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Multiple Choice:

1. “Artificial intelligence is the study of ideas which enable computers to do the things that make people seem intelligent.” This commonly used definition of AI is a quote by:

A. Alan Turing.

B. Patrick Henry Winston.

C. Phil Knight.

D. Bill Gates.

Answer: B Reference: What Is Artificial Intelligence? Difficulty: Moderate

2. The “imitation game” was developed by ____________ to demonstrate a computer’s intelligence.

A. Alan Turing

B. Patrick Henry Winston

C. the U.S. Dept. of Defense

D. Bill Gates

Answer: A Reference: Can Machines Think? Difficulty: Moderate

3. The simulation approach in regard to AI includes all of the following problems EXCEPT:

A. people don’t always know how they do things.

B. the brain can perform parallel processing, which is difficult for computers.

C. machines operate differently than the brain.

D. we know how the brain functions and can simulate that in a computer.

Answer: D Reference: What Is Artificial Intelligence? Difficulty: Moderate

4. One of the first popular domains for AI research was:

A. the checkerboard.

B. solitaire.

C. chess.

D. parallel processing.

Answer: A Reference: Opening Games Difficulty: Moderate

5. Traditional AI techniques still used today include all of the following EXCEPT:

A. searching.

B. heuristics.

C. pattern recognition.

D. parallel processing.

Answer: D Reference: Opening Games Difficulty: Challenging

6. Machine learning involves:

A. learning from a successful move.

B. copying the knowledge of a human to a computer.

C. loading numerous games and playing them regularly.

D. making numerous mistakes so the computer can learn.

Answer: A Reference: Opening Games Difficulty: Moderate

7. A primary outcome of the automatic language translation program was the realization that:

A. humans are faster and more accurate.

B. computers are faster and more accurate.

C. computers make fewer errors than humans.

D. computers can accurately translate 99% of the text.

Answer: A Reference: Machine Translation Traps Difficulty: Easy

8. AltaVista’s Babel Fish Web site is a(n):

A. language translation program.

B. wealth of information about species of fish.

C. AI search engine.

D. AI organizational page of information.

Answer: A Reference: Machine Translation Traps Difficulty: Moderate

9. A typical problem of natural-language communication is:

A. tone inflection.

B. the limited vocabulary of natural language.

C. the use of accents.

D. the enormous vocabulary of natural language.

Answer: D Reference: Nonsense and Common Sense Difficulty: Moderate

10. Syntax, a problem with natural-language communication, is:

A. the tone inflection of human language.

B. the natural accent of the human voice.

C. a set of rules for common expressions.

D. a set of rules for constructing sentences from words.

Answer: D Reference: Nonsense and Common Sense Difficulty: Moderate

11. Semantics, a problem with natural-language communication, refers to:

A. the underlying meaning of words and phrases.

B. a set of rules for constructing sentences from words.

C. the natural accent of the human voice.

D. the tone inflection of human language.

Answer: A Reference: Nonsense and Common Sense Difficulty: Moderate

12. The most successful natural-language applications:

A. keep the scope of their work very wide and nebulous.

B. limit the scope of their field.

C. keep the rules very flexible and variable.

D. discard common sense as unimportant.

Answer: B Reference: Nonsense and Common Sense Difficulty: Easy

13. When it comes to the areas of data and knowledge, computers are much better at handling:

A. knowledge first, then processing the data.

B. knowledge than data.

C. data than knowledge.

D. only knowledge.

Answer: C Reference: Knowledge Bases and Expert Systems Difficulty: Easy

14. A typical database contains:

A. rules, facts, and relationships.

B. only rules and relationships.

C. simulation of human thinking.

D. only facts.

Answer: D Reference: Knowledge Bases Difficulty: Moderate

15. When a computer can correctly recognize faces of users with a high degree of reliability, it is using:

A. fuzzy logic.

B. pattern recognition.

C. image analysis.


Answer: C Reference: Image Analysis Difficulty: Easy

16. A knowledge base contains:

A. rules, facts, and relationships.

B. only rules and relationships.

C. simulation of human thinking.

D. only facts.

Answer: A Reference: Knowledge Bases Difficulty: Moderate

17. A software program designed to replicate the decision-making process of a human expert is a(n):

A. data system.

B. database.

C. expert system.

D. semantic system.

Answer: C Reference: Artificial Experts Difficulty: Moderate

18. Using the knowledge of an expert in a particular field in order to duplicate it into a program is the creation of a(n):

A. expert system.

B. database.

C. fuzzy logic system.

D. pattern recognition system.

Answer: A Reference: Artificial Experts Difficulty: Easy

19. When a conclusion is stated as a probability rather than an exact fact, it is known as:

A. an expert system.

B. a database.

C. fuzzy logic.

D. a pattern recognition system.

Answer: C Reference: Artificial Experts Difficulty: Moderate

20. XCON, a system at American Express, and a system at Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Virginia are all examples of:

A. expert systems.

B. databases.

C. fuzzy logic.

D. pattern recognition systems.

Answer: A Reference: Expert Systems in Action Difficulty: Moderate

21. Expert systems primarily started in the:

A. insurance field.

B. medical field.

C. aviation field.

D. library reference field.

Answer: B Reference: Expert Systems in Action Difficulty: Easy

22. The field of AI that covers fingerprint identification, handwriting recognition, and weather forecasting is:

A. pattern recognition.

B. image analysis.

C. parsing programs.

D. fuzzy logic.

Answer: A Reference: Pattern Recognition: Making Sense of the World Difficulty: Moderate

23. The task of identifying recurring patterns in input data with the eventual understanding or categorizing of that input is known as:

A. fuzzy logic.

B. automatic translation.

C. a parsing program.

D. pattern recognition.

Answer: D Reference: Pattern Recognition: Making Sense of the World Difficulty: Moderate

24. What aspect of artificial intelligence represents half of the industry?

A. Fuzzy logic

B. Automatic translation

C. Parsing programs

D. Pattern recognition

Answer: D Reference: Pattern Recognition: Making Sense of the World Difficulty: Moderate

25. _____________ is the process of identifying objects and shapes in a photograph, drawing, video, or other visual image.

A. Pattern recognition

B. Image analysis


D. Fuzzy logic

Answer: B Reference: Image Analysis Difficulty: Easy

26. The U.S. Postal Service sorts much of its mail using:


B. fuzzy logic.

C. image analysis.

D. pattern recognition.

Answer: A Reference: Optical Character Recognition Difficulty: Moderate

27. OCR stands for:

A. original character representation.

B. optical character recognition.

C. optical computer reply.

D. original character recognition.

Answer: B Reference: Optical Character Recognition Difficulty: Easy

28. More advanced speech recognition programs that have the ability to recognize speech without being trained by a speaker are known as:


B. speaker independent.

C. digitized speech.

D. synthetic speech systems.

Answer: B Reference: Automatic Speech Recognition Difficulty: Moderate

29. When a computer’s speech sounds like the speech of a human, it is using:


B. synthetic speech.

C. speech synthesis.

D. prerecorded commentary.

Answer: C Reference: Talking Computers Difficulty: Moderate

30. The primary successes of intelligent applications tend to have all of the following characteristics EXCEPT:

A. logical rules.

B. unstructured logic.

C. sequential thinking.

D. orderly relationships.

Answer: B Reference: Neural Networks Difficulty: Moderate

31. A network of a few thousand simple processors is called a _________ network.

A. neural

B. cerebral

C. rational

D. robot

Answer: A Reference: Neural Networks Difficulty: Moderate

32. An example of a ____________ network is American Express reading and analyzing millions of charge slips each day or recognizing patterns in huge quantities of data, such as the stock market.

A. neural

B. cerebral

C. rational

D. robot

Answer: A Reference: Neural Networks Difficulty: Moderate

33. A computer-controlled machine designed to perform specific manual tasks is known as a(n):

A. speech synthesizer.

B. AI.

C. robot.


Answer: C Reference: What Is a Robot? Difficulty: Easy

34. Robots are quite effective in all of the following EXCEPT:

A. cleaning up hazardous waste.

B. doing repetitive jobs.

C. working 24/7.

D. doing work that requires fine-motor skills.

Answer: D Reference: Steel-Collar Workers Difficulty: Moderate

Fill in the Blank:

35. AI stands for ____________.

Answer: artificial intelligence Reference: Alan Turing, Military Intelligence, and Intelligent MachinesDifficulty: Easy

36. ____________ is the process of breaking complex jobs into manageable pieces and completing these tasks simultaneously.

Answer: Parallel processing Reference: What Is Artificial Intelligence?Difficulty: Moderate

37. A(n) ____________ is a rule of thumb.

Answer: heuristic Reference: Opening GamesDifficulty: Challenging

38. One AI technique that is still used today is ____________, the process of looking at possibilities and choosing one that is most probable for success.

Answer: searching Reference: Opening GamesDifficulty: Moderate

39. The ____________ technique rapidly repeats a simple operation until an answer is found.

Answer: brute-force Reference: Opening GamesDifficulty: Challenging

40. Every natural language has a(n) ____________, a set of rules for constructing sentences from words.

Answer: syntax Reference: Nonsense and Common SenseDifficulty: Moderate

41. The most successful natural-language applications limit their ____________, or affected area, so that rules can be clean and unambiguous.

Answer: domain Reference: Nonsense and Common SenseDifficulty: Easy

42. ____________ allows a computer to output words in English or another language.

Answer: Speech synthesis Reference: Talking ComputersDifficulty: Moderate

43. Between humans and computers, ____________ are better at comprehending and identifying relationships among facts.

Answer: humans Reference: Knowledge Bases and Expert SystemsDifficulty: Moderate

44. A database contains only facts, while a(n) ____________ also contains a system of rules for determining and changing the relationship among those facts.

Answer: knowledge base Reference: Knowledge Bases and Expert SystemsDifficulty: Challenging

45. A(n) ____________ is a software program designed to replicate the decision-making process of a human expert.

Answer: expert system Reference: Artificial ExpertsDifficulty: Moderate

46. Since most human decision making involves ambiguity, ____________ allows for conclusions that are based on probabilities rather than certainties.

Answer: fuzzy logic Reference: Artificial ExpertsDifficulty: Moderate

47. An expert system is based on the knowledge of a(n) ____________.

Answer: expert Reference: Artificial ExpertsDifficulty: Moderate

48. Because of the orderly and well-documented information of the industry, the ____________ field was the area used for some of the first successful expert systems.

Answer: medical Reference: Artificial ExpertsDifficulty: Moderate

49. The process of ____________ is used for recognizing and recoloring classic motion pictures or piloting cruise missiles.

Answer: image analysis Reference: Image AnalysisDifficulty: Challenging

50. ____________ text is more difficult than printed text for a computer to recognize accurately.

Answer: Handwritten Reference: Optical Character RecognitionDifficulty: Easy

51. ____________ voice recognition systems have the ability to recognize speech without being trained by an individual speaker.

Answer: Speaker independent Reference: Automatic Speech RecognitionDifficulty: Moderate

52. Most modern robots include ____________ that accept new input and enable robots to correct or modify their actions based on feedback from the outside world.

Answer: sensors Reference: What Is a Robot?Difficulty: Challenging

53. ____________ is the playing of prerecorded speech stored on a computer.

Answer: Digitized speech Reference: Talking ComputersDifficulty: Moderate

54. With ____________ software or hardware, PCs can recite typed text, but with artificial and robotic voices.

Answer: speech synthesis Reference: Talking ComputersDifficulty: Moderate

55. A(n) ____________ uses a network of a few thousand simple processors that work simultaneously.

Answer: neural network Reference: Neural NetworksDifficulty: Challenging

56. A(n) ____________ is a computer-controlled machine designed to perform specific manual tasks.

Answer: robot Reference: What Is a Robot?Difficulty: Moderate

57. ____________ is the application of AI concepts to networks, rather than only to individual computers.

Answer: Distributed intelligence Reference: AI Implications and Ethical QuestionsDifficulty: Moderate

58. In the workplace, ____________ primarily take over tasks that are boring, dirty, or dangerous and which humans often do not want, cannot do, or get very tired of doing.

Answer: robots Reference: What Is a Robot?Difficulty: Moderate


59. Match the following terms to their meanings:

I. Turing test A. software designed to replicate the knowledge of a

human “expert”

II. Expert system B. set of rules for constructing sentences from words

III. Automatic translation C. the “real” meaning of words and phrases

IV. Checkers and chess D. if it acts intelligent, it is intelligent

V. Syntax E. contains facts and relationships

VI. Semantics F. the first area of AI research

VII. Domain G. Spanish “hola” for English “hello”

VIII. ELIZA H. contains only facts

IX. Database I. one of the first software programs to converse in

natural language

X. Knowledge base J. the “world” that the application deals with

Answers: D, A, G, F, B, C, J, I, H, E Reference: Multiple locationsDifficulty: Challenging

60. Match the following AI techniques to their specific examples:

I. Searching A. in a game of checkers, keep checkers in the king’s row as long as possible

II. Heuristics B. a chess move is successful, the computer will probably opt to use it more often in the future and vice versa

III. Pattern recognition C. there are five possible chess moves in this situation, if I choose this…then this happens; if I choose this other option…then this other thing happens; etc.

IV. Machine learning D. if the knight chess piece is in this square and the Queen is to the right with the opponent’s King straight in front, then the proper move is…

Answers: C, A, D, B Reference: Opening GamesDifficulty: Moderate

Dai lam:

1. Which of the fllowing is a disadvantage of a neural network?

Function with only complete or well stuctured information.

2. What is the biggest problem with neural network?

- The way the hidden layer functions.

3. What is the biggest problem with neural network?( chu y cau tren co da dung , cau nay ko co dap an).

- The way the input layer functions

- The way the output layer functions

- The way the hidden layer system

- None of the above

4. A(n) ---- is an artificial intelligence system that is capable of finding and differentiating patterns:

- Fuzzy

- Genetich

- Decision

- None of the bove (Dap an la Neural network)

5. Which of the follow describes a genetic algorithm?

- An AI

- An optimizing

- Analyse the

- Finds the combination of inputs that give the best outputs.

6. Which of the follow describes a genetic algorithm?

- An AI

- An optimizing

- Finds the combination of inputs that give the best inputs.(khac cau tren)

- None of the above

7. A typical database contains

- Rules, facts and relationships

- Only rules and relationships

- Simulation of human thinking

- All of the above

8. A typical database contains ( chu y o tren co cau tuong tu nhung no chon la only fact) con day la dap an trong dia

- Only facts

- Only rules and relationships

- Simulation of human thinking

- None of the above

9. What aspect of AI represents half of the industry?

- fuzzy logic

- automatic translation

- parsing program

- none of the above

10. A computer – controlled machine designed to perform specific manual tasks is known as a(n).

- Speech synthesizer.

- Ai

- Ocr

- Nonce of the above

11. When a computer can correctly recognize faces of users with a high degree of reliability it is using:

- Fuzzy logic

- Pattern recognition

- Ocr

- None of the above (dap an la image analysis)

12. What are the three la;yers of a neural network?

- Input, output and decision

- Input, output

- Input, output and highlighted

- None of the above

13. A typical problem of natural-language communication is:

B. tone inflection.

C. the limited vocabulary of natural language.

D. the use of accents.

E. None of the above( dap an la: the enormous vocabulary of natural language.)

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rt 1

1. What is the terrm used for describing the judgmental or commonsense part of problem solving ?

a) Heuristic b) Critical c) Value based d) Analytical

2. What stage of the manufacturing process has been described as "the mapping of function onto form" ?

a) Design b) Distribution c) Project managementd) Field service

3. Which kind of planning consists of successive representations of different levels of a plan?

a) hierarchical planning b) non-hierarchical planning c) All of the above d) project planning

4. What was originally called the "imitation game" by its creator ?

a) The Turing Test b)LISP c)The Logic Theorist d) Cybernetics

5. Decision support programs are designed to help managers make:a) budget projections b) visual presentations c) business decisions d) vacation


Des advertise

15. Weak AI isA. the embodiment of human intellectual capabilities within a computer.B. a set of computer programs that produce output that would be considered to reflect intelligence if it were generated by humans.C. the study of mental faculties through the use of mental models implemented on a computer.D. All of the above

16. In LISP, the function assigns the symbol x to y isa) (setq y x) b) (set y = 'x') c) (setq y = 'x') d) (setq y 'x')

17. In LISP, the function returns t if <object> is a CONS cell and nil otherwise:A. (cons <object>) B. (consp <object>) C. (eq <object>) D. (cous = <object>)

18. In a rule-based system, procedural domain knowledge is in the form of:A. production rules B. rule interpreters C. meta-rules D. control rules

19. If a robot can alter its own trajectory in response to external conditions, it is considered to be:A. Intelligent B. Mobile C. open loop D. non-servo

20. One of the leading American robotics centers is the Robotics Institute located at:A. CMU B. MIT C. RAND D. SRI

21. In LISP, the function returns the first element of a list IsA. set B. car C. first D. second

22. Nils Nilsson headed a team at SRI that created a mobile robot named:A. Robitics B. Dedalus C. Shakey D. Vax

23. An AI technique that allows computers to understand associations and relationships between objects and events is called:

A. heuristic processing B. cognitive science C. relative symbolism D. pattern matching

24. The new organization established to implement the Fifth Generation Project is called:A. ICOT (Institute for New Generation Computer Technology)B. MITI (Ministry of International Trade and Industry)C. MCC (Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation) D. SCP (Stategic Computing Program)

25. The field that investigates the mechanics of human intelligence is:A. history B. cognitive science C. psychology D. sociology

26. A problem is first connected to its proposed solution during the stage.A. Conceptualization B. identification C. Formalization D. Implementation. E. testing

27. What is the name of the computer program that simulates the thought processes of human beings?A. Human logic B. Expert reason C. Expert system D. Personal information

28. What is the name of the computer program that contains the distilled knowledge of an expert?A. Data base management system B. Management information System C. Expert system

D. Artificial intelligence

29. Claude Shannon described the operation of electronic switching circuits with a system of mathematical logic called: A. LISP B. XLISP C. Boolean algebra D. neural networking

30. A computer program that contains expertise in a particular domain is called an:

A. intelligent planner B. automatic processor C. expert system D. operational symbolizer

31. Ambiguity may be caused by:A. syntactic ambiguity B. multiple word meanings C. unclear antecedents D. All of the above

32. Which company offers the LISP machine considered to be "the most powerful symbolic processor available"?

A. LMI B. Symbolics C. Xerox D. Texas Instruments

33. What of the following is considered to be a pivotal event in the history of AI. A. 1949, Donald O, The organization of Behaviour,B. 1950, Computing Machinery and Intelligence.C. 1956, Dartmouth University Conference Organized by John McCarthyD. 1961, Computer and Computer Sense. E. None of the above

34. Natural language processing is divided into the two subfields of:A. symbolic and numeric B. time and motion C. algorithmic and heuristic D. understanding and generation

35. High-resolution, bit-mapped displays are useful for displaying:A. clearer characters B. graphics C. more characters D. All of the above

36. A bidirectional feedback loop links computer modelling with:A. artificial science B. heuristic processing C. human intelligence D. cognitive science

37. Which of the following have people traditionally done better than computers?A. recognizing relative importance B. finding similaritiesC. resolving ambiguity D. All of the above

38. In LISP, the function evaluates both <variable> and <object> is

A. set B. setq C. add D. eva

39. Which type of actuator generates a good deal of power but tends to be messy?A. electric B. hydraulic C. pneumatic D. (B) and (c) above

40. Research scientists all over the world are taking steps towards building computers with circuits patterned after the complex inter connections existing among the human brain's nerve cells. What name is given to such type of computers?

A. Intelligent computers B. Supercomputers C. Neural network computers D. Smart computers

41. The hardware features of LISP machines generally include:A. large memory and a high-speed processor B. letter-quality printers and 8-inch disk drives

C. a mouse and a specialized keyboard D. both (a) and (c)

42. In 1985, the famous chess player David Levy beat a world champion chess program in four straight games by using orthodox moves that confused the program. What was the name of the chess program?


43. The explanation facility of an expert system may be used to: A. construct a diagnostic modelB. expedite the debugging processC. explain the system's reasoning processD. All of the aboveE. both (b) and (c)

44. A process that is repeated, evaluated, and refined is called:A. diagnostic B. descriptive C.

interpretive D. iterative

45. Visual clues that are helpful in computer vision include:A. colour and motion B. depth and texture C. height and weight

D. a and b above

46. In LISP, the function X (x). (2x+l) would be rendered asA. (lambda (x) (+(*2 x)l)) B. (lambda (x) (+1 (* 2x) C. (+ lambda (x) 1 (*2x)) D. (*

lambda(x) (+2x1)

47. A natural language generation program must decide:A. what to say B. when to say something C. why it is being used D.

both (a) and (b)

48. Who is considered to be the "father" of artificial intelligence?A. Fisher Ada B. John McCarthy C. Allen Newell

D. Alan Turning

49. In which of the following areas may ICAI programs prove to be useful?A. educational institutions B. corporations C. department of Defence D.

All of the above

50. A network with named nodes and labeled arcs that can be used to represent certain natural language grammars to facilitate parsing.

A. Tree Network B. Star Network C. Transition Network D. Complete Network

Copyright © 2006 Prentice-Hall. All rights reserved. 22

Chapter 15: Is Artificial Intelligence Real?

Dai lan 2:

1. The area of ai that investigates methods of facilitating communication between people and computer is :

- Natural language processing

2. Natural language processing is divided into the two subfields of :

- Understanding and generation

3. Claude shannon described the operation of electronic..........................

- Boolean algebra

4. Which approach to speech recognition avoids the problem...............

- Issolated word recongnition

5. For speech understanding systems to gain

- Speaker independence

6. In his landmark book cybernetics, norbert wiener...............

- Information

7. If the english philosopher thomas hobbes could be called ‘grandfather’..............

- A.m. turning

8. A mouse device may be:

- Electro chemical

- Mechanical

- Optical

- B va c

9. An expert system differs from a database program in that...................

- Contains procedural knowledge

10. An ai system developed by terry winograd to ............

- ShrdluCopyright © 2006 Prentice-Hall. All rights reserved. 23

Chapter 15: Is Artificial Intelligence Real?

11. Ambiguity may be caused by:

- Syntactic ambiguity

- Multiple word meanings

- All of the

- None of

12. Darpa, the agency that has funded a ...........

- Defense

13. How many control unit is available i n sisd...............

- One

14. In computer vision, visual clues...............

- Color and motion

- Depth and texture

- All of

- None of

15. Ambiguity may be caused by:

- Syntactic ambiguity

- Multiple word meanings

- All of the

- Unclear antecedents

16. In ai programming , a list may contain:

- All of the(cells,fields,pointers)

17. Which of the following have people ...............

- All of the( recognizing, finding,resolving)

18. The primary interactive...........

- Speaking

19. Lisp was created by:

Copyright © 2006 Prentice-Hall. All rights reserved. 24

Chapter 15: Is Artificial Intelligence Real?

- John mccarthy

20. Special program that..........

- Intelligent programming tools

21. High- resolution, bit mapped......

- All of(clearer char, graphics)

22. What part of the manufacturing process relate.............

- Project management

23. Expert ease was developed........

- Donald michie

24. High- resolution, bit mapped......

- All of(clearer char, more char)

25. Elementary linguistic units....

- All of the

26. MLMenu, a natural language............

- naturalLink

- ``

Copyright © 2006 Prentice-Hall. All rights reserved. 25