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Northern Limit Line  

( 연평해전 )  












translated and written by  

Jang Se Eun 20114, Park Seo Young 20305, 

 Noh Jin Young 20405, Jin Sung Min 20432 

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Historical background of this book  




The background of this book is the Battle of Yeonpyeong. Out of two naval                           

battles on June 15th, 1999 and June 29, 2002, the movie, ‘Northern Limit Line’ and                             

this book are specifically describing the second attack               

in 2002. It happened during the Korea ­ Japan World                   

Cup time. At 10:25 in the morning, the North Korean                   

ship crossed the NLL, which is the territorial limits                 

between North and South Korea. It happened in the                 

same place where the first combat occurred. 


Before the fight, some of the enemy’s patrol boats invaded the border.                       

Instantly, four high­speed boats of the South Korean ship reacted by broadcasting a                         

warning toward the enemy. However, regardless of the South Korean ship’s peaceful                       

reaction, the North Koreans launched a preemptive strike with their cannon. Due to its                           

attack, Ship number 357 was destroyed and burned down. Afterwards, the battle                       

actually started. Realizing that the situation is going worse, other speed boats and                         

patrol boats helped fight their side of the ship. At 10:43 AM, one North Korean ship                               

was burned down. Watching their sinking ship, the North Koreans started to retreat                         

toward Pyongyang at 10:50 AM. Although the battle lasted only for 25 minutes, it was                             

a deadly fight. 6 navies, Yoon Young­ha, Han Sang­guk, Cho Churn­hyung, Hwang                       

Do­hyun, Suh Hu­won, Park Dong­Hyeok, were found dead. 19 navies got injured and                         

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the boat was destroyed. The situation of the North Korean ships was never disclosed.                           

But many investigators assume that their situation would be worse than the South                         

Korean navies’. 


Although the minister of Ministry of National Defense announced, “ North                     

Korea’s behavior is violating the cease­fire agreement. It should be regarded as the                         

armed provocation of the enemy.”, we haven’t gotten any answers or apologies from                         

the North Korea with regard to the invasion in 2002 up until now.   

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Yoon Young Ha ­ New captain of ship number 357. Others call him Mr.Yoon. In                             

front of other navies, he acts like he is scary and strict. However he always put navies                                 

first. He takes care of navies more than himself. He died in the battle. 


Park Dong Hyeok ­ Corpsman of ship number 357. He came from the Cheonan                           

Ship. Other navies call him ‘first aid’. Hospital of ship number 357 is where Dong                             

Hyeok was standing. He fell in the battle.  


Han Sang Guk ­ Helmsman of ship number 357. He has hand tremor. One trouble                             

happens because of his hand tremor. He is kind and helps Dong Hyeok. However he is                               

the tragic character. He died in the fight.  


Cho Cheon Hyeong ­ The one who controls and is responsible for all the firepower.                             

He became a father during his service as a navy. He died in the battle. 


Hwang Do Hyun ­ Main gunner of ship number 357. He died in the battle.  


Suh Hu won ­ Substitute gunner. He died in the battlefield. 


Gwun Gi Hyeong ­ Dong Hyeok’s friend. When Dong Hyeok first came to Unyo                           

ship, he introduced the ship and other navies. 


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Navy Kim ­ Successor of Dong Hyeok and Gi Hyeong. He seemed a bit stupid, but he                                 

is really kind. He is extremely weak, so he ate lots of medicines.  


Lee Young Chang ­ Senior of Dong Hyeok and Gi Hyeong. He bullied Dong Hyeok,                             

and it seemed like he disliked Dong Hyeok.   


Dong Hyeok’s mother ­ She is deaf, and she runs a chicken  restaurant.  


Boatswain ­ Head of the ship number 357 


Kim Ji Seon ­ Captain of other ship. She is a friend of Yoon Young Ha.  


232 flight leader ­ Highest official of all ships 


Lee Dae Joon ­ North Korean. He first made an appearance as a North Korea’s                             

fishman, but he was actually the highest offical of North Korea’s navy. 









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It was June 29th, 2002, a day that a world cup with turkey fighting for the 3rd                                 

place took place. It seemed to be a normal day to everyone, even us. 

“Woooooow~Yeah! Cheer up Korea!”  

All the Koreans in the stadium yelled in unison. They held their breath and watched                             

the tournaments and shouted out the word ‘ Korea ‘ as a support for the member of the                                   

national team.. 

At the same moment, there were others who are fighting with themselves. They were                           

all hoping to go back home alive. No one dare to say out a word. 

It was a real sorrowful survival fight. Dong Hyeok was one of them. As a member of                                 

the army, He participated enthusiastically compare to any other soldiers. However, He                       

suddenly felt a strange feeling, and everything went dark. 


When Dong Hyeok opened his eyes, he was in the hospital. He heard someone                           

shouting “ Hurry, call anyone who can help him!” “Yes, sir.” 

He was sent to the intensive care unit. 

At that time, many things popped into his head. ‘If I die, who will take care of my                                   

family…, I want to live.. I want to do more things with my family and friends.. ’                                 

However, his eyelids slowly grew heavy with all the injuries and exhaustion.                       

Everyone was watching his situation and the reaction of the doctor. 

“Start the CPR!” said the doctor. Many nurses came to see his situation. They also                             

brought some machine for the medication. 

Many people watched many doctors and nurses doing CPR to save him. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,                                 

6, 7, 8, 9… they did 9 times. It looks like there is nothing left for him. All of a sudden,                                         

he opened his eyes little by little.   

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Chapter 1 





“ Wow! What an unexpected pleasure, Dong Hyeok!” 

“Oh! It’s you Gi Hyeong Gwun! ”  

They both recognized each other right away. They are very close friends who are now                             

working at the same place. 

“ Did you transfer?”  asked GI Hyeong. 

“Yes, I did! I’m happy to see you again in this strange place. You had been a                                 

troublemaker since you are a soldier in the army, ” said Dong Hyeok with a smile. 

“By the way, why are you coming to this place? I think it is better to stay at the                                     

Cheonan ship.” When Dong Hyeok heard this, he just laughed toward his friend. 

Dong Hyeok toured a warship with his mate. There are a lot of things that are                               


“Now, we have to meet the representative of this ship. Let's go!” 

After hearing this, he and Dong Hyeok moved to the different part of the ship.                             

“Corporal, Dong Hyeok Park!” he shouted out his name to the duty officer, chief                           

engineer, and other leaders to introduce himself. 

He like the warship’s atmosphere very much. 


“Oh. The bedroom is really nice even though the ship is small.” said Dong Hyeok. 

Gi Hyeong asked to Dong Hyeok “Doesn’t Cheonan ship looks like this?” 

Dong Hyeok replied.“Of course not.” 

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But that room was Sergeant’s room. After Dong Hyeok noticed, he was disappointed                         

about it. In front of the sergeant's room, there were some pictures of navies. 

Then Gi Hyeong introduced his room. 

“Here is our home. We can also eat, pee, wash, and sleep in here. 

We do not need a large room. Because of the daily task, when we just lie down on the                                     

bed, everyone loses their consciousness.” said Gi Hyeong. 

Then Gi Hyeong opened the bathroom to introduce. In there, there was one successor                           

who was eating chocolate pie. Gi Hyeong was surprised. He said to be confident. 


Dong Hyeok Park was a corpsman. He asked about medical office. Suddenly,                       

his mate Gi Hyeong gave him a first­aid kit and said, “The place you are standing is                                 

the medical office.” 

After a moment, major general saw Dong Hyeok. He called him and checked his bag. 

Inside his bag, there were a bunch of letters. When he saw them, he just gave them                                 

back to Dong Hyeok. The letter was given by his mother. Suddenly, Dong Hyeok’s                           

face got red. The major general said to Dong Hyeok to manage the expression madly. 


When they were watching and cheering the world cup, someone turned off the                         

light, and  blasted out from the speakers. “Emergency, Emergency, Action stations!” 

They all prepared with an excellent cooperation ability. 

Then one man with a white suit and plodding sound appeared in front of them. 

Then he said, “I’m a new captain for 3575 and my name is Yoon Young Ha.” 

“Salute!” we all said. 

“Number 357, explain the situation to captain!” 

“26 people on deck! 4 injured! 1 absent!” 

“Number start!” 

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“One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Seven! Eight!..Nineteen! Twenty! Number done! 

“Who is absent?” asked the captain. 

“Sir, the helmsman is absent. He has an emergency at home,” the quartermaster said. 

“There are no exemptions for emergency drill,” the captain said. 

“But sir,” the quartermaster tried to beg him to take the helmsman’s situation into                           

consideration, “the helmsman’s wife is in the hospital” 

The captain interrupted him. “The wife’s illness doesn’t stop the war.” 

Then he continued to go on, “Anyway, under the provision, the absence will be                           

applied in the annual review. Good job everyone. That’s all for today.” 

“Attention! Salute the captain!” 


“At ease.” 

They have a military duty for selfless devotion to our country. Even though they have                             

a family emergency, they have to defend our country. 


Just like on any other training day, they were running to the captain’s chant.                           

“One, two, three, four! Two, three, four! One, two, three! One, two, three­”  

However, suddenly the helmsman started to sing the military song interrupting it.  

“My youth is the wave. We live with the wave.”  

As he sang, we also started to sing.  

“The wavy wave is the way of the man. We, we, we go through the wave by be, be,                                     

being friends with the seagull….”  

He felt uncomfortable because captain was staring at the helmsman, but he kept                         

singing until the training finished. 


After the training, the captain summoned the helmsman.  

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“I think I heard that you’re getting promoted to Chief Petty Officer soon.” 

“That’s right, sir.”  

“Behave yourself. Don’t think that I’m going to deal with your subordinates with                         


“I didn’t even ask for lenience before.” 

“You may go.”  

“You’ll be penalized by the rules. Don’t cause trouble for others with your selfish                           

reasons.” said the captain. 

“I got it, sir. Salute!” 


In the Second Navy Fleet Command Meeting room in Pyeongtaek, the naval                       

officers were having a meeting. The commander of the Second Fleet played a video                           

for other naval officers and started to talk. 

“This is the video of the Yellow Sea skirmish. As you can see, when the enemies cross                                 

the NLL, begin the warning broadcasting and block their path.” 

Then the commander showed a picture of the North Korea’s boat.  

“This is the image of the North Korea’s patrol boat that we sank. Nowadays, they                             

have installed a T­34 tank turret on the front, so be careful. However, because the                             

directions were given not to make a fuss during the World Cup period, we must not                               

attack first under any circumstances.” 


 “Yes, sir.” Other naval officers said in unison. 

 “Sir?” Yoon Young Ha put his hands up to say something. 

 “Yes. What’s the problem?” asked the commander. 

“When they enter our waters, we will surely block their path. However, such                         

maneuver leaves us vulnerable to surprise attacks. To minimize damage, we should                       

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stop their provocation in advance by firing a warning shot, rather than sending the                           

warning broadcasting after blocking.” 

 “You’re not wrong, but we can’t change the rules of engagement arbitrarily.” 

“But­” Yoon Young Ha tried to say something, but the flight leader gave him a silent                                 

glance to not say anything more. He couldn’t understand why other officers are not                           

pointing out the problem of this plan. Although this plan is ordered from the president,                             

wrong things have to be corrected no matter the status or power of the person who                               

gave the order... 

 “Anyway, soldiers must follow the orders. Understand?” 

“Yes, sir.” 


The meeting finished and the flight leader talked to Yoon Young Ha.  

“That is not up to us. We couldn’t change it.” said flight leader. 

“Umm.. Mr. Yoon had just moved his ship so he is trying to make good for once.”  

“That’s nice, but I don’t want you to act like this right now. I’m too tired.” said flight                                   


And the flight leader went somewhere else. After he left, Mr. Yoon’s mate yaffed at                             


“Are you crazy? You don’t want to be promoted? Think about your father, please.” 

“Why are you adverting my dad in this situation?” said Mr. Yoon. 

“Because I deems highly of your dad...” said his mate. 

After this word, they started to walk away into different direction separately. 





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Chapter 2  





The whistle was blown. “Preet! Preet!”  

“Attention! Salute!” 

They said in chorus, “Salute!” 

“Platoon leader copy furnished!” 

“Keep it up” said flight leader. 

And the worship set sail. 

Dong Hyeok and Gi Hyeong were having fun with all the things that are happening                             

right now. “That place is an advanced base and there is North Korea.” said Gi                             


“Oh my, they brought so many weapons in there. When they shoot a shell, this ship                               

will be sunk immediately.” After hearing this, Dong Hyeok become little scared. 

So Gi Hyeong inspired him. “Hey don’t get cold feet. Our ship should move all day,                               

so they couldn’t fire an aimed shot to us.” 


( Location : Patrol killer advanced base in the yellow sea ) 

After a hard days work, everyone was sleeping except a few people. 

Dong Hyeok was hard to sleep, even though he was exhausted. 

He went out from the bedroom and a salty­smelling breeze blew in from the sea. 

Suddenly, he heard that someone was calling him. 

“Dong Hyeok, Dong Hyeok, over here. Come!” 

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They were eating ramen with a crab. One man showed himself off about making this                             

delicious ramen.  He said “If you Helmsman asked him, “What did you do before?” 

“Umm..I was medical corps.” said Dong Hyeok. 

“Then tell me about the CPR per minute.” 

“It’s about one­hundred to one­hundred twenty.”, said Dong Hyeok. 

“How about the depth.”  

“Five to six centimeter, sir.”  

“Pretty good. You studied a lot.”  

And helmsman adviced him. “Hey listen carefully. The medicine couldn’t save                     

people’s life, but people could save people’s life.” 

Everybody who was eating together cheered him. 

But, suddenly Mr. Yoon appeared. 

“People are killing people. We could be exposed to the enemies submarines because                         

you guys were careless.” “One hundred push­ups. Helmsman, one for ‘light’ two for                         

‘discipline’. Start!” said Mr. Yoon.  

“One!” said Helmsman Mr. Han. 

Everyone yelled together. “Light!” “Discipline!” 

After Mr. Yoon had left, they changed the word. 

“One for Crab. Two for Ramen. Start!” 

They all enjoyed and had a good time that night. 


Next day, while Gi Hyeong and Dong Hyeok were on the guard, they made                           

sarcastic remarks of Yoon Young Ha behind his back about his inflexible personality                         

that made them unable to eat the crab noodle. 


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A subordinate named Kim Tae Joong came to Dong Hyeok and asked for                         

medicine. “Here you go,” Dong Hyeok said. “Thanks.” he replied. “Wow, you eat so                           

deliciously. Why do you eat so many pills every day?” “Sorry. I’m weaker than I                             

look.” Then he gave a chocolate pie to Dong Hyeok. “What’s this for?” “It’s for the                               

medicine.” “Have you got anything else like this?” “I got a sister.” “Sister? Is she                             

pretty?” “mmm….they say we look alike. She’s really cute.” Then Dong Hyeok                       

quickly left his seat. 


  At night, the unit members except Yoon Young Ha gathered to watch the world                           

cup games. Dong Hyeok got a letter from his mother. The senior soldier snatched it                             

and read it aloud. “My son, how are you?” Dong Hyeok grabbed the letter and begged.                               

“Give it back to me.” “I’m reading. Let it go.” he took it again. “Am I annoying?” he                                   

asked. “No, sir.” “Keep it and push off, mama’s boy.” “Yes, sir.” Suddenly Dong                           

Hyeok asked in anger. “Don’t you write a letter to your mother? What’s wrong with                             

writing a letter?” “Are you talking back to me right now? Push­up position! No more                             

soccer games. ” 


 “Emergency, emergency departure!”  

The unit members all stood up and got ready to depart.  

“Distance 2000 yard.” the helmsman said.  

“If they cross the NLL, fire the water cannon.” The commander directed to Yoon                           

Young Ha.  

“This is not a drill. Everybody battle stations!” said Yoon Young Ha.  

“Battle stations!” everybody prepared.  

“Bring the boat closer to that patrol boat.” One of the fisherman who looks like a                               

North Korean said to the others. 

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 “Begin the warning broadcasting.” 

The commander directed to Yoon Young Ha and he repeated over the walkie­talkie.                         

“Your boat trespassed on our territorial waters. Turn back immediately!”  

“Repeat, Your boat trespassed on our territorial waters. Turn back immediately!”                     

“Fire the water cannon.”  

As they fired the water cannon, the North Koreans started to throw stones and                           

heavy things to the patrol boat.  

“Seize the fishing boat!” They bound the North Koreans and blindfolded them.  

“Why are you here?” asked Yoon Young Ha to North Koreans.  

“Do South Koreans treat lost fishermen like this? We are fishermen.” One of the                           

North Koreans said. Then suddenly he took off his eye patch, so Yoon Young Ha                             

pointed a gun at his head.  

“Take that away from my face.” he said. 

“Why are you here.” Yoon Young Ha asked again.   

“I told you already. I said that we got lost.”  

“Sir, the fleet commander calls you.” Assistant helmsman said.  

“Cover his eyes,” ordered Yoon Young Ha and went to receive the commander’s                         


“I’m here,” Yoon Young Ha said through the walkie­talkie.  

“They could be trespassers, but there’s an order from the top to avoid a clash. So just                                 

send them back.”  

“Yes, sir.”  

“Release them.” Yoon Young Ha ordered.  

“But, it’s certain they are not fishermen. We shouldn’t let them go.” 

“Didn’t you hear the order? Give the order to let them go.”  

“Attention, release them and go back to your positions.” 

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While the North Koreans were going back to North Korea, they talked about                         

the patrol boat.  

“The hull doesn’t look very strong.”  

“However, the accuracy of the cannon may be better than ours.” “It’ll be                         

advantageous for us if we attack at close range.” 


In Pyongyang (in North Korea), the brains of the armed forces had a meeting.                           

They planned an operation to attack South Korea. 

Meanwhile, in South Korea, the entire nation was indulged in World Cup soccer fever.                           

“Ahn Jung Hwan scored a goal!!” “Korea advances to quarterfinals!” “Go, Korea!” 







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Chapter 3 





( Location : Patrol killer advanced base in the yellow sea ) 

 “How are your team members? Anyone hurt?” Kim Ji seon asked.   

“CPO Park was hit by a stone, but not a big problem.” Yoon Young Ha replied.  


“However, why do you think they came here?”  

“Well, that never happened before.”  

“By the way, do you know what your teammates call you?”  


“Bitter man.”  



“So be nice to them with a warm heart.” 


“Emergency, battle stations!” the broadcast came out while everyone was eating                     


“This is the report of the situation of the enemy ship. Distance 10,000 yards, 300                             

degrees.” The helmsman said.  

“Real situation, battle stations.” Yoon Young Ha said through the microphone.  

“Real situation, battle stations.” The helmsman reordered to the squad.  

Everyone in the unit took their guns and got ready.  

“Battle stations ready!”  

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“Be careful of the ship in front and increase the speed.” Yoon Young Ha ordered to                               

the helmsman.  

“Distance 3,000 yards, 30 degrees.” “Everyone, stay alert. Make sure to make no                         

mistakes.” Yoon Young Ha ordered.  

“Distance 2,000 yards, 30 degrees.”  

“Distance 1,000 yards, 30 degrees.”  

“Distance 900 yards, 30 degrees.” Suddenly the helmsman’s hands began to tremble.                       

“Hard port 300 degrees.”  

“Distance 300 yards, 0 degree.” The helmsman was tormented. “Distance 100 yards!”                       

“Helmsman! Hard port 300 degrees.” The helmsman urgently turned the wheel with                       

his steady hand, but unfortunately they bumped into the enemy ship. 


Someone fell out of the boat and into the water. Then the head of the enemy                               

stared at Yoon Young Ha.  

“Man overboard! Man overboard!”  

“Who is it?”  

“It’s Tae Jung!”  

“Man overboard, hard port 120 degrees.  

“Man overboard, rescuers to the port side.”  

Yoon Young Ha ordered through the walkie­talkie. All of a sudden, the helmsman                         

plunged into the water and swam toward Tae Jung to rescue him.  


The helmsman rescued him.  

“Tae Jung, wake up!” “Hey, are you okay?  

As the helmsman did CPR, Tae Jung began to caugh and spit out water.  

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“Are you okay? Let him up.” The helmsman said. “Get up Tae Jung!” everyone                           



The helmsman poked his hand with a pen to stop the tremor.  

Then he came back home where his wife waited for him. The helmsman sat beside his                               

wife and started to talk.  

“My darling.”  

“Go away. I smell alcohol.”  

“Why are your eyes so puffy? Did you cry again?”  

“We only registered marriage without having a wedding because of the military apt.                         

housing. I’m fine with that, but­”  

“That’s not it. I had to hold on you.”  

“We keep failing at having a baby, and you don’t even come home much.”  

“What am I to you? Am I just a live­in girlfriend?”  

“Honey, the baby’s also important, but I only need you. That’s enough.”  

“Then stop sailing. You said you’re going to apply for land duty.”  

“Yes, but….” he hesitated.  

“Marry the boat then.” She turned around and lied down. The helmsman lied down                           

following her, and hugged her quietly. 


Dong Hyeok grew uneasy so he went to see Tae Jung’s conditions.  

“He needs to enter a hospital and get some tests. Didn’t he complain of anything?” the                               

woman said. He came out and went to the helmsman. The helmsman was sitting on                             

the bench. After the helmsman saw Dong Hyeok he stood up and tried to console him.                               

“It’s not your fault.” Then he said “let’s go,” and left. They took the bus to their unit. 


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Meanwhile, Yoon Young Ha was looking at the helmsman and Dong Hyeok’s                         



Han Sang Gook 

­ Only child.  

­ Boarded deep­sea fishing vessel after high school.  

­ Mother passed away when he was 5 years old. 


Park Dong Hyeok 

­ Mother: Disability class 1. 


Then someone knocked on the door.  

“Captain? It’s time for Cho Cheon Hyeong’s kid’s first­birthday party.”  



“Thank you for coming everyone,” Cho Cheon Hyeong said. Everyone applauded.                       

“Personally, I hope she becomes a teacher.” Cho Cheon Hyeong continued. Then                       

everyone laughed.  

“Let’s eat now.”  

“I got a pair of shoes for her.” The helmsman said.  

“Let’s see. Wow!” everyone said. Yoon Young Ha looked at others’ faces and looked                           

at his present.  

“Captain, what awesome present did you get for her?” someone asked and said “show                           

us!” Then he picked up Yoon Young Ha’s bag and opened it. “Huh? A sponge ball?                               

Maybe there’ll be a real present.”  

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He kept looking through Yoon Young Ha’s bag and finally found a box. Then he                             

opened it. “Tah­Da.” It was clothes for a boy.  

“Isn’t that for a boy?” People whispered.  

Cho Cheon Hyeong laughed. “Maybe he can get a son.” somebody said.  

“Don’t be silly. Who cares about boys these days? I can make her a football player.”                               

Cho Cheon Hyeong said with a smile. “That’s right.” Everyone said and clapped. 


While everyone was singing and chatting, the helmsman and Yoon Young Ha talked                           


“Nowadays, people don’t want to take the position of a patrol killer, but why do you?                               

Isn’t it difficult?” The helmsman asked.  

“You mean, am I here to be promoted quickly?” 

“Sir, I’m not someone who minces words.”  

“Promotion is important. That’s also one of the reasons why I’m here.”  

“I asked it because you’re new here. So I am concerned whether you are doing fine.”                               

“All right. Then pour me a drink.”  

The helmsman was worried about his trembling right hand. Suddenly an old man                         

came out and said that he is going to pour it, but Yoon Young Ha said that he wants                                     

the helmsman to do it. So the helmsman started to pour it with his left hand.  

“Aren’t you right­handed?” The helmsman changed to his right hand and poured.  

“We perform blocking maneuvers every day. So my eyes and your hands should move                           

in unison. Am I right?” Yoon Young Ha asked.  

The helmsman was quiet. “27 men, their lives depend on your hands. If you lack                             

assurance in protecting them, leaving could be an option.”  

Yoon Young Ha said and left.  The helmsman seemed lost in thought. 


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“Isn’t Mr. Yoon only one year older than you? If he has worked for a typical Korean                                   

company, he would be far more mature by now, having been through all those sweet                             

and bitter moments of a life.” said the old man. 

After a moment he continued. “His father was an elite sailor. He even received an                             

award for sinking a spy vessel. The captured spy confessed his route, and all his                             

supporters were arrested. The superior office ordered to shoot him, but Mr. Yoon’s                         

father didn’t pull the trigger. Then it became hard for him to get a promotion. I have                                 

no idea why he didn’t kill the spy.” 







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Chapter 4 





Meanwhile, Yoon Young Ha was thinking of his past at his room.  

“When I saw the spy’s clear eyes, I couldn’t bear to kill him.” His father had said.                                 

Then he said, “This will fit you too,” and gave a ring to Yoon Young Ha.  

Yoon Young Ha opened the drawer, took out the ring and looked at it thinking of the                                 

past. Then a subordinate knocked on the door. He opened the door and said,  

“The fleet commander called the helmsman.”  

“Why?” Yoon Young Ha asked.  

“Probably because of his hands.” Yoon Young Ha thought for a moment. 


At the lodging, someone reported that he came new.  

“Newcomer?” Dong Hyeok asked to a fellow soldier. 

“Yep.” he answered. 

Suddenly Lee Young Chang cut their conversation and said with a sarcastic remark.                         

“What will happen to you now? Your supporter is going to be discharged.”  

“Hey, you knew about the helmsman’s hand. Right?” Lee Young Chang said.  

Then he raised himself and said, “Did you want a comfortable service? Because of                           

you two, we could’ve died.”  

“I heard that he helped you a lot.” Dong Hyeok said with his teeth clenched. Lee                               

Young Chang threw his book and stood up in anger. “What did you say, you jerk?”                               

“What are you doing?” Suddenly the duty officer appeared and said. 

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“Get ready for the roll call. Today‘s roll call will include personal hygiene and will                             

check cleaning. If you do not pass it, don’t even think about going to bed.”  

They carried out the roll call. 


Next day, onboard, thee boatswain asked Staff Sergeant Han.  

“Sergeant Han, I heard you almost made a mistake because of your hand. Is this true?”                               

Han could not answer it, which meant that the rumor was true.  

The boatswain gave the telescope to him and said, “here. Grab this.” Han hesitated.                           

The boatswain said, “Hurry.”  

Han almost grabbed it, when Mr. Yoon took it and sighed. Then he said to the                               

boatswain. “Do you think I’m someone who overlooks trouble?”  

The boatswain did not believe what he said. “Hey, you inquired the navy center to                             

move out Sergeant Han to the ground. Is this friendship?” said the boatswain madly.                           

“OK. It’s good that you take care of him, but I’m not going to take responsibility for                                 


Mr. Yoon asked Han staff sergeant to leave first.  

When Han came out, he went to where Dong Hyeok was sitting. Dong Hyeok was                             

gazing the ocean.  

Sergeant Han came closer to him and said, “Are you thinking about your mom?”                           

Dong Hyeok shook his head and said, “It’s good to you, Mr. Han.”  

Han replied, “Yeah, it is.” Dong Hyeok wanted to encourage him. So he said,  

“Even if you don’t get to get onboard, navy is still navy. Do you think this will                                 


The boatswain heard Dong Hyeok encouraging Han and said with impression. “Hey                       

Sailor Park, you are now a real navy.”  

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The boatswain sat in front of Dong Hyeok and Han. Dong Hyeok said, “no, I’m not.”                               

with an embarrassed tone.  

“No, it looks like your built up for it hahaha. So, when do you get appointed for                                 

ground service?” Han replied.  

“I applied for it today, so I think it will take about a month. It’s so embarrassing.” He                                   


Then boatswain struck Han in the face and said, “You did not board the wrong ship.                               

There is a superior who covers you. Isn’t it?” 


At the same time, Mr. Yoon was about to go back to the ship. He called his                                 

father. Father asked him if he was going back to the ship.  

Mr. Yoon gave him a white bag with a reply, “Yes.”  

He asked what this bag was about and then saw what was in there. He knew his son’s                                   

salary, so he did not seem to like it. 

Mr. Yoon turned around and went his way. However his father stopped him by calling                             

his name ‘Young Ha’.  

He said, “You are an expert in English. What do you think about going to translator                               

school? One foreigner I know is a professor there. It will be a good opportunity for                               


Mr.Yoon replied. “I’m going to keep riding patrol killer even after I get promoted to                             

major. You also rode PB ship for a long time.” 

Mr.Yoon’s father said that he is taking back what he just said. Then Mr.Yoon left his                               


That evening, Dong Hyeok was texting his mother at the dark stairs because her                           

birthday was tomorrow. At that time, Youngchang who was Dong Hyeok’s senior,                       

saw that. Dong Hyeok stood up in a hurry. He asked what it was, and whether that                                 

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cellphone was his. Dong Hyeok said “no” with a stammer. He also said that Han lent                               

him his cellphone. Youngchang thought he was crazy, because regular army was not                         

allowed to use mobile phone. Dong Hyeok knew it also. Youngchang looked mad. He                           

said to give that phone to him. Dong Hyeok hesitated. Then Youngchang threatened                         

him. He said that he will report this.  

Dong Hyeok had no choice but to pass the phone. Then Youngchang told him to go in.                                 

Dong Hyeok did not look good. So Youngchang said to keep his composure. After                           

Dong Hyeok went inside, Youngchang saw what Dong Hyeok did with the phone.                         

Youngchang went downstairs with the phone. Han saw that, so he took his phone. 

The next day, Dong Hyeok was sitting on the ship, then one of the successor,                             

navy Kim came back. He had been away because of his health problem. Dong Hyeok                             

asked about his condition.  

Kim showed him his medicines and said “I’ve brought this much.”  

After that, Dong Hyeok told him to sit beside him, so Kim did. Navy Kim went                               

through his pocket. He found Chocolate pie and gave it to Dong Hyeok. Dong Hyeok                             

said thank you and ate immediately. 








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Chapter 5 





A few hours later, Gi Hyeong called Dong Hyeok that someone came to visit                           

him. Gi Hyeong said that person is Dong Hyeok’s girl friend. Dong Hyeok was                           

curious because he did not have a girl friend. Dong Hyeok came out to meet her.                               

Every other friend also came to see her. Her appearance from behind was awesome.                           

Dong Hyuck‘s friends were excited to see her appearance from the front. Dong Hyeok                           

went closer and called her. She turned around. When his friends saw her face,                           

everyone was disappointed, and they did not stop complaining.  

She said “Let’s go out.” Dong Hyeok still couldn’t understand this situation, so he                           

hesitated. The lady was a little bit mad at him.  

She asked again if he will go out or not. Dong Hyeok said “yes” with no choice. 

She started to walk and brought Dong Hyeok to the bus station. At the bus station,                               

there was Han. This lady was Han’s younger sister. Han required her to bring Dong                             

Hyeok there. When Dong Hyeok saw Han, he called Han’s name curiously. Han’s                         

sister asked him where they were going. Han said that they were not going anywhere                             

and asked her to go now. She was the only one to leave, so she complained. After                                 

Han’s sister left, Han gave Dong Hyeok some money.  

He said “Visit your house. It’s your mother’s birthday. Isn’t it?” 

Dong Hyeok’s eyes became big as those of a rabbit.  

Han asked. “Why. You don't want to go? Or do you want to go with her?” 

Dong Hyeok said “no.”  

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Han said just bring some presents. Then he went on his own way. However, Dong                             

Hyeok stopped him by calling him. Han stopped and turned around then asked why he                             

called him.  

Dong Hyeok said “My mother is really good at cooking. Let’s go together. Her foods                             

are really delicious.” Han turned down Dong Hyeok’s offer. But Dong Hyeok grabbed                         

his arms and said that his mother told him to bring him. Han finally said yes. 


They bought tickets and went to where Dong Hyeok’s house was located.                       

When they arrived, Han was worried that he was empty­handed.  

However, Dong Hyeok said it was okay and told him that he already bought a present.                               

Finally, Dong Hyeok and his mother had a reunion. They hugged each other. Dong                           

Hyeok’s mother was a speech­impaired person, so Dong Hyeok and his mother talked                         

with sign language.  

Mother asked him. “How are you?”  

“I’m good” Dong Hyeok replied.  

“I’m really happy to meet you.”  

“Me too.” Then Dong Hyeok’s mother found Han.  

She did not know who he was, so she asked Dong Hyeok.  

Dong Hyuck introduce Han to his mother. Then they bowed to each other.  

Han was not able to understand sign language, so Dong Hyeok translated for him.                           

Dong Hyeok’s mother cooked them chicken.  

While she was cooking, Dong Hyuck and Han prepared a birthday cake. When                         

Mother was done making food, she sat beside her son. She made a wish then blew out                                 

the candles. Han and Dong Hyeok celebrated her birthday by clapping their hands. 

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At that time, there was a firework outside their restaurant. Dong Hyeok told his                           

mother to look and she felt refreshed. After that, they started to eat. Han was eating                               

busy as a hen with one chicken. Then Dong Hyeok’s mother said something.  

Dong Hyeok laughed and told Han what she said.  

She said, “you seem like you didn’t eat anything for a while because you eat so well.”                                 

Han said “It’s really delicious.”  

Then Dong Hyeok said “She also said you look like my own brother.” Han smiled and                               

agreed with what she said, 


Next day, Dong Hyeok came back to the ship. Dong Hyeok knocked on Mr.                           

Yoon’s door and gave him a cup of coffee.  

Mr. Yoon said “Thank you.”  

Dong Hyeok said “victory” and he was about to go out when Mr. Yoon stopped him                               

and asked something. “Your home is in Ansan?” 

“Yes. I heard your home is also in Ansan.”  


Then Dong Hyeok went out. 

While Dong Hyeok was on the ship, Han was dating with his fiancee. They went to                               

the jewelry shop to buy rings. Han’s fiancee asked the clerk if she could try it on. It fit                                     

her well. 

On the ship, Dong Hyeok and his friends were busy. They enjoyed their free time, but                               

they did not behave lazy during their training.  

One day, when the training was going on, the ship was going toward a big                             

wave. Everyone except for a recruit avoided it by bending their body.  

Dong Hyeok said to the recruit. “Hey, you have a long way to follow me up.”  

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While Dong Hyeok was saying this to the recruit, another wave came. This time,                           

everyone except Dong Hyeok avoided it. Dong Hyeok did not know that the wave was                             

coming because he was busy talking. After the training, they encountered another ship                         

of ROK (Republic of Korea). They bowed to each other and shouted ‘victory.’ 

That night, in the 3579 signal troops situation room, one message was received. 

The one who received the message wrote down on the paper, ripped it and gave it to                                 

his superior. When the superior saw that message, he was shocked and could not                           

believe what he read. He thought those assholes were crazy.  

Right after that, the superior contacted all the authorities and reported that North                         

Korea will shoot a missile. He also said this report was hundred percent sure because                             

it was analyzed and reported secretly from North Korean intelligence covering the                       

North's purpose of invading NLL. Then he showed a picture of North Korea’s silicon                           

missile launcher. He explained that the missile launcher’s location also overlapped, so                       

it was a very grave situation. Also on that report, there was a word that we always had                                   

to deal with carefully. 


Then they convened all the captains of each department and said the sail would                           

be in three days.  

But then, one of them said “25th is the day our soccer team beat Germany.”  

“Why. Are you gonna go and run for the game?” Then everyone laughed.  

“No...but it’s semifinal! Why is the sail day so early? Isn’t it usually on the last day of                                   

the month?”  

“It was.” 

Then Mr. Yoon asked “Is there any special trend?”  

“Not really. It’s because of the North’s trend. We are sailing early just in case.” 

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They ended the meeting with applause. Then they went back to their departments and                           

prepared to sail. Mr. Yoon’s ship was ready to sail. The one who stayed next to Mr.                                 

Yoon was going to another ship. So it might be his last sail.  

Mr. Yoon said, “you will have a lot to learn.” 

“But I have a long way to catch up with you.”  

Before Mr. Yoon’s ship sail, Ms. Kim’s ship sailed. Mr. Yoon said to do arrangement                             

of conflict.  

“Arrangement of conflict is not for setting a new record. You guys have to know that                               

the time you wasted can lead to your friend’s death.” said Mr. Yoon.  

All navies went to their position. While they were training, all others were enjoying                           

soccer semifinal. It only took twenty­six seconds. Everyone was out of breath.  

Mr. Yoon’s right­hand man was impressed, and he said “It took only twenty­six                         

seconds. You guys will have to go and run for the semifinal.”  

“This is the end of the training. Great job.” Said Mr. Yoon.  

Suddenly, Dong Hyeok raised his hand and asked if they could watch the semifinal.                           

“Yes, you may.” replied Mr. Yoon.  

Everyone cheered and celebrated. 

That night, everyone gathered and watched the semifinal together. All of them were                           

excited, and they cheered for our team. The result of the game was not good. Until late                                 

night, they were talking about the soccer. Some said they did great, and some said                             

they did not do well. Mr. Yoon was watching it.  

Then Han said “I will tell them to sleep in a few second.”  

“You don’t have to. Just leave them.”  

“Mr. Yoon, I forget to say thank you to you.” 


At the North's quarter they were making a plan to invade South Korea.  

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“Ship 684 will reach Eastern 6 degrees starting from 6 degrees. This is to tie one of                                 

the South Korea’s ship. Then ten minutes later 388 ship will evacuate. Then ten                           

minutes later you will evacuate.”  

“What if the South Korea assholes attack us?”  

“You don't have to worry about it. South Korea’s navies can’t do anything. This                           

training will start tomorrow and it will last for two days.” 

Mr. Yoon’s ship was sailing. They found North Korea’s ship number 388 moving                         

south. Mr. Yoon checked the time. He found that they were coming south from both                             

side at intervals of ten minutes.  

One of the navy said “What are they doing? They are doing that kind of thing for                                 

several days. It’s so annoying.”  

Then they blew a siren and said “Your ship has invaded our territory. You should                             

move north right now. We are warning you again. Your ship has invaded our territory.                             

Move North right now!”  

Mr. Yoon saw the face of a high­ranking official. It was the one who came to their                                 

ship and said that they are just normal fisherman of North Korea. 

When they came back to the port, Mr. Yoon went to report it to Mr. Kim.  

“The highest position person of North Korea’s ship is the one who I reported as a                               

North Korea’s fisherman.”  

“Are you sure? You might have confused him with a similar looking person.”                         

However, Mr. Yoon was hundred percent sure.  

Mr. Kim also asked “Are there any instruction?”  

“There was no instruction.”  

North Korea navy was being really annoying, and South Korea navy could not find                           

out what North Korea was up to.  

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Mr. Yoon recalled a memory of one of his friend asking about Yeonpyeong Island and                             

North Korea. 


That night Han took charge of the navy when all the others were asleep. Then                             

he came out and watched the moon. At the same time, North Korea was busy. They                               

prepared to go south to attack South Korea. In June 29th, 2002, 5:30 AM, South                             

Korea’s ship also went sailing. 


After giving a shout of joy for delicious dinner, they started to prepare for                           

North Korea’s attack. They loaded the bullets into machine gun. Because they were                         

skillful soldiers, everything was easy to them. While others were doing their job, those                           

who were done with their jobs pretended to broadcast the third­place match between                         

Korea(South Korea) and Turkey. Their outstanding sense of humor made all of them                         

laugh. Suddenly, they received a message from the captain. 

“Everyone, move to the battle position. This is a real situation. All the marines who                             

are in the ship, move to the battle station.” 

“All 22 sailors are ready!” 

Then one navy said “There are ships. Distance is about 4,000 yards, 270 degree. They                             

are looking at us.” 

“It is almost same as yesterday, isn’t it?” asked Dong Hyeok. 

“Right, I am not sure about their plan.” replied helmsman with a frown. 




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Chapter 6 





Suddenly, the main fleet sent some signal to them.  

“Formation number 232, depend the enemy ship, ‘Deungsangot’. Formation number                   

256, announce this situation to fishing boats and tell them to go back to the shore.” 

This signal made everyone feel nervous about the tension between the ships of two                           


At the same moment, inside the control room of the Second fleet in                         

Pyeongtaek, the cheif himself was in chaos. It had been 3 years since the North                             

Korean ship was in attack position and tried to pass the NNL, which is the border                               

between South and North.  

The cheif said “When do you think those ships can pass the NLL?” 

“At this rate, the distance between Yeonpyeongdo Island and the ship will be about 7                             

miles over 5 minute.” 

“That means we need to prepare for the enemy’s attack. Inform me about our troops.”                             

“Formation number 232 is dealing with North Korean ship 684, which belongs to                         


“Wait, 684 again? 

“Yes, sir.” 


While they were analyzing the situation, the tension between two navies                     

reached its peak.  

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The captain said “10:01, the enemy’s ship is passing the NLL line. Although they are                             

dangerous, do not try to start the fight by striking the enemy first. But still, everyone                               

should prepare for their sudden attack.” 

Many of them shouted ‘Yes’ to show their passion. Everyone quickly returned to their                           

position and pulled out their guns. 

“Approach! Please do it quickly.” 

“Fifty degree, 5 Mile, at a speed of 20km/h” 

At once, the captain announced their action to North Korean ships. 

“Your ship invaded the territory of South Korea. You must go back to your own                             

country. This is the final warning." 

“Captain, something is strange. All of the gun barrel are pointing at us. I think they                               

will attack us when they are ready." 

“I think so. But we need to follow the order from the control room. All we can do is                                     

just to wait for them to give up their plan and return to their own country.” 

Just then, flight leader said “Ship­357, move to different sides for evasion. Also,                         

quickly turn the ship and do not expose your location.” 

Shocked by this order, Captain protested against him. 

“If we turn now, we will collide into each other!” 

After this protest, he said “Change the direction to the right side and move to the                               


“Aren’t we supposed to attack them first to stop those communists?” 

“Headquarters told us not attack them first. We have to follow the order.” 

“I think they are strange. Damn.” 

“Those Communists were always troublemakers. 

“Captain, some errors inside the ship stopped the program that finds the target                         

automatically. We can’t use it anymore..” 

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“Transfer everything into manual.” 

“Helmsman, can you handle the helm?” 

“Yes sir, I can. I’ve already handled it.” 


Suddenly, North Korean ship shoot the missile to South Korean navies.                     

Because of sudden attack, many of them got injured. Some of them became dead due                             

to its devastating strike. One of them was shot by enemies’ bullet. It was a catastrophe.  

“We are 357, we are 357! Our ship was attacked. Please help u….”  

“We are Alpha, What happened? Answer!” 

But because of damage, they could not reply. 

However, the main ship saw the fire on the deck of 357.  

“357 is attacked by them!” 

“What? Send some troops… No. Move our ship toward 357 and help them. Get ready                             

to shoot those guys.” 

“Move the ship toward 357! Change the direction to 30 degree.” 









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Chapter 7 





When they were talking about helping the ship­357, the soldiers in the ship­357                         

were getting tired of cycle of defend and attack. Also, the situation was becoming                           


“Something is wrong with our 21­shooter cannon. It is not working..!” 

“Because of the attack, our electricity has completely discharged..” 

“What? This is much worse situation than I imagined. If we don’t have that cannon,                             

sinking this ship is a piece of cake... Use the emergency electrical system to make it                               


Inside the broadcasting room, two soldiers were trying to send a signal for support.                           

Although they tried so hard, it seemed that only thing that they could do was just to                                 

wait for other troops to help. Suddenly, one signal arrived to the ship 

“Here is the ‘Savior." Please answer to this signal. Repeat! Here is the ‘Savior’. If you                               

are listening to this signal, answer!” 

But they couldn’t answer. Almost all of them were shot by communists. Only one or                             

two were unscathed. 

Flight leader said “Prepare some cannons those murderers..” 

However, one soldier replied “Leader, I’m afraid we can’t follow that order.. Ship 357                           

is too close. It is dangerous to use such things. If we use the cannons now, it will                                   

destroy our ship. 

“He is right. After Ship 357 is out of our cannon’s range, we will use it. It will be                                     

better, sir.” 

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“Okay, then make this ship move faster to save those innocent children!” 



At the same moment, Ship 357 was trying to move the ship. 

“Helmsman, get the handle!.. wait.. Are you okay?” said captain with a surprised look. 

“I’m okay, sir. I will keep this handle and drive us safely. You should go now,                               


After this, captain went out to the deck to see the situation. He saw one soldier who                                 

lost one of his legs. 

“Get a hold of yourself!! Don’t stand there like a dummy..” 

Watching this, one North Korean soldier shot the captain. It pushed everyone to                         

overcome their fear. 

“Dong Hyeok.. Please come right now! Where are you! Help our captain..” 

Dong Hyeok heard a voice and ran quickly toward them. 

When he tried to help the captain first, captain said “I’m okay. Help other soldiers                             


Following his order, Dong Hyeok helped his predecessor. 

“Please… stand still for just little bit!” 

He found out that he had only a few bandages left in his arms. 

“Sir, I will bring more bandages… Hang in there just a bit.” 

After saying that, he went inside to find the bandages and other medical supplies. He                             

ripped off the blankets to make bandages. Then, he saw one soldier behind the cabinet. 

“Manager Lee..?” 

“Go away, you murder!” 

“It’s me, Dong Hyeok!” 

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“Oh.. you.. Did you see that? They really used their gun and attacked us! We are                               

doomed… Everyone will die and be forgotten!” 

“You should go back and fight with the rest..You are a soldier!” 

“Shut up! I don’t want to die.. I really don’t want to die in this battle!” 

To help him, he slapped Manager Lee’s chin. 

“Hold yourself! We will not die! We will survive!” 


On the deck, there were many dead bodies and blood everywhere. It seemed                         

like a scenary of hell. Everyone was bleeding and shot by counterparts. 

“Helmsman, turn the ship right now! They are coming.” 

“I am trying to.. wait!” 

And finally, they turned their ship and made a strategic retreat. 

Inside the control room, they sent some combat planes to avenge the enemies’ attack.                           

They thought that it would reverse the situation and calm it down between the two                             

countries during Olympic time. There had been some instructions that needed to be                         


While they were ordering, Ship 357 was in chaos. Gi Hyeong lost one of his hands.                               

What's worse, the cannons were destroyed in the attack. Also, helmsman was dying                         

because of bullets in his body. 

“Helmsman, change the direction to south.” 

“Repeat. Helmsman, change the direction to south.” 

Although his wound was serious, he finally managed to change the direction. 

“CPO Hwang.. How many bullets do you have..?” 

“Two left, sir.” 

“Can you.. shoot… the… two leader in the right side..?” said the captain, with a dying                               


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“Yes.. of course!” 

“Good.. Helmsman. Save all of the soldiers... Please..” 

Saying that word, he closed his eyes and fell into a long sleep. 

“Captain.. No.. Wake up…” 

“Dong Hyeok.. Lets go.. We don’t have time.” 

“Wake up!.. You are too young to die…” 

“Please Dong Hyeok.. Lets go!” 

“Captain, I will finish your deed.”  

“All the soldiers, follow my order. Move dead bodies to the right side of the deck.” 

“Helmsman, we will keep moving south.” 

While other soldiers were following his order, Dong Hyeok visited the helmsman. 

“You are injured! Stop moving this things and let's go… You are bleeding too much.” 

“Then.. can you stop the bleeding? After that, you have to go.” 

“No!! You should be moved to a different place and take rest.” 

Mr. Han fetched a deep sigh. He resolved that he will take everyone back to safety and 

to their home. He never gave up on his trying and showed great level of perseverance. 

Mr. Han said seriously, "Dong Hyeok. I'll save the ship, you should save the men..." 

A word made Dong Hyeok to dedicate himself to save the men in a life­or­death 








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Chapter 8 





After he came out from the wheelhouse, he noticed that the situation was deteriorating 

over time. The sound of the cannonball echoed around. They got all weakened. But no 

one wanted to give up. Every person was striving to put their best endeavors. 

While they were struggling to survive, Staff Sergeant Mr. Han was concentrating on a 

steering gear. Then, he reached his hand into his pocket and brought out a picture of 

his wife. Mr. Han’s facial expression changed to happiness. The helmsman was 

always thankful to have such a supportive and adorable wife. Mr. Han began to think 

of her because he was able to draw strength from his wife. Suddenly, a slug slammed 

into his body. He groaned in pain, but never laid the steering gear and his wife's 

picture. Helmsman tried to tie up his hand with the steering gear to maintain a 

constant speed and a direction. Mr. Han was utterly exhausted, so put his head down 

on the helm. The entire members on the ship were still fighting against death. All of 

them endured the struggle to the end without giving up, to protect our country. 


That moment, CPO Suh had a shot. 

"Private, I need some help! CPO Suh, hang in there, please!" yelled Dong Hyeok.                           

Dong Hyeok and the Private tried to move him safely. 

"Hold on tight. You can do it sir." 

"Oh please sir..." They both requested. 

Unfortunately, he drew his last breath in a horrendous sight. CPO Suh passed away                           

more beautifully than any other people. 

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"No sir! Pull yourself together, please!" 

A sudden rush of anger and sorrow boiled up inside him. 

"Son of a bitch!", Dong Hyeok bawled out. He started to spray with bullets against an                               

enemy's warship. At the very moment, Dong Hyeok was hit by a bullet. He felt that                               

the moment itself was just like hell.. 

They fought bravely until the last round up. 


Because of the call for help, other warship turned the way to help them. 

Dong Hyeok thought in his head, 'The sky is so blue...' He was brought to the hospital                                 

for recovery. A rain of bullets, sound of the shell, a moan of pain suddenly died out. 

"357 is sinking rapidly, inevitably beyond the point of no return!”, said the member of                             

the other warship. 

"What about the members?" 

"Four deceased, ninteen injured, one missing and four uninjured." 

"What? Who’s missing?" 

"It’s CPO Han Sang­Guk, the helmsman." 

"Did you look through an aisle which is connected to the steering house?" 

"The steering room is surrounded by flames, so we cannot approach there." 

"Then you guys should start extinguishing the fire immediately!”. He blamed. 

"Missiles of North Korea are in scope and on military posture. Cease fire right now.                             

Repeat, all high speed boat cease fire. Cease fire and move back from there." After a                               

while things got quieted down. All members were sent to the hospital in pain. 

"Confrontation with North near NLL closer to Yeonpyeong Island. 24 sailors involved                       

in the skirmish. Patrol boat 357 drown into the water.” the news reported. 

The Helmsman's wife came out from the hospital. Suddenly, she saw the news that                           

Patrol boat 357 had sunk near Yeonpyeong Island. When Mr. Yoon’s father (Mr.                         

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Yoon’s father)was wiping the picture of his son, the phone rang in his house. Then he                               

noticed what had happened to his son. At the same time, Dong Hyeok's mother heard                             

that her son was wounded. She rapidly ran to the hospital and found out where her son                                 

was. It made her to fall with a thud. 

At the same moment, Mr.Yoon’s father arrived at the funeral. 

"Sir, I don't know how to apologize to you, I'm so sorry." Mr. Yoon's father's                             

colleague made a polite apology. 

"Thank you. I’m okay", said Mr. Yoon's father. 



















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Chapter 9 






A few days later, a send­off ceremony of the dead had started. It is a ceremony                               

that commemorates the memory of the deceased soldiers during the war. 


"One round, fire!" 

"One round, fire!" 

"One round, fire!" 

"Lower your rifles!" 

"Salute the departed!" 

All people became sad. Their death were lamented by everyone. 

Korean navies moved their coffins to the front. Many military leaders left                       

chrysanthemum to cherish the heroes of Yeonpyeong. Parents of soldiers who died in                         

the this battle were screaming out of cries. The death of their children was a                             

heart­rending tragedy. There was nothing that could compensate for the loss of child.                         

Their death could not be in vain. The crowd observed the moment of silence in                             

memory of those who had died in the accident. They marched down to cherish the                             

memory of the deceased people. The victims’ families of the war sprinkled the bone                           

waste of the dead. 

Mr. Yoon’s father stared at the white suit left by his deceased son. Then he hugged the                                 

suit alone. He cried from the heart about his son’s death. Mr. Yoon’s death made a                               

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tremendous blank in his life. Helmsman’s wife sat between vast seas. She grieved the                           

death of her husband. The death of her husband was excruciating pain. 

"Feeling better? Are you sure it doesn’t hurt?" The doctor asked him. 

"Tell him if it hurts." Dong Hyeok's mother asked him with in sign language. 

Dong Hyeok nodded his head. 

The doctor notified him."You must be in a good condition today. Your heart rate is                             

up, so the antibiotics are working." 

"Because of the tide race and a tidal basin, searching for Mr. Han would be delayed.                               

However, they determined to keep on the drag for the helmsman Han Sang­guk." 


At the site of rescue mission, sea­divers tried to find the helmsman. 

"The current is swift and it could blur our vision. On the other hand, the search                               

process can be easier than we anticipated. " 

"Is the boat completely erected?" 

"Yes, sir." 

"If so, must have held the steering gear continuously." 

Suddenly, they found Mr. Han’s corpse who was grasping the steering gear. 

"Sang­Guk, you did all you could do for our county. Let's go up together..." 

They untied the rope that was twined with Mr. Han's hand and a steering gear. Finally,                               

Mr. Han came up to the land. 

"The helmsman, Han Sang­Guk was found.” the news reported. After Dong Hyeok                       

saw this news, he raised his hand in salute by ill health. "Salute..". Burning tears                             

streamed down his cheeks. 

On that night when Dong­Hyeok was sleeping, a drop of tear traced a path                           

down his cheek. After then, the cardiac pacemakers made a long and a constant                           

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freezing sound. The nurse in charge found that he was already dead. Doctor in charge                             

came and attempted to save him. 

The doctor started to do CPR. 

"Charge 200! Clear, shock!". Everyone tried to revive him. 

"Once more! Clear, shock!" The doctor shouted. 

Puffiness filled the whole room. After a few attempts, the doctor apologized to Dong                           

Hyeok's mother. She moaned with pain and yelled for help. But there was no way to                               

save him. It was the last day of the warrior who fought bravely in the battle. 









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Epilogue : Friendship in the ship 


The friendship between brothers in arms will be greater than anything else. 

"You guys did excellent job today. What day is today?" 

"The Turkey Game!". They all shouted. 

“Let’s send our compliments and cheers to our proud athletes!” Mr. Yoon said softly. 

Mr. Han shouted for out of joy. "Salute the supreme commander! Salute!" 

“Salute!” They also shouted joyfully. 

"Please let me hear a great shout before dismissal!" 

The whole members exclaimed in transports of joy. 

“Then let’s go to watch a soccer game!” 

“Everyone move! Move! Move!” 


Mr. Yoon prepared a big screen for his members. A big vibe of cheerful anticipation                             

filled up the air around them. Everyone was extremely happy to watch a soccer game                             

altogether in this strict place. 


The navies of Chamsuri 357 devoted their lives to keeping our country safe from                             

threats and preventing the outbreak of war. They amended Rules of engagement in                         

order to enable quicker responses, to ensure all soldiers who were endangering their                         

lives to support their motherland to prosper, were safe. 

Han Sang­Guk's spouse left Korea in 2005. Cho Cheon Hyeong’s daughter Si Eun                         

graduated from elementary school this year(2015).  

Park Kyung­soo who survived in the battle considered an option of retirement. But for                           

his daughter’s sake, he decided to continue staying at the navy. However, he came to                             

his death in 2010 during the attack of Ship Cheonan incurred by North Korea. 

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Following is the contents of our interview: 


"Former 357 Artillery CPO Jeon Chang­sung" 

We were prohibiting the North vessel from entering our sea. We were in a very close                               

distance, and once we became in a parallel position, they started firing. 


"Former 357 Comm. Officer Kim Yong­tae" 

I was so shocked to see Radar specialist P03 Cho Hyun­jin was significantly                         

wounded. He was hit by shrapnel in his head, and his internal organs were being                             

exposed. He asked what it was, and tried to put it back in, and we held him tight. He                                     

kept saying he was going to die. 

Lt. Commander had a big pool of blood below and behind his body, P02 Gwun Gi                               

Hyeong’s.'. His hand was torn apart. He was screaming out of pain. Li. Lee Hee­wan's                             

leg was blown up, but he kept commanded us in that condition. He ordered for Lt.                               

Cdrfs status, and I said he had already died. 


"Former 357 P02 Kim Seung­hwan" 

I often had a nightmare that those who died come back, and we fight the battle again. 


"Former 357 P02 Gwun Gi Hyeong" 

I feel horrendous, about the fact that I'm still alive just because I was injured. I feel                                 

extreamely sorry, not only for those who deceased, but for the bereaved families of                           

our men. 


"Former 357 Chief CPO Lee Chul­gyu" 

lam so grateful and...I think of them often, and do miss them. 

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"Yoon Young­ha 1973 ­ 2002" 


"Han Sang­guk 1975 ­ 2002" 


"Cho Cheon­hyeong 1976 ­ 2002" 


"Hwang Do­hyun 1980 ­ 2002" 


"Suh Hu­won 1980 ­ 2002" 


"Park Dong­Hyeok 1981 ­ 2002" 






This book pays a tribute to the followings: Lt. Cdr. Yoon Young­ha, CPO Han                           

Sang­Guk, CPO Cho Chun­hyung, CPO Hwang Do­hyun, CPO Suh Hu­won, Petty                     

officer Park Dong­Hyeok and the 22 soldiers that dedicated their lives on that fatal                           






Page 50: Northern Limit Line

Translator’s note 


가장 힘들었던 시간을 보내온 그들이었지만 한명 한명의 곁에는 서로가 존재했기에 그                     

상황을 누구보다도 아름답고 멋지게 견뎌낼 수 있었던 우리들의 전사들이었다. 고난                   

속에서도 꿋꿋하게 우리나라를 위해 목숨 바쳐 싸워주신 분들께 진심 어린 감사의 인사를                       

표하고 싶다. 그들은 우리들을 위해 목숨 바쳐 싸워주신 애국자들이었다. 그들은 대한민국                     

국민들의 가슴속에 영원히 남을 것이고 그리고 우리 작가들은 이 책이 전 세계적으로                       

연평해전의 소식을 알려서 세계인들의 가슴 속에도 영원히남을수있게하고싶다.대한민국                         

17대 이명박대통령께서는 6월 29일제2연평해전 10주년기념식에참석하여 “10년동안우리                       

가슴 속에 묻어 두었던 여섯 명의 애국자들이 이제 우리 바다를 지키는 수호신으로 다시                         

태어났다”라고 말씀하셨다.이렇듯,그들은사람들에게영원히기억될것이다.이책을위대한                     

참수리 357 해군들에게 바친다. 



Despite the hardships they’ve been through together, they could gracefully make it                       

through as they were always there for each other on every occasion that happened to                             

them. We would like to express our sincere, heartfelt appreciation for all soldiers who                           

willingly devoted themselves to fighting for our country in tough times. They were                         

patriots who died for our country. They will live in people's heart of the Republic of                               

Korea and we wish that this book would spread the news about ‘Northern Limit line’                             

widely across the world. Lee Myung­bak, who was the 17th President of Republic of                           

Korea, attended the tenth anniversary of June 29th 2nd Battle in Yeonpyeong, which                         

was held a few years ago, saying “Six patriots who have been buried in our hearts for                                 

the past 10 years now are revived as guardian spirits of the sea.” Likewise, they will                               

be remembered by people forever. This book is dedicated to the great Chamsuri 357                           



