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Menjadikan Menulis sebagai Investasi”

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Pengembangan Model Penilaian Kompetensi Pedagogik dan Profesional Guru Indonesia (Kuntarto,, E., 2018)

Judul Artikel

Teacher Competency Assessment (TCA) In Indonesia: A New Frame Work (Kuntarto,, E., 2018)

Language Style of Opposition Politician

Group In Indonesia: Critical Discourse Analysis (Kuntarto,, E., 2018)

Penggunaan Gaya Bahasa Sarkasme dalam Interaksi Komunitas Politisi Indonesia di Media Sosial (Kuntarto, E., 2018)

• Kebaruan/ Novelty • Menjual • Singkat/ Padat < 15 kata • Unik

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Struktur ABSTRAK













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Psychological capital as a positive psychological characteristic that reflected through several components such self-efficacy, hope, optimism, and resilience is important to adjust the changes that experienced by freshmen in a college. Storytelling is a form of communication that allows the listener to fully immerse in the content of the story and experience the emotions felt by the

characters. This study aims to determine the effect of storytelling activities use “I’m a

Superhero” module to increase students’ psychological capital. Quasi- experimental methods were used in the study that involving 127 first-year college students. The subjects of this study divided into two groups, 56 for the experimental group and 71 for the control group. The interventions were done for 22 days divided into six sessions and described in "I'm a Superhero" module. The analysis results using an independent sample t-test showed

that there was a difference between experiment and control groups (t(125) = 5.176; p < .01). It shows that the storytelling activity is the potential to be an alternative media to increasing students' psychological capital so that the freshmen more independent andquickly adjusttochange.




Results& Interpretation

Contoh Abstrak 1

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Contoh Abstrak 2

Pembelajaran tematik terintegratif telah menuai berbagai kontroversi serta keluhan guru dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kesulitan-kesulitan yang dihadapi guru kelas rendah di sekolah dasar dan madrasah ibtidaiyah Kota Lhokseumawe, Provinsi Aceh dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran tematik

terintegratif. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan mixed-method yang melibatkan 96

guru kelas rendah dari SD/MI di Kota Lhokseumawe sebagai responden. Instrumen penelitian berupa angket pernyataan tertutup tentang kesulitan yang dihadapi guru dan angket pertanyaan terbuka tentang alasan dan penyebab kesulitan tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan empat isu utama terkait kesulitan yang dialami oleh guru, yaitu kesulitan dalam penilaian sikap (55,6%), penyusunan RPP (53,8%), penyediaan media pembelajaran (53,8%), dan memadukan tema antar muatan (51,1%), serta. Kendala-kendala lainnya berupa kurang tersedianya buku yang sesuai serta beberapa faktor dari siswa, yang meliputi rendahnya minat dan motivasi belajar, rendahnya kemampuan membaca, berhitung, dan Bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian lanjutan untuk meningkatkan efektifitas implementasi pembelajarantematikterintegratifjugadidiskusikan.




Results& Interpretation

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Paparkan Area Penelitian

• Deskripsikan apa yang terjadi

• Uraikan




Perlihatkan Celah (Gap)

• Justifying the

research topic

(obligatory) • Justifyingthe research

paradigm (optional)

Mengisi Celah

• Aimsandscope

of current



• Defining key terms(optional)

• Outline (optional)

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Papara n A r e a P en elitia n

Reforms in school curriculum is a need for a country to comply with the development of knowledge and technology from time to time. The reforms have been conducted in many countries with diverse focuses. For examples, the recent focuses of the reform have been on ICT in Asia regions (Yuen & Hew, 2018), digital literacy in Netherlands (Strijker & Fisser, 2019), and Scientific skills in Mexico (Guerra-Ramos & García-Horta, 2018). Accordingly, the recent reform curriculum in Indonesia, known as Kurikulum 2013 (K13), focuses on integrating attitudes, skills, and knowledge (Direktorat JenderalPendidikanIslam, 2013).


Reformasi terhadap kurikululm sekolah merupakan suatu kebutuhan bagi setiap negara untuk dapat sejajar dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Reformasi ini telah dilakukan oleh banyak negara dengan beragam fokus. Sebagai contoh, fokus terbaru dalam reformasi kurikulum terletak pada ICT di kawasan Asia (Yuen & Hew, 2018), literasi digital di Belanda (Strijker & Fisser, 2019), dan skill keilmuan di Mexico (Guerra-Ramos & García-Horta, 2018). Demikian juga reformasi terbaru pada kurikulum di Indonesia, yang dikenal dengan Kurikulum 2013 (K13), berfokus pada pengintegrasian sikap, skill, dan ilmu pengetahuan (Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Islam, 2013).

Perlihatkan signifikansi

Perkaya sitasi

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Paparan Area Penelitian... (lanjutan)

.... When properly applied, the learning can bring positive impacts on students, e.g., improving students’ disciplines and responsibilities [5], performances, mathematical reasoning skills, as well as learning interest [6]. On the other hand, studies have suggested that implementing the scientific approach properly was not without difficulties [7], [8]. In addition, the complicated assessment components in K13 have been among the notableissuesencounteredbyteachers[9],[10].

More particularly for mathematics subject, the approach would provide more opportunity for students to learn by revealing their ideas mathematically [5], [11], observing and proposing questions [12] in order to be able to find mathematics concepts by themselves. Nonetheless, most students encounter difficulties in trying to understand mathematics subject through reading or doing activities by themselves [13], [14]. There are a lot of efforts and skills required for teachers to design and apply proper learning methods embedded the scientific approach to make students understand materials in mathematics classrooms [15]–[17]. Besides, the time allocation in designing lesson plan as well as the complicated processes for evaluation [17], [18] were among the concernsraisedbymathematicsteachers.

………………… … … … … . ... ............................................................................................................

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Contoh Paparan Area Penelitian

Peran kurikulum dalam dunia pendidikan sangatlah penting sebagai penentu arah dan proses yang menentukan kompetensi lulusan. Kurikulum pendidikan di Indonesia terus mengalami perubahan dalam rentang waktu yang tidak terlalu lama. Perubahan kurikulum ini tentunya mendasarkan pada perkembangan zaman dan kemajuan teknologi. Kurikulum di masa depan perlu dirancang dan disempurnakan untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan secara nasional dan meningkatkan mutu sumber daya manusia Indonesia (Puskur, 2017). Perkembangan kurikulum juga didukung oleh perkembangan teori dan praktek pendidikan serta variasi aliran-aliran atau teori pendidikanyangdianutsesuaidenganzamannya.



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Memperlihatkan dan Men gisi Celah There have been plentiful studies focusing on mathematics teachers’ difficulties in implementing K13, but those involving

mathematics teachers from Aceh Province, more particularly, from Lhokseumawe city, have been hardly found in

literature. The development in the sector of the education has not been conducted evenly in all the districts and cities in the

province, while teachers competency has been in low rating in the country, i.e., in 30th from the 34 provinces (Majid, 2014).

Moreover, Lhokseumawe city is located in the coastal area about 300 KM from Banda Aceh, the capital city of Aceh Province.

Schools located in the coastal areas in Aceh have generally been subjected to insufficient educational facilities, like internet,

which resulted in low technological literacy skills among students and teachers (Yolanda et al., 2020), whereas, the skills are

essential for K13 curriculum implementation. Accordingly, this study aimed at investigating the difficulties

encountered by mathematics teachers’ from Lhokseumawe in implementing K13. Considering their demographic

background and competencies, mathematics teachers from Lhokseumawe might have some different difficulties related to

the implementation of K13. While the studies focusing on

teachers’ difficulties in implementing K13 typically adopted qualitative approach, we applied a mixed- method

approach by using an instrument consisting of several closed and open-ended questions. The findings were expected

can reveal difficulties of all junior high school mathematics teachers in Lhokseumawe in a more fruitful way, thus, would give

valuable information for educational stakeholders in making policies for improving educational qualities in the province.

Besides, the instrument developed in this study has a potential to be utilized for further studies aiming at investigating

teachers’ difficulties involving a large sample.

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Struktur METODE



locating the methodswithinan overall approach toresearch



arguingforthe choice of




providingdetails onthesubjects, data and procedure

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Menulis METODE

Bagian Metode harus cukup jelas dan detil yang memungkinkan bagi penelitilainuntuk mengulangpenelitian tersebut danmemperoleh hasilyang serupa.

Jikametode yang digunakantergolong baru, asing,atau mungkin bersifat kontroversial, ataupun mungkin pembaca memilikilatarbelakangbidang ilmuyangberagam, maka bagian Metode akancenderunglebihpanjang.

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Contoh Deskripsi Bagian Metode Penelitian

Penelitian ini melibatkan 96 orang guru kelas yang mengajar di kelas rendah (yaitu kelas I, II, dan III) dari 16 SD/MI yang tersebar di empat kecamatan dalam wilayah Kota Lhokseumawe. Sekitar tiga sampai delapan orang guru dipilih dari setiap sekolah. Dari total 96 orang guru tersebut, hanya dua orang guru laki-laki. Hampir 90% memiliki pendidikan setara strata satu dan sisanya berijazah diploma dua atau diploma tiga. Usia responden berkisar antara 28-57 tahun, dimana 5 orang responden berusia diatas 50 tahun, 1 orang berusia 43 tahun dan sisanya dibawah 40 tahun. Rata-rata responden memilik pengalaman mengajar di atas 10 tahun dan mengaku telah mengikuti sosialisasi tentang pembelajaran tematik terpadu.

keseluruhan objek Populasi adalah penelitian (Sugiono, 2006). Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah guru matematika SMP/MTs yang berada dalam Kota Lhokseumawe. Sebagian atau wakil populasi yang diteliti disebut sampel (Sugiono, 2006). Dalam penelitian ini peneliti mengambil sampel

dengan menggunakan Simple random sampling.

Simple Random sampling adalah pengambilan anggota sampel dari populasi dilakukan secara acak tanpa memperhatikan strata yang ada dalam populasi (Sugiyono,2013).

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Teknik Pemaparan Hasil Penelitian: Kuantitatif

Merangkum data yang ditampilkan;

Berikan ulasan/elaborasi terhadap data yang signifikan/relevan saja.

Data cukup dipaparkan sekali, tidak perlu diulang:

Data yang telah dipaparkan dalam tabel tidak perlu ditulis ulang dalam paragraf.

Tabel/Gambar harus diberi nomor dan judul

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Teknik Pemaparan Hasil Penelitian: Kualitatif

Menyoroti/mengulas tema yang muncul dari hasil analisis. Ulasan diilustrasikan dengan kutipan yang diambil dari data.

Secara umum formatnya sama dengan penelitian kuantitatif

Tidak mengenal sampel dan populasi, subjek penelitian disebut responden/ informan, sifatnya kasus/ tidak perlu generalisasi

Kelebihan penelitian kualitatif adalah pada kedalaman analisisnya

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Pembahasan mencakup 3 hal pokok Melihat setiap sisi permasalahan atau pertanyaan sebelum mencapaisimpulan;

Mempertimbangkanhasil penelitian dan implikasinya

Menghubungkan hasil penelitian dengan dengan penelitian sebelumnya yang dirujuk

Pembahasan biasanya berkisar pada pernyataan tentang hasil penelitian atau temuan penting

Karena biasanya penelitian memiliki lebih dari satu hasil, maka bagian pembahasan sering disusun dalam beberapa bagian yang urut

Ada kalanya pembahasan digabungkan dengan Hasil Penelitian,. Ulasan panjang langsung diberikan ketika memaparkan hasil di bawah sub-judul: Results and Discussions.

Uraian tentang pembasahan biasanya dilihat paling awqal oleh reviewer. Pembahasan menunjukkan kedalaman ilmu dan wawasan pengetahuan penulis.

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Ada empat isu utama terkait kesulitan yang dialami oleh guru kelas rendah di Kota Lhokseumawe dalam menerapkan pembelajaran tematik terintegratif yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini. Isu pertama adalah rendahnya tingkat keterampilan guru dalam penyusunan RPP. Rumitnya RPP Kurikulum 2013 (K13) telah banyak dikeluhkan oleh guru sejak masa-masa awal dicanangkan kurikulum tersebut hingga sekarang(misalnya,Muhith,2018; Purwandari,2015)....

................................................................. Nisa (2013) mendapati bahwa faktor penyebab kesulitan yang dialami guru kelas rendah

adalah karena kurangnya sosialisasi pemerintah tentang pembelajaran tematik. Faktanya, dalam penelitian ini diketahui bahwa walaupun sosialisasi terhadap pembelajaran tematiksudah dilakukan, namun kesulitan yang hampir sama masih juga dialami oleh para guru kelas rendah. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kurang efektifnya sosialisasi dan pelatihan-pelatihan yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah, sehingga ada baiknya efektifitas pelatihan tersebut ditinjau kembali. Salah satu hal

yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan efektifitas pelatihan misalnya dengan melakukan follow

up atau pendampingan terhadap guru-guru peserta pelatihan selama beberapa waktu setelah

kegiatan pelatihan selesai (Subadi dkk.,2016)...... Optimalisasi komunitas belajar antar sesama guru atau kelompok kerja guru kelas rendah juga

layak dipertimbangkan sebagai bentuk sarana belajar bagi mereka (Somantri&Sa’adah,2011).

Memberikan penjelasan/ ulasan

Membandingkan dengan penelitian sebelumnya

Restating Hasil penelitian

Menawarkan solusi


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Perlihatkanhasilyangtidak diprediksi

Selalu kaitkan/bandingkan temuan dengan literatur.

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Dua fungsi bagian simpulan: Meringkas dan merangkum mainarea yang tercakup dalam tulisan, yang disebut

‘looking back’;

Memberikan ulasan akhir atau pendapat. Ulasan akhir bisa berupa saran untuk perbaikan dan memperkirakan arah penelitian kedepan.

Dalam artikel penelitian, simpulan cenderung lebih kompleks dan akan mencakup juga bagian tentang signifikansi hasil penelitian dan rekomendasi untuk penelitian di masa datang.

Bagian simpulan kadang tidak wajib dalam artikel penelitian, jika rangkuman dan implikasi/generalisasi telah disampaikan pada bagian pembahasan.

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Restating tujuan


Penelitian ini menganalisis kesulitan-kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh guru matematiks di Kota Lhokseumawe, Aceh, dalam

menerapkan K13. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa isu utama adalah kurangnya pemahaman guru tentang sistem K13. Guru

matematika di Kota Lhokseumawe mengakui bahwa pealtihan K13 yang mereka ikuti tidak efektif dan menyarankan agar ada

program pendampingan yang disediakan untuk mereka, sehingga merekan dapat berkonsultasi terkait kesulitan yang mereka

hadapi dalam menerapkan K13. Temuan ini dapat dijadikan bahan pertimbangan bagi praktisi pendidikan dalam upaya

meningkatkan kompetensi guru. Sementara itu, para dosen pendidikan matematika dapat berkontribusi dalam mengatasi isu

tersebut dengan membentuk program pengabdian masyarakat dengan tema implementasi K13, misalnya dengan melakukan

pendampingan bagi guru dalam jangka waktu tertentu [22]–[24].

Di sisi lain, pernyataan-pernyataan pada angket dalam penelitian ini dikembangkan berdasarkan penelitian kualitatif tentang

kesulitan guru matematika dalam menerapkan K13 yang dilakukan oleh Retnawati [13]. Hence, our study has not only showed

the applicability of the difficulty components found from the qualitative study on different participants, but also shed some lights

on the possibility of adopting the qualitative findings into a quantitative instrument. Selain itu, instrumen yang digunakan dalam

penelitian ini memiliki potensi untuk ditingkatkan. For instance, referring to the stages of questionnaire development in Idris and

Yang [35], “Yes/No” options can be replaced by five Likert-Scale responses for each item and more items can be added based on

teachers’ written responses to the open- ended questions. Then, using a large sample and item analysis, a valid and reliable

questionnaire could be generated. Researchers or educational practitioners aiming at investigating teachers’ difficulties in

implementing K13 could have benefit from the instrument, given such instrument has been hardly found in literature.

Merangkum Temuan utama

Rekomendasi untuk kebijakan/praktisi


Rekomendasi penelitian lanjutan, mengakui keterbatasan


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Menyebutkan keterbatasan penelitian

There are two main limitations of the current study which should be taken

into consideration for further study. First, the participants involved in this study were pre-service

teachers majoring EFL, Islamic religion, mathematics, and physics, who were from Aceh

Province, Indonesia. Due to the limited sample size and geographical site of the participants, the

generalization of the results to the entire Indonesian pre-service teachers may be restricted.

Further study could be extended to involve more major subjects undertaken by pre-service

teachers in different geographical sites of the country so that the results could be discussed in

stronger and deeper meanings. Second, some statistics in this study may not indicate

good reliability and validity of CSI. The values of Cronbach’s alpha ranging

from .69 to .71 could lead us to question the fitness of the model, although these values are

considered acceptable by some scholars (e.g., Hair et al., 1998). Similarly, the CFI of .89, which

was sometimes permissible, could be questioned. Further study is required if we aim to establish

the predictive validity of CSI and to improve its external validity in different cultural contexts

(Chan & Elliott, 2000).

Saranpenelitian kedepan

Contoh Paparan Batasan Penelitian

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So, What’s Next?



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TITLE (all caps, 14 pt, bold, centered, max. 15

words) (one blank single space line, 12 point font)

First Author1*)

, Second Author2, Third Author

3 (12 pt, bold, centered)

(one blank single space line, 12 pt) 1Department, Faculty, University, Address, City, Zip Code, Country (12 pt)

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3Research Group, Institution, Address, City, Zip Code, Country (12 pt)

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E-mail: [email protected] (12 pt) (two blank single space lines, 12 pt)

ABSTRACT (12 pt, bold,

max. 300 words)

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Abstract should be written in English. The abstract is written with Times New Roman font

size 12, and single spacing. The abstract should summarize the content of the paper, including

the aim of the research, method, results, and conclusions of the paper. It should not contain

any references or displayed equations. The abstract should be no more than 300 words, single


(one blank single space line, 12 pt)

Keywords: max. 5 keywords in English (alphabetical order, separated by commas, 12 pt)

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INTRODUCTION (12 pt, bold)

(one blank single space line, 12 pt) The manuscript is written with Times New Roman font size 12, single-spaced, left and right alligned, on one-sided pages and on A4 paper (210 mm x 297 mm) with the upper margin of 3.5 cm, lower 3.0 cm, left and right each 2.5 cm. The manuscript including the pictures and tables should be written 3000-5000 words. If it far exceeds the prescribed length, it is recommended to break it into two separate manuscripts. The manuscript is written in English and Bahasa Indonesia. The Standard English grammar must be observed. The title of the article should be brief and informative and it should not exceed 20 words.

(one blank single space line, 12 pt) The first letter of headings and subheadings are capitalized and headings are numbered in

Arabic numerals. The organization of the manuscript includes Introduction, Methods,

Results and Discussion, Conclusions, and References. Acknowledgement (if any) is

written after Conclusion and before References and not numbered. The use of subheadings is

discouraged. Between paragraphs, the distance is one space. Introduction should be concise

and it generally consists of the background, problem(s), and objective of the research. (one blank single space line, 12 pt)

Abbreviations/Terms/Notations/Symbols. (one blank single space line, 12 pt)

The use of abbreviations is permitted, but the abbreviation must be written in full and

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Tables are written with Times New Roman font size 10 and single spaced below the title of

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There is one single space line between the table and the paragraph. The table is placed

immediately after it is referred to in the text. The frame of the table uses 1 font-size line. If the

title in each table column is long and complex, the columns are numbered and the notes are

given below the table.

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Table 1 (Header of Tabels)

No Variables YES % NO % N

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Graphic Contents (12 pt, bold)

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after it is referred to in the body of the text and is numbered in Arabic numerals. Caption for

the graphic content is written below it and there is one blank single space line between it and

the graphic content. The caption is written in font size 9, boldface, and placed as in the

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space lines.

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Figure 1 (Header of Figure) (two blank single space line, 12 pt)

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processor and operational system such as Symbol, Times New Roman and Arial with the font

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Citations (12 pt, bold)

(one blank single space line, 12 pt)

(one blank single space line, 12 pt)

Citation in the paper uses a direct quotation, and written by Mendeley or others. If possible,

footnotes should be avoided. The quotation with fewer than 4 lines should be integrated into

the text, between the quotation marks; meanwhile, the one with more than 4 lines should

be separated from the text with single spacing, 10 pt, between quotation marks. Each citation

is accompanied with the writer's family/last name. The family/last name of the writer can

be placed prior to or upon the quotation. There are some ways of writing citations. The

direct citation of a certain page is written as follows (Santrock, 2008: 247). If the main ideas

of some pages are cited, here is the way to do the quotation (Santrock, 2008: 247-259); or, if

the main ideas of a whole text are quoted, the following is the way to cite the ideas (Santrock,


(one blank single space line, 12 pt)

METHODS (12 pt, bold)

The method section inform in a brief way about the material and methods used in the

research, including the design, place, and time of the research; subject and sampling method;

measurement and assessment (instrument used, scale, and categorization); data analysis.

(one blank single space line, 12 pt)


The findings should be elaborated briefly. It may be presented with table, graphic, or picture

as needed to verbally clarify the presentation of the findings. The discussion should be

concise and linked to the theories used.

(one blank single space line, 12 pt)

CONCLUSIONS (12 pt, bold)

Conclusion should be written concisely and it has to answer the problem(s) of the research

(one blank single space line, 12 pt)


A short acknowledgement section can be written between the conclusion and the references.

Sponsorship and financial support acknowledgments should be included here. Acknowledging

the contributions of other colleagues who are not included in the authorship of this paper is

also added in this section.

(one blank single space line, 12 pt)

REFERENCES (12 pt, bold)

The reference writing must be in accordance with American Psychological Association

(APA) 6th

format. The references should use the primary sources (journals or books).

1. Periodicals. Periodicals include items published on a regular basis, such as journals,

magazine, newspapers, and and newsletters.

a. Journal Article with the Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Page 29: Pendampingan Penulisan Artikel Detasering 11 (Dr_ Eko Kuntarto... · Storytelling is a form of communication that ... kesulitan dalam penilaian

Author, A.A., Author, B.B., & Author, C.C. (year). Title of Article. Title of

Periodical, volume (number), pp-pp. doi: xx.xxxxxxxxxx.


Zhang, X. (2012). The effects of parental education and family income on mother- child relationships, father-child relationships, and family environments in the

people’s republic of China. Family Process, 51(4), 483-497. doi: 10.1111/j.1545-


b. Journal Article without the Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Author, A.A., Author, B.B., & Author, C.C. (year). Title of Article. Title of

Periodical, volume (number), pp-pp.


Camilli, G., Vargas, S., Ryan, S., & Barnett, W.S. (2010). Meta-analysis of the effects of early education interventions on cognitive and social development. Teachers

College Record, 112(3), 579-620.

2. Books. Books include books, reference books, and books chapter.

a. Book, Form:

Author, A.A., Author, B.B., & Author, C.C. (year). Title of Books. Location:



Keenan, T., & Evans, S. (2009). An Introduction to Child Development. London, GB:

Sage Publications, Inc.

b. Reference Book, Form:

Author, A.A. (year). Title of Reference Book. Location: Publisher.


Rvachew, S. (2010). Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development: Language development and literacy. Canada, CA: the Canadian Language and Literacy

Research Network.

c. Book Chapter, Form:

Author, A.A., Author, B.B., & Author, C.C. (year). Title of Chapter. In A. Editor, &

B. Editor (Eds). Title of Book. Location: Publisher.


Hoghughi, M. (2004). Parenting. In M Hoghughi, N Long (Eds.), Handbook of

Parenting. London, GB: Sage Publications, Inc.

3. Research Reports

Author, A.A. (year). Title of Work (Report No. xxx) . Location: Publisher.

4. Meetings and Symposia

Presenter, A.A. (year, month). Title of paper or poster. Paper or poster session presented

at the meeting of organization name, Location.


Cohn, B., Merrell, K.W., Felver-Grant, J., Tom, K., & Endrulat, N.R. (February, 2009).

Strength-Based Assessment of Social and Emotional Functioning: SEARS-C and

SEARS-A. Paper presented at the Meeting of the National Association of School

Psychologists, Boston.

5. Doctoral Dissertations ad Master’s Theses

Author, A.A. (year). Title of doctoral dissertations and master’s theses (doctoral

dissertations and master’s theses). Name of Institution, Location.


Honeycutt, D. (2008). The relationship of teacher qualifications, quality of care and student achievement outcomes in the Arkansas better chance program (doctoral

dissertations). University of Arkansas, USA.
