Page 1: PEMERINTAH KOTA CIMAHI DINAS PENDIDIKAN, PEMUDA, … · Contoh : Pilihan semula : A B C D Dibetulkan menjadi : A B C D 5. Dahulukan

FADILA ISTIQA SEPTIANA, 2016 A PRIORI VALIDITY OF SUMMATIVE TEST ITEMS DEVELOPED BY EFL TEACHERS: A Case Study at a Junior High School in Cimahi. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |



SMP NEGERI 5 CIMAHI Jalan Cipageran No. 146 Telp (022) 6611106

e-mail:[email protected]

website: [email protected].


U L A N G A N K E N A I K A N K E L A S Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari / Tanggal : Rabu, 27 Mei 2015

K e l a s : VII (tujuh) W a k t u : 07.30 s.d. 09.00 (90 Menit)

Petunjuk Umum 1. Jawaban dikerjakan pada Lembar Jawaban Komputer (LJK) yang telah disediakan.

2. Pergunakan pinsil hitam 2B yang lunak untuk menulis : Nomor Peserta, Nama, Kelas, Tanggal, Jam

ke, tanda tangan dan dan menghitamkan bulatan kecil pada LJK sesuai dengan petunjuk.

3. Jawaban dikerjakan dengan menghitamkan bulatan kecil sesuai dengan jawaban yang anda anggap


4. Apabila jawaban anda keliru dan anda ingin memperbaikinya, hapuslah jawaban yang keliru itu

dengan menggunakan karet penghapus pinsil, kemudian hitamkan bulatan kecil lain sesuai dengan

jawaban yang anda anggap benar.

Contoh : Pilihan semula : A B C D

Dibetulkan menjadi : A B C D

5. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang anda anggap mudah.

6. Periksa kembali pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.


Page 2: PEMERINTAH KOTA CIMAHI DINAS PENDIDIKAN, PEMUDA, … · Contoh : Pilihan semula : A B C D Dibetulkan menjadi : A B C D 5. Dahulukan

FADILA ISTIQA SEPTIANA, 2016 A PRIORI VALIDITY OF SUMMATIVE TEST ITEMS DEVELOPED BY EFL TEACHERS: A Case Study at a Junior High School in Cimahi. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

Chose the best answer by choosing a, b, c,

or d

1. Hanin : We are in the meeting program,

Please, don’t …. , Rizal !

Rizal : Ok, Hanin, I’m sorry.

A. makes a noise C. making a noise

B. made a noise D. make a noise

2. Ayu : Ani, ……, please ! I feel cold.

Ani : Sure Ayu, I will do it for you.

A. window the close

B. the window close

C. close the window

D. the close window

3. The phone rings.

Mom : Bima, ….., please !

Bima : Of course, Mom.

A. phone the answer

B. answer the phone

C. the phone answer

D. the answer phone

4. While you are praying in the mosque.

Don’t …. the phone !

A. turn on C. turn out

B. turn off D. turn in

5. Maya is reading in the library. She knows

she must return the books to the bookshelf

when she has finished, because a sign


A. Use your books after replace

B. After use your book replace

C. Replace your book after use

D. After replace, use your book

6. 6. Mom : ……… under the bed!

Dion : Sorry, Mom. I promise to move


Mom : Good boy!

A. Put your shoes

B. Your shoes put

C. Don’t put your shoes

D. Your shoes don’t put

7. Maya : Utami, you look sick. Are you

okay ?

Utami : I’ve got a headache. What should

I do?

Maya : …….. and have a rest!

Utami : Thanks for your idea.

Maya : Don’t mention it

A. Watch the movie

B. Go to the market

C. Swim with me

D. Take these pills

Read the text below and answer the

question number 8-11

Dara has a garden. She plants many

flowers there, such as; rose, orchid, jasmine

and sun flower. But her favourite flower is

Cape jasmine.

Cape jasmine is a kind of white jasmine.

It has glossy and bright green leaves. It also

has beautiful fragrant. It usually blooms in

June. Dara’s cape jasmine has survived for

years. But it still blooms profusely every


8. What does the text tell us about?

A. Dara’s flowers.

B. Kinds of flower.

C. Beautiful flowers.

D. Dara’s favourite flower.

9. Which one is TRUE based on the text?

A. Dara has many gardens.

B. Dara only plants Cape jasmine.

C. Cape jasmine has glossy and dark


D. Cape jasmine blooms in June

plentifully every year.

10. How many flowers are mentioned in the


A. 2 B.3 C.4 D.5

11. “It has glossy and bright green leaves.”

The antonym of the underlined word is


A. dark C. vivid

B. clear D. light

Text for number 12 - 18

My Tiko

Tiko … (12) my

playful white


It … (13) playing

with anything.It

Page 3: PEMERINTAH KOTA CIMAHI DINAS PENDIDIKAN, PEMUDA, … · Contoh : Pilihan semula : A B C D Dibetulkan menjadi : A B C D 5. Dahulukan

FADILA ISTIQA SEPTIANA, 2016 A PRIORI VALIDITY OF SUMMATIVE TEST ITEMS DEVELOPED BY EFL TEACHERS: A Case Study at a Junior High School in Cimahi. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

sometimes …(14)

with me.

My Tiko likes … (15) with a ball very much. It

is very clever. But, sometimes it is very …(16).

It often eats my meal. My Tiko has soft and

white …(17). Its tail is long. Its eyes are round.

... (18) looks so cute. It is always near me.

12. A. is C. are

B. Am D. was

13. A. like C. to like

B. likes D. liking

14. A. play C. to play

B. plays D. playing

15. A. play C. to play

B. plays D. played

16. A. naughty C. sleepy

B. funny D. happy

17. A. fur C. feather

B. skin D. leather

18. A. I C. You

B. It D. They

19. KEEP CLEAN THE CLASSROOM The sentence above means ... in the


A. don't make any noise

B. don't throw rubbish anywhere

C. put the books on the bookshelf

D. put the rubbish on the floor

20. What does this sign say?

A. You may not take a U-turn here.

B. You may not overtake.

C. You may not turn left.

D. You may not turn right.

21. What does this sign mean?


A. We may throw rubbish in this area.

B. We are allowed to throw rubbish


C. We may not throw rubbish here.

D. We are required to throw rubbish


22. This notice might be found in the

following places EXCEPT ...


A. in a library C. in a hospital

B. in a café D. inside a cinema

The notice is for questions number

23 and 24

23. What does the notice means ?

A. No one is allowed to swim


B. Everyone can swim in this


C. Swimming in this area is fine

D. To swim in this area is safe

24. The caution may be found at the

dangerous areas in the following

places, EXCEPT…

A. beaches

B. ponds

C. rivers

D. bathrooms

The notice is for questions number

25 and 26

25. What does this sign say?

A. You must turn left.

B. You must turn right.

C. You must go straight.

D. you must stop here.

26. Where we can find the notice


A. Road C. Pond

B. River D. Home

Page 4: PEMERINTAH KOTA CIMAHI DINAS PENDIDIKAN, PEMUDA, … · Contoh : Pilihan semula : A B C D Dibetulkan menjadi : A B C D 5. Dahulukan

FADILA ISTIQA SEPTIANA, 2016 A PRIORI VALIDITY OF SUMMATIVE TEST ITEMS DEVELOPED BY EFL TEACHERS: A Case Study at a Junior High School in Cimahi. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

27. Arrange these words into correct


to – return – the – on time – books –

1 2 3 4 5

library - the

6 7

A. 2-3-7-4-5-6-1

B. 2-3-5-1-7-6-4

C. 2-4-1-5-7-3-6

D. 2-4-6-7-5-3-1

The text is for no 28 – 32

I am Gaby. I live in Jakarta. My

house is at no 10 Jl Merdeka East

Jakarta. It’s not a big house. It’s small.

It’s painted apple green. I like it

anyway. It has a small garden and a

mango tree in front of the house. It

looks green and nice.

My house has two bedrooms, a

living room, a dining room, a kitchen

and a bathroom. Each of it has its own

furniture and equipment. We can do

many activities there.

My bedroom is in the front part of

the house, next to the livingroom. My

parents’ room is in the middle part of

the house next to the dining room. The

kitchen and the bathroom are at the

back part of the house.

My parents and I always directly go

home after school and work. We sit

together in the evening and talk about

my school, and many others. We love

our house very much. Our house is

really our home.

28. What does the text tell us about ?

A. My house C. Gaby’s


B. A big house D. Our house

29. What does her house look like ?

A. It is a big house C. It is in


B. It is painted blue D. It is small

30. How many room are there in her


A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7

31. “It looks green and nice” The word

“it”refers to ….

A. Gaby C. Rooms

B. Garden D. House

32. The information below is NOT TRUE

based on the text, EXCEPT …….

A. There is a small garden and a

guava tree in front of the house

B. Gaby’s bedroom is at the back part

of the house.

C. Gaby and her parents always

directly go home.

D. Gaby does not really love her


Text for number 33-39

I am Archel. I meet my best friends.

The first one is Eric. He is an athlete for

our school. He is tall and muscular. The

other one is Ricky. He is a very diligent

student. He likes to read encyclopedia

and he gets the first rank in my class.

I like them both because they are

very friendly to other people.

Eventhough Eric and Ricky are very

famous in our school, they are not

arrogant. They make friends with

anybody including me.

33. What is the text about?

A. Archel’s best friends

B. Eric’s best friend

C. Ricky’s school

D. Eric and ricky’s school

34. What is Eric in school ?

A. An athlete C. A musician

B. A teacher D. A boy scout

35. What kind of person is Ricky ?

A. A lazy student

B. A stupid student

C. A diligent student

D. A careless student

36. What is Ricky like ?

A. He is tall

B. He is an athlete

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FADILA ISTIQA SEPTIANA, 2016 A PRIORI VALIDITY OF SUMMATIVE TEST ITEMS DEVELOPED BY EFL TEACHERS: A Case Study at a Junior High School in Cimahi. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | |

C. He is muscular

D. He is deligent

37. Why does the writer like Eric and

Ricky? Because they are ……

A. famous C. smart

B. arrogant D. friendly

38. “They make friends…” The

underlined word refers to…..

A. People

B. The writer, Eric and Ricky

C. The writer and Eric

D. Eric and Ricky

39. From the text we can conclude that …

A. Archel has two best friends.

B. Eric and Ricky are arrogant.

C. Ricky does not like to read book.

D. Eric is short and weak.

40. Rearrange these sentences to make a

good text.

1. It is a beatiful big bag.

2. They are a blue purse, a blue

pencil, two blue ballpoints,

and a blue ruler.

3. My favorite thing is my bag.

4. I love my bag very much.

5. It’s made of leather.

6. And its color is blue.

7. Almost all things in my bag

are blue.

The best arrangement is …

A. 3-1-5-6-7-2-4

B. 3-1-2-7-5-6-4

C. 1-3-5-6-7-2-4

D. 1-3-4-5-6-7-2

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SMP NEGERI 5 CIMAHI Jalan Cipageran No. 146 Telp (022) 6611106

e-mail:[email protected]

website: [email protected].


U L A N G A N K E N A I K A N K E L A S Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari / Tanggal : Rabu, 27 Mei 2015

K e l a s : VIII (delapan) W a k t u : 07.30 s.d. 09.00 (90 Menit)


Page 7: PEMERINTAH KOTA CIMAHI DINAS PENDIDIKAN, PEMUDA, … · Contoh : Pilihan semula : A B C D Dibetulkan menjadi : A B C D 5. Dahulukan


1. My mother is 40 years old. My Father is 40

years old. So my mother is ..... my father.

A. older than C. the oldest among

B. as old as D. as younger

2. Geby, Adinda and Nahdia got back their

English test paper. Geby got eighty, Adinda

got ninety and Nahdia got seventy. So

Adinda got the .......mark of them.

A. least C. worst

B. best D. lowest

3. I like roses. They are ............ than other


A. beautiful C. as beautiful as

B. more beautiful D. most beautiful

4. X : Do you believe that Indonesia will

become a prospererous country ?

Y : Of course….. the citizens work hard.

A. So C. because

B. if D. Although

5. Suci : How was your holiday ?

Ervan : It was nice. We enjoyed


It rained all day long.

A. Although C. so

B. Because D. and

6. I want to be the first one in the

classroom,…... I always go to

school early.

A. so C. but

B. and D. because

7.The classroom is empty. The children ……

in the playground now.

A. are playing C. is playing

B. plays D. play

8. The girl looks very thirsty. She …… the

water greedily.

A. is drinking C. drinking are

B. drinking is D. are drinking

The text for no. 9 to no. 15.


Spot is a regular house cat. He is an

adorable cat. He has orange fur with white

and black spots. I like to cuddle him

because his fur feels soft. Every morning I

give spot milk. Spot does not like rice, so I

give him cat foood. Spot is an active

animal. He likes to run around the house.

He likes to chase everyone in my house.

When he feels tired or sleepy, Spot usually

sleeps on the sofa in the living room or

sometimes under the table.

9. What kind of animal is Spot ?

A. reguler housecat C. wild cat

B. black cat D. soft cat

10. What does Spot look like ?

A. It has orange fur with white and black


B. run around the house.

C. chase every one.

D. adorable cat.

11. What food does Spot have every morning ?

A. rice C. milk

B. fish D. cat food

12. What kind of food does Spot like ?

A. milk C. cat food

B. rice D. fish

13. What does Spot like to do ?

A. sleeps under sofa.

B. sits on the table.

C. runs around the house and chases

everyone in the house.

D. eat rice.

14. It is a wild animal. It has sharp teeth.It is

brown. It eats meat. It lives in the lair. It

can run fast. It is .............

A. Elephant C. Lion

B. Deer D. Zebra

15. It is a place to put everything. The students

put their books, pens and pencils and the

other things for studying in it.And every

day the students bring it to school. It is


A. Hand bag C. Book Shelf

B. pencil case D. School bag

Page 8: PEMERINTAH KOTA CIMAHI DINAS PENDIDIKAN, PEMUDA, … · Contoh : Pilihan semula : A B C D Dibetulkan menjadi : A B C D 5. Dahulukan


The text for No. 16 to No. 24.

My Personal Experience

When I was in Junior high school, I

was not a very diligent student. In fact, I was

quite lazy. I hated all the subjects that I took

during school, especially science. For me

science was very difficult. It was hard for me

the chemical processes, physics calculations,

and biological processes.

Once, my teacher grounded me in the

library because I did not do my Biology

homework. The teacher asked me to read

several books and make a summary a book

entitled “The inventors of Medicine”. I thought

“OK, this is a start”. I took it out then began

reading it.

I learned from the book about Edward

Jenner. He was an English doctor who found

the cure for smallpox. The next one was Louis

Pasteur. His interest in bacteria led him to

discover the treatments for rabies and antrax.

Just like Pasteur, Robert Koch’s experiments

on bacteria also proved that tuberclosis can be

spread to others by contact. Finally, there was

AlexanderFlemming, a British bacteriologist

who found the first antibiotic and penicillin.

After I read the book, I realised that

science is useful for human kind. By studying,

we can discover things that can help human

kind. Therefore, since that moment, I

managed to change my behaviour and became

a doctor.

16. When did the story take place ?

A. When the writer became a doctorl.

B. When the writer was in the library.

C. When the writer was in the classroom.

D. When the writer was in junior high


17. Was the writer diligent student ?

A. Yes, He is. C. No, He isn’t.

B. Yes, He was D. No, He wasn’t.

18. What lessons did the writer hate ?

A. English C. Biology

B. Chemical D. All subjects

19. What was the title of the book that the

writer read ?

A. A summary book

B. The inventors of Medicine.

C. The experiment on bacteria.

D. The inventors of antibiotic.

20. What happened to the writer after he read

the book ?

A. He learned from the book.

B. He realised that science is useful for

human kind.

C. He discovered things that can help

human kind.

D. He found the first antibiotic.

21. “ The teacher asked me to read several

books and make a summary about them.”

The word “them” in that sentence refers to


A. The inventors.

B. Several books.

C. Bacteria

D. Several Medicines

22. He was an English doctor who found the

cure for smallpox. The underlined word

can be replace with .....

A. medicine C. proved

B. heal D. discover

The text for No. 23 to No. 28.

The Ant and The Dove

One hot day, an ant was searching for

some water. After walking around for some

time, she came to a spring.

To reach spring, she had to climb up a

blade of grass. While making her way up, she

slipped and fell into the water.

The ant was in big trouble because she

could not swim. Luckily, there was in big

trouble, the dove quickly plucked a leaf and

dropped it into the water near struggling ant.

The ant moved towards the leaf and climbed

up there. Soon, it carried her safely to a dry


Just as that time, a hunter nearby was

throwing out his net towards the dove, hoping

to trap it. The ant knew what he was about to

Page 9: PEMERINTAH KOTA CIMAHI DINAS PENDIDIKAN, PEMUDA, … · Contoh : Pilihan semula : A B C D Dibetulkan menjadi : A B C D 5. Dahulukan


do. She quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling the

pain, the hunter drooped his net. The dove

quickly flew away to save her life. ( Adapted from My Favourite


23. What did the dove do to save the ant ?

A. It was in nearby tree.

B. It dropped a leaf near the ant.

C. It saw the ant struggling.

D. It carried the ant to the dry ground.

24. What did the hunter do to the dove ?

A. He was bitting it.

B. He was trying to shoot it.

C. He was trying to trapp it.

D. He was throwing a stone at it.

25. At the end of the story, ......

A. the dove bit the hunter on the heel.

B. the hunter killed the dove

C. both animals were finally safe.

D. the ant bit the dove.

26. What is the purpose of the text ?

A. To inform the reader about an ant.

B. To describe the job of a hunter.

C. To entertain the reader.

D. To describe a dove.

27. What can we learn from the story ?

A. Don’t be greedy, or you may lose.

B. When there is a will there is a way.

C. We should help each other.

D. It is wise to plan ahead for hard time.

28. Soon it carried her safety (paragraph 3).

The underlined word refers to .....

A. an ant C. a dove

B. a hunter D. a spring

The text for no. 29 to no.34.


There will be a camping trip next

month. All scouts must join the activity. It

will be at Natural Hills camping site. The

activity will last for two days. For further

information, please contact Mrs. Indah.

Cimahi, 4 Mei 2015

The chief of Scout


Mrs. Indah

29. Where will the activity be held ?

A. Natural Hills C.mountain

B. School D. Cimahi

30. How long will the activity be held for ?

A. 2 days C. a day

B. a week D. a month

31. when will the activity be held ?

A. In June C. in May

B. July D. In August

32. Who must join the activity ?

A. All scouts C. All chiefs

B. All students D. All organizations

The Text for No. 33 to 34.

To : Ryan

Reyhan, will you be free this afternoon ? If

you are, please come to my house. We’ll do

our biology assignment. Syifa and Revia will

join us too.


33. Who sends the message ?

A. Reyhan C. Ryan

B. Revia D. Sifa

34. Why does the writer send the message ?

A. To do their biology assigment.

B. To ask Syifa and Revia to come, too.

C. To ask the reader to come to his house.

D.To ask the reader to be free this


Complete the paragraph with the correctwords


One day, The Prince, Peter Piper and

Franklin Greedy were (35)..........through the

forest. Suddenly a goup of bandits (36) .......

the three boys near an old house. They (37)

............ the old house and blokaded the gate

and doors. The three boys were trapped inside

the house.

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35. A. walking C. walks

B. walked D. walk

36. A. attacked C. attacks

B. attack D. attacking

37. A. enter C.enters

B. entering D. entered

Rearrange these jumbled words to make a

good sentence !

38. stepsisters- with-lived-her- Cinderella

1 2 3 4 5

A. 5-2-4-1-3 C. 5-3-2-1-4

B. 5-1-3-2-4 D. 5-3-2-4-1


1 2 3 4 5 6

The dwarfs-care - the

7 8 9 10

A. 7-1-10-3-6-5-8-2-9-4

B. 2-1-9-3-6-5-7-8-4-10

C. 7-6-8-1-9-3-2-5-10-4

D. 6-3-7-8-1-9-2-5-10-4

Rearrange these jumbled sentences to make

a ngood paragraph !

1. They ate fried rice with baked chicken.

2. Then, they ate banana split.

3. When they got there, they saw a band

playing a rock music.

4. Dicky and Rizky went to a cafe last


5. They loved the music, and the food

and they enjoyed the dinner.

6. The vocalist of the band sang a song

very energetically.

40. A. 4-1-2-3-6-5 C. 4-5-3-6-1-2

B. 4-3-1-2-5-6 D. 4-3-6-1-25

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P E M E R I N T A H K O T A C I M A H I D I N A S P E N D I D I K A N , P E M U D A D A N O L A H R A G A

SMP NEGERI 5 CIMAHI Jl. Cipageran No.146 – Telp.(022) 6611106 – Cimahi 40511



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari : Kamis, 2

April 2015

Alokasi Waktu : 120 Menit Waktu` : 07.00 s.d

09.00 WIB

Read the text to answer no 1

1. What does the notice above mean?

A. People have to keep their properties.

B. People should stay away from the area.

C. Only certain people are allowed to enter the room.

D. Not all people have to keep out their private properties.

Read the text to answer no 2

Happy Mother’s Day

Thank’s Mom for everything

You have done for me



2.Who is the sender of the message?

A. Mother C. The receiver’s mother

B. The receiver’s daughter. D. Aisha’s mother

Read the text to answer no 3

From Jack de Buss


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I have to go to Semarang for

Several days. Cancel all apointment.

Call Richard to fix your computer.

Don’t forget to feed Randy. Contact me for

emergency only at 098765432

3.Who go to Semarang?

A. Dinda B. Jack de Buss C. Randy D.


Read the text to answer no 4 and 5

Prepare Your Best Dress

Because you are invited


Our Birthday Party

Thank’s Chicken

23 April 2011

Aisha and Asiah


P.S No Teachers Invited

4. Where will the party be held?

A. At the best dress C. At the Thonk’s Chicken

B. At the Aisha and Asiah home . D. At the Blackwoods

5. Who held the party?

A. Aisha Blackwood C. Teachers

B. Asiah Blackwood D. Aisha and Asiah Blackwood

Read the text to no 6 and 7

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Cute black and white cat with long tail.

Last seen on january 10 2012 around jalan



For anyone who find her

Contact Lucy 977 666555


She is beloved and greatly missed

6. How many cat lost in the announcement?

A. Three b. Two c. One d. None

7. From the text we know that .....................

A. Lucy will give her cat to anyone who want her

B. Lucy never see her cat since 10 January 2012

C. Somebody will call Lucy anyway

D. Lucy will never see her cat again

Read the text to answer no 8 to 11

Bex Saunders is 14 years old and a keen photographer. She loves taking photo’s,

particularly nature ones. Her interest has developed into a dedicated hobby that she

one day hopes to turn into a career.

She started to take pictures at about the age of 7, just using her dad’s old camera.

It wasn’t until she was 13 and had bought her own camera that she wouid begin to

take it more seriously.

Then in September she saw an advertisement for a photographic competition, she

entered it and it made her want to continue. She now enters any competition that is

open to her, that she knows of.

She has found trial anderror a really good way to take photo’s as then you find

out what works and what doesn’t.

Bex Saunders was runner up in the National Nature Detectives competition for

her photo of raindrops on a leaf in “Whatever the Weather” category. She has

featured in various web sites and magazines, as well as being in the top 3 of many

competitions. She was also a finalist for the young photographer of the year.

Hopefully she will continue to love and progress with her photography and ultimately

fulfil her dream of becoming a photographer.

8. What is the text about?

A. Young photographer of the year C. Bex Saunders

B. A keen photographer D. Photographic competition

9. In what category she won second best photographic competition?

A. Experimenting and discovering C. Whatever the Weather

B. National Nature Detectives D. Young photographer

10. What is the main idea of last paragraph?

A. Bex Saunders is a keen photographer

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B. Bex Saunders join photographic competition

C. Bex Saunders experiments on potography

D. Bex Saunders achievements on photography

11. “ ............ she entered it and it made her want to continue .............

The underlined word refers to ...................

A. Bex Saunders C. A photographic competition

B. Advertisement D. Any competition

Read the text to answer no 12 to 14

Tokyo is Japan’s leading city. The city is filled with factories, large office buildings,

banks, restaurants, religious shrines, and shops of all sizes. It is a center for Japanese art

andis home to more

Than 100 colleges and universities. Located at the head of Tokyo Bay, the city is also

a major seaport.

Many people move from other parts of Japan to attend college and than work in

Tokyo. Most Japanese companies have their headquarters in Tokyo.

Att the heart of Tokyo is the Imperial palace. High walls, a water-filled moat, and a

large park surround the palace. This is where the emperor of Japan lives with his family.

Japan’s emperors once ruled the country, but today they have little real power.

Located near the palace are the most important government buildings, including the

National Diet Building. That’s where Japan’s parliament meets.

12. What does the text tell you ?

A. Japan’s leading city C. The Imperial Palace

B. Tokyo is center for Japanese art D. The location of Tokyo

13. Why many people move from other parts of Japan to attend college in Tokyo?

A. Tokyo is Japan’s leading city

B. There are many factories, large office buildings, and banks in Tokyo

C. They can live near imperial palace

D. There are more than 100 colleges and universities in Tokyo

14. This is where the emperor of Japan lives with his family.

What does “This” refer to?

A. The Imperial Palace C. Water-filled moat

B. The high walls D. Large park

Read the text to nswer no 15 to 17

After high school, Obama studied at Occidental College in Los Angeles for two

years. He then transferred to Columbia University in new York, graduating in 1983 with a

degree political science. After working in the business sector for two years, Obama

moved to Chicago in 1985. There, he worked on the South Side as a community organizer

for low-income residents in the Roseland and the Altgeld Gardens communities.

Obama entering Harvard Law School in 1988. The next year, he met Michelle

Robinson, an associate at Sidley & Austin law firm in Chicago. She was assigned to be

Obama’s adviser during a summer internship at the firm, and soon the couple began

dating. In February 1990, Obama was elected the first African-American editor of the

Harvard Law Review, and he graduated magna cum laude in 1991.

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After law school, Obama returned to Chicago to practice as a civil right lawyer,

joining the firm of Miner, Barnhill & Galland. He also taught at the University of

Chicago Law School, and helped organize voter registration drives during Bill Clinton’s

1992 presidential campaign.

On October 3, 1992, he and Michelle were married. They moved to Kenwood, on

Chicago’s South Side, and welcomed two daughters : Malia (born 1998) and Sasha


15. Obama graduated from Harvard Law School after studying for ..... years.

A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four

16. Obama got married and have two children. In what paragraph we find that


A. First B. Second C. Third D.


17. Obama met Michelle Robinson when she was ...........

A. Studied in Harvard Law School

B. Working as associate at Sidley & Austin Law firm

C. Elected as editor of the Harvard Law Review

D. Helping Bill Clinton’s campaign

Read the text to answer no 18 to 22

Strong winds and dust storms are hampering recovery work as the search for the

bodies of those killed by devastating earthquake in Christchurch continues.

Residents have been using face masks as strong winds-up to 70 km/h-have whipped

up the silt and debris coating the sreets of the the city, the centre of which remains


Loose bricks, planks and masonry are in danger of being blown around, creating new


The quake brought an estimated 200,000 tonnes of silt to the surface of the city, more

than half of which has been cleared away. However, the strengthening north-westerly

winds have been drying the silt and kicking up clouds of dust.

In outlying district of Summer, at least 60 homes have been pronounced unsafe

because of fears the cliff they are on will fall away, the residents have been told to leave.

It is estimated that up to a third of the city’s buildings have been, or will have to be,


18. What is the text mosly about?

A. Earthquake in Christchurch C. The victims of the earthquake

B. The search for the victims of earthquake D. Strong wind after the


19. “Strong winds and dust storms are hampering recovery work .........”

What does the underlined word mean?

A. Delaying B. Hindering C. Facilitating D.


20. Why did the residents using face masks?

A. Because they got sick

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B. Because the wind blown so hard

C. Because they afraid the cliff will fall away

D. Because the strong wind blowing up the dust

21. What is the main idea of first paragraph?

A. The total lost of the disaster

B. The location of the disaster was in Christchurch

C. Strong wind hampering recovery works

D. The cause of the disaster was the strong wind

22. “ .......... a third of the city’s buildings have been, or will have to be, demolished.”

What does the underlined word mean?

A. Repaired B. Destroyed C. Left D. Prepared

Read the text to answer no 23 and 24

How to Feed Your Goldfish

Goldfish need protein and a wide range of vitamins and carbohydrates, so choose

a nutrient rich food specifically for goldfish.

Feed your fish once a day by adding one small pinch of food to the tank at a time.

In general, provide as much food as the fish will consume in 2 minutes. (Vary this

accordingly for larger fish).

Remove excess food with a net after the feeding session, to avoid polluting the


Consider occasionally offering snacks, such as lettuce, spinach, brine shrimp and

mosquito larvae, for variety.

23. We have to remove excess food after .............

A. Removing the fish C. Polluting the water

B. Two minutes D. Fish eat thefood

24. From the text we can conclude that the various snacks are ................

A. Necessary B. Unuseful D. Must D. not


Read the text to answer no 25 to 28

A young frog lived with his widowed mother in a large pond. A rascal and a

trouble maker, he never listened to his mother. If she said do this, he did that.

Whatever she said, he did the opposite.

One day Mother Frog teach her son to croak. With a smile, she puffed herself up

and let out a loud Kaegul! Kaegul! “Now you try.”

Grinning broadly, Little Frog puffed himself up and let out a loud Kulgae!


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“Why you impudent little rascal! You’re going to be the death of me!” cried

Mother Frog. “You’ll listen to me if you know what’s good for you. Now you ....”

“Kulgae! Kulgae!” croaked Little Frog, hopping away.

Day after day Mother Frog scolded her young son but he continued to do as he

wished and just the opposite of what she said. She fretted and worried so much about

him that she become ill. Still he continued to misbehave.

One day she called him to her bedside. “My son,” she said, “I don’t think I will

live mushe knew ch longer. When I die, please don’t burry me on the mountain, bury

me beside the stream.” She said this because she knew he would do the opposite of

what she said.

A few days later Mother Frog died. Little Frog cried and cried. Little Frog

thought about his mother and all the trouble he had caused her. Then he told himself,

“I always did the opposite of what Mother said because it was fun. But this time I will

do exactly what she told me to do.”

So Little frog buried his Mother beside the stream, even tough he did not think it

was very wise.

A few weeks later there was a storm. It rained so much the stream overflowed its

banks. Little Frog could not sleep for worrying that his mother’s grave would be

washed away. At last he went to grave to keep watch.

In the pouring rain he sat, crying over and over, “Kaegul! Kaegul! Please don’t

wash my mother away!” And that is what he did every time it rained.

And ever since then, green frogs have cried Kaegul! Kaegul! When it rains.

25. Mother Frog was sad because ..............

A. Her son didn’t obey her

B. Her son said something bad to her

C. The rain made the stream overflowed its banks

D. Her son cried Kaegul! Kaegul!

26. From the we know that the little frog is ..........

A. Honest B. Dishonest C. Kind D.


27. “Why you impudent little rascal ...... “

The antonym of the underlined word is .........

A. Impressing B. Unpleasing C. Respectful D. Amazing

28. What can we learn from the story above?

A. Don’t look down on others C. Give respect to parents

B. Make a good plan to win D. Don’t lie to children

Read the text to answer no 29 to 31

Ali and Dodo were walking through the dessert. During some point of the journey

they had an argument, and Dodo stapped Ali in the face. Ali was hurt, but without

saying anything, wrote in the sand : “TODAY MY BEST FRIEND SLAPPED ME


They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a

bath. Ali got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but Dodo saved him. After

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recovered from the near drowning, Ali wrote on a stone : “TODAY MY BEST


Dodo asked him, “After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now, you write on a

stone, why?”

Ali replied : “When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand where

winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But, when someone does something good for

us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it.”

29. What can we learn after reading the story above?

A. Do not walk through the dessert C.Help is needed to be


B. Remember only kindness of other people D. Health is important in life

30. What did Ali do when he got stapped?

A. He stapped his friend back C. He wrote on the stone

B. He wrote in the sand D. He called wind of forgiveness

31. In what paragraph we find the moral of the story?

A. Four B. Three C. Two D. One

Read the text to answer no 32 and 33


A new fast growing company needs:

1 computer programmer

Qualification : S1 degree, max age 30

Salary : Rp. 5.000.000

Come to PT Gega Comp. Today at 8 am

32. What is being advertised ?

A. Job Vacancy

B. PT. Gega Comp

C. A New Company

D. Computer Program

33. “ ...... A new fast growing Company needs” ..... “

What is the opposite meaning of the underlined word ?

A. Old B. Good C. Recent D. popular

Read the text to answer no 34 to 37

Eagles eat meat. They like to hunt live animals. They also eat dead animals, and

they will steal prey from other birds. Eagles have large, sharp talons (claws). They

spread their long wings and glide through the air looking for food. When they see

something, they swoop down and catch their prey in their talons. Eagles use their

long, sharp beaks for tearing up their prey.

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Bald eagles live near lakes and rivers. They like to eat fish. Golden eagles eat

mainly mammals, from mice to small deer. Sometimes they eat other birds. The harpy

eagle eats mainly rain forest mammals such as monkeys, sloths, and opossums.

34. What does the text tell us about?

A. An animal named eagle C. Eagle’s foods

B. The biggest bird in the world D. Eagle live near lakes and river

35. According to the text, what kind of eagle that like to eat fish?

A. Bald eagle C. Sharp talons Eagle

B. Golden eagle D. Harpy Eagle

36. From the text above, we can conclude that eagle use their talon to ............

A. Eat dead animal C. Tear up their prey

B. Catch their prey D. Steal prey from other bird

37. Paragraph one tells us about ....................

A. eagle and meal C. Eagle’s prey

B. dead animal D. The way eagles hunt off

Read the text to answer no 38 to 41

A tablet personal computer (tablet PC) is a portable personal computer equipped

with a touchscreen as a primary input device and designed to be operated and owned

by an individual. The term was made popular as a concept presented by Microsoftin

2001, but tablet PCs now refer to any tablet-sized personal computer, even if it’s not

using Windows but another PC operating system. Tablets may use virtual keyboards

and handwriting recognition for text input through the touchscreen.

All tablet personal computers have a wireless adapter for Internet and local

network connection. Software applications for tablet PCs include office suites, web

browsers, games and a variety of applications.

Nowadays, the most famous tablet PC is Apple iPad. The iPad designed,

developed and marketed by Apple primarily as a platform for audio-visual media

including books, periodicals movies, music, games, and web content. Its size and

weight falls between those of contemporary smartphones and laptop computers. The

iPad runs the same operating system as the iPod Touch and iPhone-and can run its

own applications as well as iPhone applications. Without modification, and with the

exeption of web applications, it will only run programs approved by Apple.

38. What does the text tell us about?

A. iPad B. Tablet PC C. PC D.


39. What is the name of the tablet PC build by Apple?

A. iPad B. Microsoft C. iPod Touch D.


40. “The term was made popular as a concept presented...” (paragraph 2, line2).

What does the underlined word refers to?

A. iPad B. Microsof C. PC D. Tablet PC

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41. From the last paragraph, we can conclude that ...................

A. Apple iPad is only tablet PC in the world

B. Apple iPad is not a tablet PC

C. Apple iPad is the most popular tablet PC

D. Apple iPad can not run Microsoft programs

Read the text to answer no 42 and 43

Clown Fish are commonly found in the warm waters. The Pacific Ocean, The Red

Sea and the Indian Ocean are some places where Cown Fish abound. The peculiar

name of the fish comes from its cheerful coloring and its active disposition. Many

people mistakenly believe that the Clown Fish is really fooling around with all his

antics. But, in reality the Clown Fish is an aggressive fish and they are very

territorial. They go to great lengths to protect their territory.

42. The name Clown Fish comes from ........

A. It’s colour C. It’s territory

B. It’s aggressive D. It’s mistaken believe

43. Clown Fish will attact anyone that ...........

A. Smaller C. Have different colour

B. Trespassing their area D. Very active

Read the text to answer no 44 to 48

Although The ..... (44) health effects of cigarette smoking cannot be debated, it

remains the single most common cause of preventable deaths. Each year, over

430,000 ....... (45) die as a result of a smoking related disease. Yet, over 50 million

continue to smoke, including over 3 million teens. An ...... (46) three thousand

teenagers begin to smoke each day, and one thousand of them will eventually die as a

result. According to the American Lung Association, cigarette smoking leads to

87%of lung cancers, emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Healthcare and lost .......

(47) costs of $97.2 billion dollars per years arise from smoking related illnesses.

Cigarettes contain over 19 known cancer causing chemicals in addition to nicotine.

Quitting is a frustrating and difficult proposition for these people who despite the

.......... (48) that they are seriously harming their bodies. Addiction to nicoine causes

very uncomfortable symptoms of with drawl, Irritation, agitation and anxiety as well

as loss of concentration, sleep disturbances, headdaches, coughing and cravings.

44. A. positive B. negative C. effective D.


45. A. men B. women C. people D.


46. A. expected B. estimated C. calculated D.


47. A. Activity B. competitive C. productivite D.


48. A. Experience B. Knowledge C. history D.


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Arrange the following word into a good sentence!

49. herbal - is - traditional - jamu - medicine - our

1 2 3 4 5 6

The best arrangement to make a sentence is .................

A. 4- 2-6-5-1-3 B. 4-2-6-3-5-1 C. 4-2-6-3-1-5 D. 4-2-6-1-5-3

50. Rearrange the following sentences into a good paragraph.

1. The ancient Egyptians believed that the spirits of dead people could live on only

if their bodies survived.

2. Mummies are dried-out bodies wrapped in linen bandages.

3. So they preserved dead bodies by making them into mummies.

4. The ancient Egyptians buried the mummies securely inside pyramids.

5. Pyramids were lavish tombs built only for royalty and other high-ranking people.

A. 5-1-3-2-4 B. 5-3-2-4-1 C. 5-2-4-3-1 D. 5-3-


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Kisi-Kisi Soal UKK

Mata Pelajaran :Bahasa Inggris

Kelas :VII



Kompetensi Dasar/ SKL Bahan



Materi Indikator Soal Bent





1. Writing: Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan dari teks instruksi

(instruction), sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

VII / 2 Instruction Diberikan dialog rumpang siswa

dapat melengkapi dengan

ungkapan memberi instruksi.

PG 1-7

2. Reading: Mengidentifikasi informasi tersurat dan

tersirat pada teks deskriptif pendek tentang benda,

orang dan binatang

VII / 2 Teks


Diberikan teks descriptive, siswa

dapat menjawab pertanyaan.

PG 8-11

3. Writing: mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan pada teks untuk menyatakan dan

menanyakan tingkah laku/ tindakan/fungsi

binatang berdasarkan konteks.

VII / 2 Teks


Diberikan text rumpang tentang

binatang, siswa dapat

melengkapi dengan kata – kata

yang benar.

PG 12-18

4. peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari notice, caution,

sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

VII / 2 Notice,

caution Diberikan pertanyaan siswa

dapat menjawab makna notice.

PG 19-26

5. Menyusun kalimat imperative sesuai dengan konteks


VII / 2 Imperative Diberikan kata acak siswa dapat

menyusunnya menjadi kalimat


PG 27

6. mengidentifikasi informasi tersurat dan tersirat pada

teks deskriptif pendek tentang benda, orang dan


VII / 2 Teks


Diberikan teks descriptive

tentang benda, siswa dapat

menemukan informasi tersurat

dan tersirat.

PG 28-32

7. mengidentifikasi informasi tersurat dan tersirat pada

teks deskriptif pendek tentang benda, orang dan


VII / 2 Teks


Diberikan teks descriptive

tentang orang, siswa dapat

menemukan informasi tersurat

PG 33-39

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dan tersirat.

8. Menyusun teks descriptive pendek dan sederhana VII / 2 Teks


Diberikan kalimat acak siswa

dapat menyusunnya menjadi

sebuah teks.

PG 40

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Kisi-Kisi Soal UKK

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : VIII



Kompetensi Dasar/ SKL Bahan



Materi Indikator Soal Bentuk




1. 3.9 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial menyatakan

dan menanyakan perbandingan jumlah dan sifat orang, binatang, benda, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya .


Membandingkan jumlah, sifat orang, binatang dan benda untuk menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan guru dan teman

1. Melengkapi kalimat dengan menggunakan perbandingan tingkat positif.

2. Melengkapi kalimat dengan menggunakan perbandingan tingkat comparatif.

3. Melengkapi kalimat dengan menggunakan perbandingan tingkat Superlative.

Tertulis 1



2. Menerapkan struktur teks dan

unsur kebahasaan untuk

melaksanakan fungsi sosial

menyatakan dan menanyakan

hubungan sebab akibat dan

hubungan kebalikan, sesuai

dengan konteks penggunaannya.

8/2 Berbagai hal terkait dengan hubungan sebab/akibat tindakan/ kejadian yang terjadi selama proses pembelajaran, di dalam kelas, di luar kelas, maupun di lingkungan sekitar

4. Melengkapi kalimat menggunakan conjunction if. 5. Melengkapi kalimat menggunakan conjunction

although. 6. Melengkapi kalimat menggunakan conjunction so.

Tertulis 4



3. 3.7 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan

untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial menyatakan dan

menanyakan tindakan /kejadian yang sedang dilakukan/berlangsung saat ini, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

8/2 Menyatakan tindakan/ kejadian yang sedang

dilakukan/ berlangsung saat ini dalam menjaga

hubungan interpersonal dengan guru dan teman

Struktur teks

a. Present continuous tense;

7. Melengkapi kalimat menggunakan pola present continous tense.

8. Melengkapi kalimat menggunakan pola present continous tense.

Tertulis 7


4. 3.11 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial menyatakan

dan menanyakan tindakan/kejadian yang

8/2 Mendeskripsikan orang, binatang dan benda untuk kepentingan menjual, membeli, mengenalkan,

Untuk soal No 9 – 13 disajikan teks deskriptif dengan

judul “ I have a cat “.

9. Menemukan informasi tertentu. 10. Menemukan informasi tersurat. 11. Menemukan informasi tersurat.

Tertulis 9-


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dilakukan/ terjadi di waktu lampau, sesuai dengan konteks


melaporkan kehilangan.

12. Menemukan informasi tertentu. 13. Menemukan informasi tersirat.

14. Mnyebutkan nama binatang sesuai dengan deskripsi yang diberikan.

15. Menyebutkan nama benda sesuai dengan deskripsi yang diberikan.




3.12 Menerapkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan untuk melaksanakan fungsi sosial teks recount dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang kegiatan, kejadian, dan peristiwa, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

8/2 Teks lisan dan tulis berbentuk recount dengan menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang kejadian, dan peristiwa, pendek dan sederhana

Untuk no. 16 s.d No. 24 disajikan teks recount dengan judul “

My Personal Experience”.

16. Menanyakan informasi tersirat. 17. Menanyakan informasi tersirat. 18. Menanyakan informasi tertentu. 19. Menanyakan informasi tertentu. 20. Menanyakan informasi rinci tersurat. 21. Menanyakan rujukan kata. 22. Menanyakan Makna Kata berupa synonim dari kata


40. Menyusun kalimat-kalimat acak menjadi paragraph teks

recount yang benar.


6. .14 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan dari teks naratif berbentuk fabel, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

4.18 Menangkap makna teks naratif lisan dan tulis, berbentuk fabel pendek dan sederhana penggunaannya

8/2 Teks naratif lisan dan tulis, berbentuk fabel

pendek dan sederhana

Fungsi sosial

Memperoleh hiburan, menghibur dan mengajarkan nilai-nilai luhur melalui cerita dengan tokoh binatang

Disajikan teks Narrative untuk menjawab soal No. 23-28.

23. Menanyakan informasi rinci tersirat. 24. Menanyakan informasi rinci tersurat. 25. Menanyakan gambaran umum. 26. Menanyakan tujuan dari teks narrative (purpose). 27. Menanyakan moral value. 28. Menanyakan rujukan kata.

Untuk Soal No. 35-37. Disajikan paragraph rumpang.

35. Melengkapi teks narrative dengan kata kerja verb past continuos. 36. Melengkapi teks narrative dengan kata kerja past tense. 37. Melengkapi teks narrative dengan kata kerja past tense.

Tertulis 23-




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38. Menyusun kata-kata acak menjadi kalimat narrative yang benar. 39. Menyusun kata-kata acak menjadi kalimat narrative yang benar



7. Menerapkan struktur teks dan

unsur kebahasaan untuk

melaksana kan fungsi sosial

dari teks pesan singkat dan

pengumuman /pemberitahuan

(notice), sesuai dengan konteks


Menangkap makna pesan

singkat dan


(notice), sangat pendek dan


8/2 Teks pengumuman Disajikan teks pengumuman untuk soal No. 29-32.

29. Menanayakan informasi tertentu. 30. Menanayakan informasi tersurat. 31. Menanayakan informasi tertentu. 32. Menanyakan informasi tertentu.

Disajikan teks pesan singkat untuk soal No. 33-34.

33. Menanyakan informasi tersurat. 34. Menanyakan informasi tersirat.

Tertulis 29-




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I : Oke, Bu, kita mulai ya.

T1 : Iya, mangga.

I : Ada sekitar lima belas pertanyaan nih, Bu, hehe langsung aja ya.

Pertama, kalau menurut Ibu, bagaiana hubungan antara pembelajaran

dengan evaluasi di akhir semester?

T1 : Iya kalau bicara tentang keterkaitan mah ya sangat erat ya antara

pembelajaran dan evaluasi. Dua hal ini teh satu kesatuan karena eeeh apa

ya si evaluasi teh tolak ukur keberhasilan pengajaran. Jadi kita bakal tau si

anak-anak teh mencapai target-target pembelajaran apa engga ya dari


I : Oh. Nah jadi nyambung, Bu, sama pertanyaan nomer dua. Gimana cara

Ibu mengetahui pencapaian siswa dari proses pembelajaran?

T1 : Iya dengan mengevaluasi tadi kan ya? Eh apa gimana pertanyaannya?

I : Iya Bu betul. Cara evaluasinya bagaimana tapi Bu?

T1 : Oooh ya evaluasi lah dengan ngasih soal ke murid.

I : Heem iya. Kalau soal yang kemarin saya minta itu kan ee soal UAS ya..

T1 : Nah iya UAS itu salah satu ee apa namanya bentuk ee evaluasi di akhir


I : Kalau tujuan dari tes ini apa Bu?

T1 : Tujuan gimana maksudnya? Kalau tujuan ya untuk mengukur

pengetahuan anak tentang materi yang diajarkan.

I : Ooh. Kalau dilihat dari materi yang ada di kisi-kisi dan soal ini materinya

itu instruction, descriptive text, sama caution ya. Berarti tujuan tes ini

dengan kata lain mengukur pengetahuan siswa tentang instruction,

descriptive text, dan caution ya Bu?

T1 : Iya betul?

I : Apa hal ini diinformasikan kepada siswa?

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T1 : Iya tentu saja materi yang akan diteskan diinformasikan sebelumnya. Jadi

sebelumnya itu siswa diberi tahu tentang bentuk tes, jumlah soal, dan

materi yang akan diteskan.

I : Nah iya Bu. Bentuk tes ini kan PG ya Bu. Pertimbangan apa aja yang ibu

gunakan dalam pemilihan fomat tes?

T1 : Heem nya dititahna PG neng hahaha

I : Ih Bu hahaha oh jadi disuruh sama sekolahnya untuk UAS-nya bentuk

soalnya PG, Bu?

T1 : Iya hahaha

I : Kira-kira kenapa Bu sekolah nyuruhnya soal PG?

T1 : Ya kayaknya supaya penilaiannya gampang. Lagian PG kan paling

objektif ya.

I : Objektif penilaiannya maksudnya Bu?

T1 : Iya. Benar salahnya sudah pasti gitu.

I : Apakah menurut ibu semua skill yang ingin diteskan dapat terukur

menggunakan tes format bentuk PG bu?

T1 : Ya kalo speaking sih engga ya. Tapi kalau yang lainnya bisa-bisa aja tapi

da sekolah minta formatnya PG, nya kita mah ikut aja.

I : Kalau berdasarkan pengamatan Ibu sebagai guru,kira-kira siswa sudah

mengenal tes format ini belum Bu?

T1 : Oh ya tentu saja. Karena dari SD aja mereka pake PG seringnya.

I : Oh jadi sudah familiar ya Bu siswanya? Kalau sistem penilaiannya

gimana Bu tes ini?

T1 : Hmmm ya karena ini soalnya PG dan 40 soal hasilnya nanti dikali 2,5

supaya mengikuti skala yang berlaku 10-100.

I : Oh jadi tiap nomer poinnya sama ya Bu gak ada soal yang nilainya lebih

besar atau lebih kecil?

T1 : Iya bobot nilainya sama semua.

I : Kalau soal-soal ini di buat mengukur skill apa aja sih, Bu?

T1 : Seperti yang dicantumkan di kisi-kisi ya skillnya reading sama writing


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I : Kalau speaking dan listening gak diteskan Bu?

T1 : Engga karena untuk siswa di tingkat SMP itu pada ujian akhir hanya

reading writing aja tapi kalau SMA nanti ada.

I : Hmm iyaa. Kalau untuk soal reading ya Bu, di soal ini ada soal reading

untuk scanning atau skimming gak, Bu?

T1 : Eee engga ya kayaknya. Semua soal hanya menjawab pertanyaan untuk

bacaan neng kalau untuk reading mah.

I : Hmm iya. Kalau penyusunan soalnya, gimana sih cara Ibu menyusunnya?

Misal ini kan ada descriptive text buat soal nomer delapan sampai nomer

sebelas, apa ibu menyusun jawaban untuk nomer delapan sampai sebelas

sesuai dengan urutan informasi bacaan?

T1 : Hmm gimana maksudnya?

I : Eee gimana ya, jadi apakah ibu membuat jawaban nomer delapan ada di

baris pertama, jawaban nomer sembilan ada di baris ke sembilan dan


T1 : Oooh jadi berurutan gitu ya? Engga sih kalau saya mah.

I : Eee sekarang kan ini ada tiga teks ya Bu di soal ini. Semuanya

descriptive text. Kalo ini teksnya Ibu buat sendiri atau ambil dari sumber


T1 : Eee kalau teks mah saya gak ada yang buat sendiri ya. Ada yang saya

ambil dari buku, ada yang dari eee internet juga.

I : Hmmm. Terus eee apa aja pertimbangan ibu dalam memilih teks untuk


T1 : Ya saya mempertimbangkan sesuai engganya dengan materi terus ee

panjang pendeknya juga kesukarannya ya paling.

I : Baik bu. Ee kalau tiga teks ini menurut ibu susah gak dari hal vocabulary

sama strukturnya buat anak-anak?

T1 : Eee enggak ya karena saya pilih yang vocabnya sederhana dan mirip-

mirip sama yang sudah dipelajari. Eee apa namanya tensesnya ya

tensesnya juga hanya present tense, kan descriptive itu juga udah dikasih.

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I : Hmm.. Kalau intruksi pengerjaan soal ini kan ada dua ya Bu, ada

petunjuk umum tes yang ini dan intruksi sebelum soal yang ini.

Pertimbangan apa saja yang Ibu lakukan dalam membuat intruksi tes terus

menurut Ibu apa anak-anak dapat memahamin dengan mudah?

T1 : Kalau petunjuk umum ini bukan dibuat saya ya. Ini dari sekolah memang

format tes itu harus pakai ini. Saya sengaja gak nranslate supaya anak-

anaknya gak jadi pusing sama intruksinya. Hmm.. Nah kalau yang

sebelum soal ini kan singkat dan sedehana ya intruksinya jadi gak masalah

kalau pake bahasa inggris juga. Saya rasa sih anak-anak pasti ngerti sama

intruksi ini soalnya singkat dan sederhana itu ya jadi jelas.

I : Hmmm iya Bu. Terakhir nih Bu, untuk empat puluh soal PG ini, ibu

memberikan alokasi waktu sembilan puluh menit. Apa saja yang ibu

pertimbangkan dalam menentukan alokasi waktu?

T1 : Hmm tingkat kesulitan soal mungkin ya.

I : Oh iya. Apa Ibu rasa sembilan puluh menit itu terlalu lama, pas atau

terlalu sebentar untuk siswa mengerjakan soal ini?

T1 : Cukup sih. Soal ini juga materinya kan sudah dipelajari semua. Jadi

mungkin untuk anak-anak yang pinter mah kelebihan da gampang soalnya.

Tapi kan di Bahasa Inggris itu banyak yang kurang, jadi waktunya

disediakan lumayan lama walaupun soalnya relatif mudah.

I : Kalau sarana prasarana seperti ruang tes, meja, hingga suasana untuk tes

itu memadai gak ya Bu untuk tes?

T1 : Mmm iya ya pasti soalnya ini kan UAS ya pasti tempatnya di sekolah. Ya

pasti semuanya juga menunjang untuk pembelajaran ee tes juga.

I : Kalau keseragaman tes, semua anak kelas tujuh akan mendapat soal dan

waktu yang sama kan Bu?

T1 : Iya atuh semuanya pasti sama.

I : Okee nah terakhir Bu tentang keamanan tes, soal tes ini bagaimana? Ada

kemungkinan bocor gak ke siswa?

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T1 : Uhehe ya gak mungkin ya neng. Karena yang bikin kan saya, terus saya

langsung kasih ke PKS dan gak mungkin bocor. Lagian ini mah Cuma soal

UAS neng bukan UN hehe

I : Hehe ya barangkali bu. Eee oke Bu tadi itu pertanyaan terakhir.

Terimakasih banyak ya Bu atas waktunya.

T1 : Iya sama-sama.


I : Iya Bu, langsung aja ya. Kira-kira ada lima belas pertanyaan. Yang

pertama menurut Ibu, bagaimana keterkaitan antara proses pembelajaran

dengan evaluasi di akhir semester?

T2 : Iya keterkaitannya kuat karena evaluasi merupakan tolak ukur penilaian

dari proses KBM, apakah proses KBM yang dilakukan berhasil atau tidak.

I : Baik, Bu. Lalu bagaimana cara Ibu melakukan evaluasi di akhir


T2 : Eee saya kira bukan hanya saya, tetapi semua guru,bahkan semua sekolah

mengadakan UAS di akhir semester sebagai bentuk evaluasi dari proses


I : Hmm jadi dengan melaksanakan UAS ya, jadi ngasih soal tertulis ya?

T2 : Iya, betul.

I : Kalau tujuan dari soal UAS ini sendiri apa, Bu?

T2 : Tujuannya ya eee mengevaluasi materi ajar yang telah diajarkan selama

satu semester. Kaya yang di soal yang saya buat ini misalnya eee ini

nomor satu sampai tiga mengukur pengetahuan siswa tentang superlative

dan comparative. Nomor empat sampai enam mengukur pengetahuan

tentang conjunction dan seterusnya ya ee bisa di lihat di kisi-kisinya.

I : Hmm baik, Bu. Kalau materi tes tersebut berarti materinya yang sudah

dipelajari selama satu semester ya, Bu?

T2 : Betul.

I : Materi dan tujuan tes ini diinformasikan kepada siswa tidak Bu?

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T2 : Iya tentu saja.

I : Kalau bentuk instrument yang digunakan ini kan multiple choice ya, Bu?

Apa alasan Ibu menggunakan multiple choice?

T2 : Iya, supaya memeriksanya mudah dan objektif.

I : Siswa diinformasikan Bu sebelumnya kalau UASnya dalam bentuk

multiple choice?

T2 : Iya. Begitu menjelang UAS pasti mereka nanya terlebih dahulu soalnya

PG atau esay.

I : Menurut ibu, siswa-siswa sudah mengenal multiple choice belum?

T2 : Iya ya tentu saja bahkan ini bentuk tes yang paling sering digunakan saat


I : Hmm lalu kalau skillnya sendiri yang diukur oleh tes ini apa saja ya, Bu?

T2 : Kalau di soal ini, seperti yang ada di kisi-kisi skillnya itu reading dan

writing ya. Hmm tapi sebenarnya bukan writing murni sih, soal writingnya

lebih ke pengetahuan grammar dan vocabulary, karena bentuk tesnya

sendiri PG eeh multiple choice tadi itu.

I : Hmm apa pertimbangan dasar Ibu tidak menyertakan speaking dan

listening skill?

T2 : Oh kalau listening dan speaking skill tesnya sudah saat d KBM jadi gak

masuk ke UAS.

I : Hmm.

T2 : Lagipula kalau speaking kan gak mungkin ya diteskan dengan PG eeh

multiple choice.

I : Hehe iya Bu. Kalau writing skill sendiri kan tadi Ibu bilang ini bukan

writing murni ya, kalau produk writingnya sendiri pernah dilakukan?

T2 : Oh iya pernah. Kan kalau ini ee kelas dua ya eh delapan. Materi teksnya

ada recount, descriptive, narrative, sama eee satu lagi…

I : Announcement?

T2 : Ya announcement. Nah mereka ada produknya itu menulis descriptive,

sama recount sudah.

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I : Eee kalau di soal ini pada skill readingnya ada soal untuk mengukur

scanning dan skimming gak, Bu?

T2 : Enggak soalnya kayaknya susah kalau UAS ada skimming dan scanning

karena untuk scanning dan skimming waktunya harus kita ukur. Jadi hanya

mengukur kemampuan understanding text aja.

I : Kalau teks-teks yang ada di soal ini ibu yang buat atau gimana?

T2 : Ada yang saya buat tapi kebanyakan saya ambil dari internet dan buku


I : Pertimbangan apa saja yang ibu gunakan dalam memilih atau membuat

teks untuk soal ini?

T2 : Eee pertama saya lihat kesukaran teksnya, vocabularynya, dan pajang

pendek soalnya.

I :Oh baik, Bu. Nah sekarang Intruksi tes ini, ini ya Bu dalam Bahasa

Inggris. Nah, pertimbangan apa saja yang Ibu gunakan dalam membuat


T2 : Iya. Mmm pertimbangannya intruksi itu harus mudah dipahami,

bahasanya sederhana dan tidak berbelit-belit.

I : Kalau tadi kan Ibu bilang memeriksa multiple choice itu mudah ya, Bu,

kalau penilaiannya sendiri bagaimana?

T2 : Pakai pedoman penilaian yang ada.

I : Pedoman penilaian itu dari mana Bu disediakannya?

T2 : Mmm dari pemerintah.

I : Tapi semua soal punya bobot nilai yang sama ya Bu di soal ini?

T2 : Iya kalau multiple choice semua soal pasti nilainya sama.

I : Eee anak-anak diinformasikan gak Bu tentang hal ini?

T2 : Kalau tentang penilaian sih engga ya. Tapi sepertinya mereka sudah tau


I : Kalau eee pada soal reading ya Bu, soal dan informasi pada bacaan

diurutkan tidak? Mmm misal jawaban teks ini kan buat nomor sembilan

sampai lima belas. Nah ee apa jawaban nomor sepuluh ada di baris

pertama, jawaban nomor sepuluh baris kedua dan seterusnya?

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T2 : Mmm.. Iya saya membuatnya berurutan supaya siswa tidak bulak-balik


I : Ooh iya. Laluu tentang alokasi waktu, kan alokasi waktu buat UAS ini

Sembilan puluh menit ya. Apa saja pertimbangan Ibu dalam menentukan

alokasi waktu?

T2 : Mmm kesulitan soal dan panjang pendek teks yang ada di soal. Kalau di

soal ini kan teksnya meskipun lebih dari lima, kebanyakan pendek ya,

kesulitan soal juga variatif ya dari mudah ke sulit ada. Jadi Sembilan puluh

menit itu menurut saya pas.

I : Hm begitu ya Bu. Kalau UAS ini dilaksanakannya di sekolah ya Bu?

T2 : Iya betul.

I : Jadi ruangan dan prasarana penunjang tesnya sudah memadai ya?

T2 : Hm betul cukup. Karena teksnya dilakukan di ruangan sekolah.

I : Kalau tentang keseragaman tes, semua anak akan mendapat soal dan

jumlah waktu yang sama atau tidak?

T2 : Sama tentu saja ya.

I : Oke terakhir, Bu. Kalau tentang keamanan soal, yang mengetahui isi soal

sebelum tes siapa aja ya Bu?

T2 : Eee ya paling saya, guru-guru Bahasa Inggris, dan tim sepertinya.

I : Oh ya jadi gak mungkin ya siswa sampai tau.

T2 : Oh iya tentu saja.

I : Oke. Terimakasih banyak ya Bu atas waktunya.

T2 : Oh udah? Iya sama-sama.


I : Ng baik, Pak. Kita mulai aja ya.

T3 : Iya. Ada lima belas pertanyaan ya?

I : Iya, Pak. Eee pertanyaan pertama ya. Menurut Bapak, apa hubungan

antara pembelajaran dan evaluasi di akhir semester?

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T3 : Hmm kan begini ya, pembelajaran itu merupakan langkah-langkah nyata

dari tujuan pembelajaran. Nah, evaluasi ini adalah cara untuk mengetahui

ketercapaian tujuan pembelajaran yang sudah dicanangkan di awal, begitu.

I : Oh iya pak. Kalau cara mengevaluasinya sendiri bagaimana pak?

T3 : Ya untuk mengetahui pencapaian siswa dari proses pembelajaran kita

mengevaluasinya dengan memberi tagihan berupa soal-soal baik lisan

maupun tulisan. Produknya sendiri bisa berupa kinerja siswa maupun


I : Hmm kalau soal UAS yang dulu saya minta ini berarti evaluasi dalam

bentuk soal ya, Pak?

T3 : Ya, benar. Dan produknya kinerja siswa.

I : Kalau tujuan tes ini sendiri apa ya, Pak?

T3 : Tujuannya ya tentu saja untuk mengukur pengetahuan siswa tentang apa-

apa saja yang telah dipelajari selama satu semester.

I : Kalau...

T3 : Eeeh maaf maksud saya selama tiga tahun ya karena soal yang Anda

pegang itu soal ujian sekolah.

I : Oh iya pak. Kalau materi yang diukur apa saja ya pak?

T3 : Iya materi kelas satu sampai tiga. Kalau genre textnya sendiri mulai dari

descriptive sampai report text ada. Anda bisa liat di kisi-kisi ya kalau


I : Oh iya pak, kalau siswa-siswa diinformasikan terlebih dahulu gak tentang

tujuan dan materinya?

T3 : Oh ya tentu saja diinformasikan terlebih dahulu. Karena ulangan akhir

sekolah merupakan kegiatan rutin dengan segala penunjangnya. Bentuk

soal, muatan materi, dan segala hal yang berkenaan dengannya pasti

diinformasikan. Apalagi materi ya, itu wajib diinformasikan untuk

mempersiapkan diri.

I : Oh iya pak, kalau bentuk soal sendiri kan ini multiple choice ya pak. Apa

pertimbangan bapak memilih multiple choice sebagai format tes?

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T3 : Oh bukan saya yang memilih format tes ya. Ini kebijakan sekolah eee

mungkin ga aturan pemerintah. Namun ya meskipun bentuk soal ini

multiple choice ya ee pilihan ganda begitu, belum mampu membuktikan

ketercapaian sebuah pembelajaran, hal ini menjadi tidak masalah karena ee

apa namanya itu ee pencapaian siswa sudah bisa dilihat pada

kesehariannya maksudnya ee prosesnya itu ya. Artinya penilaian autentik

siswa sudah dilakukan ee pada saat proses pencapaian tujuan

pembelajaran, baik dalam bentuk ulangan harian ataupun lembar kerja.

I : Kalau para siswa menurut bapa sudah familiar ya pak dengan format

multiple choice?

T3 : Oh ya tentu saja. Sangat familiar ya mereka, eek arena soal multiple

choice itu sudah common, sangat biasa bagi para siswa.

I : Kalau skill yang ada di soal ini apa saja ya pak?

T3 : Khusus untuk soal ulangan akhir, selain menjalankan aturan harus bentuk

PG, pertimbangan autentik sudah dilaksanakan pada penilaian proses. Hal

ini karena keterampilan yang sudah harus dikembangkan pun sudah

tercover. Sementara skill yang dievaluasi pada saat ulangan hanya reading

dan writing saja.

I : Hmm apa siswa diberitahukan sebelumnya?

T3 : Iya tentu saja ya seperti yang saya sampaikan tadi karena ini agenda

rutin, maka segala hal teknis yang mendasar pasti diberitahukan pada


I : Kalau buat menilai reading pada soal ini, apa bapak menilai scanning

atau skimming?

T3 : Ee tidak ya tidak ada tetapi saya pernah melakukan skimming tes di


I : Oh iya begitu. Kalau soal-soal reading di test ini itu buatan bapak sendiri

atau mengambil dari sumber lain?

T3 : Ini saya ambil dari banyak sumber kalau untuk soal reading di UAS

karena mereka supaya memperbanyak vocabulary dan jenis teks ya dan

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tingkat kesulitannya juga bervariasi jadi untuk ke depannya mereka sudah

terbiasa membaca.

I : Oh iya pak. Pertimbangan apa saja yang bapak gunakan dalam memilih


T3 : Ada beberapa aspek yang saya gunakan dalam memilih teks yang

pertama itu kesesuaian teks dan materi. Jadi saya pertimbangkan dulu teks

tersebut sesuai yang saya butuhkan tidak. Eee Lalu tingkat kesukaran teks.

Saya abaca dulu dan saya tentukan apa siswa mampu memahami teks

seperti ini atau tidak. Kemudian apa itu namanya tingkat kesukaran

vocabulary ya kosa katanya. Kata tersebut dikenal siswa atau tidak. Tentu

saya pertimbangkan.

I : Oh iya. Kalau di soal ini, Bapak tidak menuliskan intruksi untuk

pengerjaan soal ya, Pak? Apa pertimbangan Bapak?

T3 : Oh iya untuk soal pilihan ganda ya ee menurut saya tidak terlalu

mempertimbangkan apakah siswa mengerti atau tidak karena ya sudah

sangat familiar di mata siswa. Bahkan besar kemungkinan kalau ada

instruksi menyelesaikan soal pun tak akan dibaca heheh begitu ya.

I : Oh hehehe eee kalau cara penilaiannya, penilaian apa yang bapak

lakukan? Ada rubrik spesifik gak yang digunakan?

T3 : Oh kalau penilaian untuk soal pilihan ganda itu tidak pake rubric ya.

Rubrik hanya diperlukan untuk kegiatan performance atau esay. Kalau

pilihan ganda hanya mengikuti pedoman penilaian saja.

I : Ooh tapi bobot nilai tiap soalnya sama ya, Pak? Apa siswa

diinformasikan sebelumnya?

T3 : Iya kalau bentuk soal pilihan ganda tentu saja poin tiap soalnya seragam

tidak ada perbedaan. Kalau hal ini tidak diinformasikan pada siswa, karena

siswa hanya peduli pada poin akhir nilai saja. Lagi pula ya tadi itu poin

setiap soal pun sama.

I : Kalau penyusunan butir soal apakah disusun sesuai informasi teks, Pak?

T3 : Oh ya tentu saja ya gak mungkin toh bacaannya bagian depan tapi

soalnya di bagian belakang?

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I : Ee maksud saya soal dan informasi pada bacaan diurutkan tidak? Mmm

misal jawaban eee teks ini kan buat nomor delapan sampai sebelas. Apa

jawaban nomor delapan ada di baris pertama, jawaban nomor sebelas ada

di baris kedua dan seterusnya?

T3 : Oh kalau itu sih ya dibuat sesuai kebutuhan saja. Ada yang dibuat

berurutan ada yang tidak. Karena itu bukan hal yang prinsipil ya kalau

menurut saya.

I : Kalau UAS ini sendiri akan dilaksanakan di mana, Pak?

T3 : Di sekolah ya iya di sekolah.

I : Kondisi untuk tesnya bagaimana pak kalau di sekolah?

T3 : Oh iya sudah pasti ee apa namanya kondusif ya kondusif kalau di

sekolah. Apalagi untuk pecan UAS pasti lebih baik dari biasanya.

I : Kalau semua kelas sembilan sama pak menggunakan satu soal ini?

T3 : Oh iya tentu seragam.

I : Kalau yang bisa melihat soal ini sebelum tes dilaksanankan siapa saja


T3 : Oo ee saya, guru-guru bahasa Inggris, ee guru-guru bahasa Inggris punya

kesempetan untuk peer-check, PKS, dan ee kepala sekolah.

I : Hmm iya pak. Kalau eee alokasi waktu untuk soal ini kan sembilan puluh

menit, Pak. Apa saja pertimbangan Bapak dalam menentukan alokasi

waktu ini?

T3 : Kalau alokasi waktu lagi-lagi itu kebijakan sekolah ya. Pokoknya sekolah

memberikan tu Sembilan puluh menit nah saya harus mempertimbangkan

soal yang bagaimana yang dibuat untuk diselesaikan para siswa dalam

sembilan puluh menit. Maka pertimbangan saya adalah rasio tingkat

kesulitan soal dan ditambah lagi kuantitas dari bacaan.

I : Eee lalu menurut Bapak apakah soal ini alokasi waktunya terlalu

sebentar, pas, atau terlalu lama?

T3 : Tentu saja saya sudah mempertimbangkannya ya. Walaupun kuantitas

teks dalam soal ini tinggi tetapi itu sesuai dengan level yang mengambil

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tes ini,yakni kelas sembilan. Kalau menut saya ini sesuai untuk siswa kelas


I : Oh iya baik pak. Jadi begitu saja wawancaranya terimakasih untuk waktu

dan bantuannya pak.
