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28 Italian-depth Travel : Nature Wonders of the Mediterranean : Allan

1930 0035 0920 20:00 1545 0320 1735

2115 0500 1340 21:05 2335 1430+1 1915

CI 927 EK 381 EK 097 BV 1820 CataniaCagliari EK 136 EK 382 CI 916

Blu Express

1 45 8 25 6 20 1 05 5 50 8 25 1 40

1 2 2 13 27 27 28



() 1927

( )


Lombardia ( Trentino-Alto Adige)( Valle d'Aosta)Slovene (Trieste )Sardo ( ) fathers of the fatherland Giuseppe Garibaldi , Camillo Cavour, Victor Emmanuel II Giuseppe Mazzini,

Giuseppe Garibadlil

Giuseppe Mazzini Camillo Cavour

Victor Emmanuel II , King of Italy

2007 2008 ( )( ) A- 16%2011 11 750 (Silvio Berlusconi)(Mario Monti) ( ) voluble, quick-witted, tenacious, stylish, vain, bons vivants, sassy, expressive fare una bella figura Made in Italy, Italian design ( Ferrari)( Lamborghini ) symphony concerto sonata Palestrina and Monteverdi, Arcangelo Corelli and Vivaldi, Nicolo Paganini and Rossini, Verdi and Puccini Andrea Amati, Stradivarius, Guarneri, Guadagnini violin 1523 Vercelli 1529 (Gaudenzio Ferrari)Virgin with Angels and Saints under an Orange Tree, Cathedral


Gaudenzio Ferrari, Madonna of the Orange Trees, 15291530 (choir of S. Cristoforo, Church of San Cristoforo, Vercelli) violin ( Etruscan) (-27~395 ) : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The Vatican Museum Galleria Borghese National Etruscan Museum Uffizi Gallery Bargello Museum Perugia National Gallery of Umbria Accademia Peggy Guggenheim Collection Brera Picture Gallery National Archaeological Museum

753 4 21 2700 Romulus Remus ( Mars) Rhea Silvia -264~-146 ( Punic ) ( Carthage Hannibal -218~202 Zama Publius Cornelius Scipio )-215~-146 -19 ( Julius Caesar ) Gaius Octavius Thurinus(Mark Antony)(Marcus Aemilius Lepidus) (Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus, ) Kaiser Tsar -27~192 193~476 ( Julio-Claudian Dynasty) ( Flavian dynasty)(NervaAntonine dynasty) NervaTrajan ( 98~117 )Hadrian(117~138 )


Antoninus Pius( 138~161 )Marcus Aurelius( 161~180 ) 64 1300

Gaius Julius Caesar

Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus

(Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus, 284~305 )330 ( Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantine Constantinus I Magnus, 324~337 )( Constantinople ) ( Christianity ) ( Theodosius I , 347~395 ) 100 476 (Odoacer Odovacar) ( Romulus Augustulus) ( 962~1806 )( Lombard, 568 ~ )1454 Sforza Visconti Medici ( King Roger, 1130 ~)(signoria) 430 410 476 493 526 412~444


449 451 523 524 480 530 535 568


: Charles VIII of France : (Charles the Great ) Justinin I ( 527~565 )(Byzantines ) 1453 (Ottoman Empire) 685~752 726 787 739 751 732 741 754


1439 774 800 779 680754 858867


911 915 904911 931936 955964 PopeJoan 1914 600 1000 200 400


800 ( Lon III ) ( Frankish kingdom )(Carolingian dynasty)(Charles the Great, Charlemagne, Carolus Magnus) (Holy Roman Empire) 812 Michael I 1871 1918 843 1309~1337 (Avignon )1409 Pisa Urban VI Clment VII Alexandre V 1414~1418 KonstanzMartin V 1500 1503 Julius II (Giuliano delle Rovere, 1503-13 ) 1512 Julius II Alexander VI Francis I ( 1515-1547 ) 1516 Leo X 1517 10 (church councils)1527 ( ) : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ( St. Peter s Basilica ) The Duomo of Florence Siena The Duomo of Siena Assisi Basillca of St. Francis Modena The Duomo of Modena Orvieto The Duomo of Orvieto St. Marks Basilica Accademia The Duomo of Milan

15 ( 1492 Alexander II Cesare ) (Lorenzo II Magnifico, Florence ), ( Federico da Montefeltro, Urbino ), (Francesco Sforza, Milan ), (Venice) 2010 UNESCO 45 :

1. 18th-Century Royal Palace at Caserta with the Park, the Aqueduct of Vanvitelli, and the San Leucio Complex (1997) 18 : 18


Sacri Monti of Piedmont and Lombardy (2003)

: 9 16 17


Archaeological Area and the Patriarchal Basilica of Aquileia (1998)


: 5 (Attila)


Archaeological Area of Agrigento, Sicily (1997)

: 6


Archaeological Areas of Pompei, Herculaneum and Torre Annunziata (1997)


79 8 24



Assisi, the Basilica of San Francesco and Other Franciscan Sites (2000)

: (Saint Francis) (Cimabue) (Simone Martini)(Pietro Lorenzetti)(Giotto) (Lower Church) (Giotto)(Upper Church) 28 St. Bonaventura 28 ( ) (The Basilica of Saint Francis at Assisi: the upper & lower Churches)

Papal altar with frescoes, Basilica inferiore di San Francesco (Assisi - Italy)


Crucifixion by Cimabue

Maest with St. Francis, by Cimabue.


St. Martin leaves the life of chivalry and renounces the army (fresco by Simone Martini) in the San Martino Chapel.

Madonna dei Tramonti by Pietro Lorenzetti.

Lamentation of Christ by Pietro Lorenzetti, Lower Basilica in Assisi


Botanical Garden (Orto Botanico), Padua (1997)


: 1545


Castel del Monte , Andria ( Bari )(1996)

: (Frederick II) 13


Cathedral, Torre Civica and Piazza Grande, Modena (1997)

: 12 (Lanfranco)(Wiligelmus)


Church and Dominican Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie with The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci in Milan (1980)

: 1463 15 1495 1497


Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park with the Archeological sites of Paestum and Velia, and the Certosa di Padula (1998)



City of Verona (2000)

: 1 1314 15 18


City of Vicenza and the Palladian Villas of the Veneto (1994)

: 2 15 18 1508-1580


Costiera Amalfitana ( Amalfi Coast ) (1997)

: ( Amalfi Coast )



Crespi d'Adda , Lombardy (1995)


Bergamo (Capriate San Gervasio)

19 20 (company towns)


Early Christian Monuments of Ravenna (1996)


: 5 8 8 5 6


Etruscan Necropolises of Cerveteri and Tarquinia (2004)

: 9 1 ( Etruscan) Necropoli della Banditaccia

: (Monterozzi) 6000 200 7


Ferrara, City of the Renaissance, and its Po Delta (1995)

: 1516 (Piero della Francesca) (Jacopo Bellini) (Andrea Mantegna) ( House of Estensi ) 1492 (Biagio Rossetti) itinerary of ancient Delizie


: Tasso in the Madhouse, in the St. Ann's hospital of Ferrara, by Eugne Delacroix. 1839 : Portrait of a Woman by Bartolomeo Veneto, traditionally assumed to be Lucrezia Borgia. : Lucrezia Borgia (1480~1519) Rodrigo Borgia ( Pope Alexander VI) Giovanni Sforza (Lord of Pesaro), Alfonso of Aragon (Duke of Bisceglie), and Alfonso I d'Este (Duke of Ferrara)


Genoa: Le Strade Nuove and the system of the Palazzi dei Rolli (2006)

: 52 16 17 16 Garibaldi 1528 1576 (Pieter Paul Ruben)

Palazzo Podest


Historic Centre of Florence (1982)

: ( Etruscan) 15~16 (Medici) Galleria dell'Accademia Filippo Brunelleschi and Leon Battista Alberti Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarotti, Masaccio, Paolo Uccello and Sandro Botticelli Donatello, Lorenzo Ghiberti and Luca della Robbia, 600


13 (Santa Maria del Fiore) Church of Santa Crocee Uffizi Pitti Palac Giotto Brunelleschi Botticelli Michelangelo The spiritual focus of the city is the Cathedral Piazza of Santa Maria del Fiore, with Giotto's campanile on one side and the Baptistry of St John in front, with the Gates of Paradise by Lorenzo Ghiberti. Going north from here, one comes across the Palazzo Medici-Riccardi by Michelozzo and St Lawrence's Basilica by Brunelleschi with the sacristies inside designed by Donatello and Michelangelo. Further on are the Museum of St Mark's, with Fra Angelico's masterpieces, the Galleria dell'Accademia with Michelangelo's David (1501-4) and the Santissima Annunziata Piazza with the Lodge of the Holy Innocents by Brunelleschi. On the south side of the cathedral is the political/cultural centre of Florence, with the Palazzo Vecchio and the Galleria degli Uffizi nearby. Close to these are the Museo del Bargello and the Basilica of the Holy Cross. Across the Ponte Vecchio is the Oltrarno quarter, with the Pitti Palace and Boboli Gardens. Still in the Oltrarno, mention must be made of the Holy Ghost Basilica by Filippo Brunelleschi and the Carmelite Church, with its frescoes by Masolino, Masaccio and Filippino Lippi. To the west of the cathedral are the imposing Strozzi Palace and the Basilica of Santa Maria Novella, its facade designed by Leon Battista Alberti. The historic centre may be admirably viewed in its entirety from the surrounding hills, especially Piazzale Michelangelo (just under the Romanesque Basilica of San Miniato), or Fiesole, both of which offer some of the most spectacular views in the Arno valley.

Statue of Neptune in Piazza della Signoria

Virgin (The Maest ,Madonna ) Entbroned with the Child and Saints ( c. 1450) dry plaster, Dominican friar, Fra Angelico, Museo di San Marco, Florence. ( Mater Amabilis) (Gospel) Saint John, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Saint Lawrence, Saint Peter Martyr ; (Gospel) Saint Mark the Evangelist, Saints Cosmas and Saint Domian, Saint Dominic ;


Historic Centre of Naples (1995)


: 470 Church of Santa Chiara Castel Nuovo

: San Gennaro extra moenia, San Giorgio Maggiore, and San Giovanni Maggiore have surviving elements of 4th- and 5th-century Christian basilica :The chapel of Santa Restituta in the 14th-century

: The Castel dell'Ovo, as a fortress-monastery on the site of the villa of Lucullus, subsequently remodelled at the end of the 17th century. : From the Angevin period date religious structures - the new cathedral, the churches of San Lorenzo Maggiore, San DomenicoMaggiore, Santa Chiara and others, and the secular buildings Castel Nuovo, Castel Capuano and Palace of the Prince of Taranto.

: The San Severino Palace, churches Santa Caterina a Formiello and the Monteoliveto complex , The Royal Palace , foundations asthe Monte dei Poveri Vergognosi charitable institution, the convent of Sant'Agostino degli Scalzi, and the Jesuit College on Capodimonte.

19 : the Piazza Mercato during the reign of Ferdinand IV


Historic Centre of Rome, the Properties of the Holy See in that City Enjoying Extraterritorial Rights and San Paolo Fuori le Mura (1980)

: 753 4 1990


Historic Centre of San Gimignano (1990)

: 56 72 50 14 14 15


Historic Centre of Siena (1995)

: 12 15


Historic Centre of the City of Pienza (1996)

: (Pope Pius II) 1459 ( Tuscany) (Bernardo Rossellino) (Leon Battista Alberti)


Historic Centre of Urbino , Le Marche (1998)

: 15 16


Late Baroque Towns of the Noto Valley : Noto, Caltagirone, Millitello Val di Catania, Catania, Modica, Palazzolo, Ragusa and Scicli (South-Eastern Sicily) (2002)

: 2 15 18 1508-1580


Longobards in Italy.

Places of the power (568-774 A.D.) (2011)

568~774 Cividale del Friuli ( ) Cividale del Friuli (Province of Udine): The Gastaldaga area and the Episcopal complex, Brescia: The monumental areawith the monastic complex of San Salvatore-Santa Giulia, Castelseprio (Province of Varese): The castrum with the Torba Tower and the church outside the walls, Santa Maria foris portas, Spoleto (Province of Perugia): The basilica of San Salvatore, Campello sul Clitunno (Province of Perugia): The Clitunno Tempietto, Benevento: The Santa Sofia complex, Monte Sant'Angelo (Province of Foggia): The Sanctuary of San Michele

(Lombards) 6-8 Lombards




Mantua and Sabbioneta (2008)

(Po valley) Mantua Sabbioneta 30km 16 Vespasiano Gonzaga Colonna a right angle grid layout Gonzaga


Piazza del Duomo, Pisa (1987)

: 11 14


Portovenere, Cinque Terre, and the Islands (Palmaria, Tino and Tinetto) (1997)

: 1000


Prehistoric Pile dwellings around the Alps ( Switzerland, Austria, France, germany, Italy, Slovenia )


111 ( 5000~500 ) 56


Residences of the Royal House of Savoy and around Turin (1997)

: (Emmanuel-Philibert) 1562


Rhaetian Railway in the Albula / Bernina Landscapes (2008)

67 km Albula 1904 42 144 61 km ernina 13 52


Rock Drawings in Valcamonica (1979)

: 8000 14


Su Nuraxi di Barumini, Sardinia (1997)

: 2000 nuraghe 1000


Syracuse and the Rocky Necropolis of Pantalica, Siracusa, Sicily (2005)

: 5000 13 7 8 5 - 1197 1250 3000


The Trulli of Alberobello, ( Bari ) (1996)



The Sassi and the Park of the Rupestrian Churches of Matera (1993)




Val d'Orcia (2004)

: (Siena ) 14 15 :


Venice and its Lagoon (1987)

: 5 118 10 (Giorgione)(Titian)(Tintoretto) (Veronese)


Villa Adriana ,Tivoli (1999)

: 2 Serapis Antinous (Antinopolis ) Hadrian


Villa d'Este, Tivoli, Rome (2001)

: Ippolito d'Este Pirro Ligorio 16 ( )( Fontana dell'Ovato)( Fontana di Roma ) ( Fontana dell'Organo )


Villa Romana del Casale and Piazza Armerina, Sicily (1997)



: 1. Isole Eolie (Aeolian Islands), north of Sicily (2000): Tyrrhenian Sea 18 200 (Aeolus )


Monte San Giorgio (2003)

: Lake Lugano 1096 245-230 2003


The Dolomites (2009)

141,903 118 . Luciano Pavarotti Verdi Andrea Bocelli 17 Claudio Monteverdi 18~19 Verdi ( 1813-1901 ), Puccini ( 1792~1924 ), Bellini ( 1801~35 ), Donizetti ( 1797~1848 ), Rossini( 1792~1868 ) La Scala, Teatro San Carlo, La Fenice, Palermo Massimo, Teatro dellopera

Neopolitan, Roman, Sardinian, Sililian, Venetian, Piedmontese, Tuscan Bologna-Emilia-RomagnaParma (Tiramis ) Trattoria Pasticceria Neopolitan, Roman, Sardinian, Sililian, Venetian, Piedmontese, Tuscan pasta (Piemonte) ACQUERELLO(risotto)pizza ( romano, ricotta, monterey jack, mozzarella. 500 ) espressocappuccino (Sphagetti) (Sphagetti) (macaroni)Penne() Lasagna()Ravioli( Tortellini,, )


(Drum Wheat) (SEMOLINA) Sybarites tagliatelle lasagne polenta pasta spaghetti, linguini, tagliatelle, fettuccine macaroni, penne, fusilli, farfalle pastina farfalline, anellini, stelline pappardelle linguini ravioli tortellini orecchietti malorreddus vermicelli lumacconi bavette ( priest chokers ) strangolopreti

Tuscan foods (from Lucca): wine, cold meats and different sorts of salamis and hams coda alla vaccinarapajata abbacchio alla scottaditotrippa alla romana Supplal Telefono Baccalbucatini allamatriciana spaghetti alla carbonara (UNESCO) 2010 11 17 30% Oleic Acid( ) artichoke eggplants cardoon Cynara cardunculus L. BasilTarragonOregano Sage ThymeRosemary Juniper Marjoram Innamon Onion ChiveParsleyFenouilBay LeavesMintCitronnelle VervainDillSaffranMarjoliane : ( Prunus armeniaca, almond ) Levi () Attis Nana Attis 200


Alma ( Apollo) Celt Albaercules Hesperides

Primavera (Sandro Botticelli) 1482 (Poliziano) Uffizi - andro Botticelli edici La Primavera Hesperides ( Trojan War ) ris Peleus hetis Hera, Atheria, Aphrodite ParisHera , Atheria , Aphrodite Paris Aphrodite Aphrodite Helen( ) Paris Paris Zephyr Chloris Flora VenusCupid The GracesMercury Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de Medici medica mala medicamedici Lorenzo St. LawrenceSan Lorenzo PulchritudoAmorVoluptasCastitas


( Figs, Ficus carica ) ( 19 Mandarin orange angier Tangerine, Citrus reticulate ) Sunkist (orange) clementine orange ( Citron narange naranja orange ) 15 ( portokali) Medici ( orangery ) Galleria degli Uffizi ( Medici ) Sandro Botticelli The birth of Venus 15

(The Birth of Venus, Nascita di Venere ) , 1486, (Sandro Botticelli). Uffizi, Florence Titan Cronus ranus ( Venus Aphrodite Aphrodite )Botticelli ( .) Zephr()Zephr hlorisChloris Flora Horae Hora


hour The Madonna della Candeletta Madonna and Child (( )( )( )( Jonah )( ) ( )( ) () ,

: Madonna della Candeletta, 1490, Carlo Crivelli, Pinacoteca di Brera , Milan 25

4/19 1

17:30 19:30 Chek Lap Kok Airport 00:35 ( Emirates) EK381 (savoury snack) cheese and chicken on focaccia bread (focaccia ) ( 25 ) Sheikh Rashid 24 20% 24K 18K 22K 09:20 EK 097 13:40

4/20(Fri.) 2 5Radisson Blu



13:40 Leonardo da Vinci-Fiumicino Airport : Villa d'Este, Tivoli, Rome (2001) : Ippolito d'Este Pirro Ligorio 16 ( ) ( Fontana dell'Ovato)( Fontana di Roma ) ( Fontana dell'Organo )

30 km, 55 55 1980 1929 Piazza Pio XII


2005 Pope John Paul II Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger Pope Benedict XVI

Basilica of St. John Lateran (Rome) by Alessandro Galilei

1495 Fornovo 1503 1713 1796 1799 17 1789 : 1789 1793 1804 1814 9 18 1815 6 9 1789 King Louis XVIII King Ferdinand VII King Ferdinand I 390 39 2/5 , , 1814 1820( )1830 () 1848 () () 1818 1820 1821 1822 1825 1820-23 1823 1820-21 1821


1821-29 () 1829 1830 1820-30 19 ( Vittorio Emmanuel II ) 1861 ( Benito Mussolini ) 1922 10 1929 50 ( Pio XI )( Patti Lateranensi ) 2009 1 1 1946

4/21( Sat. ) 3


5Radisson Blu (Stato della Citt del Vaticano ) ( Holy See,ApostolicSee )(Saint Peters Basilica )

324 San Pietro 349 Constantius () Silvestro I Charlemagne, Lothair, Louis II, Frederick III

: ()( 1963~78 ) : Simon ( Petrus) 15~16 Giocondo, Raphael, Giulino da Sangallo, Baldassarre Peruzzi, Antonio da Sangallo, Michelangelo, Vignola, Pirro Ligorio, Giacomo Della Porta, Domenico Fontana, Carlo Maderno, Gian Lorenzo Bernini,


( )() : 16 4 A). B). C). D). 27 ( ): 65 V. Crocetti () : 1445 Filarete ). ). Eugenio IV ). . : 77 L. Minguzzi : G. Manzu

16 5 6 Cortile di San Damaso 5

1656~67 Alessandro VII Gian Lorenzo Bernini 30 284 88 140 37 Caligola 25.5m ( Basilica)

(Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano) : "archbasilica" ()"Papal Basilica of Saint John Lateran"(), "Archbasilica of the Most Holy Saviour and of Saints John the Baptist and the Evangelist at the Lateran"( ), "Cathedral of Rome"().


(St. Peter's Basilica): "Papal Basilica of Saint Peter in the Vatican"( )

(Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls) : (Ostian Basilica)(Ostia) (Paul the Apostle)"Papal Basilica of Saint Paul outside the Walls"() (Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore) : (Liberian basilica)()(Pope Liberius) Saint Mary Major "Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major"()


(The Pontifical Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Pompei) ()(Pontifical Basilica of Saint Nicholas in Bari) ()(Pontifical Basilica of Saint Anthony in Padua) ()(Pontifical Basilica of the Holy House at Loreto) (Patriarchal Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi) ()(Patriarchal Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels in Portiuncola)

"patriarchal"()(Francis of Assisi)

"patriarchal" (Patriarchal Cathedral Basilica of St. Mark)(Patriarchal Basilica of Aquileia) Cappella Sistina (Pinacoteca) -Museo Pio-Clementino Apollo del Belvedere Laocoonte -Museo Gregoriano-Etrusco 4 Stanze di Raffaelo(Raphaello Sanzio)(G. Romano F. Penni) 1508~18 (Buon fresco) 10 Sala di Costantino Stanza di Eliodoro Stanza dela Segnatura Stanza dell Incendio di Borgo Scuola dl Atene (Euclide)(D. Bramante) Roveto ardente Sacrificio di Isacco Apparizione di Dio a No Scala di Giacobbe Pinacoteca Vaticana ( Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio )(Cappella Sistina) (Michelangelo Buonarroti ,14751564)



1508 5 1512 10 4 9 (: ) 14 x 38.5 Separation of Light from Darkness Creation of Adam ( Prophet JonahJeremiah Daniel Isaiah Joel EzekielZechariah) 343 3D

Creation of Adam The Creation of Adam ; : ; ; : : : dies irae 1534~41 10 x20m 400




Charon Carafa Biagio da Cesena 1596 Perugino Mosess journey into Egypt S. Botticelli Moses receiving the callC. Rosselli crossing of the Red SeaC. Rosselli Adoration of the Golden Calf Botticelli S. Punishment of the Rebels Signorelli L. Last days of Moses Perugino Baptism of Christ in the JordanS. Botticelli Temptations of ChristD. Chirlandalo Calling of St. Peter and St. Andrew Rosselli C. Sermon on the Mount Perugino Handing over the keys to St. PeterC. Rosselli Last supper San Marino * Sovrano Militare Ordine Ospedaliero di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme 2 1 2 96 Via Condotti 68 1099 1 1189 1523 1530 1798 1834


: Conversion of Saint Paul, by Caravaggio, 1601, Cerasi Chapel, Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome. ( Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio1571~1610 ) Limbrandt Velazquez 20 The Conversion on the Way to Damascus (Santa Maria del Popolo) : Judith Beheading Holofernes 15981599. Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica, Rome Judith Holofernes 25 Pieta

Piet, , 149899, Michelangelo Buonarroti , St. Peter's Basilica , Vatican 21 Jean de Billheres


Norman (Redemption) Gian Lorenzo Bernini

Ecstasy of Beata Ludovica Albertoni Gian Lorenzo Bernini, 1671~74, Altieri Chapel in San Francesco a Ripa, Rome , 71 Paluzzi degli Albertoni( Pope Clement X )

: Ecstasy of St. Theresa , 164752, Cornaro Chapel in Santa Maria della Vittoria


Teresa of vila : Apollo and Daphne , 162225, Galleria Borghese, Rome (Eros) (Daphne) ( laurel) Colosseum: Capitoline The Ancient Center, Amphitheatrum Flavium Colosseum 120 Colosseum 72 (Vespasian) 4 Titus 82 2 amphitheatrum 5.5 Gladiator Maximus 405 217 238 442 508 2 15 1749

Arco di Costantino ( Flavius Valerius Constantinus ) 312 Milvian Maxentius Hadrien


Marcus Aurelius Constantin

chi-rho 313 8 Marc-Aurele 161180 Ponte Milvio

Pantheon: Piazza Navona The ancient center -27 ( Agrippa) 80 125 ( Hadrian )609 Santa Maria ad Martyres 118~128 16 12.5 1.43 43.3 8.9 (coulus) (Emmanuel II )-594


Heliopolis Obelisk of Psammetychus II

Gallery of Views of Ancient Rome, 1785, Giovanni Paolo Pannini, Louvre Museum, Paris The Colosseum, The Laocoon, View of Pantheon, The dying Galatian, Farnese Hercules


18 Fontana di Trevi 26 20 1733~62 Nicola Salvi (Palazzo Poli) ( Pietro Bracci Spirited placid Oceanus ( Neptune Poseidon ) F. Valle (Abundance)( Salubrity) Agrippa approving the plans for Aqueduct The Virgin showing the Soldiers the Way ( Palace of Neptune ) Giuseppe Pannini Agrippa "Trivia", the Roman virgin ) 1762

( Plazza di Spagna )1723~26 Francesco De Sanctis 138 ( Scalinate della Trinita dei Monti ) Trinita del Monti Bernini Pietro Fontana Barcaccia Via condotti, Via Frattina, Via Borgognona

Fontana della Barcaccia "Fountain of the Old Boat"


( Plazza Venezia ) Capitoline The Ancient Center, ( Palazzo Venezia ) 15 Leon Battisa Alberti Paul II 1911 Giuseppe Sacconi ( VittorioEmmanuele II) Angelo Zanelli Domenico Fontana Paolo Bartolini ( Altare della Patria )

Piazza del Campidoglio / : Capitoline The Ancient Center, 1536 Capitoline Piazza del Campidoglio Cordonatar Palazzo Senatorio()( Palazzo del Conservatori )( Palazzo Nuovo ) Palazzo Senatorio 12 Marcus Aurelius 1 1734 Clement XII Capitoline Museum 1 2 Lo Spinario Romolo e Reme Allattao dalla Lupa 5 15 Pollaiuolo 2 Castor Pollux Castor Pollux Castor Pollux Castor Pollux Caster Pollux

( Foro Romano Roman Forum ) Capitoline -616~-519 - Foro Foro 203 ( Arco di Settimio Severo)( Curia )( Tempio di Vesta )(Basilica di Costantine and Maxentius )3 5 410 455 1830


Cleopatra 7 2 -Caesarion 44 2 15 1 23 60 23 - Temple of Divine Julius

1). Jupiter Optimus Maximus,

2). Minerva,

3). Juno Moneta.


: the temple of Castor and Pollux Canaletto (1742) Caster Pollux Leda Hera Leda Leda Leda Leda 2 Castor Pollux Castor Pollux HelenHelen 490 : the colonnade of the Temple of Saturn() 498 12 17 23 13 114 3 8 4 Tempio di Vespasiano 81 Vespasian Titus (Arco di Settimio Severus/The Arch of Septimius Severus ) 203 21 25.7 7.4 10 3 Umbilicus Romae -Geta Caracalla 212 24 12 338 29 20 Rostra 44 Cicero Arco di Tito : Arco di Settimio Severus 81 Domitian 70 85


1882 4 Vespasian Titus Classicism post-Renaissance Baroque Modernism 21 900 (Basilica San Paolo )( San Giovanni in Laterano )( Santa Maria degli Angeli ) Piazza Barberini 4 The Ecstasy of Saint Therese Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Santa Maria della Vittoria Baroque 1600-1750

4/22(Sun. ) 4 POMPEII NAPOLI 4 Star Hotel Terminus esuvius ( ) ( Naples, Napoli Nepolis ) Campania San Gennaro ( Mafia Camorra ) (Piazza del Plebiscito ) Cumae Syracuse Etruscan ( Tyrrhenian ( Partenope, Palepolis ) 326 Samnite 62 79 Benevento, Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Pozzuoli Justinian's Belisarius 1139/40 Ravenna 763 Stephen Naples Ravenna 568~1139


Norman King Roger II of Sicily 1189 Swabian Hohenstaufen 1224 Frederick II 13 ( Anjou )( Charles I , 1266 ~) Santa Chiara San Lorenzo Maggiore Donnaregina l'lncoronata 15 ( Alfonso I of Aragon, 1422~) Castelnuovo1532-33 Pedro Alvarez de Toledo 18 1738 Philp V ( House of Bourbon) 1860 Ferdinard IV Ferdinand I, King of the Two Sicilies Giuseppe Garibaldi Carbonari Freemasonry 1831 1820 1814 1820 Guglielmo Pepe, 1783-1855 Ferdinand I Michele Amari,1806-1889

62 79 8 24 (Vesuvius ) 6m 1757 30 100 3 5000 1858 Giuseppe Fiorelli 5 79 80 (Herculanum) (Oplontis) (Boscoreale) (Pompeii) (Stabies)

: Roman fresco with banquet scene from the Casa dei Casti Amanti (IX 12, 6-8) in Pompeii. : Odysseus with the Sirens. Including Parthenope, a siren and mythological founder of Naples. ( Nero ) (Teatro Grande, Great theater) Teatro Piccolo , basilica, Temple of Apollo, Temple of Jupiter( Tempio di Giove ), Edificio di Eumachia, House of Faun, Casa del Fauno , ,


, ( Stabian Thermae), Bakery, Macellum, House of the Vettii (Casa dei vettii, (Lares) ), ( brothel, Lupanaro ) Zeus


Cronus Rhea

Saturn Cybele




Hercules ()

2 2 3 Megara Mycenae Eurystheus 12 12


(Hermels) Atlas Atlas Atlas




Phoebus (LETO)







Asclepius Veiovis CORONIS Athena Mineva







Eris Discordia

Hephaestus Vulcan ,





8 6 10-14 30 10 10 10

Hypnos Nike Hades Pan Inuus

Somnus Victoria Pluto Faunus







Oceanus Tethys Uranus Coelus



Erinys :


The Graces The Muses


: ( Castle Nuovo 1282 ) Maggio dei Monumenti( May ofMonuments ) ( Enrico Caruso ) Torna a Surriento

O Solo Mio , Saint Lucia Mamma Mia Amalfi Drive mozzarella 60~90 (Pizza Margherita)? 1889 Raffaele Esposito Basilio Liverino


5 Grand Hotel La Sonrisa


10 km ( Garden of Eden)( Piazza Umberto) ( Via Vittorio Emanuele) Antonio Viva Carthusia-Profumi Canali ( limoncello) Giardini di Augusto , Villa Jovis (Grotta Azzurra, Blue Grotto )

( chairlift, La Segiovia ) Monte Solaro ( 594m)

( Amalfi Drive )( Costiera Amalfitana) Sorrento Tyrrhenian Sea Atrani, Positano, Ravello Humphrey Bogart Beat the Devil Amalfi ( Duchy of Amalfi) 839~1200 Ravello ( Lady Chattrleys lover)


Sirens ( Sorrento, Surrentum) ( Ulysses, Odyssey ) ( Lacryma Christi )Taurasi Greco di Tufo ! Come Back to Sorrento Surrender :Vir 'o mare quant bello, Ispira tantu sentimento, Comme tu a chi tiene a' mente, Ca scetato 'o faie sunn. Guarda gua' chistu ciardino; Siente, sie sti sciure arance: Nu profumo accussi fino Dinto 'o core se ne va E tu dice: "I parto, addio!" Talluntane da stu core Da sta terra de lammore Tiene 'o core 'e nun turn? Ma nun me lass, Nun darme stu turmiento!Torna a Surriento, famme camp! Vir 'o mare de Surriento, che tesoro tene nfunno: chi ha girato tutto 'o munno nun l'ha visto comm'a cc. Guarda attuorno sti Serene, ca te guardano 'ncantate, e te vonno tantu bene...Te vulessero vas. E tu dice: "I' parto, addio!" T'alluntane da stu core Da la terra de l'ammore Tiene 'o core 'e nun turn? Ma nun me lass, Nun darme stu turmiento! Torna a Surriento, Famme camp!


Look at the sea, how beautiful it is, it inspires so many emotions, like you do with the people you have at heart. You make them dream while they are still awake. Look at this garden and the scent of these oranges, such a fine perfume, it goes straight into your heart, And you say: "I am leaving, goodbye." You go away from my heart, away from this land of love, And you have the heart not to come back. But do not go away, do not give me this pain. Come back to Surriento, let me live ! Look at the sea of Surriento, what a treasure it is! Even who has travelled all over the world, he has never seen a sea like this one. Look at these mermaids that stare, amazed, at you, that love you so much. They would like to kiss you, And you say: "I am leaving, goodbye." You go away from my heart, away from the land of love, And you have the heart not to come back. But please do not go away, do not give me this pain. Come back to Surriento, let me live!

1 hydrofoil, aliscafo 30 4/24(Tues. ) 6 MATERA ALBEROBELLO 3 Hotel Colle del Sole 1993 UNESCO troglodyte The Passion of the Christ Mel Gibson 120 ( chiese rupestri ) 50~60 (Sasso Barisano Sasso Caveoso)

( Plazza Matteotti ) Pizza Vittorio Veneto( Chiesa di San Pietro Caveoso) Madonna della Bruna Murge dei Trulli 1500 ( beehive-shaped, trulli ) 195 3 70 1 30 4/25( Wen.) 7 COSENZA RIGGO Di CALABRIA TAORMINA( Sicilia) 4 Excelsior Palace Taormina

( Calabria )(George Gissing) Crati Busento ( Sicillia) 1946 Siracusa

Monte Tauro (Corso Umberto )

230 4 190 2 10 50 1 4/26( Thus.) 8 TAORMINA ETNA POZZALLO 3 Provincial-Continental Hotel

( Mount Etna ) ( Goethe ) Journey to Italy ( Ionian ) Mount Etna( Teatro Greco )12 Torre dell Orologio Duomo Corso Umbero I


illa Comunale Lady Florence Trevelyan 'pesce azurro',swordfish, 'Messina Stocco'.

( Etna) Atine 3300m1669, 1693, 19081928 1971, 1981, 1992, 2001, 2003 2 9

* ( Valletta ) : 1565 Jean Parisot de la Valette 0.55 km 2

55 1 150 2 30 4/27( Fri.) 9 POZZALLO VALLETTA MALTA COMINO BLUE LAGOON GOZO 4 Hotel Calypso


316 93 Gozo, Gawdex Comino, Kemmuna ( Cominotto, Kemmunett )( Filfla ,urrieq ) 10 8 4 218 Sacra Infermeria, St John's Church, the Magisterial Palace seven Auberges( Inns of Residence of the Knights) 9 1523 1565 Grand Master La Valette 1798 1800 1814 1964 9 21 UNESCO Megalithic Temples ( Ggantija ) : 1980 gantija temples (two sites) 1992 aar Qim (in Qrendi), Mnajdra (in Qrendi) , Ta' arat Temples ( in Marr), Skorba Temples (in ebbieg) Tarxien Temples (in Tarxien). Bor in-Nadur< (in Birebbua), Kordin III, Il-Bidni, Xemxija Temple, Hal Ginwi Temples, Tal-Quadi (fr, ru), Ta' Mariena, Ta' Raddiena, L-Imramma Temple, Buggiba, Santa Verna, Tas-Sil (in ejtun) and a complex network of tracks gouged in the rockMisra Gar il-Kbir (in Dingli)


9:15 ( 1 30 ) 10:45 () (Gozo, Gawdex) Ogygia , Calypso Odysseus( Ithaca )


Athena's Hermes Odysseus Calypso Poseidon Scheria . (Blue Lagoon)

(megalithic gantija temples )

(Calypso Cave)

( Azure window, Tieqa erqa )

1 30 4/28(Sat. ) 10 4 Preluna BLUE GROTTO

Dingli Cliffs

Lower Barrakka Gardens( Valletta ) 1798 Sir Alexander Ball( )

* : , 18

4/29( Sun ) 11 AGRIGENTO PALERMO 4 Artemisia Palace


Messina :

Archeological park Valle dei Templi ( Valley of the Temples )of Agrigento, since 1997. 19 Domenico Antonio Lo Faso Pietrasanta (Doric ) Juno, Concordia, Heracles, Zeus Olympic, Castor and Pollux, Asclepius

Temple of Concordia - Agrigento 6x13

Villa Romana del Casale of Piazza Armerina inscribed in 1997. Maximian Diocletian The Aeolian Islands ( Natural site ) inscribed 2000. Late Baroque Towns of the Val di Noto ( South-Eastern Sicily ) since 2002. Caltagirone, Militello Val di Catania, Catania, Modica, Noto, Palazzolo, Ragusa Scicli 1693 1.

Caltagirone churches of Santa Maria del Monte, St James the Apostle, St Joseph, St Dominic, the Holy Saviour, St Chiara and St Rita, Jesus, St Stephen, and St Francis of Assisi and, Corte Capitanale, Civic Museum, former Pawnshop San Francesco Bridge.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Militello Val di Catania 14 San Leonardo area San Nicol St Anthony the Abbot 1741 Santa Maria della Stella Catania Piazza del Duomo Via dei Crociferi, Badia de Sant'Agata, Collegiata, Benedictine monastery Palazzo Biscari. Modica , Ibeli , Cathedral of St George Church of St Peter. Noto , Palazzolo , St Sebastian Saints Peter and Paul Ragusa Ibla , Scicli Via Francesco Mormina Penna Beneventano palace St John the Evangelist, St Michael St Teresa 18 . , Upper Ragusa .


La basilica Collegiata Catania Chiesa di San Carlo Borromeo al Corso - Noto Syracuse and the Rocky Necropolis of Pantalica since 2005

Il duomo di San Giorgio - Modica

( 85%) 4 3 Sicans Elymians Siculians( Sikels , -1250~)Phoenicians 6~5 ( Carthaginians -409~, )( -211~ ) 216 ( Archimedes) ( Saracens, 831~1072, alermo , , )( Vandals, 1071~, Hauteville Norman Robert Guiscard, Roger I ) Hohenstaufen Swabians, Frederick I of Sicily Frederick II of Hohenstaufen , 1194~1266 (Angevins 1282 Sicilian Vespers ) Peter III ( 1302~) Bourbons (1734 ) Ferdinand Kingdom of the Two Sicilies1816~25 (~1815 1860 4 11 Giuseppe Garibaldi 1282 ( ) Renato Guttuso : pastorals,idylls, .. Mafia Cosa Nostra mafiusu mahyasmarfud morfiyeh mafia mafiosi Made Man mafioso man of honor 19


() 1982 1986 500 357 1992 Giovanni Falcone Paolo Borsellino 2006 4 11 59 40 20 Jimmy Hoffa 1970~80 I~ III

7:00 1693 1608 (S. Maria del Monte ) 142 ( Scala di S. Maria del Monte , Staircase of Santa Maria del Monte) Trinacria (S. Gluseppe ) maiolica terra-cotta Citta della cerramica

The Taking of the Bell of Altavilla to Caltagirone, polychrome maiolica mosaic in the square of Santa Maria del Monte, atop the decorated staircase.

( Valle dei Templi ) Agrigento (Pindaros) Akragas ( Telamone )


-430 ( Tempio delta Concordia )( Tempio dei Dioscuri ) ( Tempio di Ercole)-480 ( Doric )( Jupiter) ( Tempio di Giove Olimpico 113 x 56 x 20 m 42,000 telamons ) ( tempio di Giunone ) Segesta Athen Acropolis ( Parthenon )

: Tuscan and Doric ();

Ionic (); Corinthian and Composite orders ().

() Empedocles ( , roots of things)( )

( Carthage)99 ( C o n ca d O r o , G o l d e nS h e l l ) 12 734


160 3 30 128 2 20 ( 07:00)( 8:30) 1 30 4/30(Mon. ) 12 4 Artemisia Palace PALERMO

- Albergheria SanGiovanni degii Eremiti

( )( ) Vuccria ( Palazzo Reale, Palazzo del Normanni )1072 1130~40 ( Roger II ) Sala di Ruggero Palatine chapel ( muqarnas )


Ravenna ( Teatro Massimo ) 19 1860 ( ) Beaux-Arts style Giovan Battistta Basile 1997 ( Qualtro Canti di Citta, Piazza Vigliena Teatro del Sole ) 1608~20 Giulio Lasso Carlos V, Felipe II, III & IV Christina, Ninfa, Olivia Agata ( Piazza Pretoria ) Francesco Camilliani 1552~55 Francesco Camilliani, Michelangelo Naccherino Luigi de Toledo 1573 15 Palermo the Papireto, Maredolce, Oreto Gabriele( Palazzo delle Aquile ) 14 ( S. Caterina )

5/01( Tues.) 13 ENNA CATANIA CAGLIARI Sardinia/ Sardegna 4Holiday Inn Cagliari 20:00 Blu Express 21:05 ( Cattedrale di Monreale) ( William II ) 1174 (Benedic) Duomo at Monreale( ) Arab-Norman-Byzantine 1132~40 Palatina( )( Palazzo dei Normanni , Palazzo Reale ) ( Kingdom of Sicily )


1130~40 (, Cappella Palatina )Norman Byzantine Islam 1 3 0 , Christ Pantocrator ( Concad Oro , )

Arab-Norman-Byzantine : Cathedral of Monreale : apse : dome : bassel : vault : groin/vault / Chapel : chaplain, church, synagogue, college, hospital, palace, prison funeral home Capella ( capellani): nave : abbey , Cloister : Faade : ilasters : Aisle : lter : Triforium :


Arcade :

Pavilion :

Cappella Palatina Saracen

* : Regaleali (Nozze dOro and Rosso del Conte ), Corvo di Salaparuta, Terreforti, Messinas Faro, Capo Bianco, Eloro & Pachino from Syracuse, Donnafugata from Vigna di Gabri, Ceravasuolob from Ragusa & Comiso ; Rapitala from Corvo Bianco , Alcamo, Etna, Capo Bianco, Anapo Marsala from Carlo Hauser, Muscat from Moscato di Pantelleria. IGT ( Barbera, Brunello, Dolcetto, Nebiolo, Sangioverse, Vermentino ) DOC ( )DOCG ().


Marsala : Joseph Whitaker 1806 villa Malfitano Marsala

( Dragons Blood) trompe Ioeil ( SaladEstate)

130 2 85 1 30 5/02(Wen.) 14 BARUMINI TINNURA ALGHERO 3Hotel Angedras

(Sardinia, Sardegna ) Clint Eastwood ( DH Lawrence ) 1479 Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabel of Castile , ( 1323~1720 ) Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, Arbs, Byzantines, Spaniards, Savoyards ( Sardo) Logudorese Campidanese

: Barbagia and Ogliastra Budoni San Teodoro Isola dei Gabbiani Nora and Tharros The Stagno at CabrasCosta Smeralda Costa Verde (Marina di Arbus) Bosa Stintino La PelosaIglesias and the Sulcis


. Iglesias Santa Barbara Tavolara and Punta Coda Cavallo Porto Pino Cala Gonone San Pietro Island Genoese Carloforte La Maddalena archipelago ,

* (Cagliari Casteddu ) ( Castello ) Gulf of Cagliari ( Angels Gulf)14~15 Duomo, Chlesa di San Francesco Torre di San Pancrazio ( St. Pancras Tower)Elephant Tower ( Giudici, Giudicato (judgeship, essentially, a kingdom)) 1921 ( Piazza Costituzione) (Bastilione San Remy) 19 ( Pink flamingos )

( Su Nuraxi di Barumini )Nuraghe :

60 1 20 120 2 30 55 1 10 5/03(Thus. ) 15 CAPO CACCIA 3Hotel Angedras

( Alghero )( Citta Vecchia)1353 Genoese Dorias 16 ( Torre di Porta TerraTorre dell Espero Reial, Torre San Glacomo, Torre delta Maddalena ) (Cappo Caccia ) : (Grotto di Nettuno, Neptunes cave ) : 654 ( Escala del Cabirol, Stairway of Goats )


( Sassari, Sassarese )() Cavalcata Sarda Giordano Palace, PrincelyPalace ( ) ( Duomo) Fonte Rosello , St. Nicholas Cathedral


Piazza d' Italia (Square of Italy)

( Costa Smeralda, Emerald Coast ) : Palau Golfo di Cugnana Olbia Golfo di Arzachena La Maddalena, Spiaggia dei Sassi, Marinella, Cala Crano, Portisco, Cala Battistoni, 80 ( Cala di Volpe ) 61 (Prince Karim Aga Khan)

60 1 20 98 2 5/05(Sat.) 17 BUDELLI PORTO DELLA MADONNA SANTA MARIA LA MADDALENA 3Hotel Marinaro ( Straits of Bonifacio) ( Isola Maddalena)Caprera, Spargi, Santo Stefano, Santa Maria, Budelli RazzoliCaprera Santo Stefano

( La Maddalena National Park)(Spiaggia Rosa ,"Pink Beach") Miriapora truncata Miniacina miniacea "Deserto rosso"


, ( wild sea onion)( royal seagull, cormorant, peregrine falcon) La Maddalena (rocky granitic terrain ) Santo Stefano 2008 2

5/06(Sun.) 18 BONIFACIO CORSICA la Corse AJACCIO 3 The Best Western Amiraute 2/3 ( de beaut) , (Napolon Bonaparte) le Saint-Exupery 259 13~15 1755~1769 1976 (Bonifacio ) escalier du roi daragon (Ajaccio) (Casa Buonaparte) : (Napolon Bonaparte)

131 2 40 5/07( Mon.) 19 SCANDOLA RESERVE NATURE MARINE DE PORTO 3Hotel LAbbaye Punta Muchillina Punta Nera UNESCO ( Scandola NatureReserve) Cape Girolata Cape Porto

Gulf of Porto ( Calanches de Piana Gulf of Girolata Scandola Reserve) Porto-Veccchio 102 2 30 23 35 64

5/08(Tues.) 20 CALVI BASTIA 3 Hotel Ostella 1372 bastiglia() 14~18 , 1975 (Corse), : Terra-Vecchia ; Terra-Nova ,, (Romieu) St-Jean-Baptiste

75 1 40 91 2 BASTIA 5/09( Tus.) 21 LIVORNO PISA FLORENCE 4Meridiana Country Hotel 1284 1406

1173 97 120 1590 ( Galileo) 2 2 1654 1717 1612 ... -1068 11 13 Carrara 3 Bonanno Pisano 6 5 - (Piazza dei Miracoli) Piazza del Duomo (Cattedrale) (Campanile) (Battistero) (Camposanto) (Duomo / Cattedrale) (Buscheto) 12 3.3 1152 1 (Duomo / Cattedrale) 1063 (majolica) (Duomo)


(Battistero) 1153 DiotisalviNicola & Giovanni Pisano 2 13 Diotisalvi 1153 Nicola Pisano 1260

22 30 90 1 30 5/10(Wen.) 22 LUCCA 4 Hotel Napoleon

Florenz Florentia Firenze

13 15 3 2000 43 65 1420 14 5 82 1334 25 10 1452


28 1872 2000 11 6 40 1501 8 1504 1 3 20 700 14 1737 1418 45 20 10 1996


1478 1485

the Papal States ( Romagna) ruled by the Pope, Tuscany Republics of Firenze (Florence) Venezia (Venice), kingdom of Napoli (Naples), the duchy of Milano (Milan) 2 Albizzi 1378 Ciompi Rebellion 1503 ( Palazzo Vecchio ) The Battle of Anghiari 16 (Giorgio Vasari, Palazzo degli Uffizi ) TheBattle of Marciano

1585 Medicis ( Giovanni di Bicci deMedici ) ( Cosimo de Medici, 1389~1464 Pater Patriae ) Platonic Academy San Lorenzo ()( Monastery St. Mark ) Cosimo de Medici14341462 Lorenzo de Medici14781492 1563 Accademia di Belle Arti ()


1434~1737 300 ( 1494~1512 )1860 1865~1871 (Marzocco)

Cosimo Pater patriae, Uffizi Gallery, Florence, , San Lorenzo, Florence. (Re- Naissance ) - Medicis Mantua Gonzagas , Ferrera Estes () ; (Di

Bondene Giotto) Filippo Brunelleschi( 1377~1446)Dante Alighieri, 12651321 (Petrarchan SonnetFrancesco Petrarca, 13041374 1564 Pieter Bruegel the Elder's The Way to Calvary Philip II Donatello, 1386~1466, Chiesa di Orsanmichele St. George Masaccio, 14011428 1428 Basilica di Santa Maria Novella The Holy Trinity, the Virgin, St John & Donors Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci , 1452-1519 ( Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni ,1475-1564) ( Raffaello Sanzio,14831520) (Sandro Botticelli1445~1510 ) (Tiziano VecellioTitian, 1490~1576)


: (The Holy Trinity, with the Virgin and Saint John and donorsSanta Trinit, Masaccio , Basilica di Santa Maria Novella, 1427 Lenzi "I was once what you are, and what I am you will become." Basilica di Santa Maria Novella 9 1221 2 Sisto Fiorentino Ristoro da Campi 1246~1360 Iacopo Talenti -3 1420 1456-1470 Giovanni di Paolo Rucellai Leone Battista Alberti 1567 Giorgio Vasari Grand Duke Cosimo I 1856-60 Enrico Romoli Sandro Botticelli early nativity scene , Baccio D'Agnolo , Bronzino - the Miracle of Jesus, Filippo Brunelleschi - The Crucifix (between 1410 and 1425), Tino da Camaino - Bust of St. Antoninus (in terra cotta); the Tomb of the Bishop of Fiesole, Nardo di Cione - frescoes of the Divine Judgment, Duccio - Rucellai Madonna, Lorenzo Ghiberti - tombstone of Leonardo Dati (1423), Domenico Ghirlandaio - frescoes (late 15th century) Tornabuoni Chapel , Filippino Lippi - frescoes in the Strozzi Chapel, depicting the life of Philip the Apostle; stained glass window, Benedetto da Maiano - the Tomb of Filippo Strozzi (1491) at the backside of the Strozzi Chapel., Giacomo Marchetti : Martyrdom of Saint Laurence., Tommaso Masaccio - The Trinity, Nino Pisano - Madonna with Child (1368), Bernardo Rossellino - Monument to the Beata Villana (1451), Santi di Tito - Lazarus Raised from Death, Paolo Uccello - frescoes in the cloisters, Giorgio Vasari - Madonna of the Rosary (1568) :


Die Kreuztragung Christi (The Procession to Calvary) , Pieter Bruegel the Elder's, 1564, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna

( Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore, Basilica of Saint Mary of the Flower)1290 Anrnolfo di Cambio 1359 Giotto ( Filippo Brunelleschi, 13771446) (Lorenzo Ghiberti, 13781455) ( Adam and Eve are expelled from Eden) ( The drunkenness of Noah and his sacrifice )( Esau and Jacob)( Moses receives the ten Commandments)( The battle with the Philistines ) ( Cain murdes his brother, Abel ) ( Abraham and the sacrifice of Isaac)( Joseph sold into slavery)( The fall of Jericho )( Solomon and the queen of Sheba ) Baccio dAgnolo Francesco da Sangallo 1587 3 1881~87 Prato ++ 1903 1296 600 19 12 6


The Florence Duomo Ceiling

( Piazza della Signoria) (1389-1464) () Fra Angelico Fra Filippo Lippi Donatello ( Judith Holorfene ) Brunelleschi .... Lorenzo il Magnifico (1449-1492) Antonio del Pollaiuolo()Andrea del Verrocchio () Leonardo da VinciSandro BotticelliDomenico Ghirlandaio() (Giulio Clement VII1478-1534) (Giovanni Leo X1475-1521) ..... (Giulio Clement VII1478-1534) (Giovanni Leo X1475-1521) . ....


: 1504 David Goliath King Solomon Samuel 3 57 Bandinelli Ercole e Caco . (Galleriadegli Uffizi) 1560~80 Duke Cosimo I () Anna Maria Luisa 1765 Giotto, Masaccio, Duccio, Cimabue, Ambrogio, Pietro Lorenzetti, Simone Martini Paolo Uccello, Piero della Francesca, Fra Filippo Lippi, Botticelli, Primavera Leonardo da Vnci, Agnolo Bronzino, Pontormo, Parmigianino, Albrecht Durer, Perugino, Mantegna, Carpaccio, Correggio, Bellini, Michelangelo, Raphael, Titian Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Canaletto, Goya, Tiepolo () 45 3 2 Giotto di BondoneFlorence 3 Seina 4 Florence 5/6 14 15 th th

Lorenzo Monaco 7 Paolo Uccello 20 The B attle of San Romano Piero della Francesca (D iptych of the Duchess and Duke of Urbino) 8 Filippo Lippi (Madonna with Child and two Angels) 9 10-14 Sandro Botticelli 15 7 1470 27 1510


10-14 15 (Spring)(The birth of Venus)(Spring) (The birth of Venus) 1432 15 Andrea del Verrocchio (Baptisme of Christ) Leonardo Da Vinci1452-1519 (Adoration of the Magi) 36 11 30 2002 4 21 X 30 (Annunciation)


(Leonardo Da Vincci) 1472-1473 161589 Tuscana 17 Hermaphrodite Hermaphrodite Ferdinando I Hermaphrodite 1669 Hermaphrodite Hermaphroditus Aphrodite Hermes Hermes Aphrodite Aphrodite (Venus), Mars Hermes Mercury, Aphrodite ( ) Hermaphroditus Salmacis Hermaphroditus H ermaphroditus Hermaphrodite 18 1584 () 1 7 ( 1633-1649) 16 1601 19 Perugino 1481 Botticelli Domenico GhirlandaioCosimo RosselliSistine Chapel Christ Handing the Keys to St. Peter (Last Judgment) 19 Pre-Raphaelites (Portrait of Francesco delle Opere) 1494 Fran cesco delle Opere"Timete Deum" Luca Signorelli (Luca Signorelli, 1450~1523)(Cortona) (Botticelli) (Pollaiuoio)(Lippo Lippi) 1499~1504 (Chapel of O. L. of St. Brizio, Cathedral of Orvieto, Umbria)The four last of all pe ople 20 Albrecht Durer 13 19 1528 4 57 21 DI Giamellino 30


23 Correggi 25 Michelangelo Bounaroti (14751564) 1475 3 6 13 Ghirlandaio 1496 1501 1505 1506 1508 1513 15191534 1536 1564 2 18 (La Sacra famiglia 1504 , 26 Raffaello Sanzio (1483-1520)1483 4 6 1520 4 6 1500 23 15041508 ( 15121513 ,, 1509 4 1520 37 ""-- -- (Madonna of the Goldfinch)


27Agnolo Bronzino 28 Tiziano Vecellio1490-157612 33 38 1576 99 (The Venus of Urbino) (Flora) 4 28 5 3 Bostons Museum of Fine Arts 29 Parmigianino 32 Tintoretto 33 35-45 Pieter Paul Rubens (15771640)1577 6 28 1640 5 30 17 17


(Portrait of Isabella Brandt) 1621 1624 1625 16 Canaletto (Giovanni Antonio Canal) 1730 1740 1746 1763 1143.2 2008.6024 Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1573 1610) 16 (1589)(1589) (1590)(1595)(15881590) (The Adolescent Bacchus) 42 Niobe 43The Groote Market of Haarlem(1693) 44 Rembrandt van Rijn 1606 7 15 1669 10 4 1642 1669


45Portrait of Felicita Sartori, Rosalba Carriera (Sandra Botticelli) 1485 (Ducciodi Buoninsegna) 1285 ( Giotto di Bondone) Madanna of Ognissanti 1535 (Filippo Lippi) , Madonna del Gardellino (Ralphael) 1507 , Tondo Doni or Sacra Famiglia 1507 8 (Agnolo Doni) (tondo )

: Doni Tondo (Doni Madonna, The Holy Family), Michelangelo Buonarroti , ~1507, Uffizi, Florence : Gates of Paradise, by Ghiberti. Battistero di San Giovanni ( Florence)


Venus of Urbino , 1538 , Titian, , Uffizi, Florence. Urbino Giulia Varano foulest, the vilest, the obscenest picture the world possesses Battistero di San Giovanni Florence Baptistry : , Lorenzo Ghiberti 1. Adam and Eve, 2. Cain and Abel, 3. Noah,


220 40 7 7 Abraham, 4. Abram - 2166 BC 1 - 2 5. Isaac with Esau and Jacob, -- 6. Joseph, 12 11


7 7 7 7 7. Moses, 1300 - 10 40 2 8. Joshua, 2 2

1 6 7 7 7 7 1 6 7 7 7 9. David, 40 2 1 10. Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. 70 (Gibeon)


4 () 2 30 x 10 x15 20 7 (Sheba) (Sheba) (Sheba) (frankincense)(myrrh)

:Batisterio san giovanni Florence, Salomon meets the Queen of Saabe, on the Paradise Door of the Florence Baptistry : The Embarkation of the Queen of Sheba, National Gallery, London (Andrea Pisano) 1. The angel announces to Zachariah, 2. Zachariah is struck mute, 3. Visitation, 4. Birth of the Baptist, 5. Zachariah writes the boy's name, 6. St John as boy in the desert, 7. He preaches to the Pharisees, 8. He announces Christ, 9. Baptism of his disciples, 10. Baptism of Jesus, A. Hope, B. Faith, E. Fortitude, F. Temperance, 1. St John reprimands Herod Antipas, 2. Incarceration of St. John, 3. The disciples visit St. John, 4. The disciples visit Jesus, 5. Dance of Salome, 6. Decapitation of St. John, 7. Presentation of St John's head to Herod Antipas, 8. Salome takes the head to Herodias, 9. Transport of the body of St. John, 10. Burial, C. Charity, D. Humility, G. Justice, H. Prudence (Lorenzo Ghiberti) 1. Ascent to Calvary, 2. Crucifixion, 4. Christ captured, 5.Transfiguration, 6. Resurrection of Lazarus, 7. Baptism of Christ, 8.Temptation of Christ , 3. Agony in the Garden,

9. Annunciation, 10. Nativity, A. St. John Evangelist, B. St. Matthew, E. St. Ambrose, F. St. Jerome 1. Resurrection, 2. Pentecost, 3. Flagellation, 4. Jesus before Pilate, 5. Entry of Jesus in Jerusalem, 6. Last Supper, 7. Chasing the merchants from the Temple, 8. Jesus walking on water and saving Peter, 9. Adoration of the magi, 10. Dispute with the doctors, C. St. Luke, D. St. Mark, G. St. Gregory, H. St. Augustine.


The whole mosaic of the ceiling in the Florence baptistery. It is a composite image of 1). Last Judgement by Coppo Di Marcovaldo, 2. Lantern. 3. Choirs of Angels. 4. Stories from the Book of Genesis. 5. Stories of Joseph. 6.Stories of Mary and Christ. 7. Stories of St. John the Baptist. all 8 panels. The rewards of the saved leaving their tomb in joy (at Christ's right hand), and the punishments of the damned (at Christ's left hand). This last part is particularly famous: evil doers are burnt by fire, roasted on spits, crushed with stones, bit by snakes, gnawed and chewed by hideous beasts. These scenes remind us of later works showing us in grisly detail the horrors of hell, such as The Last Judgment or the panel Hell (from the triptych The Garden of Earthly Delights), both by the Flemish painterHieronymus Bosch. The other scenes on the ceiling depict different stories in horizontal tiers of mosaic : (starting at the top) Choirs of Angels, Thrones, Dominations, and Powers; stories from the Book of Genesis; stories of Joseph; stories of Mary and the Christ and finally in the lower tier : stories of Saint John the Baptist. In the drum under the ceiling are many heads of prophets, attributed to Gaddo Gaddi, a friend of Cimabue. Galleria Palatina -( Palazzo Pitti): 15 Luca Pitti Brunelleschi 1440 ...1550 Boboli 11 1 5 Pietro da Cortona1641


Ciro Ferri 1665 4 5 Caravaggio 300 : 15041505 21 , 1541 : Ponte Vecchio 7 1

Henry Holiday1839-1927The meeting of Dante with Beatrice 2 2 9 30 28 9 ... 2 ..


... 9 3 2 1290 1300 9 9 2

(Lucca) : Church of San Michele in Foro (Arena) (Piazza dellaAnfiteatro) ( Ramparks) 16-17 4 14 1516 12 10 5 1799 Elisa Baciocchi 12 1814 ( Giacomo Antonio Domenico Michele Secondo Maria Puccini) * Church of San Michele in Foro( forum, foro)- facade 8.75 Filippino Lippi Saints Helena, Jerome, Sebastian, and Roch Luca della Robbia Madonna with Child


: The front faade di San Michele

* (Piazza del Anfiteatro) 55 20


1830 Marie Louise 1830 (Arena) San Pietro Somaldi (Basilica di San FredianoAD 1112 to 1147) 13 4 16 2

80 1 20 20 40 5/11(Thu.) 23 LA SPEZIA CINQUE TERRE + GENOVA 4 Golden Tulip Hotel Moderno Verdi

( Basilico pesto alla genovese + + focaccia + farinata + Sciacchetra )(Liguria) Riviera Liguria Cinque Terre cinque terre 97 UNESCO 99 Parco Nazionale delle Cinque Terre Monterosso al Mare Vernazza Corniglia ManarolaRiomaggiore Riomaior 2 11000 Monterosso al Mare Riomaggiore Via dellAmore 90 1 2001


: Liguria (Cinque Terre) : Riomaggiore

( Christopher Columbus) 2004 2006 UNESCO 1100 , Venice, Pisa, and Amalfi Maritime Republics Adorno, Campofregoso . . 1347 11 Caffa (Theodosia) in Crimea, Messina 16 Rubens, Caravaggio and Van Dyck Galeazzo Alessi (15121572)Bartolomeo Bianco (15901657) 1625 5 Savoian 165657 1746 1797 ( Ligurian Republic). Liguria and Piedmont, Sardinia, Corsica, Nice Tyrrhenian Sea . Aegean,


( Piazza de Ferrari ) Galliera Raffaele De Ferrari Theatre Carlo Felice Palace of the Doges Ligurian Region

( Piazza de Ferrari ), (St. Lawrence Cathedral ,Cattedrale di San Lorenzo )- (Sacred bowl ) Guglielmo Embriaco Cesarea Luca Cambiaso Barocci Crucifixion with Saints (St. Sebastian's Vision) ; Giovanni Andrea Ansaldo Episode from the life of St. Lawrence; Lazzaro Tavarone Martyrdom of St Lawrence Gaetano Previati Assumption of the Virgin (1914) Domenico Gagini ; Andrea Sansovino Virgin and a St. John the Baptist . Matteo Civitali, Taddeo Carlone,and Giacomo Guglielmo Della Porta . (Strada Nuova ,now Via Garibaldi) Palazzo Rosso (Musei di Strada Nuova), (Palazzo Bianco), Palazzo Grimaldi, Balbi, Durazzos, Savoias, King Charles Albert ( Museo di Palazzo Reale ), (Palazzo Rosso) Genovese (Brignole Sale) Pietro Antonio Corradi 1671~77 1874 (Galliera) (Galliera)


GuercinoGregorio De Ferrari Bernardo Strozzi Mattia Preti (Palazzo Bianco) Luca Grimaldi 1530~40 1658 1711 1714~16 1899 (Galliera)1 887 12~17 13~16 La Madonna della candela) 16 18 Vertummo and Pomona 17 (Zurbaran)(Murillo) 17, 18 (Bernardo Strozzi ) (Alessandro magnasco) (Palazzo Doria Tursi) 1565 (Nicholas Grimaldi) (Giovanni Domenico) (Ponzello) (Palazzo Doria Tursi) 1597 (Giovanni Andrea Doria) (Duke Turs i) 1848 (Palazzo Doria Tursi) (Pink stone of Finale) (Gray-black slate) (Prized w hite marble from Carrara)

78 1 20 110 1 30 5/12(Fri.) 24 TORINO MILANO 4 Grand Hotel Adi Doria

Lingotto ( ) (Kingdom of Sardinia) Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy , 152880 Filippo Juvarra, Guarino Guarini Ameddeo di Castellamonte, Morello, Miel, Seyter, Juvarra (Residences of the Royal House of Savoy , Royal Palace of Turin ) Palazzo Chiablese, the Royal Armoury, the Royal Library, Palazzo Madama, Palazzo Carignano, Villa della Regina Valentino Castle Madama Reale - Christine Marie of France (the official residence of the Savoys until 1865) 1997 UNESCO This was the home of Madama Reale Madame Royale the Duchess of Savoy, regent for her son: first Christine of France, sister of Louis XIII and of Henrietta Maria of England, regent 1637-48; then Marie-Jeanne of Savoy, regent 1675-84 for Vittorio Amedeo II, who became King of


Sardinia in 1720. She commissioned Filippo Juvarra to give the palace its grand faade, holding a vast, triumphant staircase, which today looks oddly tacked on to the old 15thC castle behind which was originally screened by the connecting galleries. .

Umberto I & Margherita,, King & Qeen of Italy

Emanuele Filiberto, Duke of Savoy

( Duomo Torino) 1491~98 ( Saint John the Baptist, San Giovanni Battista ) The Chapel of the Holy Shroud ( Shroud of Turin ) 1450 House of Savoy 1694 Guarini


: Self-portrait of Leonardo da Vinci (151215), Royal Library of Turin : ( The Mole Antonelliana ) (The Mole Antonelliana ) 19 167m

169 2 20 140 2 5/13(Sat.) 25 SIRMIONE VERONA 4 Montresor Hotel Palace

( Duomo ) Pinacoteca di Brera (Museo Teatraledella Scala ) Valentino, Gucci, Armani, Versace, Prada, Armaniand Dolce & Gabbana, Ferre, Krizia, Moschino, The Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II, the Piazza del Duomo, Via Dante and Corso Buenos Aires Biffi, D

Magazine Outlet. Duke Giangaleazzo Visconti 1386 Sforza Lombardy 1877 - Simone da Orsenigo Nicolas de Bonaventure Jean Mignot Baroque


Napoleon Bonaparte 6 5 37 1786 300 2009 Candoglia 135 DH Lawrence 108.5 1774 "Madonnina" 4.2 700 3900 108.5 3159 2245 96 3159 St. Bartholomew 46.8 148 61.5 3.5 12 24 5 8 800 4 62 14 3 Nicolas de Bonaventura 1581 5 8 4 4 1542 180 1.3


(Panormica de la Plaza del Duomo)

basilisk (a sort of drake)* ( Pinacoteca di Brera , "Brera Art Gallery") : 19 Accademia di Belle Arti 18 19 Piero della Francesca, Mantegna, Canaletto, Bellini, Raphael, Tintorretto, Veronese, Caravaggio 38 500 1809 Canova (Andrea Mantegna) 1829

The Lamentation over the Dead Christ, Tempera on canvas, 68x81 cm, Andrea Mantegna, 1490, Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan.


( Teatro alla Scala) (Giuseppe Piermarini) 1777~78 ( Otello )( Madama Butterfly ) ( Palazzo Reale) 1 8 (Arco della Pace) 19 * Santa Maria delle Grazie ("Holy Mary of Grace" )1980 UNESCO 1797 The Crowning with Thorns (Leonardo da Vinci) 1494~98 Ludovico Sforza tempera Pinin Brambilla Barcilon 20

ThomasJames MajorPhilip MatthewThaddaeus SimonJohnPeterJudas( ) AndrewJames MinorBartholomew Atmospheric Perspective Mary Magdalene Dan Brown


The Crowning with Thorns (Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II )1865 giuseppe Mengoni ( 1877 ) ( ) 12


( Lake Garda ) 13 The Scaliger Castle

(Gardac)(Sirmione) The Scaliger Castle (Comune di Sirmione ) (Piazza delle Erbe)(Madonna Verona) 6 (Palazzo Maffei)( Plazza Bra)-(Arena) Capulet Montague


(Case di Giulietta) Via Cappello 23 ) But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun!

130 1 30 40 40 5/14(Sun.) 26 VENEZIA 4Hotel Bonvecchiati

117 118 ( Plazza san Marco ) ( Basilica di San Marco ) 1172 (The Lion of St Mark ) (St Theodore, ) ( Para dOro ) 1204

Piazza San Marco with the Basilica by Canaletto, 1730


1162 Ulrico 15 17 1797 200 1979 2 The Evangelists : (St. John ) St. Matthew (St. Mark ) (St. Luke ) hrist, sinner ( emento, )Virgin, ( Pilgrimage, St. Roch )( martyr, )

: (The Lion of St Mark ) : adonna and Child with four Saints, Giovanni Bellini, San Zaccaria Altarpiece, 1505; oil on canvas, Venice St. Catherine of Alexandria, St Peter the Apostle St. Lucy St. Jerome


( Basilica di San Marco ) : 827 10 1807 15 17 5 6 4 4 1204 17 5 829 976 1063~1094 1807 5 Four Tetrarchs Diocletian Maximian Valerian Constantius 12 12 13 Cupola of the Creation 8 - Iconostasis Baldacchino : Apse with Christ Pantocrator -Pala d'Oro 1.4 3.5 976 1105 1209 14 80 4 Irina Ordelaffo Falier 3 3000



1204 1075 (Murano) 13 1291 (Murano) (Giustinian Palace) (Murano) Palazzo DucaleDucale 900 Jacopo Tintoretto ( Paradise )( Apotheosis) ( The Rape of Europa )



Jacopo Tintoretto Paradise (Ponte dei Sospiri ) 1603 2 1979 A Little Romance gondola 3.5km Santa Maria della SalutePalazzo Venier dei LeomCaGrande/ 18 CaRezzonico Ca'd'Oro Palzzi Giustinian caFoscari Palazzo Corner Spinelli Palazzo Grimani 17 (Baldassarre Longhena) 1712 1888 ( Robert Barrett Browning ) 18 1935 Correr Museum 18 -( Antonio Corradini)


(Giandomenico Tiepolo) 1758 18

( Ca' Rezzonico )


Ca'd'Oro : 1420 Marion Contarini 1846 Prince Troubetzkoy Maria Taglioni 1915 Baron Giorgio Franchetti 1945 3 Galleria Franchetti 15 San Pietro di Castello 17 Morosini 17 7 1858-59 1883 1437 F. Foscari 8 1574

125 1 40 5/15(Mon.) 27 15:45 EK136 EK382 CI916 5/16 28


