Page 1: No...選抜1期①・英語 令和2年度 岡山学芸館高等学校 選抜1期入試【1月30日】 問題(英語) No.1 英 語(45 分) 受験番号 (算用数字) この問題は聞き取り検査です。問題A~問題Dに答えなさい。すべての問題で英語は2回ずつ

選抜1期①・英語 令和 2 年度 岡山学芸館高等学校 選抜1期入試【1月30日】 問題(英語)


英 語(45 分)


(算用数字) この問題は聞き取り検査です。問題A~問題Dに答えなさい。すべての問題で英語は2回ずつ


問題A (1),(2)のそれぞれの英文で説明されているものとして最も適当なのは,ア~エのうちではどれ


(1) ア 尺八 イ 三味線 ウ 琴 エ 和太鼓

(2) ア 体育祭 イ ハロウィン ウ 紅葉狩り エ 月見

問題B 英語係の留学生 Daisy が,宿題について,先生から英語で説明を受けています。Daisy は説明


ます。 (あ) , (い) にそれぞれ英語1語を入れなさい。

[Daisy のメモ]

English Speech ・What to talk about : our (あ)

・How many words : more than 50 words ・Date : (い) 27

問題C (1),(2)のそれぞれの会話の最後の文に続けて言う英文として最も適当なのは,ア~エのうちで


ア I’m studying math too. ア Sure. I’ll tell her to call you. イ Oh, sorry. It’s in my desk. イ All right. I’ll call you again. ウ OK. I’ll look in your locker. ウ Yes, you can leave a message. エ That’s too bad. It’s a new bag. エ I’m sorry. I’m on the bus now.

問題D Saya は,夏休みの思い出についてスピーチをしています。そのスピーチを聞いて,(1),(2)に

答えなさい。 (1) Saya が花火大会について話している内容として,最も適当なのは,ア~エのうちではどれですか。


ア 花火大会は7月に行われた。

イ 岡山で最も大きな夏祭りの1つだった。

ウ 見物客は前年よりも少なかった。

エ たくさんの屋台が出ていた。

(2) 次は,Saya のスピーチを聞いたクラスメートが授業で書いた感想です。 (あ) ~ (う) に


I think Saya had a great experience during summer vacation. She became friends with some students from (あ) . I’m also glad to know they (い) Japanese fireworks very much. I also hope more people from other (う) will visit Okayama. There are many places to visit and many things to do in our city.

次は,中学生のRon,Mayu,Amyの3人が中間試験(midterm exams)について交わした会

話の英文と会話の内容に関係するSchedule の一部である。①~③に答えなさい。 Ron,Mayu,Amyの会話

Ron : What are you doing, Mayu ? Mayu : I’m planning a schedule for the midterm exams. They’re on October 23 and 24. Amy : You’re great, Mayu. I think planning how to study for the exams is important. Mayu : I think so too. Last time I didn’t do well on the tests because I made no plan. Ron : When are you going to start studying for the exams ? Mayu : On October 16. I’m going to start just one week before the exams. Amy : Me too. How many hours are you going to study each day ? Mayu : For three hours. I’m very good at (あ) , so I’ll study it for only two hours a week.

But I’ll study (い) for six hours because I’m not good at it. Amy : Good luck. Do you usually study at home ? Mayu : Yes, I do. But I’m going to go to the library on Saturday and (う) . It has a special

room to study in. I like it because it’s new, clean and quiet. Amy : Good. I think going to the library is a (え) to study. Ron : Well, Mayu, there’re not any plans for Sunday. Why not? Mayu : Because I think taking a rest is also important. I’m not going to study that day.

Mayu の Schedule の一部

学習計画表 中間試験日程:1日目 10/23(水) 2日目 10/24(木)

月日 曜日 内容

教科(丸数字は勉強する時間) その他 10/16 水 数学① 理科① 国語① 10/17 木 数学① 国語① 社会① 10/18 金 数学① 英語① 理科① 10/19 土 数学① 国語① 社会① 図書館へ行く 10/20 日 10/21 月 数学① 理科① 社会① 10/22 火 数学① 英語① 国語① 図書館へ行く

① (あ) , (い) に入れるのに最も適当な教科は,ア~オのうちではどれですか。それぞれ一つ

答えなさい。 ア English イ science ウ Japanese エ math オ social studies

② (う) に入れるのに最も適当なのは,ア~エのうちではどれですか。一つ答えなさい。

ア Monday イ Tuesday ウ Wednesday エ Thursday

③ あなたが Amy になったつもりで, (え) に2語の英語を書きなさい。

(1) (2)

1 2

Page 2: No...選抜1期①・英語 令和2年度 岡山学芸館高等学校 選抜1期入試【1月30日】 問題(英語) No.1 英 語(45 分) 受験番号 (算用数字) この問題は聞き取り検査です。問題A~問題Dに答えなさい。すべての問題で英語は2回ずつ





留学生の Ann と同級生の Kenta が,洗面所の前で話をしている。掲示(notice)の内容に合

うように,書き出しに続けて, にそれぞれ3語以上の英語を書き,英文を完成させなさ


[Ann] [Kenta]

英語の授業で,Makoto,Erika,Tomoki の3人は,日本では多くの環境問題(environmental problem)があることを知り,それらの問題について調べて,発表(presentation)をした。次

の英文は,3人の発表とALT(外国語指導助手)の Jones 先生のまとめである。①〜⑥に答え

なさい。 ■ 発表 Makoto : It’s getting warmer and warmer in Japan. In summer, we cannot live without using

air-conditioners. It((あ)play / to / too / is / hot )sports outside. Also, it sometimes rains very hard in the evening. It starts raining suddenly and that bothers us. Many people say that these changes in weather come from global warming. The temperature on the earth is getting higher because of CO2. I think we have to do something to solve this problem together with people around the world.

Erika : Do you know there is a lot of plastic in the sea ? For example, bags, bottles and drinking straws. In the sea, plastic is broken into very small pieces. They are called “microplastics.” Fish may eat microplastics because they look the (い) as their food. If fish eat them, they may die because they can’t digest microplastics. If we eat the fish, we will also have microplastics in our bodies. No one wants to eat the fish because microplastics are not good for our health. Microplastics are a big problem today.

Tomoki : I watched (う)a TV program last week. Some people caught a lot of fish from other countries in a river. In the program, a researcher said, “Someone released those fish into the river. They are different from the native fish. They are usually (え)big than the native fish and they eat the native fish. Now, there are more fish from other countries in the river than before.” The same thing is also happening in Japan. If we do nothing, some of the native fish may die out in the future. To protect the environment in our

country is important. ■ まとめ Ms. Jones : Thank you. You gave good presentations about (お)three environmental problems.

They are different, but all of them tell us the (い) things. Those problems are caused by people. The temperature on the earth is getting higher because of our way of life. Some of us throw away plastics into the sea, and others release fish from other countries into rivers. First, we must change ourselves. What should we do to solve the problems ? Let’s think about it together.

〔注〕 air-conditioner エアコン suddenly 突然に bother ~ ~を困らせる global warming 地球温暖化 plastic プラスチック drinking straw ストロー microplastic マイクロプラスチック digest ~ ~を消化する release 放す native 在来の

① 下線部(あ)の語をすべて用いて,意味が通るように並べ替えなさい。 ② (い) に共通して入れるのに最も適当な英語 1 語を,Tomoki の発表から抜き出して書きなさ

い。 ③ 次の に最も適当な英語1語を入れて,下線部(う)の具体的内容を説明する英文を完成

させなさい。ただし, 内に示されている文字で書き始め,その文字も含めて答えなさい。 It shows that the n of fish from other countries is increasing.

④ 下線部(え)の単語を,最も適当な形に変えて書きなさい。 ⑤ 下線部(お)について,3人の生徒が紹介した内容として,当てはまらないものは,ア~エのうちで

はどれですか。一つ答えなさい。 ア 開発による森林伐採 イ プラスチックによる海洋汚染

ウ 外来種による生態系の破壊 エ 気温の上昇とゲリラ豪雨

⑥ 次は,発表を聞いた Mari が,授業の終わりにノートに書いた感想の一部である。あなたが Mariになったつもりで, に4語の英語を書きなさい。

Today’s lesson was very interesting. I have learned a lot of important things about our environmental problems. Especially I’m very interested in Erika’s presentation. She talked about the problem of microplastics. I didn’t know about it. Microplastics are bad for our bodies, so I fish that have microplastics in their bodies.




② It says we should (あ) carefully because there are many students who (い) these days.

① Kenta, what does this notice say ?

Page 3: No...選抜1期①・英語 令和2年度 岡山学芸館高等学校 選抜1期入試【1月30日】 問題(英語) No.1 英 語(45 分) 受験番号 (算用数字) この問題は聞き取り検査です。問題A~問題Dに答えなさい。すべての問題で英語は2回ずつ





中学生の Akina が自宅にホームステイをしている大学生の Paul と夕食後に話をしている。次

の英文は,その会話である。①~⑥に答えなさい。 Paul : Hi, Akina. Are you doing your homework ? Akina : Hi, Paul. Yes, I am. I joined a work experience

program last week. I’m writing a report about it. Paul : Where did you work ? Akina : I worked at a farm. Paul : Good. Are you interested in farming ? Akina : Yes, I am. My grandfather is a farmer. He grows fruit in Okayama. Paul : What (あ) of fruit is grown at his farm ? Akina : Grapes, peaches, Japanese pears and so on. In early October, he sends us his

Japanese pears. They’re very big and (い) . I like them very much. Paul : I want to try one. Do you go to help him in your free time ? Akina : Yes, I do. I help him during summer vacation. Paul : I think you have to do a lot of things. It’s hard, isn’t it ? Akina : Not really. Working with my grandfather is interesting. He teaches me a lot of

things about farming. Paul : I see. Well, how was the work experience program ? Akina : It was great. I went to the farm with my classmates. We met Mr. and Mrs. Yamada

there. They were very (あ) . Paul : Good. What did you do at the farm ? Akina : In the morning, we went to one of the rice fields and pulled some weeds. (う) to

find them because they looked like rice shoots. In the afternoon, Mr. Yamada told us how to grow rice. In May, they start to grow rice from seeds. In June, they plant young rice shoots. In October, they harvest the rice. They’re very busy.

Paul : Oh, there are a lot of things to do all year around. Akina : He said to us, “Rice is like my child. I like it very much and I want to take good care

of it.” I was moved by (え)his words. Paul : What did you learn from the work experience program ? Akina : I learned two important things. First, farming is a wonderful job. Mr. Yamada likes

his job. He said with a smile, “I feel very happy when people enjoy eating the rice I grow.” I respect him because he’s very (お) of his job.

Paul : I see. What’s the second ? Akina : Second, I learned there aren’t many young people who want to be farmers. Mr.

Yamada said to us, “Many young people think farming is hard work. We get up early and work all day. If we have heavy rain or a typhoon, we have to protect our fruit and vegetables. So some young people don’t want to become farmers. I’m sad.”

Paul : That’s a problem. We need food to live on. Akina, how about you ? Do you want to become a farmer ?

Akina : Yes, I want to be a farmer like my grandfather and Mr. Yamada. I’ll go to an agricultural high school next year.

Paul : Oh, really ? Are there any agricultural high schools in this town ? Akina : Yes, there’s one near my junior high school. I want to learn how to grow vegetables

well at the school. Paul : When is the entrance exam ? Akina : Next March. Paul : Have you started to (か) for it yet ? Akina : No, I haven’t. I know I must study, but to study at my desk is hard for me. It

makes me tired and sleepy. Paul : Don’t give up. You should study hard to become a good farmer. 〔注〕

farming 農業 Japanese pear 梨 rice field 田んぼ pull 引き抜く weed 雑草 shoot 苗 seed 種 harvest 収穫する typhoon 台風 agricultural high school 農業高校 entrance exam 入学試験

① (あ) に共通して入れるのに,適当な英語 1 語を書きなさい。 ② (い) , (か) に入る英語の組み合わせとして最も適当なのは,ア~エのうちではどれで

すか。一つ答えなさい。 ア (い) delicious (か) prepare イ (い) dangerous (か) prepare ウ (い) delicious (か) look エ (い) dangerous (か) look

③ あなたが Akina になったつもりで, (う) に5語の英語を書きなさい。 ④ 次の (1) , (2) にそれぞれ適当な日本語を入れて,下線部(え)の具体的内容を説明し

なさい。 米は Yamada さんにとって (1) であり,米を (2) という言葉。

⑤ (お) に入れるのに最も適当なのは,ア~エのうちではどれですか。一つ答えなさい。 ア pretty イ perfect ウ popular エ proud

⑥ 本文の内容と合っているのは,ア~オのうちではどれですか。当てはまるものをすべて答えなさい。 ア Akina went to her grandfather’s farm during the work experience program. イ Akina goes to Okayama in summer to help her grandfather with his work. ウ Akina doesn’t enjoy working with her grandfather at his farm. エ Akina went to the rice field and planted young rice shoots with her classmates. オ Akina’s dream is to become a farmer like her grandfather and Mr. Yamada.
