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  • 8/13/2019 Paper Konsbang


    Building ConstructionAssignment for Final Exam

    Renovate the House Properly


    #roup %Agnes Ferrina &'(')**+,*+-

    .esca Astarini /urya0rata


    $anggala 2usumo 3i4ayanto




  • 8/13/2019 Paper Konsbang


    DEPOK 2010

    1. Introduction

    1.1 Background

    We receive assignment for construct or renovate the house, so we search theunhealthy house to renovated (devising). Exactly, the devising mean what we woulddone with the house condition properly. Firstly, to considering the house condition(healthy or unhealthy) must known the theorem.

    In our opinion the healthy house contain items! dry, clean, well ventilated,

    com"ustion product#safe, pest#free, toxic chemical#free, comforta"le, and afforda"le.$ood construction and maintenance practice could create this types of houses. %eitherin modern house nor an old modern house.

    &ry means, homes minimi'e moisture and molds. oisture and molds cantrigger asthma attacks and other allergic reactions. Water and moisture also attractcockroaches , rodents , and help dust mites to thrive, all of which can also increase therisk of asthma attacks.

    lean means, homes have minimal dust and clutter. *esearchers and medicalexperts have proven that dust sensiti'es individuals and can trigger asthma attacks.&ust generally comes from two sources! outdoor particles that are tracked in on shoesor drawn in through heating and ventilation systems or air leakage and dust mitesliving inside our homes. +ut to make free#dust home is impossi"ility. We ust reducethe percentages "y designing entryway systems to help remove dust from our shoes

    "efore we "ring it inside. Filters for heating, ventilation , and air cooling (- / )systems are also effective in reducing dust particles in the home.

    Well ventilated, homes have systems to remove contaminants and allergens

    that can cause respiratory pro"lems such as dust and "yproducts from heating andcooking. 0hese mechanisms include fans that exhaust to the outside and changes in air

    pressure to ensure the movement of air from the outside to the inside.

    om"ustion product#free, homes minimi'e car"on monoxide , which can causedeath and more su"tle health effects (fatigue, headaches, nausea). 1roducts that cancreate car"on monoxide include cars in an attached garage (when the engine iswarming up), gas stoves, gas water heaters, gas furnaces with a cracked heatexchanger or a leaking chimney, non#electric space heaters, and gas fireplaces.
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    1est#free, homes reduce the presence of pests such as cockroaches.ockroaches shed feces and skins that can trigger allergic reactions often associated

    with asthma and other respiratory pro"lems. /dverse health conditions can also arisewhen homeowners reacting to a pest pro"lem apply harmful pesticides in their homes.

    0oxic chemical#free, homes reduce and eliminate toxins, such as as"estos , lead , volatile organic compounds, and pesticides . 2ome types of flooring and the adhesivesused to attach them can emit volatile organic compounds. 34ffgassing5 refers to therelease of gases during the aging and deterioration of a material.

    omforta"le, homes make it unlikely that individuals will unknowingly take actionsthat can harm their health. For example, excess cold may cause people to use stovesand ovens for heating, leading to chronic and perhaps acute exposure to car"onmonoxide. -umidifiers may "e installed to relieve an excessively dry environment,creating extra moisture that can contri"ute to molds and foster the growth of dustmites, "oth of which are asthma triggers.

    /ll component contri"utes the healthy house was introduced. $enerally now wecould considered which house healthy and unhealthy.

    1.2 Objective

    For complete the "uilding construction assignment, generating idea of construct orrenovate the house, and providing experience a"out "uilding construction.

    1.3 Writing System and References

    We systematically used deductive writing system for this report, clearly could "e readin this report.

    0his report referenced to internet, "uilding construction "ook, generating idea, andenvironment of the house. We extract all the information to "e this article

    2. E IS!I"# $O%SE0he existing condition is the real appearance of the house that can "e seen and

    which is classified as the unhealthy condition of the house that needs to "eredecorated, renovated and repaired in almost all of the house6s components(elements). 0he elements that are changed "asically considered as the most vitalelement of the house

    -ouse Foundation7. +ottom Foundation
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    0he "ottom foundation is made of river stone, crushed rocks (concrete) andthe steel structure that supports the whole load of the house (dead loads andlive loads). 0he "inding element consists of cement, water, limestone andsand. 0he use of cement as the "inding agent is so "ig "ecause the role of

    cement vary for the use of plaster in "rick masonry, tiles, river stone setting.

    8. 9pper Foundation

    8.a. Walls

    0he walls are composed of red "ricks with medium si'e (8:x77x; cm) and "ound "y cement that has "een transformed into a plaster. 0he partition ofeach room in the house are done "y the walls composed of red "ricks withmedium si'e as descri"ed a"ove. 0he walls already faded and cracked, whichindicate that the walls need to "e redecorated and repaired.

    0he wall in the "athroom has rooster set up for the air circulation purpose. 0hedimension of the rooster is (78x8< cm).


    0he orientation of the roof is originally inclined "y the corner sides. 0he roof6sinclination is

    7. 0russ=2upporting 2tructure

    0he truss of this house is made of wood, the >uality is not good "ut it may

    restrain the load of the roof and other components a"ove it. 0he trusseshave "een hollow in many places. 0his occur due to the humidity of theenvironment and the height of the roof is considered too low compared tothe common type of truss6s structure.

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    8. 4uter 2kin

    0he outer skin is a set of laams roof, painted in red which generally willfit up to 8: pieces per meter8. /t the top of the roofs, there are several

    components that work as the support of the laams roofs arranged "elowit, which is called as the 3%ok5 roof which has triangle shape. 0hesecomponents will fill up to : pieces per meter.

    :. Inner 2kin (1lafond)

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    0his part is made of thin "oards painted in white set up according to theroof plan6s of the house. 0he thin "oards are called plywood whichcomposed of three layers, commonly called triplex. 0he dimension of the

    "oard is (8

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    0he floor is composed of tiles with the dimension of (:@ x :@ cm) and haswhite color. 0he tiles are mostly still in a good condition "ut in some

    places, the tiles are already "roken and need to "e changed into the newone due to the condition of the tiles. 0he tiles are varied, the tiles used in

    the main room are different from the ones that are used in the "athroom.0he "athroom use tiles that have coarse surface on them whereas the tilesused on the main room have fine and smooth texture. 0he dimension of thetiles is the same whether the ones that are used in the main room or theones that are used in the "athroom.

    0he terrace has a cement "ased floor, which is inclined and shaped as astair to give a way in or out for people to pass. 0he floor in the terrace issupported "y the river stone that is "ound together "y cement.

    8. &oor

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    0he front door is a hinged type of door which is made of plain wood, painted in "lue and have a dimension of (7A@ x B@ cm).


    0he sewer is located under the main road and planted with the depth around 7#8 meter measured from the upper surface of the road. 0he sewer is locatednear the water drainage on the corner of the road that will connect to the waterflow surrounding the area.


    7. Windows

    0here are three windows located on the front side of the house, one locatednext to the main door and the two others are located on the left side of thehouse separated "y a thin walls from the other window. 0he window is asliding type which has dimension of (7

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    considered as the unhealthy elements on the house which needs to "e changed.0he consideration is "ecause there are no other windows in the house, and thethree windows are classified as the dead windows that if they are closed, therewould "e no air circulation in and out of the house.

    3. &et'odo(ogy ) Basic !'eory

    3.1 *oundation

    &epending on when and where a house was "uilt, the foundation may "e madeof stone, "rick, preservative#treated lum"er, concrete "lock, or poured concrete. +yfar the most common material for foundations is concrete. ost houses have a raised

    perimeter foundation that supports floors and load# "earing walls. 2ome are "uilt on aflat, concrete sla" that provides "oth a "ase for the structure and the "ottom floor of

    the house. 2till others, nota"ly vacation homes or small, older houses, rest on a seriesof concrete piers. 2ome houses

    9tili'e all of these methods for different portions of the house. -ouses with perimeter foundations, for example, often have post#and#pier supports "eneath a "eamthat runs under a load#"earing wall along themiddle of the house.

    0he "ottom part of a foundationis called a footing (or footer). 0he footing is generally wider than the foundation walland is located a"out 78 inches "elow the frost line (the average depth at which soilfree'es year after year). 0he footing distri"utes the house6s weight to prevent futuresettling or movement.0here are three types of conventional concrete foundationsC

    poured concrete, concrete "lock, and post#and#pier. 2i'e and accepta"le types are

    regulated "y "uilding codes. / poured#concrete foundation may "e either a raised perimeter foundation, a flat sla", or a com"ination of the two. -ouses in warm

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    climates may have a monolithic sla", where footings, foundation, and sla" are asingle, integral unit./ conventional perimeter foundation, shown, has a pouredconcrete wall supported "y a poured concrete footing. +oth are strengthened "y steelreinforcing rods (also called re"ar). 0his type of foundation is used in connection with

    "oth raised floors and sla"s.

    2tepped footings can support a concrete "lock wall. +locks have nominaldimensions of B "y B "y 7? inches (they are actually :=B inch smaller to allow formortar oints). 0hey are hollow when laid up! steel reinforcing "ar is added and thehollows are often filled with concrete. 0hey lend themselves to construction whereforming concrete is impractical.

    oncrete "locks are also used for standard foundationwall construction. -ere they are supported "y a concrete footing! "oth are reinforced

    with steel rods and the concrete "locks are filled with grout.

    / concrete pier, resting on a footing, may "e used to help support "eams atmid#span. 0hough some older homes rest entirely on piers, this method has "een

    phased out in favor of stronger foundations.

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    3.2 *(oor

    Floor covering is a term to generically descri"e any finish material appliedover a floor structure to provide a walking surface. Flooring is the general term for a

    permanent covering of a floor, or for the work of installing such a floor covering.+oth terms are used interchangea"ly "ut floor covering refers more to loose#laidmaterials.

    aterials almost always classified as floor covering include carpet , area rugs , and resilient flooring such as linoleum or vinyl flooring. aterials commonly calledflooring include wood flooring , laminated wood, ceramic tile , stone , terra''o , andvarious seamless chemical floor coatings.

    0he choice of material for floor covering is affected "y factors such as cost,endurance, noise insulation, comfort and cleaning effort. 2ome types of flooring mustnot "e installed "elow grade (lower than ground level), and laminate or hardwoodshould "e avoided where there may "e moisture or condensation.
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    0he su"#floor may "e finished in away that makes it usa"le without any extra work, seeC

    Earthen floor ado"e or clay floors 2olid ground floor cement screed or granolithic

    0here are a num"er of special features that may "e used to ornament a floor or perform a useful service. Examples include Floor medallions which provide adecorative centerpiece of a floor design, or $ratings used to drain water or to ru" dirtoff shoes.

    2u"floor construction

    0he su"floor provides the strength of a floor. any floors have no separate floorcovering on top. 0he su"floor may also provide services like underfloor heating orducts for air conditioning .

    / ground#level floor can "e an earthen floor made of soil , or "e solid groundfloors made of concrete sla" . Floors a"ove may "e "uilt on "eams or oists or usestructures like hollow core sla"s .

    $round floor construction

    $round#level sla" floors are prepared for pouring "y grading the "ase material sothat it is flat, and then spreading a layer of sand and gravel. / grid of re"ar is usuallyadded to reinforce the concrete , especially if it will "e used structurally, i.e., tosupport part of the "uilding.

    9pper floor construction
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    Floors in woodframe homes are usually constructed with oists centered no morethan 7? inches or

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    1lanks # ertical "oards that extend the full height of the door, and are placed side "y side filling the doorHs width.

    +attens # 2maller slats that extend hori'ontally across the door which the planks areaffixed to. 0he "attens hold the planks together. 2ometimes a long diagonal

    slat or two are also implemented to prevent the door from skewing. 4n somedoors, especially anti>ue ones, the "attens are replaced with iron "ars that areoften "uilt into the hinges as extensions of the door#side plates.

    *(us' doors

    any modern doors, including most interior doors, are flush doorsC

    2tiles and rails # /s a"ove, "ut usually smaller. 0hey form the outside edges of thedoor.

    ore materialC aterial within the door used simply to fill space, provide rigidityand reduce druminess.

    -ollow#core # 4ften consists of a lattice or honeycom" made of corrugatedcard"oard , or thin wooden slats. an also "e "uilt with staggered wooden "locks.-ollow#core flush doors are commonly used as interior doors.Gock "lock # / solid "lock of wood mounted within a hollow#core flush door near the

    "olt to provide a solid and sta"le location for mounting the doorHs hardware.2tave#core C onsists of wooden slats stacked upon one another in a manner

    similar to a plank "atten door (though the slats are usually thinner) or the wooden# "lock hollow#core (except that the space is entirely filled).

    2olid#core C an consist of low#density particle "oard or foam used tocompletely fill the space within the door. 2olid#core flush doors (especially foam#coreones) are commonly used as exterior doors "ecause they provide more insulation andstrength.

    2kin # 0he front and "ack faces of the door are then covered with wood

    veneer , thin plywood , sheet metal , fi"erglass , or vinyl . 0he wooden materials areusually layered with the grain alternating direction "etween layers to prevent warping.
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    Fi"erglass and metal#faced doors are sometimes given a layer of cellulose so that theymay "e stained to look like real wood.

    Windo, Structure

    Windows can "e a significant source of heat transfer. 0herefore, insulated gla'ing units consist of two or more panes to reduce the transfer of heat.

    #rids or &untins

    0hese are the decorative, usually wood pieces that separate a larger pane intosmaller segments. 0he muntins are generally held to the window frame using a pin ofsome sort.

    Rame and Sas' onstruction

    Frames and sashes can "e made of the following materialsC






    Wood very good varia"le high high low shrinks and swells wit
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    humidity changes

    vinyl or 1

    very good goodJ low low very low emits dioxins if "urned

    /luminum "adJJ good very low lowtypicallyKA;L

    used in most largstructures

    2teel medium superior very low high KABLtypically welded at corne


    Fi"erglass very goodverygoodJ

    very low high medium

    J inyl and fi"erglass frames perform well in accelerated weathering tests. +ecausevinyl is not as strong as other materials, some vinyl frames are reinforced with metalor composite materials to improve their structural strength.

    JJ odern metal window frames are typically separated "y a thermal "reak made of anon#conducting material. 0his greatly increases thermal resistance, while retainingvirtually all of the structural strength.

    omposites may com"ine materials to o"tain aesthetics of one material with thefunctional "enefits of another.

    #(a/ing and fi((ing

    Gow#emissivity coated panes reduce heat transfer "y radiation , which,depending on which surface is coated, helps prevent heat loss (in cold climates) or

    heat gains (in warm climates).-igh thermal resistance can "e o"tained "y evacuating or filling the insulated

    gla'ing units with gases such as argon or krypton , which reduces conductive heattransfer due to their low thermal conductivity. 1erformance of such units depends ongood window seals and meticulous frame construction to prevent entry of air and lossof efficiency.

    odern dou"le#pane and triple#pane windows often include one or more low#ecoatings to reduce the windowHs 9#factor. In general, soft#coat low#e coatings tend toresult in a lower solar heat gain coefficient (2-$ ) than hard#coat low#coatings.

    odern windows are usually gla'ed with one large sheet of glass per sash,while windows in the past were gla'ed with multiple panes separated "y gla'ing

    "ars , or muntins , due to the unavaila"ility of large sheets of glass. 0oday, gla'ing "ars tend to "e decorative, separating windows into small panes of glass even thoughlarger panes of glass are availa"le, generally in a pattern dictated "y the architecturalstyle at use. $la'ing "ars are typically wooden, "ut occasionally lead gla'ing "arssoldered in place are used for more intricate gla'ing patterns.

    Windo,s and t'e sun

    -istorically, windows are designed with surfaces parallel to vertical "uilding
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    walls. 2uch a design allows considera"le solar light and heat penetration due to themost commonly occurring incidence of sun angles. In passive solar "uilding design , an extended eave is typically used to control the amount of solar light and heatentering the window(s).

    /n alternate method would "e to calculate a more optimum angle formounting windows which accounts for summer sun load minimi'ation, withconsideration of the actual latitude of the particular "uilding. /n example where this

    process has "een implemented is the &akin +uilding , +ris"ane, alifornia ! much ofthe fenestration has "een designed to reflect summer heat load and assist in preventingsummer interior over#illumination and glare, "y designing window canting to achievea near uideffluent. -igh head pumps then pump the effluent through small diameter pipes(typically 8 to < ) to downstream treatment. +ecause the system is pressuri'ed, pipescan "e laid ust under the surface, along the groundHs contour.

    +ecause an effluent stream has a lower waste strength than raw sewage, thedownstream treatment plant capacity can often "e downsi'ed.

    2.Sanitary se,er,_California,_California
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    Is a type of an underground carriage system, (the Hsystem of sewersH is calledsewerage), for transporting sewage from houses or industry to treatment or disposal.In some areas, sanitary sewers are separate sewer systems specifically for the carryingof domestic and industrial wastewater , and are operated separately and independentlyof storm drains , which carry the runoff of rain and other water which wash into citystreets. 2ewers carrying "oth sewage and stormwater together are called com"ined sewers .

    In the twenty#first century developed world, sewers are usually pipelines that "egin with connecting pipes from "uildings to one or more levels of largerunderground trunk mains, which transport the sewage to sewage treatment facilities.

    ertical pipes, called manholes , connect the mains to the surface. 0he manholes areused for access to the sewer pipes for inspection and maintenance. 0hey also facilitatevertical and hori'ontal angles in otherwise straight pipelines. 2ewers are generallygravity powered, though pumps may "e used if necessary. 0he most commonly usedsanitary pipe is 2&*#:; (standard dimension ratio), with smaller si'ed lateralsinterconnected within a larger si'ed main.

    3. ombined se,er
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    Is a type of sewer system that collects sanitary sewage and stormwater runoff in asingle pipe system. om"ined sewers can cause serious water pollution pro"lems dueto com"ined sewer overflows, which are caused "y large variations in flow "etweendry and wet weather. 0his type of sewer design is no longer used in "uilding newcommunities, "ut many older cities continue to operate com"ined sewers.

    / com"ined sewer overflow, or 24, is the discharge of wastewater andstormwater from a com"ined sewer system directly into a river, stream, lake or ocean . 4verflow fre>uency and duration varies "oth from system to system, and from outfall

    to outfall, within a single com"ined sewer system. 2ome 24 outfalls dischargeinfre>uently, while others activate every time it rains. &uring heavy rainfall when thestormwater exceeds the sanitary flow, the 24 is diluted.

    0he storm water component contri"utes a significant amount of pollutants to 24.Each storm is different in the >uantity and type of pollutants it contri"utes. Forexample, storms that occur in late summer, when it hasn6t rained for awhile, havethe most pollutants. 1ollutants like oil, grease, fecal coliform from pet and wildlifewaste, and pesticides get flushed into the sewer system. In cold weather areas,

    pollutants from cars, people and animals also accumulate on hard surfaces and

    grass during the winter and then are flushed into the sewer systems during heavyspring rains.

    3. +rainage
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    2torm &rainage C / storm drain, storm sewer, stormwater drain or drainage wellsystem or simply a drain or drain system is designed to drain excess rain and ground water from paved streets, parking lots , sidewalks , and roofs . 2torm drains vary in design from small

    residential dry wells to large municipal systems. 0hey are fed "ystreet gutters on most motorways , freeways and other "usy roads , as well as towns in areas which experience heavy rainfall, flooding and coastal towns which experience regular storms .

    Function C 0here are two main types of stormwater drain inlets! side inlets and gratedinlets. 2ide inlets are located ad acent to the ker" and rely on the a"ility ofthe opening under the "ackstone or lintel to capture flow. 0hey are usuallydepressed at the invert of the channel to improve capture capacity. $rated

    inlets have gratings or grids to prevent large o" ects and de"ris fromfalling into the sewer system. -owever, their "ars are fairly widely spacedso that the flow of water is not impeded. onse>uently, many smallo" ects can fall through.

    any of these small o" ects are caught "y the catch"asin, or sump , whichlies immediately "elow the grating. Water from the top of the catch"asindrains into the sewer proper. 0he catch"asin serves much the samefunction as the trap in household wastewater plum"ing in trappingo" ects.

    In the 9nited 2tates, unlike the trap, the catch"asin does not necessarily prevent sewer gases such as hydrogen sulfide and methane from escaping.-owever in the 9nited Mingdom, where they are called gulley#pots, theyare designed as true water#filled traps and do "lock the egress of gases androdents.

    ost catch"asins will contain stagnant water during the drier parts of theyear and can "e used "y mos>uitoes for "reeding. 0he performance ofcatch"asins at removing sediment and other pollutants depends on thedesign of the catch"asin and routine maintenance to retain the storageavaila"le in the sump to capture sediment. unicipalities typically havelarge vacuum trucks that perform this task.
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    0. $ouse -(an7. *oof

    hanging the roof6s orientation

    8. 1lan

    +roaden the "edroom dimension and reduce the kitchen dimension

    :. &rainage

    +roaden the width of the drainage (original width N :@ cm "ecome

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    A. Mitchen

    /dd ventilation, clear out the air circulation, add tiles.

    7@. Giving *oom


    77. 1ainting

    *epaint all the walls

    %40E2C# +ecause the drainage front of the house insufficient, so its "etter make="uild a

    su"#drainage that made dig and fill "y stone and 3i uk5.# +ecause there are no cross ventilation, so it6s "etter to made a cross ventilation

    in every room to make the air circulated.# /dd more windows so there more lights to come in the room. It makes the

    electricity "ill cheaper.
