was a logical and reasonable manwith a very clear vision of the world

D) His most widely known novel ‘the Alchemist’is also fictionalized in search for a desire forjourney.

E) In total, Coelho has published 30 books, most ofwhich are autobiographical, while the majority ofthe rest are fictional

8. ----. Imagine a society without the civilizinginfluence of the arts that are most pleasurable andeducationally vital in life. The music, the plays,dance, books, festivals, literature and painting of anation represent the spirit and essence of its people.That’s why, if you removed arts from a community,it would mean removing the soul of that community.As a result, you would be left with a society withoutneither identity nor national conversation.

A) A society without arts is unthinkable

B) Despite different beliefs and cultures, the worldcan gather around a specific piece of music

C) Every nation has its own perception of arts

D) There is a great influence of the painters on theindividuals

E) The arts flourished in ancient Greece around1000 BC

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9. -12. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okundu-ğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

9. (I) Charles Dickens’s masterpiece, the biggestselling novel of all times, “A Tale of Two Cities”depicts the difficulties of the French peasantrylife. (II) In fact, Charles Dickens created some ofthe world’s best known fictional characters thatearned him unique popularity. (III) In the novel,the demoralization of the peasants by the Frencharistocracy during the revolution is emphasized.(IV) This is done especially through the crueltyof Charles Darnay’s family towards the Frenchpeasantry. (V) In disgust at this cruelty of his family,he took on the name Darnay and left France forEngland.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

10. (I) A Russian physiologist called Ivan Pavlov is well-known with the experiment he did with dogs. (II) Henoticed that his dogs were salivating when they sawfood. (III) In his experiment, Pavlov used a bell ashis neutral stimulus. (IV) Whenever he gave food tohis dogs, he also rang a bell. (V) Like many otherscientific advances, Pavlovian conditioning wasdiscovered accidentally.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

11. (I) Tower cranes are common fixtures of anymajor construction site used both to lift and lowermaterials. (II) They are fairly hard to miss with theirlengths reaching out hundreds of feet into the air.(III) The earliest known tower cranes were inventedby the Ancient Greeks and were powered generallyby men. (IV) They are commonly used for liftingheavy things and transporting them to places duringthe construction. (V) They, therefore, employ simplebut strong machines to move loads beyond thenormal capability of a human.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

12. (I) Today, we carry more computing power on ourmobile phones than it was available in the earlymodels of the computer. (II) By 1880, The U.S.population had grown enormously leading to apopulation census crisis. (III) It had increased sofast that it took more than seven years to obtain thecensus results. (IV) The government looked for afaster method to get the job done, creating punch-card based computers that took up entire rooms.(V) Therefore, the computer was born not out ofentertainment but for a need to solve a serioustaking census problem.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.









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Bu testin çözüm süresi 25 dakikadır. Soruları verilen sürede çözmeye çalışınız.4

1. – 4. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

“I Have a Dream” the gripping phrase surely most of us have heard during our lifetimes at least once, belongs to the American Baptist minister, activist, humanitarian, and the leader of African-American civil rights movement, Martin Luther King Jr. Born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia, Martin Luther King had a deep influence on racial relations in the United States. Beginning from the mid-1950s on, he played a major role in ending the legal segregation of African-American citizens across the nation and caused the Civil Rights Act of 1964 put into effort along with the Voting Rights Act of 1965. He was awarded with Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 together with various other honours granted to him. Despite all these contributions of him to humanity, he was assassinated in 1968 but he is remembered as one of the most prominent African-American figures in history. Masses still exhibit their love to the greatest champion of freedom, justice, and equality ever known.

1. The main subject of the passage is ----.

A) ending the legal segregation of African-Americancitizens

B) the gripping phrase “I Have a Dream”

C) Martin Luther King Jr. and his contributions tohumanity

D) the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the VotingRights Act of 1965

E) racial inequality in the United States

2. It may be inferred from the passage that NobelPeace Prize ----.

A) made Martin Luther King the most prominentfigure in the history

B) made the way for legal equality in the UnitedStates

C) was given after the Voting Rights Act

D) wasn’t the only grant Martin Luther King wasawarded with

E) was given in the honor of Martin Luther Kingafter his assassination

3. It is stated in the passage that Martin LutherKing was ----.

A) assasinated due to his struggle for achievingequal rights

B) born outside the US

C) the best leader of all times in American history

D) proud of being the champion of freedom

E) was an activist leader known widely for hisphrase “I Have a Dream”

4. It is understood from the passage that ----.

A) the first Nobel Peace Prize was given in 1964

B) Martin Luther King is still remembered as a greatfigure because of his efforts for equality

C) the United States is against different ethnicgroups living in the country

D) American Dream failed to make the idea offreedom and justice real among people

E) Atlanta is home to many famous people includingMartin Luther King


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5.- 8. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebi-lecek cümleyi bulunuz.

5. The Mona Lisa painting by the Italian artist Leonardoda Vinci has been regarded as the best known, themost visited, the most written about and the mostsung about work of art in the world. This is theworld’s most famous painting. While looking at it, thestunning thing about the painting is that Mona Lisaseems radiant one moment and then serious andsardonic the next. ----. They think her smile becomesmore blurred towards the right and so more visiblein peripheral vision. In other words, different retinalneurons are adapted to varying the content of spatialsize information in the image. This is referred toas spatial frequency distribution by the scientists.Therefore, we know the secret behind Mona Lisa’sfamous smile.

A) Stephen Macknik believes that neurons in theperiphery perceive bigger portions of the visualscene, and thus have lower resolution

B) Now, scientists have come up with an answer toher changing moods

C) This study shows us that her mouth appears tochange depending on the distance and the levelof blur

D) Leonardo da Vinci started painting Mona Lisa inthe 16th century in Florence and he continued topaint it in France

E) The painting’s reputation stepped up greatlyamong people when it was stolen on 21 August1911

6. The earliest known lock to be operated by a key wasfound by archaeologists in the Khorsabad palacein Egypt. ----. It most probably evolved as an easysolution to the problem of opening a bar door fromthe outside. This lock worked using a large woodenbolt to secure a door with an opening includingsome holes on its upper surface. The holes wereequipped with wooden pegs that deterred the boltfrom being opened.

A) The first serious attempt to improve the securityof the lock was made in 1778 in England

B) These locks were up to 2 ft. (61 cm) long andtheir keys were long

C) Called the Egyptian lock, it is estimated to havebeen 4,000 years old

D) The ancient Romans built the first metal locks,and their iron keys

E) The Egyptian model was improved by addingwards

7. Crete is the fifth largest and the most populated islandin the Mediterranean Sea after Sicily and Cyprus.----. You can still admire the ruins of this gloriousculture on the island in addition to wandering aroundand exploring impressive beaches, untouchedvalleys, and wonderful mountain views. It can beyour dream place to get out of your hectic routinesand stress.

A) It was once the center of Minoan civilization,now known as the earliest recorded civilizationin Europe

B) The island has three significant airports, NikosKazantzakis, the Daskalogiannis and one inSitia

C) You can feel the glory of the previous cultureson the island even today

D) EU integration and modernization have had ahuge impact on local culture and attitudes

E) However, divorce rates have tremendouslyincreased on this beautiful island

8. Eggs of Ostrich have always been prized onaccount of their size compared to their counterpartsin the history. They have been employed for certainpurposes since the ancient times. They haveplayed an important part in almost every aspect ofespecially African life. ----. However, they are beingtraded for decoration and ornamentation rather thandelicacy nowadays.

A) Ostrich eggshells date back to Pharaohs’ time inEgypt

B) They have been used as decorative elements inrituals in Sudan as well

C) Lydian commercial firms also made use ofostrich eggs for trading in the past

D) Some of the decorated eggshells will beexhibited in African museums from now on

E) Mainly, they have been regarded as a rare foodproduct there for ages

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9. -12. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okundu-ğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

9. (I) Macaws are becoming more and more of a raresight in the wild. (II) Then, it gets difficult to conceivethese large and beautiful birds in their habitat. (III)Hyacinth macaws do not reproduce each year evenunder the best conditions. (IV) That’s why, most ofus regard them as pet store animals. (V) Scientistsbelieve their number is declining rapidly and theyare in danger of extinction.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

10. (I) Female cheetahs normally live with their cubs forabout two years. (II) The cheetah is the fastest landanimal on Earth. (III) It can run from 0 to 60 milesan hour in only three seconds. (IV) In this way, itcan leave most automobiles in the dust. (V) It canalso make rapid and immediate movements whilehunting its prey.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

11. (I) Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, written byLewis Carroll, belongs to the genre of childrenfiction. (II) Lewis Carroll was an English writer,mathematician, logician, and photographer. (III)It tells the story of a girl named Alice, who is themain character of it. (IV) It includes elements froma fantasy world where one can travel to this worldthrough a rabbit hole. (V) Moreover, it is a book thatconsists of magical items like a bottle of liquid tomake one shrink.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

12. (I) Adolescence is a transitional period in humangrowth and development. (II) It occurs during theperiod from puberty to adulthood. (III) Researchershave found it difficult to agree upon an exactdefinition of adolescence. (IV) It stands for oneof the critical transitions in the lifespan. (V) It ischaracterized by an enormous speed in growthwhich is nearly at the same pace as that of infancy.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.









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Bu testin çözüm süresi 25 dakikadır. Soruları verilen sürede çözmeye çalışınız. 5

1. – 4. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

Dinosaurs were found all around the world except Antarctica until scientists discovered a fossil of a tailbone belonging to a titanosaur, a giant plant-eating dinosaur. This primitive dinosaur dates back to almost 200 million years ago –a time when one of the coldest parts of the world was a temperate forest. The finding is important because this is the first evidence of these creatures for their existence in Antarctica. Unfortunately, little is known about the dinosaurs that once lived in what is today Antarctica. All fossils discovered so far are from the few places free of a thick ice layer such as the edges of coastal islands or mountain rock faces. This new discovery now suggests the idea that dinosaurs were spread all over the world not only in the Southern hemisphere but in the Northern hemisphere as well.

1. It can be inferred from the passage thatAntarctica ----.

A) was not always so cold in the distant past

B) dates back to nearly 200 million years ago

C) was the first continent discovered by thescientists

D) is little known to researchers

E) is free of snow and ice layers

2. We can understand from the passage that thediscovery of the new dinosaur fossil ----.

A) surprised scientists because Antarctica showsno signs of life

B) occurred in a very remote place

C) puts the idea that dinosaurs once roamed inAntarctica

D) spread all over the world except Antarctica

E) belongs to the times when Antarctica was aforest

3. We learn from the passage that titanosaur ----.

A) was the only plant eating dinosaur species

B) has been discovered in a place free of a thick icelayer

C) is still alive in Antarctica

D) was a tiny dinosaur which lived in Antarcticacenturies ago

E) is one of the coldest animals of the world

4. It can be concluded from the passage that thediscovery of titanosaur shows ----.

A) dinosaurs, in fact, were more commonly found inthe Northern hemisphere

B) it has little importance to scientists

C) this primitive creature was considerably differentfrom those found in other continents

D) scientists will make similar further expeditions ina few years

E) dinosaurs, at one time in the past, lived in bothhemispheres


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5.- 8. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebi-lecek cümleyi bulunuz.

5. People usually decide to look for care after an injurybased on their ability to stand or walk as to theirlegs. But several medical conditions can arise fromthe knees or the whole leg at the end of even a mildpain if not taken care on time. Actually, they shouldconsult a doctor as soon as they feel any discomfortin the leg. Most of the time, seeking medicalattention when the pain begins to interfere with dailylives is a wrong decision. ----.

A) The main cause of leg pain is certainly a crampor a muscle spasm both of which are notgenerally medically harmful

B) In the end, the situation may result in a largercollection of symptoms and disorders

C) Therefore, in most of the situations, leg painhas a gradual onset which can be estimatedbeforehand

D) The doctors also suggest keeping your bloodpressure and cholesterol under control to avoidthe leg pain

E) Then, if the spine is damaged, it can affect one’sability to walk and the balance of the body

6. ----. “Besides its size,” wrote Herodotus the famousGreek historian, “Babylon surpasses any city in theknown world in terms of its splendor.” It deservesHerodotus’ claim since its outer walls were 56 milesin length, 80 feet thick and 320 feet high. The city isone of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Itslocation hasn’t been exactly found out, though.

A) The name “Babylon” means “Gate of the Gods”but it’s not worth this name

B) Some people think Babylon is one of the mostmythical cities in the world

C) The city Babylon was destroyed during a war

D) There were many wonderful ancient cities in theancient world

E) The city of Babylon has been a wonder totravelers with its massive structure for ages

7. Pizza was first popularized in Italy and it came toAmerica in the late 1800s through Italian immigrants.They were mostly from the rural and poorer southernparts of Italy. ----. Because of its simplicity andcheapness, it became more widespread duringthe great depression. Today, there are quite afew differences between the Italian and Americanversion. Perhaps, the major difference is in the typeand quantity of meat on pizza. Americans put muchmore meat at the same time than do the Italians ontheir pizzas.

A) Thus, pizza which they brought along became amodest food in the US just like it was in Italy

B) Americans developed pizza with costly toppingssuch as chocolate and pineapple

C) The major difference between American andItalian pizza was their size, the former beinglarger

D) However, pizza has been found detrimental tohealth whether it’s Italian or American

E) New York became Little Italy in this period witha growing number of simple Italian shops suchas hairdressers and restaurants

8. ----. Moreover, it is much faster than the old ways ourgrandmothers used. First of all, you should createan environment not suitable for harmful bacteriawhile preserving the integrity of your vegetables.Then, the proper ratio of vinegar is required tokeep vegetables in the proper taste. After washingand chopping your cucumbers, put them with salt,vinegar and spices into a jar. And your pickles willbe ready in 24 for hours.

A) Aristotle praised the healing effects of choppedcucumbers

B) If you put too much salt and vinegar whilepreparing your pickles, the bacteria willimmediately die

C) The first pickles were brought to Americas byChristopher Columbus

D) If you serve the pickles cold, they will be moredelicious

E) Making and canning your own pickles is one ofthe easiest chores you can do at home

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9. -12. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okundu-ğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozancümleyi bulunuz.

9. (I) Condensation is the altering of the physical stateof water from its vapor phase into the liquid one. (II)It actually refers to such gaseous state of the matter.(III) It can also be defined as the change of watervapor to liquid water when in contact with a liquidsurface within the atmosphere. (IV) It usually occursin the atmosphere as a result of rising and coolingair. (V) By this way, the air loses its capacity to holdwater vapor and condenses to form cloud droplets.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

10. (I) The earliest record of fireworks dates back to7th century China where they are supposed tohave been invented. (II) Fireworks are a class ofexplosives that burn at a low rate with coloredflames which are used for aesthetic, cultural, andreligious purposes. (III) They take many formsto create the four principle effects: noise, light,smoke, and floating materials. (IV) They are usedto illuminate areas, send signals or just to entertain.(V) They burn flames and produce many colorstypically red, orange, yellow, green and blue.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

11. (I) It is not clearly known when and how the first carswere invented. (II) It was actually Henry Ford whofirst invented and manufactured the motor vehicles.(III) It is not even known which animal prehistorichumans picked on first for transportation. (IV) Itmay have begun with the horse, camel, donkey, orpossibly the dog. (V) But it is sure these animalswere the earliest engines for people.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

12. (I) A vessel is a vehicle that can float and proceedon watery places ranging from rivers to oceans.(II) It can achieve this via its own power or takingthe advantage of other elements such as wind andwaves. (III) Any object will either float or sink in waterdepending on its density. (IV) Most boats movepartially through or above water whereas others cansubmerse entirely under it. (V) Such vehicles canbe named as submarines or submersibles which arethe smaller versions.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.









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1 Bu testin çözüm süresi 25 dakikadır. Soruları verilen sürede çözmeye çalışınız.

1. – 4. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

Although he was barely known in the early 19th century, the philosopher, social scientist, historian and revolutionary Karl Marx is doubtless the most influential social thinker to emerge in his time. In his own lifetime, he was largely ignored by his contemporaries but his reputation rose later, after his death in 1883. Born into a middle-class home in Germany in 1818, he came from a family who was very much interested in the political debates and the movements of the revolutionary era. His father was a Jewish who converted to Protestantism in order to be able to work as a lawyer. Marx enrolled in the faculty of Law at the University of Bonn when he was seventeen. But later on, he turned to philosophy and became a member of the Young Hegelian Movement because he was an extremist, too. This was a group of rebellious students who hated the oppressive and the conservative Prussian university system. He arrived in Paris at the end of 1843 and he quickly made contact with organized groups of immigrant German workers and with several sects of French socialists. During his first few months in Paris, Marx became a communist and set down his views in a series of writings known as “the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts” (1844), which remained unpublished until the 1930s. In “the Manuscripts,” he summarized the conception of Communism and a contrast between the alienated nature of labor in capitalism and a communist society where human beings could freely develop their collective production. One of his criticisms of legal privilege resulted in his being sent into exile by the Prussian government.

1. The most suitable title for this passage would be----.

A) Marx’s comparative views as to communism andcapitalism

B) educational background of Karl Marx

C) sections from Marx’s life, philosophy and hisdoings

D) the rebellious nature of Karl Marx

E) socialism as the mainstream in 19th century

2. According to the passage, Marx ----.

A) was born in a Protestant family

B) was punished by exile because of his opposingideas against legal privilege

C) ruled out all the former socialist views

D) was murdered because of his views

E) got so much ahead his contemporaries that theywere jealous of him

3. As can be understood from the passage, ----.

A) Marx was a radical in his philosophy

B) Prussian government had a mild approachtowards Marx’s ideas

C) Marx preferred studying law to philosophy

D) Young Hegelian Movement originated in Paris

E) Marx was appreciated by his colleagues in hislifetime

4. As stated in the passage, Marx’s Manuscripts----.

A) was based on his experiences of life in Germanywhere he grew up

B) was the most effective piece of writing of histime

C) had no influence at all on the rise and furtherdevelopment of socialism

D) was printed in 1930s and outlined the contrastbetween communism and capitalism

E) aided the immigrant German workers on a largescale


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5.- 8. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebi-lecek cümleyi bulunuz.

5. It is generally assumed that watching a movie ismuch easier than reading its novel ----. First of all,when watching a movie you are in a passive state.The characters, the environment and the actionsare imposed to you with no chance of going backand you can’t get in to the movie unless it’s a veryqualified one. There is a huge chance that you willforget it in a short amount of time. However, whenreading a novel, your mind and your imaginationtakes over so the images that are created by yourmind are unforgettable.

A) Because watching a movie instead of reading itsnovel leaves a more permanent effect on you

B) But the benefits of reading a novel is notcomparable to watching a movie

C) If you’re a novelist, one of the biggest mistakesis confining yourself to strict rules

D) And this fact has improved the film industryenormously

E) Therefore, most of the novelists’ works havebeen recreated as movies over the last decade

6. May Day on May 1 is an ancient NorthernHemisphere spring festival and usually a publicholiday; it is also a traditional spring holiday in manycultures. Dances, singing, and cake are usually partof the celebrations that the day includes. ----. Thiswas done to commemorate the Haymarket affairthat occurred on 4th May 1886.

A) International Workers’ Day may also be referredto as “May Day”, but it is a different celebrationfrom the traditional May Day

B) In the late 19th century, May Day was chosenas the date for International Workers’ Day by theSocialists and Communists

C) The first May Day celebrations showed up inpre-Christian times, with the Floralia, festival ofFlora, the Roman goddess of flowers

D) Violence intensified on 4 May when a protestdemonstration started in Haymarket square

E) It is also associated with the Gaelic Beltane,most widely held on April 30

7. One of the greatest examples of Byzantinearchitecture is the church of Saint Sophia in İstanbul.Obviously, its structural design is totally new in thehistory of architecture. The interior parts of thechurch has a complex structure and is decoratedwith mosaics and marble pillars and coverings ofgreat artistic value. ----. The main feature of thisdesign was the application of the dome principleto a building of the square shape. However, therewas a problem in this shape for the architects as tothe fitting of the circumference of the dome to thesquare area it was supposed to cover during theconstruction.

A) Every year, millions of visitors come from allover the world to visit Saint Sophia

B) Saint Sophia serves as a model for the design ofnew churches in the future

C) Moreover, so many windows are placed aroundits rim that the dome seems to have no supportat all

D) The church was designed in the form of a cross,with a marvelous dome over its central square

E) It was constructed by the emperor Justinian inthe sixth century as the greatest cathedral builtup to that time

8. Today, the number of the smokers in the world isaround 1.3 billion. Since the numbers are high,the health professionals warn people about theharmful ingredients in the cigarettes. According tothe statistics, there are about 600 ingredients incigarettes. However, when they burn, more than7,000 chemicals come out. ----. Therefore, themortality rate for smokers is three times comparedto people who never smoked as CDC claimed.

A) Moreover, tobacco companies spend millions ofdollars on advertising throughout the world

B) When a person smokes a cigarette, the bodyreacts almost immediately

C) Tobacco manufacturers have produced acigarette that is low in tar and nicotine

D) The reason for people to smoke is the instantpleasure that comes from the cigarettes

E) Many of those chemicals are poisonous and atleast 69 of them can cause cancer

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9. -12. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okundu-ğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

9. (I) Perfume was first used by the Egyptians as partof their religious rituals. (II) The word perfume isused today to describe scented mixtures and isderived from the Latin word, “per fumus.” (III) Thetwo principal methods of use at this time was theburning of incense and the application of balmsand ointments. (IV) Perfume was further refinedby the Romans, the Persians and the Arabs. (V) Itwas later far more developed by Indus civilizationbetween 3300 BCE and 1300 BCE.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

10. (I) The stomach is positioned in the upper leftregion of the abdominal cavity. (II) The inside of thestomach is lined with a mucous coat containing thesurface lining and several glands. (III) Processingof the food is performed in the small intestine.(IV) Some of these gastric glands release gastricjuice and others hydrochloric acid. (V) These acidsprovide the proper medium for the reactions of thestomach.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

11. (I) The Anatolian wise man Nasreddin Hodja ispresented to us in various ways. (II) He is sometimesa judge, an imam and sometimes he’s our friendlyand wise neighbour. (III) He is the fatherly figurealways surrounded by his wife, son, neighbours,and fellow villagers. (IV) But his donkey is alwaysby his side. (V) He is sometimes very gulliblesometimes very witty but always humorous.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

12. (I) Aristotle is known for classifying the sense organsunder five categories: sight, smell, taste, touch, andhearing. (II) The renowned philosopher ImmanuelKant suggested that our modes of perceptiondetermine the knowledge of the outside world in1760s. (III) Each of the 5 senses includes organswith specialized receptors for specific stimuli. (IV)These receptors have links to the nervous systemand thus to the brain. (V) Sensing starts in thereceptors and finally turn into sensations in thenervous system.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.









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Bu testin çözüm süresi 30 dakikadır. Soruları verilen sürede çözmeye çalışınız. 2

1. – 4. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

The name “Cappadocia” dates back to Persian times, when the region was called as “katpatukya” meaning “Land of Beautiful Horses.” Since that time, it has experienced the rise and collapse of many different civilizations. In recent times, it has become well-known for its unprecedented landscape of valleys and weird rock formations, known as “fairy chimneys.” Volcanic eruptions led to the creation of this marvelous landscape. Because the soil below the top layer of the earth is very soft, it can be easily carved. People living in the region took advantage of this softness to build their houses in the rock pillars or under the ground in the past. Today, there are still plenty of examples of these homes or churches in Cappadocia. The volcanic rock keeps houses naturally cool in the hot summer and warm in cool winter. Extensive preservation efforts are carried out to guarantee that this World Heritage site survive for another millennium. With lumped tourist trade, nevertheless, the site has been exposed to substantial damages due to human destruction.

1. It is argued in the passage that Cappadocia ----.

A) is called as “katpatukya” by local people

B) hosts no permanent residents

C) isn’t worth visiting because of the damagesgiven by humans

D) will be ruined in the next millennium

E) has a wonderful and unique scenery

2. According to the passage, Cappadocia’s soiltype ----.

A) enabled the inhabitants to build their homeseasily

B) regulates the inside temperature of the houses

C) draws the tourists’ attention most

D) is protected by the city dwellers

E) was formed during the Persian times

3. The passage largely focuses on ----.

A) touristic efforts in Cappadocia province

B) the geological features of Cappadocia

C) the solutions to save Cappadocia fromdestruction

D) Cappadocia’s cultural and social history

E) the origin of the name “Cappadocia”

4. It can be inferred from the passage thatCappadocia ----.

A) has the perfect temperature keeping housesnaturally cool in summer and warm in winter

B) suffered from unequalled numbers of volcaniceruptions in the past

C) is restrained to its weird rock formations knownas fairy chimneys

D) has been cradle of various civilizationsthroughout the history

E) is trying to ban the tourist influx into the city


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5.- 8. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebi-lecek cümleyi bulunuz.

5. ----. In the hierarchic order, the ranks in the countryare Brahmana, Kshatriya, Vaishva, and Shudra.Brahmana, now, more prevalently spelled Brahmin,consists of the group of people who are engagedin education, knowledge, and teaching. Kshatriyais in charge of public service, maintenance of law,order, and defense. The third social class Vaishyaincludes those dealing with commercial activity likebusinessmen. Shudra, the semi-skilled or unskilledlaborers work in serving jobs like cleaning andpicking up the wastes.

A) Generally speaking, a caste system is a processof placing people in occupational groups underfour headings

B) India’s caste system has four main classesbased originally on personality, profession, andbirth

C) Most Indian languages use the term “jati” for thesystem of hereditary social structures in SouthAsia

D) One can climb up to higher social status evenwhen born into a family belonging to a low levelrank

E) According to a theory about the origins of SouthAsia’s caste system, Aryans from central Asiainvaded South Asia and introduced the castesystem

6. When we talk of love, diamonds come to ourminds since they are supposed to be symbolsof commitment and joyful new beginnings. ----.In diamond-rich countries, diamond mines notonly produce these precious stones but violence,exploitation of workers, great human suffering,and civil wars as well. Experts allege that the saleof bloody diamonds earned billions of dollars tofund civil wars and other conflicts in many Africannations.

A) However, in various African nations for manypeople, these sparkling stones are more of acurse than a blessing

B) In fact, for ages, diamonds have been used asthe symbol of true and pure love

C) Diamonds are thought to have been firstrecognized and mined in India which hasimportant alluvial deposits of the stone

D) As a result, brutality and injustice remain as aneveryday aspect of diamond mining

E) For example, in Sierra Leone, a gang threatenedpeople working in diamond mines to be able totake control of them

7. Despite the diversity of them, we still knowsurprisingly little about the precise origin of snakes.Because the fossil remains found are very low innumber and they are fragile, so they often aren’table to be well preserved. The longest fossil that hasbeen found is 49 feet long. ----.This means that thesnakes were once much larger than they are now.We don’t have answers about what occurred thatresulted in them getting smaller.

A) The evolution of snakes is very fascinating

B) That is almost twice the size of the largestsnakes we have today.

C) Scientists show evidence that they evolved fromaquatic lizards

D) It is believed that the snakes had different limbsto swim when they lived in the water

E) There are almost 3,000 named snake speciestoday

8. A university is an institution of higher education andresearch that grants academic degrees in severalsubjects. Universities seem to have its origins in theRoman Empire. ----. In a way, they had nothing thatcan be regarded as university in the modern sense.From today’s point of view, the term to be usedfor these universities could be the academy. Theywere special institutes giving education on specificsubjects ranging from law to biology.

A) The original Latin word “universitas” refers tothe persons associated into one body, a society,company, or guild

B) As it dates back to the Roman Empire, itis inevitable not to have Latin language inuniversities

C) However, the only elements of Romans regardingthe education were teachers, students, andlibraries

D) As the first founder of universities, the ancestorsof the Roman Empire still have the bestuniversities in Italy

E) Universities had noble causes by which theypaved the way for young individuals throughhigher education even in those times

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9. -12. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okundu-ğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

9. (I) Many of the orchids across the world arethreatened due to orchid smuggling since collectorsand growers esteem them highly. (II) Therefore,smuggling of protected orchids from the wild hasincreased. (III) Some collectors prefer travellingto tropical countries in search of rare and uniquespecies to steal. (IV) On the black market, a single,rare orchid can sell for thousands of pounds. (V)Others take the advantage of professional orchidsmugglers.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

10. (I) The Ottoman Empire ruled over expansiveregions for ages and so worked in collaborationwith many cultures and nations with its cuisine. (II)Therefore, in a way, Ottoman cuisine is not only thecuisine of the Ottoman Empire but its successors inAnatolia, Balkans, and much of the Middle East aswell. (III) Unfortunately, this marvelous cuisine haslost most of its unequalled variety nowadays. (IV)The blend of cultures enriched the Ottoman cuisinemelting all differences in a bowl. (V) Such a varietyof cultures from Anatolia, Middle East, and Balkansbecame the chief contributors to the Ottomancuisine.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

11. (I) Energy drinks are beverages like Red Bull, Burn,and Rock Star including chiefly caffeine and theyare manufactured with the intention of providingmental and physical stimulation. (II) They can alsocontain sugar or other sweeteners, amino acids,and herbal extracts. (III) The amount of caffeinein an energy drink can differ from 75 milligrams toover 200 milligrams depending on the serving. (IV)The overconsumption of these ingredients have allbeen proved to be harmful for human health. (V)This compares to 34 milligrams in Cola, and 55milligrams in sweetened soda.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

12. (I)The Batumi port where there are historical piers,green parks, and coffees along the coast is thestarting point of voyage cruise boats. (II) It is a smallport with a population of approximately 154,000in South West Georgia. (III) The city is located ina subtropical zone in which agricultural crops likecitrus fruit and tea are grown. (IV) In addition toagricultural produce, locals work in beekeepingand fishing. (V) Since 2010, the appearance of thecity has been changed by the renovation of the OldTown.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.









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Bu testin çözüm süresi 30 dakikadır. Soruları verilen sürede çözmeye çalışınız.3

1. – 4. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

We don’t have the exact knowledge as to when and how people began to drink tea. The first record concerning using tea as a drink shows us that it dates back to the 10th century BC, China. Tea was brought to Europe in 1610, through the Dutch East India Company who established bases in Indonesia and Japan trading directly with the Orient. It became very fashionable in aristocratic circles and at the royal courts in Europe. In Great Britain, tea even became so chic that at the end of the 17th century alcohol consumption declined. In the 19th century, Chinese trade of tea with Western nations spread and the tea industry started to appear in America as well. Surprisingly, compared to tea’s thousands years of history, Turkish tea is relatively young as it only became common in Turkey from the 1900s onwards. The very first attempt to grow tea on Turkish soil took place in Bursa between 1888 and 1892. It wasn’t a success because this part of the country is ecologically insufficient for growing tea. In 1924, the parliament passed a law about cultivating tea in the east of the Black Sea region. Today, 767 million m² of land is used to grow tea, and it is the second most consumed Turkish drink, after water.

1. The most suitable title for this passage would be----.

A) decline of alcohol consumption in Great Britain

B) tea cultivation in Turkey

C) how the journey of tea started

D) tea as the most consumed beverage

E) history and development of tea in variouscountries

2. According to the passage, tea ----.

A) production exceeds that of other drinks inTurkey

B) is a quite new beverage for Europeans

C) didn’t appear in America until 1900s

D) was outweighed by alcoholic drinks at the end ofthe 17th century

E) was grown on Turkish soil first in the 19th century

3. It may be inferred from the passage that ----.

A) tea growing inspired the other sectors in Turkey

B) almost all countries supply tea from the BlackSea region across the world

C) water is the most consumed beverage in Turkey

D) tea has been a pretty noble drink for most of thenations for ages

E) Turkish soil is ecologically inadequate forgrowing tea

4. It is stated in the passage that ----.

A) tea drinking is a very chic habit across Europe

B) Bursa is the only city in Turkey where tea isgrown widely

C) Turkish parliament enacted a law for growingtea in Black Sea region in 1924

D) tea is the second most consumed Turkish drinkin the whole world

E) Turkish tea has thousands years of history


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5.- 8. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebi-lecek cümleyi bulunuz.

5. Botswana is an African paradise where education isfree, corruption is scarce, and crime rates are low.It is one of the fastest growing economies in theworld due mostly to the large diamond reserves. It isalso free of outskirts drug cultures, wars, and slums.----. Therefore, in 2003, the government launcheda comprehensive program involving anti-retroviraldrugs along with an extensive information campaignto stop the spread of the virus.

A) The reserves were discovered immediately afterBotswana got its independence from Britain

B) An estimated 70% of the country’s citizensidentify themselves as Christians

C) The inner city drug cultures and wars are typicalreasons for contagious diseases

D) On the other hand, it has the second highestHIV infection rate in the world after nearbySwaziland

E) The national response to these drug cultures isnow bringing about positive results

6. Good health is often reflected in an attractive andyouthful body. But, signs of good health are notalways clear-cut, nor are they universal amongeveryone. And no two people are alike concerningthe issue. Some have strong and healthy bodieswhereas others don’t. However, proper care andcontrol can make life more enjoyable. So, everybodyshould know his own health assets and have healthexamination regularly. ----. The mother should takecare of her baby under routine examinations startingin pregnancy. That means she should see herdoctor at certain intervals and avoid any kind of drugnot prescribed by her doctor.

A) Checking once in a year is enough in adults

B) This starts before birth

C) Therefore, doctors emphasize the importance ofthis for the elderly

D) After the age of 35, annual examination isnecessary

E) In the infancy period, it is not essential to haveregular medical checks

7. There are several reasons for adolescents to usedrugs, which can be summed up under three hea-dings such as peer pressure, emotional reasons,and curiosity. Peer pressure is almost unavoidablesince people are socialized creatures and likely tobe affected by others. The pressure exerted by fri-end circles can easily lead a teenager to the usageof drugs. As for emotional causes, depression is inthe front line. According to researches, depressedpeople are more likely to take drugs. The desire toexperiment new things also plays an important rolein becoming addicted to drugs. ----.

A) Finally, people also use drugs to self-medicatethemselves but fall into the trap of depressionagain

B) An argument why drug treatment centers aregood at making people quit drugs is that theyhave the right equipment to control the addictedindividuals

C) This curiosity accompanied with the other factorscan hold the addicted adolescent in the grip ofharmful habits even for a life time

D) Thus, parents are the key factors in keepingtheir children away from the usage of harmfulsubstances

E) Though there are some centers that welcomedrug addicts free of charge, the rate of successin such kind of centers is low

8. We always assume that explosions are horrible anddangerous phenomena. ----. Each day, even if wedon’t realize in our daily routines, explosions arehelping to save people’s lives. Given that you areinvolved in a car accident, the airbag of your carwill fire out of the dashboard through a controlledexplosion. This action will lessen the impact of thecrash and help to diminish the possible damageto your body. That’s why since 1998, it has beenmandatory for the cars sold in the United States toinclude airbags on both driver and passenger sidesby law.

A) Like explosions, car accidents also continue toinfluence our lives in a bad way

B) But, that is not always the case

C) An explosion along with a collision makes thesituation even worse

D) They damage the nearby buildings, turn the carsupside down and show flames lighting up thesky

E) Explosions can occur naturally or by humanactivity

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9. -12. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okundu-ğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozancümleyi bulunuz.

9. (I) King Arthur is a mythical British leader of early6th century, who, according to medieval historiesand romances, led the defence of Britain againstSaxon invaders. (II) But, his historical existence isquestioned and disputed by the current historians.(III) One school of thought recognizes Arthur as areal historical figure fighting against the invadingAnglo-Saxons. (IV) Arthur is an important figurebecause he founded an empire that united Britainin one piece. (V) Partially in reaction to this idea,another school of thought has appeared whichclaims that Arthur had no historical existence at all.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

10. (I) The inventors of the first airplane were twoAmerican brothers, inventors, and aviation pioneerscalled the Wright brothers. (II) The brothers’fundamental innovation was their invention of three-axis control providing the pilot with an effectiveequilibrium and steering system. (III) However, priorto the first airplane invented by the Wright Brothers,inventors had made several attempts to make it flylike the birds. (IV) This method became a standardon fixed-wing aircraft of all kinds. (V) It still remainsas the standard model in airplanes.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

11. (I) The largest part of the human brain is the

cerebrum, which is divided into two hemispheres. (II) In humans, sensory nerve fibres transmit electrical signals through the site of the stimulus to the spinal cord and then to the brain. (III) Passing via the brain stem, they reach the thalamus. (IV) It is responsible for sending signals to be processed in different areas of the brain. (V) One of these areas is the limbic system, known as the emotional center of the brain.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

12. (I) Well-known social networking site Facebookwas founded in 1984 by its current CEO MarkZuckerberg. (II) The first establishment of it wasin his college dorm room in Harvard. (III) The userbase of Facebook increased to more than 250million people soon after Zuckerberg left Harvardto concentrate on the site. (IV) And it has now over1.44 billion monthly active users as of March 2015.(V) He also created an early version of the musicsoftware Pandora, which he called Synapse, whilestill in high school.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.









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1. – 4. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

Marie Sklodowska Curie was a distinguished physicist and chemist best known for her studies on radioactivity. She was an energetic idealist who commenced her researches in radioactivity in 1890s and found out the elements polonium and radium during her researches with Pierre Curie whom she had discovered an intellectual intimacy which soon transformed into deeper feelings. Actually, in 1895 they were already married due to natural sciences that mostly drew them together. While Pierre Curie made the discovery of piezoelectricity, Madam Curie kept on her studies on radioactivity and was awarded two Nobel Prizes, one of which she won together with her husband and Henri Becquerel and the other in chemistry. Until that time, she was the first person to win two Nobel Prizes and she is still one of only four people to be granted by them. Curie died at a sanatorium in Haute-Savoie in 1934 owing to aplastic anemia induced by intoxication of radiation she had been exposed to during her researches. It is ironic that she died from radioactivity which she had set out the theory of.

1. The passage is mostly about ----.

A) Madam Curie’s achievements in the fields ofphysics and chemistry

B) love affair between Marie Sklodowska Curie andPierre Curie

C) Nobel awards granted to physicists in science

D) leading studies in radioactivity in the 19th century

E) innovations as to radioactivity and piezoelectricity

2. It can be inferred from the passage that themarriage of Madam Curie and Pierre Curie ----.

A) led to the catastrophe of both in the end

B) mainly resulted from their mutual interest innatural sciences

C) prevented their further discoveries in life

D) brought them the chance of being candidates forNobel Prize

E) was an entirely new thing that came to the forein physics world

3. We learn from the passage that prior to MadamCurie, ----.

A) aplastic anemia wasn’t known

B) there was not such a satisfying scientific studyas to win a Nobel Prize

C) no one had ever won two Nobel Prizes

D) Pierre Curie had already discovered radioactivity

E) there were few studies on radioactivity

4. The author finds it weird that ----.

A) Madam Curie and her husband got marriedowing to purely logical reasons

B) Pierre Curie discovered piezoelectricity

C) Marie Curie was so vulnerable to radioactivity

D) Madam Curie passed away out of a reasonwhich she herself worked on during her lifetime

E) radioactivity to be such a poisoning energy type

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5.- 8. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebi-lecek cümleyi bulunuz.

5. Clownfish, also called as clown anemone fish, arerenowned for their bright orange color and whitestripes down on their bodies. They mostly live incoral reefs like in the movie “Finding Nemo.” Thesefish are not mobile, thus, they wait their prey to swimby and when a smaller fish ventures near them, it’sstunk and eaten. Besides, once they are threatenedby another fish, they reveal their tentacles which arerather poisonous and deadly to almost all fish kinds.----.

A) In fact, this poison protects them from manypredators under the sea

B) As a result, they build their nest in the mostprotected area in order to be hidden from thesepoisonous larger fish

C) However, there are 28 other different speciesof anemone fish some of which display differentcoloring like pinkish

D) To sum up, the orange clownfish was firstdescribed by Lacepede in 1802 as Lutjanuspercula

E) That’s why, the orange clownfish is native to thetropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region

6. In the University of Iowa, scientists conducted anexperiment on pigeons. ----. This ability was trainedand pigeons have been taught to recognize humanfacial expressions contrary to long held beliefthat only humans had evolved into the advancednervous systems to execute such a feature.In the University of Iowa, pigeons were shownphotographs of people bearing various emotionssuch as happiness, sadness or anger. Surprisingly,they learnt to correctly identify the same expressionson photographs involving unfamiliar faces.

A) They discovered that pigeons can understandand sympathize with human conditions

B) The results were contradicted with the previousones

C) In another university in the United States, asecond team revealed the fact that humans canlearn from pigeons

D) The study highlights the significance ofcontrasting studies between two species

E) They found that pigeons are able to perceivesimilarity on human faces sharing identity andexpression

7. John Raider was just 8 years old when he consultedthe dentist with his parents for his decayed tooth.Unfortunately, the dentist failed to anesthetize histeeth properly and struck a nerve on with forceps.The result of this mistake made by Raider’s dentistcaused him to stop going to the dentist entirely.Finally, it reached a peak in his thirties and showedthe signals of a lifelong fear of dentists. ----.However, he preferred to accept the pain rather thaneven consider visiting a dentist.

A) Luckily, most of the dentists are specially trainedin dealing with fearful patients nowadays

B) Such a serious fear deters a great manyAmericans from searching for proper dental care

C) While scared half to death, Raider had to consulta dentist for his painful teeth

D) Hence, Raider claimed $100,000 from thedentists for his anxiety

E) When he was 36, one of his back molar teethgot decayed giving him constant pain

8. Gloomy Sunday is a song composed by Hungarianpianist Rezső Seress in 1933. ----. We all knowthat music can have a deep impact on humanpsychology but suicide is too terrifying a matter tobe linked with a piece of music. Amidst the suicidessurpassing hundreds, the teenage girl who wasfound carrying the song written on a piece of sheetdrowned herself in Vienna, is still one of the mostshocking cases. Another instance is from Budapest,a shopkeeper killed himself. He left a note behind,extracted from the lyrics of the same song.

A) Two people shot themselves while listening to asong in Budapest

B) It is blamed for being related to a large numberof suicides across the world

C) The song was permanently banned immediatelyafter it was released on the market

D) Suicide numbers in Hungary historically has oneof the highest rates in the world

E) It caught on rapidly on the Hungarian musicmarket

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9. -12. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okundu-ğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozancümleyi bulunuz.

9. (I) Basically, an essay and a short story are bothterms defining two ends of a scale ranging fromthinking to acting in human brain. (II) An essay isa piece of writing generally written to persuadethe reader into agreeing with the writer’s opinions.(III) Therefore, it expresses the writer’s beliefs,values, and ideas about events and experiences.(IV) However, a short story explains what happensaround and helps us predict what might happennext. (V) Thus, the essay provides identity on alllevels in life more than the story and sometimes thewhole text can be completely fictional.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

10. (I) Emily Brontë still remains a mysterious figure anda challenge to writers because information abouther is inadequate, due to her solitary and isolatednature. (II) She doesn’t seem to have made anyfriends outside her family according to the records.(III) Though not being an objective witness, hersister Charlotte tends to be the main source ofinformation as to her. (IV) For some sources, shehad a warm and humanly aspect usually revealedin her love of nature and animals. (V) As her eldersister, she wrote about Emily’s life publicly upon herdeath.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

11. (I) One of the most important reasons for adolescentsto use drugs seems to be depression. (II) Theybelieve that making use of drugs can cure theirdepression. (III) Indeed, there are several drugsthat make us feel much better and joyful. (IV)Nevertheless, when used continuously, they canlead to serious health damage. (V) As a result, intime, the constant use cannot meet the increasingneed of the user.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

12. (I) One of the greatest tragedies of all times mightbe Antigone written by Sophocles in about 441 BC.(II) It is the last one out of three Theban plays whichis based on the legend of Theban. (III) The maintheme of Antigone is the dilemma between god’slaw and man’s law and trying to find out which ofthem is greater. (IV) In 1961, the play Antigonewas adapted into a movie in which Irene Papasstarred. (V) Another important theme of the play isAntigone’s love for family which can be observedduring the burial of her brother Polyneices by her.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.









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1. – 4. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

Although there are a number of similarities between the social and natural sciences, there are also actually significant factors that differentiate the two, such as their fields of study, restraints as to their study fields and their different origins. First of all, natural science discovers the phenomena of natural laws in the physical world whereas social science tries to understand the social aspects in human interaction. Therefore, we can deduce that natural sciences start from the complex system of the environment, and then, come to the single element but to the contrary, social sciences begin with the individual and then get through to the complex system. For example, in natural science, we compare X and Y with reference to their features but in social sciences, there is often a desire to change X to something different. As a result, we can say social science is concerned with society and the relationships among individuals within that society. On the other hand, the aim of natural sciences is to discover the laws that govern the world.

1. The passage is mainly concerned with ----.

A) superiority of social sciences over naturalsciences

B) phenomena of natural laws in the world

C) the differences between social and naturalsciences

D) complex system of sciences and nature

E) the striking resemblance of natural sciences tosocial sciences

2. The attitude of the author towards the subject is----.

A) objective and disinterested

B) critical and accusing

C) informative and comparing

D) confused and passive

E) ironic and joyful

3. We can conclude from the passage that thepurpose of natural sciences ----.

A) is to find out the laws that rule the world

B) involves appreciating the interactions amongindividuals

C) clashes with the idea of universal laws

D) overshadows the benefits which are derivedfrom social sciences

E) is only to solve the possible complexity of life

4. By giving the “X and Y” example, the author ismost probably emphasizing ----.

A) the coordinate system used in natural sciences

B) similarities between the two sciences

C) the characteristics of X and Y

D) requirements of math

E) the will of social sciences to convert somethinginto something else


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5.- 8. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebi-lecek cümleyi bulunuz.

5. Twitter is today worth more than $5 billion on themarkets so it deserves a story to be told. It wasfounded in 2006 by the partners Jack Dorsey, EvanWilliams, Biz Stone and Noah Glass. ----. JackDorsey is the current chairman holding about 5%of the stake and Evan Williams is another having12% of stake in this 140 character microbloggingcompany. The third shareholder Biz Stone left twitterin 2011 to work on other projects. Noah Glass is thelast and the frequently forgotten fourth founder of thefirm who was pushed out of twitter in 2006.

A) It quickly caught on and gained popularityacross the world with millions of users

B) The first of the partners Noah Glass will miss outon any gains from a company of which he wasthe founder

C) Unfortunately, they all abandoned the firmrespectively due to several private reasons

D) Nevertheless, the limitation of the 140 charactersystem on twitter has led to a serious loss in thefollower numbers

E) Biz Stone, one of the co-founders of Twitter, isthe one who has remained in the company fromthe beginning onwards

6. In 1951, as a teenager, Yuri Gagarin, having reada science fiction book called “From the Earth to theMoon” written by Jules Verne decided to becomea cosmonaut. Ten years later, he became the firstman in space realizing the science fiction in real life.----. Neil Armstrong, an American astronaut, wasthe first man on the moon but second in space afterGagarin. On a television program which millionsof people around the world watched, he said hishistoric sentence “It was a small step for a man buta giant step for mankind.”

A) Armstrong himself was an aerospace engineer,naval aviator, test pilot, and university professor

B) In July 1967, just a few years before the flightof Gagarin, the Soviets had raised the sufficientfund for space research

C) Jules Verne actually wrote many other worksapart from “From the Earth to the Moon”

D) He also became the first man to orbit the Earthand to walk in space

E) Like millions of people in the Soviet Union inthose times, the Gagarin family suffered fromNazi occupation

7. ----. It lies on the Iberian Peninsula neighboringwith Portugal, Gibraltar and Andorra. Other thanits wide variety of landscapes and natural areas, itis the world’s second country with the most worldheritage with its historical cities. In this regard, it’snot surprising that it attracts tourists from all over theworld. They visit the country especially in summerwhen the climate is milder and when swimmingbecomes a more appropriate activity.

A) Italy attracts more tourists than most of the othercountries in the world because of its authenticcuisine

B) Spain is one of the world’s notable touristdestinations thanks to its diversified variety ofattractions

C) Norway is well-known for its beautiful fjords andunusual northern lights in winter

D) According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs andCooperation, the requirements necessary foryour visit to Greece should include safety

E) The Rock of Gibraltar, at whose foot there is adensely populated area, is the major landmarkof the region

8. Pain in the ear can have many causes, some ofwhich are very serious and others being trivial.----. Otitis media is the inflammation of the middleear usually caused by an infection. With a propertreatment, it often heals quickly and doesn’t end upwith a more serious condition. On the other hand,Meniere’s disease has various malfunctions suchas vertigo, hearing loss and pain which can sustainlifelong. Ruptured eardrum is a milder disorderoccurring during sudden changes in air pressureand can be cured within a few weeks.

A) Ear pain is a benign and dangerous conditionwhich can provoke permanent deafness

B) One of the most trivial ones is Mastoiditis whichoccurs just behind the ear

C) The most common ear disorders resulting inpain are otitis media, Meniere’s disease andruptured eardrum

D) However, not all ear pains are the indicators ofserious diseases such as cancer and vertigo

E) In the past, most of the ear disorders wereincurable and many people suffered from itspersistent consequences

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9. -12. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okundu-ğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

9. (I) Algebra is a branch of mathematics whichhandles and manages mathematical symbols andrules. (II) It is the unifying thread of mathematicsincluding the study of abstractions and even themost basic parts such as elementary equationsolving. (III) The former is studied primarily byprofessional mathematicians. (IV) The pioneers ofalgebra were mathematicians like al-Khwārizmī andOmar Khayyam. (V) The latter, on the other hand,is necessary for any study of mathematics, science,engineering, medicine and even economics.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

10. (I) The Mississippi is one the world’s greatestcontinental rivers resting entirely in the UnitedStates. (II) Its greatness is like the Amazon inSouth America, the Congo in Africa, or the Volgain Europe. (III) It can also be ranked as the fourthlongest river in the world with a combined length of3,710 miles. (IV) To control it, Americans have hadto approve the river’s own terms and to undertakethe demanding work of conserving and rebuildingsoil around it. (V) In a volume of discharge,nonetheless, its rate per second is the largest inNorth America but the eighth greatest across theworld.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

11. (I) Just before taking a photo, you point the cameraat your subject, and click a button. (II) And then,the shutter opens shortly while enabling light raysto pass through and strike the film. (III) Most filmcameras have a viewfinder, a flash lamp, and self-timer mechanism. (IV) Afterwards, the incomingrays cross over as they enter with rays from thetop of the object. (V) They, therefore, produce anupside-down image on the film.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

12. (I) A compact disc (CD) is a small, thin, portable,and circular medium made of molded polymer,the mixture of metal and plastic. (II) It is used forelectronically recording and playing back audio,video, and other data in digital form. (III) Perhaps,the most important thing you will observe about aCD is that it is shiny on one side and dull on theother. (IV) Initially, CDs could be only read butfurther developments allowed us to record them aswell. (V) The dull side generally has a label on itwhich explains what is on the CD and the shiny sidereads the information stored on it.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.









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11. – 4. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

Although there were a great number of consequences of the First World War across the world, the economic ones felt in Germany were probably the most impairing. First of all, Germany was not expecting an everlasting war so it was not prepared for the economic burdens which would came along in the post war period. Germans had used all their resources during the war time. Since most of the farmers had been enrolled in the armed services, there was a serious shortage in agricultural production. Even main food items, such as bread and potatoes, were not available. These food shortages in Germany brought many civilians to the brink of starvation. By 1918, Germany was producing only 50% of the milk compared to its production in the pre-war period. Lack of food seriously weakened the ability of people to overcome diseases. Due to the harsh conditions of the post-war period, hundreds of thousands of civilians died not because of the starvation itself but because of the diseases that resulted from malnutrition. In conclusion, First World War brought Germany both deteriorated economic conditions and a serious loss of man power as well as a traumatized civilian population.

1. The attitude of the author for Germany’s postwar situation is ----.

A) negative

B) ironic

C) humiliating

D) satirical

E) neutral

2. The most suitable title for this passage would be----.

A) the spread of diseases during the war time

B) consequences of the First World War across theworld

C) Germany during the World War I

D) the economic hardships Germany passedthrough in the post-war period

E) exhaustion of resources across Europe duringthe First World War

3. As is stated in the passage, in Germany, manycivilians died in the post-war period ----.

A) since they were recruited in the army

B) solely because of the starvation

C) due in part to diseases caused by poor nutrition

D) although there was still plenty of agriculturalproduction

E) because there was a serious lack of milk

4. It can be understood from the passage that inGermany, ----.

A) no other troubles seemed to be more damagingthan the economic ones after the war

B) the citizens were already living in poverty beforethe war

C) infrastructure and production systems totallycollapsed during the war

D) people were making their living only throughagricultural output before the war

E) agriculture destroyed the ability of people tocope with diseases

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5. – 8. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

Money has not always been made of paper in the world history. In many parts of the world, people used other materials such as precious stones, valuable cloth, and rare spices as money at times. For example, in Ethiopia, salt was used as money in early times and bread-like moles of salt are still circulating in Ethiopia as a means of payment. In India and in North America, special kinds of shells were being used. Shells are still used as legal currency on the Papua New Guinea and they can be exchanged for banknotes. The perception of paper money as money has evolved over time. Paper currency first developed in Tang Dynasty China in the 7th century though real paper money didn’t appear until the 11th century, during the Song Dynasty. Paper currency then spread across the Mongol Empire and Asia. It was introduced to Europe in the 13th century by explorers like Marco Polo. By the 18th century, the bank of England issued banknotes backed by gold and Napoleon released paper banknotes in the early 1800s. The United States government began to issue paper money during the Civil War to help fund its military operations. One of the most interesting groups of paper notes released during the Civil War in the late 1800s were in denominations of three, five, 10, 15, 25, and 50 cents.

5. The most suitable title for this passage would be----.

A) why money is so important in our lives

B) political reasons for using money

C) China’s and Mongol Empire’s efforts onspreading money throughout Asia

D) substitution of shells for banknotes in early ages

E) the development of paper money in the worldhistory

6. As is stated in the passage that ---.

A) gold has lost its all value since paper banknotesbegan to be used as currency

B) items other than money are still employed as ameans of payment in some parts of the World

C) the whole Europe started using banknotes ascurrency in the 13th century

D) paper banknotes have only been used in fundingthe military operations in the United States forages

E) but for Civil War, banknotes wouldn’t be incirculation today across the world

7. It may be understood from the passage, it wasn’tuntil 1000s that ----.

A) salt was replaced with real money

B) paper currency first developed in Tang Dynasty

C) paper currency spread throughout India andNorth America

D) bartering items began

E) real paper money emerged in China

8. We can conclude from the passage that money----.

A) spread gradually over time throughout the world

B) was first exchanged by Europeans

C) removed the validity of gold totally from themarket

D) determined the winner of the Civil War

E) is the only method of trading across the World

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9.- 12. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebi-lecek cümleyi bulunuz.

9. In the last few decades, tourism has experienceda continued growth and increasing expansion tobecome one of the most rapidly growing economicsectors in the world. Every year more and morepeople take trips to other parts of the world forpleasure and a growing number of new destinationshave become available. Local conflicts and uproarsdo not seem to influence this growth in an unfavorableway. ----. People keep spending money on their tripsthough they might spend less money on other thingsin such periods. In fact, today, the business volumeof tourism equals or even surpasses that of oilexports, food products or automobiles.

A) Tourism will grow faster between the years 2020and 2030 surpassing the global economy

B) People have preferred to stay home as a resultof this

C) This global expansion of tourism in developedcountries has produced employment benefits

D) The tourism sector also does not seem to sufferduring periods of economic recession

E) The aid of tourism to economy depends on thequality of it

10. A volcanic eruption begins when pressure onmagma forces it up through the mountain and outthe volcano’s vents. Once the magma chamberhas totally been filled, the kind of eruption now justdepends in part on the amount of gases in it. Anumber of volcanic eruptions have been determinedby volcanologists. According to them, there arebasically three different types of eruptions. Themost easily-observed ones are magmatic eruptionswhich include the compression of gases in magmathat then push them up and forward. ----. Thelast eruptive kind is known as phreatic eruptionlaunched by the overheating of steam through itsheavy contact with magma. All these eruption typesfrequently show no magmatic emission; they insteadlead to the corrosion of existing rock.

A) During this propulsion process, a stickysubstance called silica comes out of magmaand provides the explosive property of steam

B) The pressure and accumulation of foreignsubstances also influence the type of eruption

C) As a result of this decompression, magmareaches earth’s surface while turning into lava

D) Phreatomagmatic eruptions are another typeof volcanic eruption triggered as a result of thecontraction of gases to the opposite direction

E) In fact, the corrosion of existing rocks is a resultof this process

11. Wheels are everywhere across the world today.Take a look around and you will see them whicheverdirection you go sometimes as tires, or sometimesin everyday machinery ranging from computer hard-drives and clothes washers to electric toothbrushes.----. Evidence of the oldest known wheel appearsfrom the second half of the 4th millennium BC inMesopotamia but the question of which cultureoriginally invented it is still unsolved. This periodwas known as the Bronze Age by which time manwas only the planting crops, pasturing animals, andowned a kind of social hierarchy.

A) Therefore, they are used in cooperation withaxles; either the wheel turns on the axle, or theaxle turns in the vehicle

B) The wheel was hardly used until the 19thcentury, with the exception of Ethiopia andSomalia

C) Though not clear, it is estimated that newbronze tools and weapons including wheel werebrought over to Europe in the 5th millennium

D) The first examples of the wheel in the historywere the windmills used to grind grain

E) However, the wheel was indeed invented at acomparatively late point in human history

12. Writing is a means of communication that standsfor languages and emotions through the inscriptionor recording of signs and symbols. It is a method ofrepresenting the language in visual or tactile forms.In most languages, it may also have symbols forpunctuation and numerals. It is a supplementary tothe spoken language. Motivations for writing includepublication of works, letter writing and diaries.Writing is also a significant medium in keepinghistory, spreading knowledge through the mediaand forming legal systems. ----.

A) Furthermore, it is an important way of expressingoneself in written art forms such as poetry andthe like

B) Therefore, writing systems use sets of symbolsto demonstrate the sounds of speech

C) All writing systems use visible signs except forthe notation systems for the blind and visuallyimpaired people

D) Writing began as a pragmatic necessity forexchanging information, maintaining financialaccounts, and codifying laws

E) Writing has made the growth of communitiesmore quickly than could be otherwise

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13. - 16. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okun-duğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

13. (I) Moscow is not just a city that best representsRussia but it is also a city that has a rich historyand constant involvement in world affairs. (II) Aconsiderable number of painters and sculptors livedin the city during the Second World War. (III) It isRussia’s capital and most important city that has acolorful and rich cultural life. (IV) There are many bigcities in the world, yet few of them have been able toprotect their natural beauty and historical structure.(V) In this regard, Moscow is also among the citiesthat one should visit.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

14. (I) Badminton is a racquet sport that can be playedby both singles and doubles. (II) It is played in arectangular area divided by a net similar to theone in tennis courts. (III) Players can win points bystriking a shuttlecock and land it in their opponent’shalf court by passing it through a net. (IV) Theshuttlecock is a feathered ball-like item which candecelerate more quickly than a ball. (V) A set is overonce the shuttlecock has struck the ground and itcan only be struck once before passing over the net.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

15. (I) Byzantine Empire developed a combustibleweapon in 672 AD called Greek fire. (II) Althoughthe term “Greek fire” has been common in Englishand most other languages since the Crusades,in the original Byzantine accounts it is calledby a variety of names, such as “sea fire”. (III)The Byzantines generally used it in naval battlesbecause of its burning property while floating onwater. (IV) This feature of Greek Fire provided atechnological advantage for them over the enemy,thereby securing the Empire’s defense. (V) Theyused it on the European crusaders so impressivelythat the name began to be employed for all kinds ofincendiary weapons used by any adversary.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

16. (I) Consistent fluctuations in one’s body weightcan lead to serious health problems. (II) Use ofsupplementary nutriments in the foods in orderto back up fitness and bodybuilding programshas gained tremendous popularity over the lastdecades. (III) However, such nourishments in thediet might result in functioning disorders. (IV) Firstof all, they can lead to unnatural and rapid loss ofweight weakening the immune system. (V) Thissituation can make the metabolism lazier causingirreversible damage.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.









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1. – 4. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

One of the earliest of human discoveries, the controlled use of fire was out of necessity. The evidence shows that human ancestors might have used it a million years ago. Their aims were diversified such as having light and heat, cooking food, making stone tools through the heat-treating method, keeping wild animals away, and creating areas for planting by clearing the forests. There were of course social purposes including the usage of fire area as gathering places or meeting points for special activities. Researcher Michael Chazan, a Paleolithic archaeologist at Toronto University states that fire helped early humans keep warm and made food more digestible as well as making the food healthier for human body. The anthropologist Richard Wrangham from Harvard University has assumed that controlled fires and cooked meat even shaped human brain evolution. He thinks that cooking allowed human beings to evolve in larger sizes, to have more calorie addicted brains and smaller guts appropriate for readily digested cooked food. Hence, discovery of the fire led to human ancestors’ development in many ways and it is one of the most important factors in the evolution of humankind.

1. The attitude of the author towards the discoveryof fire is ----.

A) ironic

B) degrading

C) critical

D) contented

E) indefinite

2. It is mentioned in the passage that one of thepurposes of the controlled fire was ----.

A) to develop human brain

B) getting rid of corpses

C) to have smaller guts

D) keeping warm

E) accomplishing the evolution of the body

3. The passage is mostly about ----.

A) history of fire throughout the ages

B) human evolution from the beginning

C) usage of fire which was restrained to cookingand making tools

D) research results as to the benefits of fire

E) purposes and outcomes of the controlled fire

4. It may be understood from the passage that ----.

A) the aim of human ancestors in using fire wasconfined to keeping warm and having light

B) without fire, no living thing could have survivedon Earth

C) human ancestors were already benefiting fromfire a million years ago

D) fire is one of the most significant developmentsin the progress of human beings

E) Michael Chazan and Richard Wrangham haveboth proved the same assumption

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5. – 8. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

Slavery was a widespread practice in Ancient Greece and played a major role in the Greek civilization. Slaves prevailed everywhere. It is predicted that they worked in fields as varied as domestic service, shopkeeping, and ship duties. The majority of the Athenians who considered slavery as not only natural but necessary had at least one slave. In fact, this distorted point of view dominated in the communities for ages. There were a number of conditions in which a person could have become a slave in Ancient Greece. They might have been taken under captivity if their city was invaded or they could have been deserted by their parents and claimed by a passerby. However, the most important reason behind being a slave was to born into slavery as the child of a slave. This version was irreversible and an unfortunate destiny. But, perhaps, the most hideous and unusual method was that one could have become a slave if their family needed money. In this situation, they might have sold one of the children into slavery preferably the daughter since the male children were required to help out with the chores or the farm.

5. The passage is mainly concerned with ----.

A) the unfortunate destiny the slaves were throughtheir lives

B) examples from the social life of an advancedcivilization in ancient times

C) reasons for being a slave in early societies

D) slavery practices and reasons behind beingenslaved in Ancient Greece

E) the duties of children in Greek society

6. The attitude of the author for slavery is ----.

A) Positive and sincere

B) Didactic and jovial

C) Optimistic and mocking

D) Unfavoring and opposing

E) Sardonic and fanciful

7. According to the passage, in Ancient Greece ----.

A) landowners were badly in need of workers

B) there were various ways to become a slave

C) slavery was limited to juveniles

D) converting from slavery was impossible

E) parents abandoned their children to slavery

8. It can be inferred from the passage that slaverysometimes ----.

A) led male children to live more comfortably

B) earned people new professions that otherwisecouldn’t be achieved

C) developed out of financial necessity of thefamilies

D) resulted in the invasion of cities in ancientcivilizations

E) became the most suitable option for daughters

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9.- 12. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebi-lecek cümleyi bulunuz.

9. ----. Instead of creating fully realistic characters, heused especially his protagonists as signs of conceptswho had ideologies and ideas whether they wereChristians, Muslims, nihilists, or capitalists. Unlikethe heroes, and antiheroes in the literature ofthe time, Dostoevsky created characters withouttraditional values because he thought he was anindividual and it didn’t matter if he believed in Godor Christian values. Therefore, he had his own will todo whatever pleased him in life.

A) Dostoyevsky gave priority to the religion of hischaracters in his fiction

B) The most notable feature of Dostoevsky’s worksis his way of employing the characters in them

C) Although Dostoyevsky was Russian, his workshave affected Western literature deeply

D) Dostoyevsky produced works putting theteaching of Russian Orthodox Church and itsdoctrines in the center of his writing

E) Fyodor Dostoyevsky -one of the greatestnovelists and short-story writers- had aneverlasting influence in the 20th century

10. A drug derived from the curry spice turmeric maybe able to help the body repair some of the damagecaused in the aftermath of an immediate stroke.Turmeric is a traditional part of traditional Indianmedicine and many studies show that one of itscomponents, curcumin has beneficial features. ----.Therefore, the US researchers altered curcumin andfound out a new version called CNB-001 which iscapable of passing the blood brain barrier.

A) The scientists are now testing the drug onhumans since they’ve got promising results fromrabbits

B) However, curcumin is not able to pass throughthe “blood brain barrier” which deters potentiallytoxic molecules from entering the brain

C) The new drug will be beneficial when takenimmediately after the stroke

D) Yet, overconsumption of curcumin can causestrokes in the human body

E) It may well be possible to keep human braincells alive with the Turmeric drug after a stroke

11. From the times of Aristotle, the idea that heavyobjects fall faster than their lighter equivalentswas accepted. Aristotle came to this conclusion byclaiming that if heavy objects are attracted by earthmore than lighter ones, then they must fall morerapidly. This argument was approved as true withoutany controversy until the end of Medieval Times.----. He reasoned that objects -especially heavyones more quickly- must be attracted towards theEarth because Earth is not located in a special placein the universe. And since it’s just another planet,objects also must be pulled towards other planets aswell. As a matter of fact, all objects make an effortcreating a force of attraction on all other objects inthe universe. Newton thought that the vital elementin the process was mass and after a further thinking,he was finally able to formulate his renowned law ofuniversal gravitation.

A) Surely, the Earth attracts every object and thisattraction is known as the universal gravity law

B) Though man was interested in the pull of gravitythroughout the history, they were unable toformulate it until the 17th century

C) However, the force of attraction between objectsdepends on the existing distance

D) After his experiments, Galileo also concludedthat the mass of the body has nothing to do withits speed of fall

E) The first person after Aristotle to seriouslyconsider the claim was Isaac Newton

12. Nationalism can be defined as the effort shown bythe society to maintain, and glorify the existenceof the nation to which it belongs and to inheritthis belief to the future generations with a viewto raising awareness as to their national identity.Atatürk’s nationalism is Turkish nationalism andthe basic elements of the unity of this lineage arecommon national language, state, culture, history,and religion. ----. But he didn’t also step back fromexpressing his confidence in the greatness ofTurkish nation on all occasions. According to him, allmembers of the nation have an inseparable integrityand can’t be divided into smaller parts. Democracyis the means that enables such integrity to becomepossible.

A) Atatürk’s understanding of nationalism isopposed to any kind of brutality

B) It arose from the need of glorifying and promotingTurkish culture

C) Communities’ common pasts and futures makethem realize the importance of national identity

D) He gave superiority to nationalism oversecularism

E) He didn’t base his understanding of nationalismon the superior race mentality or tyranny asseen in Mussolini fascism and Hitler Nazism

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13. - 16. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okun-duğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

13. (I) Napoléon Bonaparte was a French general andthe emperor of France who came to throne duringthe French Revolution. (II) He revolutionized themilitary organization and training immediately afterhe acceded. (III) France was at war with Spainas an ally against the British at the time. (IV) Hedeveloped the prototype for later civil-law codescalled Napoleonic Code. (V) He also promoted newmilitary campaigns still studied in the education ofarmed forces worldwide.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

14. (I) Native language is an important tool for conveyingthe beliefs and teachings of a particular society.(II) It is also a deciding factor in shaping thecharacter of the individuals in that society. (III) Inthis sense, there is a strong correlation between anative language and the dictionary. (IV) Learninga language starts from a very early age. (V) Asa result, language and character simultaneouslyevolve in one’s lifetime.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

15. (I) Fiji is a popular touristic destination renownedfor its stunning beaches, beautiful warm climate,and unmatched relaxing tropical atmosphere. (II) InFiji, you will probably hear the word “Bula”, whichis the equivalent of “hello”, many times during yourvacation. (III) Fiji’s attraction for visitors is mainlyits white sandy beaches and islands with all-year-round tropical weather. (IV) It also has a varietyof amazing coral reefs and scuba diving which arecommon tourist activities. (V) Therefore, a holidayin Fiji can be the experience of your lifetime and anopportunity to get into a world free of stress.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

16. (I) The causes of depression differ in men andwomen. (II) More than 6 million men in the USAsuffer from depression every year though they don’tprefer to consult a doctor. (III) On the other hand,depressed women are more likely to talk about theirproblems and reach out for help. (IV) Depressionwas recognized as a “woman’s disease” in oldtimes and thus linked to premenstrual syndrome.(V) This cliché opinion still prevails and may be thehidden reason behind preventing men from seekingtreatment.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.









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Bu testin çözüm süresi 40 dakikadır. Soruları verilen sürede çözmeye çalışınız.

1. – 4. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

The long awaited St Petersburg Flood-Prevention Facility was opened in August 2011. It is a complex of dams made up of eleven dams extending approximately 25km near the city of St Petersburg in Russia. It was constructed with the aim of protecting the city against flooding caused by storms by separating the Neva bay from the Gulf of Finland. Since the city was founded in 1703, more than 250 large-scale floods during some of which waters rose even more than 4 meters above normal levels, destroying a great number of houses and leaving hundreds dead, have been recorded. Actually, the flood of 1955 finally made it clear that St Petersburg needed a protection dam. It was not until 1979 that the project was put into reality under the Soviet Regime. The construction continued through 1995 at which point the dam was around 65% complete due to political and economic changes occurring in the country. The project came to several halts between the years 1990s and 2000s, but it was resumed in 2005 with the help of $245m from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) -its largest ever single loan. The president of thetime, Vladimir Putin who himself originally hailedfrom the city also financially assisted the project.The complex was finally finished in the beginning of2011. It can now protect the city from as much as a5m rise in water levels.

1. We learn from the passage that St Petersburg----.

A) is one of the most suitable places to build a damin the world

B) is a place where Russian presidents spend alarge portion most of their lives

C) has been struck by a cluster of destructivestorms and floods in its history

D) was built with the intention of protecting the Gulffrom storms

E) is in need of money due to the dam constructions

2. It can be inferred from the passage that until2005 ----.

A) St Petersburg dam complex project continuedwithout interruption for a decade as from 1995

B) the EBRD hadn’t given a single credit as largeas the one it provided for St Petersburg Flood-Prevention Facility in its history

C) Vladimir Putin was not interested in dam projectsbecause of the costs

D) the Russian government wasn’t aware of thethreat caused by storms and floods

E) the construction of the St Petersburg damcouldn’t be commenced because of financialreasons

3. The passage is mainly about ----.

A) how St Petersburg is separated from the Nevabay

B) the destruction of a dam complex by the harshstorms of St Petersburg

C) the grandeur structures built in St Petersburgunder the Soviet Regime

D) the process of St Petersburg Flood-PreventionFacility construction

E) the economic burdens resulting from damconstructions in St Petersburg

4. According to the passage, Vladimir Putin ----.

A) was given a loan for his dam projects acrossRussia

B) originally comes from St Petersburg

C) was the president when the dam complexproject started in St Petersburg

D) himself worked in the construction of the Facility

E) caused a great number of people to die duringfloods by not funding the dam project


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5. – 8. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

The rates of imprisonment over time differ substantially between the United States and many other developed countries. American prison rates roughly quadrupled –rose by almost 300 percent- from the late 1960s to the mid-1990s. Especially in the first decade of this period, America was starving for action to reconstruct law and order with a war ongoing in Vietnam, rebels in major cities and protests at schools. Around the same time, the imprisonment rate increased by 45% in England and Wales, 34% in France, 16% in the Netherlands, and it fell in Western Germany by nearly 4%. From these comparative rates, we can conclude that crime is so much of an issue in America and that it is a more punitive country than other advanced democracies. But for some people, these punishment rates cannot be taken as evidence because they claim “if there is more imprisonment, then there is more serious crime.” In fact, the prison explosion in America is a combination of both factors. First of all, crime is worse in the United States and the recent research suggests that the US is much tougher on punishing many kinds of offenders than any other industrial country for which there is comparable data available.

5. It can be understood from the passage that inthe late 1960s, America ----.

A) became a role model for other industrialcountries in terms of its punishment system

B) was suffering from Vietnam War at alarminglevels in every aspect of life

C) could not sustain law and order properly

D) was inarguably milder in the treatment ofoffenders than other countries

E) did not have many problems arisen from criminalactivity

6. It is stated in the passage that the prisonexplosion in America ----.

A) led to other major problems such as war, riots,and protests for about three decades

B) resulted solely from the abundance of crime

C) had nothing to do with the Vietnam war in 1960s

D) was entirely caused by the strict punishmentsystem of the government

E) actually stemmed from both the serious crimerates and tough approach of Americans inpunishing the offenders

7. As it is emphasized in the passage that from thelate 1960s to the mid-1990s, ----.

A) the prison rates were considerably high inAmerica compared to other advanced countries

B) American imprisonment numbers declined byalmost one-fourth

C) the rates of imprisonment showed majordifferences among the states of America

D) other developed countries surpassed Americawith their number of criminals

E) in America, the first prisons were established

8. The attitude of the author towards the prisonexplosion in America is ----.

A) pessimistic and sarcastic

B) objective and informative

C) indifferent and confusing

D) favoring and enthusiastic

E) neutral and noninformative

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9.- 12. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebi-lecek cümleyi bulunuz.

9. Depression rates tempt to increase as the countries’prosperity improves according to latest surveys. Inother words, people who live in better-off countriesare slightly more likely to be depressed than thosein low- to middle-income countries. On the otherhand, there is another assumption to the subjectsuggesting that women are twice as likely as men tosuffer from depression. ----. The reasons for this arenot obvious, but are believed to be due to both socialand biological factors.

A) Furthermore, women are twice as likely toexperience inequality and prejudice in businessworld

B) Depression rates across the world varyaccording to a nation’s affluence

C) Of people with phobias or Obsessive CompulsiveDisorder, about 60% are male

D) Because of the critical position as to the disorder,depressed people should be under frequentchecks

E) As the hypothesis maintains, women are alsomore inclined to report symptoms of othercommon mental health problems

10. When sugar cane reaches about twelve months ofmaturity, it is harvested by chopping down from thestem. Then, it is taken to the factory where the firststage of processing starts. The cane is crushed inorder to obtain the extract of the cane juice there.Afterwards, the juice is thickened up into a syrup byboiling off the water using steam in a process calledevaporation. ----. At the last stage in the factory,it is refined for protection from dirt and packagedwhen raw sugar forms a sticky brown substance.Finally, sugar is distributed to the manufacturersand retailers to reach our homes.

A) After the factory process, the product gets readyto be delivered to shelves in supermarkets

B) The syrup is then placed into a large pan forboiling until conditions are right for the sugarcrystals to emerge

C) This is nearly the same as the process whichgenerates most of our electricity

D) In this way, the whole phase of productionbecomes an environmentally friendly one

E) Sugar cane is actually a subtropical yield thatrequires lots of sunlight and water

11. Mount Rainier ascending up to 14,410 feet abovesea level is one of the world’s most massivevolcanoes. It is the most glaciated and thetallest peak in its range. Despite its splendid andmarvelous landscape, it is considered one of themost dangerous volcanoes in the world. It canpotentially produce massive lavas that could destroythe entire River valley. ----. Since then, it has beenthe source of multiple eruptions searching down thevalleys located around its outskirts. As a result ofthis, the areas near the mountain are now denselypopulated.

A) New eruptions of Mount Rainier will most likelystart in a hundred years time according toexperts

B) Therefore, its next eruption can be of larger sizeand could produce more volcanic ash

C) As an active volcano, Mount Rainier has severalsmall high-frequency earthquakes, often takingplace each day

D) Mount Rainier is located in the center of MountRainier National Park well-known for its 97%wilderness

E) Being still active, it first came to being nearly ahalf million years ago

12. It may seem interesting to most of us but bedriddenelderly population and astronauts have somethingin common, progressive bone loss. ----. But, thereason why astronauts suffer from this condition isthat they face long periods of immobility togetherwith zero gravity in space. This situation negativelyaffects their bone cell function.

A) These space explorers frequently go for longduration flights and exploration missions to theMoon and Mars

B) Experts will examine the links between remainingin space and bone health in the World Congresson Osteoporosis in Canada

C) The condition affects men and women of allraces, women being at much higher risk

D) Called osteoporosis, such a loss can occur outof low body weight, menopause, smoking, andsome drugs

E) It is caused by fractures and brittles most widelyseen in the hip, wrist or spine

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13. - 16. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okun-duğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

13. (I) Real Madrid was founded by a cluster of fans inMadrid, Spain. (II) Only 3 years after its foundation,Madrid FC won its first major title. (III) With theabolishment of the monarchy in 1931, all the royalsymbols including the one on Real Madrid’s crestwere eliminated. (IV) Club’s name was changedinto Real Madrid in 1920 after being granted thetitle Real “Royal” by King Alfonso XIII. (V) Thus,Alfonso’s crown was added to the crest of the team.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

14. (I) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone hasachieved increasing popularity both in literature andmedia world since it was released. (II) When it wasput out in America, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’sStone almost immediately became a publishingsensation. (III) It got the top spot on the New YorkTimes Best-Seller List for several months. (IV)Moreover, the novel earned its writer Rowling greatfame and millions of dollars. (V) In fact, Harry’ssudden fame as a wizard at Hogwarts comes notjust as a total contrast to his earlier forgotten miserybut a deserved fate.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

15. (I) Once upon a time, about 55 million years ago,horses were much smaller than they are today. (II)Most of the earliest known horses were at aboutfull adult human being size. (III) The height of ahorse is measured in hands, one hand being thesame size as 10cm. (IV) Just think of a world wherehorses wander around, some of which being hardlybigger than a small dog. (V) That world doesn’t existanymore because today’s horses have reached upto sizes nearly three times as big as us.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

16. (I) An alcoholic beverage in which the alcoholamount has been enhanced via distillation is calleda spirit. (II) For example, whiskey is a spirit madefrom fermented grain and it’s aged in wood. (III)On the other hand, beer and wine are fermentedbeverages produced from grain mash and grapesrespectively. (IV) Vodka, gin, tequila, and brandyare also examples of distilled spirits yielded throughprocessing grain, fruit, or vegetables. (V) In thesedrinks, the alcoholic content of distilled liquor ishigher than that of the fermented beverages.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.









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Bu testin çözüm süresi 25 dakikadır. Soruları verilen sürede çözmeye çalışınız.

1. – 4. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

Leonardo da Vinci’s art, like his character, was filled with contradicting tendencies and strikingly obvious conflicts. His constantly scrutinizing mind approached in one direction and another searching for problems to solve and in this, he viewed the entire spirit of his age. But, the minute he solved one problem, he seemed to lose interest in it and go in search of others. That’s why, he often abandoned projects unfinished and spent a long time to finish the ones he was able to complete. For example, it took his four years to finish the Mona Lisa. He never devoted himself exclusively to one specific occupation because of his restless nature. For example, he never dealt with painting for very long at a time although he produced a number of masterpieces including Last Supper and Mona Lisa. His fantastic creative imagination led him as a scientist to explore a wide range of natural phenomena. He planned the tunneling of mountains and the connecting of rivers through canals. He discovered laws of optics, gravitation, heat and light. He was more obsessed with the flight of birds and spent more time on the possibility of constructing a flying machine than anything else.

1. According to this passage about Leonardo daVinci, the emphasis is put on ----.

A) his versatility and his apparently conflicting mind

B) Mona Lisa as a ground-breaking work

C) the superiority of his scientific activities overother figures of his age

D) how he fully represented the innovative approachon all his works

E) his unfinished projects including Mona Lisa

2. It can be understood from the passage thatLeonardo often left his projects unfinishedbecause ----.

A) he spent too much time on his paintings

B) they were full of conflicting ideas

C) he never stayed only in one occupation for verylong at a time

D) the scientific researches he conducted were sodiversified

E) he preferred to have his apprentices finish them

3. We can conclude from the passage that buildinga flying machine ----.

A) was the biggest achievement of Leonardo daVinci

B) prevented Leonardo da Vinci from exploring themore important phenomena

C) caused Leonardo da Vinci to suffer fromobsessive compulsive disorder

D) was what inspired Leonardo da Vinci most in hiscareer

E) overshadowed Leonardo da Vinci’s othernotable inventions

4. By giving the “Mona Lisa” example, the authoris referring to ----.

A) the four years Leonardo da Vinci wasted insteadof working on his other projects

B) Leonardo da Vinci’s ultimate artistic output

C) the complicated painting techniques Leonardoda Vinci used

D) Leonardo da Vinci’s artistic talent in painting

E) the large amount of time allocated by Leonardoda Vinci to his works


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5. – 8. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge is widely known to have used opium as an anti-depressant, a relaxant, and treatment for his several health concerns. It is absolutely true that he began taking opium when he was a schoolboy in London, and was seriously addicted by the time he settled in the Lake District in 1801 aged 29. Yet, with this addiction and though he was most of the time on drugs, much to our surprise, he was one of the most prominent poets of 19th century England. Along with his friend William Wordsworth, he was one of the founders of the Romantic Movement in England and one of the Lake Poets. Among his well-known poems were “the Rime of the Ancient Mariner” and “Kubla Khan”, as well as the prose Biographia Literaria. Coleridge’s career was marked by the triangle formation of his unique intellectuality, the burdens in his economic conditions, and the pain he suffered emotionally resulting from being dependent to the household of Wordsworth. The household included Wordsworth’s charming sister-in-law Sara Hutchinson with whom Coleridge –inclined away from his wife Sarah Fricker– fell in love with and had an affair afterwards. This part of Coleridge’s story, though popular among recent film-makers, is still little known even to them. This emotional commitment along with the feelings of being enchanted, impressed, possessed, or even damned by it, had far more inspirational influence on his works than his drug dependence.

5. It can be inferred from the passage that WilliamWordsworth ----.

A) wrote the poems “the Rime of the AncientMariner” and “Kubla Khan”

B) was wishing to marry Sara Hutchinson toColeridge

C) hosted the poets of Romantic Movement in hishouse

D) was a poet contemporary of Samuel TaylorColeridge

E) was actually the sole cause of Coleridge’ssufferings

6. As is implied in the passage, Coleridge ----.

A) was the most prolific poet of his age

B) is a very popular subject among film makers

C) also produced works other than poems

D) started taking drugs in his late twenties

E) chose opium as the main theme in his poems

7. We can conclude from the passage thatColeridge’s works ----.

A) were marked with his opium addiction andhealth concerns

B) got inspired from the economic conditions ofEngland at that time

C) evoke pessimistic feelings towards love on thereaders

D) surpassed all the other works composed in 19thcentury England

E) were more inspired by his turbulent loveinvolvement rather than his opium addiction

8. It can be inferred from the passage that ----.

A) Coleridge fell in love with the sister ofWordsworth’s wife

B) Opium was widely used to treat health disordersin 1800s in England

C) Coleridge’s poems were confined to “the Rimeof the Ancient Mariner” and “Kubla Khan”

D) Coleridge and Lake Poets were the firstrepresentatives of the Romantic Movement inEngland

E) Coleridge got separated from his wife SarahFricker before his affair with Hutchinson

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9.- 12. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebi-lecek cümleyi bulunuz.

9. Ballad writing in the poetry form began in theEuropean folk tradition centuries ago. The form hasalways experienced a direct relationship to musicand thereby in many cases it has been accompaniedby musical instruments. Initially, ballads were notcomposed in written forms but rather they werepassed down from generation to generation orally.----. With these subject matters, ballads have beenexisting in Western culture for hundreds of years.

A) The main themes of ballads were religion, love,tragedy, and political propaganda

B) Whether they were written in traditional or lyricalform, they offered tales to listeners and readers

C) Ballads were originally popular songs in theBritish Isles which later spread to Americas andJapan

D) Afterwards, sentimental ballads flourished in19th century and have gained the form of jazzballads in the modern version

E) However, they still play an important role as theyare in a way the representatives of historicalevents

10. ----. Contrary to popular belief, they are not apexpredators. They are indeed easy and typical preysfor many of the world’s predators due in part to theirmedium size and peaceful nature. Common huntersof the seals include orcas (killer whales), sharks andpolar bears. Unfortunately, they are being hunted byeven humans who mainly use their oil.

A) Killer whales can prey on anything rangingfrom small fish to even large marine mammalsincluding seals

B) Sea lions and walruses are often mistaken fortheir relatives because of their appearance

C) The Mediterranean monk seals are thought tolive up to 45 years old

D) Seals are marine carnivorous whose dietconsists mainly of fish, crustaceans and shellfish

E) A serious problem which has markedoceanography since the very beginning is thelack of observations on Southern seals

11. Although most people find bats terrifying, theyare actually beneficial mammals because theyeat harmful insects. Many bats feed on insectpests and in this way they not only help farmersprotect their crops but also create lower costsin agricultural economy. Therefore, they areeconomically important because they reduce theneed for pesticides. ----. As a matter of fact, if batsdied out, the insect population would reach analarmingly high number.

A) Vampire bats, on the other hand, feed on theblood of warm-blooded animals such as birds,horses and cattle

B) Bats hunt and fly in the dark, in other words,they are nocturnal animals that are not visible tous during the day

C) About 70% bat species worldwide feedexclusively on insects and this makes themeven more useful

D) Bats are mammals, which means that they givebirth to their young, and nurse them just likehumans do

E) However, the bats could only feed on insects atnights at the beginning of their evolution process

12. ----. Among the former, creating lasting and reliablestandards for peace and security across Europe canbe underlined as a major reason. Hitler’s aggressivepolitics based on pushing the boundaries and tryingto get away with what he could take is another long-reaching cause for the war. As for the short termones, the passive attitude of the League of Nationsfor maintaining peace in all countries made theplans for negotiations fail.

A) There were a wide range of reasons for theoutbreak of the war including rearmament,failure of the Treaty of Versailles and theexpansionist politics of Hitler

B) The reasons for World War II can be examinedunder two headings; long term causes and shortterm causes

C) Economic conditions in Europe in those timeswere another important cause of this renewedconflict

D) Germany, after occupying Czechoslovakia,formed alliances including the ones with Turkey,Greece, Romania, and Poland

E) Actually, World War I paved the way for WorldWar II with its unsolved conflicts across Europe

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13. - 16. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okun-duğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

13. (I) Seasons are caused by the yearly rotation ofthe Earth around the Sun. (II) Throughout the year,the northern and southern hemispheres are pulledtowards or away from the Sun. (III) For the southernhemisphere, summer is the coldest time of year.(IV) The hemisphere turned to the Sun gets moresunlight and is in summer. (V) In contrast, the otherhemisphere is subjected to less sun and is in winter.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

14. (I) Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi is a Muslim saintand an Anatolian mystic known for his outstandingpoetry and doctrine offering unlimited tolerance,charity, and awareness through love. (II) His poemswere translated into many languages making himknown in the west. (III) In his late thirties, he meta wandering holy man by the name of Shams. (IV)Furthermore, the United Nations declared 2007 asthe Year of Rumi. (V) He’s now one of the mostwidely read poets throughout the World.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

15. (I) Today, anybody who wants to find out the weatherforecast can readily obtain it by just checking theirphone. (II) A barometer was an instrument formeasuring atmospheric pressure, used especiallyin weather forecasting. (III) That wasn’t always thecase, though. (IV) Hundreds of years ago, priorto the invention of television and radio, peopleemployed tools to forecast the forthcoming weather.(V) Used in measuring changes in air, one of thesetools was the barometer.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

16. (I) In March, 2015, record carbon dioxideconcentrations in the atmosphere were reportedacross the globe. (II) This unexpected developmentbecame a benchmark for global warming. (III) Thus,the longest unceasing carbon dioxide records ofatmosphere began at Mauna Loa Observatory inHawaii in 1958. (IV) According to reports, also thisyear, carbon dioxide amounts have exceeded 400parts per million. (V) The major reason lying behindis the greenhouse gases human beings release intothe atmosphere every year.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.









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Bu testin çözüm süresi 40 dakikadır. Soruları verilen sürede çözmeye çalışınız. 5

1. – 4. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

Trade unions, as an organized establishment, emerged in 19th century in Great Britain, continental Europe, and the United States simultaneously. They were concerned with collective bargaining, mutual benefit activities among workers, and the endeavor to set up standard rates and conditions. Actually, there was the appearance of smaller movements of workers in Britain in the 18th century, but they were scattered, aloof, and as a result short-lived partly owing to the reactions they got from employers and the government that opposed to such a new form of political and economic activity. Despite the objections, trade unions survived into the twentieth century when they lost ground to industrial unions. This alteration was actually a befitting one as the earliest unions were developed in order to stand for skilled workers. Unskilled workers were regarded as inappropriate for a union organization. However, the industrial unions of 1900s represented the workers on all levels. The period between two World Wars refers to the deterioration of the industrial production in Great Britain. As a consequence of this, unemployment rates had increased 20% by the end of 1930 causing decreasing rates of union membership. The general strike of 1926, the biggest strike Britain had ever seen, also occurred in this period. The government declared strikes illegal after this incident and placed restrictions through the Trade Disputes and Trade Union Act for trade unions which continued up until the World War II.

1. We clearly understand from the passage thatone of the main aims of trade unions ----.

A) was no longer to fight for long working hours

B) has always been to contradict the management

C) was to guarantee skilled and unskilled workershad the same benefits in every aspect of life

D) has been keeping the salaries and office hoursto a minimum

E) was to keep payment rates and workingconditions equivalent among workers

2. We can infer from the passage that skilledworkers ----.

A) didn’t prefer to enroll in a union since theyalready had elevated rights

B) enjoyed more benefits than unskilled onesduring the period of the first unions

C) gave rise to bad relations between the twogroups

D) represented the concept of industrial union fromthe 20th century on

E) originated in 19th century together with thequestion of equality

3. The most suitable title for this passage would be----.

A) Industrial Union as a novel formation

B) how to deal with the strikes in England

C) A brief history of trade unions in Great Britain

D) the purposes of trade unions across Europe

E) definition and the overall development of tradeunions

4. According to the passage, Britain declaredstrikes illegal ----.

A) because of the general strike of 1926

B) to protect the rights of the workers

C) in order to eliminate the anarchic movements

D) due to the unceasing conflicts resulting from theWorld War II

E) in the regions where economic conditions weredesperately dark


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5. – 8. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

There is a misconception as to the emergence of the first recorded song. It was once thought that the earliest recording of the human voice was made by Thomas Edison in 1877. But we actually owe this breakthrough to Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville who also invented phonautograph, the earliest known sound recording device which was patented in France on 25 March 1857. Scott sang French song ‘Au clair de la lune’ into the phonautograph, which recorded the sound waves of his voice, but since the phonautograph couldn’t play sounds, only recorded them, the singing of Scott was not listened to till its rediscovery in 2008. The recording was turned into a playable digital audio file from its original “squiggles on paper” version by scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California. It is now the earliest known recording of singing in existence. Contrary to Edison’s later invention of phonograph in 1877, the phonautograph only created visual representations of the sound and it wasn’t capable of playing back its recordings. Therefore, it was used merely for scientific investigations concerning sound waves. Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville was able to sell a few phonautographs to scientific laboratories to be used in sound investigation. It turned out to be useful in the study of vowel sounds and also led to the invention, manometric flame of Koenig, a tool able to image sounds. However, Martinville couldn’t profit from his invention and spend the rest of his life in Paris as a librarian and bookseller.

5. It can be understood from the passage thatThomas Edison ----.

A) was the first person to invent a sound recordingdevice

B) recorded the first song ever known

C) found out phonograph, a device for recordingsound

D) owed his success to Édouard-Léon Scott deMartinville

E) became famous through his invention ofphonograph

6. According to the passage, phonautograph ----.

A) was invented for scientific purposes

B) led to subsequent researches and developmentsrelated to sounds

C) remained as an unsuccessful attempt ofMartinville

D) made its debut in 1877

E) hindered the possibility of forthcominginnovations to emerge

7. It may be inferred from the passage that prior to‘Au clair de la lune’ ----.

A) scientific laboratories didn’t pay much toinventors for their research

B) people couldn’t produce sounds

C) singing wasn’t a wide-spread practice throughoutthe world

D) Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville wasn’t able toearn enough for a living

E) there was no known recording of singingavailable

8. With “squiggles on paper,” the author may bereferring to ----.

A) notated songs to be played

B) printable versions of the digital audio file

C) a novel discovery of Lawrence Berkeley NationalLaboratory

D) letters written by Martinville

E) the representation of sound waves on paper

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9.- 12. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebi-lecek cümleyi bulunuz.

9. Private colleges are the ones which are notadministered by governments while receiving thesame public student loans, tax discounts, andgrants. This situation is in contrast with the publiccolleges. ----. All other British universities are mostlypublicly funded and managed. However, dissimilarto other colleges across Europe, British governmentjust serves as the authority to accept funds andsupply the necessary requirements for the college’seducation.

A) In Great Britain, there are quite a lot of similaritiesbetween the administrations of private andpublic colleges

B) The community provides the required assetsand the university staff for the colleges in the UK

C) Universities throughout Europe offer splendidcampus environments and student activitieshelping students to achieve the academicstandards

D) Yet, they employ a common teachingmethodology for the students to gain entranceto the world’s most distinguished universities

E) In the United Kingdom, there are four publiccolleges which are privately funded by charityassociations

10. Charles Willson Peale was a prolific artist, and thecreator of the first well-to-do American museum ofart and natural history. ----. Among them can bementioned the portraits of Franklin, Jefferson, andmostly George Washington. He opened a portraitgallery of revolutionary figures and established aninstitution with an intention to studying natural law.Known as Peale’s museum, it reached the massesand was copied by the other museums in thecountry.

A) His daughter Sera Peale was the firstprofessional female portrait painter in America

B) They reflected theories of art and lives belongingto the contemporary painters

C) Throughout his career as an artist, CharlesWillson Peale had to deal with several problemswith his painting style

D) It was the world’s first popular museum ofnatural history and art displaying animals in theirnatural settings

E) He was most notable for his portraits of leadingfigures of the American Revolution

11. Until more than ten thousand years ago, Asia andNorth America were supposed to be connected bya vast landmass called Beringia. It is believed thatthe first Americans arrived in America by means ofthis only link between the hemispheres. They weremobile hunters who were most probably looking forprey out of Asia and while following mammoths andother prey, they arrived in the Siberian-Alaskan landbridge, Beringia. ----. This was during the last iceage.

A) A team of sophisticated archeologists visited thesites near the strait and found the evidence offirst mammoth existed

B) They brought along plenty of weapons, clothingand unquestionably the skills required forhunting

C) Given that Asia and North America wereconnected by a land bridge, most of the Asianscould have easily migrated to America

D) Many native American tribes still prevail in theSoutheast parts of the continent

E) Some of these places have been known andstudied for years by the researchers

12. Although all mammal and bird species are classifiedas vertebrates which have the ability to migrate,there are actually significant variations betweenmammals and birds. ----. Secondly, the former havefeathers while the latter have only fur or hair. Thereis also a difference in the feeding of the young.Mammals nourish their babies with milk while youngbirds are fed on partially digested food given by theirparents.

A) Firstly, birds can travel vast distances, butmammals can also achieve this by migrating

B) Whales, which are among the greatest mammalsof all, live in sea

C) First of all, mammals give birth to their youngwhereas birds lay eggs

D) Initially, mammals were small, mostly insecteating creatures

E) First came insects in the history of birds -for over100 million years ago- ruling the sky

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13. - 16. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okun-duğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünübozan cümleyi bulunuz.

13. (I) The pig who appears as the leader of “AnimalFarm” has a reputation for getting his own wayinstead of talking to others. (II) It was an allegoricalwork mirroring occurrences leading up to theRussian Revolution of 1917. (III) He was given thename Napoleon by the author George Orwell. (IV)He was a big and rude Berkshire boar, the onlyBerkshire on the farm. (V) He was not democratic,to the contrary, cruel and treacherous.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

14. (I) Celts were a group of peoples that thrived in thelands extending from the British Isles to Gallatia inIron Age Europe. (II) By the end of Iron Age, theyhad spread out over a wide range of places such asIreland, the Iberian Peninsula, and Central Anatoliato the East. (III) Evidence shows that Celts expandedacross a vast area as far east as Mesopotamia.(IV) They even served as legionnaires for QueenCleopatra in Egypt. (V) They were already split intoseveral language groups though coming from asingle origin belonging to Indo-European family.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

15. (I) Although flu is a common disease which onecan be contracted to every year, pneumonia is arather serious matter which can be triggered by flu.(II) While it may be seen as similar to cold and fluin the symptoms, it’s indeed a completely differentlung disease. (III) The symptoms of pneumonia canrange from simple ones such as fatigue, fever andheadache to severe ones including fever, chest painand phlegmy cough with yellow or green mucus.(IV) Both influenza and some types of pneumoniacan actually be avoided through vaccination. (V)These symptoms may even lead to the death of thepatients if they are not treated immediately.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

16. (I) Sports are more preferable for some people whenthey are played in groups rather than individually.(II) The reason for this preference is highlighted inthe competitive nature of human kind. (III) Peoplehave also the tendency to watch sport competitionsinvolving rivalry and mutual challenge betweengroups. (IV) Therefore, most of the sports that drawlarge number of audiences are based on groupgames. (V) However, some competitive sportsrequire self-confidence.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.









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1Bu testin çözüm süresi 45 dakikadır. Soruları verilen sürede çözmeye çalışınız.

1. – 4. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

Armstrong was diagnosed with late stage testicular cancer in 1996 and he was given less than 50% chance of survival by the first team of doctors he consulted with. A second team of doctors at Indiana University estimated that he had almost a 40% chance of surviving which was actually much lower. Armstrong’s cycling team called off his contract and suddenly Armstrong was left both redundant and without health insurance. Also, the experiences he passed through had made him not only physically but also mentally vulnerable. Even so, he got back on his bike and took up his cycling carrier. He moved along to win seven Tour de France titles in a row, from 1999 to 2005. But Armstrong says “This is not the part of the story of which I am most proud.” He soon founded “the Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF)” providing millions of dollars on cancer research and society-based programs for people with cancer aiming to assure that no one go through the desperation of a cancer diagnosis. The foundation also established “the Livestrong Survivorship Center of Excellence Network” and “the Livestrong Young Adult Alliance.” “The Livestrong Foundation” has addressed the subject of stigma –a negative or undesirable perception observed oncancer patients causing guilt, blame, or shame- andthe silence related to cancer through encouragingcancer survivors and their acquaintances to open uptheir cancer experiences to the community.

1. The most suitable title for this passage would be----.

A) cancer cases and their possible outcomes in thecommunity

B) Armstrong’s struggle with his late stage cancer

C) “the Livestrong Foundation” and its achievementsin supporting cancer patients

D) effective treatments in testicular cancer

E) Armstrong’s cancer history and the doings of hisfoundation LAF

2. With “This is not the part of the story of whichI am most proud”, Armstrong is most probablyreferring to ----.

A) “Livestrong Foundation”’s efforts in gettingadvocates, teachers, parents, and especiallystudents to participate in the fight against cancer

B) “the Lance Armstrong Foundation” whichconducts cancer research and community-basedprograms for people suffering from cancer

C) his cycling team’s cancelling his contract

D) his struggle with the testicular cancer and theunexpected victory coming afterwards

E) the cooperative effort of “Livestrong Foundation”and leading cancer centers to share best cancerexperiences

3. As it is clearly stated in the passage, the secondteam of doctors ----.

A) caused Armstrong to set up a foundation to getbetter results in cancer cases

B) were given less than 50% chance of survival bythe first team of doctors

C) were the only ones diagnosing Armstrong’sdisorder accurately

D) came up with a more disappointing result as toArmstrong’s condition

E) led to the cancellation of Armstrong’s contractwith his cycling team

4. It can be inferred from the passage that ----.

A) Armstrong couldn’t overcome his depression inthe aftermath of the testicular cancer diagnosis

B) “the Livestrong Foundation” was established forcommercial purposes

C) survivors’ sharing their cancer experiences withother patients and the community is an importantfactor during the post diagnosis period

D) feelings such as guilt, blame, or shame are themost noticeable effects seen on cancer patientsduring their treatment

E) people were so indifferent to cancer patients’sufferings that Armstrong had to set up afoundation dealing with the issue


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5. – 8. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

In the view of Turkish lens, the First World War looks more like “The War of the Ottoman Lineage.” It was actually a conflict between Austria and Russia with a view to capturing the areas in the Balkans which had been ruled by the Ottoman Empire previously. The spark came from the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo on 28th June 1914 which triggered Austria’s ultimatum to Serbia and Russia. Afterwards, Germany declared war on Russia and France and suddenly the European powers were included in battle. At first, the Ottoman government had second thoughts to get involved in the conflict. However, at the end of October, Enver Pasha –Minister of War who had replaced Izzet Pasha in February- against the preference of other Ottoman ministers, decided to attack Russian targets with the warships in the Black Sea. This decision resulted in Turks’ entrance into the war on the side of the Central Powers in November that year and eventually the collapse of the Ottoman Empire along with the end of stability in the Middle East. In fact, Enver Pasha had been negotiating with both Germany and Russia secretly aiming to establish military alliances with each. One of his aims in leading the Ottoman Empire to war was uniting the Turkish people of Russian Central Asia with the Ottoman Turks. Unfortunately, the plans of Enver Pasha led to a calamitous defeat on 29 December in Sarikamis where much of the army was deceased or captured. Enver Pasha’s credibility was damaged substantially after this defeat.

5. The main focus of the passage is on ----.

A) the strategies the Ottoman governmentemployed to prevent the First World War

B) the clash of ideas among the Ottoman ministersregarding the war

C) diplomatic secrets lying behind the First WorldWar

D) the First World War and the role of OttomanEmpire in it

E) the break-up of the European Union in theaftermath of the First World War

6. It can be inferred from the passage that EnverPasha ----.

A) complied with the uncertainty of the Ottomangovernment in sending the warships to attackRussia

B) who preceded Izzet Pasha in the state postcaused the collapse of the Ottoman Empire

C) was clearly intent to make an alliance withGermany and Russia in spite of the oppositionsof his colleagues

D) led to the outbreak of the First World Warthrough his secret negotiations with Germanyand Russia

E) took the Ministry job forcefully from Izzet Pashaagainst the wishes of his colleagues

7. According to the passage, ----.

A) Enver Pasha became one of the most well-known commanders of the Ottoman Empirethanks to First World War

B) Franz Ferdinand’s plot prompted the first sparkand paved the way for the First World War

C) collapse of Ottoman Empire triggered the startof a bloody World War

D) Ottoman Empire’s entrance into the war arousedfear among the European allies

E) most of the Ottoman army was killed undercaptivity in Sarikamis

8. With “The War of the Ottoman Lineage,” theauthor might be referring to ----.

A) the role of Ottoman Empire in the First WorldWar and the significant consequences of this

B) Ottomans’ success in creating the strugglebetween Austria and Russia

C) Enver Pasha’s befitting decision in leading theOttoman army into the war

D) victory of Central Powers over European allies

E) the important decisions taken by the Ottomangovernment for the purpose of unifying Turkishpeople all around the world

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9.- 12. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebi-lecek cümleyi bulunuz.

9. On the Giza Plateau, there stands the largestpyramid ever built. Called “the Great Pyramid ofGiza,” it was built for Khufu, the son of Snefru, andsecond ruler of 4th dynasty. It is made up of nearly2.5 million stone blocks, each of them with weightsranging from 2.5 to 15 tons. The pyramid has threeburial chambers, one of which is underground. Thesecond was named by early archeologists as thequeen’s chamber. But, we now have the knowledgethat it wasn’t built with the aim of housing Khufu’swife. ----. Finally, the king’s chamber is located atthe center of the pyramid and it has been securelyprotected from thieves by its granite blockingsystems.

A) The third is the king’s chamber which holds ared granite sarcophagus

B) Instead, it was used as a sacred place by theking himself.

C) All these chambers have been unearthed in thelast century

D) Giza Pyramid is listed among the SevenWonders of the World

E) Some people believe that the last chamberbelonging to the king was built over a twentyyear period

10. Microdrone is perhaps the most futuristic inventionmade in the last decades and most probably willstamp the years ahead. It is already used in alarge number of areas including aerial observation,surveillance, photographing, or disastermanagement. The obstacle with the device is that itcan only fly for 70 minutes at its best and must landon for the recharging of the battery. ----. Even a treewhich is not shown on the map can serve as a threatfor this flying object.

A) Rather than environmental challenges,microdrones generally face mechanicalobstacles

B) But, the problem, rather, is the prospect of anunexpected, unwary bird or a wind that is a bitstronger than a breeze

C) That’s why energy companies try to producemore durable batteries

D) Some microdrones have intelligence and thusdon’t need an operator

E) However, the prices of the microdrones makethem hardly affordable for ordinary people

11. Madagascar, the world’s fourth biggest island,is a biodiversity hotspot with over 90% its wildlife which is not found anywhere else on earth. Itowes this diversity to having been separated fromthe Indian peninsula around 88 million years ago,allowing the isolation of native plants and animalsin a similar environment. ----. Therefore, the island’sdiverse ecosystems and unprecedented wild life arethreatened by torrential rains and destructive floods.

A) However, the island is frequently exposed totropical rain storms like the one in 2004 givingenormous damage

B) Environmental degradation by the growinghuman population is a major worry forconservationists

C) In 2004 Cyclone Gafilo became the strongeststorm ever recorded to hit Madagascar killing172 people

D) The Malagasy are known to be descendantsof Africans and Indonesians who inhabited theisland about 2,000 years ago

E) Madagascar was one of the last majorlandmasses on Earth to be settled by humans

12. Abacus, also called a counting frame, is amanual aid to calculating which was in commonuse centuries before modern numeral system. Inaddition to calculating the fundamental tasks ofaddition, subtraction, multiplication and division, theabacus can calculate roots up to the cubic degree.It is supposed that the abacus was first used by theBabylonians in about 2,400 BC. ----. Originally madefrom beans or stones moving in grooves in sandor on tablets of wood or stone, today it is usuallyconstructed as a bamboo frame with beads locatedon wires.

A) The Aztec version of an abacus is made frommaize threaded through strings put in a woodenframe

B) The Chinese and Japanese use differenttechniques with their abaci nowadays

C) Since that time, the physical structure of abacushas changed dramatically

D) This Mesoamerican abacus employs a 5-digitbase-20 system

E) The binary abacus is used to explain howcomputers manipulate numbers

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13. - 16. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okun-duğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

13. (I) Repetition is a simple but effective methodemployed by the advertisers to create brandawareness and customer memory. (II) Advertisershave found it often more effective to focus onputting across one specific aspect of their productby displaying it on billboards. (III) In this method,the name of the product is repeated several timesduring an advertisement. (IV) Jingles are frequentlyused in this advertising technique to impose theproduct name in the minds of the millions. (V)Advertisers also make repetition by running an advery often.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

14. (I) According to a survey conducted in England,journalists have been found among the leasttrusted professionals in the country. (II) They rankeven below politicians and lawyers as trustworthycharacters. (III) Yet, we depend on journalists toguide us through their information-rich remarks.(IV) The results of the survey reveal that only 3% ofnearly 2,000 adults trust journalists. (V) By contrast,lawyers hold the trust of 24% and accountants 14%of people respectively.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

15. (I) Gaius Julius Caesar was a famous general anda Roman statesman. (II) He played an importantrole in the fall of the Roman Republic and the riseof the Roman Empire. (III) He was ordered to resignfrom the military command and back to Rome bySenate after the Gallic Wars ended. (IV) However,he refused to disband his army and resisted arrivingItaly by an illegal way where he declared war againstPompey. (V) Marcus Junius Brutus, who played theleading role in Caesar’s assassination, became wellknown with Caesar’s remark: “You, too, my child?”

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

16. (I) Cappadocia has such a landscape that you mighthave never witnessed all your life. (II) Hence, it isone of the most popular destinations in the worldto go up in a hot air balloon. (III) When you ascendfor sunrise, you will most probably get enchanted bythe spectacular landscape lying below you. (IV) Tothe west, Cappadocia is bounded by the historicalregions of Lycaonia, and Galatia to the Northwest.(V) With the fairy chimneys and valleys scatteredaround pigeon houses and orchards, the scenerywill definitely entrance you.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.









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Bu testin çözüm süresi 45 dakikadır. Soruları verilen sürede çözmeye çalışınız. 2

1. – 4. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

Sir Philip Sidney was a 16th-century English poet, courtier, scholar, and critic. Though he spent relatively little time at the English court, and until his appointment as governor of Flushing in 1585, received little elevation from Queen Elizabeth, he’s best remembered as being one of the most pre-eminent figures of the Elizabethan Age. His works include “Astrophel and Stella”, “The Defence of Poesy” (also known as The Defence of Poetry), and “The Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia.” His “Defence of Poetry” is the only major work of literary criticism in the 16th century England, a period during which Italy and France produced large numbers of critical works, heavily inspired by Aristotle’s Poetics. Sidney also gave Italian literature the highest esteem, for instance, his reference in “the Defence of Poetry” to “Dante’s Beatrice” was the first by an English man. His works were significantly shaped by Italian influences though emphasizing especially those aesthetic principles that are of primary importance to Elizabethans such as ideal imitation, moral teaching, and decorum. According to Sidney, poetry is an imitation of nature but not the real nature we see; it is rather an ideal nature.

1. The passage is mostly about ----.

A) Sir Philip Sidney’s literary style and the Italianinfluence on his works

B) Importance of criticism as a genre in literature

C) the differences between English and Italianpoetry

D) the literary movements of Elizabethan Age

E) the influence of Aristotle’s Poetics on Sir PhilipSidney’s critical works

2. It is implied in the passage that unlike Italy andFrance, ----.

A) England gave a superior importance to literaturein 16th century

B) Elizabethans prioritized criticism and satire inthe poetry

C) other European countries were indifferent to thenovel literary movements of the age

D) England composed only a few critical works in1500s

E) writers in England were true followers ofAristotle’s Poetics

3. It may be understood from the passage that ----.

A) Dante’s Beatrice was the first work by anEnglish man in 16th century

B) Sir Philip Sidney spent little time in his post as agovernor

C) There was no other chief work of literary criticismin 1500s in England other than Sidney’s

D) Queen Elizabeth didn’t like Sir Philip Sidney atall

E) the main theme of Sir Philip Sidney’s works wasbased on nature

4. According to the passage, Sidney regardedpoetry as ----.

A) an instrument of moral teaching

B) the visual representation of the real nature wesee

C) the sum of aesthetic Elizabethan principles

D) a reflection of an idealized nature

E) a compilation of decorative elements


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5. – 8. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

The Renaissance literally meaning “rebirth” first emerged in Italy. It is actually the period in European civilization immediately after the Medieval Times arousing from the search of interest into classical learning and values. The period led to revolutionary developments such as the discovery and exploration of new continents, strong innovations like paper, gunpowder, printing press, the mariner’s compass, the decline of the feudal system, and the growth of commerce. It came as a powerful remedy following a long period of contagious diseases, cultural decline, and unproductivity. The spirit and the ideas of the age gradually spread to Western, Northern Europe, and finally Britain towards the end of the 16th century. Renaissance came to England when English poets began to translate Italian sonnets. The period marked English literary accomplishment. During the English Renaissance, great writers such as William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe produced works of lasting influence. However, some critics prefer to call this literal era as the Elizabethan time instead of English Renaissance. Actually, in England, the whole literary culture flourished in this age by the advent of printing because rapid and mass reproduction of texts allowed to reach a wider audience. Textbooks got cheaper, and therefore, more widely available to all people.

5. The most suitable title for this passage would be----.

A) differences between the Italian and EnglishRenaissance

B) the emergence of Renaissance and its outcomesin England

C) how Renaissance flourished

D) English literature during the Renaissance period

E) development of printing in Renaissance

6. According to the passage, ----.

A) but for Renaissance, Shakespeare and Marlowecouldn’t have composed lasting works

B) Renaissance originated out of a surge of interesttowards the learning of classical past and valuesof it

C) textbooks were the only means for the spread ofnew ideas during the Renaissance period

D) English Renaissance flourished and improvedthanks to Italian poets

E) people living in countries other than Europedidn’t appreciate the developments Renaissancebrought

7. It can be inferred from the passage that theRenaissance ----.

A) originated in Italy before Medieval Times

B) was adapted much more differently in NorthernEurope

C) didn’t have much influence on English literature

D) led to the decline of all previous social practicesand traditions in Europe

E) overlapped with the Elizabethan era in England

8. One can conclude from the passage that ----.

A) critics denied the influence of Renaissance onEnglish literature at the time

B) prolific English writers emerged only after theadvent of mass production of texts

C) invention, innovation and discovery firstappeared in the Renaissance age across theworld

D) mass printing contributed to the progress ofliterature substantially in England during theRenaissance period

E) Renaissance is confined to rebirth of literatureas a term

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9.- 12. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebi-lecek cümleyi bulunuz.

9. Throughout ages, almost all educational systemswhether it is in science, technology, or engineeringhave been focused almost exclusively on developingknowledge itself. Learning was based on a courseof lecture and memorizing the knowledge given inthe past. The whole system was created to stuffthe students up with facts and then evaluate theircapability by testing methods. ----. They suggestthat injecting vision, creative thinking, problemsolving and other important skills to new generationscan only be improved through better-designedcourses. Such courses should include incentivesand innovations which are the fundamental factorsin learning.

A) The impact of grammar translation method isstill prevalent in most of the school curricula

B) Those teaching in high schools had shortage ofinnovative practices

C) Today, educators and researchers are callingfor change

D) That’s why, lecture-based learning was severelyopposed by the educators

E) However, teaching the other skills is a frequentincidence in most of the schools

10. Much of the wealth of a developed country is drawnfrom manufacturing. It plays a number of key rolesin a community’s economy. First of all, it offers goodjobs, good salaries and benefits to more workerswho don’t have a college degree. At the sametime, it provides adequate fund for research anddevelopment in private sector leading to a higherproductivity growth. Without manufacturing, therecould be very few consumer goods available to thepeople. ----. At that time, the population dependedon farming solely and were forced to produce mostof the necessities for themselves.

A) The United States was in this position in theearly 19th century

B) Then, the lesson we must take is in industry

C) Science, aided by new improvements intechnology, made the situation better in 2005

D) In fact, a well-developed economy should givepriority to technical occupations

E) Lack of manufacturing can cause deficit in tradethese days

11. ----. Is it not ridiculous that humans who have beenfighting for their own freedom since the beginningof history continue carrying out this practice?Moreover, they are conducting the experiments in away giving harm to them through such exercises asimplanting electrodes, trying new drugs or poisoningthem for toxicity testing. According to NEAVS, whichis the acronym for New England Anti-VivisectionSociety, over 25 million of animals are used inbiomedical experimentation, product and cosmetictesting, and science education every year in theUnited States of America. As a result, for the sakeof research and testing, most of them die at the endof the experiments.

A) Many people oppose to using animals inscientific experiments claiming that humans arebetter test subjects

B) Some people think that human rights is not aconcept superior to animal rights

C) Vivisection can be named as the processwhereby animals are experimented on byscientists in the labs for the good of humankind

D) In a report of BUAV -the British Union for theAbolition of Vivisection-, there are almost 100million animals being killed across the world justfor pleasure each year

E) Even if the trials for the efficiency of drugs onanimals are successful, they are not introducedinto the market before being tested on humans

12. The Dead Sea, also called as the Salt Sea, is thelowest point on Earth bordered by Jordan to theeast and Israel to the west. It’s about 400 metersbelow sea level allowing it to have the highestconcentration of the salt in the world. The quantity ofwater that evaporates from it is greater than the onewhich flows into it. ----. On the other hand, it attractsvisitors from all around Mediterranean in order forthem to benefit from its healing properties becausethe lake is the supplier of a wide variety of healthyminerals and salt.

A) It provides enormous relaxation to many ailingvisitors who come here regularly

B) It’s named as the Dead Sea because its salinityhinders the existence of any life forms in the lake

C) Dead Sea is one of the largest treasure throvesof valuable microbial life on Earth

D) Lake Vanda in Antarctica reported highersalinities than the Dead Sea

E) Therefore, people use the salt from the DeadSea to create cosmetics and herbal remedies

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13. - 16. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okun-duğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

13. (I) The “Lost Generation” was a term popularized byErnest Hemingway and Gertrude Stein, referring tothe generation that came of age during World War I.(II) However, in A Moveable Feast, Hemingwayreveals that the phrase was actually originated bythe garage owner who serviced Stein’s car. (III) Oneday, a young mechanic failed to repair his car andthen, the garage owner shouted at the boy, “Youare all a “génération perdue.” (IV) The phenomenashow how right Hemingway and Stein were inlabelling the whole generation as a lost one. (V) Atlast, Stein, in telling Hemingway the story, added,“That is what you are. That’s what you all are ... allof you young people who served in the war. You area lost generation.”

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

14. (I) A ship sinks in water to a level such that theweight of the displaced water equals its own weight.(II) The law of floatation explains that, “A floatingbody displaces its own weight of the fluid in which itfloats”. (III) In other words, it does not sink in waterif it is lighter than water and floats on it. (IV) When itfloats, this means that the upthrust of water is equalto its weight. (V) In such a case, the upward forcebalances with the downward force, which is theweight of the object.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

15. (I) Since big cities require more space, a skyscrapercan be described as the ultimate solution oftechnological genius. (II) With their high-rise andthinner construction, they both defy gravity and highwinds along with taking up less place in the crowdedmetropolis. (III) These tall buildings also representambition, idealism, strength, and economic growth.(IV) Although the idea of the skyscraper is modern,the tendency to build to upward is not new as seenin the example of pyramids. (V) Just take a glimpseat Shanghai whose financial capabilities haveenormously increased with an influx of investorsmoving into the city after the construction of massesof skyscrapers.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

16. (I) The Wireless Museum has an extensivecollection of valuable assets in both monetary andhistorical sense. (II) It has some of the first wirelessradio sets from the early twentieth century whichworked on electronic waves using no externalpower source. (III) They were readily made at homein contrast to their subsequent valve equivalentswhich came along in the 1930s. (IV) The museumalso possesses several unique war time radioreceivers produced during the Second World War.(V) What’s more, it provides a wonderful opportunityto expose yourself to radio related technologieswhile socializing with others of similar interests.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.









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Bu testin çözüm süresi 45 dakikadır. Soruları verilen sürede çözmeye çalışınız.

1. – 4. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

The Hawaiian Islands are a true paradise. Nevertheless, these islands are frequently exposed to several kinds of natural disasters such as flooding, hurricanes, tsunamis, lava flows and earthquakes. Hurricanes and flash floods are much more common than other natural disasters in Hawaii. When a hurricane passes over the island, it may move over 80 miles an hour blowing away windows, roofs, and even whole buildings. The shower line may also be damaged because of the gigantic waves reaching the beaches even breaking up cliffs. In October 2004, the flood occurring in Mano Valley on Oahu caused a huge damage measurable in million dollars. However, hurricane Iniki was the most powerful one to hit Hawaii in recorded history. It passed through the island of Kauai in 1992 causing six deaths and about 1.8 billion dollars of damage. In the past, people in Hawaii were not anxious about these storms rarely occurring in the area because the water around the islands was too warm for hurricanes. However, this situation has changed and unlike the days when there were few hurricanes, for an unknown reason very dangerous hurricanes have been hitting the islands especially in the past 15 years.

1. The most suitable title for this passage would be----.

A) the Hawaiian Islands as a true paradise

B) the damages caused by hurricanes and floods inHawaii

C) natural disasters on the Hawaiian islands

D) financial consequences of the disasters inHawaii

E) several hurricanes in the history of Hawaii

2. We can understand from the passage that ----.

A) there are no other natural disasters occurringas frequently as hurricanes and flash floods inHawaii

B) a hurricane destroys a whole city when it strikesHawaii

C) tsunami is ranked as second to hurricanesin terms of the destruction it creates on theHawaiian Islands

D) during a hurricane, the first damaged parts arewindows and roofs

E) The biggest damage ever by a hurricane wasgiven to Mano Valley in Hawaii in 2004

3. We can conclude from the passage that thecause of ----.

A) the hurricanes existing has changedtremendously over the past fifteen years

B) natural disasters on the Hawaiian Islands hasbeen the main subject to several researches

C) powerful hurricanes occurring over the lastfifteen years is not certain in Hawaii

D) floods are much more common than othernatural disasters in Hawaii

E) six deaths and billions of dollars can be linked tothe negligence of locals

4. It is implied the passage that ----.

A) more dangerous hurricanes have been hittingthe Hawaiian Islands for around a decadebecause the water around the islands has gotwarmer in the mean time

B) many kinds of natural disasters such asflooding, hurricanes, tsunamis, lava flows, andearthquakes are induced by hurricanes andflash floods

C) the speed of a hurricane determines its abilityto create the most powerful whirlwinds anderuptions

D) if it hadn’t been for the natural disasters,Hawaiian economy could be ranked among theprosperous ones across the world

E) Iniki hurricane inflicted much heavier damageto Hawaii than its equivalents in terms of botheconomy and casualties as well as environmentaldestruction


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5. – 8. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

Paleolithic Age is best characterized by hunting and survival depending on the success of it because Paleolithic peoples often fought with each other for the control of hunting territories. There was no agriculture and industry; therefore, they lived as hunter-gatherers picking berry after berry off from bushes, chasing mammals to the point of fatigue, taking meat, fat and organs from animals which larger ones had killed. In order to hunt their prey, cut and chop the meat, flake cores, and to use in traps, the early Paleolithic humans invented tools of stone, bone and wood. As the evidence shown by archeologists during the excavations conducted in Ethiopia reveals, these people specifically chose the raw materials in terms of their size and quality for their requirements. For example, they deliberately found appropriate-sized stones to make sharp-edged tools for cutting. Through the ability to make and use tools, Paleolithic peoples achieved some striking accomplishments to change their way of living. They could now compete with larger, faster and stronger animals such as the mammoth, deer and rabbits. The demands of the hunt sharpened their wit simultaneously. They began to supplement their feeding by collecting fruits, nuts and seeds eventually causing to discover the plant world around them.

5. It can be inferred from the passage thatPaleolithic people ----.

A) invented tools with the aim of paving the way forindustry

B) carried through several remarkable innovationsin their lifestyles

C) were very much like other hunter-gatherers

D) knew how to use tools from the very beginning

E) used tools for various purposes includingagriculture

6. The main focus of the passage is on ----.

A) difficulties of hunting in early ages

B) accomplishments of Paleolithic people in everyaspect of life

C) evolution of human brain beginning fromPaleolithic Age

D) the way of life depending mostly on hunting anddeveloping tools in Paleolithic Age

E) main diet of early human beings

7. According to the passage, Paleolithic humans----.

A) were faster than rabbits and deer

B) ran after animals till they got exhausted

C) sharpened their wit thanks to supplementaryfeeding

D) made tools of only stones and bones

E) frequently fought to seize one another’s prey

8. We can infer from the passage that Paleolithicpeople’s finding ----.

A) appropriate-sized stones occurred unintentionally

B) sharp-edged tools in nature became useful forcutting

C) plants around them led to the end of hunting

D) raw materials was useless because of their sizeand quality

E) stones in suitable sizes was not a coincidence

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9.- 12. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebi-lecek cümleyi bulunuz.

9. ----. The findings reveal the rise and fall of a smallkingdom along the Yellow River in the northern partof China over a 500-year period. The main ancientaccounts as to the period of the kingdom can befound in the records of the great historian SimaQian written between about 109 BC and 91 BC.He determined the date of the founding of the Xiadynasty back to around 2200 BC, yet this date hasnot been validated since little is known about theprevious clans. If new evidence cannot be found, itis impossible to know how much of the data in SimaQian’s texts is true and how much is unreal aboutthe dynasty.

A) The task of protecting Yellow River against otherkingdoms was given to Yu the Great by the king

B) There are no certain archaeological remains thatcan make an assumption about the presence ofthe Xia dynasty

C) According to mythology, the dynasty endedaround 1600 BC as a consequence of the Battleof Mingtiao

D) There is some archaeological evidenceconcerning the probable existence of the Xiadynasty even though it is debatable whether itactually existed

E) According to ancient historical legends, the Xiadynasty was the first clan to rule China

10. Around 640 BC, the Lydians began producing thefirst true coins made of precious metals such as goldand silver. ----. But, this was also further debasedby the Lydians with the addition of copper in thefollowing years. Being a soft alloy, electrum madethe imprinting of a man or an animal figure possibleon the coin’s face. The most popular figure to bestamped on the coins was a lion’s head adornedwith a drawing similar to a sunburst which was theking’s symbol.

A) These coins were initially produced in limitednumbers

B) Gold coins weighed only about 0.15 grams onaverage

C) Coins, of course, launched the first commercialactivities

D) To some historians, they were actually an alloyof gold and silver called electrum

E) First stamped coins in history dates back to 700 BC

11. Historical remains reveal that about 10,000 yearsago, at the end of the Ice Age, wild horses becameextinct in Northern America and their numberdecreased in Western Europe. The causes forthis phenomenon are ambiguous. However, theycontinued to dwell on the plateaus of Eastern Europeand Central Asia where short grasses and shrubsgrew on vast lands. ----. An increasing amountof proof suggests that they were domesticated inboth Europe and Asia almost in 4000 BCE. Recentdiscoveries as to the issue supports the assumptionthat Kazakhstan was the location of the earliestdomestication of the horse.

A) Where and when horses became domesticatedis unclear but a number of hypotheses existregarding this

B) Today, very few horses are found in the wild

C) Though the date is not exactly known, horsesquickly spread across Eurasia and continued tothrive in wildlife

D) Kazakh people seem to have adoptedhorseback riding to hunt wild animals in northernKazakhstan

E) The presence of horses remaining just in theregions where they had not previously beenseen is another indicator of domestication

12. ----. These words are then combined with each otherin an organized unity to establish the mood, imagesand the meaning in a text and finally forms thestyle. In this way, the style of the writer determinesthe audience mass of his work. For example, if thesentences are long and complicated, an educatedreader can be expected but if they are rich in slangand novel phrases, it means a more general groupis being addressed to.

A) Authors write for a reason; while some wish togive information, others try to persuade you onan issue

B) Words can be put together to build largerelements of language, such as phrases, clauses,and sentences

C) Tone is the attitude the writer has towards asubject

D) Style is the literary element that describesthe way the writer picks words and puts themtogether

E) Writers’ own beliefs and ideas generallydetermine how they thought about a givensubject in the past

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13. - 16. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okun-duğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

13. (I) The government was customarily moved after thedeath of an emperor in Japan because of the ancientbelief that the place of death was polluted. (II) Thesuccessor left the dwelling place for a new palaceupon his father’s death. (III) However, this traditionchanged with the establishment of the permanentimperial capital in Nara in AD 710. (IV) Following thedemise of sovereign, thus, the center of governmentwas transferred to another city as well. (V) Thissituation led to an establishment of governmentincluding new reforms and bureaucratization.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

14. (I) The Decameron is a compilation of a onehundred allegorical short stories written about 1353by the Italian author and poet Giovanni Boccaccio.(II) He was an important Renaissance humanistwho wrote a number of notable works. (III) Heexpressed the earthiness of human experience in asimple style of Italian vernacular prose in his worksincluding the Decameron. (IV) This differed himfrom his contemporaries who usually followed morecomplicated story patterns. (V) He also made wordby word translations of two epics of Homer calledthe Iliad and the Odyssey from Greek to Latin on therequest of his mentor Petrarch.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

15. (I) At the beginning of the 16th century, OttomanEmperor Sultan Selim put an end to Memlukcaliphate and brought it to Ottoman Empire. (II)From then on, the Empire began to be ruled underthe religious principles called shariah. (III) Theword khalif comes from Arabic and it refers to thepolitical and religious leader who is regarded asthe successor to the Islamic prophet. (IV) Caliphbeing also the emperor himself had an importantrole in both domestic and foreign politics of OttomanEmpire. (V) However, on 3rd March 1924, thissituation changed with the abolishment of caliphatesubsequent to the unanimity of voting in the TurkishGreat National Assembly.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

16. (I) The perception of time varies from person toperson. (II) Some of us are morning and othersare night persons indicating the best times forperforming several tasks. (III) For example, thecircadian cycles between a morning person anda night person may differ a few hours from eachother. (IV) It all depends on how your biologicalday is structured. (V) In fact, all of your senses maybe at their keenest during late afternoon and earlyevening.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.









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Bu testin çözüm süresi 45 dakikadır. Soruları verilen sürede çözmeye çalışınız. 4

1. – 4. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

Prior to World War I, the use of parachutes was undertaken only by people in show business to impress crowds of spectators. But, the military operations of the First World War changed this role. Since a number of troops, for the first time, began to be transported by aircraft and were landed near the field of battle, the idea of parachute came into being. In the years between the World Wars, armies around the world started to establish their own paratroop units. Russia was the first to develop the idea on a large scale and in the 1930s, she invested heavily in the concept. In 1933, the Soviets made the first large-scale airborne infantry operation in history. This was a peace time trial. The Soviets even conducted trials including dropping armored units from planes and many of these units would be making history’s first war time drop in a few years. At the same time, world powers like Italy, Germany, and Japan followed Russians’ lead and got started their own airborne forces. Germany was the first country to drop infantry into the battlefield during World War II. The French created an airborne battalion, butit was disbanded before the Second World War.England was not interested in developing airborneforces at all until the outbreak of the Second WorldWar in 1939.

1. It is clear from the passage that the idea ofparachute ----.

A) was slow to receive acceptance in the militaryforces

B) gained importance during World War I

C) was immediately recognized as of crucialimportance prior to World War I

D) paved the way for other airborne vehicles

E) was first put forward by the Russians

2. It is implied in the passage that ----.

A) a variety of countries contributed to thedevelopment of parachute out of militarypurposes

B) England regarded the parachute as useless soshe was indifferent to the developments

C) the Soviets was the sole powerful military forcebecause of her airborne forces during WorldWar I

D) the French were disbanded from the SecondWorld War

E) parachute was first used in an actual militaryoperation in 1933 by the Soviets

3. It can be inferred from the passage that one ofthe advantages of airborne forces is that ----.

A) they are the cheapest and fastest means oftransportation

B) they encourage nations to trigger conflicts

C) trials in the peacetime can be achieved moreeasily

D) crowds of spectators are impressed in showbusiness

E) troops can be carried by air to a nearby positionclose to the battlefield

4. One of the points made in the passage is that----.

A) England had such a powerful naval force thatshe didn’t need to develop airborne forces

B) the Soviets’ military power was limited toairborne forces

C) parachute was used for a purpose other than itsrole in military operations before the First WorldWar

D) no country except the Soviets invested in theidea of parachute

E) Germany’s dropped infantries got damagedupon hitting the ground


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5. – 8. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

Although Westerners tend to regard Indians as a single people, they were, in fact, as diverse as various nationals of Europe. Since 1492, European explorers and settlers have tended to ignore the vast variety of the people who had previously lived in Americas. Soon after the colonialists settled in the continent, they began to lump all the local groups under the term “Indian.” In the modern world, we still do this although there are experiences and subcultures peculiar to each group. The Tlingits, for example, were as different from the Sioux as Greeks are from Danes. As the people spread over the North American continent, more than two hundred languages and dialects developed, and any two were usually no more alike than, say, French, and Russian. The United States benefited from this difference of language among North American tribes. The US government used the uniqueness of the Navajo language to its advantage in World War II. Instead of encrypting radio messages, they madeuse of Navajos’ speaking to each other in their dailylanguage to transfer high-security messages andit worked well. Social and political formations wereequally diverse in Navajos. Many Indians had anintense feeling of tribal loyalty, but others kept it inthe family unit. There were areas where a hierarchypracticed near absolute power, and provinces wherethere was no centralized authority.

5. The most suitable title for this passage would be----.

A) The likeness of Native Americans to each other

B) Indians and Navajo language

C) the dissimilarities among Indians in Americas

D) the history of Indians

E) the varying roles of Indians in social life

6. As it is emphasized in the passage, Navajos ----.

A) encrypted radio messages during the World WarII

B) were such a warrior society as to involve in thesecond World War

C) spoke more than 200 languages

D) belonged to the only tribe speaking their ownlanguage

E) played an important role during the secondWorld War

7. By giving the example as to “the Tlingits, Sioux,Greeks, and Danes”, the author is referring to----.

A) the differences between European nations

B) the subcultures living in the USA

C) the cruelty of European settlers

D) the diversity of Indian people

E) the difference between Indians and Europeans

8. It may be concluded from the passage that ----.

A) European explorers ignored the Indians entirelywhen they first arrived in Americas

B) Language is the most remarkable feature todifferentiate between Indians

C) in some Indian regions, there was a totalabsence of central authority

D) Indians were more civilized than Europeans insome respects in the colonial period

E) Tribal loyalty was the essence of all NativeAmericans in the past

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9.- 12. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebi-lecek cümleyi bulunuz.

9. ----. While the former is involved with the physicalproduction and acoustic transmission of the soundsof speech, the latter defines how the sounds operatein any language or through languages to put themeaning into codes. In broader sense, phoneticspertain to descriptive linguistics, and phonology tothe theoretical. Such a distinction wasn’t frequentlymade especially until the development of themodern notion of phoneme in 1950s. A phonemeis the smallest unit of sound in a language thatholds meaning. Almost all words are made up of anumber of phonemes mixed together. Think aboutthe word “ball”. It is composed of three phonemes:/b/ /aw/ /l/. Each of its sounds affects the meaning.For example, omit the /b/ sound and replace it with/w/ then you will have a totally different word. Orsubstitute the /aw/ for a /e/ sound and again themeaning changes.

A) Phonology has greatly dealt with the systems ofphonemes in several languages for years

B) The terms phonology and phonetics, dubbed inthe 20th century, have a number of similarities

C) Phonology is usually mistaken for phonetics butthey are actually two different concepts

D) Although they are both sub-branches oflinguistics, phonology is more important thanphonetics in functioning

E) The modern concept of phonology led to anawareness on the difference between phonemesand phonetics

10. Parents generally oppose to video games labellingthem as time-wasters since they regard thesegames as the key factors in making their childrenbehave more violently or anti-social. ----. Indeed,video games can help youngsters develop greatermental focus, multitask more effectively, and equipthem with higher levels of thinking from which theywill benefit in the future. Some games can even leadchildren to more helpful and sympathetic behaviors.

A) Video games are responsible for the increase inchildhood obesity

B) Even so, all the effects have been found to benegative

C) Whether children play video games or not, theywill inevitably face violence in society

D) Your child can feel pain and numbs on his limbsafter two hours in front of the computer

E) But, a growing body of research is now revealingthe flip side

11. The idea of a satellite system for communicationswas actually suggested in 1945 by Arthur C. Clarke,an English engineer and writer. But, John R.Pierce, also an engineer from the USA, made afurther study and developed all types of satellitesystems for communications. Pierce was born inIowa in 1910. He went to the California Institute ofTechnology where he studied electrical engineering.After the graduation, he got a job in Bell TelephoneLaboratories and achieved some of his mostinnovative works. ----. However, he’s possibly mostfamous for his independent, ground-breaking workwhich turned unmanned communications satellitesa reality. The success of his project caused thelaunch of the first commercial communicationssatellite also broadcasting the first live televisionsignals.

A) Moreover, Clarke studied on the possibleuse of communications satellites for masscommunications

B) In addition to countries using their own satellites,there are several countries buying domesticcommunication services from abroad

C) The first communications satellite, called Score,was launched on December 18, 1958

D) In 1948, he coined the term “transistor” for thetiny, electronic switch developed there

E) Clarke and Pierce were both regarded as thetwo fathers of the communications satellite

12. The Fahrenheit scale was invented by the Germanscientist Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1710. Today, inBritain, most of the people over 25 know theFahrenheit scale but centigrade system (Celsius)is being used more and more widely. Even so,weather forecasts on television and newspapersgive temperature in both scales. ----. These figureshave been determined at sea level and standardatmospheric pressure.

A) The term “Fahrenheit” was derived from thename of a German scientist

B) The scale has two fixed points; the temperatureat which water freezes into ice (32 degrees) andthe boiling point of water (212 degrees)

C) Fahrenheit scale is divided into 180 equalintervals called degrees

D) Temperatures in Celsius scale can be turnedinto equivalent temperatures of the Fahrenheitscale by first subtracting 32° from the Fahrenheittemperature, and then multiplying the result by5/9

E) Today, the scale is used primarily in the UnitedStates and some Caribbean countries

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13. - 16. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okun-duğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

13. (I) The superstition of breaking a mirror is an ancientone and achieved to maintain its effect for manyyears. (II) In fact, many superstitions still exist evenin the most educated and sophisticated regions ofthe world. (III) Mirrors were believed to hold the keyto the future in the old times so breaking one was toshatter your own future. (IV) Another superstition forbreaking a mirror was that immediately after a familymember would die. (V) Nevertheless, these days,the accidental breaking of a mirror usually producesno more thought in most people than “I have to geta new mirror.”

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

14. (I) When it comes to pollution, we tend to think it isa problem caused by humans’ ignorance or theirindifference to the environment. (II) In general, airis made up of two gases, nitrogen and oxygen, withseveral other gases like carbon dioxide and argon.(III) Nevertheless, some kinds of air pollution areproduced by natural phenomena such as eruptingvolcanoes, forest fires, or radioactive decay ofrocks inside Earth. (IV) Forest fires and enormousvolcanic eruptions can release too much dust andsmoke into the atmosphere. (V) This emission ofdirty air prevents sunlight and can cause the wholeplanet to cool down for at least a year.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

15. (I) When it comes to choose the top safaridestination, the African natural life can touch yourhearts and souls. (II) If you want to go for the bestsafari, your supposed preference list must certainlyinclude Africa’s top safari destinations with wildlifeparks. (III) Among these are Kenya, Tanzania,Uganda, South Africa, Botswana, and Zimbabwerespectively. (IV) Yet, a Botswana safari will be oneof Africa’s best experiences of all for you. (V) In thecountry, the vast lands of wilderness in untouchedcondition will bewitch you immediately.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

16. (I) John Donne, known as the founder of“Metaphysical Poets,” was an English essayist,poet, and philosopher in England in the 16thcentury. (II) He was famous for his wide variety oflove poetry and sonnets including a realistic and asensual style. (III) One of the important themes ofhis poems was the concept of true religion. (IV) “TheMetaphysical Poets” are known for their capability toshock and persuade the reader through their subtleand paradoxical arguments. (V) He wrote a greatnumber of spiritual poems showing his substantialinterest in religious matters.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.









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Bu testin çözüm süresi 45 dakikadır. Soruları verilen sürede çözmeye çalışınız. 5

1. – 4. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

Iceland is one of the youngest land masses on earth located through the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and thus, it’s a country often home to some of the world’s most active volcanoes. Among them, the leading ones are Hekla, Eldgjá, Herðubreið and Eldfell. According to science writer Alexandra Witze, Iceland’s volcanoes have affected human communities for more than a thousand years and that Bárđarbunga is responsible for the largest eruption anywhere on Earth in the last 10,000 years. The eruption of Laki in 1783, spreading the biggest lava flow in recorded history and erupting for 8 months, caused a famine that killed almost a quarter of the Iceland’s population. Furthermore, Laki gave off more than 100 million tons of sulfur dioxide, dust clouds, and haze to form a dense fog across Europe, spreading to parts of Asia and Africa a few months later damaging crops and changing the climate for years. In 2010, Eyjafjallajökull, another volcano in the Southern of Iceland erupted for the first time since 1821 with additional eruptions making hundreds of people leave their homes and cancelling flights across Europe. On 21 May 2011, this time Grímsvötn volcano which was much more powerful than the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull activity erupted, and caused hundreds of travel delays. Most of the airlines started cancelling flight to England due to the large ash cloud hurling into the atmosphere, although experts expected no repeat of travel chaos from the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull a year before.

1. It stated in the passage that Iceland ----.

A) is famous for its wide variety of natural disasters

B) is a geologically new land

C) owes volcanic eruptions to human activities

D) frequently cancels flights across Europe

E) first erupted in the 19th century leading to thelargest lava flow

2. It is implied in the passage that over the lastdecade, ----.

A) no sign of volcanic activity has been recorded inIceland

B) the least destructive two eruptions have beenobserved in Europe

C) eruptions have merely led to famines

D) all flights to England have been called off

E) two major disruptions have occurred in air travelin Iceland

3. It is stated in the passage that in the 18th century,----.

A) Eyjafjallajökull, another volcano in SouthernIceland, erupted for the first time

B) biggest dual eruptions recorded in Iceland’shistory happened

C) Laki emitted a great amount of dust clouds, andseveral gases reaching even to distant parts ofthe world

D) the author Alexandra Witze claimed Bárđarbungais responsible for the largest eruption on Earth

E) eruptions made hundreds of people abandontheir homes

4. The passage is mostly about ----.

A) volcanic activities across the world

B) Alexandra Witze’s findings as to eruptions inIceland

C) damages caused by volcanic eruptions inEurope

D) volcanic eruptions and their consequences inIceland’s history

E) Iceland being home to several kinds of disasters


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5. – 8. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre cevap-layınız.

Although the consumption of meat by humans has been regarded as creating harm and cruelty especially for animals, it is actually a serious threat to the whole environment. The production process of animal protein consumes enormous amounts of water, fossil fuels and soil in addition to pollution of water and air. As a matter of fact, the production and distribution course of meat requires fertilizer and fuel usage, thereby causing emissions of greenhouse gases, and a wide range of toxic chemicals into air and water. According to the analysis made by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), the production and distribution of red meat creates 10 to 40 times as much greenhouse gas emission as common vegetables and grains. Now, there are almost 20 billion livestock in the world which is about triple the number of people. Farming and breeding these animals also need significant amounts of water, most of which is used in watering the grains by which animals are fed. The amount is nearly the same as you could use in your house for six months for showering. On the contrary, just 1% of this quantity of water is needed to cultivate one pound of wheat. Shifting to a plant-based diet or at least diminishing the amount of meat you consume daily would be the most beneficial option to save water. .

5. It is stated in the passage that the consumptionof meat by human beings ----.

A) is only hazardous to animals

B) has tripled in proportion in the last decades

C) just causes the emission of greenhouse gases

D) results in air and water pollution, andoverexploitation of water

E) leads to an increase in the water supplies ofanimals

6. The main idea of the passage is ----.

A) comparative figures in the consumption of meatand vegetables

B) hazards coming from greenhouse gasesemissions

C) the environmental harms caused by meatproduction and its distribution

D) shortage of water as the most life threateningfactor

E) raising animals to obtain red meat

7. We can conclude from the passage that ----.

A) cultivating vegetables needs much more waterthan raising animals

B) the consumption of vegetables as well as redmeat is the most crucial factor for protectinganimals

C) one can only save water by minimizing theamount of meat consumed in the daily diet

D) breeding animals is a seriously time-consumingjob

E) raising animals requires a hundred times moreamount of water than growing wheat

8. It is implied in the passage that the hazardstemming from the production and distributionof meat ----.

A) is limited to the exhaustion of natural resources

B) hardly ever refers to ones related to humanhealth

C) now calls for an alteration from meat-basedconsumption to a plant-based diet

D) has only recently been accepted by theEnvironmental Working Group

E) is far less than the harm coming from taking ashower everyday

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9.- 12. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebi-lecek cümleyi bulunuz.

9. ----. Either way, you should comprehend whatnuclear energy is, how it works, and under whichconditions it becomes detrimental. In order tounderstand the answers of these questions, onemust be aware of the difference between a nuclearpower plant and a nuclear bomb. A nuclear reactoractivates by the released energy coming from thesplit of a heavy atom’s nucleus. This process iscalled fission. In nuclear power plants, the chainreactions proceed at a relatively slow rate, thusreleasing energy very steadily over a period of manyyears. On the other hand, in a nuclear bomb, thereaction is not controlled and results in releasing amassive amount of energy in seconds and makingthe energy alarmingly destructive..

A) At the end of 1938, new lighter elements werefound; barium and others which were about halfthe mass of uranium, showing atomic fissionhad occurred

B) Radiation was discovered by Wilhelm Rontgenin 1895 by passing an electric current throughan evacuated glass tube

C) Chain reactions grow wildly, fast anduncontrolled, leading to massive and highlydestructive explosions

D) There has been an ongoing controversialdebate about nuclear power amidst scientistsfor decades

E) Some people suggest nuclear power is a crucialway to cope with climate change while othersassert it is dangerous and unnecessary

10. Over the past few years, cycling has gained muchmore popularity because of the News on the Internetas to its benefits on the health. It’s true that regularcycling can help you lose weight, reduce stress, andrelax. Besides, cycling steadily is one of the finestways to reduce the risk of health problems resultingfrom a sedentary and monotonous lifestyle. ----.Therefore, approximately, three million people ridea bicycle there every month.

A) In a low-impact type of exercise, it is easier onyour joints than running or aerobics

B) While cycling, the most important thing in trafficis to obey traffic lights and road signs

C) Riding to work is one of the most time-efficientways to connect your daily exercise witheveryday routine

D) However, in Turkey, if you are cycling, youalways have to be alert in order to avoid fromaccidents

E) It is among the most popular leisure timeactivities in the UK

11. Although there is not any valid and definite evidenceas to the living of first humans, we can say that instart they were a hunter-gatherer society in whichmost or all food was obtained from wild animalsand plants contrary to the agricultural communities,which feed mainly on domesticated species. Theirlife was simple and centered on survival becausealmost all the days were centered around findingfood. But they had intelligence and began noticingthings around them, which made them think more.For example, they saw the seed in the soil grewinto plants. The idea of growing plants suddenlyoccurred to their minds and thus they startedgrowing food. This was a giant step forward in ourevolution as it eliminated the nomadic way of lifewandering almost forever. ----.

A) Therefore, just as other species they somehowcame up with farming

B) From then on, humans settled in permanentplaces and made use of agricultural product

C) Prior to farming, early humans were hunters andfood-gatherers

D) However, the tools they used were ratherprimitive and impractical

E) Eventually, first examples of art and belief inGod sprang in this period

12. ----. But, unnecessary or excessive vitaminconsumption is a potential problem for health.According to studies related to the subject, peoplewho use such supplements are neither healthier norlive longer. Actually, getting more of the nutrientsthan you need can be dangerous. Therefore,vitamin and mineral supplements require seriousconsideration before taking, unless you are underthe control of your doctor. Otherwise, they may giveharm to your health.

A) Mineral intake from a balanced diet is essentialfor maintaining health though excessive amountscan be toxic

B) Getting weight from supplements can bedangerous for your health

C) Doctors hardly ever write vitamins in theprescriptions they give to patients

D) Zinc is a powerful antioxidant, which helps toprevent cancer and maintain hormone levels inthe body

E) Some people believe that taking fixed quantityof vitamins and minerals daily contributes to ahealthy diet

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13. - 16. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okun-duğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz.

13. (I) The idea of learning during sleep was oncethought very unlikely but now it has been provedthat our brain heavily processes our memories aswe sleep. (II) They are mostly from the day before.(III) Being unconscious during sleep doesn’t meanthat you can’t remember your memories. (IV) On thecontrary, you can strengthen previously acquiredmemories while sleeping. (V) But, whether youobtain entirely new information or the older ones isunknown.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

14. (I) Vitamins are organic nutrients that are found inall living tissues and cannot be manufactured by thebody. (II) They are indispensable for good healthand normal functioning of all the cells. (III) Thesymptoms of a vitamin deficiency vary as to whatareas of the body the vitamin influences. (IV) But themost important function of them is the preventionof certain diseases called deficiency diseases fromthe body. (V) Therefore, it is important to have abalanced diet that includes a wide variety of foodsto obtain all of the vitamins you need.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

15. (I) Fungi are multicellular eukaryotic organismswhose cells are closely combined with each otherin a way unlike those of other multicellular livingthings. (II) Fungi started out 2,400 years ago asa single spore invisible to the naked eye. (III)For example, the nuclei formations of cells whichcan be observed on plants and animals are notvisible in fungi. (IV) However, similar to animals,fungi are heterotrophs, namely they obtain theirfood by absorbing dissolved molecules. (V) Theyachieve this by secreting digestive enzymes intotheir environment.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.

16. (I) Green plants have cell walls and characteristicallyobtain most of their energy from sunlight throughphotosynthesis. (II) Plants, in general, can beclassified under two categories; algae, andcontinental. (III) Algae are marine organisms andtake the water, oxygen, and even mechanicalsupport directly from their habitat. (IV) On thecontrary, continental plants face a great numberof obstacles to survive. (V) Their body tissues andreproductive organs should be protected againstdrying while extracting water and minerals from thesoil.

A) I. B) II. C) III. D) IV. E) V.









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TEST - 1

1Armstrong was diagnosed with late stage testicular cancer in 1996 and he was given less than 50% chance of survival by the first team of doctors he consulted with. 3A second team of doctors at Indiana University estimated that he had almost a 40% chance of surviving which was actually much lower. Armstrong’s cycling team called off his contract and suddenly Armstrong was left both redundant and without health insurance. Also, the experiences he passed through had made him not only physically but also mentally vulnerable. Even so, he got back on his bike and took up his cycling carrier. He moved along to win seven Tour de France titles in a row, from 1999 to 2005. 2But Armstrong says “this is not the part of the story of which I am most proud.” He soon founded “the Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF)” providing millions of dollars on cancer research and society-based programs for people with cancer aiming to assure that no one go through the desperation of a cancer diagnosis. The foundation also established “the Livestrong Survivorship Center of Excellence Network” and “the Livestrong Young Adult Alliance.” “The Livestrong Foundation” has addressed the subject of stigma –a negative or undesirable perception observed oncancer patients causing guilt, blame, or shame- andthe silence related to cancer 4through encouragingcancer survivors and their acquaintances to open uptheir cancer experiences to the community.

1. E Soru kökünde “The most suitable title for thispassage would be ----” şeklinde bir soru köküverilmiş ve parçaya başlık bulmamız istenmiştir.Eski bir soru tipi olan başlık soruları 2014’tenitibaren sınavlarda yeniden sorulmaya başlanmıştır.Başlık sorularının çözümünde birkaç ölçüt devreyegirmektedir. Adaylar ana fikir sorularında olduğu gibiöncelikle parçanın ilk cümlesinde yazar tarafındanortaya atılan iddiayı dikkatlice okuyup bu cümleye“Konu ne? Nesi?” sorularını sorarak parçada ele

alınan konuyu ve bu konunun sınırlandığı yön ya da yönleri tespit etmelidirler. Parçalar anlam bütünlüğü gösterdiklerinden ilk cümlede ortaya atılan iddia tüm parça boyunca yazar tarafından ele alınan ve işlenen konudur. Bazı parçalarda ana fikir ilk cümlede verilmeyebilir, ortalarda ya da hatta sonda yer alabilir. Bu tür durumlarda da parçanın en çok hangi konudan söz ettiğini kendini parça boyunca sık sık tekrar eden sözcüklerden de yararlanarak bulabiliriz. Başlıklar hem genel olmalı hem de konuyu en az bir yönde sınırlayıcı olmalıdırlar. Ayrıca, uygun bir başlık parçada en çok sözü edilen konuları da içermelidir. Parçada ilk cümlede verilen “Armstrong was diagnosed with late stage testicular cancer in 1996 and he was given less than 50% chance of survival by the first team of doctors he consulted with” ifadesinden konunun “Armstrong” ele alınan yönünün ise “kanser” olduğu görülmektedir. Ancak parçanın gelişme bölümünden itibaren Armstrong’un büyük başarısı “The Lance Armstrong Foundation (LAF)”dan söz edilmektedir. Her iki bölümü de içeren ve konu olarak tüm parçaya hâkim olan, kaba bir benzetmeyle şemsiye görevi gören, “Armstrong’s cancer history and the doings of his foundation LAF” (Genel anlam: Armstrong’un kanser öyküsü ve kurumunun yaptıkları) ifadesinin verildiği E seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


2. B Soru kökünde verilen “With “This is not thepart of the story of which I am most proud”,Armstrong is most probably referring to ----” şeklinde YDS’de 2014 yılından itibaren parçasorularında karşılaştığımız bir ifade verilmiştir. Butür “reference” (gönderme) sorularında göndermeyapılan ifadenin önceki ve sonraki cümlelerle birliktedikkatlice incelenmesi gerekir çünkü alıntılananifade hem kendisinden önceki hem de sonraki birkısma gönderme yapabilir. Armstrong’un “Thisis not the part of the story of which I am mostproud” sözünden aslında kendisiyle en çok gururduyduğu şeyin “Tour de France” yarışmalarınısırasıyla kazanması değil, hemen ertesinde “theLance Armstrong Foundation” derneğini kurmasıolduğunu görmekteyiz. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt Bseçeneğidir.


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3. D Soru kökünde verilen “As it is clearly statedin the passage, the second team of doctors ----” ifadesi bizi parçada yer alan “A second teamof doctors at Indiana University estimatedthat he had almost a forty percent chance ofsurviving which was actually much lower”(Genel anlam: Indiana üniversitesindeki ikinci doktorgrubu Armstrong’a birinci gruptan daha da az olan,neredeyse yüzde kırklık bir hayatta kalma şansıverdi) cümlesine yönlendirmektedir. Bu nedenle,“came up with a more disappointing result as toArmstrong’s condition” (Genel anlam: ikinci doktorgrubu Armstrong’un hastalığına ilişkin daha ümitsizbir sonuçla geldi) ifadesinin verildiği D seçeneğidoğru yanıttır.


4. C Soru kökünde “It can be inferred fromthe passage that ----“ şeklinde bir çıkarımifadesi verilmiştir. Parçanın sonlarında yer alan“through encouraging cancer survivors andtheir acquaintances to open up their cancerexperiences to the community” (Genel anlam:kanser hastalarını ve yakınlarını topluma tecrübelerinianlatmaları yönünde cesaretlendirerek) ifadesiyleC seçeneğinde verilen “survivors’ sharing theircancer experiences with other patients and thecommunity is an important factor during thepost diagnosis period” (Genel anlam: kanserhastalarını tecrübelerini diğer hastalarla ve toplumlapaylaşmaları teşhis sonrası dönemde önemli birfaktörüdür) ifadesi anlamca örtüşmektedir. Bunedenle doğru yanıt C seçeneğidir.

CEVAP C5, 8 In the view of Turkish lens, the First World War looks more like “The War of the Ottoman Lineage.” It was actually a conflict between Austria and Russia with a view to capturing the areas in the Balkans which had been ruled by the Ottoman Empire previously. 7The spark came from the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo on 28th June 1914 which triggered Austria’s ultimatum to Serbia and Russia. Afterwards, Germany declared war on Russia and France and suddenly the European powers were included in battle. At first, the Ottoman government had second thoughts to get involved in the conflict. 6However, at the end of October, Enver Pasha –Minister of War who had replaced Izzet Pasha in February- against the preference of other Ottoman ministers, decided to attack Russian targets with the warships in the Black Sea. This decision resulted in Turks’ entrance into the war on the side of the Central Powers in November that year and eventually the collapse of the Ottoman Empire along with the end of stability in the Middle East. In fact, Enver Pasha had been negotiating with both Germany and Russia secretly aiming to establish military alliances with each. One of his aims in leading the Ottoman Empire to war was uniting the Turkish people of Russian Central Asia with the

Ottoman Turks. Unfortunately, the plans of Enver Pasha led to a calamitous defeat on 29 December in Sarikamis where much of the army was deceased or captured. Enver Pasha’s credibility was damaged substantially after this defeat.

5. D Soru kökünde verilen “The main focus of thepassage is on ----” ifadesiyle bizden parçanın anafikrini bulmamız istenmiştir. Başlık bulma sorularındaolduğu gibi ana fikir sorularında da ilk cümle önemlibir rol oynar. Parçanın ilk cümlesinde verilen “In theview of Turkish lens, the First World War looksmore like The War of the Ottoman Lineage”(Genel anlam: Türkler açısından bakarsak, BirinciDünya Savaşı daha çok Osmanlı Hanedanı’nınsavaşı olarak düşünülebilir) ifadesinden ve ilerleyenkısımlarda bu iddianın desteklenmesinden yolaçıkarak “the First World War and the role ofOttoman Empire in it” (Genel anlam: Birinci DünyaSavaşı ve Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun savaştakirolü) ifadesinin verildiği D seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


6. C Soru kökünde verilen “It can be inferred fromthe passage that Enver Pasha ----” ifadesi biziparçada yer alan “However, at the end of October,Enver Pasha –Minister of War who had replacedIzzet Pasha in February- against the preferenceof other Ottoman ministers, decided to attackRussian targets with the warships in the BlackSea” (Genel anlam: Ancak, şubat ayında İzzetPaşa’nın yerine geçen Enver Paşa diğer Osmanlıbakanlarının isteğine karşın Rus hedefleriniKaradeniz’de gemilerle vurmaya karar verdi)ifadesine götürmektedir. Bu nedenle C seçeneğindeverilen “was clearly intent to make an alliance withGermany and Russia in spite of the oppositionsof his colleagues” (Genel anlam: Enver Paşameslektaşlarının karşı çıkmalarına rağmen Almanyave Rusya’nın yanında savaşa girmekte kararlıydı)ifadesi doğru yanıttır..


7. B Soru kökünde “According to the passage, ----”şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir. Parçada geçen “Thespark came from the assassination of FranzFerdinand in Sarajevo on 28th June 1914 whichtriggered Austria’s ultimatum to Serbia andRussia” (Genel anlam: Avusturya’nın Sırbistanve Rusya’ya verdiği ültimatomu tetikleyen ilkkıvılcım Franz Ferdinand’ın Sarajevo’da 28 haziran1914’te suikaste uğramasıyla çıktı) ifadesindenB seçeneğinde verilen “Franz Ferdinand’s plotprompted the first spark and paved the wayfor the First World War” (Genel anlam: FranzFerdinand’ın suikastı ilk kıvılcımı çıkardı ve BirinciDünya savaşına yol açtı) çıkarımına ulaşılabilir. Bunedenle doğru yanıt B seçeneğidir.


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8. A Soru kökünde verilen “With The War of theOttoman Lineage (Osmanlı Hanedanının savaşı),the author might be referring to ----” ifadesiyleyazarın ima ettiği anlam sorulmuştur. Bu ifadeparçada ilk cümlede yer almaktadır (ifade aynızamanda parçanın iddia cümlesi ve konusudur) bunedenle parça boyunca desteklenen konu, cümleninanlamını da açıklamaktadır. Paragrafta Osmanlıİmparatorluğu’nun Birinci Dünya Savaşındaki rolü vebunun doğurduğu önemli sonuçlar ele alınmıştır. Bunedenle “the role of Ottoman Empire in the FirstWorld War and the significant consequences ofthis” ifadesinin verildiği A seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


9. B Paragrafın konusu genel olarak “On the GizaPlateau, there stands the largest pyramid everbuilt. Called the Great Pyramid of Giza …” (Genelanlam: Giza Platosunda şu ana kadar inşa edilmiş enbüyük piramit Giza’nın Büyük Piramidi yer almaktadır)şeklinde ilk cümlelerde verilmiştir. Boşluktan sonraverilen “Finally, the king’s chamber is located atthe center of the pyramid and it has been securelyprotected from thieves by its granite blockingsystems” (Genel anlam: Son olarak, Kral’ın odasıpiramidin merkezinde yer almaktadır ve granitengelleme sistemleriyle hırsızlardan korunmaktadır)cümlesi sorunun çözümünde önemli bir ipucudur.Bu cümlede üçüncü ve son odaya daha yeni geçişyapıldığı görülmektedir. Bu nedenle boşlukta verilenifadenin bir önceki odadan söz etmeye devametmesi gerekir. Ayrıca, boşluktan önce verilen “itwasn’t built with the aim of housing Khufu’s wife”(Genel anlam: Khufu’nun eşine ev olması amacıylainşa edilmemişti) ifadesi ile B seçeneğinde verilen“Instead, it was used as a sacred place by theking himself” (Genel anlam: Bunun yerine Kral’ınkendisi için kutsal bir yer olarak kullanılmaktaydı)ifadesi anlamca birbirini tamamlamaktadır. Bunedenle boşluğu yapı ve anlam olarak en uygunbiçimde tamamlayan ifadenin verildiği B seçeneğidoğru yanıttır. .


10. B Paragrafın konusu genel olarak “Microdrone isperhaps the most futuristic invention made inthe last decades and most probably will stampthe years ahead” (Genel anlam: “Microdrone” belkide son yıllarda yapılmış en yenilikçi icattır ve büyükihtimalle gelecek yıllara da damgasını vuracaktır)şeklinde ilk cümlede verilmiştir. Boşluktan sonraverilen “Even a tree which is not shown on themap can serve as a threat for this flying object”(Genel anlam: Haritada gösterilmeyen bir ağaçbile bu uçan nesne için tehdit oluşturabilir) cümlesisorunun çözümünde önemli bir ipucudur. Bucümleyle boşluk sonrasında “microdrone”a tehditteşkil edebilecek çevresel faktörlerden söz edilmeyebaşlandığı anlaşılmaktadır. Dolayısıyla, boşlukta“But, the problem, rather, is the prospect of anunexpected, unwary bird or a wind that is a bitstronger than a breeze” (Genel anlam: Fakatproblem daha ziyade hafif bir rüzgârdan birazcıkdaha güçlü olan beklenmedik, gafil bir kuşun

çıkma ihtimalidir) ifadesinin yer alması gerektiği anlaşılmaktadır. Bu nedenle boşluğu yapı ve anlam olarak en uygun biçimde tamamlayan ifadenin verildiği B seçeneği doğru yanıttır. .


11. A Paragrafın konusu genel olarak “Madagascar, theworld’s fourth biggest island, is a biodiversityhotspot with over 90% its wild life which is notfound anywhere else on earth” (Genel anlam:Dünyada başka bir yerde görülmeyen %90 oranındadoğal hayat çeşitliliği ile dünyanın en büyük dördüncüadası Madagascar bir biyoçeşitlilik merkezidir)şeklinde ilk cümlede verilmiştir. Boşluktan sonraverilen “Therefore, the island’s diverse ecosystemsand unprecedented wild life are threatened bytorrential rains and destructive floods” (Genelanlam: Bu nedenle, adanın farklı ekosistemleri veeşsiz doğası yoğun yağış ve yıkıcı sellerle tehditaltındadır) cümlesi sorunun çözümünde önemli biripucudur. Bu cümleden boşlukta “However, theisland is frequently exposed to tropical rainstorms like the one in 2004 giving enormousdamage” (Genel anlam: Ancak ada sıklıkla 2004’tebüyük zarar veren fırtınada olduğu gibi tropik yağmurfırtınalarına maruz kalmaktadır) ifadesinin yer almasıgerektiği anlaşılmaktadır. Bu nedenle boşluğu yapıve anlam olarak en uygun biçimde tamamlayanifadenin verildiği A seçeneği doğru yanıttır. .


12. C Paragrafın konusu genel olarak “Abacus, alsocalled a counting frame, is a manual aid tocalculating which was in common use centuriesbefore modern numeral system” (Genel anlam:Sayma tablosu olarak da adlandırılan abaküs modernrakam sisteminden yüzyıllar önce elle yapılanhesaplamalarda yaygın bir kullanımdı) şeklindeilk cümlede verilmiştir. Boşluktan sonra verilen“Originally made from beans or stones moving ingrooves in sand or on tablets of wood or stone,today it is usually constructed as a bambooframe with beads located on wires” (Genel anlam:Eskiden kumda ya da ahşap ve tahta tabletlerdehareket ettirilen fasülye ya da taşlardan yapılanabaküs günümüzde tellere yerleştirilmiş boncuklarıiçeren bambu çerçeveler üzerine yapılmaktadır)cümlesi sorunun çözümünde önemli bir ipucudur.Ayrıca boşluktan önce verilen “It is supposed thatthe abacus was first used by the Babylonians inabout 2,400 BC” (Genel anlam: Abaküsün milattanönce yaklaşık 2400 yılında ilk olarak Babillilertarafından kullanıldığı düşünülmektedir) cümleside C seçeneği ile birleştiğinde tamamlayıcı birniteliktedir. Bu cümleden boşluğa “Since that time,the physical structure of abacus has changeddramatically” (Genel anlam: O zamandan beriabaküsün fiziksel yapısı köklü bir biçimde değişti)ifadesinin gelmesi gerektiği anlaşılmaktadır. Bunedenle boşluğu yapı ve anlam olarak en uygunbiçimde tamamlayan ifadenin verildiği C seçeneğidoğru yanıttır.


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13. B (I) Repetition is a simple but effective methodemployed by the advertisers to create brandawareness and customer memory. (II) Advertisershave found it often more effective to focus onputting across one specific aspect of their productby displaying it on billboards. (III) In this method, thename of the product is repeated several times duringan advertisement. (IV) Jingles are frequently usedin this advertising technique to impose the productname in the minds of the millions. (V) Advertisersalso make repetition by running an ad very often.

Paragrafta ilk cümlede “Repetition is a simple buteffective method employed by the advertisersto create brand awareness and customermemory” (Genel Anlam: Tekrar etme yöntemimarka bilinirliği ve müşteri hafızası yaratmakiçin reklamcılar tarafından uygulanan basit amaetkili bir yöntemdir) şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir.Bu iddianın paragrafta diğer cümleler tarafındandesteklenmesi gerekmektedir. İkinci cümlede“Advertisers have found it often more effectiveto focus on putting across one specific aspectof their product by displaying it on billboards”(Genel Anlam: Reklamcılar genelde ürünlerinin biryönünü “billboard”larda göstermek yöntemini dahaetkin bulmuşlardır) ve üçüncü cümlede “In thismethod, the name of the product is repeatedseveral times during an advertisement” (GenelAnlam: Bu yöntemde ürünün adı reklam boyuncabirkaç kez tekrar edilir) şeklinde ifadeler verilmiştir.Dördüncü cümlede “Jingles are frequently used inthis advertising technique to impose the productname in the minds of the millions” (Genel Anlam:Bu reklam tekniğinde reklam müzikleri ürünün adınımilyonların zihnine kazımak için sıklıkla kullanılır)ifadesi verilmiştir. Beşinci cümlede “Advertisersalso make repetition by running an ad very often”(Genel Anlam: Reklamcılar ayrıca bir reklamı sık sıkpiyasaya sürerek tekrar yaparlar) şeklinde son ifadeverilmiştir. Bu nedenle paragrafın anlam akışınıbozan bir ifadenin verildiği B seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


14. C (I) According to a survey conducted in England,journalists have been found among the least trustedprofessionals in the country. (-) (II) They rankeven below politicians and lawyers as trustworthycharacters. (-) (III) Yet, we depend on journaliststo guide us through their information-rich remarks.(+) (IV) The results of the survey reveal that only3% of nearly 2,000 adults trust journalists. (-) (V)By contrast, lawyers hold the trust of 24% andaccountants 14% of people respectively. (-)

Paragrafta ilk cümlede “According to a surveyconducted in England, journalists have beenfound among the least trusted professionalsin the country” (Genel Anlam: İngiltere’de yapılan

bir araştırmaya göre gazetecilerin ülkedeki en az güvenilen meslek grubu oldukları görülmüştür) şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir. Bu iddianın paragrafta diğer cümleler tarafından desteklenmesi gerekmektedir. İkinci cümlede “They rank even below politicians and lawyers as trustworthy characters” (Genel Anlam: Gazeteciler güvenilirlikte politikacıların ve avukatların bile altına düşmüşlerdir) ve üçüncü cümlede “Yet, we depend on journalists to guide us through their information-rich remarks” (Genel Anlam: Ancak, gazetecilerin bizleri yönlendirdiği bilgi yönünden zengin sözlerine güvenmekteyiz) şeklinde ifadeler verilmiştir. Dördüncü cümlede “The results of the survey reveal that only 3% of nearly 2,000 adults trust journalists” (Genel Anlam: Araştırmanın sonuçları 2000 yetişkinden yaklaşık sadece yüzde üçünün gazetecilere güvendiğini göstermektedir) ifadesi verilmiştir. Beşinci cümlede “By contrast, lawyers hold the trust of 24% and accountants 14% of people respectively” (Genel Anlam: Tam aksine avukatlarda ve muhasebecilerde durum sırasıyla %24 ve %14 oranlarındadır) şeklinde son ifade verilmiştir. Bu nedenle paragrafın anlam akışını bozan bir ifadenin verildiği C seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


15. E (I) Gaius Julius Caesar was a famous general anda Roman statesman. (II) He played an importantrole in the fall of the Roman Republic and the riseof the Roman Empire. (III) He was ordered to resignfrom the military command and back to Rome bySenate after the Gallic Wars ended. (IV) However,he refused to disband his army and resisted arrivingItaly by an illegal way where he declared war againstPompey. (V) Marcus Junius Brutus, who played theleading role in Caesar’s assassination, became well-known with Caesars’s remark: “You, too, my child?”

Paragrafta ilk cümlede “Gaius Julius Caesar wasa famous general and a Roman statesman”(Genel Anlam: Gaius Julius Caesar, ünlü bir generalve Romalı devlet adamıydı) şeklinde bir ifadeverilmiştir. Bu iddianın paragrafta diğer cümlelertarafından desteklenmesi gerekmektedir. İkincicümlede “He played an important role in the fallof the Roman Republic and the rise of the RomanEmpire” (Genel Anlam: Sezar Roma cumhuriyetininçöküşünde ve İmparatorluğun yükselişinde önemlibir rol oynamıştır) ve üçüncü cümlede “He wasordered to resign from the military commandand back to Rome by Senate after the GallicWars ended” (Genel Anlam: Sezar’ın Gallersavaşları bittiklen sonra komutanlıktan istifa etmesive Roma’daki senatoya dönmesi emredildi) şeklindeifadeler verilmiştir. Dördüncü cümlede “However, herefused to disband his army and resisted arrivingItaly by an illegal way where he declared war

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against Pompey” (Genel Anlam: Ancak, o, ordusunu bırakmayı reddetti ve Pompey’e kanunsuz bir biçimde savaş ilan ettiği İtalya’ya dönme konusunda direnç gösterdi) ifadesi verilmiştir. Beşinci cümlede “Marcus Junius Brutus, who played the leading role in Caesar’s assassination, became well-known with Caesars’s remark: “You, too, my child?” (Genel Anlam: Sezar’ın söylediği “Sen de mi Brütüs” sözüyle ünlü olan Marcus Junius Brutus Sezar’ın suikastinde önemli bir rol oynadı) şeklinde son ifade verilmiştir. Bu nedenle paragrafın anlam akışını bozan bir ifadenin verildiği E seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


16. D (I) Cappadocia has such a landscape that youmight have never witnessed all your life. (II) Hence,it is one of the most popular destinations in the worldto go up in a hot air balloon. (III) When you ascendfor sunrise, you will most probably get enchanted bythe spectacular landscape lying below you. (IV) Tothe west, Cappadocia is bounded by the historicalregions of Lycaonia, and Galatia to the Northwest.(V) With the fairy chimneys and valleys scatteredaround pigeon houses and orchards, the scenery willdefinitely entrance you.

Paragrafta ilk cümlede “Cappadocia has such a landscape that you might have never witnessed all your life” (Genel Anlam: Kapadokya’nın belki de hayatınızda hiç görmediğiniz kadar güzel bir manzarası vardır) şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir. Bu iddianın paragrafta diğer cümleler tarafından desteklenmesi gerekmektedir. İkinci cümlede “Hence, it is one of the most popular destinations in the world to go up in a hot air balloon” (Genel Anlam: Bu nedenle, balona binmek için en popüler yerlerden biridiri) ve üçüncü cümlede “When you ascend for sunrise, you will most probably get enchanted by the spectacular landscape lying below you” (Genel Anlam: Gün doğumu için yükselirken altınızda kalan muhteşem manzaradan muhtemelen büyülenirsiniz) şeklinde ifadeler verilmiştir. Dördüncü cümlede “To the west, Cappadocia is bounded by the historical regions of Lycaonia, and Galatia to the Northwest” (Genel Anlam: Kapadokya batıya doğru Lycaonia ve kuzeybatıya doğru Galatia tarihi bölgeleriyle çevrilmiştir) ifadesi verilmiştir. Beşinci cümlede “With the fairy chimneys and valleys scattered around pigeon houses and orchards, the scenery will definitely entrance you” (Genel Anlam: Peri bacaları, güvercinlik ve meyve bahçelerinin etrafına dağılmış vadileri ile manzara sizi kesinlikle ele geçirir) şeklinde son ifade verilmiştir. Bu nedenle paragrafın anlam akışını bozan bir ifadenin verildiği D seçeneği doğru yanıttır.



TEST - 2

1Sir Philip Sidney was a 16th-century English poet, courtier, scholar, and critic. Though he spent relatively little time at the English court, and until his appointment as governor of Flushing in 1585, received little elevation from Queen Elizabeth, he’s best remembered as being one of the most pre-eminent figures of the Elizabethan Age. His works include “Astrophel and Stella”, “The Defence of Poesy” (also known as The Defence of Poetry), and “The Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia.” 2, 3 His “Defence of Poetry” is the only major work of literary criticism in the 16th century England, a period during which Italy and France produced large numbers of critical works, heavily inspired by Aristotle’s Poetics. Sidney also gave Italian literature the highest esteem, for instance, his reference in “the Defence of Poetry” to “Dante’s Beatrice” was the first by an English man. His works were significantly shaped by Italian influences though emphasizing especially those aesthetic principles that are of primary importance to Elizabethans such as ideal imitation, moral teaching, and decorum. 4According to Sidney, poetry is an imitation of nature but not the real nature we see; it is rather an ideal nature.

1. A Soru kökünde verilen “The passage is mostlyabout ----” ifadesi ana fikir sorusu olduğu için biziöncelikle ilk cümlede verilen “Sir Philip Sidney wasa 16th-century English poet, courtier, scholar,and critic” ifadesine yönlendirmektedir. İlk cümledenparçanın konusunun “Sir Philip Sidney” olduğuanlaşılmaktadır. Parçanın ilerleyen bölümlerindeSidney’nin edebi tarzı ve eserlerindeki İtalyanetkisinin üzerinde durulduğu görülmektedir. Bunedenle “Sir Philip Sidney’s literary style and theItalian influence on his works” ifadesinin verildiği Aseçeneği doğru yanıttır.


2. “D Soru kökünde “It is implied in the passage thatunlike Italy and France, ----” (İtalya ve Fransa’nınaksine) şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir. Parçada yeralan “His Defence of Poetry is the only majorwork of literary criticism in sixteenth-centuryEngland, a period during which Italy and France

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produced large numbers of critical works, heavily inspired by Aristotle’s Poetics” (Genel anlam: İtalya ve Fransa’nın yoğun bir biçimde Aristo’nun Poetika’sından esinlenerek fazla sayıda eleştirel eser verdiği bir dönem olan 16. yüzyılda, İngiltere’de Sidney’nin Şiirin Savunması adlı çalışması edebi eleştirinin tek önemli eseridir) ifadesinden D seçeneğinde verilen “England composed only a few critical works in 1500s” (Genel anlam: İngiltere 1500’lerde az sayıda edebi eser üretti) çıkarımına ulaşılabilir. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt D seçeneğidir.


3. C Soru kökünde şeklinde “It may be understoodfrom the passage that ----” bir ifade verilmiştir.Parçada yer alan “His Defence of Poetry is theonly major work of literary criticism in sixteenth-century England, a period during which Italyand France produced large numbers of criticalworks, heavily inspired by Aristotle’s Poetics”(Genel anlam: İtalya ve Fransa’nın yoğun birbiçimde Aristo’nun Poetika’sından esinlenerek fazlasayıda eleştirel eser verdiği bir dönem olan 16.yüzyılda, İngiltere’de Sidney’nin Şiirin Savunmasıadlı çalışması edebi eleştirinin tek önemli eseridir)ifadesinden C seçeneğinde verilen “There was noother chief work of literary criticism in 1500sEngland other than Sidney’s” (Genel anlam:İngiltere’de 1500’lerde Sydney’nin eseri haricindebaşka önemli bir edebi eleştiri eseri mevcut değildi)çıkarımına ulaşılabilir. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt Cseçeneğidir.


4. D Soru kökünde “According to the passage,Sidney regarded poetry as ----” şeklinde birifade verilerek Sidney’nin şiire olan bakış açısısorulmuştur. Parçada geçen “According to Sidney,poetry is an imitation of nature but not the realnature we see; it is rather an ideal nature” (Genelanlam: Sidney’e göre şiir bizim gördüğümüz gerçekdoğa değil, onun bir taklididir; şiir daha çok doğanınidealize edilmiş halidir) ifadesi D seçeneğinde verilen“a reflection of an idealized nature” (Genel anlam:idealize edilmiş doğanın bir yansıması) ifadesiyleanlamca örtüşmektedir. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt Dseçeneğidir.


5The Renaissance literally meaning “rebirth” first emerged in Italy. 6It is actually the period in European civilization immediately after the Medieval Times arousing from 6the search of interest into classical learning and values. The period led to revolutionary developments such as the discovery and exploration of new continents, strong innovations like paper, gunpowder, printing press, the mariner’s compass, the decline of the feudal system, and the growth of commerce. It came as a powerful remedy following a long period of contagious diseases, cultural decline, and unproductivity. The spirit and the ideas of the age gradually spread to Western, Northern Europe, and finally Britain towards the end of the 16th century. Renaissance came to England when English poets began to translate Italian sonnets. The period marked English literary accomplishment. During the English Renaissance, great writers such as William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe produced works of lasting influence. 7However, some critics prefer to call this literal era as the Elizabethan time instead of English Renaissance. 8Actually, in England, the whole literary culture flourished in this age by the advent of printing because rapid and mass reproduction of texts allowed to reach a wider audience. Textbooks got cheaper, and therefore, more widely available to all people.

5. B Soru kökünde “The most suitable title forthis passage would be ----” şeklinde bir ifadeverilmiştir. Bizden parçaya seçenekler arasındakien uygun başlığı bulmamız istenmiştir. Parçadailk cümlede verilen “The Renaissance literallymeaning “rebirth” first emerged in Italy” (Genelanlam: Yeniden doğuş anlamına gelen Rönesans ilkolarak İtalya’da ortaya çıktı) ifadesi ve destekleyicicümlelerde Rönesans’ın İngiltere’de yol açtığıgelişmelerin anlatılmış olması nedeniyle “theemergence of Renaissance and its outcomes inEngland” (Genel anlam: Rönesans’ın ortaya çıkışıve İngiltere’de yol açtığı sonuçlar) ifadesinin verildiğiB seçeneği doğru yanıttır. .


6. B Soru kökünde “According to the passage, ----” şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir. Parçada yer alan “Itis actually the period in European civilizationimmediately after the Medieval Times arousingfrom the search of interest into classical learningand values” (Genel anlam: Avrupa’da Ortaçağınhemen bitiminde gelen, klasik öğreti ve değerleredönük bir araştırma isteğinden kaynaklanandönemdir) ifadesinden B seçeneğinde verilen“Renaissance originated out of a surge of interesttowards the learning of classical past and valuesof it” (Genel anlam: Rönesans geçmişin klasik öğretive değerlerine dönük bir araştırma ilgisinden ortayaçıkmıştır) ifadesine ulaşılabilir. Bu nedenle doğruyanıt B seçeneğidir.


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7. E Soru kökünde “It can be inferred from thepassage that the Renaissance ----” şeklindebir ifade verilmiştir. Parçada yer alan “However,some critics prefer to call this literal era as theElizabethan time instead of English Renaissance”(Genel anlam: Ancak bazı eleştirmenler bu edebiyatdönemini İngiliz Rönesans’ı yerine Elizabethdönemi olarak adlandırmayı tercih etmektedirler)ifadesinden E seçeneğinde verilen “overlappedwith the Elizabethan era in England” (Genelanlam: Rönesans İngiltere’de Elizabeth çağı ile aynıdöneme tekabül eder) çıkarımına ulaşılabilir. Bunedenle doğru yanıt E seçeneğidir.


8. Soru kökünde “One can conclude from thepassage that ----” şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir.Parçada yer alan “Actually, in England, thewhole literary culture flourished in this age bythe advent of printing because rapid and massreproduction of texts allowed to reach a wideraudience. Textbooks got cheaper, and therefore,more widely available to all people” (Genelanlam: Açıkçası, İngiltere’de edebiyat kültürü budönemde matbaanın icadıyla tamamen gelişti çünkükaynakların hızlı ve kitle üretimi daha geniş okuyucukitlelerine ulaşılmasını sağladı. Kitaplar ucuzladıve bu nedenle tüm insanlar için daha ulaşılabilir birhale geldi) ifadesinden D seçeneğinde verilen “massprinting contributed to the progress of literaturesubstantially in England during the Renaissanceperiod” (Genel anlam: çoklu sayıda eser basımıRönesans döneminde, İngiltere’de edebiyatınbüyük oranda gelişmesine katkı sağladı) çıkarımınaulaşılabilir. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt D seçeneğidir.


9. C Paragrafın konusu genel olarak “Throughoutages, almost all educational systems whether itis in science, technology, or engineering havebeen focused almost exclusively on developingknowledge itself” (Genel anlam: Çağlar boyuncaister bilim ister teknoloji ya da mühendislik olsun tümeğitim sistemleri neredeyse sadece bilginin kendisinigeliştirmeye odaklanmıştır) şeklinde ilk cümledeverilmiş ve boşluğa gelecek olan “Today, educatorsand researchers are calling for change” (Genelanlam: Günümüzde eğitimciler ve araştırmacılar birdeğişim için çağrıda bulunmaktadırlar) ifadesiyledönüş yapılmıştır. Boşluktan sonra verilen “Theysuggest that injecting vision, creative thinking,problem solving and other important skills tonew generations can only be improved throughbetter-designed courses” (Genel anlam: Yeninesillere vizyon, yaratıcı düşünce, problem çözme vediğer önemli kabiliyetlerin aktarımının sadece dahaiyi tasarlanmış dersler yoluyla geliştirilebileceğiniöngörmektedirler) cümlesi sorunun çözümünde

önemli bir ipucudur. Bu nedenle boşluğu yapı ve anlam olarak en uygun biçimde tamamlayan ifadenin verildiği C seçeneği doğru yanıttır..


10. A Paragrafın konusu genel olarak “Much of thewealth of a developed country is drawn frommanufacturing. It plays a number of key roles ina community’s economy” (Genel anlam: Gelişmişbir ülkenin zenginliğinin çoğu üretimden gelir.Üretim toplumun ekonomisinde önemli roller oynar)şeklinde ilk cümlede verilmiştir. Boşluktan sonraverilen “At that time, the population dependedon farming solely and were forced to producemost of the necessities for themselves” (Genelanlam: O zamanlar, nüfus sadece tarıma dayalıydıve ihtiyaçlarının çoğunluğunu kendileri üretmekzorundaydılar) cümlesi sorunun çözümünde önemlibir ipucudur. Boşluğa hem zaman zarfı içerenhem de üretimle ilgili olumsuzluk yaşayan bir yerinverildiği anlamca uygun bir ifade gelmelidir. Bunedenle boşluğu yapı ve anlam olarak en uygunbiçimde tamamlayan “The United States was inthis position in the early 19th century (Genelanlam: Amerika 19. Yüzyılın başında bu durumdaydı)ifadesinin verildiği A seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


11. C Boşluktan sonra verilen “Is it not ridiculous thathumans who have been fighting for their ownfreedom since the beginning of history continuecarrying out this practice?” (Genel anlam: Tarihinbaşlangıcından beri kendi özgürlükleri için savaşaninsanların bu uygulamayı devam ettirmeleri saçmadeğil mi?) cümlesi ve paragrafın geri kalanındaaynı uygulamadan söz edilmiş olması boşlukta“Vivisection can be named as the processwhereby animals are experimented on byscientists in the labs for the good of humankind”(Genel anlam: İnsanların çıkarları doğrultusundabilim adamları tarafından laboratuvarlarda hayvanlarüzerinde deney yapmak “vivisection” olarakadlandırılabilir) şeklinde bir ifadenin yer almasıgerektiğini göstermektedir. Bu nedenle boşluğuyapı ve anlam olarak en uygun biçimde tamamlayanifadenin verildiği C seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


12. B Paragrafın konusu genel olarak “The Dead Sea,also called as the Salt Sea, is the lowest pointon Earth bordered by Jordan to the east andIsrael to the west” (Genel anlam: Tuz denizi olarakda adlandırılan ve doğuda Ürdün ile batıda İsrail ilekomşu olan Ölüdeniz dünyadaki en alçak noktadır)şeklinde ilk cümlede verilmiştir. Boşluktan sonraverilen “On the other hand, it attracts visitorsfrom all around Mediterranean in order for them

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to benefit from its healing properties because the lake is the supplier of healthy a wide variety of minerals and salt” (Genel anlam: Öte yandan, gölün iyileştirici özelliklerinden faydalanmak için her yıl ziyaretçilere ev sahipliği yapar çünkü Ölüdeniz fazla sayıda sağlıklı mineral ve tuz kaynağına sahiptir) cümlesi sorunun çözümünde önemli bir ipucudur. Bu cümleden Ölüdeniz konusunun devam ettirildiği anlaşılmaktadır. Ancak, “on the other hand” (öte yandan) geçiş sözcüğü parçalarda dönüş yapmak (+/-, -/+) için kullanılır. Buradan hareketle, boşluğa gelmesi gereken ifadenin Ölüdeniz ile ilgili nispeten daha olumsuz bir yargı içermesi gerektiği görülmektedir. Bu kıstaslar göz önüne alındığında boşluğu yapı ve anlam olarak en uygun biçimde tamamlayan ifadenin B seçeneğinde “It’s named as the Dead Sea because its salinity hinders the existence of any life forms in the lake” (Genel anlam: Ölüdeniz olarak adlandırılır çünkü tuz oranı gölde tüm hayat formlarının varlığını engeller) şeklinde verildiği görülmektedir. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt B seçeneğidir.


13. D (I)The “Lost Generation” was a term popularized byErnest Hemingway and Gertrude Stein, referring tothe generation that came of age during World War I.(II) However, in A Moveable Feast, Hemingwayreveals that the phrase was actually originated bythe garage owner who serviced Stein’s car. (III) Oneday, a young mechanic failed to repair his car andthen, the garage owner shouted at the boy, “You areall a “génération perdue.” (IV) The phenomena showhow right Hemingway and Stein were in labelling thewhole generation as a lost one. (V) At last, Stein,in telling Hemingway the story, added, “That iswhat you are. That’s what you all are ... all of youyoung people who served in the war. You are a lostgeneration.”

Paragrafta ilk cümlede “The Lost Generation was a term popularized by Ernest Hemingway and Gertrude Stein, referring to the generation that came of age during World War I” (Genel Anlam: Kayıp nesil Ernest Hemingway ve Gertrude Stein tarafından Brinci Dünya Savaşı’nda ortaya çıkan nesilden söz etmek için yaygınlaştırılmış bir terimdir) şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir. Bu iddianın paragrafta diğer cümleler tarafından desteklenmesi gerekmektedir. İkinci cümlede “However, in A Moveable Feast, Hemingway reveals that the phrase was actually originated by the garage owner who serviced Stein’s car” (Genel Anlam: Ancak, “A Moveable Feast” eserinde Hemingway

sözün aslında Stein’in arabasının bakımını yapan garajın sahibine ait olduğunu açıklar) ve üçüncü cümlede “One day, a young mechanic failed to repair his car and then, the garage owner shouted at the boy, “You are all a génération perdue” (Genel Anlam: Bir gün genç tamirci Stein’ın arabasını tamir edememiştir ve sonrasında garajın sahibi çocuğa bağırır: “Siz hepiniz kayıp bir nesilsiniz”) şeklinde ifadeler verilmiştir. Dördüncü cümlede “The phenomena show how right Hemingway and Stein were in labelling the whole generation as a lost one” (Genel Anlam: Olaylar Hemingway ve Stein’ın tüm nesli kayıp olarak etiketlemekte ne kadar haklı olduklarını gösterir) ifadesi verilmiştir. Beşinci cümlede anlam genel olarak “At last, Stein, in telling Hemingway the story, added, That is what you are. That’s what you all are ... all of you young people who served in the war. You are a lost generation” (Genel Anlam: Sonuçta, Stein Hemingway’e hikayeyi anlatırken ekler: “İşte siz busunuz. Siz hepiniz busunuz. Siz savaşa giden gençler, sizler kayıp bir nesilsiniz”) şeklinde son ifade verilmiştir. Bu nedenle paragrafın anlam akışını bozan bir ifadenin verildiği D seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


14. (I) A ship sinks in water to a level such that theweight of the displaced water equals its own weight.(II) The law of floatation explains that, “A floatingbody displaces its own weight of the fluid in which itfloats”. (III) In other words, it does not sink in waterif it is lighter than water and floats on it. (IV) When itfloats, this means that the upthrust of water is equalto its weight. (V) In such a case, the upward forcebalances with the downward force, which is theweight of the object.

Paragrafta ilk cümlede “A ship sinks in water to a level such that the weight of the displaced water equals its own weight” (Genel Anlam: Bir gemi içeri dolan suyun miktarı ile kendi ağırlığı eşit olduğunda batar) şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir. Bu iddianın paragrafta diğer cümleler tarafından desteklenmesi gerekmektedir. İkinci cümlede “The law of floatation explains that, A floating body displaces its own weight of the fluid in which it floats” (Genel Anlam: Suyun kaldırma kuvvetine göre suda bulunan bir kütle içinde yüzdüğü sıvıdan hafifse su üstünde kalır) ve üçüncü cümlede “In other words, it does not sink in water if it is lighter than water and floats on it” (Genel Anlam: Başka bir deyişle, sudan daha hafifse suda batmaz ve yüzer) şeklinde ifadeler verilmiştir. Dördüncü cümlede “When it floats, this means that the upthrust of water is equal to its

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weight” (Genel Anlam: Kütle su üstünde kaldığı zaman, suyun kaldırma kuvveti ağırlığına eşittir) ifadesi verilmiştir. Beşinci cümlede anlam genel olarak “In such a case, the upward force balances with the downward force, which is the weight of the object” (Genel Anlam: Böyle bir durumda, kaldırma kuvveti batma kuvvetiyle dengelenir ki bu da kütlenin ağırlığıdır) şeklinde son ifade verilmiştir. Bu nedenle paragrafın anlam akışını bozan bir ifadenin verildiği A seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


15. D (I) Since big cities require more space, askyscraper can be described as the ultimate solutionof technological genius. (II) With their high-rise andthinner construction, they both defy gravity and highwinds along with taking up less place in the crowdedmetropolis. (III) These tall buildings also representambition, idealism, strength, and economic growth.(IV) Although the idea of the skyscraper is modern,the tendency to build to upward is not new as seenin the example of pyramids. (V) Just take a glimpseat Shanghai whose financial capabilities haveenormously increased with an influx of investorsmoving into the city after the construction of massesof skyscrapers.

Paragrafta ilk cümlede “Since big cities require more space, a skyscraper can be described as the ultimate solution of technological genius” (Genel Anlam: Büyük şehirler daha fazla yere ihtiyaç duyduğundan, gökdelen teknolojik dehanın bu duruma bulduğu bir çözüm olabilir) şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir. Bu iddianın paragrafta diğer cümleler tarafından desteklenmesi gerekmektedir. İkinci cümlede “With their high-rise and thinner construction, they both defy gravity and high winds along with taking up less place in the crowded metropolis” (Genel Anlam: Yükseklikleri ve ince yapıları ile kalabalık metropolde daha az yer kaplamakla kalmayıp aynı zamanda yer çekimine ve kuvvetli rüzgarlara meydan okurlar) ve üçüncü cümlede “These tall buildings also represent ambition, idealism, strength, and economic growth” (Genel Anlam: Bu uzun binalar aynı zamanda hırs, idealizm, güç ve ekonomik büyümeyi temsil ederler) şeklinde ifadeler verilmiştir. Dördüncü cümlede “Although the idea of the skyscraper is modern, the tendency to build to upward is not new as seen in the example of pyramids” (Genel Anlam: Gökdelen fikri yeni olmasına rağmen uzunlamasına inşaat yapmak piramit örneğinde de görüldüğü gibi yeni değildir) ifadesi verilmiştir. Beşinci cümlede “Just take a glimpse at Shanghai whose financial capabilities have enormously increased with an influx of investors moving into the city after the construction of masses of

skyscrapers” (Genel Anlam: Şangay örneğini ele alırsak, çok sayıda gökdelenin inşaatından sonra şehre akın eden yatırımcılar sayesinde ekonomik imkanları büyük oranda artmıştır) şeklinde son ifade verilmiştir. Bu nedenle paragrafın anlam akışını bozan bir ifadenin verildiği D seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


16. C (I) The Wireless Museum has an extensivecollection of valuable assets in both monetary andhistorical sense. (II) It has some of the first wirelessradio sets from the early twentieth century whichworked on electronic waves using no external powersource. (III) They were readily made at home incontrast to their subsequent valve equivalents whichcame along in the 1930s. (IV) The museum alsopossesses several unique war time radio receiversproduced during the Second World War. (V)What’s more, it provides a wonderful opportunity toexpose yourself to radio related technologies whilesocializing with others of similar interests.

Paragrafta ilk cümlede “The Wireless Museum hasan extensive collection of valuable assets in bothmonetary and historical sense” (Genel Anlam:Wireless müzesi hem ekonomik hem de tarihiaçıdan fazla sayıda değerli zengin bir koleksiyonasahiptir) şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir. Bu iddianınparagrafta diğer cümleler tarafından desteklenmesigerekmektedir. İkinci cümlede “It has some of thefirst wireless radio sets from the early twentiethcentury which worked on electronic waves usingno external power source” (Genel Anlam: Dış güçkaynağı kullanmaksızın elektrik dalgalarıyla çalışan20. Yüzyıldan ilk wireless radyolarının bir kısmınasahiptir) ve üçüncü cümlede “They were readilymade at home in contrast to their subsequentvalve equivalents which came along in the 1930s”(Genel Anlam: Bu radyolar 1930’larda kendilerindensonra gelen valfli muadillerinin aksine evde kolaylıklayapılabiliyorlardı) şeklinde ifadeler verilmiştir.Dördüncü cümlede “The museum also possessesseveral unique war time radio receiversproduced during the Second World War” (GenelAnlam: Müze aynı zamanda İkinci Dünya Savaşındaüretilen bazı eşsiz savaş dönemi radyo alıcılarını dabulundurmaktadır) ifadesi verilmiştir. Beşinci cümledeanlam genel olarak “What’s more, it provides awonderful opportunity to expose yourself toradio related technologies while socializing withothers of similar interests” (Genel Anlam: Üstelikmüze aynı ilgiye sahip başkalarıyla sosyalleşirkenradyo teknolojilerini incelemeniz için de muhteşembir fırsat sağlar) şeklinde son ifade verilmiştir. Bunedenle paragrafın anlam akışını bozan bir ifadeninverildiği C seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


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TEST - 3

1The Hawaiian Islands are a true paradise. Nevertheless, these islands are frequently exposed to several kinds of natural disasters such as flooding, hurricanes, tsunamis, lava flows and earthquakes. 2Hurricanes and flash floods are much more common than other natural disasters in Hawaii. When a hurricane passes over the island, it may move over 80 miles an hour blowing away windows, roofs, and even whole buildings. The shower line may also be damaged because of the gigantic waves reaching the beaches even breaking up cliffs. In October 2004, the flood occurring in Mano Valley on Oahu caused a huge damage measurable in million dollars. 4However, hurricane Iniki was the most powerful one to hit Hawaii in recorded history. It passed through the island of Kauai in 1992 causing six deaths and about 1.8 billion dollars of damage. In the past, people in Hawaii were not anxious about these storms rarely occurring in the area because the water around the islands was too warm for hurricanes. 3However, this situation has changed and unlike the the days when there were few hurricanes, for an unknown reason very dangerous hurricanes have been hitting the islands especially in the past 15 years.

1. B Soru kökünde “The most suitable title forthis passage would be ----” şeklinde parçanınbaşlığı istenmiştir. İlk cümlede verilen “TheHawaiian Islands are a true paradise” ifadesiHawaii adalarının gerçek bir cennet olduğundan sözetmektedir. Fakat, “nevertheless” (ancak) ifadesininverildiği ikinci cümlede doğal felaketler konusunadeğinilmiştir. Paragrafta kalan tüm cümlelerde isekonu “hurricanes and flash floods” (kasırgalarve seller) düzeyinde olumsuz bir bakış açısıyla(zararları) ele alınmıştır. Bu nedenle “the damagescaused by hurricanes and floods in Hawaii”(Genel anlam: Hawaii’de kasırga ve sellerin yolaçtığı zararlar) ifadesinin verildiği B seçeneği doğruyanıttır.


2. A Soru kökünde “We can understand from thepassage that ----” şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir.Parçada yer alan “Hurricanes and flash floods aremuch more common than other natural disasters

in Hawaii” (Genel anlam: Hawaii’de kasırgalar ve seller, diğer doğal felaketlerden çok daha yaygındır) ifadesinden A seçeneğinde verilen “there are no other natural disasters occurring as frequently as hurricanes and flash floods in Hawaii” (Genel anlam: Hawaii’de kasırga ve sel kadar sık olan başka doğal felaketler yoktur) çıkarımına ulaşılabilir. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt A seçeneğidir..


3. C Soru kökünde “We can conclude from thepassage that the cause of ----” (sebebi) şeklindebir ifade verilmiştir. Parçada yer alan “However,this situation has changed and unlike the thedays when there were few hurricanes, for anunknown reason very dangerous hurricaneshave been hitting the islands especially in thepast 15 years” (Genel anlam: Ancak bu durumdeğişti ve çok az kasırganın yaşandığı günlerinaksine, bilinmeyen bir nedenle özellikle son 15 yıldırçok tehlikeli kasırgalar adayı vurmakta) ifadesindenC seçeneğinde verilen “powerful hurricanesoccurring over the last fifteen years is not certainin Hawaii” (Genel anlam: Son 15 yıldır Hawaii’deolan güçlü kasırgaların sebebi bilinmemektedir)çıkarımına ulaşılabilir. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt Cseçeneğidir.


4. E Soru kökünde “It is implied in the passagethat ----” (ima edilmektedir) şeklinde bir ifadeverilmiştir. Parçada yer alan “However, hurricaneIniki was the most powerful one to hit Hawaii inrecorded history. It passed through the islandof Kauai in 1992 causing six deaths and about1.8 billion dollars of damage” (Genel anlam:Ancak Iniki kasırgası kayıtlı tarihte Hawaii’de olanen güçlü kasırgaydı. Kauai adasından geçerek1992’de 6 kişinin ölümüne ve yaklaşık 1.8 milyardolarlık hasara yol açtı) ifadesinden E seçeneğindeverilen “Iniki hurricane inflicted much heavierdamage to Hawaii than its equivalents in termsof both economy and casualties as well asenvironmental destruction” (Genel anlam: Inikikasırgası Hawaii’ye hem ekonomi ve can kaybı hemde çevre yıkımı açısından muadillerinden çok dahafazla zarar verdi) çıkarımına ulaşılabilir. Bu nedenledoğru yanıt E seçeneğidir..


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5, 6 Paleolithic Age is best characterized by hunting and survival depending on the success of it because Paleolithic peoples often fought with each other for the control of hunting territories. There was no agriculture and industry; therefore, they lived as hunter-gatherers picking berry after berry off from bushes, 7chasing mammals to the point of fatigue, taking meat, fat and organs from animals which larger ones had killed. 5, 6 In order to hunt their prey, cut and chop the meat, flake cores, and to use in traps, the early Paleolithic humans invented tools of stone, bone and wood. As the evidence shown by archeologists during the excavations conducted in Ethiopia reveals, these people specifically chose the raw materials in terms of their size and quality for their requirements. 8For example, they deliberately found appropriate-sized stones to make sharp-edged tools for cutting. Through the ability to make and use tools, Paleolithic peoples achieved some striking accomplishments to change their way of living. They could now compete with larger, faster and stronger animals such as the mammoth, deer and rabbits. The demands of the hunt sharpened their wit simultaneously. They began to supplement their feeding by collecting fruits, nuts and seeds eventually causing to discover the plant world around them.

5. B Soru kökünde “It can be inferred from thepassage that Paleolithic people ----” şeklindebir ifade verilmiştir. Parçada yer alan “In orderto hunt their prey, cut and chop the meat,flake cores, and to use in traps, the earlyPaleolithic humans invented tools of stone,bone and wood” (Genel anlam: Avlarını avlamak,eti kesip doğramak, yiyeceklerin pullarını ayıklamakve tuzaklarda kullanmak için Paleolitik insanlar taş,kemik ve ahşaptan aletler icat ettiler) ifadesindenB seçeneğinde verilen “carried through severalremarkable innovations in their lifestyles” (Genelanlam: Paleolitik insanlar yaşam şekillerinde dikkatedeğer çeşitli yenilikler başardılar) çıkarımınaulaşılabilir. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt B seçeneğidir.


6. D Soru kökünde “The main focus of the passageis on ----” şeklinde ana fikir soran bir ifade verilmiştir.Parçada yer alan “Paleolithic Age is bestcharacterized by hunting and survival dependingon the success of it because Paleolithic peoplesoften fought with each other for the control ofhunting territories” (Genel anlam: Paleolitik devrinen önemli özelliği avlanmak ve bundan gelecekbaşarıyla hayatta kalmaktır çünkü Paleolitik insanlarav bölgelerinin kontrolü için sürekli birbirleriylesavaşırlardı) ifadesi ve parçanın geri kalanındaverilen ifadeler D seçeneğinde verilen “the way oflife depending mostly on hunting and developingtools in Paleolithic Age” (Genel anlam: Paleolitikçağda büyük oranda avlanma ve alet geliştirmeyedayalı yaşam tarzı) ifadesi ile anlamca örtüşmektedir.Bu nedenle doğru yanıt D seçeneğidir.


7. B Soru kökünde “According to the passage,Paleolithic humans ----” şeklinde bir ifadeverilmiştir. Parçada yer alan “chasing mammals tothe point of fatigue” (Genel anlam: yorgunluktantükenene kadar hayvanları kovalamak) ifadesindenB seçeneğinde verilen “ran after animals till theygot exhausted” (Genel anlam: Paleolitik insanlaryorgunluktan tükenene kadar hayvanları kovaladılar)ifadesine ulaşılabilir. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt Bseçeneğidir.


8. E Soru kökünde “We can infer from the passagethat Paleolithic people’s finding ----” (Paleolitikinsanların … bulmaları) şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir.Parçada yer alan “For example, they deliberatelyfound appropriate-sized stones to make sharp-edged tools for cutting” (Genel anlam: Örneğin,kasıtlı olarak kesme işleminde kullanılacak keskinuçlu aletler yapmak için uygun ölçülerdeki taşlarıbuldular) ifadesinden E seçeneğinde verilen “stonesin suitable sizes was not a coincidence” (Genelanlam: Paleolitik insanların uygun ölçülerdeki taşlarıbulmaları tesadüf değildi) çıkarımına ulaşılabilir. Bunedenle doğru yanıt E seçeneğidir..


9. D Boşluktan sonra verilen “The findings revealthe rise and fall of a small kingdom along theYellow River in the northern part of Chinaover a 500-year period” (Genel anlam: Bulgular500 yılı aşkındır Çin’in kuzeyinde Yellow Riverboyunca küçük bir krallığın doğuşunu ve çöküşünügöstermektedir) cümlesi ve paragrafın geri kalanındaaynı konudan söz edilmiş olması boşlukta “Thereis some archaeological evidence concerningthe probable existence of the Xia dynastyeven though it is debatable whether it actuallyexisted” (Genel anlam: Gerçekte var olup olmadığıtartışmalı olmasına rağmen Xia Hadenanı’nınmuhtemel varlığına dair biraz arkeolojik kanıtbulunmaktadır) şeklinde bir ifadenin yer almasıgerektiğini göstermektedir. Bu nedenle boşluğu yapıve anlam olarak en uygun biçimde tamamlayanifadenin verildiği D seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


10. D Paragrafın konusu genel olarak “Around 640 BC,the Lydians began producing the first true coinsmade of precious metals such as gold and silver”(Genel anlam: Milattan önce yaklaşık 640 yılındaLidyalılar altın ve gümüş gibi değerli madenlerdenyapılan ilk paraları üretmeye başladılar) şeklinde ilkcümlede verilmiştir. Boşluktan sonra verilen “But,this was also further debased by the Lydianswith the addition of copper in the followingyears” (Genel anlam: Ancak, bunun da ilerleyenyıllarda bakırın eklenmesiyle Lidyalılar tarafındandeğeri düşürüldü) cümlesi ile bir sonraki cümlede

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verilen “Being a soft alloy, electrum made the imprinting of a man or an animal figure possible on the coin’s face” (Genel anlam: Yumuşak bir karışım olan elektrum paranın üstüne insan ya da hayvan resmi basılmasını mümkün kıldı) ifadesi ilk kez boşlukta karşımıza çıkan elektrumun kullanım yerine de değinmesiyle önemli ipuçlarıdır. Bu cümleden boşlukta “To some historians, they were actually an alloy of gold and silver called electrum” (Genel anlam: Bazı tarihçilere göre bu paralar aslında elektrum adı verilen altın ve gümüşün karışımıydılar) şeklinde bir ifadenin yer alması gerektiği anlaşılmaktadır. Bu nedenle boşluğu yapı ve anlam olarak en uygun biçimde tamamlayan ifadenin verildiği D seçeneği doğru yanıttır..


11. A Paragrafın konusu genel olarak “Historicalremains reveal that about 10,000 years ago, at theend of the Ice Age, wild horses became extinctin Northern America and their number decreasedin Western Europe” (Genel anlam: Tarihi kalıntılaryaklaşık 10,000 yıl önce Buz Devrinin sonunda vahşiatların Kuzey Amerika’da nesillerinin tükendiğinive Avrupanın batısında sayılarının azaldığınıgöstermektedir) şeklinde ilk cümlede verilmiştir.Boşluktan sonra verilen “An increasing amount ofproof suggests that they were domesticated inboth Europe and Asia almost in 4000 BCE” (Genelanlam: Artan sayıda kanıtlar atların hem Avrupa’dahem Asya’da milattan önce yaklaşık 4000 yılındaevcilleştirildiğini göstermektedir) cümlesi sorununçözümünde önemli bir ipucudur. Bu ifade ile birliktekonu atların evcilleştirilmesi yönüne çekilmiştir.Bu cümleden boşlukta “Where and when horsesbecame domesticated is unclear but a numberof assumptions exist regarding to this” (Genelanlam: Atların nerede ve ne zaman evcilleştirildikleribilinmemektedir ancak duruma ilişkin bir grup tahminmevcuttur) şeklinde bir ifadenin yer alması gerektiğianlaşılmaktadır. Bu nedenle boşluğu yapı ve anlamolarak en uygun biçimde tamamlayan ifadeninverildiği A seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


12. D Boşluktan sonra verilen “These words arethen combined with each other in an organizedunity to establish the mood, images and themeaning in the text” (Genel anlam: Bu sözcüklermetinde mod, imgeler ve anlam oluşturmak içinorganize bir bütünlükle bir araya getirilirler) cümlesive devamında gelen “In this way, the style ofthe writer determines the audience mass ofhis work” (Genel anlam: Bu nedenle yazarın stiliokuyucu kitlesini belirler) ifadesi parçanın konusunun“yazarın yazma stili” olduğunu göstermektedir.Paragrafın geri kalanında da aynı konudan sözedilmiş olması boşlukta “Style is the literary

element that describes the way the writer picks words and puts them together” (Genel anlam: Stil, yazarın sözcükleri seçme ve onları bir araya getirme yolunu belirleyen edebi bir yoldur) şeklinde bir ifadenin yer alması gerektiğini göstermektedir. Bu nedenle boşluğu yapı ve anlam olarak en uygun biçimde tamamlayan ifadenin verildiği D seçeneği doğru yanıttır..


13. C (I) The government was customarily moved afterthe death of an emperor in Japan because of theancient belief that the place of death was polluted. (II)The successor left the dwelling place for a new palaceupon his father’s death. (III) However, this traditionchanged with the establishment of the permanentimperial capital in Nara in AD 710. (IV) Following thedemise of sovereign, thus, the center of governmentwas transferred to another city as well. (V) Thissituation led to an establishment of governmentincluding new reforms and bureaucratization.

Paragrafta ilk cümlede “The government wascustomarily moved after the death of an emperorin Japan because of the ancient belief thatthe place of death was polluted” (Genel Anlam:Japonya’da ölüm yerinin kirlendiğine dair eski inanışnedeniyle İmparator’un ölümünden sonra hükümetgeleneksel olarak taşınırdı) şeklinde bir ifadeverilmiştir. Bu iddianın paragrafta diğer cümlelertarafından desteklenmesi gerekmektedir. İkincicümlede “The successor left the dwelling placefor a new palace upon his father’s death” (GenelAnlam: Varis babasının ölümünün ertesinde yeni birsaraya giderdi) ve üçüncü cümlede “However, thistradition changed with the establishment of thepermanent imperial capital in Nara in AD 710”(Genel Anlam: Ancak bu gelenek milattan sonra710 yılında Nara İmparatorluk kalıcı başkentininkurulmasıyla değişti) şeklinde ifadeler verilmiştir.Dördüncü cümlede “Following the demise ofsovereign, thus, the center of governmentwas transferred to another city as well” (GenelAnlam: Bu nedenle hükümdarın ölümünden sonrahükümetin başkenti de başka bir şehire taşınırdı)ifadesi verilmiştir . Beşinci cümlede “This situationled to an establishment of government includingnew reforms and bureaucratization” (GenelAnlam: Bu durum yeni reformlar ve bürokrasi içerenbir hükümetin kurulmasına yol açardı) şeklindeson ifade verilmiştir. Bu nedenle paragrafın anlamakışını bozan bir ifadenin verildiği C seçeneği doğruyanıttır.


14. E (I) The Decameron is a compilation of a onehundred allegorical short stories written about 1353by the Italian author and poet Giovanni Boccaccio.(II) He was an important Renaissance humanistwho wrote a number of notable works. (III) Heexpressed the earthiness of human experience in asimple style of Italian vernacular prose in his works

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including the Decameron. (IV) This differed him from his contemporaries who usually followed more complicated story patterns. (V) He also made word by word translations of two epics of Homer called the Iliad and the Odyssey from Greek to Latin on the request of his mentor Petrarch.

Paragrafta ilk cümlede “The Decameron is a compilation of a one hundred allegorical short stories written about 1353 by the Italian author and poet Giovanni Boccaccio” (Genel Anlam: Decameron 1353 yılında İtalyan yazar ve şair Giovanni Boccaccio tarafından yazılmış olan 100 kısa hikayeden oluşan bir derlemedir) şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir. Bu iddianın paragrafta diğer cümleler tarafından desteklenmesi gerekmektedir. İkinci cümlede “He was an important Renaissance humanist who wrote a number of notable works” (Genel Anlam: Seçkin eserler veren önemli bir Rönesans hümanistiydi) ve üçüncü cümlede “He expressed the earthiness of human experience in a simple style of Italian vernacular prose in his works including the Decameron” (Genel Anlam: İnsan hayatının dünyeviliğini Decameron’u da içeren bu eserlerinde basit bir İtalyan nesir anlayışıyla ifade etti) şeklinde ifadeler verilmiştir. Dördüncü cümlede “This differed him from his contemporaries who usually followed more complicated story patterns” (Genel Anlam: Bu onu daha karmaşık hikaye kalıplarını izleyen meslektaşlarından ayırıyordu) ifadesi verilmiştir. Beşinci cümlede “He also made word by word translations of two epics of Homer called the Iliad and the Odyssey from Greek to Latin on the request of his mentor Petrarch” (Genel Anlam: Ayrıca hocası Petrarch’ın isteği üzerine Homer’ın iki destanını –Iliad and Odyssey- Yunancadan Latinceye çevirdi) şeklinde son ifade verilmiştir. Bu nedenle paragrafın anlam akışını bozan bir ifadenin verildiği E seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


15. C (I) At the beginning of the 16th century, OttomanEmperor Sultan Selim put an end to Memluk caliphateand brought it to Ottoman Empire. (II) From then on,the Empire began to be ruled under the religiousprinciples called shariah. (III) The word khalif comesfrom Arabic and it refers to the political and religiousleader who is regarded as the successor to theIslamic prophet. (IV) Caliph being also the emperorhimself had an important role in both domestic andforeign politics of Ottoman Empire. (V) However,on 3rd March 1924, this situation changed with theabolishment of caliphate subsequent to the unanimityof voting in the Turkish Great National Assembly.

Paragrafta ilk cümlede “At the beginning of the16th century, Ottoman Emperor Sultan Selimput an end to Memluk caliphate and brought itto Ottoman Empire” (Genel Anlam: 16. Yüzyılınbaşında Osmanlı İmparatoru Sultan Selim Memlükhalifeliğine bir son verdi ve halifeliği Osmanlılarageçirdi) şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir. Bu iddianınparagrafta diğer cümleler tarafından desteklenmesigerekmektedir. İkinci cümlede “From then on, theEmpire began to be ruled under the religious

principles called shariah” (Genel Anlam: Bu olaydan sonra İmparatorluk şeriat adı verilen dini kurallarla yönetilmeye başlandı) ve üçüncü cümlede “The word khalif comes from Arabic and it refers to the political and religious leader who is regarded as the successor to the Islamic prophet” (Genel Anlam: Halife sözcüğü Arapçadan gelir ve islam peygamberinin arkasından gelen politik ve dini lider anlamında kullanılır) şeklinde ifadeler verilmiştir. Dördüncü cümlede “Caliph being also the emperor himself had an important role in both domestic and foreign politics of Ottoman Empire” (Genel Anlam: Aynı zamanda İmparator olan halifenin Osmanlı İmparatorluğunun hem iç hem dış politikalarında önemli bir rolü vardı) ifadesi verilmiştir. Beşinci cümlede “However, on 3rd March 1924, this situation changed with the abolishment of caliphate subsequent to the unanimity of voting in the Turkish Great National Assembly” (Genel Anlam: Ancak 3 mart 1924’te bu durum Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisindeki oylamanın sonrasında halifeliğin kaldırılmasıyla değişti) şeklinde son ifade verilmiştir. Bu nedenle paragrafın anlam akışını bozan bir ifadenin verildiği C seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


16. E (I) The perception of time varies from person toperson. (II) Some of us are morning and others arenight persons indicating the best times for performingseveral tasks. (III) For example, the circadian cyclesbetween a morning person and a night person maydiffer a few hours from each other. (IV) It all dependson how your biological day is structured. (V) In fact,all of your senses may be at their keenest during lateafternoon and early evening.

Paragrafta ilk cümlede “The perception oftime varies from person to person” (GenelAnlam: Zaman algısı kişiden kişiye değişiklikgösterir) şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir. Bu iddianınparagrafta diğer cümleler tarafından desteklenmesigerekmektedir. İkinci cümlede “Some of us aremorning and others are night persons indicatingthe best times for performing several tasks”(Genel Anlam: Bazılarımız gündüz insanı, bazılarımızise gece insanıyız ve bu da çeşitli görevleri yerinegetirme açısından en uygun vakitlerimizi gösterir)ve üçüncü cümlede “For example, the circadiancycles between a morning person and a nightperson may differ a few hours from each other”(Genel Anlam: Örneğin, gündüz insanıyla geceinsanı arasındaki gün döngüsü birbirlerinden birkaçsaat farklılık gösterebilir) şeklinde ifadeler verilmiştir.Dördüncü cümlede “It all depends on how yourbiological day is structured” (Genel Anlam: Butamamiyle biyolojik gününüzün nasıl şekillendiğinebağlıdır) ifadesi verilmiştir. Beşinci cümlede “In fact,all of your senses may be at their keenest duringlate afternoon and early evening” (Genel Anlam:Aslında, tüm duyularınız akşam üstü saatlerinde enkeskin hallerindedirler) şeklinde son ifade verilmiştir.Bu nedenle paragrafın anlam akışını bozan birifadenin verildiği E seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


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TEST - 4

1, 4 Prior to World War I, the use of parachutes was undertaken only by people in show business to impress crowds of spectators. 1But, the military operations of the First World War changed this role. 3Since a number of troops, for the first time, began to be transported by aircraft and were landed near the field of battle, the idea of parachute came into being. In the years between the World Wars, armies around the world started to establish their own paratroop units. Russia was the first to develop the idea on a large scale and in the 1930s, she invested heavily in the concept. In 1933, the Soviets made the first large-scale airborne infantry operation in history. This was a peace time trial. The Soviets even conducted trials including dropping armored units from planes and many of these units would be making history’s first war time drop in a few years. At the same time, world powers like Italy, Germany, and Japan followed Russians’ lead and got started their own airborne forces. Germany was the first country to drop infantry into the battlefield during World War II. The French created an airborne battalion, but it was disbanded before the Second World War. England was not interested in developing airborne forces at all until the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939.

1. B Soru kökünde “It is clear from the passagethat the idea of parachute ----” şeklinde bir ifadeverilmiştir. Parçada yer alan “Prior to World War I,the use of parachutes was undertaken only bypeople in show business to impress crowds ofspectators. But, the military operations of theFirst World War changed this role” (Genel anlam:Birinci Dünya Savaşından önce paraşüt sadeceşov dünyasında izleyici yığınlarını etkilemek içinkullanılıyordu. Ancak, Birinci Dünya Savaşındakiaskeri operasyonlar paraşütün bu rolünü değiştirdi)ifadesinden B seçeneğinde verilen “gainedimportance during World War I” (Genel anlam:Paraşüt Birinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında önemkazandı) ifadesine ulaşılabilir. Bu nedenle doğru

yanıt B seçeneğidir.


2. A Soru kökünde “It is implied in the passagethat ----” şeklinde bir çıkarım ifadesi verilmiştir.Parçada koyu renkle vurgulandığı gibi ülkeleraskeri amaçlar doğrultusunda paraşütün gelişiminekatkıda bulunmuşlardır. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt Aseçeneğidir.


3. E Soru kökünde “It can be inferred from the passagethat one of the advantages of airborne forces isthat ----” (hava kuvvetlerinin avantajlarından biri)şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir. Parçada yer alan “Sincea number of troops, for the first time, began to betransported by aircraft and were landed near thefield of battle, the idea of parachute came intobeing” (Genel anlam: Birlikler ilk defa uçakla taşınıpsavaş alanının yakınına indirildikleri için paraşüt fikrigündeme geldi) ifadesinden E seçeneğinde “troopscan be carried by air to a nearby position close tothe battlefield” (Genel anlam: Birlikler savaş alanınayakın bir noktaya havayoluyla taşınabilirler) ifadesineulaşılabilir bu nedenle doğru yanıt E seçeneğidir.


4. C Soru kökünde “One of the points made in thepassage is that ----” şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir.Parçada yer alan “Prior to World War I, the useof parachutes was undertaken only by people inshow business to impress crowds of spectators”(Genel anlam: Birinci Dünya Savaşından önceparaşüt sadece şov dünyasında izleyici yığınlarınıetkilemek için kullanılıyordu) ifadesinden Cseçeneğinde verilen “parachute was used for apurpose other than its role in military operationsbefore the First World War” (Genel anlam: BirinciDünya Savaşından önce paraşüt askeri operasyonlardışındaki bir amaçla kullanılıyordu) ifadesineulaşılabilir. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt C seçeneğidir.


5Although Westerners tend to regard Indians as a single people, they were, in fact, as diverse as various nationals of Europe. Since 1492, European explorers and settlers have tended to ignore the vast variety of the people who had previously lived in Americas. Soon after the colonialists settled in the continent, they began to lump all the local groups under the term “Indian.” 7In the modern world, we still do this although there are experiences and

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subcultures peculiar to each group. The Tlingits, for example, were as different from the Sioux as Greeks are from Danes. As the people spread over the North American continent, more than two hundred languages and dialects developed, and any two were usually no more alike than, say, French, and Russian. The United States benefited from this difference of language among North American tribes. 6The US government used the uniqueness of the Navajo language to its advantage in World War II. Instead of encrypting radio messages, they madeuse of Navajos’ speaking to each other in their dailylanguage to transfer high-security messages andit worked well. Social and political formations wereequally diverse in Navajos. Many Indians had anintense feeling of tribal loyalty, but others kept it inthe family unit. 8There were areas where a hierarchypracticed near absolute power, and provinces wherethere was no centralized authority.

5. C Soru kökünde “The most suitable title forthis passage would be ----” şeklinde bir ifadeverilmiştir. Parçada yer alan “Although Westernerstend to regard Indians as a single people, theywere, in fact, as diverse as various nationals ofEurope” (Genel anlam: Batılılar Kızılderilileri tekbir insan grubu gibi algılama eğiliminde olmalarınarağmen, Kızılderililer aslında Avrupa’nın farklımilletleri kadar çeşitliydi) ifadesinden ve parçanıngenelinde bu konunun ele alınmış olması sebebiyleC seçeneğinde verilen “the dissimilarities amongIndians in Americas” (Genel anlam: Amerikakıtasındaki Kızılderililer arasındaki farklılıklar)ifadesine ulaşılmaktadır. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt Cseçeneğidir.


6. C E Soru kökünde “As it is emphasized in thepassage, Navajos ----” şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir.Parçada yer alan “The US government usedthe uniqueness of the Navajo language to itsadvantage in World War II” (Genel anlam: Amerikanhükümeti Navajo dilinin özgünlüğünü İkinci DünyaSavaşı esnasında kendi lehine kullandı) ifadesindenE seçeneğinde verilen “played an important roleduring the second World War” (Genel anlam:Navajolar İkinci Dünya Savaşı esnasında önemli birrol oynadılar) ifadesine ulaşılmaktadır. Bu nedenledoğru yanıt E seçeneğidir.


7. D Soru kökünde “By giving the example as to “theTlingits, Sioux, Greeks, and Danes”, the author isreferring to ----” şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir. Parçadayer alan “In the modern world, we still do thisalthough there are experiences and subculturespeculiar to each group. The Tlingits, for example,were as different from the Sioux as Greeks arefrom Danes” (Genel anlam: Modern dünyada herbir gruba özgü deneyimler ve alt kültürler olmasınarağmen bunu hala biz de yapıyoruz. Örneğin,Tlingitler, Yunanlılar Danimarkalılardan ne kadarfarklıysa, Sioux kabilesinden o kadar farklıydılar)ifadesinden D seçeneğinde verilen “the diversityof Indian people” (Genel anlam: Kızılderililerarasındaki farklılıklar) ifadesine ulaşılmaktadır. Bunedenle doğru yanıt D seçeneğidir.


8. C Soru kökünde “It may be concluded from thepassage that ----” şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir.Parçada yer alan “There were areas where ahierarchy practiced near absolute power, andprovinces where there was no centralizedauthority” (Genel anlam: Mutlak bir gücün olduğuhiyerarşik bölgeler ve hiçbir merkezi yönetiminolmadığı alanlar vardı) ifadesinden C seçeneğindeverilen “in some Indian regions, there was a totalabsence of central authority” (Genel anlam: BazıKızılderili bölgelerinde merkezi yönetim tamamiyleyoktu) ifadesine ulaşılmaktadır. Bu nedenle doğruyanıt C seçeneğidir.


9. C Paragrafta boşluğun sağ tarafında verilen “theformer” (birincisi) ve “the latter” (ikincisi) ifadeleribirinci cümlede iki unsurdan söz edilmesi ve“while” (-e rağmen: taban tabana zıtlık) bağlacı isebu iki unsurun arasındaki farklılıklara değinilmesigerektiğini göstermektedir. Ayrıca parçada ele alınantemel konu “phonology” ve “phonetics” arasındakifarklılıklardır. Bu nedenle “Phonology is usuallymistaken for phonetics but they are actuallytwo different concepts” (Genel anlam: fonolojigenellikle fonetikle karıştırılır ancak gerçekte ikisifarklı kavramlardır) ifadesinin verildiği C seçeneğidoğru yanıttır.


10. E Paragrafın konusu genel olarak “Parentsgenerally oppose to video games labelling themas time-wasters since they regard these gamesas the key factors in making their children behave

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more violently or anti-social” (Genel anlam: Ebeveynler video oyunlarına çocuklarının daha şiddete dönük ya da antisosyal olmalarında anahtar rol oynadıklarını düşündükleri için onları zaman kaybı olarak damgalayıp karşı çıkarlar) şeklinde ilk cümlede verilmiştir. Boşluktan sonra verilen “Indeed, video games can help youngsters develop greater mental focus, multitask more effectively, and equip them with higher levels of thinking from which they will benefit in the future” (Genel anlam: Aslında video oyunları gençlere gelecekte faydalanacakları zihinsel odaklanma, çoklu görevleri daha iyi yerine getirebilme ve daha gelişmiş düzeylerde düşünebilme kabiliyetlerini geliştirerek yardımcı olurlar) cümlesi sorunun çözümünde önemli bir ipucudur. Bu cümle ile paragrafın girişinde video oyunlarına yönelik olumsuz bakış açısı ani bir değişim göstererek olumluya geçmiştir. Bu değişime seçeneklerde en uygun geçişi sağlayacak olan “But, a growing body of research is now revealing the flip side” (Genel anlam: Ancak, artan sayıda araştırmalar şu an tam tersini göstermektedir) ifadesinin yer alması gerektiği anlaşılmaktadır. Bu nedenle boşluğu yapı ve anlam olarak en uygun biçimde tamamlayan ifadenin verildiği E seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


11. D Paragrafın konusu ilk cümlede “The idea ofa satellite system for communications wasactually suggested in 1945 by Arthur C. Clarke,an English engineer and writer” (Genel anlam:İletişimde uydu fikri aslında 1945’te Arthur C. Clarketarafından ortaya atılmıştır) şeklinde başlamıştırfakat ikinci cümlede verilen “But, John R. Pierce,also an engineer from the USA, made a furtherstudy and developed all types of satellite systemsfor communications” (Genel anlam: Fakat, yineAmerikalı bir mühendis olan John R. Pierce dahaileri bir çalışma yaptı ve iletişim alanındaki tümuydu modellerini geliştirdi) ifadesi konudan dönüşyapmıştır. Bu nedenle okuyucu olarak beklentimizartık konunun sadece John R. Pierce ve yaptıklarıyönünde ilerlemesidir. Boşluktan sonra verilen“However, he’s possibly most famous for hisindependent, ground-breaking work which turnedunmanned communications satellites a reality”(Genel anlam: Ancak, belki de en çok, kendi yaptığıve çığır açan insansız uyduları gerçeğe dönüştürmebaşarısıyla ünlüdür) cümlesi de sorunun çözümündeönemli bir ipucudur. Bu cümleden boşlukta “In 1948,he coined the term “transistor” for the tiny,electronic switch developed there” (Genel anlam:

1948’te orada geliştirilen küçük elektronik aygıta transistör adını verdi) şeklinde bir ifadenin yer alması gerektiği anlaşılmaktadır. Bu nedenle boşluğu yapı ve anlam olarak en uygun biçimde tamamlayan ifadenin verildiği D seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


12. B Paragrafın konusu genel olarak “The Fahrenheitscale was invented by the German scientistGabriel Fahrenheit in 1710” (Genel anlam:Fahrenayt Alman bilim adamı Gabriel Fahrenheittarafından 1710’da bulundu) şeklinde ilk cümledeverilmiştir. Boşluktan sonra verilen “These figureshave been determined at sea level and standardatmospheric pressure” (Genel anlam: Bu rakamlar,deniz seviyesinde ve standart atmosfer basıncındabelirlenmişlerdir) cümlesi sorunun çözümündeönemli bir ipucudur. Bu cümleden boşlukta “Thescale has two fixed points; the temperature atwhich water freezes into ice (32 degrees) andthe boiling point of water (212 degrees)” (Genelanlam: ölçünün iki kesin noktası vardır; (32 derece)suyun buza dönüştüğü derece ve (212 derece)kaynadığı derece) şeklinde bir ifadenin yer almasıgerektiği anlaşılmaktadır. Bu nedenle boşluğu yapıve anlam olarak en uygun biçimde tamamlayanifadenin verildiği B seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


13. B (I) The superstition of breaking a mirror is anancient one and achieved to maintain its effect formany years. (II) In fact, many superstitions still existeven in the most educated and sophisticated regionsof the world. (III) Mirrors were believed to hold thekey to the future in the old times so breaking one wasto shatter your own future. (IV) Another superstitionfor breaking a mirror was that immediately after afamily member would die. (V) Nevertheless, thesedays, the accidental breaking of a mirror usuallyproduces no more thought in most people than “Ihave to get a new mirror.”

Paragrafta ilk cümlede “The superstition ofbreaking a mirror is an ancient one and achievedto maintain its effect for many years” (GenelAnlam: Ayna kırmaya dair batıl inanç geçmişten gelirve etkisini yıllarca sürdürmüştür) şeklinde bir ifadeverilmiştir. Bu iddianın paragrafta diğer cümlelertarafından desteklenmesi gerekmektedir. İkincicümlede “In fact, many superstitions still existeven in the most educated and sophisticatedregions of the world” (Genel Anlam: Aslında, pekçok batıl inanç hala dünyanın en eğitimli ve ileri

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bölgelerinde bile varlığını sürdürmektedir) ve üçüncü cümlede “Mirrors were believed to hold the key to the future in the old times so breaking one was to shatter your own future” (Genel Anlam: Aynaların eski çağlarda geleceğin anahtarları olduğuna inanılırdı bu yüzden ayna kırmak geleceğinizi kırmak anlamına gelirdi) şeklinde ifadeler verilmiştir. Dördüncü cümlede “Another superstition for breaking a mirror was that immediately after a family member would die” (Genel Anlam: Ayna kırmaya dair diğer bir batıl inançsa hemen ertesinde bir aile üyesinin öleceğine ilişkindi) ifadesi verilmiştir. Beşinci cümlede “Nevertheless, these days, the accidental breaking of a mirror usually produces no more thought in most people than I have to get a new mirror” (Genel Anlam: Ancak, bu günlerde, bir aynayı kazara kırmak genelde birçok insanda yeni bir ayna almalıyım dışında bir düşünceye neden olmaz) şeklinde son ifade verilmiştir. Bu nedenle paragrafın anlam akışını bozan bir ifadenin verildiği B seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


14. B (I) When it comes to pollution, we tend to think itis a problem caused by humans’ ignorance or theirindifference to the environment. (II) In general, airis made up of two gases, nitrogen and oxygen, withseveral other gases like carbon dioxide and argon.(III) Nevertheless, some kinds of air pollution areproduced by natural phenomena such as eruptingvolcanoes, forest fires, or radioactive decay of rocksinside Earth. (IV) Forest fires and enormous volcaniceruptions can release too much dust and smokeinto the atmosphere. (V) This emission of dirty airprevents sunlight and can cause the whole planet tocool down for at least a year.

Paragrafta ilk cümlede “When it comes to pollution, we tend to think it is a problem caused by humans’ ignorance or their indifference to the environment” (Genel Anlam: Konu kirliliğe gelince, bunun insanların cehaletinden ya da çevreye olan kayıtsızlıklarından kaynaklanan bir problem olduğunu düşünebiliriz) şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir. Bu iddianın paragrafta diğer cümleler tarafından desteklenmesi gerekmektedir. İkinci cümlede “In general, air is made up of two gases, nitrogen and oxygen, with several other gases like carbon dioxide and argon” (Genel Anlam: Genelde hava karbondioksit ve argon gibi diğer bazı gazlarla birlikte iki gazdan, nitrojen ve oksijenden, oluşur) ve üçüncü cümlede “Nevertheless, some kinds of air pollution are produced by natural phenomena such as erupting volcanoes, forest fires, or

radioactive decay of rocks inside Earth” (Genel Anlam: Ancak, volkan patlamaları, orman yangınları ve kayaların radyoaktif aşınmaları gibi bazı hava kirliliği türleri doğal olaylarla ortaya çıkar) şeklinde ifadeler verilmiştir. Dördüncü cümlede “Forest fires and enormous volcanic eruptions can release too much dust and smoke into the atmosphere” (Genel Anlam: Orman yangınları ve devasa volkanik patlamalar, atmosfere çok fazla miktarlarda toz ve duman yayabilirler) ifadesi verilmiştir. Beşinci cümlede “This emission of dirty air prevents sunlight and can cause the whole planet to cool down for at least a year” (Genel Anlam: Bu kirli hava salınımı gün ışığını engeller ve tüm gezegenin en az bir yıl boyunca soğumasına neden olabilir) şeklinde son ifade verilmiştir. Bu nedenle paragrafın anlam akışını bozan bir ifadenin verildiği B seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


15. C A (I) When it comes to choose the top safaridestination, the African natural life can touch yourhearts and souls. (II) If you want to go for the bestsafari, your supposed preference list must certainlyinclude Africa’s top safari destinations with wildlifeparks. (III) Among these are Kenya, Tanzania,Uganda, South Africa, Botswana, and Zimbabwerespectively. (IV) Yet, a Botswana safari will be oneof Africa’s best experiences of all for you. (V) In thecountry, the vast lands of wilderness in untouchedcondition will bewitch you immediately.

Paragrafta ilk cümlede “When it comes to choosethe top safari destination, the African naturallife can touch your hearts and souls” (GenelAnlam: En iyi safari bölgesini seçme konusunda,Afrika’daki doğal hayat kalbinize ve ruhunuza hitapedebilir) şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir. Bu iddianınparagrafta diğer cümleler tarafından desteklenmesigerekmektedir. İkinci cümlede “If you want to gofor the best safari, your supposed preferencelist must certainly include Africa’s top safaridestinations with wildlife parks” (Genel Anlam:Eğer en iyi safariye gitmek istiyorsanız, muhtemeltercih listeniz kesinlikle Afrika’nın en iyi safaribölgelerini içermelidir) ve üçüncü cümlede “Amongthese are Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa,Botswana, and Zimbabwe respectively” (GenelAnlam: Bunlar arasında sırasıyla Kenya, Tanzania,Uganda, South Africa, Botswana ve Zimbabwesayılabilir) şeklinde ifadeler verilmiştir. Dördüncücümlede “Yet, a Botswana safari will be one ofAfrica’s best experiences of all for you” (GenelAnlam: Ancak, Botswana safarisi hepsinin arasında

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Afrika’daki en iyi tecrübelerden birisi olacaktır) ifadesi verilmiştir. Beşinci cümlede “In the country, the vast lands of wilderness in untouched condition will bewitch you immediately” (Genel Anlam: Ülkede bulunan el değmemiş uçsuz bucaksız vahşi topraklar sizi anında büyüleyecektir) şeklinde son ifade verilmiştir. Bu nedenle paragrafın anlam akışını bozan bir ifadenin verildiği A seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


16. D (I) John Donne, known as the founder of“Metaphysical Poets,” was an English essayist, poet,and philosopher in England in the 16th century. (II)He was famous for his wide variety of love poetryand sonnets including a realistic and a sensual style.(III) One of the important themes of his poems wasthe concept of true religion. (IV) “The MetaphysicalPoets” are known for their capability to shock andpersuade the reader through their subtle andparadoxical arguments. (V) He wrote a great numberof spiritual poems showing his substantial interest inreligious matters.

Paragrafta ilk cümlede “John Donne, known as the founder of Metaphysical Poets, was an English essayist, poet, and philosopher in England in the 16th century” (Genel Anlam: Metafizik şairlerin kurucusu olarak bilinen John Donne 16. Yüzyılda İngiltere’de yaşamış olan İngiliz bir makaleci, şair ve filozoftu) şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir. Bu iddianın paragrafta diğer cümleler tarafından desteklenmesi gerekmektedir. İkinci cümlede anlam “He was famous for his wide variety of love poetry and sonnets including a realistic and a sensual style” (Genel Anlam: Donne gerçekçi ve duygusal bir tarzda yazdığı çok sayıdaki aşk şiirleri ve soneleriyle ünlüydü) ve üçüncü cümlede “One of the important themes of his poems was the concept of true religion” (Genel Anlam: Şiirlerinin en önemli temalarından birisi gerçek din kavramıydı) şeklinde ifadeler verilmiştir. Dördüncü cümlede “The Metaphysical Poets are known for their capability to shock and persuade the reader through their subtle and paradoxical arguments” (Genel Anlam: Metafizik şairler okuyucularını belirsiz ve karmaşık argümanlarla şaşırtıp ikna etme kabiliyetleriyle ünlüdürler) ifadesi verilmiştir. Beşinci cümlede “He wrote a great number of spiritual poems showing his substantial interest in religious matters” (Genel Anlam: Dini konulara olan büyük ilgisini gösteren çok sayıda ruhani eser vermiştir) şeklinde son cümle verilmiştir. Bu nedenle paragrafın anlam akışını bozan bir ifadenin verildiği D seçeneği doğru yanıttır.



TEST - 5

1, 4 Iceland is one of the youngest land masses on earth located through the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and thus, it’s a country often home to some of the world’s most active volcanoes. Among them, the leading ones are Hekla, Eldgjá, Herðubreið and Eldfell. According to science writer Alexandra Witze, Iceland’s volcanoes have affected human communities for more than a thousand years and that Bárđarbunga is responsible for the largest eruption anywhere on Earth in the last 10,000 years. 3The eruption of Laki in 1783, spreading the biggest lava flow in recorded history and erupting for 8 months, caused a famine that killed almost a quarter of the Iceland’s population. Furthermore, Laki gave off more than 100 million tons of sulfur dioxide, dust clouds, and haze to form a dense fog across Europe, spreading to parts of Asia and Africa a few months later damaging crops and changing the climate for years. 2In 2010, Eyjafjallajökull, another volcano in the Southern of Iceland erupted for the first time since 1821 with additional eruptions making hundreds of people leave their homes 2and cancelling flights across Europe. 2On 21 May 2011, this time Grímsvötn volcano which was much more powerful than the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull activity erupted, and caused hundreds of travel delays. Most of the airlines started cancelling flight to England due to the large ash cloud hurling into the atmosphere, although experts expected no repeat of travel chaos from the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull a year before.

1. B Soru kökünde “It stated in the passage thatIceland ----” şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir. Parçadayer alan “Iceland is one of the youngest landmasses on earth located through the Mid-AtlanticRidge, and thus, it’s a country often home tosome of the world’s most active volcanoes”(Genel anlam: İzlanda yeryüzündeki en genç karaparçalarından biridir ve bu nedenle dünyanın enaktif volkanlarından bir kısmına ev sahipliği yapar)ifadesinden B seçeneğinde verilen “is a geologicallynew land” (Genel anlam: Jeolojik olarak yeni birtoprak parçasıdır) ifadesine ulaşılmaktadır. Bunedenle doğru yanıt B seçeneğidir.


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2. E Soru kökünde “It is implied in the passage thatover the last decade, ----” (Son on yılda … imaedilmiştir) şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir. Parçada yeralan “In 2010, Eyjafjallajökull, another volcano inthe Southern of Iceland erupted for the first time… and cancelling flights across Europe” (Genelanlam: 2010’da İzlanda’nın güneyinde Eyjafjallajökullilk kez patladı ve Avrupa’da uçuşlar iptal edildi) ve“On 21 May 2011, this time Grímsvötn volcanowhich was much more powerful than the 2010Eyjafjallajökull activity erupted, and causedhundreds of travel delays” (Genel anlam: 21 mayıs2011’de bu sefer 2010 Eyjafjallajökull aktivitesindendaha güçlü bir volkan olan Grímsvötn volkanı patladıve yüzlerce uçuş gecikmesine yol açtı) ifadelerindenE seçeneğinde verilen “two major disruptions haveoccurred in air travel in Iceland” (Genel anlam:İzlanda’da hava ulaşımında son on yılda iki büyükaksaklık meydana geldi) ifadesine ulaşılmaktadır. Bunedenle doğru yanıt E seçeneğidir.


3. C Soru kökünde “It is stated in the passage thatin the 18th century,----” (18. Yüzyılda/1700’ler)şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir. Parçada yer alan “Theeruption of Laki in 1783, spreading the biggestlava flow in recorded history and erupting for8 months, caused a famine that killed almost aquarter of the Iceland’s population. Furthermore,Laki gave off more than 100 million tons of sulfurdioxide, dust clouds, and haze to form a densefog across Europe, spreading to parts of Asiaand Africa a few months later damaging cropsand changing the climate for years” (Genel anlam:1783 Laki patlaması kayıtlı tarihteki en büyük lavaakışını yayarak ve 8 ay boyunca patlayarak İzlandanüfusunun neredeyse dörtte birini öldüren bir kıtlağaneden oldu. Ayrıca, Laki birkaç ay içinde Asya veAfrika’ya yayılarak ürünlere zarar veren ve iklimiyıllarca değiştiren ve Avrupa’da yoğun bir sis dalgasıyaratan yüz milyon tondan fazla sülfür dioksit, tozbulutu ve pus yaydı) ifadesinden C seçeneğindeverilen “Laki emitted a great amount of dust clouds,and several gases reaching even to distant partsof the world” (Genel anlam: Laki, dünyanın ücraköşelerine bile ulaşan büyük miktarlarda toz bulutuve gaz yaydı) ifadesine ulaşılmaktadır. Bu nedenledoğru yanıt C seçeneğidir.


4. D Soru kökünde “The passage is mostly about ----” (parçanın ana fikri) şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir.Parçada yer alan “Iceland is one of the youngest

land masses on earth located through the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and thus, it’s a country often home to some of the world’s most active volcanoes” (Genel anlam: İzlanda yeryüzündeki en genç kara parçalarından biridir ve bu nedenle dünyanın en aktif volkanlarından bir kısmına ev sahipliği yapar) ifadesinden ve parçanın genelinde İzlanda’daki volkanik patlamaların sonuçlarından söz edildiği için “volcanic eruptions and their consequences in Iceland’s history” (Genel anlam: İzlanda tarihindeki volkanik patlamalar ve bunların yol açtığı sonuçlar) ifadesinin verildiği D seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


6Although the consumption of meat by humans has been regarded as creating harm and cruelty especially for animals, it is actually a serious threat to the whole environment. 5The production process of animal protein consumes enormous amounts of water, fossil fuels and soil in addition to pollution of water and air. 5As a matter of fact, the production and distribution course of meat requires fertilizer and fuel usage, thereby causing emissions of greenhouse gases, and a wide range of toxic chemicals into air and water. According to the analysis made by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), the production and distribution of red meat creates 10 to 40 times as much greenhouse gas emission as common vegetables and grains. Now, there are almost 20 billion livestock in the world which is about triple the number of people. 5Farming and breeding these animals also need significant amounts of water, most of which is used in watering the grains by which animals are fed. The amount is nearly the same as you could use in your house for six months for showering. 7On the contrary, just 1% of this quantity of water is needed to cultivate one pound of wheat. 8Shifting to a plant-based diet or at least diminishing the amount of meat you consume daily would be the most beneficial option to save water.

5. D Soru kökünde “It is stated in the passage thatthe consumption of meat by human beings----” (insanların et tüketimi)şeklinde bir ifadeverilmiştir. Parçada yer alan “As a matter of fact,the production and distribution course ofmeat requires fertilizer and fuel usage, therebycausing emissions of greenhouse gases, anda wide range of toxic chemicals into air andwater” (Genel anlam: Aslında et üretim ve dağıtımaşamaları gübre ve yakıt kullanımı gerektirir bunedenle su ve havaya fazla sayıda sera gazları,ve zehirli kimyasal yayılımına sebep olur ) ve “Theproduction process of animal protein consumes

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enormous amounts of water, fossil fuels and soil in addition to pollution of water and air” (Genel anlam: Hayvan eti üretimi, su ve hava kirliliğine ilaveten ciddi oranlarda su, fosil yakıtı ve toprak kullanımı yaratır) ifadelerinden D seçeneğinde verilen “results in air and water pollution, and overexploitation of water” (Genel anlam: Hava ve su kirliliğine ve suyun aşırı tüketimine yol açar) ifadesine ulaşılmaktadır. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt D seçeneğidir.


6. C Soru kökünde “The main idea of the passage is----” (ana fikir sorusu) şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir.Parçada yer alan “Although the consumptionof meat by humans has been regarded ascreating harm and cruelty especially for animals,it is actually a serious threat to the wholeenvironment” (Genel anlam: İnsanların et tüketmesisadece hayvanlar için zarar ve vahşet yaratıyormuşgibi algılanmasına rağmen, bu aslında tüm çevreyeciddi bir tehdit teşkil etmektedir) ifadesinden Cseçeneğinde verilen “the environmental harmscaused by meat production and its distribution”(Genel anlam: Et üretimi ve dağıtımından kaynaklanançevresel zararlar) ifadesine ulaşılmaktadır. Bunedenle doğru yanıt C seçeneğidir.


7. E Soru kökünde “We can conclude from thepassage that ----” şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir.Parçada yer alan “On the contrary, just 1% ofthis quantity of water is needed to cultivate onepound of wheat” (Genel anlam: Aksine, bir kilobuğday yetiştirmek için bu suyun sadece yüzdebiri gereklidir) ifadesinden E seçeneğinde verilen“raising animals requires a hundred times moreamount of water than growing wheat” (Genelanlam: hayvan yetiştirmek buğday yetiştirmekten yüzkat daha fazla su gerektirir) ifadesine ulaşılmaktadır.Bu nedenle doğru yanıt E seçeneğidir.


8. C Soru kökünde “It is implied in the passage thatthe hazard stemming from the production anddistribution of meat ----” (et üretim ve dağıtımınınınsebep olduğu tehlike) şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir.Parçada yer alan “Shifting to a plant-based dietor at least diminishing the amount of meat youconsume daily would be the most beneficialoption to save water” (Genel anlam: Sebze ağırlıklı

bir beslenmeye geçmek, en azından günlük et tüketim miktarını azaltmak, su israfını engellemenin en iyi yolu olurdu) ifadesinden C seçeneğinde verilen “now calls for an alteration from meat-based consumption to a plant-based diet” (Genel anlam: Şimdi, et tabanlı bir tüketimden sebze ağırlıklı bir tüketime geçiş yapmayı gerektirmektedir) çıkarımına ulaşılmaktadır. Bu nedenle doğru yanıt C seçeneğidir.


9. E Paragrafta boşluğun sağ tarafında verilen “eitherway” (her iki yolda da) ifadesi boşlukta iki unsurdansöz edilmesi gerektiğini göstermektedir. Konu“nükleer enerji”dir. Bu nedenle “Some peoplesuggest nuclear power is a crucial way to copewith climate change while others assert it isdangerous and unnecessary” (Genel anlam:Bazı insanlar nükleer enerjinin iklim değişimiyle başetmede hayati bir yol olduğunu iddia etmektedirleroysa ki diğerleri bunun tehlikeli ve gereksiz olduğunubelirtirler) ifadesinin verildiği E seçeneği doğruyanıttır.


10. E Paragrafın konusu “Over the past few years,cycling has gained much more popularitybecause of the News on the Internet as to itsbenefits on the health” (Genel anlam: Son birkaçyıldır bisiklete binmek, sağlığa dair faydalarını içereninternet haberleri nedeniyle daha popüler olmuştur)şeklinde ilk cümlede verilmiştir. Boşluktan sonraverilen “Therefore, approximately, three millionpeople ride a bicycle there every month” (Genelanlam: Bu nedenle, yaklaşık 3 milyon insan oradaher ay bisiklete binmektedir) cümlesi sorununçözümünde önemli bir ipucudur. Bu cümledeboşlukta “It is among the most popular leisuretime activities in the UK” (Genel anlam: Bisikletebinmek İngiltere’de en popüler boş vakit geçirmeaktiviteleri arasındadır) şeklinde bir ifadenin yeralması gerektiği anlaşılmaktadır. Bu nedenle boşluğuyapı ve anlam olarak en uygun biçimde tamamlayanifadenin verildiği E seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


11. B Paragrafın konusu genel olarak “Althoughthere is not any valid and definite evidence asto the living of first humans, we can say thatin start they were a hunter-gatherer society inwhich most or all food was obtained from wildanimals and plants contrary to the agricultural

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communities, which feed mainly on domesticated species” (İlk insanların yaşam tarzlarına dair geçerli ve kesin bir kanıt olmamasına rağmen, evcil türlerle beslenen tarım toplumlarının aksine, başlangıçta, yiyeceklerinin çoğunun ya da tamamının vahşi hayvanlardan ya da bitkilerden elde edildiği avcı-toplayıcı bir toplum olduklarını söyleyebiliriz) şeklinde ilk cümlede verilmiştir. Ancak parçanın ilerleyen bölümlerinde insanların avcı-toplayıcı toplum olma özelliğinden bitki yetiştirmeye başlayıp çiftçiliğe geçiş yaptıkları anlatılmıştır. Parçanın son cümlesi boş bırakılmıştır. Boşluğa gelebilecek ifade insanların tarımsal ürünlere geçiş yaptığını destekleyici nitelikte olmalıdır. Bu nedenle “From then on, humans settled in permanent places and made use of agricultural product” (Genel anlam: O zamandan itibaren insanlar kalıcı yerleşim yerlerine yerleştiler ve tarım ürünleri kullanmaya başladılar) ifadesinin verildiği B seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


12. E Paragraflarda konu ve ana fikirin ilk cümledeverilmesi yaygındır. Fakat, bu paragrafta ikincicümlede kullanılan “but” (ancak) bağlacı nedeniylekonuya bakış açısı ilk cümlede verilen olumluyargıdan olumsuza çekilmiştir. Paragrafın ilerleyenkısımlarında okuyucu olarak beklentimiz artık aşırıvitamin tüketiminin olumsuz yönlerinden söz edilmesiolacaktır. Bu nedenle vitamin ve minerallerin olumluyönünü ele alan “Some people believe that takingfixed quantity of vitamins and minerals dailycontributes to a healthy diet” (Genel anlam: Bazıinsanlar, her gün düzenli olarak belirli miktarlardavitamin ve mineral alımının sağlıklı bir beslenmeyekatkısı olduğunu düşünmektedirler) ifadesi uygun birgiriş cümlesi olacaktır. Doğru yanıt E seçeneğidir.


13. E (I) The idea of learning during sleep was oncethought very unlikely but now it has been provedthat our brain heavily processes our memories aswe sleep. (II) They are mostly from the day before.(III) Being unconscious during sleep doesn’t meanthat you can’t remember your memories. (IV) On thecontrary, you can strengthen previously acquiredmemories while sleeping. (V) But, whether youobtain entirely new information or the older ones isunknown.

Paragrafta ilk cümlede “The idea of learning during sleep was once thought very unlikely but now it has been proved that our brain heavily processes our memories as we sleep”

(Genel anlam: Uykuda öğrenme fikri bir zamanlar çok mümkün görünmemekteydi fakat şu anda beynimizin biz uyurken anılarımızı işlemden geçirdiği ispatlanmıştır) şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir. Bu iddianın paragrafta diğer cümleler tarafından desteklenmesi gerekmektedir. İkinci cümlede anlam genel olarak “They are mostly from the day before” (Bunlar çoğunlukla bir gün öncesine aittir) ve üçüncü cümlede anlam genel olarak “Being unconscious during sleep doesn’t mean that you can’t remember your memories” (Uykuda bilinçsiz olmak anılarınızı hatırlayamayacağınız anlamına gelmez) şeklinde verilmiştir. Dördüncü cümlede genel olarak “On the contrary, you can strengthen previously acquired memories while sleeping” (Tam aksine, daha önceden kazanılan anıları, uyurken pekiştirebilirsiniz) ve beşinci cümlede anlam genel olarak “But, whether you obtain entirely new information or the older ones is unknown” (Ancak, tamamiyle yeni bilgiler mi yoksa eskileri mi kazanıyorsunuz bilinmemektedir) şeklinde verilmiştir. Bu nedenle paragrafın anlam akışını bozan bir ifadenin verildiği E seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


14. C (I) Vitamins are organic nutrients that are found inall living tissues and cannot be manufactured by thebody. (II) They are indispensable for good health andnormal functioning of all the cells. (III) The symptomsof a vitamin deficiency vary as to what areas ofthe body the vitamin influences. (IV) But the mostimportant function of them is the prevention of certaindiseases called deficiency diseases from the body.(V) Therefore, it is important to have a balanced dietthat includes a wide variety of foods to obtain all ofthe vitamins you need.

Paragrafta ilk cümlede “Vitamins are organic nutrients that are found in all living tissues and cannot be manufactured by the body” (Genel anlam: Vitaminler, tüm yaşam formlarında bulunan ve vücut tarafından üretilemeyen organik besin ögeleridir) şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir. Bu iddianın paragrafta diğer cümleler tarafından desteklenmesi gerekmektedir. İkinci cümlede “They are indispensable for good health and normal functioning of all the cells” (Genel anlam: Vitaminler sağlık ve hücrelerin görevlerini yapabilmeleri için vazgeçilmezdir) ve üçüncü cümlede “The symptoms of a vitamin deficiency vary as to what areas of the body the vitamin influences” (Genel anlam: Vitamin eksiliğinin belirtilileri vücutta vitaminin etkilediği bölgelere göre değişiklik gösterir) şeklinde ifadeler verilmiştir.

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Dördüncü cümlede “But the most important function of them is the prevention of certain diseases called deficiency diseases from the body” (Genel anlam: Ancak, vitaminlerin en önemli görevleri yoksunluk hastalıkları olarak adlandırılan hastalıkların vücuda girmesini engellemektir) vitaminlerin görevleri konusu devam etmektedir. Beşinci cümlede “Therefore, it is important to have a balanced diet that includes a wide variety of foods to obtain all of the vitamins you need” (Genel anlam: Bu nedenle, ihtiyaç duyduğunuz tüm vitaminleri alıcağınız zengin besin çeşitliliği içeren dengeli bir beslenmeye sahip olmanız önemlidir) şeklinde son ifade verilmiştir. Bu nedenle paragrafın anlam akışını bozan cümlenin verildiği C seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


15. B (I) Fungi are multicellular eukaryotic organismswhose cells are closely combined with each other ina way unlike those of other multicellular living things.(II) Fungi started out 2,400 years ago as a singlespore invisible to the naked eye. (III) For example,the nuclei formations of cells which can be observedon plants and animals are not visible in fungi. (IV)However, similar to animals, fungi are heterotrophs,namely they obtain their food by absorbing dissolvedmolecules. (V) They achieve this by secretingdigestive enzymes into their environment.

Paragrafta ilk cümlede “Fungi are multicellular eukaryotic organisms whose cells are closely combined with each other in a way unlike those of other multicellular living things” (Genel anlam: Mantarlar diğer çok hücreli canlıların aksine hücreleri birbirlerine farklı bir şekilde bağlanan çok hücreli ökaryotik organizmalardır) şeklinde bir ifade verilmiştir. Bu iddianın paragrafta diğer cümleler tarafından desteklenmesi gerekmektedir. İkinci cümlede “Fungi started out 2,400 years ago as a single spore invisible to the naked eye” (Genel anlam: Mantarlar çıplak göze görünmeyen tek bir spor olarak 2400 yıl önce ortaya çıktılar) ve üçüncü cümlede “For example, the nuclei formations of cells which can be observed on plants and animals are not visible in fungi” (Genel anlam: Örneğin, bitkilerde ve hayvanlarda gözlenebilen çekirdek özelliklerine mantarlarda rastlanmaz) şeklinde ifadeler verilmiştir. Dördüncü cümlede “However, similar to animals, fungi are heterotrophs, namely they obtain their food by absorbing dissolved molecules” (Genel anlam: Ancak hayvanlara benzer bir biçimde mantarlar da heterotrofturlar yani yiyeceklerini çözünmemiş

moleküllerden özümserler) şeklinde “mantarlar ve özellikleri” konusu devam etmektedir. Beşinci cümlede “They achieve this by secreting digestive enzymes into their environment” (Genel anlam: Mantarlar bunu çevrelerine sindirim enzimleri yayarak başarırlar) şeklinde son ifade verilmiştir. Bu nedenle paragrafın anlam akışını bozan bir ifadenin verildiği B seçeneği doğru yanıttır.


16. A (I) Green plants have cell walls andcharacteristically obtain most of their energy fromsunlight through photosynthesis. (II) Plants, ingeneral, can be classified under two categories;algae, and continental. (III) Algae are marineorganisms and take the water, oxygen, and evenmechanical support directly from their habitat. (IV)On the contrary, continental plants face a greatnumber of obstacles to survive. (V) Their bodytissues and reproductive organs should be protectedagainst drying while extracting water and mineralsfrom the soil.

Paragrafta ilk cümlede “Green plants have cellwalls and characteristically obtain most of theirenergy from sunlight through photosynthesis”(Genel anlam: Yeşil bitkilerin hücre duvarları vardırve karakteristik olarak enerjilerinin çoğunu fotosentezyoluyla gün ışığından alırlar) şeklinde bir ifadeverilmiştir. Bu iddianın paragrafta diğer cümlelertarafından desteklenmesi gerekmektedir. İkincicümlede “Plants, in general, can be classifiedunder two categories; algae, and continental”(Genel anlam: Bitkiler genel olarak iki kategoriyeayrılabilirler; algler ve karasal bitkiler) ve üçüncücümlede “Algae are marine organisms and takethe water, oxygen, and even mechanical supportdirectly from their habitat” (Genel anlam: Alglerdeniz organizmalarıdır ve suyu, oksijeni ve hattamekanik desteği direkt olarak yaşam alanlarındanalırlar) şeklinde ifadeler verilmiştir. Dördüncücümlede “On the contrary, continental plants facea great number of obstacles to survive” (Genelanlam: Aksine, karasal bitkilerin hayatta kalmalarıiçin birçok zorlukla yüzleşmeleri gerekmektedir )ifadesi verilmiştir. Beşinci cümlede “Their bodytissues and reproductive organs should beprotected against drying while extracting waterand minerals from the soil” (Genel anlam: Karasalbitkilerin dokuları ve üreme organları topraktan su vemineralleri çekerken kurumaya karşı korunmalıdırlar)şeklinde son ifade verilmiştir. Bu nedenle paragrafınanlam akışını bozan bir ifadenin verildiği A seçeneğidoğru yanıttır.


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Sayfa 39

1. A 7. D

2. C 8. E

3. B 9. E

4. D 10. C

5. B 11. C

6. C 12. C

SARI TEST 2Sayfa 42

1. C 7. B

2. D 8. C

3. D 9. E

4. C 10. C

5. A 11. C

6. E 12. E

SARI TEST 3Sayfa 45

1. B 7. D

2. E 8. A

3. B 9. B

4. B 10. E

5. A 11. C

6. C 12. A

SARI TEST 4Sayfa 48

1. C 7. A

2. D 8. E

3. E 9. C

4. B 10. A

5. B 11. B

6. C 12. C

SARI TEST 5Sayfa 51

1. A 7. A

2. C 8. E

3. B 9. B

4. E 10. A

5. B 11. B

6. E 12. C


1. C 7. D

2. B 8. E

3. A 9. B

4. D 10. C

5. B 11. D

6. B 12. B


1. E 7. B

2. A 8. C

3. B 9. D

4. D 10. C

5. B 11. D

6. A 12. E


1. E 7. C

2. E 8. B

3. C 9. D

4. C 10. C

5. D 11. A

6. B 12. E


1. A 7. E

2. B 8. B

3. C 9. E

4. D 10. D

5. A 11. C

6. E 12. D


1. C 7. B

2. C 8. C

3. A 9. D

4. E 10. D

5. A 11. C

6. D 12. D

YEŞİL TEST 1Sayfa 69

1. A 9. D

2. D 10. D

3. C 11. E

4. A 12. A

5. E 13. B

6. B 14. D

7. E 15. B

8. A 16. A

YEŞİL TEST 2Sayfa 73

1. D 9. B

2. D 10. B

3. E 11. E

4. D 12. E

5. D 13. C

6. D 14. C

7. B 15. B

8. C 16. A

YEŞİL TEST 3Sayfa 77

1. C 9. E

2. B 10. B

3. D 11. E

4. B 12. D

5. C 13. C

6. E 14. E

7. A 15. C

8. B 16. C

YEŞİL TEST 4Sayfa 81

1. A 9. A

2. C 10. D

3. D 11. C

4. E 12. B

5. D 13. C

6. C 14. C

7. E 15. B

8. A 16. C

YEŞİL TEST 5Sayfa 85

1. E 9. E

2. B 10. E

3. C 11. B

4. A 12. C

5. C 13. B

6. B 14. E

7. E 15. D

8. E 16. E

MOR TEST 1Sayfa 89

1. E 9. B

2. B 10. B

3. D 11. A

4. C 12. C

5. D 13. B

6. C 14. C

7. B 15. E

8. A 16. D

MOR TEST 2Sayfa 93

1. A 9. C

2. D 10. A

3. C 11. C

4. D 12. B

5. B 13. D

6. B 14. A

7. E 15. D

8. D 16. C

MOR TEST 3Sayfa 97

1. B 9. D

2. A 10. D

3. C 11. A

4. E 12. D

5. B 13. C

6. D 14. E

7. B 15. C

8. E 16. E

MOR TEST 4Sayfa 101

1. B 9. C

2. A 10. E

3. E 11. D

4. C 12. B

5. C 13. B

6. E 14. B

7. D 15. A

8. C 16. D

MOR TEST 5Sayfa 105

1. B 9. E

2. E 10. E

3. C 11. B

4. D 12. E

5. D 13. E

6. C 14. C

7. E 15. B

8. C 16. A

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Abandon: (v) terketmek, vazgeçmek (leave, give up)

Abide: (v) uymak (obey, comply with, endure)

Ablaze: (adj) ışıl ışıl, pırıl pırıl, hararetli (flaming, burning, on fire, alight, illuminated)

Abolish: (v) yürürlükten kaldırmak, iptal etmek, ortadan kaldırmak (destroy, cancel, eliminate, get rid of)

Abolition: (n) fesetmek, kaldırmak (annulment, invalidation, cancellation)

Abortion: (n) kürtaj, çocuk aldırma

Abound: (v) bol olmak (be plentiful)

Abridge: (v) kısaltmak, azaltmak, özetlemek (shorthen, cut down, abbreviate)

Abrogate: (v) yürürlükten kaldırmak, son vermek (offically end a law)

Absolutely: (adv) tamamiyle (completely)

Absorb: (v) absorbe etmek, anlamak, içine çekmek (take in, assimilate, suck)

Absorption: (n) içine alma, kendini verme (involment, consume, digestion)

Abstain: (v) geri durmak, çekimser kalmak, reddetmek (refrain, decline, refuse, reject)

Abundance: (n) bereket, bolluk, zenginlik (plenty, richness, full)

Abundant: (adj) bol (plentiful, ample)

Accelerate: (v) gaza basmak, hızlandırmak, çabuk-laştırmak (speed up, quicken, step up)

Acceleration: (n) hızlanma (speeding up)

Access: (n) giriş, erişme, yararlanma olanağı

Accessible: (adj) ulaşılabilir, erişilebilir (available, reachable)

Acclimatise: (n) iklim (climate)

Accommodate: (v) yer sağlamak, vermek (oblige)

Accompany: (v) eşlik etmek (go along with)

Accomplish: başarmak, tamamlamak, sonuçlandırmak (achieve, succeed, reach, gain)

Accomplishment: (n) başarı (achievement)

Accord: (n) uzlaşma (agreement)

Accordingly: (adv) ona göre (thus)

Accumulate: (v) birikmek, biriktirmek (gather, pile up)

Accumulation: (n) birikinti, yığın (gathering, collection, mass)

Accurate: (adj) tam, kesin, doğru (exact)

Accurately: (adv) tam olarak, doğru olarak, kesin olarak (exactly, correctly, flawlessly)

Accusation: (n) suçlama (charge)

Accuse: (v) suçlamak (charge with)

Accustom: (v) alıştırmak, hazırlamak (train, familiarize, habituate)

Acknowledge: (v) kabul etmek (admit)

Acquire: (v) edinmek, sahip olmak, kazanmak (get, obtain, receive, attain)

Acquisition: (n) öğrenme, edinim (gain, achievement, accomplishment)

Acute: (adj) keskin, ciddi (sharp)

Adapt to: (v) adapte olmak, alışmak, değiştirmek (adjust, modify, alter)

Additional: ilave, ekstra (extra, spare, further)

Adequate: (adj) yeterli, uygun, elverişli (enough, sufficient)

Adequately: yeteri kadar, layıkıyla (abundantly, acceptably)

Adjourn: (v) ertelemek, ara vermek (break up)

Adjust: (v) uydurmak (adapt)

Admission: (n) giriş ücreti, kabul, itiraf (entrance fee, acceptance, confession)

Adopt: (v) kabul etmek, benimsemek (accept)

Adoption: evlat edinme, kabul etme, benimseme (acceptance, endorsement, confirmation)

Adore: (adj) tapmak, bayılmak, çok sevmek (love, admire, worship)

Adversary: (n) düşman, rakip, karşı kimse, hasım (foe, enemy)

Adversely: (adv) olumsuz olarak (badly, negatively)

Advert: (v) bahsetmek (mention)

Advert: (n) ilan, reklam (advertisement)

Affiliate: (v) birleştirmek (combine)

Affirm: (v) doğrulamak (confirm)

Affluence: (n) bolluk, çokluk, zenginlik, sevet (richness)

Affluent: (adj) zengin, varlıklı (rich, wealthy)

Agitate: (v) çalkalamak, karıştırmak (arouse, stir up, stimulate)

Ailment: (n) hastalık, keyifsizlik, kırgınlık (illness, sickness, disease)

Alert: (adj) dikkat (warn)

Alienate: (v) soğutmak, yabancılaştırmak (be foreign, be unfamiliar)

Alienate: (v) yabancılaştırmak, soğutmak (estange)

Alienate: (v) devretmek, yabancılaştırmak, aralarını açmak, soğutmak (estrange)

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Align: (v) sıralamak, dizmek (line up, range)

Alleviate: (v) yatıştırmak, hafifletmek, dindirmek (relieve)

Alliance: (n) birleşme, birlik, anlaşma, ittifak, bağ (union)

Allocate: (v) tahsis etmek, ayırmak

Allure: (n) çekicilik, cazibe (tempt)

Almost: (adv) az daha, hemen hemen, neredeyse (nearly, about)

Alteration: (n) değişiklik, başkalaşma, tadilat (change, modification, transformation)

Alternatively: (adv) alternatif olarak, karşılıklı, seçimlik olarak (instead, or else, in turn)

Ambassador: (n) büyükelçi, elçi, temsilci (envoy)

Ambiguous: (adj) birden fazla anlamı olan, belirsiz (vague, inclear)

Ambition: (n) hırs, istek, heves (desire, enthusiasm, eagerness)

Amenable: (adj) uygun, uyumlu, yumuşak başlı (accommodating, flexible, open)

Amende: (v) değiştirmek, düzeltmek (improve, correct)

Amicable: (n) dostça (peaceful, friendly)

Ample: (adj) bol, yeterli, iri, geniş (plenty of, abundant, enough, broad)

Angle: (adj) açılı köşeli (lean)

Animated: (adj) canlı, hareketli (lively)

Annotate: (v) açıklayıcı notlar koymak, çıkmalar yapmak (footnote, gloss)

Annually: (adv) yıllık olarak (happening every year)

Antagonize: (v) düşman etmek (antagonise)

Anticipate: (v) ummak (expect)

Anxiety: (n) kaygı, endişe (worry, concern)

Anxious: (adj) endişeli, kaygılı (worried, eager)

Appeal: (v) ilgisini çekmek, hitap etmek, rica etmek, hoşuna gitmek, cezbetmek (attract, interest, charm)

Appetite: (n) iştah, istek, arzu (desire)

Applause: (n) alkış (clat, cheers)

Apply: (v) müracaat etmek, uygulamak, etkilemek (administer, join, affect)

Appraisal: (n) değer biçme, değerlendirme, değer tahmini (assessment)

Appreciation: (n) minnetkarlık, takdir (enjoyment, admiration)

Apprehend: (v) anlamak, kavramak (understand)

Apprehension: endişe, tutuklama, görüş (dread, arrest, understanding)

Apprehensive: (adj) korkan, endişeli, kaygılı (discerning, worried)

Appropriately: (adv) uygun olarak, doğru biçimde (suitably, accordingly, properly)

Approval: (n) onay, izin, rıza (agreement, acceptance, consent)

Apt: (adj) uygun, yerinde (liable)

Arguably: tartışılır şekilde, muhtemelen, kanıtlanabilir şekilde (possibly, potentially, conceivably)

Ascribe: (v) yüklemek, üstüne atmak, atfetmek (impute)

Assert: (v) iddia etmek, ileri sürmek, hakkını savunmak (state firmly, affirm, maintain, put forward)

Assess: (v) değer biçmek, değerlendirmek, takdir etmek (measure, evaluate, valuate)

Assign: (v) atamak, devretmek, dağıtmak (apportion, allocate, distribute)

Assigned: (adj) atanmış, tahsis edilmiş (attached, appointed)

Associate: (v) birleştirmek, ilişkilendirmek, bağdaştırmak (combine, connect, conjoin)

At fault: (adj) hatalı, kusurlu (deficiency, error)

Attachment: (n) ek, alaka, bağlılık (link, fastening, joint)

Attain: (v) elde etmek, erişmek (achieve, reach)

Attainable: (adj) elde edilebilir, ulaşılabilir, kazanılabilir (accessible, feasible, avaliable)

Attentively: (adv) dikkatlice (carefully, watchfully, concernedly)

Attentiveness: (n) nezaket, dikkat, incelik (consideration, alertness, diligence)

Attractive: (adj) alımlı, çekici, cazibeli (pretty, handsome, charming)

Attribute: (v) dayandırmak, atfetmek, yüklemek (charge, assign, ascribe)

Available: (adj) mevcut, uygun, elverişli (convenient, accessible, obtainable)

Avert: (v) çevirmek, başka tarafa çevirmek, önlemek, gidermek

Avid: (adj) gayretli, hevesli, istekli (zealous, greedy)

Avidity: (n) gayret, heves, hırs (eagerness, enthusiastically)

Avoid: (v) sakınmak, korunmak, engellemek (keep off, escape, prevent)

Aware: (adj) farkında, tetikte, uyanık (alert, alive, conscious)

Awkward: (adj) hantal, sakar, beceriksiz (clumsy, inexpert, unskilful)

Awkwardly: (adv) tuhaf bir şekilde, acemice, beceriksizce (unskillfully, clumsily)

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Banish: (v) kovmak, sürgün (exile, deport)

Bankrupt: (v) iflas etmek (ruin)

Barely: (adv) nadiren, zar zor (hardly, scarcely, just)

Barren: (adj) verimsiz çorak (sterille, infertile)

Based on: (adj) dayalı (depend on)

Bashful: (adj) çekingen, utangaç (shy, embarrased, timid)

Be addicted to: (v) müptela olmak, bağımlı olmak

Be delighted: (adj) hoşnut, keyifli (happy, pleased)

Be entitled to: (v)-e hakkı olmak

Be made up of: (v)-den oluşmak

Be opposed to: (v) -e karşı olmak (be against)

Be promoted: (v) terfi etmek, terfi ettirilmek

Beneficial: (adj) yararlı (useful)

Benefit: (n) çıkar, fayda, imtiyaz (advantage, profit, welfare)

Betray: (v) ihanet etmek, ifşa etmek, açığa vurmak (reveal, denounce, let down)

Bid: (v) fiyat attırmak, teklif etmek (ask, request, attempt)

Bilaterally: (adv) iki taraflı (mutually)

Blame for: (v) -den sorumlu tutmak (responsible for, consider)

Blast: (n) darbe, cümbüş, patlama (explosion, detonation, crash)

Bleak: (adj) tatsız, soğuk (cheerless, dreary)

Bless: (v) kutsamak, takdis etmek, kutsal saymak (consecrate, hallow)

Blossom: (v) gelişmek, çiçek açmak (develop, mature, flower)

Blunder: (v) gaf, gaf yapmak (misjudge)

Boastful: (adj) kendini beğenmiş, kibirli, palavracı (show off, bragging, ostentatious)

Bother: (v) dert etmek, can sıkmak (disturb, inconvenience)

Breed: (v) üretmek, yetiştirmek, yavrulamak (produce)

Brief: (a) kısa, kısa ve öz, özlü, özet (abrupt, bluff, blunt, boiled down, breviloquent, brusque)

Brief: (adj) özet, kısa, talimat (short, compressed, abstract)

Briskly: (adv) hareketli bir şekilde, canlı bir şekilde (energetically, quickly)

Bruise: (v) yaralamak, zedelemek, solmak (discolor, blacken, mark, belimish, crush, hurt, injure)

Bruise: (n) yara, ezik, çürük (contusion, discoloration, black eye, mark, injury) )

Brutally: (adv) vahşice (cruelly, without remorse)

Bump: (v) vurma, toslama (şiş, tümsek (knock, strike, hit)

Bustling: (adj) telaşlı, hareketli, canlı (lively)

Buttress: (n) destek, ayak Buttress: (v) desteklik etmek, desteklemek (sustain)

By means of: (adv) vasıtasıyla


Calamity: (n) afet, facia, felaket (disaster, catastrophe)

Candidate: (n) aday, talip (nominee, office-seeker, competitor)

Candidly: (adv) açıkca, dürüstçe (frankly, openly, truthfully)

Capable: (adj) yetenekli (able, competent)

Capsize: (v) alabora olmak, devirmek (overturn, keel over)

Care: (n) kaygı, aldırış, endişe, merak, tasa, üzüntü, itina, özen, dikkat, himaye, bakım, ilgi, yapılması gereken şey, vecibe, borç (affliction, aggravation, alarm, anguish, annoyance, anxiety)

Care: (n) bakım, ilgi, dikkat (cure, aid, remedy)

Carefree: (adj) kaygısız, tasasız (nonchalant)

Catastrophe: (n) yıkım, facia (disaster, accident)

Ceaselessly: (adv) ara vermeden, durmaksızın (nonstop, endlessly)

Charge: (v) görevlendirmek, suçlamak (fill, load)

Cheat: (v) kandırmak, aldatmak (defraud, mislead)

Chiefly: (adv) başlıca, en çok (mainly)

Chilly: (adj) soğuk, serin (cool, cold)

Circumstance: (n) vaka, durum, hal (situation, condition, status)

Cite: (v) alıntı yapmak, bahsetmek, aktarmak (mention, refer, quote)

Claw: (n) pençe (talon, nail)

Clumsy: (adv) beceriksiz, sakar (awkward)

Clutch: (v) kavramak (snatch, grab)

Cohesion: (n) bağlılık, anlam bütünlüğü, birleşme (adherence, attachment, union)

Coincide: (v) rastgelme, çakışma (coexist, harmonize)

Coincidence: (n) raslantı, tesadüf, denk gelme (collabortaion, accordance, conformity)

Collaborate: (v) iş birliği yapmak

Collaboration: (n) işbirliği, uyum, birlik (coaction, collaborationism, quislingism)

Collapse: (v) çökmek

Colleague: (n) meslektaş (team-mate, fellow-worker)

Colleague: (n) iş arkadaşı (workmate, companion)

Collide: (v) çarpışmak

Collision: (n) çarpışma

Combination: (n) birleştirme, düzen, karma (mixture, unification, order)

Commence: (v) başlamak, başlatmak (begin)

Commend: (v) övmek (praise)

Common: (adj) ortak, yaygın, kamusal (avegare, casual, daily)

Commonplace: (adj) bayağı, klişe, olağan (usual, typical, ordinary)

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Compassionately: (adv) merhametli bir şekilde (kindly, tenderly)

Compatible: (adj) uyumlu, bağdaşan, kabili telif (adaptable, appropriate, cooperative)

Compel: (v) zorlamak, zorunda bırakmak (oblige)

Compel: (v) mecbur etmek, gerektirmek, ilgi çekmek (force, obligate, dominate)

Compensation: (n) bedel, tazminat, telafi (repayment, amends)

Competent: (adj) yetenekli (adequate)

Complacently: (adv) ilgisizce kendinden emin bir şekilde, sakince (easy-going, confident, egoistic)

Complain: (v) şikayet etmek, yakınmak, ağlamak (grumble, moan, cry)

Completely: (adv) adamakıllı, büsbütün, düpedüz (perfectly, fully, totally)

Completion: bitiş, bütünleme, yerine getirme (conclusion, fulfilment, accomplishment)

Compliance: (n) riayet, uysallık, razı olma (abidance, conformity, conformation)

Comply: (v) uymak, boyun eğmek (obey)

Comprehensive: (adj) geniş, kapsamlı, anlayışlı, etraflı, idrak edebilen (extensive, complete, inclusive)

Compromise: (n) uzlaşma

Compulsive: (adj) zorunlu (determined)

Compulsively: (adv) dürtü etkisiyle, zorlayıcı olarak (obsessively, obsessionally)

Compulsory: (adj) zorunlu, mecburi, zorlayıcı (mandatory)

Conceal: (v) gizli tutmak, örtbas etmek, saklamak (hide, obscure, mask, cover)

Concern: (n) ilgi, endişe, alaka (interest, care, anxiety)

Concerned: (adj) kaygılı (anxious)

Concisely: (adv) az ve öz, kısaca, özetle (briefly, shortly, in brief)

Conclusion: (n) sonuç, karar (deduction, decision, resolution)

Conclusively: (adv) kesin olarak, inandırıcı bir şekilde, ikna edici bir şekilde (definitively, convincingly, decisively)

Condemn: (v) suçlamak, ayıplamak, kınamak (censure, disapprove, blame)

Conditionally: (adv) meşruten, şarta bağlı olarak, yerine göre

Conducive: (adj) olanak sağlayan, yol açan, vesile olan (contributing, contributive, tributary)

Conduct: (v) idare etmek, yönlendirmek, rehberlik etmek, yönetmek, iletmek, geçirmek (administer, control, manage, care, carrying on, channels, charge)

Confession: (n) itiraf, teslim, günah çıkarma (admission, affirmation, assertion)

Confidently: (adv) ataklıkla, emin olarak, güvenle (positively, assuredly)

Confinement: (n) hapis, kısıtlama (restriction)

Confirm: (v) doğrulamak, teyit etmek (approve, admit)

Confirmation: (n) teyit, onaylama, kanıt (approval, agreement, acceptance)

Conflict: (n) savaş, uyuşmazlık (disaggrement)

Confront: (v) yüz yüze getirmek, yüzleştirmek, karşılaştırmak, karşı koymak (face up)

Confrontation: (v) yüzleştirme, yüzleşme, karşılaşma (encounter)

Congest: (v) doldurmak, tıkanmak (clog)

Consecutive: (adj) ardışık, ard arda, peş peşe (serial, straight, sequent)

Consecutively: (adv) ard arda, peşpeşe (following, continuously, successively)

Considerably: (adv) bir hayli, oldukça, önemli ölçüde (noticeably, quite, substantially)

Considerate: (adj) hürmetkar, anlayışlı, saygılı (helpful, thoughtful, kind)

Consideration: (n) düşünce, saygı, değerlendirme (application, attention, regard)

Consistent: (adj) sürekli, tutarlı bağdaşır

Consolidate: (v) takviye etmek, vadesini uzatmak, sağlamlaştırmak (add to, combine, strengthen)

Consortium: (n) birlik, konsorsiyum (syndicate)

Contradict: (v) tersini söylemek, çelişkiye düşürmek (say the opposite)

Contrary: (adj) tersine, zıt (opposite)

Constantly: (adj) kararlı, sadık, vefalı (invariably)

Constantly: (adv) sıkça, sürekli, devamlı (continuously, permanently)

Constraint: (v) sınırlama, kısıtlama (limit, restrict)

Consult: (v) başvurmak, danışmak, akıl almak (confer, disscus, talk over)

Consume: (v) tüketmek, bitirmek, çürütmek (absorb, finish, lavish)

Contaminate: (v) kirletmek, zehirlemek, bozmak (sully)

Contemplate: (v) bakmak, tasarlamak (look, consider, examine)

Contemporary: (adj) çağdaş (modern, present, latest)

Contribute: (v) katkıda bulunmak, payı olmak, bağışlamak (provide, donate, afford)

Contribution: (n) katkı

Controversial: (adj) tartışmalı (disputable, debatable)

Controversially: (adv) çekişmeli olarak, ihtilaflı bir şekilde, su götürür bir biçimde (polemically, contentiously, disputably)

Convict: (v) suçlu bulmak, mahkum etmek (sentence, imprison)

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Cornerstone: (n) köşe taşı, temel (basic, importance)

Correlation: (n) bağlılık, ilişki, münasebet (alternation, complement, interaction)

Correspond to: (v) benzemek, bağdaşmak (match, be similar to)

Corroding: (n) yıkıcı (corrosion)

Counterbalance: (n) eş ağırlık, karşılık (opposition)

Counterbalance: (v) karşılamak (offset)

Counterpart: (n) karşılık, eş, akran, emsâl, benzer (similitude)

Course: (n) rota, ders, seyir (route, class, flow)

Courteously: (adv) nazik bir şekilde, kibarca (politely, civilly, kindly)

Cradle: (n) beşik, başlangıç (cot, crib, bed, source, origin, spring)

Cradle: (v) korumak, sakınmak, beşikte sallamak (hold, support, rock, lull, nurse, nurture)

Crease: (v) buruşmak, kırışmak (fold, wrinkle, pleat)

Creep: (v) sürünmek (crawl, drag)

Cripple: (v) sakatlamak, baltalamak (disable)

Crooked: (adj) eğri, çarpık, virajlı, hilekâr (uneven, irregular, angled, dishonest)

Crossover: (n) köprü, geçit (bridge)

Crude: (adj) ham, işlenmemiş, kaba, nezaketsiz, ilkel (unrefined)

Cuddle: (v) sarılmak, kucaklamak (hug, embrace, hold)

Culminate: (v) doruğa ulaşmak, sonuçlanmak (climax)

Culprit: (n) sanık, suçlu (accused, prisoner)

Cultivate: (v) ekip biçmek, yetiştirmek (farm, grow, plant, harvest)

Curb: (v) kontrol etmek, dizginlemek (check, restrain, repress)

Current: (adj) güncel, yaygın (up-to-date, common)


Damp: (adj) nemli (clammy)

Damp: (v) nemlendirmek, ıslatmak (mute)

Dazzle: (v) göz kamaştırmak (impress)

Dazzling: (adj) baş döndürücü, göz kamaştırıcı (amazing, sparkling, impressive)

Debate: (n) tartışma (discussion)

Debate: (v) tartışmak, görüşmek (dispute, argue)

Deceit: (n) hilekarlık, kazık, kötüye kullanma (fraud, trickery, dishonesty)

Deceitful: (adj) hileci, dolandırıcı, güvenilmez (dishonest, deceptive, insincere)

Deceive: (v) aldatmak, kandırmak, kaybetmek (cheat, delude, mislay)

Decently: (adv) terbiyeli bir şekilde, düzgünce (respectively, properly)

Deceptively: (adv) aldatıcı şekilde (deceivingly, shrewdly)

Decisive: (adj) kesin, sonuca götüren, belirleyici (certain, conclusive, critical)

Decisively: (adv) kararı bir biçimde, muhakkak, kesinlikle (resolutely, firmly, obstinately)

Decline: (v) reddetmek, küçülmek, sapmak (refuse, shrink, turn down)

Dedicate: (v) adamak, ithaf etmek, söz vermek (donate, devote, pledge)

Dedicated: (adj) kendini adamış (devoted)

Deduce: (v) anlamak, çıkarsamak, sonucuna varmak (conclude, infer, understand)

Defer: (v) ağırdan alma, erteleme (delay, suspend)

Deficiency: (n) yoksunluk, gereksinim, kusur, noksan, eksiklik, yetersizlik, açık, eksik, gerilik, hesap açığı (absence, dearth, defalcation, default, defect)

Deforest: (v) ağaçları yok etmek, ormansızlaştırmak (disforest)

Delay: (v) gecikmek, ertelemek, mani olmak (suspend, postpone, hinder)

Deliberate: (adj) kasti, planlanmış, düşünülmüş (international, planned, considered)

Deliberately: (adv) bilerek, isteyerek (intentionally, consciously)

Deluge: (n) sel baskını (great flood)

Demolish: (v) yıkmak, tahrip etmek, yok etmek (destroy, pull down, flatten)

Demonstration: (n) gösteri, ispat, örnekleme (displsy, exhibition, illustration)

Demonstrative: (adj) kanıtlayan, belirtici, duygulu (expansive, emotional, indicate )

Denial: (n) inkâr, yalanlama, geri çevirme (refutation, contradiction, negation)

Denounce: (v) kınamak, suçlamak (implicate)

Density: (n) kalınlık, yoğunluk, sıklık, sıkışıklık (denseness)

Departure: (n) ayrılış, değişiklilk, gidiş (leaving, taking of)

Deplete: (n) azaltma, tükenme, boşaltma (empty, drain, exhaust, run down)

Deplete: (v) tüketmek, bitirmek (consume)

Deprive: (v) yoksun bırakmak (to prevent from sth)

Deputy: (n) vekil, milletvekili (substitute, replacement)

Derelict: (adj) terk edilmiş, sahipsiz (abandoned, desolate, deserted)

Descend: (v) alçalmak, çökmek (drop, deteriorate, go down)

Describe: (v) betimlemek, vasıflandırmak, izah etmek (narrate, depict, identify)

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Design: (v) tasarlamak, plan yapmak, çizmek (plan, draw up, visualize)

Desperately: (adv) umutsuzca, çaresizce, son derece (severely, badly, fiercely)

Despise: (v) hor görmek, küçümsemek (scorn, look down on)

Destination: amaç, hedef, varış noktası (goal, target, end)

Destructive: (adj) yıkıcı, zararlı, tahrip edici (harmful, injurious, dangerous)

Detain: (v) alıkoymak, tutmak (hold up, retard, hinder)

Deteriorate: (v) bozulmak, kötüleşmek, fenalaşmak (decline)

Determination: (n) kararlılık, istikrar, azim (certainty, decision, assurance)

Determine: (v) belirlemek, tayin etmek, tanımlamak (settle, decide, find out)

Detest: (v) nefret etmek, tiksinmek (hate, loathe)

Detriment: (n) zarar, hasar, ziyan (damage, harm, disadvantage)

Devastating: (adj) yok edici, yıkıcı, çok iyi (crushing, mordant, savage)

Development: (n) gelişme, ilerleme, kalkınma (growth, improvement, advancement)

Devise: (v) tasarlamak, planlamak, icat etmek, bulmak (concoct)

Devote: (v) adamak, kurban etmek (dedicate, sacrifice)

Devote: (v) adamak, kendini vermek (dedicate, consecrate, give oneself)

Devout: (adj) içten, samimi, yürekten (sincere)

Dictate: (v) dikte etmek (command/ order)

Digest: (v) sindirmek, hazmetmek, kavramak (assimilate)

Dignity: (n) sakinlik (calm behavıour)

Dilemma: (n) ikilem (predicament, quandary)

Diligently: (adv) özenle, itinayla (carefully, meticulously)

Diminish: (v) azaltmak, küçültmek, eksiltmek (decrease, lessen)

Disaster: (n) afet, felaket, talihsizlik (catastrophe, calamity, misfortune)

Disconsolate: (adj) çok üzüntülü, kederli (ınconsolable)

Discourage: (v) cesaretini kırmak, hayal kırıklığına uğratmak, gözünü korkutmak (warn, disappoint, deter)

Discourteous: (adj) kaba, saygısız (rude, impolite, disrespectful)

Discover: (v) keşfetmek, ortaya çıkarmak, rastlamak (find out, search out, identify)

Discrepancy: (n) çelişki (difference, dissimilarity)

Discretion: (n) ağız sıkılılığı, basiret, erginlik (diplomacy, wisdom, prudence)

Disdainful: (adj) kibirli, küçümseyen (scornful, superior, proud)

Disembark: (v) karaya ayak basmak, inmek (land, arrive)

Disentangle: (v) genişlemek, gevşemek (loose, disconnect)

Disillusionment: (n) gözünü açma, gerçekleri görmesini sağlama (disenchantment)

Dismantle: (v) sökmek, parçalamak, yürürlükten kaldırmak (take apart)

Dismay: (v) dehşete düşmek, korkmak (alarm, daunt, frighten)

Dismissal: (n) reddetme, af, azat (reject, disregard)

Disparaging: (adj) kötülemek, aşağı görmek (mocking, scornful, insulting)

Dispatch: (v) göndermek, transfer etmek, idam etmek (send, transmit, kill, execute)

Dispel: (v) dağıtmak, defetmek (disperse, drive out)

Dispersal: (n) dağılma, yayılma, dağıtım (dispersion)

Display: (v) göstermek, sergilemek, afişe etmek (show, exhibit, put forth)

Disproportionate: (adj) orantısız, aşırı (unequal, uneven, excessive)

Dispute: (n) tartışma, ihtilaf, münakaşa, kavga (argument)

Dispute: (v) tartışmak, çekişmek, karşı koymak, itiraz etmek (debate)

Disrupt: (v) aksatmak, bozmak, dağılmak (disorder, intrerrupt, disorganize)

Distillation: (n) damıtma (destillment)

Distinction: (n) farklılık, ayrım (difference)

Distraction: (n) dikkat dağıtma, karışıklık (confusion)

Disturbance: (n) kargaşa, endişe, bozulma (disruption, disorder, interference)

Divert: (v) yön değiştirmek, ayırmak (deflect, redirect, avert)

Divulge: (v) ifşa etmek, açığa vurmak (disclose, reveal, leak)

Dominantly: (adv) baskın olarak, zorla, otoriter bir biçimde (principally, mainly, prevailingly)

Dotty: (adj) kaçık, çılgın (crazy)

Doubt: (n) şüphe, kuşku (suspicion, mistrust)

Downfall: (n) batış, çökme, düşüş (fall, ruin, collapse, destruction)

Drag: (v) çekme, sürükleme (pull, draw, haul)

Drain: (adj) atık, boş, lağım (empty, remove, evacuate, strain, exhaust, consume, leak)

Dramatically: (adv) dramatik bi şekilde (strikingly, significantly)

Draught: (n) kıtlık, kuraklık (dryness, shortage)

Drift: (n) birikinti (accumulation), (v) sürüklenmek (float)

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Drowsy: (adj) uykulu, uyku veren (sleepy, tired)

Dump: (v) boşaltmak, atmak (throw, empty out, drop)

Duplicate: (v) kopyasını yapmak (copy)

Duplication: (n) kopya, suret (duplicate)

Dwindle: (v) giderek azalmak (diminish, decrease)


Eager: (adj) istekli, hevesli (keen)

Eagerly: (adv) istekli şekilde, heveslice (thirstily)

Elevate: (v) kaldırmak, yüceltmek (lift, raise, highten, intensify)

Elliptical: (adj) eliptik, elips şeklinde, oval, eksiltili (ovate)

Eloquently: (adv) ikna edici bir şekilde, güçlü bir şekilde (well-expressed, persuasive, forceful)

Emancipation: (v) azat etme, serbest bırakma

Embark: (v) bindirmek, uçağa yüklemek, yolcu almak, uçağa binmek (board)

Embellish: (v) süslemek, güzelleştirmek (adorn, decorate)

Embroider: (v) nakış işlemek (lard)

Eminent: (adj) yüksek, seçkin, ünlü (distinguished, esteemed, exalted)

Emission: (çıkarma, salım, dışarı verme discharge, ejection, exhalation)

Emit: (v) yaymak, saçmak (give out, release)

Employ: (v) işe almak, meşgul etmek, benimsemek (hire, enlist, enrol)

Enacted: (v) hükmetmek, emir vermek, yasa çıkarmak (achieve, appear, act out)

Enamour: (v) büyülemek, aklını başından almak, etkilemek (capture, trance)

Encircle: (v) kuşatmak, çevrelemek (surround, gird)

Endeavour: (v) çaba göstermek, uğraşmak (attempt, try, strive)

Endorse: (v) onaylamak, desteklemek (indorse, approve)

Endow: (v) bağışlamak, gelir bağlamak, vermek (indue, dower)

Endurable: (adj) katlanılır, çekilir, dayanılabilir (tolerable, bearable, sustainable)

Endure: (v) dayanmak, katlanmak (cope with, put up with, tolerate)

Enforce: (v) dayatmak, güçlendirmek, yerine getirmek (impose, put into effect, carry out)

Enhance: (v) arttırmak, genişletmek, büyütmek (increase, improve, intensify)

Entail: (v) gerektirmek (involve)

Enterprise: (n) girişim, atılım, girişkenlik, teşebbüs, kuruluş (boldness)

Entitlement: (n) yetki verme, ad verme, görevlendirme (request, dueness, rights)

Entrench: (v) hendek açmak, siper kazmak (intrech)

Epidemic: (n) salgın (plague)

Epitomize: (v) özetlemek, örneği olmak (typify)

Equivalently: (adv) eşit bir biçimde (similarly, equally, identically)

Eradicate: (v) yok etmek (eliminate)

Erect: (v) ayağa kalkmış, inşa etmek (build, construct, put up, establish)

Erratic: (adj) düzensiz, kararsız (changeable, variable, irregular, unstable)

Erratically: (adv) düzensizce, kararsızca (inconsistently, irregularly)

Erudite: (adj) çok bilgili (well-educated)

Escalate: (v) artmak, yükselmek, kızıştırmak (increase, rise, extend, expand, provoke)

Essential: (adj) asıl, temel, köklü (foremost, crucial, main)

Estimate: (v) tahmin etmek, paha biçmek (assess, reckon, evaluate, calculate)

Evaluate: (v) değerlendirmek, ölçmek, değer biçmek (value, assess, estimate)

Eventful: (adj) heyecanlı, önemli, meşgul (notable, busy, active)

Evoke: (v) çağırmak, ortaya çıkarmak (arouse, provoke, invoke)

Exaggerate: (v) abartmak, büyütmek, şişirmek, aşırıya kaçmak (overstate)

Excavate: (v) kazı yapmak (dig)

Exceed: (v) geçmek, aşmak (surpass, overtake)

Exception: (n) istisna, itiraz, ayrılık (exclusion, omission, rejection)

Exceptionally: (adv) alışılmadık biçimde, istisnaen, son derece (uncommonly, extraordinarily, excessively)

Excessive: (adj) aşırı, haddinden fazla, lüzümsüz (extravagant, excess, extreme)

Excessively: (adv) aşırı, fazlaca, çok fazla (overly)

Exchange: (v) bozdurmak, değiştirmek, çevirmek (alter, modify, replace)

Exclusion: (n) hariç bırakma, kovma, dışlama (ban, prohibition, denial)

Exclusive: (adj) hariç tutulan, ayrıcalıklı, münhasır (unshared, limited, absolute)

Executive: (n) yönetici (director, chairman, administrator)

Executive: (n) yönetici, idareci (administration, management) )

Exemplify: (v) örnek oluşturmak, örneklemek (illusrate)

Exhilarate: (v) keyif vermek, canlandırmak (thrill)

Expand: (v) genişletmek, yaymak, geliştirmek (spread, stretch, develop)

Expansion: (n) genişleme, ilerleme, yayılım (increase, extension, spread)

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Expansive: (adj) açık, geniş, yaygın (broad, extensive, widespread)

Explicit: (adj) açık, belirgin, kesin (obvious, certain, definite)

Express: (v) belli etmek, ifade etmek, anlatmak (indicate, verbalize, tell)

Expression: (n) anlatım, yüz ifadesi, deyim (utterance, facial expression, phrase)

Extensively: (adv) geniş ölçüde, kapsamlı olarak (widely, greatly, largely)

Externally: (adv) harici olarak, dıştan (outwardly, clearly, apparently)

Extract: (v) çıkarmak, elemek, seçmek (remove, select, choose) (n) esans, özet (essence, selection, abstract)

Extravagant: (adj) aşırı, abartılı, ölçüsüz (reckless, wasteful, profligate)


Fabulous: (adj) müthiş, şahane, harika, uydurma, hayal ürünü (legendary)

Fade: (v) solmak, rengi atmak (grow faith, whiten)

Failure: (n) eksiklik, yokluk, aksatma, kusur, bulunmama, yapmama, ihmal, başarısızlık, kıtlık, iflas, batma (abortion, bankruptcy, bomb, botch, breakdown, bungle)

Faintly: (adv) hafifçe, zayif olarak, açıkca söylenmeden (silently, tacitly, quietly)

Fairly: (adv) açıkca, adate, oldukça (adequately, enough, quite)

Falter: (v) duraksamak, bocalamak, tereddüd etmek (waver)

Fastidious: (adj) nazlı, titiz, zor beğenen (careful, finicky)

Fatal: (adv) ölümcül (deadly)

Fatally: (adv) kaçınılmaz bir şekilde, ölümcül bir şekilde (deadly, mortally)

Fate: (n) yazgı, kader (destiny)

Fatigue: (adj) yorgunluk, tükenmişlik (tiredness, exhaustion) )

Fatigue: (n) yorgun, bitkin (weariness, tiredness) (v) yormak (tire)

Feast: (n) ziyafet, festival (dinner, festival)

Feeble: (adj) çelimsiz, zayıf, halsiz (weak, exhausted)

Feed: (v) beslemek, bakmak (nourish, cater for, supply) )

Fetch: (v) gidip getirmek, çekmek, gelir sağlamak (bring back, deliver, earn)

Fiercely: (adv) acımasızca (extremely, harshly)

Filament: (n) lif, iplik, tel (wire, pile, fibre)

Flaw: (n) aksaklık, bozukluk, eksiklik (defact, fault, imperfection) )

Flawless: (adj) kusursuz, defosuz (perfect, pristine)

Flee: (v) kaçmak, sıvışmak, tüymek, aceleyle çıkmak (quıt, run away)

Fleeble: (adj) zayıf, kuvvetsiz (weak, insufficient)

Flexibly: (adv) değişken olarak, esnek biçimde, değişebilir şekilde (pliable, modifiable, limber)

Fluctuate: (v) değişmek, inip çıkmak (change, alter, vary)

Forceful: (adj) etkileyici, ikna edici, zorlu (strong, effective, convincing)

Foremost: (adj) önde gelen, en önemli (primary)

Foremost: (adv) başta, ilk önce (firstly)

Forestall: (v) önlemek, engel olmak (prevent)

Fortify: (v) güçlendirmek (strenghten)

Found: (v) kurmak, inşa etmek (establish, orginate)

Foyer: (n) giriş (anteroom)

Fraction: (n) kesir, parça, kesim, bölüm, bölme (divide)

Fracture: (v) çatlamak, kırılmak (crack, brake, shatter)

Fragile: (adj) kırılgan, narin (breakable)

Framework: (n) taslak, yapı, çerçeve (foundation, core, scheme)

Frankly: (adv) açıkça, dobra dobra (honestly, candidly)

Frantically: (adv) çılgınca, telaş içinde (madly, furiously, wildly)

Frequent: (v) dadanmak, ayağı alışmak, kapısını aşındırmak (visit, go to, patronize)

Frown: (n) kaş çatmak, sinir olmak, somurtmak (scowl, glower, dirty look)

Frustrate: (v) engellemek, önlemek (defeat, block)

Functionality: (n) işlevsellik, kullanılırlık (utility, usefulness, practicableness)

Fussy: (adj) seçici, telaşlı, detaycı (hard to please, choosy)

Futile: (adj) boşuna, beyhude (pointless, useless, worthless)


Gamble: (v) kumar oynamak, riske atmak (bet, risk)

Gather: (v) toplamak, yığmak, çoğalmak (collect, harvest, mass)

Generally: (adv) genellikle, çoğunlukla, yoğunlukla (commonly, broadly, extensively)

Genocide: (n) soykırım (murder)

Genuine: (adj) gerçek, saf, asıl (real, actual, natural, pure, original, authentic)

Genuinely: (adv) hakikaten, gerçekten (really, sincerely)

Gigantic: (adj) cüsseli, iri, dev gibi (huge, enormous, vast, giant)

Glamorous: (adj) büyüleyici (smart, gorgeous)

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Glaring: (adj) çok parlak, göz kamaştırıcı, ışıl ışıl (blatant)

Glide: (v) kaymak, akmak, süzülmek (slide, skim, float)

Glimpse: (v) göz atmak, anlık bakmak (spy, view, spot)

Glimpse: (n) gözüne ilişme, bir anlık görme (glance)

Gloomy: (adj) karanlık, üzüntülü, mahzun (shadowy, shaded)

Gloomy: (adj) mutsuz, karamsar (sad, depressed)

Glory: (adj) şan, ün (fame, greatness)

Gorgeous: (adj) çok hoş, harika (splendid, beautiful)

Gorgeous: (adj) harika, muhteşem (magnificent, superb, brilliant) )

Grasp: (v) tutmak, yakalamak, kavramak (grip)

Greasy: (adj) yağlı, kaygan (oily)

Groundless: (adj) yersiz, nedensiz (baseless, unsound, idle)


Hail: (v) selamlaşmak, çağırmak (greet, accost)

Halt: (v) durmak, tökezlemek, beklemek (stop, draw up, pull up, pause, rest, wait)

Hamper: (v) engellemek, güçleştirmek (hinder, hold up, handicap)

Haphazardly: (adv) rastgele, tesadüfen (randomly, arbitrarily)

Harvest: (v) hasat etmek, biçmek (reap, mow, pick, gather, collect, amass)

Hasten: (v) acele etmek, telaşlanmak, hızlanmak (hurry, hush, run)

Hazardous: (adj) tehlikeli, zararlı, şüpheli (dangerous, questionable, risky)

Hectic: (adj) heyecanlı, telaşlı (busy, rushed)

Hiccup: (n) hıçkırık (singultus)

Hike: (v) uzun yürümek, fiyatını arttırmak (walk, trek, ramble, raise the price)

Hindrance: (n) ayak bağı, engel (obstraction, handicap, restriction)

Hollow: (adj) içi boş, çökmüş (empty, depressed, sunken)

Hospitalise: (v) hastaneye kaldırmak (hospitalize)

Hover: (v) üstünde uçmak, etrafında gezinmek, sallanmak (drift, poise)

Hurtle: (v) hızlı hareket etmek (speed)


Idle: (adj) işsiz, aylak, tembel (jobless, inactive, lazy)

Ignite: (v) ateşlendirmek, tutuşturmak (set fire to, burn)

Illusionary: (adj) aldatıcı, yanıltıcı (fake, misleading)

Illusion: (n) aldanma, hayal, hile (deception, delusion, trick)

Impair: (v) azaltmak, harap etmek, savunmasız bırakmak (weaken, damage, ruin)

Impartial: (adj) tarafsız, yansız, objektif (objective, neutral, equal, unbiased)

Impartially: (adv) adil bir şekilde, nesnel bir şekilde (dispassionately, even-handedly, objectively)

Imperishable: (adj) yok olmaz, bozulmaz, çürümez, ölümsüz (immortal)

Implement: (v) uygulamak, yerine getirmek (carry out, enforce, perform)

Implicate: (v) ima etmek, içermek, sezdirmek (imply, connect, involve)

Imprecise: (n) kesin olmayan, dikkatsiz, özensiz (inxact)

Impress: (v) etkilemek, iz bırakmak, göz doldurmak (influence, inspire, strike)

Impulsively: (adv) birden bire, düşüncesizce (impetuously, on the spur of the moment, wildly)

Incentive: (n) dürtü, teşvik (encouragement, motive)

Incessant: (adj) kesintisiz, sürekli (endless, ceaseless)

Incessantly: (adv) aralıksız (endlessly)

Incidentally: (adv) tesadüfen, bu arada, aklıma gelmişken (accidentally, by chance, by the way)

Incline: (v) yönelmek, eğilmek (influence, dispose, affect)

Inclusively: (adv) kapsamlı bir şekilde, kapsayarak (fully, generally, comprehensively)

Incorporate: (v) birleşmek, kapsamak (include, embody, absorb, combine)

Increase: (n) artış, artma, çoğaltma, çoğalma, yükselme, büyüme, üreme, yavrulama (access, accession, accretion, accrual, accumulation)

Increase: (v) artırmak, çoğalmak, gelişmek, artmak, yükselmek (add, grow, enlarge, expand, intensify)

Indefinitely: (adv) belirsiz olarak, süresiz olarak, sonsuza kadar (endlessly, forever, sine die)

Indicate: (v) belirtmek, fiyat bildirmek, sinyal vermek (point out, mark, suggest)

Indignantly: (adv) öfkeyle, kızarak, hiddetlen (angerly)

Indulge: (v) boyun eğmek, hoş görmek (gratify, satisfy, humour)

Indulgent: (adj) anlayışlı, düşkün, müsamahalı (tolerant, permissive, lenient)

Inedible: (adj) yenmez (uneatable)

Inexpensive: (adj) masrafı az, ucuz (cheap, reasonable, low-priced)

Infamy: (n) rezalet, alçaklık (disrepute, disgrace, shame)

Inferior: (adj) aşağı derecede, aşağı, alt, ast, değersiz (lower)

Infinitely: (adv) çok, son derece, inanılmaz derecede (boundlessly, immeasurably, endlessly)

Inflate: (n) enflasyon, şişirmek (blow up, pump up, expand)

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Inflate: (v) şişirmek (balon, expand)

Inflict: (v) acı vermek, vurmak, ika etmek (bring down, force on/upon, impose)

Initial: (adj) baştaki, baş, ilk (beginning, primary, first)

Initially: (adv) başlarda, ilk olarak, önceden (beginning, primary, firstly)

Initiative: (n) öncelik, teşebbüs, girişim (enterprise, originality, leadership)

Inlaid: (adj) kakma, gömme (set into)

Innovative: (adj) ilerleyen (advanced)

Insignificant: (adj) önemsiz, dikkate değmek (unimportant)

Inspire: (v) ilham vermek, sebep olmak, soluk vermek (encourage, hearten, influence)

Intensive: (adj) aşırı, pekiştirmeli, şiddetli (focused, comprehensive, exhaustive)

Intention: (n) kasıt, niyet, maksat (aim, purpose, goal)

Interaction: (n) etkileşim, ilişki, interaksiyon (connection, contact, intercourse)

Interfere: (v) burnunu sokmak, araya girmek (interrupt, intervene, poke one’s nose in)

Intermittent: (adj) kesik kesik, aralıklı (occasional, periodic, sporadic)

Interpretation: (n) yorumlama, tercüme, canlandırma (explanation, clarification, simplification)

Intervene: (v) araya girmek (interfece)

Intersection: (n) bileşke, kavşak, kesişim (crossroad, crossing, carrefour)

Intervention: (n) müdahale, girişim, aracılık (interruption, arbitration, intercession)

Intimate: (v) sezindirmek, ima etmek (suggest)

Intimidate: (v) gözünü korkutmak, tehdit etmek, yıldırmak (frighten, threathen, appal)

Intruder: (n) davetsiz misafir, izinsiz giren kişi (trespasser, gatecrasher)

Intractable: (adj) kontrol edilmesi zor (diffucult to control)

Intrepid: (adj) korkusuz, cesur, yılmaz (brave, fearless)

Introverted: (adj) içe dönük, kapalı (introspective, self-examining)

Invade: (n) istila etmek (attack, enter)

Investment: (n) yatırım, atama, kuşatma (expense, loan, finance)

Involve: içermek, kapsamak, işe karışmak (include, embrace, assosicate)

Irresistible: (adj) dayanılmaz, karşı konulmaz, çekici (unescapable, charming, unavoidable)

Issue: (n) nüsha, konu, sorun (concern, topic, affair)

Issue: (v) tebliğ etmek, piyasaya çıkarmak, bildirmek (distribute, announce, emerge)


Jeopardy: (n) risk, hasar, tehlike (danger, peril, risk, hazard)

Judgement: (n) hüküm, değerlendirme, bildiri (reasoning, perception, wisdom)

Justify: (v) haklı göstermek, mazur göstermek (defend, forgive, excuse)


Keen: (adj) hevesli, meraklı, istekli (interested, eager, devoted)


Lace: (v) bağlamak (thread, weave)

Law: (n) kanun, kural, yasa (rule, regulation, order)

Leap: (v) atlamak, fırlamak (jump over, bound, skip)

Lease: (n) kiralama, icar (contract, rental)

Lenient: (adj) müşfik, yumuşak (gentle, kindly, indulgent)

Lethal: (adj) öldürücü (fatal, deathly)

Liable: (adj) duyarlı, hassas, eğilimli (responsible, answerable, accountable)

Lift: (v) kaldırmak, yükseltmek, asansör (uphold, arise, elevate)

Liken: (v) benzetmek, eşleştirmek (compare, equate, match)

Limp: (v) aksamak, topallamak (hobble, falter, shamble)

Linger: (v) bekletmek, oyalamak, geçiktirmek (hang on, endure, persist)

Literacy: (n) edebi kültür, yazın yeteneği, okuryazarlık (being lıterate)

Lofty: (adj) azametli, yüce (high, impressive)

Loiter: (v) oyalanmak, sallanmak, aylak aylak dolaşmak (dawdle, hang about, idle, linger, dally, delay)

Loose: (adj) bol, gevşek, başıboş (sloppy, apart, relaxed)

Loot: (n) ganimet, yağma

Loot: (v) yağmalamak (plunder, sack)

Luminous: (adj) parlak, aydınlık (shiny, bright)


Maddeningly: (adv) sinirlice, delirerek (angrily, madly)

Magnify: (v) abartmak, övmek, methetmek (glorify, praise, exaggerate)

Maintain: (v) geçindirmek, bakmak (take care of, look after)

Makes out: (v) anlam çıkarmak, anlamak, ayırt etmek (spot, recognize, pick out)

Malignant: (adj) zarar verici, habis, kötücül, kötü niyetli (virulent)

Marginal: (adj) az, sınırdaki, kenarda olan (borderline, edge, bound)

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Marvellous: (adj) harika, muhteşem (wonderful, excellent)

Massacre: (n) katliam (kill)

Means: (n) araç, vasıta, vesile (way, method, system)

Meddle: (v) karışmak (interfere)

Memorably: (adv) unutulmaz bir şekilde (unforgettably)

Menace: (v) gözdağı vermek, korkutmak (threaten, frighten, terrorize)

Merit: (n) erdem, fazilet, layık olmak (worth, value)

Method: (n) yöntem, düzen, teknik (way, route, technique)

Meticulous: (adj) titiz, dikkatli (careful, precise)

Meticulously: (adv) özenle, titizlikle (precisely, exactly, accurately)

Mettle: (n) azim, heves (courage, determanation)

Mighty: (n) güç, kuvvet (strength, power)

Migrate: (v) göçmek, taşınmak, geçmek (move, leave, journey)

Mildly: (adv) tatlılıkla yumuşakça (gently)

Mingle: (v) karıştırmak (mix, intermix, combine, blend, merge, unite)

Miscarry: (v) çocuk düşürme, düşük yapma (fail, abort)

Misuse: (v) istismar etmek, kötüye kullanmak (abuse, mistreat)

Mock: (v) alay etmek, dalga geçmek (make fun of, laugh at)

Moderate: (adj, n) orta (midway, not extreme)

Modify: (v) azaltmak, değişiklik yapmak, tadil etmek (adjust, adapt, change)

Mold: (v) kalıba dökmek (mildew)

Molten: (adj) erimiş (melted)

Mouldy: (adj) küflü (mildew)

Murky: (adj) karanlık, nahoş (muddy)

Mutineer: (n) isyancı, asi (rebel)


Naive: (adj) sade, toy, çaylak (unsophisticated, ingenuous)

Nasty: (n) fena, çirkin, edepsiz (dirty, offensive, horrible)

Necessary: (adj) gerekli, zorunlu, elzem (essential, chief, crucial)

Negligently: (adv) baştan savma, gelişi güzel, dikkatsizce (carelessly, inadequately, poorly)

Negotiable: görüşülebilir, aşılabilir, devredilebilir (debatable, assignable, variable)

Negotiate: (v) görüşmek, müzakere etmek (deal, bargain, haggle)

Neighbourhood: (n) çevre, bölge (district)

Nightfall: (n) akşam vakti, alacakaranlık (sunset, dusk, twilight, evening, gloaming)

Nominate: (v) aday olarak göstermek, seçmek (choose, select)

Nominee: (n) aday (candidate)

Notably: (adv) apaçık, açıkça, bilhassa (especially, importantly, particularly)

Notorious: (adj) adı çıkmış, kötü şöhretli (widely known)

Notoriously: (adv) kötü olarak herkesin bildiği gibi (infamously)

Nourish: (v) beslemek, desteklemek (nurture, feed, foster, care for)


Obligation: (n) mecburiyet, yükümlülük, minnet (duty, charge, compulsion)

Observation: (n) gözlem, inceleme, görüş (attention, cognition, remark)

Obsess: (v) aklına takılmak, sabit fikirli olmak (preoccupy, dominate, rule)

Obsessed: (adj) endişeli, tedirgin (worried, nervous)

Obsession: (n) saplantı, takıntı, sabit fikir (fixation, desire, passion)

Obstruct: (v) engellemek (hinder, prevent)

Obstructive: (adj) engelleyici, zorluk çıkarıcı, obstruktif (clogging, hindering, impeding)

Obvious: belli, muhakkak, açık (apparent, conclusive, explicit)

Occupy: (v) oturmak, tutmak, işgal etmek, almak (zaman), meşgul etmek (absorb, amuse, attend, be active with, beconcerned with, busy)

Odour: (n) itibar, iz, koku (smell, scent)

Offend: (v) suç işlemek, gücendirmek (affront, insult, slight)

Offspring: (n) ürün, döl, çocuk, çoluk çocuk (progeny)

Onward: (adv) ileri, ileriye doğru (forward, ahead, in front)

Ornate: (adj) çok süslü, ayrıntılı (elabrote)

Outburst: (n) fışkırma, infilak, taşma (outbreak, eruption, explosion)

Outgrow: (v) –den daha çabuk büyümek (too big)

Outnumber: (v) sayıca çok olmak, fazla gelmek (to be more, great)

Outrageous: (adj) nefret uyandırıcı, öfkelendirici (shocking, offensive)

Outstanding: (n) olağanüstü, göze çarpan, üstün (excellent, superior, remarkable, notable)

Outweigh: (v) ağır basmak, daha önemli olmak (predominate)

Overcome: (v) aşmak, üstesinden gelmek, aşmak (defeat, beat, master, overwhelm)

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Overdue: (adj) vadesi geçmiş, gecikmiş (beyond the time fixed)

Overhear: (v) kulak misafiri olmak (accidentally hear)

Overlook: (v) gözden kaçırmak, hoş görmek, aldırmamak (face, look on to, look over, ignore, let pass, excuse, forgive)

Overwhelm: (v) alt etmek, ezmek, boğmak, mahçup etmek (weigh down, inundate)

Owe: (v) borçlu olmak, mecbur olmak, minnettar olmak (beholden, bound, be in debt)


Pace: (v) adım, hız (step, stride)

Pacify: (v) yatıştırmak, sakinleştirmek (lenify)

Painstaking: (adj) dikkatli, özenli (careful, meticulous)

Pale: (adj) renksiz, solgun (clourness)

Parade: (n) geçit, tören (march, process)

Particularly: (adv) özellikle, ayrıntılı olarak, bilhassa (especially, decidedly, distinctly)

Pavement: (n) kaldırım, asfalt (floor, surface, cover, asphalt)

Peasant: (n) köylü, cahil tip (rustic)

Peaty: (adj) turbaya benzer (see peat)

Peculiar: (adj) acayip, garip (strange, odd)

Penalty: (n) ceza (punishment, fine)

Penetrate: (v) içine işlemek, delip geçmek (pierce, enter)

Penetration: (v) içe girme, işleme: içine işleme, delme (piercing)

Pensively: (adv) dalgın dalgın, düşünceli bir halde (intellectually, introspectively, inwardly, pensively, psychically)

Pensively: (adv) dalgın dalgın, düşünceli şekilde (thoughtfully, seriously, sadly)

Perception: (n) algı, idrak, sezgi (understanding, sense, realization)

Perpetuity: (n) süreklilik, ebedilik (eternity)

Persevere: (v) devam etmek, direnmek (continue, carry on, stand firm, hold on)

Persist: (v) sürmek, devam etmek, sürdürmek, ısrar etmek (persevere)

Persistent: (adj) ısrarcı, inatçı (incessant, determined, relentless)

Perspire: (v) terlemek (sweat)

Persuade: (v) ikna etmek (convince, encourage)

Persuade: (v) ikna etmek, laf anlatmak, inandırmak (convince, urge, induce)

Pertain: (v) ait olmak, uygun olmak, yakışmak (relevant, appropriate, relate)

Pesticide: (n) böcek zehiri, zararlı bitki zehiri

Pioneer: (n) öncü, önder

Pioneer: (v) çığır açmak, öncü olmak, önayak olmak (innovator)

Placid: (adj) durgun, sakin, uysal (calm, untroubled, cool)

Plain: (adj, v, n) düz, kolay (easy see or understand, clear)

Pleasingly: (adv) memnuniyetle (willingly, pleasantly, charmingly)

Plunge: (v) dalma, fırlama (dive, jump, sink)

Possibly: (adv) belki, muhtemel, herhalde (likely, maybe, by chance)

Postpone: (v) ertelemek (delay, adjoum)

Postulate: (v) sanmak, farz etmek (suppose, assume)

Posture: (n) görünüş, duruş (pose, model)

Potentially: (adv) imkan dahilinde, potansiyel olarak, güç halinde (likely, maybe, possibly)

Precipitous: (adj) dik, sarp, uçurum gibi, aceleci, çabuk, hızlı (abrupt, step)

Precisely: (adv) açık olarak, eksiksiz olarak, elbette (correctly, exactly, absolutely)

Predecessor: (n) ata, cet (ancestor, forefather)

Predictable: (adj) önceden kestirilebilir, öngörülebilir, tahmin edilebilir (expected, likely, prepared)

Prediction: (n) tahmin, öngörü, beklenti (foretelling, foresight, guess)

Preferably: (adv) tercihen, öncelikli olarak, mümkünse (rather, sooner)

Preference: (n) tercih, üstünlük, yeğleme (choice, option, favourite)

Preliminary: (n) tanıtım (introduction)

Preposterous: (adj) saçma, mantıksız (ridiculous, foolish)

Prescriptive: (adj) kuralcı, yerleşik, zaman aşımına uğramış (authoritative, accepted, rigid)

Prevail: (v) yenmek (defeat)

Prevalent: (adj) çok rastlanan, geçerli, hâkim olan (accepted, current, common)

Previous: (adj) önce, eski, geri (former, prior, above)

Primarily: (adv) aslında, başlıca, öncelikle (basically, fundamentally, mainly)

Priority: (n) öncelik, üstünlük (precedence, seniority, supremacy)

Privilege: (n) ayrıcalık, imtiyaz, dokunulmazlık, özel hak (advantage)

Productivity: (n) verimlilik, performans, üretkenlik (abundance, capacity, potency)

Profoundly: (adv) derinlemesine, ciddi olarak, içtenlikle (completely, thoroughly, totally)

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Prolific: (adj) faydalı (fruitful, productive)

Prominent: (adj) önemli, meşhur, dikkat çeken (conspicious, important, remarkable)

Promise: (v) söz vermek, belirtisi olmak, vaatte bulunmak (assure, swear, undertake)

Promising: (adj) umut verici, gelecek vaadeden, geleceği parlak (hopeful)

Promotion: (n) terfi, tanıtma, destek (advance, encouragment, support)

Promptly: (adv) vadeli (quickly, pronto)

Proofread: (v) yanlışları düzeltmek (correct)

Propel: (v) ileri sürmek, itmek, sevk etmek (move, push, drive, force)

Properly: (adv) hakkıyla, düzgün bir şekilde, tam anlamıyla (correctly, politely, nicely)

Proportion: (n) oran, orantı (equate)

Propulsion: (n) itme, yürütme, ileriye sürme, yürütücü güç (drive, impulse)

Pros and cons: (n) eksileri ve artıları (advantages and disadvantages)

Prosper: (v) geliştirmek, ilerleme (flourish)

Prosperous: (adj) başarılı, yolunda, zengin, refah, kazançlı (rich)

Protective: (adj) esirgeyici, himayeci, muhafaza edici (defensive, preservative, safeguarding)

Provide: (v) temin etmek, şart koşmak, önlem almak (supply, lend, furnish)

Provincial: (n) taşralı (rustic, yokel)

Provision: (n) hüküm, koşul, kayıt (judgement, condition, register)

Provisional: (adj) çatma, koşullu, geçici (temporary, conditional, contingent)

Provocative: (adj) kışkırtıcı, neden olan, çekici (tempting, seductive, irritating)

Provoke: (v) kışkırtmak, öfkelenmek, sebep olmak (anger, annoy, cause)

Prune: (v) budamak, kesmek (weed, make something smaller, cut off some of the branches of a tree)

Purchase: (n) satın alma, alım, mübayaa, satın alınan şey, toprak geliri, mekanik güç, makara sistemi, sıkı tutma, etki, nüfuz, vesile, dayanak noktası (acquirement, acquisition, asset, bargain, buy)

Purity: (n) saflık, masumiyet, temizlik (simplicity, cleanness, wholesomeness)

Purpose: (n) amaç, niyet, karar (intention, aspiration, determination)

Pursue: (v) kovalamak, peşinden koşmak, takip etmek (follow, chase, hunt)

Purvey: (v) sağlamak, tedarik etmek (supply good or information)


Quarrel: (v) kavga etmek (argue)

Quench: (v) bastırmak, söndürmek, dindirmek (ssatisfy, sate, cool, extinguish, put out)

Quota: (n) pay, kota (part, portion)


Rarely: (adv) nadiren, seyrek, az (barely, hardly, seldomly)

Ravage: (n) tahrip, yıkım, zarar, yıkıcı etki, tahrip etkisi (ravages)

Ravage: (v) yıkmak, harap etmek, kırıp geçirmek (damage)

Rebellious: (adj) asi, inatçı (disobedient, obstinate)

Rebuke: (v) azarlamak (admonish)

Recede: (v) gerilemek, uzaklaşmak (go back, decline)

Recently: (adv) son zamanlar, şu sıralar, bu aralar (lately, currently, newly)

Reckless: (adj) atılgan, delidolu, dikkatsiz (careless, thoughtless, incautious)

Recklessly: (adv) pervasızca (rashly)

Recognize: (v) tanımak, fark etmek, ayırt etmek (identify, detect, recall)

Recommend: (v) tavsiye etmek, beğendirmek, tembih etmek (advise, suggest, guide)

Recreate: (v) canlandırmak, tazelemek, yeniden yaratmak (animate, cheer, repair)

Recruit: (v) askere almnak, işe almak (draft, induct)

Rectify: (v) düzeltmek, tamir etmek (correct, repair, put right)

Recurrence: (n) tekrar, yinelenme, tekerrür, nüksetme, başa dönme, tekrar söz konusu etme (frequency, habituation, intermittence, reappearance)

Recurrent: (adj) tekrarlayan, nükseden, yenilenen (repeating, alternate, chain)

Reduce: (v) alçaltmak, eksiltmek, fethetmek (decrease, diminish, cut down (on)

Redundancy: (n) bolluk, fazlalık, gereksizlik (dismission, extra, surplus)

Redundantly: (adv) gereksiz yere, fazla olarak (unnecessarily, superfluously, needlessly)

Redundant: (adj) gereksiz, lüzumsuz (unnecessary)

Reference: (n) kaynak, ilişki, ima (allusion, referral, referral)

Refugee: (n) mülteci (displaced person, escapee)

Refusal: (n) reddetme (rejection, denial)

Regulate: (v) ayarlamak, düzenlemek (arrange, adjust, coordinate)

Regulation: (n) düzenleme, kural, yasa (adjustment, rule, law)

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Rehearse: (v) prova yapmak, ezberden okumak (practise, prepare)

Reign: (v) saltanat sürmek, yönetmek (govern, direct, rule)

Reinstate: (v) iade etmek, eski durumuna getirmek, haklarını iade etmek (restore, reestablish, redeem)

Rejection: (n) reddetme, geri çevirme, atık (refusal, denial, rebuff)

Relapse: (v) kötüye gitmek, yeniden eski haline dönmek, kötü yola sapmak (get back, get worse, deteriorate)

Relate: (v) bağlantı kurmak, nakletmek, rivayet etmek (associate, connect, tie)

Relative: (adj) göreceli, bağıntılı, yakın ( notional, relevant, relation)

Relatively: (adv) nispeten, oldukça, göreceli olarak (comparatively, somewhat, rather)

Relent: (v) yumuşama, gevşeme (soften, give in, relax)

Relentless: (adj) amansız, amaçsız (inexorable)

Relief: (n) rahatlama, ferahlama (comfort, cure, relaxation)

Reluctant: (adj) isteksiz, gönülsüz, tereddütlü (unwilling, hesistant, backward)

Reluctantly: (adv) ağırdan alarak, gönülsüzce, tereddüt içinde (cautiously, hesitantly, involuntarily)

Remarkably: (adv) dikkat çekecek biçimde, önemli biçimde, kayda değer biçimde (unusually, outstandingy, signally)

Remedy: (v) tedavi etmek, iyileştirmek (cure, treat) (n) çare, ilaç (treatment, cure) )

Remedy: (n) çare (cure)

Reminiscent: (adj) benzeri (similar to)

Remote: (adj) uzak, ırak (distant, far)

Render: (v) iletmek, hale, tasvir (depict, deliver, return)

Renew: (v) tazelemek, yenilemek (refresh)

Renew: (v) yinelemek, tekrar etmek (repeat, restate)

Renovation: (n) yenileme, tecdit, onarım (restoration, repairment)

Renown: (n) görkem, ün (fame, celebrity, glory)

Reparation: (n) tamir, onarım (repairment, mend, maintenance) )

Repel: (v) tiksindirmek, iğrendirmek (repulse)

Repulse: (v) püskürtmek, reddetmek, itmek (refuse, turn down, resist)

Resentment: (n) alınmak, kırılmak, gücenmek (envy, jealousy, irritation)

Reserve: (n) yedek, rezerv, stok (supply, asset, store)

Reserved: (adj) ağzı kenetli, çekingen, mesafeli (davranış) (reticent, unresponsive, cool)

Resign: (v) istifa etmek, ayrılmak (quit, leave, vacate)

Resignation: (n) istifa, terk etme, vazgeçme (abandonment, renunciation, abdication)

Respectively: (adv) sırasıyla, ayrı ayrı (properly, equally, consequently)

Restrain: (v) engellemek (confine)

Resume: (v) tekrarlamak, yeniden başlamak, sürdürmek (contunie, restart, carry on)

Retire: (v) emekli olmak, geri çekilmek (leave, depart, withdraw)

Retirement: (n) emeklilik, geri çekilme, gizli yer (retreat, recess)

Reveal: (v) belli etmek, açığa vurmak, gözler önüne sermek (expose, display)

Revelation: (n) belli etme, açığa çıkma (uncovering, display, unmasking)

Revenge: (n) intikam, öç (payback, vengeance)

Reversal: (n) tersine çevirme (cancellation)

Reverse: (v) tersine çevirmek, bozmak, iptal etmek (exchange, overturn, cancel)

Revitalize: (v) canlandırmak (regenerate)

Revolt: (n) isyan, başkaldırış (rebellion, uprising, revolution)

Rigid: (adj) sert, şiddetli, kaskatı (stiff, harsh, strict)

Rinse: (v) çalkalamak, durulamak (swill, bathe, wash, clean)

Rip: (v) sökmek, parçalamak, ayırmak (tear, split, separate)

Robust: (adj) dayanıklı, dirençli, kuvvetli (strong, tough)

Rotten: (adj) çürük, bozuk, koşmuş (rotted, immoral)

Roughly: (adv) aşağı yukarı, kabataslak (approximately, estimately, inexactly)

Row: (n) sıra, dizi, tartışma, zıtlık (line, queue, argument, quarrel, controversy)

Rusty: (adj) paslı (rust, hoary)


Sanction: (n) onaylamak (confirmation)

Sane: (adj) mantıklı, akla yatkın (rational, logical, right-minded)

Sarcastically: (adv) alaylı bir şekilde (ironically, mockingly)

Satisfy: (v) hoşnut etmek, yerine getirmek, inandırmak (amuse, please, appease)

Saturate: (v) doyurmak, emdirmek, ıslatmak, sırılsıklam etmek (soak, wet)

Scar: (n) yara izi, iz, çizik (mark, injury, wound)

Scatter: (v) dağılmak, saçılmak, ayırmak (disperse, break up, diffuse)

Scatter: (v) saçmak, perişan etmek, saçıp savurmak, serpmek (spread)

Scope: (n) kapsama alanı, saha (field, area)

Scourge: (n) bela, afet (misfortune, affliction)

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Scrape: (v) gıcırdamak, aşındırmak, ovmak (grate, grind, rub)

Scrupulous: (adj) adil, dürüst, vicdanlı (honest, meticulous, strict)

Secularise: (v) laikleştirmek (secularize)

Sedimentation: (n) çökme, tortulaşmak (alluviation)

Seep: (v) sızmak (leak)

Segregation: (n) ayrı tutma, ayrım (separation, segmentation)

Seize: (v) el koymak, zaptetmek, tutuklamak (grap, take, catch)

Self-assertive: (adj) ısrarcı, kendinden çok emin, kendine çok güvenen (bumptious, confident, wise)

Self-contained: (adj) az konuşan, bağımsız, kendi kendine yeten (self-controlled, self-possessed, tranquil)

Sequence: (n) dizi, sıra (series, chain, sussession)

Sensitively: (adv) alıngan bir şekilde, duyarlı bir biçimde, hassasiyetle (softheartedly, amenably, vulnerably)

Severely: (adv) acı, ağır biçimde, keskin biçimde (seriously, dreadfully, gravely)

Sew: (v) dikmek (stitch)

Shady: (adj) güvenilmez, gölgeli (louche)

Shatter: (v) parçalamak, kırmak, harap etmek, bozmak (burst)

Shed: (v) dökmek (shake off)

Shortcoming: (n) kusur, eksik (failure, defect, weakness)

Shrink: (v) büzülmek, çekilmek, daralmak (contract, shorten, lessen, diminish, wrinkle, narrow, decrease)

Shrug: (v) omuz silkmek (raise and lower your shoulder)

Significantly: (adv) anlamlı bir biçimde, mühim seviyede, hatırı sayılır ölçüde (importantly, considerably, markedly)

Signify: (v) ifade etmek, belirtmek, anlamına gelmek (indicate, mean, express)

Similar: (adj) benzer, eş, benzeş (agnate, allied, coincidental)

Sincere: (adj) samimi, içten, doğru (honest, true, truthful)

Slack: (v) kaytarmak, tembellik etmek (slake, let run)

Smarten: (v) canlandırmak, güzelleştirmek, süslemek (neaten, tidy, clean, polish)

Snatch: (v) kapmak, kavramak

Sneak: (v) gizlemek, aşırmak, ispiyonlamak (creep, steal, slip, slink)

Sneaky: (adj) sinsice (furtive)

Sneer: (v) dudağını bükmek, küçümsemek (scorn, look down on)

Sniff: (v) burun çekmek, koklamak (smell, inhale)

Soar: (v) uçmak, yüksekten uçmak, süzülmek, havada süzülmek (rise, fly)

Sole: (adj) biricik, tek, yeğâne, özel, bekâr, yalnız (only, particular, remaining)

Solely: (adv) yalnızca, sadece (only)

Soothe: (v) yatıştırmak, sakinleştirmek, hafifletmek (calm, quieten, ease)

Soothing: (adj) filizlenen, zonklayan, sızlayan (serene, palliative)

Sophisticate: (adj) kültürlü, ukala, tecrübeli (intellectual, experienced)

Soundly: (adv) adamakıllı, doğruca, deliksiz (accurately, carefully, correctly)

Sovereign: (n) hükümdar, padişah, kral, egemen güç (monarch, supreme)

Spacious: (adj) geniş, ferah (large, broad, huge)

Span: (v) uzatmak, bağlamak, kapsamak (include, extend, fasten)

Sparkling: (adj) parlak, köpüklü, ışıl ışıl (shining, bubbling)

Spearhead: (v) öncelik etmek, önayak olmak (lead)

Spectacle: (n) gösteri, manzara (sight)

Spectator: (n) seyirci, izleyici (bystander, observer)

Spill: (v) dökmek, akmak (pour, overflow)

Spinster: (adj) evlenmemiş kadın (unmarried)

Splash: (v) sıçramak (spatter)

Splendid: (adj) olağanüstü, mükemmel, müthiş, harika (excellent, impressive, magneficient)

Split: (v) yırtılmak, bölünmek (divide, separate)

Sprout: (v) filizlenmek, sürmek (bud, spring up)

Squeeze: (v) bastırmak, sıkmak (press, crush)

Stagnant: (adj) dingin, durgun (dull, inactive)

Starchy: (adj) nişastalı, kolalı (stiff, buckram) )

Startle: (v) korkutmak, ürkütmek (frighten)

Steady: (adj) sabit, sağlam, oynamaz (calm, stabilize, brace)

Steep: (adj) dik, aşırı, aniden (sudden, sharp, headlong)

Stern: (adj) sert, müsamahasız (strict, severe, rigid)

Sternly: (adv) sertçe, acımasızca (severely)

Stiff: (n) ceset, leş (corpse, clay)

Stiff: (adj) katı, sert, koyu (firm, rigid, solid)

Stitch: (v) dikmek (sew, run up)

Strenuous: (adj) güç, ağır, gayretli (difficult, hard, tiring)

Stretch: (v) uzamak, germek (expanse, spread, tighten)

Stringent: (adj) katı, sıkı, uyulması zorunlu (rigorous, tight)

Strive: (v) rekabet, çalışmak, çaba (endeavour, strain)

Stroll: (v) gezinmek, dolanmak (saunter, amble, dawdle, ramble, wander)

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Structure: (n) yapı, bina, inşaat (form, construction, framework)

Struggle: (v) çabalamak, mücadele etmek (compete, strive)

Stubbornly: (adv) inaçtı şekilde (obstınately)

Stun: (v) afallamak, şaşırmak (amaze, astonish)

Submissive: (adj) alçak gönüllü, itaatkâr, uysal (obedient, uncomplaining, docile)

Submit: (v) boyun eğmek, ileri sürmek (offer)

Subscription: (n) abone olmak, abone ücreti (membership fee, payment)

Subsidize: (v) para vermek, desteklemek (support, sponsor)

Substance: (n) madde, asıl, konu (material, stuff, matter)

Substantial: (adj) oldukça, önemli, var olan (abundant, important, generous)

Substantially: (adv) yeteri kadar çok (mostly)

Subtle: (adj) kurnaz, ustaca, çözümü zor (delicate, fine, exquisite)

Subtract: (v) çıkarmak, çıkarma işlemi yapmak, azaltmak (deduct, take away, diminish)

Suburb: (n) varoş (suburbia)

Successive: (a) ard arda, zincirleme, peş peşe (following, sequential, serial)

Sufficiency: (n) uygunluk, yeterlilik, elverişlilik (enough, suitability, convenience)

Suitable: (adj) elverişli, uygun, yerinde (convenient, proper, useful)

Suitably: (adv) doğru olarak, uygun olarak, düzgün şekilde (appropriately, fittingly, fitly)

Superficial: (adj) yüzey, harici, anlamsız (surface)

Superfluous: (adj) gereksiz, yersiz, lüzumsuz (unneeded, unwanted, spare)

Supplement: (n) ek, ilave, tamamlayıcı, bütünler açı (added feature, addendum, addition, additive, appendix, bell)

Supplementary: (n) takviye, ek (additional, extra)

Support: (v) desteklemek, cesaret vermek, arka çekmek (stand by, help, strengthen)

Surely: (adj) hakikatten, elbette, kesinlikle (absolutely, definitely, certainly)

Surmount: (v) üstesinden gelmek, alt etmek (overcome, succeed)

Surplus: (n) bolluk, fazla, üretim fazlası (excess, leftover)

Susceptible: (adj) alıngan, duyarlı, elverişli (resentful, impressionable, reachable)

Suspend: (v) askıya almak, ertelemek, müdahale etmek, sürgün etmek (put off, delay, expel)

Suspicion: (n) şüphe, az miktar, ipucu (doubt, mistrust, hint)

Suspiciously: (adv) kuşkuyla, şüpheyle (distrustfully, mistrustfully, askance)

Sustain: (v) güçlendirmek, güç vermek (endure)

Swell: (v) kabarmak, şişmek (expand, blow up, fatten)


Tackle: (v) uğraşmak, üstesinden gelmek (take on, try to solve)

Tackle: (n) donanım (gear, rig)

Tactful: (adj) hassas, nazik (discreet, sensitive)

Tearful: (adj) acıklı, ağlamaklı (weeping, crying, sorrowful)

Tedium: (n) bezginlik, bıkkınlık (boredom, monotony)

Tempting: (adj) ayartıcı, baştan çıkarıcı (seductive, enticing)

Tentative: (adj) deneme niteliğinde, öneri (experimental, unsure)

Tentatively: (adv) çekinerek, geçici olarak, tereddütle (temporarily, hesitantly, provisionally)

Testimony: (n) tanıklık, ifade (evidence, statement)

Thoroughly: (adv) eksiksizce, tam ve dikkatli (completely, downright)

Thrift: (n) ekonomi, tutum (economy, saving, conservation)

Thrifty: (adj) tutumlu, verimli (economical, saving, careful)

Timidly: (adv) ürkerek, çekinerek (nervously, shyly)

Tingle: (v) iğnelemek (prickle)

Torture: (v) işkence etmek, zulmetmek (pain, persecute, torment)

Toss: (v) atmak, sallamak (throw)

Tranquil: (adj) sakin, huzurlu (peaceful, calm, serene)

Treacherous: (adj) hain, tehlikeli (punic)

Tribute: (n) övgü, takdir (compliment, respect)

Tricky: (adj) nazik hassas (deceitful, shady)

Trigger: (n) dürtü, tetik (lever, catch, stimulus)

Triumph: (n) zafer, başarı (winning, victorious)

Trivial: (adj) önemsiz, saçma (petty)

Troublesome: (adj) baş belası, can sıkıcı (annoying, irritating)

Tumble: (n) düşme, alt üst etmek, tökezleme (fall, drop, stumple)

Turmoil: (n) karışıklık, sorun (confusion, trouble)


Ultimate: (adj) doruk, en son, esas (final, furthest, basic)

Ultimately: (adv) en sonunda, eninde sonunda (finally)

Undermine: (v) baltalamak, düşürmek, kuyusunu kazmak (weaken, sabotage, excavate)

Undertake: (v) üzerine alınmak, üstlenmek (assume, take on)

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Undue: (adj) gereksiz, mantıksız, yersiz (unnecessary, needless, unreasonable)

Unduly: (adv) aşırı derecede, gereğinden çok (immoderately, excessively)

Uneasy: (adj) endişeli, gergin, kaygılı (nerveous, awkward, anxious)

Uniformity: (n) değişmezlik, homojenlik, düzgünlük (regularity, monotony, uniformness)

Unlikely: (adj) alışılmadık, beklenilmedik, muhtemel olmayan (improbable, doubtful, unthinkable)

Unpredictable: (adj) tahmin edilemez, öngörülemez, belirsiz (doubtful, uncertain, unreliable)

Upsurge: (v) yükselmek, kabarmak, aniden artmak (sudden increase)

Usher: (v) eşlik etmek, yönlendirmek (escort, accompany, lead, direct)

Utilize: (v) kullanmak (use)

Utterly: (adv) tamamen (completely)


Vacancy: (n) açıklık, akılsızlık, boş yer (emptiness, gap, absurdness)

Vaccine: (n) aşı, aşı maddesi

Vaguely: (adv) uzakça, yararsızca (distantly, remotely, idly)

Vain: (adj) boş, gereksiz (useless, worthless, fruitless)

Validate: (v) geçerli kılmak onaylamak (formalize)

Validity: (n) geçerlik, yasallık, sağlamlık, doğruluk (cogency)

Vanish: (v) gözden kaybolmak (disappear)

Various: (adj) çeşitli, türlü, birçok, çeşit çeşit (assorted, changeable, changing, different, disparate, distinct, distinctive, diverse)

Vastly: (adv) çok, genişce (hugely, extensively, greatly)

Vehement: (adj) şiddetli (fierce)

Velocity: (n) hız, sürat (high speed)

Verdict: (v) hüküm, karar (decision, judjement)

Verifiable: (adj) doğruluğu kanıtlanabilir (confirmable)

Versatile: (adj) çok yönlü (elinden birden fazla iş gelen (functional, flexible)

Vertically: (adj) dikey bi şekilde (upright)

Viable: (adj) mümkün, yapılabilir (possible, usable)

Vice versa: (adv) kısasa kısas, tersine (conversely, on the contrary)

Vicinity: (n) civar, bölge, semt (neighbourhood, district)

Vicinity: (n) civar, çevre, etraf, dolay (area)

Vicious: (adj) ahlaksız, kötü, fena, berbat, haince, şiddetli (immoral, savage)

Vigilant: (adj) uyanık, tetikte (watchful)

Vintage: (n) bağbozumu, ekin (year, crop)

Vintage: (adj) kaliteli (quality, choice)

Violate: (v) ihlal etmek, bozmak, uymamak (break, disobey, ignore)

Vitality: (n) enerji, zindelik, gereklilik (energy, power, life force)

Vitalize: (v) canlandırmak (act, pretend)

Vivid: (n) parlak (shine)

Volatile: (adj) değişken, dengesiz (changeable, inconstant, unstable)

Voluntarily: (adv) gönüllü, istekli, ihtiyari (freely, willingly, spontaneously)


Warfare: (n) savaş, harp (battle, war)

War-torn: (adj) savaş mağduru (being destroyed by war)

Weary: (adj) yorgun, bitkin (tired, exhausted)

Welfare: (n) ferahlık, mutluluk (well-being, health)

Well-being: (n) refah, esenlik, iyilik (welfare, prosperity)

Whereabouts: (adv) nereye, nerelerde

Whirl: (v) döndürmek, çevirmek (twist, spin, swirl)

Willingly: (adv) isteyerek, memnuniyetle (eagerly, enthusiasticly)

Wilt: (v) solmak soldurmak (wither)

Wink: (v) göz kırpmak, parıldamak (blink, sparkle)

Wistfully: (adv) dalgın bir şekilde, efkarlı bir biçimde (thoughtfully, dreamy, wishfully)

Withdraw: ayrılmak, geri çekilmek, iptal etmek (draw back, retract, cancel)

Wither: (v) solmak, soldurmak, sindirmek (shrink, dry, decay)

Withhold: (v) alıkoymak, saklamak, esirgemek (retain, reserve, hold)

Withstand: (v) karşı koymak, direnmek (resist)

Worldwide: dünya çapında, yaygın (common, universal, global)

Worry: (v) merak etmek, kaygılanmak, üzülmek (fear, trouble, anxiety)

Worship: (v) ibadet etmek, tapmak (pray to, respect)

Wrestle: (n) güreş, mücâdele, uğraş, boğuşma (grapple)

Wrestle: (v) güreşmek, boğuşmak, uğraşmak, mücâdele etmek (battle)


Yawn: (v) esnemek, delik açmak (gape, open mouth wide)

Yearn: (v) hasret çekmek, çok istemek, çok arzu etmek (desire, want, wish, long for)

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Account for: açıklamak (explain)

Act out: dışa vurmak, canlandırmak, yaramazlık yapmak (display, dramatize, misbehave)

Be accompanied by: beraberinde gelmek, eşlik etmek (go or be with something, associate with)

Blurt out: ağızdan kaçırmak (utter, tell, spill the beans)

Break down: bozmak, analiz etmek, kırmak (analyze, break up, destroy)

Break off: kırılıp ayrılmak, birdenbire durmak, ilişiğini kesmek (cut short)

Break through: üstesinden gelmek, engeli geçmek, ilerleme kaydetmek (crack, come through, push through)

Break up: dağılmak, eğlendirmek, ilişkiyi bitirmek (disperse, separate, break apart)

Break down: (n) sağlığın bozulması, bozulma, çöküntü, arıza (crush)

Bring in: işe almak, sunmak, para kazanmak (take on, introduce, earn)

Bring someone down: birini makamından indirmek, düşürmek (fall over)

Bring together: kavuşturmak, toplamak (accrue, acquire, add to, agglomerate, aggregate, amalgamate)

Bring together: toplamak, kavuşturmak, birleştirmek (gather, collect)

Bring up: azarlamak, bahsetmek, büyütmek (scold, mention, grow)

Bring upon: dert açmak (trouble)

Bump into: karşılaşmak, rastlamak (meet, run into)

By all means: (adv) elbette, şüphesiz (of course)

Call off: iptal etmek (cancel, scrub)

Catch up: yakalamak, yetişmek (gain on, overtake)

Caught on: anlamak, gözde olmak, kapmak (understand, confirm, find out)

Come along: ilerlemek, ortaya çıkmak, geliştirmek (, appear, progress, advance)

Come up with: bulmak, ileri sürmek, bir (çözüm, fikir) ile çıkagelmek (suggest, create, find)

Consist of: oluşmak, meydana gelmek (comprise, be composed of)

Cope with: baş etmek (deal with, encounter, handle)

Cut down on: azaltmak, indirmek, kısmak (reduce)

Dash out: fırlayıp çıkmak, ani hareket etmek (rush, hurry)

Deal with: hakkından gelmek, baş etmek, alakadar olmak (attend to, concern, cope with, handle)

Design for: geliştirmek, üretmek, tasarlamak (invent, develop)

Divide into: bölmek, parçalamak (separate, come apart, break)

Doze off: şekerleme yapmak (sleep, nod off, nap)

Dredge up: ortaya atmak, ortaya sürmek, eşelemek (mention again)

Embark on: benimsemek, -e girişmek, başlamak (start, begin, commence)

End up: sonuçlanmak, bitmek, neticelenmek (cease, finish, clear up)

Fight off: defetmek, püskürtmek, mücadele etmek (rebel, resist, defend)

Find out: ortaya çıkarmak, keşfetmek (discover, detect)

Get around: gezinmek, kaçınmak, başarmak (get about, avoid, swing)

Get on: ilerlemek, devam etmek, giyinmek (wear, assume, throw on)

Give in: teslim olmak, bırakmak, kabullenmek (abandon, surrender, quit)

Give up: vazgeçmek, istifa etmek, teslim olmak (abandon, resign, surrender)

Go in for: alışakanlık edinmek, birseyi yapmaktan hoslanmak, yer almak (act, take up)

Go with: birbirini tamamlamak, katılmak, uzlaşmak (fit, enrich, harmonize)

Hold out: uzatmak, ümit vermek, vâât etmek, yeterli olmak, dayanmak, ısrar etmek, boyun eğmemek, direnmek, tanıtmak (give, grant, proffer, tempt with)

Hold up: engellemek, gecikmek, desteklemek (prevent, delay, support)

In charge of: -den sorumlu, -in sorumlusu

In excess of: -den fazla, -i aşan bir şekilde (beyond)

In line with: uyumlu olarak, doğrultusunda, bağdaşan (in accordance with, in agreement with, in consonance with)

In the case of: durumunda (in case)

Keep away: uzak durmak (stay away, avoid, take a backseat)

Keep up with: ayak uydurmak, hızına yetişmek, geri kalmamak (adapt, string along, fall in step)

Lay emphasis on: altını çizerek belirtmek, önemine vurgu yapmak, üzerinde durmak (stress, insist)

Lay out: yere sermek, yaymak (range, array)

Let off: affetmek, boşaltmak, salıvermek (excuse, relieve, exempt)

Look after: göz kulak olmak, kollamak, sahip çıkmak (accompany, conduct, escort)

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Look down on: aşağı görmek, -e tepeden bakmak, küçümsemek (despise, contemn, sneeze at)

Look out for: dikkat etmek, gözetmek (pay attention, observe, pay regard)

Look up to: örnek almak, hayran olmak (respect)

Look back: anımsamak, ardına bakmak, geçmişe bakmak (review, recall, arouse)

Make out: anlam çıkarmak, fark etmek, başarmak (see, recognize, detect)

Make over: devretmek, değiştirmek, yenilemek (rework, transfer, convey)

Make sure of: emin olmak, sağlama almak, kesin bilmek (ensure, assure, check on)

Make up for: telafi etmek (atone, compensate)

Make up: bir araya getirmek, hazırlamak, karar vermek (construct, create, decide)

On behalf of: -nın adına (in the name of)

Pay for: bedelini ödemek, acısını çekmek, ödemek (compensate, suffer)

Play up: abartmak, üzerinde durmak, vurgulamak (highlight, spotlight, foreground)

Point out to: dikkatini çekmek

Point out: göstermek, dikkatini çekmek (show, indicate, draw attention to)

Pull through: hastalıktan kurtulmak (recover)

Pull up: durdurmak, (bitkiyi) kökünden sökmek, azarlamak (draw up, haul up, take out)

Put off: alıkoymak, bırakmak (deter, delay, postpone)

Put up with: katlanmak, sineye çekmek, acıya dayanmak (accept, bear, stand)

Put up with: tahammül etmek, acıya dayanmak, hazmetmek (bear, endure, accept)

Refrain from: sakınmak, kendini tutmak, kaçınmak (leave off, abstain, avoid)

Rely on: dayanmak, doğruluğuna güvenmek, -e bel bağlamak (depen on/upon, count on, trust)

Rule out: göz ardı etmek, çıkarmak, kabul etmemek ( ignore, eliminate, reject)

Run out of: -i tüketmek, kovmak, bitirmek (absorb, dissipate, run through)

Runs out: bitmek, çıkıntı yapmak, dışarı atmak (fail, drain,, give out)

Set off: yola çıkmak, başlamak (depart, begin)

Set out: seyahate çıkmak, düzenlemek, sergilemek (display, arrange, take a trip)

Set up: kurmak, organize etmek, ileri sürmek (arrange, build, create)

Settle into: yerleşmek, alışmak (locate, get used to)

Show up: gözükmek, ortaya çıkmak, sırıtmak (come out, turn up, grin)

Sort out: aydınlatmak, çözümlemek, sınıflandırmak (illuminate, clear up, classify)

Spread out: yayılmak, genişlemek, ayırmak (divide, expand, enlarge)

Step down: düşürmek, azaltmak, emekliye ayrılmak (quit, resign, drop out)

Stop short of: işi belirli bir yere vardıramamak, -e kadar gidememek (stop short at)

Sweep away: sürüklemek, alıp götürmek, süpürmek (eliminate, abandon, throw away)

Take charge: sorumlu olmak (look after, organize) )

Take down: aşağılamak, parçalara ayırmak, sökmek (criticize, deminish, underestimate)

Take for granted: itirazsız kabul etmek (assume)

Take off: işte yükselme, çıkarma, uçağın havalanması (remove, depart)

Take over: benimsemek, devralmak, üstlenmek (adopt, seize, assume)

Take up: zaman almak, yer kaplamak (occupy, engage)

Thrive on: başarmak, büyümek, gelişmek (increase, develop, succeed)

Tidy up: toparlamak, çeki düzen vermek, temizlemek (clarify, clean, erase)

Trouble by: canı burnuna gelmek (worry, annoy, disturb)

Try on: giysi denemek, ayakkabı denemek, prova etmek (sample, try, try out)

Turn back: arkaya dönmek, geri çevirmek, kovmak (refuse, reject, reverse)

Turn into: değiştirmek, dönüşmek, çevirmek (evolve, alter, convert)

Turn over: devrilmek, ele almak, teslim etmek (tip over, go about, pass on)

Turn up: görünmek, çıkagelmek (appear, arrive)

Turn over: altüst olmak, çevirmek, yorum yapmak (assign, comment, confer)

Wait for: beklemek, dört gözle beklemek, gözlemek (await, expect, look)

Wait on: bakmak, eşlik etmek, hizmet etmek (serve, attend, assist)

Wipe out: ortadan kaldırma (eradicate, destroy)

Wrap up: kalın giyinmek, bürünmek (wrap, roll up)

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